Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 09, 1916, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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Gimbel Brothers
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Misses' Silk
Gimbel Brothers
Friday, Juno p, 1916
Store Closes 5:30 Gimbel Brothers
Summer Clothiri A Sale
$52,000 Worth at the New Prices Gimbel Leadership
Wc respect the intelligence of our readers.
( Wc know, by the auditor's figures, that the Gimbel clothing business is run
ning ahead by tens and hundreds of thousands!
It must be that Gimbel service is best.
We know, that it is best we know that by tests and comparisons; and these
tests-are made not t'o gratify our vanity or bolster a notion but to get the plain,
brutal truth. Gimbel Clothing for Men is satisfying
1st. Because fabrics are right.
2d. Because we make good on colorings and offer no such excuse as "poor
dyes." The risk is properly ours.
3d. Because we hold to real tailori
signing by the snappiest men's fashion
As 4he business grows, it further str
We bid for business with the doubl
profits arc least of our worries. Volume
Wc give, in lowered prices, every ce
purchases of lots not quickly taken in ot
and we include in the sale remaining lint
14 for Men's and Young
17 for Men's and Young
en's and Young
en s
en s $30
$20, $22,50 and
$25, $28 an
ng of old-fashioned goodness; with de
creators in the land,
engthens our power to serve.
e incentive of quality and price. Present
that's the goal. Therefore,
nt of advantage we gained in fortunate
her sections from our supplying tailors
ited lots from our own numbers.
$25 Suits
d $30 Suits
$35 Suits
Over a hundred good things inclu ding blue'-sergc; plenty of serge.
$15 for $25 silk-lined Beltsac Suits
brown, blue and gray.
-green worsted flannel. And in
A Bid for Volume $5 for $10
Palm Beach Suits Beltsac and
plain. Duly labeled.
$3.75 for $5 and $6 white and
striped Flannel and Serge Outing
Trousers Hungerford system.
And for any wear; striped worst
eds and serge (blue or gray)
$1.50 to $6.50 for $2 to $8 Auto
mobile Dusters many styles.
$1 to $8.50 for $2 to $10 Mohair
Office Coats black, blue, gray,
tan and striped.
$7.50 for $10 and $12.50 knitfed
fabric and flannel Norfolk Sports
Gimbels, Second floor.
Boys' Blue Serge Norfolk Suits, $6.50
For ages 6 to 18. Good, serviceable clothes; good-looking,
too. Extra pair of trousers with these suits. Pinch-back coat
the favorite; three-piece belt.
Serge Suits, $5 to $1S.
fioys' $12 Norfolk Suits for $8.50
These of tweed and cassimere. Many of the suits have extra pair
of trousers included. For ages 7 to 18.
White Rep Junior Norfolk Suits, for ages 2J4 to 10. Special at $2.
A group of Norfolk Suits broken sizes, but in all for boys of 7
to 18 best things of the year $10 been $13 50 to $16.
Norfolk Suits tweed and cassimere $5 beef! $7.50 and S8.50.
Washable Suits, $1.50, $1.85, $2, $3 and $4.50.
Washable Norfolk Suits, for ages 6 to 17 $3.75, $5 and $6.50.
Dlouscs, 50c, 75c and $1. Gimbels, Third floor.
Sports Dresses at $16.75
Of charmeuse. Two-piece mighty hard to know whether it's
Ssuit or dress! But it will serve both.
Splendid quality, beautiful shades of flesh, rose, gray, navy blue,
'besides white. 14 .to 18 year sizes. At $16.75 small wonder we
have hard work keeping enough on hand !
f Other Sports Dresses, of linens, voiles and pongees, variously at
?$3.9S, $5.75, $6.75, ,$6.95 to $12.75.
Misses' Sports Suits
Of wool Jersey, at $19.75. All the
new colors.
Of taffeta, at $19.75. Three new
Kstyles all with smart, flaring skirts.
Misses' Sports Coats
Of white chinchilla, at $10.
Of corduroy, at S8.75. S10. $12.75
liand $15. White and fancy colorings.
5 Of taffeta nr siren with nfTVtn nf
1 115, .reduced from $25 and $29.75.
iayy diuc and black.
Girls' lingerie Dresses:
Manufacturers' Samples
just in time for Children's Day,
Hundreds of lovely little styles
with fluffy skirts and deep collars
and the quaintest imaginable vari
ations of Russian and coatee
models. 6- to 14-year sizes. Two
Lovely knotted ribbon girdles
me have the wide ribbon
pulled through wide eyelets.
Prices $3, $3.95 and $5
Values $3.95 to $8.95
At $5, value $8.95 At $5, value $8.95
aimUU. Saloru or Drew. "Third floor.
Undermuslins ; White Sale
New Items and New Savings Create New Interest
Gimbels experts constantly on the alert for values out of the
ordinary in Undermuslins for the White Sale. And as soon as a
purchase is consummated, the merchandise is rushed forward for
the benefit of Philadelphia women as well as those living nearby.
These items of new interest:
White Petticoats Flare Models
Of cambric with deep embroidery flounce
with the desired flare. $1, value $1.50.
Petticoats of nainsook. Full - flaring
flounces in lacy effect give fullness. $1.50,
values $2 and $2.25.
Petticoats, new lacy styles with full-
flare flounce threaded in ribbon. $2, value
Envelope Cheiriise, $1,
Values $1.50 and $1.75
Dainty. Of lingerie fabric with pretty laces
and embroideries as trimmings. -
Silk Camisoles, $1
Values $1.50 and $1.75
Developed of silk crepe de" Chine and wash
satin, with beautiful laces used effectively.
Corset Covers, 50c, Value 75c
Of nainsook with laces .and embroideries for
trimmings; threaded with ribbon.
Crepe de Chine Envelope Chemises,
$2.95; Value $3.95. (Pictured)
Choice of white or flesh. Tailored or lace-
triramed models. Gimbels, Second Floor.
And some on Grand Aisle, First floor.
1,000 Pairs Women's $6 to $8 Low Shoes, $3.60
Several of our supplying shoemakers work, too, for stores in other cities. We have taken over
at a saving several little surplus lots and combined them with our own stock. Hence this bargain.
All feet can be fitted. These low shoes comprise the various colored leathers and" combinations of
leather. $6 to $8 values at $3.60.
Men's Low Shoes at $3.85
Regular $5 to $6 50 values; gunmctal calf and patent
leather. Good line of si7es.
Gimbels Foremost for White Shoes
Pumps for Large Misses
Patent-leather, Nu-buck, white canvas, dull and patent-leaders
broken sizes combined. At 2.35, values $3
to $4.
Barefoot Sandals 1 to 5, at $1; 5 to 8. at $1.50; Wi
to 2, at $2. Gimbels. Second floor.
Summer Hosiery
Styles for All
The hosiery need for every
member of the family well met at
Women's Phoenix Silk Hosiery
in black, white and the favored
colors. Values unusual at 75c
and $1 a pair.
Women's white Hosiery of fine
yarns ; splendidly fashioned,
white in greatest demand. Priced
at 25c, 38c and 50c a pair.
Children's summer Socks white,
plain dainty colors and the dainty
fancy styles. Good-wearing qualities,
at 25c and 35c a pair..
Men's Phoenix silk Socks practi
cally unlimited assortment of plain
colors and popular fancy effects. 50c
a pair. Gimbels, First floor.
Striped SKIRTS
A Dominant Note in
Wash Skirt Fashions
Stripes perpendicular and
stripes with a slant all well
represented in this showing of
striped Wash Skirts.
Smart Models at $3.95
Many two-tone colors. Of crepes
and gabardines. Also plain-colored
stripes. Novel pockets with matched
stripes and newvbelts a feature.
At $2.95 plain white wash Skirts
of the favored fabrics, cut on the most
approved lines with generous size
pockets, belts and pearl buttons that
fasten, as well as trim the skirt. vAU
lengthsT waist measures to 30 inches.
At $1.50 extraordinarily good val
ues. Wash Skirts with pretty style
touches. Gimbels, Salons of Dress,
Thtrd floor.
Summer Hats
For Women
Light and Airy!
Ready-to-wear or untrimmed; to fit your need. Dainty trim
mings, too. And remember our free hat trimming service.
White, ready-to-wear Hats; sailor
shapes; some with velvet crowns and
Georgette crepe facings; variously
trimmed, at $2.95.
Untrimmed Panama Hats; small sports
and large drooping shapes, at $2.95,
value $5. One style pictured.
Untrimmed Milan hemp Hats in pink
and white; sailor and poke; some with
horse-hair edge, at $1.95.
Untrimmed Leghorn Hats, 75c;
Value $2
Light and airy. Large drooping brim
and sailor shapes.
At 25c, values 45c to 75c Flowers, in
cluding pond lilies, roses, daisies and
wheat. A jobber's clearance lot hence
the savings. Gimbels, First floor.
Women's Suits S
End Trips
Sports and Dress Wear
Smart !
Gimbels suits fit so perfectly as to
require, in most instances, only the
turning up of a hem to be readyto
don. The right suit or any occasion
awaits you.
Taffeta Sports Suits at $17.50
Plenty of navy blue and black. Coats
skeleton-lined with unique pockets and
belts. Few with lined coats that arc $25
values. Choice at $17.50.
Palm Beach SuiU at $1075
Norfolk and demi-fancy models with
pleats and belt. Choice of natural and hair
line stripes in navy or black. Sizes 34 to 46.
Linen Suits at $6.90 : New
Favorites with women because they are
cool and adaptable. Of white, rose, Hague
blue, natural and navy linen. Pretty style
Good Pickings in Cloth Suits at $15,
$20 and $24.50: Save a Half!
Innumerable styles, colors and fabrics.
Easy to select a suit to fit your need.
Glmbela, Salons ot Dreis, Third floor.
Children's Day in
Trimmed HATS
Trimmed Hats for children and
misses, of peanut, Java, Milan, hemp,
Tuscan and fancy braids; youthful
shapes garnished in silk ribbons, vel
vet and flowers.
95c, Values $2 to $3.50
Panama Ha.ts for children, banded
in silk gros grain ribbon, or daintily
trimmed in ribbons, at $1.95, value $S.
Gimbels, Third floor.
Neckfixings for
Women at 50c and $1
Sleeveless Guimpes of fine white
net trimmed in lace; semi-high collar,
at $1, value $1.50.
Pique Coilar-and-Cuff Sets two
new models, at 50c a Set, value $1.
Collar-and-Cuff Sets of embroid
ered organdie; new flat shapes, $1 a
Set special!
Vestees of Oriental lace, pleated
back collars; also of embroidered or
gandie, at 50c Gimbels, First floor.
Fresh New Shipments Arrived and Unpacked Increase Interest
In the Subway Store "Outlet Sale" of
Uresses W omens : misses
We told how several Philadelohia and New York manufacturers contributed generously to this sa.e
"carcely hoped for such response. Why, the weather's storm didn't
wniiai savings many bought the whole summer's supply.
Wit Dresses sizes 14 to 44, at $5, values $7.50
t $10,
keep folks away who wanted, to share the sub
A fine readiness tomorrow-
embroidered voile, lingerie; and Sports Dresses,
$2.95, values $50 $7.50.
$1,95 pr Dresses of linon dainty style.
Dresses of figured and striped marquisette, white
95c for girls' $1.25 to $2 Dresses
rep, lineen, chambray and percale;
6 to 14 years.
Girls' white Dresses lingerie and
voiles, at 95c, values $2 to $2.50.
' ne - ...:i inA mqni,iitti T)rftS.
$5 for Dresses oh white and embroidered voiie,
also vbiles-and-netj values $7.50 to $10.
h"c or firla' $1 Dressei-ging-ham,
percare and uneen. 6 t0 l4
n75c for girls' $1.25 and $1,50
Jv . 8 r'P Uneen, chambray and
Percale, 6 "to 14 years.
75c, $1. $1.25 tn 2 Tnfc Skirts at 50c. 75c. 85c and $1
Great variety In, rep, cordaline, striped linens, linen crash and cotton
gabardine wonderfullv t?ood stvles.
and up to $5. ,
New white chinchilla. Coats, at $5,
values $7 95 and $10.
'Gimbels, Subway Store.
iiVi11 mi"' Dusters, at
, $1,95 am $2.95.
womens.misses nH orti1 new
8 Suits, at $1.50, $1.95, $2.95
Corsets Good Models
at 50c, value 75c
-atmturd Subway Store.
Women's $1 New Pique
?ets dt 50c
All-white net Fichus, with Ori
ental lace edging, at 50c. value $1,
-ptnibri Subway Store
1 ' ' - . ' IBP .1
83c to $1:25 Sheets,
at 48c and 68c
Large size; slightly imperfect
Crochet Bedspreads at 78c and
85c; alue $1 to $1,50 slightly im
perfect qunurn Subway Btora.
Shoes Subway Store Specials
For tomorrow's needs and all summer
Women's White Cfjnvns Colonials at $1.95
Large tongues and covered buckles, turned soles, Louis heels, sizes
2'A to 7.
Men's Oxfords at $3 and $3.50
New, wanted styles in patent-leather, gunmetal, tan calf and glazed
kid; welted oak soles; all sizes, 6 to 10, '
Children's White Shoes at $1 to $1,75
White canvas button styles; also Strap Pumps priced as to size.
Gimbels, Subway Store.
Save a Third on These Women's Waists
At $1, value $1.50 new Waists plain or fancy-trimmed, in white or
colors; some frilled and the new sports Waists.
At $2. value $3 silk and lingerie Waists white or flesh-color; all sizes.
At 50c. value 75c black or white lawn Waists made with tucks and
j- long-sleeves; sizes 36 to 46. Gimbels, Subway Store.
Weil-Known, Well-Liked Sewing
Machines : Reduced
Halma Sewing Machines made by the famous Do-
sewing and will stand
mestic Sewing Machine Company
iiiv sewn
the wear ball-bearing; nickel-trimmed, drppTjiead
Will do all sorts of famil;
mfcdel, with automatic bobbin-winder; handsome gold
en oak case, highly polished.
Complete set of attachments free.
Guaranteed liberally ior five years. Free instruc
tions at home within city-
At $12.95, instead of $18
Payable $1 down ; $1 weekly
Gimbels, Subway Store.
Men's and Young Men's $15 Suits
Remarkable Subway Store Values at
Best values we have had for a, long time staple blue serges, fancy
worsteds and brown and gray cassimeres and cheviots. Good range of
There are smart models in "belter" or plain back for the young man;
also conservative styles.
Men's $1.50 to $4 Office Coats at $1 to $3
Mohairs, alpaca in b)ue, black, gray and fancy weaves.
Gimbels, Subway Store.
Boys' Clothing : Exceptional Savings
Blue serge Norfolk Suits alt-wool; 6 to 18 years, at $3.95 and $4,95.
Wash Suits 3 to 10 years, at 50e, $1 and $1.50,
Wash Knickers linen, beach-cloth and khaki, at 50c and 65c.
Gimbels, Subway Store.
i ' i i i i
38c to 75c Corset Covers at 25c to 50c
Pretty lace- or embroidery-trimmed styles with ribbon beading.
'Women's Nlehtsrowns and Com
binations, at 50c, value 75c neatly
trinyried with lace and embroidery.
Sateen Petticoats, at 50c to 85c.
values 75c to $1.25 colored, black
or white, also extra sizes.
Gimbels, Subway Store
Men's $1 New C El,,
Plaid Shirts at. J WDC
Fast colors, too; sizes 14 to 16.
Gimbels, Subtfay Store.
Men's $1.50 Straw
Hats at
Very latest styles, of course!
.Gjmbels, Subway Store
Little Folks' 75c Wash Dresses at 50c
Pretty cojors, for ages 2 to 6 years.
Children's muslin Drawers, at 10c, value 15c 2 to 12 years.
Children's Drawer-Waists, at 10c, value 15c 2 to 13 years.
Gimbels, Subway Store.
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