Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 07, 1916, Night Extra, Image 5

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Troops Rushed Toward Threat
ened Points as Mexican Raid
ers Are Approaching
Atnerican Territory
S. Commander Determined
Punish Mexicans for Army
SAN ANTOUIO, Tex., Juno 7. General
Funston announced yesterday that he had
what nppearcd to bo positive Information
that Luis de la. Rosa was marching from
b point south of Laredo In the direction of
the border with the evident Intention of
raiding the country somewhere west of Itlo
Grando City. There are not now In thnt
district enough American troops to pre
vent de la Rosa and his men from cross
ing. General William A. Mann, commanding
the American forces In that .district, with
headquarters at Laredo, has reported to
General Funston that ho Is taking such
measures as possiblo to strengthen the
patrol toward tho cast and to guard Laredo.
To the east of Laredo, In Zapatas County,
acrosi the southern boundary of which Do
la Rosa Is expected to move, there Is only
one troop of American cavalry.
At just what point on tho border tho
Mexicans Intend to strlko was not learned,
and It was not announced Just how far'
away they Were today, but they wcro said
to bo comparatively near.
If De la,Ilosa and his .men reach tho Rla
Grande before American troops can head
them off, enough forco will bo sent against
them to drive them bnck Into Mexico und, (t
was Intimated, to run them down on Mex
ican soli.
De la Rosa van ono of tho lenders of the
group that directed the raids west of
Brownsville a year ago. Since then ho has
been a fugitive In his own country, with
a. price of $1000 on his head, offered by tho
State of Texas.
Tho Information that reached General
'Funston Indicated that Do la Rosa would
not be more than two or three days at the
most In getting to the border. If raiders
strike American territory In Zapata coun
try, llttlo Injury to tho rcsldcntH Is antici
pated because, with tho exception -of ono
or two families nil nre Mexicans. From
tho farmers a largo number of horses nnd
mules could be commandeered. However,
General Mann has at Laredo anil In Its
vicinity ono squadron of cavalry, a regi
ment of Infantry and n 'battalion of artil
lery. It Is from this forco that ho has
dispatched additional patrols eastward.
MARATHON, Tex., Juno 7. Captain An
drews, commanding tho forces of tho 6th
Cavalry at Boqulllas, has sent a detachment
to Glenn Springs to Investigate tho rumor
.of another raid by Mexican bandits In that
district. No evidence to support tho rumor
has been received here.
WASHINGTON, Juno 7. Although Sec
retary Lansing has begun drafting a reply
to General Carranza's demand for with
drawal of American troops from Mexico,
lta preparation had not progressed far
enough for submission at yesterday's Cab
inet meeting, and Mexico was not dis
cussed. Neither the State nor War De-
'partment had any new dispatches bearing
on the situation.
Germans Retake House in Which He is Repairing Wires.
Officers Hold Jambalaya Quich Wit Saves His Life and
Brings Big Guns to Bear on Enemy
Written Specially for th& Evening t,edper.
LOi DON. Mnv 2 IS,
My cver-eheery friend, the artillery
man, linn Been home on seven days' leave,
buiblln over with tho joy of life and with
tho glad realization that for ono whole
blissful week as far as he Is concerned
tho bombs will cease from troubling and
tho field guns' be at rest.
"It's glorious being back In dear, foolish,
frivolous old London." said he, stretching
his mud-encased limbs under tho tabjo of
ono of llioso glided restaurants beloved of
youthful odlcers on leave. " 'Twas only last
night that tho Roches were peppering us
with their howitzers, nnd two of my men
poor devils I wcro blown sky high under my
very nose Gad! what a night we had! Half
tho trench fell In on to,, of me, and I've
still got r pain In my little Inside from the
mud I swallowed, not speak of the In
fernal gas-wlilff that came 'fore t could
grab my confounded mask t"
Across the leather "Sam Brown" bando
lier of tho artilleryman I noticed a long,
dark, zigzag stnln His eyes followed my
Inquiring look, and "Sorry," ho said, lacon
ically, "I know It's frightfully bad form to
come out to dlno like this, but I can't get
the Infernal mark off, though I worked a
couple of hours on It this afternoon."
"Machine-gun oil?" I Inquired. "No," was
tho laughing answer, "nothing bo serious
only blood "
I nsked no further questions But for tho
first tlmo I noticed a great jagged scar ap
pealing just above tho artilleryman's khaki
collar, and another all across tho knuckles
of his right hand, Ho raised tho offending
member and gazed at It reflectively.
"That's what comes of craw ling out closo
to the German lines to mend tho telephone
wires," he snld ; "the snipers nearly blew
my knuckles off Oad ! but I was lucky to
escape thnt tlmo I"
Then I remembered what tho papers Ind
Bald about his bravery, and how, with tho
right hand almost shattered, he had calmly
put a dressing on It nnd continued mend
ing the wires with tho left hand, though
badly wounded In tho side and under con
stant enemy fire,
"'Twos nothing nt nil," ho said airily;
"the only thrilling tlmo I over hadv was
quite another episode. 'Twasn't so very
long ago, cither. Did I tell you about It?
I seem to forget things awfully quickly
ihc3o days my stupid head, you know I
We'd driven the Germans out of their
flrst'llne trench's, and those trenches were
so thick with dead thnt I was keen to get
n breath of air. So 1 went off nhead of the
others to reconnoitre In a ruined farm
house. I'd a telephone with me, too, nnd
Installed' It In the broken chimney. I'm
crazy about telephones, and was so en
grossed with this one thnt I didn't see ths
wily Huns return, recapture their trenches
nnd surrqund tho very house t wns In. Gad,
'twn'tya nnsty feeling! Through the holca
In tho wall J could see their ohlcers holding
a sort of jambalnyn, nnd they'd point
towards my hiding place and wag their
heads as If they knew perfectly well I wbb
"t.trled to climb up the chimney, but my
Infernal feet nre so huge that 'twas no use,
'Well, I thought, 'I may ns well die doing
some useful work,' so I picked up tho phono
that I'd Installed nnd murmured gently
through it oh. very gently, for tho Ger
mans hnd strolled back from the trenches
to within a fow paces of my hiding ptace!
" 'Hello I Is that you?' I whispered to head
quarters. The Huns aro here, thousands of
'cm I If you'll wait half a mo' till I get a
calculation, I'll give you the range and you
can open fire.' "
Tho artlllorymnn paused There wns a
curious gleam In his eyes, tho gleam that
only comes to men who for long months
have walked hand In hand with death. "I
got tho rango right, and phoned It gently
through," ho continued, "nnd how thoso
German oincors did swear when tho shells
came flying I 'Cnri't understand how they're
so nccurate 1' I heard some of them mut
tering Gnd, If they'd 'understood,' they'd
hao dashed Into the ruin nnd cut mo to
pieces 1
"I kepj on whispering gentle nothings
Into tho phono Tor nenrly nn hour. "Five
hundred yards to tho right 200 yards
short that's tho range now give It 'em
hard ' nnd tho Erltlsh shells kept flying
I II; j blazes. If thoso Germans hnd only
found the cause of their undoing sitting
peacefully on the chimney hearthstone
close beside tho llttlo phone upon his knee,
there would have bscn blue murder'"
"Tho British drove them back?" 1 queried.
"Rather," said the artilleryman. "I'd give
a lot for another happy Job like that! Talk
about "ono crowdcd(liour of glorious llfo'
'twas absolutely great!"
Gli Italiani Riguadagnano Ter-
reno sul Monte Cengio Violenti
Attacchi Austriaci Respinti
a Coni Zugna
Accession of Li Yuan Hung to,
- Presidency of Republic Preg
nant With Many Serious
PEKLV. June 7. Yuan ShI-kal, Presl-
dent of tho Chinese Republic, died yester-
"flay. Premier Tuan Chi Jul Immediately
advised LI Yuan Hung, tho Vice President,
of his accession to the presidency,
Quiet prevails In the capital The death
of the President apparently solves tho
heated political crisis. The Vice President's
succession to the presidency of the republic
appears to meet the demands of tho leaders
of the southern provinces. LI Yuan Hung
will take, the oath of office today. The
American and British commandants have
advised their nationals living outside the
legation quarter that It was safe to remain
where they were for the present.
At a meeting of tho Cabinet after the
President's death a feeling of confidence
in the Government's ability to maintain
order was evident. The situation, how
ever, Is complex and developments may
be of any character.
While tho death of the President robs
the southern provinces of all grounds of
hostility to the north, It also leaves them
nothing with which to bargain. Conse
quently It may prove that his death will
hae an unfortunate effect upon the politi
cal situation Instead of solving It.
Negotiations were on the eve of success
ful completion on tho basis of tha retire
ment of Yuan ShI-kal In favor of the
Vice president and the formation of a
Coalition Cabinet In which the Southerners
expected to obtain a predominating posi
tion. They were to guarantee Yuan Shi
kal's safety. Now the Southerners have
nothing to bargain with for power,
Premier Tuan Chl-Jul, supported by the
troops, may bo able to set up a quasi
military Government, In which the South
erners, it represented at all, will be In the
minority . i
Chang Soulln, Governor of Mukden Prov
ince, ma, make an attempt to reinstate
the Manchu dynasty. It is also believed
that Feng Kuo-cheng, Governor of Nanking,
sjplrea to tho presidency,
Xuan ShI-kal died at 1 o'clock yesterday
morning in the palace, surrounded by his
wives and older children. Rumors that he
committed suicide are stoutly denied by
high officials. Uremia U given as the cause
ot death. He was reported to have been
taken seriously 111 on May 28.
Neighbors Proteat Before Judge Patter
eon Against Inclosing of Porch
l With Glass Sashes
Residents of the 2100 block South Broad
Itrett say it is bad enough for a house
holder to cut off breezes by draping his
POrCh In heaw swnlnirs. hut whn hit In.
ciose It with glas Bashes, thus cutting off
chances of air and light from neighbor"
Apraes, then something should be done about
Tlwt la what they say Fank J?. Mant
elon, pf ana South Broad street, has done.
An4 this .Isn't all. They say "he has the
firm Intention of converting his home Into a
Business eitablUhment
A a result of yiese alleged cumulative
murage the J I prptestants appeared twfore
judge Patterson, In Common Plea Court
. J and made it very plain that there
Jaa going: to be iscran tinless the offend.
w gl uta mwW and. itoe residential
sMMEisr or in, tnm rotauttd
ROMA, 7 Glugno.
La grande battnglla Impcgnata sulla
fronte del Trontltio tra lo forze ttallano e
quelle austriacho lufurin sempro senza
tregun? con la medesima vlplenza del glornl
scorsl. Sullo alpl si haimo vlolento tern
pcBHc til nevo cho hnnno sorvito a coprfie
alcunl attach! di sorpresa degll austriaci.
I quail battono su tutta la fronte nella
sporanza dl trovnre 11 punto debole per
sfoudare la llnca ill reslstenza Itnllana. I
loro atta.cchl pero' sono stall tuttl respinti.
non solo, ma buI Jlonto Cengio gli Italian!
hanno ancho guadagnato parto del terreno
che nvevano prcviamentc perduto
Del rento sulla fronte italo-austrlaca co
mlnclano a vedersl gil effettl dell'oftenslva
del russl. o lo r.tesso Stato Magglore austrl
aco rlconosce die la sltuazlono e' lmmutata
Ecco II tcsto del rapporto del generate
Cadorna pubbllcato lerl scru da! Mlnlstero
della (luerra:
Nella vallo dell'Adlge domenica sera
nol rcsplngemmo un attqeco dl sor
presa fatto durante una tempesta dl
novo contro le nostra poslzlonl dell'alta
Vnllarsa e del Monte Paaublo. Icri,
clopo un' Intensa preparazlone dl artl
gllerfd, colonno nemlehe avanzarono per
attaccare le nostre poslzlonl dl Conl
Zugna. ma furono rlcacclate1 Indletro In
dlsordlne dal nostro vlolento ed efllcace
fuoco d'artlgllcria e dl fucllerla.
Sulla fronte Poslna-Astlco domenica
sera, durante una tempesta, II nemlco
lnnclo' dl nuovo grandl masse di fan
tcrla, nppogglato dal vlolento fuoco dl
numerose ba.terle dl ognl ca.bro, con
tro . lo nostre poslzlonl tra II Monte
Glove ed 11 Monte Brazzone. II pronto
Intervento della nostra artigllerla e la
fermezza con'cul la nostra fanterla sos
tenne 1'urto riusclrono a resplngere
completamente l'attacco e ad lnfllggere
al nemlco perdlte assal gravl. Nella
stessa notte con un fortunato contrat
tacco nol rusclmmo a guadagnare ter
reno sul flanchl oqctdentall del Monte
Sull'altoplano dl Aslago domenica
sera e lunedl' mattlna II menlco man
tenne U-suo vlolento fuoco dl artigllerla
e dl mltragllatrlct contro le nostre
poslzlonl lungo la valle dl Campomulo.
e nel "pomerlgglo pronunclo' persistent!
attacchi contro quelle nostre poslzlonl.
OH attacchi furono tuttl vlgorosamente
KeU'alta valle del Cordevole una
colonna nemlca cho era In marcla da
Pralongla verso Slef fu dlspersa
dall'accurato fuoco dl una delle nostre
Nella Val Pusterla nol abblamo bom
bardato col nostrl grpssl callbri le
stazlonl dl Toblach e dl Innlchen.
Sulla fronte dell'Isonzo I nostrl re
parti contlnuano a fare tncurstonl sulle
llnee nemlehe.
Aviator! nemlcl hanno lasclato cadere
bombe su Ala e su Verona. Tre per
sone sono rlmaste ferlte e si e' qualche
danno materials.
Telegrarrtml da Tetrograd dlcono che II
Mlnlstero russo della Guerra annuncla che
nell'offenslva Inlzlata dalle forze dello czar
contro le lines austrlache In Bucovina,
Gallzla e Polonla I russl hanno fatto flnora
25,000 prlgtonlerl, dl cul 180 umclaU, ed
hanno preso al nemlco 27 cannonl e SO
mltragllatrlcl, Lo etesso Mlnlstero della
Guerra austrlaco ammette che gli austri
aci sono statl costrettl. a rlplegare davantl
all'offenslva russa che e' plu' vlolenta nel
punto polltlcamente e strateglcamente plu'
debole. In Bucovina, verso 11 confine delli
Rumania. L russl mlnacceranno tra poco
ancora Czernovltz e si avra' la possibility
41 jndurre la Rumania ad entrare nella
guerra a ftanco degll alieatl
Le forze russe Impegnate In questa of.
fonslv.i si trovano, si calcol.i, davantl a
GOO o 700,000 austrlacf Esse sono ngll
ordlni dot generalo Bruslloff cho gla' co
mandava un'nrmata durante la prima In
vaslone russa della Gallzl.
Da altra fonte bI npprendo che una vlo
lenta battnglla Infurla da duo glornl sulla
fronte rtisa I russl dl Bruslloff ritornano
nlla loro tattlca della prima Invaslono
dcll'Austrln, facondo attacchi In grandl
masso per sfondare le llneo nemlcho.
L'Offensiva Russa Obblighera'
l'Austria a Ritirare Truppe
dalla Fronte Italiana
Tolegramml da Londra dlcono cho la
morto dl lord Kitchener a hordo dell'lncro
clatoro Hampshire ha causato un senso dl
profondo rammnrlco ed una certa depres
sions In tutta la Gran Brctagna. ma cho
la guerra contlnuera con !a stes3a perso
vcranza con cul era condotta quando
Kitchener era al Mlnlstero della Guerra.
Sembra che I'incroclatore sla stato sllurato.
St dice che, nonostante la segretezza man-'
tenuta circa II vlagglo dl lord Kitchener
(egll si dlrlgeva Infattt a Pletroburgo per
una mlsslone spcclnle) sple tedescho Infor
marono I'ammlragllatu tedesco del vlagglo,
cost" cho a Berllno si poto prep.iraro l'at
tacco contro I'incroclatore che viagglava
I crltlcl mllitarl Inglesl danno molta Im
portnnza nl'offenslva russa contro le llnee
austilache della Bessarabia, Bucovina, e
Gallzla, offens,iva che ha dato gla' alio
truppo dello czar 25.000 priglonerl, pa
rccchl connonl ed un buon numero dl ml
tragllatrlcl. SI dice che questa offensive
obblighera' gli austriaci a ritlraro truppe
dalla fionto Itnllana ed abbandona re 11
piano dl Invaslono dcll'Itnlla
Record Graduation at Columbia
NEW YoniC, June 7. Commencement
exercises ,o Columbia University and Bar
nard College 'fill he held today, when. It
was amsiunced last night, tho first named
Institution will present more degrees this
year tha any other university In the his
tory of the TVorld. The total of diplomas
and degrees' will be 2212, which Is several
hundred more than last year.
Connecticut Trolley Strike Ends
NORWICH. Conn., Juno 7. The trolley
men, of the Shore Line Rlectrlc Railway,
who have been on strike since Juno 1, re
turned to work this morning. It Is under
stood the settlement Is a compromise.
iintia. it m aUtgei y th eoaif lain- J
'.utOTn a am jwopwiy i
sddt td feSi tEBHFv fa-ei si ln!3l!!i3' I
k sa sat '
3Leg Comfort
Ha Varlcou Vein. Lee VUcr.
Witk Ankle, WwolUn L. mkt
lire mlierabUt Tter b a nur
ct lor for you la tho
Cotliss Laced Stocking
JL clstlae puppon and It mat
meat tb.it stve. UamedlaU com
fart and auia help. Ka clastta la
fclod .adluat to every condition
ui am rubber Iaun4er. as
easily a towel. Keep bap
wear (or mentbs. Mail to your
u.f.nur" SI IS taca or two far
an ler, S.. Call end fe
Bia.jJ free. ruetsr lf
5srewist tuans No. 19 , . ,
Ws als BMm MqflUsal beHs
"a & to. a toil tv 4 at
3 mi
i Northern Pacific Ry
This lummcr through the cool, la
tcreating sad roourceful north-
wcat to
Yellowstone Park
The OrliUnl and Greatest
H.lloojl f uk
Enter at Oardlner Gateway
aceiiic and only northern entrance.
Continue wet-'rd croulng three
ranges of mountains to Spokane,
Pugct Bound. Rainier National
Park and Alatka.
Ttckels on Sale Uaily
Qo Northern Pacific set addi
tional acenery and acrvue at no
additional ezpesue,
Pcreonally eicorted toun weekly
and Pullman aletpcra daily to
Yellowuofie Park.
' Saad today ler Ira traeel lilaratare
sa uianaauea.
ite taeamu(. ni.,
I'hlUJtlphla. 1-a.
t xniircs
' ifP
!1 ',i
f V r
i "(,'"
! IK-Yis
J , f""
r ,stMfci"iv'i'i
vAM V.
t'f. l:. if
C) -JC'
$450 STEAD OF $Q50
For This Magnificent Player-Piano
For This Fine Upright Piano
The Entire Stocks of Painter & Ewing, the
Well-Known Piano Manufacturer of Phila
delphia, Now Being Sold by the
Cunningham Piano Co.
At 11th and Chestnut Sts.
We purchased the entire stocks and factory of the
Painter & Ewing Piano Co., and are now selling the
instruments at 25 to 33 less than the regular prices.
Every instrument is brand new and fully guaran
teed by us, and the terms are as low as,
$8 Monthly or $2 Weekly on the Players
$6 Monthly or $1.50 Weekly
on the Uprights
, Following is a list of the Pianos and Players with
the Painter & Ewing prices as well as the Cunningham
sale prices.
rK v&m
I L I I f. !'. 'I
gK i&ffis;
- -:
1 "- ;
$750 Players . . .
$650 Players . . .
$450 Uprights .... $350
$350 Uprights .... $250
$300 Uprights .... $200
Here is an opportunity for every home to own a
high-class Piano or Player-Piano at a price unheard of.
. - t 1 T-. ! 1 , ' 1
If you have an old nano we win taice it in exenange,
allowing full value.
93 r,-
V .'',
n. Tf
. t"-;,
i '
I .!'.. a.
w if-1.
,: ' Cti
1 --.
f. ':
N - 1T
1 v.v.Wi.
"9i m allowing full value. jfy 1
"el-H h - m-TT J- . J" i- . UZISt.
ll 1 llth and Chestnut yS ,-","",
KJ ' 50th and Parkside AyeySyy 0 ,- ''' y''' fc