Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 07, 1916, Night Extra, Image 15

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    P!$&mwmu wmm
Ogoiitz School Grounds Will Be Thrown Open to the Public
for a Large Bazaar and Hawaiian Affair Given
to Benefit Abington Memorial Hospital
it... tAflat Ititorpstlntr hnrln
rDT one ui " "" -.----.. -
I i ....... tuin In Vifl trlt.nrt
Ari of the out-oi-uour xm "u
hn the OgonU School grounds, In nitl of
ho supper nnd dantc which will follow
)L a)Way affair, and which the fair spon
sors hope to make n decided social event.
Th"re has been a bit of a lull In the dan
,ng lately, and, as' It I "ally a favorite
nastlmo, many will take advantage of this
Silly to sup and trip the light fan
Stic; thercfoie, "guests had best come
H' If they- want to stay late," say the
mmlttee. Mr.. George W. Blklns. Jr..
b general chairman In charge of the
am, which has Brown to be nn annual
no how. Mrs. John S. Ncwbold Is prcsl.
Sent of the auxiliary of the hospital, and
M. George W. Blklne. Jr.. and Mrs.
Beauveau Borle are the vice president..
One of he most Interesting booths will
..the Hawaiian one, at which there will
t Hawaiian tnusto, Hawaiian cookery and
Hajvailim scenery; the scenery to be fur
nlshed larBely by the costumes of he
sides, who will be real true copies of the
Hawaiian women. Many of the costumes
o be worn were brought for the occasion
hy Mrs. John Orlbbel during her reoent
' . T nt-lfTni Will
trip "Went. Mrs. u. now
b9 In charge of this booth, and a number
of the younger girls will be atJcs.
Owing to the Inclement weather, the
affair had to be postponed from today
until the first clear day.
Among the prominent women who will
heVp Mrs. primer are Mrs. T. I. Crane,
Mrs. Frederick Ensllsh, Mis. Harry C.
Thayer, Mrs. Carl Harrlman, Mrs. John
Morton, Mrs. Joseph M. Gnzzam. Mm
Olivia M. deB.-Gnzznm, Miss A. A. Suth
erland. Mrs- J- Bancker Orlbbel. Mrs. John
Orlbbel. Mrs. Cyrus H. K. Cur Is Ms.
Philip S. Collins, Miss Idella Orlbbel, Mis.
Howard Longstrcth. Mrs. Alan Reed Mr.,
pavld Relsman and the students of
Ogontz School.
The different departmental chairmen
who will have charge of a booth, or
amusement, or sales section, and who
will each have from a few to a score of
girls and matrons as aides are:
Mrs. Daniel B. Went Mrs. Charles
C. Schwartz, Miss Emma Hett, Mrs. J.
Z. . ...... i -r.-, Wlmrlnn Slllkler,
Ilowara rvmn, . -- -
Mrs. W. Howard Wilson. Mrs. C. A. Wal
ter, Mrs. Marmaduke Tllden. Jr.. Mrs.
' Herbert Robinson, Mrs. George H. Kelly,
Mrs. Penrose Robinson and Mrs. Hcibert
K. Taylor.
Among those who will entertain at sup-
i.r T7lllo -T,v. ATrS.
per are Airs. ueorBu . mn.:P, -
Marmaduke Tllden, Jr.. Mrs. Wharton
Blnkler and Mrs. Oanlel B. Wentz.
Those of us who attempted to hear
"Alda" last night know what a time we
all had to get our seat3. Never did I
sea such a very unmanageable crowd.
After the second act most of tho spec
tators left In disgust, and yet the per
formance as a performance waa well
given, though the boat did hitch a bit
going across the river and "Camden's"
sky line was to bo found on the west
ern side of Philadelphia instead of tho
eastern, for I heard ono gay young so
ciety thing murmur to her adoring
aultor, "It looks for all the world Uko
Camden," which made the surrounding
onlookers snicker.
After the first act the spectators made
sudden attack on apace, and, taking
their chairs with them, charged forward
In spite of protests, until In tho dark
ness the audience on the ground looked
like many flies on flypaper, Instead of the
first Idea It gavo, which was, row upon
row of well-cultivated beet tops. No
offense meant I assure you. To be sure,
very few persons reached the seats
they had paid for, a,nd no one cared but
the poor victims themselves. However,
the small boys who were helping tho
peanut venders enjoyed themselves Im
mensely, and when Alda was singing soul
fully after Amnerls had left her, one
email boy called to the other, "There's
Aldy out there a1 yellln' now." It's all
In the point of view, you know!
Another interesting affair which will be
given for charity will be the lawn party
to be held on the grounds of the German
town Academy, at School House lane and
Greene street, on Friday. This time It
vylll be the Germantown Hospital that
Will benefit. Among the girls who will
act as aides at this fair will be Marion
Button, Marjory Taylor, Peggy Perot,
Margaret .Davls, Martyn George, Betty
MacCuen Smith, Christina Rehn, Edith
Glllingham, Margaret Hamilton, Mary
Reeves, Josephine Reeves, Emelyn
Shipley, Helen Moore, Lucia Warden,
Elizabeth Wlster. Florlne Pearson. Mil
dred Longstreth, Isabel Stoughton, Anna
Btrawbrldgo, Sarah Erdman, Martha
Shoemaker, Eleanor Wupder. Marguerite
'Burton, Elizabeth" Van 'Dusen. Nancy
Bmyth and Sidney- Belvflle.
Mrs. Rodman li Grlscom, chairman of
the Pennsylvania State Section of the
National Surgical Dressings Committee, hail
Issued Invitations to her committee for &
meeting to be held at her home Dolobran,
yrtord. pn Monday afternoon at 4
o clock, Tea will follow.
Invitations have been Issued by Mrs.
Edward Wilson, of 3609 Baring street, for
the marriage of her daughter. Miss Nathalie
Wilson, .and Mr. Robert Clarkson Clothier,
oi Ifayerford. on Saturday, June 24, at
o clock In tho Tabernacla Presbyterian
Qhurth, 37tn and chestnut streets,
Mrs. Edward K, Rowland, of Pine Tree
Jane, Radnor, is spending a few weeks
with Lady Ronald In Quebec, Canada.
Mr. Lincoln, Godfrey, of H009 Spruco
aireet, will leave town the first part of
I? yl, "& " occupy her summer home
,uTtl "" ""I""-. Me., for several
tponths, Mrs. Godfrey Is spending the
"nth. ot June at the Rlti-Carlton before
HVine here for the, summer.
isi? .an?. M- Charlemagne Tpwer and
SS ra.mU3r ?ra at th Belle vuB-8tratfor
sKL . aa.y8. b,or olng to their country
m In Watertown, N. Y. '
SVtsnda nF Kra A... n..u, r
4JrtJ f s?1 Sprue street, will be glad to
iK2w .l U conva,e5cJn" from, a recent
AuTSu I City W n '
Visa Dorothy JBIsston, of West Chestnut
Mtwj. b?, uua Suxann White, of Baltt
pmn, as fcwr juWt durtos ink wk of
,-t!0Wo.T.n's. Nft'onnl Tennis Tournament
at the Philadelphia Cricket Club.
The Germantown Chapter, O, A. R., was
entertained nt'a garden tea yesterday aft
ernoon by Mrs. II, T. Clnpham nt her
home on Gowcn avenue.
Mrt. Clement A, Orlscom and her
daughter. Miss Frances C. Grlscom, of
nol-ibran, !!aorford. Pn., left t,, week for
Watch Hill, It. I., where they will occui y
.lUr summer homo through July and Au
sust. Mr. nnd Mr.. Kd'vnnl B. Mfars, df 1818
Do I-inoey place, have closed their town
nousj ami have left for Bar Harbor, Me.,
where they will occupy their home, Cross
wnyn, for the summer months.
Mr. Morrl. Sttoud, Jr., of Vlllnnovn, Pa
hai returned homo from Fort Myer, Vn .
whsro lu has lon attmullng the trnlnlng
enmp for olllcers and noncsmml.sloncd
MKs Klisatisth Porter, of Wnphlngton.
II. L... U s ending several days this week
In Philadelphia, where she Is attending the
tennis tournament nt the Philadelphia
Cricket Club.
Mrs. James tnncock. of the Poplars, St.
Davlila, has been attending the commence
ment exercises of St. Mary's School, Peeks
kill, N. Y where her daughter, Miss Kotho
rlne Hancock, was graduated yesterday.
Mr nnd Mri. Joseph Baldwin Hutchin
son, of 1104 Snruce street ho have taken
the Langdou Williams liouo nt St. Davids
for the summer, will inuvc out next Mon
day. Sirs I, Wlllnrd Ilodgcrs and her daugh
ter Mlm r.oulso llodger- Mlns Iiobcl Jt
Riilgeis and Mhs Constance Rodgers. will
cIomj their n aitment-i. 2 lot Snruce street,
nnd move out to their homo In Havcrford
the latter part of Juno.
Tho Rev Or. Oeorge V. Lamb nnd Mrs.
Lamb, of Radnor, nre spending a fort
night nt Atlantic City.
Mr. nnd Mrs. George L. Fowler, of
Vlllnnovn. have announced tho engagement
of their dnughter, Mlrs Sarah Vomer
Fowler tn Mr. Louis K. Hock, of Rosomont.
The wedding will take place nt Vlllnnovn on
'"" "' ' 'Aiwler and his bride will
llvo nt Roscmont.
Mr and Jin llollln H. Wilbur have re
fill tied to Old Stone House, St. Davids, from
a nhort motor trip.
Mrs L. t:. snllhofon. of New York, an
nounces the engagement of her daughter.
ML. Helen S. Stolihofcn. to Mr. Robert
Wrs'cy i:trls. of IB 17 Old York road, this
Along the Main Line
OVKR11ROOK Mri. William L. Simpson
entertained nt luncheon today In honor
of Ml is Mary Layng Davis, daughter of
Mr nnd Mrs Nathan II Davis, whoso
marrlngo to Mr. James Hinry Wuits. Jr.,
of Now York, will ho solemnized In the
Memorial Church of St. Paul tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis will give a dinner to
night nt their home, USUI Drexol road, for
the mimboi of tho lilrdnl party, among
whom will be Miss nilzabeth MacCuen
Smith, Miss Doris De::ter, Miss Lydla
Create, MImi ICnthryn Clarke, of Now York;
M'ss Nathnllo Davis, Mr. Joseph M. Pat
terson. Jd, Mr. Joseph Dexter. Jlr. De Cour
soy Hard, of Now York: Mr. Jny Walsh,
of New York, nnd Mr. T. Ilogert, of New
ARDMOItL Mrs. Henry J. Doyle, of
Wlstnr mad, hns sent out invitations for a
card party on Friday afternoon.
IIAVERFORD Mr. nnd Mrs. William
Clarlc Alexander, Jr., of Lancaster avenue,
are being congratulated upon tho birth of
a son, John Forsyth Alexander, on Wednes
day, May 31. Mrs Alexander will be re
memhercd as Miss ndlth Forsyth, of Dryn
Mau r.
Preparedness -vlll be the theme of a meet
ing to he held this afternoon at the Merlon
Cricket Club by the Main Line branch of
tho Pennsylvania Women's Division for Na
tional Preparodness. Cnptnln Flcsch, a
Swiss nrmv officer, who will deliver the
principal address, will explain In detail tho
Swiss military system, which Is reputed to
be tho best In tho world.
ROS MONT Mr. and Mrs. Bornard Todd
Converse, of Rosemont, are' receiving con
gratulations upon the birth of a son yes
terday. ST DAVIDS Mrs. Ferree Drintou. of
Wlndyhrow, St. Davids, hns left for Chi
cago, where sjie la nttending the Woman
Suffrage Party convention.
Mr and Mrs. Langdon Williams and
family will snend the balance of the
month nt the Llndenwood, Radnor, before
going away for tho summer.
Mr AVnlter Hall and his family, of Phlla.
delphia, have takon Mrs. Frank Wechcrly'a
house In St. Davids Court for the summer.
Chestnut Hill
There will bo more luncheons given dur
ing this week at tho Philadelphia Cricket
Club than at any other club, as the Wom
en's National Tennis Tournament always
draws a hugo crowd of fashionable folk.
Mrs. F. O. Plnkerton entertained 10 guests
yo3terday. Mrs. W. W. Perkins entertained
nt luncheon today. Tomorrow Mrs. Herbert
Paine Fisher will have 30 guests nt lunch
eon, Mrs. Charles Carter will entertain
seven guests and Mrs. A.' K. Lorimer will
also give a luncheon. Friday will be a
popular day, as Mrs. Carter will again en
tertain for eight guests, Mrs, David Young
will lune four guests and Mrs, E. II, Rod
gers will havo six guests at dinner. On
Saturday Miss Ethel Altemus'Dyrd will en
tertain eight guests at luncheon, Mr. An
drew M, Stokes will have several euestr at
luncheon also on Saturday, as will Miss
Alice Drake.
Mrs. Frederick, II. Simonln, of East
Graver's lane, w(H have Miss Kathleen
McDonough as her guest over the week
end. Mr. nnd Mrs. E, Earle Johnson, of 7208
Charlton street, will spend part of August
In Maine,
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Simonln. of Nava
hoe and Moreland avenues, have returned
from Buck Hill Falls.
Mr, and Mrs. John Storey Eberbach. of
Cynwyd, gave a delightful dinner last night
In honor of their daughter. Miss Anna Get
Eberbach and her graduating class at the
Friends' Select School. ' Miss Eberbach Is
class prophet and will read the class pro
phecy tomorrow night at the class day ex
ercises; the commencement will take place
Friday afternoon. Dinner was served at
6:30 o'clock on the porch of the Eberbach
home, jon Colwyn road. The favors were
varied and novel and the table was decorated
with pink roses and daisies. Some eight or
ten members of the faculty were present and
the graduate guests Included Mlsa Margaret
Lounes. Miss Sitrah Fisher. Miss Elizabeth
Todd, Miss Martha Anderson. Miss Helen
Cox, Miss Violet Krauss, Miss Katherine
Rolfe, Miss Sarah Pierce, Miss Margaret
Patton, Miss Josephine poerr. Miss Mar
garet Fischer. Mlsa Dorothy Zurn, Mr.
Charles Beck, Mr. Ddrmar Conover, lr
Gustave Laeacb. Mr Horace Thorpe and
Mr. Clinton Thorpe. Following the -dinner
there wtis dancing In tho garage.
Mr- James Holt, who has been spending
several week In Cynwyd visiting his father
ana Ulster, Mr John P Holt and Mtos Holt,
returned ink wl t Chicago,
Strict Censorship of All Beach
Costumes to Be
ATLANTIC CtTY, Juno 7 One-piece
bathing suits will bo tnbooed nlong the
beach front this summer, together with any
other possible sevcro styles. The rdlct hns
been passed nlong to the bnthhoue bnrons,
who yesterday hustled to chnnge the win
dow displays to' tho more modest attires,
oniclrtl notice came with the appenrnnce of
nn all-rubber, costume worn by n pretty,
nthletlc girl from Philadelphia.
Captain William Limb, of the Life
Guards, had the embarrassing duty to per
form of advising the fair young swimmer
of tho prohibitive ordinance, but the mold
t'bs othorwlse only, too glad to take to
caver with the unpleasant nttentlon drawn
by the bold garb. The single piece suits
for men nre ulso forbidden, nnd strict
orders havo been Issued to nrit warn wenr
era of any oxtreme costume nnd then go to
even tho length of arresting bathers per
sistently ignoring tho guards
Mis John Weaver, of Philadelphia, Is at
Iladdon Hall with Mlus Atlhr-a Rose.'
Former Mayer Weaver will Join them over
the dining week-end.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John R. Ilnthawny, of
Philadelphia, motored to tho shore nnd will
remain hero pevcrnl dnys.
Mr. nnd Mrs. George T. Blisell, of Phila
delphia, will nrrlo next week nt the
Sensldo Houss to t-pend the numme' here.
Sir. J. II. Chndwlck, Mr. W. E. William
son nnd Mr tleoiga L. Harrison formed a
group of well-known PhHndclphlans In
Chelsea yesterday.
Miss Hairlett Snuhrler, of Philadelphia,
Is spending several clays at the shore as
tho guest of Miss II, Irene Weary, of Phil
adelphia, nnd Miss Myrn S. Checkering, of
Oil City. Pa.
Mr and Mrs. James Mlckle. of Philadel
phia. nri making an extended stay at tho
Chnlfontp. Mr. Mlckle Is convalescing rap
id y tro.n his recent Illness.
Mr Ferdinand J. Drcer, of Philadelphia,
will ni.iku his home this summer In At
Inntlc City.
.Mrs. F. B. Uarnlt!:, Mlii IJnrnltz. Mlsi
Maiy Anna Barnltz and Mr. Snmuel Har
nltz, of Gerninntown. joined friends hero
this week.
Along the Reading
Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph S. Loverlug Whar
ton, rccompanled by their nous, Mr. Charles
W. What ton and Mr. Joseph S. Loverlug
Whniton, Jr, of Old York rond, Logan,
will close their country home next week nnd
will le:ue for Jnmestown, R. I where they
will occupy their villa. Clingstone, for July
ni.d August. Mr. and Mrs. Wharton wilt
have Mr. Urlnton L. Shoemaker, of Phila
delphia, ns their guest for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Frazlcr Stewart, who
aro spending their honeymoon at White
Sulphur Springs, W. Va., will open their
cottngo nt Ventnor, N J., upon their return.
Mia. Stewart wns Miss Almco Grace Har
per, daughter of Mrs. Thomas Harper, of
Tho Homestead, Jcyiklntown, before her
Miss Paulino Patterson, of New York,
who has been the guest of Miss Florence
Gardiner, of Coulter street nnd Wlssnhlck
oti avenue, has returned to her home. Dr.
nnd Mrs. Frank D. Gardiner and Miss Flor
ence Gnrdlner will occupy their cottage at
Monmouth, Me., after July 1.
The Research Club, of Germantown, was
entertained on Saturday by Mr. nnd Mrs.
William Richmond nt their summer homo,
The Orchards, nt Moorostown, N. J. Among
tho guests were Mrs. Arthur Clarke, Mrs.
William Inslnger, Mrs William Welsh, Mrs.
Harry T Gllmour. Mrs. Harry Brown. Mrs.
E. Livingston Stoddart. Mrs. William Hires,
Mlsa Jnnc Anthony, Miss Stevens, Miss
Wnldle, Miss llolden, Miss Woltemato and
Master Anthony V. Welsh.
Miss Virginia Enlhlrnlo, of Wayne nnd
Chelten avenues, Germantown, entertained
Miss Leonore Stoddart, of 322 Winona ave
nue, Germantown, on Saturday,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles J. McManus, whose
m.irrlugo took place last Thursday, are
motoring through the Berkshlres and will
not return for several weeks. They have
taken the Chester Farrs' houso on tho cor
ner of Carpenter htreet and Wlssahlckon
avenue, and will be at homo nftor Sep
tember 1. Mrs. McManus will be remem
bered ns Miss Dorothy Hamell, of the Wen-helm.
West Philadelphia'
Mrs. Cornelius Hagcrty and her family
will leave today for their cottage at Ocean
City, N. J. Miss May Hagerty will leave
on Friday for a three months' trip to
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cllne Thomson, of
0029 Carpenter street, nre receiving con
gratulations on the birth of n son. Mrs.
Thomson will bo remembered as Miss Rita
Mr. and Mrs. Jdseph Deggs Hope, of 1122
North list street, will leave today for Chel
sea, where they will spend the season at
tho Creston.
Northeast Phialdelphia
if ,'WI y' yV
Th marUo of MUs Anna Nissenzone,
of $3$ North Franklin ftreet, and Mr. Louis
Feinsteln will take place on Sunday. Jun
25. Mr. Feinstetn U e, prominent member
of the Harmony Club, ot th Northeast.
' "i
Photo by J, Mitchell Elliot.
Mrs. MacNcill was Miss Aimco Junker. Her marriage to Mr. Henry
T. MncNcill took place this morninp nt 10 o'clock in St. John's
Catholic Church, 13th street near Chestnut
Miss Ethel De Groat and Mr. Dallett Stiles Will Be Mar
ried Tonight Miss Aimee Junker Bride of
Mr. Henry T. MacNeill
THE marrlago of Miss Ethel II. Do Groot,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lesley De
Qroot, of 4622 Hazel avenue, nnd Mr. Dallett
V. C. Stiles, will take placo tonight nt the
homo of tho bride. The ceremony will be
performed by tho Re G. Blckley Burns,
D. D., assisted by tho Rev. B. E. Helmn,
of the 48th Street Calvary Methodist
Church. Miss Do Groot will wear a frock of
.vhlto satin trimmed with pearls and silver
lace Her veil will bo of tulle and will bo
arranged with ornngo blossoms and sho
will carry rosea and lilies of tho valley.
The maid of honor, 'Miss Alma Do Gioot,
n sister of tho bride, will be gowned In
white net embroidered In blue nnd will
wear an ecru lint trimmed with blue Tho
littlo Mower girl, another sister. Miss Dor
othy Genovlove Do Groot, will be frocked
In white net trimmed with pink, and will
carry pink roses on a basket. Tho brides
maids will be Miss Gladys Durcll, of Cleve
land, a cousin of the bride: Miss Marlon
Kepler nnd Miss Margaret Williams, Mr.
Stiles will havo Mr. Samuel J. Clovengor
as best man and his ushers will bo Mr. Ed
ward Durell. of Cleveland, a cousin of tho
bride. Mr. Roy Wingato and Mr. Frank
Tho brid" will be given In marrlago by
her father. A small reception will follow
for the family and Immediate friends. Af
ter n wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Stiles
will llvo nt 5017 Hazel avenue.
The marriage of Miss Aimee Mario
Junker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jules
Junker, of 2SG South I3th street, and Mr.
Henry T. MacNeill took place this morning
at 10 o'clock In St. John's Church, on lilth
street near Chestnut street. The ceremony
was performed by tho Rev. William Lallou.
Mlsa Patricia Fagen Crosby acted as maid
of honor and Mr. Thomas J. MacNcill. a
brother of the bridegroom, was best man.
A small breakfast at the Bellcvue-Stratford
followed the ceremony, after which Mr.
and Mr3. MacNeill left on a wedding trip,
A very pretty June wedding will be sol
emnized tonight In St. Stephen's Protestant
Episcopal Church. Wlssahlckon, when Miss
Mary Sumner, daughter of Mr nnd Mrs.
Joseph Sumner, of 4138 Terrace street, will
be married to Mr. Arnold Webt. The cere
mony will be performed at 6 o'clock by the
Rev. Albert Stork, rector, and will be fol
lowed by a reception at the home of the
bride's parents. The bride will bo nttlred
In a gown of white thistledown taffeta and
Georgette crepe. Her tulle veil will extond
to the hem of the long court train and will
be arranged with orange blossoms. At
tending the bride will be Mlsa Kdna Roth
well, bridesmaid, and Miss Lulu Shronk.
flower girl. ' ,
Mr. Joseph Sumner. Jr., the brides
brother, will be the best man, and the
ushers will be Mr. Edwin Roeloff. Mr.
Charles Beckett and Mr. Robert Halley.
Mr, West and his bride will leave on an
extended Journey nnd will receive after
September 1 at 1150 Wagner avenue, Logan.
The Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 30th
and Diamond streets, will bo the scene of
a pretty wedding tonight, when Miss Stella
Frances Mohr, daughter of Mrs Henry
Mohr, of 3003 West Dauphin street, will
become the bride of Mr. Charles II. Mahler.
3d, of 2407 North 33d street. The Rev. Dr.
George Schenk will perform the ceremony
nt 6 o'clock, and a reception will follow
at the home pf the bride's parents.- The
bride wll wear a gown of white Georgette
crepe draped over taffeta and trimmed with
rose point lace. She will be attended by
Mrs, Eugene E. Iluith aa matron of honor
and Miss Ida E. Mahler, the bridegroom's
sister, as bridesmaid.
Mr, Mahler will have Mr. William Cos
tello as best man and his ushers will be
Mr. Raymond Mahler and Mr, Raymond
Schultz. The wedding Journey of the cou
ple will include Buffalo. Niagara Falls,
Canada and Washington, D. C, They will
be at home after August 1 in Trenton,
N.J. ,
The marriage of Miss Evelyn Louisa Men
gert, of 326 West Duval street, German
town, and Mr- W. Lawrence Allen, of per
wyn, will take place tonight at the home
of the bride o,t 1 o'clock. The Rev. J. Ken
nedy Moorhause. of Calvary Church, Con
shohocken. will perform the ceremony. Mr.
Richard Mengert. father of the bride, will
give her In marriage.
Mr. Allen will have Mr William IlbHoway
aa his beat man, and the bride will be at
tended by her sister, Mrs. Charles O. Rowe.
aa matron of honor, and HttU Mlsa Bur
netts. Moorhause will be flower girl.
Mlsa Mengert will wear a gown at ivory
satin and duche&s lace made with a court
train. "Her veil will bo of tulje and sho
will carry a bourruct of pale pink roses nnd
lilies of tho valley.
An Interesting wedding took plnco this
afternoon nt tho home of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Frank II. Eberly. 2500 Oxford street, when
their daughter. Miss Lila M. Eberly, be
enmo the brldo of Mr. Paul II. Strehle.
Tho ceremony was solemnized at 4 o'clock
by tho Rev. Paul Yaunt, of St. Paul's
Lutheran Church, 22d street nnd Colum
bia avenue. Tho bride, who was given
In marriage by her father, was at
tired In a white hand-cmbroldored robo
of Georgette crepe and tullo draped over
pussy willow taffeta. Orango blossoms held
her tullo veil In place, nnd alio enrried a
shower of Bride's roses and lilies of tho .val
ley. Mrs. John L. Rnff, the bride's sister,
was matron of honor.
Mr. John L. Rnff noted ns best man. A
reception was held after tho ceremony.
Mr. Strehle nnd his bride will spend the
summer traveling, and will be nt homo nfter
October 1 nt 13th street nnd Chelten ave
nue. Oak Lane.
A pretty wedding took plnce this morn
ing nt 8 o'clock In tho Church of St. Francis
Xavler, 24 th and Green streets, when Miss
Anna Josephlno Kay, of 2015 Wallace
street, became the brldo of Mr. Harry An
drew McGlnnls, of Frnckvlllo, Pa Tho
ceremony was performed by the Rev John
Maglnn, of Frackvllle, and wns followed
by a Nuptial Mass. The brldo woro a
charming gown of white pussy willow
taffeta and chantllly lace. The veil was
nrranged with lilies of tho valley, and sho
carried a shower of bride's roses nnd lilies
of tho valley. Miss Anna May Collins was
maid of honor Sho woio a gown of palo
pink satin and Georgette crepe, trimmed
with blue nnd a large garden leglfern hat,
draped In pink nnd blue Georgette crepe,
with long bluo streamers, and carried a
large basket of Klllnrney buds and daisies.
Mr. McGlnnls had his brother, Mr.Bemard
McGlnnls, as best man A wedding brenk.
fast followed at the Rlttenhouse, after
which Mr and Mrs McGlnnls left for a
trip through the Bluo Mountains. They
will live In Harrisburg.
Miss Ethel L. Pugh. of 3735 North 15th
street, will bo united In marriage this eve
ning at 8 o'clock to Mr. John C. Kctt, Jr.,
of 014 West Venango street. The ceremony
will be performed at tha home of the bride's
parents, Mr nnd Mrs. Jonathan II. Pugh,
by the pastor of Christ Church, tho Bev.
George S. Sinclair.
Tho brldo will be nttended by her sister.
Miss Alma M Pugh, as bridesmaid, while
the best man will be Mr. Russell II. Pugh,
a brother of th bride.
The bride will be given In marriage by
her father. A reception and dinner will
follow the ceremony, after which the young
couple will leae on an extended tour. Upon
their return they will llvo at 3735 North
16th street
The marriage of Miss Frances S.
Heliiltsh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex
ander R Helnltsh, of 2039 North 13th
btreet, to Mr. Frank A. Savage, of 1303
North 57th street, took place this nft
ernoon at 4 o'clock at the home of the
bride's parents. Tho Rev. Dr. John R.
Davles, of the Bethlehem Presbyterian
Church, olllclated. The bride, who was
given In marriage by her father, was at
tended by her sister, Miss Marian Helnltsh,
as maid of honor, and Miss Mildred M.
Piel and Mlfes Emily McBurney as brides
maids. Mr Frank O. Decker was best man.
The ceremony was followed by a reception,
after which Mr. Savage and his bride left
on an extended Journey. They will be at
home In this city after October 1.
burrows McCartney.
A pretty wedding was held at St.
Patrick's rectory on Monday, June 5, when
Miss Mary E. McCartney became the bride
of Mr. Samuel E. Burrows. The ceremony
was performed by the Rev. Manuel Campa.
Mr. and Mrs. Burrows are spending their
honeymoon at Old Point Comfort. Va.
South Philadelphia
Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Ktmmelraan, of 8th
street and Snyder avenue, announce the en
gagement of their daughter, Mlsa Frances
Klmmelman, to Mr Joseph Gutman,
:1" ,'' &l?uM. " R"1 &., "
fcK all puth notice iaut b written ma m
tlJ of th paper, tuiut U .UueJ Lu full. With
full addrex, sad uhtu ioibl Uslcwhou
wjpV"R!.!t!lK:...i,..i.-. .- ..a,L..
IMar Kwnli JIe. 80S Chwtnut !.
ctetic wii wi w "-"
Planting of the Ivy a Feature of the Morning
Together With Glass Spngs and Flag Raising
i - i - -ttr i i-i f ill.
aom rarty viiven in wesc jrnnaaeipma r t
Htt graduation exercises of tho German-
JL town Academy took plnco yesterday
morning. Tho planting of tho Ivy, which
lins always been a special feature, was
done by Mr. John Jopson. There were class
songs, tho raising of a Hog, and then tho
more Bcrlous part of tho exercises, the
awnidlng of the diplomas, took place In the
Colonel Sheldon Potter made n short ad
dress, nlso Dean MrClennnhnn, of Prlncs
ton Prizes were nwarded by Doctor Os
borne for the best work done In various
branches Tho members of the class arc
Mr. Conrad Clothier. Mr Lewis Cutler, Mr
Branson Edmonds, Mr John Gehbnuer, Mr.
George Holmes, Mr Wellington Hortou, Mr.
John Jopson, Mr. Joseph King, Mr. John
Keys Sir Charles Lnmb, Mr. Albert Law
Ron. Mr John Lniidenberger, Mr Austin Me
Donnld, Sir Henry Mnrkllng, Mr. Donald
Stuart and Mr. Joseph Wnlroth
Clnss-dny exercises took place last night
In Hie hnll of tho Young Men's Christian
shlngton avenue, wns given a free-
dom party by his parents on Saturday.
Among those present were Mr. nnd Mrs. 13
Tnylor, Mr. nnd Mrs. P. C. Feger. Mr. nnd
Mrs II. Marquntdt, Mr. L. Powers. Mr W.
Relq.se, Mr. Russell Dillmore, Mr Earl Dill
more. Mr. E. O. Decker. Mr W. Smith, Mr.
Cyril N. Taylor, Mr. Carlisle Tnylor, Mr.
J If Seel. Mrs .1 M. Greenwood. Mlsa M.
Graham, Miss M. Lupton. Miss II Thayer,
Miss M. Rellly, Miss G Hencock, Miss G.
Dougherty, Miss M. Hencock and Miss M.
Tho Misses Hencock nnd Miss Dougherty
are grnduntes of Friends' Central School,
class of 191 C, and tho houso was decorated
In pink nnd silver, their clnss colors.
Miss M. Graham and MrB. J. M. Green
wood entertained the party for somo time.
Tho rest of the evening wns spent In danc
ing and singing.
Tho Pcnn Cnhl Sorority gave a dince nt
the Wynnellcld Country Club on Saturday
evening The members aro Miss Penrl
Maqtilz, Miss Rebecca Sherry, Miss Mollle
Mueller. Miss Betty Welsberg, MKTJT TH
Udltsky, Miss Marlnn Levy, Mies' I i PJ
Abrnms, Miss Pearl Bernstein and,
LUIInn Drelfus. The guests wer"e MIbjJ
rlctta Moser, Miss Dorothy Abrams, i who
Esther Horwltz, Mlsa Fannie Ooldsljcjjg
Miss Florence Atbhs, Miss Dorothy Eand
Miss Anna Sherry, Miss Brodsky, Mr, Hni,0jr
Hcsslcr, Mr, Bert Karfunkle, Mr. Harlltg
Colin. Mr. Lowls Itantz, Mr, Morris V!tlns.t
Mr Morris Hnhn, Mr. B. Foreman, Mr. B
Weiss, Mr. Paul Goldenberg, Mr, J J. Colin,
Mr. D. Shelow, Mr. Arthur Kohn, Mr. Al
fred Lcshner, Mr. M. Kushner, Mr. David
Tltfleman, Mr. II. Llpman and Mr.. Samuel
Tho regular social meeting of the Tod
Alcph Sorority of tho William Pcnn High
School waa held nt the home of Miss Ruth
Shngiln, 10 IB North 2d street, on Sunday
Tho following were present: Miss Bessie
Bender, Miss Jenny Davis, Miss Sadye
Ollckman, Miss Bcsslo Iskowitz, Miss Sarah
Goldberg. Mlsa Sarah Gelbert, Mlsa Anna
Koss, Miss Sarah E. Lovy, Miss Ruth Shn
grln, Miss Augusta Shngrln nnd Mlsa Ada
Silverman. Mrs. Allan I, Apfolbnu, Mr.
Itnrry Davis, Mr. A. Abrnms, Mr. William
D. Batter, Mr. M. Fuller, Mr. Joseph Green
blntt, Mr. II. J. Kohn. of New York; Mr.
Ellla Flnkcl nnd Mr. Benjamin Schmerer.
A SURPRISE linen shower was given In
honor of Mlsa Rose Rubin, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. Rubin, at their home, 2128
North Oth street. Among those present wcro
Mr. nnd Mrs. Einstein, Mr. nnd Mrs. Her
man nnd their daughter, Mrs. D. Aaron, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Line, of Now York! Mr. nnd Mra.
Smith, of Wnshlngton i Mlsa Roso Brine,
of Vlnelnnd, N J. ; Sir. nnd Mrs. Max
Rubin, Mlsa Florctto Rubin, Mr, nnd Mrs.
B. Mlcklln, Mlsa Frances Frnnkel, Mr.
Louis Aaron, Mlsa Fannie Aaron, Miss Eva
Aaron, Mr. Milton Aaron, Mr, Benjamin
Aaron, Miss Cclln Mlcklln, Miss Lillian
Paul, Miss Minnie Raul, Miss Edna Runick,
Mr. Albert Striff, Mr. Max Runick, Miss
Reba Therplor, Miss Anna Thcrplor, Miss
Esther Stclnborg, Mlsa Anna Bask, Miss
Julio Lusscr, Sir. and Mrs. M. Rotsteln, Mr,
Leonard Rotsteln, Miss Eva Runick, Miss
Bessie Rubin and Miss Mary Mlcklln.
North Philadelphia
Mrs. L. A. Kirshncr, together with her
children. Miss Vivlnn Klrshner nnd Miss
Fny Klrshner, nre spending several weeks
nt the Glcnslde, Atlantic City.
Mlsa Lillian Printz, of Lnkewood, who
spent last week In Atlantic City ns the
guest of Miss Belle Reismnn and Miss Rose
Relsman, has returned homo.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Isanc Vendlg, of 15th and
Master streets, entertained the members of
their card club at dlnnor nnd enrds Monday
Mra. Walter Shnlmnck. of 1814 Erie
nvonue, entertained tho Millionaire Club at
enrds yestcrdny nfternoon. Among those
present wero Sirs. J. Duotsch. Mrs. J. Erby,
Mrs. M. Llttman. Mrs. II, Green, Mrs. B.
Keen. Mrs". J. Klein. Mrs. M. Levy, Mrs.
M. Myers, Mrs. E. Rnff, Mrs. A. Schneider
nnd Mrs. A. Sternberger.
Mr. Samuol BIcdcnthal, of 1531 North
Newklrk street, will leave on Sunday for
Chester, Morris County, N J., where ho
will be tho guest of his daughter for tho
Jt -rP9WM,www'w'fl1"w,??$ 8&S,0V5J
tjf ?..., v-xv. 3ww. ....w,.,
I'hoto by Marceau.
Miss Hexamer, of 1935 Wallace street,
whose engagement to Mr. Walter Ralston
Rodgers was recently announced, will
spend tho summer with her parents In
Ocean City, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. II. Israel, of 2343 North
Lawrence street, entertained on their 10th
wedding anniversary Sunday evening.
Among those present were Mrs. R. Powder
maker, Miss Hanna Israel, Mr. nnd Mrs.
John Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. L. Goldenberg,
Mr. and Mrs M. Aarons and their son, Mr.
W. Redmond, Mr and Sirs. K. McCIosky.
What's Doing Tonight
Municipal Band concert. Orthodox and Rich
mond streets.
Philadelphia Today and Tomorrow Exposi
tion. Commercial Museum.
Philadelphia Musle Teachers' Association din
ner. Adelphla Hotel.
Boosters' Club meeting1. Oth and SanBora
Philadelphia Foundrymen's Association meet
ing. Manufacturers' Club.
Oraduation exercises Brown Preparatory
School, Itherspoon Hall. 8 o clock.
Twenty II tth unnual banquet. Philadelphia
Music Teuvhera' Association. Hotel Adelphla, 6
Graduation exercises. Philadelphia Colleita of
Pharmacy. Academy of Music. 6 o'clock.
Colleita of Physicians, 22d and Ludlow streets,
8 o'clock.
Franklin Institute, 7th street above Chestnut
street, 8 o'clotk.
Kenslnston Board of Trade. Hancock street
and Susquehanna avenua. 8 o'clock. Free.
South Bid Street Business Men's Association,
(Pd and Hansom streets, 8 o'clock. Frea.
East Central Business Men, 423 Spruco street,
8 o'clock. Free.
10c 20o
10 A. M, TO
tl;10 f. M.
Sessue Hayakawa iau'&& ,.
Added. BiHie Burko In 'GlortA's Bcsnanc" No. 3
Thurs . Frl.. Sat., QBHALDINB PARRAR
and Wallace Held In "MARIA ROSA"
11:15 A. M. to 11:15 P. U.
Thurs.. Frt. Sat BLANCHE 8WEET
10c Market abv. Oth SOc
u A. si. to u:ia j. M.
Dorothy Kelly
Thurs.. B"ri.. Sat- -The Scarlet Woman."
Mr: and Mrs. L. T. Mucnch. of 3732 North
Carlisle street, announce tho engagement
of their daughter. Miss lMna Josephine
Mucnch, to Mr. Hugh Munroe, of Boston,
Mrs. John P. Watts, of 3611 North 11th
street, has gone to Spokane, Wash., where
sho will bo tho guest of her daughter, Mrs.
Frederick Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Ancker and their
daughter, Miss Irma L. Ancker, formerly1 of
3041 North 19th street, arc occupying their
now home, 1903 West Erie nvonue.
Mr nnd Mrs. Richard Burton will spend
tho season nt their cottage In Capo Mny.
Miss Edith Nowhall will entertain the
Roxborough Fortnightly Club this evening
at her homo on Manayunk avenue. Her
guests will Include Mrs. Wayne R Moyer,
Miss Edith Kerkeslnger, Miss Elizabeth
Schofleld, Miss Ethel SudderB, Miss Mar
garet Sarge, Miss Ilelcne Snyder and Mrs.
Clyde Lever.
Tho annual strawberry festival of St
David's Protestant Episcopal Church will
bo held tonight In the parish house, which
will bo decorated In red nnd white. Tho
program will Include attractive musical
and literary selections.
The Rurholmo Improvement Association
will hold Its regular meeting tomorrow eve
ning at 7409 Oxford pike, Lawndalo,
A miscellaneous shower was given to Miss
Mao Haines by her friends recently at the
homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carlln,
128 East Fisher's avenue, OIney. Among
those present wcro Mr. and Mrs. Alvln
Thames, Mr. and Mrs. William Carlln, Mr.
and Mrs. William Thames, Mr. and Mrs.
Gnrdcr, Mr. and Mrs. Tetlow, Mr. nnd Mrs.
David Toper, Mr. nnd Mrs. Peak, Mr. and
Mrs. Shoemaker nnd their family, Mr. Cas
tor Carlln, Mrs. Mays, Miss Catharine
Rowcn. Miss Florence Cope, Mlsa Margaret
McGlnley, Miss Frances Toper, Miss Jessie
Moore and Miss Elsie Myers.
Held li "Th Ley iUsk"
Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Bartrnm, of Runny
mede avenue, have opened their cottage at
Ocean City, N. J., for tho summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Love, of East
Greenwood avenue, have returned from a
trip to Hot Springs. Va.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Anderson, of North
Lansdowne avenue, will snend the summer
at Gwynedd Valley.
Delaware County
Dr. Anna Howard Shaw and Miss Lucy
H. Anthony, of Moylan, will leave the lat
ter part of the week to attend the suffrage
convention In Chicago,
Mr. and Mrs. James Brown, of Clifton
Heights, are receiving congratulations on
the birth of a son.
Auditorium Building Commercial Museum,
34 th Street Below Spruce
OPEN 10 A. M, TO 10 P. M.
Restaurant: lectures; moving pictures.
Be sure and visit the Exposition before clos
ing day, next Saturday.
livening laager.
Today at 2, 2So & 60c. Tonight at 8, 23c to II.
pnQ0f NOWTwlce Dally. 2;1S & 8:18.
PUll ebb Mats., 25c J Eves., 25c &B0o,
Most lavish Production Ever Filmed.
fi-lnnf liieatre juniper bts.
A, M. to 11 P. M 10c. 15c, Mo.
In My Neighbor's Garden ""cU,
At 10 ;40, 13:30, 3:15. 4. 0. Ti3. B.SO,
A s-.si;-. CESTNUT UELOW 18th
Arcadia Win. Collier, Jr.
Added Attractions BILUE BURKE
In the oth. Episode of "Gloria's Romanes"
BYUaui UKE..V a ouriuytins; srouoio-
JXLiaiJirXll SATURDAY Walnut sTea.
s.od. Her Playhouse comiway to
21U ucs.ful mssb st 1'CHowilrUn I1;r,
Hit. Mid Stag WtU i liusm 4, JmM,