m EVENING LEDGR-PHtliADliJLPHlA, THUBSDAY, JUN3S 15, 1916. l&ietffttg gSSs k&Sf PUBLIC LEDGER COMPANY CSlftfll Ji. tf, CURTIS, Piib, . CWW Jfc LmMtton, Vice President! John af,i. ?tt nu , Directors. i Zi wmtojual BOARD J JStttjf- K. Count, Chairman. wAi,inc.. ...... .,,,.,,,,,,, 4tt. Editor ft. MAlltTTN. .l"lMT.ta1 Ttltftln . ,:. ... . " Pjt nuMM Baiijr t Fueiio I 0" Bulldlm, . - J4eniJ6o Square. Philadelphia. &SlfTU. ..illHMjl nA t?fc..H, diH4a HMH Cttr... ... . . . rr..fr,M TtilittM Te a;...... ;,.,... 200, Metropolitan Towtr the "leaks" and closing them up. It would also te a good thing to double the term of years In Jail to bo meted out to druggists, physicians and others who sell drugs for Improper purposes. Tom Daly's Column THE WAR IN THE EAST Russia haa two'enemlea In hr conn try, Bhe li dlsnotlnr of only ens, ko far. Bho trill have to meet military dllttrnltle before her political plana all work oat. fri t....i...,i, .,.,,,829 Ford nniidinir i. ...... 1.409 Ojooe-Drmocrat Hulldlnir ...ttwwfyil392 riiliKiM Building hews BimnAiini btos ifewm, .......... .nig Ji-ilMInc ; Toaie B uu.,....i.,The Times rtulMIng j-ir"AU . . . w rTiearicnsiraese ""! Boxaiu. .,... .Marconi House, strand JJuaiam. ......... Hi HUfl LOUIa 10 Grand Br mall, fiUBStmiPTIOM TERMS 3By carrier, ebt cent per week. mmmtia outside or Philadelphia, except where 5"w iwMa in rcjuirea. jonm monin. twenty Pro cents ! one year, thr dollar. All mall PBDf ebtcrlptions payable In advance. Kone 8ubctlbera wishing- addreea changed oat gives old aa well aa tntr addreaa. Urea WM, 9M WALNUT KKTSTONE. MAIM 000 I tT Address all eomnwinfoafkm to Evottiti; iMgtr, Indtymdmc Square, Philadelphia. Ihntmhp at Tits rnnjDt.rnu roeTOrrics is BBCOMD-CIB Milt, UlTTXa. UB A.VERAOB KET PAID DAILY cm. 1 cuition or tub evening lbdoier TOR MAT WAS ltJ.011 TlilUd'IpbU. ThnrtJif, Just IS, 1916. Cod Almighty first planted a garden. -Bacon. Ex-Governor Glynn'a other namo must bo Burchnrd. There la plenty of vacant ground In South Philadelphia If tho Governor wants to build an annex to tho State Houeo here. No, Hans, tho delogates to tho St. Louis convention did not wear silk hats to show their sympathy with the British Parliament, Tho Progressives aro too good Ro publicans to bo won by any bait that tho tarlff-for-rovcnue-only Democrats can put In their platform. If tho prlco of gasoline goes down, as witnesses before tho Federal Trade Commission have predicted, tho Demo cratic spellbinders will attempt to corral tho fllwer voto by saying that President nWllson did It When a woman pays $49.60 for a dozen embroidered handkerchiefs and 39D for a dozen sheots and twelvo pillow eaaes, her husband Is not taking liberties witn too languugo wnen no cans nor ex travagant. Whatever may bo said of the heads of the other city departments, it must be amiiltted that Chief Davis, of tho Water Bureaii, Is Earning his salary. Econcnles which he has already planned Will result In an annual saving of about $75,000 in tho conduct of tho bureau. The city will have to pay $1,000,000 in Interest on awards for Parkway prop erty vallxoa'ut $1,000,000, and yet It has no Parkway. Delays, It seems, aro ex pensive as well as dangerous. The Mayor says that ho Intends to put an end to tho delay. The sooner ho begins to supple ment his talk with action tho sooner will tho unproductive expense cease. A. Mitchell Palmer ought to study tho subject a little more If he thinks that an anti-dumping law will work. The Canadians can gtvo him some information on tho subject, for they found that when American manufacturers had no surplus stocks which they wanted to get rid of their law worked beautifully, but that, When there was a surplus tho seller, on this side of tho line and the buyer on the other stdo conspired to knock the law into a cocked hat, to use Mr. Wilson's classic phrase. The Institute of Hygiene, which tho Rockefeller Foundation Is to establish at Johns Hopkins University, In Baltimore, Will serve as much of the country as is willing to profit by its work. Tho pur pose of the Institute is to train men in the science of municipal sanitation, so that there may be a supply of experts prepared to solve all questions arising out o tho prevention oC epidemics of typhoid and other diseases that flourish through negloct. Those cities which prefer to appoint politicians to positions in the De partment of Health will continue to suffer, but the others can reduce preventable diseases until they become as rare as yellow fever at Panama. The incapacity of the Democracy tor governing s surpassed only by Its capacity for blundering. The St. Louis convention, which was to seize the issue f Americanism and make it ita own, had jat been in session two hours before the 4elegatea were cheering themselves hoarse in an ecstasy of hysterical enthusiasm ver the record of American pusillanimity and cowardice in International relations. Na red-blooded American ia proud of the Insults which this country has re ceived with meekness, nor is he proud C tho failure of his Government to do jsKnd reparation at the point of the (word for the wanton killing of Amer ican citizens by the soldiers or sailors of. ssnwttona. The- kind of American ism, to which tho convention committed ttmit la the Americanism of a whipped ur which will cringe -at the feet of his afeatkr or slink away with his tall be tweea hk lege. No sophistical arguments that tb President can construct will be able to counteract the; effect of yesterday's damonstritioa. FOIt tho kind of war which Is now being prosecuted on tho eastern front the stories of battles and lntrenchments In Franco offer no guide and no parallel. Tho entlro line from Verdun to tho sea equals in extent only that part of the Austrian line which has been under at tack since the first of the month. A battle front at least twice as long has not yet entered Into the account. Tho tor rain Is different, the stylo of warfare Is different, and tho gains mado must bo reckoned by a dlfferont standard. At tho end of tho magnificent Austro Gorman drlvo into Russia last year tho Russians found themselves facing three armies. Tho northern army, which had failed to tako Riga and Dvlnek, halted on tho Dvlno. Tho central army ex tended from tho region of Vllna to tho Prlpet marshes. South of thoso marshes and extending to the Rumanian boundary waa tho army which Is now In such des perate straits at the hands of tho Rus sians. No geometrical flguro can qulto glo tho shape of this frontier. If tho reader will lay a wlro on tho map from Czornowltz to Riga and then bend It to follow various rivers, snap It about three fifths down (for tho Prlpet marshes), and tlo little strings at various points for tho railroad lines, ho will havo eomo idea of tho battlo lino. Hardly otherwise Tho Russian attack has been on tho flvo armies (ono German, four Austrian) which extended from tho Prlpet to Ru mania. Virtually every point of attack has been aimed at a railway Junction, and tho general direction of tho major attacks makes tho lines look Ukd a some what sharp angle, with tho apex at tho strangely fated fortress of Przcmysl. South and cast of that point Czornowltz has bcn isolated by the capture of a railroad town abovo It Duo cast an attack is being directed In tho region of Tarnopol. North and cast tho most spectacular of fensive goes on with Lutsk as the famil iar point. These thrco drives seem all directed at Austria and the centres of attack aro cither in or near tho Austrian border. Thoro aro reasons, military and political, for this. But boforo theso causes aro considered there remains ono question. What will bo tho German reply? Tho German army under Von Llnslngen, cooperating with tho four Austrian armies, haa suffered with tho rc3t; but to tho north lies still tho menaco of Von HIndenburg, with an enormous army, easily equal to tho Rus sians In understanding of tho country and woll supplied. That army, as tho Rus sians facing It, rests on the marshes, not yet adaptable to largo-scalo strategy. It Is under no desperate compulsion to keep its lines true to that of tho southern army nor is Kuropatkln compelled to advance or retreat as Bruslloff moves. Yet the Russians know that they muBt ovcntually meet and defeat tho northern armies or their southern victories will not bear per fect fruit. Petrograd, Influenced perhaps by Its hopes, reports that German troops havo been shifted southward to stiffen Austrian resistance in outcomo already noticeable. But so far thero is no reason to believe that Germany will forego her own offensive. It is even possible that tno northernmost. of tho threo Russian offensives now has, besides Its Austrian objective at Lemberg or Przemysl, tho important Junction of Kovol, cutting tho lino from Brcst-Litovsk, on which part of the upper German forces depend. It re mains to be seen whether tho army of Kuropatkln is as well supplied and as capablo as that which Is reclaiming vast spaces for Russia In tho south. The reclamation of land could hardly havo been a mottvo In Russia's campaign. Russia bas bo much to spare. Tho -Russian drive, in its military aspects, was in fluenced by conditions in tho west, at Verdun and in Italy among others. It had, moreover, certain political motives, in which both Austria and the Balkans aro Involved. For Austria a decisive do feat from her major enemy might deter mine that separate peace of which she has never ceased to think. Her Slavic rogi ments have not been heroic fighters and her mixed population has not been en tirely loyal. In Budapest and at Vienna the murmurings havo been loud for peace. Yet longabeforo tho Carpathians aro crossed thero must bo an Imposing Rus sian army in Bukowlna, tho Austrian dis trict nearest Rumania, the district halt promised to Rumania as a prlzo if she Joins Russia in the field. In that way the Russian offensive is a demonstration for Rumania's benefit. It explains to her that while Germany has lost the driving power which took Novogeorglevsk (of which Verdun Is the proof), Russia has regained lhe power which threatened tho Hungarian plains twenty months ago. The invitation to come in is rosy, with promises of a short and decisive stay, for with Rumania on thelr'elde the Allies can (virtually eliminate Bulgaria, settle the Balkan question and open Russia's way to the sea. It Is a prize worth winning. Yet vast as the operations must be In the game, they are less than half of the com plications in Germany's scheme of victory. 0UERR7 TW Ol etierrv pel Yuml Yuml Ol oeet Let not the crusta cto$e-ieedded he, but buffed and flaky, plumped u:tth meat, And all the red heart dripping tweet With tutcioui oozing t tyrupv. Ahl thaft the cherry pie or met I'll want two "helptn'a"; maybe three Who ever got enough to cat O' cherry pief What odds if In our dreams ice see ' Nightmares and goblins. We'll agree, Though Pain usurp Joy's earlier seat No colly wobs cantjuitc defeat The gustatory pleasures w6 Owe cherry pie. TWO SOULS WITH BUT A SINGLE THOUGHT- M' In Tyrono moro years ago than any lady should bo asked to admit She has been "out at servlco" In this country, off and on, for a long tlmo. Tho "off and onrt represents some half-dozen vacations back home which Interrupted her labors in America. Sho novor woe and novor could bo anything but Irish. Bho la full of tho old Celtic hatred of things British; this passion is a flory, but a purely1 im personal thing. Sho know nothing, for instance, of Kitchener; ho represented to hor moroly tho British Government So, on tho day after tho sinking of tho Hamp shire, when her mistress told her tho news and ventured to remark that "Gen eral Kitchener was a fine man," Margaret shot this over her shoulder, out of tho corner of her month: "A flno man 13 it? Woll, ma'am, it's himself that'll bo ablo to light his plpo wld his finger this mornln'l" Sir Wasn't It Shakespeare who said something about "Hughes sicklied o'er with tho palo cast of thought?" E. L. Shakespeare, whatever ho may havo said, spoko boforo tho Justice became our candidate. Wo nro throwing no snowballs at high hata this summer, thank you I WE HEAR talk of tho "Irish lilt" In modern verse, but few writers havo it. Hero is ono who has: MY FATHnn'S TUNES. My father had tho queerest tunes, the like jou'd seldom hear, A whole day could be whistle them, an' thin he'd up and sing. The merry tunes an' twlstB o' them that suited nil tho year. An' ou wouldn't nsk but listen If your self stood thero a king. Early of a mornln' would he give "Tho Barefoot Boy" to us. An' later on ' Tho Rocky Road" or maybe "Mountain Lark," "Trottln' to tho Fair" was a llltln' heart of Joy to us, An' whin wo heard "Tho Coulln" sure tho night was novcr dark. o An" what's tho good o foolish tunes, tho mollln' folks 'ud say. It's better teach the chlldher work, an' get tho crock o' gold ; Thin sorra tako their w Isdom whin It makes them sad and gray A man Is fitter havo a song that never lets him old A stavo of "Glllan's Apples" or a snatch of "Come along with me" Will warm the cockles o' your heart, an lifo will keep Its prime Yarra, gold is ail the richer whin It's "Danny, elng a song tor me," Oh what's tho good o' money If you're dead aforo your tlmo. It's sense to do your lot o' work. It's healthy to be wlso, An' hao tho little crock o Bold again the day o' rain; But whin the ground Is heaviest, your heart will feel tho skies. If you know a llttlo Irish song to lift the road o" pain. The learnln' an' the wealth wo have aro never sad an' gray with us, Tho dullest times of all the year are merry as the Juno, For we've the heart to up an" sing, "Arise, an" come away with us," ine way my tamer gao it, . an' wo laughln' In the tune. MICHAEL EA8LS, S. J. .BatilRilflMlfiPitaV .aatfaiaflMalaaal. . ,jrTy. . wiBBHPSSPIIaaaBBW JBHBlCtSniSStefW fi " K3!33lyBB"JWHaaaiHalaHt St & itWk riR JatBBHP'aliJBaaaaalaatfV' f 'J&zrn m rmMWkmW M I ' ii 0 III Wll I'll m "'lii k 'vWtf THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE Miss Katzenstein Calls Attention to the Political Power Wonien Complaint From a Man Who Hasto Use i Street Car Transfers Other Matters of The decision of the United States fcupfMse Court which, has the effect of Pf jjtmwaUBtr the punishment of "dope" nsmn ana -nenaa- ror waving tneir -pniili- Merchandise In their possession t net Jn any way defeat the major put wt tbe Harrison law. That was to tale of drugs except on physl- preripUona, The punishment of wrtcJiod men and women who are of h "leak," and who even flPjvMd are ia JU rather as UBdr t ra4at ifean aa prison. not vt muife itapertasee. Indeed, - Z.U SCHOOL REFORM DOCTOR GARBER's sweeping plan of reorganization seems to promise a sound basis for a reform of the two chief evils of the school system, the two ex. tremea of part time and congestion. That the changes would also make for econ omy Is a secondary but most acceptable feature. Another part of the plan which haa attracted little attention Is the limit ing of the study period Of the younger children in the first and second grades to three hours dally. While this Is a result ant rather than a cause of the changes, it la a most happy one. for three hours' study la enough for a little brain. The rest of the hours they have given to work will be spent most advantageously at play. It la a paradox, but a truth, that the great problem of the school of the tuturo will not b? tho school tteetf, but tho playground. Even congestion and nart Mm are not so great a drawback; fc Hhinntely bene- to the pupils aa the streets, where play IM sMtf aJferl. of 4fi2ruad education iegativ when Wt fljirijlnyH. to net wwftateaa. THERE Isn't much prospect that Bryan will start anything at St Louis, but, If ho should think of.lt, thl3 printer's error in tho program of tho Annual Contest In Elocution and Awarding of Class Prizes at St Joseph's College should give him pause: JUNIOR DIVISION The Bvo of Waterloo Bryan Francis I. Farley ON TUB LOOKOUT We're all on the lookout for work; Some u.lsh to earn boarding and lodging, While others, the fellows who shirk. Just want a good start for their dodging. Sirs Allow me to correct J. F. T. In your Issue of June 10th. That sign on 17th street appeared thus; Bhakespeare'a Iramor al "" Tragedy O IILLL, Huron. WHAT A CItUBII There's plenty of room at the top, they say, But there wouldn't be much to spare. If all of the people were there today Who feel that they ought to be there. Sir Isn't there a temperance sermon con cealed in this sign at Germantown avenue and York road? VARNISII SHELLAC PAINTS ALCOHOL Louis. TUB WALL FLOWER Her past discouraged suitors, though x Her past held nothing torong. It simply scared away each beau Because it was so long, , And this will fit in here; LE.NZ. OPTICIAN, 203 South B2d street our the Add Outdoor Sports A DIVERSION among some of porch sojourners is counting number pf automobiles which pass a given point in the space of a day or an afternoon. One of the counters also claims that names of all kinds of auto mobiles 'seen passing by this given point collectively take up every letter In the alphabet Stroudsburg Times. We DEEP BTUFF "A horse may be driven to water"- think You know what thereafter befett. There's only one thing may be driven to a drink And thaft an artesian well Y. Smugg. In the American Hebrew I notice the foU lowlny: , "Rabbi wanted In a conservative, rafona congregation; mut be able to deliver a r won la German aa wall as la English." K etrfltea me a Chiaamatt would jmeat the THWKW, Thlt Department Is frte to all readers who wish to expresa their opinions on subjects of current Interest. It is an open forum, and tho Evenlno Ledger assumes no rejponsiofJMl for the views of Its correspondents. WOMEN IN POLITICS To the Editor of Evening Ledger: Sir Tho new woman's parly Is undoubt edly making politicians tl.Ink, and Is, with equal certainty, Impressing thoso mighty wielders of public opinion, newspaper ed itors This morning's mall brought to our head quarters copies of tho St Loult Star, the St. Louis Globt Domocrat and tho St Louis Republic, all of which hae featured tho new party With theso papers camo an editorial from the Chicago Herald of last Sunday, which will, I think. Interest your readers. Tho Herald say3: Tho chance, or the danger, which ever It may be regarded, of any large number of women voting solidly on sex lines appears to have passed for the present. Now' that the Republican Na tional Convention, "as a measure of Justice to one half tho adult people of this country, favors the extension of suffrngo to women," though "recogniz ing tho right of each State to settle thli question for Itself," the Democrats can hardly do less. Before doing less the Democrats had better confer with Dudley Field Ma lone and get his impressions about the stiffness of the stick exhibited when he and the representatives of the other men's parties came before the 'Woman's party convention In Chicago last week In response to a "show us" Imitation That convention Impressed all ob servers as a notable example of an Implacable efficiency. Thoso women knew exactly what they wanted and were entirely sure that they knew how to get It. With them soft words but tered no parsnips. They openly derided John Hays Hammond when he tried to take a tone somewhat paternal. They said to the Prohibition and So cialist spokesmen, "We cannot bother with you; you have not the power to give us what we want" They said in substance to the others: "Go tell jour parties that 3,000,000 women can oto for President now and that we will do our best to Bee that they vote against the party that rejects our demands." The Republican convention did not grant their exact demands. Its plat form subcommittee, under the influence of the defeat of suffrage in Iowa on Tuesday, seemed In a challenging mood. But the second thought of the full com mittee was for "safety first." It grant ed at least a "we favor," and the con vention approved. Opinions differ whether the persua sions of the "elder statesmen" of the suffrage cause, the leaders of the Na tional Association or the menaces of the younger leaders of the Congres sional Union were more potent. Colonel Roosevelt's maxim was applied, though one group spoke softly and the other carried the big stick. The Republican action looks like an effort to ward oft! the stick. Natural InBtlncts of caution may move the Democrats to do no less. Woman has definitely made her ap pearance In national politics, and not merely as a pleasing and persuasive auxiliary, but a3 an organized force, equipped with power to punish and re ward, and definitely resolved to use It CAROLINE KATZENSTEIN. Philadelphia, Juno 14, 1916. TRANSFER TROUBLES To the Editor of Evening Ledger: Sir It Is necessary for tho writer to uso two car lines to reach home, and, therefore, to transfer from ono car to another. This should be ory little trouble, for In many cases tho second car Is but a short dtstanco away. It Is, however, certainly annoying nnd Inconvenient to see a car at the Junc tion, almost Inviting a person to hurry and board her, and thon havo the motorman start off and tho car move serenely on its way, leaving you to wait 10 or 15 minutes for another rar. I understand that this habit Is not the fault of tho transit company, but of tho employes, who in the face of luch obliging services wish to enlist the sympathy of the public to secure for them shorter hours and more pay. Tho writer understands that occasionally a car la late and must, therefore, mako up tlmo that Is lost But the point Is that it Is not occasionally but frequently that such annoyances are experienced May something bo done to remedy the case? W. H. FISHER. Philadelphia, June 13. What Do You Know? "WIN WITH WHISKERS!" To the Editor of Evening Ledger: Sir What Washington refused, Jefferson wouldn't havo nnd Grant couldn't get, no man should have) This was at one time Mr. Theodoro Roosevelt's theory when he had good ideas without tho bad ones that came later for he said, 'The wise custom which limits a President to two terms I regard In the substance and not the form, and under no circumstances will I be a candidate for or accept another nomina tion." This Is all apart from the fact that "The elephant never forgets." Revenge Is sweet The Hon. William Howard Taft has been vindicated and Terrible Teddv. thn Wsr Lord of America, has been "Paid in Full." Therefore, be It resolved, to wit: "That he who laughs last laughs best" The Crown Prince Father, who started this terrible war, anyway? Did Uncle George do It? Tho Kaiser1 No, son. The Crown Prince Who did then? Was It Cousin Nick? The Kaiser -No, son, it was neither. The Crown Prince Well, who did theh? Did you? The Kaiser No I nol son. I'll tell you who It was. It was a man over In America who has great big teeth, ex-Presldent Roose velt. When he was over here witnessing our review nt Kiel he said, "BUI, you can lick the world 1 1" Said Governor "VI" Johnson to the crowd of roaring fanatics In the Auditorium; "We see ourselves at the feet of Reed Smoot and Murray Crane. God help us I" "God helps those who help themselves," but the Pro gressives won't be able to help themselves. All aboard the Hughes Special I win with Whiskers! JL M, B. Philadelphia, June 14. COMPARISONS By comparison, Grover Cleveland looms large, In the history of the Democratio party. The one flaw in his statesmanship was his advocacy of free trade a fault common to both Cleveland and Wilson, In all respects Cleveland ranked far above the next Democrat to occupy the White House. Cleveland was a sincere and consistent ad vocate of civil service reform. He was an opponent of extraveganca who had the courage to wield a veto pen He did not omit any word or deed necessary to main, tain the rights of the American people and the dignity of the nation. Nobody ever likened hlra to a weathercock, Leaven worth Times. THE INNER LIFE Perhaps the cynic, noting how we have pushed for wealth and convenience at what, ever cost to other Interests, might call such a war a needed teacher of men. But even the kindlier crlUo must await with eager nee tho full story of what the war la do ing for the Inner life of Europe. Boatoa Herald, ' A PEMOCRAT CONFESSES The New York Times thinks the Hughe boom le likely t9 be another Alton B. Par ker affair. If mo. hurrah far Hush&i st. Dtmbltz. 4.Loui BipubUa, FROM " A SONG OF THE ENGLISH" (May 81, 19J8.) We have fed our sea for a thousand years And she calls us, still unfed. Though there's never a wave of all her waves But marks our English dead ; We have strewn our best to the weed's unrest. To the shark and the sheering gull. If blood be the price of admiralty, lord God, we ha' paid it full I There's never a flood goes shoreward now But lifts a keel we manned ; , There's never an ebb goes seaward now But drops our dead on the sand But sinks our dead on the sanda forlore. From the Duolea to the Swln, If blood be the price of admiralty, If blood be the price of admiralty, Lord God, we ha' paid It Ini We must feed our sea for a thousand years, For that U our doom and pride, Aa. it was when they sailed pn the Oolden Hind. Or the wreck that struck last Jlde Or the wreck that lies on the spouting reef Where, tho ghastly blue-llght flare. If blood be the price of admiralty, If blood be the Price of admiralty. If blood be the price of admiralty. Lord God, we ha' bought H fair I rBuayard JBjdlajft Queries of general Interest will as answered In this column. Ten questions, the answers to which eieru ticIMnormcd person should know, are ashed dally. QUIZ 1. How nre presidential electors named In rennsjlvanla? 2. Name the Scandinavian countries. 3. What U the chief value ot the Kiel Canal to Germany? 4. TThat waa the LeTlotlian? 5. What was the Kuklux Klan? 6. Whnt Is meant br "Halcyon dare"? 7. What Is n barcarole? 8. Who were the Aztecs? 0. Who Is Nicholas Murray Dntler? 10. What part of Philadelphia bas been known us ireBcenmii07 Answers to Yesterday's Quiz 1. lhe rresldrnt at the extreme left) besln- nine nt his right hand and coins around the tuhle. the Cabinet members are I.nn slns, llaker. Uurleson. Lane. UedOeld, Wilson, Houston, Daniels, Gregory, -Mc-Adoo. 2. Macrnlieesi Jewish princes who freed Jndara from tho tyranny of AnUochus Uplphanes nbout 100 b. V. 5. Samuel Rea Is president of tho rennsyl- vanla Kallroad. 4. The unit rule Is that the majority of u Mate delegation decides how the vote ot the delegates shall be cast. 8. Nelson was picked on br n sharpshooter on an enemy ship at the battle ot Trafalgar. 6. "Greek Are" was Invented br the Greeks and was used by the Itomans. 7. "A Koland for an Oliver"! a blow for a blow tit for tat. 8. The Star Chamber, so named from the decoration of the celling, was tho home of an KOgllsh court with Jurisdiction over offenders for whose punishment the law did not provide. The name became synon ymous with secret and arbitrary proceed ings. 0. Achilles was dipped In the Styx to make htm Invulnerable. 10. Tho Congo la In southern central Africa. In Regard to Noah and Mrs. Noah .Editor of "IVftat Do You Know." Re cently, In answer to your quizzes In the "What Do You Know" column, you stated that Noah, his three sons and their wives were the eight persons upon the Ark. Did one of Noah's sons have two wives, or did tho three sons have four wives between them? Four wives, three sons and Noah would mako eight souls, the number of people you state were In the Ark. I waa always ot the Impression that Mrs. Noah was a passenger. W, McD. You have Inadvertently misquoted the phrasing In the passage referred to In the Evenino Ledger of June E. It read as follows: "Noah and his three sons and their wives," and not "Noah, his three sons and their wives." It would be very Inter esting to know whether you .u-puld nnd this phrasing as faulty as that which you criticise. Dickens and the "Movies" Editor of "What Do You Know" Apropos of the Inquiry ot Sir. C, II, 8, anent "A Tale of Two Cities," you might supplement these remarks for his benefit and other Mr, and Mrs. S's who may be Interested. Dick ens' novel of that name was done In film about four years ago by Vitagraph; also, the rest ot his works have been treated by either Btograph, Edison, Thanhouser and others many moons ago. This Is necessarily a costume play and not popular with pro ducers. If, however, there are any others who should want to undertake t, each com pany, by the way, has very efficient staff writers. It is a very difficult choice for a novice. ,P, S. FARRELL. Cheers for the Q. P. C. JJdllor of "What Do Yu Know" Please let me know through your dally column a "rah" for a club named w"h the letters Q. P. A READER. So many good "yells" are suggested that the difficult thing Is to pick out the best one. How would this do? 'Q. p, Gl Q. P. CI Who are we? Wheel Whoal Hoopla! Sklnamaree: Rah, rah, rah!" Or how about this: "Qulnkapunka, PJnkapunka, Clnka punka, Rah I Rah, rah, rah, rah I Q. p, c, I" Kean's Last Appearance B. M, K Charlea Koaa made his last ap pearance on the stage at the Prince of Wales Theatre, In Liverpool, In 1887, Distances Prom City's Centre Editor of "What Do You JCnou-V. WJli you please tell the "milestone" distance for three or four miles from Market street and from the Delaware River west? 1 O. A. B. It la one mile from Market street to Falrmount avenue; two miles to Berks street; three to Somerset; four to Butler i Ave to Wyoming; six to Olney avenue' seven to Oak Lane, One from Market to Washington avenue; two tp Snyder; three to Blgler, four to League Jelacd. It ia one mile from the Delaware to Uth street i two to ISd. three to Slthj our to 47th; gyf to 66 th. WAS JACKSON AN AMERICA,?5- 1 Chari?G Tlinf. TTr. Wna TI K. 1 " j 7 . H ,nw.; jiiiiu uiven uoior by Dig. agreement About Birth- frlaco Hero By JOHN ELFRETH WATKWg TTTHEN thn rhmk.. i..i. ... VV bloody uprising, in 1758, a bedr hi British troops was sent to the lmMrjfj region, abbut the boundary between ted Carollnas. With them came Hugh SteCt A M T.I.I. .j, .. . - ... 1 ,Cg. on,., uii iiioii soiuier, wno 1C1I In love win 1 tno country. Returning to his home, r j vowiviMciguB, on 1110 norm coast of lk4 Emerald Isle, ho persuaded his brouur ' Andrew, Andrew's wife and that I.... sisters to mlgrato to that garden spot which 'JM he admired In the New World. I 21 The Immigrants were very poor folk C ' J the tenant class. But Andrew and Wt'f, yuuiiK wc, j.iizaocui, were ot the best raw material for tho making of a future rien f'. He had tolled in field and forest rtu m sinews were like steel and he feared foe. Elizabeth, a weaver by trade, Co 4 do a man's work and was not afraid of thi perils of motherhood. They were of Hj U class of Immigrants that wo needed tits h and need far wrarse today. Their two lit. tie Bonn. Hllch nnrl Ttnhsrt. rntna nt.- ,., . them on tho slow-sailing ship. Soma hii m fluid iVinf th.v Yirnltf.tif nlnni. n lk(.. . &4m j . ,. u ilra WBj who later had reasons for keeping secret ' the place of his birth. , These modest folk landed at C3iarlirtn,i and pushed up, by Wagon train, thronthftl this ntnA fnrAftf fnatnpanAH to tfc r-.i Vu settlement In North Carolina, near s. n't South Carolina line. Andrew Jacksoe , Bquattcd on a tract nlong Twetve Mils .aV v-rccit, in wnai is now union county. For fit, two years no loucu as a newer oc wood n4 At a arawcr 01 wnier, duui ior nis family g log cabin and cleared some fields for Us plowshares. But before he had raised Mi second crop ho ruptured a blood vend while lifting the trunk of a forest glint. which thus avenged Itself after falling a n! victim of his ax. It was tho first foe ut had over conquered him. The nearest do tor was too far to corao in time. 6a neighbors placed Andrew's corpse In a roJ farm wagon and carried It to Waxhaw churchyard. Ho was but 28 when he jits up his ill-spared soul. Widowed On tho Eve of Motherhood ' From tho graveyard his weeping widow '' refused to go back to tho little cabin which her husband Jiad cut for her out of the ?! wildornes3. Sho could not endure to lar - 7 eyes upon it again. After seeing the earih - heaped upon her good man's corpse she took 3? her little boys by the hand and 'struck out - Into tho forest no ono knows whither. '"3 Thero wore very serious reasons why ah j should reach some friendly shelter very soon. Wherever sho wont, she gave birth to a child a fow days after her husband's funeral. It Is generally supposed thfyt this baby was named for his father and was that one of hor children who became Presi dent of tho United States. Elizabeth had two sisters, whom we win thSi3 J f m A Aunt Crawford and Aunt McKemy. Aunt Crawford dwelt on Waxhaw Creek, la South Carolina, soven miles from the Jack son cabin, while Aunt McKemy lived two and a half miles beyond, a little way over the line. In South Carolina. It Is supposed that the heart-broken widow set out for one or tho other of theso cabins, built by her brothers-in-law. Some say that before sho reached cither she stopped by the way- nMn nt n KtmnrrAr'a hnnu nn,?r thrA i-ftv , 0. .. , ... .. one of the world's celebrated mothers. .?' et am About the mystery haa revolved, for ee 1 orations, the vortex of a bitter controverff between tne two carollnas each common" wnlth nlnlmlnc nrp-lr fnr hnvlnir irlV&Q "Old Hickory" to tho nation. '$ "I was born in South Carolina, as I MM v , beeit told, at a plantation whereon Jarnu Crawford lived, about one mile from tie Carolina road and on the Waxhaw Creek," President Jackson Is quoted as having talA, This James Crawford was his Aunt Craw ford's husband. On a map prepared by J. Boykln, who surveyed tho Waxhaw settle ment In 1820, the General'B birthplace li very definitely located in South Carolina, upon a hump of "Twelve Mile Creek" that barely escaped the North Carolina line. Conflicting Testimony But another of the President's annU, Mrs. Sarah Leslie, and her daughternSIrt Sarah Lathan, always Insisted that their world-famed kinsman was born at his Aunt McKemy's house, in North Carolinathat , they remembered well because they both been summoned thither In the night to assist Mrs. Jackson, and because they had actually witnessed the birth. Until hf old age, Mrs. Lathan repeatedly related how she and her mother had hurried that night to McKemy's, by "the near w7 through the fields." Three other neighbors are known to have testified that they were present at McKemy's when Andrew was born there. And a patriarch of that region, one James Faulkner, used to de clare that once, while they were sleeping to gether' at McKemy's house, Andrew Jack son had toldlm that It was his birth place. In 1854, Col. S. H. Walkup, ot Union County, North Carolina, secured from U witnesses affidavits whose substance wa that Elizabeth Jackson, from Waxhaw Cemetery, started for the Crawford cabin. In South Carolina, but on the way haa v take the nearer way ta the McKemy cabkv In North Carolina, where she remained un til after the birth of her child, when sh proceeded on to Crawford's", there to her home. When asked by Francis p. Blair If ever visited his birthplace, General Jack eon once replied: "No, I couldn't bear tol It would uJ geat npthlng but the bereavement, grief txA suffering of those dearest to m,e. I couldat stand ltl It would break me down!" In J8B81, one Davepport. in a prtatel document, presented alleged proof that An drew Jackson was a native of Virgud Others have maintained that he wa born In Ireland and that he had the fact cealed when he first began to have political ambitions. Wherever ltj-as, hie blrthp! remains a mystery that dents solution-, Copyright, 1918. r!iinui jicjjMAriivi? -j The Jung or Baxony eays the ueni navy U now equal to the German it Why don't .they get oae equal to the BriMM navy? That will be muefe more w", w 1 ! He imm JL II. JL '' too : est