HV1SK1KG LS)G1iB-MlLAi3ELffllXs BAttttftbAY, JUKE 10, 1016. j f i THE SOKf OF TARZAM rlfAPTn XxiV (Contlnn.J). PS 2r ludulder-lrtto tho eye, of ABaul WW- Jhft iJSfcrt lhal ybu '' WF i , it 1 you Wlteit.yotl were JfJWlrJ J' 6hlli. lr 1 U. "i.wIM el 1' H know Ihtt you have .U 1m ihfelk, V&r teliier. Neither Wfrl llll rTot bclrfty yu. bet hi. lR,ftUm'ani: cruel enemies, Merlem SltTl the Stra lhat Abdul KamMc 'Mwi lb SiVfc "SJ.au lrt Win Sine mlfeht &!?? TrUrtd she needed. Anywayj ha H .L hi i titc ure. and If ho was not WuSiW could Ull the helk abul ' ft5d.iu hltbhl hsSvoll grant hid rcnuMk and EwMhM hi had I PO"cn fairly and Would 'Mofc the photograph iron, it. lifeline rlM Wffi Wft rt,rut.y. cotn. JTi5n 'V "! wlth U,,0I Bl,rl p,iiMfr cross-legged upon the ground look C iX SS FW Slowly lie Hollded W"Y""h6 said, "It is you: but where &Mtdo. Mjlbllin." AbdUl iiamuR .." -.yy.-v." .."- turned the ltlcture over, and as his eyes Kll Upon the old newspaper cutting thiy wint wide. He could read French with J".T. . 11 I ni....it.. , in (Hin; nut lie couia rcna it. ?H hW been td Paris. Ho hitd Silent bK months there on exhibition with a troup of hi desert icIlowB, and ho had Improved hi time, learning many of the cUslbms. iome i of the language arid mdet of tho vices hf his conquerors. W ho put his learning to us6. Slowly, UbBfiously he read tho yelldwed hutting. HIS lyes w6rs ho lorigcr Wldo. Insttad th.y narrowed to two silts bf cunning. When ho had done he looked a.t tho girl. "Sli Wo redd Hilar1 He asked. l "I HdVo not had the opportunity," slto Abdul Kamftk stood long In silence look ing it the girl. Sho yas very beautiful. Hi Quired her, as had nidliy other men h'o had seen her. At last lib drdpped to onfe knee beside her. A wonderful Idea had sprung to Abdul Ribiak's Hlhd. It was an Idea that might be furthered If the glil was kept In Igrtor hhee of tho contents bf that il6Wpal!6r but ting. It would certainly bo doonled should Iho.Uafn Its contents. ''Meflchi," ho whispered, "nbvhr until lo liiy haw my eyes beheld you, yet tit orico they Ibid my heart that It ihust ever bo your servant. You do not know me, but I lilt that you trust mi, I can help you. You kl tha sheik so do I. Let trie take J'Oli iway from him. Come with mo nhd wo will filher Is a sheik mightier than Is youre. Will yoii cdmd?" Merlem oat In silence. Sho hated to WoUhd the only one who had offered her protection in'd friendship, but she did nit want AbdUl Katnaft's love. Decelicd by her sllbhcc, tho man seized her and strained her to him, but ilerlem struggled to free herself. "I do not love your sho cried. "Oh, lleasi dd ridt niaka me hata yoll I Yoli ttro the bnly orie wild his shown klndnett3 to viixi me, and I want to like you, but I can not love you." Apaul Kamak drew himself to his full MISto. "You will learn to love me," ho said, "fdr 1 shall take you whether ydu will or no. You hate the Bhelk, arid so you will not tell film ; for If you do I Will tell him of the pic ture, I hate tfle sheik, dhd ' "Ydli Wta the shelkt" came a grim voice from behind them. Buth turned to see tho sheik himself . Btahdlnfr a few nite&s from them. Abdul l- lllll held the picture Ih his hand. Now Kb ffelhhlit It within his burnoose. I --"?''" h6 8ald' MI lmto tho sheik!" And lprM he' spoke hfc sprang toward tho older 'taih, felled him With a bldW and dashed on uu33 mo vniayu io ino line wnoro ins norso fcu "plckoled, saddled and ready : for Abdul Kjmak had been about to rlda forth to hunt when h6 had seen tha stranger girl aloha by the buihes. LMplhff into the saddle. AbdUl Kamak dashed fbr the village gates. The sheik, ppmsntarlly stunned by the blow Uiat had filled him, ribw staggered to his feet, shout ing lustily to his followers to atop tha es eaplngArab. , A jlozen blacks leaped forward to Inter tpt th horseman, only to be ridden down pr brushed aside by the ntuizlo of Abdul Kiunhk'g ldrig niusket, which he lashed from tldi to aids about him as ho spurted on to ward thegate But here he ttiust surely bo Iriterceptcd Already the two blacks stationed there were fX?hln? the Unwieldy portals to. Up llew tna barrel bf tile fugltlvo's weapon. With "Ins flying loose and his horse at a mad puop, the son of tha desert fired once and one keeper of tho gate dropped In liU tracks. An tnstdnt latbr tha other had been ridden down. Wth a wild whoop of exultation, twirling ill musket high abovo his head and tumltig In h s aaddle to ldUgh brick into tho faces ?l ma pursuers. AbdUl Kamak dashed out n " Milage of the sheik and wa3 awal lowed up by the jungle. Foaming, with rage, the shells ordered lm tflSrte l,usulr. ariU thert strode rapidly Mtk td whera Merleht sat huddled by tha tutiea where ha had left her, I T iP.lc'ure I" he cried, "Of what p!c f, Ar.d 'j6,d0& speak? AVlioro Is It? QIVo d rne til brice " .mril00k '" "Piled Merlem, dully. Wllat Wllt ItV" h'nn n .l.A.t ,1.A !S! Vuii11" &'Blrl roughly by the hair E' fd&kln8 "61" 1 her feet, where ha f :8Sik .r VeoriiouBly, "Of what was It a iiiiu' I16.' B3,1 Merlem, hen t was, a h '.ri- J Bt.'Jt Wnt kaiBU'm. lite Kk1',,111"1, PHMIrig oh tha back cut t h old hlWgpdper." WhT. ? .V "hit .with rage, t tAw54tlfraMitlle Printing?" he asked ltj a Ife0 loW lh4t She but Barbly c&ughl his mi It r j ,..i . - Wt read ft." ' WaB '" VtBnch- x dul ..md'irerA F"YS?- H.. alhlost for. kI i. Ti v' "S1." siriKe Menem do- ffilMSSS&J&l W with a part- to in. -.iuJi. l? ,i Bne BPeaK never ogam if Km.".L.th' carava trail galloped Ah "1 Kamik tbward tha horth. , t. l i STttiaitV"464 Swed- a Hdn. Mor Sffr?oV1!akL?ito.iu'l,oo'n. where ha it long hours In partial stUpaf, lookln. t Ml thtn he lar tot a. long tlm hcTUerS tl8xlU'? and.trlri to recol ntl r.t.. WaS whal aoo3urited or tho Kueh 1.1" ""e" ?f 'he .thing upon fiSfehnii 9"d WP th Psltd 6i the f a hfiAf.rtr ahd flraculQUSIy. lot k.h' thought he was dreaming, itLvi wo.ra Ve m?Ved lo i!liaUe Sfci to Z$ ih" tSa'n ot 'a wouh - V&SnKreat African river in a KJ.nn 0-ftlone, wounded and Jost wSW h'msair "o S Hitting HZJV:? . noticed that tha wmmrt nlnrt i Vnlt,r. lnjr It had ceased to bleed. iVSt?. ft ted him Z1. . ,v 'ofBiiy ncapei- fi ml f .s.' -ton . vouid 1Kr4htt and W W I H MSiS!t0t5 l0148 ti wind Wrped i-rrtl ?.'Bl hft had fceen with the eh th fcvL T" ue atteniDted to KK Mass ts,-ail J", XT vJ I3ijuiw m -"vm, ,.m Umm tt, j Slt '."i1!1 Power bf etniatiy Vlllalnodi irielt bruta savngea )l llio lowest brdct- nftyri64 btitlcd his raco In his lirihds aha rdeked bhcltfthd forth na thh llidcobn rile tdra ot hr fate burned llsfclf Into his cop sc ousricss. Alid It was He who hid btouRhl tills fftlS hpon heri Ills wicked nesltfe had snatched A riUj-o Shd Ihhbceril girl froln th6 protecUoli of those Whb loet heh id Inirl her ltitd thb cIMcllbsof the bestial Swetlo dhd his dutcnftl following! Ahd not Until It hud become tod lata had h?Je?l?cA l, hi&BnltUda of thb ctlnie he hllrisc It Jidd plriilllcd ritid contemplntcd. Ndl Jlhlll It had becomdttm Into had h6 realized that greater that. Ills desire, greater thai) his lufet, greater thall ntly passion he had over fell before .was II16 newborn1 Into Hint hurried within, tills breast for llio girl ho would have Fliiricd. The Hon. Motlsoh Cayncs did not fully realize tho chhngd thrft had taken placo within Hint. Had one suggested that he eVGr had been tttllbr than the tiottl bf hbtior nnd.clilvrilh', ha wdtlld havo taken umbrage forthwith. He klicw that ho had dohe a vllo thing when lib had blotted to carry Merlqm away to Lolidbn t yet he excused It oil tho ground of Ills grcrtt passion for the girl hdVIrig temporarily warped his tnoFal stand ards by the Ihtepslty dt Its boat Dill ns a matter of fact a nbw llayncs hail been born. Never ngaln could this man be bent to dlshohor by the Intensity of a. dosiro, Ills inbt-al libra had been strength ened by tha m'ehlal suffering ho had en dured. His lhlhd nnd his soul had been purged by sorrow nnd rcnlorBS. IUb dhb thought now wris to atone lo win tb Merlcm'8 sldo and lay down his life, If heccssary, In her protection. His eyes sohght the length of tho c.inba In search of the paddle, for a. determination had galvan ized him to Immediate action, desplt6 his wcakntas apd Ills wollnd. llut the paddlo was goho. Ho turhed hla eyes toward the shore. Dimly through tho darkriess of a moon less night life saw the awful blackness of tho Jungle; yet It touched no responsive choid of tert-or wllhlh him now, ns It had dono In the past. Drawing himself lo his knots, ho leaned over the edgo of tho canob and commenced to paddlo vigorously with his open palm. Though It tired nnd hurt, him, ho kept nsslduously at hla self-Imposed labor for hours. Llttlo by little llio drifting canoo moved nearer ftnu nearer the shore. Tho Hon. Morlson could hcrir a Hon roaring directly opposite Him, arid so closo that ho felt he must bo ahriost to tho shore. After what seemed to tho tired man nh eternity of time ho felt tho brush of branches against the canoe and heard the swirl of tho water about them. A moment later ho reached out and clutched n leafy limb. Again tho Hon roared very near It seemed now and Baynes wondered If thb brute could have been following along the shore, waiting i for him to land. Ho tested tho strength of the limb to which ho clung. It seemed strong enough to support a dozen men. Then ho reached down nnd lifted his ilflo from tho bottom of tho canoe, slipping the sling over his shoulder. Agalri life tested the branch; nhd then, reaching upward as far ns ho could for a safe hold, no diew lllrilsolf slowly nnd pain fully Upward uritll his feel switng clear of the canoe, which, released, floated sllpntly from beneath him to bo lost forever In tho blackness of tho dark shadows dowrislrijam. Ho had burned his bridges behind him. Ho must cither climb aloft or drop back Into the river; but thorO had been no other way. Ho struggled to raise one leg over the limb, but fotind himself scarce emial to tho effort, for lift was very Weak, For a- time ha hung there, feeling his strength ebbing. Ho knew that he mUst gain tho branch nboo nt oneb or It would be tbo late. Suddenly tho Hon roared, almost In his bah Baylies glahced Up. Ho saw tvo spots of flame a short distance from and abovo him, Tho Hon Was staiidlng on tho bank of tho rUer, glaring at him, arid waiting for hint. "Well," thought the Hdn. Morlson, "let him wait. Lions can't climb trees, nnd If t get Into thb bile I shall be safe enough from him." Tho young Englishman's feet hung nl riiost to the surfaco of tho water closer than ho kneiV fof all was pltchdark he low nnd nbovo him. Presently ho heard n "slight commotion In tha rlvfcr beneath him, nnd something banged agaihit .oho of his fdet, followed almost lnitantly by tho click of great Jaws snapping togolher. "By George I" exclaimed tho Hon. Morl son nlflUd. "The beggar nearly got mo !" And Ithmedlately ho Struggled again to climb higher and to comparative eafcty, but with that flttal effort Ho knew that It was futile. Hope that had survived per sistently until now began to wane. Ho felt Ills tli-ed, ttumbed flngbrs slipping from their hold he was chopping back Into the river Into tHo Jaws of the frightful death that awaited him there. And then hb heard tha leacs above him i-ustld to tho movement of a creature among them, Tho branch td which ho clung bent beneath ah ridded weight and no light weight from the way It sagged ; but still Baylies clUng desperately ho would not glvo dp vdluntarlly either to the death abovo or tile death below. "He felt a soft. Warm pad Upon the fingers of &he Of his handa where Ihey circled the branch to which ho clung, nnd then some thing reached Uown out of tho blackness above ahd dragged hlrii Up among the branches of tho tree. CONTINUED MONDAY 500 AUTOS NEEDED TO TAKE -800 MPlIANS ON OUTING Children Will Go to Willow Grove on June 14 Fubllc-splrlted citizens who are also charitably Inclined have been asked to take an interest In Orphans' Day, on Juno 14, Those who have automobiles have been re quested to place them at tho disposal of tha many drPhahs whd will be taken to Willow Grove. Where,they will ba the guests ot tha Philadelphia llapld Transit Company. Pirectot Wllsort. of the Department of public Safety, acting In conjunction with tho Orphans' Udy Committee of the Quakor, City Motor Club, has IssueU ah appeal to tha public calling attention to the fact that at least BOO autoriidblles are needed to carry the children to and from "Willow Grove. It Is believed that 2800 chlldtcn will have to be provided for. Persona wlsHIng td donate the services of tars or f!0 tb be used fdr lilting bhe, may do s'o by sending their names either to Director Wilson or Dr, J. H. Overpeck, chairman of the Qdaker City Mdlor Club, Hotel Walton, ,, Ofphahs' Day Was brljflllated abdtlt four years agd by the QUaker City Motpr Clbb. The day was so .thoroughly enjoyed by tha little ones hat the Importance and need ot setting aside dt least ohe day irt the year for thbM was readily seen, and since that lime thb event has cohie Id be a regular event h this city, PRIESTS GHAliGES ClUNGEb ArcHbishti Prehclefgast tVansfdrs St. Veronica's, Epiphany and Other Curates Further Changes' HaVe been made by Archbishop Prendergast in the transfer of tba" WUle Epiphany; Rev B. J McOinnUi f torn St. Brldkefs lo SI. Veronica's: Ray. K 1 Bti returns to St Bridgefu frrirt Holv Infancy. South Bethlehem; lUr. Mfoik Larie; Itov Francis ?& i!i rrnm oi .-' -"" r.- .7 r . - fc . 1 i. tt iHniinnia. iffiV, frtTrt St Kyran's. Ieckshbrvl! e. to 8tptu this eity; Itev, Anthony orlarido ftom Stiu?s Id the Maternity v v M. !&Suim,. Itev Jariies 3 McFldden hrottt ,-.". r . ).,, M)tinj (rtptiun, JenUBtown- WANTED: MGmGittLS TODECKROLUNfiCltAUt CarrilVal Will Bd Hold With Pa rade oti Boardwalk Juno 23. "tiUHdlo" Bags Latest Wbrneiito tfad PlllLAfiijlLPtllA VISfTOR ATLANTIC CiTV, June 10. A "beauty" cohtcst of hn umiutU kind Is being In augurated hero for tha carnival roiling chair pflrdde oil JUtlb 2.1. Bdrirdwnlk hibr ohatlts. Whn, arc to place h mitnBcr of llrihts Hi that procession arc advertising for B!, ? w take part In the prirade, to b sclcclbd for their beauty nnd attractive hess. rrljcs will be Rlten to the first three, Selected as the beflt-lookllig by n colnmlt to, nnd tho others will reccio cdnsotalldn hilfca of sufllclent valuo to make It wbrth while for them to take part. Tho Age limits hno been placed at 8 fdr tho yourigest and lo as the oldest Many of tho apartments on tho board walk have added roof-gardchs for tho tehanVS, as nh added fbature Ccrtnlh sbctldns ot the roof nro fenced oft for the oxcluslvo use ot tho families occupying tho different npartmerits so there will bo ho wild scramble for choice spots. Allhotigh weather conditions during tho week did hot demand their service, parasols nro beginning to crop out on tho Boardwalk rind the Bholl windows hrc ablazo with thb nbwest designs. Tho rnfie for stripes will bo adhered to In theso articles, black nnd whlto being Ihe dominant cotbrs, ultllough alternate blocks of coloring ate also Used In many of tho dbslgns. "Bundle'' bags are the latest freak In fashion, springing Into Instant popularity this week. Evidently some visitor, bent on spending tho day In a pavilion or reclining In n beach chair, Invented this now method of carrying fancy work, a book and possibly a Biiack of lunch, rind hundreds of other women followed her Ideas. Then n name had to bo Invented fdr tho new,fangl(d bag, nnd ns It made a considerable bundle that was tho name bestowed upon It. Tho bag Is of a kind carried years ngo, only much larger; made With n wldo mouth, closed by mnans of drawing strings and with a depth ot 18 to 24 inches. Tho strings which closo the top bf the bag nro topped oft with heavy cords, so that tllo bag enn bo carried on tho arm or wrist and allowed to dangle closo to the ground. Tho ones now being carried nro made of many kinds ot material, silk, with designs In rich coloring being tho favorite, although nulto a fotV nro embroidered, ex en tinsel and gold being used on tho eldbornto de signs worked on tllo sides of tho bag. Tho Hotel MfJIi's Association has mado appropriation for the lmntfcdlato erection of numerous lingo sighs on all of tho ntito mobllo roads leading from Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore nnd Washington to this city, which will give terBO directions nnd an added word or two to tell what n lino placo it Is. Two large illUtnlndted signs will also bo erected, one nt Berlin, New Jersey, and another nt Iiammonton. Tho hUgo main, which brings tho water used In this city fiom Absccon, has beert ndothed for three miles with catchy phrases telling of tho Inerlts of this city's attractions, Its pleas ures and tho quality of Its shops. One of tho managers ot tho big syndicate which virtually controls the rolling chairs In this resort, stated lhat plans aro now being adopted for tho Unlfornilrig of all thoir men and requiring nil employes to be permanent residents of tho city and not "Iloators," tile clasi bf men who have caused so much trouble It! tho past. It Is also said that tho prices will bo raised to GO cehla an hour tho latter part of tills nlbnth, ahd that the men vlll receive an equitable proportion of Mils sum. Yesterday wris a record day ih tho Recorder's bftlco. Whbn tho coUrt convened there wa3 not n, prisoner In tho jail and an adjournment quickly followed. immediately nfter the Republican Na tional Convention Is over there will be a big pow-wow of the Philadelphia politicians here. Many Quriker City ofllcc-holders and politicians are cottngo residents here, a certain section In Chblsca being thick with ticm, while many of tho leaders aro at the big hotls. Mr. dhd Mrs. Harry C. Ransley aro oc cupying their cottage here nnd will remain until fall, Mr Ransley commuting to Phil adelphia dally to attend to his duties ns Sheriff of tho country, Mr. and Mrs. John Strohmeyer, of Phil adelphia, nre here and will remain In definitely. City Commissioner Robert J. Moore and his wife, of Philadelphia, liavo opened their cottage in Chelsea for tho summer. Phlladelphlans here are Miss Ross V Ellas, Miss Nettie Arnhold, Miss Julio Fin ley, George Lathrop, John Lester Moore,' Miss Dorothy Thomas, Miss Rachel Jurrett, Mlas Estello Weiss, Christopher Doljlan, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Ersklne and Mrs. Bella S. Davis. Gfcorgo ,M. Sadlelr. a clubman of Phila delphia, Is spending the summer hero. Ex-Mayor John Weaver, of Philadelphia, Is a weekly visitor. His wife Is u guest at a beachfront hotel for the summer, Mr. and Mrs. BharBwood Brlnton, of De Lancey place, are occupying their cottage and wlllS-amain until the end of July The Rev. G. II. Bechtold Is enjoying a fortnight's vdcatlon here. mtiLfc classes on outing Union Tabernacle Members' Picnic at Lnnsdownc The annual picnic and field day of the Bible classes of the Union Tabernacia Pres byterian Church wfta held this afternoon Lansdowno. Several thousand persona at tended, The inembera of the classes met at the 69th street terminal. Four bands of mdslo accompanied tha marchers- as they pro ceeded out Uarrett road to the home. Ah An elaborate prograln of sports had been arranged for both men and women, and In the evening barid concerts will be given and addresses delivered. RELIGIOUS BREVITIES Tl' Ittv. Albert I!auirt. Ph I).. ex-trntenor at Ihe Moravian Collcio g.nd Seminary, Uetble hem.. Pa., will address tho .Prfcstaterlan min isters in Westminster Hill Monday morning at It o' clock. Dr. Horace C. SUnldlTWill occupy the pdlplt o.f the Templa Presbyterian Churth tomorrow mornlns. Hla subject, by request, will bo that of one of M books, "jna tstarr UnHVrse the Christian's Future Krapire," K. S, Hlralde, a, younc Japanese student at Draw TheoloKical Seminary, known as tbe Hilly" Sunday of Japari, will eiieik at the isonri urwn i. 0i, v.". hA. tomorrow ai t b'ciotlr. Tha North, Uram.& will lelebrato Flag Day on 'vuesoay noon. Y. II with appropriate exercises at bh Orvlite S. biiffield will speak on 'The Moral Autocrat' tomorrow afternoon Id the Central Jlranth Y. M, U A, Sunday school o clock in The grdnatloF,eiercJe of the Sun wlU be held wmorr,Q,wejqnoK at 7.45 tha Hop PrtsbytetUn Church. At thy First .Unitarian Khureh tha new Uu rence. Hayy.;ard, of Nentburyport, Mass., will preach at 11 o'clock. Children's Day .will bo- celebrated tomorrow at Ihe, Friendly Cburch (Lutheran) .The serv Icca will hegln jit 10.30 o'clock. Ih Ihe evening the pastor,, the Jlev. Daniel B. Welgle. will preach oa "DUcorda." . Edwlfi Heyl bek will apeak at tha MultjpllcatlpA.of 'Capital" will bf the i t!h',teH.1,f- . M. tna emmlng fa will on 'A Wlndo kgokloe Oddward," the Rev. iJsiiaren tomorrow no tbftttl preach Vernon 1 Dahlelaon. former Mormoh elder of hnsas. will spe4 at the. Trinity Prtsby terlan Church tomorreaf aj j,u.$a 9-clock. 10frt5X:f.IOr!glr' L'11 th min't Bible tiaa bf Jloly Trinity Church tomorrow moraiwr at lis Tbb ttlbU fclals. of ft FoBrlh sm fi. j.v -u -mw too v(H vrM. " r , TRENTON COUPLE TO WED Miss Elinira II. Tiltcn and Ru dolph L. Marshall, Whoso cHfenge ment has been announced. NOTED HASKETBAIjIj I'LAYEIt WIIjIi WEI) TRENTON UIIIL Rudolph L. Marshall to Mnrry Miss Elmlra H. Tllten TRENTON, N. J., Juno 10. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry M Tllten. of this city, announco tho engagement of tliclr itnughtor, Elmlra II. Tllten, to tludolph L.. Marshall, nlso of Trenton. Thb wedding will tnko place tho latter pnrt of June. Mr. Marshnll Is n widely known basketball player, having been with tho Trenton Eastern League team nnd nlso with several Independent clubs. Ho la Ih bushiest here. CAPE MAY COTTAGE COLONY FILLING UP Resort Plans to Have Old-Fash- ioned Patriotic Celebration of Independence Day CAPH MAY, N. J., Juno 10. Tho cot tngoN colony Is rapidly filling up nnd a number of tho owners nnd lesscea of villas have como dowh to tho shore this week with their families to remain until tho closo of the season. The season promises to bo a record-breaker, not only as to the number of cottage families here, but also In a social way by reason of tho mnny entertainments which aro being ar ranged. The Board of Trado lias appointed a commlttco to nrrange for a proper cele bration bf Independence Day. It Is pro posed this year to Ret back to tho old time cfelebralloh, which shall bespeak patriotism rather than amusement. TlltS City Commissioners concluded this week n contract fpr Weaver's All-Amcr-Ijaii Band to play two concerts a day In tho beach front pavilion, beginning July 4. Mr. and Mrs. Jones Wlster are occupy ing their cbttago on Beach nvenuo for an Indefinite pr-riod. Major Douglass Clnpham, of tho British Army, Is occupying n cottngo for the sea son. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. du Pont, ot Wilming ton, have taken a cottago for tho season. City Controller and Mrs. John M. Wal ton have opened their cottage and will remain uritll October. Mr. and Mrs. Horaco Eugene Smith rind tho Misses Smith aro occupying their cot tage. KNIGHTS OF COLIDIHUS OFF FOIL TRU TO WASHINGTON Will Visit Mount Vernon nnd Other Historic Places The Archbishop Ryan Assembly. Fourth Degree. Knlgllls tf Columbus, left Philadel phia at 8:1G o'clock this morning, aboard a special train on their urinu.il patriotic pilgrimage, their destination being Wash ington, D. C. The Fourth Degree Knights constltuts tho patriotic rank, whoso mem bers have taken a special oath of allegiance to the flag. In Washington they will decorate the Btatue of Columbus, which was unveiled several years ngo. They will also visit Slount Vernon, Lee's mansion, the Arlington Cemetery, Georgetown University and tho Catholic University of America. Rear Admiral Benson, formerly commahdant of the Philadelphia Navy Yard and a promi nent meinber of the order, may escort tllo Knights to tho A7hlie House, whera they will be" received by tho President. At thb Catholic University the Phila delphia Knights will bo received by Car dinal Gibbons nnd Bishop Thomas Strahan, rector of the university. Tho return to Philadelphia wilt bo made at 4;30 o'clock Sunday night. The Knights will be accompanied by their w'ves. KKl.KUOUS WITICES philaJ. B. S. A.ranch The International Bible Students Au. IVITKS YOU TO llhAK ftj. D. WORK The Second Coming of Christ WHY? HOW? WHEN? TOMORROW, 3 P. M. f WHITE'S AUDITORIUM (WlUon Bid-., 15th A" Chestnbt Sts.) AlL welcome SEATS FREE NO COLLECTION toabtut fT TKJU'IJi i 4 via IlUaaELLjLcdkwEU., Will preach. morning, iu:3U, uidu acnoo Music by TenmU Chotu ?t llroad and Berks. sts. Morriind3d. Ulble School, U.30. St . T;. Music by TenmU Chorus, st lth services, .... wilmam suiMqVa bXiHtonb. ifMlottlilk, fHnt-tia In the cvprtlnr Organ Kecltal. T 30. Clarence Reynolds. ciiESTNUt fcTHKfcrJiAMiST ciiuuta mikli."MWt. Pa.br n ; a. m. Brotherhood of. A and P. joao a. w- WprhtP and Sermon by Pastor. s3o t). ianlbie School. . 8.03 p. in. Worship and Sermon by Pastor. iiUkii tiiimatLts church Lancaster avt . lolly and Aspen sts, Tr gTWlNTBn. Pastor to 9b. i-10. T. 8, Urethien ianiter; co, Ca.rtlsla andUlaBhla sti. Prffc6ijTii fatft Weojoe4if vnlftf, CHANNEL BASS RUN WELL AT OCEAN CITY; PLANABiCFOIlilTU" Philndolphia Boy Lnncls n 52- Pounddi, Hotels Prepare for tiUsy Sehsbil Prized for Fishermen MINISTERS IN MEETING OCEAN UtTV, N. .1. June 10. Channel bass nnd hlnck drumrtsll are bclhg caught Iti the stlrf. Uhb 6t thb largest black drum, weighing DU bounds, nfta lailded by Wll llnm Smith, Jr.( tit Philadelphia, n twehc-year-old lad. who Is with his parents nt Vcntnor, but comes hbro ti) I14h. Captain Nlckersoll, of thb Corson's Inlet Hfi-S!tVlng sthtion, nnd 12. C. Hltchoncr, of South Ocean City, hae caught secral good-sized black tlrumflsli. If tho tentative plaits bf lite coinmlttee 111 chaige gd Ihrbugh Ocean City will havo a "bang-up" Fourth of July celebration The committee has presented n schedule, of arrahgeiileUtN lo Mayor Cliahiplbn ahd City Commissioners W. tl. Cillnpbcll nnd Oeorge 0 Adams, which Includes n parade ot nil tho cllc organizations, the fire department, Company U nnd lioy Scouts. Theio will be three hands' 6f music, Including PAt Con way's New York bntid df 60 pieces. Tho nffalr will end late Inthe evening with a big display of fireworks. Tho Joint com mlttco comprlfics tho folloWlhg: Henry KloBtz, chnlrmaii lintel Proprietors' As sociation i George T. Mnrth, president Hotel Proprietors' Association ( O. W. V. Wood side, Hotel Proprietors' Association j Clay ton Haluen Ilrlck, president of thb Board of Trade: B. Frank Smith, Prttgrosslvo Lenguo; Vance L 1'nly, Cnptnln Company O, N G. N. J. ; Charles II Adnms, presi dent Flro Company No. 1, nnd It. S. Mow rer, president Flrb Company No. 2. Peter F. Wright, chairman ot the Trophy Contest Commlttco of tho Ocean City Fish ing Club, announced the following prizes for tha season, which has now begun and ends September 3b. Club buttons (gold) for channel bass weighing 40 pounds or more. Club buttons (silver) for channel bass weighing from 30 to 40 poUnds. Gcorgo Smlthcrman's cup for largest channel bass caught on Ocean City beach. Between 40 and DO Methodist Episcopal ministers from Philadelphia will bo hero on hn oiilltig next Monday. They will take luncheon at tho Ocean City Yacht Club. Among those Who are to mako nddrcsscj aro. Thomas F. Armstrong and Alexander Lawrcnco, Jr. Tho ministers wilt play ball In tho afternoon nnd hno a good tlmo In general, returning to Philadelphia In tho evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles J. Hctuller, of Phil adelphia, were among tho week's arrivals at tho Blscayno. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. J. Russell, Mr. nhd Mrs. H. B. Wood and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. nvans aro among tho Phlladelphlans at the Oceanic. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. W. Brlggs utid daughter, Mr. nnd Mrs. t-azollo Thorn ton nnd Mr. and Mrs. M. t). Gordon, of Phil adelphia, were among the week's arrivals at the Idlcwlld. 13. R. Teubner, a Philadelphia banker, registered at tho Imperial, as did Mrs. R. L. Mcnsch add R. C. Mcnscll, of Baltimore. Among tho week's arrivals nt tho-Break-ers were Mrs. J. W. Masland, M. T. Mas land, Mr. nhd Mrs. Samuel Perry, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boennlng, of Philadelphia. Dr. and Mrs. II. S. Baldwin and daughter, ot Philadelphia, aro amohg the sojourners at the Kalhlil. Walter Pendleton, Randolph W. Chllds and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Woodward'are Phlla delphlans nt the Chandler-White Hall. RELIGIOUS NOTICES I.ntliernn AT TllK nilENDIW CHURCH intli. and Jefferson at. Huntlay mornlns, at 10:30. Children's Day, llllila Srhool and conurenatlon. 7:4S r.ventnc Bermon nnd Prayer. Professional soloists and conerecntlonal aonc HArvlrfl. Hernion- "Discords.1 TAlllstiNAt'I.h. IHUh and Spruce Wm. J, Mil ler. Jr.. 10:13. TAS. 3. a.. :!:30 p. m. MeilioilUt Episcopal COI.UMniA AVE., bor. 23th. St. Rev. B, W HAUT. IJ. L. services mau, :ju; a. a.. a:jo PresbTterlan IIOI'j;. 33d nnd Wharlon sts. Minister, Rev. J. ORAY 1101.TON. p. D.i Rev. WILLIAM TAYLOR CALDWELL. Assistant. ,10:43 a m , Rev. Mr. Caldwell will preach. 7:45, GraHuatlns i:xerclses ot the Sunday School. Special music. Protestant Episcopal church or ST. i.uki: v v. , AND THE EriTIIANY 13th street below Spruce Rev. DAVID JI. STEELE. Rector. H n.m Holy Communion, 10 a.m. Sunday School, 11 u m. Holy, Communion nnd Sermon. 4 p.m. Eenlns Prayer, Anthem und Address Tho Rector will preach at both services. Unitarian l'IRST UNITARIAN. 21-' Chestnut st. 11 n, m , Rev. Laurence Hayward, ot Newlmryport, Mass , will preach Tho choir, Philip II Goepp. director, will sine "Tho Lord U E alted ' nnd "Uy the Waters of Uabylon," by ColerldBe-Tajlor Young Illen's Christian Association TIIK JKIRAI. AUTOCRAT," Dr. On Ills s" Duffleld. Central Y. Jl. C. A.. Sunday. June 11, 3:au p. m. Every man's opportunity to ret a new moral tonic. Hear this bracing address. Miscellaneous REV. GEORGE CHAL51ERS nirimnvn Sniiare. l'ubllo lnlted. SEW THOUGHT informal fathering-, tulk. Suhday, 8 p. m. Margaret Cutting Ives. 1011 Chestnut st. BENEVOLENT ASSfatlATtONS irnrsATTvATltlM AKMY, Inc. . Philadelphia HeAdauarters. Colonial Trust Uulldlns', 13th and Market sts. Colonel It, K. II0I2 In command. Telephore lieu, walnut araa-i iTijp VOLUNtEERd f)F AMERICA. Mission llall. 238 N, uth st.-rMeetlnis eVery riUht. XZ0. except Monday: bundas. 10:J0 a. m.. 8 p'm. and 8.30 p. hi. Adjutant M. WlllUau la charts; Staff Captain It. Ullle. Jr. STEAMBOATS Wilmington Famous Parks Brandywine Springs and Shellpot heached from Philadelphia by a Delightful Ride on the Wilson I.lna Boats to. Wilming ton, and trolley to either park or by trolley by way 01 uaror. excursions. , " intoxicating liquors ton Every Up-lo-Dato Arnmement wilt be. found In either ot these, great rKS. fienty oe room lor picnics la either place. Shellpot Park Rebuilt this season at a cost of 1100.000. Everything new. Brandywine Springs Park Alters, one, of the biggest add best equipped parks In the country. VaodeViLLe concerts Popular prices for Vaudeville, Cohcerft r. SPECIAL EXCURSIONS By vy ot Wilson Um UmIi, 55 cenU for adults. 25 tents for chlldret), except Salur dayi. Sundays and holldaya. Sd cehQ for adults and 33. cents or children on thus days. Same fare, to .either fiarfc For, the iprRUM. W 'tsiS4.1 re)l ftvU on. boat odly rer BhellWl. pit regiflar face a trolley ir To llook EtcBriloBs Q Ford lljilldls Wlliianctoa. 0. BUMliDfe BESOtlTB SUMMEtt BE80BT3 ' --- r f,T irr r . tt , - - lLZi &i -Hi .Il-TI1 FMw1HPIMsH.I..WMIjJM Klkfe'?'tit 'i, ' "WAS kSSmv ' ' - t ' ' "' AJ :m-f 1. The Crestmont Inn, Eagles Mere, Pa. The hotel With the incomparable situation. In the primeval forest, oh the summit of Ihe Allcghanics, 2200 feet above the sea. Golf, tennis, boatlrig and finest of fresh water bathing. Modern conveniences; electric light, steam heat, etc. Bungalows with meals at the Inn. Open June 15 to September 28. Write for booklet. WILLIAM WOODS, Manager NEW LONDON. f'ONN. N KW LONDON. CONN. THE GRISWOLD EASTERN POINT, NEW LONDON. CONNECTICUT Finest Slimmer Resort Hbtcl ih America. Two and One-Half Hours from Boston and New York. OPEN JUNE 12TH. located nt ono of tho coolest points on tbo coast, overlooking Lone Island Sound nnd tho .historic Thames Iliver. , V Special privileges granted by tho SIIENECOSSHTT COUNTftV CLUB lo hotot guests, 18-bnlo course; elub houso llhest In country; International champion ALEX SMITH, golf professional. Hotel luxuriously furnished; card nhd music rooms, ballroom, largo orchestra: octagon dining room, light nnd sunny ; exceptional service. I'rlvato bath or running water In every sleeping room. Long Distance Telephone In every room. Spoits includo yachting, boating, deep sea fishing, bathing, motoring and tennis Tho famous Branford Farms maintained for supplying cream, milk, poultry, vegetables 'and fruit for hotel. H. D. SAXTONj Manager New York Office, 303 Fifth Ave. Also The Bellcvicw, Bctleair Heights, Florida. WII.IMVOOI). N. .1. WILmVQOH. N. J AND Ir?rSSSsHt3 CK-eTJHaMSPS ... -! m I ISilliFsEA WILDWOOD Rent that Cottage Right Aiioay You will bo disappointed If you delay. This is going to be Wlldwood's greatest season. Renters aro already bbsy. The very cottage or apartment you will llko best may bo rented tomorrow. Don't put it off. You will find everything taken when you como down to rent later. For full Information and beautiful booklet write today J. WHITESELL, City Clerk, Wildwood, N. J. 3d hk CAPH aiAY. N. J. C'Al'13 MAY. N. J. , K-S "S$Und-TnuilUfDtauUtttHittcrui m mag5t of American Beaches CAPE MAYHOTELSWfe .r3a.yN. V; New Mbclcrri Fireproof Resort Hotel, faclits dlreactlvbn the Ocean rMMMMr, pina,i,n,i,inh..rhlnihaworld Deeo sessnd Inland fishins. BailioE, Motor boatlnir. Good sutomoblle roads. Col t. Tennis Direct train t erlce ' l"or bookine orralirenirnti; write or iilione V. D. l'AOU, p. A. Wopd. Leiscc. Hotel Uurrlnaton. Hit UlililUon At N. Y. TcL3770 Murray Hill. an maiFonn sfiuxos. i'A. SB HOTELNtBATMS Due ot Amrrtca'a moat noteU mountain resorts for thqe who uiually go abroad. Wogntala waters that rival Uarlenbail and farlalmd Estate nf ROOO arrt. 12GG ft. above sea level. Golf, L-tM tennis, riuins, Dowiinff ana nunc-lne- ilodern hotel unexcelled cul etn and service, Qarage. Good Eg motor io.ms, x'ormai openmu june 1.(11. jvvn iiuav iur uiuiurisia. M Q AYlntprinityiiU'nliifliinn, I'aiinltgqfli Bfl HWAUTII.Mnui:. PA. sTrSth HAVEN INN fgn June 3 V . fll. CTUlIL.HUtfJt. NOUn.MQNT, PAf- . MOUNTAIN QOTTAap. at Nordmonf. Pa., par j;.iiilfBmere. HiKhtst point tn renni I'liru air. ttnts Hceneryi iuro water. Froes, lawn, croquet courtn, lawn tennis. Kent IT3. tor aeanon. ntepitgna, atit, mhu 4 mo niug. AThANTK) CITV. N, J. ATivVHVtC flT-l-Tr "OMB las Beta ieWs antiard el nrviri ponifmi .npnuhl ItAtfiEST FIRErroOTlin(f llOTIL iiiaaib m THLAHNOHeSOUTHOULOfTj SMOrTOR'SKiiiKiffl ATLANTIC C1TY.N. J. abaiAH WHtrr. aona coMPArrV VTTniir i.rrmi7iT nrT7iTTr'NT flUK- iNiU itUXliliJ muuiuii proof. rtrmont Ave and Heach. tatiaclty 850. Very moderate rates for tbe comforts, appointments and, table of. the largest hotels; S3 up daily; special weekly; larse. cuoi ovean-view ruonis. eto, Booklet. M. L. l'AUl.KV. llsr.- WocjrninHtPV Kv we, nr. Meaph, KleV WeaimiliaiBl t0 BU hrvate baths, run. water, i:: up aany. siu. up WKiy. u. unre. HOTEL ARLINGTON jSff'CS? Open all year. It. J. OSDORNE & aoN. WILIHVOOB, Nj, J; SHELDON HOTEL re blocKt ocean view; capacity c hot and cold water, rooms with Entire block l ocean view, capacity 830 ulna hot and cold water, rooms wltn b; en suite: elevators- uooKiet. run- ath and n. 1 WOODS. OwnershlD ilanaicement. EdgTston INK && & room, pore ma i noteu lor excellent laws; wcue .rvli-A ihrhuirtiout: tan. 150: coach meets trains. BotkWt. J, ALUERT HAIUU8. I'rop. Hotel wane js fars Auto . meets trains. I. F. HARltia. CIIKLSat. . J.' GLADSTONE CHELSEA.. N. J, Mlaa McOROARTT. "' ' UCK.N t'lTY. W. J. THE OCEANIC " ilth and Wesley av A fe Baker owner k asr. W nHARLES Fbrert SterUn:. Cor. PV unAJMJw 8th & Oon, Ax,,. R turnhihed re.iovat.d ijew mgt B HarrU. - - '--- : - - -- ii ii.i i.,,,ji .iia: AVALON". KT AVALON BY THE SEA THR IDBAI. MOTORjCpflrO HOTEL BALDWIN .ifltriaWA1 K6 MHKsi.wnOT sn t zoraiauoa b,s cociie iieui r&QO- s; isns, mier vsarwa ilu, tut iiu i-n.i iruit ttwj.. tuav muM- llBrvnAltti WATUlt OAI. fA. wSfe'sSiKi'!: UK LA WAKE wfSal WATKIt OA1 SS1iS&" I'ISN.VA. A modern brick hotel, with a capacity ,or 400 EUests. It has steiih Mat. Bun pallors, ballroom, orchestra, three clay tennis courts hnsHmll uiamona. GOLF BATHING BOATING fishing OAod ruatls, New carnse, pool, blulards, shuWeboard und all amusements. It Is h-M than half a mile from depot and near Bll points ot Interest. The hotel Is noted for Its home comforts, superior table and moderate Auto buses from oUr own ttvery nUet all trulns. Send for booklet. I'. It. JOHNSON. I'rop. THE NEW KITTATINNY DELAWAHH WATUIl OAP. PA, Now open, Only hlsh-class niodern hotel In this famous reulon. Capacity B00, Eery tnM- ern equipment; oxcepiiunai tuiaine. frcutn cucii. Orchbstra. Uolf. tennis, tlshlnr. (tr. Cafe; and "!"' t,1 ly season rates: book JOllN I'UltDy COl'B. 10 years of Water Oap ertll. Il.irnirp. Vet and auto maps mailed. SLWLEH'OOP, N, II, The Social & Scenic Centre of the WHITE MTS. MAPLEWOOD, N. H. MAPLEW00D HOTEL. ColtagCs : Casino : IhH OPEN JULY 1 TO UlTonEtt-. No HAT FEVPH, INN NOW OPEN. One Thousand Acre Park 18 Hole Golf Course Unsurpassed. 6060 Yards. Second Annual REGISTERED Maplewood Trap Shooting Tournament July 3iJ to 8th, inclusive. Daily Concert. Dattchig. BooklD Onto for. Hotel. 1180 Brydwar. New York ror Inn. Maplewood N- H. LKON It. I'lI.Lty, 5lir. YH1TB MOtKTAINS WHffE MOUNTAINS NEWPROniEHOffiE TWENTi COTTAO.E3. ,OJE JULX 1ST; Accommodations (dr 450 OnMts, , Catering !, wh wbb a. omuir Koe a a, tewri tatbred with a rUshlt at Mks bUhe.t order. OK IpEAL TOUR. JMns SMM, UoU. & HE&'F, fro. tsoomns- i"nc. ti.. a Ksa., HOTEL YCNBOHE. BtWtpST e-icli "iiAVx'Krj, IWsKCft WMB