12 EVENING LEDaER-PHILADHLPHIA, WEDNESDAY! JUNE 7, 1916. MINE) YOUR LITTLE PROTEINS ND CALORIES, M'LISS ADVISES Interesting Food Budget Shows How Very Little It Is Necessary to Eat to Be Healthy SEEN IN THE SHOPS V Tf II.H aim and nmbltlon of every woman S? vu" a vory llmltSLAmount to spend A' ? cr Ub, ls toffiJV'tho hind of food l4T t,1(l1 wl" 8tay tno cravings of tho family ' j,ptomacli.f 8ha doesn't think In terms of calorics or fcrotolns, though in her endeavor to buy tho most "nillng" food with her lnade quato sum of money, sho Is very likely to follow food principles, desplto her Is iterance. Tho Now York Board of Health has published a food budgot for a family of nvo two adults and three children that Is characterized to maktT tho averago woman throw up her hands In dismay. First of all, bocauso It totals only $7.31, and secondly because this budget con tains no fresh vegetables. Dietitians nssevorato that you can't feed your family properly unless this question of calories is over before your mind. Tou must find out how many i calorics John needs in order to perform tho work that supports tho family; how many calories llttlo Mary has got to con- sumo before she can properly do her tnrlthmotlo at school. Then, when you I discover tho needed calories, you must ' And out what food will produco them. Many, of us consumo hundreds moro fcalorles than wo really need and llkowlso many of us, either becauso wo chooso I our food foolishly or becauso wo cannot pfford to buy the kind that will produco fthem, do not get enough. According to tho Now York budget. 050 1 (calorics ls tho vory least amount that a I family, of flvo, threo of whom aro not , full-grown, can do with. Many pcoplo will claim that this ls barely sufficient to sustain life.' Thoy, aro tho pato-do-li If r fols gras caviare kind, who do not under-' stand how tho other half lives. Tho Now York budget Is tho result of practical Investigation. Hero It Is: IK (-. .- Nflr miwr (84 lbs) .ii...... .21 p. dried pens.,. ........... . nt h. henna. ...... , ....,. no Liv. c? WX pocofl. (U Ih.l In lb. prunes, .,, .tn b. onions , , , ,,, ao4 bs . pntatos , , . . ., ,2J on .11(1 V L"" . P"iaios . . . . ha of cabbsre (medium sl) Ih rhr.AA 3 rirrcsn ess-s 2 lb of meat clait nt 20c .,...,,, 2 80 !D or meat ia ly n loaves of bread dally nt 8c 1.13 nts. of milk dally at 7o .....,!!! .08 Total 7lai On pound of butter for flvo pcoplo for seven days does sound a bit spare, but that Is not tho Item likely to provoke discussion. It Is thosa dried vegetables and tho prunes. Tho answer Is, dried vegetables aro cheaper than fresh ones, nnd that when they are boiled In water they contain Just as much nourishment. Women who havo 18 or lcs per Aveck to feed their considerable sized family with ought to bo Interested in this budget becauso It suggests tho maxi mum amount of nourishment to bo ob tained for tho money at least so far n3 tho trained Investigators woro nblo to work out. But perhaps some of my readers aro not so Ignorant of scientific food princi ples as tho general assumption that they aro Indicates. Perhaps you havo n budget that Is moro attractlvo and equal ly as nutritive. In that caso I should bo very glad to know about It and publish It for the benefit of other readers less experienced In tho ways nnd means of careful mar keting. M'LISS. Letters to tho Editor of the Woman's PaRc Address all communication! to Ulln, .core of the Krenln Iiler. Write on one side of the paper only. Dear tor light Lias Kindly publish M'Ltaa thalr. nice shampoo MAUY. " DIssolvo a half a cake ot puro whlto soap In a pint of boiling water. Remove from tho flro ana bottle. If your hair ls not too dry, six drops of household ammonia may bo added. TI1I3 is tho most harmless and tho best home-made shampoo that I know of. Dear arLles Please let me know th origin of tha namo "Helen." JUtS. L. D. I havo published this many times. Helen Is -derived from a Greek word meaning light. Persons with that name havo cery reason to expect to bo Intellectual and gen erally cleer, so tho popular belief goes. it PhUiLJi'f1 5 !n '"npllnr lone distance Is !.-5hrp'1..peJr to.K0 by trolley thnn by train? How can I llnd out some nlco trips b trollj7 . TOURIST. The actual faro of trolleys Is cheaper than railroad fare, but tho length nf iimi. consumed Is greater and therefore one must consider lodging and extra meals Of course, one sees tho country more Intlmately py trolley. Stop In at Ledger Central for interesting trolley trips Doctor Urndy wilt answer (ill lned triter ptrtalnlnc to Health. If yonr qnestlon Is of leneral Interest, .It will he nnswrred throntti ihee rplnmnsi If not, It. will he nnjwered fiersonolly If stamped. ndired enrf lope, nrlied. . Doctor Ilrodj will not prescribe tot ndlrldtifil cases, or make dlstnones. Ad dress. Dr. H lllfam llrady, care ot the l-.tcnln JLtdictr. FAT LADIES MAY BEDUCE WEIGHT BY SOLDIERS' SETTING-UP DRILLS ' By WILLIAM A. BRADY, M. D. ward to horizontal I at "two ;" carry ; i..e.;. straight outward, spread eagle! at threo carry them straight upward, and nt four sweep tho hands down In n long circle straight In front of you till they touch .tho floor. Itepeat this six times first session, and Increase pno time nt cafch subsequent "pour'th. nrcel, hands on hip, pull In your chin, throw back yoilr shoulders, throw out your chest. Bend body forward to right nngle, nnd straighten up again! then to right as far as you can! then to len as far as you can, Btrnlghterf up again, then bend backward ns far as you can, then erect. Itepeat this half ft dozen times, and one moro at each succeeding session. Fifth, Erect, chin In, etc. "" on hips. Left leg forward to horizontal three times, then left leg three times. Sixth. Me on hack on floor. Lift both legs to vertical three times. Increase one time each day until you can do It a dozen Seventh. Turn on abdomen. Lift body from floor by pushing up with arms, three times Increase one tlmo a uay unui you can do It a dozen times. By this time you will realize that you havo been working Hut don't let a llttlo thing llko that bother you. The great trouble with you fat Indies Is that you nro so afraid of work. You aro Btrong for the nninmnMin in ntrpct car. tho elevator anything Hint saves work. If you would THIS ls for ladles only, Fat Indies A fat woman Is fnt nil over, but a fnt lady Is Just a little too stout about the hips and under the corset. She can squeeze It In for a llttlo while by Bomo sort of advanced physics, then presently It seems to spread nil over and she becomes a fnt woman. It looks to sad io see a fnt woman waddle nlong trying to appear cheerful and step lightly. Ono cannot help thinking that she was once only a fat lady who had such an Uncontrollable nppetlto and such a hatred for long walks that now, through no fault but her own, she has grown to flow nger proportions and her temper, desplto all literary llcenso, has nssumed hair trigger characteristics nnd her husband somehow sho always trails a husband has become docile ns n Missouri mule. Tho fat woman can fast If sho wants to regain her pristine proportions. Yes, nnd bo happy while doing It. Tho fat lady can do better than that! sho can not only diminish the Intake of1 fuel, but she can Increase tho consumption of fuel. This latter remedy Is ery simple. If Is oxerclse Tho setting-up drill, ns em ployed In tho military training school, Is tho finest thing In tho world for a fat lady. From 6 to 20 minutes of It each night nnd morning will trim her to actual fashion-plate proportions, or ns near to tho pattern as any human being ever np- pronencu. SCHEDULE FOn THE SHTTINO-UP First. Stand erect, chin In, chest up, shoulders down nnd back, stomnch drawn up, heels together, hands on hips Tako n deep Inspiration. Second. Crouch (nquat) half way to heels, and right up again Itepeat for clx times first session ; IncrcaBo ono tlmo nt each subsequent session ' Third Urcct. Hands at sides, palms for ward, shoulders back, chin pulled In. Count "ono two three four" nt tho rate you walk, and nt "one" lift arms straight for- My Garden noTCoV" ft ,ovosomo hln. 0 -ringed pool, Fern'd grdt Tha veriest school Of peace! and yet the foot r!nntnrtfl ihnt nj t. . Not god I In gardens I when ,. u Nay, but 1 have a sign " "9 ,T V TIs very sure God walks In i. M Thomas ggffgai Polishing Silver A high lustre ls gHen sllverwi.. 1 4 blng first with lemon, then iii fi nnd lastly With a good whiting, r SSB llko n rather Involved props.. tSsB high shine on tho silverware usuaii. lSM suinclent reward for th 1 HJ" irouDio. JubI uso your muscles, nnd not pack them nwity In fashionable splints, you wouldn't bo fat Indies. Feet nnd er, that Is lower rtrmttlcn nrn lielnc featured In this sea son's modes. Put them In training so they can stand scrutiny. Walk nnd grow tltho QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Cancer of the Ltp Is cancer of the lip catchlng7 Is there nnv euro for It besides operations? Would X-rays help It? Answer There Is no reason to bcllovo enjicer Is contagious. Ordinary cleanliness is nil tho precaution necessary. Thcro Is no known cure for cancer but surgery. After the surgical rcmoal of cancer In any situation which admits of dlreot X-ray ex posure. It Is certnlnly wlso to havo tho scar rayed as n means of preventing recurrence 31 MARION' HARLAND'S CORNER Alt remmnnlrutlon addressed to Marlon JiarJand should Inclose a stamped, self addressed envelope and a clipping of the article In which yon ar Interested. Persons ylshlnr to nld In the charitable work of the JI II. C. should write Marlon llarland. In rare of this paper, for addresses of tliose ney would like tn help. and. baying received them, communicate direct with those parties. J.br Help This Ball Club baseball team among the boys who are rather poor. "VVe lack baseball gloves, bats. baseballs and a catcher's glove. If there ls any one who could spare these or nny of them I will pay parcel post fare or cx pressage. WALTER F." Onr Juniors of the masculine gender are cordially Invited by the Corner to tako tho petition ot our 14-year-old ln hand at once. So not wait to secure co-operation, bud let each fellow write to mo for the address of Walter F., and -when ho has receKed It mall to our correspondent by parcel post gloves, or bat, or ball, or maybe a mask, or a worn chest protector he can spare. All together will equip the team the bravo boy has undertaken to get up by his own efforts. He merits generous encouragement from tho "other fellows." Nice Dog Wants a Home 1 am much Interested In your Corner. Perhaps through It you may find a home 1 for a largo Newfoundland dog. I have no room for him myself, as my yard Is small. Ho Is gentle and a great companion for , children. I will gladly give him to some pno who will ba kind to him. "illtS. A. H. F.'" A reader seeks to house her pet In a stylo kraltable to his size and value. Her wish niu loucji a, responsive cnora in many a heart. She ls resigning a friend for his Bood. In a family where there are chil dren, she rightly believes that he would I be a welcome inmate. Short of Quilt Pieces T. am president of the Itosebud Club. iTfe have run short of quilt pieces. We I need a lot Wo are now making two quilts. I abould like one to Do a biscuit quilt. J (Some day I hope to return the kindness. "W. B. T." Wo predict a plentiful Bupply of the cov feted pleoes ln reply to the call of our Rose I bud Club. It belongs to us br right of adoption and must not appeal to tho foster piother In vain. Needs a Sewing Machine "My Invalid husband and I. to make a long story short, went to a farm, but neither could stand the work, so we came back, last fall. He is working on a farm now, but has no heavy work and Is feeling much better. Of course, his wages do not amount to much. I am anxious to help him, but cannot go out washing or clean ins. I am not strong enough, besides I must ba here to prepare my husband's meals and care for our 'one ewo lamb' Bho Is 9 years old and such a comfort! J do not know what I would do without tho precious gift When we left the farm we Bold our furniture, even the sewing machine, and I khould l)ke to have one! I believe I could help out our expenses with, one. Last winter I made our little girl two dresses by hand, Jone from a piece of serge that had been gtven to me, the other from tha best parts of a dress of her own. I am quite handy with the needla and am willing to do plain sewing for a machine. I will pay freight on it I. can do hand sewing, too, such as hem stitching, feather stitching, etc I have had to make many sacrifices to keep our little girl at, school and buy medicine for my husband But It is not hard- to give MP all personal advantages for the rest v of my days (o make loved ones comfort able and happy. "A. A:" I make room for tha long coramunlca tie because tha story of ber checkered Ufa and longings touched my heart as J am tire, it will move the sympathies e ottm- moths and housewives. Wa feare net; asked for so big a gift as a 4w4 hkuM for ' month of Hundays," a .r graumr. .d t express an iMinUe but Iou-s stretcb nt. time. If thw be one in a hvrue belonging to our fV!!y which taa- b spared to the gal Ut flbUr cs-aliut edils, lt us know of ! aa wu am vmy b, Tfc name aad, ads fi ot ttw f&i r registered la our has some phonograph records to pass on wo hao a 'neighborhood association' here, ?u ".Phonograph with which wo entertain the children Wo have only a few records nnd desire more. If Kathcrlno W or any one clso hns some they no longer care for we should be glad to get them, as most or ours aro cracked Let mo know if you can procure them for us? At, any time we can do nnythlng for the Corner we shall bo glad to do so. CLARA W." ww.Lsh u,wero not my duiy t0 te you that the noble gift of Katherlno W. was passed oer Into tho hands of nn enrller wui-uiii. ueiore wo Had jour letter. In tho hope that another set of records may i rtilcomi.1.B ln rcp,y t0 yur netltlon I insert It. Tho object Is so praiseworthy ...-. .. ..,,, uiuuti iuoraoio attention. Little Baby Dresses fH. my, M?. person of yup splendid Corner little baby dresses, etc, to snare for a child a year or two old? I wish to MBit my dear old mother this summer at my homo town I haven't seen her for two years, and as my husband's wages aro Hn? ','LY111 laka n" l can sav8 ' carfare and clothing for myself. Mrs. G. B. B. The tip of the crescont "blue moon" showed Itself distinctly above the horizon last night, and I hailed the sight as a token ? t.B. . to the dear member whose letter I had just read Your baby must not go shabbily clothed to the old mother It would be an added pnln to you to see tho worry upon her face. I refer your plea to a committee of the whole They AH Love Flowers "I am tho mother of th ,.1,11,1.. .,.. husband works 13 hours n day, seen days a week, to provide the necessities of life for us. Wo all dearly love flowers, but havo no money for them. Will some ,-!..' na me DUlDS or 11Iles. begonias, gladioli, or other plants and climbing vines? I will pay postage. IRENE S " Flowers are plentiful and beautiful now And lilies and narcissi, hyacinths and tulips, with other early blooming plants, will soon make way for summer flowers When you take up the bulbs to pack away In sand or clip the nlants down nhm , ,butb3 that will come up next spring, give u w.uuam w our nower lover ana send to me for her address. -They Got a Piano "I want you to know that Mr. It, whose letter you sent to me, sent us a nice square piano. It only cost 8 to get It from the city. It is worth that and much more to us. Is In good condition, and has a sweet tone. Oh, the Joy It has gtven us all I I find I, have not forgotten how to play my self. Maybe some day, In some way I can do something for your Corner, dod grant that I may! h. P, p." We have asked for so much nt iihm.H In one or two Instances for articles of more value than those which usually command our notice that I turn with a sigh of posi tive relief to the above It Is a joy that sinks Into every heart like a cooling bev erage to one weary and thirsty to learn of the npbla benefaction of one of our very own members and tha joy It has brought to one home. Heaven reward him I Needs Arch Supporters "I read In the Corner of a woman who had arch supporters. If she still has them, wooild she let me have 'the pair? My feet are broken down and they would mean much to me. I should dearly love to read to a shut-In who is lonely. Can you send me an address? g. jg, g," That particular pair of arch supporters was bestowed elsewhere before your note was received You. shall be remembered should another pair be tendered, I hope this may be, and shortly. For the Summer Dessert Here Is a delicious emergency dessert one that can be prepared almost )n the twinkling of an eye. Put Into a largo bowl one and a half cupfula of fresh strawberries, a cupful or sugar and the white of an egg Beat with a wire whisk until stiff enough to hold its shape, pile light on a dish and serve wlt4 a border of macaroons. COOL AND ATTRACTIVE THIS Russian blouse Is one of tho nttrnctlvo models for summer. It Is of white olle trimmed with Delft blue -voile, which forms tho cloulilo hemstitched collar, cuffs, sash finished with ball ends, large (lat buttons, ns well us tho Blnglo border of tho blouso nnd doublo bands of the skirt. Tho blouse features tho yoke effect nnd ahso tho bishop sleeve Tho drew) comes In white, trimmed with arlous colors, at $fi.9S. Peanut straw Is featured ln this practical hnt for summer, with Its brond, pllnblo brim, which may be worn In drooping, mushroom effect or slightly rolled, ns shown In contrast to the purple straw. Delft blUo grosgrnln Is used for the Mango and smart tailored bow Threo rows of purple floss encircle tho crown, while n single row outlines the flange. It may bo ordered In arIous color combinations for $5.98. Tho nnmo of the shop where these articles may bo purchased -will bo supplied by the Kdltor of tho Woman's Page, Evening) LEDonn, 008 Chestnut street. Tho request must bo accompanied by n stamped, self-addressed on elope, and must mention tho date on which tho artlclo appeared. GOOD FORM i ASK FOR and GET HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Oiiy, stating W. fllmg refcftlttitja $0 YOU sueiries. Qood form queries aiould Oe ad dressed to Deborah Hush, written on one 3 We of tha paper and signed with full namn and address, though initials OXTA' will bo published upon request. Tift column will appear in ilondap's, H'ecfiieicfai's and rrlday's Evening Ledger. I hae been naked to outline a menu nnd a few suggestions for n garden party. These affairs aro particularly attractive at thin tlmo of year beforo the Intensely warm weather begins The food served at n gar den party Is largely on the order of that served nt a formal nfternoon tea Light sandwiches, lemonade punch, coffeo iced or Iced tea, frozen coffeo cream, strawberry Ice and fancy cakes of nil descriptions nro cry palatable Tho refreshments should be placed on tables out of doors at a little distance from the receiving party. A good idea is to serve eatables from a summer house or from the porch of tho house, as very often the pleasure ln tho out doors affair is marred by tho fact that there nre too many Insects about whlph are attracted by tho sweet food The receiving party should stand In a shaded spot under the trees and It Is well to have the hour os late as possible, that the heat of tho sun may not Interfere with the pleasure of the guests. The women of the family always receive and are generally assisted by a few intimate friends. Call for a Girl Always Bear Dehorah Rush Is It all risht for a younc man to.nsk a youns lady wnotn ne has Invited out with him for a. walk or to the movies to meet him at his place of buslnessl JOHN. No, It would be a decided breach of eti quette. A man should always call for a girl when he Is going to take her out to some affair or to go with her for a walk, unless there aro some very unusual circum stances. In any cafyi, It would never do for the girl to meet him at his place of business Straw Hats With Cutaways Dear Deborah Rush Will you tell me If straw hats are permissible with a cutaway, and whether spats are worn at a morning- weiMlns ln the middle of June? J. U, Straw hats should not be worn with the dress cutaway, which means black coat and vest and gray trousers. This costume calls for a silk hat, and Is seldom worn tn sum mer except for weddings; but, of course, for a suit of clothes which is made with a cut away coat a straw hat may bo worn. Silk stockings and low shoes seem more appropriate for a wedding In mid-June than spats. This Is largely a matter of personal taste. Of course, spats always look excep tionally well. now to Make Love Dear Deborah Rush I would like to know In which Issue of your paper was published the article on "How to make love." I would like you to publish this article again. L. C. K, The Deborah Rush column answers ques tions on good form, The Eveniko Ledoeh has never Issued an article on "how to mako love," neither does it expect to. These mat ters aro too personally Letter of Thanks Dear Deborah IiutKK sentleman friend ot mine sent ma some flowers today. I do not ex pect to see bun for about a week, as be ls away. Will It do to wait until I ace bin) to thank him J VOUUX. By no means; a cordial note of apprecla. tton of tha gift should be sent, to 'the man unless ypu expect to see him that same day. The expression gentleman friend ls nt con sidered In good form. Should Invite in a Friend's Name Dear Deborah Ruth A friend of mine has hnd four tickets Riven to her for the theatre, and she has asked me to so with her. She does not lno;v the two young men wo think ot taklnc very yell, so would It be all rluht for me to nslc them f.orihc;Ti'i -Th.y.nr? ? at friends of mine. Would It 00 all right to let them tako ua out to supper ARDENT. Yes, there ls no reason why you should not ask them to accompany you In her name. If your parents allow you to go to supper with young men unchaperoned It would bo proper for jou to let them tako yoU- DEBORAH RUSH. When Lights Are Aglow Too much black nnd whltn elves tim . feet of coldness In a room a thing which Is to bo avoided at all times Decorators who nro responsible for the black-and-white modes havo been criticised for this lack of warmth ln the black-and-whlto color scheme So, In order to justify themselves, perhaps, In the eyes of tho general public, the Ingenuous plan of lining black-and-white shades with color has been evolved. Black and white look dainty and smart in tho daytime, but when the darkness comes, nnd the tall piano lamp or tho read ing lamp with Its shade of black-and-whlto silk Is lighted coldness reigns. A lining of amber, rose, pale green or buff gives Just the proper color tone to a phado of this sort. In fact, the change this tiny act of foresight brings Is unbelievable un til it Is tried once. Flowered and figured designs aro used as linings, too. Imagine the charming ef fect when the light comes on. disclosing n dainty bouquet of delicately tinted roses kiuuji w. imio uuua in lugnc or a wonder fully tinted Jnpaneso motif! Could any thing be more fascinating? Caring for Blankets Spring housccleanlng means many weary ing tasks, but tho worst of them nil ls vvnshlng blankets It takes a goodly amount of money from tho housekeeper's nllownnce to send theso to tho cleaner's, especially where thoro Is a large family. So tho woman who decides to "do" her own blankets should lenrn the very easiest way to manngo them. Hero Is ono svstcm guaranteed by nn experienced housekeeper: Put a half pint of ammonia Into a tub nnd stretch tho blankets over it, not allowing them to Blip down In the fluid. This should then bo covered with lukewarm water. This proc ess nllous the fumes of tho ammonia to rise through the blanket nnd loosens the dirt. Good, vigorous squeezing will do the rest. Rinse In n tub of clear warm water nnd run lightly through tho wringer. Hero Is nnother nnd more complicated method, designed for uso n very soiled blankets: Air, beat and brush tho blankets out on the lino beforo washing, so that overy pobslblo piece of fluff and down Is removed Then shnvo a couple of bnrs of good wool sonp Into n basin, add It to a pan of boiling water nnd nllow it to "Jell" for n few minutes. Now have a tub or stationary washtub halt full of warm water with a half cupful of ammonia In It Mix tho sonp ln with this, then put In jour uinnKeis. atir mem around with a stick, but do nt rub them--squeezo nnd souse them up .nd down When tho top of tho water begins to become scummed with dirt the water should be changed. The second water should bo like tho first. The sousing process must bo repeated until all the dirt is removed. Rinse ln clear water. Then put them through tho wringer the Jaws of which should be very wide apart for this or they will make our blankets look stringy and hang out on the line. Blankets should be hung lengthwise on tho line, using plenty of pins, bo that they havo no chance to sag. Shade ls better than sun for drying them. When they are quite dry go over them well with a clean whisk broom, brushing with tho nap. This makes them delightfully fluffy. Fold away with camphor balls or In moth-proof bags. The Violet and the Rose The violet Invited my kiss. I klss'd It and call'd It my bride ; "Was over ono slighted llko this?" Slgh'd the roso as It stood by my sldo. My heart ever open to grief, To comfort tho fnlr ono I turn'd ; "Of fickle ones thou nrt tho chief!" Frovvn'd tho violet nnd pouted nnd mourn'd. Then, to end nil disputes I entwined The love-stricken blossoms' ln ono ; But that Instant their beauty declined, And I wept for tho deed I hnd done ! Joseph Shlpsky. MERIDALE BUTTER roaches you as ffesh and puro as tho moment it leaves tho churn, Thonow,,Merifoil,, wrapper safe guards this "un commonly good butter" in the short, quick jour ney from tho creamery to your table. ' Sealed so perfectly that dust, or odors haven't a chance in the world. Ask your dealer for Meridale But-,, ter or phono AYER & McKINNEY (Makers of , , , Meridale) Philadelphia Dell Phone, Market 3711 Keystone Phone, MilnUtX Look for the "MtrtYollV wrapper atr-tliht, dust' ant odor-proof at )our grotirtA m Omelette Parfait Your morning omelette should be made like the French pecplo make them. The French are famous for their omelettes. A bit of boiling water nddedWo tho omelette will keep It from looking corrugated. w$n 1 WViyV "i ill 123L w moSsSm- ij- "w MANDO Removes Superfluous Hair From or Under tho Arms fashion arid Rood taste den mand that the underarm must be as smooth aa the face. Sold by Drug and Depart ment S m iy I N s I IS M -. I i FS-I rvl k JBBK.SEWi'Kl & el rc Hi 7'V', -iSSllllllllt Delicious Berry Sherbet Frozen desserts aro much easier to nro pare than pies and cakes in the warm weather, for tho latter means bending over a hot stove for a long time, thus heating up the house and tho housekeeper, too Strawberry sherbet is one of theso easy dishes to prepare. H.ere is the recipe: Mash llf1 ,f ,rlpe .berr!e3 ,0 a smoth paste? Add the Juice of a lemon, a tablespoonful of ornnge-flower water and three pints of water. Let It stand for three hours. Now strain through a cloth over three-quarters of a pound of sugar. Stir until the sugar Is dissolved. Set on Ice to chill thoroughly before Bervlng. '"'' Home-Made Floor Stain Have the floors very clean If you want to stain them darker. This Is the first sten In applying dark walnut polish. You caS make t yourself by grinding up a p03 of dark umber In oil. mixing a sufficient quantity of this in boiled linseed cU.Zh to give It color, and not thicken the 0 I too much, or any more than is necessary Trv this on a piece of wood until you get the shade desired. Add or subtract the Smbs? to regulate the shade. Rub this into hl floor until It ceases to come oflfpu'u " a second coat if necessary. Finish off with a good shellao If you want a ehlny finish. For Thorough Sanitary Efficiency the model Illustrated ls uneoualed. Its mechanical efllclency Is perfect In every detail. It has an extra-aulck nrtlng and silent flush, pure white enamel bowl and handsome finish. You should inspect this verfect fixture. PS C- ,1 " 1 it is sum under tna I i - - - t( fm:ck nnos. co. (J - ANTEB. Write for j ; Z full particulars or 7A z - visit our easily rsach- f, if - ' showrooms today, r d I J hxcKrtos.Co. h " iii ' I 8hovi rooms &hr ffiSH y" v 44-41WS-60 &.' IsJk fy- -A n Mm Dr. Charlptte B. Martin The stngls electrlo needla method Is the only method enjoying professional licensure and confidence for the permanent removal of superfluous hair and other super nclal srowths.' 702 Jrluuders Illdi., lath Walngl I "'"''t"HIIW Summer Millinery Reduced to $8 and $10 Suite and Dresses also reduced 1 TJ1AYLOCK& 152S I j JO BLYNN, Inc, Chestnut St. 1 I M ?ur Stored. Altered and Repaired, M TMs Book on Home Beautifying: Sent Free TT contains practical sug gestions on how to make your home artistic. cheerv and invitinn- eynlnins how VOU Can easilv find ernnnmirnllv keep your piano, furniture, woodwork and floors in perfect condition. Eives complete specifications for finishing inexpensive softwoods so they are as beautiful as hardwood. It shows most attractive color combinations for interior decorating. If you are interested in an artistic home if you are an amateur craftsman if your children take manual training if you are an architect or interior decorator if you con template building you need this book. IT'S FREE all you have to do is ask your paint, hard ware or housefurnishing dealer for a copy. iiisiif " The Dust-Proof Polish ' ' This is the best polish to use on your furniture.woodwork and floors. It forms a perfectly hard, dry, glasslike coating to which dust and dirt cannot adhere. It is impervious to water, heat, dust, finger-prints, etc. Preserves the varnish and adds years to its life. Keep a can always on hand for polishing your S PREPARED WAX Floors Linoleum Woodwork Piano Furniture Phonograph Golf Clubs Automobile Leather Goods For talo by Hardware, Paint, Drug and Hou.efumiihJng store. m3Z3ss;32&8X ffi "Indexing Our Industries for National Security" By ,. Raymond G. Carroll J- The Committee on In dustrial Preparedness an organization of pri vate individuals is fast completing an inventory of the country's resour ces f or preparedness, This is a monumental work, and one which th? Government has hither to neglected. Just how it is being done, and the response patriotic busi ness men are making to the committee's appeal for information and as sistance, is told by Kay mond G. Carroll in SUNDAY'S PUBLIC tm LEDGER