& '-u -& fta.? r.ng itinifiMWfi i .ii mtm nr Rj?i MAWS TOT flAmCWVEHDUNLINE; ADMIT YPRES LOSS I ii- . i . -i i i m VlPwtons Occupy Positions West g,M South of Thlaumont Farm, on East Bank of AJjeuse 3WWm LBD033R-PHILADJELXHIA VfflbSmDAX IOT jU, 1816. IW U. S. RffifflRP ON FISHING FAR AT SEA PRISONERS TAKEN Two Tried at Camden for Angling In Company's Nets 14 Miles Out Berlin Reports Recapture of Ground by British Near Zlilcbeko is P'1' m tf if BERLIN. Juno 14. German troops hnve captured Rrench positions to the west and . south of Thlaumont farm, on oast bank of the Meuae, on the Verdun front, accord ing t6 the Berlin official' statement today1. Tho defenders of the position .743 officers nd men, wero taken, prisoners. TOtoen Maxim guns -wcro also taken, , Admission Jhat tho Urltfelthad rocaj& tured Gorman positions 'on tho .heights outheast of Zillcboko, In. tho Yprei sector, traa made by tho War Ofllce. ,Tho text of tho offlclal statemont follows; "' ,'., On the heights southeast of Zlllctroke wo lost a portion of our new positions yester day. On the right bank of tho Meuso, in enemy positions west nnd south of Thlaumont farm, we captured on Juno 12 and 13, 703 French prisoners, 27 oltlcers and 15 ma chine guna, PARIS. .Ilinn 14. Tho violent bombardment of French posi tions was continued by tho Germans during tho night. The French War Odlco. In tho otnclnl communique Issued today, Btates that Thlaumont, Vnux and Chapltro Woods woro tha points in tho Verdun sector whero tho Germans concentrated their (Ire. There was no Infantry action during tho night, tho communique says. East of tho Solssons tho French, by In fantry attacks, captured n ' small tjorman post. French airmen made a successful raid at near Vcnlzol In tho Vosgcs. A French sortie at Sogcrn resulted In the capture of somo prisoners. Figures compiled from reports received by tho War Office stated that tho dormans, Blnco tho beginning of the movement against Verdun, have had 39 divisions, ap proximately 780,000 men, either completely or partially "demolished." Thesa are the losses for tho Ilvo months slnco tho Verdun battles have been raging. Tho French losses are said to have been heavy. The text of the official 'communique fol lows: Between tho OIso and tho Alsno a strong enemy patrol was repulsed by our Are southeast of Moulin. East of Solssons j captured a small German advanco post In tho region of Venlzel. There was an Intermittent artillery duel in tho sectors on tho left bank of tho Meuso. On tho right bank the enemy violent ly bombarded our positions during tho night north of Thlaumont woods, in tho Vaux-Chapltro woods and south of Fort ' Vaux. No Infantry attack was at tempted. In tho Vosges we captured some pris oners in an attack south of Sengern and north of Thann. ' Can flsh that havo been spawned, bred and swimming In their native Atlantic Ocean, 14 miles fro mshoro, be stolen? That Is tha' Interesting nuesllon referred iloday by U. B. Commissioner Jollne In uamden to the United States District Court In Trenton for decision. Tho commissioner held Harry and Fred erick Miller and John II. Nelson, of Holly Beach, N. J each In $600 ball for trial before tho United States District Court In Trenton upon tho chares of Charles A. Aspenberry, manager of tho Hilton Fishing Company, of Holly Beach, that the men had been unlawfully taking, by means of hook nnu nnc, nsn rrom the company's pound net. Mr, Aspenberry contended that, Inasmuch ns tho right to moor tho net hnd been Obtained from tho United States Gov ernment, no oho but an authorized repre sentative of tho fishing company was au thorized to take fish from tho net by any means. 1- t-ounsoi ror tho throo men admitted that TtlS OllcntS had boon In tho habit nt irnlnir out .early- In tho morning nnd taking, by meanSsof hook and line, largo quantities us. oass, iinic, noumiora and weakflah from ino net, nut that they wcro within their rights, Inasmuch na tho net was moored 14 mllcff off shoro, and tho Government had no constitutional right to leaso rights for fishing beyond tho tllroe-mllo limit. Commissioner Jollno decided thnt tho point was ono beyond his Jurisdiction, and should bo properly settled by u United States District Court, holding the men accordingly. IL PORTO DIPARENZ0 B0MBARDAT0DAUNA SQUADRIGLIA ITALIANA Una Forte Llnea di Poslzlonl Austrlache Conquistata dagli Italian! ad Est dell'Adigc , CONTRATTACCHI RESPINTI TO CALL MILITIA NEXT IF NEEDED IN MEXICO War Officials Work Overtime to Prepare Guard for "Unfore seen Conditions I0N. B0SELLI RITERRA' , S0NNIN0EM0RR0NE Tedeschi Inviano Truppe dal Nord a Einforzare gli Aus trtyci nella Galizia WASHINGTON, Juno 14. A call for Stato mllltla , will bo tho Government's first step should thcro bo need for moro troops on tho border. This was a Gtnte ment mado at tho Wnr Department tod-.y by a member of tho Army aenerat Start It is usual at this tlmo of tho year, It wns said, for tho militia division to pre pare moDiuzaiion plans against tho sum mer season of mllltla encampments. It was admitted, however, that every effort i ueinK maao tospeeu up tlieso arrange ments this year "In tho event of unfore seen conditions arising." Outsldo of 10,000 men of tho Coast Artil lery Corps not now on tho border, there are only 1500 available regulars in continental United States, excluding 500 stationed In Alaska. The remainder of tho United States regular army, about 40,000 men, aro scat tered at posts in Hawaii, tho Philippines and tho Cnnal Zone. Whllo officials Insisted today no special Instructions had been sent heads of the National Guard to bo, In readiness for a sudden call. It was admitted that officers In the divisions of mllltla affairs at tho War Department havo for somo days been work ing overtime in an effort to get the guard, Its supplies and equipment up to schedule allotment. Telesramml da Roma dlcono che Ton. Paolo Bose.UI, cho ha I'lncarlco dl formare 11 nuovo gablnetto, non ha ancora com pletato la sua llsta. SI rltleno coma cosa Blcura cha Ton. Sonnlno, mlnlstro degll Affarl Esterl, cd 11 generals Paolo Morrone, mlnlstro della Guerra, conserveranno 1 loro rlspettlvl portafogll. JIa nessuno degll altri minis trl rlmarra' al potero. I loro portafogll saranno lnvece nssuntl da uomlnl del partltl che dete'rmlnarono la caduta del ' gablnetto Salandra. lis forze russe che operano nella regions dl CzernovUz hanno tagllato lo communlca Blpnl ferrovlarlo che unlvano quella cltta' capitate della Bucovina al resto della Galizia e qulndl al grosso dell'eserclto aus- trlaco. SI aspetta che gll austrlact eva culno Czernovltz da un momento all-altro. Intanto glunge notlzla da Pctrograd che grandl masso dl truppo tedesche sono stato invlato dalla fronto a. nord dl Pinsk In Galizia per arrestaro la marcla del russl verso Lemberg. Oltre a questa cltta' for tlflcata, ancha I'lmportanttsslmo centra fer rovlarlo dl Kovel e" mlnacclato serlamento dalla forze dello czar, e se que3ta rluscls 8ero ad lmpadronlrsenp tutta la llnea tedco ca flno a Riga sarebbe In perlcolo. BABY WEEPS NEAR BODY Mother Dead, Father Dying, After ' Quarrel NEW YORK. June H.When a police man and a surgeon from Bellevue Hospital rushed open the door of the dingy llttlo flat of Hans Fakata, at, 517 East 12th street, ' late yesterday, the wall of a baby camo to j their ears. In a corner of tho kitchen, al i most Invisible In the half light that filtered I In from tho alrshaft, lay Sirs, Elizabeth (Takata. She was dead. Half underneath a- table, on his back and with a revolver gripped In his dying hand, was her hus band, Hans, Mrs. Fakata had been shot twlco In the .throat Her husband had a bullet hole , through his head. Unconscious of the pre, enca of BtrangerB, Baby Elizabeth, two Srears old, wept on the breast of her dead mother. Neighbors said Fakata had quarreled ;wlth nts wife about money matters, pfcalt Men Strike at Perth Amboy PERTH AMBOY, N. J Juno 14,Five hundred men ara on strike at the Barber .Asphalt plant here, and action 1 being taken by tho heads of other plants to ore Vent a. general strike, it being reported that trouble was brewing at the American Smelt tar and Refining TVorks. Tha strikers at the. asphalt plant want an increase from ii cents to 35 cents an hour and 33 ner cam. -la tonnage. Superintendent R, Fowler, of the Barber company, says tha demands ara out, of all reason and that they cannot be granted. They have ordered ships away from tho local factory to other plants ol we company. M'COMBS ASKS PRESIDENT TO PICK HIS SUCCESSOR Wilson Still Undecided on National Chairmanship ST. LOUIS, Juno 14. William F. Mc Comus. retiring chairman of tho Demo cratic National Committee, has sent a tele gram to President Wilson asking him to sciect nis successor, jvo reply has been received from the White Houso. Tho Presi dent has Indicated hla desire for an early start of tho campaign. Tho committee will organize on Saturday afternoon. There nro soveral candidates In the field for the chair manship, i Ono Is Homer S. dimming, of Connecti cut; Colonel D. M. House, tho President's closest personal friend and adviser J Fred B, Lynch, Minnesota Kntlonal Committee man : Edward N Hurley, of Chicago ; WIII ard Saulsbury, of Delaware, and William L. Saunders, of New Jersey, president of tho American Instituta of Minos nnd vice chairman of the navy consulting board, are regarded by friends of tho President as good organizers, nro also under considera tion. Wilbur W. Marsh, National Committee man from Iowa, was mentioned tonight for treasurer, and Henry Morgenthau, of New York, former Ambassador to Turkey, was said to bo slated jfor chairman of the Finance Commltteo, Norwood Prepares "Fourth" Fete A ladles' auxiliary has been organized to assist tho Fourth of July celebration committee of Norwood, and Is arranging for a safe and sane community celebration. Tho women have decided to give a danco In the evening In the public park, when about 20 young women In costume will participate. I Deal at Dine at We roast all our fine COFFEES Fresh daily. Absolutely dry. GRAND BANQUET The king of all coffees, has, made tho Hanscom Restaurants famous 1232 Market St. 734 Market Street aes&: .w ""- 'A imtm Norxolks Styles Tliat Appeal to Men of Exacting Taste. the Leg Comfort Pa't fa . Vwfnua ? ifiM 0 mi jlj a ; l BR p JUL l 3SJ" rfI UUtn. Wk AaUa. Osa't, bb fnm Vela. Z4S VUen. Wm SHL JAt of. other 1 iroublM wwc4 oJ cooiticf, (air- in UH tsln KUBGort. fni3f.fl T.ftrvn crfuiwn wltl isk yoa hascy Sod iur. ri.ZTJZZZ 'JZ.-ZZTJ.Z r..--? HHHW HW M(Knfl iuavi; wjHcuagma mpjiigemt s.na .m er ! rnvd.. US , trouMtJ. Cilli Stocking wr for tmar nwntlw. ui ana asaitarr. turnc utij. Cost oaly ti13 Wait bt and Utur- UCB, K5.ot ij t3ta.'jr, wtttwut a M J tic, jf- tvroprtbJt &u llb. 8.e, ani you a Elidlr vir much mat let U ji5ijro4 fre. or wrli .alntAa mBriii( klinW . i f w ""; w, , vt w limb Usrattmlti r,i. ate WiLt f St. :a 4k',r T Woo and it 9 a winner. K sdlantl Norfolks are amonrf titf flellera of tKe year, ana as usual, we nave them in styles that arc correct and out of the ordinary. e name or our Lrack NorfnlL- Made on easy, traceful mn it, nnl 1.vU W . w- -r-, ..vw 4 HUWI (llilll w the styl flu U tor weight fatrics, skeleton lined, and with belt and nlait. ; A, back. The fcclt is a special feature; it has the appearance of bcingf fastened down, but really loo.e and adjusts itself to the form in any position. Norfolk Goat and Trousers . 1 ' ; $20 arid $25 '" .; Jacob Reeds Sons 1 . 1424-1426 CHESTNUT STREET ..,--. "" '-"' r-' .JJWm.-ni.i ..wjiM,.--. 8.wtiamfMtam'ifiwftiiittM!iiwti; llOMA, 14 Glugno. Una saundra navale Itallana 'ha nttne cato la costn nustrlaca dell'Istrla cd ha bom bardato II porto mllltaro dl rarenio, come nnnunzla umclalmento II Mlnlstero ilella Marina. Un tolegramma da Zurlgo dice che nncho n Vienna e' stato annunnlnto che luncdl' mattlna tro slturantl Itahano petie trarono nel porto dl Pnrenzo ma furono mesne In fuga dallo batterlo austrlacho c dngll aoroplnnl, o cho soltnno un muro ed un tetto furono leggermenU dannegglatl dal fuoco dolle sllurant) Itallano. i (I'aronzo o' una plccola- clttadlna dl circa 3500 nbltnntl, nuasl n mcta' strada tra Trlesto o I'ola. Durante la guerra II stio pdrto o stato In parte fortlflcato ed ha servlto come rlfuglo dl sllurante o como baso dl neroplnnl nustrlacl.) IVoffcnslva ttnllana snlla fronto dol Trcntlno, tra la vnlle dell'Adlgo a quella del Brcnta, contlnua, svlluppandosl ora au quel scttore. l.unedi , dopo un bombarcla mento prollmlnaro da parto dolto nrtlgllerlo Itnllanc, lo truppo del genorale Cadorna at Inccnrono una forto llnea dl poslzlonl nlistrlncho o la comiulstnrono. Sublto dopo gll nustrlncl contrattnecarono nella speranza ill rlprondcro lo perdute poslzlonl, ma 1 loro contrattncchl (urono rosplntl, Ecco It tcsto del rapporto dol generalo Cadorna, pubbllcato lerl sera dal Mlnlstero della Oucrrn: Tra 1'Adlgo ed II Brcnta si sono nvuto vlolonto nzlonl dl artlgllerla cho contlnunno tuttorn. Le nostro truppo fnnno progress! nonostanto la flera op poslzlono del nemlco. Nella Val Lagarlna (vallo dell'Adlgo) not abblamo fntto un brllllnnto attneca dono una etllcaco nrcnarazlono dcll'artl- gllerla. Ivl nol prendemmo per assalto unn forto llnea ncmlcn dallo nlturo dl Parmesan, nd est ill Clma Mozzana, al Illo Homlnl. 11 nemlco Immedlatnmonto lanclo' contrattacchl contro lo nostro nuovo poslzlonl, ma fu sempro rcsplnto. Lungo la fronte Poslna-Astlco si sono nvuti vlolontl bombar damcntl da nmbo lo parti. La fantcrla nemlca era rlusclta a penetraro In Mollslna, ma no fu sublto rlcacclata dal nostro cfflcace ed nccurato fuoco. Sull'altopiano dl Aslago la sltuazlone o' lmmutata. Nella Val Sugana nella notto dcll'll glugno o nella mattlna scguento re parti nemlcl tentarono dl aranznre ad est del torrento Maso, ma furono ro splntl con perdlte conslderevoll. Sul fronto della Carnla o lungo l'lsonzo h! ebbero nzlonl dl nrtlgllerla 0 piccolt scontrl dl fanterla. 11 nemlco tento' ill pronunclaro un nttacco nella zona dl Jlonfnlcone, ma 11 tentntlvo fu frustrato dal fuoco delle nostro bat terlo e dello nostro mltragllatrlcl. L.'AVANZA,TA DEI IWSSI. 1 telcgramml che glungono da Pctrograd, 0 che non sono e non possono cssero smen tltl neppure da Vienna o da Eerllno, dlcono dl nuovo vlttorlo del russl. Le truppo dello czar fanno ora un numero mlnoro dl prl glonlerl, ma clo' o dovuto al fatto cho gll austrlacl si danno nlla fuga prima dl essero clrcondatl dallo truppe dello czar. Queste In compenso prendono sempro una grando quantlta' dl matcrlalo da guerra che gll austrlacl non possono portaro seca nell'af frettata fuga. Lo forzo austrlacho sono ormal dlsorganlzzate o demorallzzate dopo lo raptdisslme vlttorlo del russl. Non soltanto la cltta' fortlflcata dl Lem berg e' ora mlnacclata per l'avanzatn dol russl nella reglono dl Buczacz, a nord dl Czernovltz, o In dlrczlone di quest'ultlma cltta', ma anche tutta intcra la llnea dl dlfesa della Galizia o' serlamento In perlcolo con lo fortezzo dl Przemysl o dl Jaroslav. 1 russl hanno conqulstato una llnea fortlfl cata mil Dniester, a nord dl Czernovltz, o sono gtuntl a 25 mlglla dalla fortezza dl Kovel, che o' un Importantlsslmo centre fer rovlarlo che unlsco Brest Litowsk alio for tezze del trlangolo della Vollnta reccnte mento prese dal russl. II maresolallo von Hlndenburg ha nttac cato 1 usal. a nord dl Pinsk. ma senza alcun risultato utile. SI sa pero' che tedes chi ad austrlacl stanno ammassando truppe a nord dl Lutzk per dlfendero Kovel. GEBMAN8 RU8B tiOUTH TO SAVBLEMBEiiG LINES ContlnnM from. Tare On the number of prisoners tnktyi In the sectors where the two opposing forces are at grips with each other, while In other sectors the AUstrlans havo , begun so rapid n retreat that for this reason also few prisoners have been added to tho toll, The latest ofllcial report brings the Brand total of 116.700. . or wnom 1700 are ofllcers. Numerous successes of cumulative value aro reported from tho Htrvna front, from the Dnclster,, onv tho Truth, and west of Lutsk. Kovel, next to Lomberg tho most Im portant railroad centre back of the eastern Austrian lino, Is now, with Lomberg and Czernowltz, ono of tho Immediate objectives of the Itusslan drive. Its capturo would provo a serious cmbarrnssmont to tho lines of tho Germans townrd Itlga and those of the Austrlans to tho south. ALLIES' CONFERENCE OPENS IN PARIS TODAY Problem of Isolating Central Powers After the War a Vexed One ITALIANS STOIIM FORTIFIED LINES EAST OF THE ADIGE BOMB, Juno 14. Tho Italian eounlcr oftcnslvo against Austria recovered Mon day tho strongly fortified lino from Par mesan to Illo Uomlnl In tho sector of tho Clma Mczzana, In tho Lagarlna Vnlley. Tho Austrlans Immediately attempted to recapture tho ground lost, but wera re pulsed. On tho rest of tlio Itnllnn front llttlo Infantry action Is reported, but thcro has been very violent nrtlllcry fighting, par ticularly on the Poslna-Astlco line, The ofllolnt statement Issued by tho War Ofllco last night follows: Between the Adlgo and tho Brcnta tliero woro Intenso nrtlllcry actions. Progress was mado In our ndvanco In splto of obstinate enemy resistance. In tho Lngarlana Valley, by a bril liant nttnek after nrtlllcry prepara tion, wo carried tho strongly fortified lino from Parmesan, cast of the Clma Mozzana, to Illo Uomlnl. Tho enemy immediately launched violent counter attacks, but was always repulsed. Along tho Poslnn-Astlco front thoro was an Intenso bombardment by both Bides. Enemy Infantry which suc ceeded In penetrating Mollslnl was driven out by our fire, pursued and dispersed. On tho Aslngo plateau tho situation Is unchanged. In the Sugana Valley on tho night of Juno 12 nnd tho following morn ing enemy detachments attempting to advance cant of tho Maso torrent wcro repulsed with very heavy losses. In tho Carnlc zono nnd on tho Isonzo thoro wcro tho usual nrtlllcry activity nnd Infantry raids. An at tempted attack In tho Monfalconc zono was promptly checked by our fire. PArttS, Juno 14. The meeting of the' Allied Economic Conference, which opens In Pnrli today, marks the beginning of a study of tho practloal aspects of victory, it will embrace a discussion of many sug gested means of preventing Germany after the war from accomplishing by economic means what It Is assumed that her military forces will have failed to achieve. Tho Idea for such a conference occurred to ccbnomlsts of several of tho allied nations simultaneously, nnd first took form In France, which called delegates from Great Britain, Ilussla, Italy, Japan, Bel glum, Serbia and Portugal, Tho program Includes, besides the cap ital question of nftcr-the-wfir treaty ar rangements Intended to Isolate tho Central Powers economically, minor considerations, such an -mean tfttlilS more effect ve, a seheduw of war '""'PJ"' tteori account of the German 1". the regulation of Indemnities LJfniosU shipping, an understanding relative to tort, stolen or destroyed securlt cs, and the i re ductlon of postal, telegrAp hlc And Wepnonj tolls among the Allies during and after tn war. . Also the program Includes "Momenta .. it, Hi.trihniion of raw materials for munitions among tho Allies, frelgh ; ex change, the standardization of laws against trading with the enemy, tho co-ordination of regulations prohibiting Imports and cx ports, the restriction of enemy ac tlvlty In commerce and industry In the Allied Co. onles and mutual adaptations In the , do velopment of ports, shipping, railways, manufacturers, etc. MUCH DEPENDS ON BIUTAIN. tho ambition of tho Allies seems to bo to deprive tho central empires of tho benefits of world trade, at tha same time conserving . !, Aiiinn ihn ndvnntage of trade with the central empires, limiting Germany by forcing her to work for the Allies. The dls cusalon of the best means for rcallzlng-tho program narrows down practically to the at titude of Great Britain, as the only ally sufllclcntly powerful to free herself com pletely from German trade expnnslon. Great Britain's attitude, In turn, dopends un mo annitv nr di w. Iralia, to overcome the . , .? or his diplomats m ,1 LAr m Wi G"ftt Braln' allies WJ British colon at .,,L. trti basis of his program. hlcl It la RlcrninH )l. .,. . . ... aro not authorized Vn.;.rilMWs qmplre. " "niHy to,. e,c,ent conservative French t,4 notably thosiS of M. nJS?SKtoi Sffti!!rl!.r7rt -- -.-j uwiiat Htiiinrv i.r -mimb anfeti ner the British colonu. j?? . rado ftivor. Tho ndvlco Is glXEn tlon of British opinion which .?, Is be ng m a ed mi,i j:?'c! &rplh, It Is to Great Britain' Town nd3" present equality persists. H Thft Tiiinslnti iIaUIa. to object to tho Trr.:,-.a'!?,ta Whero shall nussla'a wheat eSTi?' il koted If Germany Is clSse" SwSS uuiumoa uro preierroa by Englandf nill! Tho sorlous press similarly l. J'M& Urge that tho, conference SJsMS tho Interests Involved nro so .bl various. It Is realized that ths! Si tho final treaty .hnita i "tin Al plicated work of many month, A Xm years, for tho economic destlnv ? -.wJif tlons depends absolutely uj giH following tho signature of peabe tMW. E. S. Harris Leads N. Y. Democrats ST. LOUIS, Juno 14. Edwin S. Harris, chairman of tho Democratic State Com mittee, was selected as tho head of tho New York delegation at a caucus of tho delegates hero last night, after Charles K Murphy had declined to take tho position himself. Tho conferonco was so harmo nious that it spoiled what looked llko a reasonably good fight story which perco lated through tho hotel lobbies soon after tho arrival of tho Tammany delegation. CTiSHEgj-jSJ fpdESri 5 , .50-4-Pce. American Walnut or Mahogany Bedroom Suite A superb Adam period Bedroom Suite, consisting of Dresser, Chiffonier Dressing T.-ibln and Bed. at n. nrlcn a creat deal less than vou KNOW It la ,,.-,i, t. .,. delightful surprise, for undoubtedly theso Suites aro tho most beautiful that you could find at doiiblo this price. Knch piece oxnctly ns Illustrated. Ternn. Sl.liO a week. , June Brides! -umc to ; Goldsmith's for Your Home Outfit! nooM , BRIDAL i OUTFIT .so;, $1.50 a Wk. 4 :; room ; PERIOD "Vj OUTFIT 125 Refrigerator Sale Annual Gocart Sale )ur entire remaining stock at big Dozens of beautiful Gocarts greatly Our entire remaining stock reductions. All on easy terms. reduced. All on easy terms. 722-724 Market Street $2.00 a W,At Jj vilWVUWVVVViWUJ i CLOTHING f i ON CREDIT jj Everything In our Men's and TVomJ wii o jvpai iiiiciil now un Bale 0,1 ft i REDUCED PRICES r Anil nil nn ihn onnlobt nf tm. fvtlVWVVVVVVVIVVVIAiVMtVVHii'" I . . mil ml iw $ &' fit; is.. Sm ne of TheseTires Exactly Suits . Your Car No one type of tire will suit all cars any more than one hat will fit all heads. The type of tire you select should exactly suit your conditions of car, road use, and price. That is why we make the five different types of tires pictured in this advertisement. Among these five you will find tne tire exactly suited to your needs the particular tire to give you the greatest mileage. Ask the nearest United States Tire Dealer for your copy of the booklet, "Judging Tires,'' which tella how to find the particular tire to uit your need. Untted.StatesTlteCornpany Nobby' 'Chain' Usco "INDIVIDUALIZED TIRES" Made, by the Latgeat Rubber Company in A World xQWk vSovk 4 WSL Vv H-t m v3Vi vv vk VWrtVm u Vi SBi ivSi nl i, -s