14 EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATtJltiXA V. ' JlI3 IT, 1016. Of course you can Telephone your want acls to .the Ledger : Call Walnut or Main 3000 : Six editions d AtJIO WRBS m fc'tt.r.VtiHf P)tltao WfiWfl iiSaW M,CM' 0TOltOAT8 AND PtTPPTJT'R TSS li give. SO ebln launch, fully. equipped. If i give ou caoin inuncii, tuny cqun YsS for the engine and Installing. r urnco. BUSINESS Of POBXUNITIE3 MlLADELPHIAN, with centrally located oftlcea fn New Tor elty, wlahea to hear from parties who desire New TorK city address with tele phone, prlvllrrea at the very low. root of 12.80 per month) thla Includes the taking of phone message! and holding or forwarding of malli tor IS 60 desk la provided, name Hated, and mould party wlah private room for confer ence when In the elty peraonally mm will bo Included, an will a nominal amount of local telephone calls: unprecedented opportunity to allow the adrerllaer to act as your New York repreaentatlve. Address D A Thomson, 140 w. 35th at , New Tork city. N, y. .mone, t urceicyi ua MACHINERY AMD TOOLS It, Is WELL to remember that in lota of cases It la not wisdom or economy to run mirhlnea w-itnuui iun;.n ritji in." vui n n puuty-,. jesiuen a mnnurnc or wun no power loniroi in a poor was n irri.u ami .nAv-iiirj pHKS, 143 Nortli ft'rnnd. . ., . , JA,Mn ilHU.Vl S MJi. Wl power plant eji ipjient Dynamoa motors liollera steam and oil en- sines mimpn ur con -l. concrete mixers, Ilut If rnu want the heat, then It will be a iuu.vv-Ai Kliij cor service, new and second-hand CHARLES POND COMPANY .120 Arrh afreet DYNAMOS, motors and Mnchinerv bought sold and rentedj armatures repaired . Main 01 Market 3005 Ycaraley Co.. 2J4 N. 3d at. IB, 21. 7(1 120 Ml. BRADLEY. RELT HAM MGHS, 100-lb, Beandry Belt Hammers. . , JMMT A f-ln. 1 78 Ni, Bth . PUNCHES Noa 1. 3 and -I vertical. No, -2 horizontal) "Hlllea t Jones make.. L. F REVFERVS PONS 437 N. 3d at. ten CHEAM, CANDY AND BAKERY BURl neaa. a very desirable nnd wadl-eatabltshed property In a godd central location. Tho owner has conducted a succeaaful business on the premises for a number of years, hss a pood transient business nnd slsn supplies a high-class suburban trade, Thla la a Rood jpportunlty- for a progressive business man. run rAltii,ulinnci v,w,ouxj& .800 o. ,c, 4 .f f. uowker 4371 MAtk ST , ilANAYUNK, FRANKLIN PANIC IILDO HULA. " P AVl7!MrPQ -.Bend for our fres book, JTmi-ilXXt3 pBtfnta and Trade-Matka." ttenaoftabls fees Open Monday evenings until 830 p. m. We will holp lou develup your Invention. Adve fr. FOSTER & WEBSTER sUITB " lOli Chestnut st. tlell pti -io Walnut 104. , CAPITAI, LAROB SUMS READY for public utility or manufacturing en terprleesi bond Issues, ftino.'inn or more, promptly taken. Pome Information nectssary to obtain personal Interview, Address Financial, O 441. Ledger Cent. (IAS AiAHOMNB AND OIL BNOINI'.-J OA8 AND OIL KNCltNt: CO , 4. N 7TII ST TJOARDINO CHESTER AVE 4101- Large. ,slfy 2d floor frontiejrcellent table. Wood 311 WALNUT H 'Rooms with toard. southern epoaure near L. references, RII1IUHHN UKHMANTOWN The Shlppen, Wayne A tlana. berry First class In appolntmenfa A airvlce COUNTKY BOAnDEHS WANTED PAnn.VTS needing rest, trawl. .can find delight ful temporary home for children on KO-nere farm Ducks t'ountyi roomy house, modern convenlenceai large lawns, pure ;aten Intel llgent caro glien diet and entertainment) ref erencee ( 1140, Iilgcr Central SANITARIUMS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 183 CHICKCniNO UPItlOHT PIANO HOWARD V1NCKNT, B38 N 0TJI. MAY VICTOR RHCORDS NOW ON SALS 1JI1LLAK 1120 CIltlSTNUT. OLD GOLD CARED-FOR ORCHARDS TaY lNVKSTORf" Ownership stock In a Ane Planted property In well-known fruit district for rnlel cnih or monthly payments. 4 inn. J,edgerCentraL "RESTAURANT for sale, 7 rooms, occupied' doing iuiiu worm j nusincns. ruoii location) gooq reasons lor iilo'J, win sjrrinc. quick buyer, 1700. M 111, Ledger Central to PICTURE THEATRE. 11250) uneTcelled W. Fhlla. location! eat. R years; crowded nightly! worthJ2300. IIAHRIST, .,0l N, Uroad. ACTIVE REAL ESTATE MAN WANTED to onen nfflcn with me la a sond tnmtlnn. No cash required 0247, Ledger Central. APAimtKNT HOUSE neighborhood 22,1 nnd Glrsrd.ave , rents r,3 per month: will sMI for tunon to quick buier. L Sim. Ledger Office. VaMT pirtner wltfTlSOOO to UO.OOO for building business nut of city) rure chance. n -' a Ledger Of lice luCCESSKUL PROMOTER will consider flnnn clal undertaking of magnitude. Add. O 443, Ledger Central. VviLL RUY ROOKS of unmatured shares of building and loan associations, r Mi2 LeCen UOTEL--Will sell, rent nr kccenl nnrtner. 32 . rooms; centrally located Phono Walnut 1330 PARTNER with lion In good-paying business for woman. O 240. Ledger Central. OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, old style, Jewelry, teetn plates bought for cash Est, 18TQ J L. Clark, rejlner, 8117 Bnnaoro. OLD GOLD Highest prlT pi , for gold aller. Platinum. Pewter, FALSE TEETH, colna 204 SglH ST CASH psld for diamonds, nreclnus stones golJ plstlnum false teeth. Phlladlnlila Umeltlnt and Refining Company. 12a 8 Itth BEAUTIFUL locatloni apeclal sclentlHo care: nenoua, eldcrl; I every comfort I nuraes: bco,. JM, lip. Randal. Cltv Line. Chestnut Hill, . QRADUATE NURSE, with homo In suburbs, v, III board nnd cire for Invalid or nerous latlent II 217, LedTer Ofnce APARTMENTS APARTMENTS of I'm rooms, and bath, Tho Clnlre. 1.115-1317 Pine at . hnrdnood floors comblnnllon fixtures heal, hot water and Jani tor aertlce Included. reiaon.ililo rents. Imme diate possession, Inses to start Sept I. All i rt M. aieenllcld, Inc. agents. N E. cor. 13th nnd Chestnut ato J?ATNT ATTORNEYS ISM ESI-AULli'HED sinci: Pnfnnfa nnrl Hend aketcn or model for .TUtUlua UlUi lteB 0pin0ni nxenlnga by Trnrln ATnrlfa appointment. Asalst Inven. iiaui--inail ,,,, , mri,ct patents, Dell Walnut 717 .?. WALTER DOUOLASS Phllartlnhla office North Amrlcnn Rulldlng Waahlngtnn nfflo", Victor lllllldlns STORAGE CONl'INENl'AL STORAUfa: WAiUJiiuUsn 20T1I 81 AllOVh I.HESINUT TACKINU. MO VINO SIIIPPINO Ruga, carpels cleaned, scoured stored Pell. Locust lllllll Pnoues Key.. Race 4110 WALNUT AND 11T1I STS (8 W. cor). Mod sultesi exceptionally attractive, high celllngsi abundantly lighted on three aldea, suitable for houaokecplng If dcslrcdi rente $41 nj and 17Ji Janitor on premises 1 AHIiEIl. HAIIT.MAN i t.w . uin iieninut hi . 11TH ST . a . in! llachelor apts , exception ally leslnibl 2d and Ith floor suites) 2 largo rooms and huh! ecry modrn Improvement) rents. 133 31 nnd JM), Janitor on premlaes. J1ARI1ER, IIARTMAN A CO. 12(11 ('hestnut. LARES HAritnt.011 APARTMENTS (11)31-0037 Ludlow street Single vacancy. 2 fur rooms prlv bath, shower cosy sanitary oulet elect rio Hsht jyppiv janitor, or pnone oinHuigy, ,tiiiul i,o SPRUC'i: AVn KITH STREETS 1 AND 4-nOOM SPITES . JiouBEKErriyq apartments ttEST I'lHLVDEI.I'lltA Confirmed rem Prcrtttlng Column. 3IT1I AND CHESTNUT ATM Esae-tl FlCe rooms btli pantry, nnd reception halls cle xator, dty nnd, night service, Colonial finish, white chlnn gloss paint, mahogany doors, hardwood floors, combination wall safes, laundry, vacuum cleaner; roof garden, wauhman all nlrhti J17.nl- to 4 month, 43D AND CHESTER AVE (The Monterey! ery desirably situated nrposlte Clark Park, 4 nnd n ronma and bitni hardwood noors laundry, roof rarden, etc.; S.11 to, 1 14 per month) nil desirable new, housekeeping apts. Apply Janitor, or CHEESE 308 Hale Dldg. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS OVERLOOK ING. PAlltMOUNr PARK PLAZA flt' AnoVB i xjtxuti. cor.U.MllIA AVE. COLUJMIilA s2r AND jUUUlUDlft COLUMHIA AVE, f rooms A bath to 10 rooma & c hatha) pri vate porchea Sin to J7ii per month. . . . JOHN STAPrilHD , 1112 PltEITNLT ST .tanllnr on Premlaea REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY Continued" rom Preceding Coliima. tltU lUULANu AlTa,. JUST CoMl'LElEO Locust ST., null to nsTii st. f rooms and hath apartmenta, with all the latest comoniencea a4u to 42 Rn per month, ,. . RORERT PITTS. AOBNT Rell phone llelmnnt 4131 r,141 trficuat st. ii:r'lntomn 111 , AND, 110 t"lo and 0 room apartments, with all modern comenloncca, 4013-15 Wayne Rvenue SAMUEL STERN 1201 Chestnut st. APARTMENT HOTELS FRANK FORD 4735 LEIPER STREET M , II story house, lot 31 feet by 110 feel. Heat section of Frankford. Containing 0 rooms, bath and storeroom) front nnd side porches. Property cost Inooo. To cloao estate win aacrlOce for 17.100. 4733 LEIPER STREET 8-story brick houae, adjoining houae above described but of a somewhat different in terlor arrangement, Cost 7noo but on ac count of bualneaa reasons owner will so i for 10800. 4720 OAKLAND S.TREET , , , 3-atory brick houae. lot 81 feet by 00 feet (with additional rear ground, 20x00, If de sired). . Outlook without eo.ua! In frankford. To settle estate can he boinjht for J0300 with rear ground, or J0250 without. I 1231 FILLMORE STREET M 8-alory.,lwln hoUB. 0 rooms! Incloi-d shed! electric lighting nnd all Improvements Has Juat been, renovated Inalde nnd out a bar gain at S4800. WM. A. FRANCE REAL ESTATE IIROKER 1310 Foulkrod St. (rhone Frankford 1000) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WEST PHILADELPHIA Coiiflniirn rom Precedf-iO Colmii.;; NEWPORT WEST PHILADEI.1 1UA FIDELITY FIREPROOI-' WAP.EHOUdES lHll-lHl!) MAlllvET ST . PENN STORAOE AND VAN CO. 2130 MARIvET ST BUSINESS PERSONALS EVENING LATEST STYLES FULL-DRESS SUITS CLOTHES DELIV. 6 CALLED POR FREE to HIRE CALL OH PHONE POPLAR, 233 Ul'LN KVUNINUS LEIDNER'B, 10TH A OIRAHP AV.. S. W. Cor Ftii.i.-nnRu! nttiTB FULL ASSORT1IBNT OF S1ZE3 LATEST STYLES . TO HIRE AND FOR SALE BPECIAL RATES FOR SCHOOL COMMENCE MENTS. COOPER.. 1010 OIRARD AVE FULL-DRESS SUITS Cutaways. Tuxedos and Sick Suits ..-.? Hire and Made to Order NEITUAUER. THE TAILOR. H2t Walnut. ueii pnone. walnut :ni8. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removcl by electrolials. the only permanent way. Eyebrows arched., ..MISS SMITH. 402 Keith Theatre Rtdg. 3UBS iroppo, hairdresser, facial mas'ge. manl curlng, form Mlnt'Arcnde. with Mies Smith. DIAMONDS HOUGHT Bank reference. Apnralament. 1 per cent. HARRY W. SMITH. 717 Sansom at. CARPET CLEANING CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE 20TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT Bell Phone Lectin' tnc.n WesT PHILA. Jt t V s WESTPHtLA. Wt.Br I'M II, A. MONARCH HKIHAI1I- t-U. 3c PRIl YATin 1570-72 LNCASTEH VVR 'JlEAt. jdAUPET REATINO NO TI'MIH.EHH USED. BOYER CO.. 3100 N. 12th. Tioga 1200. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY COLUMUIAN DRESSMAKING SCHOOL IN STRUCTION8 DAILY: SMALL PAYMENTS. C. IIARTMAN. 1130 COLUMRIA AVE. -THE MCDOWELL Dressmaking School Easy rjodern methods, small payments 307 Denckla Building, 11th and Market sts. FOR SALE 10.00 VICTOR VICTROLA IV AND 12 selec tions t 10-lnch I ,F. recurds). An excellent outfit for one who U looking for a good ma- fntno at a reasonable price! payable fioc. week y. Call or write for complete dMcrlptlons and large Illustrated catalogues. New Vic trolas from !., to 20U) all stles. all woods, always on hand. I HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES ' r COR., OTH AND THOMI"ON STS. ANTiQUE furniture and brlc-n-bruc In original con.) lowboy block-front bureau. 032 Chestnut.. "BILLIARD. POOL.7 combination, second hnnd, bought, sold, rented, exchanged, repairing-, wiw,. I" ieaier, American manuiac turer. 820 Olrard ave. PhonjvensSIS. BILLIARD, pool tables) new. second-hand bowl. Inr aleyss eaiy payments. Rosatto-Rarry-Street Co- 2.J S. wth at. Phone Wal jji LL1AH11 AND POCh.nfTAULES Al.u tW'.rs. ,,,li.e"U'a"x.a'm"'t RRu.sswicK- liA'-JtE-COLLENDElt CO.. 100i Arch. ATLAS STORAOE WAREHOUSE Storag moving, packing shipping, carpet clesnlnr fh llsrlnc 7.12 for estimate. Market A 37tn. McCANN'S STORAGE HOUSE. 174R N. fltl st.) moving packing shipping: auto vann both phones. Let us estimate. Million Dollar ri'eprnnf Uulldlng Rma Jt Mo Moth proof sanitary. Estimates Free. North Phlln. Storage Co.. 2(111 Lehigh. Tlo 7250 riTZOERU.D'S STORAOE House 1011-13 Pop la) st Separate rooms, goods Insured! hauling STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES OFFICE PARTITIONS STORE FIXTURES THE BETTER KIND GET Ollll EHrl.MA'll - PIIONI7. WRITE OR I'ALL WEISS MANUFACTURING CO 410 N lJtll st Phone Pop lllao, Race 1.130 TYPEWRITERS ANDSUPPLIES RENT and save at tho same time Vis ible Models 3 for one month A . $7 .111 for 3 months Nos 0 and . 7 models 1.1 for 3 mos Rental REMINGTON . payment applies on purchase REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, Inc 110 S Ninth st , Phllade'phln Telephones! Rell, Walnut 07.10 Kcjntonc. Main 2001. CHESTER AVE AND IMTH ST (The Lenoxl Furnished or unfurnished houkeeplng apnrt- menls Se Jnnltor Jhone Woo Hand 2011) J. TURN APT fi rooms nnd bnth. porch, all con veniences, everv thing furnlahcl for summer montha Appnlntmenta by phone, llel 1720J. APARTMENT niilalde. ground Ooor ". rooma nnd bath, stonelelgh Court intli nnd Walnut, rent iiz no -xcei cool ,vppiy janitor. RAIUNO. 401l(Prston) U2rms Abnth. 1nn 40TI1 211 s (t'rnttonl up It'i kltch. in "2 3'ITH. 121 S (Kingdom) up Will fur ThPrcs 0000 bluNEHITRST Apts 41th and Osngo nve " rooms ft halh A prlvato Imth. See Janitor PARKSIDE APARTMENTS MRM CHARLES McGLADE, Manager. .' 'ARKSIDE AVE. AT 4IIT1I ST, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE TAIRMOUNT PARK. 3440 ACRES OF LAWN Heat summer, location In city, with four '.Ha '? wptre of cllv and fren trnnsfers from 40th at elevated station , Furnlaheil and un furnished Cuisine of petullnr evccllence. 1ELEPHONB I1ARINO 221. .THE TRACY' 3Gth and Chestnut (Elevated StntioR) PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS Appeals to fnmilics nnd seekers for QUIET SURROUNDINGS BARGAINS 2015 S. tilth at., 2-stury brick dwelling! 7 rooms nnd bith. S00 to. SOS N. 40th at., ! rlrk dwellings and .ni'!;,ciS, "tnhle In rear! lot Kioto.i. , ,. B021 Olrard nvc, 3-otory brick dwelling: 10 ..rooma and hath 1T2I-2.I N .Mnacher st. and 1721-20 N Water loo st , eight 3-stery brick dwellings. CHAS. W. MILLER 401-407 COMMONWEALTH IIU1LDINO REAL BARGAINS 801 N rtii-i. 11 rnnmB in.aq ljiiin 201 n N. inth. 10 rooms. JUtmi nsseaa , $4000. SUIIl'RIIAN HAVERFORD , , Two rooms nnd bath for single gentlemen! near station nnd Merlon Cricket Hub: with out board Apply .lot rrnnktln Rldg MAIN LINE. P. R. R. ARDMOR1S 11 Athens nve.. 2 or 3 rooms, kltch enettei hnth: turn, or unfurn Phone 412 R. THE DREXEL APARTMENTS nt Overhrook Station 1 housekeeping apartment. 1 rooms nnd hath, to lease after September 1 FURNISHED APARTMENTS DREVEL APARTMENTS, at Overbrook Station Furnished apartments constating of 2 sleep ing rooms, 1 exceptionally large living room and bnth. to rent from Juno 10 to Scvtf 11. Phone Overbrook 0.118. LION HEAD 1213-15 LOCUST Handsomely furr, apts NEW .IER1F.Y "SEASHDRE WANTED ANTIQUE FURNITURE, false teeth, feather bed3. broken Jewelry, gold, silver, diamonds bought 715 Walnut Walnut 7O20 Est 18(1(1 BROKEN JEWELRY, false teeth. Pistols, rolna Coin looks with prices I pav, mailed 15c J.l) Uos3 (People's Store). 200 8 11th Wal 44Srt CAST-OFF CLOTHING OF ANY KIND UOt'GHT. HIOHEHT PRICES GUARANTEED OBT OUR ESTIMATE 11E FORE SELLINO WRITE. CALL OR PHONE WALNUT 1181!.-, SCHULTZ. 241 N HTH. CAST-OFF gentlemen's clothing liouiiht; orders promptly attended unvwhere. any time, rrled man. 1444 South st. P110114 Dickinson 0151 CAST-OFr CLOTHING Hllhest prliea paid for ladles' nnd men's clothing hats shoes, etc. Poplar .1771 Ulorker. 12J1 Poplar, ATLANTIC CITY. 1.11 South Florida nve . 4th house from Boinlnilk attractively furnlshe.l three. room apartment bith, all lirga outsklo rooms, corner property, even modern conven ience bathing from house! $150 for three months. ALDINE HOTEL chestnut and ,. t 1,,v-'J-1-,1-, NINETEENTH The best rooms and suites, With the best table, in Phila. Day, Week, Month, Season, Year MONTEVISTA 03d and Oxford sts. A delightful semlsuhurlmn location for all the sear: within 21 minutes of City Hall via Mar ket at elevated nnd 00th st crnsstown line, which runs direct to the building Single rooms, furnished, with private bath nnd maid service, $3(1 per month. Public dining room located 111 building THE COVINGTON CHESTNUT AND 37111 STS. H r ENGLE, MANAGER Also tho Engleslde. Reach Haven, N, J. Choke two-room suites for rent. "IN THE CENTRE OF EVERYTHING' THE LITTLE HOTEL 2.M S RROAD ST. DELMAR-MORR1S Where town nnd country meet Chelten ave and Morrla st., German town DelUhtful summer home furnished- one room nnu Dam up. 3. E. COR. 12-111 AND SPRUCE Suites of 2 rooms nnd bnth. furnished THE ESMOND IV.'.' Wallace, u rooms. $5200 naacsa,. $1700. ?.' H Wallace. 11 rooms. $41)50 ass-as., $.1700. SS.'.-'.J,rilP'lwlne. 0 rooms 10x07 .,,,. 872 PerMomen, corner. 11 rooms $1000 2(U0 Spring Garden 1 1 ronms.2 baths 23x150. JI7 Hambrej, 7 rooms $I(io(i 2J17 Mt. crnon, 11 rooma aldo vard Oi.i N 12th, corner. 10 rooma. central TTii-ihnrri T? IVrvvvntl AV Pn 033 """" --" IIV"." wv.N 1 ON THE SOUTH, SIDE 0? VtME ST. between 5nth and 00th ate . within 3 minutes of the elevated station, la located n. beauMful row of modern, two-story irorrh and terrace front homes of, a 'so decidedly "linerent character from, the ordinary that th story or these houaes will be of .peculiar Intercat to the truly Intelligent home buyer. They were built of the flneat quality ma terlal. by one of Philadelphia's leading build ers whoso only fault was that ho put such honest value In his work that llwp wflll"; proflt left over. They ,vv ere purchased by an Investor when material and wagea re 1 rock bottom. Through force of clrcumato ncef he, must aeli at lees than cost. Jl dj.k .0' 'JfS unlnuo opportunity, now that matcrlala ana wage's are at top prlcea. These houses are not designed lr;kil appeal to every one. To those who want tinaei Inateid of good metal, ohlne and polls.i instead of solid construction, they will make no np- Pe,lHEY ARE FOR THE MAN WHO KNOWS CHARACTER OF CONSTRUCTION AND REAL ESTATE VALUES THROUGH AND "lIROUOl' WHO IS LOOKING FOR A MOD; EI1N HUME IN THE REST SENSE OF THE WORD WIT1I 0 ItOOMS, NOT COUNTING THE RECEPTION. HATItROOM OR LAUN DRY. A HOME WHICH WILL HE AS GOOD OR JirjTTER 10 YEARS HENCE THAN TO DAY There are only n few of theae, houses they could not bo duplicated when they ana gone for $310(1 and unless we nremneh mistaken there will bo very few left at the end of a fortnight. They will bo sold for $3000 apiece nnd for as little as iliio cash with terms made to suit for tho balance. Just think of Rl Sample house. No BOlrt Vine at,, will bo open day and cUnlng, nnd wo should llko every ono who Is In tho market for a homo to come out nnd examine without delay, e Wn truly feel that this la an unusual oppor tunity. ' REAL ESTATE FOIIsa DLSIHAtLr: well located dwellln .. & live prlcea in lgnh Tin ! f l3 lhomaslMctlhnny. '1038 N Rroaj i,'tSi tcTA'-Mae C?m SSIS iperty contains 0 bedrooma. a KKl till HAI I.a property contains 0 bedri . i n n0 purcna 11 ne'irpnma, 3 hsi..'S: tl J-irlSwsS3 lf-!!51 NORMAN S, SHERWOOD 1111 Walnut atrcet. Spruce 3371. Race 8025. DOLAN A ctr.Jri ...-...... -'"Ja,. LEaivaxijwjpiiii sununriAN ALDAN IT'S EASY TO GET HFR'p "I K'th'ir.h' Market St Subway or rVn.U' 'l Vn"..V.tSiJV""""P MuaiVsj IVftftfJ lvAl2 IWfll '' 'le at $8730 elKLSSwSi road and Elm nve 80. &&& rvsVi-Ae. .. VnvVi.?.W'IC.O. -'""nayunic CHESTNUT HILL -.SV"1 . Colonial house and eara. I M rational neighborhood: 12 room! jFli.B -i J?i..'el "onl near PennwRim. '.".f-!l un3tn station. LOWER jMERION REALTY Col LAND TITLE DUILDINa -4 L. COMVYN 101 .uuvvj.N 101 Walnut St., dealfsM.i'a dwelling, nrooms and bath! larmiT..Wt"l 0040 JTSfflZifiZr CO" 20 8 liffjCI CYNWYD 7TII ST. RESIDENCE lflth st below Snruco at.) lot 18x100 feet) In absolutely perfect condition: enulnped with every modern convenience. In cluding vacuum cleaner, eletrlc light, hot water heat and hardwood floors, contains 10 rms , Includ 3 bathrma , price lina been made jow, iviuiealfjM & a)cl.annnnn into nnrl I'ln" 8 W. COR mill AND CHERRY STS. Lot 24x103 JAMES D. WINCHELL. N. Wl cor, 17th and Hnnsoin sis 18x00 TO HACK STREET, on main street, near 12th nnd Walnut sta ARTHUR HOSWELL. 233 N 13th at 1S02 GREEN ST Deslr res with 14 rooms, sultnhlc for apis , assessed $7,100) price $0000, J. n. MAH3EY ft SON 13th and Green. INVESTMENT 1137, 3D 41 S Mole at, rent $13) prlco $1400 E lllasl. 1,130 Ellsworth lulldlng Lola. Fnctoty alley, etc. FACTORY SITES SPRING GARDEN STREET FROM HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, ontloues; entire or part houses bought for cash: no matter how Urge. J. Reniateln. 1314 Ridge ave. NEWSPAPERS, magazines rags, rubbers, met als: out of-town shipments solicited Write for prices, shipping directions and tags, NORTH PEJNNJAPER CO.. 0031 Itaco st..Phlla. OLD , GOLD Cash paid for old gold, sllverT antique clocks: will rn!l Rell phone. Locust 1210. ROGERS 27 S. 17th St. , RECORDS. Exchange jour old for new. Rlggest stock. Aak my customers Paul. 2822 Kensington av. REST PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' 4 GENTS' CAST-OFF CLOTHING SHOES, etc. SAMUEL COOPER. 1010 W. GIRARD AVE. UELL PHONE, POPLAR 0312 X Em.W?& DIAMOVD-PblNT PHONOGRAPH Cost $00 new. This outm Is comolete, with records and cabinet and will be sold for $3S. Sarah's 7.JC. weekly. Call or write for com Dirt dcscrlDtlona and large Illustrated cata logues. .HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES COR. OTh AND THOMPSOV hT- CASH REGISTERS bought, sold, leaied.' ex changed, repaired, replated. Supplies. New T.nd factory rebuilt. New total adders, as OW 130. r-nlt an.l nil. IfllA mn.1. ala. Regtiters sold and leased hy us on aayjjayments and fully gusranMed. TOE NATIOVAI, PAS11 RIMISTER 730 CIIBSTNIT STREET CO. DESKS, nilnv cabinets, aafea. telephone booths and offlc furniture and fixtures of every de scription, used, but In One condition, and very Cheap free delivery anywhere HUGHES HTH AND RUTTONWOOD. POi.nwn niAins ivn Tini.Ffl NEW & USED SOLD RENTED CKAIR KXCHANQE, S E cor. flth and Vine. (32.00 VICTOR VICTROLA VI. Including 20 aeleetlono (10 10-lnch D. F. records). An ex cellent machine In every way. Can be paid for at tha rate of 7Sc. wee-'y. Call or wrlta for complete descriptions and large Illustrated catalogue. Ntw Vlctrolas from $13 !o $.'00i all atyles all -wood, alwavs on hand. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES COR OTH Vkv" TIJOMPRns 6TS OFFICE EQUIPMENT Typewriter, bookkeeper disks Ollng cabtnets, tele, booths, flies, safes household furniture. Xultng Central 2d-Usnd Furniture Co . 804. S04-814 Callowhlll Phon Filbert 4tll AFES Flrenroofi 00 slightly used, all sizes and make. . bin barsalns 210 N. Fourth st between Race and Vine. HEATING MAICXN-KELSEY HEALTH HEAT Is betttr-and cheaper than steam or hut-water Pure fresa Ir with normal moisture. MAKIN-KELSKT; II2T Ftlbert at. MUST HAVE FURNITURE, all kinds, store fix tures: stncKB 01 goods, mercnatwise or evry description: spot cash Phone Walnut 3300. SPAYD S 821 Walnut, Philadelphia ROOMS FOR RENT .RALTIMORE AVE.. 4211 Large cool rooms. .uuiuir hwiu uuaru 1 none uaring 1111 j RROAD. S 421 Excellent roo-ns: run-vlns vtater) table board. PhonWalnut7t37 (.HESTNUT 2llbi WELL - FURNISHED ROOMS. PERMANENT ORTRANSIENT. CHESTNUT. 2001 Attractive rooms single or en suite) private bath: running water: refer. CHESTNUT ST.. 2010 Rooms single or en suite, with or without private bath. CHESTNUT ST., lSOiHrFour rooms, unfurnlsh- edMarge bath room: houaekeeplngconvs ClfESTNUT ST,7 2010-fRooms, single or en suite: with or without prlvatcbath CLINTON ST.. 020 Delightful, cnol rooms. In- siantaneous not water, renneu. quiet aur ngs SPRUCE. 1113 Second front beautifully furn.j other vacanclear running water: elec. light. THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT Rut suppose Instead of trying nil thse dif ferent wns jnu Just cnll nt this ofOec the largest most nttrncthe and best equipped In Philadelphia, duvoted exclusively to securing Just what they want, for particular people Tell us jour requlnments Everv dislrable apartment In Philadelphia la Hated with or may be rented through us Our automobiles are waiting to tnko 1011 to tho Hat of prop erties vou designate, and with the least poi slble effort vou will secure the one apart ment In PMlidelphla which most nearly ap proaches jour exact Ideal NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST Spruce 11)71 Race 3021 N. E. COR. 17TH AND WALNUT STS. This 13 story Apartment House la built of concrete nnd steel, thoroughly Oreprnofrd nrd of the most modern architecture Suites of two rooms ami 0110 bun to seven rooms and tnree baths Including seeml bachelor suites, with everv modern convenience nnd fHcllltv ONLY V PEW OF THE LARGE HOUSE KEEPING SUITES LEFT THEY ARE THE FINEST IN PHILA II WING SOUTHERN EASTERN AND WESTERN EXPOSURES LONG TERM LEASES WILL HE DATED OCTOBER., 101(1 All things considered, the rentaln nro modernte 1-or further Information, arrange ment far Inspection and reservation, upplv to , MERTON W GREIMS 210 Franklin Rank Rids Phono Walnut (1920 THE GLADSTONE m'HrNTa"1NE FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ADSOLUTELY FIREPROOF REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY FOR SALE A largo corner on North Droad st a rew squares from City Hall, suitable for m big automobile concern, at a reasonable figure M 240. Ledger Central "TRIDENT" WATER METER New properties enn go on water meter rales nt onco If Installed beforo being occupied Aek ".our plumber or PHll-ADhLPHIA METER COMPANY 1142 Real Estate Trust Rulldlng. Fifth to Broad Street ASPHALTED STREET. 120 TEET WIDE GOOD LIGHT: CENTRAL LOCATION. NEAR HOMES OF EM PLOYES. CONVENIENT TO RAIL ROAD FREIGHT STA1ION. ArPLY TH0S. E. DUNN 133 South Fifth St. DUILDERS, ATTENTION! , TOUR OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE APARTMENT SITE Containing 17.1 feet frontage, sltuato corner of two main streets, within easy acceas of centro of city. WM. II, W 8 3UICK k PROS,, INC., 1. 40TH ST. 4101 BAL1IMORE AVE Exceptional opportunity to purchase an nt IrnctUe corner stono and brick residence, with 80-foot frontngo, assessed vnluatlon: largo porches, parlor, library, dining room, reception hnll, living room. 10 bedrooms, 4 hatha: hardwood floors, gas and electric fix tures: overlooks Clark Park Fhono for ap pointment to exnmlne property. WM H W QUICK & RRO . INC. 8 SOUTH 40TH STREET SEND FOR LIST SALE OR RENT JOS. M 11AKER 2d n nd Ualtlmore ave $0000 1-story, 3 baths, hot-water heat: lot 37xlon MAG1NNIS3. 8000 Ualtlmore ave. 3210 HAMILTON Uetter than new dwellings: terms eaav J. F. WINNER, 4021 Springfield nve. flr.RMANTOWN DESIRARLE BUILDING LOTS for sale In West Philadelphia and Germantown (cloao to Wavne Junction Station), suitable for spring building operntlons SAMUEL STERN. 1201 Chestnut st SITES RAILROAD, for sale. Pennsylvania and Reading) $2000 per ncro and up. according to location Inquire for terms , DIETERICH, 737 Walnut, HOUSEFEEPINO APARTMENTS ALL PARTS OF THE CI TV RENTS $2.1 TO $71 PER MONTH CALL. PHONE OR WRITE FOR INFORMATION SAMUEL STERN 1201 CHEbTNUT ST. 1.112 NORTH 1.1TH ST. Modern housekeeping apartments) reduced rentals; Just renovated throuehont Applv 10 Janitor, on premises, or LEWIS A. TAP LANE S. W. cor. Hth and Walnut sts THE ENOLEWOOD. .120 8. 11TH ST. Ideal central housekeeping apartmenta: suites .1 rooms, kitchenettes and bath. Apply Janitor, oa Premise, or LEWIS A. TAULaNe. liod 1503 MONTGOMERY AVE Four rooms, hath and porch; neat, inolern apartment: Janitor. WEST PHILADELPHIA nUAtJTirUL slde-jard home, cut to $4100. 032 1. ii-iv hi , moor, 11 rooms, noi-wmer iieni, four btdrooms. electric lights, parquetry floor ing. vUue siitet large lot, terms arranced: ou fant duplicate this for nenr tho price naked two trollevs. block from station. AIIERNETHY 2721 N 3th. 13J S 12th 1820 w. VENANGO ST . cor Grata; lot lflc 130 ft. 3 u lory brick dwelling 10 rooms, 2 baths, Imtosed laundry with tubs, hot-water heat, gas nnd electric light. $'11100 THE LAND TITLE AND TRU&T CO. Truat Department. Rroad and Chestnut . ON THE PARK llOUt.EVARD, 1511 North Thirty-third street below Oxford street, 14 rooms, butns 1 ross stuliway, deep lot. for salo nt attnctlve prlco nnd on easy terms Open for Inanei'tlon PEMHEIflON ESTATES. Har rison llulldltic. Telephone Spruce .11-08. CENTRAL PROPERTIES Tor sale or rent, bend us vour requirements. YARROW & VAN PELT. N E cor. 17th nnd Chestnut sts. Phorto 31H0 Spruce or 2070 Race UEAUTIFUL old shade nnd shrubbery with this handsome, detucl.ed'hoine, 313 Tabor road: lot 1.1 ft wide. ; fronts, garugo in rear, priced way below coit, other attractive Olney homes. AIIERNETHY. 2724 N 5th 133 S 12th. 2522-il W DAUPHIN ST 30x120 ft "with 211.i 1 letc icr at. on rear 18x120 ft; as eessed at sumo, monthli rental $111. v THE USD TITLE AND TRU&T CO, Rroad and Chestnut sta NORTH and West Phlla and Oermntown homes, $1800 to $0000. First payment only I1U0 to $500 MERCHANTS UNION TRUST CO. 715.71T-71P Chestnut at i.ii(in rco .iai7 v. otiT rt a .rtzrrjT; . .. ..... ... ..... . . . . wu.,,a aim until on second floor! hot water heat, electric lights nnd all modern conveniences; easy terms if desired SAMUEL STERN. 1201 Chestnut at CHOICE HUILDINO LOTS nnd large tracta ground In all parts city: also over 200 mf. altes. Melvln, 1515-10 Real Est. Trust Rldg, TWO-STORT stable nth and Dauphin: lot 80x 184. entirely under cover. Neely. 3112 N 22d Factories. Wnreliouaea, Mfg. Floors N. E COR. 2D AND DIAMOND STS Well located site and building, adapted for fac tories, garages, etc : HOxlOO to Paletborp st LEWIS A. TAULANE. S. W. cor. 0th and Walnut sts. Modern Germantown Homes We havo a complete and attractive list of properties for snle or rent In all sections of Germantown Pennn and Rending roads. Machine will meet prospective purchasers or tennnts Selected lists upon request. SMULLEN & BARRY FRANKLIN UK RLDG DROAD & CHEST. Beautiful English houae with e.r... . throughout) rooms iar'go and bTift .n.'!l, bolda 2 cars: lot over one acre, ' nnj LOWER MERI0N REALTY Co LAND TITLE HUILD1NQ CWVJD morie & plaster. 12 rpome.. a ,,v DARUY $33001 brick, dwg.: 4 beirma M a'."; recep.hall: bath, launUrVlraiiw.tiJE.il ..mantel) fruit; 28x'l2u Sivop.l"Hn.wllWMl1 ELKINS PARK llHt Stone Residence 13 Acres '4 luuiua. si uitinn, noi-wacor neat: wf-tt.ntu i 'VviR'as't-irSfr1? aUo,n" nisa WM. H. WILSON & CO. omiu4 ,.i"iiiAi ELKINS PAniC Modern, Blncle dwellinr V2 rooms. 2 tmi.hn: 2 tr.innri .? .?!;?'""' . la.ifin Chpmnut 1 fr&iti -?.wfflrr,iLsl ULUNSiDn HOMES and building alt.. Olensld..npa. NQEn nKNNU HP LANSDALE 40 stream; good A, 40 acres: splendid etene MJisi i '?tl SUi.KP' enenv at $5000. ' H. TVSON, Lanadale, pi. UKinnwMR ?JXrl',n&ns"SJi 'OH nUn. fi .. at 0 limn VUJ"VI CtiJ' icriiiii. LAN3D0WNE TRUST CO.. Lanaon. LLANERCH BARGAIN EASY TERMS A 3-Btory twin stone houa?, on ft terraced lot, nenr tho station. It has juit been entirely repapered and painted, ready to move rljrht In, steam heat, gas nnd clpctrlclty. large porch nnd lnundry; excellent nlue; on eaay terms; including brand-new winddw shades. WM. H. WILSON & CO. Detached Stone Residence with It rooma, 2 baths, nil conveniences: lo cated In u convenient section of Germnntown. There Is a large lot. 70 feet front by L'80 feet deep, with nice lawn and garden. It will pay sou to examine this WM. H. WILSON & CO. J,0tIS GERMANTOWN HOMES SALE OR RENT Advise ua of jour requirements. Selected list upon reoueat CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. (MORRIS RLDG ) 1421 CHESTNUT ST. WALNUT LANE E ..... ., , GERMANTOWN Modern, attractive 10-room houae. lust com pleted: 1 block from Germantown ave. and new Germantown High School; moderate price, comenlent terms Phone Germantown 2013 LARGE 5IANUPACTURING PLANT. 400 feet frontage on Delaware River: Penna. R. R. siding, office building, laboratory, covered ship ping platform, etc.: wnter supply from river and artesian wells: boilers, engines, cvery- thing complete. TAULANE. 000 Walnut Bt. 710 NORTH 3D ST 20x100 ft.: four Ooors and basement: elevators; property extends to rear street: terms reasonable. Apply on premises. WEST PHILADELPHIA OUTDOOR SLEEPING PORCHES. WITH FRENCH CASEMENT WINDOWS Art Craft front doors, with thumblatch nnd knockers old Colonial staircases largo living rooms breakfast rooms, Italian Bunken gardens In the renr; hardwood floorB electric lighting, hot-water heating. Attractive terms and eaay pojmentB where desired PEMRERTON ES TATES, Rulldera and Owners. H3S South .I Nth street (corner of Willows ave) Tel Spruce 01 OS THOMAS AVE. HOMES Rctween 03d and 01th streets. Nothing like them In Philadelphia, Some lots 171 feet deep , Most beautiful avenue In ilm restricted Sher- wood section; modern In every respect, largo front lawn, deep hack sards with kitchen; gardens. Price $8000 ARent on premises. E II APSLEY BSth and Sprlngflejil ave-; SPRUCE. 1224-20 Furnished rooms, private hath: hoard optional Walnut 7171 WALI.ACK, HUd Att. coul rooms also apts. tor business people, i up; an convs. pnone. 7TH ST.. N,, 2311 Entire second floor, three beautiful rooms and kitchenette, furnished housekeeping; private hath. hot water: porch. 1BTH ST.. B, 314 Second floor lulte with run nlng water. 45TH. S . 1002 2d atory front, cool; attractively furnlahed. Raring 7023 W. B2D AND CHESTER AVE We havo several plendldiv furnlahed rooms on our Hit. with electric lights, plenty of hot water; gentlemen i.irnni uun.m v. uruuins. 642 N 1STH 2 rooms hath, heat and light. $20 per month TAULANE. 000 Walnut iL OWNER Wl . RENT bachelor apt . 2 large airy rooma. bath: summer rates. 2022 Spruce st. ROOMS WANTED TO UNO WOMAN wlahes two unfurnished rooma in U4K Line or witnin iu squares or cneiten ave and York road F1 846. ledger Central. SUUUHUAN TWO WOMEN dealra two unfurnlahed rooms, running water, for housekeeping: Main Line be tween Overbrook t Ardmor. O 442. Led, Cen, PULTON APARTMENTS 4801 to 4821 Chestnut at. Several desirable vacancies. 0 rooma and bath pantry and porch. $37 5 to $47 50 per month SAMUEL STERN 1201 Cheatnut at. 3428 AND 5111 ANGORA TERRACE ' Modern .1 room corner npirtni-nt ton 'R-r? tBl.nln' 1t,n,nttl1', "la-tric lights, prl Wfi. "aU rorch high-clan janitor service $42,50 Re sure to see It today. Apply BI01 Angorn Terrace or WM. II W QUICK A DRO INC., n u. ... f,,. . ,nr ONLY $43 month.L'oo Essex Apartments. 34th and Chestnut Nice corner apartment. 4 rooms and bath and private hall; will paper and decorate to suit tenant Inquire Janitor $25 TO 140 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS KERSHAW CROWL 8215 Chestnut St. 4SD AND CHESTER (300 Monterey Apts ) Only $33 mo., 4 rooms bath and large reception hall) hardwood floor! In'julro Jamtoi; 10TII AND MARKET. $30 and $33; all conven iences! near "L" station JAS N MITCHF.LL. 40th and Market sta 73 DOUGI-ABS TERRACE. 32d and Arch At tractive housekeeping apartment, with gas In. eluded. $20, hot-water heat very reasonable. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES Uulldlng Assnt latlnn and Trust Xunds, iauiwvi,. v"" w ainut at TWO-STORY' porch houae on nice street, half block from Wavne ave and two mlnutvs from Wayne Junction: rented at $10, good Invest, ment ARTHUR ROSWELL. 2.13 N 13th it. 150U t.nf!l!ST ST. fiiiiiu.,mio. iiiwlioi ii i-.iuir uiuwnstone dwell ng; especially fitted for proresblonaj office.! low price ijnd eaav lerms for quick sale. ' 1721 N 2STH STREET Corner dwelllngTThres stories. 11 rooms; hot-water beat MAURICE J. HOOVER 5i.n.t.t. IH3. umic. LOGAN Nearly new. seven-room dwelling: porch living room, open, yard, grass terrace, splendid condition: near train or trolley, $3400 H 218. Ledger Office. ' lull N 1UTH ST. Rrownstone, lot 24x107: ex- cellent neighborhood: One home. WM G. OLENN. 1017 Columbia ave. FOR INTELLIGENT REALTY MANAGEMENT and PROMPT AND ACCURATE RETURNS see MORRIS ft CO. nidge at Rroad. 1031 N. CAMAC. J3000: a-atory dwelling; good order; easy terms) 10n cash. a. n. vii.i.ijvain. nsg vvralnut. aoril. 13TH. 14TH AND ISTH WARD 'HUT. ER8 SELLERS AND RENTERSS SEE riur.unn.ri : w ,"' "': 16: 26 N 15TH 8T". very food order, fine home! WM Q, GLENN, 1517 ColumbU ave. 1824 S. 57TH STREET Large two-story, dwelling, containing 4 bed. rooms, electric light, parquetry floors, tiled bath; perfect condition throughout, open for Inspection. Take route No 13 on Walnut at, McLEAN & ROWAN 1320 CHESTNUT bT. $6000 Assessed $7500 Mortgages $0500: situated In one or best blocks on Daring at.; 2 baths, financial distress and settlement of estate demands Immediate sale TAYLOR & SON -1 and - RUY ON -THE ROHLEVARD BOTH ST. AllOVE LANSDdWNE AVE. The very best construction. UNEQUALED AT $4000 Up to date In every particular. Including bard wood floors throughout, JAS. C. ENDURO, Pl'der. INVESTMENT 11 TWO-STORY PORCH-KRONT HOUSES With hot-water heat nnd In rrood renilr. ALL RENTED AT $15 PER MONTH Can be bought cheap to cloao an arcount. WM. H. W. QUICK RRO , INC.. g SOUTH 40TH ST ' $3100 8 rooms hot-water heut, gas and elec- trio llghtil parquetry floors, shower hath, ng kitchens ana all other modern appointments DANIEL CRAWFORD,JR..nu,lL0DEff.en,S' MR, HOME-RUYER. do jou know I can sell you a. dandy 3-story modern dwg.. In excellent con dltlon, on PasqhaU ave near 71t. for $2300. LOFLAND. 7)21 Woalland; POTTS 4 TOWNSEND WEST PHILADELPHIA HOMES 4905 RALTIMORE AVE. $15 000 STONE and half-timbered detached dwelling: lot (14x1.10. large porch. 7 chambers nnd 3 baths (one with marble shower); only one square from station. MAURAN. DOL MAN It CO., N. E cor. Rroad and Cheat nut ats . $3300 TWO-STORY". 8-room porch-front dwell ing, on main street: first-class condition; will be Bold on easy terma to desirable purcnaaer for a home SAMUEL STERN. 1201 -Cheatnut at GERMANTOWN AND CHESTNUT HILL SECURE OUR REVISED SALE LIST n. R. LISTER. 0012 Germantown ave. 1F YOU ARE I OOK1NG FOR A HOME In G-rmantown. Mt Airy or Chestnut Hill cen sult me. A. R. Meehan. 6747 Germantown ave. OUR real estate bulletin will be Bent to you by mall on application. Germantown Truat Co., Chelten nnd Germantown aves. CHOICE HOMES. Tulpehocken st. east of Ger mantown ave. J. H. CHADWICK ft CO., 0022 Germantown ave. Very dealrahl. .lts..-.i 01x70 ft., on cor.; lot 75x100 ft.: coit SOli $11,000. built by an architect by da-Ja S,S for his own occupancy: has many unumil ' leaiures oi construction anu nnlah: hot-wata heat, all convB : will sacrifice for oulck ill. YOCUM & POWERS CO , 20 8 lath". LLANERCH Splendid homes, along the jiiuio uuiior, .1,, ui uuiii du lernnna the At. &JfM ing lllghjan'd Park." lirookllne""1 South Art'' 1 iiui r, cKtijuiii uiiu iruinore; 430UU UD at Ardmoro J, ELMER WATTS Llantrcb. ll m riiuuuuou i-vviirc Clir.si.cll. AV, Bfl if- stntlon; $0250 Tor all-stono modern 3 itorr . nnnan nau Iv tin In tut d avnsv nee.,..!...., L. t uuui (...- ,j i'siik.u, v n 1 j 1.VJ4I ic III. ITH CD! UDI) r filter heat, etc., lot IVOxlTO: otd shado; ru-L J, T JACK-ON COMrwVkY, Oak L&l. OAKAIONT I am local aitent for the E. t. Ktotrsbury tract nt Oakmont, adjoining iu tlon and lilsh school, near churcbet tntj mores: property Is fully developed, havinj in, Springfield water, macadam streets and aids- walks, tiouaea now golnc upr write or call for details WM. S DAV18. Office South AM. more, nt station OAKMONT Attractive new detached S itorr homo; fireplace, rah and electric, hfit-witer hentrlarpe porches: southern exposur. lot (J x'Jl'."-; adjoins the Stotesbury tract: near sta tion, high school and storea; price H000,rtr terms WM 8 DAVIS. Offlrt at atatlon. South Ardmorp Come out today niDI.DY PAHIC 5c. faro to Edvlyitona; modam nome, 4 Denrooms ana uatns on sa uoot. 1524 CIlKSTNDTfiT. Chester Osborne Rydal, Pa. Country House in rooms. 5 baths; all conveniences: trf hlffh eleatlon; splendid vlowa; owner teioym awnv nnd will l sold rensonnblv HERKNESS & STETSON 1B1I LAND TITLE RUILDINQ J .1 SOUTH ARDMORE, Pa. Attractive new hotnHi nt hi.n.nlnw. nlnnff ArrlmnrA troll. V. VlthH large plots of ground up to 1 aero; opeajwf inspection luuujr, win. .u, ,,.,.. in WILLIAM 8. DAVia Office at tatlon.qB SPRlNOb'IELD 13 acrea. with old stone hou,"S barn, orchards, springs, running streim. ij minutes waia irom rurum ouun i-iiic. - v i . mile from SprlngfleVl. larger ncreaia II sire" . .. ...v .1. ,JU YOCUlI He 1'uvvijua v.u.. ,u a. join . .va THREE TUNS Our automobile Is wilting tj show you a OVacro gentleman's country ;i k.i.i.. . ,..M.n,.i 1 ulth ft hnlh.. And ceUZ having many nreplaceas located on th,''tJfl .h.H htTv.n thn OetaVAare and SchurllUl: I , tenant houaes: everyt'g com. and In sflen.iiO" ning orurr. it. J. ungyr. inc.. milium. . in E WALNUT LANE; nBses.ed I Vino, price. -. ,,., ci"r, mnurll conva ; ii nnina, lot 2IIX 132 ft Blmmons Realty Co , H20 Chestnut at. 420 W STAI'KOim ST Prlf. mn.1.rnf T7Z Ply on premlaes or any real eatate agent. Mt. Airy. (Icrmantawn Exceptionally Weil-Built House and 2 acrea of ground on three sides; house contains 3 bathrooma. lavatory, amoklng room and refrigerator room, besides chambers and other rooms, heated by Webster modulated steam and lighted by electricity and gas: large garage, with l rooms and bath: all electric wires are under ground and house la rilped for a vacuum cleaner; large porches,' arge rooms; large windows well screened; Beven fireplaces, toilet In haiement, WM. H. WILSON & CO. "'"s NEW HALE AND RENT I.lfaT HEAUV i-nnnni. an. Airy ano unestnut mil. PELHAM TRUST CO.. O740 Oermantown ave. Oak I.ano STONE AND SHINGLE HOUSE, on 70 ft. lot, 16 rooms, n bathe. Owner, 680$ North 11th it. Phone 1078 J, DEfilRARLE corner property: lam lot: modern: 18.10O WM. RARR"8th and Oak tana. Tioga 3421 N. 21ST ST. 3-story dwelling, modern! one block from Tioga Station; price reason able: easy terms INDUSTRIAL TRUST CO.. IPSO N. Front at. WE HAVE THE HOUSE VOU WANT" KENN'EDY A RAMRO. .1T4U OERMANTOWN Logan STORES, DWELLINGS AND APARTMENTS For Sals or 'Rent In Beat Bectlom of Logan. WM, p. CHAMHERS. 4033 N. Broad it. , PERFECT COUNTRY SEAT With all tho conveniences of the city. W OJ offer jou tho Rlrch farm of 05 acres, irllliavj jn il...... .t . ri., trnll l,v imln nr ante: . good roads, good train service: well laeata-l: jB new stono Colonial house, heated by hot-muyi and lighten by electricity, nouse coniam. "t -nnllnn llvlnv. rilnlnir. hllllaril rOOmiino'S' closed porch. 3 batha, .1 chambera. . with 3 rooma: old atone farmhouae, wltn an oahi anlAH.ai nr4 aIIKaw n (ran tlllllnlnrfl: TCFI thine In perfect order: automatic Raceo elfj- trio water system to an uuuoins., ". something unusual and will well repay in U; veatlgatlon by any ono looking for in litu .country home. Termi to ault. 'WM.-H. WILSON & CO. Exceptional Opportunity , FINF! 112.000 HOMES IN 133.000 SECTI0H Old York Road, Near Jenkinto-wn Very attra,ctlo I.- rooina, lots: nrtlstlo aamfnei llllfhmlt tvlavriinrt. ARTHUR V. TURNER, Builder: 0328 N. CAMAC ST., PIHLA. .-J ictlve: moat practically I"-V??; J batha; thoroughly, modarn: um-jl ahrubbery: affording ivary HtBR S15.000 Stone House for $12,500 Colonial atylo: S bedrooma and aleeplrj pong on second floor: 2 bathi; billiard jwm.u beautiful residential town; 0 electrij UjW an hour: Inspect now while the roses iraK the r he ght. For arpolntmentca.ll BprM 2247 or addreaa L 453 Lenser central. H ACREl modern dwelling. 8 r"fJ!'4wS new neaver, eicviiivi., V...!, .ire--garage. 7 mlnutei to itatlon; good trim ar- , 1C" "Ug- H. U. McCOLLUM 1S1 WALNUT ST. "'SUBURBAN HOMES KOR SALE OB BK n-.nia,uii ttr,,1;. Rial Eatate Truat Hulldloj. " SUBURBAN TOWN COUNTRT 8nRRtoWNt'c'oUD.Norrl,I.W5f CHOICE BUILDING 8ITES i anu -vie tit a nil. . ARTHUR P. TOWNS ENpjLaninorw, SELECT P-ofVt?J',,-r,,::'nRMKE'!,"sJ orders) now. LEWIS ..sEfslf-hiZ 1 IU South Penn aa. IfOUNtoED .! " PETEYAnybody Can See That He'd Win I - , , ma ::: ' ::: ::: ?,. n a vnmrJT 1 ..,. li - ,, " - : m fHWH- SOMeBoOY (Ts I To SEE m vou wootpwl .ABW'r AUToi ) f " aK VOU RE SO GEWER0US ) I KlMD S T ? ) 1T S A A I gj-- JjjA iT TnrTTTMT.- S HEOu gjSp "" "zj. 'IJ&'iZet fe&Zs 1 4 bjEjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjSMH'jjjjH''if'PBBEBs9 ctBmB