m 4 EVENING LBDGBIlJffiAX)BriFaK, THUESDAY, JUNE 15, 1910. tRltMt Smith, M, D. I, nu! Smith, ona ot tha ol3(t Odd "! wr n the State, died at his home, 3627 Own tret, Tuesday, utter & brief Illness. W was 88 year old ahd for many years . prominent In tha wholesale grocery tra. Ha "was tho originator of tho small cmrton used In selling spies and herbs, and , M pioneer In OiaC line. Mr. Bmlth Joined the Odd Follows 4i "ears ago as a member of Morning Star Xd, No. 4, and vrhs prominent In the councils of tha order. The Interment will be at Mount Morlah Cemetery. Ha Is sur VlveA by a widow, eon and daughter. Mr. Theodore F. Wurts DJca Mrs. Tlieoiloro Frellnghuysen Wurts, a Widely known resident of Qermantown, died suddenly yesterday afternoon on the porch or ner noma, cszs Greeno street. Miss Natalia "Wurts, her daughter, was In the house at tha time. Mrs. Wurts had been In apparently good health. Tho news canto as a great shock to her son, John 8. Wurts, general director of the Philadelphia Dally t Vacation Bible Schools, who was In his emoo In tho Land Title Building. MafCARROLL. In loving remembrance of JO SEPH MacUARROLL. who died June til, 11)11, WIFE AND CHILDREN. HEATHS tVCTtTs. On June 1, 101. al her late real. dence,828 Oreena t..oermantown, ANNA VANlftCEM. widow of Theodore Frellnr liny sen Worts, aired TO Tears. Due notice of the funeral wilt be given. He, loo 100 5Beatij. AlXEN. On June IS, 1010, EblTlt M.. wife of Iloraca O. Allen. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, Thurs day evening, at 8 o'clock, nt Urn residence of Mr. and Mrs. Georre A. Allen. 1718 N. Grata at. Interment prlralo. BENNETT. At the residence of her son-ln-law. John J, Schledel, 1044 North 53th at., on June 15, IBM. MARY'J., widow of John It. Hennett. Notice of funeral later. 'T-?.0. J"n 12. 101(1. at Wilmington, LYDfA KLT.A. wife nf Phnrl W. Brand, area. BO years. . Relatives and . friend her husband, 040 Trenton ave., Camden, re Invited to. attend the funeral services, on Friday, June 10, at 3 v. m at the residence Frl ft J. Interment Drlvata at Arlington Ceme, v. .-. -i- i: "ir. -- I . r--.- .-.:.- very. iHmBina may us vioweu jinurnany, i to 0 P. in. BCnN'Sj In Philadelphia. Pa., on June 13. JOSEPH W.. son of the late Joseph and Sarah Duma, In the Both year of his age. Relatives and friends, also Ionia Lodge. No. 64. F. and A. M.i Slloam Iloynl Arch Chapter, No. 16, and Scottish into Lodgos of Camden, N. J,, are Invited to nttend the funeral serv ices, on Saturday nt 3:30 p. m at Harlelgh uemexery, uamaen, an, u. ' CLASSIFIED RATES EVENING LEDGER AOAraTJ.T3NBTnATBTF?8EACnmBERT10M One er.two times. ..................... Three times one weeKiAi, ,, , Six times one week, ,.....,,... i. ... ... Situations Wanted three times one week. Help nnd Situation Wanted nnd Lost nnd Found nds aro Inserted In tho Daily Public 'Ledger without addi tional chnrRC. Want ads under alLother etasalflcatlens'mar be repeated In the Public Latxiga at combined rate. One or two times,,.,,,.,, .,,, Me Three times one week.,, lffe Blx times one week,...,........,....,. 12 vie TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) Is permitted tn all classification, except Help and Situations Wanted, Lost and Found, Per. sonals. Hoar-Una: and Rooms. When so epecl Ted, add MVff CENTS PER AOATE LINH TO ANY OP TUB AMOVE HATES. Thcro is a drup; store near your homo that will accept Ledger wants nds nt offico rates. HELP WANTED EEMAI,., Continued from mctitne Column. STENOGRAPHERS, BOOKKEEPERS, CLERKS have recogntxed the assistance that "Miss Dean," of the Commercial Department at Ledger Central, has. been In securing altun. tlons of the better kind a service which the punnc cannot ao wnnoiu. - iuias uenn-- naa both the Interests of the employer and em ploye nt heart and can be depended upon at the rlsht time and place. This. service. Is of fered to you a a Ledger advertiser take ad vantage of It immediately it you are aeekinr a position. TELEPHONE OPERATORS Olrts between 17 and 22, who are anxious to secure perma nent positions, with .refined, .pleasant, home like surroundings) salary paid while learnlnrl rapid advancement. Apply In person to the Hell Telephone Co., 400 Market at., between 8:30 n. m, and B p. m. TYPISTS, experienced, wanted! rood, salary I chance for advancement. Miss Mallon, 240 W, Somerset st. LOST AND FOUND For Other Lost anil Found Ails Bee Pare 1 CONWAY. On June IS. 1010. wax. riinerai-irom n. i,. cor. 3d ana I'lno PHILIP P. CON- r , eta., due notice of which will be given COTTMAN. On Tuesday, Jura 13. 1010, Mrs. EMMA 8., widow of Charles Cottman, former ly of Jenklntown. Pa., at tho home of her son-in-law. Joseph L. Paxson. 210 Emerald St., Harrlsburg. Pa, Punerol services and Inter ment at Hillside Cemetery. Montgomery Coun ty, at 330 p. m.. Friday, June 10. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend without fur ther notice. SXNNKLL. On June 13. 1010, JULIA M., widow of Richard Fennell. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Friday morning, nt 8:30 o'clock, from her late residence, 1240 Christian st. High Requiem Mass at St. Theresa Church, nt 10 a. m. In termont at Cathedral Cemetery. JTRITHCH. On June 13, 1010. GEORGE FRIT8CH. son of Michael and Sophia Frltsch (nee Redlnrer). aged 35 years, llolntlves nnd friends are Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, on Friday, at 1 p. m., at the funeral apartments of John C. ICImmerle, 11)01 South 11 road at. Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. Remains may be viewed on Thursday, at 8 p. m. Auto funeral. HEARN.On Juno 12, 1010. ANNIE, widow of Richard Hearn. Rolattves and friends are In vited to attend funeral, on Friday, at 8 a. m., from tho residence of her son, James J. Hearn. S82 Do Lancey st. Solemn Mass of Requiem at St. Joseph's Church at U.30 a. m. precisely. Interment lloly Cross Cemetery. Automobile cortego. HUIIN. On June 14. 1010. ELLEN L., widow of Harry Huhn and daughter of the late James and Esther Ferguson. Duo notice of the funeral will be given, from her lato resi dence, 2047 South Reechwood st. lANNI. On June 12. 1010, TITO, beloved hus. bandiot Christina Trafflcante Iannl. aged 04 years.." Relatives and friends, also Italian Federation and Society of tho Atteaanl. are In vited to attend the funeral, on Monday, June IB, at 9 a. m., from his late residence, 1220 Wharton St. Solemn Requiem Mass at the Church of St, Xllto. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. ITERS. At her home, 2230 N. 17th st.. on June 14. 1010. FERDINA.NDE. widow of William Ivors. Remains may be viewed Frday even ing at the Oliver It. Balr Ilulldlnc. 1820 Chestnut st. Services nnd Interment strictly private. Kindly omit flowers. KILPATRICK. At Bridgeport, Montgomery Co., Pa., on June 13. 1010, ANNA E. KILPAT SuCIC widow of James Kllpatrlck. In her 80th year. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend the funeral sorvlces, at her lato resi dence. 101 East 4th St.. on Saturday, at 3 p. m. Interment private, at Montgomery Cem etery. Remains may bo viewed on Friday, from T to I) p. m. KIRK On Rocond-day Sixth Month 12th. 11)10. - ELUtABETIU II.. dauBM!"-! of the Ut John and Mary Ann Kirk. Relatives and friends are Invited .to attend the funeral services, at ner late residence, uaroy road, soutn of l.lan. erch. Delaware County. Pa., on Sixth-day. Sixth Month 10th., at 2 p. m. Interment at Haverford Burial Orounds, KNIERIEMAN. OnlJuno IB. 1010. HENRT C, son of J. Emerson and Anna May Knlerleman. in bis 0th year. RelatKea and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Fri day, at 2 v. m.. at the residence of his grand parents. 147 Melrose ave.. East Lanadowne. Pa. Interment private, at Arlington Cemetery, BcCATJHLAND. On June 12. 1010, CHARLES, son of late Robert and Elizabeth McCausland Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services on Friday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at his late TeBldence. 240U South street. Interment at Mount Morlah. Re mains can be viewed Thursday evenlns; be tween 7 and 0 o'clock. , McCOKMICK. On June 14. 1010. SARAH MC CORMICK, wife of James McCormlck. aged 68 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday, at 1 p. m., from her lata residence. 208 Fernon at. In terment at Fernwood Cemetery. McFATeLAND. On June 13, 1010. H. ELIZA BETH, wife of Benjamin O. McFarland. lleia tlves and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services Saturday, at 10 a. m., at her STOCK Lost, 10 shares U, O. I, stock. Serial No, Date. Shares. 138101 11-10-14 8 183114 12- 2-14 2 134058 8- n-1B 2 18MI20 4- 8-1B 2 133320 6-14-1B 1 In the nnme of Dertha 8, Doughner. PEBSONALB HEMSTITC1HNO, Be. per yard, all materials rlrst'Clnss work and quick services roods sent by mall receive Immediate attentions contracts taken for targe quantities at special price, Lledlke Mfg. Co., B24 Jefferson st. UNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS WOXfAN A well-known firm desires the assist ance of a clever educated woman of 80 or overs willing to apply herrolf to business from 10 to 3 each day, O 4t0. Ledger Central, WOMAN, about 80 years old, wanted to care Tor Invalid lady! one who can llfti references requlredl wages 17. a week. Address P, O. Box 72B. Philadelphia, Pa, TOUNO WOMEN Just leavlnr school will find exceptional opportunities m leiepnonn operav- Ingi salary paid while, learnlnrl permanent ncultlon asaured, with pleaeant boraeltke sur roundings, nhnn. In and 0 p. m. Apply In person to the Bell Tele- araei ri.i ociwern o.uu a. in. General WANTED Three educated, enerretlo women. Intereated In educational work, to supervise home study classes and explain correspond' ence rourses to new students) must devote en tire time to works poeltlon permanent. Ap Sly before 2 p. m., Friday, Saturday or Mon ay, vice president Woman's Institute, 1000 nesmut ntreei, anyim ,,um , WOMEN become Government clerks. 170 months sample examination questions free! Franklin Institute, Dept. 710 f. uocnester, re. i. TEACHERS wanteds positions waiting for teach ers of nil kinds! register today. National Teachers' Arency. D. II. COOK, Manager. UHMnwtntvMtnMwwvMi Bull's Eye Logic GET your wants be fore the greatest number of people who arc in a position to ' supply them. The others don't count. One news paper in Philadelphia num bers among its readers the most representative class of responsible employers who are always on the i lookout for good help. i Also employes of the more efficient type. Phont, Write or Call Ledger Office S Unfniff tr Afin .7111 iVVVVVVVlVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVl.Vi, SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE Continued from rrttetHne Cewn. StTUATtONS WANTEDr'MALE Continue' )rem precedlna Column COOK, rrotestant, capable! Prefers country! good reference. Call Thursday, 10 to u. Room 20B, 80S rhealmit St. COOK, private or public, anywhere! J60 per months best reference. II 407i Leorer or- COOK nnd downstair workf no washing! good bread bakers reference, 11 ua, i-?-z.- COOK, white, Bellied, wants Hjee In V-1'"'' reference. 2100 Montrose st.LJi2hU?j!allT . COOK compt. Oerman-Amerlcsn woman wishes position ns cook. 044 unrisiian p. COOK, middle agedf good plain cook, with ref- rerence. R 204, Ledger Office, . DAT'B WOIIK, laundry r,cTcanlngS capable . woman; nest reterence. ii tv-ujj: . . OENERAL office nork. bookkeeping ana cieri rail 1 v..,.' nrlnee. O 840. IrfdgCf t-etU. OIItL. neat, colored, poaltlon jenersl housework. apartment nouse, uv4 j.uuiut.. wpwnnicnt nouae, dutij,uui - HOUeTEKEEPER Lady, refined, 9'La1,l,.,'k,,ri'? poaltlon. as housekeeper whcr? '115n. hmi widower's home or care.of physician tiome during summer months. II 410JLcg?rorncs1 HOU8KKEKPBII Neat American rroteatant. middle aged, wants work at the seashore lor the summer. 2230 Reed st. ,a THEnBANf REASON hy mlddle-age man of y'a'j,i,,ttet should be unemployed? jccountnnt ""nent oslllon in this aeM and HaT.2!HH.If bi "my associates to possess ex- ehatge of -Sfflstraflon threVme out of emt change of '"'"'"ISntet i of good faith .1 BUSINESS VEHS0JT4 neliPhone, w'affi 4 ff supEitrLona iiaiu r.h,7? - ,' "oft? ' hVfMVeiscV'VU&WV curlng, form. Mint Afiart.'dWrS tOtMrt .. -i-S."0. CLOTHES TO plorment. as r """, wtn n responsible will Invest f2m",m.rcSre3 of course. The concern, to be wen secure, rcfr,nco nre names of men I.can lurni answer EXastr-m hsM EMPLOYMENT AOENCraS HOtJSEKEin'Iat (working Capaoio uk. Pret ratsnt with child ear old! good reference. 11 401, Ledger Office. HOUSEWORK White woman! rood cook and laundressr rererenco It "'" i-'- i HELP WANTED MALE Continued from Preceding Column, MAN, experienced, who understands striping and enameling furniture. Apply 244 3. Bth at. WESTEnN UNION TELEGRAPH CO , 1B01 Chestnut st. W, E. Harbor, Rev W. J Daw eon, Globe Fire Proffinr Co., Mrs. Ernes Hlg- flns, Mrs. W. W. Scranton, Onlfry Kucsybala, lev. .1. E. Johnson. Peter Petrlka, Mrs Hat tie W. Benton, Edgar D. Betts, Frt Agent. Lehigh Vnlley: Oliver 11. Smith, American Camphor Co., Harvey Spiegel, Roy D, Howard, C. N. Hudson, Mrs. I, 11. Huston, Arthur Hlllebrandt. Mrs. L. E. Wcidner. John Kelly. Chaa. Clark. John Karllk, H. Macon, Rev. Russell Conwell, Ensign C. A. linker, Oarry Freedman. POSTAL TELEQRAni CO., 1420 S. Tenn Square A. O. Shlmer. Jr., John L. Davis. Jr. HELP WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER Thoroughly capable, double en try, by wholesalo houses she must bo speedy, accurate, experienced with modern methods, possessing unquestionable references; ntnte salary, experience, age. Q 4B2. Ledger Cent. BOOKKEEPER Experienced double entry; one month's work. Apply 0 to 1, 4700 Lancaster avenue. CHAMBERMAID, small wash and mending; Protestant. Meet employer. Room 203, 0Q8 iiiesinut pt., v rinay, ii o ciock, CHAMBERMAID nnd sewing; wages 10. Rogers. Bryn Mavr. F. O. CHILDNURSE Young woman, speaking North German, for child 3 jears old: $23, Phone Qermantown B7BB. COOK AND CHAMBERMAID AND WAITRESS, two girls to do entire work of house. Meet employer Thursday, 11 a. m.. Room 205, 008 Chestnut st. COOK Some light housowork: go to Atlantic City for aummer. Phono Ovcrbrook 1805 COOK Good plain cooking; JJ7 per week. Phone Paoll 108. GIRL. oung, colored, who understands cooking, to go to seashore with family. 4047 Walnut street. ' GIRL wanted for general housework. Erlo ave. , GIRLH v, anted, oyer 10; Increased facilities havo made openings In our plant for refined. Intelli gent girls for scaling, labeling nnd packing medical Bupyllenv Hght. pleasant work: clean, . healthy surroundings; fl2-hour week: salary HI to beginners, with rapid advancement to good workcra; 12 minutes from Darby on trolley; 2d mlnutea from Broad Street Station on train, Apply in person or by letter to II. K. MUL- i wjvi v u.. menomen. ia, GlilLM. 14 to 18 years; experienced or learners North American Lace In tenter department. i'o nth and Allegheny. Interment at late residence. 1344 8. B2d st, KcSIIANB. On June 18. 1010, EDWARD, hus. band of Sarah McShane. Relatives and frlenda. also employes of the P. It. It.,- are In vited to attend the funeral, on Friday, at 8 do a. m.. from his late residence, 3003 Lan caster aye. Solemn Mass ot Requiem at St. Agatha's Church at 10 a. m. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. Dubuque (Iowa) papers please copy. SfcSTBATOO On June 12. 1016. MARGARET, widow of Lawrence McStravog. nee Dugan. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday, at 8.30 a. m.. from her lata residence, H. E. comer 24th and Callow hill eta. Solemn High Mass of Requiem In St. ' Francis Xavler Church. 24th and Oreen sts. at 10 a. m. precisely, Interment In Holy Cross Cemetery. BIDDLETON. On June IS. 1016, IRENE B., wlfa of Antun MIddleton and daughter of Sarah and the late James L. Harris. Funeral services on Saturday, at 2:30 p. m.. at her jate reaiaence. mi carman st.. uamaen, Pf, J Interment private. JOAAVK-A,U. Afa Un UI-UIWU.j uu aiuuo ,1, 1010. CLARA MrXCHELL. Frlenda are In vited to aiiena ine xunerai services, on Satur day morning, at L0.30 o'clock, at tha Glad stone. Interment private. l'leaaa omit flowers, , BCHN'AIIET,. On June 13, 1018. ANNIE AME. LIA. wife ofiEllls A. Schnabel. aged 47 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the tuneral services, Friday afternoon, at 'J o'clock, at her lata residence, 821 S. 40th at. Intermsnt private. B11ULT2 On June 12, 1016. DANIEL S. 8IIULTZ. son of Edwin II. and Allen Shultz. of Clsyton. Pa. Relatives and friends of tha family ara Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday. June. IB. at 8 p. m., at his lata residence. 1033 W. Erie ave., Phlla. Interment and service at the Palm Sohwenkfelder Cemetery, Friday, June 10, at 13 o'clock noon. WAKIt. On June IS, ,1018, CHRISTOPHER O. WARR. Relatives and friends, also societies ot which he was a member, are Invited to at- i tend the funeral services on Friday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock-st tha r"'lnc of George I lUdlts, 207 E. WUtar at., Qermantown, In terment private. GIRLS wanted: light work; no experlenco necea ""' . '1.a week paid while learning. Apply 310 32d. OIIII.H for general factory work In packlnr T.winiianii;mH, jwyiy OIQlircr B, lU HprUCO, HELP WANTED MALE AUTO SALESMAN on one of the beat-selllnr low-priced lines! must be thoroughly experi enced man with largo local acquaintances no other need npnlys Interview confidential. P 030, Ledger Office. DOT Offlce boy. over 10. for work In news paper olnee. Apply Mr. Fanning. Public Ledger Ofilce. Room 203. second floor Wash ington Building. 008 Chestnut at. BOY. 17 to 18 yrs.s omcemfg. concern: good chance for advanc'nt. P 111), Ledger Office. EOT wanted: 10 years old or over. George S. Cox It nrn.. Cambria and ormes sts. BOT for general ofilce work. r. o. hox aniwi. Address "S. A.." BOYS wanted, 10 or over, to work In wall paper factory. Apply at onco, Becker, Smith ft Page. Water and Snyder ave. BOYS, strong, wanted nt Wunderly'a Candy Fnctory, 118-132 Pegg St.. OPP. 440 N. 2d St. BOYS wnnted. street. Apply 1031 North Fifth CAPABLE SUPERINTENDENT In box mnpu fncturlne dept. largo factory: executive ability of high order essential: permanent. Apply by letter, i Ji;. l.eiiKcr wtur CARPENTERS wanted for general work. Ap ply In person or by letter. II. K. Mulford Co., uienoiaen, i-a. CHAUFFEUR, cnanic respectful nnd polite; good mo- O 180. Imager central. CLERK Young men. 25 to 30 years of age, for responsible clerical positions. Apply Standard Fuse Corporation, Pnulsboro. N. J. MECHANICS WANTED, FIRST CLASS, Machine lathe hands, automatic machine hands, millwrights, riggers, molders, core makers and laborers Apply Wm, Thomas, Baldwin Locomotive Works, Eddystone, Pa, MECHANICS WANTED Tool designers, ex perienced on Jigs and flxturea! toolmakers: Al Job setters: machine repair lathe testers; ma chlnlats, CI. nnd E. gear aaaemblers: nil kinds of mechanical muat ho flrat claaa. have tools, read bluo prlnta: eight-hour shop; no labor troubles! near New York. Ask for R. W. Ilascomlie, Windsor Hotel, Philadelphia, 10 to 12 nnd 2 to 7. MAID or chamb-rwork and sewings miu,i, ,. good ref. 2035 Fltxwater i. NURSE, practical, refined, middle aged, experl enced with Intalld lady or mother a . n'lpcri good spnmstress: country or mountains, u 140, ledger Central. SEAMSTRESS would Ilka Pee'tl"" 'JJ "A'" willing to asslat with chamber work, o 408, irfoger central. STENOMRAPIIEIl, general office "JiSinJtant to experience In building b,lne;i.n?rmP'"nt anno 1IHI gri, a' i -s " . - STENbORAPHEIl. recent hf.hl.ch0I0.1,,;?dce'nt with clerical rirrrrl '- l" t-tnI- desires extra BTENOORAPHER, exwiencea, "...",-- work for eten nr. u ..- ;... . STENOGRAPHER lleglnner desires an oppor- tunlty: Bccuratei mod, sal. O 41. Ledger Cent. TEACHER, experienced. ""'!:. "WJS, desires tutoring for Mnjrnermonths or Insld. work or any Kina. -.. -." WOMAN wants cooking or housework: country or -enahnre. Pall 858 LeX St. 77ZZ ,,-AMP nil S. 10th, wants position for Mn?;t.Saa rouni cooks, 'chamlnjrmalds. wait- flrat-cioss oun v housemen! also for two frTenna coo"' and chambermaid, together! rrotestant. ? and Catholics! best references. Hnruce m. WiHTOii-Cooks, chambermaldn. kitchen maliH, Wffl,i cooks for Catholic, rectnrys nnd b wwork tf?s cook wants position In family ESiVJIf A Ailantlo Cltyi first-class help wont ?omon0..AMra.no.o! Dougherty, 1313 W, uirnm, mihh MAUY T, MCCARTHY aiu. unnnuan Calh'., mi Is and female heliBll nstlonalltlea, idliiit! " -r-T-isT -;-u-l.,I.H , mini. rr '-ir.irTTf inin Christian st. (Dick. rili) wants end supplies help of all nationali ties nndcapacltlesj. houaeworkjtlrls wanted JTiri'ioi.LfiT-1020 Bainbrldge ;t. Comp. male an" female help supplied and wanted. Phone Locust 2130. AUTOMOBILES Tor Bale ttmir-ORADn chassis for sale. In first-class 1 UiiVii inn throughout! can ht equipped with eUher l"ght delTwry'or speedster tody! will !ii rhear, to quick buyer. Address E 7B0. Sell cheap to .quick buyer. ledger wmiun " - : : .-.fentlnnal exoer, iouku nuainess wpinu ,;n,inhv seeks li,1nD.TrVlnlhW ae7neoooCr evening. Q 145. I.enger .cim. YOUNO WOMAN, e'Pi,'yn';nlfnB0,Wledr,! of .innrenhv. O 348, ledger Central, rm.i.KOE OIIADUATE. Columbia Unlverelty MA wishes to teach mathematics. In worn Jl'iiwr'Se .emlnarvl can teach science. ".."sr Kni Woodbine ave. MEN wanted, young and old. to learn machine staking in leather works! good pay while learn ing; four weeks required to learn: can earn 118 for 05 hours' work; nleo experienced sink "", ..APPl5' Kejstone Inther Works, 10th nnd Mlrkle sts . Camden, N. J, MEN wanted for general farm nnd laboring work, also men to handle hogs: stoady post tlon for sober, Industrious men. Apply In person or by letter. II. K. MULFORD CO.. Glonolden. Pa. MEN wanted to strip tho loose pieces from fold Ing paper boxes. Brown A Bailey Co., N. W. cor. Franklin and Willow sts. MEN wanted to distribute circulars. verman Sons, flth and South sta. M. S1I- JI?Ji f5r ?nernl factory work. Apply Stohrer's, 113 Be Lancey at. NIGHT WATCHMAN wanted: must understand care of bnllern nnd come well recommended. Apply, with reference. 1811 N, Hancork. PAPER BOX SALESMAN wanted, experienced: atato salary or commission, section traveled and references. M 414, Ledger Office. Salesman looking for general sales agency on nationally advertised lino of office appli ances nna ume-seung devices can get -full CREDIT DEPARTMENT of largo retail concern' requires tno Bprvicrs ui a yuunic muii ituuut 23 to 30 for detail work and outBlde collec tion; to obtain consideration applicants must state age, experlenco, reference and salary expected: applications strictly confidential, P 120, Ledger Office. DRUGGIST Young man thoroughly acquainted with pntent medicines for retntl counter. George B. Evans, lion cnestnut ENGINEER WANTED for McMyler ateam loco motWo crane: only flrst-closs, sober, experi enced man need npply; wages 40 cents per hour. Apply S. T. Kemon. Supt. Robert Grace Contracting Co., new Cumberland Valley Rail road bridge. Harrlsburg, Pa FEEDER (bov or girl I. experienced for ruling machine. Eastern Paper Co., 213 8. Amerl can street. Apply N. W. cor. r pn 4th FREIGHT HANDLERS Men wanted to truck freight at station; white or colored. Apply 7 n. m . 43 N. 17th. OENERAL UTILITY MAN. white, about coun try place, stable and naalst with automobile; good references. Q 443. Ledger Central. GIRLS wanted at Wunderle'a randy factory. 118-182 Pegg St.. oppoalte 440 N 2d St. HOSIERY Toppers and knitters on Standard F nnd Scott & Williams full automatic ma chines; steady work and pay good as any: light, sanitary mill. Wallace-Wllaon Hosiery Co.. 4353 Orchard at.. Frankford HOUSEWORK Girl, white, competent, for general housework: German or Swodlsh pre furred, to go to the seashores must be a good plain cook; 3 adults In family. Call 3801 N. 21st St.. or phone Tioga 7080. HOUSEWORK Light general housework, plain cooking, family one lady. Meet employer 11 a. m. Thursday, Room 205, 608 Chestnut HOUSEWORK, general. In family of three: no Lianercn 213 M. Ardmoro laundry. Phone car from 00th st. Carfare paid. 400 Darby road. HOUSEWORK Girl, white, general house "f'li, J'nMntowni 4 adults; rood home. Phone filbert HolTe HOUSEWORK Neat, capable woman I good cook. Meet employer. 2 p. m room 205. 608 Chestnut at. ' HOUSEWORK German preferred: refs. CaiT B08 Manhelm at.. Qtn. Phone Otn. 112. HOUSEWORK SEEKERS The surest way to get In touch with positions In the best Philadelphia fami lies Is through the Situation Wanted columns of the Ledger, Call on Mrs, Mead, manager of the Ledger's Household Registry Bureau, and tell her about your experience and the kind of a poaltlon you want. She haa had 10 years' experience In em ployment work and can find the right place for you. No chararn tn Trfn- advertlsers. Get acquainted today with MRS. MEAD Household Registry Bureau, Washington Building, 008 Chestnut st., Second floor. LADY ORGANIZERS for Philadelphia organlza tlon: past experience tn this work not essen tial; commissions full or part time; will net you IIS per week. Write or call aid Hmd J-eUlJIJIIlsf HARDWOOD FINISHERS 100 WANTED. FILLERS. COATERS. RUBBERS, SPRAYERS HOURS, 48 WEEK. WAGES, 118.72 WEEK APPLY 0-12 O'CLOCK TODAY OR TOMORROW, 3007 POWELTON AVE. details by reading our "ad" under Business Opportunities. Mellcke Company. SALESMAN wanted", moving-picture machines and supplies. Williams. Brown & Earle, Inc., 018 Chestnut st, POSITION w anted. "Chambermaid and waitress ror an excellent "'.. '"' ' rhone Qermantown 2241 J. EMPLOYERS are berlnnlng to recognlxe i the eervlre rendered by "Miss Dean at Ledger Central its Invaluable to them at that psycho logical moment when they find themselves wrthout omce help. .They know that n. phone Mil Walnut 3000 or Main 3000 wl 1 bring them Just the desired nsalstnnce. be It a B tenog. ranher. Bookkeeper. Secretary or Clerk. "Mia a Dean" keeps In touch with young women who are r seeking situations. Have jolt ever asked her isM,tanceJ H is a free service to Ledger Advertisers. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT AND OFFICE MANAGER: thor oughly experienced nnd competent: high-grade references O 152. Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, exp.. will audit accounts, open, close and write up nooks, day or evenings: high efficiency svatems Instnlled: modernto terms. Bell phone Woodland 3833 M. rAntLLAC. 1014, touring car, overhauled and repainted! full equipment! price 1850. AUTO ffiT.ffs CORPORATION. 112 N. Broad st. CADILLAC 1013 TOUR1NO CAR 1 fleon- auinn lor emu , "-- - 1 y2HarjrJsonnu lldjn g. COLE. 1013. 4-rllnder louring. L 8. BOWERS CO.. 245 N. Broad st. u. u. r.rw.1-, nutrlhnlnm. COIiE Distributors. DODGE. 1015. Touring, with two tnpa In Ana condition: tires good: will sell for 050j L 451, Ledger urmrai, rtATjrrmn 'rnncic For Sale Three-ton Gnrford truck chassis: rood nUon.UJCOMOnlLB 23t4 Market St.. Locust 4S0. It. A. JENK3. Mgr. Exchnnge Car Dept, HUDSONS, rebuilt nnd guaranteed: phaetons, rondVters and enbr olets: elec. lights and stnrt "s CiOMBRY-SCHWARTZ. 253 N. Broad St. WINTON. .1014. 0-cyllnder. 7-passenger 'inuring: smrirr iuiu vm-vihw ,'." .. "'"' 1014 OVERLAND Delivery: pnncl body L, ii O'NEAL. 210 N. llrond Bt 330 1015 DAVIS ROADSTER, maroon color, elegant appearance. Al mechanical condition: fullv equipped: demountablo rim: extra tire nnd rim: tire cover; big bnrgnln to quick buyer. Hawley ,vioiorcar y.n. , ,. mii, nn . JURE I,KID 'NER'S P.lATES?8TTaf! oi-en'KSJSIW mm atftArm a , FULA'sk'oI&Tiiyt SPECIAL RATES FOR Sr?.S8t JJ MwraopoPEit,rVoios a' S9feC0?nJ IllA.MONtlo s.n.v'i.Ar ink .reference. AnDrai.:".'T HARRY W. SmFtILmT,'".'' ! I Da CARPET irTtTTiSr? .-Aiifira 6,1 p 0T.I ST. ABOVE'cafeH fl MONARTTsTrfSJal W-STPHIIjA, JiouAttZT-zzJim 1 WEST PHI LA. wli,ei'l'IIII,A, 08,0.72 t.Ai,'.RD REAf, CARPET BnATivMii l UHCP. noYEItCO.. 8800 it. fh TO! DRESSMAKING ANlm? COLUMUIAN DRnsSMAKiNrTr-1 STRUCTION8 DAILY: SMllrlWt, THE MCDOWELL Dresamakir2-! modern methods i.Tiakln SJS modern methods! small .JhB Denckla Building.' llfh" ,m &M J?OB SALE 110.50 VICTOR VIOTllOLA tv tr- Mahi trr tn.ln-h -, ""A,IV. AVri 11 outnt for one who Is'liokfnt fnA"J and large illustrated cauffi! ''? trolaa from. lie to HoOl 1 ilifmh 1 always on hand, ' " ,llM. W t. ATnraftif-nTi,P2N. q . low boy block front bureau "Pgt im.T.iinn itnnr v -i2tess u..,,.,,.,l, ,wwi,, romoinnl m -s nournt, sold, rented, exchanWE ' aupplles. Late Keafer, ffi& 9" turer, 320 oirard . 5 nil.r.lAlIT. f.nnl t.M... 1. -CiS- lint Blieysi easy payment. "MWI Street Co.. 222 S. Kih .? lV.??"!lli BILLIARD AND POCKnfTAStl bowling, alleys! easy rarmJnii nnVHil , I .K 1 :-COLI,CN PER co.rVnni'm BOOK, gold clock set, other hm.i.ru 708 South 40th. WoodlannVagff11 I EDISON DIAMnN'n.Potn-r. r.,...l. Cost 00 new. This outnt f. ViiSF"! records nnd cabinet aid Si hfrSB".1' 1 payablp 7Bc. weekly. CaM ir wffild.5?J Plete descriptions and Vil'iiil'siM lOgUCS. " """mBH HEPPE'H ItPTnwv n.k. r HEPPE'S UPTOWN STnnixr 2 COR 101B STUDEBAKEIt :i-pasaenger roadster, in absolutely nrst-clnss conditions full equipment In every respect, including slip cover. Stand ard Motorcar Co., 002 North Broad, HUDSON 6 1916 PARTS TTT-rtrT, -nm SCHOBER CHEVROLET M4WB j,lJinKm SEND FOR rREE BULLETIN OF USED CARS OORSON AUTO EXCHANGE!. 23S N. BROAD PARTS fn bulld'or repilr nny car. Phlla. Auto Parts Co.. S23 N. 13lh. Pork 1418. BOOKKEEPER. B fears' experience as head bookkeeper: can tako full chnrgo: 20. B 122, Ledger Office. . BOOKKEEPER, experienced In general office work, seeks position of responsibility; 0 jeers with last employer, u m, A-euger i-cmnu. SALESMEN WANTED The Frantx Premier Distributing Company, the largest mnnufacturcrB of electrlo vacuum cleanerB In the world, require several live salesmen to sell vacuum cleaners on commis sion. Apply 730 Market st STENOORAPHBR Young man with clerical ex- Serlenco nlso. Phone or npply In person. tandard Fuse Corp . Paulaboro, N. J. BTENOORAPHER wanted. Spanish. Apply C. M. Plowman & Co.. 242 Chestnut at. This company can use Beveral live aggressive salesmen to travel. This Is our special sum- ner ea THE tnee eaten rnmnnlcn. ""T.-.V- -.--. i.AiTiiV.... .. uiAniv, i'iii,3iiuii. jjmi. uu. T30 Market at. WANTED Banking firm desires boy about 10 tn P. O. Box 1020. v,om nf nsre with ralr emipntlnn! rnnri fnni. fly: only thoae who wlah a permanent position neea apply, n. vj. v. WANTED A companion for young Invalid gen tlemnn; best ot references required. M 147, A-ieager uentrai. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, experienced In general omce worK, Beeaa noniiinn; iuku bchoui graduate: best rets O 441. Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, exp'il. fair stenographer, desires position vvitn good nrm. u 4tn. meager v-enuai. nOOKKEEPER-CASHIER. 3.1: best of refs. and exp ; moderate salary. G 350. Ledger Central BOOKKEEPER desires books of small firm to do evenings. B 13. ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR. 31, colored, married, wishes a firlvate position: best reference: do own repair ng. 221 W. Coulter st., Germnntown. CHAUFFEUR, colored, desires position; B years' experience: city or country. Address 1731 Moravian st CHAUFFEUR. German, exp , Blngle; private. Phone Woodland 41104. 4027 Baltimore nve DRAUGHTSMAN. 2.1. married, five years' ex perlenco on blower nnd power plant work; capible of designing nnd estimating on same. O 157. Ledger Central. DRAUGHTSMAN, mechnnlcnl: 0 yonrs' experi ence; good detaller. wishes permanent position with chance to advance Q 854 Ledger Cent. WANTED Cutters and trimmers for wholesale clothing: nlao operators on coats. B 125. Ledger Office. HARDWOOD FINISHERS, 60 coatera and rub bers; hours 48; wages 118.72. Apply at once, ready to work. 3007 Powelton ave. INSTRUMENT MAKERS, toolmakers. 18.24 to $4.48 per day of 8 hours: machinists, 13 to S4; asslstnnt machinists, 12 to 12,00; SKILLED 1.AI10RER8, 12: hand turret lathe operators, 12.88 Potter & Johnston. 13.52: Automatic. Cleveland, Brown, Sharps & Oridley, 3 70; higher compensation when on piece work, citl xens, 15 days' leave after one year's service, 7 holidays and Saturday afternoons durtngi Bummer months, all with full pay. Apply Frankford Arsenal, preferably In person. Brldesburg. Philadelphia. Pa KITCHEN MEN wanted. Apply timekeeper's uiiicp. upiiou"-.T,rrtuuru. LABORERS, good, wanted now at Tygert-AIIen Fertilizer Works, South Delaware and Weo cacoe aves, (Greenwich Point); steady work the year around for right men. Bee Super Intendent. at works. WANTED. 10 young men to learn business: 22c. an hour. Apply 3 town ave. ?ork butcher 145 Oerman- WANTED Experienced man for shipping de- pa r t m e n i vyorKAppiyuiiaiiBomsi. YOUNG MAN, competent, experienced, not afraid of work, capable of taking charge of the charging and billing and order book in light of work, capable of taking charge of the charging and billing and order book in light manufacturing business: executlvo ability to train ana nanuio nsaismms jvunress, sis age, experience and salary, B 203. Ledger YOUNO MAN to operate n blue-printing machine In the drafting department of Bement-Mlles & Co., suet ana uanowniu. YOUNG MEN between the ages of 18 and 33 who desire to travel and to receovo military training aa members of tho first line of the country's defense spply st 1409 Arch st , Phil adelphia, Pa., for detailed information re garding enlistment In the United States Marine Corps. General MATRON (dining room) Must be well appear ing, competent to manage; Protestant pre ferred. H 412. Ledger Office. NURSE wanted. North aermao. to cara for one child; position at Merlons good sewer. Phone Merlon 505. PANTRY WOMAN for first-class resort hotel permanent position for right person. Meet employer. Room 203, 908 Chestnut St., Thurs. day, 1 p. m. 8ALESLADIES, experienced, for permanent po. altlon: also extras for Friday and Saturday. AESft-li once; "" UrcB-' dePt- "tore, BB0d-08 Qermantown ave. STENOORAPHBR In office of dyeing and finish. Inr Plants experienced on Smlth.Preraler bllllnr machine. Address Ledger Branch, Frankford and York. BTENOORAPHER. Smlth-Premler machine: ren. era! office work. Q 240, Ledger Central. LAI10RER8. white or colored; rood wagesi steady work: no strike. Apply Henry Dl.aton Is Bona. Tacony. LABORERS wanteds steady work, rood wages. styiyij iwinMnmii pjioi nim wutLn-HtHvi sj. LABORERS wanteds steady work, rood wans. Apply A and Cambria sts. LABORERS wanted. Apply CATTIB BROS..' 1708 N. Howard st. LABORERS Flrat-cla.s Sanaom st. men wanted. 2017 MACHINISTS Steady employment at eatlaf-o-tory wagess modern factory situated In health, ful locations 6-cent fare from 63d and Market Bts. Only thoroughly competent men, applying In person, will be considered. NO WAR ORDERS THE AUTOCAR COMPANT Ardmore, Pa, MAN AND WIFE to take entire charre of houses no waahlnr. Meet employer Thursday. 11 a. m.. Room 203. 808 Chestnut st. MAN AND WIFE for country! man to care for garden, lawn and horses: woman for kitchen and dining room. Apply IBS West Coulter St.. Germantown. BOOKKEEPERS several very rood positions, 115-120. STOREKEEPER, gas fittings. 80 mo. ORDER CLERK, experienced tn carpets or textile; several other good clerical open ings. $10 UP. STENOGRAPHERS. 15 up. DRAFTSMEN, several, 125. SHOP FORE MAN, 125. LUMDER INSPECTOR. SALES MANAGER, steam specialties, high-grade man. S3000. SALES MANAdER. grocery specialties. SALESMEN, building material, annr hnlt. SALESMAN, hlffh-rrrnrfft -non printing! no salary limit. SALESMAN, com mercial pnoiograpny. AA,,aaiAiN, insurani good proposition. Other positions open for EXECUTIVE, 33. accountant and manager, col lego man. now employed In New York, deslrea to return to Philadelphia: highest references as, to ability and chnracter. Address Execu tive. Box 174. Room 1201, 220 W. 42d Bt New York EXECUTIVE'S ASSISTANT, ago 20. college man, trained as onglneer, experienced In busi ness, offico system; one year as assistant to Bales manager large corporation: now em- filoyed as salesman: desires opportunity with argo reputable concern F 730. Ledger Cent ..l.u a , , aj, uo, nuiiin vuaiuoiij nigncsc rets, from prominent bankers; haB been treasurer largo group publlo utility companies; exp. la Import and export. Q 158. Ledger Central. OARDENER, single, wishes position; beat ref. erence: 10 years experience. B 120. Led Off. HOUSEMAN, would assist In waiting; private family: best reference. 400 S. 21st it. I8TRUCTOR, expd.. deslrea summer correspon dence tutoring In preparatory school; mathe matlrs J W P. Box 232 George School. Pa JANITOR, steady and sober, handy with tools, would like to better his position. P. 8.. R 120, Ledger Office. " MAN of middle age. technical education, several works, wishes to communicate with manage ment of plant with view to. permanent posl tlon. F 042, Ledger Central. AUTO L-IVERY AND GABAGES POPLAR 1617, to hlro (open day and night). Park 1482, brand-new 5-pnss. touring car. 11.25 hr.: nlso brand-new 7-pnss limousine. $1.50 hr.: weddings, funerals. 1715 Olrard. PELTON GARAGn FELTON AND OIRARD AVE. PHONE HELMONT 1101 BUY M0I8TER Portable Garages Steel or stucco. On display 8031 N. ,0tli. Tloca 2084. AUTO PAINTING QUALITY based on experience la the primary consideration: don't deprive yourself of the best when the price Is In your favor. Phone Tioga 2702. Immediate service. , GEOItaE W. TARVIS. JR. ' 1321 Alrdrie at. (Broad above Erie). On a co-operative plan. Tords cost only S12. AUTO REPAIRING J SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES 1 See BILLY, nt his new location. pin wimiii imuflu a. CYLINDERS REBORED. new platons and rings furnished, weldings nnd hrnzlng. II. B. Underwood & Co.. 1025 Hamilton st.. Phlla. AUTO SUPPLIES CASH REGISTERS bought, sold. li chanced, repaired. repVated. BuppilJ!, and factory rebuilt. New total idSn? Tow aa 1(i. Cn and ... Xi fsS els. Registers sold and leated i ' a. easv payments nnd fully guarintJ M ' TUB NATIONAL CASH riEmSTEh m I 730 CHESTNUT STflRCTT1 "Vfl Roberta Pcncojd stock: rare opjorSi seniieinan s country nome, w. II. nw wait, Morion, Pa., or 1421) Chulirat m DESKS, filing cabinets, safes, telenlunt anu omce lurnituro and sutures ot mil Bcrlptlons used, but in fine conoitionl.7J chenn: free delivery anywhere I IUOHE3, 11TH AND nUTTONWOOlJ. DRSK8, large, ansortments also IwunWl nltiire. Dultntr Central bM.n.JU turo Company. OOl-ono-ou CallenMIt $32.50 VICTOR VICTROLA VI. Inclu&tJ ejections (10 10-Inch D. F. recoralt jgf J cellent machine In every way. Cnhwul at the rate of 75c. weer'jr. Clf or wSl comnietr deftcrintfnnn nnd arm fiintoJ catalogues. Now Vlctrolaa frornllJtol all htiilaei nil aaa aa.1 nlpAH . h HEPPI' COR. OTI ill woods, always en nuM. 1 PIVS UPTOWN STORES? Si Til AND THOMPSON! sis, M FlreDrnof: 00 allshtlv iiimI. ill SArES nnd mnkea; big barlna. Mj v uurui et.. iwnvpen naca una n FOR SALE A Martin & Martini USfl i eaaaie. Lan do Been at ail wiaterK.,1 mnntown. HEATING tj UAKIN-KELSEY HEALTH HEAT t bettrrsl cneaper man sicam or noi-waier. jrtr nir wnn normal moisture. aaajuti-AU isi 1'iineri st. MACHINEBY AND TOOLS ,1 TIMKEN BEARINOS HYATT Now Departure Service Station, the Gwllllam Co 1314 Arch Bt. Phones. Walnut 31D7, Raco 3002. AUTO TIBES Solid Tires WITH WHEELS $5 SCHOBER 8341-45 Market St. TTtT."T.'f AN TIRPS Guaranteed 3500 miles. Compare prices. GRIM'S. 2a N. Bread at. HOBSES DAY HORSE, 8 years old. sound and kind: works single or double. E. Barrett, trucker. 038 E. Walnut lane, Roxborough. HIOH-ORADE MEN BUSINESS SERVICE COMPANY 1801 LAND TITLE BLDO. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER and typist, over 3 years' ex perlenco general office work, desires to make a change. O 340. Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, cashier, general office aaals. tants 10 years' exper.s 12. O 43. Led. Cent. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer; recent graduate: excel, pgiiiuwn, a, . bumi-ilcu, u w, Aeq.uent. BOOKKEEPER, typist; good penman; yr. experi ence. Q 848, Ledger Central. CHAMBERMAID Lady wants situation for chambermaid for summer two months. II 411, lua.r w..,,..). CHAMBERMAID Neat colored woman wi.hes poaltlon In hotel, shore or Tnountalna. Jl 406, laager uiuca. CHAMUERMAID Exper. colored girl, country or Cape May. H 400. Ledger Office. CHAMBERWORK Young Poll.h girl! city or UUUI"- maf, uruaci unm. CHILDNURSE. Proteatant. will care for chll dren In Institution. 533 Powell St., Olouce.ter. New Jersey. ' CLERK, good penman, desire, poaltlon, reneral office work: 17. Q 346. Ledger Central. COMPANION-NURSEs good reader and mas. leu.e: exper.s terms mod. O 338, Led. Cent. COMPANION or tutor for summers normal school student. Address 1620 S. 12th st. MAN anu wir u. aeaahore or country. Annlv S. McCorkle. 3501 Tllhert at. " pply 'OFFICE MANAGER Four years' experience ' familiar with coat accounting, desires change to poaltlon with future. P 75.1. Ledger Cent PRACTICAL MAN, with lonr experience In nltrio acid, anlllno oil. nltrio. beniol and hydrogen peroxides can furnish best, reference: moderate salarys wants quick position. O 853, 'Ledger Central. """'r SALESMAN. 35. married. 12 yeara' selling tx' Perlencs edible productsi also versed In modern selling Ideas, desires territory Phlla. and vicln Ityi house answering muat be above the aver age: change to be made In early fall: would Tne'V-0." ("vertls.nr dsrHwESK. SALESMAN or represntatlve dealrea connection with reliable manufacturer or wholesale house: hove been traveling In northern New York and Canada, but wants to make change to fh ra3ysrM." ,n Ph,,a-i re,"n"! SALESMAN Young man. 0 years' experience lii mu.lcal line, execut ve ability, deslrea to mike permanent connection with reliable house, ff '5. Lr.mmA"'?"!, """ turn..n,d: SALESMAN, 20, single, 6 yrs.' experience seeks new connect'ns understands advertising incon" nectlon with sales works Investigation of vti. vlnue rernrri BnllelleH n AJrt . r.T !"" .vf? ,,. Aunor wentral. BALBSMAIN JMgnt year.' experience In mill ?UUrT'"F 75C2-'rLedCg,ngaral''n Wh '' BTENOaKAPHER.SECRETARY. IB yrs.' broad buslnea. exp.. character, tact and abllltyT seeks position with future, a 147, Led Cent YOUNO MAN. 22. having brotd blial5essTxi Pfr'en!'. win .P""'"" salesman or post llSdrsr Centraf " "ra' WOrk ou,,1,le- . YOUNO AN, age 26, office and sales exWl-' ence. reliable and comp., des. resfonslbls ofZ flceposrassalesmantBJ24. Ledger Ott YOUNO MAN. 10. deslrea clerical poaltlofTwIth some live concern; 4 ears' experience, bi-t references. O 153. Leofger Centra " " ' "at BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIES SALES MANAGER WANTED Man to take full charge Philadelphia ofilce for Chicago manufacturer. This is nn excellent opportunity for mun to estnbllsh Independent business for himself, handling nationally ad vertised line of office appliances und time saving devices; will net 13000 to 15000 first year. Will give exclusive rights on entlro line for Philadelphia, eastern Pennn. and the en tire State of New Jersey; must be able to finance himself for (1000. this J 10(1(1 Is not for any good will, etc., but almply for goods on hand to supply territory. Melllcke Co., 1323 Heal E.tate Trust Bldg. CAriTAI, LAROE SUMS READY for public utility or manufacturing en. terprlses; bond Issues. 1 00,000 or more, promptly taken. Some Information neceeuury to obtain personal Interview, Address Financial, O 444, Ledger Cent. PATRNTS B'ni 'W cur free book, - .,7 "Patents and Trade-Marks." Reasonable fees. Open Monday evenings until 8 JO p. m. We will lulp jou develop your Invention. Advice free. FOSTER & WEBSTER $ufrn 8M 1011 Chestnut at. Bell ph i Walnut 1B64. CARED-FOlt ORCHARDS FAY INVEST0R3 Ownership stock In a fine planted property In well-known fruit district for sales cash or monthly payments. 440OvLedgr Central. PJiAT.ICAI'. Moving Picture Manager, having . 11500. desires congenial associate with same amount to purchase prosperous, well-paying theatre; refa. exchanged. O 155, Ledger Cen. LET MB SELL IfOUR BUSINESS ARTHUR J. I.KnpnMl '" 1218 Chestnut (Bailey Bldg.) nnd 421 S. B2d. PICTURE THEATRE. 11250a. UnexceliedW7 Phlla. location: est. 8 yeara; crowded nightly": gouu. 1IAI1UI3T.201N- Jiroad. worth , a; AUT1VJS MEAL ; ESTATE MAN WANTED to ui,., viuka ,ui nn, in a gooo. location. ISO calLJ9U,red.jgjJ47jI!dger Central. 8ECRETARY wanted to Invest 12000 or more ,.. ictiMUAig munutaciuring enterprise; details at Interview only. F 048. Ledger Central. MACHINE SHOP FOR SAW Cnmnleta for automobile reealr "Weill. prising lathes, gas engine, drills, tUi. miller, (itiiiuuiu lyiuiui'r vuivr, ntr yum portable floor crane, hlackimtth titittt; i Bn-,nll tools, belting, shaftlm, pollen a will hn anld nt Rhnn. Delawtra ai 114 ave.i Atlantic City, N. J., tm lt-ll Bell phone Atlantic City 044. 'at lrpl) nnove aaaress, win eeii pcijuau,it i Whole. SAFETY SPLIT COLLARS .nil I0 trATvrnirnH anA Tll.I.nV Tlt-IVES I finished ball and socket beartajji,tjij best ror all snailing purpoaea, oiur. avii nfAf-wrvT- wrmics. 141 Kartn 8a JAilES YOCOM k Wji ' POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT - : T.mnmnn mntnrl Iwillam. atnfttn llfSS ctnea. pumps, nlr compressors TjS FRANK TOOMEY, Inc.. 127 N MlTg .'ri,iiilinill ltVl-nO e,r,J PaelraalW tssssW nnt. .Wo have, what you wanl tm M want it. -iivas-.j iwi vws, -y n ppn iripi. " . CONCRETE MIXER lO-'t-Packfi driven barrow hopper: beat L llttt JB JtB1 F. Seyfert's Sons. 437 N. 8d at. '.. DYNAMOS, motors and machinery '"S't'jH?!' ana reilicui BmiAimco -"TSni Cifi-BBlj' Market1 3005. Yearsley Co.. S2 antJ n lA .. . ......n Ih.I. I machines. Hand millers. NutUH, H otn. OAS. GASOLINE AND OIJa KWWH iM OA8 AND OIL ENOINK CO . ii V. 1TH g MUSICAL INSTBUMENTSj LEONARD 88-NOTEPIAYBB j lister 88-noto.pIayjt- H Walraven upright, nJ b-l Sllrhtly.used. sell jessonabto. gJl 1' . A. ixorin urwucii. "..;..-.'" , - J85 CHICKERINO UFRIOHT rfQ fl HWARDVJNCENT1BSrgiJ MAY VICTOR RECORDS NOW OS I AJE.I,I,VW. 1120 CHESTNOT. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, rUtl stye. Jewelry, .teeth P'e'.irij'Sii Est. 1S70. J. L(rltretafAj2Lfg OLD GOLD Hlghe.t prices paid Iw'Wjn Platinum, pewter, FALSE TEEW. "j. H. mil r. CASH paid for diamonds. HffJfi?1&ii platinum, fa ae teeth. . Phlld5'Ju "T and Refining Company. 12a H. "" PATENT ATTORNEYS ESTABLISHED S1NCB IMljj Patents and !cJfSI Trade-Marks fftfiSlbS-a .nl! Walnut TIT. M Philadelphia, office. North AmerlejaBg Washington office. Victor Bui" STOBAGE FIDEUTYjFIREPROOF PETEYLook What the Cute Little Rascal Did to the Tires PAKTNUK with J500 tn K0o.jay.njr buaineaa Tor woman, fl !4fi ijrttr ranfa PENN STOPAOE AND VANCO. B i.klvl aim..... - ATLAS STORAGE WAnSWrB,F 34 moving, packing, shipping, camj 4 1 Ph. Baring 702 for e.tlmatei MK By C. A. VOIGHT BP-T e.e e . , , ees .' I ' M Loot. 00T SMML CED AW C )$W$kL I rH A1W7 :W S N I fQ aBABriX U at j- . -s --S5S&?-" r' . - jf&E?z yr,-gig. . --1-" -v"kJ a8 . &-B'A-Jy.L . . ,J I . .,!.., HI ALIA. UU llllllll ULAAII I . U I L I ! All! . . . -jl Al l'4-.- i.O- , , ,,,. ,,, , . U, jjt 1.. , I , 77T , . ,, .,, 1 A . W " ' 4 A t 8 " ' f "- "-"-i--i , l i ,, .,! Z. m. fQQlj'