Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 15, 1916, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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    r, ri&mpSLj
Union Class Initiation Will Add
Largely Ao Membership of
South Philadelphia Courts ,
),. combination etas Initiation of the
tartTof South Philadelphia will be
borrow evenln. In New Auditorium
,, .1. flh fltrcet nnd Snyder avenue. Pre
Hll, 7thntrc monal fivent tho
ilB,S 5 2 2? interested court, WIH
32S Sr Parade at Broad andorrl.
SSSS,fc' Prnc.V.trereU
TSlw cl of novitiates vrltt bo duly
A r?T, IiH ritualistic form and cero
fcttlated In ,rk wm be exempli.
?. JrlnlMo team from Court Haver
fieib&n ?02 Specla? Interest will attach
fori. No 202. bpp
,0 !h?,Tln this cUr oh, new ritualistic
' ceitly adored by the order
. ........ in be devoted to the funo-
The three ho'." '" ltn musical selections
m .-neJ'1ntiwwl with brief In-
BWSl?uiv3Li!KB4!SSS.0,nc"" l
M raVJ.J5?- in eharae of the class Initiation
The Mr" .l?.i KiJiitr J. J. Campbell!
'. .Srjo5rK Secretary C. p. Orr
chairman J. J- ?"!i" n nnrmley. A corn
ea Keewrot 'mberg has been ap.
inlllw'", ",or the various detail of the
Minted to care ior i "". ' tha success, of the
initiation "ji "J!",' ,'Jent. It Will bo with
arade P"d'n ? tne mo"1 Important and
Eesf cl.ss miVuons 'veTheld br Forester.
IS tbu city. v ,
. ... t week wilt be devoted to lm-
7,1 ' 2!mnHal mrelJVs In I81 courts. o-
S1H iS1 WW... memo,,.,
CoYL.m.nda afternoon. A proirram arnro
tiuti to the ofcaslon was r5d " 5
"It;;. wra in harmony with tho event com.
rattans were iV-trlcal effects wero Introduced,
."?w7?.SS,' a-loon,
'' TWorfa..h. "bS:
terestln character.
n,. nneral committee, of the combination of
toS'cfu?t. wl?l hold a nnal meetlnc Sfturdav
imln at the southwest corner of Bth i and
S??iW .trcVts In the rooms of Court Liberty.
R"Km!leta nnil detail i for the fraternal pll
Ulm. of Sunday to New York. The Brand
5Tnr? of Pennsylvania will accompany the
toleration., who will bo met InNtw York by
ftrerters of that city and escorted to assigned
A SrSrem as arranged will ona-aie tho atten.
.. nilirlms until tho return hour.. A re
orn v'.R.tto I b made to this city durinr
t fS" re week of June 28 by a host of For
MterY from New York city and vicinity.
Court rtobln Tlood. No. 14. which meet. In
lUM session? Tuesday evenings 20th and Fed
ml streets, next week will vary Ita routine by
Jo'dlni a social meeting. This court, now 40
Sirs old. Is one of the most vigorous ot local
courts, and with Drothers Meyer. Ilappel. Cor
Irtt. fconnor. Thompson and kindred spirits to
Street Its affairs Is always prepared with some
thing of Interest for each meeting, not tho elabo
rati formal, but tho pleasant Informal eents.
At Its session Wednesday next In tho hall
1802 South Broad street Passyunk Court. No.
it. promises for member, and visitors an
mini of unalloyed pleasure. Following fra
ternal activities will come .social festivities.
The program will, while attractive, embrace
features brief and to tho point. Just what Is
Medea for a warm summer night, with much
of merrymaking, fun and pleasantries to while
away dull care.
Southwark Court. No 01, at Its meeting
Tuesday evening In the hall Passyunk avenue
and Jloore street, will offer for the enjoyment
of members and Usltors a function replete
with restful pleasure Tho routine will bo
shortened and recreative features lengthened
Plenty ot music, vocal and Instrumental, with
an abundance) of seasonable refreshments.
Brother L. A, McNameo. of Court Patrick
ilenry. No S8t, has been elected secretary of
he Past, Chief Rangers' Association of. Phlla
lelphla and vicinity.
Court Standard. No. 105, Monday evening. In
ns rooms, asuj duuiii nr.iuu auncii jiirocni
a pleaalnr. novelty In tho form of "A Festival
of Hoses ' This unique fete waB tendered In
appreciation of the co-operative aaslstanco ren-
oereaior ww iames tn me enrolment ui mura
than lOO new members since the first of April.
NiinnmA Aiiriltnr FliirANa nrflplntad ni maitir
at mrtmnnlM. A vnrlAti nnd anlovabla concert
program was presented, with features specially
teiaciea lor tne pleasure oe mo lauiea.
. tne court a own orcnestra ox oo piecen ren
dered a number of popular selections, directed by
Brother Nertng. A mlnstrol performance, with
Brother Little aa Interlocutor and Brothera
Coulter and Kelly as end men. presented a
' heir skit which met with much favor. Ilrother.
Rotors and Cavanaugh also contributed to tho
geoerai merriment, a noume naie quartet, com
posed of Brothers Schallew, Wilson, Sllddleton,
Ituni, Ooldsteln, Droderlck, riaherty and Ryan.
irltb Brother lleron as accompanist, rendered
a variety of pleasing selections. Bouvenlra were
eiitrlbuted and refreshments served a. a nt
tini climax to an exceptionally enjoyable evei
Court Columbia. No. 86. tonight will have aa
peiti the Committee on Class Initiation In
Boutb. Philadelphia. Tho final touche. for tho
rreat union Initiatory ceremonial, as well aa
the street demonstration to be held tomorrow
Bight, trill .be given. A pleasant session will
be spent by the delegate, at this hnspttablo
court at Ita chambers. 22d and Dickinson
ItreeU. The Grand Cabin of Woodchoppers will
have Its merrymakera prominently upon the
Srorram features In a repetition of It. up-to-aie
novelties, first presented at Cohockslnk
Cabin Tuesday last.
The Foresters' Day General Committee will
meet tomorrow evening In the hall at Hutchln
on street and Olrard avenue. After the trans
ection of routine business the member, will
1 f? W"n 'n 'buses, under the leadership of
PieaWert.Gartland. to the scene of the big
Boutb Philadelphia class Initiation at 7th street
acta Snyder avenue.
Police Court Chronicles
When man rides a mule It's always
t good Idea to have co-operation.
It might be well also to know the mule.
Most mules like to know in advance that
they are going to bo ridden. . Furthermore,
they don't Ilka new acquaintances forced
upon them. Fancy some one jumping1 on
jour back whom you have never met be-
, uu ueing oDiigea to carry him several
wiles I you would like to have something
W say Rbout It; so would the mule. It
? .cn,l,lal' orally, therefore It kicks.
Jo. this connection a real mulelsh mule
Mlleves in revenge. He waits until you
ni aboard and are comfortably seated.
'Pen h starts off harmoniously to raise
rout-hopes to the highest pitchy Just as
yon re thinking optimistically of mules In
neral and this mule In particular, and
woMerlnf; why they're such a condemned
Je of animals, he will strike an angle
s L dee and stretch it to 60 before
2 ?1 set your breath this Is about the
talng remembered by any normal hu-
Bun hlr, v.- , -
" Wife. ever straddled a stranse
Darhf wf ka" b8, vouched for by Bill
Tllttla ir? b."Pwed an unknown mule, for
teuU dldieUnt l'Yfest Philadelphia. The
tJMc with if a,n.lmM heW a aecfet con
Eirhe?aTimseJi and Btarte briskly,
ltti nlj9? 8Uddn'y nnd lifted his rear
S JRfJ's Imitated an electric fan. and
tiWA orfaCe 1.down '" " m'dst1 t
V. d.ust when a cop discovered him.
Mturld reverd h,s b-eath an a few
SJ llr m6th' M'hlcn werft dislocate) by
Sm,Mi ak.en,bSr " cop to the
e w in the midst of meeting all-toi-SSS"?.
Judge that he had
JmltteiiVlV1? "OTrow the mule and also
3SIr t he would have no use for
rJoy eomvi ral a,aaiB- As Davis wore
r Santarfhrs ?f,hlB troversy with
M. Ti """f0', the Judo-n mnrfii.j ih.t ,.
SittS? enouh a4-8llW6d W"4 t0
7U " "iHuylvapig. lUJmaa
.atau,atUr S1.00 ntr ,.
tyWMhaaaa Aje JfJOIa
New Camp Launched tn Thia City 'With
Substantial Charter List
hJmwS E!re!nc8 5f a,,MW Btherlng of
mn5 u$uJa Slmrt,er memb"rs "ft" r-
Ws.lir i?v L tf,ondft5r .evemnR ln Schuyler
Hall, Sixth nnd Diamond streets.
0 VlSmltfZul,lk&!(" tJu nnmber,
ba lnat?ti in ?Bian1U.tn ftr,t n'w camp to
rlod. clt7 tor considerable pi
..The.i.?'r"" wre conferred In ample form
a? iV.ciLof c"'nss by the co?able 5
Kn" Alim,'-co.lSp'""Ivof members of Camp No.
mnni.n5 ih0! Sh0 fsrtlclpste-d In the cere!
monlea were state Secretary William J, Meier,
i1f.li,1"ir-?i'crt."ir Cn'ls Stees and As
sistant National Secretary 1,. F, Stecs,
Stato Council in Annual Session Legis
lates for Order's Interest
The 67th Great Sun Council of the Im
proved Order of Red Men has been meeting
In annual session In Mahanoy City during
tho present week. The ceremonies of tho
week wero Inaugurated with a big parado
Monday eentng. Tuesday morning, after
publlo exercises nnd formal welcoming ad
dresses, the council fire of the State Coun
cil was formally "kindled, with Great
Sachem Samuel H. Walker, of this city, pre
siding. Moro than GOO delegates attended
tho session, representing tribes In all sec
tions of Pennsylvania,
Great Saohem Walker, in hi. long talk to
tns representatives, made many recommenda
tions and auggestlon. In harmony with tho
found practical business methods he has Sought
to Inject Into the alTalra of the fraternity dur
Ing his highly successful administration.
In his long talk, printed and distributed to
the representatives and which will bo Incorpo
ratea In tho printed records of tho proceedings
?' the State Council and thus ultimately reach
the 70.000 rmmbers In the Stato, Qreat 8a'chem
walker stated: "I desire to call to your atten
Hon and at this particular time give honorable
mention to the fraternal columns of the Phila
delphia Etssiko LKDOgR. Every Thursday eve--ning
the weekly tribal happening, are duly re
corded therein. Thl. during the last year was
a big factor In assisting tho workers In J'hlla
uelphla. The paper has an extronrely large
circulation and la a source of Interest to all
Jted Men and many paleface friends."
Tho annual session was concluded thl. after
noon, with a reception In East End I'ark to
thr new corps of officers formally Installed
this morning for tho coming year.
Among the new officer. Inducted Into office
today was S William. Jr.. of Scranton. who
was Installed as grand Junior sagamore, the
Initial ofdeo In tha progress through tho State
Council chairs. . .
The new great chief comes to hi. high office
with a wldo and varied experience ln fraternal
Affalra and will doubtless lend dignity and
honor to the order and the afnclal station hs
now occupies. Ilrother Williams has been an
ardent Itedmnn for 27 yeara and Is an active
member of Niagara Tribe, of Scranton Ho Is
also. State Treasurer of the Fraternal Order of
nnirt.M tfa ! .,,Minr nt tha f.nckawanna
"County Past Sachems' Association, a member
oi ine uiate orpnans Doara anu capitm w i
Scranton degree team, which has captured many
prizes for being tho best costumed and finest
drilled degree team In the State. Ilrother Will
iams Is In tho prime of life, aggressive, popular
with hla fellow members, whoso personal char
acteristics, aa well as broad fraternal experi
ence, will make his services as ono ot tns
great chief, of great value to tho order ln
Delegation, from 10 local tribe, participated
In tho religious exercises held Sunday afternoon
at tho Ited Men's Homo. Cheltenham An ad
dress wa. delivered by the Itey. A. M ylilan.
pastor of Cheltenham Methodist Episcopal
Church and chaplain of the Home. The sermon
was preached by the Hev, S II. Argo. of Bock
laco Protestant Episcopal Church, while music
was supplied by n choir of 20 voices from Trin
ity Episcopal Chapel, of Cheltenham These
service, nre held every Sunday afternoon and
afford an ndmlrable opportunity for mombera
and their friends to visit this admirable fra
ternal Institution.
Chippewa Tribe. No 01. one of the most en
terprising of local tribes, meets every Wednes
day's sleep tn the wigwam, 251 South 00th
street. The recent ladles' night held by this
tribe as a tribute to the earnest co-operation of
tho ladles In tribal prosperity was n noteworthy
cent. l'ast Sachem Charles II. Honnen pre
sided, music was supplied by an excellent
orchestra and the Great Sachem, Samuel II.
Walker, honored the tribe with a special ad
dress Qreat Senior 8aaamore T. C lleswlck
also delivered a short talk.
Among those who especially contributed to the
success of the evening's entertainment were
Drothers Honnen, W. McFarland, Hell, J. Mc
Farland, Hassett. Blackburn, McCaully,
Maclay. Wuest. lllnkle and Smith.
Order Will Celebrate Twelfth Anniver
sary of Organization With Parade
A strenuous effort Is betnn; made this
month to secure largo additions to the or
ganization all over the State. A forcible
nppeal 1ms been printed and sent broadcast
by Stato Councilor II. D. Dickson, Jr., call
ing for united, persistent efforts on the part
of all councils and members to secure the
Increase desired on June 30.
The western, middle nnd eastern dis
tricts have supplemented the action ot the
Stato Councilor by special appeals of their
own nnd aro now hard at work In friendly
rivalry to secure the largest harvest of
The Active Workers' Association of this city
Is doing yeoman's service in the campaign, and
promise, to do It. full share In contributing to
the general desired result.
The 12th anniversary of the order will be
celebrated Saturday evening. June 4. by coun
cils and organizations In all sections ot the
State. Although a mere stripling In, years, as
compared with sister fraternities, this brother
hood has ln Pennsylvania alone more than 60
000 members and according to reports made
by State Secretary William A. Pike. Is steadily
forging to the front and showing constant and
material gains In membership.
The final meeting of the local active workers
to complete arrangements for the big anniver
sary parade Saturday evening, June St. will be
held Monday evening at 81-M-t North Broad
street. A large attendance Is desired ot all In
terested tn the movement.
Councils Participate in Exercises Incl
' dent to Flag Presentation
Port Richmond Council No. 234 partici
pated In the flag presentation to the hall,
wherein it meets, Saturday afternoon, and
made an excellent showing. After a parade
over the Important streets of the vicinity,
the various bodies meeting ln the hall. In
conjunction with 100 school children, halted
iti front of the stand erected for the band
and speakers. After an appropriatepro
gram the Guards of Diligent Council No.
4 fired a salute that made all feel proud
of Old Glory as It floated to the breeze,
The Good of the Order Association met Mon
day night with Union Council, No. 0. at 1M8
Oermantown avenue, and besides the usual 1m-
fortant order of business, reports were made
y tho Memorial, Parade and Excursion Com.
mlttee. The Excursion Committee "wets to
have a large attendance on the trip to Wlldwood.
Saturday, July 2S. All councils and members
will b interested In making this a gala day.
Tomorrow evening Grace, Council, No. St,
will irat,lt 25th ann v.r.ary to ,n.
drssse.?' The' 'council, of lb. district biv. be.n
InJited to attend and with a good attendance
upon tha part of the membership of No. Ml. a
Sjl'.rth.Stec'i.rp???. S.jSSS j$
ry'4or,f MPS ll WasTnt" d
iovel celebration of thl. Important svsnt.
The following baseball games will U P'"J
hv the teams of the various councils Saturday
5ft,rnn "ext'it 8:18: nrjtr
Md and Co umbla avenue. Diligent vs ,fjfvtjw,
Blth and Berks, and Uoyal, XiJ,rim'1rtJn',aBrr.
an Warrington avenue. Members are earn
estly mtlfed and urged to attend ttuss gaines,
which 2ri played In the same maner aa the pro
fessional league games.
Phil ir Sheridan Council No. J8T, will have a.
monster class Initiation Monday evening next
IS which 8Ut. Councilor Sheneman anj Stats
rtainril Secretary Ford will participate state
S5S3S fe.s sss &s&sa;&
inrr 1 tl ana
weAre r
. .. la
wormmr bis.
for Your
Lowett BaUa KfAt City
Strictly Confidential
Burala&proaf Protictiott
-!-Llki xt2X r2
and jllaU Council, ifneert will Mslst in the
beautiful work of the ritual. The event wilt also
mark the greatest membership In the history .of
the council, which has recently passed the BOO
Jewish Progressire Order
"American Ideals.'1 the purpose of the Jewish
Progressive Order of Philadelphia, the only or
ganization of Its kind connned exclusively to
this city, will be. the main toplo of discussion
at the first annual convention of the order next
Sunday at the Continental Hotel, ,. ,.
Although thl. order 1. but one. year old, 13
lodge, with 1B00 members have bn enrolled.
The chief speaker at tho morning session
will be Dr. Smarya Levin, formerly a mempjr
of the Husslan Duma, whose toplo will be the
"Coming American Jewish Congress . . ,
The officers are: Samuel O. Krateok. chair
man of the Convention Committee!. Benjamin
Futernlk. grand master: Nathan W. Albus, first
deputy grand master) Myer Simon, second deputy
grand master! Myer Pack, grand treasurer) Ja
cob Sporkln, endowment treasurer: Morris a:
bus, reserve treasurer: Harry Hols, honorary
grand master: Jacob H, Hoffman, assistant
grand secretary: Dr. Samuel Stalberg, einet
medical examiner, and Samuel Wllllg, coun
selor of the order.
Impressive Ceremony by Local Follow
ers of Triplo Links, in Memory ,
of Departed Fraters
Tuesday evening: Kenderton Lodge, No.
206, held memorial services of an Impres
stvo character ln Its lodgeroom, 3SJ North
17th street, ln memory of nine members
who had passed away during: tho last year,
The meeting; Tuesday evening; next will
bo known as "Old Guards' Night," and
promises, from the"" plans being Inld, to
provo a session of moro than passing In
terest. Among thoso whose activity's con
tributing to tho continued success of this
popular lodge aro George R. J. Burgort,
Herbert Brown, Frank Mendes nnd Wesley
Last week llamlltoti Lodge, No. BOO. held Its
Initial meeting In Its new lodgeroom, above the
I"ranklln Theatre. BSd street and Olrard avenue.
In spite of the Inclement weather, there was a
large attendance. Addresses were made by Grand
Secretary Usher A. Hall, Grand Ilepresentatlvo
to the Sovereign Orand Lodge James II. Avery,
Past Grand Masters Itobert Graham and J P.
Hale Jenkins and C. U. D. Illchardson. president
nf the Philadelphia Orphanage The district
deputy grand master, Ouy E, Matter, presided
and Brothers Minster, Oonzalles, Fleming and
Iletascoo entertained ln a plenslnv manner.
Among those present were P. O. P. B. II. Pope,
Statistician L. Menglo and tho following repre
sentatives to.tha Orand Lodge! ft. D. Meyer,
Montgomery Lodge. No B7, Norrlstown! H L
Davenport. Henry Dlsston Lodge. No. S. Tconyt
h T,"tP,ton.. Orphans' nest. Ro t2. Hjjby.
W. II Hardcastle, Kossuth, So.83, Media. Oj
A, Spoerhase, Nlcetown No, 8481 J. B. Tomlln-
"on. iienaerton, no. 200, Tioga, r, '
American star. No, 401: A.Jt,,Jeftl,-,3P,,,n'
No. 100O. L, p. Sample, Apollo, No. JiinJ'
Ilaase, Philadelphia, No, ,18:, n It. "lntlj".
Arcttirus, No. SI, and delegations iwmlenn
sylvanla. No. 1, and Philadelphia. No 18,
jfcmb?r.".wre also presentfrom Covenant, West
iiuaueipnia, jvrcturu., -roie;"" ":",
lodges, as well aa a number of out-of-town
. Norrls Lodge, No. 480, of, Norrlstown. had
charge of the religious services .hl ,"n?Si
afternoon at the Home for Orphans. Orpnts and
Chelten aienues Germantown. A falr-siea
delegation of Montgomery County members at
tended, as well as many members and tneir
frtftnit f.flm .- .11- -
The sermon wa. preached by the ney. J.
Elmer Saul and muslo was supplied by the
Children', chorus and orchestra. Beleetlon. were
ftlft rfnrir,1 hv Hflaa Miff TUOO and in.
Emmanuel Mala Quartet, composed of Hush Mc
Clelland, George Leubr. Samuel .Taylor and
John Tajlor. Jr. noberl Love, and Charles n.
D. nichnrdson, president of the home, made
brief addresses. .
At tho Odd Fellows' Home. 17th and Tioga
streets, the aged veteran, of the order listened
to Interesting religious services Sunday after
noon, conducted under the auspices of Mana
pink Lodge. No. 81, The sermon was preached
hy the Itcv. William Crawford, pastor of tha
First Baptist Church, of Manayunk. and a
short address made by Thomas Blpps, presl
dent of ths home. . .. ,,
The music Included selections by a rlo com
posed ot Harry Btrkmlre, ,the "ev. William
Crawford and Wallace Ott, accompanied by
Clayton Tunis.
.The Veteran Odd Fellows' Association of this
city had charge of the religious services Bun
day afternoon at the Hebekah Home. 17lh street
and Allegheny avenue. Addresses were made
by William Douglass, secretary of the ".p
clatlont Mrs. Mary A. Engfeman, president of
tho home, and a short sermon delivered by
Mrs. E. fevelslier, of the Methodist Hplscooal
Deaconess" home. The musical features In
cluded a piano and cornet duet by Mrs. Jonn
Fisher and son, Wnrren Fisher, and selections
by n trio composed of Mrs. J. McGonegal, Mr..
II, Kendall and Mrs. L. Pechtel.
Ths seoond degree will be conferred by the
degree start of Mllle Lodie tonight "Upon six can
didates This will be the .last presentation of
the degree by the team until after the summer
months, and a good attendance Is promised of
members as well as visitors interested In 1m
pressUe and accurate renditions of the ritual.
At the last meeting of the lodge the work of
the first degree won many expressions of ap
proval. Among the visitors .were Brothers
Louis C. Kohler. of Phoenix . Lodge. No. 212,
Phoentxvlllns O. S Carhart. Accl Lodge. No.
124, New Jersey: B. P.. Marin and Leon Smith,
of tlanyan Tree Lodge. No 878. ArdmoreiVln
cent Stefano and James Calgraus, Wayne
I.odge, No 3, George 11. Tucker. It. II. Prlehard.
Samuel Henderson, Harvey Hagenbuch, of Ken
derton Iidge, No 2(10: C. Seybert, Shenandoah
I.odge, No, 1101: M, P. Jensen, Green Hill Lodge,
No. 1R4: John Mooro, Somerset Lodge. No. 48,
Somervllle, N. J,, M. B. Williams. Good Samari
tan Lodge. No. 1. Taunton. Msss.t ftjy M,
Groff. Karl Lodge, kq. 418, New Holland, and
K. Anderson. Carroll ..Lodge, No. 120, Bchuylklll
'i'l . Under "good of the order" a number
or brief but Interesting addresses were made
by the visitors.
Atk Tll.l.l.l ,,.d.l.a nu.H.-t-fll
-"v VI' uinirmt . twinvti'its . owm-j,. "'
tKaTt II I'Miaaeipnia. no. is; ai
tiy, out yoTenam, jmo, lis:
Klngsesatnr. No. 8001 Wes
872 and Hamilton, No RPO,
services, tonight In the lodi
Protection. No. SIS:
West Philadelphia, No.
old fnemor
a.Aj.HM. h r.M-tnAn,
Lodre. Nn, rtnit llarlr, afrM. A Hhnrf t1-
dress will be delivered by the Hev. Bamuel C,
Carter, rast D. fa. O. if , L. at. Deno will
preside, A number of brothers have passed
.war during tho year, and It is expected there
will be a large nttendanco of both members and
,. Last Friday evening, at h meeting of Are
turua Idge, No. 88, tn Initiatory degree was
conferred upon one eandldata In a most lm
prrislv manned by the degree staff of tht
lodge, under the direction of Degree Master H. 31,
"Iggins., There was n good attendance and
several visitors present, Including the newly ap-
Matter. ' ""
Merchants' Lodge. No. 88. conferred the seo
ond degree In full form on Brothers It. r.
Ilupeh, of Herman Lodge. No. 7. it. C, Carter
and F. M. Harris on last Friday evening, which
accounted for an unusually large attendance.
i no wora was wormy oi commenaaiion, ana
;'ast Grand Master. II, W,, Roller, of Herman
idge. cnnirratiilaled the team ana wnnlre In
WOrnA nf nn.M.lnllnn nt fh lrtn,lnaa ,hAn
his lodge by the members of Merchants, other
visiting brothers from Herman Lodge Included
Drothers O. Hoffman, r, W. Ve-er. IJ L Meer
and F II, Delas Ilrother J. It. Wltmer. Con
tantlne fxdge. No. 113. Allentpwn, and Past
Grand Otis It, Penn, Capital Lodge, No. 0. At
lanta, Qa,, who read n poem apropos of the
second degree, from "Odd Fellowship In Bong,"
Your Last Chance
I 2 i
Sco announcement
on Pago 7
wera also among the visitors. Tomorrow eve
nlng. after the third degree has been exemptlAM
memorial services will be held for ths decased
brethren, of Merchants, to which a, cordial m
vltatlon Is given to all member, ot the order,
..Tnjtday evening next Corora 7!neampment,
No. 587, will confer the Royal Purple degree In
full ceremonial form upon several candidates.
As this will be the last appearance of the de
gree staff for the season, special efforts will be
made to do the work In Impressive style, and a
arse nuennance ot pairiarcnai oremren irpm
ocal encampments Is confidently expected, Fol
owlnr the fl,rrM urArk. at anolal season will he
Paturdar evening a meeting eflhe general
committee ln charge of the Odd Fellows' out
ing, to Atlantic City July M waa held at Grand
Lodge headnuarters, 1723 ,Arch street. Past
Grand George nruner presided, and represent
atives attended from Bo lodges from this city
and Delaware county. From the Interest mani
fested, It Is believed that this will be the largest
anair ojc mis cnnracier ever neia Dy ine orotn
erhood In this city. A subcommittee will visit
Atlanlla City Sunday, to arrange for the enf
tertalnment of the visitors, nnd on Tuesday
evening, June i, anomer meeting ot ine gen
eral commute Will hi heSd. at 17S. Are
street to complete further ferijuhgemenls, i s
Adjatsn LcVIre, No, 282., at its session H
week rfl-iferred the second degree", the work.be
ing rrodftahly lvn . by the recently, organtiieiJ
degree staff. Tonight a class of candidates will
be Initiated. The lodge Is nourishing financially
and has startrd n movement to add materially
to Ita membership
Ilrnard tlrown Loiige, No 1188, exemplified
the initiatory degree lasf week The work was
conferred In full ceremonial form upon a class
ot 23 waiting candidates. In addition to this
large number of candidates, there waa an ex
ceptionally large attendance. Drothers II. C
Palmer, JohnT. Wilde and Herbert Ledgard,
of Orphans' Itest Iidge, No. 1.12, and Joseph
M Bemless and Maurice J. Piatt, of Philan
thropic Lodge. No. 18. were visitors.
Flernard llrown Lodge Is at present passing
through an era of unparalleled prosperity,
Every(month as large a class Is being Initiated
aa on last Tuesday evening. The lodge has
been attracting many visitors to Its meetliMr
rooms In the Parkway Hulldlng, nnd a welcome
hand Is always extended to all visiting OdA
Announces tho opening of
Its now
Roof Garden
Monday evening, Juno 19
Philadelphia's newost
show placo.
An encloaed roof gar
den with seating and
dancing accommodations
for 400. New elevators
run direct to tho door of
tho Garden.
Dancing every evening after 8:30.
Tables may be reserved now by applying to tho maitro d'hotel.
, 1 -I II' if 11 M JL
e oeueve tne iviaxweu is oreaiesi
Motor Car Value on the Market
BUT our opinion would not be of any particular importance to you if it
did not coincide with the f aits. We only want you to look the market
over carefully. Then we absolutely know that you will agree with us.
In the first place there is the remarkable Maxwell engine. No four
cylinder motor of ita size has more "pep" or go to it regardless of the price of
the car it drives. It will climb hills on high gear b a manner that will
astonish you. It is quiet and works day in and day out with a sound, business
like hum that is good to hear.
Any engineer will compliment the design of the chassis. And those
who are not engineers cannot fail to note its simplicity and staunch construc
tion. As for what it is made of, we can trathfully say that better material
cannot be bought
The operation of the car is simplicity itself the brakes are powerful (
the springs are long and flexible the axles are strong and the steering
apparatus, like the rest of the chassis, is built to standthe most severe service
the car may ever have to face, wherever or however it is used.
Then if you consider looks important, and most people do, you will not
find a more attractive car than the Maxwell at anywhere near the price.
And it comes to you fully equipped with all the attachments you will
ever want or need; electric starter and lights, demountable rims, one man top,
self-ventilating, rain-vision windshield, etc. All for $6S5 (five passenger,
touring car) or $635 (two passenger roadster).
We know you can't beat it,
TouringvCar $655
Roadster $635
The Maxwell Motor Sales. Corporation
1617 Chestnut Street Bell Phone: Spruce 31-41
Time Payments if Desired