Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 09, 1916, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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Method of So-Called Painless Childbirth Not Dis
credited, Dr. Leo Bernd Declares, But People
' Are Regarding It With Greater Sanity
THE following letter, rejrardlnft what
. IU writer calls the "collapso" of,
Twilight Steep" voltes, probably a
query that has been raised In tho minds
of many women who havo been wonder
ing what has become of this "greatest
boon to womankind," which achieved a
furjous publicity about two years ago,
aoout. Which llttlo or nothing has
boon heard recently:
"My Dear M'LIss Pleaso lot mo hear
from you oft tho subject of tho collapse
of Twilight Sleep. How is It that a
short tlmo ago )t was tho moat widely dis
cussed modtcal topic, was sanctioned by
tho most reputable doctors and was
Wado tho subject of lectures that wore
clvon from coast to coast, and that now
ono doesn't hear of It?
"Has tho twilight-sloop method of
i anesthetization at childbirth been utterly
discredited? Is It simply, another ono
of those medical fakes that wo nrn
treated to from tlmo to tlmo? Havo
tho American doctors given this Gorman
tnothod a fair try-out and found It want
ilng? "I am exceedingly Interested In tho
' blatter, and will bo grateful to you for
. any" light you can throw on tho sub-
, Joct- MOTHER."
Twilight sleep has not suffered p. col
lapse, ucopoiamln, tho principal drug In
this form of nnesthcsla. Is oven more
generally usqd now than It wns boforo
tho "big squeal" about twilight sleep,
emanating from Freiburg, Germany, sev
eral years ago. Because painless child
birth had been tho dream of mothors
plnco tho beginning of tlmo, and becauso
tloctors aro not tho brutes many of us
bollovd them to be, tho advent of tho
"dammerschlaf," -to give twilight sleep
Its Teutonic namb was hailed as tho
greatest medlcat "Jlnd" of tho ago. As
' a matter of fact. It -was merely an old
theory droseed.ln a new name and backed
by somo of tho most eminent physicians
' in Germany.
Every woman was Interested, The
publicity was excessive. But news Is
flbkle,nnd what Is a whltqhof story to
day may bo cold and dead nest week.
For word of Twilight Sleep today you
do not look to tho newspapers and maga
zines, It Is InUho hospitals and from tho
obstetricians that Information must be
When I received "Mother's" letter I
spoko ivlth Dr. I,co ttcrnd about Twilight
Sleep. Doctor Bernd Is a member of tho
staffs of tho Woman's College nnd Oar
rctson Hospitals, and believes, as ho him
self phrases It, In tho "careful and Ju
dlcious lino of scopolamln" In childbirth,
as well as In other surgical operations.
"When tho uso of scopolamln to tcllcvo
tho pains of childbirth was widely adver
tised to tho public," Doctor Uonid told me,
"women went wild, nnd demanded that
their physicians ndinlntstcr It to them
regardless of circumstances. Uvcry worn-
nn know about It, and Insisted on being
given this twilight sleep.
"Now tho Freiburg method demands
tho constant attendance of tho physician
on tho patient for a great length of tlmo
sometimes for 24 or 48 hours. Not all
women can afford to pay for this con
stant nttendanco of tho physician, and
not all women need tho twilight sleep.
Tho normal woman does not need to bo
.kept doped for 21 hours. Furthermore,
not every physician was familiar with
tho uso of scopolamln and yet every
woman about to become a mother wanted
it. To that extent tho universal pub
llclty was bad.
"But Twilight Sleep still has Its ardent
advocates among physicians, Just ns
thero aro others who havo discarded It,
bellovlng tho lessening of pain not suf
ficient excuso for tho lncrcaso In danger
to tho mother and child. It Is used In
virtually nil of tho hospitals. It has not
collapsed. It Is merely being regarded
with a greater sanity." M'LISS.
ws'1 t&r
Letters to the Editor of tho Woman's Pago
Address nil communications to M'LIm. rare of the Kvfnlni Ltdcer. Write on one eld
of the wiper only.
u Bar srilii Yesterday I Trail standing on
tne curbstone when a car nnd n, big- motor-truck
came along. I expected tho truck to atop with
'tno car, and ao I didn't step back. The truck went
on, splashing; through aTjIir mud cuddle. Tho
mad new up on me nnd ruined n new eult. Have
If I tako my caso to n lawyer.
k me irucKf
any redreaa?
could I collect from tho firm nwnln
Offhand, a lawyer tells mo that vuu nroh
bly would havo redress, hut. of course,
tho out com o of your caso would depend en
tirely on tho circumstances of tho (splash
ing. Answering legal questions, however.
Is, I believe, not within the province of tho
laymen Consult your lawyer and let him
dccldo whether or not you hao a case.
if 5,.JiKi,JLI"",wlltl, XPU. P'ee try to And out
!L r0,".SlSle "R'l, ,u.h,.'. '" r columns where
5ri?- ii5?ni W'l?", IT!: PlaliK thla week,
obi? e Theatre last week, nnd
Try' to publish before Friday. A. 13. C.
The "Phun Phlonds," i nm told at tho
Globe Theatro, have left town and nro on
tour. Tho owner nnd booking agent of tho
act Is Marty Ilrooks, Tutnam Building, New
York city Address your query to him.
HERE are two very good values. The blouse Is of tho popular Georgette crepe, fea
turing tho Jabot effect. It Is trimmed with ery effective laco and crocheted acorn
buttons. Hemstitching Is used to outline the border of the collnr and Jabot effect, to
ncccntunto the yoke and also to form a neat finish In Joining the sleeves nifd tho cuffs.
Tho blouse may be hnd In white or flesh for 55.
Tho smart hat Is of navy blue mllan faced with self-colored Georgette crepe. It Is
trimmed with two rose quills In tailored effect nnd finished with double bands of nar
row grorgraln ribbon In tho contrasting rose and navy This tint, which was orlglnnlly
IS.oO nnd now reduced to 14, la a sample of lints featured by this shop for 14, many of
tlitm formerly priced nt 112.60.
Tho name of tho shop where theso articles may bo purchased will bo supplied by
the IMItor of the Woman's Page, Evenino Lnnaun, COS Chestnut street. Tho request
must bo accompanied by a stamped, Bclf-nddrcsscd envelope, and must mention tho dato
on which the nrtlclo appeared.
iiicpia rninmni ir nnr. it win n nnwrrrn
rxtrnonnilj' If Mnmped. nililreftwi rnvrlonn N
nrloyd. Doctor Hrady will not prencrlbo for
Inillrliliifil cn? or mnlto diagnoses. Ad
lrcm Dr. Ullllam Urn Jr. enro of tho
should Inclose
All rommunlcatlonii addressed to Marlon
article li
nfamned. self'
a envelope and n rllpnlni of the
n whlrh jrou, are lnter-rated. I'ersons
yianioi- 10 ma in ine. charitnuie work or ma
II. 11. C,. should write Marlon llarlnnd. In
care of thla paper, tor addresses of those
they would like to help, and, havlnc received
them, comlnniilcate direct with those parties.
Ail Pure Soap
I am sending: a' recipe .for boiled aoop which
leaves no-dreas In the pot. but la all pure soap.
Elsht gallons ot rain water, eight pounda of fat
meat "frylnga" or scraps, 10 centa worth pow
dered restnl one packaso of borax, threo cans
ot lye. lloll alt together three hours. It may
bo used In threo days' time, but tho older It la
tho Setter. W. a. I..
Soap, like all other houschofd "necessaries
of life," Is going up In price. Whyt It Is
'not for us to say, uncss, Indeed, It must
, keep pace with other useful commodities.
.Therefore, many a woman who never In
(tall her housewifely career thought until
now of making her own soap is casting
about for recipes whereby sho can convert
drlppingsj and fatty scraps Into soap, Our
correspondent comes gallantly to her help,
TMi.c8 Sl th"e, wl" mnk dressing- for the
puddns. Serve cold. g M C
Novelties multiply nnd abound ! AH are
acceptable. These are what glvo stamina
and usefulness to tho Corner.
Sponge Cake
...I KnJ a Tu,e 'or "Pongo enke we think fine as
aunahlno cake- one cup of flour elf ed with oH
n''???,h0r baMn pmvJIcr ani tt ablespoSn of
jf& &:? r;-.
th whii.V 7u" "".";""..". mmiia.
..: ;""- """ ,ul" " "our.
Ilent In
llako slowly 43
n i. "i" marsnmailow pudding take half
a pound of marahmallowa. cut Into four oaria
nS.?."!".'. ni, whipped. mlx0withrnfar.h:
ffiSl'eiV .K?,ulor.hW'B!,ffita. .An easy and
Mrs. M
time ago.
Pickled Olives,
I read the II. II. C. regularly, but I hae
never aent anything- before. I offer a recipe for
pickled olives: To six gallons ot green ollra
allow ono pound each of concentrated le and
alt. Dissolve In ale gallons of water and aoak
the olives in this solution two days. Then drain
and replace the liquid with a fresh solution made
as before and soak two days more. After which
drain tho olives and soak them In pure water
Irom, Ave to eight days, according to the bitter
nsss of tho olives, changing the water every day
Finally, put them Into brine made by dissolv
ing three pounds or salt In four and one-half
gallons of water. They will keep In this way
lor ono season In a keg, but If wanted for longer
storage they should be bottled anil sealed I
do not- can olives myself, but I have tried other
recipes from the same cookbook and they have
always proved satisfactory, I hope this one
Will also. , c. J. II,
The formula for pickling olives was asked
for by a member, and It will undoubtedly
bo useful to many rsnother, A friend sug
gests that green plums may be put upaccord-
jng 10 mis recipe ana prove to be no bad
Imitation of the tropical olive. Will some
body try It when the plums are fully formed
but not ripe? It is worth, knowing If my
Informant be right
Comfort in Illness
..I want to thank you for printing- my letter.
Htnr have written to ma and bavs been a great
comfort to me In my Illness. I never realised
bsfore how much Interest and roodness of heart
could bo felt for one by perfect atrangera. Again.
J thank the Corner, and may Qod continue to
bless It In t great work. ALDA l
Jf one would be thoroughly, and for all
tune, cured of the pessimism which poisons
tha whole nature. Jet him conduct a Helping
Hand Corner for two or three months, lie
will never slander human nature again.
All About Dickens
i hava a scrap book and a lot of unmounted
ellpplna. relative to the lu and works of Charles
tUcksns which I will be pleased to deliver to
some on who might enjoy them. "M u
MRS. U. C. P.
Tho treasures will be snapped us as
soon as they are known to be In tha keep.
Ing of one who loves here neighbors nn h.
self. Dickens has hosts of friends who will
be charmed to improve their acquaintance
with him,
Excellent Blufflns
I enjoy the glrnsr so much and thera mult be
hundred who can say the same it U surely a
bleastnsi I must pot sat too enthusiastic as this
& my first visit to U and you may mJ 1 want
me to coma again. I am Inclosing a recipe that
wlU roe true to its name excellent niufans.
9 " S'.. u?r on tablespoonful esch ot
lard an4 butter two eggs, one and one-half cups
ot mlU, two and one-half or three cum of
?llf;iJwS!it.5fi00lu,1Jt bakuV nwder. pinch
ft aale, b.l (easpoonlul of rsoll&T about half
w ot mains and two apples Cream totnr
siar."3T..rrr..5rt..jjft?..' f?? " " va
raisin, wi:
a&elea alk-ed
r M mlmttea in tut aven.
na Baur sifM4 with bakbur powder, lastly
wi bo,m'-. T' 9W majoa tlna, have
-ed and 'put a few la each mufan? Baki
if. A rvn.
Tour novel and temotinsr r-in ihm.iH
turn out what wa call 'cakes rather than
gtuffllns. It reads well under either name.
Why not reehrieten itas "apple cup cakes" r
WJ11 other housesaothers try H undep this
tUla and report aucccsal Kava no. faar lest
$m may not be welcomed should you coma
Lwm Pudding
. T Ul ItluM.tM I
Sin rc ttrt k
nuu nuia or pineapple. An easy and
dessert. 1 should like the address of
" Dhfi? S""'A WH shrub... oml
i.ThBrnk 5'0,,,. fcrventyi n the name of fel-rHn.-0V.er.UeB,
for now nnd nttractlvo
recipes. It Is encouraging-to the editor to
..v, ..uw Bieauiiy our list of "tried and
true formulas Is growing. What a treasure
a Helping Hand cook book." composed of
Jnfrn.W'id ? t,h0 h0"semother ot the
future! The desired address went to you
by mall, and wo have placed your namo dT.
Ille for those who have hardy .shrubs to
pass on to you.
Johnny Cake
Here Is a Johnnu (-!, a-.-.. t.i -
sugar, one egg. one"cup of sour milk two tahi
.TBbaendr.aey..e.7t make. ff. 'toSl? $g&
,.J.," af TV ,0 ma and so unlike the con
v1?,a J''l!ny cke of th0 "Id-fashioned
I BJt2ii.Q,e'", ,nat l d0 not recognire
it. Nevertheless, we nccept your John's
verdict and believe in It. Do I understand
i i'.S"" hulbantls n 't In another house
and that you have'not tried the new recipe?
Salads for First Course
I thlrdcV 0t ,hM9 W'" SerVe yUr purpose.
Chicken salad Cut cold boiled chicken
mfBmV' dlce- Wtth two CUP of this
21.SnV?,xa c.u? ol ceUry cut Into dlcel
wr. ........ 0,1 wan Balt amJ pepper. Into
orrevin.ab'eSP0,ns of " 'lr a tablespoon
of vinegar. Pour this over the chicken
""IP,?1 and toaa unt we mixed Line
chilled bowl with crisp lettuce leaves ml
nc ra" ar-Sfi
you make a good mayonnaise" which in
urn. must go on the Ice, Have Kady one
third as much celery n vn,. u'.Z. ,r"e
cut into half.lnch lengths.' Sllx toge.Z In"
iLTml -W" nS6seatean2
stir ngntiy into it a cup of mavonn.i..
Line Chilled bowl with crisp TeuSc" arl
ransre tha salad ihin m. "..."-" "
lolMtar ri.w. .-i"' r?"'.. -?rnisn with
ilTZ'ilZr.." r:r "oonea
w wiiguu lengrnwise.
goes to table.
Tiin thymus gland is a llttlo "ductless
gland" which supplies to the blood one
of those "Internal secretions" so essential
to various life processes. Tho thymus
secretion possesses a controlling Influence
over tho metabolism of calclurrj, or. In un
medical English, the assimilation nnd de
posit In tho bones, nervous system and
tissues generally of lime salts
In babies tho thymus gland, situated
deep in tho neck, near the thyroid gland,
Is sometimes enlarged. Tho result of en
largement of tho gland Is a characteristic
noisy, stertorous respiration, like a mod
erate chronic "croup." which may disap
pear entirely nt times or bo only slightly
noticeable, and become severe and alarming
at other times. The baby breathes as
though thoro were a foreign body In the
windpipe. Tho Btrldor Is likely to bo espe
cially noticeable under excitement. The
condition occurs In babies from a few
weeks to four or five years old. During In
spiration the pit of the stomach and the
neck Just abovo tho breastbone may bo
seen to retract, evidence of obstruction to
the intake of air. The baby looks pale and
pasty, but fat.
Here Is an Illustrative case. Baby seemed
to have a "cold" when a few weeks old,
accompanied by a slight Inspiratory stridor
or crow. This slowly Increased In i-everltv.
though the baby was stronc nnd fat. tiia
sound wns noticeable most when tho baby
cried. When four months old It was feared
tho child would die from the severity of the
obstruction. At six months she was nor-
mnl In weight, bright nnd well, but had.
iiiuureu Dreaming at all times An X-ray
protograph showed a very largo thymus
gland X-ray treatments were then given
for n considerable period, and the child
finally was relieved of the trouble.
However, too many such cases prove
fatal to the llttlo sufferers Whether the
pressure of the enlarged gland upon the
windpipe Is the dangerous factor, or
whether Important nerve trunks In the neck
are Impinged upon, or whetner some change
In the glanular secretion Is responsible for
the fatal effects, wo do not know. Fortu
nately, the difficult, strldulous breathing
makes parents anxious to seek medical ad
vice, nnd In the X-ray, In skilled hands, we
have a remedy which offers relief In most
Oood form queries thould be ad-
dresned to l)hnrnh f?w. f-t-JfJn nn
one tide 0 the paper and signed with
'full name and addrett, though initials
, OXLY lolll 6e published upon request.
This coltiran telll appear in Monday's,
Wednesday's and Friday's Evening
Ledger. 1
Several queries hnve como to the column
on tho question of visiting nnd what ono
should do In the little niceties of giving
presents to one's hostess nnd other grncloUs
nets. Tho writer whose, letter Is printed
below says sho Is going to visit a friend
nnd shall sho take a gift with her or wait
until sho is about to leave or until she
has returned homo. Of course there Is no
strict necessity thnt she glvo a present to
her friend, and yet It Is a gracious thing
to do. It seems rather nicest to take some
thing to the friend, showing that one has
thought of giving her pleasure beforoIeaV'
Ing home i however. It Is really largely a
matter of personal tnste.
Tho writer further nsks If It Is necessary
when visiting friends over the week-end to
wrlto a biead-aml-huttcr letter, so called,
after her return homo, nnd If so to whom
It should bo written, to the mother or daugh
ter. Of course, as tho mother Is the hostcsi,
the letter RhAuld hn wrltton tn her. nnd It Is
a little mnrk of truo courtesy to wrlto a noto
of thanks.
The last nucstlon Is about tlnnlmr the
maid when ono Is paying n short lilt. Again
this Is reatly a matter of personal feeling;
If It Is a house whero ono visits ery fre
quently It would seem rather foolish to do
so at every visit, and might c3tnbllsh n
bad precedent for other guests. A present
might bo made at Christmas or Bomo other
time during tho year nt tho house where ono
Is much nt home.
Visit Courtesies
.Drnr Drbornh Hvth Will ou kindly answer
the following; questions for me?. I nm about to
mnke an extended visit lo n married friend living
nn the rnclflc const, (nl shall I take her a gift
nr shall I wnlt until I nm about to leave and
then Present her with something .or shall I
wait until my return Hnst? (hi When visiting
friends over tho week end In It neceasarv fnr m
to write n brend-nnd butter letter nfter my re
turn home, nnd ehnll I address It to the mother
or her daughter? I see the latter quite fre
quently, (c) Is It proper to tip the maid when
ono Is paying a Bhort visit to a friend?
I II. C.
OITorinp; of Congratulations
Dear Drborat Rush I nm a dnlly reader of
your useful column nnd hope ou v!H answer my
question aa soon toJM- LjSaf "of'nl?
attend a commencement wh'JJ 1 am 11 girl who
friends will be sraduatrt. Jd as I am f" T
sSou.dUco,n!grr'h,fluV,?e1m,,.,nd8 wttt I ou.d
"lYwouhT not be very possible to outline
a conversation for you, as you would prob
ably not bo able to follow I out Ju
natural and Interested ""d fongri alula e
the young men on having attained the r
dlplomas nnd wish them success In their
new undertakings. Plenty of subjects for
conversation will present themselves at the
time. ,
Ritnnritn nt Tflblc
non.raro m'iiow rm
sit ot the tahle when eating? " u;
No, icgetnblcs Bhould never be. eaten with
a spoon 1 a fork should always bo used.
If a butter knife has not been provided
It Is a matter of forgetfulness on the pari
of the maid, who will rectify her mistake
as soon ns she passei tho butter. Never
use your own knife, fork or spoon to help
yourself. ... , ,. , . ,
A person should sit upright nt tho table,
never lounging bn6k In his chair J neither
should ho sit on the edge.
Wedding Anniversaries
near Debarah Ruin Are weaoing- anni
versaries eer celebrated besides the wooden,
tin." crystal, silver, golden and diamond If
an please tell me what some pf tho other kinds
of Sifts nr for other anniversaries What
year Is tho diamond wedding celebrated?
Sometimes other years aro celebrated
than those designated nbove, for Instance:
Tho third anniversary Is leather.
Tho fourth anniversary Is straw.
Tho seventh anniversary Is woolen.
The thirtieth anniversary Is pearl.
Tho thirty-fifth anniversary Is coral.
The forty-fifth anniversary Is bronze.
Tho diamond wedding represents tho 75th
Engagement Rings
Drar Deborah tiush I em engaged to a young
ladv nnd want to get her nn engagement ring.
I think It should be a single diamond nnd sho
wants a sapphire and diamonds. Can nn en
gagement ring be nny stone but a dlumnnd?
It Is not necessary that nn engagement
ring should bo a solitaire. Somo persons
like to adhere to tho old Idea that It should
be, but most of the rings In fashion today
aro a combination of stones or severnl dia
monds. DKDOnAH ItUSH.
rrf 1 C .
lhtrftj tn L33ercfc. or tV
jwt fWb rrWitke. uli
It -thrills in eixh flower ti
It aintjj in Qo.cK bird Wd it
jrvmei irv co.cr. 3tjv
A e -T t .. il ..-.
rta 1 rvwe. quixe. ;
in. me.
wT I sx
Cold Qaths Not Injurious
Is a cold plungo In tho morning Injurious,
nsks a young woman, or Is tho sense of
vigor nnd refreshment following n cold
bath only nt tho expenso of one's physical
endurance? Somo friends ndvlso me to take
warm baths instead.
Answer When a fellow needs a friend Is
nt bath tlmb In the morning. Keep a-plung-lng,
and when your friends have nil passed
away you will still be splashing around
with as much onjoyment ns over The solo
criterion is this: If you feel refreshed and
lgorous after tho bath. It Is a lino thing
for your health
Sending Handkerchiefs to Laundry
Is It safe to send towels, handkerchiefs,
etc., to a public laundry? Is boiling suf
ficient disinfection of such articles?
Answer It Is safe, so fnr at you aro
concerned, but not for the unfortunato
workors In the laundry. By rights you
should boll towels or hnndkerchlcfs before
sending them to tho laundry, when they
have been used by nny ono with a "cold,"
or other contagious disease Hoillng for
half an hour will disinfect clothing. The
Ironing of washed clothes renders them
practically sterile.
J?lea80 tell' mo a simple remedy for nose
bleed, nnd also what causes frequent nose
bleed In n girl of 17.
Answer Most noseblecdlng comes from a
minute ulcer on tho sepjum between tho
nostrils, Just within tho vestibule of tho
proboscis, the ulcer belnc; mn,i v, h-
fliigcrnall Treatment; Pinch nostrils gently
but for several minutes between thumb nnd
forefinger. Or Insert within tho bleeding
nostril a small wick of cotton or soft mus
lin saturated with a solution of alum (ten-
ojjuuiuui; in water (naif tcncunftil) Or
cotton wet with 1 In 6000 adrenalin solution.
Or spray the naBal cavity with a table
spoonful of water containing a good pinch
of powdered tannin.
Flower Fashions
There nro Just as many changes In flowers
nnd styleB of corsage bouquets ns thero are
In gowns. Kvcry year tho International
(lower show sets tho styles for tho debu
tante's bouquet, nnd theso styles aro con
sequently reflected In tho florists' display
windows. Not only the debutanto's bouquet,
but tho brldnl bouquet nnd tho simple cor
sage for tens, dinners and nfternoon occa
sions. Tho bridal bouquet Is getting lighter every
year. Dy this Is meant lighter In weight.
Heavy-headed whlto roses and large Caster
lilies used to make a charming combination,
but n cumbersome one. Now the tendency
Is more toward tho practical, as well as tho
beautiful. Lilies of tho valley, orchids and
lighter-weight roses nro used. Thero Is
less heavy satin, more tulle, chiffon and
flno laco used to tie tho flowers and to hold
the tiny sprays that fall from It. No wire
at nil Is used on somo bouquets, little If any
on others. The most popular flower com
bination of all Is white orchids and lilies of
the valley.
Louis XV nnd tho Pompadour havo left
a relic of their plcturcsquo era In the per
fectly round, old-fashioned bridal bouquet.
This is-used for coming-out affairs and for
mal occasions as well Tho dainty shep
herdess gowns nnd the Wattoau styles com
bine charmingly with this stylo of bouquet,
which Is a startling departure from the
luuseij- nrrangea corsages of a season or so
A gilded shepherdess' crook and one of
these odd bouquets Is much nffected for
brldesmnlds' costumes, worn with a gown
of Pompadour or Dresden silk and pannier
skirts. An odgo of perforated paper finishes
off tho bouquet with long streamers of tulle.
Lareo red roses form the centre of ono start
ling flower arrangement ; nround this Is nn
edgo of yellow mlgnon roses nnd violets,
fixed In prim rows about tho glowing centre.
Then thero are dainty little danco bouquets
as big as tho hand, of Sweetheart Roses and
forget-me-nots. This Is ono of tho most
charming color schemes of nil. Sliver or
gold tissue bows add qualntncss. Small
tinners, Ilko tho diminutive Ward or Sweet
heart Hoses, violets, sweet peas and the llko
aro favored for the 130 bouquet.
She Is not fair to outward view
As many maidens be!
Her loveliness I never knew
Until she smiled on me;
O, then I saw her cvo was t,.i.L4
A well of love, a spring of light I J
nut now her looks nro coy and cold. 1
To mine thoy ne'er reni ,u fli
And yet I cease not to behold
Tho love-light In her cyo:
Her very frowns iyo fairer far
Than smiles of other maiden. ..
llnrlln". "''.
' "eriati.fl
Tempting Macaroons
Home-made macaroons nre delicious rf
pound of powdered sugar, threo.mit.,..
a pound of blanched, ground nlmondi it
S whites of eggs, nnd extrnct of ,nij
aro 1110 requirements. MIX the almZ
with Hip whites nf two rcro-o orfj """"l
wnrlc u-ell trip-ether. Itnnt .. ;?.' M
,Th ; .v.:"".a
work well together.
tho eggs to a stiff froth, add the vsmO
then mix all well together. pD
on paper and sprinkle with powdered sw'
Cook In a moderate oven. When e3
brush cold water on tho back of the piiw
on wmen incy aro iaia, ond the lavf"
rnnnst will rnmn n(T nnallv
" ' ",-j.
For your own use tf
for a gift, nothing
gives moro satlf,c.
tlnn Ihnn j. .
able elock Mahnrnnv m.nt.l .,"5?"
Inlaid or plain. Much below usual
""" $12.50
C. R. Smith & Son
Market Street at 18th
1214-Cliestnut Street 1214
Our Semi-Annual Sale of
Is Now in Full Swing-
Remarkable values in new and cha
millinery creations.
250 White Hats at $5 to $15
are among the special offerings, which embrace over 1500 ,
trimmed hats and turbans, and many embroidery speciak
If You Love-
Flowera You Should Know
The Century Flower Shop
ISth Below Chestnut St.
i i
eeara nut
Set on Ico until It
The Home Maninm.a
The wide part of the nail scissors Is the
trt to use when cuttlna- tha .n. 'h-. "z
iki. i- . " . " ""
oVthe.' '," T, " J " The point.
Implements ara useless and InsanlUry A
good pajr of surgeon's scissors, a thin nle
several pieces of emery board, a pVlish if
you us one, and a good nail brush are
enough. The latter is most irnj?t,nt
Never cut the cuticles push It back every
day. rubbing ha parts with cold crean to
ottM them If they are, bird-but never
Spring Clearance Sale
Millinery -Coats-Suits
at Reduced Prices
Chestnut St.
Furs Stored, Altered and Repaired.
Toilleur, Sport and Dress Blouses and Waists-
ttv sssnetola tn ra
1 h received teem
w ijinoo, pu.1.
a aTa&H Q44Q
u( a
SK.sb.. wfiu
treated bjr sr and i
aa mothodi. wbuji
usi i m ussssii wail i.ii.rf '
n. m ; "1" ."."" I
Vr- SLJhii&.V.I!!"
TT". ..
"Faultless" .
, Colonial
J 3 tu
The value- of your summer depends upon the
quality and quantity of sleep you get. The certain
means towards the maximum of both is Faultless bed
ding. Why not install it and make this your most
pleasant and beneficial summer? , We an deliver
promptly bedding and bedsteads ordered now.
Dougherty's Faultless Bedding
Hair Mattresses. Box Springs. Brass Beds,
l &
fy xl
Striped Handker
chief Linen Blouse
in blue, tan, Copen
hagen and green.
Black ribbon tie to
be worn open or
closed at neck; turn
ed back cuffs pearl
Tailored BIouso of
men' wear crepe
and habutnj silk in
white only pearl
buttons! collar to
be worn high or
d Y TJfjU
Sport -BIouso of
whito handkerchief
'linen, pique roll
collar, turn back
cuffs, pearl button.
Dress and Costume Blouse in the
Alien ppg .; S?i
) lc f. shore!
r i wl - Th0
III ' til" eano'
If (,lll lent tr
M ' jM ' ,empt
I & -"IhB' dowm
fh W ' flail the bi
' Sa. X 'If Is- hc"
"SP IbI( The
irmmtf J I lilt pqm"
T,a,Ka',aaaaaaHsssssssssssissssssssssssssasHaiss.sssssssasssssssssssssaissssssssssssVSa Hi, .
1 IK in
1 I'saHl mnth!
1 llf Yr
' ' "111 mm chiIdre
Hi Yc
Iff rt 'I Iff
c 7 r lU Wl
-iti ujset Mil jt 7 ices i & cnU(""e
HI i Yo
f aA fi) I llw
-flrwX ''I II. HE tttrna
C &-?&ksMh Mil mffl fWnbow
vwcLfm'u ,'j! BR bee
fTuiahA vl'lH '" 111 IE' it i
't IV tt, .119 pend tht
9 IB W I've i
M Mm We ha
t r fOSJcSK Mllssl "''D'her
nen. ' m -S II fs.n.nV
aWjwt ill ty wlh
vr l V ,fi IS ..aoe
itf ' ft iiitfSar tr0Ush
V9ff33a( i riW&S llMB our
TSM" I II Thi, t
Ul IM f( thf lr
ifllllK ffrpood
KSiHP ISwIssf iVVUare
JrMA?r&-. IHr i 80l'
i5fraTa?P '1111 Ti to
S-JkfWY ll IIll' h"p thl
fftf J Sasssssssl E
N rmmmm SAU'
Hi un .,
BBBBSK 4lddraftM
Spqrt Blouse
whito handkerchief
linen; pique collar,
to be worn high or
low; turn back cuffs;
pearl buttons'.
Sport Blouse
soft roll collar and
turn back cuffs of
pique, large
Unen Sport Blouse
in white only, black
ribbon, is to be worn
open or closed at
neck, pearl buttons.
eaioq'. favored fabric, and hadm. f.
S.00 to 29.50