Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 16, 1916, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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Wilson and Cabinet Will Tell
first Chief Troops Will Stay
in Mexico to Keep
The Dead and Wounded
in Latest Mexican Raid
WASHINGTON, June 10. The
following homo addresses of tho
killed and wounded at tho San Ig
naciorald were Issued at tho War
Department today. All were privates
and members of Troops I and M,
of the 14th Cavalry:
City, Mo.; mother, Mrs. Mary
Love, 910 South Forest avenue,
Armordale, Kan.
koncta, 0.; aunt, Miss Margaret
Gaynan, 2579 8th avenue, New
JAMES MINADEN, 958 East 65th
street, Cleveland, 0.
JAMES E. RAUCH, Herford, Pa.;
Mich.: nature of wounds unre
ported. ELMER W. MINETTE, 1333 Elgin
avenue, Forest Park, 111; nature
of wounds unreported.
TONY HAVLINS, 2542 Gross ave
nue, East St. Louis, 111.; nature
of wounds unreported. ,
HARRY MASTISOFF, 4070 3d ave
nue, New York; nature of wounds
WASHINGTON. Juno 16. President
Wilson and his Cabinet today finished the
note to Carranza refusing to withdraw
American forces from Mexico as demanded,
and statlnir that the forces cannot be with
drawn until order has been restored along
tho border. After the Cabinet meeting It
-was ofnclally stated that the note would
be ,on Its way to Mexico City before S
o'clock tonight.
It Is said the Administration Is prepared
for Intervention In case the refusal to with
draw troops precipitates an attack on the
Pershing forces.
"Wo had no choice," an Administration
official declared. "Carranza has dona noth
ing but obstruct our efforts to clean out
the ban0ts and annoy us with Insolent
reflectlor"! on tho President's Mexican
policy. In the face of the most recent
note, withdrawal was Impossible"
Authoritative reports have been coming
to officials here the last few weeks that
General Obregon wos personally respon
sible for tho last Carranza note. It was
said that he had forced the de facto Gov
ernment to send Its "Insulting" clauses,
hoping to cause a refusal to Its demands
and using the resulting state of affairs
as a lever by which to pry Carranza from
his seat as titular head of the Mexican
Wh'lo the President' and Secretary were
at work on their reply to Carranza news
Was received of the border raid In which
the camp of the 14th Cavalry at San
Ignaclo, Tex., was attacked and three
troopers killed.
Punitlye steps against those responsible
for the pew depredation were left to the
discretion df the border commanders, whose
standing orders are to pursue Into Mexico
any hot trail they And.
The development, however, Immediately
was called to the attention of the de facto
government, and will be one of the ele
ments on- which the Administration will
predicate Its declaration that the time for
withdrawal Is not yet ripe because Mexi
can troops are not Properly policing- the
border country.
Advices from Mexico have convinced the
Administration that popular sentiment will
not permit Caranza to delay longer his
threatened attack on the Pershing expedi
tion. .The Carranza Government la faced
with overthrow as the only alternative to
armed opposition. v
It is expected here that President Wil
son's note will be answered by an ulti
matum from Carranza, fixing a time limit
within which the American forces must
withdraw' or meet armed resistance.
The ant! - American demonstrations
throughout the republic have worked with
the growing seriousness of economic condi
tions to produce such a grata situation that
ofHclals'here fear a new Internal upheaval
soon and have taken further steps to pro
tect Americans.
An army transport is being held In
readiness) at Oalveaton to proceed to Mex
ican ports for refugees; another has been
ordered to the vicinity of the Mexican west
coast, and the navy transport Hancock,
now taking marines to Santo Domlngn,
wilt go from that port to Vera Cms as soon
as Hha has completed her present mission.
A copy of the terse mesnage from Gen
eral Mann, bringing the first official word
of the San Ignaclo raid, was forwarded to
Special Agent Itodgers in Mexico City for
presentation to the de facto Government
Secretary Lansing declined to discuss rep
resentations that may have accompanied
t It is believed, however, that it was pre
ented without comment
John Sli.te. .8041 Vincent (t., and Emma Hipp,
WlllUnj 6, BchlromWr; 8033 Old Tork rd., and
Ell M 1UW itii Lyceum t,
Kormm fljmford. a30 Tullo L, and Bmh H.
Durr. D832 Hts.rman it,
llorria C Laiujy, Sins Wynluslnr ave., and C-
cUa I'okra. B13 NT, Bt.
Jame Wilson, Provldaoee. R. fc, and Laura Ed
., wards, 1484 Keollworth t
Michael Otrlnnr. Harrbburs-. Fa., and Elba-
both AnitU, U-U.l Harlan at
Thmnaa Dortt. 101 Halne at, and Qonhlld
Faderaaa 101 B. Haines at.
Samuel V Manson 41 -'3 Irfldy ave., and Flor.
eoca Harhktn 24S N. Ptttlon at.
Harry S. Burns. 142S Catharine at., and Reslna
U. IttneliKD VHii w Jtorrls at.
Prank iX, Kelme, 1304 Muter at, and Anna
Becker. 1U10 K SOtn t,
JUrael Blank. TSz W. Norrb t. and Eathar
Blobteln BOO S. Olh at.
Morrti II.' doo.Ua. 432 .Moore at, and Katie
.. .EMouteln, 313 aiaodatooa at.
Sillrojr (Sellers, 04 Banaom at, and Virion
Humphr. rs, 3910 Moravian at.
Oeonce Q Qood, 303 W. Sedsle ave,, and Col
in iCduCoter 184 WUhart St.
dwsrd 1 Cavanauarh. 8T13 l.udlow at, and
Mud-Una M. bjell. 3318 Sprlns at.
ZuU Daren", 1813 W 334 at., and Clara Eakln,
003 B Bth at
John M Con r, Baltimore, Md,, and Edna
U Goanell. Uailimnm Ma.
Jlarver Johnson 2013 Titan at, and Laura
?ttftoa. 2013 Titan at.
Pu! U Noble. 1313 fcyre at. and Ord.tta p
Mllbf, 72t N 121B at.
H. Well. RK7 Weoater it
Clirtnca H Qua I-iwsUr, Fa., and Catba.
rln. ST Void. 123 N. S2d at
Ttoisi. u Hobeon. 210T S USth at. and Myrtle
B. Knox 1334 Bhunk at
Sabatlna UlPranraiacantonlji. 221 If BTJh at.
and Beatrice Routl. 22J N. STth at
fewiwl BfjrnoUa M-il N Albion at. and Roaa
jTilswie, 1824 ntzwaterat
)lysnt t I.ukaa. Ib38 Walb at. and Klea.
prff "VV Fark. "Wayne. Fa.
ffiiav 13 pi. 23a at
tfa I racwata,uEi B rairniji at, and
,ivn ti KKlntr. ,9123 K ftB at
E, Csutur, 201T 3, Il4mUrcr at., and
4 auiiwi. u&o fiujtur v&
Jv,lSSSJSl&tL p'
AtlfeB.F VnBt S414W Stb-
BeAll L Wfralr 64y Vina at.. Ami r1
wJtMgiSfsiin, d at.. aB4 ftslla Crelih-
tas, lis a. St4. at .
CUii. M.
ffi ft
'averty ml.. Rif
at. i Aania
Clmrk. 1
PMWrif at
&A t 4 SlU
wm, 5L
3t iaiaiaaaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiRaaC J- &k aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal
f HI' &u
v am
t 'A
1'hoto ty unaerwood n Undfrwood,
Gen. A. A. BrusilofF, who is di
recting the line and rccord-smnsh-ing
ndvnnce of the Russian armic3
against the Austrians.
Continued from ran One
Hlndenhurg are being pounded night and
day by tho Russian guns
North of I'rzewloka tho nusslnna are de
livering hard blows ngalnitt the nrmy of
General Von notlimer Von Bothmor'n
forcci took a prominent part In tho drive
again the Russians led by the German
field marshal. Von MacKcnsen, last year.
The Itunilans continue to advance stcndlly
In the Indentation they have made In the
line at Lutsk. Tho most decided gains arc
along the line of the Hono, Lutsk, Kovel
Railroad, with Koel tho goal Its capture
would be a more decisive blow than the
tnklng of Czernowltz.
The fnto of tho right wing of tho Aus
trian army, which was defending Czerno
wltz, Is not yet known Yesterday's dis
patches, however, said that It wns then In
Imminent danger of being cut off, over
whelmed or driven to retreat to the Car
pathian Mountains
Heavy forces of Cossacks vvoro reported
on Tuesday to have penetrated 20 miles
west of Czernowltz, and the Impression
prevails here that these riders of tho Czar
are already In pursuit of the broken Aus
trians The Russian advance along the whole
southwestern front continues to develop
with n degree of swiftness which has as
tonished the country, The success of the
movement thus far Is looked upon as the
more remarkable In view of the strong de
fenses which had been erected by the
Austrians during tho long period of prepa
ration and their supposed readiness for re
sistance to any manner of assault
Except In the centre of the front which
runs from Volhynla to the Rumanian bor
der tho Austrians have been wholly unable
to resist tho Russian drive. In the vicinity
of Tarnopol the opposing forces are still In
deadlock, but on both flanks, in the Lutsk
region and In the Dniester sector, tho
breach made In the Austrian lines It wid
ening constantly
In tho Lutsk region the Russian forces,
after piercing the Austrian llne.i bv captur
ing the fortress, have progressed In two
diverging directions toward Kovel and
Vladimlr-Volynski and have attained the
points only 20 miles from both theso ob
jectives '
A similar wedge has been driven Into the
Austrian lines from Dubno toward fiokal.
This wedge has penetrated 30 miles Into
the Austrian lines, and the breadth of the
breach mado has been Increased to 60
miles. Another important breach extends
for 30 miles between the Dniester and the
The Russian occupation of Snlalyn means
an advance of 16 miles beyond Czernowltz.
Confidence prevails among Russian ob
servers that the catalogue of the successes
won by Generals Bruslloff and Letchltsky
is by no means complete. It is estimated
that the Teuton losses now total 300,000,'
or nearly half the original effectives
Great satisfaction is felt with tho re
establlehment of contact with the Teutons
along the whole southwestern front, but
attention Is chiefly centred upon the opera
tions for Kovel, Vladimir-Volynskl and
Bukowlna. Colonel Shumsky, summarizing
the results of the fighting, makes tho de
duction from the latest Russian official
statement that the entire line of the Strlpa
Is now occupied by the Russians
Northwest of Buczacz n number of good
roads run westward to tho Podhajo Rail
way, which Is regarded as accounting for
the vlgar of the resistance In this sector
to the Russian advance. The village of
Kozln, IS miles southwest of Dubno, cap
tured by the Russians, is on the road to
Brody, which leads thence to Lemberg
The precipitancy of the retreat of the
Austrians In many sectors Is shown by the
fact that the Russians found several tele
graphic and telephone Installations Intact
and are now using them. The cartridges
captured In the Strlpa trenches would have
sufficed for the use of the Austrians In the
most Intensive sort of tiring for several
Style and Service
Here's a combination that will
give you real worth-while service
Dalsimer Shoes, of tan mahogany
calf or steel black calf, made with
Neolin sole and rubber heel.
Nowhere but at the Big Store can
you get such style and value at this
special price
With leather sole and heel jQ Pfl
made on the same last.,,. JJ,Ul
Xu wJLfin,other aPWfcl values
3uch as "The Big Shoe Store" alone
an offer you.
Men's Department, Main Floor.
1204-0-0g MARKET ST.
Hfc d" i "s tfJa-aasrMrlr
300,000 U0M1NI PERSI
360,000, di Gui 2500 Ufflciali,
Sono Prigionicrl dello Czar
dn Meno di Due
ROMA, 16 Glugno.
Tutta l'attenzlono del clrcoll romanl o'
rlvolta non soltanto alia notuzlone della
crlsl ministerial ed ngll avvenlmentl della
guerra Itnllana ma nncho e larganienta alia
Ruerrn. cho da poco plu' di una settlmana
si va combattendo sulla fronto austro
russa, I meravlgllosl sucecssl del russl In
questa loro irreslstlblte offenslvn, Inlzlata
proprlo quando gll austrlacl avevano 1m
pegnato qualehe cosa como 26 o 26 division!
nella loro offenstva contro l'ltalla, hanno
sbalordlto peralno coloro chc conoscevano
quanta enorgla fosso contenuta ncll'eserclto
o nel popoto dl Russia,
Oggl glunge notlzla dnlla Rumania, dovo
o' glunta a sua volta dalla Bucovina, chc
gll austrlacl hanno nbbandonnto Czorno
vltz che puo' essere da un momento al
1'attro occupata dal russl Quentl avevano
attraversato II flumo Prutli a Snlatyn, nd
una vcntlna dl mlgila a nord-ovest dl
Cirnnvlta. tnlnnrr.lnndo dl tngliaro la rltl-
rata agll austrlacl, o qucstl si sono vlstl
nella necesslta' dl rltlrarsl plu' ad ovest,
forRo verso I Carpazli per rlentraro not
planl dell 'Ungherla. Ora 1'nvanzata del
russl ou tutta la fronts della loro offcnslva
si va Bvltuppnndo con la stcssa rapldlta
con la qual ere comlnclatn, nonostante lo
grandl opcro dl tllfcsa campall cho gll aus
trla ol od I tcdeschl avevano crotto verso
la Russia, specialmonto In vista dejl'offcn
slva austrlaca contro l'ltalla
SI cnlcola chc complesslvamonto gll aus
trlacl abblano perduto In meno die duo sct
tlmnne dl offenslva russa circa 300,000
uom I nl. Dl questl 150,000, secondo gll
ultlml contl plu' accurntl, sono prigionicrl
del russl. Gll nustrlacl hanno nncho per
duto, perche' catturatt dalle forze dello czar
163 cannonl, 266 mltragllatrlcl, 135 ordlgnl
per II lanclo dello bombe e 32 per II lnnclo
dello granato-mlnc Tra I prigionicrl do
russl sono 2467 utnclall austrlacl o cinque
umclall mod Id
Intanto lo truppe del gencrale Cadorna
omlnciano a mostrarsl attlvo nncho suite
ronte dell'Ihonzo, mentro sono nncora lm-
pegnato nella controffenslvo ncl settore
del Trentlno. II comunlcato ulllclalo pub-
bllcato leri sera dal Mlnlstero della Guorra
annuncla cho gll Itallanl, cloo' In Brlgata
Napoll, attnecarono le trincee nustrlacho ad
est dclte poslzlonl ltallane dl Monfalcone,
dopo una vlolcnta preparazlnno dl artl
llerla, e Ic connulstarono facendo prig-
lonlerl IDS austrincl, dl cul died ufflciali.
It brlgata Napoll sorprase II nemlco. Usia
'ra nppogglata da nlcunlo squadronl dl
I'.vnllerla appletlatl In nuesto attacco git
itallanl prcsero puro al nemlco sette
II rapporto del genernlo Cadorna dlco che
sulla fronto tra TAdlgo cd II Brcnta si
sono avuto soltanto rlcognlztonl ed arlonl
dl artlgllcrla, mentro un comunlcato uftl
dale autrlaco anunda she la forze nu.s
trlache "hanno sorpreso un reparto Itntlano
sul Monte Lemcrlo dl cul hanno conqulstato
la clma facendo prlglonlerl 600 itnllanl."
II Monte Lemerle era stato violcntemente
nttaccanto recentemonto da una Intera dl
vlslono austrlaca che era stata resplnta
dagll Itallanl con gravl pordlte. W da notare
pero' che si tratta dl un comunlcato aus
trlaco dell' 11 corrento, rltardo, o che con
una dello sotlte menzogno probabllmcnto si
rlferlsce alio sfortunuto attacco della dl
vlsione dl cut narlo' 11 rapporto del generate
La Crisi Ministeriale Risolta Con
1'Accettazione del Deputato
' di San Casciano
La crlsl ministeriale cauiata dalle dlmls
slonl del gublnetto Salandrn dopo II voto dl
sflduda dato dalla Camera sul bllancio
dell'Interno bI puo' conslderare ora come
vlrtualmente risolta, come afferma urn dls
pacclo da Roma L'on Paolo Bosejll, 11
quale Incontrava serle dlfllcolta' nella for
mazlone del nuovo gablnetto speclalmente
per II fatto cho non poteva trovarn, 1'uomo
adatto ad assumere II portafogllo degll Af
farl Ustcrl, ha rlsolto H problcma grazle
probabllmcnto nll'lntervento personate del
re L'on Sidney Sonnlnn ha nccettato dl
rlmanere alia Consulta e dlrlgero la polltlca
estera dell'Italla, o mlgloro noluzlone non
poteva deslderarsl L'on. Konnlno avevu
gla' riflutato dl far parte del nuovo gahl
netto, ma 11 re ha avuto un lungo colloqulo
con lul questa mattlna e deve aver fatto
tale presslone su dl lul da Indurlo a recedere
dal suo proposlto.
in h i
i -.iHnr jnt
kMust Vacate Our
15th St. Shop
We Offer These
. Extraordinary
This Hark on daodt
fltinvnatcea the Btul
Quality and Value. II .
Ottoman, Tub & "Repp" Silks
54 and $5 0 Cf
Value PO.OU
3 for $10
Nero Silk, Madras & Mercerized
Vataf.f .. S1.15
3 for $3.25, 6 for $6.00
$2van,duo$2:50.. $i.5o
92Q Chestnut Street
Widener Building ArcaJa
Juniper &. Filbert Su.
20 South 15th Street
Special Patterns $
Now Reduced to.
TW t oar aait-anoual rUarance and Includes
many aulta that wer S3 n4 i0 4ollrs
Men's Tailors
Cef 13th & Sansom
Violent Attacks Renewed
Germans Fail Teutons
Lose Trench
PARIS, June 16. The French Cham
ber of Deputies went into secret session
this afternoon to interpellate tho Gov
ernment on the defensive preparations
made by Franco prior to the attack at
PAHIS, June 18. After a period of In
fnntry Inaction of 48 hours the Germans
launched violent Infantry nttheks ngnlnst
the Thlnumont farm-Calllctte woods sector
of tho Verdun front, on the east bank of the
Meuse last night, says the French ofTtclat
statement today All of the attacks wore
At times the French artillery Are was so
heavy that Oemmns were killed In their
trenches before they were able to flee
The text of the oltlclal statement follows!
On the west bank of the Mouse tho
Germans launched seven counter-nt-lack")
on tho slope of Dead Man's Hill.
All of theso were repulsed, the French
Imprisoning 1815 Germans
On tho enst bnnk, toward G p m ,
tho Germans mnilo n pon erftll offenslvo
. north of Thlnumont farm, from Hill 321
, to 320
All tho nttacks were checked by tho
flro of our machlno guns, the Germans
loslnff he.ivlly Further nttacks were
launched at 10 p m. on tho edge of
Cnlllette woods. These wcro checked
by French curtnln fire Tho Germans
wore unabto at somo points to Jump out
of their trenches.
In the official stntement of last night tho
French claimed tho capture of 130 prison
ers when they took a German trench south
of Bead Mini's Hill
BKItMN, June 16.
French troops succeeded In occupying a
German position on tho southern slopo of
Dend Mall's Hill last night, but wero after
wards driven out by the Germans, It was
nnnounccd today by tho Gorman War Of
fice To tho enst of tho Mcuso, on tho front
northeast of Verdun, ahother mighty ftrtH
lery duel has devoloped, Indicating; J'
newal of German Infantry assaults In tnai
Following Is the ropoit In full!
On the left bank of tho Meuse the
French attacked on tho southern slope
of Dead Man's Hilt, and succeeded In
gaining Borne ground there. Subsequent
ly they were driven back by ft German
counter-attack. Wo tool? eight ofllctra
and 238 men, as well as several ma
chine guns. Further assaults were de-
lUered by the French, but all were re
pulsed, Heavy tosses were sustained
by the enemy,
On the right side of the Meuse there
were minor Infantry engagements in
the region of Thlaumont, which result
ed faxorably for us. A violent artil
lery duel has developed.
Society Girl of Dotroit to Become Bride
of Younfe Business Man
DCTnoiT, Mleh , June 18. Mrs. William
Clay, of Boston Boulevard, has announced
the engagement of her daughter, Miss
nteanor Clay, to Edsel B. Ford, only son
of Henry Ford. Miss Clay was graduated
this month from a Detroit private school.
Her family takes a promlnont part In De
troit's social nctMtles.
Your Last Chance
Dag Hove.
Sea announcement
on Page 9
92,000 Families
Own Them
Ludwig Pianos are sold in e-0ev$ nook and corner of tKo
nation. And eerj owner of a Ludwig knotfs that it is n$ near
perfection as it is possible for a piano to be.
PIANOS Kave set a national standard for artistic instrument!
at popular prices. Our large production and modern scientific
methods have brought pianos of the best quality within tho reacK
of even moderate incomes. Any terms within reason will ba
arranged, with liberal allowance- made for used pianos as part
Ludrvig Pianos from $315
Ericsson Pianos from $270
Perry Pianos-from $248
Ludwig-Modo Placer-Pianos from $450
Catalog free for tho asking,
Luchtfig Piano Company
1 103 Ckestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Ride 'now on-
Tires of Renown!
AGAIN they bear away the Palm I
A On Sunday, Juno 1L at the Chicago Derby, 800-mile
Race, all of the FIRST NINE cars were Silvcrtoton-edl
The lBt, 2nd, 3rd, and'4th Places, and Prizes, were won on
These, by Resta, De Palma, Christiaena and O'Donnell respectively.
Somo Silvertown Triumphs
De Palma, Indianapolis, May 31st, 1915
500 Mile Race, at 89 Miles per hour
Resta, Chicago, June 26th, 1915
500 Mile Race, at 97J Miles per hour
Resta, Chicago, August 7th, 1915
100 Mile Race, at 100 Miles per hour
Cooper, Minneapolis, Sept. 4th, 1915
300 Mile Race.
Anderson, Sheepshead Bay, Oct. 9th, 1915
350 Mile Race, at 102 Miles per hour
Mulford, Sheepshead Bay, May 4th, 1916
24 Hour Race, at 75r Mile3 per hour
Resta, Indianapolis, May 30th, 1916
500 Miles, on Brick Track, at 83J- Miles
Resta Chicago, June 11th. 1916
300 Mile Derby, at 98.6 Miles per hour
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construction, is significant.
But, that none of them are SEEN, or HEARD from on the Race
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than significant.
Silvertowns have never been intended as mere RACING Tires,
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PAY FOR THEM, when they could have other Tires free for the asking,
is mighty well worth noting,
JILVERTOWN Cord Tires, not only give
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1st 17 more Net-Power and Speed to same
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The demand for Silvertown Cord Tires has, for
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