i WANTED IriinHnued Ifom rrrccMna Poet. dents' W0,r Clothing Bought! ' nntf ftNl2 iojijJBodjr.cs.! ... nM-tf k'h Mlil for old god. allveh isiS. nooens. s7Bouihi7iht. t--z nA'n KUllNllunE, all kinds; .tore ft MJtncka of &kv1s merchandise of every wrL.i,!r? nnt cash l'hnne Walnut .1501). dcscrtotlom wa... ,msmm-To tmrrhase.leAee .and furniture of Pining or boarding .house In good location. CISi, lAlr Central, BOOMS FPU BENT SZtrcvrNVT. 1057 Sd-atory, apt.i electrlo Cl'KVin, i aim single room, near bath. electrlo light 3IW Vithi also single room fci?6TNUTr"200S Attractive rooms, single or altei Ptlva to batm rurm!rwjexsrof . . SinricEUff"nSirmU beaut fully f urn. 6r.?".r vacancies! running, wajrjjdtit. SESTrcE-1887 Suites, with bath! single r,""mi: 'affiwal steam beat i clcc.l reasonable. TSriTTT " 3.1 2d front, running wntcri also ether vac. welQurn.. "far bath.JL.ooJOl2. niVATBFAMlt,Y wlahe. to communicate with fI gentlemen, who will appreciate a refined nome and surroundings; meals optional. 60th st. FresasiJJ W. rKvNEfi"Wli.L KENT bachelor apt., a largo airy "rooms, both! aummer ratea. 202a Spruce at. ROOMS WANTED nrMTI.EMAN wishes to rent wv.li.kKri n. unfurnished 1 or 2. largo furnished or unfurnished rommunicaung lurni"'' h i ir lit n, Hf. Martin's, from Sulyl ti October li board optional. M U4t, Itiitr Central. BOARDING BPHUCrir 1028-30 2d.fiopr suite: private balht E choice fable bpnrd,. Walnut 725.1 W, rprUCE. 1224-20 l'Urnianea room": private B".uJlu"..t,i; I, .,,., I Winut 7171 W. nai ii n inum - - . --- - - - EVENING LEDaER-PnikADELPIIlA, TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1916. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE cm '5hom7t30?.S,.V -V1 ,s.!lW) "' boulevard fnmr?Ar,?,irm!ii.front wni porchi finished liK.S!0lK.ii,n. """.j ,ome Wth French gray llbrnryi full length mrrors; white enameld flhn& rP ii"!'1 chen; paVnuetry floora S rnsl rn? ,,1.aln',"''J:."'mblnntlon gas and fCi ?"?;, ITcnt and Northeast Uoulevard: ,J,,NoJ0 orJ ehr on nth at ,iu. noiitii and West fhlla iimen, inilll 10 IHUOO. 1101) to $.-00. find nm.nt.wH First payment only MERCHANTS 'UNION TnUsT CO. 7IS.717.710 Chestnut at. lOTIt AND AtAllKrJT BT8. . isnn.3. . . Huhwav exit in front. ' JA. l'ATTr.llRON 130 8, loth St. !llS!Ltti 2TST BT IJeglraWelacallonTlo-nSni dwelling, brownslnne trlmmlnfrai iTimctllate PoMMslonl ijsseMed 3n00: prlc J8C00I easy termsj small amount of tasi renulred. nEmoi,BT, imp n. iotii bt" MONEY FOR MORTGAGES ounuing. Association and Trust Funds. TAULANE. BOO Walnut at. lp.no t rtr.ttow ei." Handsome, modern 4story brownatone dwell, ng! especial y fitted for professional otncesl low jvrlce andyisy terms for quick sale. 1224 W, ATTTKrtfTHT va. very desirable 12-room, porch-front dwelling can t purchased on easy! mnke offer. . llEnTOIBT. lOlB rl. 10TH ST. CENTHAIj I'HOI'I'.IITIES for sale or rent. ., YAItttOH ft VAN PEI.T N. E., Cor. 17lhr,;lrh..lnnr TniDKNT'WATEll MBTErt 1'hlla. Meter Co., nj2 Heal Estate Trust Bldg. . "11112 HPItUCE BT. o..?a.-. rner lllclis; larga lot. gAMUnti W. LEVIB. neal Estate Trust llldg. 1011 N. 10T1I ST. rirqwnstono! lot 24xTo7 "ft. 10 '"1!. excellent neighborhood! fine homo. i. u. UL.I-JIMM, .1017 LommDla nve, RE AIj ESTATE FOR SALB PENNftYLVAMA 8t!rfL'RtlAN Conllnued rent TrfcCdlrti Column. sUnt'ftllAN nriStDENCKS for sate or renli attractive locations! prlc right. Maurice J. lfoover. nal Estate Trust Dnlldlng. OENTt.EMAN'B home near l.ansdalei atone house;, all ronv., nreplacrsj 10 acres: jrult! "neyardi 10000. A. JTY90N!JJanBdale.ra. MAJNMNI5,PjJl. Hi iitAIA'EnN, PA. TO CLOSE ESTATE ton apres fine croun'di stone mansion house. 22 rooms: farmhouse, barn, tenant, .house: springs, stream! old shndol must be sold. terms inquire M For rttiitflrrr.v i. i,AND TITLE llt'Il.t)lNO K.. CO. NAUnnnTJl An btd house, with more than an scro of Und! old shade and) garden: on .Mont gomery ave., Narberth, for aale at a amall rr,ce' WAt.Tntl tt. BMtTlt 0I2 T)roTet road. rhllnilelphla, SIIIIURHAN HOMES country places and build ing sites to suit all Fequfrementsi Main Line. Ity I . HI'rllNI. VH-T1T' I H. , itmr jr.rtsr.r snTumnAN. WOODlUtKY ttElOHTfl -r.48 107.'-'t, 13TH. TlS'XN'D loTH WAItD lIUYt gnf.BEM,r.ns and iiENTEnB, bed .jwmmni K w mil N. 11 11 Hi. iiiiHTEENTH BT.. 817-10 N. Look these over: to 8300. Massey A Son -.- -'" a a H 1. .4 IllI'lO 41. UUIIA LIICBO (1VCI I rented at 102: ass'd (W00j price J2I100, subject nun 'ami ureen, J010 MT. VEHNON ST, Lot lllxlOOi sacrifice for J4000 to quick buyer. J. EDWArtD LUT2. 240 N. 17th sL Stii, s.. 108 Handsomoiy rurn. corner roomai eicel. table; prlv. fam. naring 1104 W. fiUllOntMN- AnDMOnn. 0 W. Athens ave: Attractive rooms, excellent table! nenr train, trolley! phone, Ardmoro mu. s.n,. MTnWM Th Rhlnnen. Watno A lfans- u berry First classjn jppolntjnjnta jiervlce. ovEuifitboiC uiioJ Diinxni. hoad nooms with .board ' large lawn: awlrnmlnu pool near atatlon. references. , Phono. Preston. .S"g?WL. lniVATE IIOArtlTlNOi nttrsctlve rooms: excel lent table, Bouthern cooltlna: near train and trolley, riione Ardmore 1321. SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL location: special aclentlflo care! nenous, elderlv: every comfort: nurses: book let. Dr. Randal. City Line. Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS WALNtfTAND 11TH STS. (S. W. cor). Mod. suites: exceptionally uttrnctUc: high celllnRSi abundantly lighted on three sides: sultab o for Jinllor on premises. DAHL1h.it. HAhiman A CO.. 1201. Chestnut at. , li'TJI ST., B.. 105 llachelor apts.; exception ally desfrable 2d and 4th floor suites: 2 lame rooms and bath: overy mod-rn Improvement: rents. $.13.34 and lull: Janitor on premises. ilAnilEn, IIAUTMAN & CO., 120l Chestnut. JjHoXir421 S. TWO-ROOM APATITMENT3 IVITJMIOAJII) UUNNlNOWATljn ETHlANT apartment, 1 room and private bath, ISO per mo . lame nrounds; lawn tennis ana croquet courts Van Tnrsell. 3303 Arch at. vi:st ptiiLAnRi.PiiiA Jjiildlng T.ols, Fnetory Biles, etc. CORNER LOT. 100x121, B- fronts, railroad siaing; possession: many others oil sections of clt: I0RRI3 ft CO.. Ridge nve. at Rroad. CllOlcn Illttt.t-livn T rma n.t I.,.. grouna In all parts city! also over 200 mfg. .tracts sites. Melvln. lfiin-in Real Est. Trust llldg, TWO-STORY stable, Oth and Dauphin! lot ROx . IBIl entirely underrnvfr. Neely.8352N. 22d. FACTORY SITE. 14740 N. Oth; lot 30x80 . feet. A. It. WILLIAMS. 822 Walnut. wr.sT pim.Ai:sLPiiiA LUXURIOUS HOMES In ah exclusive location. Spruce street east of 44th. Study the exclu. five features described below, then visit and Inspect these houses. Most distinctive In terior decorative effects. A furnished sample nuunp, conservative and complete to tne most minute detail. Is now open for inspection and .--,; iur immemain occupancy, ieignnorinn homes of 120.000 value and upward. .MognlfV cent exterior and prospect. Superb In archl- irciurai oeauiy, side entrance to living room. Many Innovations, positively unique. The crys. tal shower in the bathroom Is a. distinctive feature of this operation. Dnscment, dnnc Ing or billiard room. Handsome loggia, glass Inclosed, with fireplace. Lot. 105x22(4 feet. Private garage privilege. Dut 20 minutes from the city's centre. The price and terms a delightful surprise. Open every day and Sunday, from 11 a. m. to 0 p. m., or evenings v appointment. Trolley routes .14 or 42 on Walnut street. For full particulars visit or telephone Preston SOOt. Jerome A. ICocrber. builder and decorator, on premises. Bpruco street, east of 44th street APARTMENT, outside, ground floor; fi rooms smllnih. Stonlelsli Court. -1(1111.0011 Walnut; rent J52 SO exceptionally cool. Apply Janitor. nkw .ilmsr.v SEASHORE. OCEAN. CITY, LORKSLElf HALL Directly on Ocean front at 11th St.- p anv agent or rend for photo, C. A. DOE. 12 N. 7th at.. Plilln. FURNISHED APARTMENTS LION HEAD 1213-1S LOCUST Hnndnmclv turn, qpta. PIlNNtVI.VANIA sriiyRIIAN, FOR RENT furnlnhed 2 handsome suites! suit- nblo for reiinea adult ram . inran anuineuiem room Address Owner. Hot K. ElUIns Park. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS THERE ARE' SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT Hut suppose. Instead of tnlng all these dlf- ierent ways you Just call nt this office tho nrrest. most attractive and best equipped In llsdelphla, devoted exclusively to securing Just what they want for particular peoole. Tell us your requirements. Every desirable apartment In Philadelphia Is listed with or may be rented through us. Our automobiles art waiting to take ou to tho list of prop trtles you designate, and with the least pos sible effort ou will secure the one apart mnt in Philadelphia which most nearly ap proaches your exact Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. Spruce 3171 Race 3029, Tl3T.LI'S YOI7U REQUIREMENTS. APARTMENT BUREAU Phnnp Wnbtllt flfl'n VrnnLlln Ttnnk TiMi". 002 N. 22 D ST. Hecond floor. S rooms and oain: naruwoou floors, rront nna back porcnea; rent 130 Walnut 72M OODCN. 1220 Filbert St. iqySEKEEPINO opts, nil tint-lH nt .llv, rnnla J2.1 to 170 per month, call, phone or write for lnformntlnn. Snmitel Ulnm inni r.t,aBnn, ., WNE. aJui'r-,5 rooms and hith. iiullT October 1. n month. Apt 4. Loeuf IT3BI W. up.to-i dining IT'S IN THE LOCATION, 44th nnd Spruce sts. A location that Inrmrrs your social standing, surrounded by Sin, 000 to K2S.000 homos. (RSOO, I assure ou thnt there la nothlnn to equal them. Two-story homes with 3-story conveniences, of striking beauty nnd contain ing an me. iojern innovations round in tne to-tne-mir to construction. iTencn srav rooms, butler s . pantry, breakfast rooms. Irisement laundries, etc. J1S00 cash will make ou the owner. Sampls house rurnisned: open. NEW "HOMES at "Oth and Pnschall avenue! Prices. 280O to jtASnii. Various builders have often told me thev thought It foolish for my employer to ncll ho low. when he can get $300 more per house. They further stilted that It makes It nlmost Impoialhlo for them to sell their houses on aciount of Ms slllng so close to the actual cost. John Haelow. su- perhitendent. 13100 8 rooms, hot-water heat, gas nnd elec tric light: parquetry floors shower bath, gaa kitchens and all ntbo- modern nnpnlntments. DANIEL rnAWWHI). JU . nUILDER r.Bth nnd Mulileld stB. SEE THE HOUSES wo am offering at S2250. $2500 and 13100: many othera at right prices; we also have many new properties on our list. B. II. APSLEY, 58th and Springfield ave. J4000 TWO-STORY porch front hot-wnter hent. electric and gaa llrhtlng, hardwood floors, An opportunity for nm one. asy terms ar ranged. MAURA N. DOLMAN & CO.. N. E. cor Broadband Chestnut ata. J00OO Deslrablo 3-story dwelling" Chctnut tn'. nbovo B8th St.. 13 rooms, convs. ; lot IBx'JO ft.: assessed $5000. DANIEL A. MINNICK. 1830 Rldie ave. SEND FOR LIST SALE OR RENT JOS.'M. RAKER B2d and Ilaltlmore ave. POTTS ft TOWNSEND WEST PHILADEPHIA HOMES lOO.-i BALTIMORE. AVE. 4000 UNEQUALED HOMES. 58th St. above Lansdowne ave.: everv known conyenlenccs. JAMES C. ENRURO. Rullder. homes: 10c. fare. Oct folder, vvnodbnr Heignis,. n.. J., lots; modern L. 8NOOK. L1ITINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES WI LI.ET LIPP1NCOTT nety jr.ntr.v BnABiioniy COTTAOB at Cape Mas: or Ocean City creeled a i.n,,v af laritetinnT -urnniH' inn..". ...... milled free by the reliable iitliiaer TOWNSEND. Ocean City, N. J OTI3 M. rKNNBVI.VANtA rARjl'3 p. It. ion APnsfl: convenient to Main Line. "' 'j."nr"THOMPBOf. West Cheater.JIa. . son FARMS In 4.8fate: co','loJ..-'cH,; Tarm Agency, 21B Stephen Olrnrd llldg . .1 s 1Jth st.. Phlla. . - ' . T . .. ..1 ' ,t., ." tin nnn farms 110m vw ,u . ....,.. imi n. n-u . n.-i nttcKB co. OEO E. COULSON, AEAh Estate xoq rent t7oti((ntirti from Prcccdlao tofmf. OEUMANTOWN t"2TA.t,,E1 dwelling. 13 "rooms, 2 bth". garage. . B. C. TOURISON. 7014 noyer.lit.Jlln. -j- tYntn innellon . fc WAYNE JUNCTION 25t cheapest and. most desirable 3-story porch-front house,! all con- J?nto.7,,l 2 minutes' walk to station. 4455 n. ?oth atabovo Oermantown ave. Pr.XN.SVI.VANtA St'lltlRnAN , tO-jn. VAt.LEY 10 minutes' walk from Molat; Slatlon; convenient to both Philadelphia and Chester: attractive home; has hot-water heal and every other mod. ronv,: 8 rooms, rnt $1" per mo, Whiteside ft McLannhanIMh ft Pin. WY.VCOTE $31 to" .32 M T-r monlh. B nnA rqnms; nllronvs Edivln TvsonWyncote Pa FOR RENT Atltaclh-elr furnished bungalow In small summer colonv at tlenryvllle, In Po ronosj Ilvinip room, ft liedrooms and kitchen; any small Implement to suit tennnt. Phono Oermantown .14 no, . MAIN LINK, P. R. R. 80 St. Paul's road, Ardmore. 12 rooms. $50. 30 Manor rd., Wnnn'd. 14 rmi 2 hnths. $55. WALTER HASSETT SMITH. Wjnnewood MObERN HOUSES. $.10 to J20h, per month. various stations; pend for apeclal list. Har- bort ft Clnghornv 204 galley llulldlng. M'AIN I.lNIV-llest' line of aln Lino houses Either for sale or rent, at all prices. HIRST ft McMltLLIN. Wra.l.nd LTnUL'-'i'A. NEW .ir.Kr.Y HEASltORE ATLANTIC CITY, N .T. For rent for season t.....Mn.d i,.irtir n.i.te.ne. 3 1 S. Indiana ave. ...... . .., ,. ...... ,. nMH.,1 1 uiurn ir.,,,1 i,,-- ,,,," ..Ant. ttntel ilrluhtnn walk: completclv furnished baths, large porches, lawn on premises. SEA ISLE CITY H bedrooms, 3 Address owner. N J. SEASHORE HOTEL, centrally located. 27 rms.. IU llllll.ii.un i.iii. ,.v... " .'S vino si , 1'nnn. nnatlv fnrn ennv $50 mo., yearly lease. NKW JERSEY FARMS ONE-ACRE FARMS, nearest to Phlla. train and troiier. write nir -jh,,,im.. ., MAHIAJW A ,-ww.?iim.,,. N. J. IIURLltTOTON COUNTY FARMS All sl7es, all purprtaes. Establlsheil 1808. A. w! DRE8BER. llurllngton, N. J. REAL ESTATE S AXE OR RENT CtTT AND BUBURnAN properties for sale or CVeTt. Lower Merlon"Rlty Company. Land Title Rulldlng. Phlladelphla.Pa CITY. CENTRAL PROPr.RTIEB Tor sale and rent. JAMES D. WINCIIBLL, 17th nnd Sansom sts. PKSX8YT.VANIA SURURJIAN I1ALA.CYNWYD Large list houses, sale or rent nt in rrlcei. Samue C. Wagner. Jr.. RnmS,cli.V TrusV'Rlda-MlMh and Market,. VIRGINIA NEW fireproof hotel ntretersburg. Vn.. for aale or leaao: unfurnished: contains lis bea ?Sim" 50 pHvota baths; built by Chamber of Commerce. Applv to 51. v. ,lrti.l.o,' 401-2-3 Mechanics' Uldg.. Petersburg. Vn. R. E. SALE OR EXCHANGE SOUTH RROAD ST Corner property. It story, brmvnstono front, lot 20xUJS: . ""'"'J S. ' stores, apartments, etc.: for -sabs or wll' ex change equity of about $11,000 for modern detached suburban residence. Preferablj In Wjnnewood. Merlon. Ovcrbrook or .Wynnefleld. must have about 7 rooms. 2 batj" "." UrP 'o d-i". not built over 4 or 0 years, Call Mr. r,. 1301 Land Title llldg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE t-.nnn p.oiiITY. subject to '$4500. In an Ideal r "rn..r ihree-storv residence, southern expn sure, for small property Land Tltlo Hldg. STEPHEN. 1301 BTONB 1IARROR Cottnges, bungalows and apartments for rent, furnished, nt moderate prices.; situated near ocean and channel: all conveniences. Call. Phono or write for Illus trated booklet. South Jersey Realty Co.. 3d and Walnut sts .PMladejphla . rot- VENTNOR ago on hester N. J. -FOR RENT for eeason, ivme nnn cool location. I,. .'-.. --- ... . .. H..l...lll HH.t ".".'I... laen on lnianu wairrwaj. .-,(-,,, ,,,,- .,,,., ,. .,.- .":.. "., Wninnr. ipty rooi location ivn screened porches: furnished; 4 large bedrooms 2 baths, largo open space adjoining Address oi o. ,,u,u4 ...t-., ...... N. J. s i!M m r.R. y o i;si:t MAINE CAPE COD, WEST YARMOUTH Futly furnished cottatra on .water front. 11 .rooms, fl bedrooms, open fireplaces: near club house and hotel. $300 from June to October keys nt hotel or write Mrs. J. . lESlns, 3.1 W. 7(lth st . Now York. POR RENT FURNISHED CHESTNUT IHJjJ SEVERALt.efrlrAlde "onf-mmer season. , Morris Rill ding. PENNSYLVANIA HIIU'RIIAN l-ROOM APARTMENT ODPfTAT "-ROOM AFAUTMl-vr SPECIAL nAVEM.X)RD. OPEN SECTION 1 Icbt and nlry. conv.. porch: near station. C. P. PET-RB .6 ON.0Cheatnu Bt. , DESIRARLE furnished house, with about V, aero of ground: Immedlato possession for sum mer months' rent $75. VJ,LIa.RR.slh-nnJ Oo'1 Jine TWO HOUSES, rents reduced, one 4 clismbers. 2 i.nH, mnpr M rnmiiiw-in. , ,.,, .'. J. M. Fronelleld, Wnlie. Pennsvlvnnla. NnWJERSF,VSnASIIORT WILDWOOD. N.J. Cottages opts., near beach, a to 7 ntif; ft bath. $inn. up. season (or by week). H. A. Hartman. 4D1U usage. Pulls MORTGAGES REAL ESTATE WANTED IP YOl'R REAL ESTATE Is not paying w" will furnish the money to rebuild or convert It Into a building suitable for the location and quickly put It on n pnlng basis. MERSHON HROTHF.RS 835 Land Title nulldlng. , WILL RUY AN KSTARLISHED REAL ESTATE OFFICE WITH A OOOD RF.NT AND INSUR ANCE LIST. QUICK SETTLEMENT. A.-IU t.ioi. p fl(. Knonrt QppiPB. QUICK SALE for anv real estate at reasonable price: rent collected;: mortnage loans. ARTHUR n.WB.2M N. 13th st. , WANT Tlstlre of" Htv nnd suburban properties. II. H. McCOLLUM. 1314 Walnut St. "Don't Forget the Number." RENTS "AND INTEREST"COLLECTED. mort gages and Are Insurance placed quickly. See ;:ano for prompt results. 2528 Tasker Bt, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY Or.RMANTOWN WALNUT LANE .. 114 OERMANTOWN Modern, attractive 10-room house. Just com pleted: 1 block from Oermantown ave, nnd new Oermantown High School, moderate price, convenient terms. Phon Oermantown 2013. nsOOO STONE nnd half-timbered " detached dwelling: lot (11x150 feet: larje porch, 7 cham bers and 3 baths (one with marble ahower); only 1 square from atatlon. MAURAN, DOL MAN - CO.. N. E. cor. Broad and Chestnut. OEIIMANTOWN ANO OIIHSTNI'T'HI--SF.CURE OUR RTIVISED SALE LIST II. 11. LISTER. 5012 Oermantown ave. WEST PIlIIlDEI.l'HIA THE RUTLAND A1T3.. JUBT COMPLETED UU.1T ST.. S4111 TO D5TII ST. p-rooms-and-bath apartments, with all the latest conveniences S4 to $42.50 per month. , RORERT PUTS. AOENT Bell phone Uehnn-it 44:i'(. S44!I Locust St. ,,.. RBIDLYN Jilt"5, moms and bath; half block from i1th 'j station. . ... .... . fc.Jt.iit .,ttn una jiaritet sis. S5i; N".o-lllI'restoiil ,iu u..m');.',u111 ifc.i iii.eiuioup,oiii i ,,J?.?'..0.,r",ton) ilarg hsklr.17 to $dn will furn.Pli Prea.nfiH'i Ci(iClngdnn. S2."; Tn tin riTrQtrnnf.fr t n i li re V-nif IV.-"'--i..V. ai; iiJiurtin iji EEX, IIOUSEKECPfN jowir. Chestnut st. ri5?.'...54,iS ,and Chestntit: Monterey. 43d and Tn,!it.'r;rne.,mont' 34,h ,n,1 Spring Harden, inquire Janitor, or pnRHHH aha itat. in,i.. ri;NNSXVANIA KUU-RHAX HP.YNJ?T-:!.'!. fl00r "J 2-famlly house, win- "" siueo. inumauai porcn. a ben. S50wn"rpa,' ani ,r0"e Box -7B OEHMANTOW NHO.MEH. all sections. SMULLEN & HARRY Franklin Hank Rldg. Wnnut2527j "IF YOU ARE I.OOK1NO FOR A 'HOMU In Oermnntown. Mt. Airy or Chestnut Hill con suit me. A. R. Meehan. 0747 Cermantoun ave. OUR real estate bulletin will be aent to you by mall on cppllcutlnn. Oermantown Trust Co., Chelten and Oermantown aves. CHOICE HOMES. Tulpehoclten St. east of Oar- Oermantown ave. mantnnn nve. J. II. CHADWICK & CO, .:: IF YOU ARE I.OOIvINO for nn attractive home, bo It dwerinc or apartment, call, phone .or iv-i.i to ttls offlce: overy desirable proiierty Is listed with or may bo rented through us. and our automobiles are at your service to help you to cbtaln Just what you.deslro with tisn irim nnn w ictiiim-. NORMAN S SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut .St. Sn'iice .1071. Race 3025 IUDOE AVENUE PROPERTIES K117 Largo store and. 0-room dwelling, ir.n d bv 110: storage. Junk. etc. 1013 Manufacturing floor. 32 bv 43. 11 nn Store und 10-ronm dwelling. ir,33 Small atore and dwelling. 1D04 smail store good location. MVER3 ft UARTII. Ridge ave. nnd 10th st. "TN 12TH ST., 4-story dug . 18 rooms ...$"' "453C, Wnvne ave.. 3-atory dwg.. 11 rooms.. J5 13"1 Addison St.. 3-storv dwir . (I rooms . .18 OUARANTRB TRUST ft SAFF. DEPOSIT CO. 3in-1S.20lHFSTNUT ST " fsel W. ALLEOHENY AVE. Very deslrnbla 12-room porch-front corner nrooertv motlern nlumhlng. Rent $50. lrui, nun KT inih at 11I.(1 VI.IM ".,. ... -.. TO SECURE A MORTOAOB , , Re It first Or second If you desire efficient service quick nnd satisfactory results, and m0'cALL,CPHONF OR WRITE TO US "Tour mortgage will be as good aa placed " NORMAN 3. SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut at. ROVDS AND MORTOAOES I offer ns Income lpX'e?tments: St. Petersburg, Fin., nrsl mort Lges ,-'eld"nc 84.( bond, yielding 7 Avalon N. J., first mortgages yielding U. bonds, yielding 0. ..... 1410 Real Est'ato Trust Dulldlng. UNDSFbRMORTGAGES Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND BPR1NO QAHDEN. atithur DOSWELL. 2.13 N. 13th St., has find" for "first and building Association mort-L-agea. Prompt attention. Moderato cost. .lit. Airy, tiermantown NEW 8ALI! AND nENT LIST READY Pelhnm. Sit. Alrv and Chestnut Hill. PEI.HAM TRUST CO.. U740 Oermantown ave. Oak Lane DESIRARLE corner property: large lotr raoderni fKSUi). WM. HA11R. 8th and Oak lane. Tlsga WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TIOQA OR LOOAN KENNEDY & RAMHO. 3I4l OERMANTOWN Ignn REAL ESTATE, mortgages and conveyancing. APARTMENT HOTELS THE 223 .BOUTi! HROAD STREET LITTLE HOTEL tSSaVt.V.Jfl 'ho centre of everything and tneots 'with' T."vv,;i..t".T.'.f" ?? aopoini. much to b: deSid. 'm """" fiuVd.W.Umi ?,0.m,I,IJ,e1 '"d rtlstlcally fur. tMh! imIdiSS wfth iiSf- V wl,h private r. cordially iS,vT..'Uu.''T,n "POi'd. and you su fX!Qir"X. .V1'4 to pay us a visit and for uan k 1".uv,a,F-.j..VS ::3 . uie rates nV ,. V 'vMw" I"1"1 is. ana 4 rates ' """" Per day-,w(tb special weekly t "OKJUn B. SWPt.vi.r, y, . . www, lUJ-Hl.t, '. PARTCfnOETAPARTMENTS ' PARKHiiff R ,vi. Ot-ADE. M'anager. . bI4.4?, ACRE? ; OP LAWN .. to , " 'Ji. y. with TK. tncrtgnges and c WM. D. C)lAMnER8 40J3 N. llroad st. 1-F.NN8YI.VANIA HUIIURRAN COLLINODALD 2?.-story brick and ahln, new homes. Spruce st. nt Clifton ave. : get off trol. from UOtll st, at North at. ata.i !i square dla.: 1,. w heat, elcc.i S7).xl2. ; open. 8WOPB ptijq. wai ijjs -101 Walnut it., deatrable cor (I room a and bath. Urge lot: price t-iuu, am ail ? payincn., uaiai.g .am. M 4 POWl:riB co . 50 B. lath .t -J940 Woodland ave. nnui'TN. PA. T ovr.iiiii.) STORES AND DWELLINGS In all sections of city See our list in the Ledger Saturday. SAMUEL T. FOX ft CO. S. E. cor, flth and Cnllowhlll. 1"3-2I2 13. SUSQUEHANNA AVE. 3-story dwelling": BOod order! largo yards; low rents; WM "1.7 CRAVEN'S, SONSlStfl N7I1 $30 DWELLINGS. 11 ROOMS Send for List. ContlnentaI-EqultabIeTrust Co., 21 S. 12tb SEND FOR OinrRENT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. llroad and Chestnut sts. TrnTIUDaH AVeI Storo and basement: large yard In rear (2 rooms on first floor), $30. y NORTH PHIlX TRUST CO. .,.. s IflTH ST. Suitable for physician: 14 rooms and 2 bathrooms. EDOAR U. CROSS. 1411 wainm st. $30 TO $2000 - , ... To loan on real -estate security! Immediate .cttlement; pnvahle a "red 133 S 'ldTl'l ST. EIw,rrrHmr,iNTY AoT moyformot. Sir. 3:r effi LOANS TO HOME RUY- ERS; IMMEDIATE ANSWER. JAM F.S KEOOII. 5C5 DRjL WILLIAM ..nA.i-a aT-PfTItt.n milt nrillSV ADVANCES A SPECIALTY uji . i -- . -. r ,.k.,..v mil 'jtnllTOAOES ARdlS AND HMALI. SUM3 QUICK ANHWr.US OOD. 512 W. NORRIS s.v. It. HOOD. 512 ,- AJJD SECOND MORTOAOE FUh F1RS1 ""ronr; o, WILLIAMS SUCCESSOR TO 'I.TSWIH II. REDNER 727 Walnut st, tinnnon TO INVEST in nrsi .raorw.ii,. ." itrS irriT b.M..'.,o CO.. 4th ajMaownui , sirz-wn-DTT'T T .TUNDS FOR first abu WOKKlilJ-i- ' 8ECOND MORTQAaKS f.55 N 17T1I ST. fs 2437 N. COliLV.nu AVK.. hi large rooms and bath: good prder; open dally FOR RENT 5130 Walton a.; rent reasonable, p P2.1. ledger Office. . Stores and Dwellings FOR RENT Store and dwelling, 324 W. Olrard nve i rent $20. BALE DARUY The elevated la coming m Darby, .state now. Oct list. O itUt - P";;"! ta '.rf! Uuy real four &SkmM$S3r'ss fALDlNE HOTEL chestnut and ThB hnsr ,.-, . iN"riH WW), V"ri,.V,Um. 8Hl e.3' ray Week, Month, Season, Year THE MO.VTEVIS-ra mmMmw!im?& -,ica run dire, tn .,:. viiBvrD line, rooms, furni.hifi .if2 "? bulldliuj. single 4atd In huftdln? - ' ubUo aia'a T,,ll.!?ELMAU-MORnis f AT CHHI TPM "AffntJMN IM'Sra MliMreS&r "SRI; Itm sH"DVTTm2?,,rSB.,rNo' "- 2. APARTW8 ANO MQU8EKEEP, ELICIN3 P-ARlv Modern single dwelling, 10 rooms. 2 baths. 3 minute" to station; pric. iuSuo. Mccormick a Mccormick, iou heainut t. and Elklna Park. ; JTEEN31D HOMES and bulldm; sites, every 0 description. KENHINOEH 4 IlENNINQER. ainsldia. LLANERCH Splendid homes, along the Ard. more trolley, from 60th Bt. Terminal. Includ. 155 Highland Park. Brookllne. South Ard- more Oakmont and Ardmor$350O up. r-mois.EJt.EHWATJr SLlanerch. TTanerCII Juat completed. lhree-tory mod nn stoni Tnd .hiimlo dstacUcd dwcUfoE. IU rooms and bath, lot BUxUtl; 000. lllfAN. G008 Market andLIanerch. IjIaNERPH ' Corner, stone and stuccoi modern detached dwelling. I) rooms. Ideal location; $.RXAN!B008Market and Llantrch, TilitEB TUNS Wa offer an exceptionally well, kept place, now occupied by owner, consisting of 03 acrea; this estate bus pvery. posslblu city adiantage ; .weeping lawns; beautiful Hower. and .hrubbory: excellent view, high location; IbU I. one of tbe few .how. places which we know to be operated at a profit. JI. J.IAOERjlNC.. Ambler, Pa. XiOUNTAIN-SiDE RESIDENCE. .ltuaUd on itha hillside. In tha midst of a luxurious et- tii. if rare old tree, and .brubbery rult o .it.i ilvhta and heated by hot watari excel. ,r"aTlnnf Iteadlnir R It. and XVIIImu-' ibui w.. -c. .. ..... :",,! -;. Urova woiiey, wunio j iuiuu wauc; nn view from all lde. For further particular Factories, "Warehouses. Mfg. Floors 837 MARKET ST.. 3D ft 4TH FTOORS Heat, elevator service. Buttablo ! ht mfg, MODERATE RENTAL. 28x201 J'llET, kitr JOHN DOI1SON, 800 Chestnut st. Or your own broker. Metropolitan Building lw..a.aC!d P0OL?5,EO80F.0 1-t-gl-g l'A n'" 1$?:?. $100. $200 TO $5l)0PvTO LOAN. LEWIS ft CO. qiOW 1227 W Olr.ird live AIL AMOUNTS. IBT"AND "2D" MORTOAOES MAURICE H. MATHINOEIl. Rl. Est.Tr, RJdg HeiT5Tl?(MTSTAND 2D MORTOAOE3 KUNDB J Ull aN AMOt,NT roTTB ft THOM80N!5Frafordave, FuniDTNOsXOCIATION AND WUVATH RORERT J. vin" mui'dlTNIl- BT. "TlONEV'FOIl MOFITOAUU3 ' V..t, rr r tinn mill ,rnnFBlT?,. 110 Iand Title Rldg. MERCHANTS' DUILDINO 44 NUjvnt -silt trrittiirr, neslrable roomsi power and )leht T1 ST.. N.i UD.2S Manufacturing tloor.; "team heat and power. j,ij. ......... .-.. --- ....-... ., ?TTORIE3, site., warehouse" and floor spaco exclusively. J. Alan Mlddleton. factory spe ff.ii.t aenglneer.CO0-U Wldener HldcWlKT HAVB PARTY who will erect building, central FACTOR V FLOORS and warerooms. large and "f a'hltY T "SAUNDERS. Si B. 18jh ,t. ot'ICESJISINMJLg9M8JTO. nurvm I1LDO OFFICES. Annual Rental. S ngle ilMm.,1120 kl60.W00 .$223. $300. $43 ! 1,'b 2 Rms. $144,$15O.$l73.$aO0.$223;$.'50 BU' S Tim. 1275. I4UO. l430TliUui inn .'5sr. VTmuu PII'nH T1IEO F ! NICKLEB, 2513 Oermantown ave. -vi.'lTTBT'ANb 2D MbllTQAOC- 700 WAI.NJlT,8T..21BPIiyCE ST aAN3ON-INTEREST IN ESTATES '"" Reasonable Charges JOHN A. RAjtRjfl07JNDTlTLE.BLDa JAMES O. TOWAI "- ST. -l!STTHlNrHFOR FIRST MORTOAQD TRUSt iikhkNESS ft STETSON KjlO TITLE IU1ILDINO p rupil "CENT. "MONEY for .elect loans. Fuuda 8 ??,.! wnnd or ipllt city mortgage. 't'hNBTIIY: 133 B 12th. 2724 N Mh rrsTriY FUNDS lor good llrst mortgages; lirln wSariHg:"-; '. n"d . - TirMpfrfinfr"your mortgage ha. been called. ow,i!iii take It "P- also 2d mprtgaga money. C1H5STER D. ROTTNER. 1420 Cbe.tnut .1. TSArT"D"2DMTOS.. bldg. and private fund.. J83'..Air.nd aatl.factory .result.: m.od. charge.. PArir"1 EBTATK. aan n.eninaton ave - -" - . -.!-,- nt nn nfitn. anv iimmini ETrnHT'and 2d rnta. or on note, any amount; F'iBrat: Immediate answer. F. X. Delany, in- f ""'" m,lg.. Uroad and Penn Square. rTTnSnJ-Largo or .mall .urn. on real utateT S?uIJeorapoy,iaEco.,r7nB.o?8tr,' fi a "rtS.lt-1'' ,,'ifsai P "Wrl 'SPsl'UWe. Peac Haven M s F. Choice iva-roem.uT..JVl-I1- HE GLATHRTflMTTvllTM at7n Darn" EMD iMsr s-3-i i, MPS aaa bath. ruT-i--ir .-! 4ftffiH tnr fiWXtt 4UITCins3TNt5T '" electrto light, ano neaiea oy not wateri excel- locatiuu, .-" . ' "w . . a trolley within a minute, wa t.,... .nm ail aiaes. for luriner .top at corner Willow. Qrov pike and Eda Hill road. Roaelyn. .Montgomery Co.. or to undersigned. Cha.. V . at.. Philadelphia., jfa- Rueter, 7y3. TlQga BUI4URUAN TOWN COUNTRY' . f.tv iatifiui. iiKtJiVr -lAJUii. iuiii.wnui m suruhbanTiomes for bale or rent ?""" WENDELL ft MAB3EY . Rea) fc.tate Trust BulldlnJ. CUOICK RUILDINO 61TE3 nna Hrrsn. ARTHUR P. TOWNH-ND. Langhorne. Pa, HfintlRBAK HKAL. ESTATB iy srlce All locatlona. SaU or rent. CHAB-ES J HOOP ft CO., M;rlBld. CITY AND SURURBAN REAL ESTATB ' 202 . 15TH BT BE LKT PtopertU. Country mats, farm. lUt Mdira now- LBW3 T 'BROOKBTa SON. rT.rTr Ti-r-- ' tKinunirri iota 191 BOU.q -s"ci H uunyeiu 4t. r.ARGi. LIST c4t! r.,ner Suites. 3 to S rooms, $300 to $1030 WiniS Fi. WILLIAMS. 5110 brexel Bulldlm?: vNNnUH-DlNa. U Walnut Large, liJhtT iiUBD RUILDINQ - I211-I7,Flllrt .t. Centrally located: all conveniences; rent. at. tractt'ely low. a0!ooconvenlnce, m '" MERCIIANT8' . BUILDINa. 7T "- ."' AU1 Verr d.lra-tl offlca; heat and llsht. beat. jTUP,ATrri.i.soN. 130 B. lit" if: pliPSTNUT ST., 024 2d floor: large .kylLrhT C ood pa for architect. LEA' EST-Ws.' 11111 Sanaum t. Professional Oflica PROFESSIONAL RUILDINQ. lBlls Chestnut it. A few suite, for phy.lelana or dentut.. .'-T. JACKSON CO.. Chsatnut anj lata. WEST PIHLADHLPUIA. ALL CLASSES OF WEST . nillTiriKIJ'HIA PnOPEBTS- WM. M. W. QUICK ft URp., INC " " 8 8. 4Tr 8T " .1 ' " " llRRMAN BROS . 6019 SlAHKTwT lloiuea. apartment., .tores. Near 6TU XT, " StItiQN For rent or al ' RENT REASONABLE, dwtlllnc partofJEi? SASWJR SON. 3i M4 4 8. 40th. w,wo' niTirnTNa 'and loan aaaoclatlon money for tat ny,!i d mortgage.; prompt attention. Addre.. 8ecrrJJ?.L- TrTSJpv'for first and second mortgages; building IS Vvi: --rrtfrj" nP firat and aecond mortgaffei, any K?.?ti5ul?t rawer, CHAS. W. MILLER. jni.407 rtnmmonvieaun n'Qg. TfXvE $200,000 tru.t fund for good first and '.econd mortgage. In amouut. $2000 and u. gjd 425. Ledger Office. MONEY TO LOAN QUICK LOANS TO HOUSEKEEPERS H prlv-M dy and without red tape If y.Ta Ly'.,:keDlnj(. You cuu borrww jltf. $37. $311 5$80f7i od on up to ilooit a Per Ji Tntereat. Tfau can borrow $I2g. ii, ilnti lu or $2M at 2 per cent. IntereaT livinenta are amall and wltnln jour Income UXbSki &Trt ,f0- for vourTOnveniM?;; HOUSEHOLD LOAN GO, ' 18tl3QUtU'Brpad Street' BL .pogf,-, "Mt -ajafet APi uyaijuw wuKr(i r ON DtAMONI.3. -a ' J B WE Lb. 175 'W mBDER'3' ":::::::: fKlV AND OXKOnn ST 22DAN D Isi 1 u"l J ST8 SlONEV LOANi t9 ' unattl4 tsutM. MtTtiat.JuslJ Jf X, MARTIN. T24f E J SCRAPPLE Your Deal THE PADDED CELL Hit , A4r''f ,?.fr.,,. 1 SERIOUS f ) AOMEjMTS I A (qhn ' )JP's ( y r aCsw.u-, "Do you know v'liy tliey didn't play cardn 011 Hie nik?" "No. vtliy.?" "UocatiRp Noali stood 011 the deck." Not Ilia Time Yet BSs6v -a, . "Tommy, won't you have a ploco of my nngcl cuke?" "No. tliatik you j I'm not rendy to bo nn nngel yet." TELL ME, DOES IT PAY? GEt ThESS t, ! ( MAfcY- ) .' r'RtFSSlrG B-DLV- GTANIROW ( C 'fi "THESE " MvSeLPArvD I TR00S6RS J (J CO-NT J AWAY' Se-vi. A QUARTER N r IYVONV.A -ESV YOO fjOTffi. STAR.V j I MINOYE5 WORrsX 5AVIH' MONtY S0AE;Y.HERt:J ( - ". (oOCrTT) ( oh Morf.M&R ") Q TZIX IVE - ) 1 ' AND ON TH" VIAND f DOES IY I LJ v PAY r ) Too Badsky n Nf In rX3P,? WAITING FOR AN INTRODUCTION Harvard Lampoon. I used to have a horseovltch and mount from off the sodka, But tlnco the Czar Has closed the bar, I can't tct on, ofcoureeavjtch, without my glass of vodka. Paa.lnr Show. Orderly Officer Groins his round at night) Why tha deuce haven't you chal. lenged me 7 , , Nervous Sentry P-please. Sir, I d'd Idn't know who you was. Sir. -AND THE WORST IS YET TO COME IRS" FOB. 1 , ,.,". ..,' 7 ", II j ' ' MP " " gs Bound to Sell One Jenks I'm awfully sorry that my engagements prevent me from attend lng your 'charity concert, but I shall be with you In spirit. Hector Splendid I And where would you like your spirit to sltT I have, tickets here for one dollar, fifty cents and a quarter. . ctfrvfS!ti m ISiiF 'jumm sewing Buttons on ac0ay0fpaint J avJ-a JtoveuBW S '&( s I L 4) i9 I JmSm "yS nutni5 . S6ts at - Ui li -if-