Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 14, 1916, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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JUINIUltt mv Oiauuiw
t" . .. - -Drtor-cl Considers
S, r.1-.- Trmfitiitions and
Avoid Increase in
Tax Rate ,
IsAVlNG OF $64,000 A YEAR
LuiAtt Good Idea," Says Alexander
Simpson, -
Support Expected
.. .- .,. n.iMle school system In-
-Srftoffct a Mvlni of $64,000 a year
l. "hX b".n proposed to the Board of
fate i' ii.,in flnrber and
Itaucalion by uupenm."
'MI by the Department of
e. .i. nfter n yWs work with
jBupfnendence after a V rcgrnd
. .( publicity, call" r, nnd tn8 nb0.
fr,ngcf theeiememar, -.. iw
Ktlonof tliP'l,'o.n'B" ,,f nf .he ndontlon
f 'Jin. new "cheme would be the establish.
K. ef the new wn' , . , h BC 10ols. each
rfehUTou.d"VaVe "a course of three
vT'r . . , , i,-iii iinvn a four-
M A complete public education
uld co r a period of 12 years, as at
', ar en w'deed to these classes.
' I"" B ,..i .i, otomontarv course, the
jSf woTd b. enwlEd in the Junior high
' goouand then In the senior high schools.
.-it- .UAnta wnillrl h lOP-fttfld
AdTngs now occupied by elementary
&i "v'hUe the city's 10h.Bh school
i tannines wou Id nouso mo "" ".i...
Bdhool buildings now abandoned because
toy are In neighborhoods where residences
tare given way to factories would bo re
SJSdS I by the junior boys and girls.
"Sr rtlllilng all available school space,
nitraless of Its locality, the plan would
mole the Board of Education to reduce
Z number of school buildings which It
otherwise would be forced to erect. "Use
-In the space all the time" Is the way the
Ilan was described at the headquarters of
the Board of Education.
The plan was read yesterday nt a moet
ine of the board and action was deferred
until It has been given thorough dlscusslpn.
IfcHor Garber and his assistants hae been
considering the project for many months,
kut absolute 'silence on It has been rnaln-
' ttlned throughout, rvo mm inai inc now
tlan was to be presented to the board jes-
I J... ...nB lianrl nnvwllrP. Tt 1 Raid
icruaj ..v .. -- -- --
that Doctor Garber Is not personally an
ardent advocate oi me rcorgumzuuuii, uui
that his associates and members of the
Hoird of Education hao urged him to the
Itand he has taken
WHti 91! nnn hnva nnrl i-lrta nf f nrlttia.
, part-time sessions nnd parents In all parts
Ot me city cuiniMiuiuiiK ui uuuuiuuus in
the school buildings, a threatened Increase
In the tax rate to meet an impending de
ficiency and the school population constant-
ly growing, ine Department or superin
tendence was forced to take some step
toward the solution of the problem.
ine new pian was cnuracienzea oy .Aiex-
nrf, Clmnann Ti hw tifiifnT" nf A,t
ney General Brown and Influential member
of the Board of Education, as a "mighty
tood Idea." David H Lane Is also ex
pected to ote for the proposition because
of his loyalty to Superintendent Garber in
an issues.
Tt ta f.n.lil that .A.urnl lan.nl nrnMam,
M,l, fl,(a h?ntA tha ln. In tn.aali4 a. it In
titaj. ail.u vt.u.u m ,iiun to tut I IVU Uill. ill
II of lis detail. The provisions of the State
school code may Interfere with the en-
lurtcmeui ui certain tea lures ana n legal
K opinion from John O. Johnson as school
jtnucuur may ue ooiainea to avoia emangie-
iJpNewly Organized Choral Society Gives
Meritorious Program
Th lIltalnAan TTT...U ....1.. t .. 1 r,-
v uihcoo ivuiueun league tnorai oo-
t tty, recently organized with May Porter
I, ft miatMil ill... i. 11. ,
tO the nilhltn. inflf nt'anlni. In n n.B..llnKlniia
Wg eoncert In Wltherspoon Hall
K n membership Is composed of women
WilOBfl ADCnrinn! nnll Ihftm ilmunlninn tn tna
I wmmerclal and industrial marts but who
fcaTB mUnln nn thnlr. ninnnllnn. rn ..t
l?f1,r ,fultura' aspirations they hae organ-
I ia ' q t,lu'ua, wnicn was nearu witn many
fc Mmonatratlons of approval and applause
IP -( i-vuBiuerauie audience,
miss porter, who Is director of the Can-
ttvei Phnnto IkIII.J i ...t
f ewellent effect In tone, quality, olume
... tiinision. inero was attractue light
aa shade m the Interpretatlons'of a varied
f Pruaram. whlih t,annj uZ u t
ii j .- v,ccu biia ucai tlici-
nire lor female choruses.
The Drotrrnm InMnn,! tv.a irint- tta.i...i
f ------ W.MhU ,HU TlblUI ildlLIQU
arrangement of the Donizetti "Spring-
j"n, mcenis "scotch Rhapsody," the fa
S2f Barcarolle from Offenbach's "Tales of
IT-hi, rZIZi,,",-,' , """'! "nu a.oeugm-
Wilson. Purity of Intonation and sharp
'. miV """"cu ery numDer,
.r'Jr" Wvano Thunder furnished ad-
BUfaDln nr.nrtmnnntm.nl. -. ....
, -'huii.iiicijls unu me assisting
sWlsUf were Elizabeth Bonner, contralto:
ItoT Hulson Macool, soprano; Dorothy
!,:," :ior, narpisi Florence
IhZZ. "i ,8?.d Ellbeth Porter, first and
IS second violins.
f Wife of Charles N. Welsh, Clubman,
Asked to Pay $482.41
Atlntli.. a. .
TrSX?3. fc""A ."" Helen .Qaltat n
W.1I-.7 , V '""""i i-nanes a, weisn,
;2ltlbm"' baBe' on Rn unpaid de.
rTh?,' .t0? bU1- was ened today.
ttS capal Court by JosePh - Darling-
ttaarhi ?ircha8esJ or wllch payment is
ftUUd fZZ S10.8 1y Nrs welsh, it la
Iriry J?n September, 19tS. until Feb
Itoih. .J.1.111 ytar- Itemized bills attached
Infaent V,V. Zn ' V 5lalm show om costly
IS. t,u'c1hased by Mrs. Welsh. These
iJir'.A bIund black trlped coat for
HtHei isj. ot g.l0V8- 3 si" Tain, of
t m llsV 0nault' U5 and two sachet
:l4.Jten there is a chew of
birUcle. Zi .X velsns anklets, Other
Ileal t,nSLa,?,rnment. Wfire r.ibXons. veils
ewt naVhiZ. ' .ini0111 arnunt oKthe ac-
b Surim ,nff tha bala"M alles'd to
UeuL Ttaah. r-J- j . . .. ."
p ,,, , "'"crea 10 t'lattsburc
th.t.7r...wh.t receivea orders to renort at
stk4,y !,,", T- one week, from tomorrow,
Pfcl X,iitri f nVnenSment at tha coK
ffnSar0. th9..Pndelphla. cltl-
i! n i, ;"k;v, Jr,v yar at riatts
lctor,LP8.inb! ii1?1" be their
H - ..fc, wiiuiaer.
Rev. P n .,. .
Qrav. . ne '" al Seashore
& . LS.kft.S? wrr of the Rev
fVj hhTHI1" paBtl?r Qf thailUi
K '5r . Baptist Church. nrt . Sl,2-
m TSSSS1 tW Atwuti; r
iPttiATrl-.nave sent message,
? kl rtcavT 52 nav 0ere4 prayers
Hpt thIEt!?f T,8t ,ae nwnths ago to
- TMnawmntfguj.
t you - have
( 1
weeks I
for examination
V (lee below) ,ff
iiii iiiniiiiiiiiiii5BwegjjuiiiiMiiiiiiL.jiBjudiiiJ.iuiliJi.iiaiiii!jMi-iiLitua,m
Next Saturday
At Sunset (7.33 p.m.)
Delay now
will cost you
11 to
Read the
of it below,
The "Handy Volume" Sale
of the new
v flJI
p 4vr H 'asaseis-
..a............................H.&k n
eeiiiiiiiiiV TlBeeTWilfML B&iiiiiHkl
WjBBMttttaii,,. ,HM
ooaedia K
X You have .
I "O 1
V for:exminationf4
(a be!o) r
Your money
back (ei?.)
you are not
(Sea out fuaranteo below)
Closes Next Saturday
at 7.33 p. m.
In Three Minutes
There are a million homes, perhaps two or three million, in the United
States homes of eager wide-awake people, eager to know things for them
selves, eager for larger opportunities, for themselves, for their children
in which the Encyclopaedia Britannica would be welcome.
IBut from $16G to $250 for a single set of books is a nearly prohibitive
price for the great majority of people. And that is what the new Eleventh
Edition of the Britannica, in the Cambridge University issue, costs. So
we arranged v ith the publishers of the Britannica to make for us a new
"Handy Volume" 'issue, at a price which would bring it within the reach of
at least a million homes. We could do this only by contracting for an enor
mous printing which brought great economies in the manufacture.
Of course, it had to be the new Eleventh Edition absolutely complete
unabridged by a single line; in brief, the work which had cost a million
and a half of dollars for the editorial preparation alone.
That it is the new Eleventh Edition line for line the same as the Cambridge
University issue we guarantee absolutely. (See below.)
By making this huge contract we were enabled to offer the new
issue at one-third the price of the larger-paged volume. o
(Yet many who see the two issues side by side in the stores or in the ?J
libraries actually prefer the "Handy Volume" Issue.) $$
And we send you the complete work the entire 29 vo- vov
umes upon a nrst payment or a single aoiiar. Aiier inai q
easy monthly instalments to complete your purchase. &
But much more. - $
Buying a work of the importance of this a whoje
great reference library in itself, is not a light matter, A
You want to be perfectly sure. You want to be &
satisfied. And we want you satisfied. So gr
After you have received tho books, in your
own horn e, we give you the privilege of making A
the fulleet examination you and all your $T)
family using the books all you want to. Ana
then at the end of three weeks if you make
up your mind, for any reason whatso-
ever that you do not want to keep the s
brinks vou mav return them to UB
and we will not only refund you A
nllnr vnii havff nalri hut --
lith 1
The A B C of it
The first edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica was published 148 years
ago 8 years before the American Revolution 21 years before the French
Revolution and just as steam and steel and electricity were beginning to
create a new world. ,
The forty years which followed were troublous times the days A
when France, led by its military genius, dreamed of the conquest of fjf
Europe perchance of America as well.
Then came the great era of PEACE. For more than a century the three
great powers, England, France and the United States, have been at peace
among themselves. So had England, Germany and the United States.
Since 1815, the one struggle in Europe which outlasted a year was that in the
Crimea. (Tho Franco-Prussian War was virtually over in six weeks, the war
between Prussia and Austria in three weeks.)
Most people had come to believe that the Dark Ages of resort to war had
been banished. They were wrong. War came.
War always spells inflation, high prices, dearer goods.
Everyone knows how many commodities dyes, drugs, chemicals, metals
and the like have risen since the war began. The same thing has
& come in the printing and binding trades.
Many kinds of paper have doubled in price and many binding
) leathers as well. (Some are almost unobtainable.) TBTfe
3 00 me puDiisners nouiy us inai wnen our present con- mb
fy tract expires.it cannot be renewed. The huge num-
& ner we naa contraciea ior are annual uu gone; anaior
such sets as we may be able to obtain hereafter we
shall have to increase the price by irom ?ll to ?ia
. r
every ponny or snipping t
charges as well,
In other words it costs ffi
you nothing to make K
theexoenment. Ana v
per set, according to the style of binding. That is
what war means to those who want to possess
the Encyclopaedia Britannica. It means buy
v now or pay more.
r Every order bearing a postmark prior to 7.33
t p. m. next Saturday night, June 17, wo
rj. snail enaeavor to nu. we dibko noposi-
& tive promise; and we cannot gucran-
jjr tee any particular style of binding.
. After that day, date and hour wo
can supply no more sets at tho
A present low prices.
'S'jfi The .best way is to sit down and
& send your dollar with the order
W.. lorra neiowinis morning,
the sale is not closed
until you know you
are satisfied.
(We Take It All)
you live at some dis
tance irom umcac
and wish to maG
i sum nf n set in a
- particular binding,
A telegraph us today
Jl and urn will
- mum nu , w
. serve a set for
"& you until your
T0 can arrive.
You send us a single dollar. We ship you tho books.
Then we allow you three weeks in which to examine
them, use them, find out their value to you,. If then,
for any reason whatsoever, you wish to return the books,
you may do so and your money will be refunded with
freight charges both ways. In a word, it costs you nothing to
examine the books in your own home, in your own easy-chair.
can see
sets in all
bindings and
leave your
order at
Market; Chestnut
Eighth and Ninth
tetfSttr&Ste. NOT VALID AFTER JUNE 17th
To Sean. Itoehuek and Co.. ChlcaZO
Please send me a set of the EncyclopU Brituulu
"Handy Valumt" Issue:
Iadla paper, in style of bladlns marked with an
X-at the right, or . , j , .
Standard book paper, cloth binding, as marked
with an X at the bottom of column at the rlsbL
I enclose! as first payment and aeree to pay balance in
monthly payments as specified, beeinnlnff SO days from
dste. Vou are to give me receipt when I have paid In fUU,
and then tha Encyclopaedia becomes my property. Vou
6uu antes that I may retun tho books vnttua thiea woeks
t am not soilifled and you vill send my money back.
I hay liways b.en Iiltbful In paring mr obUotlonj.
an4 an making lnl statement tor tha purpoie si Induo
IniyoulOKrant ma tbU email and to anura yoi tnat
fVU HU KC H19 U muiuil Hm -- -.. -w
Cloth 21 payments of 1100 monthly.
Total, $64.oa. tCash price, K&J&.)
Full Biown Sheep. Motorco Grained
ti payments of J0 monthly. Total.
17440. (Cast price, tt&MO
H Crushed Green Morocco, Levant
Grained It payments of U-V) monthly,
Total. 189.03. (Cash price, Ula.)
Full Cruihed Green Morocco. Levant
Gralned-tt payments of Wl monthly,
Total, S1W.N. (Cash price, tS-Z.00.)
Printed on ttandard book paper)
Cloth 17 payments of 13JM monthly.
Total, 151.00. (Cash price, H3.W.)
f-lW-l.,MM.l n.. TK marb Yin .n,rn nf Itlfl MIS VDaW9SII. VS1CI1
C , n , I t!UUi6iUa' V f1rr. ' ; , " - 7 , - ,- 7 w
dciju iuo a acciu uyuatasu 1 Qoak j i wW pay one montQ alter last inswnocni.
85 A. V,
(4ia your now Jr yiolaly oJ cartuUti
Street and No-
Bhlppins point, if different from post-office-
1 have been located in this town since-
-My profession, business or occupation Is.
urvrc. l . ,, II.A.U.A M. .JrlM..! mA mis.. hnnlfa are ia be aentt check (in
...""? ..R7.en7?.,"'3-Vi.
neaOiU p pini7mgy0wan pJtauwfliMBM.il wivwBiii.iy.'f - - ---
AU Prices are flamed so low tbat shipping charees cannot be prepaid. Bwjd .for 'shipment. .tha todla
epert weighs less thsn pounds, ana the "Speclat Economy" set aooiM w "" !
oose la Jaties and will ship your t from tha nearest
We Guarantee
that the "Handy Vol
ume". Issue is author
ized by the publishers of
the new Encyclopaedia
Britannica: that its con
tents aro identical, page for page
(including every map and illus
tration), with the Cambridge
University issue now Belling at
three times the nrices that It is
manufactured by the same printers and
binders as the more expensive book;
that it is printed on the same quality of
India paper, from newly made plates;
ana mat, Because 11 is tmauer, n is easier
to handle than the Cambridge issue.
We Guarantee complete and entire satisfaction witn
the contents of the Encvclooaedla Britannlu and with
the form of our "Handy volume" Issue. To anyone, nbo
tnrinv reaxan la not satisfied and returns the aet within three weefea.
we euaxantea to return all he his paid (laeludlnf shipping charges J,