STORAGE T,Mrf tr meMi?wc. r COMTINENTAU BTOJi OVW CHESTNUT J"JtflSS' MOYINOT BHIPPINO , PACKlgOj "' scoured, stored. CSri.-T. "nv.rtnwa K6V.I JtaCO lOU ftftVJfigasg i-..... . . .1 m. 5Simrt)ollf ,F,;',Pn'itry. Etlmte Free. "Moth .r(S:i.JJJ ro.f S0S3 Lehigh. Tlo. 7230 k&m"ZY nrtllliB. 1748 N. 11th in. Biori -".:-. ..-r-r.r.r tfiB'1 uto T- - "tTffici. partitions ifSntfeft,W JBaWpaafe, 53ft. M0jM;I2i 4 - . ....I, I.M., rnln.. SoKEN JEWELRY. ii- pJ"ie,i iSc, j., ln. eWreklk fc ..... ESTIMATE! BB. a t . .-in nitnMM a&ASlK'd WRif n,' cali6r phone ;.;ri"nii-f-'h ' non """""""-"-"1 r5iJ,ruhr?oV,'eLnAl'no,rn'.ntt,? 'nf rart houaea upuiiny ... MMw .. hAw larfftfi Jt Mfrfi'i"11" ,'"" ------ m": CAST lor tie Apartment TtfTRt.n JTMtlftKCd' mn rreffdliiff Column. " i" I, EVENING LEDGEK PHILADELPHIA, THUBSDAY, JUNE 3& 1916. 1 ii-- - ' ' ' . . i i. , i 11 r . , , i .. i 17 PARKSIDE APARTMENTS 8440, ACRES OP LAWN ii.. . "imw lociuon. in c ty, with four IJKf 1? c?.1,J?."f ty and free transfers from h.ri f',.U?- "anon. .Furnished and un. ItEAIi ESTATE FOB, SALE CITY inth furnished S.I B 0I.rTi,hi?iP?K.BK0,,n'E,yA.n9' 1M1 North Thlr-ol-W. ",nei-b,?,T for street, ll rooms, I .ViVSVrtFXP'i ,,tl'twJJ'. deep lots for sale 8J. V,rc.." I"i'2.n' on easy terms Open ?ILnsiKf,lJ?n.: ppJuinriTON estates, liar. tlaon Building. Telephone Spruce 6J.Q8. N0,n. ?V3.Wt I'MU. ..nd Oermantown eouuu. j-irsi payment only homes 1100 s. (1800 to to 1.100. MERCHANT i HI. "ANTB yNIOM TIIUBT CO. 18-717-719 Chestnut st. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES REAL ESTATE BOB, SALE MAIN LINK, r. B. B. Continued from rrtctilno Column, NARRP.RTH, PA. 100 brand new aubutban properties, aafe,. rent or eichanite: U,rrIa: rent 110 upwards aalo 13800 upward. Harris. osoosHa station. Narberth on the Main Llne BUHUnitAN HOMES, countrr Places ana nuiia ln altes to suit all t-equlromentsj Jtaln Line. H. C. ItUNTr.n. Wayn-. Pa. new jEnscv flununnAK TVOODnUrtT llnlOIITS .148 lots! modern homesi 10c. fare Get folder. 1. SNOOK, woonourr iteianiw. n. j. miuuu iirinuw, i. . l.irriNCOTT I.OTS-ANU HOMES HADDON' HEtOHTS, N. J. muiir.1 iiii t iovJii NEW JEltSKV BEASIIOHB Thelaea bulldln alles, ocean front arid cross street with ocean VIeWi moet desirable location, hlYocurM,k' rownrta co., as s. lBth .t. Philadelphia. Pa. ... OCEAN TITT Penn Lynn ptacel attractive new COUHl or nniFi o ruiiuin. tiii ii each, rhono Otn. 47-48 W. MudlnaT batht near Handsome, modern 4itorr hrownslone dwell ina-i especially ntled for professional offlcssi low price and eaay terme for oulck iala. 8"U.sfi?SSlONE ,W)PiAU 0842. tt i,ii.T irivr. FOHNlTUnE. all Ulndss store n B BOOMS EdR BENT i..trP imnfl WELL - FUnNIBIIED CEagggU?;9MRNT Oh TRANSIENT. EilESTNUT, 200S Attractive .rooms, alngle or in.',iiii; private bath! running water; refer. rWirsTNUT ST.. 1800 Four rooms, unfurnlsh alf. tki i bath room; housekeejgconvs. 7TfMTON ST.. 020 DeltgullUJ, cgui lumii". in- ayagg..?..'Vnt water; reHned, quIet.jjurMgj. innianwun ,,ufc w.fc. . . rpllUCE. 111B Second "front, beaut fully furn.s Vther vacanclesijrunnlng water; elec. light. SpHIjCeT-1554-20 Fu-rnlshed rip'- Private Mini Dniru uuiiuiibh ,..-- -- -- PHUij UUTU ynw" ...... --- .. ISru. 8., 1002 2d story front, cool; attractively rumnnea. imnm .--i l ,"s ;i; n --w ir iir n a k2T) AND nAKHUMi weal wrunwii y " MFuVnl"a roSms:' men only! meal , If desired; .hojrer hath-;, near L: al( the comfor a of gJD'AND CHESTEIl AVBj-We n , Mr. im AND CllrJoilUU avij '" """ri 1 rv rJ 'VndlVjkrn'-. room, on our ;!,-,, elecirio iigms. Pi'"yi "JJ,'X;" uonaia v. iipwim WnWFE"J?Jrti-iJSSS,MtT room a. ninij Bumiiiti , "- - -- , JUriNISHED front housekeeping suite. 15 s single room. .6Q up. Apply 1401 N. 10th. BOOMS WANTED suncitDAN TWO WOMEN deslro two unfurnished rooms. ranmnx nuin. iui iiwu n"'7i .... .......- tween Overbrook & Ardmore. Led. Cen. BOABDING . . 1110 UHOWN STREET Three-atory brick dwelling, 12 rooms and bath! ''trill. modern r Immediate possession. MYKRB A'HArtH, lUdge aje, and10lh St. 12800 miS CAMItRIDOB ST., 8story, 9"7oonTT all conveniences; assessed $2600; brick stable In rear; lot 1009 ft. Daniel A. Mlnnlck, 1838 Rldge ave. WALNUT. 4331 Rooma with board, eiposure; near L; references. southern BununnAN OERMANTOWN The Shlppen. Wayno & Hans terry First class In appointments A service. SANITABIUMS BEAUTIFUL location: special sclentlflo care; nervous, elderly; overy romfort; nurses; book let. Dr. Randal. City Lino. Chestnut Hill. APABTMENTS APARTMENTS, of two rooms and bath. The Claire. 1316-131T Pine St.: hardwood floors, combination fixtures, heat, hot water and Janl- Sor service Included; reasonable rents; Imme Itte possession; leases to start Sept. 1. Alhort . Greenfield, inc,, agents, N. 12. cor. 13th and Chestnut Bta WEST PHILADELPHIA SUBLET, bachelor apartments: large, attractive rooms: refined, homelike; near 32d St. Station. Telephone Walnut 17-07. FURN. APT.. S rooms and bath, porch: all con- BSwl venlencesj everything furnished for summer 1h7- y-j AypuiiHuwnia uf ijnuup. jjgt. .,,..,. ?M' a'lyARTJIENT, outside, ground floor. 8 rooms ('ind lath; Stonelelgh Court, 40th and Walnut: I . T fent o.ou; excep. cool. Apply janitor. JioNEHURST Apts.. 48th and Osage nve. .1 rooms : pain private Lam. tteo jarvuor. FURNISHED APABTMENTS tREXEL APARTMENTS, at Overbrook Station Furnished apartments. conslstlnK of 2 sleep ing rooms, 1 exceptionally large living room tnd bath, to rent from June IS to Sept. IS. rn hone Overbrook 6328. LION HEAD 1213-1S LOCUST Handsomely turn. apts. HOUSEKEEPING APABTMENTS THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT . But suppose. Instead of trying all these dif ferent ways, you Just call at thls'offlco the Isriest.. most attractive and best equipped In Philadelphia, devoted exclushely to securing Just what they want for particular people. Tell us your requirements. Every desirable apartment In Philadelphia Is listed with or iniy be rented through us. Our automobiles are waiting to take you to the list of prop Iffl" Sffu designate, and with the least pos lole effort you Kill secure the one apart ment In Philadelphia which most nearly ap proaches our exact Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD Spruce 3071. 1411 WALNUT ST. Race 3023, N, E. COR. 17TH AND WALNUT STS. Th'' 13 story Apartment House Is built of concrete and steel, thoroughly flreproofed and ftu!JJE0M ndern architecture. Suites of li&JVJW a'.111 .on.? bath to seven rooms and Ii teiK ... uui" .cverai oacneior suues, VfX?rjJ rK3?.rn-.c.1venl,rit'e and facility. KFWBtXrAF.IiJ3&0FJri,E' LAROB HOUSE-i5pfT?.illiJSF.8.I'Err- THEY ARE THE ATPnJN.v?r,.1,.UA,A HAVINft SOUTHERN, 35S?,AKD JVESTERN EXPOSUREd. OCTOBEl? LEABE3 WILL 1113 DATED 41SFtnl!ltntlank nidg. i'hon. Walnut 0020. ?Ja VIT0P(LZSZ" '?. of cltyr rent. iaform.n-pm,nl !'" Phono or write for i-TJigPBJJi-Samuel..9tern. 120I Chestnut at. ,w porch: modem apartment! Janitor. WEST PHILADELPHIA "JSVfffa TU08?8Tl?BTED tla,,;lK,l,h PrtmiAt. with all- the JhS'wfK- &" mooth' - " f"" "tlmont4433, B443 Locust st. KERatlATOSSlHS. APARTMENTS T7rli4SC--c-ROWLI0216. Chestnut sU BM?H,JVAnREi'v 1003.03" 8, ""4.6th Second I ii i " i ',. , o iuin. "JOA( Cbeatar" r.i a .uniAn.u1 Monterey, 43d and rBOTI?S.I5.llm.ont' .4A'!. and Bprinv Qrd.n. HTIi 7r,.T ' r """"Be- 808 Hale Bldg. TrgUj-jlJTCHEL'LrlPelh M..u. .... Wf. 2?a Vl"t.9nl.i 2.rms,tbath, 110187 Kill' 151 H8Vy?riton. u- w'" kltch.'lfj ft 22. r. 121 B. (Klngdonl up. Will fur.Ph PrssraBao APABTMENT HOTELS ALDINE HOTEL chestnut and Trio WT NINETEEWfU wuu t(?at rooms and suites, ay, Week, Month, Season, Year rrt.j.j! wniii..7. CJ? Hvf 5 N4 ,. ST S!W2!Toom suites for rent? THE GLADSTONE UTHTgrImB PURNISHED OR UNFURNISHBEI ABSOLUTE!. UFlRM"itO)"KP . "IN TUB CENTRE) OF EVEUYTttlNQ1' Tl yTTLB MOTBL , M .mhuaU 8f SSW1118 Whi L lawn " w .a2 country St?fctri.ilv.." :ST JlortU it.. aTtusK -SJ'SST'E. ., THE ESMOND . B. goR. J4TU -8s5 i-urb0 ssasi !t ano vuzajnov UU-M REAL ESTATE FOR BALE OH HUNT BARBER, HARTMAN & CO. aui unestnui. CENTRAL PROPERTIES for sale YARROW A VAN PKI.T N. E. cor. 17th and Chestnut. "TRIDENT,rWATER METER 042 Real Estate Trust Bldg. S0TH, 13TH, 14TH AND 1BTH WARD BUY-EBP- - SELLERS AND RENTERS, SEE i-uu.muuit tc CO., B01 N. 1ZTH T, rncumll ,j.t not r. Aill Oi. BRICK HOUSE, 8 rooms, bath: dry cement cel lar; facea open square: cheap, desirable. wwnpr. yL v , inaiana ni 1STII ST., W., 817-10 Look these over! rented at JS2; assessed 10000: price 12600. subject 10 loauu. aiAHHBy a hum, latn ana ureen. 1801 N. 1RTH 3-story brick dvelllngi can be rnnverferl Intn nnnrtmAnta. tlttln pmh. MYERS A HARTH, Ridge ave. and 10th st, ni..jto iiAnin, niutte aye, ana iutn nt. FOR INTELLIOENT realty management and PROMPT RETURNS, SCO MORRIS & CO., Rldae at Urosd 1011 N. 10TH ST. 24x107 111 excellent neigh . borhooi). Wm. O. Olenn, 1BJ7 Columbia ave. . m . -m -- . .-.. .a r-llv. rMt.d Lui-iAuri .viv:".?i" "r..y".T..--f.i- .11K TO your BMiiuncuoni numwi.n i milted free by the reliable .builder. TOWN3END. Ocean Clly. N. J. OTIS M. TENNBYLTANIA FARMS HAVE HOUSna and small farina In Del. and vrran. vmM st a Th .t., pwu. 17S ACRE8 on Hrandywlne: 17,00n. J7 B. TltOMPSON. Watt Chester. Ta. BAL ESTATE FOB BENT CVnlCniie from PrtttAinU Column. PENNSYLVANIA BUnOflnAN ROSE VALLRY 10 minutes' walk from Moylwi Statloni convenient to both rh''0'PM ATii Chesteri attractive home: haa bo-w'", "JA and everyother mod eonv. i 8 rooms; rent ia per mo Whiteside fe McLanahan. lBth ft Tine. main line, r. n. n. FOn RENT permanent, a ?,r,h,adre0mSorchei.'! dwelling house, fine loeatlon! shade, porcnes. verandas: aft Improvements. ,, with and -r . IT""-in " . 1 T jTll . O rnnrrll f Sll. ,fni DCBumuit ifviiiiUJL"-i :--ti-m n st PauI'm roml. Aramm i "om;, .. . "ovsnifTCovfKs.j t; ,o?n,T,i;t.moH.,r: a;f!i.ttan, 204 Bailey BulMlng. MATNTEBesTTlne of ""," hou" NEW Jrngrrt- SEASIIOBF. STONE HrRBORotta,e.bulow.dBandt pr.Van.n1ch.n.,i;., jutflvanirnrpi. senile vnv -- . .. r a. U.,.A booklet. 8outh Jersey iieauy -o. and Walnut ats.r 1'hllsdelpnia, 3d NEW JERSEY FARMB COLUMBUS 110-acre grain, potato.dalry ' '"""J1' goon DUl aings. wmuoui ,rn,u,n.n -.. ";r 1. Building I,ots, Factory Biles, etc. RIVER-FRONT PROPERTIES t ti 7.rss"r t ltf 1314 'WALNUT HTltEET CHOICE IIUILD1NO LOTS and large tracts ground In all pnrts city; also over 200 mfg. sites, Melvln. 1010-10 Real Est. Trust Bldg. TWO-STORY stable. 0th and Dauphin: lot 0x 184: entirely under cover. Neely. 3332 N. 22d. WEST P1IILADELP1ILV 4805 CHESTER AVE. Lot 03x108; handsome corner property, built by day's work, containing parlor, reception room, dining room and kitchen: 4 rooms and bath on 2d floor: 4 rooms on 3d floor: electric lights and hardwood flooras southwestern ex posure, ownors will sacrifice to settle estate. WM. II. W. QUICK A BItO., INC. 8 SOUTH 40T1I ST. OUTDOOR SLEEPINO PORCHES, .WITH FRENCH CASEMENT WINDOWS. Art Craft front doors, with thumblatch nnd knockers, old Colonial staircases, lnrge living rooms, breakfast rooms, Italian aunken gardens In tho rear: hardwood floors, olectrle lighting, hot-water heating. Attractive terms and easy payments where desired. KEMBBRTON ES TATES, Builders and Owners. 1438 South B8th street (corner of Willows ave). Tel Spruce mm,. 1 u A ,r unAtL.a Betwoen 03d and 34th streets. Nothing like them In Philadelphia. Somo lota 171 reel ueep. Most boautlful avenue In the restricted Sher wood section: modern In every reBpect: large Krone lawn, UC1 unun pum v,,t, gardens. Price, J3C00 Agent on pr 1- t? a narpv 68th and Springfield qvo. kitchen; S3100 8 rooms, hot-wntor heat, gas and elec tric light, parquetry floors, shower bath, gas kitchens nnd nil other modern appointments. DANIEL CRAWFORD. JR.. BUILDER. VUli. ..! tin JMaM Bin elOlU UIIU iniuumu nto SEND FOR LIST SALE OR RENT JOS. M. RAKER 52d and Baltimore ave. POTTS TOWKSEND -i-.-.;.. T-.r ... . n 'ISlUlUiAVi. WEST PII1LADF.LPHIA. HOMES HI liJKlj-LIM J4000 UNEQUALED HOME8. 80th. at.' above Lansdoune ave.: every known conveniences. JAMES d. ENBURO Builder. OERMANTOWN WALNUT LANE E.. 114 OERMANTOWN Modern, attractive 10-rnom house. Just com pleted: 1 block from Oermantown ave. and new Oermantown Hlah School, moderate price, convenient terms Phono Oermantown 2013. J1.V000 STONE and half-timbered detached dwelling: lot 84x160; large porch. 7 chambers nnd 8 baths fine with marble shower); only one square from station. MAURAN, DOL MAN 4 CO., N. E. cor. Broad and Chest- nut sis QEBMANTOWN AND CHESTNUT .HILL SECURE OUR REVISED SALE LIST IS. U. LIMCll, OOIJ yjeriniAinow," .w. IF YOU ARE LOOK! SO FOR A HOME In n.Fn,.n,nwn. Mr. Alrv or Chestnut Hill con- sult me. A. R. Meehan. 0747 Oermantown ave. OUR real estate bulletin will bo sent to you by mall on application, uennniuuwii ,m" - Chelten and Oermantown avea, CHOICE HOMES. Tulpehock.n st. east of Oer mantown ave. J. II. CHAD WICK a tu no22 Oermantown ave. . 430 E WALNUT LANE; asses.ed M00: price. I4300 clear, modern convs . 8 baths; lot jox 13 Simmons Rea ty Co 1420 Chestnut st Mt. Airy. Oermantown NEW SALE AND RENT 'LIST READY Pelham. Mt. A ry and. Chestnut Hill. PELHAM TRUST CO.. 0740 O.rmantown ave. Oak Lane DESIRABLE corner property; largi lot! IB5UU. WM. UARR. 8th and Oak lane, 1 lott modern! Tioga, WE HAVE THE .HOUSE YOU WANT KENNEDYINATA?.t,TI?o0Ot1NRIANTOWN Logan REAL ESTATE, mortgages and conveyancing. WM. D. CHAMBERS 4M3 N. uroaa si. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN AMBLER Oentleman'scountry seat. 05 acres, new atone residence, Oaths: a'K'VO. lutlonary stone house, 1 bath. 2 tenant houses; sltuaiea on a "is "ave,u .uv"T7 ..--VIn flllKlll UQlAUAliUI ,, -,,,w ". - chtckenplant ! eleo. : garage, barn ana . Pager. Inc., Ampler, 1'a. planted for season! eleo.i garage ,. ,,. m. feceo. hall: bath, laundry trays, wararopoi DARBY-Moo.'brlck.dwa.i 4,tdrms. 2d fir I maniei; iruui aw mr.vvv -. ... LKINS PARK Modern alngle dwelling. 10 rooms. 2 bathsl 2 minutes to statloni price HMO." McfJoitillCK & McCOniHCK. 10(1 Cheatnut mt, and ElttliT Park Ujunwiuo. f m jxis.' fp& iSfts aBvssflsa ... Pa., for alo t t- .--. 17 ni woman 1 , first inaa ownerj Itottl WUaukln, a., for salo to responsible hotslrnan or I price I27.0O0; will leave 118.000 1 on Bafmint mortgage at B per cent. Apply Room 224. 16118 Arch at.. Phlla. ilendld stone bldgs.i u&5h$z?liVSSlf c,Eleanpdl.dt A88S. "XT H. TYSON." .LansdaU1Pa LaAP,OL,U1A.A Modern dwelling, 8 rooms: large lotl hedge, WAnaVirvV40RUST'd5TUn.aown.. LLANERCH Splendid. homes, along the Ard. more trolley, from ,08th St, Terminal. Inciud. InS Highland Park. Urookllne South Ard. : march. . i.Ji.9?nU5S!r7d-ivW atirUIIIUl -' 1 1 -- - ...-- Exceptional Opportunity FINE 112.000 HOMES IN IS3.000 SECTION Old York Road, Near Jenkintown Very attractive; roost practically planned: 12 rooms. 2 baths: thoroughly, modern: large tout artistla shrubbery; affording every style and comfort without extravagance. ARTHUR V. TURNER, Builder '-. -- . . n on miff A eaB w. iuamvuj ox.. i -it- -UWRlEiSjiR-SPR RENT Real ,EatataTrutBuUauur; BUBURBAN TOWN COUNTRY i 6"BRfW't'CTaUDNj)!Jgfc- CHOICE BUILDINQ SITES and acreage. . ARTHUR P- TOWN8END. Langhorne. Pa. BUBURBAN REAL ESTATE IJOOD 4. CO.. Morris Bldg.. Any price All locations. Sale AnSfciVfea J IIOOD 4, CO.. Morris Bl p.ct j'Wr ?Hl"n.Uth' PemT iq! SOUNDED 1870. a VltJrS. .n...m -t. hnnia, Jill ConVl.t Ollt houa. U conva, 1 out i , 1 ACRES. 10-room t? all toHVMAhJSWHWiS ArmantowV. H?ant, on tbi Mln I. e? P,dlnjr 'h. R v" lY. WILSON t. CO., Morris Building BUBURBAN, RESibENCes Jf;ht,1Ma'urrlinj.i attractive locations; prt' i'fiy.1"" ffoaw. Real EattxTrmt Building. UAIK LIKE. P. B. B- u ACREIN BEST LOCATION STONE AND FRAME HOUSE S BEDROOMS. S BATHS This property can b purcbaaed at great bargain. JnvMttgate. , WARNOCK & EMLEN POMMERCIAI-JSSUSI BLUlLSIlia . iSfARBERTU An old nouae. wltti more than an acrt ot latAdold bd and garden, ,00 Mont SSmery avreT. Nwbertb for ! gomer pries. 80f2 Dressel rv. waltkr b, mira ph!Udlefci. COnB, J Will inciuut? trv. . arris sraan. n ncren wmi ivv - - rinnoaon 11 ! I nerlnn 24. acres rye, 45 ONE-ACRE FARMS, nearest to Phlla. train and troller. Write for pamphlet. nintjiW A CO.. Mania Shade. N. J. BEAL ESTATE BALE OB BENT CITY AND SUBURBAN properties for sale or rent. Lower Merlon. Realty Company, Land Title Building. Philadelphia. Ta. , CITY CENTRAL PROPERTIES For sale and rent. JAMES D, WINCH ELL. 17th and Bansem ats. west rnn,APELrnLV 1128 S. 82D ST. Nominal rent J30: S-atory home; tiled bath and kitchen. , . . CHESTER OSnORNE 1624 Chestnut St. nrjiaiANTQWN OERMANTOW NnoMEa..A.necUon. Vrnnklln Ilnnk Illdg. WalnUt 253T. BUnURBAN CHESTNUT "Ittr-Morn. 8 '"."' n'V Wyndmoor Sta. ot Reading Ry.i 4suu. .i. 11 7, Ledger Office. PENNSYLVANIA BPDPRnAN TtAt.A.CYNWYD Large list houses, sale or rent i all prices. Samuel C. Wnpner. Jr.. Commercial Triist Wdg.. 16th and Market. iTTREATrTIFUI, ClIELSEA-Three 8. Boston ave.. Atlantic City. " ' . - - HnntVBKIr. OUOD 's BUMMER HOUSES. iiwisissi SBUU IOr IPe irmuiti ." Harrison Building. SMINn. Write to STANLF.Y II. HOLMES. ox 11, . iNew urumn. v.m,ii, BELFAST... MAINE. . . KS5S. nJKrn'g. baffingrar.efi'r, PWXi, NPewbuVy0."tP.CBos3.on!1LOnab POB BENT PUBNISHED QEBMANTOWN. special n.$S?&SSvVfJ' CHESTNllT HII.L ?ms fiittYimr Besmon. MiNTuiiN wiygiiT CO. IMOfrlJi iiu 1 iui REVnUATi riirfth.n prop PENNSYLVANIA HUIUDRBAN, BEAL ESTATE TO EXOHANGE 2enN.?dTgo0odr0?ia..h0o7a.:Ew..?3.nng! BEAL ESTATE WANTED a building euttable for "10 'j'10" ana quickly put It ona paj-.n .basis. 835 Land Title nuliaing, oiricK HALE for any real estato.jit reasonable .r. t. -i...a prlcet ffnt collect ed; mortal AltTlIlilt lijn-v Lii'"t 1 Kll,9 ivniin.l 1.13 N. nun si. n.t tiiui j;v' " "- , - ' - - WISH TO PURCHASE 2-atory clwclllnBfl i w; Phlla. nttnc under J25i particular.. O 440. Lefflger i.entrni Iifnth AND INTnnnST COMjECTED. mort nSK5 ffldDnw nBuranco placed teklr. . Kano for prompt results, zao LasKer.w WANTED July 1. email "LS?,?'"-qBnluff ' aT houao In suburbs: rent about 130. u jsi. Ledger eenirni SEVERAL applications for houses. .o to ou. au ' j(5nnis & CO.. Broad nnd Ridge. HEAL ESTATE FOB BENT 'CITY ir YOU ARE LOOKING for an nttrnctlve home, he It dwelling or apartment, call, phono or S,1 S fer-ina? Zl'&WWoWW OIKnXsHVOOD. 1411 Walnut at nrqiRABLE furnished house, with ftbout H D ncro oi Ground: immediate poaeesalon for ium mermpntha. rjnt 75. WILLIAM AU. run hv "" , TWO HOUSES Rents reduced, one 4 champers, DESIRABLE single house, July "' fcAU5'tJ D?lght fooma. to.baths: large porch: ev er. convenience, rariicuwin. v.v.. .. e7,?t S?C.ond-lf you desire efficient ?ervlc?rqul?k ratl.ftory results, and m0CALL, PIi6"n"0B WRITE TO US. "Your mortgage will bo aa good aa placed." NORMAN B. miERWOOP. 1411 Walnut at, BONDS ANpRTOACjESr lijcony; yielding 0. tJAO ..... 1410 Real Estate Trust Building. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND SPRINO PARPEN. Hnriicn 31)71 iinv " 400 u. . ERS: MKSWfi nnSxEL liLDO: ..'.",'. H. ","irn B. rr "or. nthand'CallowhllU 5t25B"T7ANCEYPLACE . .. . in .ni -2 batha: new heating, . piumoing; in rooms. . otAviia, ,..". ,."-.. elecrioAWt-: WIS! JS 'SSSi, AlfJAlls) """i" " 13th st. 11TH st N.. 2024 Complete order, every con- 612 NorrlsBt i824 MONTROSE ST.: neai u-room 112.00 dwelling; contains range, bath. gas. Key at 028 South 2Sdjitreet. '1' .'nniinrn'tiwin CtJT 17UH LgUJUa oajvw" u-.t,- SEND..FOII oui ""' .iAV. - THE EaND TITLE AND TRUST CO. jirona mm ten"""" - . 55 8 10TH ST. Suitable for physician: 14 ""Mi? 2a&Nm5HtJ ATFTRTSAFBfp'o'sif-CO? OW1m!0 CHESTNUT ST. '.2b'UcYlElTNUTlsT MARVINH ST.. SOW N. MARVINH HI.. fV. " .Ift-S nne orqw; bmii.,1 ... . ,i--.-Si,6 12th. WM. i. i-'"""!' " "il" i, 5in ""T-MUTTER ST. (2d and Ontario) Two 83ilory store and dwelling: good business .tana; 116; cheap. , BENTAL LISTS BUILDINO. N. W. cor. 10th and Ingersoli. U Stable., l.bth and Tnger.olly . . . . . . ..... , , . -160 .t W, arnao " a J1r1 320 Indiana i-lin llnllv . 2802 Hope , .120 10 tnfl. T.'e'.r.ntl ,2618 Catharine nn.lness Properties and Stores 607 Arch at. 1808 Chestnut .11 a 1 1th 801 Market STORES . . 1001 Market st. 003 Walnut llln Walnut 1217 Walnut . J. A. rATrTERBON: 130 B. 16th st . ... t.m ait Entire building through to Comm',lljAVi suit retail or wholesale business! Immediate,,. Apply A-c..... CO.. 617 Chestnut at. A.A.H.J ........ r TtirilST.. 707.0 Store and basement: large irlndowi good apace for manufacturer's agent To make "dlsSUyT LEA ESTATES, 700 San om at. Factories. Warehouses, Mfg. Floors 3D s 4T?I FLOOR? 1 MODERATE RENTALr"28V204 TbET.' StrjOHN DOBSON, TBOO Chestnut St. JT UUT WWIe m"' 7 MAHKUi Din UB.if Tfw"i'. iiiVt. elevator service. Bultaoie iijrni mrff. -- .iDr Tir IIWTal.. VnlL'114 C Metropolitan Buildini? ?&$ nawr. ArVoEa" rriSillSBT 147 N7 loth.t: Cohocksink Mills Aboco?uTmli.B.T8- Floors, ouuu xo jo uvw "I'-iv -Mj f "" B. P. McNEEI.Y. 1783 Randolph. MERCHANTS' BUILDINO 44 NORTH 4TK BTRBiJll v. Desirable room. I power and light. FACTORIES, sites, warehouses, floor apace exclusively, J. Alan Mlddletqn. Factory.Speo- lall.t and bub-ii vviq.n.r um HAVE PARTY who will erect building, central or other locatlon-for .atlafactory tenant. or u .w. D1ETER1CU 78T ftralnut .t. OFFICES, BUSINESS ROOMS. 1710. DREXEL BLDO, OFFICES. Annual Rentals. Single RoolnVT !l2o,fl50.IJ0().2J5.f00, 1480. iiiltes 2 Rms.. il44.iieo.ilTj 1200225 210, 8u tis. 3 Rms . 27i 40i.45( 1-IOU.ltWp 723, Corner Suite.. 8 to 8 rooms 1900. to 11630, ELLIS P. WILLIAMS. 600 Drexel Building. Centrally Ji tracuvely 1 cated: all c iwi s.rvlce c 1LDINO hart It- conveniences! rents at. conv.niwncc.. MERCHANTS' BUILDINO V.ry d.lrabl oflcsi' and light. Commonwealth Bldg. De.lrable office: fronts Chest, st.f wll sublet! J20. Apply Room 1811. Professional Offices PROFESSIONAL . OFFICES. 1318.1117 Pine street, most desirable for physicians and dsn tlsts, suit" ot two rooms and bath: hardwood floors, combination nxturss, heat, hot water and Janitor service Included; reasonable rents; Immediate possession; leases to start from ALBERT M GREENFIELD. Inc.. Agents, N E. cor. 13th and Chestnut sts. PROFESSIONAL BUILDINO. 1831-33 Chestnut at, A few eultM f or physicians or dentists. 3. T. JACKSON CO.. Ch.tnut and 13th. WEST PHILADELPHIA HERMAN BROS., 6019 MARKET VTmiii!. amjirtmitrttH. mttrm m... t1nTtr tilt tit It DiximfAl Ntar 0OTH ST, L' STATION RENT REASONABLE Large S-atory .comer dwelling. lS.rooma. 2 bTthgf saitable. for apartments JjiOj Mantua ave. Key 8104, '"Tj. TURNED 1201 Chestnut st. ' RENT BEA60NABLB, dwelling part of corner store property, la rooms. 1233 8. 41th. ,w . JVTURNEK. 1201 Chestnut st. CKRMANTOWN 130 DWELLINQ3. It ROOMS Contlnental-Eiiultable Trust Co.. 31 8. 12th. DBTACHEO Swslll5i IS rousis," 2 tttblT 'af C. TOUJUSON, 79M Bsyer it,. Qta. orWun5mgNAS&" gages, rroiHkii. .,,.,v. " J50 TO 12000 To loan on real '. K3,rUr' settlement: pavable ""'"fa 1838. 12TII 8T, lmmedlats vmg.K'n5DRCXElTiiLDO: -TMi" UiiunuAuui. r,3ii-f btV A.O, " ""- "VONEV TOR MORTOAOES ffilOE AND SMALL SUMS ""Hi rAv- 1NSWERS to it. HOOD. 812 W. NORRI3 ST. SUCCESSWO i LEWIS II. REDNER ..n.nnn TO INVEST In first mortgages. In n.Srn.00roTm ioOO.upj. ;l.a bulldln association OU.. --.-- rtj nn.V.f-a money. ior- "..' -,,,-( rn.. 4in anu -"" - tStTt5tTT FUNDS FOR FIRST AND WORRELLl SECOND MORTOAOES nna rt. in , - $50 llbO. 120? TO-J5000 TO LOAN. A.T. .. A" ww. 19T XV. Olrard ave. ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES --SsoiqND-TDWRTOAOES POTTS & THOMSON. 2521 Frankford ave. T7.rTT,v,7 ASSOCIATION AND PRIVATE p UilUO nnntCRT J. NAB""'-"? WI-HTNOT ST. JlZTlI ' " ... .' s-a MA4ira wm,. wXNTTroOOforgm-dflmmortgage. "' Mn -Kt lllh it. Aiiw m '-; "MONEY FOB MQIlTOAUbO jAcgnjirl"!"" '-S Tlt" """ pT-O&ORTOAOHS F B ?""- 'h and Oak lane. -gnMlFOR 1ST ANdTp MORTOAOES Z JW&mW 3l nTrmntown ave. MORTOAOES BI'RUCE ST. MSI fTAn-lTLE BUILDINO LOANS ON 1NTEE2T IN ESTATES nnTT r?gJ5ySffi V:aND TITLE BLDO TzriinHPY for select loaps; funds for flrst. 6 .a!!-J nLltR.C'?,hra2r7lf4"' 5th. rtFADYFUNDS 'for good"flrst mortgsgest bring riiVfi T ' rff"'v" co- 2" "' "r"" ' SR'tTilJ rt0UuP.maT.d" rnortiagi' Si t-llT'D? ROTTNCn. 1420 the.tnut st. rr'ft of. tiTOB . bldg. and private funds: 1ST ,ANO tV 'Aiitict'o ry results: mod. charges. lffl.f.nA.'V!g!!y2oll Kensington ave. Hewirgiary. EMEROlNcYFUNDS-piac at onc.p any aurgi Immediate, answer : lowest rates, r. a. uc I.ANEY. !' i-nw... "----"-, ,, i- . . , ... .. ....... inv am( and up. Dept. Joseph Rleder. 1JM mara.t Ll.yL. UU..UH a..vw-. . -- - Vr,AWPit.ri or small suras on real estats, USuisnTrnItnot.!or,mortgag... ljB. . ll(f estates ----- - Wlnrtl"'-- f "mnanv. 1001 Cnestqux t. first ana secona ""'."".".IT', 5 FUNDS for T A. ....Llr .T1M.P. L.X1V0 -. a.m....... 4 0 1 l-40f " Commonwealth Bldg rtgages V, MIL OWN'riBW C"rdp.n?.rn.0.."", MONEY TO LOAN QUICK LOANS TO HOUSEKEEPERS Ll&VED AeNDr,BONDCE,r?c6MnpAtN!? qFcK Iv privately and without red tape If you are L.FiiSntnv. You can borrow fie. 127.138. t fan its and so on up to liuo ai rt T..v . Von ran borrow Interest, cen. ini.iMA. .-- r- -...-.., liSkv.Stf .ff asi: tve have 8 private oince. w jw. vwm. .....-., Permft uJ it explain our up-to-date method. Rons Walnut 4385, Open 8 m. to 0 p. m. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 181 South Broad Street Second floor Next to Forreat Theatre. YOU CAN BUKMLI YY MU . Qb mAMONUS, JEVELS. ETC. 128 M ' sr '. ...:.::.i n,Dnlnlfl MABKPT.RT' av... nvensn rt (Upua " SfrrAND SOUTH 8TS " SISttVl?t.W F,rV'1 MA-RTIN, ' Vii"i WiiSSm qiwl Biuiiiay. at th st. AUCTION SALES CONSTABLE'S SALE JEWELKY STORE FROPERTT of Samuel Elsenberr 2820 Kensington ave., tobildWlDAY aVtERaNOSS JUNBltJTH, ft 3 o'clock, or rent, fcvif and. coutl h. j SCRAPPLE T3 Three, Count Em, Three "4 mR ntl... J...A ahaI on hnli. talulliff with x vo jueb nticii, ,, ..w . ........... ...... 8om youns mtirrled ladles nnd not onco did their conversation devlt from tho Great Feminine Trilogy." "What's that?" "Babies, servants nnd babies." Songs Without Words 0 - n Mlchlgan Uargoyle. Out of Commission 9. THE PA13DED CELL Harvard Lampoon. "Is this B-n working now 7" "No, sir. It's discharged." ) The. HQUYMooNE.fcs - ' , V n THEY'RE, at the. V J . SEASHORE f N. AoVtl-LUMpl ALWAYS f, I M3U Love. Mb. J ,,,-. y u,UAy V r AUWAYS? - I 4e HaywaPD WASTED ENERGY V'U SURPWi&OOHM AM " BAK.E ANtcBCAKt - HA1. Jit THE THIIKr DEVILS CAKE HE'LL UKE TtAT r OMt 5CAMY TAME3P00U "I WHi I CUPSUtVAR - 1 15Q0AWA CHOCOLATE -1 ("i'l-V. HAVfeTO C0T0 J -- " V tMB SfORE- PDR T.& WON'T Trt6KOtS 1 ( BEUEV& .TVJHeN) .acAuMS5.tiAs, T ' 'aoceiV iX PtOUR.- BAKt? IN A )MIN) bW ' ' " k HIW J YfyJ- aB0Rn"l - vot Willing to Please A certain college president wore side whiskers. Whenever ho suggested re moving them there was a division of. opinion In tho family. One morning ho entered his wife's dressing room, razor In hand, with his right cheek shaved smooth. "How do you like It, my dear?" ho asked. "If you think It looks well, I will shave the other side, too." Cute Thing i ia "an D npi w Za t v Lehigh Burr, He I believe that I can guess your thoughts. Her Can you? Well, then you mustn't kiss me more than once, dear, because there Is somebody coming. ESSENCE OF THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT X.V.1. ". .. -.. - v II. .. .v4.'"r ','",M ' Punch. (Quartet of Legal Members of Committee of Inquiry Into the Administration of the noyal Flying Corps.) Messrs. A, D, C and D In consultation, all talking together, "The contrivance In front, by revolving, produces momentum. Do I carry you with me?" "My learned friends must admit that the pilot has an a priori right to the front seat and a Hen on all petrol." "My clients deny building the machine; and If they did so they did it In good faith and In the public Interest." .......... . .. ... u . a "1 submit that those premises situated behind the engine should be painted outside In four good coats of oil color every three years, and be In all respects kept In good and tenantable repair, eta, etc., etc." AND THE WORST IS YET TO COME vv IttI V ww AV SxPjy Ml . jJ f $" 1 in iiiiiiiiiinrn-rnn Mnm , I Good Night Billy Are you learning to swim. Uncle? Uncle Why, no. What made you ask? Billy I heard father say that you had a hard Job to keep your head above) water. LIGHT OCCUPATIONS V -nWN TO CHANGE A&S0.c BILL ATA church, aoqAL, iV0UL& B0V ) S0Wi& ICE- CMTAIA I f- Sou Could L HIHm I IP tif i mm ii iiajiwginiinxfn , luiMal?;ii.Wwn.wBi