tjijfcftr'- BVBNmO LBDGBR-IHILADHHtHIiV, . MONDAY, JUNE 1 1916. h . MM 51 -, 5 ,- t a IBM QUITSt sonNino slated TO HEAD CABINET Erofftn Ministry's Fall Diie H to Failure to Stem Aus trian Offensive IT I I TWO, GENERALS REMOVED te i ROM ft Juno 12. King Emanuel held rifcrcnces today with the leaders of the rariouB pttrtfes, regarding the form iiiton of, n new cabinet. liOME, June 12. Tho Salandra Cabinet rt&lRtiecl yesterday n a result of the re fusal of the Chamber of Deputies to trrnnt a vote of confidence In the afternoon. The official flBiirea of the vote were 19.1 against 6 Government to 1 4 3. supporting It. The crisis had been expected because of tho" suspicion In the Chamber that the Clov 'eVnmont'a reticence was an attempt to evade Parliamentary control. Tho announcement that tho Cab inet had resigned nns mado following tho atrtval of the King from tho front. The prevailing Impression In Rome Is that the crisis will bo solved within n couple of days and that the Salandra Cabinet wltt return to power, after It has been strengthened. All parties agree that tho new ltallnn Cabinet must Imvo a national chnractor. It Is suggested that it will comprise all the leading statesmen with a view to uniting lit tho supreme strughlo all political opin ions except that of the Intransigent So cialists, about forty of whom opposo the war as a principle. From all sides n rapid solution of tho crlnln Is urged owing to the gravity of. the moment. King Victor Emmanuel, who has already returned to ltomo from tho lighting front, .besides consulting Antonio Salandra, tho resigning I'rcmlor, will seek the views of Unroll Sonnlno, tho Foreign Jtlnlster. tho presidents of the Senate and tho Chamber of Deputies and the wearers of the collar of tho Order of Annunzlata, Including ox JPremlcrs Gtollttl and Luzzatti. TASK TO PALI. ON SONNINO. It has been suggested that Foreign Min ister Sonnlno bo Intrusted with the .task of fqtmlng a now Cabinet, but by somo prom inent In political llfo tho opinion Is ex pressed that tho voto In tho Chambor of I'eputlca affected Baron Sonnlno as well as Premier Salandra. Others mentioned as possibilities nro Tommnso Tlttonl,1 Italian 1 Ambassador to France, and several leaders In. Parliament. Although tho situation of tho Ministry 1 elnco tho Austrian advance on May 14 has been somewhat precarious, no one expected tho sudden adverse voto In tho chamber yesterday, which followed Immediately on admission that the Austrlans had .been nblo to pbtaln Initial successes which might, per haps, have been nvoldcd by tho local com mand on tho Trentlno front. T,hls allusion to tho deficiency In tho com mand frvm Which Generals Brusatl and Do Chaurand were recalled, caused animated comments In tho chamber. ' KJtDES A FISH TO DEATH PARTITION OF SERBIA NOT TEUTON PURPOSE, BELIEF OF APPONYI Hungary's Foremost Statesman Thinks Only Strategic Posi tionsVill Be Kept if Cen tral Empires Win" PiEACE NOT FAR DISTANT 1. i By CARL W. ACKERMAN - BUDAPEST, Juno 1 (Via Berlin, delay d), "I do not look for tho annexation ot any largo part of Serbia by Austria-Hungary," declared Count Albert Apponyl, opposition leader In tho Ilungarlnn Parlia ment, in an exclusive inters lew tridny. "Only strategic; positions must remain In our hards." Count Apponyl Is often' called tho "great est stateman of Hungary." Ills statement Is Important not only because It is tho first publlo utterance by a leading stntcsman of the dual monarchy on the Balkan ques tion, but because It gives the world an Idea ot what Hungarians believe should be done with Serbia at tho end of tho war. It la their Idea that Austria-Hungary should retain Btrateglo points that will prevent the Balkans from again kindling a world war. "I personally do not believe that the .Karageovltch dynasty which formerly ruled Serbia should return," continued Count Apponyl, "The Karageovltch. rulers organ ized permanent conspiracies against our safety, culminating in tho assassination nt Sarajevo of the Archduke Ferdinand, the act that precipitated tho war, We cannot tolerate such rule again. Furthermore, Bulgaria, and Greece must be constructed Into efficient powers. Bulgaria must obtain her rights In Macedonia." Count. Apponyl believes .peace Is not far dlBtant. "Before there can, be effective steps to bring peace thero must be falsq steps," , hef said. "This period we ore passing through now. Tho success of mediation does not hinge upon the personality of tho inejliator, but upon the, spirit In which mediation1 la'offered. Those hao been con .slilcred as possible peacemakers President Wilson, Popo Benedict, the Kfng o'f Spain, And the Queen of Holland are all wel come as peacemakers, provided they bring eal fairness and Impartiality and advo cate; terms which can be accepted without our renouncing the necessary aims of de fensive warfare. Tha$ means that we must have effective guarantees for the future safety of Europe. 'There la. no doubt that we can hold out until the .coming: harvest. Tjie'n the eco. nomta situation will be completely altered, making it .evident that we cannot be starved 'Into surrendering. I do not think cur enemies any longer entertain hopes of mjlltary successes. When they are' con vinced of the efficiency of the economlo measures we have taken, too, then the tim will be, ripe for peace." Mnn Keeps His Prize Dcspilo State Game Wardens APPIiETON, Wis., June 12. Hiding a fish and killing It la not catching It. Such is tho decision of the Stale Game Wardens In tho case of Hiram Beverldgo. Tho water In tho Fox Itlver has been low of late and Hiram saw a six-foot sturgeon In a' shallow pool below the John street dam. He tried to catch It by tile tall but failed. Then ho Jumped nnd landed on Its brtck. It was worso than riding a bucking broncoj but ho seized a stone when the fish was floundering In shallow water and beat it tn death. Hiram's knees were scraped raw and his legs tut, but he got 70 pounds of fish nnd furnished the basis for a now legal do clslon to ring down the ages. 'U.S. OF GREAT BRITAIN,' FORECAST IN REPORT ON SITUATION IN IRELAND Federated Government of Em pire After War Indicated in Proposals Made by Lloyd-George HOME RULE AT ONCE DUIir.lN, Juno 12. A federated British Kmplre, lrtually a United Stntcn of Orent Britain, with nil colonies having a volco In Its government. It foreshadow cil In an olllclnl report Issued yesterday by the Nationalist party of Its lecent meeting. Tho repoit glves-tlio history of tho situ ation resulting from Premier Asnulth's lslt to Ireland and the proposals made by D.ivld Llovd-Ocorge. the appointed mediator, which may be regarded ns governmental. Theso proposals were; First. To bring tho Homo Itule act Into Immediate operation. Second. To Introduce forthwith an amending bill ns a strictly war emergency act Third That during the Interim the Irish members wcro to remain in Westminster In their full numbers. Fourth That during the war emergency period tho six Ulster counties should remain under tho Imperial Oovornmcnt. Fifth That Immediately after the war an Imperial conference of representatives of all dominions bo held to consider the future- go eminent of the empire, Including the goMTiunent of Irelnnd. Sixth That following this conference, and In tho interval provided by tho war emergency art. a permanent settlement of all great outstanding problems would be proceeded with. Tho foregoing proposals were net out briefly In a speech at tho Nationalist meet ing by John Ilcdmond, who added that nq conferenco had yet been held between tho opposing parties, each side submitting pro posals to Its own supporters. Tho meeting adjourned after halng passed unanimously resolutions protesting ngalnst the contlnimnco of law In Ireland and condemning both the personnel of mid the teims of reference to the com mission nppolntod to Investigate tho recent rising. It demanded that men ancsted In connection with the Irish uprising bo treated us prisoners of war. Tho statement says Premier Asqulth re turned from Ireland profoundly convinced that the Castle lioveinment was completely broken down, and made no attempt to set It up ag.iln by the appointment of cither a Lord Lieutenant or a Chief Secretary for Ireland. -KEW ALLIED BLOW PREDICTED Action Following Conference in London pxpected by Paris i PARI& June 12. It la certain that the ltit of Premier Brland, General Joffre and CXieral Boques,, Minister pf War, to Lon jaft) was marked by absolute, understanding- onaJt military points cowing1 all front , " ftm Temp?, declaring tluit tho exchange n-vJeWS showed perfect agreement between tU Sfi-uiich and British Governments, adds, -tfhta la no banal diplomatic formula, but M-MrMiAtnt which soonill be translated Urto action pi the highest Importance for k ssecngfful prosecution of the war. . 'y, -,. ,. MotaircyclUt Hold for Death Ks . '3"tuH)b StrftUb. 20.. of 13SS North, Sftth llBIIMl wm beM tb -await the action of VW4 Jury today at a coroner's in- gnc. wm awing a motorcycle, which &, ti taght ot June S, truek Kdward U rpWi ot 54'Narth Sydenham street, 3Mt.Mn&teMt nasi ErU avenue-, and caused ilk jhtth thm mxt day With, Etraub at Nta i JCM JeaoXs Wertaa, of IGU ii f-Ua atrMt. fiim tMtlmgnir showed v ma ttp Btefcards wu struck he tM4w m mmmt n lh slnt IndL- L ' -r - . ' I -v s 'tEi. r - . IL GEN. CADORNA INIZIA LA GRANDE OFFENSIVA Gli Austriaci Presi Tra gli At- tacchi dei Russi e Quelli degli Italiani Un telegramma da noma dlco cho oggl lo forze del generalo Cadorna hanno Inlzlato una nuova podcrosa olTenslva mi tutta la fronto del Trentlno, nttacenndo gli austrlncl e guadagnando tcrrcno. SI dice a Itoma che l trntta ill una grnndo of fcnnlNn Intesa gin' da tempo como blmul taneo nttneco con lo forzo rtifcse che bcontlg Bono ognl glorno lo furze austrlache nella Vollnln e nella Hucovlua. Oggl glungo la notlzla cho duo division! austrlaclie. circon date dal russi nelle lcinnze dl Czeruowltz, si bono nrrct.0 con due generall, col loro cannonl o con lo'loro munlzlonl. A Itoma si dlco che gli austriaci hanno rltlrato. truppe daila fronto del Trentlno per Inviarlo contro I russi, e questo ha dato modo al generalo Cadorna dl prendere I'offenslva. IAustrla si trova ora tra due fuochl. SI credo che presto gll alleati po trnnno nttaccaro da Salonlcco, per ellm in'aro' 1 bulgari dalla guerra, o cho ancho dalla Francla I'offenslva degll nllcati non sla puntq lontana. G2 SEEK SCnOLAKSHIPS Examinations for Coveted City Honors Will Begin June 19 and Will Continue for Week Sixty-three graduates of publle schools and other Insytutlons of learning will com pete for the 23 scholarships of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania that the city awards each year. The. scholarships are given In return for grants ot land, formerly a part of the Philadelphia Hospital, to the University. Mayor Smith haa turned the applications pv?r to the committee In charge and the examinations will be held In the Harrison Laboratory of Chemistry. 3th and Spruce streets, and will be conducted by the Col lege, Entrance Examination Hoard They Btart June 19, and will bo continued for a week The Scholarship Committee consists of Cheesman A Herrlck, Olrard College, chair man; Qeors- J., Brown, Drown College Preparatory School; tho Itev. Hugh T. Henry, Catholic High School; William V. Lewis. Northern Penn High School Joslali H. Pennlman. University of Pennsylvania; Pauline W. Spencer, Girls' Normal School, and George Wheeler, associate superin tendent of schools. Spring Shotgun Traps Boys LAXmEL. Del., June 13. After the cel lar of Fred Burford's store had been robbed four times he bethought himself of a stern strategy to bag the thieve) and rigged up a gun trap In the darK cellar which wan' worked by means of a rtrng attachment Yesterday afternoon the shotgun's muffled report from the cellar was heard and Bur ford apd others, who went below to see who had been caught, found Isaac William, 12 years old, and Wlllard Hobbs, 13, seri ously wounded. I lit W3fM Our laundry work must pjt&se v before wo expect it to pleste you. Wo inipect each piece before it goes to the -wrapping counter. If you want the ef NeptuneLaundry 1501 Columbia Ave. IfhfiMtAamtke&dtt .--i-i-ffy..-- -e-, ';. .,---. SONNINO 0TITT0NI A CAPO DEL MINISTERO, SI PREVEDE A ROMA II Generale Cadorna Prendo l'Oflfensiva nolla Zona tra l'Adige ed il Brcnta Gli Austriaci Arrestati LA CRISI SARA' BREVE ttOMA, 12 Olugno. II unblnolto Snlnmlra si c' dlmesso In aegulto ad un voto dl stlduela dntogll dalla Camera del Deputatl nella seduta dl sa bnto a proposllo del bllanclo degll lnternl SI rltlene cho la crlsl mlnlstrrlalo sara' rlsolta facllmento 0 pronto o gla' si fnnno t notril dl Sonnlno e dl Tlttonl, nttualmcnle nmbnsclnlore n Parlgl, come dl quolll cho Hnrnnno Incnrlcnti dl formaro II nuovo gablnotto. SI prcVedn rho rI nVr.V un ga blnctto dl coallzlonc che comprendcrn tuttl I partltl nd ecqelono del Hoclnllstn uniel nlo cho o' stnto semprc ed o' contrarlo nlla guerrn. Ho Vlttorlo c' gla' glunto a lloma la srorsa notlo o nucsta nmttlna conferlra' ron Von Salntwlrn, con l'on Sonnlno, col presldentl della Camera c del Sen.ito o con 1 rapl del illvcrsl partltl, non ciclusl forso Ololitti o Luzz.ittl. La crlsl nilnlsterlalo c" scoplnta Imprnv lsamente. II bllanclo degll lnternl o' stnto nil ognl modo la snica, ma la era rnglono deo rlrercnrsl nella rerente offi-nslva nus trlaca o nella Impossllilllta' dclle forzo Itnl lano del Tlrolo nd nrrestaio I'nvnnzatn degll nustrlnrl. SI dlro cho lo dlfo-e preiiarnto nella 7ona del Tlrolo non cnino ndegunte, non tall quail avrebbero doMitei pssero per fnr fronto a tutto lo cxentuallla', Ora VoITcnHlvn iiustrlnen e' htntn beiisl' nrresta ta o si n' rldotta ml tin lueo settor del I'nltoplano del Kotlo Comunl, si rllleno gen oiiilincnto die gll nustrlnrl nrelbeiu potuto essero nrreatutl motto prima iho ne.ssero nxuto 11 tempo ill Imailere II tcrrltorlo Itallano. Ad ognl mmlo la crlsl presento non slg nlllca nlTntto alcun r.imbl.unento nello spli Ito della nazlone, cho' nnzl tuttl I pnitlll p.irlatncntarl sostengono la necesnlta' dl splngcro la guerra con maggloic iittlvlta', so do e' posslblle. VI sono nlcuul cho pic edono cho Salandra avra' dl nuoMi 1'ln carlco dl rlcomporro II gnblnetto, ma ancor.i lion o' posslblle fare pielslonl II fntto e' peio cho da ognl p.irto si chledo una mplda Holuzlone della crlsl data la giavlta del mo incutn. DICIUAItAZIONI IN SALANDIIA. Nelln nedutn ill sabatn l'on. Salandra. feco tlello dlchlatu.lont circa l'orfensla mis tri.ic.i, o cho 11 iicmlco, nppiotltlando del fatto cho tutlo lo bfoizo Itallano era con ccntrutn bUM'lsonzo o cho nel Tiiolo vl ci.i una ccrta rllassatczza nolle operazlonl dl guerra, preparo' la vlgoiosa ofTciislva da I tratto dl fronto cho era plu' vulnerabllo eon numeroso truppo o con una euoriiip rpian tlta' dl nrtlgllci-la. Scelso II tratto tia l'Adlgo ed il Jlrentn peiclie' ll Vnffonsha si appogglava alia formidnhlll fortlllca zlonl cho l'Austrla vl aveva crctto. Salan dra dlsso: e "Questo conillzlonl favorcvoll rescro pos Hlblll I Micccssi lnzlall degll austriaci, ma mil dohhlnilio 1 Irouoscero clio megllo pio parato arebbero pntutn nlmeno trnt-teneu- plu' n lungo l'miuiata del nenilco tenendo plu' dalla planum, lcen tlna. Dopo uattm t-ottlmano iiero' l'of fenalva auatrlauit o' stata nrrcstata cosl' chu II nemlco puo' contnro soltanto plccoll Huccessl In quest I ultlnil gloinl. Saiebhe luiiKl(ineolc nffcrmaro die il mumonlo crltlro i' piiH.ito, Rlarcho' 11 nemlco, for matii alio all, bt.i concentrando tuttl I miol Hforzl Hill centro. Peio' posblamo aver fldu cla, data la nostra bono oiganlZAita o valoroba dlftba " OFFENSIVA 1TALIANA. Ierl seia II Mlnlstcio della Ouerra puh bllcava II seguento rnppoito del geneialo C.ulornn circa la sltuazloiio alia fiouto Italo-austrlnci: Nell.i glornnta ill lorl (sabato) II nemlco conceiitio' o suol sforzl contro II bieoflctloio della nostra fronto a nud-nest ill Aslngo, dove, dopo un un furloso liombuidnmcnto, Mucin una dlvlslono In formazlono ill m.ibba rlpe ttitiimente rontio le nostio posizloul .ill Mont" l.fiiicrlc. II nemlco jieio fu contrattnecato dalle nostio truppe o resplntii con gravl perdito o lnsclo' nello nostro manl un ccntlnalo dl pil gloiilcrl. naU'Aillgo nl Drenta si va svllup pniido la nostra offenxlvn. La nostra fanterla, offlracemeiito appogglat.i dall.i nostra nrtlgllnl.i, feeo nuovl iirogressl mil duo eis.inti della Vnllarsa, lungo le allure a sud del Poslna o dell'Astlco, c-d nlla testa dell.i vallo t'ranza o nulla sinistra del torrento Mubo. Sulla fronto dcll'Isouzo contlnuano 1 ' duelll dl nrtlgllerla. Net giornl scoisl nol nbhlama fattu complesslvamento COG prlglonerl. Avlaturl ncmlcl hanno fatto cadero bombo sill UUnggln dl Fonzaso senza causaro dannl ne' vlttime. Ford Won't Play on Bryan Team DETROIT, Juno 12. Theodore", Delavlgne, Henry Ford's antl-preparcdncss press agent and olllclnl spokesman, denied todny that tho automobllo mllllonalio had any Inten tion of running on a Prohibition ticket with Bryan, or with nny ono else on any ticket at this time. According to Delavlgne, Mr. Ford lias no desire to get Into the presiden tial light of 1010. but will not commit him self ns to his Intentions four years hence The paclflrit could not be reached for a per bonal statement - - - ' lie s ' ' W if" ' ' ' GENERAL VON HINDENBURG ttermnny's Rrent KencrnI who thus far lias been unable to make any impression ngninst the Russian ad vance in Volhynia and Galiein. The latest dispatches report 2000 of von Ilindenbui'K'n soldiers cap tured around Lutsk. AUSTRIAN ARMY ROUTED'; ITALIANS ON OFFENSIVE Cnnllniieil from 1'iiBe One has been simsheil by tho sledgo-hanimer blows of tho Itusslan nffciisKe nnd tmops aio molng upon Czernowltz, the AVItli nhout 110,000 prisoners In their hanils, tho HiissI.iiih coutlnuo to ndriince along tho 2Iin-mllp lino between the 1'ilpet nuuslir.t and the Hess.iinblan fiontler. At no point h.uo the Austiii-Ilung.irlaiii and Germans been nblo to check tho drle. At somo points tho Husalans hao ad vanced CO miles within tho last week. General llrusllotf'n nrmy has raptured nn enormous amount of booty. This In cludes I2u gutiH. Tw divisions of Aubtro. Hungntlnn troops were captuiul northeast of (Vcrnouitz, whero thu Itusslans, by a lirilll.iut inaneucrs. outflanked the Teutons. Tho Austro-Hungniiana uoro being un nllillntod by Jlusslan ailllleiy vheii they Kiirreiidereil. Those who c-caped lied In disorder. General Tcchltt-ky Is In com in.'inil of the Uusslan nrmy In lluknulna. Heavy lighting Is In progress In north enstein Bukm Inn, along tho i'riith Itlver. The outer ilefenses of Czernowltz nro un der nrtlllery Hie. Tho laptuio of tho Volhynlan fortress of Dublin by tho Russians was ono of the most borlous blows sustained by the Austro-Hun-garlans since the Russian offensive opened. Russian troops that raptuied tho fortress nio In hot pursuit of the ilecing Austro IIuiiKarlan.s. Tho Teutons were depending upon tho fm ti esses of Luck nnd Dublin to hold back tho Russians nnd pi cent any attempt to dilo against Lemberg fiom tho north. Iloth aio now In Riibsnn hands. At tho present r.ito of pi ogress, tho Rus blnns will bu In tho Carpathian Mountains bv the 1'iid of tho week This alarming outlook is causing tho Genualis to send all their bp.uo tioops Into Uallcla to reinforce tho Austrlans. Students to Run Hotel nt Shore Tho household sclenco class of Temple University Is tn run a Fcnslde hotel during the slimmer at Ocean Grove, N. .1 , for practical uoik. It will bo In chaigo of Dr. John B. Leeds, professor of household economics Tho hotel accommodates r,l) per sons, and Is on Main avenue, near the Boardnalk. It will bo called College Hall Deal at Dine at JfansGotn's Green Acre Butter Phila.'s finest print butter, 38c lb. The very finest French Olive Oil, medium size bottle, 3Gc. And a long list of scasonablo Groceries, specially priced. 1232 Market St. & Branches W HALLAHAN'S WHITE BOOTS At the shore, at the country club, or in the mountains, the high boot, particu larly the white high boot, has been approved by fash- !fU- ion. Exquisite Hallahan models in white washable kid and white Reinskin, perfect in fit ard comfort. tJf h & TSafcfrV- 4i ", ,&r?..$jk'& 4.50 - Hfi J,lh,t tv and ". 5.00 Supr-Quatity Kid CJX) lo 10.00 --.tV VfA ' , "4Wt5 4 1i 919-921 Market Street ,!P;Ai20A?JB: Y15- 9T CHESINP 8S8. wn uwia4mul,1 AtH, 6- OKltllANXOWN 4V- ri. f FEENCH HURL BACK GERMAN ATTACK IN FORT VAUX REGION Teutons Swing Assaults to East Bank of Meusc Guns Busy on Both Sides of River CHATTANCOURT SHELLED PARIS, Juno 12. Swinging hack to tho cast side of the Mcuso Itlver, tho Germans renewed their Infnnlry attacks In the vicinity of Port Vatix, northeast of Verdun, during the night. Twenty-four hours earlier tho Ger man Infnntry assaults wcro concentrated to the west of tho river. Tho French IVnr Ofuce In nn official com- munlquo today nnnounccd that tho attack last night wnn repulsed. It was delivered against the French position west of T'ort Vnux. A lolent bombardment was maintained northeast nnd northwest of Verdun. To the northwest, Chnltnncourt was under heavy lire. Northeast of tho city the French positions nt Hnuvlllo nnd Tavnnnes were under severo shelinic. The following Is tho text of tho ofllclal commiinliiuc: West of Solssons, our nrtlllery de stroyed scoral works of tho enemy and caused an explosion behind his lines. On tho left bank of the Mcuso thero has been n bombardment of our posi tions nt Chnttancourt. On tho right bank a lively nrtlllery combat occurred In tho sectors north of Souvlllo nnd Tavnnnes. Last night an attack of tho Germans ngalnst our position vest of Fort Vnux was re pulsed. Tho night was relatively calm on tho rest of tho front. IIKRLT.Y, Juno 12. N'orth of Perthes. In Cliampngno, tho soldiers penetrated a French position dur lug nn nttack, tho German War OIllco re ported today. WiS COMPENSATION AWARD AGAINST CITY Widow of Water tfurcau Em ploye Gets $1945 $2500 Given Another Widow Decisions rendered today by Ocorgo o. Klauder, Compensation ltcferce of tho Philadelphia district, awarded compensa tion In cases of death from chlorine nnH carbon monoxldo gai, ,ol,,nl f' ""f brought to light unusual rlrcumslances of the death of ono of tho Vc.lJlnw.iin-. ,i,n Tho men wcro Hhvood F. Wallace, who lived at 2112 Vine street, nnd wns a c ty employe, and Cleorgo C. Kcplmr t. f l'8' town, Pn. Wnllncc died, from ch orlno gas poisoning nnd Kephart succumbed from in haling carbon monoxldd gnni Mr. IItr.i, Wnllaco and Mrs. Kate 8 Kephart, ' tb widows, brought action ngalnst this cll and the Glnsrow Iron Company, retnee tltely. Jlrs. Wallace wna awarded com! pcnsntlon of $1945, nhtl Mm. KenhaM $28(10. " Wallace was working' at tho nltratlcti plant nt Iloxhorough as nn employe of th llureau of Wnlcr In tho Department o? Publlo Works, lie regulated n machhw whlclrallowed a nunntlty of wnter to lsju from a tank nnd becomo purified by k proper ndmlxtura of chlorine gas. The kaj tank sprung a Ionic and lid Inhaled some-Ir It. Ho died on April 24. er Carbon monoxldo gns Inhaled by KepJi whllo ho was cleaning flues In tho plant of tho Glnscow Iron Company caused" i,ii death on April 9. ' Preaches Farewell Sermon After a pastorato of 16 years In Herman town the liev. OsCnr II. Itnwcs, of the tie. mantown Unitarian Church, fnrowell sermon yesterday. H tier. preached hli v Glass and CHINA" PHILADELPHIA The recipient appreciates the desicnand worlaaanship and-that there is a dijerence 1 HA! I ?s June Sale will reach its height than 5000 ye e so Word-of-mouth advertising has carried news ol the sale throughout the city and surrounding towns, and wherever there are men who need clothing (and want to be sure it is good), they are coming to Sixth and Market Streets. None Being Disappointed ! For they canbuy all-wool Summer Suits, both Sack styles and Pinch-backs, worth $15 and be certain of them for Young men can buy light colored and light-weight all-wool Suits worth up to $20, sizes 30 to 34-andbecertainofthemfor They can buy all-wool Pinch-back or1 Sack Suits worth $15' and $18 for ' $.75 $$.00 $IQ.00 They can buy PURE WOOL MfORST ,ED Pinch-back Norfolk Suits or Business Suits worth $18 and $20 for They can buy Suits measuring up to 48 inch chest measure, guaranteed Gray Serge in half a dozen shades and styles worth $20 for' They can buy finest hand-tailored Suits of richest finished and unfinished worsteds worth $25 and $30 for If you have never shared in the benefits of this great ' sale; if you do not know its values are real (as do thou sands of others), you are urged to Come to see the Suits themselves ! anamaKer ot-crown Market at Sixth for 55 years $11.50 $13.50 s $lg.oo vv w 1 lmmmmmmmmm i JS5ajiLllFiw T-l fiij""" iMytim vf-- -, tTr M ijM - . S- S