Wfat1ta(fci T , tf '-Cm : : - Sv; 14 GEftMAN SHIPS BY RUSSIANS W THE BALTIC SEA f'a Mosquito Flotilla, At- ks Enemy Transports .Convoyed by Warships .CittJlSEK IS BLOWN UP W " ' - - - ' T.I i r NTICOPW6, Sweden, Juno 18, $ Thirteen rtrman tnamhAntH4i4. tlAh "WWe coming from th Tlarth convoyed by ft, auxiliary cruiser and some torpedo Wta and armed trawlers, were attacked rty yesterday by a squadron of Itus tn destroyers, torpedoboata and sub fcw'rlnea near tho Swedish coast. The Qer- jrn convoy was ujspcrsoa ana tho mer- ctiantmen fled toward tho coast. ;It Is reported that pomo of tho vessels "Wjire sunfc. .C6PEN1IAOEN. Juno 15.- Describing ' 4 Baltic light, tho Daeens tfyhednr says tHat tho Qtisslan squadron won ah Import- arit victory. Ths Itusslans had six destroy ers ana several suomarines, and wore KdtnK at such speed that tho Germans wero taken completely by surprls'o ahd only fired bno shot, then mado for port In the utmost haste. "Jt Is believed," says, tho paper, "that i2 merchantmen wero sunk, while a German armed trawler, which arrived at Nylcoplnj, had 150 men' aboard from a German de stroyer that had been sent to tho bottom. "The German nuxlllary cruiser was tho Konlg von Sachsen, which also was scon to Blhk, and It Is supposed that all of her crew wero drowned."' ,'Tho Da Rons Nyhedar names tho follow ing 10 German steamers as having been tost: Norma, Umo Ely, Ardn. Mecklenburg, ISAelle, Italia. Detcrro', Wcser, Konsut Bchultxo and Algebra. AMSTERDAM, Juno IB. The following statement has been given out In Berlin: "During tho night of JUno 13 tho German auxiliary cruiser Ilerzmann was attacked by four Russian destroyers In tho sight , southeast of Stockholm. After a courageous resistance the vessel was set nflm hv aiita and was blown up by her crow. Tho com mander and most of tho orew wero saved." LONDON, June 15. A neuter dispatch from Nykoplng reports a naval engagement In tho Baltic between midnight and 1 o'clock yesterday at a point near Hov rlnge. It Is supposed that six German. armed trawlers, which were seen going northward last .night, were engaged. Two hundred shots wero heard. .'The fight lasted 45 minutes. A German trawler with Ave wounded men entered Nykoplng yesterday. AH ..Information was refused."' J Wmffitg LEPMR-aiLABBLHIA, THURSDAY JDM) 16, 196. FATHER OF REPUBLICAN NOMINEE a.aa.aaiaB.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH.aaaaaw Iii SBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBHHBBBBBBBBBBBBB'KIWl? f$S VH sNNtiK && u mm MmMM ' 1 I BHIIIIIIIijIIIIHPiijIIHB 'MiuBMriy&lfilHija.llllllllllllllHijRlllijlllijllllllllBtw. 1 ?J" - HHHKiHH. NaT JBBk. ' 1 vn JKvnvwKiBwi4i . MBiBBiBHWHHKBaMgSgy 4Sma'y.l-SiaBBTBByVy'MlWI i FORTY SQUARE MILES WRESTED BY ITALIANS FROM AUSTRIAN FOES General Cadorna's Forces Rn- pulso Violent Attacks on Poslna Front With Heavy Losses to Assailants YEGGMEN WRECK SAFE; FLEE ON FREIGHT TRAIN FROM PURSUERS' SHOTS Two Cracksmen Fail to Got Loot ' in Brewery OfHce When Explosion ' Houses Watchman QUIET JN ISONZO ZONE DODGE BEHIND GARS GENEVA. June 16. It Is reported from Innsbruck that since Juna 7 tho Austrlans naya been compelled to abandon between 36 and 45 square miles of Italian territory Which they arAlnml riiirlnv th n..i ... of their offensive. Tho Austrlans have evacuated Chlese In the fear that their re treat would be cut oft. The Austrian general, who was appointed Governor tf the Italian province of Verona, Is said to havo been captured with his iroops at uunno by tho Ilusslans. LONDON, June 15. Tho Austrlans re turned to tho attack along the front south of the Poslna torrent Monday night with a vioieni artillery bombardment followed by Infantry assaults on the Italian positions on four heights, Monte Fornl AM. tho Cam plglla, Monto , Glove and Monte Brazone. At all points the attackers wero repulsed with heavy losses, according to the ofuclal statement Issued last night. Testerday tho Austrlans undertook on offenslvo against tho front from the Adlge to tho Sugana Valley. In Bplto of the violent artillery (ire which preceded the Infantry action tho Italians Wero ready to repulse the Austrian Infantry ns It advanced. TEUTONS QUIT LEMBERG, SAYS SLAVS' REPORT Contlnoed from Pare One Russian Invading armies In Volhynla. Tho War Offlce wasj Without ddvlccs to this effect, but It waa; Intimated that the evacua tion of .embergf was 'expected. The Gallclan'capjtal Is now only some 50 mli8 beyond the. 'vanguard of tho Russian advanco and Its abandonment by the Aus trlans or Its fall, should the Austrlans de tcrmtno to defend It. would once more mean the possibility of ,the great fortresses of Przemysl and ;;Jaroslau falling into the hands of the Czar's forces. rrn. t n n . . . Thoto by Outekunat. 2vo?h. D.?vid Charles Hughes, father of ex-Justice Charles nu-1 K, , i.,p,ub,Acax? P"sdentinl nominee, whose talk with a close Philadelphia friend, the Kev. Dr. John Gordon, years ago, showed the character of Hughes when a struggling young lawyer. LINCOLN-LIKE REJOINDER MADE BY "CHARLIE" HUGHES TO FATHER ALLIED DRIVE NEAR, ASQUITH REVEALS Continued from I'ncr One armies." the Premier continued, "It Is a struggle of material and economlo resources, and these will prove In tho long run to be tho deciding factors." Thieves' early today blew to pieces a safo In the office of Weger Brothers' brewery, at the northwest-corner of S!d and Thompson streets. It was the wrong safe, for they got no' money. They escaped after leading a watchman and two district detectives a cross-country chase that ended when tho disappointed cracksmen swung aboard a freight train headed for New York. The explosion roused the neighbor, hood and littered tho brewery office with shattered glass and fragments of tho safe. Two men wero concerned In the attack upon 'tho sare. Tho police have a gooa description of them and have telegraphed along tho railroad line, Their arrest Is expected as the local detectives believe them to bo professionals, probably yegg men. Tho safo which was blown open, a rello of Centennial days, was made for Charles Thels. founder of the brewery, by C. t. Malser & Cp., and was presorved more for sentimental reasons than for real useful ness, it was llttlo moro than four feet high nnd was utilized as n repository for papers. AH money was kept In a larger and moro modern safe which stood beside It. This rccoptaclo wns not disturbed by the Intruders. Chris Brenner, a watchman employed nt tho Bergner & Engel Brewery, which ad journs that of Weger Brothers, was shaken nearly off his feet nt 2 : IB o'clock this morning by tho explosion. He ran to tho Weger olnco and discovered what had hap- '.Philadelphia Minister, Friend of Nominee's Late Parent, Gives Reminis cences of Candidate's Youth In years gono by, long before Charles Evans Hughes, then known as Attorney "Charlie" Hughes, over though of belne a candidate for tho presidency of tho United States, long before ho had any political press agents nnd when he never said things "to get tho votes," he made a speech to his fathor which has stood the teat of years. It was a speech which showed that "honesty Is the best policy" and that, In splto of state ments to tho contrary, the old maxim of our grandparents was the best. t& But mora Immediate successes of tremen dous Importance are today within Bight as a result of Ttuaslun strategy and vigor of attack. In Bukowna the Austrian army of General von .Pflanzer. defsncilns- f,.rn,. Wits, tho Bukowlnlan capital. Is surrounded I on all sides Ynt th Rnitft. nA ..,...... J in a .southerly direction means a scramble over the difficult passes of the Carpathians and probably annihilation- Iji the process! PRINCE LEOPOLD IN' DANGER. A second Austrian army, that commanded by Prince Leopold, today was also In peril ,a3 an outcoma of tho piercing of the Aus trian line In Volhynla. The forces of Prince Leopold aro engaged In the now des perate adventure of holding back General Bruslloff's troops, but his right flank has ueeii possea oy me jtussians and he Is In .grave danger of being turned from this flank and attacked In the rear unless he. too, falls back. The Russian plan of attack now has ap parently narrowed to tho Immediate ob jective of Kovol. northwest of LutRif i..m. berg, southeast .of the captured fortresses of Lutsk and Dubho, and Czernowltz, the key to the whola Dneloter position. Kovel la a Junction at the railway lines north ward to Brest-Lltovsk and south and west to the Inner Austrian and German positions. Tho Russians, through the -capture of tRoJIstche and an advance to the River Stokhud, aro now- within 20 miles of Kovel. The advance against Lemberg, It waa seml omplally reported today, had reached Rad ilylllov, a station on the Gallclan frontier on tho main railway to the Gallclan capital. Vladimir VolynskI Is one of. the Immediate objectives and tho Russfana have neared It y reaching Torchlh, while from Dubno , COSSACKS CUT RAILROAD. In Bukowina the Cossacks aid signal ser vice In completing the almost complete en circlement of tho Adstrlan forces. The cavalry swept through tho Austrian de rensea north of Caemowltz and cut the rail way communication of General Pflanrer's forces on the main lino of Kolomea, whence ho was dependent for reinforcements and fhUfPU,, East ltn4 ""he"t of the . pM the artillery and Infantry made direct at tdeka upon the Austrian positions. Infantry SrtdlinilSS '""I lhJ? """"west anS c .tured- Snlatyn. only 20 mllea northw.t f uio capital city. The main Austrian nosi. tlon is four mllea west of the city nd hero the fiercest fighting I. tow tkklnr place- With the capture of Snlatvn h Busalan, took 8020 Additional SSL"? That little speech by a man who hud no political ambitions, no dcslro for fame, but only the desft-o to do right by his fellow men, by a man talking to his father In tho privacy of his home. And now for the speech nnd tho circum stances under which It wns made. It was a decade or two ago, when "Charlie" Hushes was tnlklnc to his fa- ther, tho late Rev. David Charles Hughes, a Baptist pastor. Charlie nnd father were having a heart-to-heart talk -about their respective professions. Tha good minister could not understand how his son could possibly reconcile him self to the legal profession. .In the discus sion the father said to his son, then a struggling young attorney. "But, Charlie, tell me, how can you consistently accept a case when you know It Is not honorable, when you know your client Is guilty?" xnen it was mat tne present Republican presidential nominee showed the metal which stands the test of time. The father of "ChaIle" Hughes, not Jus tice Hughes, not the presidential candidate, but the man, Charles Evans Hughes, told of the Incident years ago. He told It to Dr. John Gordon, dean emeritus of the theological department of the Temple Uni versity, THE LAWYER'S REPLY. And this Is what the struggling young lawyer said, with surprise In his eyes, and even a note of sadness In his voice i "Why, father, I am surprised that you would even ask mo Buch a question. Never In all my life have I accepted any case when I had tho. least doubt that It, was honorable, and I never will," "That was the spirit of the man," said Doctor Oordon today. "He is absolutely fearlessly lined up with the cause lie thinks Is the right. rNo politicians can budge him art Inch. He will do what he considers right and Just. He may be considered a little cool because he does not do much discussion. He talks llttlo for publication, but ho has a big hearti He Is a fine Chris, turn gentleman. He Is a true .son of his father, I knew the father well. He has often visited at my home here In Phlladel- pnia. i aiso Know tne son. Mi l&& W- Jlih ' 'ilBS5raroSiSklhL ..JViSslMj 1 S?SiiS F . bin i '- i -- . - I, L " " " fM MRS. BRITISH READY TO STRIKE AT .TOFFRE'S COMMAND PARIS, Juno IB. Great interest has been aroused hero by n statement mndo by Bonar Law to the Matin that tho British army wns completely In accord with Gen eral Joffro nnd was prepared to move when ever tho French hendquartera staff saw fit. Tho statement Is accepted ns n suf ficient nnswer to tho chargo of British In- uincrcnce 10 tno 'roncn losses before Ver dun. The press expresses much satisfaction over Bonar Law's frank statement. Thoto by Outfkunst. DAVID C. HUGHES Evenino LEnann In connection with this story waa 'Charlie Hughes' favorite pic ture of his father," said tho Rev. Dr. Gor don, "I wont to the Gutekunst itudlo with Doctor Hughes when he had It taken. The fnther of Justice Hughes was my guest here In Philadelphia at the time. Ho says this Is the best picture ever taken of his father." Phlladelphlans aro particularly Inter ested in tno words of the late Rev. Dr. Hughes, because he had his doctor of divinity degree from Temple University, the famous Philadelphia Baptist College. Doctor Hughes was pastor of tho Jackson Street Baptist Church at Scranton for 10 years lie was also pastor of the Pilgrim Baptist Church In Brooklyn for a number of years STORES CLOSING EARLY Hardware Dealers Lend C o'clock Movement in West Philadelphia wA.,5T?ne?t...t0 close a" tha Btores f West Philadelphia at 6 o'clock, except Sat urday, began last night at a meeting of the West Philadelphia Merchants' Assocla tlon, at which J. G. Esmund presided. One hundred nnd fifteen hardware merchants, represented In the association, decided to c ose their stores until further notice nt 6 o clock on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day nights. TWO U. S. SOLDIERS DIE IN MEXICAN BATTLE Continued from I'nre One don. Troop V, died at 8 o'clock today of wounds. This makes three Americans killed. Tho names of tho first two killed nnd seven wounded aro not yet reported. Two moro of. tho wounded are expected to dlo. Eight of tho bandits nro reported cap- IUI vu. Colonel R. A. Brown, commander nt Fort Mcintosh, Instructed county officers to ndvlso all pcoplo of ranches between Laredo nnd St. Ignaclo to get Into tho Interior, fearing further trouble, nccordlng to advices received here. WASHINGTON, Juno 15. Official report of tho fight between Mexican Bandits nnd troops I nnd M, United States Cavalry, near San Ignaclo, where two American soldiers and six bandits wero killed and sevon' Americans wounded, wns received at the war jvepariment tnis nfternoon from Gon- erni f unsion. Tho fight lasted 30 minutes, Major Gray, commanding, stated. Tho report from Funston, dated today, read: "From General Mann, Laredo, Troops I and M, 14th Cavalry, nt San Ignaclo, were attacked at 2 o'clock this morning by party about 100 Mexicans. After a fight of one half hour attacking party was driven off. "Two soldiers wero killed and soven wounded. Will send names as soon as re ceived. Bodies of six Mexicans nnd six dead horses were found In brush. Clothing of dead men were wet, showing they had crossed the river. "Major Gray, In command, telenhnnrri party scattered and he thinks went down river. His scouts trying find trail and will follow It with his whole force when found. "FUNSTON." o For cuta, burns and hrulsea Keeps cuts and wounds from becoming dangerous In the past, thousands of people have become dangerously ill and even died through not using an antiseptic as soon as hurt. Don't take chances, fight disease as they do in hospitals. One invisible germ in an open wound may result in a fatal disease. As soon after tho mishap as possible, cleanse mo wound wiin a solution or nnn i.n.nnnn. ful of Sylpho-Nathol to a quart of warm water. Then cover with a dry bandage. This will relievo the pain, retard the flow of blood, prevent germ Infection and quicken healing. Wonderful for burns F,b.urns use n tenspoonful of Sylpho- Nrfthot to a auart of wntAr A..l.. . cotton dr soft linen soaked In this solution.' It relieves the terrMjle pain, and often pro- vouia uiiaierjng. xouay, get a lOo bottle CABOT'S of o-sMfifa mh Horn oenuine without Ihia signature mm you set Sylpho-Nitboi; Endorsed by Dr. Harvey w. 'lly. Director of (Jood Si t"' San'tatlonand Health, and Trot. I. B, Allyn Dtr tor of th w.:,nVin; ii'lrr torl; "" " i?JA 60 and M-00- Sent pre paid on rere pt of price If !,1Ut ha.n-t lt.nook. Ti.teI".n? u" "nd direc tions with each boin.. Tho Sulpho-Napthol Co. 30 Medford St.,Boton,Mn, if .or f?h&sNV ft64&&3$&.gj Kaklnff k irrand .n.i .X .,"'."""?'. P"!?n. ATTACKS ON CZERNOWIT REPULSED, VIENNA CLAIMS VIENNA, June IB Russian attark. W h-t.,h9 "tro-German SSL north of the important junction of Baranovltch were repulsed It was announced by S twtrliw War Office today The artilllrv Bra. of the Russians agafet the o Positions la becoming raowyloknt " T6ttonowlnip official statement on opera tions on the, east front wa i...,.:in ?!?" War office; today; "" u '" '8ot(tJl of Bpyan and porth of Czernowlt by the (Russian we .Si? fagged. North of Baranovltch yesTerdTy rmari and Austro-Hungarlan troops weri PPd to the. heaviest RuJtenria ffi 1 tha. evening- th Russian infantry It ImJ, but waa repulsed everywhere, r Th Rowan gumuriv through miacalcuUtlonZ Iwl lata their own ranks." !w""rwn j?Sf;. Ju,n 15"7Iiusafan 'nry at. l""" r TT it win iui Hdiu in inifir -n .. IKS? aVt-m Prwvloka and to the north t.u ;Tr,.' ;r :c. r ? m , fvlw, iu mio muciai nead report of today. ijj:!i !kalk3nh sltnattatt b unchanged - . r, !, wjr onr aruuery and -5r ??4- tvvunva. H yWi'l-Cl&S JOKiilVfi CARPENTER '- eNV ) SkflflKa- flflniaKr Ail 1'iri Lnusi M IWv 8rrt A TRUE CHRISTIAN. "The son Is a true Christian, too. He Is true to his church obligations." n,dded the Rev, Doctor Oordon, "And Ill's wife, too, Is a fine Christian, woman. Tou cannot ?ay ioo Kina imngs anout ner. She Is a woman who would grace tho White House with her very presence." Doctor Gordon gave another Interesting Incident in the boyhood of Charlie Hughes today, when he told how the youth dlullked to go to the public schools; not because he was snobbish, but because he did not feel that he waa making 'as much progress as he could If he studied alone at home. Doctor Gordon said In this connection; 'The young roan pleaded' with his father iu m mrn siuay at nome and leave school. Finally he succeeded, and the father agreed to give him a chance to work out his own problems. And he succeeded. He was graduated from Brown, and he swept every thing befdm him. He was a brilliant student. At one time when his health gave out he took a place on Cornell Uni versity facnlty, and he made good, too. "T remember that Charlie and hl h. were always the best of friends and regu lar chums." added Doctor Gordon, when talking of the relationship of the. mlnUter father and the lawyer-son, the father who did not live to see the son nominated aa presidential candidate by the Republican parjy. and the son who had and still has the courage of hi convictions. The attach ment between tho father and son waa a, truly beautiful thing to see. -! picture which you are using In the The 6 o'clock closing Is to be considered by the 60th and Jlarket Street Business Association later In the month. Your Last Chance I H J i Lehigh. "WDLey Railroad announces greatly improved train service to ROCHESTER BUFFALO TORONTO CHICAGO AND THE WEST Ml-tteel Trains $ Philadelphia, The Black Diamond Laavati See announcement on Page 7 ffanscom's fcv Seashore and Country Orders Delivered FREE Let's Have Your Orclerf m 1232 Marker St tZLSL? i rrrd-niiiiiwmioii.irrnTTwiriiiriiaiiisigs t jM It makes no difference) to the fe M whether it brings down H M a big tree or a HtlU, Same K II IT'. u on orders big or H 1 workr1' "" !n "" ' 1 fEdwardRHenson&Co. I JJ Hntwn ItunUr o4 TimUr Jjj Hi VoeUr fit, Vfitntu mia. IS ...... .........9.30 A.M. n i . ' Arrival UUW,M ........,,,,M 7 M 0 ConncdhnforDttroll OntTnTcfo'jh, JyVrf. O&unalhn Pathr Car to Buffalo. PhUadelphia-Chicago Exprcaa Philadelphia , , , ,2 rf N(jon Rochester ", , Buffalo , ...". ' ii u Draulng-Room Sluplng Can fae7TcwLo. ' P"lr Ca, to WUktBan. ' The Buffalo-Toronto S&rt J9X0 P.M. BC?.:::;:;:::::r.::r.::::r"""" ?At Toronto : rjrrru"iv."7-'"v.vjr".v"i i ila Dimtoa-Room Sltttfag Cart to Ithaca, RocAttttr, Bvffak and Tennlo. ZJey Car, Tickets and reservations I Land Titlo Building, Broad and Sansom Streets Tim. BJb Spree I2S. ethFmaiMU&katoScaa. ?The Route of The Black Diamond .1 WM M M fr y pened, As he tried to tnlet he eAw two men leaving the bulldinr b window Which overlooks thO " H.1 .nrouh! was about to giro chase when h ncouh tered piMrlcl Detectives Cffnd Fir- ley, or tne in ana y"'" "V-,;;..... (Ion house, who were nt 31st and Jefferson streets. , Hasty explanation Induced the lJv to lake tip tho pursuit, and ".?"""" they made their way to the tracks. Two figures were discernible In the semldarK ness. The dotectlves drew their fyolvjr n,l rsnll,l iinnn hn fulltlveS tO halt, in- .,...1 ,!, i,,-.- hnhlnd freight cars. They' were dislodged by shots, and the ..I.-.. u.ti.H.j ... n nrtint nffr Columma avenue, where a passing freight train af forded the cracksmen opportunity to escape their pursuers. They clambered "board and got away. Clegg and Krley flashed an alarm to alt stations between this city and New York and then went back to. the brewery. Nitroglycerin had been used on the safe. Tho charge had blown the outer ana inner doors entirely off, the Inside door be ing found three feet from the ruined safe. All the glass In tho office partitions and windows wns shattered, tho Bpllnters strew ing tho. flool Wills Filer! for PVt... .W',"8 HwkMM today wire ft,!! lS. liramer, imj North 6th stf tit. .lh& Private beouesl rti. "! WhMs valued nt $48001 Kllta n TOi,r.,trhA ton Court, J3500; Llszle Itoch' ,!lUlsI' 9 mantown avenue, $4500, and M.?AJ '"1 1162 South Cleveland i ?. "A' Hti .1 personalty of the estates of Katht?: heber nnd Elisabeth Bucher Si, l'n a-, . and $1146,," P- praised at spectlvely. it. ionS! Amcncnn Lend PenrilT jjy 'M of Owl Unique Fascinations Await You When You Drive a Cadillac m i m The World's Greatest Road Car Men and women all over the world are awakening to the delightful discovery that the Eight-Cylinder Cadillac re moves the strain and the weariness from long-distance motor travel. That it releases the mind, from the thral dom of the car and permits untram melled enjoyment of the beauty of the road, and the landscape. That the flow of power is so continuous, so smooth, so flexible, so quiet that you are scarcely conscious that the engine exists. That the many-times-proven stability of the car dispels all anxiety for safety under the worst conditions of road and weather. That, although -not built primarily for speed, this car has broken more speed records on the road than any other stock car. That, this continuous daily performance has created a demand nearly 30,000 sold in less than two yeare which ex ceeds the combined sale of all other high-class cars during that period. In short When you buy a Cadillac "Eight" yon KNOW you can't do better. When you buy any other' car you can only HOPE It trill do as well as the Cadillac. Demonstrations: By your convenience. ' appointment at Deliveries: Within one week of order. 'Phone Spruce 2-18, Cadmac-Automobllc Galea Corporation rr Kfc UP.THE IBkhudson WaVMmtmikmrlkmmmmmammmmmmmmmmWH 300 Miles by River and Rail to .WEST POINT SATURDAY - JUNE 24 ALSO VSS81&3U-S& it Sf.O0 XOUtfD TM? JZ PHILADELPHIA & READING RAILWAY SPECIAL TRAIN leave. Rdio Tmnl 7,00 A, M .toppta J Columbia Av... Huntu4m St, Waynei Junction and JnUntown.