fHtUDELPHtA MAtUuno (iHKVJ AND FLOUR uw". ., iihmh Th mar- .411, Y fair demand and mod teaJy ,: car Iota in export "MT" kB- Bfl ' oW. SSW WWc.l purified N." sample. ., . fV4 ",.,. TJS bbla. and t.M60 lbj. STfiJ?..! licked were. 1 - "ffii V w un in. In Vtxlt Winter. c!r, 5S.nJ dlJ.' W. eitv mllle, choice and Sffi liWtJS5la"X! city mills. regular Vnt. . IS,'0"6. riiiAt ynr do., straight. lwl... L. ...... imt steady. BT provisions We quota tk- ru . '. .SSfteS. "'cfty ? RK' wiled nrm. . -("."v-niv,.-. Ttrlrn beer. raMM?i ritr beaf. knuckles nnd U ,? findersT smotced. 370S8c. , w"?ro" pork, 'amiir. ,"""' Minim". -.r.mihmo.i do.. un" """'":Uf trial .",!! I do., boiled, bone lew. 2m trll'iA a p cured. loose. 12Hc: "lo ho"1d. S. r. Sickle, according lrte4iJ.H iiHc. breakfast bacon, as to ittraa.ieoie. lone-i . 200 , fl0,, West el ? VaafsVc i arS. Western, refined. HwreA . S.. tibi. HWc.l do., pure , UNCI uo.i uo., !,,", tendered, in tlercee, Jtstl.HC. . REFINED SUUAUD ftli market wM.Jffl 'd.redT JJiTJic. i fe"KBK,"f,ri,,e t DAIRY PHUUUL.10 ImKI rnle!.Tryim?ry. fancy .specials. nvamiu-ig;i- - tra flr,(,, so vane,: &M7i,d. '"TSreTwrllSy printa; fib J!SS of fancy print.. 30 Soaecelpt. were kept wfU cleaned fup Km nwa.fci " Kirni 2uc7 per dos.: nearby & ,?oV .WndardaaeT. nearby current Sff.jISaS:w tolKT per case: 'Southern. J0.10 ftP&caie; fancy selected candled fresh f..i- foil cream, fancy, now, jufi-o., '"wVood. lOWloVkc.l part aklma. I"-' in,ov t l'UUlil lMaor?ridar!" 18H14c "" .... onuftniA roomers., BlJl?S?' .iSSt'er rV.2202BO. sPnorqarn Fowls wore arriving more freely SfdMllned He. with, demand only mod. i. "''..i2"5.",:. W'WS &xl. fiB le7182bc.i fowla. Icypackod. In ill, ancT, "fJ.V'irr-.vi -." oiii- . A sfefisas anf l.l.no.r'i.. 4 ift in. Id Ein1 ay " jj-,- iLcera intif ' :" i n nn. L-. tvf mailer sixes. jo-ui;.; SSr tlfy-ntcked. 15c ! broilers, Jersfy lAti hie wibilnfl' l K8f SoVThlte. welgnlne" 7) lb. per dor. 0.. t IO. PT UU.t 4 tM'IU . tl 10 Iba. per doz.. 93 40; do. do., T loa. per "oi;, ' . do . tOtto lb. per dor . M.7BQ3 ioOfi imatf and Ko. 2. B0c.U.lu. FRESH FRUITS t? Cbole itoek met with fair aale and prices JSttUoni Applet P 'bb WlneMP. I8.B0 I: Euwln. Mh 6m Davla. I2W3; other varl Sta. n.845ft:No. J. H.2552i apples. West- !: Hoei lemons, per box. !3'li pineapples. I r crate rorto Rlcp. ll.OOSi strawberries. EVEHING LEDGER J?HILAJDELPHIA, THIIKSDAY JUNE 15, 191G. in era, I Backberrles. North Carolina, per qt.. S12c. fueltJt)eiTlea. North Caryiln. per qt.. 12 lie. 4bt,TTli. nlwsrA and Maryland, tier lb. Jc. I do , do., Mr qt., affllOc.. peaches. Florida, Mr carrier, 1302 30; do,, ueorcla, per crate, BSi2S; cantaloupea, California, per orate, 12 m rnla. per era . 12. 5() 8.25 250 400. So.. Florida,, per crate ilons, Florida, per car, $ VEGETABLES R filrket 'T.-a cenerally steady under mod- StHrlnas and u fair demand. Quotations: Btatoei. per bush Pennsylvania. 11.80 ;Kew York, 11.2501.30: Western, Jl.23 White Dotatoes. nr l,hl. Vo 1 Plnr- kl. HtSOfia.75: Vn 1 Vlnrldn. iiffbA nn Vn ISBtolk. ll.23O4.B0; No. 2 Norfolk, 12.3003: (. 1 North Carolina and Smith rnpn1lnn .lfa ii'? 3.Na"h Carolina and South Carolina, r".'1:."."1 uumiues. jersey, per Dasaei Ja1, lieflOc.: No. 2, 23080c. 8weet potn- SaSt Jtritr. Delaware And MarttHnil np fg-iNo. l. 75c.u. No. 2. noonoc. lin? I1!" p.'.r'-'u5"ner crate No. 1. 11.80 WEMtern Shore, per bbl.-crnto, $1 SUOl.751 r" -iui. por 001., 4i.uuttPi.7o: celery 1 Er Wiii-Plf""! witorcresa. "e R;.J'-&082.30j lettuce, Vlrelnla, pe: i& v25';01.1.. beans' North ' Carolina, 1 vva. uiibihi II w ii iru t i n& nn. Sil-.."11 Carolina, per Hibbl, baskei ifiiir";..r',,&,i3-..cer i:?'- e?;" lic.- I ira- .ffiW.F- Sw7ollrrw.2 " pef ftl2ft'P,, l--?;:Wl Peaa. Norfolk and W,H80O8 eeaplant. J-lorlda. per crate. iiSi.'2i.Slu5."n'.ifouth Carolina, per crate !i??iC0In, Florida, per crate. li;50S2.50! S CaVolffi"1' P basket. 1.7.MS2.5U; do.. St!1' Per basket, 22.25: beets B K'JJ1;- r 10 bunchesT 3tt4; do. -fi,V0fti, .XW0- Florida" per "0 FManni j.TSV'JK.'i eVi'"'"- ""Ci'' Ei. lOOiSr ,'KSi: fKVf-"??' a-wc- i,i)v., ;i jm.-iLw", ftaKeVVocmo? ! Muanroomi, per LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS. Bt!er DldT nth 5'TtoBirV-. ,,, ,.3 Ii , ...- ,..,. ,-- iiii Aiked. 1:8 .23 rub Bilmont ' """"it' sly i!o3 2ffin'":::::::::"::!S till. . ' -.,.. T . , V 5Ed .: .:::::"""""i-xs GQf.mi'Tr'T TV n.n.H .Kilt" " , ,u :&i la':::i:l::ij':ji 'S ?3c; MttM 1 05 ,0'J .1)11 ;,ie ii? ,33 .'oil S &iaa.ioB .;::: 'Si ptt " "'i.i.iiiiK ,8 .,... 'Mlt.ltlM.I ,11 .;",.... .05 W tt . loo W,M 01 .02 Pa Hill"" " 93 -oi gfer;;:::::::::;:::;;;,; :v.i 1 Banks HnvA niVr ni,i t wIBknfcn,lSCTh0 "J'Wy statement !iW3 bawa. """v" "ver aecreasea pOTOU PARK HAND t'OyCEllTS IN THE PARK J Rt Lemon Hill This After. uuun ana .Night Bfrmnii i. , . & Udt 7.r"'" ?. Hand. Richard WliM Tat i 0Jn,W,M ay thla anoon ?wt f Lemon Hilt The program paivt j. "". KSSRai4!.0 a o'clock.) S-tbtta g!otatlon' L"eI' R" 9m South" ' Var Bj:M4i! TschaikTwakl ro Wfe,.-.'::;; m is. . part it. ' "uu' B Calm Ssa. and i,appv voyaaa." R. c Santa Hrt vr' fit.--.,. Ba fa"f?' w XZ,l eaotiaafl" .. . iBiiS 1 fra Ti 1 f , 1, Jlyddltton ru German i-fttfty GLIAUSIHIACIPERDONO 40 MIGLIA QUADRATE DI Attacchl Respintl daglt Italian! su Tutta la Pronto Adlgc- Brenta o nell'Alto 'Bolte IL GABINETTO BOSELLI ,. . , ROMA. IB Olugno. Un telcgramrna da Olnevm dice die, secondo Informftitonl glunte cola dn Inns bruclc, kII austrlncl hanno nerduto del 7 Rlunsno da 35 a 40 rnlgllo, quatlrttto dl ter rltorlo chb tssl nvovano conaulstato nclle P.V.m. 8ettl,nana della loro oflenslva contro I Italia. , Oil juifltrt.icl hanno Inoltre eva citato Clitcro per tfma dl esnerc tagllatl fuorl ddle Joro llneo dl rltlrata, 81 dice che II generate austrlncv cho era atato nom inato govemntore ttl Verona In nntlclpn alone della conqulata dl quella provlnda, 0' atato fatto prlglonlero Oat rusal In OalUla. Oil austrlact rltornarono lunedl c lerl oaltro nll'nttacco dello poshlonl Unllane sulla fronto I'oslna-Astlco, tpeclalmcnto su Fornl AIM, CamplRlla, Monte Glove e Monte Brazonc, ma furono respintl con perdlte gravlsslmo, nonostanto die 1 loro attacchl fossero statl prccedutl da un vlolento fuoco dl artlgllerla. Netla glornata dl lorl l'altro git attacchl nu8trlacl el estesero a quasi tutta la fronto dall'Adlge at Drcntn, ma mentre non dtedcro loro nlcun aucccsso costarono loro perdlto puro gravlsslme. Anche plu' nortl, ncU'nlta vallo del Boltc, git nustrlacl moseero ad un vlgoroso con trattacco per rlconquletare lo poslzlonl per duto da loro nel glornt scorsl a notd dl Podestagno, ma furono respintl. Ecco II tosto del rapporto del generale Cndorna pubbllcato lerl sera dal MInlstero della Ouerra: Sulla fronto del Poslna nella nera del 12 glugno, dopo una vlolenta pre parazlono dl artlgllerla. It ncinlco at tacco" 11 monte Fornl Altl, Camplglla, Monte Oiovo 0 Monto Hrazzone, ma fu resplnto dappertutto con gravl perdlte, lerl H'nemlco bombardo' con numeroso batterle dt ognl callbro tutta la fronts dall'Adlge nl Brenta, e con specials Intcnnlta' II ecttore dl Novegno. Lo nostre truppo rcslstettero fcrmamente al vlolento bombardamento o resplnsera repartl nemlcl cho tcntavano dl avnn znre. Nell'alta valto del Bolto contrat tacchl nemlcl lntes: a rlguadngnaro II torreno perduto dagll austrlncl a nord dl Podestagno falllrono complctcn. mente. Nell'alta vallo del Fella o nella vnllo del Sccbach si ebbero plccoll combat tlmentl dl fanterla. Sulla fronto dcll'Isonzo non vl a nulla dl lmportanto da rapportare. D'stato annunclato urtlclnlmente cho nel l'attacco oprato da un aeroplano austriaco lunedl' scorso su Venezla e' stata ucclsa una donna o Fono statl fori tl quattro borghesl. I dannl sono statl llevl. SI apprende che Ton. Paolo Boscllll 0' rlusclto a formare 11 nuovo gablnetto, la cut composlzlone non o' pero ancora stata annunclato. formalmente. L'on. Bosclll, che e' decano della Camera del Deputatl, sara presldente del Con slgllo, ma senza portafoglto. SI dlco che II barone Sonnlno ha deflnltlvamcnto de cllnato l'lnvlto dl conservnro II portafoglio degll Affarl Hsterl, e stando alio vocl che corroho egll sarebbe sostltulto dall'on. Vlttorlo Emmanuole Orlando, cho nel ga blnetto Salandra era mlnlstro della Glus tlzla. Altrl membrl del gablnetto Boselll sareb bero, a quanto'sl dice In questl clrcoll, Ton. Lconlda Blssolatl, leader del partlto so clallsta rlformtsta; Ton. Lulgl Luzzattl, gla' mlnlstrp e presldente del conslgllo, o pro babllmonto Qugllelmo Marconi. SI dlco pure cho 11 generale Palo Morrone c II vice am mlraglto Carlo Corsl consorvcranno I rlspbt tlvl portafogll della Ouerra o della Marina. COmo si vede si tratterebba dl un gabl netto dl coallzlone con la partcclpazlono dl un soclallsta non ufflclale. Pero' moltl dicono cho l'on. Sonnlno ayrebbe dovuto essero trattenuto nel nuovo gablnetto, 0 ad ognl modo al suo posto si sarebbe dovuto mettere un uomo che dl affarl cstcri polltlca e dl problem! Internaztonalt si lntendesse plu' largamente dlp quel che non possa un glurlsta lllustre certamente, ma non ver sato nella polltlca estera coma Ton. Orlando. Moltl avrebbero deslderato che 11 senators Tlttonl avesso assunto la dlrezlone delta Consulta. t Thieves Get Goods Valued at $1500 Thieves broke In the tailor shop of WIN Ham J. O'Brien at 1037 Walnut street and stole J1500 worth of suits and clothing yesterday morning with the aid of a wagon backed up against the rear entrance of the place. The theft, discovered by a watch man, was reported to the police today BISSOLATItoA' PARTE DEL GABDWTO BOSELLI L'On. Sonnlno RMuta dl Riman- ore nlla Consulta IOfferta all'On. V. E. Orlando Un telegrnmma da noma dice che Ton. Paolo Boselll ' vlrtuatmente rlusclto a comporro II nuovo gablnetto hel quale egll BAi A' presldente del Conslgllo, ma non as eumera' nlcun portafoglio. SI dice, glacche' la list a del collaborator! dl Boselll non ' stata nncora nnnunclata nemmeno ufflclosa menta, che l'on. Sonnlno ha deflnttlvnmente dccltnato dl rlmanero nel nuovo gablnetto e che probabllmente It portafoglio degll Affarl Estcrl, che ora ha tin'lm&ortanza qunsl vltate per la nazlone, e' stnto offerto nH'on. Vlttorlo Emmanuele Orlando, mln iRtro della Gtustlzla nel gablnetto Salandra. SI dlco pure che a far parto del nuovo mlnlstero entrcrnnno l'on. Leonlda Bls solatl e l'on. Lulgl Luzzattl, mentre I due tnlnlstrl mllltarl, generate Morrone ed nm mlragllo Corsl, conservcrebbero I rlspetttvl portafogll. Tclegramml da Pctrogratl dicono cho la capitate della Bucovina, Czornovltz, o' rlrcondata dal russl o cho I'eserolto aUs trlaco che la dlfcndeva sara' costretto a rltlrarsl attrnverso" I Carpa2ll, I russl del ccntro sono gluntl ad una clnaquantlna dl mlglla da Leopoll e corro voce cho qucsta cltta' s' stata evticunta dalle fqrze aus trlachc. La notlzta pero' non o' confermata. PHILADELPHIA BAND PLAYS AT CONVENTION HALL TONIGHT Splendid Musical Program Will Bo Pre sented The Philadelphia Band, under the leader ship of Silas D. Hummel, will play tonight In the Convention Hall, Broad street and Allegheny avenue. The program follows: 1. Overture, "William Tell" (request). . JtoMlnl 3. Suit ) llalict (Coppelia) l.en bellebea 1. ranfare et marche de ta Cloche. 2. Valse dea Heurea, 8. Muslqua dea Automates. 1. I.' lb men. S. Intro, et Valso do ta poup, il. Marcho lies Ouerrleres, ,. Csardes. 3. Third net from the onerft "Aids." Verdi 4. Original fantasia. "Olpsy Llfe"....L Thler B. Ilemlnlscences nf Ireland .Godfrey llelnic a compilation nf thn emotlonnt nnd stlmulatlnic music of tho harda of Krln. 0. Caprlco "The Awakening of the Lion," 7. Concert waltzes, "On the Beautiful nhlnel" -, . Keller, llola 8. Popular march. "Sweet Cider Tlmn When lou Were Mlno" Wenrlch Aged Man, III, Ends Life With Gns Illness wns blamed today as tho cause of the sulcldo of Thomas Slbberlng, 70 years old, a sewlntc machine salesman, who in haled gns last night at tho Germanla Hotel, 312 Ilaco street. Slbberlng locked tho door of tho room he had engaged and turned on tho gas. His body was found by John Coogan, the proprietor. Theatrical Baedeker NEW FKATUni. TILMS. STANLEY" All week, "Silks and Satins." with Marguerite Clark. A Famous Plajers-rnra-mount five-part feature mounting how a modern joung lady escapes from an undelr ablo marrlago through h ruse of the good old eighteenth century. AnCAWA All week. "Reggie Mixta In." with Douglas Fairbanks. A Fine Arta-Trlangle film featuring the popular -"Doug" as nn nihletlc vnung- society man who trlea a bit of alum life. PALACE All week. "La Itoheme." with Alice nrndy. A Drnrty-World production featuring the manager's accomplished oung daughter na Mlmt. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. In nddltlon, "The Flrman." with Charlie Chaplin, a new Mutual, nnd Millie IJurke'a aerial. "Glorla'n Romance." VICTORIA Thursday. "A Child of the Paris Streets " with May SInrsh and Robert liar. ron. Friday nnd Saturday. "Dorlnn'a Di vorce." ultn Lionel llarrymoro and Grace Valentine. FORREST "Tho Dumb Olrl of I'ortlcl," with Anna Pavlawa. the famous dancer, with her company of Russians, augmented hy photo players of the Unhersal Film Manufactur ing Corporation, RBI.MONT Thursday, "Rags." with Slary I'lckford. Friday and Saturday, "The Red Widow,"! with Jack Darrymore. LOCUST Thursday. "Ills Drother's Wire." with Ethel ClBJton and Cnrlyla Illackncll: Friday, "Tho Scarlet Woman." with Olgn I'etrova, and Sn'rday, "The Accuslnr Voice," with Harry T. Morey nnd Bella llruce. VAUDEVILLE. KEITH'S Dello Story: Jack Wilson, assisted by Frank Hum and Lillian Doardman. In "An Impromptu nevuo": sixteen Navassar Olrls: Haronne, Whipple and Walter Huston, In "Spooks": Nelson Waring: "What Hap pened to Ruth"; Max Ford and Hetty Urmat Sam Barton, nnd Sellg-Trlbune I'lctures. OLOI1E Davo Sablo-ky's "A Night In India." with Hobby Vail and Marie Mann: Frank Bush: Conrad and Daniels: the Colonial Mont roso Troupe, and R. I'ntton and company In "Apple Blossom Time"t the Skatells, Lam bert and Fredericks; Putnam and Lewis; Baby lllvla. Juvenile, and ICanawanza GRAND "All Philadelphia Week." Emily Smi ley nnd Oeorge Barbler. In "Man's Law": Josla Flynn and her Minstrel Lassies: Klrby and Rome: Boh Warren: the Three O'Neill Slaters; .Mr. MacAlenvey, and the rathe News. CnOSR KEYS "Satan's Cabaret"; Morgan. Dixon and Schrader, In "Bllnky Wlnky China ton n": Heen. Buhl and company. "The Yel low Peril": Don Flattl, and McQarton and De Wolf, SCENARIO DEPARTMENT LESSON 11 The Difficulties of Comedy Writing Thn Frenlnr Ltdier'e Dally Bcenarlo Lessons began June 3. They will bt , FeonSlt foi rSfenarla lo .be pVodured In l'blladelphla with n l'hlladelphlo be followed by a prlo contest cast. Cnt out '"''i" '.""'Ir, .... i-.-.j ,. r,,tnr. r.r.r,n in ths urltlnr of your scenario. The Llenlnt Ledger will be glad to answer In Its columns any questions dealing directly with polnta In tho lessons and of general Interest to readers. By HARRY O. HOYT Head of the Metro Scenario Staff BEGINNERS and tha average novice writers attempt comedies under the misapprehension that they ara easiest to write. Quite the contrary is truo. To con celve and develop a one-reel comedy Dronerly. the writer should have consider ob?e motion Picture experience, Aa a rule the novce Is able to conceive dramatlo situations even when unable to put them ?n photoPlaform. But $ drama they are unablo to write comedy situations even In fynopsls rro. . ,, , a pVrXaniVor MlJSIJ g.nrUv.sial.zes. situation.. On the o he. TmSgin ."com Seines' and not situations. cSSftJlSS cin be used as subtitles or leadersut unles3 there are comedy sltua- tl0TnaUleheanytUstag:" arac" and attempt to ffnr the screen. Most of the humor Ml ?ne 12& belw that dialogue has probably carried over a slight utton. The story of tha average stage farca can be told in very few words and very often Dress notices of the story do not sound oHurlnS The dialogue has made the play. You may write brilliant dlaloeue, but you cannot Photograph It. Comedies ar very dtmcult to write and require a special train fng and a certain, natural aptitude on the PaEdUort8hrarltconetantly setting comedy scripts which have clever subtitles, but wh ?h a totally lacking in situations. When these are rejected the author cannot underetana why his story was turned down. H. Mlntl to "ertBln lines or subtitle apd reads them to you. He has skilfully used theouWe entendre," but to convey th s same meaning In -subtitles on the screen is vlw Sfflcult Many comedies which are extreme " ever on the speaking stage get over beciu the spoken word, by a sesture or the inflection o the voice, can convey a WKf.lnlU There ar. ,,.?. hJ Twords. Yt it is possible to con- tJt or even more, deferent 8mtn J th end and get two different "Sltirif possibly by underlining certain meanings, !" ,other mtanlnT, -omrda W ca a." "" 7."" ..-,,... .. ' . .b0& fT ,,,fl kuul3jil;s v ff.pSaSrT but thl, requires and the succeeding action Is shown, iney refuse to bother further with the nicety of your Idea and concern themselves en tirely with tho picture action shown. It la virtually Impossible to sell a dramatic Miudavllle sketch unless you are writing for some star or haa some otner means of an assured sale, whereas there Is a constant market for comedy. The same holds true In one respect In the pho toplay field, with the difference that while there is always a market for good dramatlo subject, the comedy subjects are alwaya In greatest demand, and there are very few comedy writers. (FRIDAY LESSON II CONCLUDED). roo w r -,. . ,1.. dlenc can A rmi' bUr thl. requires gaSht "S nnot hear a. on U whenS9you hear a tine, aB "; KlihTsubUUe ta. Mt th, , QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS X. X. X. Give all the detail in each scene that la necessary fully to convey your ideas. Do not. for the sake of brevity, make your scenes short. The director likes business anything odd or forceful Is wel comed, and you can give alf such details. CHAS. Any of the trade Journals give you the addresses you want. You should take one of the big trade papers and keep In touch with the releases. Bead all the synopses, and come to know the require ments, of the various companies. MKP.TON. You should give the Instruc tions necessary for the director. If you desire a "fade'' or a "dissolve," It is up to you to put them in the script. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Young Men and Bays 11KVON. PA. 6 II tl!S JUNIOR SCHOOL A country day and boarding school for boys. 8 to 1(1. ThoreulO sUmsntary work advanced methods. MARK H. C. SPIERS. HBAOMASTEH. Box 258. D,von. Fa. flKOIItiB SCHOOL. IIUCKH CO.. PA. r.Fnnr.E srHnni Co-educatlonal with Separate; Dormitory luilduiES. College Preparatory. Hn-ui uo-aut"w" Buildings. College Preparattrr. couraea for bpia Manual Tralnln Special . caniia- Creek. AthUtlo nelds. Qymnailum. swlmmlni pool Frlonda' management. Addrus a. A. VVALTON. A. M., Prlnclsai, S Sgj, Bucks I '"" t, !-""" ULAlKSTOWy. K. J. BLAIR ACADEMY Oaoaral datiS S,F'?",1o tor college mTmm UUffiI. f $sjr 4iaiiejSsBsaki. V B test -QHsMa KATHLYN WILLIAMS To bo seen nt tho Forrest next week in "The Ne'er Do Well," a film version of Rex Beach's novel. ANGLIN AND GARDEN "SUCCUMB TO LURE" In Other Words, They May Ap pear Upon the Movie Screen By the Photoplay Editor This week the Amalgamated Photoplay Editors of tho United States dug out nnd polished up that well-known phrase, "suc cumb to tho lure of the screen," nnd nlflxcd thereto the names of Mnrgaret Anglln and Mary Garden. Miss Anglln Isn't "signed" yet. Hut she has given nn option on her services for half a dozen five-part films to one Shes. green, who hns been till lately her business manager, but who has now hitched up with Thomas Inco'n corner of the Trlnnglc. Once upon a time Lubln's press agent said the Philadelphia firm had Mnry Garden under contract for "Thais." But now we rend In a New York paper: "Mary Garden has at last heen Induced to enter tho motion plcturo field, nnd before sailing for Franco on hoard tho steamship New York sho spqko freely and enthusias tically of her plans for the future. " 'From tho very moment of my nrrlval In this country I havo been besclgcd by motion picture directors, and I'm mire there Isn't a director In this country that I haven't Interviewed. Of course, oftentimes their terms wero tempting, but until a day or two ago not ono did I meet who came up to my artist standards, and I was be ginning to fool thnt for the proscnt, nny way, I should have to abandon all thoughts of going on tho screen. " 'But a fow days ago my manager, II. E. Johnston, took me to the William Fox olllces to see Herbert Brcnon's new picture, 'Tho Daughter of tho nods,' and that de cided me. I sat entranced by Its beauty and poetry, nnd I knew that the man who had written nnd produced such an ex qulslto plcturo was an artist and that he was the ono man I wanted to. direct me in my picture. 'Thais' wjl! be the first picture, which. I hope, will begin soon after Feb ruary,' " Imagine dropping Into the middle of a flvc-act drama If you could find one with five acts on the modern stage! It Is one of the Joys of the screen that, no matter how the management's time-schedule goes wrong, It can't stop from having a good time. Yesterday the reviewer dropped Into tho Victoria at 4:31 to catch the start of the new Triangle film, "A Child of tho Paris Streets." And after ho had got a great deal of Innocent amusement trying to flguro out the first fow minutes of plot that he had missed, he discovered that he had really arrived Just nbout In time for the climax. So he can't outline much of tho plot or tell you very certainly whether it's a good film or not. But he can announce that he had a good time with what he saw and that ho learned, no matter what the plot, Just how entertaining the screen can be as a sublimated photograph album. It presents the superficial and tho deeper portraiture of life with a charm and a fidelity that the cold photographic "flitting" can't touch. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES friends' mmi And tta Elementary Schools offer a graded course of education from kindergarten to col legs. Write for Year Book of rates, JOHN W. CARR. Ph. D.. Principal. loth and Race Sta. FRIENDS SELECT SCHOOL 'Almost a Country School" on the Parkway UOYS 140 N, 10th St. GIRLS CTfTaVFR'S The Beat Business School 3 vrt" " 801-81)7 Chestnut Street Young Ladles and Girls HISS MARSHALL'S bX'HUUL FOll G11U.S Charming location SO mln. from pnila. College preparatory and general courses, Muilc, Art, Do mestic Science. Outdoor athl-tlcs. Send for catalog. Mlsa E. 8. Marshall, Oak Lane. Phlla' WHNONAH. N. J. WEN0NAH Military Academy Wenonah, N J, No Factories or Saloons In Town Twelve mljea from Philadelphia. Preparing for college or business is secondary here to producing boys known for their all-around manliness and their mental and physical effect iveness, The school Is. small enough for an unusual amount of individual training-. This is supplemented by the teamwork that results from a mili tary system properly directed "We are tha only preparatory school In Nr Jersey whose military work Is under the supervision of a United States army officer. Tha town, being entirely residential, has a high moral tone. Large drill hall and gymna sium. Athletic field. Particular at tention given to athletics. Riding school In connection with the Acad emy. Special school for Juniors. For catalog address Dr. Chas, H. Lorence, Pres. Clayton A Snyder, I'll. IL, Sup'. Box 41! SWIMMtNO Y. CENTRAL NATATORIUM" M. Water changed dally. Tbree month, la O. IcludlBK membership, V SU lessons, 13; A. ta!oU swte, 25c 1481. Aict atreat. "SUMMER SHOWS" RIGHT AT HOME ' WITHOUT HASTY TRIP TO BROADWAY Phonographs Quick to Record Latest "Hits" From Plays Enjoying Successful Runs Kitty Cheatham "Vic- torized" Some New Columbia and Edison Offerings By the Phonograph Editor owners of tho vnrlous music and voice reproduction devices need not make a special trip to Broadwny to keep In touch with "tho summer Bhows." Tho principal companies are ever on the alert to select the most attractive "hits" from the scores and to offer a vntlcty both of the words and music of the pieces thnt aro thronging the playhouses for "runs" prior to touring out upon tho "rond." Of course It l.i not possible to have at will the scenic environments nnd the elaborate costumes and the merry-merry will not flurtyrume In to do nn cnsemblo specialty, but on the other hand there Is no necessity of paying premiums on tickets to tho spec ulators nnd the muilc can be enjoyed time and again ns long- ns Its charm re mains fresh nnd nppcnllng. Furthermore; innny of the numbers are carefully ar ranged for dancing to tho modern stop pings, nnd so It Is possible for tho possessor nnd hlo or her friends to bo their own chorus. Soma of the recent recordings aro this week considered. Some of them aro of pieces thnt are running right Into the "warm spell" after a senson's success In New York, nnd others nro Just opening their career. From Jerome Kern's "Very Good kddle, tho Victor Military Band offers a medley one-step, Including tho following lyrics: "If I Find tho Girl," "Isn't It Great to Be Married," "I'd Like to Havo n Million In tho Bank" and "On the Shore nt Le Lot Wl.ft Other Victor offerings nro "Around the Map," medley fox-trot by Herman Flnck, Introducing "Hero Comes Tootsl," "When tho night Girl Comes Along," "Somo Sort of Somebody," fox-trot from "Very Good Eddie," by Jerome. Korn, Introducing "Old Boy Neutral," "Babes In the Wood," "Some Sort of Somebody" nnd the rrlnccss Pat Wnltzcs (Victor Herbert), by the Victor Dance Orchcitrn, Introducing "I.ove Is Best of All," "Allies," "Two Laughing Irish Eyes," "Neapolitan Love Song" nnd "All for You." From "Sybil," Joseph Cawthorn sings for the Victor "I Can Dance With Every body But My Wife" and "It's a Small World." Mr. Cawthorn, in spite of tho fnct that ho has a long list of brilliant successes behind him, hns probably made the hit of his life In "Sybil," thnt melodious and high ly entertaining comedy In which ho Is Jointly starring with Julia Sanderson and Donald Brian. And the bright particular spot In tho production Is Cawthorn's song, "I Can Danco With Everybody But My Wlfo." "They Didn't Believe Me," from "The Olrl from I'tali." Is such an excellent fox trot that you can bo glad they wouldn't bcllevo her, so tho lady had cxcubo for this public plaint. Prince's Orchestra, noting for tho Columbia Compnny, has played it to the best possible advantngo and thou sands of peopto will enjoy It. "Some Sort of Somebody," by Kcm, one of tho stellar hits of tho unusually successful "Very Good Eddie," Is tho type of song that will appeal to overy sort of some body. A tenor duet, It Is sung with effect by a striking combination Oraco Nash and Edgnr Stoddard. It's nobody's business whero Robinson Crusoe wont with Friday on Saturday night, but Al Jolson, ns nn up-to-date, sophisticated and Insinuating Friday, has boon tantnllzlng Winter Garden audiences for an entlro Benson with a suggestion of mystery. "Whero Did Ilohlnson Crusoe Go With Friday on Saturday Night?" Is a new Co lumbia record, nnd it's sung by Al Jolson, of course It's ono safe bet that wherever Boblnson Crusoe went on Saturday night ho had tho time of his life If Friday was one-half tha fun creator that Al Jolson suggests ho was. From "Stop, Look nnd Listen" Walter van Brunt nnd chorus sing "I Love a Piano" and Helen Clark nnd chorus sing "That Hula-Hula" for Edison. Tho first Is n typical Irving Berlin rag time song, one of the song hits of the mu sical show, "Stop ! Look ! Listen." After tho first refrain a plnno solo Is heard ; then tho vocal chorus completes the melody The wholo pleco Is written In that catchy, syn copated rhythm for which the composer Is famous. Tho second Is a weird sort of melody. It la n ragtime version of the real Hawaiian Huln music. Irving Berlin has written sev eral of this kind of pieces, nnd nil of them havo made a hit, Helen Clark, one of the most popular of Edison nrllsls, Is henrd to exceptional ndvantago In thin rendition. Two other exccll6nt Edison numbers from mimical comedy successes hre taken from "Katlnltn," by Iludolph Frlml, which has made ono of the biggest musical comedy hits of tha present New York theatrical season. "Itachey Cool" Is a pigeon sontf, something Ilka tho famous "Hltchy Coo" of n few seasons back. In tho second refrain, where Joseph A. Phillip slugs with Miss Helen Clark, the "hnrmony effects" nre es pecially fine. When two alngers become ns popular with the public ns aro Elizabeth Spencer nnd Walter Van Brunt, to get them both In one Bong Is a double plcnsure. "I Want All the World to Know," a duet they give from "Kntlnkn," Is ono of the best musical com edy ballads of tho kind that hns appeared In several years, Tho verse Is written In the form of n dainty hesitation waltz. The refrnln has a good climax, which Is ad mirably worked up. KITTY CHEATHAM "VICTOIUZBD." Kitty Cheatham, who has Just been "Vic torlzcd," has been well called the Easter nnd Christmas gift to the children. Her matinees at Yulctlde and the Paschal season nre thronged with children nnd with chil dren of larger growth, for tho matter of thnt. Tho processional Into the theatre resembles for nil tho world what It Is, groups of expectant children being towed Into tho playhouse by 'parents or gunr dlans. But the Itecesilonnl at the end of a happy afternoon witnesses n strango tribute to Miss Chenthnm's nrt, for the exits pour out a strenm ALL of children, dollghted but, Oliver Twist llko, yearning for more, Miss Cheatham hns chosen to Introduce herself to the Victor audience by means of hor unlquo presentation of old nursery rhymes, Sho Is probably the greatest au thority In tho world on the literature of childhood In song nnd story, nnd though "Mother Goose" has lived with us for more than two centuries, wo feel that wo havo only Just made her ncqualntnnco when she Is Introduced to im by this nrtlst, who has sung theso delightful rhymes to children. Irrespective of ago. In almost every country of tho world. Tho Cheatham records thus far nro as follows: 1 Nursery Hhymcu "Llttlo Boy Blue" (II Coollrtgo), "Llttlo Miss Muf fet," "Georgia Porgle," "PuBsy Cat" (E. nickett), "Little Bo-Peep" (from "20 Nur sery llhymes," by Edmond Ulckrtt). 2 .Nursery nhymes "Ban, Baa, Black Sheep" (E. Illckett), "Baby Bunt ing," "Pnt-a-cake." "Hickory. Dlckory, Dock," "Mnry, Mary" (from "30 Nursery IlhymoB," by Edmond Illckett). nnd 3 "Swing Low, Sweet Chat lot (Primitive negro chnnt), "I Don't Feel No-ways Tired," "I Am Seeking for a City," from "Cabin and Plantation Songs." "Walk In Jerusalem Just Like John." "Sinner, rieaso Don't Let This Harvest Pass" (Old Negro Spirituals). COLUMBIA'S OIIATOIHO NUMBER. For the Columbia Is sung "She Is Far From tho Land," Thomas Moore's exquisite Fine New Upright PIANO $ 1M An Instrument of , quality; fully tr u n r o n teed. Price includes stool, acarf and year s tunlne. TERMS WttUf !"N0T1IIN0 HUT EDISON8' The New EDISON "B. and B. Service" Meant Complete Record Stoek Disc nnd Cylinder. Frro Merlianlcnl Inspection. Free use or "Kr-irrntlon llnll. Approval prlrllcse. Blake & Burkart 1100-1102 Walnut St. Hi 1 ' is 1 Easy Terms bWM. by Louis OYAvcCire. tha rietf Belclan bnrlfdrje. wh has electrified Xetf Yoflt an dlencea this season t and stine; with nv ieh derm's nnd appeal that could IinrHljr be aurpfissed. Jle bring! out every shad 6t meaning; gently, with ft depth of feeling. A truly big record, musically, 1 "Fllfig Wide tha dates," from Stalner's "Crucifix ion," which has Just been Issued by the Columbia Tha great command, "Fllns; Wide the Gales,' which la first declaimed by the entire chorus, then by the bass, nnd rising through all the voices to the hlgheit soprano. Is ono of th moat wonderfully In spirational passage In nil modern music. It makes glory of tragedy, Joy of sorrow, triumph of death. see EDISON onCHnSTBA NUMBERS. For the Edison "Back Home to Tennes see" Is played by .Armnnd Vecsey and his Iluhgarian orchestra, , Armnnd Vecsey has made his rtahm fa miliar both In Europo nnd In tha United States ns" an orchestra leader and soloist When this piece waa first brought out it literally took the country by storm. It Is one of the moat catchy tunes of. tha kind ever written, with p. ttftBhlng rhythm that makes you want to bent time to It at once. It was originally a nong, but is given here In nn Instrumental version that makes tha tuna seem even more cAtchy. Every ono known ttio "Zlegfeld Follies," tho annual summer musical show that Is one of tho features of Broadway. "Hello, Frisco," was on.o of the most popular num bers of tho "Follies' of last summer. On thl record Armand Versey nnd his Hun garian Orchestra give tho selection In an In strumental, arrangement that will be found enjoyable. Crushed In Window by Runaway Auto NEW YOtlK. Juno 18. Max Smollnsky le.ft his automobile In front of his hard ware store Some boys started to play around tho machine, and one touched tho lovers. As tho mfichltio started away Smollnsky ran In front and tried to atop it. An tho englno picked up speed ho hung on. The car headed straight for Tuft's drugstore. 1S59 St. Nicholas ave nue. The building stopped the machine, but Smollnsky wns hurled through tho platc-glaps window. Ho wns taken to tho Washington Heights Hospltnl In n critical condition, LTIOGA EPrSON SHOP) i HT.MtR (t MO.HH Llcensed Philadelphia Dealers for Edison D,rvni5 PHONOGRAPHS CDCp XV clean and oil once a month aa-,l-i every mschlns ntlrchasml frnm OC07 OnitMANTOWX Just below every machine purchased from us. AVE. Lrls Ave. 9 Pan I Two Very Attractive Victor Records From the June List Come in and hear these tvVo de lightful numbers and the many others that make the June selec tion one of extraordinary 'merit. 1S034 10. In. 75S ' 18040 10. in. 76c 1 g C 3 My Dreamy China. Lady There's a tluaker Doern In Quaker Town Otlllo-March (Hurtndo) Guatemala-l'nname. Mnrch (Hurtado) Wo wilt 'be glad to" play any record for you In. our I n d 1 v 1 dual hearing rotms. 17 South Ninth St. Oppoalte PostofTlce Prominent Photoplay Presentations iiiiinia iiiiiiii"jiiiiiiiiii'iii'i''n'""'''"'n"mnrmiim' Booizmg Qnmam THU following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Booking: Company, which Is a runrantri of early showing of the finest productions. All Pictures reviewed before ehmHlo.Ak for Jhpti:,stre In your locality obtaining pictures through the HTAM.H IIOOlUNO COMPANY. Bnk .,,,,,, . V.'th, Morris & I'nssyunk Ave. AlHAmRRA -Mat. Dallyat 2;Evgs,70. nLUMlllDlir , nmnunt I'letllres. GERALDINC KARHAH In "MAnlA ItOSA" "HECrtET OF THE HU13MA1UNE" 31 Lpl. ARCADIA DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in CHESTNUT BELOW lflTH nEOOlE MIXES IN" G.W.HUVERCO. Homo of Harrlco 1031-33 Chestnut Street VICTROLAS V RECORDS Prominent . Photoplay Presentations H'EST PHILADELPHIA OVERBROOK MD ANDF,ottVDEAVE. 'WHAT LOVE CAN DO" "PEG O THE.RING" BALTIMORE BAi5?55.iAn2ve. DOROTHY GISH "Little Msena'a Romance" HARRY McCOy, "His Last Laugh" EUREKA i0W 4 UARKET BT8 NORMA TALMADGE "THE CHILDREN IN THE HOUSE" Keystona Comedy, Tba Lion and th Qlr!" f APrVPM BSD LAN8DOWNE AVE. JIAL1MN MAT. Z EVO, ;80. JACKIE SAUNDERS "Reaping the Whirlwind" NOBIU Broad Street Casino BB0AB!IMW BVENINO TtlS and S EUGENE FORDE "HER MOTHERS SACRIFICE" Conwdia KEYSTONE UTK iH,c1iiDAVENuE VAUDEVILLE and "IRON CLAW" PICTURES APOLLO S2U AN "fffflS DAILY MOLL1E KING S5S5AKa "WHO'S ClUILTY" Uth Chapter. DPI TflMT' BSD AHOVE MARKET KfciLlVlLriN 1 Mats. i inn & a :3n, io0 Ilvgs.. (1:30, 8, UiUO. lBo MARV PICKFORD In nAOB" "The Strange Case of alary Page" Last Epl, enrn and f"FDAR uSm(?S CEDAR AVn UIliLrtI. THEATRE MABEL TALIAFERRO in 'THE BNQWBIRP" FAIRMOUNT 2flT" A!a?ArD ave. Victor Moore and Anita Kinrj in "THE RACE" FRANKFORD " f,,ankaveSue F. X. UU8HMAN and BEVERLY HAYNB In "Man and His Soul" 56TH ST. Theatre "AS3Si5 w Hel. spruce. Evgs. 7to 11, MAE MARSH TJt&VAnis streets' GERMANTOWN 0WK ?&;. Olga Petrova " 'E 8CABLUW. GILLIE HURKE in '"Olorla'a Romance," 1st Epl, oi nun torn t. market 2:iis.t- VJLAJBEj t 5.000 KIMUALL OROAN MARY PICKFORD in 'THE ETERNAL QRIND" rID ADn AVENUE THEATRE ljltvIL 1TH AND niHARD AVENUE OLGA PETROVA in "PLAYINQ WITH FIRE" p, "M-tlt BHOAD, ST. ERIE A Lreat riortnern cikhsiav-qwn aves. BLANCHE SWEET in 'THE CLUE" IRIS THEATRE 31itt ftSSSS"0 LENORE ULRICH in THE HEART Of PAULA" JEFFERSON !OT" A&EFmu CHAS. CHAPLIN in ' THE FIREMAN" S91 KENSINOTQ! Avr.jsvK LAFAYETTE Katharine Kaelred "idols. IFAnFR FORTY-FIRST AND LTflUEiK LANCASTER AVENUE WIL NIOH amd MARGUERITE SNOW to. "HIS TQREAT TRIUMPH" ULURIATS ROMANCE" - Eplaode L LFRFRTV BROAD AND I p LK1 I COLUMBIA DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in "TUB OOOD-UAD MAN" LOGAN THEATRE mo Sroad Harold Lochwood & Mae Allison in "THE COME-BACK" inn TQT BSD AND LOCUST LUCUO 1 Mata. 1:30 and .1:30, it :a'. Evgs. h Eli and Carlyle lllackwtll in 10c. ISO. u:ao. a. lytoi His Brother's Wife.' Market St. Theatre 833 SSIct Harold Lockwood ,n .rack- Sea "PEO O' THE RINO" every Wednesday. ORPHEUM aER,A?S?EVLTENNvEs. H B Wnrnor ln "T,IE market Vjl vAX..,!1!6" 0F VAIN DESIRE- FAY TINCHER In 'The Tnu o'clock Train." PAT ACT ,s, MARKET STREET .CViCr 10 A. M. to U 115 P. M. ALICE BRADY in "La Boheme" FORD STERLINa In "SNOW CURE" PA RFC nirxiB ave. a dauphin bt. nii MAT 3jlB EVE V(li w u TrttAvnr.vn vwi-TTnt, WM. COLLIER ln T1,EQSg GOOD aUT" PRINCESS Srgjw ROBERT WARWICK in "SUDDEN RICHES" RI AT TO oehmaktowk ave. JVI!-, lKJ AT TULPEHOCKEN ST. FLORENCE LAWRENCE in "ELUSIVE ISABEL" REGFNT JM1 MARKET STREET CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "THE YELLOW PA8SPORT" R I I R Y "ARKET STREET IV U t I PELOW TTIt STREET 9k"klk Wdl-la "OUDAnFKNES8" vyup WMAi-un in "ItlXi jrin&MAr? Q H I? R U O A n MTI! AND ROBERT WARWICK?nU0BB "SUDDEN RICHES SAVOY WagST V1TAQRAIH PICTURES Preaent LJr J.P STF.WAUT "Tha Destroyers' TIOGA "w AND vjcnawoo sra Sessue Hayakawa typhoon MILLIE BURKE. "Olerfj.. luiainU" VICTORIA "arke? ST Vl AHOVE KI51TH ,,XA-J9J,ii l "" trets" SIDNEY DftEW lo "JONES" AUTO" STANLEY V?,B""?B(W f" VVpJt u5il,kf and tW niKj -f 0!it , it: if