Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 14, 1916, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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    v -w
-.. -rrt1I7Tlfl"f7JVTrn TAT
if" -u.un r.nnnnMv Will Acl-
gks the Thirteen Graduates
and Bisnop mun i
P. . n.Rnlonnv in Various
M branches of Study as Shown
Bra? In TVntS
,,4 Trplses of La Snllc Co1-
LMh.ld tonight In the South Broad
tEfi.rA,.ktre. with Bishop McCort ns pro-
i;: "mcr. This will bo me 4stn com-P-H2!lnt
'city Solicitor John P. Connelly
Mil deliver the address to the Rraauaics.
:T .v. t . Holla College Olee Club will sing
tLv.ral numbers, and there will be an orn.
L ,F'T".' -..i hatt-sn James J. McCarthy.
f tericaic".."- ""-: . . fl of p b,
lr'on War." and Charles V Toner,
Hwooee subject will be "The sncpnerci nnl
till warrm r mui.
, n. no,int nf the lengthening of the
Houree. no 'leg" win b6 conferred this
war, out inerq win " " 'i . ". . ' c
commercial department, nnd Ave students In
the college department will receive certlfl
cates. The alumni of the college will hold Its an
imal reunion In the college building, Broad
itrtet above Stiles, tomorrow night.
The following prizes will be awarded at
the commencement:
r fit" In memory of her husband To Charles y,
bK'er? tifj In merit, Qeoree V Cllenn. Daniel
Witt? 'fe?! McNIehol Medal for Knylljl,
Stain Kcnntnr Jamm P.
A. Scherr; next In merit.
tHf. founded
ffcNfchof T Eml!
,TM I'M opatrlan Literary Prise nf
lift of the Catholic Phllonatrlan Mt
Jlltuts. for American Literature to
J The Phllonatrlan I.llerary Prlie of 10 the
Aft of the Catholic Phllopatrlan Literary Inst 1
tote, for American Literature to Emll A.
ilr. the
Iterary In.
to Charles
fo The Rjin Purse of 121. the b ft of James J.
S&'Rjin! d. C. a. fl. To .Martin J Whnlen,
fkivlnV made the beat record for the four eara'
F&tS&t'WG r i i 1
SV'&f?ti -i 3 i ' "- TT355I
President nnd valedictorian of tho
graduating class, St. Joseph's Col
lege, at tho commencement to bo
held this evening. Ho was tho
winner of the State championship
in oratory a year ago.
Dr. Austin O'Malley to Be
Orator at Commencement
of College
Thu Bishop McCnrt Medal fop Illocutlon In
4rlrlc next in merit, Henry A, Wolfing-
ton. Edward F. Qulnn ,., ,
The Gold Medal for Typewriting To Francis
.nih nvr In merit. Oscar A. Schllllnir.
, - .linniM -- -----. - -
Pit Charles J. RHiimunKec.
,, , ! trrui, n rlnu tn ntlmttlntlni? IntrrpRt In
5 ? i ,,,,, iv" -' "... r,
' ' , icqulrlng a good business Btylo of penman
i" alilp, the college awards n. gold medal to
? the commercial and grammar grndes ot the
j. Brothers' schools In the city. Tho follow
i'T lnj( Is the result of tho final test as sub
gVallttd to the Judges of the -contest:
L?. In the commercial erarles the crold me,lat Is
8? warded to William T. neynolds, of, St.
jAiti' ittpbtn'a School! next In merit Vincent Caurt-
t ner. oe ine isiiBiion .-cnuni. nnu .Lansrn
Clark, of St. Elizabeth's School. In the
v'tlchth trades the Kold medal Is awarded to Rob
ert Brennan, of 8t. Michaels School: next In
. merit. Ednard Ouian. of St. Rllzaheth's School.
Vind Joseph Schanne of St. IVter'a School. In
l.Ths itventh crades the ?nld medal Is nwnrded to
St.. ioieph Hitter, of St. Teter'a School: next In
U ' .! Mn,nr4 lAlltuH Af iVlB fnl tlpanlnn.
Rtivul Srhnol. and Jniinh Smith, nf th rTnrh-
rirtt School j In the sixth era ties th4 urold mertsl
-In twarded'to Edward nrnmer, of Rt. Petera
1 iscnoou-iijen in mem, jnsepn uiirnie, or ru
rf Btephn' School, snd Edwnrd Mrtiilnchey. ot
6tfJ Vincent's School. In the fifth craden tho
void mednl la awarded to Joseph I-efevre. of St,
Elizabeth School t net In marlt. Stanislaus
GtMwtkl. of th Cathedral School, and Oernld
MKver. of St. Michael 'r School Jn the
mirth irrsdei the cold medal la awardeil tn
larry Delblc. of the Visitation School; next In
mrlt. TVlKum Mclntvre. of St. Mlchael'a
Pchool, and William Burke, of St. VlncentVi
The commencement jrrauuntes nf thv cottexro
ar Edward V. Barrett. Howard J. Honner,
JoMDh P. Cirr. Gorp J. Dunn, Emmet A
FltinrraM. Joaeph K. Heualer. .Toseph A. Mo
Oowan, Francis J. Mlksh. Harold A. Ttyan( Us
far A. Schilling-. Charles J. Stltlmunkea. John
C. Wd. William P. Yacer.
Certlflcaten will be awarded to John Mlchels,
Emll A, Scherr. Charles V. Toner. Trancla J
Callajrhan.i Francis J. Reusa.
J"ormer Publishingr Co. Employe
;Made College Head Youngest
In Country
Ur Philadelphia friends of Ernest Martin
rjuiiuii3 were Biaa io near loaay inai no
IJias been elected unanimously to the presl-
I years old nnd that makes him the
a? auwesi college president tn tno country.
llans.l?r nf thA mnlnvmanl onnrtmont nf
tth Curtis Tllhllatilnv Pnmn-intr Ua la nrt
KjfPert In this field, having served similarly
ffjWr William flleno's Rrn Pnmnnntf In TtnR.
gflpn, the Western Electric Company v Jlaw-
MJjtftnrn III J .n ,i t
j -.vure, 4ii.t nnu uiner corporationa, tia
H Kit hem tt llPfima naalelnnf n , nmgl.
rij!1 ' the New England Telephone and
n icRrapn company or .Boston,
ft. Ilobert: PlnfHUf m.nAnann t- xjnn
K i15 at the Curtls Publlshlns Company,
- "u wauy ij)al lna new president was rec-
l j"ucu as one or the ablest organizers In
X t field,
Mr. Hopkins Is a eraduato of Worcester
l Academy, obtilned his A. D. and A. M.
tderr at Tt,...i. j . . ...
Tja a viutiuui nnu naa oeen cjoaejy
lWntined with the colleee for u number
1.J Of venv
- '
i .215 ln """barton. N. H., on November
B- 1877- hid rinM .! .-. 1
j. -":"- r" io huh ucen rnarneq uy
sJ.!MltoUnffU,BWnB phases attending a
k i J """"' "r an eaucanon. y
BS.I i pere'"ance he earned his degree of
irr I " 1901 and "U '"as'e'" s
5TW Cecelia Stone, of Hanover. N. H.
fcV -;""" ""I""" nas Deen in industrial
Fi2i.. cadn, fleld3- I,a "a8 served as
fMcreUry to the president ot Dartmouth,
1 It. ttMY tha collee- graduate manager
hmn Ma, """" t.-..l"e.J.u,a.r,l",,ln
r-eSL?ire,Ment ot th8 Dartmouth alumni
Wri...""?...0 !... .'
tot. i. -""i imorcaiea in inausiriai
Bta2,7. vl? ,9 dQ wUl 'h Industrial
I f,"ft!m,ent. f 'he side of human relations.
l hru. j"-l"tcr' writer or magazine ar.
lilM i.5d pplltlcal economist Doctor Hop
itt ,h. J?no.wn among the large universities
vlicin . h " ia an Independent Itepub-
flit PhV, u "?"1UBr or me, congregational
pewtonrwass MvM at " B"mont Btreet
Rl.tirM la V. B. and Cn.d
Hlr- KjllBVefh.8 ,he, srowth of tha
Ji'-on ? vea a rich
f'M-. ' hlfhly per,
fumed and ?rea from
PA , makes the hair
Vht and fluffy. Send
lye for trial i.
Application at alt
flrsuclasa BftrS
(Dp. O)
467 W. 34tfc St,
New York
80,4 Hi fnis, w
Commencement exercise'? at St. Jo'eph'n
College ulll be held tonlsht In the school
bulldlnc at 17th and Utiles streets, with
Archbishop Trendergast presiding. Dr.
Austin O'Jtnlley, of this city, will dcller
the address to tho graduates.
Nino degrees of bachelor of arts will be
conferred, ono of bachelor of science In
ccononks and one of master of nrts. All
of the student orations will be on the sub
ject of "Science nnd Ita Guiding Light."
Tho aledlctory will be delivered by Glare
Gerald Kcncrty on the bubject ".Science
Built on tho nock of Ages." I2dwnrd LnrHln
will ilelUcr the salutatory on "Tho Sphere
of Faith and Science."
Other student addresses will bo by Henry
C. Ferron on "Creed of Modern Science,"
nnd William J. McMenamln on "Faith's
Viewpoint of Science" Commencement
week started Monday with the preaching
of tho baccalaureate sermon h' the Ilev.
John J. McMenamln, a graduate of the col
lege; solemn High Mass and Holy Com
munion, after which the graduates were
the guests of tho members of the faculty
at broakfnst Closing exercises of the high
Bchool and preparatory class were held
Monday night.
Following Is the list of graduates from
the college: I
Master of arts, Harold O'Neill, A. B.
bachelor of arts, Clare Fenerty, Henry C
Ferron, William A. Hammeke, Harold Ho
han, Francis X. KncbeleKdward V. Lar
kln, Wllllnm J. McMenamln. William A.
Mahony and Ricliard White; bachelor of
science in economics, Charles MncLellan
Town, 2d
Largest Class in History Fin
ishes at Easton Institution.
Ex-Governor Stuart De
livers Address
EASTON, Pa Juno H. Tho 81st an
nual commencement of Lafayette College
was celebrated today. One hundred and
forty degrees were conferred. One hun
dred nnd nineteen were ln tho graduating
class, which Is 18 more than In any pre
vious clasq. Nine Masters' degrees were
given, nnd 12 honorary degrees.
Among those receiving honorary degrees
were Br.' Samuel Gibson Dixon, of Phila
delphia, nnd Samuel Ilea, president of the
Pennsylvania ltnllroad. Doctor Dixon re
ceived tho degrco Doctor of Science, nnd
Mr. Ilea the degree Doctor of Laws. For
mer Governor lMvvIn S. Stuart, of Pennsyl
vnnla, mailo the commencement address on
the subject "Success"
The undergraduates who took part lnthe
exercises were Lloyd M. Felmly. of Phil
llp.iburg, X. J., who gave tho Latin saluta
tory; James Lilly Trowbridge, of Kaston.
who spoke on tho subject "The Future of
the Cinema"; Wlllanl Averell Pollard. Jr.,
of Washington, whoso topic was "Hconomlc
Hnglneerlng," nnd the valedictory address
by John H. Dyer, of Scranton.
The honorary degrees were awardcd-ai
Master of Arts Henry Clifton Kdgar, OS.
PnttMown, Pa.. Uniillah muter ln the Hill
r.leotrlctl Knglncer Dnvlil Fowler Atkins,
New York city, chief engineer of llshtlnir, !
rmrtmirit Water Supply. O is and Electricity,
Now York illy.
Civil i:n-lnoer Chester Allen. Ccttjsburi.
Tn . professor of civil engineering, rennsjlvnnla
College, James Ueeee Schlrk. :70, rtonnoke Va
chief engineer of tho Norfolk and Western
Doctor' of Divinity The llev. William E.
tlrooks. Allentnwn. I'm., pastor of the First
l'nslijterlun Church; the Rev. Samuel Martin
Jordan, "nr,, principal of Ilpja' School and Mis
sionary. Teheran, f'ersla. tho Rev Arthur Rus
sell Taylor. '3. rector of Rt. John's Protestant
nplscopnl Church, York. In.
Doctor of Science Samuel Gibson pixon.
Philadelphia. Pa . Commissioner of Health of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, (leorge
Joseph ltay. Kast Orange. N. J chief engineer
of tn Uetavvnte. Lackawanna and Western
Railroad. Albert Hunt .Welles. , Scranton,
I'n . principal of the high school
Doctor of Laws William Mann Irvine,
Morccraburir, Ta.. head master of tho Mercers
S "railEmy. Samuel Ilea. Rryn Mawr. Pa.,
president ot the Pennsylvania Railroad Com.
Degrees In Course were awarded as fol
low s :
ttrhlnr nf Arts: II. M. RlacK. Fa.: T. D.
Carev Pa : R N. Clark. Ta.: P. O. Hatha
av N Y ; P. H. Hench. Pa: R D. Her-JlSu-'
ra R I. Logan, Pa., H. O. Neelv. Pa.!
t" n.rnelf?nyder. jf. Y.. HviiYinSUt.aaji 8
I.' Trowbridge. Pa.; T. A. Williams. Pa.: J. 8.
Youns. N J.
Raehclor of Philosophy: C. J. Rrown, N. J.i
W K Delaney, Jr.. Pa.: J. H. .Dyer, Pa : I,.
m' lSinilv N J.: II. L. Foster. N Y.: T. Tree
man. ft?.' W J. Cliynor. N. J : P. A. ailn-
man I1PI if 11(11
fJSteln'A". P. H. ituini't P..; J. It lrln
Pa l"' XI Jacobs. Pa.: W I. Kocher. Pa
K w! Kressler. Pa : F M. Murphy. Pa : J. S"
. t w anhn ;. j.: i . u onoiwci
II. J. Smith, Pa.:
N. Stlpv. Pa.: L S
rvll.f T-
N. J; M. W- aimer. Pa
K II. Stllwell, l-a. ; J
nachelpr of Science J
V-t.-1 Vimn:.r. Pa': C W Forehee. N J,
n"'. Conn . R n. Stone. !.:" Th1?"
OS. Tlsrhler. Pa i C. R. Watkenhuth,
;' W. I. Woodcock, Jr., Pa
lachelor of Science J. v. w. uu-......,
Pa : H J "uhb, Pa., C. T. Dodd. N. J,.
ft 8 rreeman',ri.H:R Goldthwalte Ind
i i ivincston. N. J.: S. Livingston. N. J.: J.
P' SfS8?Vc: O II Jtoutenburh. N. J.i
C X Thomas. Pa : K Welles, Jr., i.
Desree of n s in wmnuj. jj
onTit? I'o . 11 W. Anderson. N. J.: J S. Red-
FV'v'Sli- & I'K JPoh'n:.orn'.CPa!'a!?'
D."c Til' K Offuu, Ind . H. V. 8leartPa ;
OMFORT, Security and
Service tire elements
most desired Goodyear
Cord Tires give you in
utmost measure.
They are buoyant, resilient, over
size tires therefore superior in rid
ing ease and smoothness.
v They are flexible tires and
"absorb" road obstructions there
fore best insured against stone
bruise and blow-out.
Thus protected, they have long life and
give long service.
Goodyear Cord Tire users increasing
in numbers day by day gladly pay more
for such tires, and prefer them to any
Goodyear No-Hook Cord
Tires are fortified
Rim-cutUne By our No-'
Rim-Cut feature.
Blow-outs By our On-alr
Loose Treads -By our
Rubber Rivets.
Puncture and Skidding
By our Double-Thick
AU-Weather and Ribb- '
ed Treads.
Insecurity Byour Multi
ple Braided Piano Wire
Jfi At luar'ul QooJyat Btrrttt Station Pttlctfor OaoJ)urCori Tint,
Ko-Um.'i unJQ.D, Qhtukirftt I woJi a4 tUtrit tart
O, n.Mc2. Troxell, Pa.t ft I. UnAngsl, Pa.i
F F. Weaver. Ta i J. O. Williamson. N 1.
.Degree of C. K.i J. Q Adams, Ta.i C 8.
Clark, N. T ; O, N Coles, I. C.i F DreTcl,
N T i 8. de I Krelre, Hrall;.J. II. Oaffln,
N V.i W. 11. Clrlasby, V V.i J, R. Kuecliel,
N. J I R. II. t.lojd, D C I U V. .Mccormick,
.V. Ji F. A, March. Pa ; O. A. Morican, Pa.:
h. S. Morgan, Pa.i J. II Neighbour. Jr.. N.
J.t N. K. Ivtrson. Pa ; B. A. Pitcher, N. J.i
W. A, Pollard, Jr.. D C : W. F. Ilemaly, Ta.i
p J Richards. Pa i W. 11 Wilson, . N. J.I
K. W, Woehlln. N J.I L.. H. Wyckoff, N. J,:
R. II WjcKoff. N .1
l)eree of K. M. : II K, Rollins, Va.
Denrea of M B. It. J.. Ammerman. Pa.i
I AlcM niackburn, Ta s F. II, Complon, K, J.I
S f, Downn. ra.: f ,V. BTcrltt, N. J,J R. H
Frlti, N J.I.R..W. ijofUn. ra i J. F. l.nhf,
N J. i W. L. Matthews, N J ; A. S Woods, P.
-II. W. Ilalley, N. J.i A H
it. lox, j'a i r 4i jinni,
DefffeA of K. K
n,nmninnil. 111. i I.
N J.i R S. Kramer, Pa.:. II. Jliimnm. r.i
Ii. J Perry, Pa.i c. II nibble, N. J.. F. li
Srhlough, Pa t H, II Smith, I'M C K Wood
rinir. l'a.; 11. J. vvootiwarn, j.
bereif M,.A.-V. Wiley, i J. L.K
., '02, K O Wilson, 'Of. W. Aston, 'lti :
llVr U.
Degreo.of M 8. F. t' McClUskey, 01 U. J.
lckwood, 11. k d Grlnslade,
liayeriy, Jr. iu , .. - . .
Alumni in large numbers attended th
closing exercise
HE Painter & Ewing Piano Co. of
Philadelphia had for many years manu
factured high-grade Pianos and Player-
Pianos, and the music-loving people of Phila
delphia realized the merit of these instruments
to such an extent that they usually purchased
all the factory was capable of manufactur
ing. Owing to the death of one of the firm, the
other member desired to retire from the piano
business, and we purchased the entire factory and
stocks. The factory will be used to manufac
ture the famous Cunningham Pianos, while
the stocks are now being sold at great reduc
tions to make room for our own forces.
Every instrument is brand new, fully guar
anteed by us and sold on convenient weekly or
monthly terms at our warerooms, Eleventh
and Chestnut Streets.
The following are the Painter & Ewing
prices? as well as the Cunningham sale prices:
$450 Uprights . . $350
$350 Uprights . . $250
$300 Uprights . . $200
$750 Players . . $475
$650 Players . . $450
, t
Eleventh and Chestnut Sts.
Factory, 50th and Parksicje Ave.
Pgvvlg .. .. .. r. .. it M
$100 Saving on Uprights I.
ana 4uu &avu
Pianos- - - Whi
I I KiMssim ii n i k, rmi a