ITALIANS TAKE OFFENSIVE ON TYROL FRONT Counter-Attack Begun June . 1 in gJugana Valley to Be Extended Soon AUSTRIAN DRIVE CHECKED ROME, Italy, June G. The Austrian v afjV8 in tho Trentlno linn been checked. The maximum effort was made on May 30 and n and Juno 1 against the plateaus of Arttero and Aslago. The Austrlnns used nine divisions of reserves. The result was disastrous to the Invaders, trtio suffered enormous loses. The Italians succeeded In concentrating rapidly many nJW heavy guns and largo masses of Infantry on thesa plateaus, against which the Austrian offensive was shattered. Tho Italian counter-offensive began on June 1 on tho right wing and continues to h be extended nlong the whole battle front. The Italian authorities havo absolute confi dence in tho complete succosa of, their counter-offensive, whllo tho Austrian effort to Invade Italy Is regarded ns a failure. Tho text of last night's statement by Generat Headquarters Is as follows: Prom Stolvlo Pass to Lake Garda there havo boun only artlllcrjrcngage xnents and actions by small detach- wents. i In the Lagarlna Valley enemy bat teries of all calibres yesterday bom larded our positions as far as 1'nsublo. Our artillery effectively replied, firing en tho enemy's troops nnd $osUs. On tho Poslna-Astlco front on tho evening of Juno 2 cnoiy Infantry at tempted to break through In the direc tion on Onnro, southeast "of Arslero. They woro strongly counter-attacked and driven back. Yesterday thero was n lively nrtll ' lery duel, and in the afternoon hugo masses of tho enemy were thrown In J to attack our positions between Col I Xomo nnd Col Poslna.x They woro thrown back with very serious losses. J On tho Sette Comunl plateau the Btrugglo for the possession of Monto Cenglo continues with fluctuating for- tunes. ' On the remainder of the front, to the j Ilrcnta, thero has been artillery activ ity. Tho situation In tho Carnla and the Isonzo regions Is unchanged. VIENNA, Juno 6. No further advance for the Austrlans in their offcnslvo ngalnst tho Italians in South Tyrol Is reported In tho Vienna Headquarters statement of June 2, received hero today, but the repulse of Italian attacks In two sectors of tho front Is announced. Tho statement says: Our troops repulsed one strong nnd several fceblo Italian attacks against Monto Barco. Repeated enemy attacks against our posi tions near Qrcnzeck and cast of the Man drlelle farm failed. EVENING LEDGER-PHIUADELPHIA; MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1916. DAUGHTER SACRIFICE VAIN Bldod Transfusion Fails to Save Widely Known V. IT. C. A. Worker NEW TOIIK, June 6. Mrs. Minnie .Smith, wife of Fred D. Smith, assistant to tho president of the H, W, JohnManvllIo Campany, died yesterday In tho French Hospital, this city. 8ho had been 111 for five weeks of blood poisoning, and for the last three weeks had been kept alive by transfusion of blood from her daughters, Helen and Lucille. Mrs. Smith was it years old and lived at 20 nidgvlew avenue. White Plains. Mr. Smith was long the International secretary of the Ti M. C, A and eho often accom panied him on trips, thus becoming known personally to Y. M. C. A. workers all over the United States. CADORNA COMINCIA LA SUA CONTROFFENSIVA; GLIAUSTRIACIBATTUTI Perdite Gravissimo Inflitte agli Invasori in Attacchl su Xomo ed a Sud-est di Arsiero I DUELLI D'ARTIGLIERIA ITALIAN LOSSES IN AUSTRIAN DRIVE 40,000, SAYS MATIN . PARIS, Juno 6. Italian casulatles result ing from tho Austro-Hungarlan offensive up to four days ngo woro 40,000, according to the Matin. It Is stated by tho same newspaper that the Austro-IIungarlans have not taken more than 19,000 Italian prisoners. The Austrian War Ofllco asserts that the Teutons havo taken about 80,000 prisoners. LA BATTAGLIA NAVALE VUVTA DAGLI INGLESI Le Perdite Tedesche Sono di 18 Navi Le Perdite Italiane i Fino a Giovedi' A poco a poco la verlta' nulla battaglla savale al largo dello costs della Danimarca vlen fuorl. Lungl dall'nver vlnto, 1 tedes chl hanno lnvcce sublto una clamorosa Boon lltta. Da notlzle pervonuta nll'Ammlra gllato Inglese rlsulta Infattl (sebbeno l'anv mlragllo Jelllcoo non abbla ancora potuto redlgero II suo rapporto Uoflnltlvo) che I tedeschl hanno perduto In quella battaglla due cornzzate, due Incrociatorl 'da battaglla dreadnought dl tlpo recentlsslmo, quattro Incrociatorl leggeri, novo cacclatorpedlnlero ed un sottomarlno. Del resto II fntto stesso che la flotta tedesca fuggl' e lasclo' gll tnglesi padroni do! campo dl battaglla o' una prova che I vlttorlosl sono gll Ingles!. Un telegramma da Parlgl dlco cha 11 Matin calcola lo perdite Itallano nell'of Tenslva austriaca flno a quattro glornl fa a 40,000 uomlnl, o jhe I prlglonlerl presl dagll austrlacl, lungl dall'essere I 30,000 o plu' che vogltono I comunlcatl da Vienna, sono appena 12,000 e non plu', Intanto si an nuncla da Itoma che fin dal lmo giugno II generate Cadorna ha comlnciato la sua con troffenslva cho va a poco a poco estenden- uusi uauaia aestrn al resto della fronte dl battaglla. GERMANS ASSAIL VAUX, PUT FAIL TO GAIN Continued from Paio One Damloup. Northeast of Fort Vaux re peated attacks of tho enemy In the pas sages of Bols Uman were quickly checked by our fire. All attacks between Fort Vaux afta the village of Damloup have been equally arrested. During the night there was bloody lighting between tho garrisons at Fort vaux and detachments of tho enemy Who had succeeded In penetrating our position by using large quantities of liquid Are. In spite of this our troops nave prevented tho ndversary from making any progress. BEItMN, June 6. -The repulso of British attacks near Ypres (and French attacks In v.JnJ?mSno.v'ai' announced by the German War Office today. uoiween Damloup and Callotte forest, ori i-Verd.un. front "Wing of undiminished violence is in progress. To the west of the Meuse. the French tried unsuccessfully to advance along the Maucourt-Esnes highway, Thn iV! ot the offlclal report follows: ..'.? tr?0Ps yesterday evening again attacked the positions captured by us southeast of Ypres. In West Fland !:. "t the Maa"lt broke down our ? ,i nre'. A feeb,a French attack undertaken after gaa preparation In tha region of Prunay Jn Champagne failed, west of the Meuse we directed with Bood success vigorous fire from our trench0' 8S st onemy batjerles and B.rfeiV:h Man try tried to advance ( 2?m??J 0Ur """ west of the Hau-court-Esnes road, but was repulsed. S' ' the Meuse. bitter flghUng tyl0Pd bwr Callette fo f.nH. n? Damloup la still going on with. Undiminished, violence. ' Enemy lnfantrv in .. i , tried tq regain positions conquered by us during the last few days. The ' 2n,?.?f V?UI and ,n thtt duitrict a?tttWar(l AU rencl counter Ust lSwi "P4 with the heav- ?JHfm r0onnoUerjDg detachments aterM siiomv tuition., i ii. Orifi.rjt of AI4rt JE...".2T!- .?fiy vw. .TTrrrjf mmtm wjm i mm wNtft j P.OMA, 5 Giugno. ti'oftenslva austriaca nel Trentlno o' Btata ormal nrrtstnta. Lo sforzo masstmo nustrlaco-fu fatto nel glornl 30, 31 magglo o lmo giugno contro lo conclie dl Aslago o dl Arslero, verso lo quail gll austrlacl lanclarono ben novo division! dl trupps dl rlscrva. II rlsultato dl qucstl attacchl fu dlsastroso per gll attaccantl che soffersero enorml pcrdlto. Oil Itallanl rlusclrono a concentraro rapl damento moltl nuovl cannon! dl grosso catlbro o grand! masse dl fnnterU nello due concho mlnacclato e l'offenslva aus triaca si lnfranse contro una Inattcsa re slstcnza. II lmo giugno II goneralo Cadorna Inlzto' la sua controffenslva sull'ala destra, con troffenstva cho si va rnpldamcnte esten dendo a tutta la fronte. Lo autnrlta' mill tarl Italiane hanno plena flducla nel sue cesso dl questa controffenslva montre si consldcra como fnlllto It tcntatlvo dl Inva slono austriaca dctl'Italla. Icrl sera II Mtnlslro ,della Guerra pub bllcava 11 segucnto rapporto del goneralo Cadorna . Nella zona dallo Stelvlo al Lago dl Garda si sono nvute soltanto azlonl dl artlgllerla. Nella Vat Lagarlna numerose batte- rlo nustrlache dl ognl callbro bom- bardarono terl lo noatro poslzlonl dal I'Adlgo flno al Monto Pasublo, ma fu- rono messo a taccro dal vlolcntlsslmo fuoco dello nostro nrtlgllcrte. Lungo la fronto Poslna-Vnllo doll'As- tlco nella sera del 2 corrcnto la fan- tcrla austriaca tonto' dl occuparo Onaro, a sud-cst dl Arslero, ma fu vlgorosamento contrnttaccata dallo nostro truppo e rcsplnta. Nella glornatn dl lcrl si obbero viva clsslml duelll dl artlgllerla. Nel pom crlgglo fortl masse dl fanterla nemlca furono lanclate ad un attacco sullo nostra poslzlonl dl Xomo o dl Poslna, ma furono resplnte con pordlte gravis simo. Sull'altoplano dol Sotto Comunl con tlnua con varla fortuna la lotta per 11 possesso dl Monte Cenglo. Sul resto della fronte fino al flume Brenta sl-ebbo nttlvltn' dl nrtlgllerla. Sulla fronto della Carnla e su quella dell'Isonzo non vl o' nulla dl lmportanto do rapportare. LA SITUAZIONE ODIEP.NA. II Mlnlstcro della Guerra ha pubbllcato un nltro comunlcato ufllclale circa la sltua zione goneralo Bulla fronto dl battaglla Italo-austrlaca. Eccone II testo: L'offenslva austriaca si svlluppa ora dalla sua base, che e' al campo trln cerato dl Trento, In quattro direzlonl: Prima, sulla fronte Adlge-Pasjibfo : seconda, sulla fronte Pasublo-Val d'Astlco r terza, sull'altoplano del Sette Comunl ; quarta. nella valle del Brenta. TuttA 1 tentatlvl dello all nella prima e nella quarta dlrezlone Bono stati unl formemente resplntl, anche con vlg oroslsslmi covitrattacchl che causarono al ncmlco perdite enorml. Tra II Pasublo a la valle dell'Astlco l'offenslva el e' splnta con l'oblettlvo dl conqulstare II passo dl Piano della Fugazzo a dl tagllar fuorl del loro col legamento con II settoro delta cqnea dl Arslero le nostra forze del Monto Pasublo ed In tal modo aprlrsl la strada verso Schlo. Sull'altqplano del Sette Comunl 11 nemlco st prepara ad avanzare verso le alture dl Galllo per collegare le forze operantl contro Aslago con quelle del Brenta, ma le nostra truppc, adeguata mente rlnforsate attendono flductoso gll attacchl del nemlco. Generalmento parlando l'azlone e' ancora nel suo pteno svlluppo. II vcro oblettlvo del nemlco o quello dl ot tenere posscsso degll sbocchl alia pla num, ma e' ben lontano dall'essero raggluntp, e la sltuazlone deve, essere qulndt conslderata non certo legger menta, ma neanche allarmante, Questo communlcato era stato dlramato dal Mlnlstcro della Guerra prima del 1'lnlzlo del contrattacchl Itallanl. Un telegramma da Parlgl dice che II senatoro Ougllelmo MnrcW o' passato da quella cltta' In viagglo per Itoma. Egll pro venlva da Londra. Intorvjstato a Parlgl, egll ha dlchlarato che rltornava alia fronte Itallana per poche settlmane e agglunse che non aveva Informazlonl speclall per quanto rlguardava la sltuazlone mllltare sulla fronte Itallana. Un comunlcato ufllclalo austrlaco an nuncia che 1'artlgllerla russa mostra una granda atttvita' sulle fronte della Bes sarabia e della Vollnla a che nelle stesse zone, che sono teuute esclusl vamente da forze austrlache, la fanterla russa comlncla a dlventare attlva dopo 1 furiosi bombarda menti del glornl scorsl. SI dice a Vienna che questo la Itueala fa per alleggerlre la presslone austriaca sulla fronte Itallana. f el m -m ti f TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES William A. Bennett. 222T N. 22J st., and Isabel M. Leldy, SIH N. 3d t. Charles Mahon, 107 Scott lane, and Mary Dough arty. 8300 Allhny live. John Ott. BStt W. Oxford at., and Mary Heas. 1440 Oermantown ave. NlroUua llrlcknar. 1412 N. Orlanna at., and Mary Koch. 1410 N Maacher at, . ,. Roy '. Wallace, Labanon, l'a., and yennta Jacob fa. Urlcb, Iabanon, Vi., and MyrI 'K. IJaht. Lebanon. Pa, Sam Fliher. S044 N. CarlHU at., and YatU Coopcrman. 727 N. 7lh at. ,, John Mclnlyre. Jr.. 12 JO 8. 28th at., and Myrtla V Lauer. 42SI Wallace at. ritarold L. Fauiknar. Phoenlxylll. Pa., and Sadla J Bnoemaktr. PhoenUyllU, l'a. Tboroaa L. Bharp. 024 N. iSth at., and Suslo B. Sheridan, S21 ti. ISth at. Harold M. Horn. League laland, and Mary B. H.ffirIl.,S.r?-TO,,il.,lfn..l. at., and Hilda- sard Deck (1788 Illdaa ava. VlllUm lletaar. 2725 Btllea at., and Mlnnla Ott. oSSST "u?pn"7r.ri31S N It.ndolph at., and Kalte R llirahman, S021 U at. Cornellua McOeehln. 814, Oraya ave.. and g$WSlSZ ."Alu'lSi .1 . and Ulllan A. Curtla. ti N Mlllick at. John Pickett 710 Bpruca at., and Katherlna HcLooa. :!S3 S Stn at. . William T Colman. 2137 a. eth at., and Ba CUnaburv. 207 8 24th at. . , ., MoT Finne? 15tf,Sk Caplto, at., and Mm Uatchelor 2H Kimball at BuTnl Backua. 1011 N. DarUa at., and Luctlla Turner. JiVl tariu fc. . , , M Arthur KulP. 1728 Dounton at., and Elalo F, Haxtley 1721 Dounton at. ' Brn3tlV OrVuwr. 2100 W. Bedglay ave.. and, Elala B Hoaolcman. 1S38 N. 28th at. rinpipo AnaataaiT 11B3 8. lb. at., and Mary Lagano, 1884 Altar at Blclird Fatrclovab. 1840 Clementina at., and ' M..Mm Smith. 8311 N Water at, . . Paaauala Marconi 1218 Wabatcr aV. ana Aon Basal.. 1248 Wabaler ava . , . Wiuiam LeU, 2915 N Muttar at. and Maria ' xfJ 9IIO Qhllln mt 4fULUU tla Mfttt' aa- Greek Prince Engaged to American LONDON1. Jun S Prtce CJulstopbet a member 1 U rxnlag family of Greece wb to ww la Loudon, la report4 to hae (um vagt4 to an Aoiwlan heJriss -triatf tt ftinhm ot U UMiir. 'U In it 54 DEAD, TOLL OF AUTO' ACCIDENTS SINCE JAN. 1; TEN INJURED SUNDAY Latest Victim's Skull Was Frac tured When He Was Run Down Driver Arrested WOMAN DRAGGED BY HAIR Motorcars' Spring Sttndau Toll of Death and Injury a DiV n D'R1 Injured April 2 2 0 April 1G 1 3 April 23 o 7 April 30 ,.r. l i May '7 o 7 May 21 o 8 May 28 o G Juno 4 2 6 The automohllo death toll since January 1 now Is 64. Joseph C. Olrnrd, of G848 Uroomall ave nue, died at tho Jefferson Hospital this morning from a fractured skull received when he wna run down by an automobllo driven by Charles Hoban, Jr., of 1906 South Broad stroot,. at Ilroad and Chancellor streets, Mny 17.- Olrard was leaving tho Dollevuo-Stratford Hotel, where ho wail a chef. Hoban will have a hearing today. Tho B2d Ceath occurred yostorday and the Hat of those Injured by automobiles and motorcycles was Increased by 10. James" Reed, 70 years old, of 1751 North Bambrey street, died In tho Hahnemann Hospital yosterday of Injuries rccolvcd when he was knocked down by tho auto mobllo of Dr, Morris Markowltz, of 1001 North 6th street, at Broad and Arch streets, Saturday. John Lceth, 70 years old, of 3,120 North Hope street, died today at tho Episcopal Hospltnl with a fractured skull, received when, he was knocked down at B street and Allegheny avenue by a motorcycle driven by Michael Specter, of Lawrence street near Morris, Saturday night Specter and a companion, MIrs P.ny Young, of Moore street near 6th, nlso were Injured. Mrs. Itobert Merrick, of 2616 Aspen street, was, dragged 30 feet by her hair and Injured and her husband seriously hurt when a larce touring car struck the motor cycle they were riding at May's Landing, N, J., yesterday. Both were thrown from their cycle nnd Mrs. Merrick's hair became, entangled In the mudguard of tho auto mobile. Sho was swung over her hus band and dragged 30 feet before the auto mobile was stopped. Merrick was seriously Injured on the head nnd legs and his wife's left lee; was badly cut. The automobile hurried nwny after tho woman's hair was disentangled from tho mudguard. Police of the Qermantown siaiion tooay are searching for the driver of an auto mobllo which overturned another at Lin coln drive nnd McCallum street yesterday, Injuring three persons. Tho driver respon sible put on moro speed after tho accident nnd esenped. The Injured aro Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wlnno and their son Elmer, of 2004 North 16th street. They wcro taken to tho Chestnut Hill Hospital for treatment. Wlnno's collarbone Is dislocated, his wife suffered bruises and the boy has n slight brain concussion. Five-year-old Abraham Snyder, of 1810 South 10th street. Is In a grave condition at the St. Slnal Hospital with Injuries received when ho was struck by a touring car at 7th and Mooro streets yesterday, David Solo mon, of Now Brunswick, N, J said to have been driving the car, took tho child to the hospital nnd surrendered to the police. Threo-yenr-old Andrew Farrell, of 881 North Bucknoll street, playing In an auto mobllo In front of tho home of his aunt, Mrs. Robert Donnls, of 866 North 13th street, wns thrown out and hurt when the machine was started yesterday. Ho was taken to the Mary Drexel Home. Two Philadelphia girls, Miss Fannie Lol bermnn, of Broad nnd Tioga streets, nnd Miss Ruth Bernhelm, of 2436 West Lehigh avenue, wero Injured when an automobllo In which they were riding was ditched near Fnllslngton, Pa yesterday. SUPPOSED CRIES OF SLAYER'S PREY TURN OUT TO BE YOWLS OP PUSSGAT Startled and Pajamaed Residents, Imagining Baby Is BeingStrangled, Rush Out to Save It Before Police Arrive Brave Man With Revolver Arrests Grimalkin Agonized screams pierced tho night ntr on Christian street between 2tst nnd 22d early today and tho neighborhood awoke with n start Llko the wall of a baby being choked to death, tho cries roso and fell, Mothers shud dered as the sound grew fainter and fainter and then shivered ns It broke out anew, showing that life was not yet extinct. One by one flitting pajamas nnd nightgowns dotted tho street with whlto ns the startled householders, the fathers armed with guns and clubs, searched for tho origin of tho blood-curdling noise. "This Is a caso for tho police," decided Mrs Hugh Hays. In a trlco Bhe had her husband, House Sergeant Hays, on the tele phone at tho 20th nnd Fltzwatcr streets sta tion. In another trlco Street Sergeant Hagcn and Policeman Shelton nrrlved, putting and feeling for their guns. In the meantime a shrewd youth had located tho scene of tho murder up in a tree. Whllo the residents gnsed on apprehen sively, Shelton, who used to be a sailor, "shinned" up tho tree. He halted a mo ment on the lower boughs whllo he drew his revolver, nnd a moment later he wa lost In the dark follago to those below. The nolso hnd stopped. They waited. Suddenly there wns the sound of a sharp struggle overhend. An Instant later Shel ton reappeared and dropped to the sround. triumphant. In ono hnnd was his glisten ing revolver. In tho other, by tho scruff of tho neck, he held a very dizzy and very much frightened pussycat. Sho was taken to tho station Iioubo nnd later today will havo a saucer of milk and a hearing. She Is accused of disturbing tho peace. "MY PAPA JUST SHOT MAMA," CHILD PHONES - Girl of Nine Years Notifies R4 Bank Polico and Also Calls Doctor WARRANTS FOR 50 BARBERS South Philadelphia Strikers Plan Ac tion Against Sunday Workers At least 60 warrants will bo obtained today for the arrest of barbers who rofused to close thetr shops yesterday, according to leaders of the EOO barbers who went on a strlko In South Philadelphia yesterday. All day long a committee, of 30 bnrber detectives scoured the southern section for evidence against proprietors who wcro open for business, either brnzenly or surrepti tiously. Leon Warthall, national organizer for tho Journeymen Barbers' Allied Council, de clared that at least GO proprietors would be prosecuted for having their shops open or ndmtttlng customers Into places appar ently closed. Tho strlko affected 160 shops, where tho barbers demanded less work, more pay and no Sunday work. BISHOP KIDNAPPED AT ALTAR Secretary Says Carranzn Soldiers Burst Into Jalapa Cathedral NEW YORK, Juno 6. A story of tho kid napping of Bishop Enrique Jorlquln from the altar of his cathedral at Jalapa, Vera Cruz, by a squad of Carranza soldiers, was related last night by tho Rev. Demetrlo Agullar, tho Bishop's secretary, who ar rived here on the steamship Montevideo on his way to his homo at Cadiz, Spain. According to Father Agullar, the soldiers entered the cathedral on Mny 26 and ar rested tho Bishop without waiting for the close of a confirmation ceremony. The prelato, who was 71 yenrs old, was placed on a horse nnd rushed to tho Interior of Moxlco. Tho secretary escaped from the cathedral by a rear cntrnnce. RED BANK, N. J June 6. A policeman on duty at headquarters got this telephone message yesterday afternoon In a chlMMt volco! "This Is Dorothy Hodges on Branch ave nue. My papa Just shot my mammal' Send some officers to get him." A moment later Dr. H. W, Young, . Red Bank physician, recolved this word: ' "Please come to Mr. Hodges' house. My mamma Is shot This Is Dorothy," Tho physician arrived first to find Mns. Frank W, Hodges, mother of tho nine-year old girl who had done the telephoning, lying; In an upstairs room with h. bullet "wound In her head which wilt probably cause her death. Then tho police arrived, to learn that Hodges himself had gono to his bam. secreted his revolver, and then walked oft across some fields. But they came up with him soon nnd he surrendered, asking them. "Did I hit horr Little Dorothy was able to give more Information about the shooting than any one else. Sho said her parents and she had been out motoring all mornlnr. and during the course of tho ride her father and mother constantly quarreled. Upon returning to their home her parents went upstairs and left her 'playing alone on tho front stoop. In a few minutes sho heard a shot and her fattier came walking out ot tha door holding a revolver. "Did you shoot my mamma" i. the child. " "I 'vo done ft," Hodges said. Then tho llttlo girl, nfter getting a glimpse at her mother's unconscious form ran to tho telephone. ". Recently Hodges has been Jealous of bl wife, his friends told tho pollw, and a? times had detectives follow her. especially when she wont motoring. f-ur A Jl iL. yVQVk 3r rtaSBYs397lllMllllfl!ilDWflBBBBBBBBBBY Impossible To Get So Much usee Motor Car Value For The Money W E FIND this is the attitude o many people who come into our salesroom before they know anything about the MaxwelL Jr&l Jl . -ri . Not until the Maxwell is shown and iriemoo strated to them until they sit in it and gramme the finish until they ride in it or perhaps not until they drive it themselves, do they realize what a tremendous value is offered in the MazweQ car. It is not unusual that Maxwell value should not be known to everyone, because it h uncom mon to find such a car for a good margin more than the Maxwell price. The Maxwell stands absolutely alone in a highly competitive field, for the amount of value it offers for the price. Appearance' The fines of the Maxwell are decidedly attractive. There is no break in the contour from the radiator to the back of the car. The fenders are gracefully shaped. All motal parte are enameled or nickel-plated. The uphol stery is deep and well-finished. From any angle t is a, car that the owner can be proud of. Motor The engine in the Maxwell car is not equalled by any other four-cylinder engine of its aize. And we know of larger and more expensive cars that have lees able power plants. The Max well engine carriea its load through mud and sand or over the steepest grades without a falter. Qgality -The materials in the Maxwell car; are the beat that can be bought and the workman ship that turns them into finished parts la no less excellent It is only the large production of the Maxwell factories that makes it possible to put such quality of materials and workmanship into car selling at the Maxwell price. Economy With its other attractive features the Maxwell is a most economical car to own. Owners get 22 to 25 miles per gallon of gasoline and 8,000 to 12,000 miles per set of tires. And the car is so durably built that repair expense is negligible. We are sure you want a car such as we have described the Maxwell to be. If you will give ns , a few minutes of your time we are sure we can convince you that the Maxwell Car is an except tional value. Come in today. aU ' i v-i. w Joining Car $658 Roadster $635 F. O. B. DETROIT The Maxwell Motor Sales Corporation 1 A FACTORY BRANCH 1617 Chestnut Street Bell Phone: Spruce 31-41 Time Payments if Desired M MgiM f F T? Ijtt Ti i iisainiiuBniUTiliiirjjiMfMlffl imjsyitwsjiippi m w.' -w-wft "