m EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JUNE 5, 191G. MAY FMD DANCES HWR CAimi CHARITIES Snorted Conslatofial Congrega- iion Orders Obedience to the Baltimore Canon ' tjnneen n.n bftll for" fcharlty or other frteri-i purptwe. tnay be forbid-.!, to CAtho Htm, following a pronouncement of the Conslntorlftl ponnrcKatlon, In Home, W Which a canon of the Third Plenary Cetunctl, of Bn.ttln.ore, which ordored the removal of "that -.bliss In vhlch enter--ialtimehts and balls are held for the pur ptifle of promoting pious objects" Is ordered to be obeyed. No decision will be made, however, until the. matter Is submitted to tho local church Authorities for Interpretation. The decision hi this section rests entirely with Arch bishop PrendergAst, who will stato It after further Information has arrived from IJome. The decree, dated March 3, of this year, refers to the Baltimore canon ordering priests to remove entirely tho "abuse" In which dances and entertainments are used for charity and other pious purposes, and adds that "what was very wisely and Just ly Ordered In the beginning, gradually com menced to fall Into oblivion. And tho uso of balls again flourished And even spread Into the neighboring Dominion of CAnada." 'The decree then orders that the decisions of the Baltimore Council we obeyed And that "a!1 priests, secular and regular, nnd other clerics are Absolutely forbidden to promote or foster tho said balls, oven though In aid of and In support of pious WorKa or any other pious end ; moreover, nil clerics are forbidden to bo present at these balls If they happen to bo promoted by laymen." Van Oston Funeral Tomorrow The funeral of William Van Oaten, who was the oldest saloonkeeper In the city, and - perhaps In the world, will be held from his late homo and place of business. 10 North Bth street, tomorrow afternoon nt 2 o'clock, Services will be conducted there by the Hew Dr. Louis C. Washburn, rector of Chrljt Episcopal Church, nnd burial will be In West Laurel Hill Cemetery. Isaac J. Kinder SEAFOItD, Del., Juno B. Isaac J. Kin der, aged 79 years, ono of Delaware's prom inent retired farmers, died this morning at his home In West Seaford, after having suf fered several paralytic strokes within the last three months. Two sons and ono daughter, as follows, survive: Frank J. Kinder. Los Angeles: Harry K. Kinder, Fod eralsburg. Mil., and Mrs. l. J. Winder, Sea ford. Funeral services will bo held Wednes day afternoon, and Interment will be made In Odd Fellows' Cemetery. MARRIED BOnERTS HtWI.V. On Saturday. Juno 3. HUB. at the.Flrst Presbyterian Church, Lans dovvno. Pa., by the pastor, tho Rev. William Boyd, assisted by the Rev. John F. Caraon. MARIAN CLEMI-NT IRWIN, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Knhcrt S. Irwin, of Lanadowne. and WILLIAM WALLACE ROBERTS, of Phila delphia. BTr.VENON CHEW. On Friday. June 2. I0IO. at St. Peter' Church, by the Hector, the Rev. Dr. Kdward M. Jerfcry. MAHV EVELYN CIIBW. daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. David 8. n. Chew, of Pnlladclphla, and Lieu- nnant IXJWHY UOVD STEVENSON. U. 8. .. of Washington. IN MKMOItlAM BIRD In lovinB remembrance of WILLIAM C. 1I1RD who died June ... 1313. fail'y missed by wife and children. ANDERSON. On Juire 3. 1010. OKOIIOE J. ANDERSON, husband of Cecelia E. Ander son (nea Stohrer). In hl B2d year. Relatives and friends, also Han Domingo Council Nn 288. Kntshta of Columbus: CltCluh. Manu facturers' Club, offlcera and directors of the Southwark National Hank. Grocers and lm porters' Exchange. Chamber of Commerce. Pennsylvania Barge Club, employes of the M. E. Stohrer Ke) atone Tlekllnc Company, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednea. day, at S a, m.. from his lure residence. 102S Olrard ave. Solemn Requiem High Mass at the Church of the Oesu. at 10:13 a. m. In terment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Auto mobile funeral. BKIXAMY. On June 3, 1018, DOROTHT. wife nf Obedlah Bellamy, aired 7.1 years. Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Tueaday, nt 3 p. m., from her late residence. 4735 Worth at.. Frankford. Interment al-Oakland Cemeteri. Remains may.be viewed Monday, from 8 to 10 p. m. BERROTH. On June 3. 1010. EDNA MARIS, daughter of II, Walter and Mabel D. Rerroth. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the. .funeral services, on Wednesday, nt 2 p. m., at her parents' residence. 320 West Logan at., Cerraantown. Interment private. Automobile service. BERTHOI.r. On June 2. 1010. SAMUEL A., husband of Daisy Hitting Ilerthnlf. aged 3il years. Relatlvea nnd friends are Invited to at tend the funeral services. Tuesday at 1 p. m., at hla late residence. 113 N 3.1th at. Inter ment private, at Palmyra, N. J. MIDDLE. On evening of Sixth Month 2d. 1010. JOHN W. RIDDLE, In the Slat year of his age. Relatives and friends are Invited to at-. tend the funeral, at Friends' Moetlng House.' Media, Fa . on Third-day. Sixth Month 0th. 1910. at 2:30 p. m. Train leaving Broad Street Station, at 18 will be met. Interment private. BROWN. On June 4, lolfl. ANNA R. HROWN (nee Gorman), wife of Charles M. Drown and daughter of Ann and the late William Gor man. Relatives and mends are Invited to Mtend the funeral, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m.. from the residence of her mother. Mrs. Anna Gorman. 2700 IV- Thompson at. Interment at Mount Mortals Cemetery. Auto service. BUCHANAN. On June 3. 1010. ANNA B., widow of Samuel C lluchanan. Relatlvea and frltnds are Invited to attend the funeral services. Tuesday, at 2 p. m.. at her late residence, 2122 B. Qarnet at. Interment pri vate at Fernwood Cemetery. F.-KKAN. On June 3. 1010. KATHARINE L FARRAN. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral service, on Wednes. day, at 12 m.. at the Oliver H. Dalr Building. 1820 Chrstnat st. Interment private, at Clarkaboro, N, J. SWEKNHALOH. On June 3. 1010. FLORENCE f.. widow of William H. Greenhalgh. Rela tive and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday, at 2.30 p. m.. at bar late residence, 0008 Plna st. Inter ment private. Remains may be viewed on Monday, from S to 10 p. m. flHOOAN. On Juno 2 1018. CHARLES GRO. OAN. Relatlvea and frienda are Invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday, at .8:30 a. m.. from tha residence of hla son-in-law. Edward Delane. 4104 Terrace at. High Reautem Maaa at St. John the Baptist Church. Manayunk. at 10 a, m. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. MJKAU?.At Atlantic City, N. J... on June S. ToiS" JAMES WILLIS, husband of the late jU.b-th L. Heard, aged 7S years. Interment at Baltlmert, Md, KLLING8. At Bollngton. Pa., .on Sunday, Jumi . 11. H. CLAY HBLLtNOS. aged 80 years. Relatives and frienda. also DeOant .-od.. No. 338, K of P , of Newtown, and lliurh MartlndaU Post. O. A. It., at Lang, home, are Invtted to attend tha funeral, with out further notice, from hla late residence, at BoUneton. on. Wednesday. June 7. at K.30 bR,TH9 . a. m , at Newtown Cemetery Chapel. It fi m , carriage will meet trolley at Tay arsvllls leaving Trenton it ft a. m. HOM'ARH. On June 4. 1010. BERTHA HOW. ARI (nee Wagner) , Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services. Wed. nemtay, at 2 p in , at the Oliver 11. Hair Building. 1820 Chestnut rt Interment pri vate, at Montrose Cemetery HOWL Nn."Afl a short Illness, on June B, FREDERICK HOPPIN HOWLAND. In the 4nth year of hla ase Due notice of funeral will be given. IHJNKICKKR. On June 2. 11110, HENRY A. IIUN8ICKBR. of Oermantown, Philadelphia. In his 01t sear. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, Mon day at a n m. nt tee Chnpeh nf the lie. deeiner, Penn and Chew streets, Oermantown! also at Cotlegevllle, Pa., 11:.10 a m Tuesday at Trinity, Church Interment at tfollegerllle Kindly omit flowers. IVORV.-rOn June 0, lOlfl. MARION II. IVORT, aged 28 years. Itelatlvea nnd friends are In vited to attend the funeral services, Wednes day afternoon, nt 3 o'clock, at the residence of Mr. Jamrs Johnson. 733 North 4f1th st KAtJFFEr.D. On June 3. 1010. HENnT, hus band of Christina Kauffeld (nee Kemm) and son or aiary ana ine late jonn Kauneia, Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral,, on Tuesday, at 12'SO p. m., from his late residence 3720 N IRth st Services at the Lutheran Churrh of the Nativity, 17th and Tioga at, at 1-80 P. m. Interment at Hillside Cemetery. Remains may be viewed Monday, from 7 to 0 p. m. KINO. Suddenly, on June 2. 1010. HARRT. son of Julia w, and the Isle Thomas II. It. King Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday, at 10 a. m , nt the parlors of Tltlow llrothers, -141 Richmond St. Interment at Greenwood (K. of P.) Cemetery. MacNAMARA. On June 2, 1010. FRANK II. MarNAMARA. eon of the late Joseph and Mary MacNntnarn. aged 44 jears Funeral on Tuesday, nt 8:30 n m , from the residence J Wesley Ilnwen. 1A1R Pouth. 2d st. High Mass nt St Charles' Churrh, Ketleyvllle. Dela ware uouniy, vrn.t ai uwu a, m. inrermeni In church ground MITrilKI.sojf On June 2. lolfl. PAULINE WIN. wife of Jacob M, Mltchelson nnd daugh ter of Hsrnh and the late Jacob Win Rela tives and frienda nro Invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday, nt 2 p. m., from her mother's residence. 2821 N 10th st. Inter ment private. Kindly omit flowers. NAflKI.K. On June 8, loin, CHIHSTINA NA OKLE (neo Klnsler), widow of Dr. Gottlieb Nagrle. In her R7tli vcar. Relatives nnd friend nr Invited to attend tho funeral ssrv Ices, on WVdnesdav, at 2 p m., at tr." resi dence of her sonln.aw. Harry A Willing myer, 8111 West Tioga st. Interment private at German Lutheran Cemetery. O'no.NNI.M,. On June .1, 1010 PATRICK, hus tmnd of Mary O'Donnell (neo Ryan). Relatives nnd friends also Holv Name Society and III- vioiuii itu. n. j ... II., lire II1VIIVM III H.IIMI the funeral, on Tuesday morning, nt 8,30 o'clock, from his late residence, n.MO Blnvd eereet. Oermantown, Solemn Requiem Moss at Immnculate Conception Church, at 10 o'clock, Interment nt Holy Sepulchre Cemetery OOIr.N. On Msy 31. 1010. RUCK E. OODEN, at Pughtown. Pa., son nf the late E. Hsll and Harriet S. Ogden. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Mon day, nt 11 a. m precisely, at the parlors of George Chandler Paul A Son. 1321 N, 18th at. Interment private, at Laurel Hill Cemetery. RKH). On June 3. 1010. EI.EANORA It.. daughter of John G nnd Clnrlndn M Held, In her lflth jear. Relatives and friends aro In vlted to attend the funeral. Tuesday, at I p. m,, from her parents' residence. 4140 N. Smedley at. Services nt Mt. Hermon Re formed Church, 10th nnd Wlngohocklnr sts at 2 p. m Interment prlvato at Hillside Cemetery. Friends mny call Monday, from 7 to 0 p. m. ROIIKIITS. On June 4, 1010. EDNA MAT, daughter of Ella V. nnd tho late Oeorgo H Roberts, aged 0 months Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral serv ices. Tuesday, at 8 p. m . at the residence of her aunt. Mr Frnnk Mitchell. 8R3 ltelmont nve. Interment at East llrnndywlne Baptist Cemetery. Downlngtnvvn. Pn., upon arrival of trnln IrnvlnR Broad St. Stntlon 8:40 n. m. Wdeneodny, ROGERS. Suddenly, on Jure 3. 1010, ELIZA PTRICKER. widow of Lewis O Rogers Rela- ttves and mends nr inviicu to auena me fuircral services, on Tuesday, at 3 p. m.. at her late residence. 0822 Morton st , German town Interment private Please omit flowers. 8AUNDKR.H. On June 3 loin, EDWIN W , son of the Into John and Catherine Saunders. Relatives and friends, also Atlantic City, N .1 , Lodge. No. 27n, B. P O. )'., aro In vited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday, at 7 30 a m.. from his late rvsldence. 2048 N. Carlisle St., Phlln. Solemn Ilenulem Mass at tho Church of Our 1-ndy of Mercv at 0 a. m. Interment at Pleasantvllle, N. J Cemetery on arrival of train leaving Market 8t. Terry at 11 a. m. SMITH. On June 4. 101(1. WILLIS J. SMITH, of 4020 I-ocust st. Due notice of the funeral will Im given. SPF.RRV. At Indlnnapolls. Ind . on June 3, ltlin FANNIE IIROWN SPERRY, widow of Orvllle B. Spcrrr. "g"d 80 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday, nt 0 a m precisely, at tlw residence of her son. George II Spcrry, 2213 Venango st. Interment at Green Ceme tery. Woodbury. N. J. UPJOHN. On June '2, 1010. WILLIAM H. husband of Pauline A. Upjohn, acvd no ears Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m., from the purlora of Albert H. Beera & Hon, 1,10 1 North 22d st. Interment at Glenwood Ceme twy. VAN OSTEN. On June 3, 1010, WILLIAM VAN OSTEN. In the 01st year of his age. Relatives and friends, nlso Phoenix Lodge. No. 130, F. and A. M.; Harmony 11 A Chap ter. No. 32: Masonic Veterans of Pennsjl vanla. and all other organizations of which he was a member, are Invited to attend the funeral aervlcea. on Tuesday, at 2 p m . nt his late residence. 10 North Bth st. Inter ment at West Laurel Cemetery Automobile service. scsrr and rotwD Conlfniirrl rorn Prreedls Column. WATCH Lost, Saturday, gold watch, silver fob. on car 40, or between OSd and 01st on Columbia ave. , reward If returned 0221 Jefferson st UNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS WESTERN UNION JELEOitAPH . L'O.. 11101 Chestnut st Item, Dorothy Huff, Hurt Bros. Mrs. II Campling, Sophie Tsppllnger. Dr. t M Kane, Miss Edith il. Robinson, Robert C Clinton. Miss Lillian Humphrey. Canadian Aloxlte Co., Jf)in A.WItllngmyre. It 11 llouese .'r . w A Godbold. Mrs. Julia Ilseder, Oer mantown Pigeon lfts. Emllle Lture, Albert L Brown, Mr. Adoph Kmnachake. Samuel J Keys, Schwnrtr l.ea Co , Eugene It. MrltrMi J. U Welsh, Jr.. Freda Ilndln. Mrs. Emllv Stokes. Hegarr A. Foster, Mrs J, B. Jones. roSTAL TIILEUBAPII CO.. 1420 South Pen.i square II C Alexander E. A Oarard. Do You Know 3;5KrWftf5 I UEiP WANTED FEMALE CASH IBB. wanted: must have reference. Apply M. SILVERMAN A SONS, N W, cor, flth and South CLEnK Wanted voung lady clerk, plain, rapid and correct penman; 8 per week. Call No, 4 S. FronJ, COOK First class'for small Inn! Catsklll Moun tains! reference. Meet employer 8.30 p. m., ltoom203, nosChestnut stj COOK AND CHAMIIERfAID, referencel willing . ln"0l?h're. 3224Nillroa. GENERAL HOUSEWORK Girl, colored, want cdsfor general housowork. 1220 South 68th st GIRLS wnnted. over 0; Increased facilities have- iiimie oneninas in our plant lor renneu, inteni- ii "i r "tn"na. labeling and parking "'"i nuppnce; num. pleasant ivora: Clean, healthy surroundings! .VMinur week: salary 10 to beginners, with rnnld advancement to good workers: 12 minutes from Dsrhy on trolley: 20 minutes from Broad Street Btntlnn on trnln to!', 'CU"!"0n or by letter to II. K. MUL FOBD CO Olenolde Pa 'iii'.H. "jntedi light worfci no eTPerlence neres. 310 k 3 If tW rn''1 tt Imrnlng. Apply BIIII. German work: four I.ane P5II w OIBL for general housework. ummer,30.-il N inth st OIRLS to learn for cooking and downstairs family; no washing, Oak seashore for uiiu.h to learm experience not necessary. Nop tune Laundry. 1301 Columbia ave. vl Cltlir., white, for general housework: bring refer .cnreB.CaM Room SJilHIS WalnutJ!. I,HJ,R"V' "P'rlenLCd knitters nnd toppers, ex w!!iJ' '"I'iRT'v, B,," ""rnera. paid while jearnlng. 1320 N. Lawrence nrfhEKnEPEn' .working; competent, nrtlW: 33.1uoalVc&u0ir.,,trl"t" "ou", Cn" noom "Sr'JSFFES--!' ?. 'n -mairfaTnTyT Hchnd,rI.n,:,:rBSiwo,rll,nB' 'r""fnilly7no email . cnuaren. E J)SL-J.edffrjr Central. inmu '.rrcJ' r'-iu'rccl Phone 01.-. Melrose or IPP'E.NorxeyjqadjJlIelnjso Park. Pa. "?nJu8rBWi?in.K"Zt:xpcrl!:PMd wnlTo ',"l, 'arnHv N. 12th at wsshlns-, wages right. 4042 J,?a.K,vPnV scnornt Cninpetenr,ireatT It): .good ref.. for suburbs. H 303. Ledger Office. HOiISf?Wot!!c White neat capa'blo woman. ginajjJajTillvj ret. Call 3112 Baring at. 1RONERS on shirtwaists and skirts:"best pay: "'cdy work. THE HAOEDORN-MERZ CO., 3d. and Brown, LAtJNDRE"S8. first class, white, to go to Lake superior for summer. Meet employer Monday 5LC r.l00'1 between 2 nnd 3 o'clock, Room 203. !108Cliestnutst. LAUNDRESS, private family: shorVrTrsunv mer: jeferences. II 300, t-edgcr Office LAUNDRY Girls to do pressing on shlrtvvalstM and skirls. THE HAOEDORN.Mnnz CO., 3d nnd Brown. MOTHER'S HELPER Capable voung pfnT estant woman; care of three little girls, best nf rcforence, P O Box 120. St. Divhl's, Penna. That Philadelphia's beBt business houses Use the Ledger for their Want ads? Are you considering changing your present position? If so, let the Ledger help you bccuic a better one. Re a d the Ledger Want Ads, or bet ter still, place your ad in the Ledger Want columns today, where it will be profitably circulated among Philadelphia's prominent business men, J Phone, write or call f Ledger Office I I Walnut or Main 3000 4 HELP WANTED MA LE Continued1 from Preceding Colutnn, LABORERS, good, wanted now nt Tjgert-Allen Kertlllrer Works. South Delaware and Wee encoe aves (Greenwich PolnOi steady work tho jear around for right men Bee Super lnlendnt, nt works LEAD BURNERS Ist-class inec's only wanted: good vnges : steady Job t M 32 1, Ledge rOff. LOOMFIXEIt wanted: a Jncnunrd toQmnxer. Schndcwnid Mllls.Sd ami Huntingdon. LOOMFIXER wanted, cxp haircloth InomOxer. Schadeuald Mills, 3d and Huntingdon SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE Coatftiwf-I from Frccedttie Column. COOK, Alee chambermaid, with sewlnlt Lady. Closing house, wishes place for two excellent mtlds, country or seashore. 'Apply 1703 Rlt tenhonse st COOK, first class: Scotch: countrs' or shore: ivsges, ISO per month: good reference, hot Smedley st. DRESSMAKER, colored, wants dressmsk. home orput. 1410 S. 20th Phon.ptek. 2813 .L GIRL. French, wishes situation, .-chambermaid or chlldnurse: best reference; wages 17. 742 B,!!n "t. HOUSEKEEPER, managing or companion I nitrse for nervous Invalid or child i excellent refer ence II SOS, I.edccr Office LAUNDRESS Swedish wnmtn wishes washing at home nr go out .Mr. C. Hlnehy. S0l Aubrey ave, Ardmoro, Pa MOTHER'S HELPER American, Protestant, experienced: good reference: seashore or moun tains 11 280, ledger Offlce NUIlSE'and useful companion to Invnlld or nervous lady or child: good seamstress: coun try or mountains preferred. B 840. I.ed. Cent, NUBHI- desires position caring ror baby or in valid: best of references. M "50. Ledger Central. NUBSERT GOVERNESS, German, experienced, wishes position. 1213 North Franklin. . WAITRESS tjidy closing house wishes to place maid as waitress. 2018 Locust st Phone Locust 1 110. MIDDLE-AGED I.ADT oreducatlon and refine ment, musical, spciks French nnd Spanish: would go to the country, seashore or travel as companion or chaperon: best references. H 800. Ledger Office. MACHINE OPERATORS EXPERIENCED ON GRINDING AND MIM.INO MACHINES. LATHES, DRILL PRESSES AND SCREW MACHINES. STEADY EMPLOYMENT AT SATISFACTORY WAGES, MODERN FAC TORY, SITUATED IN HEALTHY LOCA TION, fir. FARE FROM 0JD AND MARKET STREETS. NO WAR ORDERS APPLY AUTOCAR CO., ARDMORE, PA. CLASSIFIED RATES In effect April 1, 1016 EVENING LEDGER AOATE LINE RATE FOR EACH INSERTION THIS STYLE TYPE (or like this) lRc 1-V4e 10c l()e One or two times Three times one week Six times ono week Situations Wanted three times one week. Help and Situation Wanted and Lost and Found ads are inserted in the Daily Public Ledger without addi tional charRc. Want ads under all other classifications may be repeated in the PioLiq IEiii:n nt combined rate. One or two time Three times one week . , Six times una week 23c 1.1c lSVie TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) Is permitted In all classifications except Help and Situations Wanted. Lost and Found, Per sonals. Boarding and Rooms When so speci fied, add FIVE CENTS PER AGATE LINE TO ANY OS. THE ABOVE RATES. There is a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger wants ads at ofi.ee rates. LOST AND POUND For Other Lot and Fond Ada 8(4 Pate 1 BILLHOLDER Lost, blllholder containing 3 checks; one No. 1242 (13), other No. 337 for S21.0JI; also valuable papera and bills amount ing to about 14; liberal reward, J, J, O,, S2 N. Broad at, CIGARETTE HOLDER Lost, June J. amber and black cigarette holder with gold band; feward, H- C, 300 Chestnut. DEED lost. In the name of John C. Turner, for lot No. 21, In section 0, Mount Morlah Cemetery; application has been made for a duplicate deed Return to Mr- A. T, Knox. 510 yr. 140th t.. New York, N. T., care of Mr Van Meter. POINTER Lost, black and whits pointer bitch; name Belle, reward. Call Filbert 2730. NURSE for children's house, Thila. Home for Incurable. 48th and Gray's Terry road, ex perience not necessary OPERATORS on shirtwaists and skirts; steady work; best pay. THE IIAOEDORN-MCRZ CO.. 8d and Brown. PRE8SERS on Bhlrtwalst nnd skirts; best pay! steady work THE IIAGEDORN-MERS. CO . 3d and Brown. SALESWOMAN, experienced, who can quality aa sales manager; hlghclass. educational propo sition, no booka; no canvassing; referenco and bond required. Apply Mr. Earnshaw, ltluu Chestnut. 2d Poor. STOCK OIRL wanted. Apply M. SILVERMAN & SON. Dth and South. STRAWBRIDOE ) CLOTHIER Require experienced saleswomen for shoe de partment Apply Bureau of Employment. 4l floor, before 11 a. m. TELEPHONE OPERATORS The Bell Telephone Co. offers opportunity for oung women be tween 17 nnd 22 cars old to learn telephone operating, must be bright, energetic und am bitious: good aalnry; rapid advancement, per manent position nmong pleasant surroundings Is nssured. salary paid vvhllo learning Apply in person, between 8..10 a m and 3 p. m., BeUTelenhonCo4nMiirket st WORKING HOUSEKEEPER to do plnln cook ing and take charge, also strong woman, gen eral housowork und washing, family of 4. Protestant: state uge. references wages, air. James Magcc. 2d. Bloomsburg. Pa GIRL, colored for housework, 2 In family; must bo good cook, man kept, go to Maine In summer. Phone Cynvvyd 71B J. I.ADIES (two) wanted to Canvass and travel! salary nnd commission E 4411, Ledger Cent. General TEACHERS WANTED High school nnd grade position walttnir for candidates: reg today. I) II COO.. MGR NAT. TEACHERS' AGENCY, 327 Perry Bldtr. HELP WANTED MALE AUTO.MOlllLE TIRE SALESMAN Good propo sltlon. lain Callowhlll st BENCH HANDS Al mechanics on hlsn-grailn sheet steel work, also stralghteners on same line of work. Apply Ham Monday. l.'nuu-m-nt offlce. Hal" & Kllburn Co . 230 N 18th BOYS OVER 10 YEARS OF AOE. REGULAR PO SITION'S. WITH ADVANCEMENT. APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT, 4VJ FLOOR. BEFORE 11 A. M. 8TRAWBRIDGE 4 CLOTHIER BOYS Good opportunity for 3 bright boya ove 10 to start a career in newspaper work, splendid chance for advancement. See Mr Itnletgh. 4th rloor, Washington Building, mi. Chestnut St. UOYH wanted, strong and willing; age 111 and over: good wages, Hohfeld Manufacturing Co.. loth st. and Allegheny ave. IIBAKEMEN Apply 43 Wlssahlckon nve. CABINETMAKERS und bench hands wanted, familiar with stair work. Apply Chas. r. Felln & Co. Inc.. Yorkroad and Butler at, CARPENTERS wnnted for general work. Ap ply in person or ay letter, ll. rw. jiui.tj.ij to.. Olenolden Pa DBAWER-IN. experienced on men' wear, Sherbourne Mill Iland Weatmoreland sts DRIVERS AND HELPERS FOR DELIVERY WAOON SERVICE PLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT, FLOOR, BBKOHE 11 A. M. stRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER. DRIVERS wanted for drop-bottom wagon; good wages; steady work. Apply 1201 East Mont- gomery ave. DRIVERS wanted Kir double team; good wages"; steady Job. Apply In rear of 1430 W, Munt- gomsry ave DRIVERS wanted; steady work: good wages, Ayply Crane Ice Cream Co.,2!(8 B. 23d st, EGO UANDLEIl. with notiea than three years7 steady randllnt experience: salary tu. Appi noon hour only. 20 South Front. i FREIGHT HANDLERS Men wanted to truck freight at station: white or colored. Apply, Ta m.. 43 N. 17th GARDENER, experienced, to take rare small place and wash machine Call Merlon 404 or write to Box S3, Merlon. Pa. MANAGER A general manager for an nrtlflclnl silk compnny. Address, stating ngo, expert- enio nnd salary expected. I' 001, Led. Off "MEC'ifANICS WANTED, FIRST CLASS Machine lathe hnnds, automatic machine hnmis. millwrlixhts. rlacvrs. moldcrs. core- makers and intwrcrs Apply Wm Thnm.s, Baldwin Locomotive Works. Eddystone. P.i MEN 'wanted for gcnernl farm nnd libnrlng work, also men to handle hogs, steady posi tion for sober. Industrious men. Apply In person or by letter II. K. MULFOHD CO . Glennlden. Pn PAINT SALESMAN, Oral class. bIvo full p-r-tlculars. 1, 747, I-cdger Ccntrnl PAPER BOXES, young man wanted, experi enced on ending machines. Apply Schoettle's. 310 Florist SITUATIONS WANTED MALE BOOKKEEPER Can manage office force and take 'ulJLcharge. K 1132. Ledger Central CHAUrFEUR Hleh school student, nearly 18. accustomed to driving father's car: careful driver and thoroughly familiar wllh most makea of cars and their operation, wants a summer poiltlnn for July and August: willing to go anyvvherv". E 243, Ledger Central, CHAUTFI3UR Young colored mnn wishes posU tlon private family; strictly sober, honest nnd willing tn be handyi six Veara last emplover; good reference: will call for Intirvlew nfter 8 p m. Wrlto J. G. T.. 220 W. Duval st , Ger mantown . CHAUrFEUR Young "man, white, wishes posi tion with prtvnte family; touring, senshore or Jown:rxpd.drlvcnref. E 3.7, ledger Cent. CHAUFFEUlCvvhlte, 83. married: 0 years' , a'vnp and road exper., all cars; thoroughly reliable; hlghestrcconvmendatlons Dickinson 31103 W. CHAUFFEUR? cnlnrpd. vTlshes position: good ex. perlenco: referenco from Inst place, Address Chauffeur, 2J Greenfield ave. Ardmorc. Pa CHAUFFEUR. 8 enrs" experience on nil makes of cars; do own repairing; careful driver; best references E 433, Ledger Central. AUTOMOBILES " " CoatlnM"? troni Prrretl Wanted , -- WILL BUY second-hand, moderate-priced u mobll". iOlfl model, x-jtlli i Ml 01f",nlrulnp0- mentt slate price and ',,-f'j,t,lcu"lr ' dealers E filO. Ledger Central AUTO LIVEBY AND aAKAOES TO HIRE (open day nnd nlht), l-rand-new .passtourfnVcar.vTlth robes. J1.23hr;llio brand-new 7-pnss.llmousln 11,0(1 hrwea dings, funerals. Poplar 1017 1710 uirsro. Pfibiaviao,l?Afi8iXVB:. BUYM01STER FortnbNj J':rhf"TToS-tae"08lf rtucco. On display 3P3I N. Bth. Tioga -ai. AUTO PAINTING . "OUALITT BASED ON EXPERIENCE '.nfc-rse-If of li.e M hen my - GEO. W. PAHVI8. JR.. 1321 Alrdrle st., Rroad above Erie. AUTO ItEPAIBINO T SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES J See BILLY, at Ida new location, M0 NORTH BROAD ST. CYLINDERS REIIORED. new pistons ami rings furnished, weldings and bra-lng, ,. . Underwood ft Co., 10JS Hamilton St.. Phlla. TARTS TIRES CHAUFFEUR, colored, desires position: 0 yenrs' experience; city or country. Address 1731 Moravian at. CHAUFFEUR, compt.. wishes pos with private family; best refer. E 840. I-edger Central, COOK, Japanese, first class. In private family; thorouBhIyrcllablo: ref. S II., 308 N. IHtli. FINANCIAL Six jeers' experience national bank, nt present bookkeeper, age 2.i. prefer office of targe corporation, salary $2.1: outline jour requirement In reply. A 307. Ledger. MAN, colored, wishes position a butler, exper ienced: reference. 1H20 Pemberton st. MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN, good detnller. ex cellent designer of automatic and special ma chinery, wide experience, thorough shop trnln- ng. llox 470 1, Stntlon n, SALESMAN to hundlo filing cases American Sleel rurnllure Co.. 110 B. 4th st SALES MANAGER WANTED Salesman looking for general sales agency on nationally advertised line of ofdeo appli ances nnd tlme-savlni. devices can get full details liv rindlncr our "nil" under Business Opportunltles. Metlcko Companv . SHEET METAL WORKER, experienced on soda fountnln work; 0 houra per day. steady work, wages 14c. per hour: state experience and where emploved Oeo. Spall, 004 Broad- vyjy,Alljany.N.Y. SOLDERERS, "experienced, wanted on tin enn work, no other need apply. Reno Mfp Co.. 430 N 12th TOOL AND GAUGE MAKERS, tool grinder nnd adjusters, machine operator. Inexperi enced men will be put under Instructions, per manent and hlKhest wages. Remington Arm Co.. Eddystone. Pa Apply H. F. Lnvis. 12th St Emplojment Offlco. WEAVERS on Jacqunrd Turkish towels, star and Crescent Co.. llan.ock and Lehigh ave. WHEELWRIGHT wanted, competent man "for Kenernl work: steady emplojment Apply the Dt Plain Sand Co.. Beach and Berks. YOUNO MAN. whlto or colored, tu drlvo motor cycle packuge delivery, must be reliable and have some experience with motorcj-cles, state age. color references nnd WHge desired P. . U Box 3078 YOUNO MAN. 177ln real estate office: must mako himself generally useful, rhnncn for advancement, snlary according to ability. Appl 11 . m. todny!0721 Oermantown avj. YOUNO MAN wnnted, experienced In men' fur- nlshlngs Apply Wright. 208 S B2d st. YOUNG MEN, between" the ages of 18 nnd 3.1, who desire to travel and to receive military training as members uf the first ilne of tho country' defense, apply at 1400 Arch st. Philadelphia. Pa . for detailed Information regarding enlistment In the United States Marino Corps SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY" for stenographer and bookkeeper experienced In lumber und box shonks M 330. Ledger Office. TEN nnglesmlth's bar and plate furnace men: good wages; carfare paid. A 810. I.ed.cr Office HELP, experienced, wanted In tin can shop Apply Reno Mfg. Co.. 430 N 12th SI General BOOKKEEPERS, several at $13. out of town, (23. CLERKS, BILL, nut of town.. $1.1. gen. cral CLERKS, $10: COST ACCOl'N TANT. ex perlenced In tobacco, ASSISTANT STORE MANAGER, $13: STOREKEEPER, out nf town. $10. STENOGRAPHERS several good oponlnrs. $13: DRAUGHTSMEN, MECHANI CAL. $100 a mo.: ORNAMENTAL IRON, etc . SALES MANAGER, steam specialties, isoou. SALES MANAGER, experienced In grocery specialties. $3000: ASST. SALES MNAUEIt. $13011, SALESMAN, HIGH UIIADK, experi enced In photosruphlo supplies, SALESMEN builders' supplies, familiar wltn nr.hltect, $lb0U, other positions open for IIIOH-ORADE MEN BUSINESS SERVICE COMPANY 1301 LAND TITLE IILDQ SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ACCOUNTING by expert, any kind: nights and holldajs. .' B6. Ledger Central, BOOKKEEPER. Protestant, 11 years' experi ence, thoroughly fumlllar with modern meth ods, wishes responsible position with good con cern deslrlns a comp. c conscientious person, a'so a tap, stenographer. F140, Led. Cent. CHAMUERMA1D or parlormaid. Irish Prot., wishes perm, position; excellent reference fur nlshed. B3II) Media .St.. West Philadelphia. CHAMBERMAID and waitress. " neat, experi enced und joung. good reference, wants to go country or easTiore. II 237v Ledger Office, CHAMI1ERMA1D. Protestant, experienced, wants position: no wash! n g. A 223. I-edge r Office. CHAM HER WORK nnd light laundry or aewlngl neat girl, with good reference. Call between'' 10 and 11 a. m.Room 203, 008 Chestnut st L'HAMlil.I.WOriK Neat white girl wants; 3 years' reference. Call 200 N. 33th st, COMPANION nurse or linen room, experienced. trustworthy, with good reference. 1712 Hrown sjreet COM'PANION.NURSE. underrsduats. wishes position, country or shore; best reference, well experienced. It 3tl, Ledger Office. COOlc 1 wish city place for my excellent colored cook, private or public: highest references. R. W Grlswold. 20.11 Spruce, YOUNG MAN would like position with firm as bookkeeper whero there Is chance for advance ment E 041. Ledger Central COMPETENT ACCOUNTANT with 40 jears Knernl business nnd office ex perience offers his services to business houses desiring accounts adjusted, books opened, sys terns simplified or economies established. P 1)011. Ledger Office YALE GRADUATE desires tutoring, college "en trance nnd school work: l.-tln Hnd English specialties E 410, Ledger Central. 3 JAPANESE want places, restaurant, small hotel or factory dining room, salary or per centage. 730 Race EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. KANE. 311 S IPttl St.. Wishes positions for American Scotch, Irish first-class Protes tant & Catholic cooks, chamlsrmald, kitchen maids. Inund's. Lhlldnurses governesses, maids e. seamstresses. English & Irish butli-rs. house men, valets etc , nil excellent characters; re- fined white help PhnneSpruce 3101 MISS MARY T. MCCARTHY; 2lf)T Christian (Loc 1303), supplies and wants Ist-clnss Prot . Cath., male and femalo help, all nationalities WANTED nt once whlto couple; wages $70; best reference required. Apply Mrs. Kane. Bll S. 10th. AUTO SUPPLIES P11ILA. AUTO PARTS (.0. 823-8.'3 N. I3TII Kejstone phone. Park 1418 -BEARINOS- New Departure Service St'a The Owllllam Co , 1314 Arch st. Ph. Walnut 3107. Rnce 3002, AUTO TIItES SOLID TIRES $5 .mVmarket PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 3.00 miles. Compare prices. ORtM'S. 230 N llroad St. BUSINESS OPPOKTU-TTTIES SALES manager wanted Man In take fill charge Philadelphia office for Chicago manufacturer This Is an excellent opportunity for mnn In establish Independent business for himself, hindllng nationally ad vertised line of office app lances and time saving devices Will net $3000 to $3000 Orst year. Will give cxilushe rights on entire line for Phi adelphla eastern Penna. and the en tire Stnte of New Jerse Must bo able to finance himself for llimn This IHMin Is not for any good will, etc, but simply for goods on hand to supplv territory Msllicke Co., 1.123 Reil Estate Trust lllilg P ATTTTvITC; Send for our free book? JF-MAJ-ilN IO ..p-t-nts nnd Trade-Mark." Reasonable fees Open Monday evenings until 8.30 11 m t" "HI l'l sou ilcvi'iun juur Invention Advice free FOSTER & WEBSTER au,TC o:" nu Clieatnut st Hell phone Walnut 1301. AMUSEMENT CASINO bclnn: built on new Boardwalk In n fnsl-growlnc seashore town; concessions for atnucmenls will bo rented bowling nl cy, shooting gallery, skeo ball, danc ing ptvlllon. soft drinks Ice irenm and so forth will lie popular: renin Is low fnr flrat season Apply SOI'TII JEBSEY REALTY CO.. 3d nnd Walnut sts AUTOMOBILES For Snle CHASSIS We have a few cheap cars of which the chassis would bo very suitable for truck or delivery work of any kind Don't fall to come In nnd look them over If jmi want some thing nt u bargain prke for delivery pur poses LOCOMOBILE 2.114 Market st. Locust 130 II. A JENKS, Msr Exchnngi- Car Drpt. IIIOH-ORADE chassis for sale. In first-class condition throughout, ran lo equipped with cither light delivers or spenlster body, will sell chenp to quick buier. Address E 7.10. Ledger Central CADILLAC, lull, tourlni. car. overhauled and repainted: full equipment; price $M0, Al'TO SALES CORPORATION 142 N Broad st COLE, 1013 4.CYI.INDER TOUR1NO 1. S. ROWERS f 241 N llroad st COM-J) 1ST R I B UTO KS FORI) CARS REPAINTED FOR $12 " on a co-operative plan Highest grade work manship nnd material guarintecd 1321 Alrdrle at lllrond above Erlo) HUDSON'S rehullt and guaranteed; phaetons rnndsKrs and inbrlnleta: elec llnhts and a'artl ers. GO.MERY-SCHWARTZ. 2.11 N llroad it LIMOUSINES SiMlnble for funernl work or hacking nf any kind: suburban or Htntlon work, ranting In prli 1 from $.100 up. Ixicomoblle and other make. LOCOMOnlLES 2.114 Market st. Locust 110, II A JENKS, Mcr. Exchange Car Dept, PAIGE, 1013, racenhout: coat JI281 ,,ew tires: rebuilt and repainted, will sill for SHOO I, 2.11, Ledger Centrnl. UUHII DELIVERY, panel body, 100(1-11. d-llv.' cry car: used less than Roo miles, condition like new. completo equipment, good rriisun for selling: will demonstrate H " ' r STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO PULLMAN Distributor Poplar JM'l. Race 21178. SIMPLEX Four-cy (nder chain drive; equipped with West. Ink-house shock nbsnrbers, deml-llmouslne b,dv: will sell with or without body, this rhassla Is very suitable for firr department or truck pur posis; also could lie cut down to a roadster at very little expense: price. $1110 " " LOCOJIOIIILEH 2311 Market st. Locust 4So H t.JENKS.SIgr. Exchange Car Dept, STl'lB-BIA'Kr-n 7-pnssenger. fate model: elec trio lighting nnd starting axiom; goml condl. tlon. full equipment: will demonstrate, prici WSTANDARU MOTOR CAR CO PULLMAN Distributors Poplar IS30, Race 20J. WINTON, 1014. n-c 7-pass.; fully equipped"" OVERLAND Delivery: flrat.c ass conditio:. . J-U!-.0':iKAl'- Sln -v' "road st. 1010 PAIGE IMS Fairfield model; A 1 condition: fully equipped; extra tire and rim: tor .Me cheap. Ilawley Motor Car Co.. 03,' N. Broad 1014 CHEVROLET roadster: fully equipped: extra tire; first-class mecbanclla ton 1111011: extra tire; tlrat-clasa mechanical condition; Hawley Motor Car On . IUJ N.Hroadjit" ' RESIOVAL NOTICE Tha Lnwry Top and Body Company, formerly at 21st and Ludlow sts announce their removal uf their office and factory from 811 N, Taney to 1211 Vine. 3d floor. UuakrClty Cab Company Building, $200.00 FIVE-PA88ENOBR CAR; good voivll. tlon; good tires: Westlnxhouse shock absorber PhoneWoodland 4133 41, or 1317 S. 03d it SEND l'OH FREE BULLETIN OP IShD Alls " GOBSON AUTO ENCIIANQI3, 238 N. BROAD CARED-FOR OltCIIARDS PAY INVESTORS Ownership stock In n fine plnntrd pronrtv In well-known fruit district for sale: cash or monthly payments. 4400. Ledger Centrnl. APARTMENT BOUSE. 20 rooms, clcgnntly fur nished and filled: .1 minute from Hrotd St. Stntlon; Income $12,1 over rent; will sacrifice, llcffclflnger. 1700 Arch t. LET ME SELL YOUR BUSINESS ARTHUR J. LEUPOLD 121SCheslnut (Bailey Rldg.) nnd 421 S, f,2d PICTURE THEATRE $2,100 cash required Strlctlt first class; 10- dallv com-ded nlghtlv trlnl: slrlcti st Inventlgatlnn L 2.111, Ix-d. Cent. RESTAURANT, W Phlla.. $.10 per div. cheap sklmcs cause of sale. Hertelflngcr. 1700 Arch fNltEXIT.II TEH Knraro si. ., Vw N E Boulevard, nr. York rd dd. 1330 Waaner nv BUSINESS PERSONALS FULL DHCSS SUITS FULL ASSORTMENT OF SIZES LATEST STYLES TO HIRE AND FOR SALE SPECIAL RATE TOR SCHOOL COllMENCE- MFNT8 JOOPER. 1010 GIRARD AVE EVENING LATEST STYLES FULL-DRESS SUITS CLOTHES DKLIV. CALLED FOR KREE - CALL OR PHONE POPLAR 2.1.1 TO OPEN EVEN1NOS LEIDNJ-.R S PITH i (11 R A RD A V. ,S. WCor. I I.i. DIII.'S.S'SUITS Cutawnja. luknln nnd Silk Suits To Hire nnd Made tn Order NEL'llAUt'.tt THE TMt.OR 1121 Wnlnut Bell noil" Walnut 2M1 S SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by efecfrofyls the only permanent way. Evebrnws arched m MISS SMITH, 40JJflth Theatre Bldg. Miss Hopjie, hairdresser, facial massage, man icuring, form Mint Arcade, with Miss Smith DIAMONDS IIOIICIIT Bunt, refe-ence Apnrilsement. 1 lier cent HARRY W SMITH 717 Sansom st. CAKPET CLEANING IIOYER CO REAL CARPET BEATING, 3lrm N 12th No tumnlers used Phone Tioga 3200 DRESSMAKINtx AND MILLINERY POTTER SCHOOL OF DRESSMAK1TG DA1LV AND EVENING SESSIONS 143.1 GIRARD AVE. POPLAR IUT4. DRESSMAKING BY EXPERT MODISTE 307 Dencl.la Hide.. Uth and Market st. COLUMIUV DRESHMAK1NO SCHOOL. Instruc tions dnllv. 17.10 Columbia nve. Siicrlnl rate (or gowns; ladles' tnllorlng. FOR SALE EDISON DIAMOVD-POINT PHOXOHR.PI! Cost HD new. This outfit Is romulete. with m-ords nnd cabinet and will be sold for $3, pa. able i.lc, weekly. Call or wtlte foi itin ulete descriptions und lurge IlluMruted lata logues. HEPPE'S UITOWN STORES COR. 0THjAJ(rilOiIION STS, BILLIAnn, "POOL, combination, arrond.hniid. bought, aold. rented, exchangi-d; repairing. supplies Lafe Keafer, American nvinufac. lurer. 320 Oirnrd live. -Phone Kens 211.1 BILLIARD, pool tables; new. scconil.hand Ihiwi. Ing nlley: easy puni:nts. Itosutto-llarty-SireetCo.. 222 H. nth l. Phone wl. -j-"4 BILLIARD AND POCKET TA'in.E.S ALU bowling: allevs; easy pajments. HRI'.NSWICK. BALKE-COLLENDElt CO..JIM12 Arch. J $32.30 VICTOR VICTROLA VI. Including 2u elections (10 10-Inch D. F. records). An ex tellent machine In ever way. Can lie p,nu for al th late uf .1c. weekly. Call or write for icmplete descriptions and large Illustrated catuli'guts. New Vlctrola. from $1.1 to i.'uu, nil tftyles. all woods, alwnvs on hand, - HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES COB. OTII AND THOMPSON hTS. CASH REGI8TERS bought, sold, leased, ex changed, repaired, leplated, Supplies. New and factory rebuilt. New total adders, as low as $.10. Call and see our 1010 mod els. Registers sold and leased by us on easy pavnents am) fully guaranteed. THE NATIONAL CASH RKlHHTKR CO 730 CHESTNUT STREET DESKS, mint- cabinet, safes, telephuno booths and office furniture and flxturrs of every de scription: used, but In fine condition, and very cheap; tree delivery anywhere. (lUailES. I ITU AND IIUTTO.WVOOO $Ili.Siw-VI(TOK VICTROI.A IV AND 12 selec tlons (A Ill-Inch D. F, records). An excellent outfit for one wlin Is looking for a ana! ma, chine at a reasonable price: payable 00c. week I. Call or. write for complete descriptions and large Illustrated catalogues. New Vlc trola from $ 13 o $.'00; all styles, all woods alwajs on hsnd. HEPI'E'B UPTOWN STORES COR, UTH AND THOMPSON StS. FOR SALS OnHnMrn from Prcccdino Column, DESKS, large assortment: Also household foel nlture Dullng Central Second-hand FotmS lure Company, 1)01-000-014 Callowhlll i r"'l OFFICE DESK, roll top. cheap. Addre. A T tV..CheitnutOrne Inn, Ridley Tark. "' , trieenpAnfi nn sllshtlv Vised, -II -r-TJ SAFES and make: big bargain, 210 Korth'? """- ", v."-... -- ,i vine, t-tf-c rtitr rinnM' cart.. lihr i.l taharet and chair. Stickler made, ni ft Vlctrola for ale cheap. If taken Imme- TJl niateiy. I'nrty leaving ciiv on neaiers, F 240, ledger Central, HEATING MAKIN-KELSET HEALTH HEAT Is bUr ,s cheaper thsn tem or hot-water. Pure freiS sir wllh normal moisture. MAKIN-KELaSV 1827 Fl bert st. "' MACHINERY ANDOOLS BAFETV SPLIT COLLARS and TOC0K ' ; nivnena .KJ ttTr.I.vvr tl r J.r-1 r a V; 1, ,i-.,,,,,,- nt". .."..t ,inji.ia, with finished ball nd socket bearings, sr- it,. ' best for all shafting purposes SHAPTIKri AND MACHINE WORKS, 1 43 North Secor,.: iA.M-L!, I9roLL5. POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motor. Iioller. nteam and oil tn Bines pumps air compressor. FRAN K JOOMET. Inc.. 127 N. 3d st. tr It's a CONCRETE MIXER, (hen It's Hit, WAUKEE. Ask the man who use one; hVV annws riAivj,L.a i,,.-iv v...ii-i.i, jn fISJi si DYNAMOS, motor and marhlnery bouhj( sol ij RIIU reill"! Itlllinillivn Itl'niiry. "inin !. Market 10(11. Yearaley Co.i 224 N. 3d st. u 300 .MODERN woodworking machines of all -ll!!.!!!--?' NJ.'TTA1.l- 174H N, Bthj rlAO riASOt.tMR ANI1 OIL ENOtP9 GAS AND OIL ENGINE CO.. 43 N, 7TI1 8T. " PIPE Second-hand, an sires nils, seeend hand Pine Simply Co,. 1003 N. 7th st. Phones, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS MAY VICTOR RECORDS NOW ON 8ALB BELLA K 1120 CHESTNUT ST. $83 CHtCKERINU UPRIGHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT, 83 N. 0TH, OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, oil style, Jewelry, teeth plates bough; for cash. Est. 1810. J. L. Clark, refiner, 807. Saniom. CASH paid for diamonds. Precious stones, sold." A platinum, laisp lerin, f-iiimu-iiMiii. ain.iviag ,ji . .IA.!-.-. iVmnnnV 1 ''ft S. lllll. S -a and Refining Company. PATZl.T ATTORNEYS nnnniittlM.ni flIMPn 11 r0 lAIH-ii-lirjlJ' -i . w . vuui( ji PnfonfJ nr.fi finJ kftch or model for j ratenis ana frr0 optni0n. EvininM by i iraae-lUai'1.3 ToVslo' market patenu. I1..H Walnut 717. WALTER DOUGLASS Philadelphia offlco. North American Building, Washington office, Victor Building. STORAGE CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE 20TH ST, AMOVE CHESTNUT PACKING, MOVING SHIPPl.VO Rugs, enrpets cleaned, scoured stored Bell. Locust inno Phones Key., Race 4100. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 18U-1S10 MARKET ST. PENN STORAGE AND VAN CO. 2130 MARKET ST.. ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE 'Storage, moving, packing, shipping, carpet cleaning. Ph. Ba rime 7.12 for estimate. Market & 37th, McCANN'S STORAGE HOUSE. I74R N. lllh st.: moving, packing;, shipping: auto vann both phones Let us estimate. WESrPHtLA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. WEST PHILA. Auto Packing and Shipping. WESTriJILA. SSlnLANtSTERVE. Million "l)o.la"r FTrcprnofllulldlniciRms tl Mo, Moth proof sanitary. Estimates Free. . North Phlla. Storage Co.. 20 13 Lehigh. Tlo. 75-0 CAREFUL MOVING, parking, storage. RAl FORD .1010 North Water st. Wyoming 2 VII .1 STORE AND OFPICE FIXTURES OFCICE PARTITIONS STORE FIXTURES THE H1.TTF.R KIND GET OUR ESTIMATE PHONE. WRITE OR CALL WEISS MVNUFVi'TURtVO CO. 4.10 N 12th st Phone Pop. 1000; Rar IS. WANTED ANTIQUE FURNITURE, false teeth, feather beds liroUen Jewelry gold silver, diamonds bnimbt 731 Wilnllt Wllnut "Ol'O. Est. l"lS BROKEN JEWELRY" fnise teeth, pistols, cnlni; coin bool s. with price I pay. jnnlled. 15c. J.B. Posi (People's Store), 200 S. llh.Wal. 4I86 CAST-OFF CLOTHING' 1)1' ANY KIND BOUOIITi HIGHEST PJl13 GUARANTEED: GET OUR ESTIMATE RE PORE SELLING. WRITE. CALL OR PBONH1 WALNUT ll!r..1 SCHULTZ. 241 N DTH. CAST-OFF CLOTHES WANTED Highest cash prices paid for gentlemen' summer or winter clntl'lnc, also lidles' street dresses and gownsj Write, cull or phone Market 20IMI: we vail anr whereanj Ume. ScllBsohn.cor. 8th 1 8 p. Oar. CAST-OKF 'CLOTHING Highest prices paid for ladles' and gentlemen I clothing, full dress & Tuxedo suits, furs. LOCKE. 1.120 Bnlnbrldge. Phone Filbert 31 IJ. CAST-OFF clothing, h.es nnd lint "bought: send postal, Sneldman. 022 Pop ar st. FURNITURE, pianos carpets, antiques; entirs or part houses bought for cnslii no matter how large. J. PenistelnJ3.14RUlEe ave. , OLD UIJ.,11 us l p.ild for old Mid siller, antique cli-vka: will cull. Bll phone. Locust 1210. IIOQlBtS 27 South 1711 St. ' .BEST PRICES PAID rOR LADIES' and OENTS' CAST-OFF CIITHINO SHOES eW. SAMUIB, COOPER 1010 W. GIRARD AVE. BELL PHONE POPLAR W42. T.tTsTirSvi TriVITlTr.."itTrkimur8liire Ox- tures stocks of goods, merchandise of ? descrlpllun1 spot ris-". p-nro Walnut 3.iO0. SP.YD'S, 82 1 Walnut. ROOMS FOR RENT , CATHAniNE ST.. 3037 Nicely furnished room, convenient to car Ilne. UHE.n'NJT."r 20(n WELL-FURNISHEp illOM8jPBHMANI.NT OR TRANSIENT, CHESTNUT. 1027 2d-story apt., elrctrlo light and bath; also single room, near bath. CHESTNUT. 2003 Attractive rooms. lngle or en suite; private bath: running water: ref ClvlNTON ST.. 020 Attractive, cool rooms: all convenlencca: rcflnedrqutet surroundings. LIU w. !.V) ILARGE. AIRY RIMIMS, SIN- OLEjl)REN SUITE, I.OOU-IT 1323 J. SPRUCE. 111.1 Keiond front, beautlful'y furn.l othtr vucanclesi running water) elec. light. SPRUCE". UU7 -. Suite, with bath: single rooms; on;ces; steam neat: eLc.; reasonaui Hi,vi..M'l,l;Nl'll hLkjvi) Jerferaun J large urW furnished 2d floor rma In private family) private bath: no housekeeping; best ref. re imbed P Hill. l.cder Oitlce, 1UTII. S.. 33 2d front, running water;, also other vac. well turn., near bath. Loc, 3012. 1WO ROOSI8 and private bath, also single rooms. In select house near Broad and Locust, lor from I to 4 month. Make appointment wlth M OS, ledger Central. HANDSOMELY furnlshtd front room In large, modern, private home; tie. trie lights! 10 min utes to City Hall. Telephone Baring 418. OWNER WILL RENT bachelor apt., 3 large airy rooms, bath; aummr rate. 2022 Spruce t. ROOMS WANTED aENTI.ESlAN wlshe to rent 1 or 2 larg furnlsued or unfurnished communicating rooms In Chestnut Hill or St. Martin's, from July 1 to October 1; board optional M U4, Ledger Central, PETEYAt Last Petey Finds Some Use for the Foolish Four ,::; ::.: ::: ByC.A.VOIGHT s-ri- -, P II i " .r:-J: sA.'k-tM - . -w -rr . ...-MIB; i 1 M f , t Tmmnafipmm Iiihih.h inltu iiIsimss .11 msS&'i