iipp?''7 i - tXBATTAGLIAINFURIA flELLA ZONA DI ASIAGO; GLIAUSTRIACIBATTUTI A Roma 'Si Dice Che 51 Pericolo di Invasione Austriaca del l'ltalia E' Ormai Scongiurato , LI ALPINI SULL'ORTLER ROMA, 9 Giugno. trl sera una Informaalona dl carattere .tml-ufflclale provenlente dl . Mlntstero delta Jiutrra dlceva che la mlnaccla dl Invasione Somalia da parto dello forzo auatrlache si nateva consldernre come sconglurata anche Jndlpendentemente dalla nuoya vlRorosa offcnslva del rusai sulla fronte della Po inula o della Bucovina. Nonostante cho gll austrlachl nbblnno II rowesso del Monte Cenglo. ess lion liaiino Eoiuto sboccare nello vallt, glacciie ognl Ka che 81 prasentano Bono decimal, In orbllmcnto dal violcntlsa mo fuocr, delle " mltraglltttrlcl Itallane, mentre ell nttncil in Aiissa dello fanterlo austrlache Bono ar iesUU dal fuoco delle artlgllerle di Ca'- ''rjfpr'esslone austriaca al ccntro, dove era nlu' forte e dove aveva ,anche magglnrc iutcesso, ia gradatamente diminuendo. OH luslrlacl utano ora motto mono dl prima In loro fanlerle o non e' Improbablle che hotevoll rlnforzl ulano gla' Btatl lnvlatl dalla fronte ltallana a quclla della Russia. II Mlnlstero della Querra pubbllcava ' lrl sera II scguento rapporto del generate Cadorna circa la sltua2lono alia fronte Halo-austrlaca: NeU'alta Vnttelllna, a nord-ocst dl Trento, le nostre truppe alpine hnnno estcso la loro tcrrcno dl occupazlone ..,i crunno dell'.Ortler. occupando I Tassl dl Camosel, a 3199 metrlj Volon tarl. a 3042 metfl : Ortler, a 3369 mctrl. . i'Hoitel dl Hochjoch. a 3630 metrl. Nella vallo del Chtoso (Val .Qludl earla) It nemlco attacco' un nostro posto avanzato a Scorzade, sopra Vat dl Daon'e, ma nol lo contrattaccammo o Jo dlsperdemmo. Nella valle doll'Adlgo si sono nvutl duel!! dl artlgllerla. II nemlco lerl ha borrtbnrdato col suol grosnl callbrl lo nostro nosUtonl a sud del Rio Cnmcras e sul Pasublo. I.a nostra nrtlgllcrla ha dleperso truppo ncmlche che si cnlvano concentrnndo a nord dl Marco, nella Val Lagarlua. cd in Vallarsa, o bom bardo' anche efneacomento le batterlo Utrlache del Pozzacchlo. Sulla fronto Poslna-Asttco si sono avute azlonl Intermittent! dl artlgllerla. Sull'altoplano del ctto Comunl la bat tagtla e' impegnata su tutta la fronte. Nella sera del 6 corrente, dopo una intensa preparazlono dl artlgllerla, II nemlco nttacco rlpetutamento lo nostre poslzlonl a sud-ovost ed a sud 41 Aslngo. La battaglla contlnuo" dls peratamente per tutla la notte e termlno' al mattlno seguento con la iconfUta dello forze nustrlacho. Nel pomerlgglo dl lori II nemlco rinnovo' 1 suol sforzl vlolentl contro II centro c l'ala destra della nostra llnea, sempre dopo un vlolento bom bardamento. Dense masso dl Mnterla furono rlpetMtamente lanclate all'attac eo delle nostro poslzlonl a sud dl Aslago e ad est della vallo dl Campomulo, ma le colonne ncmlche, furono sempre rcsplnto con pcrdlte enorml. Lungo II rcsto della fronte dl batta glla flno nl mare si sono avuto azlonl dl artlgllerla e plccoll attacchldl fantcrla. Nella zona del Monte San Mlchele 11 fuoco delle nostre battoria causo esplosionl e lncendll nello lines nemlche. EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1916. NAMES BADY-SAVINfl NURSES Director Kruscn Plans Also to Establish Emergency Hospitals Through out the City iwLthrtef ?biavlI'.f cftmralgn which the SSI fMh.ffl11 condllct ,hlrf summer m miM?,Ai 5 . se" h-?.s "PPolnted five mdro .i.pi ' scs- T le youn women, whosa names lie announced yesterday, WPr0 Mlsa !',ifcJVt.7t 'mbers, of 2420 North 16th street! Miss Dudley Holtoway, of 2S0 South 1907 East Madison street, nfid Miss Hetty Chadowskl, of 2104 North Broad Btreet They-will receive $900 a year. Policy Court Chronicles When sleep overlnkcs Fred Mlntz ho greets It on the spot. Ho has slept on elevators, roofs, freight carsl wharves benches, ladders and other resting places where a slip meant death. It frequently happens that Fred has no permanent nddress This Is due largely to the fact that ho has no regular Job and doesn't seek to get one. In some un known manner he usually gets enough money to keep himself thoroughly Haul dated, but regards It as a waste of cash to pay real money for a place to rest. He therefore nleun In snatches. Sometimes he covers many mites In getting a night's Bleep, Often he starts In a railroad sta tion, About half nn hour after ho reaches thorn ha 'Is discovered and chased. Ite then picks out a store entrance which shields him from the wind, hut the nap thcro only lasts until he Is dlscoterrd by the night watchman. Fred finally discovered a new resting J 0 GRANDIVITT0R1ERUSSE CONTRO GLI AUSTRIACI place, which ho thought solved all his iroumcq. it Was a linker's long barrow, such as Is used to haul bread and cakes to nearby customers Mlntz saw It rest. Ing the rear of n bakery on Lancaster avenue. He climbed In, and, on cuddling up like a pretzel, found that he could spend the night. Many cops pnsscd the bairow, little dreaming that a man -was sleeping comfortably within. But the baker, Henry Hnrtze, heard snores as ho approached the barrow and paused before he dumped In the morning, bread. Fred heard him muttering to himself, and lifting the lid of the wagon peered cau tiously out. The baker dropped his bread and Frod Jumped out. Ha nnd Hartz clinched and both went to the ground. Fred had rolls for breakfast, A policeman ended hostilities and took Fred beforo Magistrate Stevenson. Tho prisoner said ho had been trying to get u night's sleep for several weeks. He admitted that he didn't like work because 1 wasn't used to It. "What you need Is a tittle practice," tha Judge suggested, "and In order that you can give a good nccount of yourself when you do get a Job you can rehearse in Jail for the next five days." McNichol Has New Grandson State Senator James P. McNIchol has another grandson. It Is the- son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McNIchol, tho boy's father being tho vice president of the McNIchol Paving nnd Construction Company, Al though the baby was born n week ago In Atlantic City, It did not become generally known until today. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Gli Eserciti Teutonici Perdono in Wisi!i ClinwH. tla..... EfEf Ann i ' uuu U1U11II Vldti UU,UUU . Pngionieri ITn tfllAffMmmn At Hnmn lMn i. m 0, j. UM .tvwlllct uito i;c I mt ---- " .-.- -.uuhu-uuulu auuu. luillC ori- ntale e mlnacclato di avvlluppamento da parte delle armatp russe. Impegnata nell'of Itnslva Inlzlata appena da pochl giornl. I russl hanno sfondato la llnea austrlache per una lunghezza di 100 miglla e per una profondlta' dl quaranta mlglia. Flnora rusjl hanno fatto circa 65,000 prlglonlerl e d hanno preso al nemlco una grando quan '',', dl ian"onl d' a"l mlnori, di munl Wonl e dl altro matorlale da guerra. Gll eserciti russl mlnacclano dl nuovo ieopoll (Lemberg) la capitate della Gallzla. Ess. Mnno gla' conqulstato la fortezza dl Lutzlt ed attaccano quella dl Dubno.' Nella bat i i Ila' auale ' russl hanno Portato rii.ii..;. U"a lale vioienza d Smni hi C0m9 non B era mal Vista sul campi di ffura orentall. sono Impcgnati i L.,.m"i0nl dl uom""- La tonvw fir.ln nan ,aPPe"a 2B ml8lia da' on- Si rttf 55'JSia e nuel,a dl Dubno e" an- Intanto gll atleatt hanno dl nuovo, "iV01 plu" senimente, btoccato 1 t?e1co5eI.IfniGreC'.a' tant0 ch BW ." Btat0 CM"tto a smobllltare II suo da a,.0' PTa dl trasferlre la sua capitaie itfi n a P11'83- E' probablle che cio" SSaH,?, 1,offnslva vlclna da parto SISImL. ". d?" secchlere della penisola naicanlca, cioe' da Salonlcco. Valuable Instruction for Business Teachers at PEIRCE SUMMER SCHOOL Courses begins July 3 Hours 0 A M lo 1 P M Eiery adantB8 nrforded by the new even-tory bulldlna- one of the flnut nnd mot completely equipped structures eer deoted to commercial study Cool, airy claiarooma, pleasant clubrooms, (ymnaalum, etc. PEIRCE SCHOOL America's Foremost Dullness Hchool Pino Street, Wot of Broad STRAYER'S Th! Be,t B""iea School NEW nLOOAlFIEm. PA. CARSON I.ONO INSTITUTE 78th Year New liloomneld Academy Courses: College Prepar atory. Music, lluslncss. Normal, Junior. Sep arata modern buildings for boys and Blrli. Pupils under 12 jears special attention. Terms. J2,1?,. a.nd .."" .Junlor-.,:!35 .Caraon lone Institute. Box U, eir llloomllrlil. l'u. SUMMER RESOIITS iTLANTIO CITY. N. J, J t Apartment House Sold Tha nnaWmanlB . CI if an ,. USS ! F: haVe"botd"8 a m'..'' ,u i""nnB v, uoitd, BUbJect to ffi,Iaa8ts9.oVo,!ooo The p!-em,se3 ara STEAySHIPS VACATION TRIPS ' nY SE.V r & riiiLAm;r.rniA to BOSTON SAVANNAH - JACKSQNVILLE DELIGHTFUL. SAIL no SUamera. Low Fares. Heat Service ' MWCJr.&,nMKen8, Co. ""tJS !?t pt iwtti .;.". AMERICAN EXPRESS outh Amekrica IftM Tour to Araentlna and Brij m i "WgyiiSSt Wl,i8rIw' r-TiA-irfon juii.rVH n 9r& m " i fftlS fiPt A Tfiv) BfnrAv4 rtfjfrnrt nrsmflrvri aLUacuhi -I vwuivv.l.VIIIIWIIrUUMUUy I lAOZSTFmEPMCPWaoTHOTlXINlHBWWI 1 ' mammmvmm THE LEADING RESORT HOTEL OF THE WORLD SRarlborougli-Bfenftcini ATLANTIC CJTY.N. J. OWNERSHIP HAfUOIMENT. JOSIAH WHITE ft 8QN3 COMPANY NWVV liUTKL, MEJilUN pp. Vermont Ave. and Beach. Capacity 350. Very uoderaif rates tor the comtorta, appointments nd table of the largest hot tin i S3 up dallri HOTEL ARLINGTCTN "'Jf'BlVP Open allfiear. R. J, OSBORNB & BON." uir.nwiion, N. J. fARM AND aARTEIJ Sss ItnitTlntnniilint.jyMilnlHihiMMrV urien oose Cnarnte4 to ittf I8c Grade l?c 15e Grad 10c FUpUoia and V,,t,i. v,.i ... ... . MM Antral Supply Co, Qtimn Btn at, ,, ,, 4fT .. -, &? Montgomery Ate. Wuch, Wlldwood's foremost Va cation Hotel, The Pest Bathing and Flshlnr. Ex cellent Tab'e. Private liaths. Eiersthlna modera. Auto meets all tralna. Write (or llooklet and Kates. 1. B. UJHTK.SKI.I.. Fron ARRRY" Pin V. nr. Beach. Newest hotel. nw-i R,on, rttes. Miss L.. Derbyshire. HKACH IIAVEN. N. J. TUB IDEAL MOTOR RUN TO HOTEL BALDWIN Now open, -The modern bote! of this famous resart. Capacity 400. Sea water in all baths. New Wistaria Garden and Drill. Music, dancing, tennis- etc, Oarage. llooklet and auto maps mailed. V. MERCER PAtRD. AVAT.ON, N. J. AVALON BY THE SEA Tha healthiest resort atons the coast. Sea shore and country combined. Fresh, farm and sea food datis. llptet Avalon now open. In. riormation and booklet upon request. Charles R. Hall, lata Real Estate Trust Bldg. :i m i ..I. . i, CHELSEA. N. i. GLADaTONE CIJELbEA. N. J. M188 TMcOROARTTj. OCEAN CITY. N. J. THE OCEANIC llth and Wesley av. A. B. Baker, owner mgr. CAPK MAY. N. J. OHALFONTE HOTELjtmav. Oct 1. Rcaa rates Mrs Calvin Satterfleld BE-tSIPE 1'AltK. N. J. THE MANHASSET .,, Booklet. H RQ83 TURNER. Prop. HWARtHMOKK. PA. STRATH HAVEN JNN ss Juo S JC It. BCHEIBLBT T ' KOKUMONT, PA. MOUNTAIN CQTTAOB at NorJiaont. p , jra;tesa;ers, sjjci,s( ui m moo enoaiiae eon geiusn. Sttp nese Purs it'-vLans IUI Ln4 Tub BU- ' as urn iiiiiii siiiii.ilu.. i , i, .. - I "' taai-wmuta- nsaL-itiitiiuiiKM''TOiH.wisMiea-JUj m n. aiauuaajiuiuw.liMlluiJllJUl Ill IWWHIWI lllllll-j.uiWBti H SjKjjKKKlPSluffBIKf ie-nHStKWHrMNHsRMRHHBR-nAC Bi Rt B 5B 7 '3 p tn, BP 9t-9. aP 9K Ml jP B11i Pra-' r 733 p.m. fol LI gi JTJliLiill Ws JKttm 9 per set tB Hr I 1 to obtain BBB-- 4HP f nee 17 (or It will be too Into) The New "Handy Volume" Issue of the ncuc New You can wait till the last week, the last day and the last hour, if you wish. That is what thousands of other people just like yourself are doing right now, and are going to do. And thousands of people like yourself are going to be disappointed because at the last moment they will have something else to do and will forget all about it; or they will desire a binding all the sets of Which have been sold; or we may be unable to fill all the orders received on the last day (we are trying to estimate the sale against the number of sets now remaining as closely as we can). We do not want you to be disappointed. Therefore, we state again the facts. In order to secure the new "Handy Volume" Issue of theJJncyclopaedla Britannica at a very low price, so as to give our customers a really wonderful bargain, wo con tracted with the publishers of the Britannica for an enormous printing (probably the largest single printing order ever given in this country). We anticipated an enormous sale ; but even this huge supply is now almost ex- 4 nausted. Now we cannot obtain any more at anything tike present prices. All our contracts, were based upon before-the-war prices and conditions. Everyone knows rifanitica What Qtiqstion Remains in Your Mind? You may be one of over 200,000 people who have con sidered buying the new issue of the Encyclopaedia Britannica and have sent for the illustrated book describing it. ., At the last moment a huge number of these people will suddenly make up their minds and send their orders. And many may be disappointed. There may be no sets left in the style of binding they desire. Only a few days remain. Is it not better to make up your mind now? 1. You KNOW the great and everyday value of always having at your elbow a splendid work of reference that will answer almost every question that you can ask it. 2. You KNOW that the greatest work of reference pub lishedno other work like it in all the world is The Ency clopaedia Britannica. A 3. , You KNOW that the new Eleventh Edition cost more to prepare than any other work of reference ever issued in any language, and that it is the most complete and up-to-date encyclopaedia published. Our Absolute Guarantee We guarantee that the "Handy Volume" Issue is author ized by the publishers of the new Encyclopaedia Britannica; that its contents are identical, page for page (including every map and illustration), with the Cambridge University issue now selling at three times the price; that it is manu factured by the same printers and binders as the more expen sive book; that it is printed on the same quality of India paper from newly made plates; and that, because it is smaller, It is easier to handle than the Cambridge issue. We guarantee complete and ertire satisfaction with the contents of the Encyclopaedia Britannica and with the form of our "Handy Volume" Issue. To anyone who for any reason is not satisfied and returns the set within three weeks, we guarantee to return all he has paid (including shipping charges). SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO.. Chicago 11th Edition how prices have risen in tho last eighteen months. No industry has been more af fected than that of printing and binding expensive sets of books. Therefore On Juno 17th. this remarkable salo comes to an end. After that date for such further sets as we may be able to obtain wo shall be compelled to increase the price by from 311 per set for the cheaper to 819 per set for tha more exponsivo bindings. ' Remember that when you sign the order form below and send us your dollar tho - sale is not closed. All this does is to secure the shipment to-you of 20 volumes of the new "Handy Volume" Issue in whatever style of binding you desire. Then you have three weeks in which to examine the volumes in your own home, use them every day, discuss them with your family, learn how wonderfully valuable this great work may be to you and every member of your household, especially to your growing children. Then If for any reason whatsoever you decide you do not wish to keep the books, you may return them and we will refund your dollar and all shipping charges a3 well. (You take no risk. We take it all.) Now, which is better? To wait to the last minute, or sit down now, take a dollar out of your pocket and sendit with the order form below? 4. You KNOW that in the lamer form the Camhridrrfl University issue it costs from $166 to $250 per set. 5. You KNOWthatyoucannow obtain this same new Elev enth Edition in the new "Handy Volume" Issue, identically the same with the other except as to the size of the page and type, at one-third the price and upon amazingly easy terms. 6. You KNOW that this new and cheaper form is actually more convenient and handy than the larger-sized issue (it is so light that you can carry it anywhere around the house you like or take it to the country); and it takes up only 32 inches of space on your table or on the shelf. 7. You KNOW that you can have the complete work, the entire 29 volumes, sent you simply by payingasingle dollar now. 8. YouKNOWthatyourpurchasoisconditional upon your complete satisfaction with the work; you do not have to make up your mind until you have had the books in your own home for three weelcs, foryou andall your family touso them and examine themandfindouttheirvaluetoyou. 9. You KNOW that if for any reason whatsoever you do not wish to keep them, you can send them back that no questions will bo asked and that your money will be refunded as well as all shipping charges. 10. You KNOW that if you were a Rockefeller or tho Czar of Russia or the Gaekwar of Baroda if you owned a mint or a mountain of pearls, you could not buy in all tho world a better book than the new Encyclo paedia Britannica, nor one of greater value to you and your family. Which are you going to do buy now or wait? What question remains in your mind? REMEMBER if you go to the office of the publishers of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, at 120 West 32nd Street, New York City, and pur chase from them the Cambridge University issue'of theBritannica you will pay from $166 to $250 per set, We offer you the "Handy Volume" Issue of this same new Eleventh Edition line for line the same at one third these prices. Sets may be seen and orders left at GIMBEL BROTHERS Market: Chestnut, Eighth and Ninth Just pin on a dollar and sin below Then prTcel bo lote-tbo-wv ,nlo- tractl NOT VALID AFTER JUNE 17th To Sean, Roebuck Please send me J "tlanay KoumJ 7n "fihlMtrn : of the EncydoiwedlJ Brllic tsjue; Indit jiDer, in styb of binding marked witti an w i me nvu;. of Standard book paper, cloth bindlnsr. as marked with an X. at tho bottom of column at the ri'ht- I enclose It as first payment and ajree t o pay balance in monthly payments u specified, beirinninu sa days from dte. You are taKlvomerecelptwhealhavepaiJinfuU, and then the encyclopaedia becomes my property. You uu ueo mm i tny return mo uooki witn laieo weeui I am not taunted ana you will lend ray money bulc, I have atwayi been faithful In paring xay obllzzlioa. and am making taU itatsment for- the purpose of tniue az you to grant me this credit end to asiure you Oist iuujjmi tee. 94ieu4 ir luuuKuiviupejaasffreea f, nrTS4PSS J JJ?Pfr. Name. lilat your mm 4 tare fUU!g aut carcuti y) .Pot-oftlc Strwt and No.. Thaf s all .you have to do! Shipping; point, U different from post-office I have been located in this town sfnee. My prof tssion. business or occupation U chick Ua NOTEi To pay cash in full, write pnljr your name, address and plae book are to be seat: tha square) the binding ou want, and nc,o the cash price there listed f MthV. tSnrfinS01' AU prices art flowed so low that shipping charges cannot be prepaid. Boxed for sfainment the lmr papr set weWfas Jess than ao pounds, and the.' -peek ZtQapiaSiowm&Wabnii Ec-usMjnMelUatau wl ship, outset boa tbsiaearest. " pou-aa. wnywax- Sfe'SSbSrifSSete5?. I PfeiSfellJi5?PSl. 1 liSfflfwfp!iriioll I Ira I llliIS5-. llliffli lilujillaBlJte filliS lill Hlllllfi Iflilnuljil Dste191S India pa rrr sr-rs IliAI 1 Cloth 21 payments of Jitjo monthly. II 1 1 i I fill II 1 Total. IMM. (Cash price. ms ilffll Tull Brown Sheen. Morocco Crelned I! I ll lil II $7e.53. (Cash price. JiS-SJ.) j III I! if Iji a I w U Crujned Green Morocco, Leeent II llll WIl Wl Grained 21 payments of $4 00 monthly. Ill 'Ill'ill IT Sri Total. IS9.N. (Cash price. ttlW I Iflfi ' ) full Cruihed Green Morocco. Levent 1 III I lUICBiW'nlfli Grained-! payments of 43 monthly. I U IPIllI W Total. Jioiea. (Cash price, SM.9) " lllllj ljH fit "gPECIAi, ECONOMY" SETS lIlBIIM iPrinUd on start Jar J book paper) In I n I'.S wwlUim III Wmm - I Hr Hi lilllllfll Wlm H ' II flail (iill 'I l .1 .. ,, ,.,,RUte lm III BII Kyfjiii ipi 11 1 , . j,, ... . , IJllMlil lH H Only 1 l&'ii inches I v.Uss 1 "L """','1 "TrMrwJTJatftlJ f