E.THER H. WAGNER ACQUIRED (f HE HABIT OP HITTING EARLY AND SIMPLY REFUSES TO QUIT 'In the Days of My Youth I Whaled All the , pitchers I Knew' Says Honus, "and Probably ' Never Will Get Through" JfVENIHG LEDGER PHILADELPHIA WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1910 19 By GRANTLAND RICE Wngncr In Wonderland You are old, father Honus," the young fan said, "Your glory is back in the past; And net lo" P "if"'1'"-7 "ie M(ie t "" llow long do you think you can tastf" "In the days of my youth," father ltonus replied, '' tehaled all the pitchers I knew: And now that I've stuck to the habit so I probably tclll never gel through," Hanging On? It was suggested early In tlio season that Wagner, now bolnff a sedate- citizen nbovo 42 years old, probably would hang on an other year? Hang on? Whadilya mean, hang on"? Tho Grand Old Hoy now la the lending batsman of his club, with a mark of .312. In place of caBlng oft after he had reached tlio .300 mark his stick work has been Improving steadily ns the sun warmed up, and thero Isn't any question but that he Is playing better ball In every way than ho has played slnco 1912. There are 1B0 ball players In the Na tional League, and Wagner now Is seventh in batting among tho regulars. Ho wants one moro .300 year. If ho doesn't get It there will havo to bo a decided slump In the summer days to como. Concerning Larry Doyle Tho upa and downs of ball players arc well beyond tho dope. Threo years ago liarry Doylo was supposed to bo edging to ward tho soapy chute. Larry dropped from .330 In 1912 to .280 In 1913; In 1014 ho dropped furthor hack to .260. Ho seemed to be losing some of his old speed and his general play fell away. Verging on thirty, It was figured nround thnt Larry was be ginning to slip. Then In 1915 Doylo moved back to .320 and led tho league. For 1916. his show ing Is even better than laBt season's count. He Is batting .340, Is third among tho base runners, third among the sluggers nnd well up among the ten lending run getters of his circuit. Larry already has stolen In six weeks over half tho number of bases bo pilfered all last season. Ho looks faster than he has been for three years. In placo , of slipping he has ndvanced In his general play. The Shut-Out King When the Yanks landed George Jlogrldgo, Bill Donovan felt fairly certain that ho had a first-class pitcher on deck. Mogrldge evl- "dently Is something beyond first class. Through Injuries he hasn't been ablo to "Swork his full quota of games, but his work has been In many ways tho most remarka ble of tho year, for out of three starts against the Ited Sox and White Sox the big left-hander has yet to bo scored on. Ho first blanked the netl Sox with three hits! In his next contest )ie dropped the White Sox with two hits! In his third battle he shut out tho White Sox again with six hits. So Mogrldge now hns a record of 27 run. less Innings In which ho has allowed 11 baschlts, nn nverago better than four to the game. Which Is something close akin to considerable pitching. Fred Pulton Is getting $1000 a week from the circus. Or, na Colonel W. V. Hnnnn re marked, no wonder the lions nre roaring, L. R T, Walter Johnson has won nine games nnd lost five ; Alexander has won nine nnd loBt three. Neither la leading his league. The Duffer Interjects There's plenty of tragedy in King hear; Macbeth has many a tragic scene; tint there's nothing In life that's half so drear As the tragedy of the Lifted Dealt. Always with nil easy shot In sight Sty head comes up tolfh a w(M careen; There's nothing in Ufa with half tho blight As tht tragedy of the Lifted Bean. i Whllo Cobb, Speaker and Jackson nre pretty well together around tho batting top and getting ready for tho main grapple, tho fourth member of this great quartet has found It hard to get started. Kddle Collins never has known an tough a year ns 1916. At the appointed hour he will be on his way again, but this Is tho first timo In Eddie's historic enreer that he has come to Juno no better than .250. His clubmatc, Joe Jack son, broko out with tho batting rash last week and now Is up around .32G onco more, nnd Kddle Is likely to run amuck at any moment. The spirit of the Old Cuba still survives. Thoy are not fluttering 'any too cIobo to tho top, but the Oreat 551m nnd Frank Schulte. survivors of tho Ancient Guard, are among tho leaders with the Main Mace, deep Into tho blissful realms of .300. The Duffer Interjects Again There's an easy cinch And an easy job; There's an easy pinch And nn easy throb There's an easy shoo And on easy cut OUT There's no such thing As an easy putt. As we understand It, Cleveland was to crack under tho blighting strain by the tlrst week In June, but something seems to have gone astray In the crockery. Or perhaps there wasn't any strain? Apparently tho only Job on a baseball club that Clarence Mitchell, of the Itcds, can't play Is left tackle. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT Receipts. 222.6(15 bush. Tho mar fat ruled steady with a fair demnnd and mod erate offerings. Quotations: Car lots. In "Port elevator. No. 2 red. spot and June. $1.03WJ.)j: No. 2 Southern red. Sl.tll01.n3; steamer No. J red, 1101.02; No. 3 red, S1W1.02; rejected A. 07v 00014c,; rejected II. VOOIlSc. CORN Receipts, 13.SU0 bush. Demand was light, but there was no change In prices. Quota tions: Car lots for local trndo, as to location. No. 2 yollnvv. 7014 80c. : steamer yellow, 78 70c,, No. 3 yellow, 7654 7UV4 c. : No. 4 yellow. 7SM073KC, cob. per 70 lbs.. 80lP8014c. OATS RecelptB, 111.13.' bush. Prices wore barely steady with demand light. Quotations: No. 2 white, 40H t47c., standard white. 45V4 411c. i No. 3 white. 44inc ; No. 4 white. 4 HP 42c.: sample oats. 38'4W8UWc: purified outs, traded. 44 4514 c, FLOUR Receipts. 1722 bbls. and 1.115.012 lbs. in sacks. There was little trading nnd no Important chango In prices, l'ollowln are the Quotations, per 106 lbs. In wood: Winter, clear. 4.l)05,iS: do., straight. I5.234P5.S0; do., patent. I5.(305.83: KnnsnB. clear, cotton 'sacks. S4.70&3; do., straight, cotton " SB 20S.B0; do., patent, cotton sacks, Su.HUW 6.7S, spring. Ilrst clear, H.IMOS.Sn: dp, straight. S5,405.00; do., patent. J5.O04"il; favorite brands. iu.2ikOB.oO: city 'mills, choice and fancy patent. SU.234fU.S0: city milts, reg ular grades Winter, clear. H."0?;l,?l,,l,o.' tralght. S5.2503.6O; do., patent. i5.00O5.iy. .RYE FLOUR so d Blowly at former rates, Ve sjuote at 53.B0 per bbl.,- as to quality. PROVISIONS There was a light Jobbing movement and little chango In prices. Quotations: City beef. In .. on-ntr.... nn.4 a I Cil . ta.l 'ftt..l WCStCm. ... .,,., B.t.vnE.. ,, --:-..-.---,-,-- J city Deei. KnucKiro , in seta, smoked, 2nc. : tenders, smoked and air-dried. 27 8f2Hc; western beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked. 27 2NC. beef hams. '"HfflflOe. : nark, family S25.508J"ll; ,.. n ...- M IHftMatAc .: da. 1,l,lfl ' lnni. IqIaiqIZ.- . An An., smoked. lUOlullc,; other hams, smoked, city cured. as to brand and average. 1814 c.: hams, smoked. Western cured. 1814 c; do., boiled, boneless. 80c. i picnic shoulders, H. P. cured, loose. 1214 c-. do., smoked, 18V4 c: bellies. In pickle, according to average, loose. 10c.: breakfast bacon, as to brand and average, city cured, lUc. : do.. ""i ern cured. lHtf 1814 c.: lard. Western, refined, tierces. 1414c. do., do., tubs. 14Wc: do., pure city, kettle rendered, In tierces, 1414 c; do., do., In tubs, 1414 c REFINED SUGARS Tha market was dull and weak. Quotations: Extra fine granulated, 7,307.tl5c: powdered. 7l4U7.7Bc.j confectioners' A, 7.204f 7.33c.: oft grades, 0.357.8Oc. DAIRY PRODUCTS CHEESE The market was aulet. with mod erate but ample offerings at former rates. Quo tations: New York, 'full cream, fancy, new, 13W 1814c; spoclals higher: do., do., fair to good, new, 14 Willie: do., do., part skims. 0W13c BUTTER The market ruled steady with de rcand equal to the moderato offerings. Quota tions: Western, solid-packed, creamery, fancy specials, 3214 c.j extra. SOW 3114c.j extra firsts. 80c: firsts. 28W 020c.; seconds. 2728e.; nearby prints, fancy. 34c.: average extra. 33c,; firsts, Stgo2c.; seconds, 28tP2Sc; garlicky Prints, Sa027e.; Jobbing sales of fancy prints. 37ip40c. EGOS (Strictly tine eggs wera In good request and values were well maintained. Quotations follow: In free cases, nearby extra. 2ilc. per cos,; nearby firsts, 17.05 per standard case; nearby current receipts. tn.OO&B.ti; Western extras, 23c. per doi.: Western extra firsts, S7.03 per case;, firsts. Ju.UOWU.DU per case; Southern. IQ.UU6.49 per case: fancy selected candled fresh eggs were Jobbing at 20O3UC. per doz, POULTRY LIVE The market ruled steady under rnoder- ftt offerings, but trade was quiet. Quotations: gwts, 20lp20Vic: roosters. 13014c: spring chickens, according to quality, weighing 1WJ lbs, apiece, asWB&c.; White Leghorns, according to quality, 23 tfSSc. I ducks, as to size and qual. Ity. 1416c.; pigeons, old. per pair, 8Q82c.; CO;, young, per pair, 22 it 25c. DRESSED There was a good outlet for de sirable fowls and values of this description ruled firm under light offerings. Broiling chickens were mora freely offered ttn4 weaker. Quotations; rreeh-kllted poultry, dry-Packed Fowls, 12 to box. dry-picked, fancy selected. 23c t weighing 4VkS lbs. apiece. 22V4 c. ; weighing 4 lbs. apiece. 2Hc.i weighing 3Vi lbs. apiece. 2Hic. ; weigh ing 3 lbs. apiece. 18S21c: fowls, ice-packed. In barrels, fancy, dry-picked, .northern Indiana and Illinois, weighing IViWOlbs. apiece, 22c; no., southern Indiana, and Illinois, weighing 4 lbs. anlece. M14" amaltAr sizes. lRSf'tiB.. old roostera. dry-picked. 13c; broilers. Jersey, fancy. luuiac aa.. otner nearby, weisninv 14 e?z ids. apiece. 386400.; smaller sixes, 83988c, I ducks, SVIlll. VU.l-, -14UKH1 - V w . f IA ivm. per uua., f.u lbs. apiece. 21'Ac; smaller sixes, 1820o., old i. ary-picKeo. lac Drouers. jersar. y 40643c: do., other nearby, weighlnx 1H 2 lbs. nearby, spring. WhltS. WfittMni? 11 S'i2' wb te, weighing 9010 lbs. per dox.. $4 4 83: white, weighing 8 lbs. per dux.. 38.t)0; fe,W. 7 )bs. per 4w.. i2.B0e2.90; do., do.. SAW lba. mr lft t'tf!10' da.rlc. lOj Bznal ana No. - &0c.$l. u uii.) 11.75 3 FRESH FRUITS Demand was fair and prices generally ruled steady under moderaU ottering Quotations: ,r.S.T -,"-. UHl. 5"P. 4.9VU1, HIUWin. 894. Ben Davis. J23, other varUttes, II. BOW J1231.7S, oranges, Florida, per craK, 13 4.23; grapefruit. Florida, per crate, 1304; lem ons, per, box. IS4, pineapples, per crate, rorto Rico. $1 6002,60. strawberries, per Qt Del- 58c; Eastern Baorei and Maryland. 8f 8c : peaches Florida, per carrier. UiOS; watermelons, Florida, per car. $360ilW. VEGETABLES arferlasa arid demand were both fair. mSl hqel Uttla change. Quotations. JiVi, PJiatees. per bush PenosylvarUa, iSSJIJ' NfR Torlt- 12ai.80! Western, 1.23l,30s whlU potatoes, per bbl No. 1. ?ngrWfc J5.80O5.75i No. 3 do., 1404 80: No, 1 South Carolina. 85 5.251 No. 8 doT 3.504i tFotatos. Jersey, per tukt No. I. i59 fpe-tNOi?. 25ue. do, Jersey, Ptlawars and ilfe"5' r wnpr. No, 1. TScffllli No. S, fOw 60a. t onfoos. Tea per cuoipur erats No, 81 75J.83i No. 2, H.4Qai.OQjcabbag. Nor Jolk uul eutfm Soar, perbl. orats, 4l U ao., Norf9lk..ver bbl.. Sjj.Wfli tTsy. Florida, fsrf au. if 7 228t vatrrT17., rjr lt)0 bjUKhia. 81.5flS.l4( lettsw TVlraliita. per btkt,. file t fctans. Nortl Carellfia, nr it bbh I ( fcC - SilW i rB. .5f l.tfc I Xffi, 2; do.. Norfolk, green, per H-hbl. bskt., 2 2.25: do.. South Carolina, per tt-lbl. bskt.. 81 (S1.23; pcnB. Norfolk and Eastern Shore, per Vi bbl. bskt Large. S2K2.no; Bmall. (1 (A 1.60; peppers, Florida, per tarrler. 81.73W2: egeplant. Florida, per crate. 81,."02.r,o; Bquaoh. South Cnrollna. per crate. 81.25W1.30: cucumbera. Florida, per bskt., 82.23(32.75; beets. North Cnrollna, per 1011 bunches. $.lfl4; do.. Notfolk. per 100 bunches, S4K3; tomatoes. Florida, per carrier Fancy. 83B3.50; choice. (i.7.'i aBparngus. Jersey, per bunch Fancy, 12WlSc: prime, 10l2c, culls, SiPdc.; mushrooms, per 4-lb. b,skt.. (10c. 081. LOCAL 3IINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS. MncNamara Midway Mlzpah Extension . .Montana Northern Star Tonopnh Helmont . , Tonopah Extension Tonopah Mining ... Rescue Eula West End GOLDFIELD STOCKS Atlanta lllue Hull Iiooth llulldoe . r c o 1j Combination Fraction .. Dlamondneld U 11 Daley Florence OoldMeld Consolidated . . . Ooldncld Merger Jumbo Extension Kowanas , . . Oro Sand Ken Sliver 1'lclt ,. MISCELLANEOUS. Fairy Aztec . . .. Klmberly ...... Nevada Hill .,.. Nevada Wonder Bid Asked , .US .10 , .2K .30 , .23 .27 , .2H .30 , AH .20 . 4'4 4-i .0 1-11) H3-1U . (J'i 1IW . .43 ! , .118 1.00 , .11 .12 , .03 .04 , .10 .17 , .02 .03 , .11.1 .03 ,0H .10 .05 .07 .01 .03 .45 .00 ,04 .till , .10 .12 .81) .01 . .12 .13 ,03 .00 .03 .00 .OH .10 .01 .02 .02 .03 .17 .20 1.03 2.00 NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK. Juno 7. -BUTTER Tone Bllghtly nrmer on top grades, with more specu. istivo Duying Receipts. 13.JIW Other grades plenty nnd easy. I Extras, SOOSOUc. L higher grades. aoVjWSlc: male aury. 2714 W2'.c; Imitation creamery. S3 25 Vic. . EQUS General trading quiet, but high grades firm. Receipts. 2H.1H2. Extrus. 2,;2Uc. , extra firsts: 23H 2l'sc: flrsts. 22Va2aWc., white. 2U27ci urowns, 232Uc; mixed colors, 23 23c, BAR SILVER In New York commercial bar slher was quoted todsy at. OOVic, off, !ic. liar silver was sold at 31",. d., oft Vtd., In London today, ONERAPSTORMAFTER ANOTHER GREETS MACKS A's Plan to Trade Togs for Bath ing Suits and Take Up WaterPolo By ROBERT Y. MAXWELL CHICAqO, June 7, Life to tha Athletics these days !s Just one ra.lnstorm after an other. The moisture has been dripping around our athletes for the last threo days, and unless It le.ts up In the near future the boys plan to trade their baseball suits for bathing costumes and take up water polo. Still, the lay-off today had Its good re Bults. Th Ilepubltcan and Progressive con ventions were held despite the cloudbursts, and the players left In a body to take them In. Their Intentions were good, but the conventions refused to take them In without the precious tickets, and they drilled ' back to the hotel through the mud after admiring the outside of the buildings. Connie Mack almost has given up pope of playing even one) game In Jhls town and Is making his plans to take a, fall out of Cleveland on, Saturday. The clouds here seem to be busted beyond repair and there Is no chance to fix them up for a week or so. Before this trip Is finished uonnle intends to make some corrections In his pitching Btart and. bolster up the weak spots. Sbeehan, Sush and Meyers have delivered the goods, but the others have got to show something It Is believed that Wyckoft and Crowell will be given one more chance to show what they can do and If they fall to make an Impressive showing, they are likely to have some hard luck. LAFAYETTE TO BE SCENfi OF SWIMMING RACES JUNE 10 Philadelphia Club to Open Aquatic Season With Scholastic Events The Philadelphia Swlmmlnfc Club opens the swimming season nt ,I.afayctto on the Schuylkill next Saturday 'with n Rood card of scholastic events. The competition will be for the Harry T. Malpasa cup and the 400-yard scholastic relay for the George Malpass trophy. FUNERAL OP F. H. HOWLAND Journalist's Uody to Be Sent to Provi dence After Services Followlns a funeral service nt 4 o'clock this afternoon nt old St. Peter's Kplscopnl Church, 3d and Pino streets, tho body of Frederick1 Hoppin Howlnnd, late chler of publicity for the Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, will be taken to Swan Point, Providence, Ithode Island, for Interment. There will be no pallbearers, It being tho desire of the family that simplicity be ob served, nnd thnt but the simple funeral ritual of the Protestant Kplscopal Church constitute the ceremonies In Philadelphia. Mr. Uowlnhd died Monday Inst In St. Agnes' Hospital following n short Illness. IN MIIMOHIAM noROttXMSl. In lovlnjr remembrance of mv wife, ANNA A. WnsrilOIUlHNSl'l. Ilnlered Into rest June 7. 1011. Joseph H. llorRenskl. TIIOMI'HON, In lovlne remembrance of THOMAS THOMPSON, entered Into rest June 7, 101B. At duty's call he did not flinch, Hut proved n soldier, every Inch; And when th" final summons did enme. With simple trust he said, "My home." WILL AND HA DIG. Philliea-Cuba Game Postponed A steady downpour tor the past IS hours caused the postponement jf the second scheduled game between the Phillies and Cuba for this afternoon. Alexander was booked to work for the champions today. Ale tnwii; likely will rtxetve the assignment tomorrow, wim enan (e(wi " ?D eat!) s ADAMS, On June 0, 101(1. EDOAIl O. T., hue band of IJlla A. Adams, In his 70th er. ItclHtlves nnd friends nro Invited to ml end tho funernl eerlce, on Thursday, at (I t. m . nt the Oliver II. linlr lIulMlnr, 1R30 Chestnut st. Interment nt Ilntnvln. N. Y. Itemnln may bo vlowid nt his late residence, ud.10 Walton nve., Wednesday, from 7 to 0 p. m. riease omit flowers. Illllll. On June n, 101ft. TENNIS N. HIItD. be. loved son of llnrry U. and Cnrrlo Hlrd (ne Knger), aged 0 months Relatives nnd friend, are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, nt 1 t. m., at his pnrents' resi dence. 2(138 Dickinson st Interment nt tern, wood Cemetery. Autnmobllo funernl. IKIVII. Suddenly, on June 4. lnlfl, WII.UAM H. 110YD, nned Oil yenrs. Ileintlves nnd friends are Invited tn attend tho funernl services. Thursday, nt '1 p. m., nt the Oliver It. Hair llulldlnit. 1820 Chestnut st. Interment at American Mechanics' Cemetery IIKAIIIXY. On Juno 0. 1010. IIKNRT II , son of tho lato Thomas nnd Eliza Ilradlcy, Rela tives and friends nre Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, nt 7 p m., nt Armstrong & Son. 1000 Columbia nve In terment nt Newarlt. .Del., on Thursday. Train leaves Mroad Ht. Station at 1) n. m. CAMl'HKIX. On June ft, inin. ISAlli:r,LA II., wife of CJenrue R Campbell, nued 04 jcars. Relatives nnd friends nre Invited to attend tho funernl services, on Thursday, at '.' p. m.. nt thv apartments of Kirk & Nice. H3IH Oer m.intown nve.. Oermnntown. Interment pri vate, nt rcrnwood Cemetery. CHEW. At his home In Mount Royal. N. J., on Juno B, 1010, AI.PHONZO T CHEW. In his flOth year. Rolattvea nnd friends, also Courtinnd Saunders Tost. No. 21. C). A. it.t Washington Camp, No. .till. P. O. H. of A.. nnd emplovcs of West Phlla. I'oetolTlcc. are Invited to attend tho funcr.tl services, on Thursday, June 8, ut .1 p. m., at Churles Sliurtleffs funeral npnrtments. 3II2II Market st. Interment nt Mount Morlnh Cemetery. CUDDEN. On Juno 0. ll10 MAItOARBT. wife of Daniel Sudden. Relatlvis and friends are Invited to attend tho funernl. on Trlday. at 8:30 n. m., from her lito residence. '.'Ifto N. Hodlno st. HlKh lterjulem Mbbs at Ht. 1M ward's Church, at 10 a. m. precisely. Intel ment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. ENH1.E. On Juno 4, 101U. C. MAY. dnuahtcr of Ueurse W. nnd Anna K. Ensie. Relatives and friends nre Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursdav, nt 3 p. m . nt her parents' residence, 125 E. Tomona terrace. Herman town. Services at l'lrst Methodist Church, Oermantown nve. nnd Hleh St.. nt 4 o clock. Interment private. KTT1NO. On Juno n, laid, SARAH E.. widow of Samuel Marx Ettlng. Funeral services at tho resldenco of her Bister. Miss Helen Smyth. 2110 Walnut st., nt 4 p. m.. Thurs day. Juno S. Interment private. KVI'.RETT. On Juno 0, 1010. MARY T,. wife of Clenrpo Everett, funeral from tho residence, 31H S. 12th st . I'rlday. nt l n m. Interment nt Smyrna. Del. Remains may bo -v lowed Thursday, 8 to 10 p. m. GIMJIHUST. On Juno fl. 1010. El.IZARETH. daughter of the late John and Jane Gilchrist. Relatives and friends ar Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Thursday, nt 2 p. m. precisely, at tho npartment of Titlow Iiroth ers, 3427 North llroad st. Interment private. CiOOII. At St. Clair Lake. Mich., on June 2. 101(1. ANNA II. GOOD. Notice of funeral lator. HAAS. On Juno 0, 10111. SOLOMON, husband of Hnunnh Haas, aged 71 ieurs. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend tho funeral services, .on Friday, at 10 p. m . nt her lato residence. 2511 Stewart st. (25th and Jeffer son). Interment at Adath Jeshurun Ceme tery. III111IS. On Juno ti. Win, GEORGE CHAP MAN, husband of May Cornish Illbbs and son of Georgn D. nnd Mnttlo II. Illbbs, a Bed 32 years Relatives and friends, also tlio Het field Playground and Improvement Association, are Invited to attend the funeral services, Thursday, at 2 p. m.. nt his Into residence, 5840 McMnhon ave.. uermantovvn. Interment at Ivy Hill Cemetery, friends may view re mains Wednesday evening MAKO.URTTK. On Juno 3. 1010. CHARLES, husband of Anna Glenn Marquette. Relatives and friends, also Friendship Circle, No. 32, 11. A of aibbsboro, N. J., nro Invited to attend tho funeral, on Thursday, nt 8:30 a. m.. from the Oliver It. llalr IlulidlnB. 1820 Chestnut st. Men Mass at St. Patrick's Church at 10 a. m. Interment nt Holy Cross Cemetery. MrVJIY. On June 0, 1010. FRANK, son of Frank nnd tho late Catherine McVey (neo Howard), aged 25 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tha funeral, on Friday, at 7 a. m., from tho resldenco of Mr. Alex ander Clark. (124 W. Somerset st. Mass. at 8 a. m.. nt tho Visitation Church. Inter ment at Cld Cathedral Cemetery. rOl'I'ENIIEIMF.Il. On Juno It, 101(1, BERN HARDT, husband of Emma Poppenhelmer. aged 78 years. Relatives and friends, also Colonel Ouo Towno Post. O. A. R : General Steuben Lodgo. I, O. O, P.. are Invited to at tend the fuperal. on Friday, nt 2 p. m , from 100(1 Erie ave, Interment at Mount Slnul Cemetery. ' ROWLAND. On Juno 0. 1010. SUSAN, widow of Maxvvoll Rowland nnd daughter of tho lato Joseph and Hannnh Mills, aged 71 years. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend funeral services, on Thursday, Juno 8, at 2 o. m. precisely, at her lato residence. 3013 llhawn el.. HolmesburK. Interment private. STIIC'ICIIUItaVK. Suddenly, on Juno 7. lull!, MARY ADVKNA, wife of George Slockburger. Duo notice of tho funeral will be Riven, from her late residence, B001 North Ssdenhom st. STRINGK. At Chicago. 111., on Juno 4. 1010, K1.IZAIIBTH Ineo Sinker), widow of John S, Strings. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral services, nt tho residence of her sister-in-law, 2482 N. 3(lth st . on Thursday, at 2 p. m. precisely. Interment at North Cedar Hill Cemetery. TAYLOR. On June B, HUB, JOHN O TAY lor. axed 70 tears. Relatives and friends, also Post .Wilde, 25. a. A. It,, members Pennsylvsn a Cavalry Association: Upland Lodge No. 428. K, of P.. and employes of Chester Postofflce. aro Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 2.30 p. m at his lato residence. 1B15 Highland terrace, Chester, Pa. Rsmalna may bo viewed Wed nesday evening. Interment st Chester Rural Cemetery. VANnKRIIILT. On Sixth Month 5th. 1016. nEUECCA, widow of Aaron Vanderbllt. In her 85th year. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Slith-day, Slith Month Mtb (Friday) at 3 p. m.. at her lato residence. Martlnook. Mill ave. and Turk road. Hatboro, Pa. Interment private, WILT. At her residence, 1B21 N. Marshall St., on June 0. 1010.' ANN E.. widow of William Wilt. Duo notice of the funeral will ba given. CLASSIFIED RATES In effect Avril 1, 1916 , EVENING LEDGER AOATB LINE) RATH FOR EACH INSERTION AU TH1B STYLE TYPE (or ilka this) Ono or two times......,.,, ..,,,,,.,,,, Threo times one week..,,,.,,,.,,.,,... Six limes ons week............. Situations Wanted three times ono week, loe lOe Help and Situation Wanted and Lost and Found ads are inserted in the Daily Public- Ledger without addi tional charge. Want ads under all other classifications may be repeated la -tha. Puuua Leuukb at combined rate. One or two times. ...t,,,...,,,,, 23c Threo times one week .,.,... jsj Six times ons week.............. , liVie TYPE LIKE THIS (gr like this) is permitted In. all classifications except Heln and Situations Wanted. Lost an.l FgunA Per sonals. Hoarding and Rooms. When so spec! nedT add KIVK CENTS PER ' AOATE UNB TO I ANY OP THE ABOVB RATES, l There is a drug store near your home that "will accept Ledger wants ads at office rates, PEBSOHAIig IEAVIHY -nte tefept., 1 jwf o tlou. bottl fed: vvll Klv fujl l, raa 137, LtiOi'tr Bf auli, ISUi Old. for 4dOb puaoaoilon Aa- u-r.j visa. Rent Your Rooms Somebody needs rooms just like those you have vacant, but how will they know about them if you don't advertise? is read by people who tenants. SsiiSimK l i S888eSKC89K!iS4 Try a Public Lcdjrer classified ad. The Ledger the type of make good Phone, write or call Ledger Office, Walnut or Main 3000. mSeaS8!?88 UNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS WESTKRN UNION TKLKORAPH CO., MO! Chestnut sL Mrs. J. M. Harlnn, Miss Kmllln Owens. George Houghton, C K. Westing, Wes- ley aiiinns, .Morris -rnpietzic. unyinomi cnris tnnsen. Antonta Tonello, R. C Kelly, lgnats Schmidt. Kred Stebcrt, Ralph Hlmpklns. Miss Dorothy Htevvnrt. R, J Ulcltey & Son. O. It. MeCullougli. Iku1s.i Alexnnder, Mrs. Lawrence, R R Welnliertr. it D. Ornnt, Mnry 15. Hut chinson. Clyde ltou'ch. It. l.nsker. Minnie Wal ton. Miss Carrie Hrownell. Jack Casey, Nor man S Mnckle, Jnvk A lllrnm, Chns, Nnugh ton A Co. POSTAL TULKORAPII CO.. 1420 South Tenn sciuurv Joseph Sacks, William B Smith. Oli ver S Smith, Hancock, J. M. Lovvry, Veuve Thomas. HELP JW" ANTED FEMALE ASSISTANT MATRON or working housekeeper experienced In Institution work; rnpublo of doins mending Prolestnnt, nge. a.1 tn no, reference required P 3,'n, ledger Oentrnl. CARIITAKBR wanled. phislclan's residence, during summer; referentes required. Apply BOO N. 20th st., next Jinn.. P::I0 to 11.S0 a. m CHILbNURSi: for one child, 2 yenrs nld: clergy man's home: nngllsh. Irish or Scotch pre ferred! not too soung; 130 monthly; best ref erences required. Mrs .1 A Flnley, Haver ford, Pn Telephone Ardmnre B41 J. CLMRIC for stock record work, permanent posi tion Regal. 800 N.JOth st COOK nnd chninbermnld nnd waitress Two white mnlds for St. D.ivld's . Meet emplover. Room 20;-,. c.n Chestnut st . Thursday, 11 n m COOK, good, plain: clem, settled woman, plneo In country. Apply Wednesday, 11 till 12:30, 1804 Pine st. COOK for country place within city limits. Ap ply 1237 N. llroad St.. between 10 nnd 3 today. OIRL. German, for conking nnd downstairs work: four In family, no washing. Onlt Lane. 021) W. , lr, Kenllworth nvet. Oak Lane Park GIRL, colored, for chnmherwork and waiting: S55'riS.no'''j3i reference. Meet emplover, Room 20.VK0S Chestnut st . Thursday. 11 n. m GIRL, white, for general housework: bring refer ences.Call Room 310.1418 Wnlnut. GIRLS wanted, over Id; lncrense.1 facilities havo made openings In our plant for refined. Intelli gent B rls for soiling, labeling nnd parkins modioli supplies, light, pleasnnt work: clenn. henlthv surroundings, r,2-hour week; salary tn to beginners, with rapid advancement to good workers, 2 minutes from Darby on trolley, 20 minutes from llroad Street Station on train. ",'2-. 1J!J"!'X?n or by letter to H. K. JIUL VORD O . Glenolden. Pa GIRLS wnnted for filing nnd record keeping by library bureau system: nne In charge and one nsnlstnnt: state experience and wages ex pected P 027. Ledger Office. GIRLS wnnted. light work: no experience neces f!"rr..t.1 Jie-r week paid while learning. Apply :ilo North 32d st. HOSIERY", experienced knitters nnd toppers, ex aminers, loopers, nlso learners, paid whllo learning. 1320 N. Lawrenre. HOUSKWd'RK (general! and light laundrv work: to gn to senshnro for summer: reference re quired. Call J230 Sprucest. HOUSBWORIi- "(general) Two experienced women. Meet emplover. 10:30 n. m. Wednes day, Room 20.-,, OOS Chestnut sL HOPS RWORK Colored girl for general honsVI Wu'WorTh" Aroad.'" faml"i r"n C" "SFiXPPtfir"'!1- for enrarho"iFs.work: Arrfi "llllnB t0 f aw"y fr summer. BUS ilolJSRWORK WhTte.nveat. capable woman-" small family; reLCa juia Raring st. m irousnwoRK srrkkrs The surest way to get In touch with positions In th best Philadelphia fami lies Is through the Situation Wanted columns of the Ledger Call on Mrs. Mend, mnnager of tho Ledger's Household Registry Uurenu. and tell her about four experience nnd tho kind of a position you want. Sho has had 10 years' experience In em ployment work and can find tho right place for you. No charge to Ledger advertisers. Get acquainted today with MRS. MKAD Household Registry Rureau, Washington Ilulldlng. IlilH Chestnut St., Second floor. 1RONKRS on shirtwaists nnd skirts: bt pavj steady work. THE HAGERDORN-MERZ CO. 3d nnd Rrown. KITCHEN nnd dining room slrls wnnted. whlteT Apply Offtre llulldlng No. 8. Glrard College, 21st and Olrard ave. LAUNDRY airls to do pressing on shirtwaists nnd skirts. The HAdKDORN-MKRZ CO.. 3d anil llrown. IAIINDRBSS experienced, good reference; for Mondais. Phono Raring 741.1 J. MAID, chnmberwork nnd waiting, wanted, Protestant, to go .to Atlantic City, reference Meet lady at I-edger Umployment Dureau, It o'clock. Room 20.1, (IPS Chestnut. OPERATORS on shirtwaists and skirts: stendr work: best pay. TUB HAOEDORN-MKHZ CO.. 3d and Rrown. PRKSSKRS nn shirtwaists and skirts: ht iwv; steady work. THE HAaUPORN-MKRZ CO. 3d and llrown. SALESPERSON Steady position for energetic girl with some photo sales experience. Desen- der Photo Supply, 1112 Chestnut st. 8TENOORAPHER with general of'ce experience. Including handling' of long-distance telephone rails, for Seabrook Farms Company. Hrldse. ton. N. J. ; good snd permanent position for capable person. For further Information see MUspeonjitLedger Central. STKNOORAPHER Office "largo corporation; up. curate, rapid and thor. exp. AMSjId,0ff. STENOORAPflKR. exp.. wanted by W. Phlln. manufacturing firm M. 1118. Ledger Central. 1 8TRAWRRinOR A CLOTHIER REQUIRE EXPERIENCED BALKS. WOMEN FOR THE SHOE DEPART WENT. APPLY nl'RKAU OP KM PLoVilENT, AV, FLOOR, I1EJ-ORE 11 A. M. TELEPHONE OPERATORS The Uell Telephone Co. offers opportunity for louns women be tween 17 and 22 years old to learn telephone operating; must be bright, enercetto and am bitious: good salary; rapid advancement; per manent position among pleasant surroundings la assured; salary paid while learning, Apply In person between 830 a. m. and & p. In.. Rell Telephone Co.. 10H Market st. TYPIST and clerk In Camden, general office ex perience: excellent opportunity. Address M, p.. P. O. Rag am. WASHWOMAN, good, lor Monday. Apply Harry S. IJelz. Wjomlng ave. and D st.Olney, A LA'nv of literary taste, "over 25, to assist In subscription department of publishing -house: must ba able to Interview customers; need not he, experienced, but good references. George Harris's Sons. 131J Walnut st General TEACHERS WANTED High school and. gr.de positions walling fof candidates, res. today. T 11. COOK. MQR.. NAT. TEACHERS' AGENCY. 327 Perry llldg. HELP WANTED MALE AUTOMOHILE STOCKROOM CLERK wanted by o o' the lariit automobile concerruj In this city. For youns man, wtdeawsxs. luteUUtnt. willing and snappy worker, tnls la u great op. nortuully, Automobil narts cxperleme ubsu RtVly essential. Write, stattna full particulars resrdlDJi experience- olsa where employed tw fers. rsfereuc and salary dslred. Give phonu number. M 157. Ledger Cestral BOYS, over 18 years; good wages, steady posl. iloS: Frledberger Aaron Mrs. Co.. iiDQ N. l,tb, St., neir Wyno Jum-tlon. BOY wauted. 10 yert e? ase. In Ins'uranco com jlnyjT pL tar ISO per wootb. to com- E5Y." bright. wntid for retierat B,work la laraa BilMlo plant, relerenca. A MaL,dij Office. BgYTibottt li S-er old. ox ofycf of corpora ifjn: stat wages ruj. ret V 3510 cnt bOVajwanteJ. if or over to jwrk ta, wall paper ra.wry. &ppty .i 4H1QC, JjHS.rfr miuw o$ I. Yi'.Ur m mint te, HELP WANTED MALE Continued (rom i'rrcrdlsa Colsmii. ItQYS wanted for box shop; steady work. Ap fly N W. corner nth and llrown. CARlNtlTMAKEItS and bench hands wanted, famtllir with stnlr work. Apply Cnas. F. Felln ft Co.j Inr i York road nnd llutler M. CAMP PHYSICIAN Ros' summer rnmp. preferably young rd uate. "wrlenced with iwys. Apply fully. Mating lermsj P 1)22, ledger Office. PARPnMTr.ns wanted for general work; steady MsltiSi. to right men. Affift" v nlmve Calumet stj trolls Of HcnusiRlii. CAniENfKRS""wnhted for night shift, 8.13 Market st. Fleishman Cohstructlon Company. Apply superintendent. t'ARl'ENTr.RS wanted for general work. Ap ply In person or by letter. II, K. Mulford Co., Olenolden, Pa. CHaUiTRUR. white, thoroughly experienced! country In summer; must mWa nmn,o(btT duties: Al reference required. Call or phone. 27 N. 18th st. Spruce 4117. CHAUFFEUR. l-?vate driving, must havo good V Rrn..0iVte7.r,:: Led- .XPnnVrtil.pW'iV&Air op MPLOYMIlNT. 4i FLOOR. HEFORU v. STRAWDRIDGI & CLOTHIHR DOCTOR wanted for nn Insane hospital: pay 80 " monlli nnd'mnlntenance; must bo slnkle, n Protestant nnd not over in years of age. Addressllox TOIL Rye. N. . . IJltUO CLERK Must be counter and prescrlp V 'tlon man. Stuckert's. Masonic Templo.Trenton I'ltKinilT HANDLERS Men wanted to truck ffelght nt stntlom while or tolored. Apply inn. to take care, small , n. m., .i . (lARDENER. experienced pace Him iw ,.n, """'-,",", good wnges.P2.j0. Ledger lentral HARDWOOD PINISltERS 100 WANTED FILLERS, COATERS rtunnniis, sprayers HOURS 18 WEEK WAGES 118.72 WEEK APPLY D-12 O'CLOCK MONDAY. JUNE 12TII 3D07 POWELTON AVE. HELP WANTED MALE color HARDWOOD KINlSIiip-i;ff.mBHnmlft& Co mlxeri first class. Ueonto . Smith .'v. i-o. Inc.. Iiio, roweuon me. . itOUSEMANrwhito. to "''. h'I"?.'1,1,rn"m Useful llooni 'mWi pmplovrr Saturday, znri, ims uncsmui r... Tvtimimi.'VT MAKI3UH. too makers, 'LPet'dJy oVAN ,ours. nvchlnl-t. 3 to nsslsiant mnhlnlsi.,$J- to i -.0. f, J"-''';" and llrown, Sharpo & Grldley.a.7iJ "compensali when l,l?.or.1eVvlce 13 days' leave after one enr a service i.Aimiip.ns. 12: hand turret. lawie i ij ""; I'M ; Potter & Johnston. 3- ViVlrtJiv 13 V Cleveland. Rrown. Sharpo & Grldle , I..J I. hlgner ?cni ." "a:r'tl r la afternoons during :.. ....'.,, nil with full pa. APPiy Prnnkforrt" Arsenal, preferably In Person, llrldcshurg. Philadelphia. Pu. IFWI'lItY POLISHERS Experienced on l'lftL!' nim nnd gol I. Applv by letter only. J. t. CALIWilLI. A CO.imS Chestnut st. . litoil. Philadelphia Pa. l7RORERS. noo.l, wnnte.l now at Tygert-Allen Fertllljior Works. South Delaware and 1ec cacoenves (Greenwich Point). tdy work the year around for right men. See Super- imcndnt.ntworks.. LA1I0HERS wanted: 2.S5 per day. filth nnd U ray's nve. LARORERS" waiitedfm7'ltenefalvvork: steady positions to right men. AP Ply . " nve' above Cnlumet st.. Falls of Schujlltlll. LARORERS fo' out-of-town work: nount of strike: wages 22 tents per hour. Apply 3S North intli. . - , , ,- LEAD HURNERS Ist-class mer's on wnnted i good wngea: steady Job. M 321, ledger oir. MACHINE STITCHER wante.1 on hand Swiss machine, nlso learner. Roberts Embroidery JVimnany, 31121 N. Lnwrencest. MACHINIST Steady employment at sntlsfnc tory v?ngeM: modern factory situated In liRh; fill location: il-ccnt faro from UJd nnd Market sts. Only thoroughly competent men. applying In person, will be considered. NO WAR ORDERS. THE AUTOCAR COMPANY Ardmoro, Pa, MACHINIST Wanted. Intho and shapcr hand. " The Hartman Co.. 12S?N. Front. MANAGER A cenernl manager for nn nrtinclnl 5 silk company Address stating age experl ence and salary expected. P OOI.Lciigei urt. MECHANICS WANTED. FIRST CLASS. Machlno lathe hands, automatic machine lands, millwrights, riggers, mo We-s. core makers and laborers. Apply vim inninos, midvvlii l.ocomotlvoWorks, P.ddjstono. Pii. MI-N wanted for general farm anil laboring work, also men to handle hogs; steady posi tion 'for sober Industrious men Apply In person, n- hy letter II. K. MULIOltD lu., Glenolden, Ta. OFFICE ROY In at counting room of large man ufacturing concern; must bo over 1(1 ears of ace Answer In own handwriting. Reference required. P 3 13. Ledger Central. . OFFICE WORK Young man ns clerk; give age. exn-rlence imd reference. Apply Chalfonto llotel. Atlantic City, giving telephone number. OFFICE ROYS wanted: good wages; chance for advancement., 2jnW. Somerset. OPEifATOR--E11H adding machine operator wanted in banking Institution; state age and experience. A 331. Ledger Office. PAPER MILLS Machlno tender, bnck tender, third hands, machinists, millwright, engineer. McDowell Paper MllluManayunk. Pa Pmn,TRYMAN, experienced, wanted married oV single (married preferred) to tako charge Sf a poultry plant equipped with every modern Convenience, one who understands lncuh.il ns arid raising chicks nnd who understands the management of both fancy and commercial Sultry! Address Millard P. , HlnEnam, Chesapeake. Farms, Oxford,, Maryland. qif ESMAN 15" weekly to salesman with es tabils'hed trade with dispensary phslclnns, don't answer unless you are a llvo wire. 13 711). IdgerJJentral. uTrT-SMAN Catholic, excellent proposition; road and local! Investigate. Ca f Munnger. suite 1111 Ileal Estate Trust Rulldlng; SALES MANAGER WANTED Salesman looking for general sales agency on nationally advertised lino of office upi.I -ancfs i and time-saving devices can get full details by reading our "ad" under llusiness Oiportuntlles. Mel ekSLComjuinjr. SALESMEN I'VPERlENCElJ IN ijlilliin. iiijAniv I'ts AND HOUSEl'URN'ISHINOS AP PLY RUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT. 1V Fl OOn IIEFORB ll A M. STRAWIIRIDGE i. CLOTHIER wTPN-oaRAFlIER wanted In law office: must be thoroughly experienced: state age. exp. and salary expected; perm.Eos.J'U.Jrfd. Cent. STKNOORAPHER Young man for office In up town factory: wages IIO. Address M. J p O. Rox 3413. TOOL AND GAUOE MAKERS, tool grinders snd adjusters, machlno operators; Inexperi enced men will b put under Instructions: per manent nnd highest wages. Remington Arms Co " EddystoSe. Pa. Apply II, F. Lavls, 12th St. Employment Office. Star ave. deck vi-- vVKRS on Jacquard Turkish towels, ami Crwent Co..' Hancock ami Lehigh . " Ti-n" Able-bodied loune men as . c hands and firemen; wages J30 and ISS per month and found; good chance for advance SeMl permanent job; must m II S. citizens. Apply V'ollir Vulcan, Hack Channel, Navy Yard. . . . WANTED- Promptly, an efficient operator on hydraulic elevator for office building and fao tnrl" white man. competent, nbout 2.1 years ),f 'ice: must furnish undoubted reference; was"! m" APE' if 3"?' -'-SSlStr "Mr?, . . WANTEl--tn office building and factory a. re iifl mini mini be white, about middle age Lnd mS?t furnish undoubted references. Ap jjjy L S2S. LVdger OJftce. WANTED Gardener, single. ..best reference ' roulred llowers and vesetables: wages. 110 StS board. V 31L Ledger Central. wintfd 1 driver and 1 stableman Apply VAJn Bread St., between 2d and Sd nd Race .nd Vine. Apply to foreman. WATCHMAN An uptown factory want u good. Viiid J watchman, with good rtr. . permanent Jlfuitlon! Addre.e "O. P.." P. O. iKx 33U0.. iViTrELWlllOHT wanted; competent man for TyTv'sIn Sand Co. Beach and nerk. YOUNG MAN 1 assist In storeroom of manu- 'lacturlng Pln " FaC,an,k'0,r', -Jll1"' ,u'- ln ajaliacatlons. P 932, LedgerjOfrlce. . vnitNOMAN OR STRONG ROY, to work In Y($ 2al i 2ou. Apply J. Ifllne, 3131 Mar ket street , vriTiKG MAN about 17 years. In office of msnu Y faituilng "staUUhment. Address "M. F.. p1gpx ?i3 vriUNQ MEN bstween tl agea of IS and 33 wTio deslrt to travel and to recelyo mUltary tralnlnj? a members of th first Uns of tho "uair?. defensa apply, ".M0,8 ? Philaijjlpola. Pa- tor detaUed Information r gardlrig iNilUtpeut to th9 United Slates Ma rina Corps. V -i - - -, r - T?OUNQ MEN wants? el telephone busl ness. manual UaUilnj:, hlsb scfcooj or cpUe g wJluiteV prtfemf,. Answer lu pwq baudwrft tul statins u. tulcM weight and refer BIe M 112 yS" Central. SPLEXD1U iipertUDity foe Unographer .nd l2Skfesr eartend In luusbir od box Confirmed romPr?cedln Volumn. TWO CAItrErtfER'S IIBLrBlTS wanted aj, once, nt American Engineering Co., Arsmingo ave. nnd Cumberland St. 1... HELP wanted In wet finishing room. An. Shsek Rmxon Mills, Hancock st ind.Ailegjnxavjj, General COST ACCOUNTANT, experienced In tobyeeo. DEFAIVl S1K." T ill AN AVtl-.ll, exn. 'n sona roun- HOOKKEEPERS YmiTiie man. a mo. i knowledge. of railway work, $00 mn.i North I'hlln,, in several IIOTfcli CASHIERS, ROOKKEEPEnS, etc, CORRESPONDENT ANI -. COLLECTION isln nxtures mlg. exp.. in CI.i5RK7 I8. ASST. STORFSMANAGEI, J1S, CLERK gen N. Phlla.. 110. HILL CLERK AND TYPIST. Chester; ill! STENOGRAPH nil. sT Amerca. 11800 STENOGRAPHERS, several, lift. DlCTAPHONB OPERATORS. DRAFTSMAN, heavy machinery, out of town, lino a mo. SALES MANAGER, .frocery ape. rlnltles, $8000:stenm specialties, W" ASlJT. SALES MANAGER.. $1300. SALESMEN, hlah-grailo photogrnphic supplies: builders sup plies; anchor bolt. Jlsoo. Other positions open 'or ntaii-nnADR mrn iur BUSINESS SERVICE COMPANY 1301 LAND TITLE BLDO. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER, rterlfi ,mot r?lt- ablo: beautiful writer; .refs. F J,Jicent. ASST. "hOOKKEEPnil nnd typist, 1 year's ex perience; $10. II T-oL. ledger Central. . ... ASST HOOKKEEPER, pen. office work, exp., callable. $8. F 40. I,edgerJntral IIOOKKHEPr.H, Protestant, 11 years' experi ence, thoroughly familiar with modern meth ods, wishes responsible position with good ron rem desiring a romp. A conscientious person; nlso n cnp.slenngrnpher F HO Len.ent "ilOOKKEEPllR or assistant, exp. comptometer nnd mldlng mnrhlne operntor.j' 51. Led.t.ent. CHAMIIERMAID nnd waitress Two sisters, with best reference, willing to separate: sea shore nr country Call nt present place. 11 POtllll llltll st AUTOMOBILES For, gals CeHltnutd rort' Prrerifliu' tfoInMri. CHAMIIERMAID nnd wn'ltress or cook, colored, for family going nvvay Poplar 2O70J. . CHtLDNURs'E or attendant Neat, light colored girl; country or seashore, ran Rive good refer ence Phone Preston 4058 W. . CLERICAL WORK, knovvledgo of typewriting and office work. F no. Idgerjt'entral. CLERK, employed, would like work two or three evenlnirs n week. F 4,"8, Ledger Office. COMPANION-NURSE, undergraduate. wishes position, country or shore; best references; well experienced. II fill. Ledger Office. ' COMPANION, ndrse orsenmstress',"wllMng"to da light duties, country or seashore; good refer ente.. II Sl7. Ledger Office. COOK Good plain cook wnntsT to live In good plain family; good reference, 1727 Carlton. COOK Exper whllo Protestant woman wlshei position as cook. F 2H7, Ledger Central. COOK: tip-state woman, no washing; best ref erence. Room son. flOS Chestnut st, COOK, experienced, for seashore or country; best reference. Apply 2250 Fltxwster st, COOK nnd chambermaid" wants situation; city ur ni'iiinnre. lllCKinsnn 47 it. COOKING nnd downstairs work or light housed work vvlthout vv-nsh: ref. It ills. Led. Office. COOKING nnd downstairs work: good referenced , wngea $7. .Phone 3104 Oermantown nve. GIRL, tolored. wishes chnmberwork" and wait ing; como homo nights. 817 8. 10th. HOUSEWORK Settled Trotestant womn'n' from" country: good homo more thnn wages: no wnshng. 102(1 E. Columbia ave HOUSEWoltK -Capahlo womanwith small boy. for summer: ref. F 1 BO. Ledger CentraL KINDERGARTNER. experienced, traveler and companion, seeks position for summer: refer ences exchanged. E Rill. Ledger Central. MOTHER'S HELPER or" rhlldnurso "Refined young vvomnn wants position, nreferahlv nt mountains or country. II 314. Ledger Office. MOTHER'S HELPER. "wining to make herself useful with light duties: good reference. H .1111. Ledger Office. SECRETARY, bookkeeper, stenographer: yours; woman with exper : cnp.ible taking charge of fice handling correspondence. E 817. Lett. Cent. STENOGRAPHER -Expert In legal ""world knowledge of bookkeeping: accustomed tn re spans bllltv: capable of taking charge of office. E 8,1. Ledger Central, STENOGRAPHER ft jcars' experience. cniibf correspondent, claim adtuster. rnshler: fitted for respon. position: SIB. B 813. LerU Cent. STENOGRAPHER, expc'flenced: exceptional tal ent In music: piano: rirslres pos. where this nrcnmpl'hm't will be v'J'ble. I 043. LM. Cent. STENOGRAPIint exn, nnd neurit", d-slrei position: moderate snlory. F 32. I.edge r Cent. STENOGRAPHER -xcep'ly well e.picntd. nnn hle: accurate: office cxn. F 4(1. Led. CntrnJ STENOGRAPHER" wants position:" Insurance nfnee: r, j-enrnexnerlence. Belmont CS1. TEACHER desires position for" summer gover ness or companion; exn. In housekeeping nnd rare of children. JtedJlrJiSJ CressonA Cay. TELEPHONE OPERATOR npd clerk, e-tp. fprl vnto hrinrh pn-ferred. P."nri. Ledrer Cent. TYPIST. exneri""of exceptional rxn. In and commercial: knowl of stenmrrnnV-: possess executlvn jihllltv. F JlLedter Central. TYPIST expert: r"vcnrs' cxpTenco: knowledge of dlctnnhone. n (140. Lcdq-er Central. WANTED, position nsmannrrtng housekeeper or matron, clerical nnd executive ability; excellent references F 440. Ledger Central. WOMAN colored, wants laundry or r day's" vvofkT 201 1 Nleholns st ENOLTSII-spwiklng l3ermnrrProlest7l"pfeilii-rier- mnldjnd vvallress. vvell recommended, wishes plare M. It.. "cnr"of MrsT Miller, 1.1111 Cherry st. Spruce 1.104. HIGH SCHOOL ORAD. clerlcsl experience. 1 stenog nnd hnokiceep'fi; SI Trts-er rnfrsl. SITUATIONS WANTEU MALE ACCOUNTINO.liy cxnert. nnv kind, night and hnlldnvs. .' no. Ledger Central. HOOKKEEPER. experienced, will own. rinse nnd write up brooks, day or evening; high efficiency svstems Installed- moderate terms. Hell phone, Woodland 3833 M. HOOKKEEPER. correspondent and stenographer: experienced, accurate, efficient. ,F 2.11. Ledger Gent rnl ' t HM'l' H.UR, K years' experience nn nil makes of cars: do own repalrl-s careful driver: best references B 4.11, Ledg-r Central. CHA'TFI'BUR". white 3.1. married; D -venrs- s'hnn and road exper.. all cars; thoroughly reliable, highest recommendations Dlrklnson 3Q3 W CHAUFFEUR. Oermnn single, age 80. sober, wishes position: nrlvale fsmllv: experience: ref Phone Wiyvt 4004 4(127 llnltlmnre nve, CHAUFFEUR white, sober. 3 yenrs' exn. pond reference wishes ..Pnsljjon A 324, Jrfd. Off. CHAUFFEI'Il. wishes pos.. nrlv fam;: yrs.' exn : good rennlrman 1044 D" J.ancev st CLERICAL POSITION wanted hv vounr msu: in years' experience rnllrned traffic clalmand accounting department. F .11.1, Ledger Central CORRESPONDENT. .1.1 well educated: msllor: der exnerlence: good knnwleflcre .nf nu-,Hin. executive nlilllty. IB years' business training; sslarv l?n.t21 weekly. A 300 fdr Office. ENGINEER, civil nnd .mechanical, first-class mnn. desires responsible position; six vears' ".hn.".Jn'J ! y?,r,",' drawing office experience. A 320 Ledger Office. MAN 40. wishes position where honesty and at tention to business will be xriDrectatrdi bss been In "resent position for ?0 years; capable of Inndilng men: best reference. E 838. Ledger Central MAN American white, single, wsnts place to tako chore? '"''hslor apartments anywhere; can cook. A 328. ledger Office. MECHANICAL DRAUGHTSMAN, good detail excellent designer of automatle and special mnchlnery, wld experience, thorough shop training. Rox 4708a 8latlonE. OFFICE MANAGER Exp'd lookkoer and "of. flro manager des. change: responsible executive; hli-hest refs married F 31.1. Ledger Centra) PPRCHAS'lNO AGENT College graduate, ago 31. with 10 ) ears' valuable business experi ence desires position with large, progressiva concern, or would consider executive position in office: highest references snd bond If re quired. P 332. Ledger Central. SALESMAN, emnloved, desires change; local or travel, educated; 12 years' experlenrs: age 82; good presence: reference. E 7B7. Led. Cent. TRAFFIC MANAGER Ability and training of highest: empioyeu. ,u i-"i"ici-v hu" re sponsible llrm. reference, F 157. Led. Cent. YOUNG MAN. age 28. 10 years' sales experlsnce; convincing manner and pleasing personality: city or travel; bond If necessary: preferably salary and commission. F 351. I,ed. Centrsl. YOUNG MAN, having studied civil engineering: "sears at Lehigh, desires permanent work along civil engineering lines; big wages not Expected. L 414. Ledger Central . YOUNG MAN now employed, seeks opportunity to assume bigger responsibility In capacity of clerk. 3 years' experience. 23, ledger BraneJi. 11.1 W Olrard ave. YOUNO MAN with exceptional ability wlshea e veiling employment at home, office or store. 1 3D11.. livi v."."".. VALE GRADUATE desires tutoring, college en trance and school work; Latin and English Ipectslties. K UP. Udger Central. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES POSITIONS wanted by excellent chambermaids, including Swedish. Norwegian and Irish Prot istants; waitresses, parlormaids, seamstresses. Protestant Infant nurses wanted for seashore; r7aundressVs' $40; kltchenrojlds. $ and III ?ooks. $10-$30; second men. for Bar ilarbor. Newport and Narrangansett. Mrs. Rogers. $13 rtitaBii MRS. KANE. 611 .8. 10th. wishes situations for Scotch Prot. cook, no laundry; also several ex cellent Catholic cooks, trained waitresses, rhlldnursts. maids, seamstresses, butlers. houHmen. laundresses, etc, -also want whits ProTroouilM- IT1! HU?",-2i0!- ivVntED Cooks, chambermaids, laundresses, chlldnurses, housework girls, cooka for Catho. lie rectory; first-class help .want positions, "llw Rose Dougherty 1318 W Olrard. MRS. NICH(5lLS, 1926 Ualnbrldge. hag compe tent help; all uatlonalltUs, ladles' maids. Wanted, couples: also looks. Ph. locust 2180. MIS3""MAIY T. MCCARTHY, 2107 Christian (Loo-1383). supplies and wants lst-class Prot., Catta.. mU and femaU help, nil nationalities. YOU KNOW THE. LOCOMOBILE When wo guarantee a Locomo bile "Six" from our exchange car department like a new Locomo bile what more is there to say? Only this the low prices wilt surprise you. We can handle your present car. THE LOCOMOBILE ' COMPANY OF AMERICA 2314 Market Street H. A. JENKS Manager Exchange Car Department GOOD VALUES i N USED CARS lftH WINTON. 8 cylinder. . 7 psasencer. touring, fully equipped; excellent condlt on. WHITE, (1 cylinder. 7 passenger, touring! starter and electric lights. STEARNS KNIUIIT. tl cylinder. 7 passenger. touring, starter and electric lights. 1018 MARMON Tour. Car: A 1 condition. FIERCE-ARROW, 0-4S chassis. PALMER-SINGER, U cylinder, 7 passeng, louring, RANIER. 4 cylinder, 7 passenger, touring. STEARNS-DURYEA, 0 cylinder. 7 passenger, limousine. TRUCKS. FEDERAL. 1-lon stake body. OVEnLAND Delivery, lst-class condition with panel body. PACKARD Delivery. THE WHITE COMPANY 210 NORTH nROAD STREET L.,11. O'NEAL, Used Car Department. Bell, Spruce H102. Keystone, Race 1731. AUTOMOBILES Tor Sale HIGH-GRADE chassis (or sals, in flret-cUis either light deuvsry or speedster body; will A-oansa yqov sell cheap to .quick buyer. Ledger Central. CADILLAC, 1914. touring- car. overhauled and repainted: full equipment, price t10. AUIXS BALES CORPORAflOtir. 148 N." Broa4"a., FORO CARS REPAINTUP v3R US sb a. co.pri.tlve pUn. HUhcsc gruJo wcri- 5fif irdrr.tftBrS' m L. S. BOWERS COMPANY COLE GRANT 215-217 NORTH BROAD STREET Offers the followlrg used ears: COLE 1012 4-cyllnder Touring. COLE l'12 4-cyllnder Limousine COLE llll:l 4-cyllnder Touring AIIROTT-DETROITER 1014 Tourlnr TOIJRAINB 1012 Touring CHALMERS 11U2 TourlniJ IIAYNKS 1012 Touring KISSEL KAR inn Touring K1UT 1013 Touring MARMON lOlu Touring MICHIGAN 1014 'louring OLDSMOnlLC 101H Touring All the above curs have been taken In tradn for COLES and have been completely over hauled and are In perfect ranntng ordir. WE INVITE YOU to Inspect the 'following !' of rebuilt and repainted cars, whlcn arc uf fered for Bile. Each car Is tn firs -clas running condition RAMRl.ER. cross-country model: 5 passenger. llll:l COLE, wltli glass Inclosure, 1014 VKLltl. 5 passenger, fu ly equipped. 101(1 JEFFREY. 5 passenger: run only 000 1013 CHALMERS. .' parsencer. Wo nlso have rebuilt OLDSMOHILES. THE OLDSMORILE COMPANY 231 N llroad st.. Philadelphia. Phono Uell. Wol. 4187: Key.. Race 2140. TWIN (1. ll10. ENOER. DEMONSTRATOR! PRACTICALLY NEW CONDITION IN KVERY RESPECT: CARRIES 1-YE.VR FAC TORY GUARANTEE: WILL DEMON. STRATE IN ANY MANNER DESIRED; THIS IS AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE A NEW. UP-TO-DATE MODKti AT A DISCOUNT. UOTH PHONES, POP. 1830. RACE 207S. r HUPMODILE , We have some good used Hupmoblles, Touring cars and Roadsters; most of them with elec tric starters. Tha logical place to buy a good Hupmoblle Is HUPMODILE. 032 N. BROAD. RUSH DELIVERY, panel body. 1000-lb. delirT ery car; used less than 800 miles; condition like new; complete equipment: good reason for selling; will demonstrate, Standard Motor Car Co., 082 N. Broad st. PULLMAN Distributors. Poplar 183K. noce.20TB. 1IUDSONS rebuilt and guaranteed; phaetons, roadsters and cabriolets! elec. lights and start, ers. OOMERY-SCHWARTZ. 2,13 N. llroad st. STUDERAKER 7-passenger. lata model; elec tric lighting and starting system; good condi tion: full equipment; will demonstrate; pries 1430. Standard Motor Car Co., 002 N. Droad at, PULLMAN Distributors. Poplajr1830; Race 2078. PAIGE. 1015. rareabout; cost 1128!!: all new ttreB; rebuilt and repainted! will sell for I BOO. I, 235. Ledger Central. 1015 STUDERAKER S-passengsr roadster In absolutely first-class condition: full equip ment In every respect. Including- slip cover. Standard J.lotorCarCo., 0d2Nliroad. 1010 PAIGE 6-38 Fairfield model. Alcond.; fully equipped: extra tire and rim: for sale cheap. Hawley Motor Car Co.. 032 N. Droad St. HUDSON 6 CHEVROLET PARTS Schober 3311-13 MARKET WELDING and brazlnr, cylinders rebored. new Pistons and rings furnished. JIERCULB3 WELDINO AND MACHINE CO., 223 JJ. lolh st Philadelphia. CLOSED-PANEL DELIVERY BODIES. 10. SCHOBER, 3341-43-45 Market SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN OF USED CARS QORSON AUTO EXCHANOB. 238 N. BROAD Wanted AUTOS wanted for parts. Phlla. Auto Fart Co" 838 N. 18th st. Park 1418. AXTTO MVEBY. AMD QAKAOE3 PELTON OARACIE FIREPROOF 12,000 sq. ft. storage space CHAUFFEURS CHAUFFEURS Before making a change Inspect our servtos. 63D. GlRARD AVENUE AND FELTON STREET Phone, Belmont 1161. TO HIRE (open day and ntihtl, braad-osw B-pass. touring car, with robes, 11.56 hr.; also brand-new 7-pass. llmouslno. tl.BO hrj vrjd-rtins-funerals. Poplar 181T. 1T1B Glrard. BUY MOISTER Portabi Garages -Stul or stucco. On display 3931 N. Bth. Tlot 2384. ATJTO PAINTING QUALITY based on experience Is tha. prima. conslderstloni don't deprlvo youraelt o'ths best when the prlca Is In your favor. Phona Tioga, 2702 Immediate servlca. ii" GEORGE V P-UJVIB, JR 1821 Alrdals st. (Broad abova Erie). Fords repainted for 112 00. a CQ-ooaratlva plan, ATJTO KEPAIBINQ AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS Tha best equipped ahon In West Pblla. W straighten frames and axles, maka pans, harden and grind. Rebuild, pvarlauf and un.i. ail mib.i. ibices xair jLgencr lor Wart ilastsr carburetors. Preston 48SS or 13 HlGGlNS IJROS.. ia Chastnut. SPEEDOUETER TROUBLES ? 'nt rii.lv. st his nsw location. 610 NORTH BROAD ST. CYLINDERS v REBORED. n.w plstoa aod rinta furrnsb-ad- weldings and brails. H., Underwood & Co.. 10SS Wamllten f,. AUs. PARTU raum ATJTO STOPiaM geCTtoea poona. Parlf Um. 'll -1 an sgvrW&SkipriS