m EVENING LEiDeEKPHlLADELfHIA, WEDNESDAY, JtJKE 1, 191(5. Of course you can Telephone your want ads to the Ledger : Call Walnut .or Main 3000 : Six editions dail AUTO TIRES SECOND ItANtl aali-i". market '...... ..ah est at. I ... nntiPD' mh'W, ml?"ivil ; ..v.i.i. u .on 4i.iiroaa it. E b SOLID, TIRES ?S L, t r.i Schobor r4nt-l wo -Mie-i. Comi , BUSINESS OPPORTUHITIES .. ,. HALES MANAdfiR WANTED Man to tako full chargo Philadelphia, offlcs for Chicago manufacturer. This, Is an excellent ppTortunttr for man to establish Independent business frtr himself, handling- nationally ad vertised Una of office, apnllanc.es nnd tlme aswlng ttTlcrt; will net 13000 to W000 first rear.WIU glvo .scluslve, lights on entire lln for Philadelphia, eastern Penna. and the en tire. Btate of New Jersey-, must bo ablt) to finance himself for ItOOO; this 11000 la not for uny Rood will, etc., but simply, for goods on hand to supply territory. Metllcke Co. , . 1823 Heal Eatat Trust Dulldlnr. MAbHIKEKY AND TOOLS TJIIVWANT OP YOfOK FRICTION CLUTCH pulleys on j-our machines .or power may be one of the wotst concealed leaks that's run nlng away with profits SHAFTINO and MACHINE: WORKS, 143 North 2d. JAMES TOCOM ft SUM, pnwrn.tit.AMf i.vii?irMCMT Dynamos, motors, tollers, steam and oil en sTlnea, Ptirnps,. air compressors. ,. FRANK TOOMEY. Inc. 1st N, M at. CONCRETE MIXERS and Contractors' Kqulp ment. We hae what you wont, when lent want It. CHARLES BOND COMPANY. 520 , Arch street. DYNAMOS, motors and machinery boitsht, eold nnu renirni armatures repairea. wain vi. Market 80(1.1. Yenraley Co.. 224 N. 8d at. BOOMS FOR RENT Continued from Prtcrtino Ctlvrnh. PRIVATE FAMILY wishes to communicate with 2 Rcntlemen, who will appreciate a refined borne nnd surroundlniai meals optional. nirin st.t rres. asm w OWXRB WILL RENT bachelor apt., 2 large airy rooms, baihi summer rales. 2022 Spruce at. flt'nfnn.w FnrnUhed CHESTNUT HILL N. W, cor. Norwood and Chestnut nvos., well furnished, larite porehea, old shades conr, trains, trolley! board optional. "PATP.MTS Send for our free book. fVACilNAO -Patents and Trade-Marks" Reasonable, fees. Open .Monday, evenings until 8:30 P. tn. We will licip you develop your Invention Advice freo. FOSTER & WEBSTER SU1TE " 1011 Cheatnut st. Hell phone Walnut tUftl. AMUSEMENT CASINO being- built on new Iloardwalk In a fast-crowing; seashore town! concessions for amusements will be rented! bowling al ey, shooting kallery, skco ball. danc ing; pavilion, soft drinks. Ice cream and so forth will be popular! rentals low for first senaon. Apply SOUTH JERSEY REALTY CO., 8d and walnut ats, UA8 ENOINE 4 H, p. West Cheeter, new: complete hattrry Ignition In stock. 1 P. SBYFEHT'S 80N8. 437 N. Sd St. rONt) 72ln. -.erttcat boring mill. 2 heads' on steel rail! In flno condition. NUTTALL, 1748 ROOMS WANTED (IAHj fiAnnr.iNt. anm nil. rmhinrn OA3 AND OIL BNOlNi; CO.. 4B N, 7TH ST. PiPK flACnnil.hsnrf. nil ( Phlli. n.-nnil hand Pipe Supply Co., 1003 N. 7th at. Phones MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS mat vicTon records now on sale mri.T.Air 1159 CHESTNUT ST. BOSTON TOUNO MAN, emploed. but can spare about two houra a day: use of office and lim ited storftgo space; wilt only consider some thing legitimate, salary or commission! refer ences, A. Latnrus. 120 Bummer St.. ftoston, rAHTNEn 'WANTED with $2SOO for half In terest In the only two movlni-plcturo houses In a city tn Pennsylvania, advertiser will fur nish lame , amount In real cash. K 341, IvCdaer Central. 188 CIIICKKIUNO Ul'ItlUHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT, 838 N. flTH. OENTf.EMAN wishes to rent 1 or 2 large furnished or unfurnished communicating rooms In Chestnut Hill or St. Martin's, from juiy i io iTcioDer i! uoaru optional. iu vwt ufuKrr Central. DOARDINO srnUCE. 1224.20 Furnished eoomsi private baths: table board. Walnut 7171 W. sunuitriAN JttOUSEICEEPINO APARTMENTS VRST ritlMtlEl.t'lJIA' Conllnifc root Prrccdfao Co.'umn, THE POWELTON APTS. New owNEnsnti1 and management. POWELTON AVE. hBj;,E.t. .TR Thoroughly modern! each suite has 3 """ main btdrooms. 2 baths and servants' TO bedroom. flooms are targe and floors gnn re hardwood. Open evenings W an v, polntment. Apply nt office, 36lh and rowelton avenue, or Wm. H. W Quick & Bro., Inc. 8 SOUTH 40TH PTftEET, IlArt!NO.40.1ttPreston) 40T1I, 233 8. titration) 8TH. 121 P.tKlnarton) l2rms,ll0A$tCup.8m'l Atarge hskpg.lt7 to Idii Wlllfiim l'h Prea 0(100 ArtDMOnn. a W. Athens ave. Attractive rooms) excellent tnble! near train, trolley: . . phone, Ardmoro 120. OLD QOLD OLD QOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, old tvl. lewAlrv. tth n1ntH lSmlffht for cash Est. 1870. J. t.. Clark. reOnerf 807 aansom. CASH paid for diamonds, precious stones, gold. Platinum, raise teetn. rniiaiicinnia smelting and rteOnlng Company. 128 8. llth. PAT3NT ATTORNEYS m CATtED-FOH OllCHAnDS rAY.lNVESTOIlS Ownership stock In a fine planted property in well-known fruit district for sale! coh or monthly payments. 4400. Ledger Central. APAIITMENT HOUSE, 20 rooms, elegantly fur nished and filled: i minutes from Uroad bt. Station: Income I12B aver rent! will sacrifice. Heffelflnger, 1700 Arch st. 1020 JEFFEIISON 8T. Old-established bakery, confectionery and Ice cream stand; now va cant; line condition! moderate rent. William j, qmytn, ioi -.nemnui p. VANTKD Party with JS000 cash for new thea tre proposition In city of 13.000 pop., without feature pictures: money secured by real estate. F Zr laager v,entrai. fi AT? A m?. Wanted, partner! mechanic pre VJi.XViVJOJ (crrwi; prominently located ga- rH"l city .y.. imntH .......,..... LfeT MESELL TOUIt I1USINES3 ATtTIIIIR J. I.KI1POL.D 1218 Chestnut (Ualley Bide.) nnd 424 8. B2d. PICTURE THEATRE 42.100 caah required Strictly first class: Klc dally: crowded nlghtlv, trial! strictest Investigation. L 250. Led. Cent. YOUNfl MAN wlm 1200O. Ihls ls our oppor tunity to mako money: Investigate. A 311, ledger utnee. ESTAIIMSHED SINCE 1833. Pntonttj nnrl Send sketch or model for .--w v. f.u nntntnn TTvenlnira h salst Inven free opinion Etvpnlnirii hv .., , .. -,....... ... 'I Tirio-Moilia oppoiniment. assisi in a.iauc-inain inrn to mrk,t patents, 11.11 Wslntlt 717 J. WALTER DOUGLASS Philadelphia office. North American Ttulldlnr, Washington office, Victor Ilulldlng. STORAGE CJER.MANTOWN The Shlppen. Wayne A Hans .. berry first class In apiolnlments Aserylc. OVERUIldoii, 0001 DlinxEL ROAD Rooms" with board: large lawn! swimming pool: neaf. station: references. Phone Preston B8M W H PRIVATE HOARDINCl; attrnctlie rooms) excel lent table: Southern cooking! near train and trolley. Phono Ardmore 1321. BOARD WANTED - AN EDUCATED, REFINED WHO WILL TAKE INTO HER WANTED WOMAN. 1 OWN limit! AMn ARHUMK COMPLETE CONTROL OF TWO WBI.L-HRBD DOTH OF l AND 13 YEARS RESPECTIVELY; MOTH ER, A 1IU8INESS WOMAN. WOULD LIKE TO HE WITH' THEM! SUHURI19 PRE FERRED. REFERENCES EXCHANGED. F 113, LEDOEIl CENTRAL. il TO 40 . HOUSEKEEPINO APARTMENTS , KERSHAW ft PROWL. r.2tfi Chesln'lt t, hssnx, 34th nnd Chestnut: Monterey. 43d and Chester! Relmont. 34lh and Spring Garden. Inquire Janitor, or. rRES8B...8Q9 Hale jlldg. ATTRACTIVE lat-Tloor apt, for renti 7rooma and hath; new: latest Improvements, The Walllr.sford STIli eboe rhrsiniit. RtiAL ESTATE KOR SALE CITY Contlauerf front rrtetttno Column. "TRIDENT" WATER METER A on water- nstAlied before New propertls can . p meter rates at onco If li nein occupies. Ask jour .plumber or .....- PHILADELPHIA METER COMPANY 1)42 Real Estate Trust Building. COR, 218T AND WALLACE, 13 rooms. lOlfMt, Vernon, 18 rooms.. . ...... 17111 N. 18th. 12 rooms,.., ...,,.... in u n. 7tn, iz rooms,.... 281 N. 10th, 23-foot front. innti itiemn, o rooms. riiXNHVT.VAWIA SUIItintlAN OAK LANE. "Lnwnton" -Finest mo.1. suh. apartments! 0 rms.. nil jutslde: 1 vacancy. 2d floor. 9.101 porch. Lloyd. 8th st. APARTMENT HOTELS THE LITTLE HOTEL 22.. SUL SANITARIUMS CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE 20TH ST. AHOVE CHESTNUT PACKING. MOVINO. SHIPPING Rugs, carpels cleaned, scoured stored. Dell, Locust 1000 Phones Key., Race 4100. FIDELITY riREPROOF WAREHOUSES 181MS1U MARKET ST. PENN STORAGE AND VAN CO. 2130 MARKET ST. RESTAURANT, W. Phlla., 1.10 per day, cheap, slcknesa cause of sale. Heffelflnger. 1700 Arch. UNRESTRICTED Karaga Bite on the N. E Boulevard: nr. York rd. Add. 1330 Warner av BUSINESS PERSONALS FULL DHF.SS SUITS FULL ASSORTMENT OF SIZES LATEST STYLES TO HIRE AND FOR SALE SPECIAL RATES FOR SCHOOL COMMENCE- XC ViJii?- ULHIl'ltt. HUH UlftftHU AVI-.. SVSNING LATEST STYLES FULL-DRESS SUITS CLCTWE3 DELIV. & CALLED FOR rREE CALL OR PHONE POPLAR 235 TO OPEN EVENINGS 1.TIE ICglDNER'B. 10TH & OIRARD AV.. S. W. Cor. KULsLr-DIinSS 24UJTS Cutawayn, Tuxfdns nnd Sack Sultfl To H! nnd Mads to Order WEUBAUKR. TUB TAII.OU. U'Jl Walnut, TIMI phon. n'nlnut SfllW SS-lFLUOUa HAIR removed by electrolyila. t only permanent way. Ryebrown nrched. ICSS SMITH. 402 Keith Theatre Did. MltsJIoppe. hairdresser, facial massage, man IcTirfng. form. Mint Arcadcwlth MlMt8mlth. DIAMONDS HOUQ11T Bank rferenre Aprratvment. 1 pr cent. KAIUIT AV. BMITH 717 8anwm at. r"-' " in i CARPET CLEANING BOYER CO., REAL CARPET REATINO. 3303 N. 12th. No tumblers used. Phono Tlom S200. DRES3MAKINU AND MILLINERY POTTER SCHOOL OF DRES3MAKIT0 DAILY AND EVENING SESSIONS 14:1.1 OIRARD AVE. POPLAR tnjj DKttSSMAM.MI HY EXPERT MODISTE 307 Denckla Rldg.. llth and Market sts. CUI.UMKIA DRKSSMAKINQ SCHOOL: Instruc tions dally. 1730 Columbia ae. Special rates 1 for gowns; ladles' tailoring. FOR SALE EDISON DIAMOND-POINT PHONOGRAPH Coat $00 new. This outfit Is comolete. with records snd cabinet and will be sold for 133. payable 73c. weekly. Call or write for com- Iilete descriptions and large Illustrated cata oguea. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES CPU. OTH AND THOMPSON' bTS. BILLIARD. POOL, combination, second-hand, bought, sold, rented, exchanged: repairing; supplies. Lafe Keafer, American manufac turer. 829 Olrard aic. Phone Kens. 231B, BILLIARD, pool tables; new. second-hand boivl Injc alleys! easy payments. Rosatto-Oarry-Street Co.. 222 B. 8th st. Phone Wal. '.'2H. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES Alio howling alleys: easy numents, BRUNSWICK BALKE-COLLENDER CO.. 1Q02 Arch. S37.B0 VICTOR VICTROLA VI. Including 20 selections 111) 10-Inch D. F. records). An ex cellent machine In every way. Can be paid for at tba rate of Toe. weekly. Call or writs for complete descriptions and large Illustrated catalogues. New Vlctrolas from 115 to 1200: all styles, all woods, always on hand. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES COR. 6TH AND THOMPSON BTS,.. CASH REGISTERS bought, sold, leased, ex changed, repaired, rrplated. Supplies. New Ind factory rebuilt, New total adders, as ow as S30. Call and see our 101U mod els. Registers sold and leased by us on easy payments and fully guaranteed. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. 730 CHESTNUT STREET DESKS SAFES Typewriter, bookkeeper deaks. filing cabln.ts, tele, booths, flies, safes, household furniture. Diillng Centrsl IM-llund Furniture Co., 801-000-014 CallowBlll. Phone Filbert 4108. "DESKS, tiling: cabinets, safes, telephone booths and office .furniture and fixtures of evtry de scription; usd. but In fine condition, and very cheap: free delivery anywhere. HtlOHES. 11TH AND BUTTONWOOD. IJ0.5O -VICTOR VICTROLA IV AND 12 selec. tlons IS 10-Inch D. F. records). An excell.nt outfit for one who Is looking for a good roa cnlna at a reasonabls price! payable ouc. week ly. . Call or write for complete descriptions inf large Illustrated catalogues. New Vic- Irolas from SUV to ISOOi all styles, all woods. .lways on hand, HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES COB- 6TH AND THOMPSON STB. FOLDING CHAIRS AND TABLES NEW A USED SOLD t RENTED CHAIR EXCHANGE. 8. B. Cor. 6th and Vine. Fireproof; 60 slightly used, all sU SAFES and makes, big bargains. 218 North Fourth St.. between Baca and Vine. HEATING MAKIN-KBLSEY HEALTH HEAT Is bettsr and cheaper than steam or hot-water. Pure fresb air wim normal momun. MAjvin-n-r-Lsr-x, loai rii 627 Filbert st ATLAS STORAOE WAREHOUSE Storage, moving, pncklnir. shipping, carpet cleaning. Ph.Barlng7.12 for estimate. Market 4 37th. McCANN'S STORAGE HOUSE. 1748 N. llth st.! moving, parking;, shipping: nuto vani: both phones. Let m estimate. WEST PHILA. WEST PHILA. WEST PHILA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. Auto Packing and Shipping. 3K7I) LANCASTER AVE. Million Dollar Fireproof Building. Bms II Mo. Moth proof, sanitary. Estimates Free. North Phlla. Storage Co.. 20.13 Lehigh Tlo. 72S0 CARDFUI. MOVINO, packing, storage. RAD FORD Mill North IVnter st. WyomlniJ3n.T FITZGERALD'S STORAOE House. 10lf-18" Pop l.ii st Separato rooms; goods Insured; hauling BEAUTIFUL location! special scientific care; nenou. elderlyi every comfort: nurses! book let. Dr. Randal. City Line, Ch-etnut Hill. APARTMENTS WALNUT AND 11TH STS. (S. W. cor). Mod suites; exceptionally ottrnctlxei high ceilings; abundantly lighted on threo sides, suitable for housekeeping, If desired; rents 141.07 and 17.1: janitor on premises. BARBER, HARTMAN &..CO.. 1201 Chestnut st; 11TH ST., 8 . Ill's Bsrhelor npts. ; exception ally desirable 2d and 4th floor suites: 2 large rooms and balh, every modern Improvement; rents. 433.34 and (fill. Janitor on premises, BABBER. HARTMAN ft CO., 1201 Chestnut, IIROAD. 121 S -TWO-ROOM APARTMENTS WITH IIOR U; RUNNING WATER. ELEGANT apartment, 1 room ond private bath, 120 per mo., largo grounds; lawn tennis and croquet rourls Van Tassell, 3303 Archst. APARTMENT. 1,112 Oxford s't. 2 living rooms, 2 bedrooms, bath, dining room, kitchen, mnld'sbedroom. lavatori. Inquire Janitor. ELEGANTLY furnished apnftmentt bnlh: rrl- yntofarnnyjJboard optional. 3409 Diamond W. FOR RENT, unfurnished. 2d floor: 17th and Berks. Phono Diamond .1788 J. 3UTH BROAD STREET Located rleht In th cn(rn nr eiftrifhlnv and combining perfect furnishings and appoint ments with n quiet, homelike atmosphere so much to bo desired We have Just completed and artistically fur nlshrd soernl new rooms, each with private bnlh. equipped with mnrbln showers and many other most artistic features. These rrnms hnn just been lopened, and you are cordially Intltrd to pay us a visit and see for ourself how refreshingly spick nnd n,,.ii . .D.iiii-Livc priiiunv rcnny is. nnd the rates are so moderate, too! One dollar to four dollars per day with special weekly rntes NORMAN S. SHERWOOD, PROPRIETOR. PARKSIDE APARTMENTS MRS.. CHARLES McOLADE. Mnmaer. PARKSIDE AVE. AT tllTII ST. DIRECTLY OPPOSITE FAIRMOUNT PARK. 3440 ACRES OF LAWN Best summer location In city, with four itlYh" .?.$ 5!K.oBnd 'ruernWTnd,runnm. furn,..,edECuJs,6fI.cu.oee.,ence. WKST PHILADELPHIA STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES OFFICE PARTITIONS STORE FIXTURES THE BETTER KIND GET OUR ESTIMATE PHONE. WRITE OR CALL WEISS MANUFACTURING CO. 4.10 N 12th st. Phone Pop. 1000: Rare 1H TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES RENT : end sae at the same time. VIs- : lb e Models, 13 for one month: A : S7.no for 3 months, Nos, 0 and : 7 models. IT. for 3 mos. Rental REMINGTON : payment applies on purchase. REMINOTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY. Inc. 110 S. Ninth st . Philadelphia. Telephones; Bell Walnut 07.10 Keystone. Main 2001 WANTED ANTIQUE FURNITURE, false teeth, feather beds, broken Jewelry, gold. sller. diamonds liought 7. walnut, walnut jirjll Kt I wn BOTTLES, rags, paper, metals, furniture, hair and feathers Preston SMS UNEEDA PAPER CO.. 3712 LANCASTER AVE BROKEN JEWELRY, false teeth, pistols, coins; coin bonks, with prices I pay. mailed, inc. J.H. Roes Ponl' Slore) 2H0 S. 11th IVal. 44R0 .AMl'-GhF CI.OIHINO OF ANY KIND BOUGHT: HIGHEST PRICES GUARANTEED: GET OUR ESTIMATE BE FORE SBLLINO. WBITE. CALL OR I'll" 'B WALNUT flSIIS. SCHULTZ. 241 N 0T CAST-OFF CLOTHES'WANTED Highest .ash prices paid for gentlemen's summer or winter clothing, also ladlea street dresses and gowns; Write, call or phone Market 2000; we call nn where, any time. Sellgsohn. cor. 8th & Sp.Gar. CAST-OFr CLOTHING Highest prices paid for ladles' and gentlemen's clothing, full drrsa A Tuxedo suits, furs LOCKE, 1.120 lliilnbrldge, Phone Filbert 3113. FL'RNITURE. pianos, carpets, antiques; entire or part houses bought for cash; no matter how large. J. Bernstein. 1314 Ridge ave. OLD' GOLD Cash paid for old gold, alher. antique clocks, will call Bell phone. Locust l'-'ltl, ROOEBS. 27 S. 17th st PAPER, rags, metnl. Iron. ntc. ; wnaon will call Incomparahlo Junk Dealer, 0.130 Vine. BEST PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' and OENTS' CAST-OFF CLOTHING. SHOES etc SAMUEL COOPER. 1010 W. GIRABD AVE. BELL PHONE POPLAR U312. MUST HAVE FURNITURE, all kinds; store fix tures, stocks of goods, merchandise of every description: spot rssh. Phone Valnut 3300 SPAYD'S. 821 Walnut. WANTED To purchase leaas and furnlturo of rooming or bonrdlng house In good location. F 2.12, Ledger Central. ROOMS FOR RENT CHESTNUT. 1027 2d-story apt., electric light andbath; also single room, near bath. ClIBBTNUTTlHlD. and 1402 8PRUCB Rooms. single or en suite: also professional offices. CHESTNUT. 2009 WELL - FURNISHED BOOMS: PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. CHESTNUT. en suite 005 Attractive rooms, single or prlvste bath: running water: ref. CLINTON ST.. 020 Attractive, cool rooms; all conveniences: reflned: qulet surroundings. FARRAOUT TBlC. Old Nicely furn. 2d-story front room, with or without board. POWELTON AVE Two or three" large, airy rooms, bath, second Door; housekpg : 10 min utes city Hall, near subway and "L . private family: reasonable. A 327. ledger JMrtce, POWELTON AVE . 4037 Cheerful. wel.fur nlehed rooms, with board; near "L"; phone. SPRUCE. 1115 Second front, beautifully furn.; other vacancies; running water; elec. llght. SPRUCE, 1337 Suites, with batii; slngls rooms; onices; steam neat: eiec.: reasonaoie. 13TH ST.. N.. 1753 Very nice room. 12.28: also housekpg. apt., unfur.. reasonable; phone. 10TH. S.. 33r-2d front, running water! also other vac, well turn., near bath. Loc. 8012. 1029 SPRUCE ST. ONE OR TWO ROOM SUITES WITH BATHS. ELECTRIC LIGHT. HOT-WATER HEAT, FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. WITH BEST TABLE t'FOR THE MONEY." 842 N, loTH 3 rooms, bath, heat and light: 20 per month. TAULANB. 000 Walnut at. FURNISHED or unfumlhedlarze. airy bed room, six windows, southwest exposure; bath: possession at once; location centrals price moderate. F 218. Ledger Central APARTMENT, outside; ground floor: 8 rooms and bath. Stonlolah Court, 40th and Walnut; rent 1.12.50. exceptionally cool. Apply Janitor. STONEHURST Apis., 4.1th nnd Oag'o nv. .1 rooms & hath ft private bath. See Janitor. NEW JERSEY SEASHORE OCEAN CITY. LOCKSLEf HALL Directly on Ocean front at llth st,' see any agent or aend for photo. C. A. DOE. 12 N. 7th st.. Phlla. FURNISHED APARTMENTS DREXEL APARTMENTS, nt Overbrook Station Furnished apartments, consisting of 2 sleep ing rooms, 1 exceptionally large lhlng room and bath to rent from June 11 to Sept. in. Phone Overbrook C.128. LION HEAD THE TRACY 3Gth nnd Chestnut (Elevated Station) PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS Appeals to families and seekers for QUIET SURROUNDINGS IflOOO 900 , , , nutm , , ,- 4n00 ...12000 nnn mm iweinn. v rooms. .,,,.,,,...... Ax.:: 1017 Fnlrmount. 8 'baths., fi00 MARSHALL H. SMIT1LJII11 Chestnut sl, 1721 N. 21TII' STREET CfjitTJEB.DWELl Ing. 3 stories. 11 rooms! hot-water heat. MAURICE J. HOOVER ?, SSg 2003 N. WARNOCK ST. 3 story, 8 rooms, con enlencfsi good condition! assessed 11400! now rented lift: price II800. N. E. COR. PAnK AVE. AND CLEATtFlfcLp st. Large a-story brick store and dwelling, store. 8 rooms and balh. CHAS W. MILLER, 401-407 ComraonweRh Building. SAClttFiCE 2-slory. 'porch-front ,5.llLn northern part of rlty; hot-water heat, fas ana electric lights: under assessed alue of 12000. I. 5.12, Ledger Central. . 10TH," 19TH. 14TH AND 18TH. WARD BUY ERS. SELLERS AND RENTERS, SLE l-RIEDRICH.A CO., 801 J,12TH ST; 2014 8ANSOM and-2013-Moravlan: lot t.1.6 by 0.1 assessed Ifl.inO: rents 14(1; mako ofter. FAR11BLL, 710 S. 20th. 170.1 N. 18TH ST. Lot 20x117 10 .I rear porch, hot-water heat, etcellent location. WM. O. GLENN. 1017 Columbia ate 022 N. OTH ST-Three and one-hslf-slory brlrk dwelling, 14 rooms; modern; lnl'e lot. via. YT. MILLER, 401-407 Commonwealth Building. THIRTEENTH HT ."817-10 N. lok, these over; rented at 1,12: sss'd ffOOO; pr'5c 1200. subject to 13300. , Massoy Son;lJi.hond Orefn.jJ APARTMENT HOUSE, neighborhood 22d and Olrard ave,; rents 1.15 per month; will sn tor 1.1000 to quick buyer. 1. flOtKJjedgerJJf nejj S. W. COR. 10TH AND CIIEURY STS. Iw)t 24x103. JAMES D. WINCIIELL. N. IV. cor. 17th nnd Snnsom sts. REAL ESTATE FOI. J8ALB OEnMANT0VN CcMfmurrl from rrccttlna Column, WEST RITTENHOUSE ST. SUITABLE FOft Florist, Contractor, Garage or SUBSTANtIA!'1)BTAIED STONE 0 ROOMS AND'fSVlVj'WATBnyjAT. WILL SACRIFICE FOR 1MMLDIATL BALL. B. B. LISTER & SON hnl2 OERMANTOWN AVE WALNUT LANE ORn5ANTowN itodern. attractive lO-rno .1 house. Just com pleted: 1 block from Germantown ne and . new Germanlown High School: moderatj price. conenlent terms Phone Oermantown .03i DETACHEIt Ulttl'K DWELf.INU nation SSS7 .;hn:eann,Pf;aut.f.jl ,-ur;' roundlngs: train and tfn leyi 11 rooms, baths. For price and partlrulars B. B.. LISTER A prwriiMo. nermSntoirn aye. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE F.NNiYi.vANiA st'nunn.iT ConKnKcrt from PrercrHao CofumH, OLBNSIDE aescripti Olenslde tnlldlng Ixits, Fnelou SHes. etc. FACTdRY SITES SPRING GARDEN STREET Br rk and stone dwe ling: hart wood floors, elec trio lights: garagei lot 30x107; cnnvenlenlly lo cnted in one of the beat residential sections of IL fB. LISTER A SON. R8I2 Oerjnsjwnjve. Modern. 8 fS'TJSA B, 11. LISTER SON. n012 Germanlown a,. DETACHED HOUSE, "i,'"''" R.?' tai I'mMoS I shade and frnlt trers. 10 mlnutej 'f"-"'' 18000. WARNOCK ft BMLLN. Commercial Trust Building. ,?iYTv,si;:XiiE!TLisT fi .. t.MTM Rni5 Germantown ave. HILL B.'ll. LISTER. 5012 Oermantown Ff "VoTTAirB" LOOKii.o ""','J;,.,lli,Wfc!conn OermantoHn. Ml. Airy "X.Pt"'"1" ,". ave. eult me. A. R. Meehan. 0.4i Oermantonnnve. OlTlT7?nrestato bulletin will be sent to you I ny ma II on anp cation, nermann m ..-- Chejlena nd Germanlown.J'eSi. HOICB HOMES. Tiilpehocken st. east ot oer manlonn ae. J. 11. CHADtMt-iv x w,i r.022 Oermantown ae. - 4!?n t HTAITORD ST Price moorr.iir. nv h on n-(s-s n n. rtll ..MtnMMll. ML Alrr. tiermantown NEW SALE AND RENT 'LIST RE U)Y Pelham Mt. lrv nnd Chestnut mil. B1.11A11 Tlll'ST CO.. I1T4H Germantown ave. FROV ALDINE HOTEL chestnut and mi t " NINETEENTH The best rooms and suites, With the best table, in Phila. Day, Week, Month, Season, Year THE MONTEVLSTA .0-ld ond Oxford sts, A delightful eemlsuburhnn location for all the fear: within 2.. minutes of city Hall li Mar ket st. cleated am. 00th st. crosstonn line, which runs direct lo tho building. Single rooms, furnished, with prRnte hath nnd maid service, M0 per month. Public dining room located In building. Fifth to Broad Street ASPHALTED STREET. 120 FEET WIDE: GOOD I, IGIIT: CENTRAL LOCATION: NEAR HOMES OF EM PLOYES: CONVENIENT TO BAIL ROAD FREIGHT STATION. APPLY THOS. E. DUNN 133 South Fifth St. DELAWARE RIVER FRONTS Near channel: Penna. & Readlne sidings: 20 acres to 100(1 acres: $200 per acre up. 11. II MeCOLLUM 1311 WALNUT ST. 1213-13 LOCUST Handsomely furn apts WKST PHILADELPHIA FOn RENT, furnished. Juno Li-Sept. IB. 2d floor front: 2 large, alrv room, kitchenette, bath, porch. Apply 3120 Arch Ft. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN ARDMORE. 11 Athens ave. 2 or 3 rooms, kitchenette, bath: furn. or unfurn. Ph. 412 R. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED -Ry R youne couple September 1, a strletly modern, well. furnished apartment, about 0 rooms, must be light nnd airy. Ger mantown or Overbrook preferred, best of ref ..ranees given nnd expected. J 018, Ledger Office. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT nut suppose. Instead of trln nil thee illf. ferent ways. oti Jint call nt lh! nfflrc the Urgest. most nttrnctUe and best equipped In Philadelphia, devoted exclusively to serurlnc Jut HhtU they want for particular people Toll ii w niir rpniilrementn. Kcrv denlml apartment In rhllndelphla in listed with or may be rented throunh us. pre waltli Our automobiles nrr tn tnlfp vnu tn the list of DroD ernes ou aesicnaie ana vn me leusi yon sthle effort you will secure the one apart ment In Philadelphia which mont nearly ap proaches jour exact Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. Spruce 3071 Race 302S HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS OVERLOOK ING FAIRMOUNT PARK PT.A7A 33D ABOVE rjn.ut coi.uMliIA AVE. COLUMBIA a AVB. fi rooms & bath to 10 rooms & 2 baths; prl ate porches. HO to 17.1 oer 'ronth. JOHN 8TAFFG.J 1112 CHESTNUT ST Janlor on pmlses. 1.112 NORTH 1.1TH ST. Modern housekeeping apartments; reduced rentals; Just rennated throughout. Apply to janitor, on premises, or LEWIS A. TAU- LANB. S W cor 0h and Walnut sts, THE ENOLEWOOD. 32(1 8. 1 tTH ST., -Ideal central housekeeping apartments; suites 3 rooms, kitchenettes and bath. Apply Janitor, on premise, or LEWIS A. TACLANB. boo Walnut st, TELL US YOUR REQUIREMENTS. APARr?;ENT BUREAU Phene Walnut J02H Franklin Bank Bldg 2002 N. 22D ST. Second floor, ft rooms and bath; hardwood floors, front and back porches, rent 130 Walnut 72S0. OODEN. 1220 Filbert at. THE ALBERT Rlth and Springfield ave Southern exposed corner; glass Inclosed sun parlor and inrch: 0 largo rooms and bath. TAYLOR & SON. 21 and 20 8. -Uth at. OERMANTOWN Vacancies In tho School Lone Apartmenta; Individual porches; best section of Germantown; rents 135 upward. H. II. LISTER & SON. 6012 Oermantown avs. HOUSEKEEPING apts., all parts of city: rents 12S to 170 per month; call, phone or write for Information. Samuel Stern. 1201 Chestnut st. PINE, 2XUU 3 rooms and bath! until October 1 ltd month. Apt. 4. Locust 2381 IV. WEST PHILADELPHIA THE RUTLAND APTb.. JUST COMPLETED LOCUST ST., BtTH TO B3TH ST. Brooma-and-bath apartments, with all the latest conenlenees. flu to 912 SO per month. ROBERT PITTS. AGENT Bell phone Belmont 4433. 11448 Locust st. 130 3 rooms and bathi half block from 40th at. "L" station. JAS. N, MITCHELL, 46th and Market ata. THE DELMAH-MORRIS OERMANTOWN AT CHELTEN AVE. STATION. PENNA. RAILROAD: 20 MINUTES FROM BROAD ST. TERMINAL. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED AND UN FURNISHED SUITES AND HOUSEKEEP ING APARTMENTS. THE COVINGTON CHESTNUT AND 37TH STS. R. V. ENGLE. MANAGER Also the Engleslde. Beach Haen. N. J. Choice two-room aultea for rent. THE GLADSTONE 1,t!teets1nb FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE ESMOND s- E- C0R- 12TH XITliJ UOlUUitlJ AND SPRUCE Suites of 2 rooms and Jmth. furnished. NEWPORT SPRUCE AVIl lltTH STRrtETS 1 AND 4-ROOM SUITES SITES, nAILROAD. for sale, Fennsvhanln and Rending-; 12000 per aero nnd up. accordlntr to location. Innulrn for terms DIETEHICH. 737 Walnut. CORNER LOT. 100x121. 3 frontn. railroad aiuing; possession, many otners an sectiona 01 city. M IORRIS & CO. Ridge ne. at Broad. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS and large tracts ground In all parts city; also oer 200 mfe. sites; Melln. 1.111-10 Real Est. Trust Illdg. TWO-STORY stable, 0th and Dauphini lot 0x" 181! entirely under cover. Neely. SS.12 N. 22d. Fnelorles, Warehouses, 5lfe, Floors Chetntit Illll .. CHESTNUT HILL SEVERAL DESIRABLE PROPERTIES . MINTURN T. WRIGHT CO. MORRIS JtinLDINU. BXCELLENT HOME OPPORTUNITY WYNDMORI5 AVE, Detached slurco Cnlonlil trsldence, In rooms, gas and electric lights, sleeping porch! lot 00x130: cnmenl-ntlv located B 11. LISTER SON. 1012 Germanlown ave. Oak Lnne York Road Home Worth Seeing Desirable detached corner In best new section Melrose Park, almost new and fullv planted wltb nltrartltc and expensive ahrubbery: not large, but complete and artistic: 2 baths; hardwood floors throughout; 110,000: conveni ent terms J. T. JACKSON CO. B0rAicchLANE OFFERED AT SACRIFICE Detnched rorner homo In Oak Lnne: neighborhood entirely Im proved: largo lot. old shade: house has great possibilities: srnnn If sold at once. J.T. JACKSON CO.. Branch Office, Oak Lane. DESIRABLE corner property: large lot: modern! IR.inn. w.M. BARR. Sth and Oak lane. uj.jy xi; iwii, (.aiitornm bune.Io. t rA nnd bath! heated: garage; lot HnxUii fY"'"'.! Chester Osborne i,,0 agent ". . .'1- CHESTNUT t 1 (TALIS .tlATlllV -!. The elevated is coming lu Darby, t, .,.,'1 estate now. Get list. ' "u'fH.2 . nwui'fj a: nuntii uariry. ELKINfl PARK Modern single dw.lllli TT rooms. 2 baths. 'J minutes to atiffl iJ ionoo, Mccors iick & Mccormick1 W? Chestnut st. and Elklns Park. "K' "U 1 5NSIDB HOMES and building tiles ' .J i"enr'.dV."pi SENN,SaE KMiuSfc LLANERCtl Splendid homjs, along t TIT more trollev, from 00th St. Terminal !,$'$ Inn Highland Park. Brookllne, south wia more. Oaltmnnl nnd Ardmore; 13300 im Ar Aramore j. Ki.MtiU WATTS Llanii, .iii'.i.itwor. r,mn t nesmut ave., neae el. 11. 102.10 for all-stono modern a.tio 'ffi!?! newly painted: oery eonven ence, haliiill 1 heat, etc.: lot R0X170! old shade: gar ,lw M J. T. JACKSON CO.. Orlk Lsn. ' S NORTH GLENSIDB noo Iota, well loeatsa'T 'J foml neighborhood! special Inducements H if nuiiaerai iwo it. its. ann trollev: writs i.l booklet. Wm. O. Glenn, Land Title n0. "' NORTH OLENSibE Attractive buor.TCir.1 Improvements: auiwrh surroundlnrst if'' ii -rTelsldpf1 " l $ PENFIELt) Will" sacrifice. sttra"ctTvertnoSST Z stnn hiintralnwi lot 7010(1. r 'l!rn' al " r---- . "1- . "Lis -".-"". irni. uwnrr innrn in ssrii rnrinv l..s w . .i vr.e - r. . y .n-jwinenWs "'I'll niuiu iiuiititiiuti till IA1IIU! I Hfl. fsj, 3 i. owner rerrea.io.nHl owlntr to eh;;.!" 1 nTAN, r.008 Market an riinlML" IlIDLBT TAtlK nnd bath: m ml electric Hhtt Kot-wJt!f ! hehti corner lot. T.litROi convenient in train J iroury uwntr win paennce jor quick ilf LOWER MERION REALTY CO. ijv.Mj iiiiice uuiuuinu, RIDLEY PARK r,o fare to liddjstons: mode Si home: 4 liedrooms nnd 2 baths on 2d floor, gl uneater usDorne -Js?, . v,lcgI..Ut HT RYDAL- Gountry Seat Five Acres COLONIAL HOUSE, containing 10 rooms ana r. bnths: hot-water heat, electric light and sasLd inrMs vlewti . numerous open Orcplnces. garage for IS?.. It! cars: high elexatlon. commanding fine vlewti J convenient trnln and trolley, HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE RUILDINO, ' PHILADELPHIA. RYDAL. PA. -" STONE HOUSE. STABLE. 20 ACRES! GREaY SI opportunity! price M2.UII0. "" Ml MAURICE J. HOOVER jt e.u., SWARTHMORE $5500 for Detached HoUe la room, nil modern concnlencen: hird' ; wood floor! open plumblnc; larRe lot, with prarden nnd fruit: nmall nmount of canh re-1' ijuutui I'livvu n.1, uiinrs T lot ft N. S COTl 2D AND DIAMOND STS. Well located Rite nnd hullrtlmr. ndnpted for fac tories, guru re, etc : noxIOO to Palethorp at. UI2AVIR A. TAUUVNi;. S. W. cor. 0th nnd "Walnut sts. LAUGH MANUPACTUniNO PLANT. 400 feet frontnuo on Delawaro niter; Penna. U. U. Bldlne; office blda., Inboratory, coered nhlp plnjr platform, etc.; water nupply from rler ond artesian wells; hollern. enclnes, every thing complete. TAT LANB. OOrt Walnut nt. StorfH nnd DuflllnKri HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITV 20011 MT. VmNON neuutlful modern real dence. 12 rooms, 2 baths, hordwnnd floors throuchout hot-water heat, excellent condi tion; cost owner 112,000 two jcara nco; wlil sarrlflce for JSS00, as owner must leave city; muat be seen to be nnpreclat'd Open for Inspection day or nvcnlntr. or phono Upruco 4701 for full particulars UnHIDnNCK. UUh at. below .Spruce at.: lot ISxlOO feet: In absolutely perfect condition; equipped with every modern convenience. In cludlng vacuum cleaner, elctrlc llht. hot water heat nnd hardwood floor., contains IS rms , Includ S bathrms , prlcn has been m.ide lowttes!du MoLanahan. inth and Pine BEAUTIFUL slde-jnrd home, rut to J4400; 032 Chew st , Tu ho r: 0 rooms, hot-water heat. 4 bedrooms, electric light, pirquetrv flooring; wide streets, terms arranged. ou can't dupli cate this for near the price naked, 2 trolleys; bloelt from station AUKKXBTIir. 2T24 N. Rth. 133 S 12th $3400 Corner of Lnrcnco nnd Ruscnmb sis Hnt-wnler hct. tlccn lot. room for uarapc; electric llpht ml InUnori. norrh front. Apply T. VUNDT .ini V. Tabor rcl CARPENTER ST.. 222T Two-story brick dwell, in?, l(l7r. 8 rooms, nil Improvements; mskn offer. 1S:10 Ilalnbrldg st. ana rear, all renieds can bring lltinn annual rentnl; terms to suit F. I. SMITH. 2222 Carpenter St. Phone Bli klnson ll'iOO 15100 Eight excellent !ncatment houses; four nre three-story dwellings. 521 to 53(1 East Thompson st. . the others two-story. In rear street, mili'ect to morwaxe of l.vnn. rents total I115J per jear. Address 1U13 North llrnad si ARCH ST. PROPERTV AT BARGAIN Lot 27x 2S8 through to Cherry, near llth at.; offered at much less thnn ussessment for quick sale; quick action necessary. J T JACKSON CO., Chesinut and lath. S. E cor CENTRAL PROPERTIES for salo or renL Send us vour requirements. YARROW 4 VAN PELT. N. E cor, llth and Chestnut sts Thone 318H8prureor2fl70 Race. NORTH nnd West PhUa.' and Oermantown homes. 11 sun to 10(100. First payment only tlOU tn !50n. MERCHANTS UNION TRUST CO. 7t5.71T.7ln Chestnut St. J15R N. 218T ST. Desirable location, in. room dwelling, brownstone trlmmlnss; Immediate possession; assessed 13600; price 13800; easy terms, small amounf of cash required. BERTOLET. IBID N. 10TH ST. "MONEY FOR MORTGAGES Building Association and Tiust Funds. TAULANE. 900 Walnut st. MUST SACRIFICE S story, 9 rooms and bath; all modern plumbing! nrit'Class condition: side yard; assessed at 13400; will sell for 12800, make oner, Apply 1035 N.Judionst. ' 1013 MARCHER ST. 2 8TORY."7 ROOM'S; ALL MOBERN CONVENIENCES; OOOD c6nd1. 1u0" LOCUST ST. " Handsome, modern 1-story brownston. dwell Ins; especially fitted for profesilonal offices! low price snd easy terms for quick sala . 1221 W, ALLEailENTAVE. Very desirable l'.'-room. porch-front dwellings can be purchased on easy, make offer. BERTOLET, 1619 N, 19TH ST. S. E. COR. 1DT1I AND BERKS STS. Three siory store and dwelling. 12 large rooms; as sessed J7200; price 105(10 elenr. NAUEL 4 SNYDER. 1207 Olrardnve. WEST PHILADELPHIA RI'Y ON THE BOULEVARD 30TH ST ABOVE LANSKOWNE AVE. The ery best construction. UNEQUAL!.!) AT 14II0O Up lo dttc In ccry particular, Including hard wood, floors thruuehntir, JAS. O. ENBURO. Builder. PHYSICIAN'S RESIDENCE. ESTABLISHED-' .Modern corner nroporty. with deep lot and frarage. near 55th nnd Lansdowne ne. ; oxcel ent estub locution nt an nttmrttve price. MILLER NORCROSS REALTY CO. BSD AND LANSDOWNE AVE. 18100 8 rooms, hot-water heat, gas and a'ec. trie llcht. p.irfiuetry floors, shoer batn, gas kitchens nnd nil other modern appointments. DANIEL CRAWFORD. JR.. IIUILDER With and Hadlkld sts, SEE THE HOUSES we are offering at J2230. 12500 and 13100; many others nt right prices; we also have many new properties on our list. E-JIAPSLEY. 58lh and Springfield ave. 1310 EACH, subject to mortgages Fle two. story modern porch dwellings; rent lltl; al waja rented; good location; pay 20 per cent.; must sell to closo account. I. SMITH HAS- PIN, Attorney. 213 Franklin llulldlng ALL CLASSES OF WEST PHILADELPHIA PROPERTY WM. II W. QUICK & IIRO . INC. ifOUTH 40TH STREET SELL BELOW ASSESSMENT. 7 2-story porch. front dwellings, 50th anil Stiles sts.; 8 rooms; conveniences, assessed 11800 each. DANIEL A. MINNICK. 1830 Rldse ae. BABOAIN Small amount of cash required. 5023 Olrard ave., 3-story brick dwelling. 10 rooms, all conveniences CHAS. W. MILLER, 101.407 Cnmmonnealth Bldg SEND FOR LIST SALE OR RENT JOS. M. BAKER B2d and Haltlmore ave, POTTS & TOWN8END WEST PHILA DKPIIIA HOMES 4905 BALTIMORE AVE. iiKRMANTOWN Will Sacrifice Colonial House"- DetachM and built of stone, facing south oi a terraced lawn; 14 rooms, a baths, finished In white; all rooms good slzei large porch; n completely made neighborhood and near tn Penna, It, R. station or trolley; price and terms are Absolutely rights see photo, WM. H. WILSON & CO. Mgiwn, Opposite Manheim Cricket Club 20 rooms. 3 baths and lavatory, 3 open fire places; electric light! Inclosed porch! steam neat! frontage on two streets; room for ga. rage; can be sold right! see photo at ourofflca, WM. H. WILSON & CO. ;?j? ' 5218 LAURENS ST. Semldetach' 1 dwelling. 12 rooms and bath; hot. water hjat. gaa and electric Ilgr.t; lot 20x 140; excellent opportunity lo get a modern home at an attractive price; conveniently lo cated! botb train and trolley, II. H. LISTER A SON, AH12 Oermantown ave. TION. TRADABLE. 1811 N. 2P ST.. ATTRACTIVE RESIDENCE Heautlful II room, semidetached home; first contain- retep. hall. IKlntr room, dlnlnjr room, pantry nnd kitchen; uppr floors contain library. 5 rhnmhers. 2 hatha and storeroom: heated by hot water and lUhted by elec. And pai; two street fronts; home. In excellent con dition nnd need not have anMhlng spent for repairs: laundrv In bisemrnt WM. H. WILSON & CO. - sjonj"" FOR SALE Cn'tpst nrnpctv In Tlngi. ten room store and dwelling, with stable or gar age; half square from Brood st. Address J. E. Illrcher. 2300 N. American st. 3421 N. 21KT ST. -1-storv dwelling, mole.-n. one block from Tioga Station; prl'S reason nhlej easv terms. INDl'STIilAIi TRCST CO.. 1050 N. Front st. WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOl! WANT IN TKlf! V OR LOGAN KENNEDY ft-RAMnO. .".Till (ir.n'l VTQiyv Olner $2900 $2900 ntlKCOMIt ST . EAST OF BTH HT Peep lots; all Intcst Improvements: big rooms; bnt-witer heat: laundry: electrlr wlr Int: hardwood finish: near Bth st. trolley; the best alue In this errlnslv district. .1. CHARLES TUNDT. 301 Tabor road LAWNDALE. PA. I houses on corner lot. " 1411; well located: tn good cordltlon. TAULANE POO Walnut at, Ox Logan STORES, DWELLINGS AND APARTMENTS For Sale or Rent . In Best Sections of Logan. WJl D. CHAMBERS. 4033 N Broad St. . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR "RENT MONEY FOR MORTOAOES TIIOMASiljcILHENNY.4n.1B N. Broadst. PENNSYLVANIA St'lH'RIIAN WM. H. WILSON & CO. RWAnTltMOnll Media Short Line. ?ronnla 1 nve minutes- walk from th 1 in. niincH niv nitpg. ninrii'. r... J s -- rf tllMlinr..""!' T nna larger. iuuuai buncalow sites. f0xVt U j'uwkhu qo 2j South UUh t. 9 ;l nVAIlTTffhrtn Pirtv mnvlnr? tn rf.ltfAir will dispone, at n Hncrlftce. of his 12room rill il dence In Swnrthmore: desirable location tad Pi convenient to station. A 224. Ledger Office. j TIIUHB TUNS One nf th sentlemen llvlns to every day. showing the ncces, of this h;aull'i il est. to both Phlln. and N. Y 1 carefully cnV ''I id-room nouse. : nntns, nuto. nrtes. water lup, .1 Also Revolutionary stone house, built In 17771 1 thor. rcmod H. J. Dager. Inc., Ambler, PI. t nm rWT AT . i7AT?MTinTICT? 1 REMODELED: ALL CONVENIENCES. ' IO ncres: snrlnghouse: small running stresat tennis court: house contains il bedrooms and i il baths, living rooms, den. library, dining room,'J-l pintry nna Kitcnen: stationary wnsnucs. elec tric light, hardwood floors, numerous J opla 1 'J flpsmlnrtaai flnak li-4) sshearlsa n sesjiinrl lha Kji,bi apple orchard, meadow: on macadam real; f " imr nti ruin fihuuh nnu irnnrTj 'minuit , i t saei tn l1sh 4A slttr 4t.tT4lns tlllnfrlns'ilAn tAl I ley Hunt Club: convenient terms, additional il iann can no purcnaaea. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE RUILDINO Detached Stone Residence 2 hatha: Millard room; mil appeal to the rtn- 4 lly requiring B bedrooms nnd sleeping porch naf '- ALDAN COME OUT Or THE NOISE 'ONE INTO THE OZONE 13750. New detached houses on large lots. Elm Ave. near Providence Road 5C. FROM OtlTH ST. Olhc- s. Keelv fc Co.. 4370 Main st . Manav'k IIALA ATTRACTIVE STONE HOUSE, with garage; 12 rooms, 2 bntlla; high ground: lot slio. H'.lx 200: all commerces. Apply to LOWER MERION REALTY CO. i HAND TITLE IIUILDI.NO. COLL1NODALE 2H-storv brick and ehin. new homes. Spruce st, at Clifton ne. ! get off trol. fruni U'ltn st, at North st. sts.; i squnre dls.: )i. w. heat, elec: 37'xl20: open, SWOPE ft SONS. Dailiv COLWYN. PA. 101 Walnut st.. d-slrnble cor" ner dwelling, fl rooms and bath, large lotV price 12100: Small cash payment, balance aame aa rent YOCIIM A POWERS CO , 28 8 15th at BOIO Woodland ae. CYNWYI) , NEW HOUSE. NEAR COMPLETION: stons and rtucto; 12 rooms. 2 hatha: lavatory: 2 first floor porches and secondv'lloor sleeping porch! southern exposure! tot 00x200, LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINO. CYNWYD. BEAUTIFUL ENOLI8H HOUSE with garage. 10 rooms. 4 baths (0 chambers), 5 fireplaces. All modern Improvements. Handsomely fur nished throughout. Rooms largo and bright. Oarage holds 2 cars. Lot over on. acre, LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINO, AttrnctlK" Colonial d-slgn, with 13 roirrll. ?M ftnnr- wltnln n fan- m(nutK nf A1th if. Terminal: good stores, schools nnd churchfi; this house cannot bo dupllcnted for the pries Halted. Chester Osborne mrTsmk Country Place of 3 Acres , vlth detached hou. Ill roomi. elextrtcltj. a Tksr lu sjlan tnM. hbsi.I wv S.tAApl stone bouse (now rentedl on the aroondi 1 Peautlful old trees nnd flora. I Harden An owner ha moved to New York, we can H)gr in in prurcriy lor h.ium', cvv imuiun, m MU1WU3 ' BLDOe, TVVU XMJ2iV nuuotto I Hoth corner properties. ilth caraKes. !V i ly situated : apor hntlngp. electric and f n? iikhiihk; iinruwonu iinor; mrvr porcuoc v f fireplaces, etc,; piped for vacuum clenlar.A Cannot he duplicated nt th prices tkM. AIAUUAIV. POIiMAN 4" CO.. N. K. cor. ijrpw and CheMniit sts WM. H. WILSON & CO. Detached Corner, Melrose Parle i Lot 78x140; n.ofiern dwelling, corner Stratrara nnd Wr nv 1 rnAm. holh- nil ronvenl encea; old ahnde: room for Karace. rlxht prtc FOR SALE. RARO AIN 7 acrTs. N. E. rtor. Kidgo roan and city line! Immediate pim,- sloni fine water sjstem. electric light: crecr 4 In ground; place fully equipped: very prospeetlttji for -Investment In near future; at this tlms J can he buusht clrar for less than co ef "3. nuuaings. Apply on premises, or uj ecuis Ppnnl at Ph In.lnhln Ta ?7000 Detached House, $5500 1 Unusually pteasint nurroundlnca; A bedroomiji hith; laundry: hot-WTtr heat: electricity W nasi near t'nesipr pme anu itnuon. trc'4 Chestnut at, rhltatlelphla; SUHURBA N town countht Ranrf fne pHt.lnifii BROWN ft CLOUD. Norrlstown, Pa. HUliUIlHAN HflMKS FOR SAI.K OB KCi WENDELL MA8SBY Resl Estate Trust Building. . Chester Osborne CHOICE BUILDINO SITES nnd SCeeSBS, a ARTHUR P. TOWNSEND. LanghornePji. SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE . Anv price All locations. Sale or rent. CIIAnLE8J.HOOD i CO.. Morris Jlld THE "ELEVATED"" Is coming to Darby, tluy real estnto now Oet list. Swope A Sons. Darby. TCT1 ail. ei. u .... ........ ......a rsvma orders now. LEWIS T. nuooKE BlXf, l.l-t, Hmitn penn sn. FOliNIlKD la"- nRVTf.ri.riM'H !... .... r anaaUt StOS house, all eonv,, P.replars: 10 acres: Irjltljj vineyard: IflOOO. A. H. TYSON. Lanailsle Fa. M.IIN LINE. P. B. B. ARDMORE ,J. . Slon. house on north aid. R. R.i 13 ""fit a bathsi sleeping porch; hardwod floors. JIW kltrhem 2 open fireplaces: handsomely flnlt- throughout. Lot 70x20. i LOWER MERION REALTY CO.; I-AND TITLE BUILDINO. , PETEY-What You Might Call an Inspired Finish r ByC.A.VOIGHT t VI- fc ''" " . Il1'1 ' IILI ii ' I i i i n i i.i i fk , f 6ow& rrnv oVooA-AiANV-r Taw f'.mstamceN yJ fFT& AyXSS) !"" Mou T W $ek SiS -2ST) SS'aeT ToIL I & ( EASLV mo JP- W&$&' "BAiKS AT T J "y1ii,,iiteiMMtt1 " iMIiiiitfiiiiiiii'ii.ililMi.'.i iiwiiaaMiii iiiim-i tfiiiii.tlifii liimin iiiliBm nmn ninii a JJlWMfc .Tiiilliiiiiii