- :' B EVENING LBbaER-PHlLAr)ELPHIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1016. 1 r," i M'LlSS DEFINES DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FLIRT AND COQUETTE Latter Are Born, Not Made, and Constitute All jThat Is Charming and Desirable m Femininity ' ii - - . , " TAEAU WMBSJow that the season J- of Bummer madness Is upon us and the flirt is buckling fln her most lrreltl. bio armor to faro forth to beach and mountain la order to ensnare her prey, pleaso 'dissertate' on the subject of the unrcprch.crtslble example which the flirt, Vrho is usually beyond the debutante age, els her younger sister. For too long a. time the flirt has been allowed to operate on the hearts of her victims, without the disapprobation of her onlookers. It can not bo that she nnd her meretricious ac tivities aro approved of, can It? Lot Us hear from you on this. DICK." There Is nothing that I llko bettor, Dick, than dissertating on things, but I am afraid I cannot agreo with you on the question of tho unmorality of flirting. It IS moro a matter of Judiciousness than of morals. The mistake that most people make Is In confusing tho flirt with tho coquette. Tho former Is a misguided woman, an Imitation and a sham; the latter Is one of earth's fortunates, she Is genuine born, not made. The proof of this lies In the actions of children. You've seen tho little born coquettes, tho ndorablo kind who unconsciously ongago tho attentions of every man who appears on their lnfantllo horizon. They can no moro help dim pling and goggling than tho sun can help shining. It Is their nature. Ik Marvel, tho author of "Tho Rev eries of a Bachelor," points out as clearly as any ono tho difference between "co quetry" and "fllrtatlousness." -coquetry," no writes, "whets tho ap petite; flirtation depraves It. Coquetry is tho thorn that guards the rose easily trimmed off when once plucked. Flirta tion Is llko the slime on water plants, making them hard to handle and when caught only to bo cherished In slimy waters," , Tho flirt makes a deliberate and well planned play for scalps; tho coquetto doesn't because pho doesn't have to. They aro offered to her, along with the hearts and pocketbooks of her admirers. This is ono of tho reasons why men find Fronch women so alluring. In tho main tho SEEN IN THE SHOPS women of France aro not good looking; they have not beon nearly so fortunate In physical endowments as have their Eng lish and American Bisters, but they have that heaven-sent attribute, all the more desirable because It Is unattainable, which piques and holds the attention of men. Tour summer flirt Is out for quantity; quality does not matter to her. I think she Is perfectly harmless. Her victims Secover soon, and If she sets any example t all to her younger sister it Is as a type of woman they would do well to avoid copying. The flirt seldom makes n desirable mar riage. Men do not go to tho altar as hap hazardly as some would havo us bollevo. They prefer to love and cherish (and whisper It, "obey") somo one who has not been pawed over by every man who came within her range. Tho flirt distributes her favors with an Injudicious prodigality. Her summer Is not counted a successful ono unless her hand has been held almost to tho point of callousing It and her lips kissed by at least a dozen men. Tho coquetto creates In all men tho desire to kiss her, but In her wisdom, gives nothing, realizing that It Is tho perpetual man nature to bo always want ing that which it cannot havo. I don't bcllovo tho flirt has ever oper ated on tho hearts of her victims. If sho has they recover with a marvolous celer ity, indicative) of only a very minor hurt. She tickles their vanity and amuses them with nor palpable tricks, and when at tho end of tho season she takes stock of tho summer's activities and finds only bitter reminiscences of transient conquests, who Is there to envy her or oven dissertate against her? Tho coquette, on the contrary, has not exhausted hor possibilities and her sum mer acquaintances pursue her to town, hoping ultimately to gain her favor. Sho Interests them because It Is her nature to do so, not because she hopes to gain any thing thereby. Have no fear of tho flirt, Dick, but when you meet a coquette flee as the wind If you prize your bachelorhood and peace of mUid. M'liISS. Letters to the Editor of the Woman's Page Address all communication, to M'Uas. care of th; Evenln VeOitr. Writ on one .Ida of tho paper ontr. .J3 1v Dear M'Uaa I am 'u And I have frecklea and superfluous hair. I havo tried many thlnas to remove them, but I have failed. Won't you please publish In the Evexiko Lrtxim some thine that will surely remove themT CAnOLTN. A. dermatologist tells me that there are sold many bleaching lotions for freckles, but none of these permanently and totally remove" these obnoxious little brown spots. A skin specialist can remove freckles by removing thq outer layers of cuticle, but this Is rather expensive and Is a long and disagreeable process and even after your present crop of freckles Is taken oft thero's no guaranty that a second crop will not put in Its appearance Just as soon as you sub ject your, skin to strong sunlight Freckles are ho longer-considered Unbeautlful. On the contrary, they usually go with a deli cate and finely textured skin. TVhy not make the best of them and when they get too dark bleach hem with a half-and-half mixture of lemon Juice and peroxide of hydrogen? tSm llCaJ I B V J I P f f jflffelf jjfj ffjri H fi illTrVi f YrmmmmiViPrt f$r NajSHSfL wjj I SSJ-Si! LTAilu 'ffffftmi ii Vt V ' X 7 11W MARION HARLAND'S CORNER All rflmmnnffaitnn tlarlnnd . nheiifd Incl aaaress ariirie i adnmned .,',f." lose n f tamped. ejir n a. fflppinr J I" ilea. ,irin l fd enrelope nm n trlilfli oil ar : la ai in the r It. It. C. should write jher wonfd like to hrlpYarid. h.jnf "!$ Ihem, communicate direct with those perlies Persons - ".-, ..... l ii. .L..H.LI. m-jii at inn winnina io flin in inr cnnniHuiv " "'V " , ftnonid write .Marion ir'2":v..:- LT. wilicn im rr "n:1"" ,." i ,h. nin lTiur. .... -v- ntt liorninn. restes of those ns rrrciiT- Marin ncltlri SMART SILK SPORTS SUIT Superfluous hair can only be removed permanently by electrolysis. Any expert with the electric needle will tell you how much It will cost you to be treated. Of course, there are proprietary preparations that will remtn-e the hair, but these de pilatories do not kill the roots. The hair wilt have to be taken off again and again. . D.ear J5l'.LI" TA Mt' club n bn started at the Neighborhood House and we girls (over 10) are at a loss tor a nan for the club. There Is at the house a kindergarten and'also another club for girls below 10. Also a club for bpya over 10. All ore Interested In trying to raise money for a fund with which to build a larger clubhouse. I would appreciate It very much Indeed If you would suggest a few names for club. ti. E. B. It would be much easier to suggest a name for your club If I knew what your activities are to bo. Are you an nthletlo organization 7 will you play tennis and golf? Or are you perhaps philanthropic? If you send me some details I'll try to help you. A HEAVY weight of Italian silk Is used for this Bports suit, hlch is Just the thing for either tho seashore or the mountains. The coat is of gold-and-whlto striped silk, finished in front with a sash and In tho back with plaits forming a scmintted effect. A plaited capo collar Is also another feature of the coat. The white skirt is quite full, having plaits laid In at tho belt In kilted effect. It may be ordered In any color for $39.75. If desired, they may be purchased separately the skirt for f 15 and tho coat for $24.75. This sports hat is of fine white felt, with a white, real horsehair edge. It has a soft, drooping brim and is trimmed with a narrow self band finished with a tailored bow. Price. $10, ordered In white or colors. The name of the shop where theso nrtlcles may bo purchased will be supplied by tho Editor of the Woman's Page, nvBNiNti Lkdorh, C08 Chestnut Btrcct. Tho request must be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope, and must mention the dato on which the article appeared. THE WOMAN WHO SEWS Ltncs of Old EmtHsh Poet "TTT1TH regard tothe ode, The Dying VV Christian and Ills Soul.' spoken of by D. XV. In the Helping Hand" Corner, I will say It was written by Alexander Pope, an English poet of the 17th century. Inclosed please find the verses taken from his poem. "T. J. O'C." No Ruat on finnmelcd Stores "A woman wrote to you long ago to tell vnil nt Vi ln' matlnr. YOU rCCOtn- mendod going over It every day with nn oiled rag. Of course, with the stoves they sell today that Is necessary, oui i won der how many women know that there are enameled stoves somo white and expen sive, others about $10 or $15 more than tho ordinary range of bluo nnd white, Insldo and out, and with no Iron to rust nnd to keep coating and need oiling? I nlso wonder how long It will bo before wo demand them? In Ironing n waist with an clnBtlo In the band, pin the elastic nt one end to tho Ironing board, stretch It, pinning at a convenient length, and tho dlfllculty Is solved. To dye an article that xvlll not stand boiling or wetting there aro gasollno dyes Swedish dyes mado In this country, which will act well In gasoline. They come In all shades and may bo bought at drug stores. KUTII C." When Handles Come Off "Have I spoken of this beforp to the Cornerltes? Ilurcau and dressing drawers Bometlmes have tho hnndlei coma off. In such cases I havo taken n Btiong string or heavy cord nnd run it through tho holes, then tied the ends Inside. Itllibons would do nicely for this purpose JULIA." Helping One Another "I havo beon reading tho letters sent to tho Corner. They are Interesting. It seems nice to see one nerson trylnir to hcln nn. other, as the Cornorltcs aro doing. It ro- mlnds mo of a vrsco: 'n this world where sorrow ever will be known. .. ..uo kid iuuiiu me iiccuj nnn ine Bail ana lone. IIow much Joy and comfort we can bestow If we scatter sunshine everywhere we go. "IIACIIEL, B." Layer Cake "For M. D. a,: Hero Is n tried and 'truo recipe for layer cako: Put ono cup of granulated sugar Into a bowl and a table npoon of melted butter nnd lard mixed, or uso all butter. Beat thoroughly. Add one cup of sweet milk or milk and water, one and two-thirds cupt of bread flour, or two cups of pastry flour, sifted with two teaspoons of baking powder. Add ono teaspoon of flavoring. Into n bowl beat tho white of ono egg stiff, drop In tho yolk, and beat again. Add to the abovo mixture and beat till all Ingredients nrd thoroughly blended. Uso tho same sized cups to measure and bo sure to measure according to directions. Tho finished product will be excellent. Have ready floured and greased layer tins and Into each turn one-half of thn batter. Do not havo the oven too hot or too cool at first. You may omit tho egg and add a little moro flour, but I should advise tho use of an egg, If possible. MRS. I. II." like It when finished The Jokes will make sick people laugh. I sent you a letter con veylng the Idea of cleaning and pressing men's neckties, that women might use ns a buslhess, but doubtless you thought It was not feasible. I should be glad to be of assistance to students of stenography by lending books ahd by persona) advice. "E. O. C." Your generous Intentions havo nn Un derpinning of deeds that calls for admir ing gratitude. XVo shall enter your name and trust to be ablo to forward you shortly addresses of the nfillctcd and lonely to whom you may minister. As to the sugges tion of cleaning men's ties, we sent your totter embodying it to press so long ngo that you must have seen It In print before now. The Idea Is excellent ana we said as much to our readers. It Is absolutely lm- ' practicable to publish communications ns soon as somo of our correspondents coutd wish. XVe can but ptcad that wa do our best to please and profit thise wo Bcrvo. Garden Queries Answered llr JOHN IlAItTltAM DIABETICS AND OBESE SHOULD AVOID SURPLUS CARBOHYDRATES By WILLIAM A. EVANS, M. D. Suction wrilwnt to hnfen prevention of dlKaie. It i tU raped, addressed en ani renerul column! in, aniiltailnn flf flit ABM if maltava 9 OrCftt. will h nniuraVMil In hT. ! i. ' . ;-" --!". ":"" .. if wni HLmr? win noi perm 11 in i K" ' not suitable, letter will be fi1!eSiMr.!onilly' uWeet to proper llmlta- -" " H .". T,0 am velope is diseases Inclosed. Ileqnesta make diarnosea or cases, net answered. Doctor Ertni will ha. prescribe tor IndlTlduai lor such service cannot FOIl tho guidance of diabetes Joslin pub. llshes tho following classification of vegetables, fruits and nuts. Vegetables containing E per cent, nnd less 01 i-iroonjarates (atarchs and sugars). Tettuee Spinach, flauarkraut String; beans Celery ' Asparagus Cucumbers ilrussels sprouts Cauliflower -lomatoea J i nu Darb taekj Ueet greens 101PER CENT. CIAS3, B?iin.!, Turnips Bquasti Carrota ghrooma, , okra 18 (PER CENT. CLASS. green peas Artichokes arta plant "Watercress uaDDase Radishes Pumpkins Sorrel Kndlvo Dandelions Swiss chard Sea kale Caulinower Kohlrabi Ilroccoll Vetetabla marrow Eat' final rsnlpa Canned lima beans . 20'PZB CENT, CLASS. atoea :sm1 baini mil beans i Oreen corn uoiiea rice Dolled macaroni TrtiTTT.ra 5 per Cent, class. Kip olives (20ft (at) Orapefrult 10 FEU cent; CLASS. Xmona Cranberries Qrancea . Strawberries Efiackberrlea Gooseberries Pineapple Blackberries Peacbee watermelon Atmlea Apricots Plums Almond lleecisni Ploeuut 15 PER CENT. CIAS3. , Pears Blueberries Cherrlea , Currants Raspberries Huckleberriea 20 PER CENT. CLASS. ' Rananaa num. 0 PER CENT. CLA8S. Butternuts PlsaoUaa 10 PER CENT. CXASS. JJrasil nuts. Black walnuts Hickory nuts Pecans 15 PER CENT. CLASS. f nda- ralnnt renlf,M ROUta i PtatarhlnM Ploeuuta so ren ttai. class. Peanuts . 0 PER CENT. CLASS. Chsstnut illBCELIANEOUa IN B PER CENT. CLASS. Unaweetaned and un- Scallops spiced plcUta r.lvtr Clams FUb Oysters lloe Cooking- la water materially reduces the starch, and sugar available. For Instance, cabbage which contains per cent carbo hydratea after belus cooked la three waters contains only 3 per cent The digestive and aaalmllitlva orsrana cannot abstract from vegetables and 'fruits ail me caroonyaratea wnicti they contain. Jpslln says that they only get out about a jer ,cont of the carbohydrate contained. From, 5 per cent vegetable i. per cent carbo feydrates would bo abstracted; a 10 per eenfc, 9 per entj frora a. zo per cent. IS par pest In the starvation treatment of diabetes the patient basin catJnat with a diet limited sa ir a vegetables, fruits and nuts ar concerned to member of the S per cant jrraup. At flrat he only tak.es rlva ounce a dy iJiUr he inereasee tha Quantity TJ bsrf of rsulatlas the uastlty U mH to irflMJ. Twtttty tfuncss of Mivm ostAWW5h uroUaflvfi&uncs a BMasaaSaa $s2 Himmap, ttoJUfig w Llpg ff"P. iJ'ntlr -"J(pwr- Wtmm fc. ur terestedt or should be Interested In this list are not limited to diabetics. The obese are nearly as much so. By following; this list they can eat rather freely without ex ceeding the sugar and starch limit. It Is of Interest to all who for any reason must limit their uso of stnrch and sugar. If sugar Is added to the strawberries (for example), or the eggplant Is fried In batter (for example), the figures "don't go." Have Sputum Examined tuL?ot.id4!l2h1,.i", ""."d "! my bronchial Vi, ,!' XL i. couh and raise a lot. I saw an f iinnfftlip5KE t0 take "rtaln expectorant. I'. 'A W,ed wltn '"" and syrup, and it tastes ft?. ".J1" w". menthol In It. la menthol sood TOT evrv nn tn trV r.,i "a. .." l,Bomhfi54)r rh,ht ? V "8i now It " comes In a tablet form and you eat one with your meals and It puts on flesh. Would they be sood tor one to taker If not. what would be '"J?" j P. w w bend some of your sputum to the State laboratory. Have your lungs examined The probability la that you have consump tion and that none of these medicines will help you. Nervousness -'..1b0ra,0,7. '' otmr urine shows no trace ?L11Y .0T. 'bunn. but that the speclflc era cindiii?,"5rKV." .I'-I'lVi. '." . '"lous liradcra who desire help with their dreas problems will addreia communlcatona to tho Paahlon Erpert, care 0 the Editor o (no IVomati'a Paoe, the Evening Ledger, There are some articles of npparel that ono has n perfect right to expect not to change. Long usage has engendered such an affectionate familiarity with them that a mere suggestion of change causes a feel ing of surprise not unmixed with annoy ance to permeate your being. Personally, this Is how I feel about hand kerchiefs. I like them square, of medium size, nnd white, preferably. In good, plain hemstitched linen. That la to say. I did llko them that way. But Dame Fashion makes tickle fools of us nil. Now she has Introduced the round "mou cholr." Ardent saleswomen tell you thnt these will positively NOT pucker In the laundry; that they will Iron as smoothly and flatly as the kind we have been raised' with. But this assurance Is unnecessary. The minute you see them you nre capti vated. "What care you for laundry and durability. Indeed, having capitulated to a circular hankie, which Is pale blue, you promptly "fall for" n strawberry triangular one and a pea-green one of diamond shaped design. Your surrender Is complete. The handkerchiefs you have purchased are quaint nnd reminiscent of the days of Marie Antoinette and you are happy. They may cause an additional wrinkle or two to form tn the brow of your washerwoman, But Dame Fashion and this lady of the tubs have ever been at variance. Why worry? Dear Madam I have a very pretty summer frock that has been worn for several seasons. It Is In perfect condition but a short time ago I wore It to a picnic, where I sot lome grass stains on It. I should like very much to take these off, but do not know how. My friends tell mo that crass stains cannot b removed. Can jou help me? n, t. S. If you proceed carefully, tho stains will entirely disappear. Take the dress In your hands, holding tho part where the stains nre away from the rest. If you can. Dip this part In plain molasses. Allow It to stay In the sticky mess for nn hour or so. Then wring out and wash in clear water. If the first application doesn't work, do it again. Dear Madam I am making up a summer ."Vif 5V"Jei1 vo11'- l want I' to be soft 8-,.i.ru."' but d? not seem to succeed In settlne hntt?,atma.y: . have, u?f? ? mu""n foundation, but It makea the material look very stiff. Can you SUEeeit ntivthlno- ,hn, ,uV.'""', r51 serviceable ns a foundation? MATRON. Cotton net Is better than muslin for a dress such as you describe. If you use a belt foundation, and make a light bodlre of the net to go underneath your blouse, your frock can bo made as full as you please, but the net will not draw down the goods, to make It look stiff. Dear Madam I have a bathing; suit that has srown too short for me. I cannot afford a new one and would like to utilise the one I hfv" MJn..plalv,,p;,n:"S ,tl- wth wool ieVsey bloomers. What kind of a can and allnneri would jou use with a black and b?u. mSKi? . 4 L.VI.I, 1 LU Jljf, suit? lou might make a cuff of tafTeta for tho bottom of your skirt, which will glvo you tho length you want. Or you could get a new pair of full knickers the baggy kind fastened at the knees, such as they are" wearing this season. With these the short ness of your princess skirt will not look fUllsBSe (S ,1"e and wh"e cap of rubberized satin would do, or a tightly fitted blur rub ber cap. with a bright bandanna over It. lo k bT nt S and bIU at0CklnKS W0Uld condition? What causes these Items to be low Sn.d.h?w.CK,l,n..tn'r.t remedied? Have recently been troubled with nervousness. Would thli nave any tenaency for the cause? L. D Nervousness Is the causa nt tho nr.,n,i' of your urine. Exercise more, eat more and calm yourself. Sally Foods Harmful .,I?Vtn myiJ0?d rather freely with salt and wish to know If I am setting too much. J. R. F. You are. By salting your food less you will relieve your kidneys of some strain and burn up your tissues less rapidly. In time you will learn to like unsalted or little salted food. Keeping Baby Quiet One mother used a clever device to keep her over-restless youngster from crawling away all the time. She got a large" soft gray blanket and cut out gay designs from the nursery books, which she sewed on the blanket The clotures , moH .linen, from one of these linen children's oum n aii tne snops. The bright Pictures attracted the child's attention, and he would sit for hours looking at them and picking at them. A baby fence around the rug completed the outfit Renovating Chiffon To make old chiffon look fresh and new hang It up In a bathroom filled with steam while you are bathing-. Then hang It out In the air. Ypu will be surprised at the difference. Cooking in Glass Dishes The new glass baking dishes are Interest ing to the housekeeper who Is In the habit of keeping up-to-date with Inventions for household use. These cooking utenrlls of transparent glass are novelties, but thuy are useful novelties from more than qne point of view. The dish In which the article is cooked is the dish In which It Is brought to the table, for one thing. Then the cook can always see the progress of the article a peep In the oven discloses the Btage of the cooking. Then, too. it is claimed that these dishes are easier to wash than metal ones. Orange and Pimento Salad Oranges are useful In making hot-weather salads. They, are nutritious and offer a pleasing method by which to take the "one orange a day" prescribed by some spe cialists. Quarter some nice plump oranges, pouring over the fruit a liberal dressing made of oil. vinegar or lemon Juice, paprika and salt. Now get a large flat platter, lay stalks of crisp endive over It, and place tne oranges over tnis. strips or red pep per (the canned variety will do) glye a pretty color effect and make the salad more delicious. Sanitary Garbage Can A handy garbage receptacle for summer use-and for all the year round, as weli- ?? .? C0V.tr "."?' lofk8 on when the pall Is lifted The Idea Is to keep stray dogs away from the can. Tartnric Acid for Stains "If 'College Girl" will get a small quantity of tartaric acid, which comes In n white powder, and keep It with her toilet acces sories, she will find It most clllcacloua In removing htalns from her hands. it Is perfectly harmless, bb It Is used In cooking. "II. C B." Sold in Book Form "Regarding tho Inquiry of K. McC : nxperlence' may be obtained In book form at the theatre where It Is playing. I think also at tho book stores. E. C" Sending Parcels to the Trenches "Please tell M. C. as soon as possible, to write the address this way: Name regi ment, regimental number, B. i;. I' France. Meaning: British expeditionary force, M. C 's friend Is sure to get parcels, as the postal service Is wonderful and how our brave fellows do look forward to and ap preciate their letters nnd parcels! I havo three brothers at the front. 1 always read your column and enjoy It. A. S." Wants Copy of Poem "Some time, when the Corner Is not full of other requests, may I ask you to get me a copy of a poem by Ella Wheeler Wilcox-' The clergyman In our church recited it. and I have been unable to get It at tho nubile library that I havo access to, so turn to our Corner, that has tried and been success ful In locating other poems. One of the lines, I think, runs: 'Some call It mother love, others call It God ' M. A. V." Make Sick People Laugh "I have a book and many cuttings from tho papers, with Jokes, etc I will take tho book, clippings, scissors and tubea nf paste to an Invalid or shut-In to nrrango and paste. It may be somo hospital would Cover Your Books! Cheap book covers may be made of chintz during the summer months. It pro tects the books when they are in use. and If they happen to be left on the porch or lawn, they may be seen right away. The covers may be feather-stitched on with very little trouble. lMMf Watchea The Jeweling and ad Justment of a watch means much to the cus tomer, but service Is 111JI Oat aaaantlal 1 have a IT Vl.i .57.:: "i" ".' watch. 23 year case' selling with our perfected service for $25.00 C R. Smith & Son Market Street at 18th fv iq' Ha D rtfiTtf7ri1'irf M Epitaph He roam'd half-round the world of woe, Where toll and labor never cease; Then dropp'd one little span below In searcl, of peace. . And now to him mljd beams and showers. All that he needs to grace his tomb. From loneliest regions at all hours. Upjought-fo-, come. Aubrey De Vere. IB-1 ITOUB VACATION 13 NOI X2HOYABUS ir you are troubled, with roar feet. Ftad out bow unnecessary corns are, Ceul( tcaT HANNA " , m, w. Mixy.1, Ha. JMt OwMtiut t ISkftMjt JEsUflsfWfcalf. 3$r$ jKgi , Mir iiliSawpsiffTstrfili n"sjasiiisinasistsiaj.s.sipsi Miaictfiiic, Se. Removal Sale i i i lie. On or About July 1st Wo Shall Remove) to 1612 Chestnut Street to larger quarters We are offering real values in shopworn goods, discon tinued lines, etc.. at aDDroxi- mately one-third to one-half of before-the-war prices. Sale now on! J.FranMin Miller (iscowsaaTlrf 1623 Chestnut St. "The Haas XazsfsUo? Store" xxp!ifTrrrt KG' ttr MssaMWtlMsBBVIiliiiiiirrTTTTTi fecie 5crreecir 1A.GJLE Condensed MILKL TH'.oaAiuu.. THE men who ratlce Gail Borden Eagle Brand Condensed MUfc rte"f7 "'P f 'Hr'T thHriiry ?l TT crupulouily test the quaky and purity of ereiy batch BORDEN'S lV, el'KrA? .WIT "??;" who. 4d Ae fine.. R,T,jr. Ti -. ,r tM or.,Dl have lucd ''Ease 'tt. j " i Jwun!d ,hr" eeoMn of sturdy boys and Bull Thouiand. ef efficient homa.maxers are uune it JlX. tl IT T- SaLJL.K lYw wMk H "aveaUace o having ofl, u the pantry at U hour of tho day or eight, Awarded Craadfrisa 'M 5u FruuUco Eipoitioa fe'cjt3ss3fcs"'' RauWed Hltaatt Award wherever xfeibUed Im18ST Dividing Peonies S. T P. It Is not wlso to divide peony roots right after bloomlnsr. Tho strength of the plant has been pretty well exhausted by benrlnc; the beautiful blooms. The vitality should bo restored by digging In somo Well rotted manure about tho roots or by making an application of nltrnto of soda, about a tablcrpoonful dug In about a foot from tho roots. Hydrangeas Drooping llstellc The obvious reason your hydran geas are drooping Is that they need moro water man you are giving them. They nre among the thirstiest of plants. After tho Bun Is off the plants pour a bucketful of water about the roots of each plant. Do not water the leaves, ns watering directly has a tendency to yellow them. You muRt not expect your plants to bear again. They wero "forced" to give Knster bloom and havo done their duty for the season. Your best course would be to put thorn In the ground till fall when you can repot for winter bloom, or by covering with coarse manure you can winter them over. Tho blooms will bo bigger and last longer In a permanent outdoor location. Plant them cither ns "singles" or. If In n group, at least 2'5 feet apart. Alain Crop Meet S. C. V. Crosby's Egyptian Is a good, reliable variety. It keeps well in sand for winter. Varied Roses Excelsior Good roses for your bed would bo white, Kalscrln Augusta Victoria, Frau Karl Druschkl ; red, Qruss an Tep Iltz. cardinal; yellow: Mrs. Aaron Ward Lady Hllilngton; pink; Klllarncy, La rrunue. ineso nre an monthly bloomers, lou can buy potgrown specimens for BO cents each now. Tho eight named will make a varied and frco blooming bed. Dig generous holes for the plants and enrich the soil with somo ground bono meal. Put Plenty of wateryfibout tho roots for a week or so. Moss Rose For the Summer Hn Miotic and checked .. m BBrJ22Hr &-.. the hor.u.'i"?.7 Ml. Jons. There nre enormous 15! In ornmre ntul t,i..i. "? Mock tJ brown nnd white, and th.,? patterns In dull h.if." 'h9r! an suitable for cortservatl , tasSj1 i White, crav ami Mi,. -.V". Ge. are charming examples of tSM?1 Thoro Is great variety in .J MnrU nil. ueijr n tftni.-? .Vw ,..,. ci. IO. -V I Hide toe Ugly tyaJ An nhArt ..-! -?.;. "ttlM greatly hidden by a'row M t niong tne oase of t. Th J.T .""p tho carrot plant are v.,S f'r.n:.'U seeds may be planted In front 7 ' It wanted, Another B0oro.-M.l tno ugliness of a wall. If i ,' "Si Is by planting a row of unll iicic. j. no carrots, ho.. ""! practical, 'for by fall the tub' ready to use. "Mf - Rlftplfinrr flm Ti.... Soan nnd water llhemit surface of the kitchen riiWM coat of regular blacking Wf EM ,"' "" 'a" ,onBcr' " tlm'.!' $ ffisssi vK Ev V$i. ms H Th,epTVltyofMer., M dale Butter is pro- III tected all tho way j from our churns to III your table. Every. Iff thing possiblo is 1 done to make it HI clean and sweet it The milk cans, churns and all 11 utensils aro thor- B oughly sterilized. S. P. K. The Blanche Moroau Is a very satisfactory moss rose. It Is puro white with attractive foliage and very hardy. But you can't get an over-blooming moss roso. r Winter Cabbage Amateur Late flat Dutch Is a good header and a good "keeper" as well. Sow your seeds In frame or seed bed now nnd transplant when seedlings have mado two or three leaves. MERIDALE BUTTER comes direct from the creamery to your grocer wrapped in tho "Merif oil" wrapper to protect it from any possiblo out side impurity. Ask your grocer or phone AYER & McKINNEY, uuaKcra oi Merldale) Philadelphia Bell Phone. Mstket 37(1 Keystone Phone, Main 1713 Look for the "MtrlfcUf wmpvir air-tight, dust- aid oaor-proofat your groan. EH in gMllifslK-rl -fa9 mm miiiialMWmMas s : ! ' "ii"1"111"" """"i Summer Millinery, Dresses, Coats Dusters and Raincoats A Beautiful Assortment of Waists BLAYLOCK & BLVNN, Inc. 1528 Chestnut St. Furs Stored, Altered and Repaired. LUIGI RIENZI 1714 Walnut Street Importer and Ladies' Tailor Final Clearance These 'Fashionable Suits, Superb in Ffibric and Tailoring, Mu iie sold xnis Week 27 Fashionable Spring Suits in Silk, GabarO djOGl dine and Serge, were $75 to $110, now. ... J tyUv 21 Day and Evening: Dresses Were $150 $75 $50 Choice Friday and Saturday, $20 Dress and Sport Hats Reduced Furs Cared For and Insured lIUHIIIIIlIEIl'liHIUillHUUIUIMIHUUHUHUUUUHUHimUUmm 3626 Residents of Philadelphia registered at Hotel Astoc during the past year. TIMES SQUARE 1000 Rooms. 700 with Bath, A cuisine which has nwcfc . the Astor New York's leading Banqueting place, Single Room, without Ml, fioa to j Double . . 3.00 fo A-09 Single Rooms, wci bath, 30 to 6a Double 4.00(0 7" Parlor, Bedrrxa nd baik fiojsa to ft9 At Broadway, 44 tk to 45th Street the asrtfir of NewYwk' mm mnmmw mmmvmt W aOc pnjaituUy m W ralW3 W" MmiminmnHu,..,.:.,,,.., -. i:m.