EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA WEDNESDAY, JUKE 14 1916. A ID TED GAS HAS BEEN INVESTIGATING QUKbTiuiN ur jmx lmuJN U DYE BUSINESS Conditions Not Opportune at Present tfime. Says Presi dent Bodine Lake Superior Stock the Most Active on Local Jxcnange Some Issues Fall Mlltlon8 have beert conducted by InvMy?" . tmnmvemtnt Company on Slon of the company enterlnK the M " -.Yrscturlng- business. The company ,it rnnuWurin o of thfl 1 .toul . Vrineloaliv coat tar and water 1 the making of aniline colore 'ft. , at the Preunt time 1.1 branch' "v - . hot line IB rcKi garment aenot be-In attractive, how 'f-.-iml T. Bodine, president of the g&muei . answer to reports "!!' company would start the manu. 'J1'.1 Tnf dyes Rt the new buildings which Pu;e..n'yerected at Mth street and ',t,ryunk avenue! bg Used n . . tiuslneas of the Company, but WS..5 that we have been Investigating !;." d proposition and experimenting lM Sw line We can make the dyes, 1 5Sj?wiS5thr "t would be profitable after the end of the European war. unless wa hae a strongly protective tariff In the rive Industry, Is doubtful. Therefore , w. hZZ reached no decision to go ahead I'UIIUI In the "Our Information la ihot .i i . ... Germany hirte been running about So per h,L pi'.e,JX B"..ce the .war benn' n when It Is over It may be expected that fhh M.h.. ,'!, thls .J0""1 I" competition with dyes of domestic manufacture." Lake Superior wag the most nctlxe In the trading on the Philadelphia Stock Ex change today, the price advancing from the last closo There were several weak Issues J. O. Brill dropped 1H. Buffalo and Susquehanna common trust certificates It Cambria Steel 1 and Lehigh Valley 1. Philadelphia n.apld Transit trust certlfl cales were unchanged, as was United Qna Improement, the latter recovering a small fractional loss made In the first hour. orntniTIES AT AUCTION TM followlnpsecurltles were -old at uc tlon today ty lan. " STOCKS. jllOII .hs Dsnk.qf Commerce! par $100 ... 1 1 t.:wLi!m4i4?f.B,8..Vilr,H6Sj01 1 .? 14 IV'V,,. Co : par. $80. :K.?'rVKKtf " ,.r.";r t:.B co.i par i. "?. .'i""?,i.St PMvdfr lo.. nxr 115 mi 0(1 60 4000 ?"" '""V,i.. Hnrfay Co 4sffV.HA..ocl.t.on of Philadelphia, Mfc ,ff 'ins-Vance Company of the fltate h2 h.nnn0r5n'san.1P"8rouVhflwnarki 16th 1MH "'Vnflth "streets) Passenger Hallway IW.ht0 oVrmkntown '(W 'and 8th Sts) . ja,V....SS?,u Railway Co" V 100H Street) Passenger nai IJrtf Second and Third senser Railway Co . Streets Pas- 235 U " iv senser " -X1..1 a,ri.t Pas. T the. BCCOna anu "' no lrtA hi Fourth Tins Tradesmen' National Dank, par .h.10Thlr'd 'National Hank. Var'tjinO lliht Th rd National Rank; par $100 16." Philadelphia National Hank! par 10 lift Phliadelphln National Pank'i par 1 ih Flr'sl' National Bank. Camden, ' t im nirard Trust Co. par $100 . . 10. Ih. Provident "if. nnT Trust Co . par $100 Bv". n .AH a yttrt Ann MrtJ-SHKISiiniT'cS't w nn i48 .fl riuMh Street National Dank: . n 2tn annK 2n0 403 408 1BS 000 878 80 ino'4 0 01W 44 1; 411H 10VS 37RU 07 'i '83 04 nou wn 860 N. J., par $10" 10il Provident J5.Se Mutual Iruit Co . par $50 . . im Guarantee Trwt and Safe Ve il! iff "pVSsylfanla WarjhnuiinB' 'and Safe Deposit Co . par ISO . . . JOihi Robert Morris Trust Co.! par I iht Peiineylvanla Fire Insurance Co '; t iffpennavlvanta Flre'lnsurance' Co' '; t iff'phlladelphla Life 'insurance' Co ', Slhi. John B Stetson Co, common, 150 iff Westmoreland Coal Co , par V ,, H im-LehUh Valley Coal Sales Co: Jiffmerlcan Pipe' and ronatruVtloA Securities Co . preferred, par $100 ( iM Smith. Kline & French Co . com mon: par $J0O . Jlhi Olrard National Dank 3 ihi. Olrard National Dank DOND3 I50C Clearfield and Jefferson Hallway Co , per cent, flrat mnrtsne, .jou pom January and Julv due 1027 too Sumrorr. Haileton and Wllkes-Barre Ballway Co . per rent aecond mortttie counnra May and No vember, due 1D8R ) 118 118 'THE WEATHER f Official Forecast WASHINGTON', June 14. For eastern Pennsylvania and New Jer- kMy Partly cloudy tonight, probably fol- ffewed by showers In early morning or on Thursday; not much change In tempera- hire; light variable winds A trough of low barometric pressure that tittnds this morning from the Lake Su perior district to Texas has occasioned Ihowere In the upper Lake region. Plains States and the central ana western! portions of the cotton belt. High pressure over the Atlantic States and from the Rocky Moun tains westward Is giving fair weather to those regions The temperature changes llnce yesterday morning have been slight, 1 U a rule, and very Irregular, and readings u generally eensonaoie inrougnout me country, U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin Observations taken at 8 a m. Eastern time, t Low 8 lalt naln. Velnr. Station. am n't fall. Wind. Ity. Weather tinta. Oa 79 08 annuo tiny uii ill) Himarck, N R 50 48 Won. Mm (1? nil lltl N. Y 4 no kftleiton, 8. C. 78 74 Cincinnati, O..,. ns ro ClmUnil. O .... eg o "lTr, woi ... OS B4 Iron. Mich ..7n H4 A'".'.'.?.' Ti.- W. W. lllfiy MB ti k IjUna, Mont,'.;; 62 50 'vm, a. u . ,, 31 it sJllMPolls. Ind 8 00 :vMonyiie ri. 7 74 ltr.nl'. .".". L"' S" . "v"- Arn. ns '.i"si" tai, ni enttorainr. Ala. 74 UQYllla. Tihh At ;,' Orleans La. 78 SyiVvJf-.T:: ?; omt, '.: w.i.'i,sr.a;.: gs ortlsad. Hi.."" v?".... fe-ttV:: !" Uki. u.th' IK iC,Dnl8- Tex 74 1)8 54 68 1i 58 flj 7 SO 82 111) 58 84 80 54 58 54 88 Ml 52 72 4H 52 08 02 01 .12 .04 ,24 .01 KfflSJw. .... 70 -" "sn,,, 54 04 ,0i .88 ,10 HE NB NW B S HE w s 8E NB a aw E W NW sw E NB NE S BE W H NB W NB NW N NW B E H B NW NB aw NW SB SW sw E SE NE NW SB W i iVtiu Clear Clear P Cldy PCldy Clear Rain P Cldy Cloudy Clear P.CIdy Clear P Cldy , , Clear , , Cloudy Oinr 10 Clear l I'idy 10 P Cldy . , Clear ,, Cloudy , . Cloudy , . Clear . , P Cldy .. Clear ., PCldy . P Cldy 10, P.CIdy , , Clear nam J3 10 13 Clear Gear Clear PCldy oudy ar ear ouoy ear ear T tAu cioudy Clear Rain Clear P Cldy P Cldy Clear Observations at Philadelphia Bromi.. 8 AM. ESMvt6 ':::.:::-.v 80 1 ky ............ East, 12 miles aw'0" Ui '2 '' v.v.v.v.v.v.v. WS j T aun. ttn,p.-r.iurtj:,,::;::;f:;:: ::: 15 LamnH in nB T.i!! 1 a4 oth.P hiel 7,40km. The Tidea La. ? rovy RICHMOND. fi VaiS 'r water PIIHfai.Ut,n n.r. .-'. '.J U,- -1 wvi PUIMV WHanr l iVtVr L W .,, 7: 12.8 ' m T n " l.tu p in, 2 a.m. :ipn -ter ?.t,r' -ftlli vafsix J?X '.r fl li "pltl PEROT ISLAND, BREAKWATER. 7-31 a m 12ita p in litlpm . 9 08 a m . 1 11 p in .. 8 asp m , . 8:29 a m ,12 23 pm .. 6JiTp.m, ft!; Ues U ijwotw or DAY, T80t.n Moon sout 1 an a m souths 11 14 p m. OZL4WAMK EIVEB TIDB CHANGES ibftngr eTKEJST ilil5 Imw wUr - laj". B B Hlih water ,, tonwrrow IS 48 a n. ra.wraB AT EACH HOUR, ft ter h waitr PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT Receipts, 240,332 bush The market declined lc under lower Western advices and ruled quiet Quotations Ca'r lots, In export ete vntor No 2 red ipot and June 11,01 1 01 No 2 Southern red, 00c Oil 01, steamer No 2 red, liSc Vfl, No 3 red DRc OUi rejected A, 05H07Wc, rejected n, 0400e COltN Ilecelpts. 1000 bush Trade was quiet, put prices wero stendlly held quotations Car lots for local trode as to location No 2 yel low, JUOSitfc i steamer yellow, SOU 81Hc . a yellow, 78W7c . No 4 ellow, 7576c . ' me . ouvi'oimc nee 1 ua'ib luceipts 48,003 push Trices were steadily nmlntalned with a quiet trade Quota tions! No 3 white. 47CS47Hc . standard white. 4nifT'4n4e. No 3 white. 4m41tic. No 4 white, 414Jc . samplo nnts 38H W.IOlic : PurlOed oats, graded 4448Wc FI,OUIl necnlpts 1435 barrels nnd 1 Oil) 28J los m sacks Trade was slow nnd prices were without Important change Pollowlna are the ?uotatlons per 108 lbs In wood: Winter, clear. 4 004 80i do , atralaht. 4 855 16. do pat Jent $5 25 50, Kansas, clear, cotton sacks 4 8004 81i do , straight, cotton sacks 4 t0 10, do. patent cotton sacks, 15 154C5 30, sprlnir, first clear, (4 0005 10 do. atralaht I5 20B5 4O do patent 5 5000 75, .fatorlte brands, 15 CO n 25 city mills, cholco and fancy patent 1 0000 J5i city mills, regular grades Winter, clear, 14 80O4 80f do. straight, M R505 15. do . patent, 55 itf 50 IlE FLOUIl was qulot hut steady under light offerings We quoto at IS95 60 per bbl , as to quality PROVISIONS There was a fair Jobbing InquIrS- and values wero firmly malntulned Quotation" City beef In sets, smoked and alr-drled, 20c , Western beef In sets smoked, 20c . city beef, knuckles nnd tenders smoked and alr-drled. 27QJ8C , Western beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked. 270 28c beef hams I285J80., pork, fomlli, JJ5 60 27.50, bams. S P cured, loose. 18i18Hc , du skinned, iooie, ISCtlSHc.l do. do., smoked IOIOWc.i other hams, smoked, city cured, us to brand nnd aeraae. 18ttc.t hams, smoked Western cured, lBVic t do , boiled, boneless 83c; picnic shoulders. 8. P. cured loose. l'JHc. do, amoked. 14 Vic. l bellies. In pickle, according to average, loose. lOVic; breakfast bacon, as to brand and aernce. city cured. 20c.: do.. West orn cured. 18($18Vic. lard, 'Western, refined tierces. MHc.l do. do, tabs. HMc. do, pure city, kettle rendered! In tierces, 1414c: do., do., In tubs, 14 Vic, REFINED SUGARS Tho market ruled firm but trnde was quiet Quotation" Extra flne granulated 7 tnc , powdered. 7 75c. confectioners A, 7 53c, soft grades, 0 83 W 7 50c DAIRY PRODUCTS" nUTTEU Trude was aulet, but values were well sustained Receipts Increasing Quotations Western, solid-packed creamery, fancy specials 3Jc extra, 30bT31c . extrn firsts 2rt30c . firsts. J8029'ii . seconds 27J7Wc nearby prints fnno, 13c . avernae. extra. 8Jc . firsts, J830c . seconds, 27J7(4c . gnrllck Prints 28J7c . Jobbing sales of fancy prints, 300 K008 There was a good demand for strictly fine eggs and the market ruled firm with sup piles well under control Quotations In free cases nearby extras JOc per doz . nearby firsts J7 05 per standard case, nearby current receipts JO 0000 75. Western extras, 25c. per do , Western extra firsts J7 01 per ease, tlrsts, lOOO&OOO per case. Southern 10 15 0 45 per case, foncj selected candled fresh eggs wero Jobblnit at 20080c. per dor. CHEESE Offerings were light and the market ruled nrm. with trade fair Quotations- New York full cream fancy new. lfl01(IVc : do do, fair to good, 15013Vic., part skims. 0 14c POULTRY LIVE was In fair request and steady under moderate offerings Quotations Pw' 20 JOliC 1 roosters JBtUJlIC,. BprinHcmi-ncua cording to quality, weighing w 24 030c . wnito L,egnorns 24c 18c , ducks nfeeons old per pair, 2J((72rc weighing 14P2 lbs apiece, orns accoraing to quant to size and quality, 14 0 per pair, 80032c , do , oung, nn,udrtt! Th. tmorlAt rnloH nrm. with de mand readily absorbing the offerings of desir able stock Following are the quotations. Fresh killed poultry. dr -packed rowls, 12 to box dry-nicked, fanoy selected. 23c i weighing 4Vi 05 lbs apiece. J2Vic , weighing 4 lbs apiece 2JHc: welshing aV lbs apiece. 21Vic. weigh ing 3 lbs apleco. 180J1C , fowls. Ice-packed. In barrels, fancy, dry-picked northern Indiana ana Illinois. welBhlnc 4Vi 05 lbs apiece 2Jc . do. southern Indiana and, Illinois, weighing 4 lbs apiece. 21V,o . smaller sixes. J ft 20c , old roosters, dry-picked, 16c , broilers, Jersey fancy. 40045c I do .other nearby, weighing 1W02 lbs apiece, 38010c . smaller sizes. 330 30c, ducks nearby, spring. 10020c. squabs, per doz White, welahln.- 'i.012 lbs per doz , 4 8006, white, weighing .,010 lbs per doz , 3 H504 Bl). white, weighing H lbs per doz ;, 1303 40, do, do. 7 lbs. per do; . 2 6002 76. do.do. U0OH ibsWdo. 41 75021 dark, 11 6002. small and No 2. 50c 011.10 FRESH FRUITS eneral market rules steady with trade imtatinns! Annies, per bbl wlnesiip 13 604: llaldwln, J14 Ben JJavIs IJ0 other vorliieV $i 600 J 60. .No 2. II JO, apples. Western, per. box-. i sowi.TD "fi Fla.V per crato ' 3 3005 Orupefrult. Fl r crate Porto Illco. II 5003 The rair Oranges rinrina ner crate. f,,-i- Btrawberries. Delaware and. Maryland, per ,iat. J4 08 Hlackberrlea. N C. per quart. ihiA Huckleberries. N. C.. per auart. lJt? tnerries, veii " "-.i,",seiViV ao . ua . pr iiumii .'; -. v IJr- nound Peaches, (leorgla. Callfornli era car, .tfetii- t " T.. -T. jnoriaa per per ner carrier. carrier. 1203 ."l Uff 2 50. do t aniaiouiira fffili r crate.' 1204; do, Florida, per U IJ 5OP0a 8( I Wiiermilons; Florida, per , 15300400. VEGETABLES L.. .a i. M ith fa if ni ant) viluei generally ?uled steady under moderate offerings Qlolat ons- White potatoes, per bush Penn iVlvanla. II 8.001 85, New York. II J501 30 western. ..' 'i'",',rS,'"' fc er bbl Florida, No 1 Florida 15 5006 75: No s riorma, 1404 50: No 1 Norfolk, 14 2504 60. No 2 Nor folk. 12 50 8j No 1. North Caro Ina and South Carolina. 1404 25, Wo. 2 North Carolina and s'Iri' Jii!; ii nll Sweet potatoes, Jer- South Carotin 's Sweet PO'a'o'J'moS''' ;.V ? basket No 1. 4508OC.:tMO.- ..ohduS. SweatPoiHtoe. J.y. Delaware and ary.anu. Onions.' -Kxas per "cunirner crateNo 1, 1180 01.85 No. 2. 11-2801 8U.tK1Cbbagt. Nor folk and Eaatern Shore, per. bbl -erate It 60 5 V" It"!! 1 T.,'Vhr:'tl 600175 Celery. Klor da" per craU' II 7502 23, Watercress, ber 100 bunches, ll8O0J 60. Lettuce. Vlr gfnla. per basket.' SJe.011 Un4,N,01r,SCar00" ilna7 per 1-S.bbl basket, wax. 11 J5! do , do green. 50c. 011 lleans. North Carolina, Sir vf. bbl basket. 760.011 -'8. Beana. Norfolk. SJeenl pSr fflW ' b'a.k'.t ' 76c oil 25: do .do wax. per (J -bbl. basket. 11-2501 60. fea s, Norolk and 1 Eastern Shore, ner H-bbl. basket--Large 1101.23; smill. 75c II. Peppers Hort Sa per carrier. 11 3003 Eggplant. Flor da, E?; crate. It 50i 50, Squash. South Carolina, olr crate, II 0 1.23 Corn. Florida, per crate, nr0&"B0 Cucumbers. Florida, per basket ..n. Florida, per carrier Fancy. IJ J3 raaioes. fmiy -i L". ". ,i,..iini. cnoice. ii i". 'u"'""r. 7:;v ,; J 60 Sir flat crlli. VocOll Aaparaeus Jersey, per EunelKanS. 1JI(cj Prime. 10012c cufl. a8n. Mushrooms. ' per 4 lo basket, kuc.hf 1 50. LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS. uio Jim Butler MicNaroara , Midway i Mlspah BzUnslon ., Montana , Northern Star ., Tooopan Itelmont Tonopah Extension ToiiopahMlnln , . . Resell Bula . West end 88 I " 48 .. .08 aOLDFlKLD.jBTOCKS .!'.!,, II !os ' 'ni :U .03 Atlanta Blue &M ' Booth uuiidog ;,; FoSbSatlVn Fraction' ''.'. DlamondfUM H l "' Daisy '" ESSS& Conaodda'tta-;:. JoldlUlS Merger Sunibo extension .,-,- Kwut .: ..... 211a ir.n . " .::.",. Silver P'ck :J1 .94 JS .1 Si Asked t 00 08 23 ! 10 10J o? hi 08 08 it U .o MI8QBWNEOW8 F.lry At' Klmbjrly wm&vHmim tea 'Htii ,oaaer oi 9? i ' U 00 2 S3 SELLING CAUSES BREAK IN WHEAT Excellent Crop Reports' nnd Other Favorable Conditions Ite- BUlt in Much Liquidation OrtAIN ni.t.T HFATlir.il FORECAST. CIiICAOU, June U, The weather fore east for 88 hours follow! . . Illinois Partlf rlondy tonight and Thurf dayi possibly, thunder shonrra south this nfternoonor lonlihti cooler northeast- Missouri l'nrllr rloudjr tonlsht nnd Thursrinyi possibly thunder slionera this ntternnnn or tonlthll not much dinner In, temperature, IVIsfonjIn and Iowa Partly flouilv to night nml Thursdayi not tnurh change In temperature. .'Minnesota Partly rlondy tonight nml Thursday. Complete advice from Honlh Dakota, Nebraska anil Kansas nere not retailed. The Onkotns, ebrnka and Kansas" fienerally fair tonltht nnd Thursday! not much change In temperature. CfllCAao, June 14 Excellent crop re ports from Nebrnskn, good Kroulnsr wentlier In the spring ijhcat belt, large supplies nnd apathy on the part of foreigners were re sponsible for selling that caused n sharp break In the wheat market today ltecent rnlni have resulted In a general lmproe ment In the outlook There wna consldernblo llquldatloti of n conservative sort, presumably In anticipa tion of pr6spectlvo hedges ngalnst the new crop here. Numerous stop-loss orders wero caught. Covering led to a small recovery from the bottom Current prlcei are not attractive to tho farmer nnd country offer ings nre notrlnrge Tho wcokly report of tho weather burenu Indicated that tho winter and aprlng plants had Improved durlug the week Today's) sales for export wero 250 000 bushels of durum Corn closed firmer nfler weakness fol lowing a higher start Hecelpts wero light owing to wet weather Inst week nnd further rnlns In part of the corn bell nre expected to mean K continued light run for some tlmo Leading futures rnnied hs follows 1CSI Wheat Open lllah t.ow Olne close July . . 04M 1 Oiji 1 02U l oA 1 OIN leptember. t O0 1 0n 104,tlolS I i December 1 "8! t 08'J 1 07 1 07i 1 01i Corn ("new dewier, )- SeptemUr. 71 71 70S 7.'. .l'h December - Ols ill 01 t01 01is September 1SI 3jJ 1R tJHjl wi December . anJ 40H 30 3li'J 10 loli1'" 12 8J 12 81 U 50 12 77 1J8J September 12 06 13 00 1.1 87 M.' DO U-MI7 Julj'b"T" 12 87 13 00 12 8-i 12 07 11011 Sowembcr .18 03 18 10 IJ 0(1 Ml 01 tl8 to Julyrk" . 22 tr 23 011 22 in 2.' 711 2.' n Henlember 22 20 2J 28 21 70 U2 10 2.! 07 Bid tAsked Financial Briefs Applications haio been mndo to Hit the following securities on tho Stock nxchatigo Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, MO 180,000 5 per cent convertible 30-ycnr secured bondi. June, 1946; American Zlnz, I-ead and Smelting Company, it. BOO 000 cumu lative preferred stock; Wllls-Overlnnd Company, n,o0n,0ftt) additional common stock, Hnrblson Walker Refractories Com pany 18,800,000 G per cant cumulative pre ferred stock nnd 18. 000,000 common, the Barrett Company. 10,000,000 7 per cent, cumulntlvo preferred Btock nnd 115,000,000 common, Brnden Copper Mining, i 15,000, 000 6 per cent sinking fund coupon bonds, due 1831 ; Consolidated Interstate Callahan Mining Compnny, 15,000.000 capital stock Plans aro under way for the acquisition by the Drlggs-Seabury Ordnance Company of tho plant, pntenta, etc, of the Davis Gun Company, located nt Bridgeport. Conn Tho Davis gun ls a new typo of gun and is nonrecolllng Tho directors of tho Michigan Central Unllroad Company, the Canada Southern Railway Company nnd the Detroit Tunnel Company organized today by re-electing the retiring otneers The hoard of representatives of tho New York Curb Market Association has listed and admitted to quotation the following Tho 2,000,000 cnpltal shares of tho wnite Cnpi Mining Compani, par value of 10 cents each, transfer agent and registrar, the United StnteB Corporation Compan , the 1,000,000 capital shares of the Crystal Copper Company, par value II, transfer agent nnd registrar, the Securltv Transfer and Registrar Company, nnd the 1,000,000 capital shares of the Bullbacker Mining Company, nt the par value of $1, transfer agent and registrar, tho Security Transfer rtnd Registrar Company Tho Committee on Securities of the New York Stock Exchange has ijtrlckcn from the list General Motors Compiny voting trust certificates for preferred stock and the American Coal Products Company subscrip tion recelptB for preferred stock The May gross earnings of the Inter borough Rapid Transit Company were 3,i31,008. nn Increase of $3.'6,234 over the forrcspondlng month last jear. Tho Chicago. North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad has been Incorporated nt Spring Held, 111. with 1100,000 capital to purchase and operate Chicago and Milwaukee niectrlc Railroad, recently sold at auction to the Reorganization Committee Wide advanced were recorded In a num ber of Philadelphia bank nnd trust com pnny Btocks at today's auction saleB The bank of England today bought 804,000 In bar gold nnd at the same tlmo sold 700,000, FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK, June 14. Business In for eign exchange was limited In the first hour of trading today'. Thore was no reflection In rubles of the new JBO.000,000 Russlnn loan. Stewing held steady, Influenced by the gold Imports. Another large consign ment of the jellow metal will be received from Canada this morning, and prominent bankers say that thfs movement will run along for some time, Vienna and Berlin exchange was heavy, without quotable change. Quotations; Demand sterling 4 75 11-16, cables 4.76 7-18 ; franc cables S 91H, checks B.9Hi ; relchsm'arks, 7B4 07BTs i Hro cables 6.384, checkB 6.10H; Swiss cables B.23V1, checks B34U; Vienna, 13013.05; Stock holm, 29.99029.98: pesetas. 20.I020.17; guilders, cables 4 Hi, checks 417s ; rubles, 30,6030.65. New York ,,,,,,, Philadelphia ,.,... Boston ,,ttttt Chicago ,,..-,.,.. RATES FOK MONEY fait .',3Vi 04 Tim, n r BANK CLEARINGS Bank clerns today compared with corrs .ponding day la.two yeary Jgu Philadelphia, 4l 814 DDT .' 827 im ISO 7l,7nj Soston 87,288.178 20 100.867 ,8.092.811 New York 480 112 Ran 311,288 180 318,410 - rhlcaao . ,03.805.888 SO 81 K.038 81.102 213 St. iUoulS 18 005,530 1DO43.00U 14,848 830 NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK June 14..-UUTTEK Fair trad ln tone siesdy to firm Receipts 1 28 J tubs Extra ,8011 aoHc, higher scorlmr, 30Jlc, fitate dairy. 2928Hv ( Imitation cntaroery 25 BUM 3 Steady hiatl grades sustained medium and tower grades Irregular Ilecelpts 20 9J cases Yesterday quotations unchanged LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO 4un 14 HOOS Receipts 28.000 head, market I Of blither Mixed and bqtcbers 18 S0 00, good 'heavy, tu.1l)0 rough Kl 30eijn. ",,, itt v80 pigs. 8 J09 g 8S, bulk f8 8008 83. CATTLE Receipts. 18 000 head market steady to 8c lower Beeves 18 1BO10 40. coussnj heifers, 4 2900 40, stockers and (esd cTs $"7508 80, Tsxang. 17 80P8 23. calves, 111 SOWS 76 ' 'SHEEP Receipts. 18.000 head market 10c lower Native nnd Western, (307 80. lambs. J0 40eilW f BAR SILVER In London bar lirsr today was Quoted at lOlid a decline of Hi. Silver tn New Tjr wa quot4 todiy'at a i. ecUoe of fee. COailfltfATION OF MOTOR COMPANIES DECLAKED OFF John Nt Wlltys Says Complications Made It Impossible N'EIV YORK. Juna 14 -John N. Willys, president of Willys Overland Company, this morning Isiued the following statement! "liecnuc of complications the propoied mo tor consolidation has been abandoned Therefore, the Willys CMerland Company, tho Hudson Motor Car Company, the Chal mers Motorcar Company nnd the Autollte Company will continue to operate Inde pendently. In otlklnl circles It wns Impossible to ob tain any further details regarding the abandonment of the proposed nutomoblle merger, extreme reticence being shown on the part of nil of those who hno been ac tively Identified with the negotiations From a source well Informed regarding the situation It wan learned that the law J era hnndllng tho matter discovered cer tain obstacles which nppenred tn be In surmountable, and ns a result they strongly recommended the abandonment It uns nlso lenrned that the bankers Im posed certnln obligations on tho manufac turers, which the latter would not agree to and vice versa The statement also uob made thit tho question of personality played a rhoro or leas Important part In connection with tho disagreement Obviously, failure to carry through plana outlined wan not duo to lack of partlclpi tlon nn tho part of the puhllr to tho offer ing, because the underwriting wni more than twice subscribed nnd tho subscrip tions at 360 pel share, together with tho withdrawals from tho underwriting sjndl cnte were considerably more than tho en tire 1 300,000 shares thnt wero to be syndicated DIVIDENDS DECLARED Commonwealth Power . Italic a and Light Compani regular nuarterl of IV Per cent on Its preferred stock nnd 1 per cent, on Its com mon stock both payable August 1 to stock of Electric Light and Power r regular nttnrlern of l1!. on Its common stock, pnnble July 1 , quarter!) of pas able Juh llooks close F-Ffirij .lniv IT f-nnnnliflntori tins Compnny of Baltimore regu per cent on lie rumuiuii hi to siock or record lune i Empire Steel and Iron Company, 3 per cent on tho preferred stock 1 to Btnck of record of that date Jun an; reopen juiy a ,..,... Washington Baltimore and Annaprtlls Klertrle. usual quarterly of 14 per cent on Its preferred stock punblo June 30 to holders of record June 17 ... Union Passenger Railway Company, regular semiannual of $4 78 per share, payable July 1 ns registered Juno 11 Books do not close West Philadelphia Passenger Hallway Com pany, regular semiannual of 18 per share, pay able July 1 as registered June IB Books do not close. Hnpulpa Refining Compnny, regular monthb of 14 per cent , payable Jul 1 to stock of record June 20 Philadelphia Ilalttmoro nnd Washington, regu lar aemlnnnual of 2 per cent , payablo Juno 80 to atockhotderB of record Juno 14 Submarine, Boat Company regular auarterb of II 80 a share payable July IB to stock of record Juno 80 Npm York Central Railroad Company, regu lar quarter!) of 1V per cent , payable August 1 to stock of reiord Jul 7 lllB Tour Railroad quarterly of 1V per rent on preferred stock, paable July 20 to stock of record June 27 Michigan Central Railroad semiannual of 2 Ser cent . payable Julj 20 to stock of record uno 80 Hlx months ago Michigan Central de dared 2 per cent and the snme a year ngo Detroit Illver Tunnel regular semiannual of 3 per cent , payable Jul) 10 to stock of record July 8 Cnnndlan Southern Railroad, regular semi annual of Hi per certt , payable August 10 lo slock of record June 30 Willys Overland Companj, regular quarterly of 1 per cent on its preferred stock, payable July 1 Mo holders of record June 2l. CLASSIFIED RATES EVENING LEDGER AOATD UNO RATE FOR EACH INSERTION THIS STYLK TYIE (or like this) Ons or two times lSe Ihree times one week Ktic Six times one week IOo Situations Wantod three times ore week. IOo Help and Situation Wanted and Lost and Found ads are inserted in tho Daily Public Ledger without addi tional charRC Want ads under all other classifications may be repeated in the I'udlio Lewies at combined rate One or two times 23e Three times one week lSe Six times one week I2vc TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) Is permitted In nil classifications except Help and Situations Wanted Lost and Found. Per sonals. Boarding and Rooms When so sped, fled, add riVB CENTS I'hR AC1ATU LINE TO ANY OP THE ABOVE RATES. There is h drug store near your home that will accept Ledger wants ads at ofllco rates.' LOST AND FOUND I'nr Other Lost andTound Ads See Page 1 DANK BOOK Lost bank book No 022 811, of the Bowery Savings Bank 110 nowery, N. T , the flnder la requested to return It to the bank, if not restored before tho 10th day -of July application will be made to the bank for a new book TERRIER I.ost mole Alredile terrier child s pet reward True Bred Kennels E Washing ton lane Phone Oak I.nno 808 PERSONALS HEMSTITCH1NO. V per yard all material, tlrst class work nnd quick senlcn. goods sent by mall receive Immediate attention, contracta taken for largo quantities at special price Lledlke Mfg Cn , 324 Jefferson st. UNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS WESTERN Union Telegraph Co , 1,101 Chestnut st Temple C Mason Jack 1 augman O 1 Wldmnn Mrs I. O Ship Frank Cnatelll Philip Cnvler, Mr llejcr James Vouns & Co (leorga K Fischer Trenton Hman Mrs El len Morrlsae. Inmes Rnwle Ir Francis E Taylor Llllah Helsler. Miss Agnes Donovan Mrs William Kills Mr1 II II Hall Israel R llallowell, Mrs George Stlllmnn Samuel Wolf, Heinle Drug Store Mr and Sirs K C Abra. horn John Odea Mr and vr Harry Black Earley lc Sons Dr Chnrles Englander Mrs Henry D Beyer John Mer Josephine Mid land Coal Co Mr L W Howard Mrs George Mcrormsrk, Dr Samuel I nislei II C Hodsens J 8 Tlernoy Adolnh Witting O nr J, Williams R Moreauk Lester It Wlddl comb. Mrs R Roberts. Postal Telegraph Co 1420 STenn Square C W Chabot Mra M K Belden, Harry Ber tolet. Mary Keegan HELP WANTED FEMALE ASSISTANTS Two. of flee assistants, experl enced In blitlng or clerical work must be i quick and accurate Apply Robinson It Crawford -IJ-t N nun si BILLINO MACHINE and comptometer operator wanted in Are ins ofrtcs, must be good at figures and know how to run wide carriage p.r,ar.jlyjewrlterJP12l Ledger Office BOOKKEEPER'S ASS T make slf generally useful. Miller Bros Co 2d floor. S, W BrodandWaJlace CHAMBERMAID and sewing, wages (8 F, a Rogers Ilryn Mawr. CMKNDCIIAMBERMAID AND WAITRESS two girls to do entire work of house Meet employer Thursday, Ham. Room 205, 80S CheatnJt st , COOU". ibambermald. waitress, two maids for Merchantvllle and 2 months seashore Meet emplo'er. room 2O1.80S Chestnut ThursU COOK, with reference 153S Olrard avenue COOK Some light housework, so to Atlantlq City for summer Phone Qerbrook188S COOK, experienced with good reference Ap- Ply maHilaater at COOK flood plain cooking; 17 per week. Phono Haolt 108 OIRI. white, for cooking and downstairs work. Call Oermantown 788 J. , omEFwilUi: Yr iiSIfffi? jsaaiTniai.' Sent gi'for .'eSlTngV libellhs -grid -picking medical supplies, light Pleasant work! clean healthy surroundings! 82 hour week! salary IJ to beglnnsM with rapid advancement to kood workers! 12 minutes from Darby on trol ey. Jil mlSutes' from Broad BtrMl Station on train Applv In person or by letter to II. K. MUL FORD CO Olenolden Pa. QIRL8 wanted. light works no experlenca neces sary 5 a week Paid while learning. Apply .110 N 32it . GIRLS for general-factory work In pickling estlihment ItAoply s'vbrr's 120 Spruce GIRLS wanted at Wunderle's candy factory. 148-182 Peg st opposite 440 N 2d st v HOSIERY- Toppers snd knitters on Standard F and Scott. A Williams full autonjatto ma chines steady work and pay good as any, Hsht sanitary mill Wallace iVtlgoo Hosiery ro 4335 Orchard st.Frankford HOUSEWORK, general in family of three, no laundry Phone Llanerch 21S M , Ardmors ilr from tWtn t Crfre paid 400 Darby HOUSEWORK general In family of three no laundry Phons Llanerch 218 W. Ardmor Carfare paid 400 prby car irom cvia si. roaa HOUSEWORK colored to go to Beach Haven. W J " . two In family! reference reaulred. pall 8828 YfXae qermaotgwn HQUSEWORK Experienced welU girl or niM die aged woman, no laundry Call 4842 North TS.il L LOSES" Fn'lS - HOUSEWORK QtrL whit general hoW work Jcnklntoan. four adult. 4 lia. Pteos 4TMbrt $817. HELP WANTED TEKALE Conflntirn- row rtscedlst; Cotiima. HOUSEWORK Neat, capable woma cook jicet employer, . p. m , ltoom vnesmutst llOI'nWrinU- fljnrl hA,tawnr1r snd ---... "i - vi .'iv-r.-.;...r-v. ?..;-" -j . in Bmitii lemiiyi reierrrc". i"" .Wi plain cooklnr Spruce st. HOUSEWORK Young whit girl to ssslet with ivyn luburban, 113 Mawr ave.i housework i uaia, HOUBBWOnK Whit girl for general house worki two In famllyi 8010 VV aeblngton ave. , The surest way to get In touch .with positions In the best Philadelphia fami lies la through the Situation Wanted tolumns of tho Ledger. . . .flieaa. manager oi mo rll rtn f-- -71 "!' ..':' v; v. "; ."- r- .1.. i-rusrr n iiounenoia iiegisirv uurenu, and .tell her about tour experience and the kind of a position you want, She has had 10 yenrs -experience In em ployment work and can find the right place for you. No charge to Ledger advertisers. Oet acquainted today with MRP. MEAD Household Registry Bureau, Washington Building, IH)8 Chestnut st Second floor. MOVERS on shirtwaists, and skirts! best pay! steady work. The Hagedorn-Mers Co ,td and Prown KITClfE.vf and dining room girls wanteii white Apply om.ee building lo 8 Olrard College, 21st and Olrard ave,. tfMnv Vnina; womrn to learn how to line ladles' soft hatsi liberal oav. whllo. learning., and Grand etendi work on completion of training nnd St Mark's ave., Brooklyn N Y. . KNOX strnw hat sewing machine operators steady work assure 1 for months to comet only ex perlemed operators on high class work and who expect excellent wages need apply tlrand and St. Mark s ave. Brooklyn N Y. KNOJw oners opening to cnpsble young women to learn trimming soft felt bats; liberal pay whllo learning! steady work assured on oom Pletlon of training. (Irand nndSt Mark's ave Brooklyn N. Y LAL'NDRERS. private fninllj i go to shore! good wages H 40J, Ledger Of lice 1.ACM1RY ofrls to do pressing on shlrtwaTts and skirts. The Hagedorn Merx Co, .Id an 1 Bronn NURSE wnntol North Herman, to caro for one chlldt position at Merloni good sewer. Phone vierlon 8UV NURSEIll GOVERNESS I'an Pel Pine st OPERATORS on shirtwaists and skirts, steady worki beet pay, The Hagedorn-Mers Co , Id and flrown PRES1ERS on shirtwaists nnd skirts! best pnyi steady workt Tho Hagedorn Mer Co,,, ,ld and Brown SPOOLFR8 wanted! ateady work! good wagesi WIIIISl P-rnni-li nr (lermnn Cali between 2 and, 4 o'clock Thurslay, 1,01 II Horstmann short hours Annl Co . 8th and Cherrj RTENOORAPHER and general nfOie asilstanti must be thoroughly experienced Apply Robln- "onyiw fordJ24 N luth st STENOGRAPHER, bright young ladyi must be accurate state experience and salary ex pected Ml48, Ledger Central STENOGRAPHER", Smith-Premier machine, gen oral of nee work. O 240, ledger Central STENOGRAPHERS, BOOKKEEPERS CLERKS hao recognized the assistance that "Miss Denn," of the Commercial Department nt Ledger Central, has been in securing sltun lions of the better kind a service which the public cannot do without. ' Miss Dean" hns both the Interests of the employer snd em ploye nt heart, and can be depended upon ut the right time and plnte. This service Is of fered to you as a Ledger advertiser take ad vantago of It Immediately If you are seeking a position. TELFPHONE OPERATORS Girls between J7 and 22 who nre anxious to secure perma nent positions, with refined, pleasant, home like surroundings I salary paid while learning, rapid advancement. Appn In person to the Bell Telephone Co., 400 Market at., between 8 JO a. m. and 8 p. m. ( snlarvl Miss Million. 210 VV. good TYPISTS experienced, wanted! cnanco tor aavancemem somerset et WANTED A woman on field work for a benevo lent Institution! must have ability to handle a large proposition anl he able to offer unques tionable reference Applv to lav and Thurs , 4J18 Walnut stbetnccn 2 anil 4 WANTED women attendants, salary" 120 per month with board lodging nnd laundry In autre chief resident phslrlin. Philadelphia Hospital for the Insane 31th nnd l'lne sts , Philadelphia OUNG "WOMAN of refinement as housekeeper to inodeet modern suburban home! refined sur- rotindlngs. state particulars II 127 led Off OUNU LADY toTasslst dancTng master during my vacation! must play piano fairly well II 114 Ledger Office YOUNG VVOVIEN Just leaving school will find exceptional opportunities In telephone operat ingi salary paid while learning, permanent ruiR thn asnured ulth nleasant homelike stir roundings Apply In person to the Bel Phone i;o , iuu aia and 8 p. m. arket at Tele between 8 30 a, m. General WOMEV beeonv Government clerks. $70 month, sample examination questions free Franklin Institute, Dent 71ft I', Rochester, N. Y. HELP WANTED MALE ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER and atenngrnpher A joung man not under 21 years of age, with some experience Phone during business hours 481. evenings Mr Gilbert, 274 J Perkins Olue Co I.ansdale. Pa AUTO SALESMAN on one of tho best selling low-priced lines, must .be thoroughly experi enced man with large local acquaintance, no other need apply Interview confident!-! P 030 Ledger Offlce BOY Offlc boy, over 10 for work In news paper office Apply Mr Fanning Public I edger Offlre Room 203 second floor Wash ington Building 808 Chestnut st BOY 17 to 18 jears. offlie mfg concern! good chance for ndvancment P 110 Ledger Offlre BOY. bright, In law offlco for summer O 231 Ledger Central BOYS wanted 10 or over, to work In wall paper facton Apply at once, Becker. Smith & Page Water and Snjder ave BOYS strong wanted at Wunderlv's Candy Factors 118-132 Pegg st . opp 140 N 2d st BOYS wanted ApplJ 1831 North Fifth street CARD FEEDERS wanted on woolen cards Ap ply John James Dohson Inc. Old Mills Scott's Ian" Falls of Schuylkill PAnPEVTERS vented for generel work An plv tn oersnn or hy letter H K MULFORD CO Olenolden Pa CARRIAGE PUNTER and lelterer to go to country r.20 Arch st 10 to 15 riIAUFFE''R respectful and polite, good me chanic on8Leder Central rfrnif Young men 2T to 30 years of age. fo responslbte clerical positions Apnly Standard Fuse Corporation PaulsborOj N J Young man able to operate type-, writer fair salary and board Apply person-' .'.'.. , . .. .. Dannfe am. T Ah,.Th KPISCOPai Ill',,, -iwv ,,U l,.. CLERK writ ally CREDIT DEPARTMENT of large retail conrern requires the servitea nf a young man about " to 30 for detail worn nnn ouiBiae roiiet-uon to obtain consideration applicants must stats iie" exoerlence reference and salary expected! ippllcn lions strictly confidential P 120, Led ger Offlce DRAUGHTSMAN Wanted structural draughts man for detslllng. must h. exp Crsns Dept Nlles Bement-Pond Cox Mifflin and Meadow DRAUGHTSMAN mechanical, for permanent po. "itlnn i stale ag" experience salary desired P 118, Ledger Office v iiilUOafST Young man thoroughly acquainted with patent medicines for retail counter George 11 Evans 1108 Chestnut DYE HOUSE kettle hsnds, experienced, ateady bosltlon Friedberger Aaron Mfg Co , 4800 fT 18th st near Wayne Junction nYER experienced Tom-Tom man, steady work, good pay 1310 N Lawrence FEEDERS Cylinder Press feeders! competent, Appl N W cor 4th and Arch FREIOHT "HANDLERS 'Men wanted to truck freight at station! whits or colored. Apply T a, m , N 17th HARDWOOD FINISHERS an costers and hub- bersi hours 48i wsaes 18.72 Apply at once. Kidy to work 8907 Powelton ave HOSIERY Experienced man to take charge of ' wareroom. must hay. exnerlenca n flnlshlng ill styles of work Apply E Sutro & Son Co . E Thompson and Clearfield liniTSEMAN colored for a ihurbs. must be good rook, reference required Meet employer, Room 205, 808 Chestnut st , Thursday, 10 80 HOUSEMAN, would assist In waiting, private "family, best reference 408 South 21st st. louimaKers ivsTRl'MENT MAKERS, toolmakers II 24 to 1 4 48 ner d of 8 h.urs machinists II to 14. ilslslfnt macblnlats U to $2 80. SKILLED I.AliORERS 2 hand turret laths operators. mm Pillrr Johnston 13 82 Automatic Cleveland JlrowiJ Sharpe k Oridley 13 78, higher iaii'i,,.-!-' - . -'- "w. ... jiii 11 daya' leave after one year's service. 7 holldaya and Saturday afternoons during Era.nkL?. SHi.H.,fhiV piT" ' ' ;.-rji-u..v v iahitor steady and saber handy with tools, J would like to better his position. P a B 12y j-eos" wi KITCHEN MEV wanted Apply timekeeper office. Bellevue-Btratford i snonERS good wanted now at Tygert-AUen VeFtlliier Works Bouth Delawara and Wee SS, a"e (areepwlib Point)! steady work th year around for right nn See 8up .nteiident at -orks iaBORERS wnl, Rr colored, good wages, steady work n0 trtk Apply Henry Dlsston ft Sons Tacosi IABORERS wanted steady work .good wans Apply Kenslpjssonj4 4 CumberUnd ft LABORERS wanted steady work good uagn. jtSfli X snd Cambria sts , HacSISS "HANDS-- EiprisBce4 operator oa "tprUhrmoIder tdy po'JUW 90d pay. im Soutn th ft- HELP WANTED MALB Conllnneit from PrecctKno COlomH MACHINISTS Steady employment at satUfac lory. wages! mlm factory. "Ityaled In fealth fill location; 0-cent fare from OVi iff sts i only thoroughly competent men, applying In person, will be considered NO WAR ORDERS, THE AUTOCAR COMPANY Ardmore, Pa, take entire it ei 008 Mt fimnlnVer .'"- .'A;-i: . -. unrsinui ii charge of 'inura- MAN AND WIFE to hnttaal nn wathlne day, il a. m., Room 201 MAN AND WIFE Japanese, wish pop 1 1 onj. man as cook wlfs as wsl tressi country place! have reference. Y K , 808 N 18th st MAN of executive ability and Inle8fljr..,1,b reference wants position of responsibility. H 20, ledger omce MAN. experienced, who uniferetands atrtplns; and Miiniillnr rtirnlltire. Annly 244 S otn st, MAN. rellabtel"wlte good roofe,"Tiesd waiter! go away Locust 8811 1007 Fltxwater. .MECHANICS WANTED Tool designers, ex-perle-iced on pigs and fixtures! toolmakers! Al Job setters) macnine repair mine i chlnlstsi O and E gear assemblers of mechanics must be first clsss. t testerai ma il an Kinns have tools. rend hlne prints eight-hour shop no lanor troubles i near New York Ask for K. vj. Bascombe. Bingham llouso trhlla ). 10 to 12 andJJ lo t - MECHANICS WANTED, FIRST CLASS Machine Inthe hands, automat i.macnine h,nH, miiiwriehts. riggers, mnlders, tore makers nnd laborers. Appl tlrttH,.ln T.nfrtmnltl VV OrkS I MUM wsnfed. voung and oldT to learn .machine -.it, m Eld stone, Pa Thomas, staking in lea t her wolks ,"good pay while , learn ing! four weeks requ red to "earn, can tarii 118 for 81 houre' work! also Wvjn7ni. .iKi era Appls Keistono Leather Works, 10th and vtlrklM ris . l-nmden. N .1 MEN CO. Apply stohr- EV wanted For general farm and laboring work, niao men In hand o hogs, ateady posi tions for sober. Industrious men Apply In person nr uy letter ii i u,.... Olenolden Pa MEN for general factory work r m lln n f.snrev st PAPER BOX SALESMAN .wanted experienced! state salary or rnmmlislon section traveled anu rorerencos si -ii-i old mills Scott's lane. First-class men permanent nisr Ledger Offlce. ntn-r-nnrt nn itrnM-n mules APPly. jonn tnmrs rinbson Inc . old mills Scni Falls of Schuylkill. PLUVIBEHS" IMBORERS wanted 2017 Hansom PORTEn nnd messenger, joung quick, wl Ing nnd reliable colored man wishes position, storo or omce ref 2022 Carpenter st REAL ESTATE College "raduale with ten earV experience notary publ o ofllcer, In sev eral building associations large rnorUago clientele, desires connection with established central realty firm F 742 Ledger t entral SALES MANAGER WANTED Salesmen looking for general sales agency on nationally advertised line of office apn! ances and time saving devices nn jet full details by reading our "ad under Business Opportunities Mellcke Company SALESMAN covering. N J . Pn . Del . M Va i well known to bers of department stores housefurnishlng departments gss and electric companies furniture hnrdnnro and stove dealers, plumbers snd Jobbers open ror a proposition from established concerns i 813 Ledger Central SALESMAN Young man 21 years of age. wishes position with a rellnble concern, hard warn or mill supplies preferred but not essen tial 7 sears' selling experience, can furnish references P 101, I-edser Offlce SALESMAN Young man years' experience In musical line, execute o ability, desires to. make nanent connection whu renwutr uyu ry or commission, referenre furnished j .io i.,?uncirv.rnii.i .. SALFSMAN- wall ted moving picture machines and supplies Williams, Brown Earie, Inc.. 018 Chestnutst SHIPPER Young man to assist shipper, 1310 N, Lawrence sti SPINNERS on woolen mules Apply John fi James Dobson Inc., old mills, Scott s lan, Tails ofSchuylklll STENOGRAPHER Young man with clerical ex perlenco also Phone or apply in person Standard Fuss Corp . Paulaboro N. J STENOGRAPHER wanted, Spanish Apply C V Plowman & Co 242 Chestnut street WANTTD Young married white man to act as second chauffeur on countrv plnce 12 miles from Philadelphia! wages 818 per week and 4 room modern cottage, w Ith bath, attached to garage Answer, giving age number of children. If anv particulars of previous ex perlence and references n 111 Ledger Offlre WANTED A young man with some high school or business rollege education for clerical work, permanent poslMnn offered with good opportu nity for promotion In flrst-clnss mercantile establishment, write stating age experience and salarj required O 148, Idser Central WANTED A companion for joung Invalid gen tleman, beet of references required M 14 1. Ledger Central WANTED Cutters and trimmers for wholejalo clothing' also operatora on coata B 128, Ledger Offlce WANTED 80 laborers stesdv work 20c per hour Barrett Co 3th andGrny'a Ferry ave WANTED Experienced man for shipping de partment work. Apply Oil Ransom st YOUNG MAN wanted who knows the city nnd has some knowledge of the repairing of sew ing machines Address 12 Ledger Branch. 817 West Olrard . YOUNG MAN ago 18 to -'1 excellent opnor tunlty In delivery eervlce of large corporation Address O .112 Ledger Central YOUNG MAN about 17 jears, In offlce of a manufacturing establishment Address "M Q" P O Box 3448 . YOUNO MEN between the ages of 18 nnd 31 who desire to trovel and to receive military training as members of the first line of the muntn's defense apply at 1400 Arch st , Phil adelphia Pa for detailed Information re garding enlistment In the United States Marine Corps . OLD ESTABLISHED Publishing House, spend ing large sums In puhllclty. wanta two men of proien selling abllltv for city and out of town work! leads nnd other helps to men with abllltv to earn 150 per week! reference re- aUl",' R 112 Ledger Office. General BOOKKFEPERH several very good positions 111 120 STOREKEEPER gas fittings $80 mo ORDER CLERK experienced In carpets or textile! several other good rlerlcal open Imrs 10 un STENOGRArilFrtS 118 iin DRAFTSMEN, several 121 SHOP FORE "lAV l-'l LUMBER INSPFCTOIt SALES MANAGER steam specialties high-grade man 100 SALES MANAGER, grocery specialties SALESMEN building material anchor bolt SALESMAN, high grade man printing, no salarj limit SALESMAN com rnerrlal photography SALESMAN Insurance good proposition Other positions open for " " HIGH GRADE MEN BUSINESS SERVICE COMPANY 1301 LAND TITLE BLDQ SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ADJUSTER claim or complaint! telephone or office work, exp F 840. Ledger Central BOOKKEEPER Young lady 10, business school graduate desires position with firm offering advancement! willing ambitious, salary to start 18 O 218 Ledger Central BOOKKEEPER, typlat, fully capable, 7 vears' experience, central location! stsrt for $12,wlth opportunity O 40 Ledger Central BObKKEEPER (assistant) and clerk, high school training, exper 18 O 48, Ledger Central CHAMRERMAID and waitress experienced ex cellent reference Apply 4213 Pine st, or phone Baring 448 CHAMnERMAID Young German Prot wlahes position 808 Nectarine (8th and Sp, Garden) CHAMRERMAID, linen rooms neat up-State Protestant H 40l,Ledger. Offlce CHAMRERWORK and waiting Olrf wants po? sltlont will go away for summer, good refer ence Apply 2 Jforlh 41s st CH MBERWORK Young Polish girl, city or suburbs H 838, Ledger Offlce COOK, competent! shore or country! best refer ence Call Room 201, 808 Chestnut st. COOK good wishes situation, country or sea- shorsi goodref Apply 2482 Pine eL COOK or general housework Colored woman wants position 1720 Nsudsln DAY'S WORK or housework! Roma at night, wanted by neat colored woman, good refer- enre PhonBarjpat72lJR GENERAL office work, bookkeeping and clerl cal, 4 years' experience. Q 340 Ledger Can. OIRL desires position for general housework! reference! 18 1418 N 10th st HOUSEKEEPER (managing) or overseer, din ing room, competent woman- will go to shora orcountry. H 330 Ledger Office HOUSEKEEPER (worklngl-Capable Eng Prot. estant with child 5 ears old, good reference. II 403 Ledger Office HOUSEWORK White woman good cook and laundress, reference It 331, Ledger Office NURSE, prscllcal. refined middle aged experi enced, with Invalid lady or mother's helper, good aesmstreu. country or mountains O 140.Ledger Central SECRETARY, bookkeeper, stenographer; 0 years" exp , capable ft going ahead without being told every detail, past "beginning" stage, hlgh csts rfs ,sollcits Intsrw O 848 Led Cen STENOGRAPHER expert, experienced In east ueeriag. Iron, steel and commercial work permanent position only O 48. Ledger Cent STENOGRAPHER experienced and accurate, knowledge ot genersl office work, best refer ences salarjr J10 a 254 Ledger Central STENOGRAPHER Settled .ysiuuc woman ex, optionally, wretl educated beginner, 48 to start O 287 Ledger L'tntral BTENOGRAPHER Capabls youn lady nearly S years experience llo Fy45 Led. Central BTENOORAPHER enjploiei deslre est work ownol8fe and machine G 844 Ledger Cent STENOGRAPHER Edison Dictating Machine operatorj7 years exp F 848 LedgsnCentral STENOGRAPHER 5 yr exp . Camden or central Phlla preferreU. Q 252 Ledger t'm STENOGRAPHER, rejjnt graduate, desires po. sltlon injawjcr's oi G 51 Ledaw Cent BTENOGKAFiieH aesirrs oosujon with advsne ment 3 ears' exp aiL Ld Central aitNOaBAPHER 2 iara' p . good op offlee detail work O SM Mdge Central lKLEPHONB oKhATOR. lMrTniJ nigot workjrjh day consjiieitd & i, LeJ p,"' WAITRESS wants posltloo at stasbore , co,, u. Kill At,AI-nr rtl r,va.-,. " '" SKj alhi . ' " " """"' " SITUATIONS WANTEtJ-lfiML ConHaiifo' Irom Precedtvp PoJaMrt, - YOUNG- LADY tutor cMMren or cnlleg' Eng lish, Latin. French chemistry., afternoon or avenlng, a 148. Ledger Central POstTION aa companlon-nursei good reader and masseuej experienced! refs F 847 Led Cent, EMPIXJYERS. are beginning' to recognize th servico. rendered by, "Miss Dean" at Ledger luable to them at that psycho, ffhn 4hv AnA thAmsntvefe wirnpui oincj n!D They know .that a pnone call Walnut aonn or Main 3000 will bring them servico rendered br "itlss Dean" at Central ns Ininluabl to them at that logical moment when they find thei wl.,.h"."t.o'nc5 help They know .tha' call Walnut aonn Ar Hfstn rtnttn wlii hrin Just theHeslred assistance, be It a f?tenosi rapher, Bookkeeper, Secretary or Clerk '"Ml-t nean keeps in touch with young women who -. ,-i ,;:....-" "'j; -r--:". ''-::- v.'i Rir -rrnuiK flllUHUOnn I1KVS FOU ever IIKffl er assistRpre? It Is a free service, to Led ger Adiertlsera SITUATIONS WANTED MAL ACCOUNTANT and offlca manager takV'Tnl to ?h4." fih,05,,tJSraJ'AWL to '" n,r' ACCOUNTANT 24 yeara1 experience, desTrea muiwiioni immion oiiks manageri reisr encesandbond P 48Br Ledger Central, BARTENDER Experienced, young man. with best references, wishes poult on, city, or coun- try. Address A, hjjl 138. Ledger Office . BOOKKEEPER, exb , wTil auSlt accounts, open. closs and wrlta un books, day or evening! nigh efficiency systems Installed! moderate terms, Bell. phone Woodland 8881 M, BOOKKEEPEn.Experlencedl Tnsuranca , offlca msn, ago 20. desires either permanent or sub- stltutlngjiosltlon. 248. Ledger Central. . BOOKKEEPER. X jears' experience as head bookkeeper! can take full charge: ISO. I! 122, Ledger Offlce BOOKKEEPER liTgh school graduate now'em- ploied desires to assume higher responsible lllesl7 years' business exp F. 818,. Led Cent BOOKKE'ePER "desires books of small flrm to do evenings B 13, Ledger Office BOY iO, wFshes to learn real estate buslnessl do officowork. .11 128, Ledger Office, BUTLER, cofored, VTbihea position, city or coun- tryt best reference 17311 Irving st. .. CASHIER, clerk or salesman Young man? with college education desires work in city for tha summer!bestreferences. O 280 Ledger Cen. CHAtTFEUH II. colored, married, wishes, a rirlvnte position! best reference! do own repair- ngj 221 W. Coulter at,. Oermantown, CHAUFFEUIt colored, desires position! B years' experience: city or country. Address 1711 Moravlnnjt , CHAUFFEUR German, exp , single! private. PhoneW'oodland 4004, 4027 Baltimore ave. CI.T-BIK Experienced as private secretary and cost clerk, now employed desires a changol splendid references, O 87. Ledger Central COOK Japanese, experienced, wants position! prlinte family! references. K., 108 N. 18th. DRAUGHTSMAN. 21. married, five jears' ex perlence on blower and power plant work; cnpnhle of designing and estimating on same. Q 187. Ledger Central., EXXCUTIVE. 13, accountant and manager, col lege man. now employed In New York, deslrea to return to Philadelphia! highest references as to ability and character. Address Execu tive Box 174, Room 1201, 220 W. 42d St.. New York. EXECUTIVE 38. wants posltlont highest refs. from prominent hankers! hss been tressurer largo group publlo utIUtv companies! exp. in Jm port.and export. O lflBe Leilger Central. GARDENER single wishes position! best ref- erencei 10 yearn' experience II 120 Led. Off. PRACTICAL MAN with long experience in nltrlo acid, anlllno oil. nltrn benzol and hydrogen peroxide! can furnish best reference! moderste salary: wants quick position. G 111, Ledger Central BTrNOORAPIIER Well exp, jp eduo . has best reference B 104, una msnt good imager urtice. YOUNO MAN 22 years of age at present em plojed as offlce manager wants position with growing concern where thero is nn opportunity for advancement, knowledge of bookkeeping, stonogrnphj and advertising details: can also compose, form and follow up letters that will pull rraults best of references; write full par ticulars G 283. Ledger Central. YOUNG MAN. age 28 office and sales -xperl-ence reliable nrt romp , desires responsible of fice pos . or as nalrsmari. B 124, Ledger Off, YOUNG MAN. 10 desires clerical position with some live concern! 4 years' experience, beat references G 181 Ledger Central. YOUNO MAN.'capable. educated. 21 wants re sponsible position good correspondent: requests Intrrvjtew O 213 Ledger Central 1-OUNO MAN deslresposltlon where honesty and Integrity will bo appreciated P. O. Br 173 Qlenslde. Pa YOUNG MAN desires "roslllon"ln"real esta.. offlce.cxperlcnced. O 244,Ledger Central YOUNG MAN, 27 educated, wants representa tive position G 248, Ledger Central. AUTOMOBILES Tor Sale EXCEPTIOVAL VALUES IN USED CARS 1010 PACKARD 18 II P Limousine; ex cellent condition ....$880 1014 VVINTON. n cylinder 7-passenger Touring. starter and electric lljlils . , , . 800 1013 STEARNS ICNIOtrr.i 0-cyllnder. 7 passenger Touring, starter and electric lights 080 1013 PAIGE 4-cj Under, 8-passenger Tour ing, good condition . .. ...... 800 101J WINTON II cylinder 7-passenger Touring, good condition 300 1012 PIERCE-ARROW il cylinder Chassis: excellent condition 700 TRUCKS 1008 PACKARD Delierj. 1000 lbs.; ex- cellert condition 300 8 AUTOCAR Trucks Hi tons capacity, with bodies, enrh. 650 WILCOX 1-ton Delivery; Al condl. tlon . , ... ., 300 1014 OVERLAND Delivery, panel body... 830 THE WHITE COMPANY 210 NORTH BROAD STREET L H ONEA.L Used-Car Department. Bell, Sprues 1002 Keystone. Race 178A. L. 8. BOWERS COMPANY COLE ' GRANT 245-247 NORTH DROAD ST. Offers the following used cars: COLE 1012 4-cjIinder Touring COLE 1012 4-cyllnder Limousins COLE 1011 4-cyJInder Touring AllllOTT-DETROITER 1014 Touring TOURAINE 1012 Touring CHALMERS 1012 Touring HAVNES 1012 Touring KISSEL KAR 1013 Touring KniT 1013 Touring MARMON 1011) Tourlnf! MICHIGAN 1014 Touring OLDSMOUILU 1018 Touring n' Ail ih. nhi AM hnvi hn taken In trade or COLES and have been completely over- auieu and mo lit pv.tvvb (uuii.fiit viu, 1U1S DAVIS ROADSTER, maroon color, elegant appearance. Al mechanical condition: Jully equipped! demountable rim: extra tiro ana rim: tire cover: big bargain to quick buyer. Hawley Motor Car Co . 032 N Broad st CADILLAC, 1014. touring car. overhauls,; and repainted: full equTpmentl.prlcf 1850, AUTO yAf.feCpRPOriAT10N 142 N. Broad si CADILLAC 1018 TOURINO CAR. In flne con dition for sale at reduced price. OWKIH, 1102Harrlson uUdhig; FORD touring car, with new 1918 body, alectrta lights shock absorbers. Klaxon; perfect or der. 1825 N. 28th st. Poplar 8786 W. -' "" OARFORD TRUCK , . , For Sale Three-ton Garford truck chassis: good condition. goou LOCOMOBILE If A JKWK8 Mir. -S:chn Car Ptpt. II Al ,f.iy" .m.. w..-..w ..-...-.. ....r.orra mu..ltt -t.il nnl.tritririNitnni. roadsters' and cabriolets else lights and start ers GOMERY-SCHWARTZ. 288 N Mrosd St. HUPMOB1LB We have soma good uaed Ilupmobtles, Touring cars and roadsters, 1018-1914-1815. Needless to say these cara ar In good shape. Wo sell new Hupmoblles. HUPMOB1LB Broad and Tioga. 8J2 N. Broad st- LIMOUSINES Suitable for funeral work or hacklnr of any kind, suburban or station work, ranging la pries Iron) J500 up. Locoroobllea and otbr mk" LOCOMOBILE 2814 Market at. Locust 4S0 A JENKS. Mar. Exchange Car Dept MACK five ton truRcovered body 314 Market St. I-wust 450 . H A JENK8 Mgr Exchange Car Dept MERCEDES, flabout body. .181J model Just overhauled Brat class condition, see to epnr--Sati T 1025 N 281h st Poplar 75g W. r VdETzToadster, lBlsTnodel, fine ordr, bargain. 1823 Jn 28th st Poplar 0759 W "" SI51PLEX 1810 . , 60-H P cha(n-driv chassis, equipped wlt Westlnghouss shotk absorbers will make very snappy roadster, mechanlc-l -oulitlcn 8na. prlca l0oc0oJI 2314 Market st Locust 4.M H A 4BNKSMgr Exchange Car Deft STANLEY STa BR, IBIS. model 78. S-passen-"g.yjgirljng .,. Apply 855 K 17th st bTEARNS-KNiailf. 1B12 uurlw Ju-st-cUsa condUlon, reasonable 1823 N 8th at Psk- lar 759W 11)14 LOCOMOBILE, excellent cosditloa goad tires extra tlrs and rim. bl .bargain, HawSsy Motor Car Co. 83- N Broad. OVERHAND PARTS ?1cSSt. EiM-P PARTS 8CHOBER. 8811 MARKET STREET SENG i iOR ur 1 eesss- yn ': l" 8EK 1ft tLBTW ISJ HKHJIE ifl t n to buU4 as rejulr 41y Mr ' ag p'4gr.JSp . , e-v 71 ParklUs, Qthtf tlM-4 . ist eii J?