r- BVEfttfNfc LBDeBR-PHILABBLPHlA THURSDAY, JWE 1, 1916. JAMffiSCfiOLSGW& DUPLOMASTOSOSGOOD JOBS AWAITING EACH i i '3Vntjr-four Methbers'bf Fcbru- , $at Glass Also Receive Degrees ' t Commencement Exercises. List of Graduates flRLSAtwnilAMPKW SHOWWAYTO ECONOMY INGRADUAHONREF(MlM MANY PRIZES AWARDED "When tho 80 graduates of the June )asses of tho Philadelphia Trades Schools, fcsth day ami evening-, receive their di plomas tonight they will have the addi tional satisfaction of knowing that every no of their number cither has a "Job" al- i ready, or else has one he can go to at any Uma. Ttventy.four members of the February class of tho day school, who have been nt Work In various trades for several months, lso will receive their diplomas tonight at the commencement exercises, which wilt be hold In the William Perm High School, 16th and Wallaeo streets. An addross to tho graduates will be made tonight by Dr. Frank P. Graves, dean of the school of education nt tho University Of Pennsylvania. Dlnlnrrmn will hn nn. rented by 'William Itowen, chairman of the Committee on Elementary Schools of tho Board of Education. Prises will bo award ed by William O. Ash, principal of tho school, and by representatives of tholr donors. Many of these prises havo been given by trade associations of tho city. MASTERS DEQIIEB GIVEN. The master plumbers' ptisto will bo prc ente'd by Edward F. Roberts, tho Richard H. Watson prize by tho Rev. William J. Cox, tho Master Shoot Metal Workers' As isolation prise by Benjamin F. John, sea rotary of tho association; tho pioneer class prize by J, Hans Gclpe, who was president of tho class of 1909, and tho John T. Lewis Brothers Company prises by E. Newton Wlgfall, plant superintendent of tho com pany, Tho graduates will go Into tho world quipped with a skill nlmost equivalent to that of a Journeyman workman. ino nonor students will receive prlieo aa Silks and Satin Give Way to Plain Cap and Gown as 262 Recelvo Diplomas at High School ESSAYS AND SONGS HEARD GLASS OFFICERS WM. PENN HIGH SCHOOL follow Aiurreu DoDDini Tcrlwa Day, Honrr wi,iiucurHi rai T. nriPM ITnrl lraftlnv Walter Tt frmiitwMln 6J,?!,.?8ri82,tPu mecfianlcal drafting: DavFil Kornaln. electrical construction! Victor Marnak SSklSJ. antUol ""man d Bel.er. pattern prlio John J. Taylor, Afaata, nlttnlu.J rjlumblna. Illchard ir. Watson prize nocco Prete, plumb- BtifliL.if hM.t MeUJ Workers' Association ,ri5.I'uIa Mattes, sheet metal. rSffiaSaflSflfiSr" 8Uw"rt D- "'"'"' John T. Lewis ft .Brothers' Company prise I?Oeorf a"il,r- William Torrcnco. Elmer FoUowmff aro tho graduates: DAT SCHOOL. FEBRUARY CLASS. .ra.iEE5fTTmAiIji DRAFTING Ralph Gold te.,Kn?r.Jtw.,m1'nCr' Leon Llchtensteln, SWJKJ5J?KX aor Holmach. t1?.,e9tria1' . .construction Aioiph 5a-'' ,J,r" firt "i Col- " nichard Hart man. Harold Lee. Frederick Ley, Harold Ma Eire. Paul R. Spaeth. Ronald Suillfre. William ijnirir nUntf T' Whltaker, William A. amSSiIAt,?ICAI'T DRAFTINC1 nichard P. Ai?le.rlcV-11"Pry, J2,E",n- James n. Knlcht. Max lary. Frank: J. Bchata, Harold Upp. PATTERN MAKINO-Isamuel Kau. PRINTING Howard J. Krlckboutn, JUNE CLASS. .,CHiT?F?TUrPAR DRAFTINO Harry Den. Jamln, Harold D. Cassel, Munroa w. Copper. Jr.. Etewart B. Harknrss, Thomas H Hewlett; John L. Jones, Lionel W. Lancaster, Italph c. M. Larimer. William J. Uothwell. oionte II Bcr.7Slf5vS??iw,H- Urwljer. Robert Wadetl. n CARPENTRY Joseph 1J. Hannlgan, Moies ."IS.CPNSlTiyCTION-j. warren Oeorso J. Kemper. Ell wood Loltenberaer, Johr aepn Two hundred and fifty-two girls, clad In gray caps and gowns, received diplomas from tho Wllllom Penn High School at the commencement exercises held this morning In the auditorium of tho school at 16th and Wallace streets. Tho gray caps and gowns were Indicative of economy, an effort mado on tho part of officials of tho school and tho officers of tho class to prevent extravagance and to avoid putting the girls to unnecessary ex pense. In every way the cost Incident upon graduation has been minimised, and even the expenso of printing the commencement program, a cost borne by the city, has been lessened by having the work done nt the Philadelphia Trades School, There were no outsldo speakers at tho commencement, with the exception of the Rev. Dr. Hugh Morris, who offered tho Invo nnfinn All nt th rinmmenccment orntlons were by graduates. An essay on "Festival Days," written by Henrietta Smith, was read by Marjorlo Olonlngor; an cseay on "Fostlvnl Instinct," written by Augusta Cohen, was read by Mildred E. Wllllard; a poem, "Fulfilled Creation," written by Martha Taylor, was recited by Lillian Cur toy, and tho valedictory address, "Tho Com mencement Festival," written by Florenco Llndcmann, was delivered by Laura Wober, president of the graduating class. William D. Lewis, prlnclpat of tho school, presented diplomas to tho following grad uates i Marram u. i,usenesrs Katherlne M. Losan Edith E. Lowa Rllse O. Luck Dorothy A. Luti Anna 8. McCarrick Thoresa M. .MeDevltt M. Esther MeFejIden 13. Beatrice McNIchol saran o. wevey , i mWm" rlWmzikM 4 '7m CATHOLIC fflGH SCHOOL (ilVES DIPLOMAS TO 78 AND PRESEiYTS PRIZES Left to right: Miss Bessie Amsterdam, treasurer: Miss Mnry Hnr shaw, secretary; Mls3 Laura Weber, president; Miss Mnry Albert son, vice president. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS WIN CLASSICAL PRIZES Miss Ruth Brandt and Rcns- .Belaer Wright Leo Successful in Club Competition upton. Prescott Mitchell. Walter Muria. Jo. i8, Patterson. Havard E. itamsey. llarn Babel,. Andrew II. Schommer. Josinh n. Euro Coonea. Frank Oarabetlan' twn. y, ivosicxi. jonn tr. Bcnrelber. W. Earl Sbeneman, J. Albert Byl- MHUIAKIUAI, DHAFTINO Philip N. H. JlowUnd Orovs, C5;l"j "' J?nn .iutie, waiter Locko, "ifPSjIz J.leJ"'i Alexandar M. namser. . PATTERN JIAklNO Harry BormanT Frank Zepe EVENTNO TRADES SCHOOL NO. 1. SrftmKJNOx-no, n. Kltchln - ""w ,wuii 'wuinman Anern. Daniel Armstrong;. Albert llannan. Harry Beck. James S?K2rft'amV,, Conway. John Cort.7 ChiVlM A5J,1i.J,n.Pe'Ay- Aloyslns JJ. Dovlln. Charles A." &1nr,?.iNar?,n father. Charles qunther William Hales. Harry Howard. Qeorzo Keebler! A.. Morris Lans, Charles Loeb. John A. Luti; i0?.h.iL,V,uu- S?w.ard MeDevltt. Edward lib. Sonoufh, Ilarry Nlederbereer. nou ton Trender-' K' ilocco Pr'- EdsartH.Hoss.- John San. Weln. Speera, .John, j,js Taylor, Herry SHE.ET 'METAL Louis Mattes. lUinSSy." CIUBAL enAFTlNa Felli C. MECILVNICAL DRAJTINO Victor Marnak. A,f,xA5iU'??,t0"j ot,o Wolflnser. "" nfhlP1iU.?ltlTy Flaeher. Andrew O. li'if.t?.'' -yi!!1mcllalcr- Jm McKeone. Isaac Smith. Walter Sueasencuth. 7 CAIIPENTOT Joseph L. Peckworth. j,uAKCHITECTUnAL DltAIfTlNOWoseph A. FoiLDS?flI?vAIhom.?,8TnucTION-Ben,r"' DiitiXji' BCTAU I'ATTEIW DRAFTINO . SSS Itrush3.ylahoJy"ff.hBw-an"tgn'r' ' THE WEATHER Official Forecast ' "v WASHINGTON, June 15. For Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey: Probably showers tonleht and yrlday; not much change In temperature; moderate east to south winds. Showers over Irregular areas have' covered about three-fourths of the country east of the Hocky Mountains during the last 24 hours. The chief- exceptions are JJeyv England. New Totk. and a strip aloner the middle Atlantlo coast, the central Mississippi valley, and a portion of the ...(mI nlfllna O... HIL. . ' v..u. ij.unio giuioj, ino temperatures have fallen at most places, the greatest decrease being about 10 degrees In eastern Pennsylvania. Delaware and northeastern Maryland. There Is a deficiency of from degTees to 10 degrees this morning from the Itocklea eastward, U. 8. Weather Bureau Bulletin t Obserratlona taken at 8 a. m.. Eastern tlm. Low " 8 last Rain- V!oo-a-m. n't. fall.vyind.ltr1w.th?r Anna Aaron Mary C. Alberston Esthtr Alelnlkolt Ilfisle Amsterdam Violet II. Anthony Helen Aptelbaum Lillian Armstrong Frances L. Ashton Mary 13. Ashwortn Jennie M. llandlera Sarah Uaron. Kmma M. Desley Laura UellerJeau Clara M. Ilerkowlts Minnie Dernsteln Alice T. Blttner Mildred A. Ulttner Anna Illaukopf Anna llloom Ilarbara I. DOnd Mary II. lloycr Klalo llrody Mary R. Drown AdeUno E. Cantley Inex II. Cortledgo Helen M. Carver Huth Carver Ethel C. Caton Julia K. Cawley Reba F. Chalmers Dorothea O. Chllds Dorothy M. Chubb Esther 8, Clair Pauline O. Cohan Au&usta Cohen Ida Cohen Lillian S. Cohen Mary Cohn Mary L. Crook Elizabeth Cundey Lillian K. Curley Jane Csarneckl Anna E. nickel Elsie K. Dledel Kmlly K. Diets Rather Dnnertv Hunter Downing Marsaret Macdonald Ilertha R. Malnwarlns Klilo Mandel Frances B. Mann Annette II. Markowlts Minnie Marks Aiariruerite u. aic7 Mildred D. Michael Gladys M. Miller Mnrinn II. Miller Dorothea E. Mllti Dorothy S. MoskorlU Adeline Mueller Paulina Muller . Edna J. Munnlck May E. Nalsby Ruth C. Nase Mlnnlo Newhoff Cecelia C. Noeanow Evansellne M. O'lloyle Lcona C. Oppenhelmer Oraco A. Qvlnston Maria L. Paean Laura S. Palmatary Miriam Phillips Ethel 1). Pierce Anna E. Posern Helen Pownall Eitella E. Ravltch Esther A. Richardson Ruth A. Riddle Marlon Rlppey Sara II. Rlttenberr Alice E. Robinson Margaret O. Robinson T.ucltlo H. Rosanbarr ft-r.Wpr.ltiajS-nlL.RfI.TiI nlra M. Dreher Helen M. Eberle Kara Elnfeld Emily F. Epple Eva Epstein . Anna L. Essllntrer Dorn Fnrien Ilesslo IU Feldman Emma W. Fetterolf Eva Flnasrhutt Minnie Freedman Rose Anna Frelbers Roso Krlndly Theresa V. Frommer Kathleen Fulton EUa Heavier Gardner Anna K. Oavett Estelle D. Olnsburs Deborah Ollckman Llllle M. Qlonlnser Tlllls Rosenthal Annie W. Koaentoor Barah It. Ross Fannla E. Ruley Anna Sandler Resale A. Saunders Mae E, Saurman Maria D. Sautter Miriam O. Savase Sara Sax Mollle R. Schleln Ethel F. Schmld Katharine Schulhorf Elsa K. Schumann Ethel Schwartz Alma K. steel Helen Sellara Sophia Shapiro Oraco II. Shepherd Marie A. Shmldhelser -- - jiciin, aj. aiiiirr i-iorence i. uoiaenoerc jeannette S. Silver Ooldle L. aoldman Henrietta A. Smith Loretta A. Oowen Esther 11 Snyder Elizabeth 11. Qozlnker viola Snyder Ousslo Ornuner Frances M. Snyderman Sarah Oreenblatt Helen E. Hpecht Eva M. Oreensteln Helen A. Stambersar Florenco Q. Oresc Oertrudo A. Stanley Nellie M. Oreth Mollle Stein . Carolina Lehe Orubler Anna R. Stelnsort Norma Ounthorp Sora Stevens Henrietta L. Qrossman SofJtBtomel Rose Grossman h5i?i2 ,V S,r.eeiL Veronica C. E. Haran Zi" Y- gutelllfe Helen Wallace Hall i rimr,J,JiwArt Anna Fiances Halllday rcta t1 ?&" Maud Beatrice Halllday fnSaTfavrJb uwonuoiyn Harrison I.lllijtn if Tnvln. Matilda Hartmann Ethel Hasklns Beatrice M. Henkela Marsuerlte H, Hesske Helen M. Hill Mary I. Hill Irene M. Illrtz Cella M. Hoffman Anna M. Hotz Maud E. Howard Freada R. Joseph itoas jiantrovltz A 17-ycar-old girl, tho daughter of a Reading Railway engineer, and an 18-yoar-old boy, son of a Central High School pro fessor, will recolvo tho Latin-Greek prizes oflored by the Philadelphia Classical Club to tho girl who can mako tho best grado among tho girls of the city and tho boy who can mako tho highest among Philadelphia boys preparing to enter college this year. Tho young woman Is Miss lluth Brandt, daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brandt, 1209 Cambria street, a member of tho grad uating class of tho Philadelphia High School for Qlrls. The young man is Rensso laer Wright Lee, son of Prof, and Mrs. Francis II. Leo, 4712 Windsor avenue, nnd graduates this week from tho West Philadelphia High School for Boys. Both havo takon part In school activities ns well as kept up their work. Before going 10 uins- High Miss Brandt attended Qer- mantown High School. Whllo thcro sho was In tho Choir Club, tho Classical Club nnd was secretary of tho Debating Club. Sho won a prlzo essay thero on "Roman His tory." Tho prlzo which tho young students havo won by tholr superior work In Latin nnd Greek Is to bo offered annually by tho Philadelphia Classical Club to tho girl who can pass tho highest Latin-Greek ex aminations of all girl contestants nnd to the boy who can fulfil tho same require ments from the young men prepnring to ou ter collego from tho Philadelphia high schools each June. Honorable mention has been given F. Mortimer Graves, of tho Penn Charter school; Miss Follco E. Dnrkow and Miss Hlldegarde J. Fitz-Maurico, both of tho Philadelphia High School for Girls, othor contestants. The committee of the Philadelphia Classi cal Club, which awarded the prizes, con sisted of Prof. Wilton W. Blnncko, Central High School; Professor Dennlson, Swnrth moro Collego; Prof. J. Doolitllo, Episcopal Academy, and Prof. Georgo Dcpuo Hadzslts, of tho University of Pennsylvania. WEST CHESTER HIGH TO GIVE DIPLOMAS Largest Gloss in History of In stitution Graduated Frank R. Smith Delivers Valedic tory Address M. A. DEGREE TO TWELVE Largest Class in History of In stitution to Be Graduated Tonight Gillian iv. -layior Martha M. Taylor Tllllo 8. Thompson . Thompson Grace W. Mlnnla Teller Marlon B. Tlsho Esther If. Turner iy.v.v - jit Cecelia O. Kaplan Elsie F. E. Kast Clare Kaufman Rose Klnderman Ima F, Kline Emilia W. Kllnbers Amelia C. Koch Elinor C. Koch Rose Koenlir Madeline K. Kohn iaa jiouiKort Leah Kotsen Kathyrn L. Kraft Elizabeth Krlessbaus j ser Sara Krohn Emma Krowlaky Ana L. Kuhn Jessie M. Lacey Julia M. Lam Emma Lamps Clara D. Laventhol Esther fl. I.m Helen M. Lefferta Sadye M. LeVene Estella It, Lewis yyilhelmlna M. Upmal Mary V. Vander- herchen Mildred Vanderherchen Rebecca E. Waldman Lauro E. Weber Pprothy R. Yt'edupsky Blanche Weiss Katherlne Welch Bertha Werner Elizabeth ,W. Wesley Eiva D. West J-aura, k. wnealan Ida J. Whltaker Msrearet f. Whl lleatrlea Whiteside Harriet I. Minnie fda.WI Lavlnla Whlttlro WMmaver Wlesen IlenaVv Vlnla T. Wlllflnann Isabel M. Wilson Martha S. Wtmley Jfelfn B. Wlntroath Viola it. Wister Fannie Wolf Anna f. Woodward Anna E. Taezer Hazst C. , Zalaor Mary Zatlln Rose L. Zecca Maris ret W. Zlecler Btatlon. Atlanta, da. ... (W-flt Atlantlo City ... AH ftfl JiUmarcIr. Si. t BO 48 ,03 NIr 18 atton. liuffalo. 4 H4 : i c Charleston. B, C. t Xi .12 SB ChJcaso. IIL .... fl2 rt) ,a F . lacinoaii, u. 8B il y.,..TI -A' n Benver, Col. ,.,, 82 elroit. Mich! !! IVi nalveston, Tex, 72 arruDurr. a. . ou Halifax. "N. fl,' eiena, oni. : ire. 1 latteras. N. C, . 74 68 B4 sa Ah .nt .02 fc r MHrtMit f. Jnalwiapoili, jacKionvtiiv. inQXYiiit, T9na d(U it W IB N RE UK P.W NrJ 12 IJ Rain Cloudy Ols.r Cloudy l'.Cldy Rain ' Clear P.Cldy Cloudy Clear Rala Clear Clear N)V o Clar Tnrl. Rfl nil AS atr ?'m 19 is iUo s" H i So a it PR ,vo w 00 ii lontsonieryf Ala. To 68 ,1(J -v. iiwuwi, ma "J ,u oulav: la Rock, Ark, M 08 Annies. Cat, E9 R4 lavlile. Ky. , 4 00 ;Ao w eal. Cashvllls. Tann. Vmw Orleans. La w York. N. Y. VorfoiW. Va. . . 08 OtUpom. Okla. 04 ftaan. Nbr. 00 rfHiaaeipnia. rs, na rawsu. A land. Ore, , 60 mo. Can. . . . R4 uaute, alo, im Ht ajb sM. latoQ jgpMBftl tmr &X a? Ai'Zm, M ,4il BW 51 ,. H 22 XL fiB 92 .02 N 68 . . BW o? . NQ tloiiilv Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy P.Cldy cloudy Rata' Cloudy p.cidy i, r.t.iur oanU; Art.", 72 08 V. E " cii rtiand. Ma. , , ju no . . H. . . Cloud; Cloud; Clear 00 Paul. Iliu. , 54 04 ,J3 B lae. i kjaj Ar.tQolo, Tex. 1 jrrancii ii w a TrAncise festa S. N..M s s1 S3 nrton ..,, el t-an, , oa 4$ 4 U 4 a m & to udy ar' oudy ear Rata .- Clear Rain Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy C(ody uoroTK or day. uu r! .. 4JJ0 4-1B. I Sun et... 7JI p-m. IMiLiWAHB K1VKJ4 TlUfi CHANGES. CHWSTKUT 8T:iT. rmi' mmmmi js?Ra WILLIAM PENN HIGH ANNEX AWARDS 37 DIPLOMAS CloainB Exercise3 of Glrla' School Held This Afternoon Diplomas wero awarded this afternoon :? 3Ira(luates ' tl,a Northeast Annex or the, William Penn High School for dlrla In the auditorium of the -William Penn High School, 16th and Wallace utreets. The diplomas wero presented by the prin cipal, William D, Lewis. Jin essay "Tho Pageant and the Community." by Martha Engel, waa delivered by Ethel Doysen, . .v"IK"1' rtn eaeny on "The History of the Pageant." written by Katherlne Keenahan. was read by Florence Golden. Florence Hlckey and Ethel Nevin rendered vocal selections. The program was notable for tho sing, ing of the choruses under the direction of Miss Amelia J. strodick, assistant director of muslo. nuth Welsa was the soloist dur ing the singing of Purcell's "Come Unto These Yellow Sands." The graduates are: ,.Fr.'nc Bloomer, Ethel It, Doysen Annie 't,Dfr, May E. Duncan. Martha BnxeH I, 01 li D. Alary n. iiraii mn. ' .. alt. 1- Bl.i.Ti;.j:.i.-. ..""? BCOil, 11 r-iorence k. uoiaen. Marn Keenahan, Oertrude M. KalUBaarriiSii.'o ' uoroioy. ttoni, Asnsa V. Lents EmlTi Koaal M. Lcshei erum. . t I'lCJCU al. &Ienilontltftatf,t1 tnnP..I" i.!r7l' ."li&KJfSlv r.v. v-' .:!" -, uia: . Ethel E. Neyln. Naomi FelrcsT Pearl iwwMteM vr Mm xacit. vjs.t i 6' gW. ,Em lie Thelss, Saral C." Thompsoa. MUdrea I, Upperman, Ruth L. Well., ilibii 5, Wlckf Florence F. Wilson. IjaFt "a Wolif. ' OYSTEK "CROP" THREATENED IJrumfiah Cleaning Out Beds in Egg Harbor Bay EGO HARBOR, N. J, June 15. Drum fish In largo schools, which about ten years agfj cleaned out moat of the oyster btda in the Great Bay, have again appeared In schools this year and are grinding up the profits of the baymen. Edward Weber, manager of the Booy Oyster Company, 900 of the largest oyster growers here, reports tha,t about JO.OvO bushels of shells planted for seed haye been reduced to splinters by tho drumfleh. Plant, ing of all beds owned by the company has pen eioppoa on account 01 the menace. The last time drumflah appeared in the bds dynamite wa used to kill them, but uus meana or aestrvying them prohibited y law. 4" CLASS OF '66 HONORED AT STATE COLLEGE Old Grads Receive Honorary Degrees. Diplomas Awarded to 4G0 STATE COLLEGE, Pa., June IB. Four hundred and sixty young men nnd women received diplomas from tho Pennsylvania Stnto Collego yesterday. Tho exercises were held In the Schwab Auditorium in tho presence of more than 2000 persons. Because of the tlmo required to award the degrees individually, tho usual com mencement address wns omitted. This year tho graduating class surpasses all former classes by moro than 100. Following tho academic procession from the Carnegie Library, tho Invocation wns delivered by th Rov. John Tryon Marsh man, of the f-ate College- fnculty. The valedictory was read by Leo R. Elck, of Driftwood, Pa. A feature of the exercises was the award of honorary degrees to the graduate mem bers of tho Class of I860, who are observ ing their BOth anniversary. Honorary cer tificates also were awarded to formor mem bers taf the Class of 180 6.4 These degrees wore awaraea as roiiows: Master of arts Abraham A. Broneman, Now York city; Hugh Hamilton, Harris burg, and John M. Linn, of Chicago. Master of Bolonco David II. Barrlck, Bradentown, Fla., and William O. Warring, ui tveuu liy, aid. It was announced that tho three highest ranking seniors in the ml'ltary department were Paul S. Crossman, North Point. Pa.; Robert P. Melly, Tyrone, Pa., nnd William H. Roberts, of Carnegie, Pa. The John W. White Fellowship was awarded to Vincent G. Burns, Brooklyn, N. Y and tho John W. White Medal to Leo R. Elck, of Driftwood. I The following students from Philadelphia were graduated: Education and psycholog-y Henry C. Klnsbell. Home economical Miss Esther II. Davis, Was Sara W. Sweeton. Agricultural education Raymond L. Davis. Agricultural chemistry Charles E. lierser. Brtnton S. Cummins. Oeorso II. tihlsler. Agronomy William R. Oehrle, John E. Ron tier. Thomas L. Entwlstle. Ralph D. Fisher. Maxwell II. Fl.ralnjr. Willis It. Sklllman. Will Ham c.. West. An,?!,Ll,.huba5.dr5rrr"VVa""' C. Shroeder, Horticulture David McKay, Jr., Russell A, Mover, Samuel L. Smedley, Jr. Landscape aardenlne Howard N, Ashman. Chemistry- Frank W. Teaser. Industrial engineering- John E. France, u C.,TH engineering Robert N. Berryman, A. rt H. ifalnwarlni. Andrew R. Craven, John N, P. Easby. Qeorse E. Hesselbaober, tforman C. Horner. John A. Irwin. i,F,Jtrch?,m,1. engineering Carl A. Bartle, Alfred R. Uechtel. Harry Bmolens. ' t id "u'h"! n,no'ln Herbert U. Dean. AN Mining geology Livingston P. Teas. Mechanical engineering Oeorgo N. Larer, One hundred and thirty-nine other stu dents from Philadelphia are enrolled In the various schools and departments of the col. lege. WEST CHESTER Juno IB. -Tho largest class over grnduntcd by tho West Chester High School will recelvo diplomas this evening nt tho commencement exercises, which begnn last evening with a claBS play, which takos tho place of tho former class day exercises. The diplomas will bo presented by Professor Addison L. Jones, superintendent of tho publla schools, and thcro will bo an interesting program of exercises by tho graduates. Tho graduating class numbers B8 and tho members nre: Miriam Kdlth Bailey, of Northbroolt ; Russell Cloyd Baldwin, John Kimball Bee ber, Mary Hall Carter, West GoBhen ; Fran cis Loo Clark, Horaco Thornton Colchower, Carlton Bennett Cox, Walter Craig, Aubroy Taylor Davis, Sarah Mullin Dutton, Beat rice Edith May Edwnrds, Edith Irene Emp son. Alta Susanna and Minnie Etty, of Wllllstown; Allvo Eliza Fell, Anna Mnry Ganges, Arthur Wilfred Gardner, Amy Elizabeth Gould, Elsie Agnes Green, Green Hill; William Carroll Grubb, Clarence Wnlso Hnideman, Doris Mario Hayes, Ken- nett square; ucsslo Leah Jacobsun, Mar garet Mildred Kane, Clara Kauffman, Thomas Henry Kearney, John Arthur Kln loy, Mario Elizabeth Laftey, Green Hill; Mnrlo Thompson Lefevre, Mnrshalltown ; Mary Edwards McCornack nnd Alice Mlllor McCormncIc, Helen Mooro Mnrtln, Harry Black Morton, Kathleen Margnret O'Con ncll, Mary Noblo Parry, Reglna Mario Peoples, John Leslie Plnkerton, Edith Han nah and Grace Emellno Pusey, Elizabeth Holt Pylo, Gregg David Reynolds, Ruth Pratt, East Goshen; Kathellno Loretta and Rosa Ella Shields, Chadds Ford ; Catherine Albert Short, Emma Frances Strodo, Thomcs Hodgson Stubbs, Anna Elizabeth Trimble, Northbrook; Ella Jones Walton, aicnloch; Dorothy Ella Way, Anna Eliza beth Weaver, Edith Margaret Webb, Wlni frcd Bishop Webb, Graco Amy Williams, Charles H. Williams, Rachel Frances Chey- noy Williams, Cornelius Scott Woodsldo, Helen Noblo Worst, Mildred Elizabeth Wright, Westtown ; Maurice Herbert Years-ley. Seventy-eight students wero graduated this morning nt the 23d annual commence ment of tho Roman Cathollo High School, held In tho bcIiooI building, Broad and Vine streets. In nddltlon, tho degree of bachelor of arts wns conferred on 12 graduates of formor years. The nddress to the 1916 graduates was by Charles F. Gerhard, of tho class of 1901. William Ferguson, president of the class, introduced tho students who spoke. They wero John J. Lenhoy, salutntorlan; Gerald F. Flood, who had as his subject "Our Leisure Time," and Frank R. Smith, vale dictorian. The degrees and diplomas wero presented by Monslgnor Henry, rector of tho school. Tho class graduated today was the largest In the history of tho school, tho largest previous class having been last year, when thero wore 05 who received diplomas. Those, who received tho M. A. degroo woro John Sf. Convery George J, JlyHan j.uwaru i, wunn Joseph A. Daly John J, McFadden I.eo A. Nayior llflivnrrt A. Devlne Ifenrv It. fleelaUS Thomae J, Dougherty Charles J. Bhannon Thomas M. Healy John J, Bkelly Honors and prizes were announced as fol lows: For highest averages In tho general course Freshman year, Walter Pytko, John Foonoy, John Tansoy, Julian Zagorskl, James Cullen; sophomore year, John Gal lagher, Jamos Brady. Francis Blbersteln, James Byrno; Junior year, John Long, Chnrlcs Bclz, Raymond Glceson; senior year, prlzo of KB offered by tho Cathollo Philopatrian Literary Institute Francis Smith. For highest averages In tho commercial course Junior year, John Cahlll, Francis Sliaef; sonlor year, Joseph Sheridan, Wnl tcr Higglns. For Christian branches Frcshmnn yenr, Robert Butler, Walter Pytko, James Cun nle, John Tansey, James Cullen ; sophomore year, John Gallaghor, Frederick Lamb, John Scnlly; Junior year, John Cahlll; sonlor year, nrlzo of $10, offered by tho C1U1III Club, John Casanl. by Arlo Bates, nnd "Pyramn. ... . r" Mu??. MMUnTmr? . . . emucrH 01 the trrnfl.,Vi " W Dlr hnfh l .a ."""Mint 1 lowing the fashion of BhalES&.S.ft i, Supper will bo served on ths 8i30. After supper thee. ?.,cVsr Ing on tho steps of Founders' tho members of the den.M?-!.,11!! 2nfcmMihpusaa) to recelvS"th.s Kono'r ta al" -k , secret. woseiy tUtit ino oiiicers of tho class afei HAVERFORDSEWORS HAVE FINAL FLING AT CLASS DAY REVEL Revels Include Interclass Base ball, Cricket Games and Inter lude From "Midsummer Night's Dream" MANY ALUMNI BACK Class day Is being held today nt Haver ford College under tho Ideal conditions af forded by the Main Line Institution. The 39 members of tho senior class aro Indulg ing In their last day of fun before they leave their nlma mater forever. Tomorrow Is commencement. The class day events begin thts afternoon with Interclass baseball games and the playing of several cricket matches. At 6 o'clock, as tho setting sun Is casting Its Bhadows across tho greensward, two plays will be performed beneath the trees on the campus, and there will be singing by the class double quartet Many members of the Haverford alumni nro back nt collego fn.inw in wlrnAoa thn rlnnfl day ovento and tuu..j m ..,....." -..- - . , lllUlOi 11UV 11 11 1HW." lr. -l. to share In tho festivities. turned to tho Boy Scouts n rt-.i?! 8' ' plays will be "Her uear ;ar," them on their work. "-ITOt,j Wllmnr Mason Allen j vice presMi"J.H Parry Wlnslow; secretary, "1 , wV lr,ea8ur,or- ""Jscpii Arthur CoM,ent,t Tho class day ceremonies have k: - ranged by n committee headed f b, b'- L. Corson, and composed of JameiB Tb son, Jr., Albert H. Stone t!..V wood. upa BOY SCOUT 0R0ANI7ATrr7w DECLARED BULLY BY Wltsoil Prcaldent Signa Articles of Incon', tlon for American OrMnU..iirj WASHINGTON, Juno lB.'Th ,, L fl Scout movement is bully business." B3 vun ineso woras President Wll . 3 day signed a bill Incorporating X. i" zatlon known as tho Bov snnt. -i ."'"W- CIL Livingstone, head of the scout ment. and James E. Went efT'"?' ch6f scout executive, witnessed the a1 'There, now It's n law." l,0 mVI. Th6 two STJMMEIt BES0RT3 ( SUMMER BEBOItTB CANADA CANADA Niagara to the Sea COMMNCEMENTFETE OPENS AT BUCKNELL Exercises Will Conclude With Graduations Wednesday Many Alumni Back LULL MARKS VERDUN FIGHT; GUNS BUSY Germans Continue Bombard ment of Chattancourt ajid Souvilla "" LEWISBURG, Pa., June 16. Bucknell University Is beginning todny its 6Gth commencement week. A recital of the elocution clasa tonight will mnrk the start of the graduation festivities ; which will con tinue until next Wednesday whon degrees will be conferred In tho morning, nnd at noon tho corporation dinner will be served. "Our Band", of Shamoltln, a popular musical organization of this vicinity, has been engaged for tho entlro week, and several twilight concerts will bo given on tho campus. Many of tho nlumni are back at their alma mater. Among tho formor students who will roturn Is tho Rev. Dr. Samuel Zano Batten, of Philadelphia, a graduate of the class of '85, who will be the orator nt tho alumni evening to bo held Tuesday in tho college quadrangle. Following 's a list of tho week's ovents: Thursday- . :30 p. m.. recital of the Elocution w". vuiiiiiiDiiueiiiuiil nun. Friday s p. m., exhibition of the School of Music, ,Hucknell Hall, Saturday 10:30 a. m., orsan recital. School of Music. Ilaptl.t Church: 7:30 p. m.. exer cises, Fourth Form Academy, conferrln of diplomas, llucknell Hall. Sunday -10.30 a. m baccalaureate sermon. President Harris. Haptlst Church: 3 p. m Slendelssohn's "Elijah" Oratorio. llaptlst Church: 8 p. m., sermon before the Education Society, the ev. Albert J. Davles. Conahohocken Uaptlst Church. Monday 10 a. m., art exhibition, studio, con tinues throuah commencement week; 7:30 d in class play. Commencement Hall. Tuesday 8 a. m.. meeting- of the board of trustees. Carnecta Library: 10 a. m.. commence ment of the School of Music, conferring: of diplomas School of Art, Muslo. Elocution, llucknell Hall: "Our Iland" concert; 11:30 a. m alumnae reunion and luncheon; I..1U p m business of Collese Alumni, llucknell Hall: '& P.- m., alumni parade, forming at Chemical Laboratory; 8p. m.. twilight concert, "Our Hand," Shamokln. College Campus; 8 p. m alumni evening, Colleze Quadrangle: Foe Silas Suzanna 'Weddell, 'li!; orator, the Itev. Samuel Zano Uatten. D. D.. '83; llucknell alee Club and "Our Iland" concert, reunion of classes of 00. '70. -SO. '01. '00. '01, -00 and 11. ednesday 8 a. m., announcement of de gree. Bucknell Hall; 0 a. m.. commencement of the college, orations. Commencement Hall! address, President Clarence A. Harbour. D 11 llu1kn'eiirIlaIli. ' IS m- "W Selects Auto License Color IIARRISBURG, June I5.-The State High way Department this morning announced that chocolate brown automobile license tags had been selected for Pennsylvania for 1917. PARIS, Jue J5. Another lull In the German infantry at tacks upon the French positions In the Ver dun sector was reported In today's official communlrjuo Issued by the French War Office. The bombardment of the Oermans coni tlnues, however, the Kaiser's force directing its Artillery against Chattancourt and Sou ville. The text of (he official communique fol lows! r ""- On both banks of the Meuso there was no action of the Infantry during tha night. The German artillery displayed some activity w the Cpattuncourt region and in the sector north of Fort Souvllle. In the Voages a strong detachment ' of the enemy sought to take advantage of a lively artillery preparation for an attack on our lines, but was repulsed by our machine gunfire. Another sur- DXlSa attack rllrjf,4 aw.ln.1 .., ...- Is Boif I UoEa.weat of Bonhomma was eomnlatai ehmK. SPECIAL PRIZES GIVEN. Prizes of $10 for best work in history nnd civics, orfcrod by the class of 1899: James Moran. Prizes for best work In bookkeeping: William Mnnsell and Walter Higglns. For best work In stenography and typewriting: James P. Dougherty, Francis Shacf nnd Frederick Lamb. For penmanship: Francis Stokes and Frnnk B. McCartney. Memorial prizo In manual training: Wil liam Dlllmorc. , Scholarships to tho Pennsylvania Academy of tho Flno Arts were awarded to John Carplnelll; to tho Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art, Edward I 10 trick. GRADUATING CLASS. Tho members of the graduating class and thd parochial schools from which they en tered the high school were: General Course Louis F. Berrodln. Most Blessed Sacrament; James E. Callahan. St. Gregory; John A. Cartln, Our Mother of Sorrows; Charles A. Cassldy, St. Monica; James J. Colo, St. John tho Evangelist; Thomas F. Collins, St. Francis Xavier; Bartholomew A. Collins, St. Joachim; Thomas J. Daly, Visitation ; David F. Far ley, Our Lady of Victory; William J. Fer guson, Ascension ; Joseph A. Fltzpntrlck, Most Blessed Sacrament; Gerald F. Flood, Visitation; Louis J. Gale, St. Ignatius; Jo seph R, Hearn, Cathedral; Edward A. Hogan, St. Francis do Sales; Charles Q. Hunt, St. John tho Evangollst; William K. Leahy, St. Thomas Aquinas; William J. Magce, St. Francis do Sales; Walter L. Mason, St. James;; James J. Moran, St. Joachim ; John A. Morltz, St. Bonaventure ; William F. O'Nolll, Jr., Our Lady of Vic tory ; Luke A. Potter, St. Joachim ; Valen tine F. Pytko, St. Adalbert ; John J. Reuss, St, Ludwlg; Mark J. Skefflngton. Our Lady of Mercy; Francis R. Smith, St. Mary of tho Assumption. Special and partial courses John J. Am. brose, St. Charles; Howard J. Comber, St. Francis do Sales; James H. Conway, St Thomas Aquinas; Daniel A. Fitzgerald, St, Teresa; James F. Geoghegan, Immaculate Conception, Germantown ; John J. Havlland, Epiphany; James E. Lafferty, St. Patrick; Joseph A. McCarthy, St, Carthago ; Charles B. Schad, St Clement ; James J, Walsh, St. Veronica, Commercial course Charles II. Birn brauer, Holy Angels; Francis P. Burns. Epiphany; John C. Casanl, Our Lady of Victory; Thomas F. Coffey, St. Ludwlg; James P. Dougherty, Most Blessed Sacra ment; John M. Dougherty, St. Agatha; John G. Fallon, St. Francis do Sales; Charles I. Fox, St. Elizabeth; Thomas A. Glendon, St. Columba; Walter F. Higglns, St. Elizabeth; William A. Irwin, St Agatha; Thomas P, Kelly, Our Mother of sorrows; josepn t: iicurlde, St. Charles; James J, McGuckln, St. Thomas Aquinas; Cornelius J. McNutt, St. Charles: William G. Mnnsell, St, Columba; Thomas J. Mooney, St. Elizabeth; George F. Nagel, St Peter: Joseph J. Sheridan, Nativity; Robert J. Taylor, St. Patrick; James F. Walsh, St Elizabeth. Manual training course John J, Car plnelll, Sacred Heart ; Edward A. Chambers, Our Lady of Victory; William J. Dietrich, Epiphany; Millard A, Dillmore, Epiphany; Thomas A. Doris, Our Lady of Victory; John A. Glascott, Gesu ; Thomas F. Han ratty, St. Francis Xavier; Edward A, Het rick, Nativity ; Philip F, Jacobs, Our Mother of Sorrows James E. Kavanaugh, Sf Clement; Joseph L. Leahy, St Patrick; John F, Leahy, St Patrick; Bernard J. Jlcuownn, St. i'-rancis de Sales; Joseph S. Maher, Our Lady of the Rosary ; Thomas J. Megencdy, Epiphany; Emmett J, Murtha, Ascension; Clement C. O'Rourke, St Charles; Francis X Robinson, Our Lady of Victory; John E. Walsh, Sacred Heart aSA. m aaa. - I nnrstSrSerMBaatlCni A fl MJszaiu&ij loieicjLfifrz; Oatbeo Crsdle ef Kw rrenee as4 Uetkar ef all CeasdUn ettlitt quint, hliterle, aseleat, a UretDtar ladiatrlal matropelli, nejMtto la lis Uelstles, The trip Includes the Thousand Islando, the eg citing descent of the marvelous rapids, Montreal, Quebec, and trie famous Saruenay River, with Its stupendous Capes, Trinity" and "Eternity." PARES RROM NIAGARA PALM) To Montreal and return - . tmj To Quebec and return - . . SJM To Ssguenay River and return M Send flo pottage or illuttratet F:piECE.7A..l.Unrp..,.!T Mgr, Canada Steamship Line. Ill Up-to-date C.S.Hotelt at Murray Day ft Tadoueao. R' ' Bld", Mqntreai, Can, CAKZLUA STEAMSHIP X.IHES til WiHIuV10" IB The finest Vacation Resort In the AVorld, and the real nomoor. summer timo, lor tnougn tne sun Bhines Drlght ly, the atmosphere is always cooled by the healthful Atlantic breezes. Every outdoor attraction for your benefit. High class entertainments, Piers, Theatres, etc. BATHING. SAILING. GOLF, TENNIS, FISHING, ETC. The Loading Homes Are Alwsyi Open ami will furnish full Information, rateB, eta, on application (Hotels are all American Plan, unless otherwise noted) Galen Hall Hotel and Sanatorium F. L. Young, Mgr. Marjborough-Blenhelm On tho Ocean Front American and Euro pean Plana JoslahWhlte & Sons Co. Hotel Dennis On tha Ocean" Front Walter J. Buiby Hole) St. Charles On the Ocean Front fjewlln Haines Co.. Hotel Strand On the Ocean Front r'. 11. oil and II. C. Edwards The Wiltshire Central; Near Beach Samuel Ellis The Sheburne On the Ocean Front European Plan J. Welkel.-Mir. Seaside House On the Ocean Front F.,P. Cook's Bona Hotel Chelsea On the Ocean Front J. II. Thompson & Co. The Holmhurst Central i Near Beach uenry uarnsu Atlantic City Is only one hour's ride from Philadelphia. Frequent trains via Penna. n. It! from Broad Street Station, or Market Street Ferry or Phlla. & Reading Ry, from Chest nut and South Street Ferries. -. ..- 3 0" ATUANTIC CtTTT tas setarveWsta Ot service.conifort js 1LA35Z8T FffiXFEJOrRaORT HOTEL ISTHXTOiID IE HOTEL ARLINGTON nM'c,h,!La .i'.- ".ir.:v It aur. Open all year. R. J. OSBORNB RTSTiRY'S 1BIB Boardwalk, below New juouiji o york ave European plan 11 up dally. Fronts on ocean. Free bathlnc privileges. THfi ICADIN0 RESORT HOTEL Of THE WMU.I W ATLANTIC CITY.N.J. JQ8MAH WMfTP aona coivWMMrJ NEW HOTEL MERI0N iSSt. 1 Vermont Avo. and Ileach. Capacity 850, Ttrj moderate rates for the comforts. appolnlBsw and. table of tto larrest hotslsi S sM special weekly; larse, cool oecan-vlew ream elo. Booklet. M. L. FARLHI, to. ' OCEAN CITV. N. J. OCEAN ClTr. N. J. Broker Killed In Auto Collision NflW YORK, June IB. In a head-on collision between two automobiles on the Merrick road at Springfield, L. i early last night, Henry Stemper, 52, of 305 West 72d street, Manhattan, a broker, was killed. n Tender Aching Vett ( A I Molet I ) irJ . Offenslre 1 1 lv ree: V m jk ; a.' 'i J Hard tud Soft Cora bunions and "Knob Joint" SJSC?5 trench Heel Cramp 1 XMj V I Compound Calleas Why Suffer Cal-o-cide r; Gives Instant Relief For AH Foot Troubles It acts through the pores and removes the causa by restoring tb tissues to normal: the results are truly remarkable- Get a iSo pack age from any druggist: he. U authorized to refund money to any. one not fully satisfied. Remember uia nam j get iru genius s-rucia. At ZfifYOWB WftlU MHWtWMiyll IHIIWMIMHwmi jhiiMHMtMMMiMWiiWiWWMMVMMHitiiijwiWtMMHtWIteM STOP FIRST IN OCEAN CITY 1 AT THE BUREAU OF INFORMATION 313 EIGHTH STREET For RATES, RENTALS and REAL ESTATE FREE CITV BOOKLET W. SCOTT HAND, Manager THE OCEANIC . 11th and Wesley a v. A. B. Baker, owner mar. CAI'E MAY, N. J. VIKOIWIA. HOTEL CAPE MAY CAPS MAY, NEW tJOLSEt , Now Modern Fireproof Resort Hotel, facias directly on the ocean. Every comfort, ilatblns. deep aea and Inland flahlrur: satiins. motor boat Ins, Oood auto roads, uolf, TennU. Direct train service. C. A. WOOD, Lessee. yor booking arranseroenta. writs or phon B. D. PAOB. at the Hotel Walton. .Philadelphia. AVALOy. W. J. AVALON BY THE SEA Tha healthiest resort alons the coast, share end. country combined, freah ra.: sea food dally. . Hotel Avalon now open. Baa. Fresh farm and formation and booklet upon requeet. Charles K. Hall, tela Real lisuts Trust Dldg. ClIKLtlEA. N. J. GLADSTONE CHISLSBA. K. J. H8S JtcOnOAnTT. UKDfOUU HPBIMOa. PA. BEDFORD SPRINGS (PA.) HOTEL AND BATHS Estate of S00O acres. 1201) (set abote ei. uuratira waiois rival isoaa :riDia. uoaene Indoor dlveratoaa. yt, Mow open. B. B. BEUI8. Manaxer fWlntsri Royal Polnclana. Palm Beach) Estate or, juuo acres. J- aea level. Curatlra watf ef llarlenbad and Carlsb betel. . Outdoor and tndo. formal openlu J una IVU BAOLK'H MEUK P ABU, FA. THE CRESTMONT PA. , .JTha ho tel SAqusa ufutis. ;el wilt tha tocoti oatat 01 irfso-water potbloii electrtq lUhta. WHJLtAM vf6ona.ytiui,. BWAKTUMUKB. PA. STRATIJ HAVEN INN sff-w cctTinaraMA altHsii.. MOO' fief abov th. aii."onT tK oiiS&"'Si tho Allczbaous. Oolt, Unnlx. tcatliTSS tbi flWI W1IH m.i Mrna address Spend Your Vacation 4000 Feet Above the Sell At Virginia's Jlo.t Celebrated MeuaUU SKYIAND, on "famous STONT JjUJ MOUNTAIN. Always cool. No mouUu, 800 testimonials: IB acrea of ,vseW"; herd of tuberculin-tested cow. JayAJM' ton. chickens and from Sxriaaae mountain farms. ,,.!. Danctnr. Tennis. Fine OrehMtra. ManJJ; cent scenery. Fifty open, wood BW A special feature at Blty and U tto UvsW stable of saddle horses. ItadUtjn Bkyland and connecllna with the P"11rSS peaks, canyons and mountain strafro s" numeroua well-graded trails, anordito W portunitlea to rids undsr condtUons lrt can ba found nowhere else east of Illustrated booklet at lder Central, or writ Q. FREEMAN POLLOCK, Prop., gkyland. Pais County, Va, Open June 1 to """""' ,--,- BTONB HABUOlt. W. 3. STONE HARBOR cSS.Wi. mmm py Dot& railroaax, mutor jv' Cape ?. 3i;s!i waterway... Farm sroducta and aaa fop? ana plentiful. City convenience, Tacni ILI W- Ui KfvvuiM ana ti safe bathlmr; itaa, Koi boatlnr. , Cottaa es, ffgSrjl for rent furaUhed, Mpwf BOUTli JERSEY REALTY COMPAKf Ina.fa. lUit., 84 an4 WlnB6li and apartment! HO! atel rates. 8tl1 HAVERFORD $ POCONO MOUNTAINS Palawaro Water Cap. Pa. hotel J THE NEW KITTATINNV SKrAWARB WATER PAS. ?? Uua lamoua m,eQulpraent urcMSlja aoif tenni, iriu. uarags. special early ttuoi &i and auto map raaUedTICoiSSr mSll -" COPS. IP leara of,