EVENING LEDGEIt PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY JUNE 12, 1916. w IT PHILADELPHIA MARKETS r,Aiv AND FLOOR 1 lf .,, Irt- t,..., Trrtflf W -...I.I Jl.l. . nu"i. ... - ...... AT HfP"."L.; niiuMe stlviees. price .a witn ""'....aiirtn; cnr lots, in ifliw"rf red. P"t unit June. 11.01 m S 2aAhUlf?Vd. Vc rflli rejected K?Mue 'rejected . "Wilde. PWSi idts hu.h wo market w. If-Cf '''Aft-Vi? i steamer yellow. SciVi rf ' Ttl. B x-'VT .1. UI1CH Klllh r. .' 7in I ..h. There .wirt i "" ?:.. .raited. 4IUl.'.c. t, pun""- - :,. ,..i. n,i eiLovn.nwfiyi" ,. nn,i values w-u EfV W'P.'V.Jn' Winter, clear. l.i'J I.K it.o-io lies wto A. Kill IM if. .'I s.,,,;.-., 1.1 1 do.. , W'SlViijiV. "fVoiiiif S Hi. !!?-'IJiAlV.M.ti. ". linia s.nnii? gSK M ifi ?.""". ...i.i ml unchanged PROVISIONS ?J,$aW4r .tIhTuStw: clenr. do,. Wo 11 onnUtlOtV 1 .. i .l,t flrrfl with n fs'r Jnbbln w. mirt rilled ."1 "".,,. href. In Sell "i orMitsnoni ii!; ." . -,.y '-:.- ,.. ,. M. 'Wir.ilrlrd 21 e. I western, in sris, rf "5 icItV beef, knuckles nnd ten.W;. t4. ' .. ,,,id f "inflate. . Western i'f, '.r JWW.AISj" wrk family, . I iW :. .Ti rure.1. loose, itiw'i ;"r &..K&. '"hS'isc i .1?,. i".. i".?keJ. !Kfie.r other hinn sow.. v.f l.'mUi' '". ij avornirt. in"-- '"" V M'WiE'. Tio ' boiled. '0,n;!f". 5.H5i iie? 10MP.V hreikfR-t bacon n to Uefineo sugars dairy products ntJTTnn The tnnrket wnn very nulAt nA rrleM .lucllneil Hr on mlM-tnteked rrVnmery SKrt ir on print guotnllonni Weatern; nalM prk5d creamery, funey .pfrlnU. ajc.. ilr. anSfairl nrf!2.!".CLc,,,' n!".e CBt" " In boo.1 reniient M-SIn, Jrltl3 BlPlleii well nmler control. S tntlonii .In tref cnno nearby eitrii. aV tlw nrWn?i;,nrl,i".r.!;-'"''! ce'; .- -- HM ll'ir, 11. Ill I 91 II ail! IV A I Am MIMI GOES TO ZOO piirni. -'nr ( .in .. fT.r.r?."Si W- ?n.ilon,nn' per "" I BouinJln' Kith .I.:'' LJTJ .S.V.1L rft.n"l "'""-l cnniliwi " . rt" m-ic juiiuiiiv ni wtj.iuc. tier iln nrrefinn i'n7iT-n'V.".',r't r" H ,,r ni'inrter 1 itht Vtirk rl.l? "iLli J.Rlli ,,fm'''. oitttlon: Nen In Si.i ,UL.crr.linA'..'fln!v' new, lilr ; do.. fAlr tn irooil, new, 13ffl54c , Mrt him. ooilc. POULTHY kM,'1rV..T17''rl.nK!,."fr?tmo,,M'",.''n'l lie inn KL.".1 "' """''v. but there wnn lltil traitln 9!10tnllnn " iq : nr , I''nnl. Ofti 1,1 un aecnriiir traillTiu rontem. i:i(.t In qunllly i line itVK S 3 S?P5' . l"r.l . -WMtcrn; T reilnci Stt-uTOnSb'.. tulU. ll'ic.i tin.. Pr. f!ll I. re'ndercJ In tierces, mic, uU.. , THE WEATHER Official Forecast wAslllNfSTON. Juno 12. Rn, eastern IVnnsylvanla nn.l New Jcr- Slprobauly fair tonlKlu nnu w. fflchnBO in icmpcrnluro i light varl- ,Mte winds. .Mtipi-i.ii iMMinvers nao oreuni ..... . KSTSJLrlnS nlwt ow-half of tlio coun- KSlut II hours. Haiti continues In Slit no fSfh, Virginia and Norlh Carol I na tills " .J . ... ... .1.- i,,At-i nn tin Atlnntln K partly clouily weather prevail. fSirUr cloudy weather Ih BenoriiUy rciiorte.l l'Milie great central valleys with u few CZ,.ii.r,l shmvers A modernto tem- BStori! deficiency continues In tho nii.ldlo lTv,..i. .-x v Mni?lnn.l States. LiM&iiuu w" - " - V. S. Vcatlicr Burenu IJulIctin tttion taken tit 8 n. m.. Kimtern time. 8 laet Hnln- Veloc n m n't f.ill.Wln.l. Ity.H'nnlher ijillnn. itiuu. a II'J t C1.'y: - Si ' .. '.o llll r.i 2 )U"r fc T ion. Mm". Kiton. 8. I. to, in. "till. O.. luit. O. Kdt Mkh. JiMton. Tet. tf-Murr. "fl nru. n. C. .. N. S. dcu. Aioni. eon. S. D. .. JUaf.tl Ind (UOTVllle. Fll T4 .... Plfv In 111 :vtlto. Tenn, at .11 Till .til ill .112 .IIS 7ll r,l .-ii . . :.l .. r.2 .no :, i . . i.S .1 1 .in .in .m .!- 5BtTBji."Arfc h j? ILniABKfeP. UU1. ." t irr.ii. t.-u Hit IKonifniKrr, Ala. iH 10 4H n it nil 72 112 ill 1.70 .30 (II) r..HwMtn Tnn. Naif!Orlanft Ln. iRfimreal. ;kh: ' taP York.. N. Y. .Xorfolll. v, ,. IMIihomfl Oktl. .mih. Neb. ,. ruuitieipnia . . , Phornlx. Arlr. PlttiburKh. i'a.. ;hrUr.i Me. . fUIllIIU. .'IV. Quebec. Can , , It IjiiiIb. Mn. , It Paul. Minn. ,n nit H(l nn R8 mi it m ii r,n .10 nt Till mi (12 1..10 7H .01 1-blt.Lake. Umh lh tun. 41 r,i r.2 nn (12 nu l Antonio. Tex. 74 74 Ian Francisco . . fll) All jiltta Fe N. 11.4 (in .'.11 i. Hie. Jiirie n-j 411 ...nn t Hit -,, mnipa, Fta. 711 7il IhriiMnston 112 r,l lUStenlpcj. can. fll Ti2 S2 IIS stv Nli N NW W W SW" ni; NW m: N H M3 W HV SVV NtJ NU W r: w N H N w ni: NW hi: sw w HW H NW i: ni: Hn- N NK ni: HW hi: a NW i: W w 1: N H 111 10 It Hnln (Mouily l'.ciily il'.CMy clourty rinu.lv Cloudy Clear t'lenr flntiily P.CI.ly (Menr I'lenr Clouily Hnln Clouily Clear Clear (jUltriy Clear P.CIdy Hnln Cloudy Cloudy Clenr Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clenr Cloudy Hnln Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Haln Clear Cloudy Clenr P.CI.ly Clear Cloudy I' filly Clenr Clenr Clouily Clear Clear Clear - -: -. .-i'iiiik rnrKpni. neiBhinit I a IM. npleee. 21 i line. : tii .r.n"nir,"nB.i!0 "'.'f11'. --2c.i Hicks, ns '" .."ti,M. 1:1 wiir. ..vtoe nlTl?rlMaIl,iTS.m'!rl"'t .ULM, "rm un'r ""I" nnerliiM nnd n fair iMmnntl for dislrnl.le slneit tJSilV "'!' the iiuolntlons: Tresa-kllleil poul r.,-."I1l",",.rV,,"rFowl, '- ,n ,KUi 'lry-plcked fnnrj selected. Me . weighing Hi h lbs. apiece sr.'C;. welichlnn I lbs nplM-p. 22Hc . welBhlnit li'tfrii" nPl(rr' -,,'-' welKhlnit 3 lbs n?l!rc i..? i'V , fowls, ler.pnekeil. In barrels, fani-y iIZ'vnrTh northern Indiana nml Illinois, welRh flf ' ' ".".m1,1'" "Piece. 22e : do . southern In ..V.ii '. """"I "ittninit 111s. apiece. 21'4c, smaller , ihjjsiic.j m r,v,tPri,, ,irv-ple)eii. J.'. 'rollLrs. Jersey fnncy, IllUfSOr.. do . other L-Vi''' W'lKhlmr H4r2 lbs. npleee, .ISM lilr ill Attn1" '"" 1-'irf-'l'p;, ducks, nenrhy. sprlnu iiSt"''iI "l""1'"- per iIoj While. wekhlnR in nJ,i':"ii.p"r ',n,v I.T.-.?.10: while, welah SJ S'n1" lh" Prr '" I1WI.IB; whllo. woiHli Ul i J!:,...rsr do? . jaifr.i no, .10 , do., 7 lbs prr t3l,n,1-,r,"P2.n"i.,Oj 'lo.. rfwm lbs m do: r.Oc wt lr ,l-7"w u "mail nnd No. 2 FRESH FRUITS .1 Wr'? "'J"-,1? wn" ln fn,r request nml cenornlly 5i?nCT.f" A0'.'""'?' ipijles, per bbl. Wlnesnp. JSihSS".1, .'i?l,hvln. :14. Hen Dnvls. 2f:l. other vsrletles, $1 .-.nW2..-0. Nn. s l.2.1lft2 Wif?" "'""m. per box ii SATrLTS; or-inrcs. iJ? l.'!?.'! 't.B!''.':, 1"' (I. I?rnfrult. riorlila. ''"rate, IIHJii, lMiions. rr lix. 1.151)4: plnel "PPl's. per ernto, Porto men. f t.KllllT'.l! lr,..u. ki ...1.1 - . '""k.11 i'1'11 .iiarjinnu, iwr qt.. lrNe.: black "Tries North Carolina. jr lit.. RniLV. cnrrrlcs. ivinw-nre and MnrWnnd, per lb. .sS' "2'J 1 ,lo".rri'"' ..1ll14c I penehes. I'ldrlda. ySrnr1n.rfir. 2W2 .-i). ,10 (leorula, per cnrrlir 1-W.1 Jo. cantaloupes, Cnllfornla. por crate. 12 !;.,." y,"'1.1". Ir crnte. S2.nnea.2ri; wnter melons. I lorlda. per car, 2.inff Ion. VEGETABLES .Trni'P ,v,n" fnlr nn'! values Generally iero well inalntalned. Cluoiatlons: Whltt. pointoes. per bush I'pnnniliiiiilfi 1.2.-.frOI llll: Weelern 1 o..,v. .. .- .:-'' -.. "r r'.v- , '. ew inrK. 01. i. 1, .mi. unim imin- .12 I.E'RTII OP HAY. rati. ... 4:30 n m Moon sets. . . 1:2R n.m. lWj.. . 7:29 p m Moon soutliB. 11:10 p.m. nuivakk kivi:k TiDU ciiANor.s. ' CltnSTNl'T RTRKUT. Ifft-t'r.. .1:2S k m Iiw water Ifettater .10.31 n m Hlith water jroirEKATrur, at ram noun. wm m r in 121 11 21 '31 11 S) 7fr72l 731 7H JBI 751 751 n:as p.m. 11.03 p.m. toes .per I.W.--Nn. I Plorldn. s.-...-,n(?r.1.7n: No. 2 tlorlila JlfH.niij No. .1 Norfolk. .1.2.-.,1 '.ill 'i'; -! Norfolk. J2 ..njf3.;o. No. 1 South Carolina, 5.i(,i.2.,: No, 2 South Carolina. :i.2.1W 1. Sweet potatoes. Jersey, ncr basket No. 1, l.'ifriloc : .Nn. 2. 2jiii3llo . Hweet potalnen Jersey. Dela ware and Maryland. ht hamper No. 1, 7ric.fD $1. No. a, niiOiiiie onions .Texas, per cummer ernle No. 1. 1 .1.730 1.IJ.7. No. 2. il.40Ol.no. CabbiiBo. Norfolk nml njstern Shore, per bbl -ral!:v.i'.-:'wl r" Cahbsjje. Norfolk, per bbl , J 1.2. 1 if? I .ill. Celer. Klorlda. per crate. SI 7.Vq) 2.2.1. Watercress, per IPO bunches. 1..105i 2 .111 Lettuce. Vlmlnla, per Kaskct. 25c. if J 1. Henna Nortli Carolina, per l.1-bbl. basketWax tI.23SM.WI: Kreen. S101 ,10 l!..". tTlh Carollnu. icr '4 -bbl' basket. SI .10W1 7.1. Ilenns Nortolk, wax. per ii -Mil. basket. 1.7.1(lf ai 1.2.1. Tons, Norfolk nnd Kastern .Shore, pro i - ti ,,,.1, p-. ir. small, jny 1.b,i. lt-in-in, I-llll lllu KKKPlnnt. 1 lorlda riquns Corn. Klorlila, per nasket, J17o'u2.,l) Heels. .N'orth Carolina, per 11)0 bunches. S3 I: do. Norfolk per 100 bunches. SKiPn. Tomatoes. I'lnrldi per carrier I'uncy, S2.3O0'3, choice, tl.nuu'1' Tomatoes Mississippi, per Hat crate, hoc. itdSl AspaniBUs. Jersey, per bunch Pancy. 12lRc ' prime, 10&12C ; culls. GQptiQ. Mushroomi. DeV 4-lb l.iBkct. UUc Sl.no lKr Tho "nenr-human ctiimpanscc" of Dr. William Henry Furncss will Bojourn for the summer In tho Zoological Gnrdens while its mas ter Is abroad. 1 xiOTi, 1 f mmdM?K JH( Tt &&& rf. Xr s . C RIG DROP IN SURPLUS Local Institutions Report Decrcaso of ?G,371, 000 Loans Lnrgcr The iiulBtanillns feature of tlio Phila delphia bank ntntcment this veek was 11 decrciiBe In xiiriiliiH of $0,371,000, as com pared with the previous wccli, hrlnKlnK that IteiA down to t.l2,n.1fi.n00, There was an Increase In loans of $1,325,000. malting; loans on tho hooks of the Institutions, SS13.-183,000. per rarrler. $2.S0wa, lant. Horlda, rcr crate, si .10 W" ,10 ah. Houth Carolina, per crate, S1W1 ''V . Plorld.i. per crnle. SiiJ2.75 Cucumbers da. per basket, SI 7o'i2 ,10 Heels. .N'ortt LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAIt STOCKS. Jim Hutlrr MaeNamara Midway Mtzpah extension . Montnnn North Htnr Tunopah llelmont.. 'Ponopah Hxlenslon Tonopah Mlnlnir ... Hescue Uula West i:ml GOl.DKII'.I.U STOCKS, Atlnntn 1 Illii" Hull llnnth HulldoK- C O 11 Comblnnllon Prnctlon DlnmondDeM II II Ii ilny Florence y. . Coldlleld Consolidated (liildllelil Merxer Jumbo Hxtennlon . . , . Kewnnas Oro Hnnd Ken Hllver Pick MISCnLLAXCOUH. Kalry Aztec Klmberly Neiuda Hill ...:.. Hid. Asked." .P7 1.01) .117 .IIP :Ha ) -M .2.1 ,2 .17 , .10 IN 4 P-lli 11 fl'i '. II Va . 1.1 . 17 .117 1.U0 .11 .12 .03 .114 .10 .IN .01 .02 .11:1 .01 .117 .00 .0.1 .oil .III .Oil .4.1 .48 .HI .llll .11) .11 .110 .111 .11 .13 .0.1 .Oil .0.1 .07 .OS .1)9 .III .02 .1)2 .1)1 .17 .1!) !.)( 2.D.1 June 12. lleireasi. lllln prev wk Loans s.113,HS3.ono si 32.".ihmi Depts (Ind.) 1 10.3111. 000 1(1.3.111 111)11 Circulation I), I HMIon 2. noil Duo from hanks .... 73.023.000 2,203 ono Hop. of hanks KO.illD.OOO ill I (inn P.x Clenrlnff House . lK,:iil7.imo .1,7(1!) linn Hemne held 1 10,H7ri.0llil (I. K 13 000 Hosere reqd 77. 030.1100 1 1 1, (Hill Hurplus 32,1)311,1)01) 11,371.1)110 Surplus June 13. 1013. S43.37H.00O; surplus under old form. June 1.1. 1011, tl 1.3011.000. June HI. 1(113, Ss.i.iii.ooil June 11). 11)12. 57.033,00(1. June 12. 11111. till., 120. 7.10. "Increase. 1 DIVIDENDS DECLARED Lone Star O.m Company, regular quarterly of 13 per cent . pniable Juno 30 The books close June 21 nnd reopen Julv 1. . 1 . Armsby Compan of New "ork, renulnr qunr terly of 1 ix-r icnt on the preferred stoik, pnynble June 30 to stock of record June 111. Little Hrhmlklll Nnvleallnn nnd nallrna.l Com pany, semlannu.ll of SI. 2.1 per share, payable July 1.1 ns rcBlMtered Juno 12. Hooks close June 12. reopen Jul 1,1. Columbus Uallniu. Power nnd Light ,Comnany, recul.ir quartnrly of P-i per cent, on Its Series A preferred stock and of 1 per cent, on Its 4 per cent, prior prefereme preferred stock, both paynhle July 1 to stock of record Juno 1,1. Columbus Klectrlc Company, semiannual of S3 nn Its preferred slock, pnynblo July 1 to Htock of record June 1(1 Cndcrwooil Typewriter Company, rocular of 1 per cent on common stock and l- per cent, nn preferred stock. Imlh paynble October 2 to stoik of record September 20. Associated Oil Company. rcBUlnr of 1 per cent., payable July 1.1 to stock of reeoril June 311. J. I Case Threshlnfi Miuhlue Company. rcB ul'ir of 1" per cent, on Its preferred stork, tiaiul'ln July I to stock of record Juno 12. Juliet nnd Chlcnco Ilallrnad Company. rcKiilar of lli per cent . pajnblo July 3 to stock of record June 23. International Hnrvester ompany of New Jersey, regular nuirlerlv of SI 2.1 nn the mm mon slock, payablu July 1 to stock of record Juno 21. Cnllfornla Petroleum Corporation. SI a sharo on the preferred stock, pnynblo July 1. Hooks closo June 17 S. H. KresKo Company, m per cent, on lis common etc k and tho loBulnr quarter!" of 1 per cent, on lta preferred stock. panbl July 1 to holders of recoid Juno 2il. No perlml Is men tioned In connection wlih tho common dll- Na'tiopal Ons. Klectrlc I.lsht and Power Com pany, resular quarterly of IH nr cent, on tho preferred slock, pusnhle July I us reelstered June 23 Hooks close Juno 23 nnd reopen July 1. Also a. quarterh dUlden.l of 1 per lent, on the common stock. paabk. July 1 ns registered June 23. Hooks close June 23 nnd reopen Jwly I. Hrusulck Unlke-Colamler Company, reguhir quarterly of I $ per cent, on Its preferred stock. pnkhlo July 1 to holders of recurU June 10. Financial Briefs Tho Xow York hanks coined from Sub treasury Satuid.iy, $3,389,000, and bIiico Friday $r, 1011,000. Tho Paris Ilotirso remained closed today, which was a holiday in Franco. 13. T. CushliiR has applied for member ship In the ChlciiR') Hoard of Trade. Tho output of irnld at the mines of tho Hand In May was 777.B81 line ounces atiied at 3,303,37". In April the outturn was 7I,C72 line ounces valued at 3,205, G43, nnd In May, last year, the output was 70,1,5 IS flno ounces, valued at 3,243, 347". Operations linvo been resumed In the foundry and pipe plants of tho United States Cast Iron Pipe and Foundry Com pany located nt Cleveland nnd IllrmlnKham. These two plants had bcou shut down fur tho period of nbout tun years. Thrco new ofllces have been created by tho LoKan Trust Company of Philadelphia, as follows: John II. Wood, assistant tieasurer; OcorKo W. Hrown, Jr., nsslstant treasurer; H. n. V. Mccke, assistant secre tary. Mr. Wood still retains his former position us secretary, nnd Mr. Mccke still holds his position as paying; teller. These changes wero made, to facltltnto tho work of the company durlns the absence of tho president. 1 Ilowland Comly, who was granted an Indefinite lcne of absence on account of Ill-health. The Wllmnro Steamship Company of New York has been Incorporated in Albank with a capitalization of $1,800,000. There has been placed on tho regular list of the Philadelphia Stock Kxchantte $322, 300 additional stock of the American Tele phone and Telegraph Company, nnd $21,500 additional C por cent, cumulative B per cent, preferied stock of the Philadelphia Com pany. At tho request of the company, tho capital stock and llrst mortKngo 5 per cent, bonds of tho Iliooklyn Horouch Gas Com pany will bo strlckon from tho regular list of tho exchange at the closo of business Juno 30, 1010. Mny sales of tlio S. S. KrosRo Company wero $2,033,711, an increaso of $342,707: 5 months $9,553,837, an Increaso of $1.SS 1,387. The Census Bureau will Issue a report at 10 o'clock, Tuesday, showing the amount or cotton consumed during May and on hand Juno 1. EVENING LEDGER PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR i:vi:ry Monday stjimect to ciia.nok fggiMBIlA. wo IfiCADIA. UUIOIIE WONT BAD ST. CASINO HW PKA pRHODNT UKKFORD 1ST. mm RMANTOWN MONDAY f" Allen Souls Chaplin's Tho Plrerr.nn Dorothy Olsh, In Susan Hocks 1 ho H0.1t Itectrlo Mixes In Gloria's, Uomance. No. Richard Truers, In Tiio I.lsht Hearer ManilKTlto Clark. In Molly Make ilelleva .Stuart Holmes, ln Sins pf Men Chaplin's Police Who's llullty Klla JlalL In The Crippled llnpil A Caliph of New llaB.l.iil Tho Iron Claw. No. IB Lcnnra tllrlch. n Tho Heart of Pnula Uuatln KBtnum, In David Oarrlck Laura Snwyer, In Tho Princo uf Peace The Innocent Lie Chaplin's) 'I'ha Fireman tOBE mkl NOllTIIEUN Marguerite Clark, In Out of h Drifts' De Wolf Hopper, In ttunshtno Dud llessle HarrUcale. In Not My HUter BFERSON KVSTONE 1FAYETTE m IRKET STREET MIEUM HBUOOK SiACIE iSCESS BEST .His Great Triumph Chaplln'a Tho Fireman lilllle Iturko. In Gloria's Itomanee Iron Claw Mary. Plckfor6.,ln Tesa of the Storm Country Dunlin Kurnum. In David Garrlck William Collier.. In Tha No Qood Guy Chuplln' Tho Fireman Four Months TUESDAY Allen Souls Chaplin's The Fireman Pnullne Frederick, In Audrey Hcsule Mixes In Gloria's Itomnnce. fio. -- Win S. .Hurt. The Aryan Marftuerlto Clark. In Molly Mako llellave Harbara Gllroy. In Her Father's Gold MnrV Plckford. In Tho Klrrnal Grind Wm. H. Thompson, lh Clt ligation's Child Lenore tllrlch In Tlio Heart of Paula Mureuerltn Clark. WJIdflower In Dunlin Fa mum. In David (inrrlrk Gladys Hulette. In Tho Traffic Cop Valentine Grunt. In The innocent I.lo Alice Hrady. In Tmuiled Fates Sessuo Hayakawa. The Typhoon In WEDNESDAY Gcruldlnn Farrar. In Maria Ilnsa Mabel Taliaferro. Tho Snowbird UeBirle Mixes In Gloria's Itomnnce. No. Ncnl Crnlff. In Millstone Mary Plckford, in Itass William Farnum. In llattle of Hearts A Wild Goose Chase Secret of the Submarine Mlxnon Anderson, li Tho City of Illusion Wm. S Hart. In The Primal Lure Kitty Gordon ln Her Maternal Itlzht llessle Ilarrlscale, In Not My Sister TltUr.SDAT Oeraldlne Farrar. In Mnrla Itosi Motile Kins. In Fate's lloomernnv Dounlas Fairbanks. IteBRle Mixes In Dorothy Olsh. In Little Meena's Itomanee Mary Plckford, ln Hags SI r.i nee Case of Mary Paso Kugehe Fords. In Her Mother's Sacrifice Mabel Taliaferro, The Snowbird Normu Talmachre. In Children tn tho House Victor Moore, in The Hare Francis X. Hushman. Man nml Ills Soul Mae Marsh, In Child of the Parts streets William Farnum. In A Man of Sorrow Tl Scarlet Woman Qloria'a Itomanee Lillian Glsh. In Hold for Marriage Mary Plckford. In The Kternal Qrlnd Mabel Taliaferro. In Her Great Price Dlanche Sweet, In The Sower William Farnum, In Haiti of Heart Iron Claw Chaplin's The- Fireman Secret of the Submarine Dustln Farnum, In David Uarrlck Kthel Clayton, in His Hr6ther' Wife Pauline Frederick, in The Moment Uefore Dorothy Glsh, In Old tleidelberK W111. 8. Hart. In The Primal Lure Wm H, Thompson. In ClfllUaUon's Child Xa Hoh'eme Chaplin's The Fireman -4SJ Mary PtYkford. In The gu)rr?al Grind idli ltulr.l ln Th K,ljr)t oriNw York )sxy "Plckford. la unci II P ' I' I w . Marl Doro. in 4jP.nway Wm. B. llartj Tb.rrUnl Lure tuT "Ca'rlyU BUckwcll. in Jlla 'Brother vlft Chailfs ctJaprin, lns VlVf 1 "iisyffly10 fasllBBiiWiifcTjyiraMiii ...i. . . Ivu Sheppard, la Aondale Pauline Frederick. Ill Trie. Moment Before Francella llllllngton, ln f Naked Heart r- Wm. S. Hart, in The Primal Lura. Dlanche Sweet. In 'The Sower La lloheme Chaplin' The Fireman Douglas Fairbanks. In mm mw, .m m ,J. Warren Kerrigan, In X Boa of tha Immortal Francis X. llushman. la The VU totween Wm S, Wr! In Tb llarguln ... 1, .i i Marguerite CUrk. la Seven Sister Flora D IUen. In The Madcap Harold Lockwood. la The Com Hack Marguerite Clark, la SUk uoi Satin J0-Jg.B,yeWta mWmltHHfi (P-41-iil"FH le J? Francis X. Hushman, In The Wall lutween Wm. S. Hart. In Hell' Hinges Francis X. Hushman. In A Million a Minute Iron Claw Pauline Frederick, In Audrey Dorothy Kelly. In The Law Decides Spellbound The Floorwulker Carlyla Ulackwell. In Ills Drother's Wife Harold Lockwood. In The Come Hack , Katharine Kaelred. In Idol Edna Wallace Hopper, In Toe PrlU of Divorce H U Warner, In The Beggar of Cuwnpore la lloheme Chaplin' The Fireman Dorothy Kelly, In The Law Decide Francis X. Bushraan. In A Million a Minute Robert Warwick, la Human Driftwood A Ike Brady, In Tangled Fate The Woman Alf-SUr Cast Lucille Stewart, la The Destroyer Pauline Frederick, lo Audrey Manruerlt CUrk. la Silk and BaUna OUa PKrova. la J-Uytne With Fir CJiipila's It I'lmaiaa . CQ4 Of UM ?4Tl4tt)Ucat4 Jackie Asunder. In ReapInK the Whirlwind The Krarle't Woman Gloria' Itomanee Olga Petrova, tn Playing- With Fire Mary Plckford. In The Eternal Grind FRIDAY Georirn Iteban. Pasqunle Hlanehe Sweet, Tho Sowers In Douglas Fairbanks. In Regxte Mixes ln The Man Hunt Tho l.orrlmore Case John Hnrrymore. ln The Red Widow Tho Rose of Italy Mysteries of Myra. Victor Moore and Anita King, In Tho Race Vivian Martin. In A Modern Thelma MarBUerlto Snow, in Notorious Gallagher Sessun Hnyakuwa, ln The Typhoon Fannie Ward. In The Cheat Constance Crawley, In Revelation Ueraldlnn Farrar, In Maria Hob.i Hlanehe Sweet, tn The lllarkllst , Anlla Stewart. In The Suspect Hlanehe Sweet. In The Clue Ignore tllrlch, In The Heart of Paula Char. Chaplin, In The Fireman Iron Clair Katharine Kaelred Idol Ills Great Triumph Gloria' Romance Dougla Fairbanks. In The Good Had Man Carlyle Ulackwell. In lit lirother' Wife Harold Iockwood. ln The Come Uaik Harold lockwood. In The Come Hack H. II. Warner, In . Market of Villa Desire What Love Cim Do Peg" or jhe Rlrur AHciiHrady. In i4riKn oheme Wlllfinjtoll The No, Goo oilier. In The Ncvgood Uuy 'notertvTwlek. In Sudden Rlebe 'Clara ltlmbail Young-. In The Yellow Passport Florence Lawrence. In Kltulve Isabel Out of Darknea Cbaslln' The Fireman Naoco O'Neill, la The Who Toll Bobert Warwick. In I Vargucrlt CJrk. la Bilk HKtSatln TheTypboon Qlorli . it. A. CWkJ e.ta IV Curlyle Ulackwell. In Ills Ilrother'a Wife Gloria' Romance The Perils of Divorce Charles Chaplin, la The Fireman Tron Claw Jackie ilaundera. In The Fllrtlne Hrlde Mary Plckford. In The Dawn of a Tomorrow Francis X. Huahmau. In A Million a. Minute SATURDAY Georan Ilebsn, In Pasqualn Wm. s Han. The Primal Lure Douglas Fairbanks, In Reggie .Mixes In Jj"rank Keenan. In "he Slepplne stone John llnrr mnrr, In The Red widow Jack Plckford. In The Hard Way. No" 1 ,,obr,, Warwick. In Sudden Riches Muriel Ostriche. In Kennedy Square Mary Fuller, In A Huntress of Men Victor Moore. In 1 on ua.ee Fannin Ward. In Geraldlne Farrar, In Maria Rosa ThJi! H Warner, in Tha lleggxr of Cawnpore m',.H- Thompson. In Civilization's Child -v hlllMne Marsh. In Child of the Pari Streets Ilesslu Ilarrlscale, In Not My Sister Mollu. King. In Fate' Iloomerang Iron Claw i'trJ' I'lekforrt In Tho Eternal Grind Valentine Grant. In The Innocent Lie Olga Petrova. In. The Scarlet Woman Qustln Farnum. In David Garrlck Mollie Klrur. In Fate' Iloomerung' II. 11. Warner. In Market of Vain Desire J. Warren Kerrigan. In A Son of the Immortal Alice Hrady, In La Uobeme Cleo lildgley. In The Love Mask Flora De Haven, ln The Madcap ( Olga Petrova. la The Soul Market llessle Ilarrlscale. la Honor' Altar Sessue Uayakawa. Allen Soul In Louiae Lonely. In Dolby of the Pallet Bobert Warwick, la Sudden Rich Marguerite Clark, la SlUts nd Sallo lltnry King In The Slalned Pearl llarp- Morey. In The Accusing Voice Dustln Farnum, In David Garrlck Frank Keenan. lu The Coward Cariyu, Ulackwell In III Ilrother's Wife Pauline Frederick, In Audrey Alice Hrady, In La lloheme 8vl from toe Harem Cbaclln' folic Tfa Detroaer frguerlte Clark. In Molly Make Uelleve ..Mary Plckford. In Poor UtUe PenolnV Marguerite Snow. In Notorlou aaUaghir )lgs, Petrova, In The Scarlet Womaa Blanciu) Sirt. In ) The Sower Marl Doro. to TM UH" of M8rrlyna MJrjruefltf CUrk la Silk tnd Satlru Too (trie Dora. In tart of Nq Jflraa UeneJ Barrrtaore, (a i' VUorc. MOVIE TRADE BOARD TO BE RECONSTRUCTED Irwin, of V. L. S. E., Stays It Hns Fnilcd and Ir5 Ready to Givo Way to Body More Widely Representative of Industry Uy the 1'liotopluy Editor Moro than 60 persons representing nil branches of the film Industry were nslon Ished tn henr at a luncheon given nt Del monlco's. New York, last Thtirrdny that the Motion I'lcttiro Rdnnt of Trade con fessed to failure in nccompllshlng II16 pur poses for which It wns formed and was 'ready and willing to be dissnltcd to allow a better and more effective body to take Ita place. The purpose of tho meeting ns announced by W V. Irwin, an ofllcer of tho Hoard of Trade nnd general m.innger of the V. h H l: . wns to discuss means and plans for tho formntinti of such n new body For this purpose he nppoltlted a subcommittee of 12 lo outline n plnn of organization which Is In icport back In three weeks to M)o main rommlttr, which consists of nil of those present at tho luncheon. Those on the subcommittee nro Jutes 13. tlrtllatoilr, Nicholas Power, .1. II Uallberg, l.ec A. Ochs. John J. Wlilttman. U U L-cvlne, V. Stephen Hush. William A. Johnston, Tracy It l,evls. William W. Itodklnson, Jesse Lnsky and Walter W. Irwin. At this next meeting It Is practically cer tain that arrangements will be completed which will result In the formation of a body similar to tho Hoard of Trade, but one which will represent the picture busi ness in every branch. For some time there has been n. feeling of dissatisfaction with the work accom plished by the Hoard of Trade, as exhibitors throughout tho country lino felt that It has placed tho Interests of tho manufac turers above those of tlio film men. It was this lack of harmony nnd confidence, Mr. Irwin said, Hint convinced the members of tho Hoard of Trade no effective work could be nccompllshrtl by them, nnd It wns Im perative that some sort of n comprehensive corporation be formed which would receive help from all. The conflict between the exhibitors nnd the board came to a head when the former started up an "opiwsltlon" exposition at Ornnd Central I'alaco to compete with the ono ndvrrtlsrd by tho board to be held at Madison Square Garden last May from tho sixth to tho fourteenth. Tho blow wns made moro weighty when the Metro Film Corporation sided with the exhibitors in their complaint and handed In their resig nation, as they believed that tho action of the board was not taken with proper con sideration of tlio theatre owners. Charles Chnplln on view today 11 1 tho Victoria, Palace, Lociifct and Gcrmantown Is now nt work on his third Mutual feat ure, the name of which as yet Is undo clded. In this release, the famous laugh maker will bo seen In tho role of an Itin erant musician, In which tlio violin, which ho plays so well, nnd nn accordion furnish tho chief music. Kdna Purvlnnce, Frlc Campbell, Leo White, Charlotte Minneau and the other members of his company ap pear with him In this production. After a short vacation upon the com pletion of "David Uarrlck." Dustln Farnum has returned to the Pallas I'lct tures studios In I.os Angoles, nnd has com menced work on his next vehicle. "Tho Parson of I'anamlnt." This subject has been taken from tho story by Petor IJ. Kyne, which nppcared In tho Saturday Evening Post, and gives an exact account of conditions in tho "mushroom" mining towns of Nevada 40 years ago. SCENARIO DEPARTMENT LESSON 9 (Continued) "Punch" The turning Ledger Ilnllr rVennrlo lesions tiemn -Inne a. PTlre eentet furs srennrlo tn be produced In Philadelphia with J?Ir."" ,n icimi ior ininre reierrnee in ine writing nt prlre eenfet fer a) srennrlo and sure ell the le-ons for i.tThi i'"."'" lf will be gled to ansner In Its ralnmng nny question cVriltn dlrecilr with points In the lessons nnd of general Interest to readers. They will n hlUwT4.hr 1 rhlfnrielphlit east. Cut ont rm. your seensr w, By IIAhTRY 0. JIOYT i Heed et IHe Metro Scenario Staff HAT wo call "punch" must not be Theatrical Baedeker NEW FKATIIRi: FILMS. STANLHY All week, "Silks nnd Satins." with Mariruertte Clark. A Famous Ptayers-rnrn-mount five-part feature recounting how n modern young lady escapes from nn undeslr nble marriage thrnuKh u ruso uf tho good old eighteenth century. ARCADIA All week. "Reggie Mixes In." with Douglas Fairbanks. A Flno Arts-Triangle tllm featuring the popular "Doug" ns an nthletlc oung society man who tries a bit of slum life PALACE All week. "La noheme." with Allco Hrady. A llradv -World production featuring the manoger's accomplished joune; daughter na Mlml Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, In uddltlnn. "Tho Fireman." with Charlie Chnplln. a new Mutual, nnd Hlllle llurke'n serial, "Gloria's Homnnce " VICTORIA Monday. Tuesday and Wednesdvy. "The Fireman." with Charlie Chnplln Mon day und Tuesduy, In addition. "Susan Hot ks the Hoat," with Dorothy Olsh und Gen .Moore, u Pine Arts-Triangle. Wednesday and Thursday, "A Child of the Paris Streets." with Mae Marsh and Robert Ilarron. Frldiy and Saturday "Dorian's Divorce," with Lionel liarrymnre and Grace Valentine. FORREST "The Dumb Girl of Portlcl." with Anna P.ivlowa. thn famous dancer, with her company of Russians, augmented hv nhnto- p!a)crs of the Universal Film Manufacture in result of sustained Huspense. At theipsycho loglcnl moment, when suspense .can hd longer be maintained consistently, vc net ! In other words, do violence. On this nc count we pro apt to confuso tho "punch" with tlio net the violence. Wo hno been Talking of melodramatic "punches," but nil punches are not melo dramatic. Tho suspense for a comedy or for a simple drama Is worked up. Then something happens, it now twist, the unex pected, unlooked-for occurs. Tho element of surprise lends novelty. Tho clement of novelty lends surprise nnd the piny ends to the satisfaction of every one. In the comedy the suspense culminates In the punch at tho very close of the pic ture. There mny bo many points of cul mination, when u certain amount of sus pense will bring n punch, but the carefully written script will reserve the big surprise, the big turnover for the final ncenes. A, good example of comedy suspense nnd "punch" is contained In n short fnrco writ ten a number of years ago. A woman of very expensive tastes keepi her husbnnd "broke." Ho borrows money to keep her In luxuries and dually Is uunblo to get nnother penny. An Idea occurs to him. He changed clothes, putting on some old ones nnd leaves his good clothes on tho liver bank. Then he proposes to glvo Ills wife a senrw by pretending ho Is dead. She finds a note from him telling her thnt ho Is un.iblo to supply her with the funds she wants nnd that lie Is nbout to Jump In tho river nnd end his troubles. He goes Into tho park, where ho la urrcsted for vagrancy. Thirty days In Jail is his lot. Meanwhile wo see the wife selling every thing that she owns. Hero the element of suspense really begins to take form. What Is she selling them for? She gets a conslder nhlo sum of money and spends It for some thing which Is not shown, and Is reduced to penury. At last tho 30 days como to nn end nnd tho husband returns homo. Friend wife greets her husband as she would a ghost, and suddenly realizes that ho ts not dead, but alive. She grabs him by the hand and drags hlni out of tho house and down sev eral streets, and suddenly we have tho answer to our suspense and tho big laugh. A magnificent tombstone has been reared to his memory, and they aro both completely broke ! Tho comedy "punch" must bo Just ns suro nnd Just ns cffectlvo ns the melodramatic "punch." showing n gun-fight, with tho death of tho villain. Business stories, as a rule, offer little of Interest to tho public. Thero Is slight opportunity for suspense, tho situa tions are trlto and meaningless and thero Is no great climax that can be reached. This Is n broad statement. There aro ex ceptions, but tlicy are few and far between. Tho stock exchange excitement was n novelty for a while, because few iieople liavo witnessed a wild day on '"change." The business of passing papers back and forth across desks, mortgages, buying nnd selling, men looking at stock exchange re ports nnd getting excited, nit are Pat and uninteresting. If Jones says, "I am going to ruin Brown und bring him to my feet becauso ho stolo the. woman I lovo," and we have tho details of this ruin, wo aro going to spoil what might have been a good story with a different finish. Political stories fall In this same class. Thero Is no clash that makes for good picture action. Your story mny bo thrilling to rend, but Impossible to visualize Do you sec, a chance for action? Is there alt opportunity Tor suspense; real suspense.? It may read like It, but what do your characters do that actually would get over? (Tomorrow Lesson. 10 Comic nelteC.) QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Natalie A number of correspondents hnn been puzaled by tho use of the word "night." Wlvat I mean 1st "Fade In." 11 Is night time," tf your scene ta to take placo nt night always Indicate it. If not. the director may mt!i this point and take an exterior sceno In the brilliant sunlight, or perhaps there will bo numerous boby cnrrlages In tho background. Baby-car-rlnges nro not seen nfter sundown as n role, and the brilliant hun casts too deep a shadow. When the picture Is tinted and Mich Incongruities na theso show up, tho verisimilitude Is lost. (J. tl. It. You do not need to write dialogue for tho players. ThlB Is taken care of by the director when he comes to tlio scene. It Is Impossible to do It yoUr-t-elf, us he Is quite likoly to change nil tha action ns well. Jf. O. N". You nro referring to tho sil houette. So many writers have asked nbout this tliat the subject will bo taken up In detail later along with other light effects. It la necessary for the llnlshwl writer to know the embellishing touches for his picture. It Is not Important to the same degree no tho plot, but It Is Important to give your story a finish. II. A. W. You write all tho action just ns you seo It on the screen. If John enters tho room and kisses Mary, say "John enters, cornea to Mary and kisses her," You must visualize the story and tell Just what you seo your characters do In action. Cut out description, as It amount to nothing. You can tell only what you can seo your characters do. Dialogue Is not wanted. C. G. G Cuba Sonio compnnles dissolve Into tho close-ups on many occasions. It makes the transitions tesa abrupt You do not need to write theso dissolves tato the script, however, as tha director will take care of It. Write your story and lenvo the mechanical directions, unless they arc peculiar and essential, to tho director, It T. It. It Is best to write and find out If the company is Interested In a serial. Certain companies nro noted for them nnd other companies may dccldo over night that they will do one, but as a rule thesa nre all written to order. A. letter of In quiry sent out simultaneously to a number of firms ought to bring you the Intornwtlon you seek. Ah to tho nmount you should got for such a serial, I am unable to answer you, us prices vary with tho various concerns. :::: 7i lft lif fl -UiljMl (Jii C Our job is to give you the t" y right ort of lumber at the ( right price at the right time.. ( 7 And we know our job! i ( Edward F.Henson& Co. J ' JSInicdirol Liimher and rimoer I V Poplar St. Wharves, 1'lilla. QM - ,- m- ?t?.--,....--L-qrffl Corporation. BELMONT Monday nnd Tuesday. "Molly Mnka e uinrx. weunesciny with Mary Plckford. assisted n Ilellovo." with Mxrguerlte Clark. nntl Thursday "Hugs, with Mary PI. Friday nnd Saturday, "Tho Red Widow. witn jacK Iiarnmore. LOCUST "Tho Fireman." with Charlie Chap lin, his now Mutual In uddltion. Monduv, "Four Months," with Vivian Rich nail Al fred Vosburah: Tuesday, "Aondale." with Ivu Shenpnrd and Alexnnder Gnden; Wednes day and Thursday, "His Ilrother's Wife." with Ethel Clayton and Carlyla lllarkwell, Friday, "The Scarlet Woman." wllh Olga Petrova. and Saturday. "The Accusing Voice." with Harry T. Morey and llella Uruco. vaudeville. KF.ITII'S llella Story. Jack Wilson by Frank Hurst and Lillian Hoardmaii. "An Impromptu Revue", sixteen Navassar Girls. Ilayonno. Whipple and Walter Huston, In "Spooks", Nelson Waring. "What Hap pened to Ruth", Max Ford nnd lleity Unna: Sam llarton, and Sellg-Trlbuno Pictures. GLOBE Dave Sabloskj'B "A Night In India," wllh nobby Vnll and Marie Mann, rPunk Hush. Conrad unit Daniels, the Colonial Mon trose Troupe, and 11 Patlon and company In "Apple Blossom Time" the Skntells. I.im bert and Fredericks. Putnam und Luwtu. ll.iby Illvl.1. Juvenile, and Knnawanza. GRAND "All Philadelphia Week " Emily Smiley and George Harbler. In "Man's Law". Josle Flynn and her Minstrel Lnsslra. Klrby nnd Rome: Rob Warren, the Three O'Neill sisters: Mr. MacAleuvey. nnd tho Pathe News, CROSS KEYS First half of week: Tom Pow ell and his Peerless Minstrels: Ihe Comedy Harmony Quintette. Marlamba' Manluca, Friend and Downing, and Monde nnd Selle. Prominent Photoplay Presentations SIiIIIlllllassssssssssssssssssssssssssssi Grrmmu THE following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Booking Company, whlrli Is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. All pictures reviewed before exhibition. Ask for the theatre In your locality obumlng Pictures through the STANLEY BOOKING COMPANY. IT 17 llinn k 2th. Morris A Passyunk Ave. ALHAMBRA 0tarrcij?;fa T 4 J has3. SftXpBftTft '.HFHftA: CHESTNUT BELOW lOTH 0) Garage nurned; $5000 Loss Firo of unknown origin destroyed the garage last night of William Wolstencraft & Sons Company, felt manufacturers, nt Mulberry and Hrldge btreets. Four automo. biles and ono motorcycle wero destroyed. Tho loss was estimated at $5000. A RCADI A Douglas Fairbanks '" mixes in .... , irTnmtKR In "Gloria' Romance" (No. 0 APOLLO B2D AND T,1?at7neNe daily DO"9.VvO.H nnd OWEN MOORE in "BATHTt-ll ; PKKIL3"-Keyton Comedies. 82D AnoVE MARKET LIBERTY BnoADAD WM. COLLIER in "THE NO-GOOD OUY" COLUMBIA , mrnvinr1 82D AnOVK Ullrt.T RFI MON 1 Mats. 1:30 A 3:30. KV .. j-ilwl. In "MOLLY Marguerite vaarlt make-hehrye" lUVTIt AND CEDAR AVE JMMMOD.VT THEATRE CEDAR CHAS. CHAPUN ,ij;POUCE" Prominent Photoplay Presentations WF..ST I'llllwtllEI.l'HIA OVERBROOK " andf'oar?aVe. WM. H. THOMPSON in "CIVILIZATION'S CHILD" BALTIMORE "ALtUvu Richard Travers n bearer" "THE THREE WISE MEN" piip ptr A sOTII & MARKET sts. Ella Hall and Robert Leonard in "The Crippled Hand" as A nnCM WD LANSDOWNB AVE. GARDhN it, 2 EVG. 0:30. LAURA SAWYER in "In the Name of the Prince of Peace" KOKTII Broad Street Casino b,ioabr?Ilow MATLNEB a 30 EVENING T and 1. STUART HOLMES in "BINS OP MEN" KEYSTONE " SuafiWu VAUDEVILLE and "IRON CLAW" Picture. FA1RMOUNT "-0TU ANoHtAnn avp. VAN DYKB imOOKIJ nd LEAH BAIBD In A CALIPH OF NEW BAGDAD" .gABWCLA-lUth Episode. w i .iTST-rTtT T11 FltANKFORD FRANKFORD avenue LENORE ULRICH in THE HEART OF PAULA" LOGAN THEATRE 8J0 n(UD PAULINE FREDERICK in "THE MOMENT BEFORE" I OPI TQT 55D AND LOCUST IjVVUJI Mats. 1:30 and 3:30, 10c Evgu. 11:30, 8, 0:30, lCc. CH,A.fi; .CHAPLIN In "THE FIREMAN VIVIAN RICH in "FOUR MONTHS" Market St. Theatre m "A,KgBT DOROTHY GISH .SSiWn,,. EDDIE FOV In 'THE FaVQIUTB F0Ol!" ORPHFI IM "KIIMANTOWN AND xi, e TV , . .i- CHELTEN AVES. Wm. S. Hart in "The Primal Lure" "THE LOVE COMET" PALACF ,2U MARKET STREET AllE BURKE 1 iiC eXmi"" In "Gloria' Romance" -n DOtieme CHARLIE CHAPLIN In 'THE FIREMAN" '1. - rim TI - MATINEE Rh n Jli nicotic daily OO lyl,w spruce Evgs. T Jo 11 Dustin Farnum in "David Garrick' GERMANTOWN ..niMTiKB GRANT In '" Chas. Chaplin in "The Fireman1 5303 GERMAN. TOWN AVE. 'The Innocent Lie." . nnri CUT 1 1 a. MAlirw.l i.u-i- GLOBE $13,000 KIMBALL ORGAN DE WOLF HOPPER in "SUNSIHNB PAD" 7srArT" AVENUE THBATRH GIRAKD mi AND GIRARD AVENUE MARGUERITE CLARK in 'OUT OF THE DRIFTS" Great Northern BROAD ST.. ERIE 4 GERMANTOWN AVES. BESSIE BARRISCALE in KVevr MV RISTKIl"' Iristheatre 3"8SQTON MARGUERITE SNOW la "HI Great Triumph," Chas. Chaplin in "The Fireman" JEFFERSON S0TU AEgt8JPU,N BILUE BURKE in GLORIA'S ROMANCE" LAFAYETTE s' YSk MARY PICKFORD in TBSS OF THE STORM COUNTRY" ICATIT?!? FORTY-FIRST AND LJCtfUJE'I LANCASTER AVENUE DUSTIN FARNUM in PARK niDK AVE, A DAUPHIN ST. 1 IIV MAT.. 8:18. J5VB, OUS.tQ H. PARAMOUNT Mary Pickford ,n "H" ETERNAL QRIND" PRINCESS w,St3SeS?5P LEAHAIRDinEET "THE LIGHTS OF NEW YORK" RIALTO C-ERMANTOWN AVE. r AT irv AT TULPEIIOCKEN ST. MarieDorO- "DIPLOMACY" REGENT ,8W M-ABKET STREET" nn i. . ,vi'iH votes ORG4.Y Mary Pickford RAtaG s ,, RIJRY MARKET 8TREET UUU ' BEI3W nil STREET WM. S. HART in 'THE PRIMAL LURE" SHERWOOD MTgAt?iDixoR ,, ,. . BALTIMORa Chas. Chaplin "police" SAVOY ""ISS" Ethel Clayton & Carlyle Blackwell In "HIS BROIHER'S WIFE" TIOGA ,TT" AND VNANOO STB, JOHN BARRYMORE lomr. "WHO'S GUILTY" ,uu,v VICTORIA 'AHKET ST. Y IW1 VSV A"OVB KIVtH CHAS. CHAPLIN In "THE FIREMArT DOROTHY OIB1I awl OWBN MOORB tn "3USAN B0CK8 THEJOAT" DAVID qARRICIS" 'F . . '.. 11, ' . MlMUUIUHIW.IV(eiUUUUUIIUMIUtMUHUHIIUMWlllMHt STANLEY MRK ABQiis 6th A. A,,0 "Sitiii Jinl Saluix." U. to 1J:15P M- ifHMiHMHMMHUM 1 n u : M 1 Ii