Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 15, 1916, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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, New Red and Blue Coach Perceived Early Fighting-
Qualities of the Junior Eight, Hence
His Recent Startling Shift of Crews r
EST week the rowing1 crlUo of a New Tork paper picked Penn a a hopeless
laat In the intercollegiate regatta at Poughkeepsle on Saturday. One of his
main reasons for making; this prediction was that ho did not believe Joo "Wright
.was a capable coach. Two flays later Wright mads his Bcnsatlonal shift, sending
his junior craw Into the varsity shell and relegating tho varsity oarsmen to the
junior boat. The result of this movo startled the college world.
In a time trial on Tuesday tho now Red and Blue vnrslty covered tho four-mllo
course In tho fast tlmo of 19 minutes and 15 seconds, which was tho fastest tlmo
r trial of tho year. It will requlro faster tlmo than that to win Saturday's race,
but the Venn eight proved conclusively that It can lower this mark by at least
ten seconds when It continued past the .finish lino and rowed two additional miles
in 9 minutes and 35 seconds. The lied and Blue crew finished with a spurt and
was fresh. If It does this It should win, as 19 minutes and IS seconds Is faster
than any In tho field can do, Judging by past performances.
Bo far as "Wright la concerned, ho has proved himself a wonderful coach,
regardless of tho position of tho Red and Blue eight at tho finish of the race. If
Penn can beat any crow In the race It will be considered a triumph, as It did not
eeem that the old varsity had a chance to finish oven closo to Syracuse, Cornell
or Columbia. '
Any conch who can tnko tho Inexperienced Junior material and develop It Into
better crew than tho veterans, who had at least a scoson'fl experience under
Vivian Nlckolls, Is worthy of another trial, and "Wright should bo engaged for
next year regardless of whero the crew finishes. And Pcnnsylvanlans believe
that he will turn out a championship crew In tlmo.
Selected Bunch of Red and Blue Fighters
"tTTHEN "Wright took charge of the crew rowing affairs at Penn wero In a very
VV much upset condition, and ho was left a lot of veteran oarsmen who had
fallen shy of the mark under NIckalls. Not knowing his material or the possl.
bllltlea of tho freshman crow, Wright was compelled to start tho season with tho
veterans of tho 1915 crew. It did not take him long to learn that tho majority of
tho men In the boat were Just about as far as they would over get and that this
would not be sufficient to oven make a rcspcctablo showing.
In tho meantime Wright was working with his Junior crew, with tho Idea of
developing tho men Into oarsmen of the typo he wanted for next year In coso
ho was re-engaged. As a matter of fact ho spent more time with his Junior crow
than with tho varsity, because ho realized that the latter could not lmprovo
enough to make It a contender.
Tho Junior boat was a surprlso to Wright himself. Whether by accident or
design, Wrjght selected eight men of unusual fighting quality, and that Is why
they developed oo rapidly. After this crew had beaten tho varsity every day for
a couple of weeks, Wright decided to tako a chance on the Junior oarsmen In
preference to tho varsity. It remains to be seen whether tho Inexperienced Junior
oarsmen are equal to the grind, but whatever this crow docs on Saturday should
not affect Wright's future so far as Pennsylvania Is concorned, as It will bo a
better showing than the old varsity, under Captain Chtckerlng, could have made.
Joe Wright haa made good and wo hope ho Is given another chance.
Are the Phils Glad They Did Not Get Gedeon?
WE WONDER how some people feel about Bert Nlebbff right now. Last
winter there was an awful fuss raised becauso Joo Gedeon was sold to the Now
York Americans after President Pat Powers, of tho Newark Federal League team,
had failed to keep ah appointment with Manager Moran and President Baker
relative to tho salo of the former Salt Lako player to tho Phils. Tho falluro to
, set Gedeon peeved tho Phils very much, as Bert NlchoIT's world's scries work
Was not satisfactory.
Today tho Phils probably would be trailing along In tho second division if
Joe Gedeon was on Becond base Instead of Bert. Tho "I-told-you-so" stuff Is tlre-
some, but wo predicted at tho tlmo that Nlehoff would como through and that
the Phils were making a serious mistake In letting It bo known that they wro
, dickering for "a player who had not proved himself of major leaguo calibre to
fill Nlehoffa place.
Nlehoff s great hitting- hat been responsible for no fewer than five of tho vie
, torlea gained by tho Phils on the present Home stand and at least four more
earlier la the season. Tako half of the victories won by Nlehoff from tho Phils
and they would bo in seventh place or worse. Gedeon is batting leas than .200,
the large percentage of his hits being bunched against left-handed pitchers.
Nlehoff Is hitting closo to .300 against all styles of pitching and always in a
pinch. He also is playing1 wonderful ball In tho field.
Sensational Finish to Great Game
YESTERDAY Nlehoff broko up tho most spectacular game seen In this city
in a year or two whon ho smashed a terrific drive Into tho left-centro Held
bleachers with two men out In tho 12th Inning. It was a wonderful drive, land
lngnbout six rows back, and came at a time when tho fans had given up hopo
for a decisive result unless the Pirates gained the verdict. Until Nlehoff made
his hit it looked very much as If the two teams would battle on even terms until
darkness necessitated calling the game.
Tho game was principally a pitching duel between Eppa Rlxey and Elmer
Jacobs, the former Philly recruit, with honors in favor of Rlxey. although the
margin was so small that It i hardly worth mentioning. Rlxey pitched his best
game of the season, or in a couple of years for that matter. He has shut out teams
with fewer hits this season, but In no game did ho show as much courage under
fire or act so much like a real pitcher.
Rlxey not only pitched a brilliant game, but he saved tho Phils time and again
fcy knocking down wicked drives through tho box. Ho made a season's fielding
record for pitchers when he handled 10 chances without a mlsplay. Nine of tho
chances wero assists, five being made on drives which were labeled for safeties.
The champions played real championship ball after the pennant had been
raised. They fielded "brilliantly, ran bases well and used excellent Judgment in
mixing the attack. It was a typical Philly victory. The Pirates led during the
greater part of the game, but the Phils played for one run all tho time, discarding
the slugging game, which was proved valueless early In the gamo.
The Pirates led going Into the seventh, but the Phils managed to tie the game
up, only to lose the lead In the eighth; but thanks to excellent Judgment of
Manager Moran. the champions again evened up the score in tho ninth. In the
extra innings the Phils had no chance to score until Nlehoff won the game, while
the Pirates had one glorloiu opportunity, but Wagner failed with the bases full
-And two men out. He forced Viox at the plate on a tap to Rlxey.
t Too Late in Season for Exhibition Gomes
THE Phillies are scheduled for exhibition games almost every Sunday, which
strikes us as a very risky proposition. Exhibition games on off days for the
first month ot the season are all right, as the men need plenty of work;- but after
a team has been able to hold morning practice In warm weather-the Idea is bad.
One of these days a magnate is going to have a star player seriously hurt in an
exhibition game, the only object of which Is to pick up, a few extra dollars, and
he is going to lose a lot of money by having his team put out of the race.
A major league team gets no practice of value In these games and Invariably
f they hippodrome, The players detest them and rush through the nino innings as
quickly as possible. Alexander and one or two other Philly stars are not allowed
to participate In thesp games, but In their present condition the Phillies cannot
afford to have any regular player injured, as the reserve strength is not capable
of continuing at the same clip.
It also really is receiving money under false pretenses when the" stars do not
appear, because the fans pay their money to sea the regular teams, and the stars
are the main attraction. It is something which should be stopped before It re
suits disastrously for the Phils. They are scheduled to play in Jersey City against
Eddie Grant's Independent team on Sunday, A reader informs us that the dia
mond Is in such poor condition that an inflelder Is taking a chance in fielding a
Etwuuu Km, nuua umo runner u in uanger or DreaKtng a leg sliding to a base.
Stanley Coveleskie Did Not Make Record
A FAN aska why there was not more fuss made about Stanley Coveleskle's feat
at otrflUnsr out three Mockmen In a row, with two men on base, when acting
m a relief pitcher. He also sayB that he is under the Impression that the feat had
sever been accomplished in a major league gome-before.
Such is not the case, as the famous Rube Waddell pulled the trick three
times, the most notable incident being against the champion Red Box In 1904
Rube relieved Andy Coakley In the eighth Inning with the bases full, ecore 0 to o'
sad fanned Freeman, Collins and La Chance on eleven pitched balls, only one of
which was fouled. In 1903 he fanned three Baltimore batsmen with two men on
Jose after relieving Hustings, while in 1905 he relieved Henley and duplicated
fa feat against the White Sox in the ninth inning.
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(Telegram ten)
MR. mcalv-t-
Imr JoHrJ j-
Pearson and Tilden Win
From Cady and Martin in
Third Round
The State tennis tournament received
another setback today when rain swamped
tho courts of Merlon Cricket Club.
By 5 o'clock tho water hnd subsided and
play was started on ground that was more
like a wet spongo than a tennis court.
Stanley "IV. Pearson defeated tho Amherst
crack. Cady, in stralsht sets 6-1, 6-3 The
wet ground bothered Cady terribly while
Pearson with his wonderful quickness,
seemed to play almost his normal game.
It was a (rreat exhibition on Pearson's part
when ono considers tho conditions.
Just what the future will bring out Is
hard to Judge, for Davis will shortly play
Alex Thayer, Armstrong and Tllden meet,
Pearson plays Diddle, while Wallace John
son will meet Rtans.
These matches will be played today. All
of them should proo hard-fought and Inter
esting. Tho logical semifinal round Is Davis vs
Armstrong in the upper bracket, whllo Bid
die should come through and play Johnson
The final round should see Wallaco P
Johnson fighting It out with Willis E. Davis,
If all the dopo carries out as expected
This should result In a great battle, as
Johnson seems able to handle the famous
service of the Callfornlan, while tho local
player's chop stroke has no terrors for the
speedy Davis.
The faorltes for the Junior city tennis
title continue on their winning way. Hoy
n. Coffin, "Bud" Walsh and Edward Cas
sard all won their way Into the semi
final round The other man to completo
the quartet will be tho winner of the Wlcr
March match.
Coffin, playing by far the best tennis yet
Been In the tournament, defeated Hlnleln,
0-4, 0-1. Coffin played consistently fast
tennis, hitting hard from all parts of the
Edward Cassard had a hard battle with
P. J. Stecher, only winning 6-4, 7-5. Cas
sard was not playing with the snap and
dash that he displayed against Joseph Car
penter the day beforo In the Pennsylvania
Walsh, who had a most vigorous day,
playing In 3 matches, defeated Jamison,
6-0, 6-2, with great ease.
Walsh is showing excellent form nt pres
ent and a great match should come off
when he meets Coffin In tho semifinals. The
winner of this match will. In all prob
ability, win tho title.
The best match of tho day was in the
mixed doubles, when Miss J. Baker and
Searing Wilson defeated JIIss E. Turner
and Headley Harper In a hard 3-set strug
gle, 7-6, 3-6, 6-1. All four players were
going at top form, Wilson especially play
ing spectacular tennis. He seemed to have
an Idea he could cover as much court as
Willis E. Davis does In mixed, with the
result hs was often caught out of position.
Relic of Chance's One Time Invincibles, Now in
Midst of 13th Campaign, Hitting Harder Than
at Any Time During His Career
Veteran Cornell Rowing Coach Says He
Will Continue Crew Work
rouailKEEPSIB. N. T.. June IS. Charles
H. Courtney has not resigned as coach of tho
Cornell crews and does not Intend to reslcn.
Coach Courtney said;
"I hare not resigned as tba Cornell coach
ana do not Intend to relsgn. My contract ex.
Elres October t next, but my active work will
a -finished after the race next Saturday. T
ha& made no statement regarding: any resig
nation and certainly have not said that I had
reslmed. I
of tha work In ths future. I might add that If
lutuis L.UI1IVU trews wiain ihv auvicn bm rnnpn
and my health permits, I will be at their serv-
have decided not to take the brunt
advice aa coach.
Grilse IV Wins Boat Race
Robert Toland commanded his own boat, the
Orllsa IV, and captured the regular weekly race
of the raceabout series for the Mrs. a. W. C.
Drexel prize, being; held under tho auspices of
tha Corinthian Yacht Club at Eastngton- The
Orllsa came across the flnlsb line at 4 30.33
o'clock, which, having started at 2.31. cava her
an elapsed time of 2-03.33. Seven minutes S
second later C. A. Oodshalk's Quakeress III
sailed home, with ltobert Uarrle and w. S. Hunk
aboard Addison Y. Bancroft's KUanor finished
2 minutes 15 seconds astern of the Orllse,
Lasher to Be Yale Coxswain
OAI.ES FERRY. Conn.. June 15. Yale's
varsity eight beat the second boat In a half mile
brush up the Thames last night by half a. length.
It was dennltely announced, that lusher win be
coxswain of ths llrst boat en race day having
displaced the veteran ilcLane. who was over
Frank M. Schulte
Where Shcckard's but a memory and
Staple's da is done;
Where Chance and Tinker's day is through
and llofman's fame is spun;
Where Stelny dwells tolfhln the night and
Klina has drifted by.
The glamour of the Old Quard lurks ji
Schulte's batting eye.
Where Pfelster's wing has wilted out and
Overall is through;
IPnere all the others, one by one, have
passed on, overdue;
Where all the rest have drifted by, now lost
within Time's blur,
There's still one left to show the game just
what the old Cubs were.
Considerable Relic
Tho original Cub guard should be dated
from 1906. That was the season where
Frank Chance first started the great ma
chine Into top speed.
From this Old Quard there are only two
regulars In nctlve work Frank Schulte and
Johnny Evers. Miner Brown still Is wear
ing a Cub uniform, but Brownie only In
dulges his great right wing once In a while
for roller work.
So Schulte Is tho solo survivor among the
regulars still wearing Cub harness. Frank
Is a relic, therefore, but considerable relic,
of ono of the great machines of all time.
The wonder is, not that Schulte still sur
lvos, but that now In tho midst of his 13th
campaign he Is having the best year he
ever has known. With a batting average ot
.340, he la close to the top of the batting
ladder, and It ho has lost any vital part ot
his speed It doesn't show in his dally
Slugging Headquarters
it Isn't often that one ball club carries the
three leading sluggers of tho league.
Detroit was never ablo to reach this
height with Cobb, Crawford and Veach. It
was beyClid the old Mackmen with Collins,
Baker and llclnnla. It uas beyond the
Phillies with Cravath and Luderus. But
the Cubs hold this honor today with "Will
lams, Schulte and Zimmerman. They now
are running 1-2-3 among the league's lead
ing sluggers, with Doyle, Itobertson and
Jlerkle following In order. Williams, Schulte
and Zimmerman each have a grand extra
base average above 500, which Is remark
able, as only Trls Speaker, In the American
League, Is above this mark.
A ball club with this much power bunched
Is not tine to be taken any too lightly.
The three Cubs mentioned hao hit for
more than 100 extra bases, which Is sev
eral notches beyond the extra base output
of Speaker, Jackson and Cobb, the A. L.
cannonneers. '
A Triflo of Aid
"I have the two things a ball club needs,"
says Mandarin Robinson, ot the Brooklyn
club, "the pitching and the batting."
These two details have been known to
have their uses, taken here and there and
around, even If they are not essentials.
Which they are.
Fair Proof
Colonel Jack Dillon has been frequently
referred to as the Asassln, the Murderer, the
Bear Cat and various other monickers de
noting Innate savagery.
Dillon Is no fair-hatred phlld, but when he
has finished with Francois Moran there will
be a fairly definite Idea extant as to how
many of these rakish titles are deserved.
Francois Is no puny Infant on his own
hook, and If Dillon can emerge from this
jubilee In front of the parade he will der
serve oil the credit the heavyweight game
holds outsiue ot tne circus arena.
Back to the Road
The Giants are yearning for the road
again. They probably form the first ball
club In the game that would rather play
abroad than at home. "If we could finish
the rest of the season on the road," says
Med raw, "we'd win the flag by IS or 20
games. But the handicap ot SO more games
at home will nyike the job a tougher one."
Yet there are those who eay there Is noth
ing new beneath the sun.
Nothing Like It
I remember the day that I missed a wee
But the words that I said were not "Tut-tut"
The Cleveland Indians were supposed to
"crack under the strain" by now. Perhaps
they adopted the tactics of tho Braves of
lSl'f'and the Phillies of 1015 and not crack
until late October or early November.
Famous C. E's.
Charles (Chick) Evans.
Charles Evans Hughes.
Charles B. Van Loan.
How to Play Golf
(All In one lesson.)
Keep your head still, time your swing
and soak the ball about where you want It
to go.
Johnny Evers 1b keeping as far away
from the umpires as possible. Onco on the
warpath there Is no pussyfooting or weasel
working for the Eminent Trojan. He'd
rather npt move at all than to go half way
and atop.
Williams, the Cub centre fielder, can
cover practically as much ground In one
stride as Ping Bodle used to cover sitting
down. Which Isn't ery far from being b
world's record for striding.
Famous Franks
Adams. Schulto. '
Club and Freebooters Sched-
uled for Tilt on Main
Line Field
Amateur Baseball
The Olrard nesirves want to arrange games
for June 2 and 'July 4 with rtrst-class home
!?5.m". for games address Herman Oetlnger.
1000 North Randolph street.
Tha Hrldraton (M. .T.
first and third baseman.
team wants i
wood. North Laurel street. Brldgeton. N
The Sansom naseball Club has open dates
on July 1 and July, 4 and would like to hear
frorn home team; desiring these dates. Write
jy R. Duncan. 110 Bouth 60th street, or phone
Belmont 470.'. ,
The Paoll Juniors would like to arrange
5lme"S f.n ""X fast ia.l4-year-oia team. Ad
ress William Foley. 2423 Drown street.
The All Stars, of the 12th Ward.
with ie.17-year.old teams for July 4.
I, Flsbman, BOO Falrmount avenue.
Tho Marshall F. C . a fast 1T-1 8-year-old
team, wants to hear from home teams. Write
Harry Schwlnd. 800 North th street.
C. C. has open dates In Juns and
iirsi-ciass learn wisntng tnis at-
i-eiers, 1030 Morris
July. Any
snoum write r,
The Farrsn F. C,
wants to book games.
173 1 North 8d street.
i 10-11
The Hamilton 12th Ward team wants to
book games with first-class teams for Saturday
and Sunday. Address W. II. Carr, 451 Ran
dolph street.
Mrs. W. A. Gavin Is Golf Victor
the little. Englfs!
little. Engli
June IS Mn. w a
hwoman with the "big"
,piucxy upnm match
in ths second round ot the women's metropolitan
golt championship fray at Daltusrol. and when
she holed out a. 12-lnch putt for a half on the
home preen she had overtaken nod defeated
Mlis flolllns, an ex-metropolltaa champion,
1 up. .
The Bryn Mawr Polo Club and Bryn
Mawr Freebooters will meet this afternoon
on tho Main Line Flold.
Tho Bryn Mawr Club won final posses
sion of the Wootton Challenge Cup yester
day without driving a single goal. A flip
of a coin decided tho match. It Is the first
time In the history of Philadelphia polo that
a trophy has been uon outright In that
Coronado and Bryn Mawr Freebooters
were the teams which had won their way
to the final round. A keen match was ex
pected, for the Now York quartet was
obliged to concede the youngsters seven
goals by handicap. The Bryn Mawr Club
had two legs on the trophy, having won the
cup in 1911 and 1912, the first year It had
been offered for competition by Oeorge W.
Chllds Drexel.
At 3 o'clock, a halt hour before the time
scheduled for tho match to begin, there was
a cloudburst at Bryn Mawr. In a twinkling
the polo field was flooded. In Bpots It re
sembled a miniature lake. The players
were there, so were the mounts. At 4
o'clock Referee Earl W. Hopping ordered the
teams on the field, and aftor a few practice
gallops It was decided that the ground con
ditions were unsafe for horse and man.
What was to bo done? Coronado Is en
tered In the Meadowbrook Club tourney on
Long Island and Is scheduled to play there
today. They gracefully offered to default
the match to Bryn Mawr. "Nothing of the
sort." the Main Line youngsters retorted In
chorus. "You have got to have an equal
chance with us for the coveted trophy,"
they added. "So, Mr. Hopping, Just toss a
coin; let Captain Beadleston call head or
tall, and we will abide by the result," sug
gested Captain Randolph. Head wbb called.
"Bryn Mawr wins!" echoed over the pad
docks, and the costly cup will now adorn
the trophy room of the Main Line club
house. When the sky cleared and It was phoned
around the countryside of the possibility of
a game motorcars began to whlrz In the
direction of the polo field. As they came
laden with Main Line society they were
wafted nway by the committee. A few re
mained to congratulate the winners and to
spplaud the SDortsmanllkn not nt ti. .nnD
Messrs, Alexander Coxe Yarnall, Rodman
Wanamaker, WIster Randolph and P. S V
Randolph, Jr., were the victors, while O. M.
Heckscher, C. Perry Beadleston, Jr., Alexan
der Brown and Benjamin Qatlns represented
Donovan Draws Suspension
1.. Ju
hJS'K'V.'.fi'y yrH American League Club.
D?5 V?"1 net'ned by President Johnson that he
had been suspended for three days because 5?
his argument with Umpire Chill In Mondays
game between Detroit and New York 'luonaaJ, "
Harisburg Ready for League
a. Pa., June 1B. Harrlsbun
r Is
It ted
1 JTh.,thr 't TT'U admitted
.i?.f ftB ,B,S1L Learus. Man
:klll claimed that hs had a
waiting to
to the New
oger Oeorge cocklll claimed that lie h.,i
signed agreement for the sale ot the Troy club.
but that he had not been Informed whether
Harrfsburg had been officially admitted. Mean
while preparations are being made to start play
log. Horse Show Dates Announced
NEW YORK. June 13. Announcement has
been made by Alfred B. Maclay. chairman if
the Executive Committee of the National Horss
Bhow Association, that the annual exhibition In
Madison Square Garden will be held on Novem
ber 11 to lt
Hunt Captain of Lafayette Nine
EABTON. Pa., June H.Samuel M. Hunt, of
Sussex. N. J., haa been elected captain of the
Lafayette nine for next year. Hunt has played
In the outfield on the Lafayette team for two
Fred Daly Appointed Coach
ANDOVRR. Mass . June IS.-rThi nmli.,
rnent of Frederick J. Daly as head coach In
football at Pnllllps Audov.r AcauVu5 SvIeS
announced, Daly was captain of elevens at An
dover and at Yale, and In 1011 via h.ari ra.rh
I N.f.w.. Haven, Hs resigned recently as coaca
al WUUams.
L Al Y 1 Uetijsassisaala2
iromxne a iKumnm
lay afdeaera
OAYuH fco5,
Beautiful Gray Worsted Suitings the
Very Latest Styles to Order $16.50.
Ready-Made Stores Ask $25.00
BILLY MORAN, teetailq'
1103 Arch St. EVEpNE&aa
Alumni Day at the University
...... BATUKmY. JUNK 17 '
Four Other Exciting Motor Usees
Germantown C.
Springs Surprise bv Tul
featinfc Miss Steevcr I
0. EtifJ
WILMINGTON. Del., jun. ,, . 1
William Nawhall. GermantnL"'-'
Club.-spranir a 1Ik aUrnVlT.a"i.?,.n . CrtS
she won her way Into the final tTtM
the women's Delaware State iJi.W1 '
plonshlp through her ability VSS ???
which wero to all nnncaran. Mu." .Mlt
Playing- Miss Miriam Steever 6f rvi Uf
the Philadelphia player m Ji&SS!
ert herself In a match that in L'? J
liausted the contestants. MIm 5jS
started with tha dash that SL 1
terlzed her play alnce she tatanS
nnd soon ran the games to ,
favor. Mrs. Ncwhall then m.V. Wj
able recovery that netted her.thrM2
and brought her to within apotat efT
nlng the set Miss Steovcr ihmtJZj
tho front by winning irJ!?. '"HV
Nowhall braced nnd by a rare aJJS:
of control and placements captured tt.'S
ncceaary games for tho wt. 8-8 ' hl
In the second set tho Western nUv.. Hi
sumecj I her smashing tnct.es. anSLiS
ran the games to i-2. rnen foW.
other example of Mrs. NewhaU's SSL.
rull a set out of tho Are. Dmin?l5SL8
upon her resources, tho nrm...JI?,J
rcsentntlve forced tho pace and carried A
games to 4-all. Onco again Mrs? v!ii'
was within a point of winning tho t SSi
Miss Steever temporarily averted alffi
and forced the struggle to extra n
ijowever, wrs. iMownalla generalship S3 ,
her In good stead and she won the till
match, 75. "
Tho semifinal round In the lower hwJr'M
has been delayed owing to a slight h2S'
sustainou ny aiss susanno White eSSil
her match against Mlsa Marmrit v2H
ruesaay. Miss White, however, i iaav
clently recovered yesterday to r eium, 2.
and defeated Mlsa Edwlna HenseL UeriLt
in thrthlrd round, 6-3, 6-4.
Miss Margaretta Myers, Merlon. wonK
way to the semifinal round In the W'
Mary D. Thayer, of the Phllad.iJkfJ'rlS1!
Club. Miss Myers had n. tirr'ZZZ"7Z
while she won In straight sets, she nsM
forced to the limit. 8 ""I
111 thft rhnmnlnnaViln A. .,.- . - i$fi
S. Myers, partnered by Miss Susanna WW?
had little dimcuUy In eliminating M? ffi
line Kennedy and Miss Elsa Heath. UaSt
6-4, 6-2.
Motley, Star Sprinter, to Enter Pew 1
Atlantic CITY, June 18. Frank 'TsPtl
Miller, runs of tniT. .. n v. .."".. .HJ
k..ki. ...i'.Si '"". y.".'"1"' '"?
-... ..- vn uni.mmuuair elected c-aiefi;
tain for next year by the letter mtn
Atlantia City High School. Jouls store. 3
Will also be a. mtnlnr ti.Tf v.. ... .!.??
track leader for the coming season. Ston4el,,
not win his letters, but was rewarded for 5.
loyalty when occasions nAA hu .- -i
Motley, who has proved one ot the bolwirfcil
.;. ".K. .vJYi? -.SKE1-. . Wi
n.,i ciuci iua uuiYBrauy di iTuinnrii':i
ll 11 ....... . . . -.--
in the fall
tered this season,
He won every 100-yarq dull bW
i inn. rlnlnv vati I i i n .uui.'
-" -wiww t w iKeus
r h'
Philadelphia Eaiy Cricket Victor
rhlladelsbU easily defeated Wert PhlUJel4
phla In clut gams at St. Mtrtla's mUnUn
by, 123 runs. Tfio feature of Ue pm." "mmS
batting of F. H. Taylor for PnttsJelptiU. OoEg?
in . inn ii oi. ma inira wickiw as vniw-Ki
lshed the West Philadelphia bowline imnljjB?
niiu iiiiiwiy reurea wiin a una iua 10 bu creou.
H. w. Mlddleton was also severe on tbi bowl,
lnsr and was not dlsmlaied until he hid ram.
plied 03. J. Wlllclns was the highest scorer tot I
West Philadelphia, with 82. j
Soccer Meeting Scheduled TonIMf
The monthly powwow ot the American lutn
will bft held tonlirht. Tha aueitfon of tfct rJtuk.
plonshlp of tho learuo wilt llkelr b dKjfcl'&l
a tie.
am th rftPfl for ths buntlnir between ntl
and DIsatons has ended tie aware dnptotlu tvl
fact that a deciding fame waa played, rm Oi
also reauiica in
I CoKg!
Sill ur Annual B
I Shirt Sale I
kJItHI sasasaH
H tiffji tx"Uor HH
Hi IfW 1' Chestnut St. BH
Ml? CrP I I03" Market St. lH
ES "If Hi'H iiao N. front S. MH
Era "r fli r Droad and Olrard jjHB
Br n! ' Avenue nasaBSBsai
In the House
Reduced from ISO. 129 and !&
S Our 7 Big WinJou
S. K. Cor. BUi aaa Ana Mfc
On your dealer's cate
" aftOtjeiGAR
Henry's Cigar Co., l'hlladelphla
Tats rennijlranla ItaUraad or WeiUra
Phillies vs. Cincinnati :
'flams at S40 P. M. ... I
Seats an sals at OlmbeU' and SP"""
ryr,MI6lUi i
BJgyiJsEl 4,, j
the: Umpre just
w vnii t tr tr r- cm iiiiuv -n.TMW?-" imi x rMU -wt -- -mi- ..- . - . zrzr i
vi iw iijiv i r- fL.iv i i w rii jiiiv . tuu r . lltl ijv i i rrr- 1 i uyri i hiuatt rt-r- rt.M n . . . n-
LIFT VtrD ttarr rxerisr I aIM AT e-iAe- rtC 1 hfrrUcro .-runent ur a n.n-r- SO .:. J V. vKfc, X?lT I oKtNEJw
l-' ewi-fi v i .,.., -i .Tw vi iiMiuN'innur mwn fv I ja W I TtJ IT ef TUc m l
V -s- " r a s a sss ar- M ease a sra M W a. W ss an . ass . Ii ...... ". "" "' '-,. I J 1 UT Wm M T- K
j x t sVaT - ur-Mf iil.lt f t ij "- -j atr r v uinu cr-izr r-i w vj aV a i i ia kii i . . . -. i im r bsLsXLrrL r
r v1 -i vnwwsw- 4 , t--i r r ? r -scr uycrc i nL i i vrn i v h t a s " ' v- i
Z!l "' "'" lfeflini-irL ..i .!, j. JsssssmJaajMrir,)-.T, t, ' H