EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1910. it jfflS ftEADY FOB INTERCOLLEGIATE REGATTA PENN NINE MEETS CORNELL OTHER SPORTS fflHR'IRAlLING BIG INDIAN MN. AMERICAN LEAGUE HUNT; 1 UAUCJin.1 ucjn.ua iin 1NAT1UJNAL J Speaker's Average of .394 Tops Ty Cobb's Star getting Pace m Tener Circuit With .344 L ....trn ihn most ferocious, pre US of Uin' " " tfAor OJ Ul ."o. " -- Sfiforlcan Leasue. Speaker's war club r ,r ma sphere with sufficient rpeod SfSKfLcrto Kfttplti orner at tlio head SiSiSSo"A manipulators wltH an W .V? Ml Tyrus Ilaymond Cobb, tha WrirtA of all Tigers, to trailing tho S&u Ckln "llh ft mark of .381, just 'ETiolnU ben nd JACKson. ngm. ...... E? f! Srl n; 1 tell us thai Jo mark JRi,. r,d they are right. -sin. interesting to noto that that quartet oMes9?nt,..lgent baseball writers ieiwont to Call tnc iuu,uuu "' " Eat under .800. For those who haven't ffitaeto wade so far down In tho llsta 5 out their averages: Collins, .230; iff 118; Molnnls, .173: Barry, .217. Siliffoollshllkeafox. EfnV Speaker Is not cornering all the (m Ms club Is wearing, cither. Guy Srtfn, pitcher, present oddross Cleveland iSli leading tr.e American League pitch fStlth 10 won and 2 lost id Hi older clrcut Daubert la making ftsJr of 6ur own Phils, can show figures 'SfloVbut hn Oscar has mixed only In 10 Citf ana has been to bat four times, ha 'Sun't belong. Doylo Is second with .3,16 'STllJ twmmate, Itobertson, Is third with 5 Heine Zlffl and Schulte, the powerful iS'ptlr, are hitting .323 nplece. 'MSnytr Cleveland Aloxnndor, mentioned laU.tlmt to time an a pitching person, In lisst'titdihe tho National league nuricrs. llfel honor goes to Pfeffer, tho most -jfjfc. tiAMn nf ihrm nil. whn has won T:. .:.. a wH.,,t la thlf fhn vnllnir 1 190 IO I. iutti. to ..... - rf" o a: with the scramblod name having wpn 'M iad lost three. HAUundtr has won two moro games than Hi ffeffcr, but he has also lost one more. mm iverages. Including tho games played &UW, follow: K' National League JtsMrlJail batting nvcragei. National League (iknrt who Mare taken part In 10 or moro S up to and Including Thursday, June IS. K iienton, New York.... 10' Coombs llrooMyn ... 7 irhSJ. ,VnlM ta HK't'?! I'oston .....13 trill":. Totk..,.lt Srtu, New York... la "snn, noston tn .0 14 13 13 10 iVlllwms, at. iouls. . .11 &. ";, McConnell, Chicago.. iJoak. St. Louis . . . . iif-KS"' ..L'!!'."bursh i'''""! inline,.,,, Jnsner. McKenry. fit. I.nuls 11 riH.ii,i..(i .. ,'r?ndcrRniit, Chicago.. 0 "-". urooiciyn n H'ston, Chicago 13 Iludolph, lloston 13 Ames, st. Louis 11 gchiili, Cincinnati ... 17 Schneider. Cincinnati. 20 ;vemler. Chicago. . . 12 Mayer. I'hlllie 10 Heulbacli. noten .... (1 Btroud, New york ...In fchaurr. New York.., I'alo, Cincinnati 11 Meadows, St. I,oul...18 Kantlehner, PltiaburKh 10 V. Miller, Plttaburgli.ll llarnf;. Uoeton u McOiilllnn. I'liilllei 8 Ailampi, l'lttaburgh ...10 Uendrlx. Chicago . . . . is 14 SO in Tl 14 17 1(1 2,1 41) 18 2lt 17 7 4 ft 21 8 3 21) 23 ID 22 3.1 2(1 211 12 21 II (J 28 41 27 in 8 0 7 10 1 Ml 1 .flnt 2 .(107 1 .(VJ5 0 .nas 1 .(100 3 .571 I n?l 0 ,nb 1 .r.uo b .r.no 1 0(10 3 .000 0 .noo 0 .SOI) 0 .r.oi) 1 .,MI0 0 ,soo n .500 0 441 1 .429 8 117 2 .400 1 .ats 1 .8,17 0 .331 0 .33.1 2 .85J 2 .311 2 .333 0 .331 3 .3011 0 .2.1(1 2 .230 (1 .2.10 0 .2.10 0 .22-J a .200 American League rinyera who havo taken part In 10 or more ramci. Tho average Include the games played Thursday, Juno IB. 1010. U. All. It. H. Sll.Slr.TII Ave. M a. ad. mm. in A XT. Clnn. 10 0 ft um 4 isu N. T., 10 4fa , N,Y. 40 1 rn. udi. 01 - lilt, Chi.. 31 1 n. 11, sn.sn.TD. Ave. 2 n 27 02 30 HI 30 02 1 33 01 33 21 48 iwr. Pit". 4 100 03 3 K&'n. mi. jji ' ; 57 4 11 67 17 'I S3 02 43 20 24 43 a 22 IB 39 10 43 3 14 4t m Fuua'i.cnt. 01 1M 31 Mru, ciu, i i" ; fltn itkirn 12 J a 1 im. Clnn., 44 187 22 iUltt, 8. L.20 60 8 ml Bklrn. 42 102 18 ISmlth, Blra 11 27 2 Btnubr, 8L..02 180 17 OrtS," Clr.n... SO 178 33 aiSlth. Dot.. 15 'IB.', 1.1 ieiiVn cm jo 00 7 ESanu! rhllt 28 83 0 ffctllh. rhlll 43 147 23 ffltrki. Tlfln . 12 77 .KCf'cffiSi.ia r,Wt,ai0 iin i An 1 1 "" ;. "w-.-? .1? x zz . kLIU...J1ll im ay uitee, ram woo, run, M. Phi I. hhitchir, N. Y 48 lio 18 E.'KM.Ichr, flo 44 103 21 pal, ,N. I,, it im :; KfMn. N Y. 42 h'J 10 CMtillo, Pitts. 10 ij 2 Gdy, llos,.. 42 141 12 euarni. N Y. 45 187 31 loi, rati... J i .co Khtr. Chi... 33 105 f 'ruTfi'r. Dei 10 10 1 flehoff. rhlll 40 112 25 'alar. Chi,... 91 173 IS (cConn'l; Chi. IJ ,27 2 fcrkJt. k T. J3 183 23 MiM, niju. H 78 7 vhii'IZ. PIKI. 80 117 7 Cauluiir.'Ilrn. 41 18 8 IB lm ChJ..i 14 82 10 ', niii.. I 177 27 itr. Clnn 20 67 A , iimjn 9U UD 11 t.V, 41 130 13 Clnn.. JO 120 0 I,... 31 108 0 Pitta IT 40 1 Chi. 12 20 :i :L Clnn. 41) 1(13 ?ll f.ur.r cm. br ix ik IfX'S, L... 20 72 B WQotL Bli.. 87 11B 14 il. Clnn. 21 37 1" 1 0 8 13 1 10 ,1 1 8 44 IB 10 40 43 44 83 IS BO 10 28 S 45 4.1 7 42 20 30 J! 40 22 24 30 30 27 10 B 48 34 17 23 s,vte J2 1 !z wn.pkfra. 41 184 17 Willi Boi. 45 181 it mtr.BStlrn. 41 188 18 h. Boiion 10 01 8 142 20 171 12 n Ilci lio.f a in ii- h.i irr ; T ::r jdiir, ei,jj. 41 171 wm. . 8L H' 9ft citt Jlkln. 3.' 123 wuin. 29 78 V Ot. L. 40 138 Bolt.. 11 03 -III, Dot. 14 X7 , n:... ss .; toftr, Bkn. 17 82 wu, wau,, lu ill v.iu.,, UU A ,0 h. St.I so nj fach-'N. Y Mi 4M IWi. 40 125 1 til. 40 178 1 """itiiia. 10 iib in st t n n.r ,-vm ,l;WIJf 14 SO B 8 0 1 13 .203 .'ttJfhlllUl It II 1 0 1 O 12 .205 Ploa, Boi. 29 70 10 10 S 1! 18 .2113 HM, Phil. 31 128 13 ro 1 a S7 ,203 1 1 4 fl 7 0 10 4 B n 5 IB 2 1 2 8 i 1 0 0 7 ? 0 4 1 20 3 .1 8 3 S 0 0 7 4 1 0 0 8 11 1 8 B 4 .700 O B .BOO 7 82 .341 8 02 .333 4 0 .333 0 0.1 .823 2 04 .32.1 1 00 .mi B 04 .311 10 100 .308 (1 B .308 13 .8011 7(1 .305 21 .304 (18 ,2(10 3 .201) 71 .204 7B .202 BO .21111 .14 .280 31 .280 01 .287 28 .2811 B8 .283 03 .281 10 .281) 00 .280 01 .280 17 .27S 07 .277 05 .27.1 B.8 .273 (II .270 30 .270 14 .270 42 .270 BO .207 23 .2117 35 ,207 B .203 71 .202 05 .200 7 .230 70 .2.18 25 .2.10 84 .23(1 B7 .230 27 .2.1(1 03 .234 20 .2.13 32 .253 47 .252 38 .250 35 .2.1(1 12 .230 7 .2.10 llolfind. Tletrnll Speaker, Cleeland Mullen, New Yorlt, Hums, Detroit . . . Jackson. Chicago. Cobb. Detroit .... n ittmnaKer. N V Cunnlng.ham, Dot. Ness, Chicago . . . ,Mjer, Athletlf. Hellman, Detroit. Hoblltiel. Uoiton.. S'".'r'J1t- Louis.. Jium, uoiton 21 47 8 14 0 "fiiiiii. loveianu. . 41 122 13 30 1 i!.""""1?"' UIOV. 48 143 21 42 ''""'.r, ai. 1-OUI3.. 47 1211 in 3S 18 2 110 B4 108 44 78 10 11 21 3 8 0 40 102 28 5(1 0 40 185 20 02 8 48 181 37 01 13 .11 101 II 31 1 11 10 2 0 0 14 4,1 3 14 1 10 30 B 12 0 02 188 24 57 4 47 103 21 40 7 Bl 201 80 01 1.1 S3 07 17 20 1 II 1 n !Ht .2(12 B3 1113 22 nil 13 " 71 "10 47 107 21 48 0 0 71 .287 22 00 12 17 3 1 2.1 .28.1 2.1 .10 3 11 I) IS .282 23 III 7 18 2 1 20 .281 48 180 35 BO 10 7 85 .278 11 18 2 B 0 B 0 .278 31 47 S 13 0 4 17 .277 43 103 21 45 7 1 B8 .270 BO 203 28 B(t 7 1 03 .27.1 IB Bl 5 14 1 2 18 .27.1 40 170 11 18 0 4 411 .273 40 181 .1.1 BO 11 11 B7 .272 II II Bl .270 V 1 4 4 I) 1 n n I 10 e i 02 .240 41 .240 SO .24(1 07 .241 .243 .240 .238 .23.1 .214 (10 .214 01 .232 40 .232 23 .230 30 BJ 10 28 45 25 87 (I 83 .Sis 11 .212 4 .211 48 .210 40 .200 12 .208 30 .208 B2 .iillH 33 .2Q3 pii ; BilrnV. mn. Col, 0 X 10 13 a U 10 20 2 SI 07 r. CM., "8 07 7 rearatM a s E'Ul J'-L. 1 118 18 22 4 UjSl 15 8 B T 0 w.JMiiii. is la i J i "'l! 23 0 4 0 if- ife a ?5 i o o W-W. H 23 a 4 0 " 1B145 IB 23 0 ! J 8 u Pitta. &on.Pltt. ft" uiV, 0 IS 08 1 23 0 145 IB 23 ( on 0 20 !l 28 t 90 CLVD DATTINO nECOJtDS. S7 .203 IS .200 n .2Ul 20 .1110 10 .104 li ,ll4 22 .103 23 .1110 20 .180 8 .174 B ,174 0 .171 8:HJ 1 .0T 13 .III J 4 .102 20 .150 1 .158 4 .ISO 0 .143 8 .130 9: AD. nm. Vi .Jfi J1- ! "" all. AV ." Vi i2" ruo o 87 Jt- 300 441 978 108 R1 152 333 IBS 8(8 04 tt 58 Bl 40 i .233 03 33 13 51 .235 42 .22? ;; m I h 22 ....v m t-. .,. lien iS'"! OJ 1800 1S5 381 48 f CLUB TlELDlNd RECbllDS. J fl. tf A m rrr a .. HLlf lilg 03 BO" 1S77 ,JSi liv ml col js lojo ooj liS"' 128S 003 13 lOil .002 353? it J?a? zh 7 lMs lT B3 llnl via oh ooiq .... Bl lStO 718 il 5170 nu IUTB BY CLUBS, '.000 .080 .057 .035 4. w'l. l l)U13.. 47 1211 111 McMulIen, Chicago SO 80 8 Mrunk. Atlilelira.. llaumnnn. N. Y... Dubuc. Detroit ... Crawford. Detroit. Veaeh, Detroit ... Carrlgnn, Hoston.. Hlellbnuer.Athletlca Hooper, lloston . . Shotten, St. I.oula. Walter, New York. Gardner, lloston.. Turner, Cleiciand. Johnson, St. Iuia 42 141) 20 40 (lllhpoley, N. Y... 41 Kill 23 42 Jamlnon, Wash ... 17 45 4 12 Fallen. Chicago... 48 177 27 47 Johnson. Wnsh... 21 B8 B 14 Pick. Athletics.... 47 150 10 41 Bhanka. Wnsh ... ,4fl 145 15 38 rojeleskle. Detroit 17 42 2 11 Oldrlng. Athletics. S3 130 10 31 lVcklnpaueh. N. Y. 3S 138 12 ,1(1 Mueller. Wash .... 30 77 11 20 Terry, Chicago ... 27 73 0 ID Hnrper. Detroit.., 21 27 2 7 Clrnnoy, Clevoland. B4 218 12 5(1 Morcan. Wash ... B3 172 24 44 imni rievoinnd . 54 urn in nn Young. Detroit ... BO 173 23 -14 Pip. Now York 47 10(1 18 42 Mnrsans. St. I,oula 48 100 17 42 rtcnam, i;nicago.., Khoro, lloston Maya, IJnston Hnrper. Wash .... Kournler, Chicago. Pratt. St Louis... Witt. Athletics Henry, Wash Lewis, lloston .... Itondenu, Wnsh . . Thomas. Tloston... Malsol. New York, .lanvrln. Itnsfnn.. I.nlofe. Athletics. . Mcllride, Wash... High, New York., llortnn, St, Louis. Williams, Wash.. Walker. lloston... 13 Collins. Chlcngo 40 174 HI 40 Howard, Cleveland, 47 144 18 33 O'Nell. Oloolnnd.. 52 158 IB 30 nedeon, Now York 40 18.1 2.1 42 Foster. Washington 52 208 28 47 linker. New York . m 104 17 37 Unrtlcy. St. Louis. 38 111 10 2.1 Weaker. Chicago .. 47 174 10 SO J. Collins. Chlcngo. 43 147 10 33 Keerold St. Louis. 20 B8 7 13 Plank, St. Louis... II 27 1 (I II Wellmart. St. Louis 17 .12 2 7 0 Judge, Washington. BO 170 24 30 10 Harry. Boston 8,1 120 0 2(1 2 Schnnc, Athletics., at 70 0 IB 3 Tobln, St. Louis... .10 103 0 22 0 Caldnell, N York. 20 42 1 0 1 McNally, lloston... 2.1 nt 17 13 0 Morton, Cleeland. IB 47 3 10 I) Masee, New York . 43 171 18 311 10 Hhawkcy. N. York. 14 24 (I fl n Daus9. Detroit 10 24 3 J 11 Vltt. Detroit 28 207 20 43 Davenport. St. L. . 21 24 1 B Hush. Detroit 4.1 180 21 .17 Hendrlcksnn. Ilos. . .15 81 0 17 Stanago, Detroit .. B2 108 Hi 31 Hartiel, New York. 17 25 0 B Agnew. lloston 20 31 3 7 Lavan, St. Louis.. 17 40 4 R Killings. Clexetand. 12 1,1 2 8 Chapman. Cleve... IB BO 8 10 Walsh. Athletics... 41 143 18 28 12 Mnoiion, iioiion. . . Meyers, Athletics, llngby, Cleveland. Lynn, Chicago.... Cady. lloston Murphy, Chicago., Austin, St. Louis,, Mclnnls, Athletics 1 1 .500 1)107 .304 I 10 .381 (I 00 .34(1 .1 1)1 .1133 3 80 .331 II 40 324 1 0 .310 1 17 .311 S IB .808 4 83 .303 O 07 .300 8 82 .200 7 42 .2111) 2 23 ,2118 4 Bl .201 8 12 Bl .204 B 18 40 .201 47 1110 10 35 14 11 12 2 3 0 10 12 2 .1 0 17 44 2 11 1 40 12.1 20 31 (I B2 10.1 10 48 8 40 175 17 43 2 40 102 I) 25 2 40 107 11 41 0 42 130 10 31 2 31 02 0 13 1 25 100 12 24 3 411 110 111 .1.1 3 47 175 11 42 1 Bl 180 10 43 1 .10 III 12 22 5 21 30 B 7 0 20 00 ,1 14 0 34 127 17 20 B 1 02 200 .1 13 .207 3 (10 .21)0 2 20 .2114 4 40 .202 (I BO .202 0 111 .2(12 2 47 .201 4 42 .200 2 23 .200 4 2H .200 0 7 .231) 1 Oil .2.17 8 11 ,13 .230 in (III .255 B (1 SO .2.1B 2 B 111 .253 0 11 III .253 H 40 .21111 3 4 .250 I) I .250 2 13 .250 1 Bl .248 8 03 .247 4 BO .240 4 33 .215 B 110 .24,1 4 40 .242 B 2t .242 2 27 .240 7 .10 .240 0 52 .240 B 50 .230 7 20 .234 0 10 .2,13 1 18 .233 4 43 .2.12 4 11 BO .2.10 4 0 47 .230 I 4 48 .228 8 4 B2 .227 II 2 (1.1 .220 8 1 52 .2211 0 1 28 .225 7 12 54 224 1 4 47 .224 0 2 IB .221 0 0 7 .222 2 8 .210 B B4 .218 II .12 .217 2 2.1 .214 8 20 .211 0 10 .214 4 II .213 2 10 .211 fl 40 .210 0 11 .208 1 12 208 4 111 50 .208 0 0 3 .208 B 41 .200 1 20 .205 8 4.1 .202 (I B .200 2 8 .200 2 10 .200 2 3 .200 B 11 .200 0 .1.1 .100 1 11 .100 2 22 .101 2 3 .102 0 3 .187 .1 8 .184 0 17 .182 B 30 .180 0 41 .170 TEN LEADINO SLUC-onns. 2U. 3B. im.Tn.cn. ....10 0 4 no 43 . ... fl 10 2 85 83 ....IB 7 O 01 20 ....IB 0 1 107 211 ....1(1 .1 O 83 20 ....14 4 1 80 2.1 ....10 R 1 71 21 .... n 7 1 04 22 . ... 3 0 2 82 21 .... B 3 3 31 20 22 411 3 II II 3! 88 B 17 .1 13 2(1 3 5 (I II 10 1 3 1 23 38 2 7 1 22 00 4 12 3 41 111 18 20, 3 47 173 14 31 2 Oraney, Cleveland Veaeh, Detroit . . . Jackson, Chicago Sneaker, Cleveland Hellman. Detroit . Cobb. Detroit .... Mrunk. Athletics , Plpp. New York . . Sliler. St. Louis.. Fournler. Chicago TEN LEADINO DASE-STEALEnS. a. en. Ave. Schalk. Chicago 47 14 3i Cobb. Detroit 41 IS 27 Walsh. Athletics 4J JS 27 Sliler. St. Louis Bl 13 20 Milan, Washington B3 13 2S Magee, New York 43 10 23 Turner. Cleveland 40 11 22 Veaeh. Detroit 48 10 21 Judge, Washington BO 10 20 Speaker. Cleveland 01 10 10 club nATTiNa nEcoitDS, a. An. n. H. Cleveland ...B4 1777 210 44 Detroit ...... B2 1708 222 4S1 Washington .83 1702 ISO 400 St Louli ....82 1720 201 410 New York ...48 1001 100 370 lloston ...... BO 1008 103 3S0 Chicago ...... 4 1587 170 370 Athletics ....47 1B80 139 337 CLUI1 FIELDING RECORDS. O. VU. A. K. Tl'. Sn, 811. Ave. 47 lis .-'as o fill no 4.1 BO B7 43 60 Bl 08 01 B.I 51 43 251 ,215 .231 .237 .280 .235 .213 748 034 U'J 740 032 717 018 S3S 2320 21)7.7 2031 2238 2141 22SS 2010 2010 Ave. .074 ,000 .080 .005 ,082 ,0.17 .0.10 .030 in. 3D. jin. Tn, K.,1 IJ 25 ! I".' i 21 10 '-'" il 8 M ai.h '' ?2 is s iyu in - .... II so a 480 115 40 23 1$, Bjo 29 610 083 553 BB. Avr, :bo .Biiii SB .8,17 1?3 .??o m IW.U rift. TE.V LEADWa SLUaaERS, .8 .800 ,802 a?,,. 2 -" ivriji, , r nle&fo H. J10 311. 6 HJl, s Tn. rr JOO 43 S.,.T. u.ies. iniittl hnii.. ft Broofirn tOt M3APWQ BASE STEALERS I 02 05 70 71 63 ".J7'ul'b. SUM Yo'rS. i. hsto... MEn?'uo S B. 0 i I i fl? Uoatoa 45 .030 .020 loll PJTCHERB' BEMnni ?.WW,fcju?S,,,h ' ply.d on -ClB, too! ! H '. 9 SftS.H jaburtb. llikl, , p y- LA?iWP. av.. il I 8 ll 9 30 1 l 1 1 1.000 O 1.000 0, 1.000 I 730 rU 11 ,, tpr Jrr It I j J 1 1 ,092 Cleveland B4 148R Chicago 40 is Boiton ..8'' "Jg D.trolt ..-J2 1410 Washington ....M 1 St. Ixiula B2 1420 New York , 40 1200 Athletlea .......47 1300 PITCHERS' RECORDS, (These records Include the games played Thun- day. J""- - 0 Wi jj. pn. WP. Ave. Cullop. New York. ..,11 Dumont, .Washington. MrCabe. St. lv Koob. St. If U' ngton. uli.., 7 St. MO? on? cT.Vel.nd 7.U 10 &.vr,,1lf.,.l"NWDYo?kt..::1T: iiogWWYork::j I r'BoS!Sn.:;::;: Johnson, WaibWton. , 18 narbv Cleveland . 4 Rllfl? as-nlnTton . U 0 0 11 8 g 0 6 0 4 1 32- 3 1.000 2 1.000 0 1.600 0 1.000 0 1.000 3 ,833 z ,ouv I 20 3 ,800 1 8 m ""( r.hlr.go !i"f"' AiVJ.lSnd ,i,rBo.an- . SKtte. -Chicago liens Chicago DintarthCblcfgo Sffl?Sin.ileV'B)uU :Jo ::8 lluai. AthlellcV jS, Boaton . $Sm. Chicago . nubuc. Detroit WallguMr. Chicago ,. J lceitini Nr igrn, RitLSort Bt. tools Dvnpgr f?tt g..EKt5tfi::tt ? JSfiK Wlav..- I 1U U .714 S U 8 -M 4 37 1 .807 5 16 1 .887 1 23 0 .087 10 6 23 3 .02.1 5 3 18 1 .623 4 3 21 0 .B71 4 3 18 0 .571 B 4 25 0 .BSU 1 S 48 ft .038 t 8 38 S .313 6 5 41 1 .BOO 8 S ?0 I .BOO 8, 8 15 1 .500 3 8 18 1 .BOO i 10 f .800 8 4 3 0 .500 2 2 11 0 .800 2 2 $1 0 .600 110 2 .800 7 J 28 I .487 f H :!?! S a SO 4 .375 0 .364 3 .833 2 IS 0 .833 1 1! I 333 5 II 8 .333 2 f T X3S if i .m J V8 CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL'S FAST CRICKET TEAM J? 3i7oaassssxifs One of tho most successful cricket teams of the year is thnt ropresentinp Central Hip;h School. Tho plnyots shoivn hero ore: Loft to right, top row Steal, Alticntzer, Donahuo and Marvin. Second row Hendorson, Bottle, Boird, Smith and Wnnamachcr. Bottom row Swartz and Winchcl. PENNSYLVANIA MEETS CORNELL ON THE DIAMOND Teams Clash in Final Fray This Afternoon on Frank lin Field CONTEST BEGINS AT 3 P. M. Frnnklln Field will lio the sceno of tho flnnl 191G contest of Ponnsylvnnln's bnnobnll tenm this nftcrnoon. Old Tcnn's diamond forces and those rcpresontlnp; Cornell Uni versity will meet, lloth havo won one gnme, conseaucntly tho rivalry Ih nt fever heat between tho old-tlmo rivals. Neither Pcnn nor Cornell havo had suc cessful seasons, but both seem to havo been laboring; under tho Jinx, nB tho two teams havo somo exceptionally clover play ers In their rnnks. Pennsylvania has lost qulto a number of Rnmea this Bprlnp; by one-point scores, nnd tho Ithaca ngKresa tlon has been In tho samo predicament on a number of occasions. Johnny Spleman will bo tho Itcd nnd Bluo nlno's best bet, ns he has been through out tho present season, and Coach Itoy Thomas believes that Splelman can deliver tho goods In tho box today. , With all tho old alumni back nt thp University for their annual frolic, there Is cortaln to be some fur flylne when tho two teams take tho field for play this afternoon nt 3 p. in. At least 1500 graduates will be In tho stnuds to cheer their toam on, ns they formorly did In dayB gono by when they, too, wore students nt the West Phila delphia institution. Tho line-up: PENNSYLVANIA. Knne, 2d luiie. lloorr, 3d liaie. Iterrr. iliortitop. MrNlchol. 1st base. Ulnk.on, left Held. Ilennts, centre Held. Murdoch, right Held. Illltnore. cutcher. Hpleliiiun. pitcher. CORNKLL. Iludd. rlilit Held. .leiien. uu iinse. r, i iitcner. , . nnell. centre field. Vulentlne, left Held. EAIN AT POUGHKEEPSIE HURTS PENN'S CHANCES O'l'onn I cRle y, s lortsion . uirii.ii.c. .r.. .,t. Knitters. 2ll time. Sutterly, 1st lme. ltusiell. pitcher. Runs Scored by Majors for Week Huns scored hy all tennis of American nnd Nullnnal leagues from Saturday, June 10, to Prldny. June 10, Inclusive. Only runs that fleure. In offlclal uveruges are Included. Scores of incomplete gnmes uro not roiinteu, but the scares of games of the innings or more are Included In the table. AMERICAN LKAOUK Cleveland . . Detroit .... Chicago .... lloston .... hi. Iiuls .. New lork Athletics .. tVuihlngton H. 10 n 8. 31. T. IV. T. r.T'l. 0 3 11 8 4 3 1 -31 431 724 42.1 17 1.1 310 U NATIONAL I.EAOUE llrooklyn ... hlrato ... I'ltl.uurgli . New Iprk ., l-hlladehibU HI, Louis .. Iioiton H. H. x T. IV. T. F.T'l. Cincinnati iik id not play. -18 is 0 18 12 12 12 2 7 WHAT MAY HAPPEN IN BASEBALL TODAY llrooklyn . . I'hlllie New Vork . I'lilcago . . Ito.tou . . , Cincinnati . l'lttiburgh . bt. liuu ., Win two. NATIONAL I4iairE. Won, Lot. Pet. Win. Line. Split. 28 10 27 10 24 21 za in 22 23 14 27 .630 ,887 .533 ,400 :Bo .313 .307 ,022 ?i ... 21 27 ... 21 81 Loe two, ,s:2 .481 ,480 .S11 f.488 .440 .471 .410 ,433 ,4BO t.420 ,404 .413 .393 .189 .440 rieieland IVuihlniton ..... Detroit ........ New lork lloston . I lllCNKO ., St. LouU Atuletlr .. A3IKH10AN I.KAOUK. Won. 1jat. Pet. li 25 28 S3 .021 .BIO ,838 ,821 ,510 ,400 .ho .110 Win. Iji. .asa ,oio .840 .8 .831 .810 ,800 .481 .333 ,820 ,828 ,8l0 .800 .471 ,431 ,313 SCHEDULE FOB TODAY NATIONAL LKAOUK SI. Loula at .New .York threatening. Chicago, at llrooklyn Ihrtatenlur. l'lttiburgh at Uoiion (two game.) rain. tlncuull at I'hllaUelphlo cloudy. AMERICAN I.E.VQUK New York at, Clrland clear, Iioiton at thlcao-cear. "hfudelpnla m) fjetrolt-pcloudr. IVaihuiatou at rit. Louli lar, INTERNATIONAI. LE.VGUE Newark at VrawUenc ralu. Toronto at -Montreal ruin, ftlehmond at lialtluior. (lo iames)-klfar, tluffalo at Hocheiter (two gameir--loudy. YESTEHDAY'S RESULTS . NATIONAL LEAGUE. D..to. t, W'UburgO. 9ni9tMti AHEUICAN LEAOUE. Detroit. 4l Athletlea. S. Other (ai games poitponeJl rain. Mawirlr PrsyMl0.??; Batteile Em Te' International Leaguo - i o i I Nil V 8 i 8 I S 8 8 H'J' J urifbt i.nd tkbwerti Tincup ud X T -V w. iii!nitti,' Iter r"" i. . i I ajia uiu, Continued from I'nte One their llttlo mlto toward vlctorj'. If this does not transpire, then Columbia will havo such advantages as come from rough ivnter, nnd they nro great, for thoso Now Yorlt crews were bom nnd bred In Now York harbor and hnve tho knuck of weatlw crlng seas thnt would sink a peaceful Quaker sailor. Furthormoro, tho eights of Cornell and Syracuso havo had moro experience at thH same stylo ot rowing than have thoao of Venn, becnuso their early days wero fre quently upset by storms on tho lakes they did their training on. Washboards and pumps nro In demand HiIb morning, nnd coaehoi arc doing every llttlo thing to rig their sholls to keep on top the water should tho race bo rowed In anything but cnlm. Gloom Procession Worst gloom ot all Is from tho old wharf nnd river mon up Ijcro who keep on saying thnt tho races cannot bo rowed today nnd that Monday will be tho day -of this 1916 regatta. These men are hated for their perslstonco In tlilH doctrino, for no ono choors up over tho thought ot bolni? hero over Sunday. So strong la this conviction nmong men who know tho moods of tho Iludion that John lloyle, who is Cornell's coach today, thinks It a good plan to row tho rnco In submarines, tor should It bo calm, which Hoylo does hot think It will be, and tho heavy fogs hang ovor tho river so that no one can see tho crows, Hoylo suggests that tho oarsmen bo started and tho ono which Is farthest down stream when tho fog lifts bo given, tho prize, lloyle broko all prccodont this morning by In viting Ellis Wnrd, Penn'B old coach, to rldo In tho Cornell launch with him during tho races. Ward accepted In n rush. Tho Ponn, boys spent tho morning nt the quarters at Lako Chodlkoe. Wright talked with them about what ho expected them to do and gave them n little heart-to-heart talk about racing. And ho gave his cox swains their last Instructions. These boys will run tho crews In each race and upon their hendwork much depends. Constant Kidding Thus by constant kidding tho men got Into the humor of tho thing, and whereas ono week ago the Varsity could lick them a length In a minute row. Yesterday they wero holding" this crew even. Thus from sure defeat this crew has been so wonder fully and psychologically handled that It will enter today's race In splendid shape both mentally and physically. It Is a com plete transformation. Andrus, No. 2,. In Cornell's Junior shell, who Is a senior thtB year, and who did not get Into tho Harvard race because of on In fection, all but lost hln last chance to pull on oar today when tho old trouble came back. First aid checked It In time and thla boy will bo In hlB place. All tho other crews' quarters report their men In tiptop shape. Tho Quaker quarters were visited by many students, who camo to cheer and to pass tho long day with tho hopes of the Hod nnd JJlue, Each oarsman had a good night's rest and all of them are In the plnlt of condition. Wright has brought them to top form In tho last week. Tho most reparkable of conditioning Is his work with the Junior eight, tho former varsity. Four days ago this crew was the most discouraged nnd disheartened eight on the river. It was mentally stale after It found it was not the varsity. Wright gave the problem a long Btudy and he nnd Foster worked out a plan. At each row, Foster Coxswain, began kidding the men. As the, eight started out lie would yell "Are we fast on our slides," and tho reply come in unison", "Wo are not." Then more slogans followed such as, from Foster, "Are we a rotten crew," answered by "We are not." v The Junior race finds Cornell a favorite because ot the showing of this eight In the rac.e against Princeton and Yale. Penn sylvania lases its claim for superiority here on the fact that Its earlier varsity is rowing second crows, forgetting that its own crew H a, second eight, There la little chance for the Quaker Juniors, although they are proven and experienced oars. Columbia does, not consider itself a fuctor and Syra cuso Is unknown. In the freshman race Cornell la a favorite again because of Us showing against Yale's kids. Pennsylvania has an eight here which must be considered' along wth that of Columbia's, but the Quakers have an edge aver the New Yorkers In possessing a better stroke in Little. Syracuse should fall be fore both of them. The lanes for the crews are marked by large numbers suspended from the rail road bridge crossing the Hudson from Poughkeepsle to Highland and are reckoned from tha Highland, or west bank of the river, to the eastward, All crews pass under the second span ot the bridge. The drawings of tho lanes were as fol lows: junior Varsity race No. 1, Columbia; No. . Syracuse; 0. J, Cornell; No. 4, Pennsylvania. l Freshman race No, J, Cornell; No. 8, Columbia; No. 3, Pennsylvania; No. 4, Syracuse. Vrlty raceNo. J, Columbia, No. J, Pennsylvania; No, S, Syracuse, No. 4, Cornell Records for 1916 of Rival Varsity Crews PENNSYLVANIA Ilefenled Yale on fichnvlklll hy lvfc lengths, .liny 22i defeated by Nnvj nt Annapolis by to lengths, May f0 ilefented by Princeton, Nnvy nnd Colum bia In l.lilld. Cup rue nn Hchurlklll. on liny 13. by three, two nnd one lengths re-sperthelj-. flUIACUHE Defented Nnvr nt Annnpolla by IVi lengths, .liny 20. r()tNi:i,i, Defeated,, hy Harvard two Hn.,,np "lly. ?.i "'. J?m,,r'd" ilf fen led 1 ''."t'.'-1"! "". Va'e nt Itb'irii quarter length ""i'.Aty. length respectively. Slay 27. C'OI.IUIIIIA Defeated by Princeton and Nay on Nrhuylklll In Chllds Cup race by Inn and one lengths reapectlrcl). on May 18i nereated I'rnnsilvnnla In anme race by n length. No. 7, A. Littleton "10 20 Btroke, l It. Drayton... '17 20 mo 188 o on 0.03 Average :04 101) Cojswaln, A. II. Wolricko "111 22 lftn Hub.. J V. Ooaewlsch.. ..'in no 143 Hub., K. lt. Woodruff.... '10 21 174 SYHACUSB. Name. D. Bprasua '17 U Olass leapt.).' 10 in 17 IH roa. now. L No. 2. W No. 3. V, L. Walll No. 4. A. J. Oaman... No. B. j:. R. Hopkins. No. il, L. J. Worden. . No. 7. F. n. Williams. Htroke, C. J. Whiteside Avernca Coxswain. C, Class. Ago. Wgt. 1311 5 .1 1 IX II) 1R 22 18 22 100 170 170 1114 180 1(1.1 172 (1.01 4 B.07 S.10 8.1114 list. B.ll B.ll 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.10 a, 11 Jayne CORNELL, Namo. Class. Ago. Wgt. , .'in .'.' , . .'Ill 2.1 ,..14 10 men o.ooh ros. llow. K. If. lcernow. . No, 2, L. R. Lytle.... No. 3, lt II. llacon... No. 4, F. J. Nollms.. No. .1, a. A. Worn.... No. 0. A. A. Cushlng. . N'a. 7. L. O. Drawer.. Btroke, J.L.Collicr (capt.).17 22 lft 21 '17 24 17 20 18 20 17 "5 104 170 100 171) 170 178 lob1 6.05 Hat. 6.10 8.01 0.00 (1.00 0.00 (100 li.00 8.11K Average 22U 170 B.ll",. Coxawaln. O. S. Kophard.'17 21 11U 0.09 COLUMBIA. Name. Clan. Ago. Wgt. C. W. Songstaken..'17 10 130 u. ji. .Myera. .'17 10 .'10 21 ros. How, Nn. ! No, 3, lt. R. OMioughlln. .'18 10 No. 4. It. W. Lahey '18 21 No. 0, W. II. Dlckman. 'HI 21 No. il.W.N.llratton(capt.).'10 2S No. 7. II. O. Pannell.... '18 20 Htrbko. 1). W. LeyB '18 10 Average . . , Coxawaln. M. 182 1B.I 178 180 1113 168 llgt. S.UM B.ll 8.10 0.01) 0.02M S.ll fl.04 (1.02 Thomas.. ... 20K 104 '18 10 108 (1.00H C.OO STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER NINE PLAYS GIRARD F. C. TODAY Oeden nnd Holmes Will Do Battery Work for Store Boys The Strawbrldge & Clothier team will play the CJIrard Field Club at the S. & C. grounds, 63d nnd Walnut streets, this after noon at 3:30 o'clock. Tho Qlrard Club Is one of the strongest semiprofesalonal teams In the city and has some very fast players ; Zlcbell, formerly of Ilalelgh, N, C. ; McLoughlln, of Chambers burg, Pa., and Karst. formerly of the Brook lyn National League Club. The Strawbrldge & Clothier team will have their strongest lineup, and Ogden will bo In tho box. The lineup: OIRAQD FIELD. Dendon. rf. II. tJchsefer, ss. McLoughlln, 2b. Zlebell. lb. Kuehner. cf. Karst, 8b. Hetsler, IL Halgler, a. Weaton, p. 8TRAWE A CLOT'R. Dlemer. as. Carles, cl. Yap. lb. Mlttarllng. 3b. Curtis, rf. i Cornoff, 2b, Durbln. If. Holmes, c, Ogden, p. Crew Statistics Nwu. PENN. l"!aaa Ana Wat 'u......i. ---i..s.. ttt tl";;' """ aLsnuucB ui vsirinv nii-nia ioiuisri Bow, A. J Pnltlngar '18 21 1? 8Uj?.::-:-:B l Na f. d W. VtMwr. Jc-..'1 $1 17 & c.' a MadViri.-; : : ;'i a y, 8.11 Im 3 6.01 ROYAL ARCANU3I READY FOR ATHLETIC GAMES Events Will Be Pulled Off at Willow Grove Park The track games of the Iloyal Arcanum Athletlq Association, June 21, at Willow Grove, are expected to be tho most Interest ing yet held by this association, and the best athletes In and around Philadelphia have sent In their entries or hau signified their Intention to do so. The track events will start at 2 p. m., and some fast time should be made, as the track, which was soft last year, Is settled and very fast Stetson Plays Logan Square The fast-going Stetbon nine will line up against Logan Square at the Stetson A. Ai grounds, 4th and Berks streets, this after noon. Frank MoNlchol and White will be the battery for Logan Square, while Hansel and White will serve In a similar capacity for the hatmakers. Canoe Club Regatta Today The 10th annual regatta of the Phlladel, phla Canoe. Club will bo held at Colony Castle this afternoon. Tha faces will start at 2 o'clock, fojlowed by supper and a dance In the evening. Elimination Motor Races Minus Bedill.. of Long Islandi Parcr. Law. rsnCS. OK AUSir.ui. am. .u. uatralla. and Martin .Ryan, of New, ark. will tl tba principal! la the mala event it the Point IIihh motordrome tonight. This thri speidr cyciuta are, cartdfor In a, 30. rnlU motor-paced, raca In, one heat, and tba rMT..irvC Trrh rfm will b match.) I. .,.. winner ol tonUhl'a race will t Hutched to rids ln,, PUrdnr. HarniSJl abby Walthour In a 40.nill raca Worth Willi .. " drome neat Thursday nUHt. ,.Tu riderf ar, G am condition pew and th rivalry bat tha Imirlcan Ana toreUa riders la becoi motor ars all keea. Jfeur races cetwein ntnri IKraarT VsaUti. Bitty. Arnutreat tt Am.V YaalVTir J asaiJulad, tweon St Vv.. ii4 "iVill GRIM ARMY OF GOLF STARS WILL FACE LOCAL EXPERTS INLYNNEWOOD HALL BOUTS Dazzling Shots Prom ised Fans in Local Tourney Next Week. Jersey Eains Big Cards S I I By SANDY McNIBLICK HAND-PICK KD delegates from alt sec tions of this broad land will stream Into town tomorrow and Monday for the Lynnewood Hall Qup golf matches at tho Huntingdon Valley Country Club tho drst thrco days of next week, Tho delcgatos represent tho best talent In America, and tho Philadelphia contingent will hnve a flno chnnco to try out their mettle and show what golf they will be capable of at tho national event In September. It In hard 10 pick a lender of the Invaders. John O Anderson, a rtnnllst In tho na tional championships last year, will bo hero for the bacon, nccordlng to an cntliu.ilnstlo letter ho wrota W. M. Wenver, chairman of the Tournament Committee. Jinx Marston, who by rights nhould havo won tho national title Inst year, Is nlso com ing. Ned Sawer, a Western champion, nnd the expert who llcltod "Chick" Flvnns last year, played at Pino Valley last Sun day, and sntd ho would play at tho Noblo Club next week. Two players whom local fans nro on their toes to see In action again nro George V. Itotnn, ono of the longest hitters In tho game, and a Texas champion, as well ns former winner of tho cup, and also B. War ren Corkran. Expert After Expert Tho latter has the most perfect form seen on local links, nnd took the cup homo with him in 1913. lio won tho Baltimore Cup this season from a very fast field. His brother, D. C will bo here, too, with his tiny handicap. Franklin W. Dyer, champion of Pennsyl vania, will tec off under tho colors of tho Montclalr G. C. George S. Lyons, a Canadian champion, and former finalist for national honors, will bo horo with another Canadian entrant whom ho wants to lntroduco In those parts and whom ho thinks will provo the sensa tion of tho season. Harold Stelner, who beat Walter Travis, will bo on deck with Hamilton IC Kerr, alwnys a figure In national meets. Julian T. Bishop, Washington golfer of parts, will porform, and another famous player will bo W. F. Stauffer, sectional champion of tho South. li. H. Cnnan, tho Hnrvnrd crack, Is ex pected to give them all a good run. Cameron Buxton, playing on his home course, will havo to bear tho brunt of the nttnek for tho Phlladolphlans, and If ho hIiowb his speed of lato, ho won't disap point his backers. Local 8-Hundlcap Limit Sldnoy Sharwood, Hugh Willoughby, Hornco Frnnclno, Walter Itoynolds, How ard Perrln, Gcorgo Crump nnd a parcel of others will drop a long way through tho visitors nnd one or another should be a finalist Edward C. Clarey, the youthful star of tho season, Is afraid bo will- get too "fine" and overgolfed if ho plays. Ho hns not decided whother to go In or not He wants to snvq his best shots for tho local championship. Tho local entries are limited to eight handicap mon, as against nine last year. There will bo thrco slxteens. On Monday thoro will bo a qualifying round of 36 holes; Tuesday and Wednes day there will bo match play. Fans havo a rare treat beforo thorn In a visit to the course to follow the play. Thoy won't seo TODAY'S TEE TALK A ball la pnlted nen It fllrx in the left. It Is hit In the rlaht nl the centre. Do not reach fer the ball. The same rule applies lo pulling that applies !o slicing, Mtsnil a club's length distance rorn the ball, leltlnr the elob head rest be ilnd the ball nnd the abaft touch the left lt'ls prohabi that Ihe drlter stood tee near the ball In making tho shot. He bat stretched 'out hit arms too far or baa leaned too far fortrant. uo not press, no not, arerining nna Keep ii Tl A1 the lilt, fnilote Ihromli. hnt Aa not set tha mind on anlnalng the club around the body. Ine of flight. .After pulling, Mont the club with me nose pointing lightly backward, If nil eflTorts fnll to ntrrromn the linnlt nf the elnb head In the any golf llko It here for months. Tho club welcomes visitors nnd hundreds nro ex pected to follow tlio experts. Tho princely gold cup wns won outright last year by Jerry Travcrs. The new cup U of solid, heavy silver nnd Is oven moro beautiful than tho other. It Is In tho shape of nn urn with a cover. A dinner will be Btrvcd by the club to the plnyeri, probably on Monday night. Tho course was never In better shape and It la now commonly Bald to bo about tho host In tho city. Century Mnrk Unsullied Ono of the best nnd tidiest tourneys wa have followed this season was the Invitation 18-hole medal play glvon for women yes terday at tho Woodbury Country Club. The only flaw was the outrageous weather, but the sandy course licked up the modest Jer sey rain that fell bo that thoro was really no harm done. It kept away, however, many of tho Phil adelphia folk that had expected to play, Tho courso Is marvelously Improving every senson, Tho grcena this year, thanks to tho patient nnd exhaustlvo study of Greens mnn a, G. Green, Jr., nro equal to those of the big city clubs. They nro large, bead tltully shaped and true. Tho turf on them Is a delight. . Not oven tho best ot tho players In the tournoy were ablo to break 100. This was said to havo been due partly to the intense dcslro and longing that the fair members had for tho second prize for low net. It was a silver and platinum scarfpln In the shapo of n golf Btlck and n pearl ball, It was a beauty and tho absorbing topic of tho day wan who would bo tho lucky win ner. Miss 12. C. Earnshaw, IUvcrton, finally becamo the gladsomo winner with a 95. "Ham" Gambols Beside tho rain and winds, tho feminine llnltsers had their troubles 'with tho club mascot, a chipper puppy named Ham, who followed the players and took a keen de light In snatching up a long drlvo and dashing with it in Its mouth to tho gloam ing. Mrs. A. IC Blllstoln, of Bala, started oft sb though sho wero Intent on breaking 90. She dropped a shot to tha third hole that left her with a chanco for a 2. But paralysis stole over her at this point nnd sho mado a bloodcurdling 3 with great difficulty. Her first round was SI nnd that was her last look at low figures. Another player who was expected to do better was Miss Helen Clark, one of the homo talent who had dealt only In low figures of late. Sho sank with the band playing to tho tune of a 10 on the second hole. When the rain fell hardest she discarded her gay hat and coat nnd went with a drip ping smile through the rest ot the round Her form Is very good. It Is n safe bet that male golfers would, never miss tour hoys If thcro wero such attractlvo wait resses ns thoso yesterday. Fair club members who did not golf served tho finest of lunches In the taste fully decorated dining room. Tho new sixth green nt tho club was played for tho first time yosterday. It does away with tho old double green and promises to develop into ono of the best on the course, which Is going some. COFFIN UPSETS IENNIS DOPE BY DEFEATING B. D. WALSH HAVEBFOnD, Pa., Juno 17. Roy K. Coffin, of tho Germantown Cricket Club, last year's intorscholastio champion, caused an upset by defeating B. D. Walsh, of Tenn Charter, present Interscholastlo cham pion, In the semifinal round of tho Phil adelphia Junior championships at Haverford this morning. The continued rains had soaked the courts through, and fast tennis waa Im possible. The wet courts bothered Walsh much more than they did Coffin, for he slipped and fell time and agatn tn his ef forts to get Coffin's smashes. Walsh got only four points In the first five games. Coffin passed him continually at the net. and on tho few occasions when Coffin did come to tho net, he quickly finished the point with a hard smash. WalBh's service ....... ..... .(. ...nil .llh.r. nnd hln fienond wuo nub fiuint, v,. ..-., .- --.- ball was so soft that Coffin frequently scorea on me return. With tho score five love against him, Walsh braced and took his own service, but Cofiln ran out the sot on tho next gamo without mucn uimcuiiy. ine onus were soaked through by this time, and only came a few Inches oft the ground. Walsh was severely handicapped by his Inability to get Into the net and the difficulty In standing up vhen he got there. Coffin, on the other hand, did iot seem troubled except by the bad bounces. Starting the second set. Coffin won his op ponent's service after a long deuce game on hla own service. ,,,.. Some pretty net work by Walsh brought him up to two all. Coffin then began com ing In to the net more often and scored the next two games. Walsh was not beaten, however, nnd again tied the score at' 4 all, serving beautifully and pasting Coffin at the net At this point he stood a good chance ot taking the set and prolonging the match to three sets, but Coffin broke through his service and led at 6-4, Walsh scored but one point In the last game, netting an easy shot on the last point for the matclu Miss Anne Townsend, of Merlon, who was forced to default In doubles and mixed doubles on account of sickness yesterday, recovered sufficiently to win her semi final match In the girls' slngless from Miss Katherlne Vannaman, of Cynwyd, nt 6-1, 6-3. The result was rather expected, and Miss Townsend will meet Mlsa Julie Baker, also of Cynwyd, In the final round. MIS3 Vanaman put up a good fight and carried tha service to four all In the first eet In the next two games Miss Town send's hard drives were too much for her, and Miss Townsend took the set at 6.4. A the match progressed Mlsa Townsepd steadily Improved, while Miss Vannaman grew somewhat erratic. Miss Townsend led at 4-1, when Mlsa Vannaman made a good stand and took the next two games. She was unable to main tain the pace, however, and Miss Town- Bend took tho set nnd at match at 0-3. Summary: BOYS' SINGLES. Semifinal Round. r..".0? Coffin. Qermantown. defeated B. D. Walsh, Penn Charter, 0-1, 0-4, GlflLS- SINGLES. Bemlflnal Bound. Silas Anne Townsend, Morion, defeated Mlsa Marlon Vannaman, Cynwjd. O.I. 0-3. MIXED DOUBLES. Semifinal Bound. Miss Bebecca Thompson. Merlon, and Boy Conin, Oermantown. defented Miss TVlrlnl, Hlrat and James Dllks, Merlon, 0-1, 0-0, TELEGRAPHERS TO COMPETE Champions and Records of Regatta Winners Number of, time champion since forma tion of lBlercolletute Bowing Association Varsity Cornell. 11) Syracuse, li Penn ylvsnU. tl Columbia. . Junior varsity Cornell, t (race originated la 1014). Freihman Cornell. Ui Syracuse, !) Peon- iiulor va.rsfty. 'twe mika, 10341-5, Cer ncll, June SI. 1915. Athletic Games Scheduled on Woodside Park Track Seven events have been scheduled for de clson at the third annual field day of the Postal Telegraph Eemploycs' Association, to be held on the quarter-mllo cinder track at Woodsldo Park next Saturday, There is considerable rivalry among the different de partments, and keen competition Is assured In nil the events. Messengers are now practicing for this event on Broad street and more than 100 of these youngsters can be seen nightly, after their labors are ended, In active prep aration for the races. One ot the most Interesting features of the' program will be the women's race, for which there Is a goodly entry list, while the departmental relay championship also holds a conspicuous place in the list ot events. Philadelphia Canoe Regatta Tho tenth annual regatta of the Philadelphia, Cano Club will be held today at Colony Caatle, Tha races will b run oft In the s.fur noon, commencing promptly at 3 o'clock, fol lowed by aupper and a danca In tha evening, Time Schedule of Today's Races Tha first of the three scheduled college Jrews racea starta at 4 p. m, Tha schedule allows) , imor yursiiy sisnis, iwo mites. -FV.ihm,H Iclita. tun mlla 6 p. m. Varsity eights, four miles. 4 p. m. Janlor olio p. m, bSGtMsaAssa-afeMljMHHssflaMLsSk from the iSapitiMy Humidor bu all dealers OfitruKBnas, fboufocturcri. $ii ANY SUIT In the House TO OBDE31 Reduced liom I JO. 113 as4 12. S Our 7 Big Window PETEIl MORAN & CO, UKnCUANT XAILOsSM 91. X. Cr 4ka4 AtthMmt .80 i m Si m