fflUpPfBaertW&Sijf "wa"WBfflBffplPWr'' jJW Mf IsWMi " TMI AfcD OFJTIOti PIXTTTSE3 "-"- nFFICB rAnTITJONB 450" '"" . "wanted teeth, feather diamonds at lsoa. - " "- JTvtmNITtinn, false teeth, ffy" -S2 ,r.,wpt nr. false teeth, pistols, coins, lie,' BROKEN (J,m iices I Py. malled.lne. .1.11. ""nM&htTh !n?nsTntcp.a CAfrtJPiSrv 0KT 'OUR KSTIMATI5 IIB oiTABA?CT?VAfi. wiiiTr:. cam on phonh mns nr'ivii" etnti.TK imi n. dtii. Sf srfvt.wiiT ntn.i 1 CjS"iKf South it. Hone DlcklnsoOU! nHsf v-rrT! r-tnTHlNO Hlfthrst prices .Mid FSF. CASTrr.r,(f.' and men's elotninp. now. anoos, Jf! 'ffi'-- """ "lacker, 10 1'ppW. CO..; lint' is s .. ti.nt4 nlnnoa, carpets, antiques! emirn rtiWtTUnn. rlno". c Yo cash! no matter F ' GentiTCast-oiT Clothing Bought! U nmrrONi 123 N oth sl ojLnt!CJ " - At n rih raid for Ml com. silver, Ti: ncHiF"- " ' i"" "" g- sjEjgpBKP"' T.-trivil rimNITtlRti. all kinds! atom fl. MOSTIIAVI? ,FSf Koodii m erchannlao of every ggftr-feMffl?1 n,"80n BOOMS FOR BENT SSTNOT. soon wnt,L furnished MB. PEIXMANKNT pBTnANSIBNT TimsTNUT. 2001 Attractive rooms, single G'iSi.! tirirate bath! runnlns water: reft iTRuCETTfltPSecond front, beautifully f urn. fiSSinSrsi running water;,.FjeC..llBht. SSUCB. 1224-2(1 r,l nth! board opllonil EVENING LSDaERr-PHILABELPHlA, FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1916. 10 KEAti ESTATE Foil SALE city toil BAI.B A lareo t.. a few imiiaVVa - 'J..?" .North Broad for R blS automihii.,JSSi.cltr ." "ultsbl "sure. it'lflnS&.'fWJft.f "onablo litdKer Central, 0HlSSaSp, at mtraeti nrlJi W1 ""'P 'oti for "' viM 2nd wt Tl. Ii- . i ,, $? t0 ,aoo' WitfKiS ""'i'lAHTS UNION TntlBf r-rt ?.15ylL-T10.Chetnutt, HffiYF'OR MORTGAGES' tlulldl TAA'l'!Ji',,ln.,.,vn,, Tst runds. idikANKnni Walnut at. J own LOCUST ST. Tv. . Hi" wiown htreet" ifTl?V,?.Ti!i?eea?e:T"d'0r6th at. Jwi uneainut CUmtAL 1'ltOIT.IlTlES for rale 01 YAimoW.ft VAN PBhT ilii-V.!J lTOiandClftnut. TltlOnNT1' WATKlt METElT JllOiEaiyoJTuiirjMdj rni. ,SXUv tMX" AN" 15T" WARD IlUt. Pn?r,i?iW,',,jKR,l AND BEMTEns, 8EB1 rniEtmu:ii k t-Q.sniKigTiiMT, ONIiY jr(."00 for llt.rnnm rAl,tnA laa,.. . at nt 191k . 1 nn. ,v .' ..nt. w n W.V.kv l"t 23x100. itood order. wl. O. ni.RNN. 1IS17 On umhlA nv.nn "tetfrteiiW'toT155 IpnTfcB 1S24-21 Furnianeu rann;, prauut 13 inni. IVa nut 71T1. private ii.l.ACK. 1820 Att., cool rooms, nisoopta. 'T for Wilinaa 'people, 2 UK! " conv... pnone. rf" '7iTK fl 1 . 10022(1 story front, cool; attractively Wo havo several m un i" B.' .l.n ,.,iEaTin AVn . UD.AM. ".'"V.t'' iiP. .n mir list i .. IS nWff lurnaireu , .J-, ""JIU""" elfotrlo lin. pieniy o. '!".""" nriiaiTBU. uuhhiu -"- , SvrKGR Wi; 'x RKNT bachelor apt.. 2 larse nlry moi. bath! summer rates. 2022 Spruce at. ROOMS WANTED scnuiinAN TO WOMEN desire two unfurnished rooms, rnaalni water, for hou'elteeplnBi Main Line be twtenOwrbrook A Ardmore. O 412, Led. Cen, BOARDING WALNUT, 4531 Rooms with board, trpornVi near L; references. BUBPRHAN 0EBMANTOWN The Shlppen. Wayne & liana bmj First claaa In appointments & acrvlce. SANITARIUMS BEADTirUL location! apeclal sclentlflo care! mttous, elderly! every comfort! nurses! book lit. Df. Randal, City Lino. Chestnut Hill. 'X APARTMENTS APARTMENTS of two rooms and bath. The Cllr, 1815-1317 Pine st. i hardwood floors, combination fixtures, heat, hot water and Janl- tor 'Service Included! reasonable rents: Imme OUta possession; leases to start Sept. 1. Albert M., Greenfield. Inc., aitents, N. 12. cor. 13th and Chestnut sta. TJUIE3 RACHELOIt ArAItTSIENTS 0033-0037 Ludlow street. Blfutl vacancy, 2 fur. rooms: prlv. bath, J hewer; cozy, sanitary, quiet: electric llnht. pplr janitor, or phone Moloney, Walnut 008. oil l west riiirDELriiiA FUHN. APT, tj rooms and bath, porch: all con veniences; everything, furnished for summer months. Appointments by phone. IJel.1720 J. APARTMENT, outside, Ground floor, I rooms and hath: Stonelelgh Court, 40th nnd Walnut; rent 152.50; excep. cool. Apply Janitor. TONEHUUST Apts.. 45th nnd Osnpra nve. 5 roomi & bath & private bath. Seo Janitor. DANIEL a M1NN1CK. 1830 Ridge avnue Jf'eST- R"-m Look these over! rented Fn t,n2nlna':;"."D'in(,noi.Jrl 250o; subject lJL130LM'VHSnYA SON.iath and Preen. 13,-.,PTH;3-I,u,r'r ,'rlcl, dmllln(! can be r.n.y"tr'l into nptrtmentsi little eah. "'" HAHTH. Itldgo ave. and 10th at FOR NTRt.l.mi'T ...1. z .. rr ttni'.Vtti, V..V... t.lt;l,,t' umniKPnient ana niSSJ'aT n"oaTiUUNS' "CB Monnl8 co- JljilMJngJints,-raftnrr Bites, etc. mvnn-FRONT properties IT. 11 rnf'ni.T.TT1ll ..1311 WALNUT BTRE13T t'llOICn HUILDINO LOTH nnd cround In all carta city: also over 200 mfr. ieivin. loiii-iu iteai Et, Trust mar. arae tracta io.STORV atable, nth and Dauphlni lot ROx 184 1 entirely under cover, Neely. 3352 N. 22d. WEST I'lIirADELPHIA OVrnOOlt SLEEPINO PORCHES. WITH FRENCH CASEMENT WINDOWS. Art Craft 'P?"',, doors, with thumblatch and knockers, old Colonial staircases, lare llvln rooms, breakfast rooms, Italian sunken (ardena In tho rear: hardwood floors, electric llxhtlntr. hot-water lieatlnn. Attractive terms and easy payments where desired. PEMBERTON ES TATES. Builders and Owners,-1438 South SBth street (corner of Willows ave). Tel Spruce TIIOMAB AVE. HOMES . .. . Hetwcen B8d and 84th streets. Nothing like them In Philadelphia. Some lots 17 1 feet deep. Most beautiful avenue la tm restricted Sher wood section, modern In every reaped: lane front lawn, deep back yards with kitchen: gardens. Price, 13000. Agent on premises. n. h. APsr.rv HBth and Springfield avc. IIUILDERS. ATTENTION! TOUR OPPOUTUNITT TO PURCHASB , APARTMENT SITE containing 175 ft. frontage, situate comer of 2 main streets, within easy access of centre, of city. mi. "-W QUICK & BRO., INC., jiouuiu -4UIH ar. 3422 POWKLTON AVE. Tour opportunity to secure a, desirable 12-room houao on main street and In good condition. Tenant will mako reduction for unexpired REAt ESTATE EOR SAliE siAW iAxe, r. K. n. Conllnurd from Preceding Column. IIAVBIIFORO Vi ACRE m BEST LOCATION STONE AND FRAME HOUSE . . HEDROOMS, 3 HAT11S baTghafnrr0rn'feJt.Pga'leb9 "u"n'"I Rl ""' WARNOCK & EMLEN COMMERCIAL TRUST 1H11LI31NO NEvr jnnsnY sununnAN WpODIIURY HEIOHTS . 148 lots: modern homes: 10c; fare Oet folder. L. SNOQKi Woodhwrv tr1l,f M t LIPPINCOTT I,7TS AND HOMES iui!.uw.- in;miiTS, N. J, WILI.ET LIPPINCOTT new ,?r.Rir,Y SEAnonr, ATLANTIC CITV Chelsea building sites, ocean front and ernsi street with ocean view, most desirable location, highly restricted Philadelphia, Pa. REAIi ESTATE FOR RENT Continued" irom preceding Column. MAIN LINE. r. It. It. FOR RENT permanent, a large, commodious dwelling house, fine location! shade, porches, verandas! all Improvements, .with, garsgs and garden! beautiful. It. C, Riddle. Ambler. Pa. SB Rt.'paul's road, Ardmore, 12 rooms. Iso. B Manor rd.. Wrnns'd, t4 rms.. 2 baths. ISS. WAIT ER RAS3 ETTSM ITIt. Wynnswood. . MODERN HOUSES, 30 to I20p .per, month, various stations. Send for special list, liar- bert & C'lsithnrn.gn4jlaljer nulldlng. MAIN L1NI-He8t lino of Main Lln houses. Pllh.. fn, 1A n anf t All htl.M. HIRST A McMULLIN, West End Trust Dldg. NEW JF.RREV SEASHORE. SEA ISLE CITY. BKASHOnR HOTEL mostly furnished: conv leys! .ti centrally located, 27, rms... uif. in railroads nnd trol mo.. early lease. 22ft Vine stPhtla, BTONE" HARROR Cottages, bungalows and TOCUM & ppyVER8 CO.. 20 S. IBth st. OCEAN CITY -Penn Lynn place. Attractive new house for sale, H rooms. Inrludlns bath! near beach. Phone din. 47-48 W. COTTACin at rape flay or Ocean City, erected to your satlsfnrtlon; attractive plans sub. El1'! ''"by the reliable tullder. OTIS M, . TPWNBEND, Ocean City, N. J. rKNyim.VANlA FABMB 72 ACRES! atone house: 0 Toomsi bath: hot water heat: stone, barn: near station; 80 min utes Philadelphia: 18 tralna each way: $7400. J. M. rnONEKIELD, Wayne, Va. HAVE HOUSES and smsll farms In Del. and Chester Cds , from 2nnn to I8O.O00. . JACK'S FARM AOENCY. 21 S 12th St., Thlla. 17B ACRES on Hrandywlne: $17,800, J. H. THOMPSON. West Chester, Pa. NEW JERSEY FARMS COLUMDUS-rllO-arrs grain, notato.dalry farm! good buildings. 12-room residence, all modern convs.i will Include crops, 24 acres rye. 48 acres grass 8 acres wheat, $11,000, uauaaKH, iiurungion. ONE-ACRE FARMS, nearest to Phlla. train and nmpniet. Mapls Shade. N, J. troller. Write for pamphlet. UAIllAJW IS W.i REAI. ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITY AND SUntTRRAN properties for sale or rsnt. Lower Merlon Realty Company. Land Title nulldlng, Philadelphia, Pa. CENTRAL PROPERTIES Tor salo and rent. JAMES P. WINCHELL. 171h and SsnaomaU. west rmiAnnT,rniA 1123 8. 82D ST. Nominal rent $30: 8-story home: tiled bath and kitchen. CHESTER OSHORNE 1824 Chestnut St. OEKMANTOWN OEItllANTOW NIIOMES. slisectlone. BMULLEN ft DARRY , .vainut iaat Franklin Rank Flldg. rEXNaVLYANIA bithurrav DALA.CTNWTD Large list houses, sale or rent, at MI prices, tjamuei u. wagner, jr.. as., loin ana .uarKet. Commercial prlc Tni: ist Hid REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE apartments tor rent, furnished, at moderate ilea. . c et. and Walnut sis., Philadelphia, .-.- prices: situated near ocean and channel: all an, pnono or wnio 101 i South Jersey nealty Co, conenlenees. trated booklel i: ail lllllf. a a STONE HARIIOR For rent, furnished cottsge, containing 0 rooms, bath. 2 porches, Jftnenl cellar, electric lights Apply I. F. OILLS, 83t Corinthian ne.. 1'hlU IN "HEAl'TlFl'L CHELSEA Three bungalows for rent Piwldent tcrrnce and Winchester ave.: consult Fetroff A Kmly ngts., Soverelsn and Atlantic arcs., before n-ntlng elsewhere, Just completed, beautifully furnished, up to dale, or see Ouaatauve A. Muller, owner, 10 B. Boston nve Atlantlo City, N. J. SUMMER IHJURES MAINE PBMAQUtD ItAnnort. on tho, Mains coast For sale or to let. n desirable summer cot tage! six rooms, bath, fireplace, two sleep ing porches, veranda, running water: beau tlful view of the ocean! large lot, partially covered with tall spruces! terms reasonable. Write to STANLEY H. HOLMES, Box 77, New Britain, Connj BELFAST. MAIN.: t , On th shore overlooking renobscot Day. Cottage of 8 rooms and bath! aero of land! farage. tennis court, grove, pure water; oatlng, fishing, bathing! will sell or rent st attractive price Apply to owner. Dr. OEOROL F. BAMES 210 Newbury at., Boston, ISLAND") AND BUMMER COTTAOE3 ON TUB COAST OK MAINE, for rent: $t28, $200 1 and $300 for the senson. PESIUERTON ESTATES, Harrison Building. FOR RENT FURNISHED CHESTNUT IIIIX SBVERAL desirable prop for summer aeason, MINTl'RN T. WRIOHT CO. Mnrrla Building, PENNSYLVANIA SUnUBIlAN . FOR TIIRED MONTHS. Cnnn,'nl- $180 "l"-1"1 SITI'ATEn ON 1IIOH OROUND. 12 rooms: 2 baths, large porch: lawn: shade, C I' PETERS A SON. 008 CHESTNUT ST, DESIRABLE furnished houss. with about 4 acre of ground; Immediate possession for sum. mer months; rent $78, wiiiLiam iiAiiii, Htn rain n isne. TWO HOUSES Rents reduced; one 4 chambers, 2 baths: other 8 chambers. 2 baths, Stable, J, M. FRONEFIELD, Wayne, Pennaylvanla. !3 NEW 0-room houees, N, E. section: alt rented; good class of tenants: will exchange: all aubject to ono mortenge for clfar central or tract of land OC1DEN. 1220 Filbert at. REAL ESTATE WANTED IF YOUR REAL ESTATE Is not paying we will furnish the monev to rebuild or convert It Into a building suitable for the location and quickly put tt on a paying basis. MERSIION BROTHERS 838 Land Title Building. UICK SALE for any real estate nt price: rent collected! mortgage loan ARTHUR BOSWELL. 233 N. 1 ! real estate nt reasonable is. 3th st. WM. II. W. QUICK A BROS.. INC.. a cs. sum at. $31008 rooms, hot-water heat, gaa and elec- iru- iiKiu; parquetry noors, snower oatn, gas nil nir kitchens and B8ih and Hadfleld st her modern finnnlnlm.nri DANIEL CRAWFORD. JR.. BUILDER, SEND TOR LIST SALE OR KENT JOS. M. BAKRn 52d and Balti more ave. FURNISHED APARTMENTS Iff SSliRi' (awi liWllS'ffiJAI, m ym PREXEI4 APAIVTMENTS, r-Tin Phona Overtreoit 6328. at Overbrook Station imlihffd aTtartmRntfl. rnnititlnir nf H ntn. - tnr rooms, 1 eiceptlonrilly laree Hvlnj? room na oaio to rem rrom Juno la to aept. 10. HON HEAD 1213-15 LOCUST Handsomely furn, apts. VEW JERSEY SEASHORE 1 .TWNTrC CITY. 131 South Florida nve.. 4th noma, from Boardwalk: attractively furnished tBres-roem nnnrtment hnth- nil lapirn nnl.Mn l rooms: corner property: every modern conven er Itnce:' bathing from house: $180 for three cxrami. PVWnTTRT'TfC'TJTJTIWri t THERE APARTMENTS ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT ot suppose, instead of trying rtll these dlf prent wsys. you Just call nt this office the -Jflfc - z ? a." Kj?' "F" tat!!'1! m,Mt JttractUe and best equipped In Jhlladslphla. devoted exclusively to securing "J .7"' tny want tor particular people. Tell us your requirements. Every desirable ""tnient In Philadelphia Is listed with or JSiifS'!'1 Jhfough us. Our nutomobllea Ifii.r'Jilr. '"! ,ake 'ott t0 ,no "' of prop-Jfk2,-W.I"lirnat?i. antl w"h 'ho least pos :.. !cii,r'0.u,'vy!11 ecuro the ono apart- Pa'chil radex,aBchl,aideVal!Ch mSt "'" aP- NORMAN S. SHERWOOD .... i, ..... Rmu a. ' Ai,Hui ar, 'f-'WW 971. naco 3023. POTTS ft TOWN8ENI) WEST I'HILAnuLPllIA HOMES 4008 BALTIMORE AVE. $4000 UNEQUALED HOMES. 80th st. above Lansdowno nve.: overy known conveniences. -TAMES d. ENllURO, Builder. CORNER Modern 0-room dwelling, store, 87th near Cedar; bargain. 01)22 Market. basement Trattner, fiERMANTOWN WALNUT LANE E.. 114 rlr:nTA ntotvn Modern, attractive 10-room house. Just com- pleted; 1 block from Oermnntown ave. and new Germantown High School: moderate pries. convenient t-cms Phone Germantown 2018. $18.01111 STONE and half-timbered detached duelling, lot 04x180; largo porch, 7 chambers and 3 baths (ono with marble shower); only one square from station. MAURAN. DOL MAN A CO., N. V. cor. Broad and Chest nut sts. OL'll.MANTOWN AND CHESTNUT HILL SECURE OUR ItEVISED SALE LIST n. B, LISTER, 8012 Germantown ave. IF YOU ARE KOOKI'.O FOR A HOME In Germantown. Mt. Airy or Chestnut Hill con sult me. A. R. Meehan.. 0747 Germantown ave. OUR real estate bulletin will be sent to you by mall on application. Germantown Trust Co.. Chelten nnd Germantown aves CHOICE HOMES ma i r.02 Tulpehocken st. enst of Ger mantown- nve, J. II. CHADWICK St CO.. Germantown ae. 431! K WALNUT LANE, nssessed 18800: price, $4100 clear, modern convs , 3 hatbs; lot 20x 132 ft. Simmons Healty Co., 1420 Chestnut st. RENTB AND INTEREST COLLECTED, mort wwmm nml SrA Insurance Tllaced nuickly. Sss Kane for prompt results. 2528 Tasker st. SEVERAL applications for houses, $20 to $30, MORRIS A CO., Broad and Ridge. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY IF YOU ARE LOOKING for an attractive home, be It dwelling or apartment, call, phone or wi.a n thl nlfli..! nverv ilestrnhle nroDertv Is listed with or may be rented through us, and our automobiles are at your service to help you to obtain just wnat you aesiro wun mo least possiDie 'rounie ........ . . NORMAN 8 SHERWOOD, 141 1 Walnut nt. Bpruce 3871. Rac5,1028. $18 2120 WALDEN. ab. 21st A Mkf.. Pr., conv. $10 2210 rembcrton, 0 rooms, conveniences. 110331 S 2flth, corner, 0 rooms, good rond. $10 $18 8 to O rooms, central nnd northeast. A.BBOTT N. 12 cor. Broad and Race. STORES AND DWELLINGS In all sections Of city. See our list In the ledger Saturday. SAMUEL T FOX A CO. , S, 12. nor. 0th and Callowhtll. 2122 DB LANCEY PLACB 10 rooms. 2 baths; new heating, plumbing: electrlo lights; paper may ho selected MEARH A BROWN, 202 3. 18th at. until 8 o'clock 812 Norrls st. 024 Complete order, every con- ooms; i Saturday, W. II. IITlt HT V . venience; very nesiraoie; il romim, eo,, nin IIUUU, 2324 MONTROSB ST : neat 0-room 112.00 'dwelling: contains rangs. bath, gaa. Key at 028 South 23d street 1700 LOCUST STREET Deslrabh residence: 18 rooms; 3 baths. HAMUEL W. LEVIS. Real Estate Trust Bldg. sKNn ron oun. bent LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO, Broad and Chestputats. MORTGAGES TO SECURE A MORTGAGE , , De it first or second It you desire efficient service, quick and aatlsfactory results, and moderate charges CALL. PHONE OR WRITE TO US. "Your mortgage will bo as good as placed." NORMAN fl, SHERWOOD, 1411 Walnut at. BONDS AND MORTOAOES I offer aa Income Investments: St. Petersburg, Fla.. first mort gages yleldlnc 8. bonds yielding 7Ji Avalon. N. !.. first mortgages yleldlnc 0, bonds yielding 0. . ..... (JIIAM. 11, I1A1.L, 1418 Real Estate Trust nulldlng. WESTERN MAN dealrea Interview with lawyer, or man of Integrity and capital, In touch with Investors, with view toward association In prontamo nrsc mortgage ousiness: io :uu references. Address B Ledger Office. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company j SIXTH AND SPRING GARDEN. ARTHUR BOSWELL. 23.1 N. 13th St.. haa funda for first and building Association mort gages. Prompt attention. Moderate cost. $80 TO $2000 To loan on renl estate security; Immsdlat settlement: psyahlo as desired. i'.UV. l. IWi.LI 133 S. 12T11 ST; EIOMT BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS WITH PLENTY OF MONEY FOR MORT GAGES: CLOSE LOANS TO HOME BUT ERS: IMMEDIATE ANSWER WILLIAM JAMES KEOGII, 808 DREXEL BLDG, . nUILDERS' ADVANCES A SPECIALTY IIRUMUAUOH PARKER. INC. 1431 WALNUT BTj MONEY FOR MORTGAGES LAROE AND SMALL 8UM3 QUICK ANSWERS W. II. HOOD, 812 W. NORRIS ST. X'IRST AND SECOND MORTOAGB FUNDS TOIIN n. WILLIAMS SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS II. REDNER 727 Walnut st, $100 000 TO INVEST In first mortgages, tn sums from $1000 un; also building assoclstlon money for id mortgages. O. C. SEIDBL A CO.,4tn ann uniiownui sts WORRELL FUNDS FOR FIRST ANI SErOND MORTGAGES BBS N. 17TH BT 14 flit. Airy. Germantown NEW BALE AND BENT LIST READY Pelham. Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill. PELHAM TRUST CO.. 0740 Germantown ave. K. B, COR. 17TH AND WALNUT STS. Motta,ind0r.Ye,,';llmentu?loul,e ' bul" o' SBfTfli ana Steel. thormiiThlv rti-annAsA.i --.i inmt wn,la n"i:r.'"'..'"'-'"".lu " VI IQ IT &wffls!'meiM3?.i',th ,0 ,B1"n rooms and Stli s?SS?i,lSiClu,lne everal bactvelor suites, fTv?.VrA ".V." "inynlenco and facility. mmaW:s"lvitta At MM"sh tl.H13T JUBTBll riTt! ajAiJ"n.a,1.!Ay.N southern: AU thlnra l nnal,U...I .. 5jrsts, Vor furVB;, Ae,.0...nw "' lor Inspection- and re'se a r ranee- apply to Jnut flOa. M&zMmmm l-"JT UiU BnrN all nn-s Zm ! 0 110 Mr month mm v u" Ql cuyf rcna S5 Porch: niii 25!?- rour rooms, bath l3tOM7n;aV-J.SattmaUltor. ; J&2Uu!2l!hZHom " lVJax, iiiir lviir ...... Onk Lnne DESIItABLE corner property! Inrgi lot! raoderni $830i). WM. HAItn. 8th and Oak lane. WB HAVE THE HOUSB YOU WANT IN TIOOA OR LOOAN KENNEDY & RAMBO. 3741) GERMANTOWN' Logan REAI. ESTATE, mortgages andconveyanclng, WM. D. OHAMBEItS 4UJ.I jm. tiroau st.- rENN-SVLVANIA auiiunnAf DARBY $3300: brick dwg.; 4 bedrms. 2d fir ; recep. hall, Lath, laundry tras. wardrobe: mantel, fruit. 25x120. Mwope sc non, uaroy 285 S, 10TH ST. Suitable for physician; rooms nnd 2 batnrooms. EDOAK O. CROSS. 1411 Walnut st, 227 N. 12TH ST., 4-stnry dwg. 18 rooms.... $00 GUARANTEE TRUST A SAFE DEPOSIT CO. 31(1-18-20 CHESTNUT J9T; 2731. 2733. 2730 N. HOPE JT 2-story. 4 rooms, good order; keys there. MM. L. CRAVEN'S SONS. 1.14(1 N. 7th St. Business Properties nnd Stores B07 Arch st. 1808 Chestnut 114 R. 11th 801 Market STORES 1001 Market at. nn,-i Walnut 1110 Walnut 1217 Walnut J. A. PATTERSON'. 130 S, 13th st. STORE AND BASEMENT. 000 Chestnut St.. 30x118: large windows: whole store or will divide. LEA ESTATES, 700 Sansom st. $50 $100. $200 TO $8000 TO LOAN. LEWIS A CO. 1227 W. Olrard ave. ALL AMOUNTS. 1BT AND 2D MORTGAGES Quick answer. MAURICE II. MATS1NOER. Rl. Est.Tr. Wdg. "FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAOES mt AiimiNT rOTTS A THOMSON. 2821 Frankferd qrs. TJUlLDINa ASSOCIATION AND PRIVATE ROBERT J. NASH. 1001 CHESTNUT BT. WANT $4000 JfrB.m..DfliJm.rU.n. 240 N. 17th St. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES iinoii to $100,00" ... JACOB A TIIITZ. 1100 Land Title. Bldg. T'A 34 Lulldlnir Iota. 16x80. ready for Immediate Improvement, situated In ncart ot inu iuiuuau, eouu u ,u.. i tan EDDYSTONE, the n.R nt nn la eet auvanca monty to uuua. ais'j permanent first and second mortgages. There Is no pUce In the United States better for quick sales and high rent values than Eddy stone. Fa, Inquire for details. P 100. Ledger Offlre. ELICINS PARK Modern single dwelling. ,10 rooms, S Inths: 2 minutes to station: price iTisuu. mi.coh.mick a: Mccormick, juh Chestnut ah and Elklna Park. i . -..r- nJSqil",,''!tli ouartment. LS1'... .. -" VJnvenitnos, Jin i ii .'" " "s "IjniiK . . U'I"- 6-3'S Chestnut at. R"B.liCh?,l,?a,i Monterey. 43d and fipNrffin? ? 48lh aml "-irt! ts. v feffi&iSi?aw.ifi S?Pk teASs V,t W rooms ind7'U1KUalt,PoroTye.-: ttVLORTinS11 iS! Private porch. -,1 a. -iiun. .APARTMENT HOTELS ARKSIDE APARTMhImtc - ' W. CHAnrn-o .. . ., iw 40 ACRES OF LAWN -.CLEPHlfrSellenc.. Ar.ftTXTtn rpu , IUTEL issTOirr and OLFS'SIDB HOMES and building sltea. every "description. HENNINQEU A IlENNINOER. Oienslda. Pa. lendtd stone bldgs.i LANSDAI.E 40 acres: splendid stone stream! "good golf: very cfieap at 15000. A. II. T1DIJ.1'. ainump, r , TiMnnnwytt Modern dwelling. 8 rooms: large lot! hedge, garden, fruit: J000. easy terms. 'L.KsDOWNBUlSTCO4JUnsd0wne. LLANEHl'H Splendid homes, along the Ard. more trolley, from OOtlf St. Terminal. Includ. g HUhland'park. Brookllne, South Ard. more. Oakmont and Ardmore: $350(1 up. Tt"iws--J. BlJLIEIt WATTS Llanerch. THREB TUNS Ideal 03-acre gentleman's coun. try seat: I atona house, architects. Savery, Soheetg ft Savery; recently built: Colonial stone house, remodeled: built In 1777; soil produces abundant crops, maklnar this farm very profit. able: berries, orchards, cmcxen piani. gsrage, electricity. II, J. Pager. Inc., Ambler, Pa. Factories. Warehouses. Mfg. Floors Tis6AND 1422 CADWALADBR BT Stabling for 17 horses, can 19 nrrnngeil ss stable for 0 horses: largo apaco for workshop and stor age shed, 10 wagons: room 2d floor, 18x38 ft., with freight elevator, suitable for manu facturing purposes or automobllo garago and repair shop; rent. $45 per month Inquire at INTEGRITY TRUST CO. Si W. cor. 4th nnd Oreen sts. :83TMARKEf ST., 3Dfi4TH FLOORS lleat. elevator service. Suitable light mfg, MODERATE ItBNTAL. 28x201 FEET. BstrJOHN DOBSON, 800 Chestnut st. ur yum j" uiwi ItropoTftan Building TvallacF gn;.t.trr0Apnc.EO80l"MXsi?I?R0 ffl fc iM Cohocksink Mills "lAboAvDcoiuTm'b..8Ta- Floors. 8000 to 18.000 so ft. Cheap power. H. P. McNBELY. 1732 Randolph. MERCHANTS' BI'tLDIffa 44 NORTH 4TH STREET. Desirable rooms: power and light. FACTORIES, Bites, warehouses, floor exclusively. J. Alan Mlddleton. Factory ANY 8L-.M ANY AMOUNT Placed nt Once. Lowest Rates F. X. DELANV. 1112 LlncoinBldir HAVE FUNDS roil FIRBT AND HKCONI1 MORTOAOES ' ' WM, BARR. 8th nndOa lane. ' FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES MORTOAOES FOR SALE THEO. E. NICKI.BH. 21 Oermnntown ave. i "MONEY FOR 1ST AND 21) MORTGAGES ""' T. A. REDDING SlN TOO WALNUT ST. 8201 SI'IUJCBBT. THUHT FUNDS FOR I'lRS r MOinUAUti HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE IIUII.IHML. LOANS ON iRtBKBST IN ESTATES Reasonable Charges. milM A. HAHI1. 3()7 LAND TITLE RLDO, funds for nrst, 5r MONEY for select loans AHEUNKTH second or P'cijv inor.susj-. jQllrf..iiu.j-. .., ,,,. space Spec ialist and Engineer. (100-11 Wldener Illdg, HAVE PARTY who will erect building, central or other location, for satisfactory tenant. DIETERICH. 737 Uulnut st. ' 4T1I ST.. N.. 119-25 Manufacturing floors; steam heat nnd power. Apply Penna. Co:, BIT Chestnut st, DBSIRABLB warehouses, factories and floors; on R-.B. and central. Btokes. Ger.-Amerj Bldg. RENTAL LISTS ' Exceptional Opportunity FINE $12,000 HOMES IN $33,000 SECTION Old York Road, Near Jenkintown Very attractive; most practically planned: 1 rooms, 2 baths: thoroughly modern: large lots artistic shrubbery: affording every style and comfort without extravagance. ARTHUR V. TURNER, Builder 638 I. UAMAi ?i trmurt The best ron" JWm& . With the w tow" :M. DlU e- iWeek, MoVC Season Ye CMEslL'S? Y.'NOTON . ..B- F t Year tethigfErMAHA'aSRB- -Ss!s fiS?,3&'tW ' - tub cmrRBsir, 21" EYEKYTHlK-ri" 'MOAO1- f?UnIvIWiI5ll,lown "nd country TOsrsv,.. jsii - :; "- U4NKNT 1?AC JRAOV -J"-Jss:- p CLADSTQNB L ni ?u.t. -sssmuM jsm, pHkr0tt ,,BNT Real EatateTruat. Building. SUBURUAN TOWN COUNTRY B,R,5wNl'!0illp.NorH.towntP 'CUOICB BUILDINQ SITES Snd acreage, . M ... WNggNtJ. Langhorns. P. 'inniiililliM I1RA1. KSTATE Any price. All locations Sale or rsnt. CHAIt LBS J JlpOJO A CO, UorrUJddt-. . T"i i , -i- l'roDerttss Country seats, farms list bli,yi iiS'ilBWia t. 'buookb . son, lit South Penlsu cUNDt..liCi 8 ACRES. 10-room stone house, all LiiUdlngW. fruit, sacrifice $4200, ltt5dBNTINB. 635U derma alt convs.; out 00. part cash. ermantown. "i AiiaET.I575' SUBURUAN II0MB3, ails WIIU6 " .ultlin I .lna or Reading B, K, hl if wiiggg " co- "'"''' "u"Jlng- llS?r. Ileal Estate. Trist BulldiDg. ,,, .,,,. E MiLirPROPERTY. 40.000 MJItt VAfhV:A BpBllalphli "subutbs: Al- Leds iffanchf 0100 Girroatovnli JLUN LINE. J"- K- Z.-SURITIITM. An old Uouss. with tnors than a IT: ,ire's a ""pMUdsiphu. 1- - -r" TaT" 1 Art , nil r.HI HltblirDftB -..-""5mi(yi turajul CW mtBUl w....5"niiniolB8, ffltiy '".FV Wf m BUILDINO. N, W. Cor, 10th and Ingersoll, Ktnl.le. 10th and Inge; 320 Indiana ...... 18 040 Holly 12 2362 Hope 101 rsoll 1701 Baring . . , 11)3.1 N. Camao . 1023 Ingersoll . 12616 Catharine. ..ISO ..$50 o OFFICES. IIUBINKSS itOO.MS. ETC. DREXEL BLDO. OFFICES. Annual Rentals. Single Rooms, $12O,$lBO,$20(),22.1,J00, 410, guiles 2 Itms.. $144,jl50.$173.ijUO l.'.'S 15.10 a ui9.t fatfifiwfiiiu juu,f u'ni.fig. Buttes. 3 to 8 roams. 93(H) to 11650, bullet rnrntsl ; ELLIS S- WILLIAMS. BBO Drexel Building. UKLIl HU1LDINQ 1211.17 KilbArt it. Centrally located: all conveniences) rents at tractiyejy low; service conveniences. "MERCHANTS' HUILDINO Very desirable, offices: heat and light. READY FUNDS for good first mortgages! bring CH,?T.'l'tmVN" A CO . 217 8. Broad CHESTER D. IIOTTNER I42II unesmut st. Tsr-AND 2D MTOH. bldg. ano priv.v. ,un ?KKTmMK'riii9iL: BUILDING nnd loan association money 'or 1st nnd 2d mortgagesi prompt attention, Address 1j un, i.rturr ,,.,'., and up- ilAVK 2OO,o0o trust fund for good first second, mortgages In amounts $2000 and ward. : linger tnnce. i UNDH for 1st and 2d mortKages, any amount: polBitlon! i of rents. 2 per ilt Ileal IJstata Ipt. Joseph Hjeaar. i-t g'"i j. V'OANS Largs or small sums on real estate, M.,A;iTn.Snt.. or mortgages, loans on Unset- tied estates. Dempsev A Co. 27Jj.lOth. MONEY FOR 1st and 2d .mortgages! build ng B ...oVlatlon and instalment mortgages. tills, Wlnohesltr Company. l"ni unesinuv i. FI5B3 for first and '.nAHmYvMILLBH'' amount: iiulck answer. CHAS. w. iULLt.lt, 401-407' Commonwealth llldg. FUNDS for 1st and 2d mortgages. nItOVN, 1811 Canwntsr at, A. F. MONEY TO LOAN Professional Offices PROFESSIONAL OFFICES. 1315-J317 Pins at.. most desirsbl for physicians and dentists; suites ef two rooms and bath, hardwood floors, combination flxturea. heat, hot water and Janl tor service lncludsd. reasonable rents; Imme dlats possession; leasts to start from Septem ber I. 'Albert M. Qreenfleld. Inc., Agents, N B cor. 13th and Chestnut sU. ' PROFESSIONAL UUILpiNa, 1831-33 Chestnut . it. A ('. Su.e.i' Phyelclana or dentists, j. T. JACKSON CO.. Chestnut and 13th- WE3T rilIL.4,HEI.I'HIA HERMAN EROS., 6013 MARKET Houses, apartments, stores. NaroTH, T. "L" STATUVN jn vr sals. ' rent EBABONAule, dwelling part of coroer stors property. 10 rooms. 1233 8. 47th. "r J. I. TUhNBIl. 12tfl Chestnut sL OKHMANTOWN $30 DWELLINGS. 11 B00M3 Send for List. Coptlnsntal7Eaultbli Trust Co, 21 8. lita. DBTACIlka dwsuina, IS room. 2 baths. '''I'c. TOPRIBON. TOU Boysr St., Otn. Iff C TfuNTBa, fft, r. PKNNSVI.VANU ePBUBBAy B03B VALLEY lOBjlaytsa' walk from Usylan, StaUoa. oonvsotart ta isoifc WUIadafiihl od CWMsf! tttracUvo Jtwots: tuu. lujt-watsr tt o4 ovsTf, othw , msd, kmmm rssmrrnt l S M. WfelUS4 i. KsiASaJaUi, MUi ita, QUICK LOANS TO HOUSEKEEPERS Van can sat ready cash from this NEW LICENSE", AND llokDEU COMPANY qjlck y. prlVitfly and w thout red taps It you are housikeeplnf. You can borrow $16 $T, 136. $35, $60. $7J and so on up to 1100 at 3 per cent, "interest You can borrow $120. $132. $186. $180 or $204 at 2 per tent. Interest. Payments aro small and within your Income, Ws have. 5 private offices for our convenience. Permit us 40 explain our up-to-date method. Phono Walnut 4365, Open, 6 u, m, to 6 p. m. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO, 181 South Broad Street Second floor Next to Forrest Theatre. HOUSEKEEPERS CAN BOHROW QUICKLY AND CONVENIENTLY ON 140. ON $35. QN $79. VVHST 1.KI1AI. RATES VRHV MASV PAYA1KNTS 40.00 PAY ONLY $3.00 MONTHLY .00 I'AI U.NI.I ii 0" illUitil.y I.OO PAY ONLY $6 25 MONTHLY 3N 1100.00 PAY ONLY $8 25 MONTHLY With 8 per ont Interest W ar LICENSED AND BONDED, which, suariAnees fair treatment. " &8B US FIRST AND SAVE MONEY Call, write or pbone for further particulars. PROVIDENT LOAN CO, Authorised capital $50 000 00 Walnut 36-83 Room 703 cjsHjm&pmBwyh. iiiboxb's ailTAND SOUTH 8 BftNBYTUtMNBD $o ftr e ,H1S!it WVMJM, VUU9BU S , i-tk busmh uiitva ua:isf, .1 1 h N SCRAPPLE 4 Lrnrnlng Rapidly 5rf 1 9HH THE PADDED CELL Zf- Judfre This Is the fifth time you have been brought before me, O'Brien! O'Brien Yls, yer Honor, thot's rolght. If Ol knpe on Ol'll be able to come be mesllfl War Terms Illustrated IITM AOouT TWO UdnTms a TMI3 Gooo PPOAreClT ON TME OSSWi THtff aUA-VMCP ( cT Preparedness. J THE HONY(MO0A,E.RS - ,) THE.S-TAKEAMICE. SfROLU s " IAI'TKb WOObS. ( V love we as ) yfy- y,ll , ?7 AAAArC TIMES AS PRECIOUS. X ( WJ 1 . L.M.THE WOODS? U,!SnsanD U Mfo ) rv . MiuioAis of k w I ii y " a e HAHWRP ( THE BUNK OF A BUSY BRAIN JJb. -W- 0Ut BOOSlH-v-j PLU& I WITH rAt w nVTflSK. I p - r- ' ANO IT'S. YEW MILK AVCCfEEllA-WeVMB f HERt'i NhEE I PoX ) fj?i,HUe& Vo YH6 NEARER T0WH TO C,vr OUT I IN MlOOY SI MOOKi ) J "l iS -to and yrv JJ25S s pW. Adieu, Sweet Maid LIGHT OCCUPATIONS IN EUROPE Cornell Widow. She They say her face Is worth a million to her. He Then I kissed a fortune good by last night. Fortune's Favorite First Coster Well, poor old Bill's gone, Second Coster (scornfully) Poor. In deed) Luckiest bloke In the market. Couldn't touch nutllnk wlfout It turned to money. Insured 'Is 'ouse burood In a month. Insured 'isself again' hac cldents broke 'Is harm ffjst week. Joined the burial eerclety laBt Toob day, and now 'e's 'opped It. I call It luck. Jni -TvA, - 5l . '-"' i) Ci w Wf?&$ r 1 1 iaTiisan rr.'-rrrr'-'fiiai j j . - tor-ti v rx 'ffl ' ' WWY (wiTMRIAHP. ; :Cf 7" y 8 Loudon Opinion. Trying- to Induce an able-bodied German to return to Germany. AND THE WORST IS YET TO COME Z0W&Ml&r TJX So Disappointing! "My bride Is disappointed about housekeeping." "What's the trouble J" "She can't get a maid whq will curtsy like they do tn tha musical comedies she goes to see." WMYIKd FOR A. COOT R6VDI.VERTO Cf Raw UP To Be A NQR.5E fyrmrTi oo&ht ro ) reet IT fiav$kiuxx m& . J 1