Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 05, 1916, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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F Kei
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Miss Ann Dobson Will Start the Ball Rolling as the First
Bride of Many More Fashionable Nuptials
Which Will Be Held This Week
UnELY thero havo not been bo many
fashlonablo weddings In ono month
for many a day as there will bo In this
lovely month of Juno. Starting with to
day, Just think how many of our young
oeoplo will bo among tho chaperons In
stead of tho chaperoned when tho win
ter season oponsl Today Ann Dobson will
becomo Mrs. William Douglas Kllduft in
St James Church, at 22d and Walnut
streets, whero her cousins, tho three Jeff
ries girls, wero all married. Ann Is a
cousin of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jackson
Jeffries, with whom alio has lived since
tho death of her father.
Tomorrow Gladys Williams and George
Gordon Mcado will plight their troth In
tho Lady Chapel of St. Luke's Episcopal
Church, In Germantown.
Tho next fashlonablo wedding will bo
Bara'h Mercur's and John Albert's. This
will tako ptaco on Juno 12 out In the
rose garden of tho Morcur place, In Medio.
Adellno Popper and Thcodoro Paul will
co to tho altar on Juno 15. ono week be
fore tho wedding of Adeline's brother
Gcorgo, and on tho ICth Frances Stough
ton and Frederick Ballard will bo married
In Germantown.
There will bo two Important weddings
en Juno 17: Hansell Earlo and Bud Pat
terson wilt bo married out at tho Earlo
placo In Bryn Mawr and Alberta Brln
ton and Cesaro Sturanl will bo wedded at
tho Brlnton homo In Ovorbrook.
Marlon Myers and George Wharton
Pepper, Jr., will bo married on June 22
In St. Martin's Church, at St. Davids.
AHogothcr, you will admit lt Is "somo"
marrying month, to say tho least.
A number of us aro Interested In the
garden party which Mrs. Henry Brlnton
Coxo will give this afternoon at her beau
tlful country homo in Ponllyn to tho
Philadelphia Chapter bf tho Pennsylvania
Woman's Division for National Prepar
edness. Mrs. Coxo is chairman of tho
Philadelphia Chapter, you know. Among
tho womon who will rocolvo with Mrs.
Coxo will bo Mrs. Tom Robins, Mrs.
Honry Boyer, Mrs. James Large, Mrs.
Richard Harte, Mrs. Ben Rush, Mrs.
Edward Slter, Mrs. Cyrus Curtis, Mrs.
Thomas Elwyn, Mrs. Jab Brlnton, Mrs.
Langdon Mitchell, Mrs. Horace Brock,
Miss Eleanor Hopkins, Mrs. Milton Work
and Mrs.' Albert Smith.
have gone to Parrlah, Oxford County, Ale.,
for the Bummer.
Mrs. Otis Skinner and Miss Skinner, of
Gulf road, left several days ago to join
Mr. Skinner In California, where they wilt
spend tho summer.
. Chestnut Hill
Mrs. William Hcsso. Jr., of 103 West
Moreland avenue, will give a bridge on
Tuosday, Juno 18, In honor of Mrs. nufua
Scott, of Wlssahtckon avenue and Hortter
Mrs. Thomas Stockhausen, of Moreland
avenue, gavo a delightful bridge party on
Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weeks, Accompanied
by Mr and Mrs. Arthur Colahan, motored
to Pine Valley, N, J to play golf over
tho Week-end,
Mlsq Marguerite Meyer, of 6221 nryan
street, whose marriage to Mr. Walter It.
Dolsroth will take placo tomorrow, will
entertain her bridal party at dinner this
evening. Miss Meyer lias Miss Florence K.
Miller, of Harrlsburg, as her guest. Miss
Miller will act as one of the bridesmaids at
the wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. John Elfreth Watklns en
tertained nt dinner last evening at their
home, 604 Wcstvlcw avenue, Polham. Their
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson H.
Walsh,' Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harold
Warnor. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Leopold,
Mr. and Mrs. W. n. D. Hall, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Abercromble Sims, Mr. Thaddeus
Ooreckl and Mrs. Walter E. Hilton, of
Washington, D. C.
f i
Mrs. Harrison Potts, of 6340 Magnolia
avenue, will give a dance on Friday at
the Casino on Pulaski avenue In honor of
her Bmall daughter. Miss Mary Potts.
The marriage of Miss Laura M. Strover,
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry W. Strover,
of 39 East Walnut lane, nnd Mr. Charles
S. Hopper took placo on Thursday, Juno
1, at tho homo of tho Rev. William Porter
Lee, whe performed the ceremony. The
brldo was unattended. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hop
per will bo at home after September 1 at
Lakcwood, N. J. '
Miss Mary Eleanor Adamson, of 4811
Germantown avenue, entertained at lunch
eon, followed by bridge, nt her home.
Mr. and Mrs. It. H. Bayard Bowlo an-
Miss Katharine Ashhurst Bowie, to Mr.rt
Joseph K. T. Van Pelt. 2d, son of Mr. and1
Mrs. Charles E. Van pelt, or mouhi jviry.
Mr. and Mrs. Bowlo entertnlned at dinner
In honor of their daughter on Saturday
evening at their home In Chestnut Hill.
Mrs. Graham Spencer, of Devon, an
nounces tho engagement of her daughter.
Miss Christine Spencer, to Mr. Robert
Hunter, son of Mrs. Ernest Howard
Hunter, of 2212 Locust Btreet. Mr. Hunter
is a graduate of Yalo, class of 1916.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas De Witt Cuyler, of
Haverford, have Issued Invitations for a
supper at White Horse Farms on the eve
nlng of Wednesday, June 14.
An engagement of Interest to persons In
this city which has Just been announced In
Washington Is that of Miss Beatrice Clover,
daughter of Rear Admiral Richardson
Clover and Mrs. Clover, to Captain Thomas
Holcomb, Jr., U. S. M. C, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Holcomb, of New Castle, Del.
He is aldo to Major General Barnett In
Washington, where he has been prominent
and popular In social life. The wedding Is
to take place In tho autumn. Miss Beatrice
Clover made her debut two years ago,
and like her sister, Miss Eudora Clover,
has, from her Infancy, been identified with
the smartest residential circle. She has
traveled extensively, and received" a consid
erable part of her education abroad while
her father was naval attache of the Ameri
can Embassy In London. She recently took
the course at the National Service School at
Chevy Chase.
Mrs. Charles Randolph Snowden has
taken a villa on Gibson avenue, at Narra
gansett Pier, for the season.
Mr, and Mrs. Archibald J. Barklte, of
Inver House, Wayne, willymtertain at din
ner this evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Brlnton Cinit. of
Penllyn, gave a dinner last night In honor
of Mrsj John R. Drexel nnd the Hon. Mrs.
Alfred Anson, of New York, who have been
tho guests of Mrs. Charles B. Wright, of
Chestnut Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl C, Austin, of 22d ond
Locust streets, have closed their town house
and taken a house In Haverford for the
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Francis Bochman
and their debutante daughter, Miss Esther
Jn Bochman. have closed the.lr house,
S048 Locust street, and are spending sev
eral weeks at the Philadelphia Country
Club, Bala. In July they will leave for Loon
Lake, In the Adlrondacks, to remain until
Mr, and Mrs. Sydney Emlen Hutchinson
will close their house In Germantown to
day and leave for Sydlth Terrace, their
Bummer home at Beverly Farms, Mass.
Miss Helen Bell, of 1314 Locust street,
has returned from New York, where she
attended a luncheon on Saturday.
Mr, Samuel Bell has gone to Sweetbrlar,
Va., for several days. t
Mr. William Speakman. of JRSXfhestnut
street, accompanied by his daughter and
a. few friends, motored to Buck Hill Falls
for the week-end.
Dr. and Mrs. George Q. Stout, of Ber
wyn. will give a children's party this after
noon. Miss Mary P. Connor, of Bala.. Is spend
ing a few weeks in Atlantic City.
Along the Main Line
.hNeFRTII"-'rha Narperth Branch of
ine Woman Suffrage party will give a but
terfly garden and card party on Wednes
day afternoon of this week on the lawn
or Mrs. John Ketcham's home, 407 Haver
ford avenue. The committee In charge of
the affair Includes Mrs. W. Arthur Cole.
S S"1 CockrelL Mrs. E, S, Haw,
H'8- W , ?. Horner, MM Fannie Loos.
OoodaU? Simpson and Mrs. W. B.
b!? P1 Smith, and Master David
emmi, jr., of Dudley avenue, will leave
today for a week's visit at Ocean Gate.
hlc?I?.B;Thl?al' Ald ? "i Mat
thew glnipson Methodic Episcopal Church,
' i. I caki an1 pU Ml OI U5' church
lawn Kaujrday ittunoon. Thow In chars'
Were Mr a N.mqr Boyd. Mr O. iw
W Kurt m4 jfc. AlU. o. Miredjtl
West Philadelphia
Miss Mary McCusker of 6929 Cedar
avenue, entertained at luncheon on Sat
urday In honor of Miss Gwendolyns Erb,
who has Just returned after nn extended
trip through tho South. Miss Erb will
make West Philadelphia her home.
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Bohen, of 4634
Walnut street, have moved to New York,
where they will live permanently.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Strowhouer nnd
their daughter. Miss Mary Strowhouer.
have taken' a bungalow at Parkland for
the Bummer. ,
Mrs. William J. Murphy, ot South 60th
street. Is spending a week with Mrs.
Thomas Walker, of Ocean Heights, N. J.
Mr. John Stlnsuii, son of Mr. and Mrs
Thomas Stlnson, of 1211 North 60th street,
has gone to Wilmington, Del., to spend the
summer as the guest of his aunt, Mrs.
James Toner, of Madison avenue.
North Philadelphia
BHYW U&Wtir-Hr, and Jm. WiiU
B 'wl asBLBifissvHB
I'noto by llachrach,
Miss Rae Fox will spend two weeks In
Atlantic City at the Traymore.
Miss Edna Seabrease, of 2132. Wallace
street, whose wedding to Mr, Harry Patter
son will take place on Tuesday, June 20,
will be given a linen shower next Friday
evening. Those present will be Miss Lillian
Neeley. Mis Marie Dougherty. Miss Mar
garet Hammond, Miss Myrtle Wolfe, Miss
Anna Monroe, Miss Rose Mooney, Miss
May Miller, MUs Anna Mooney, Miss Kath
ertne Mooney, Miss Elsie Kaplan, Miss
Clara Prlester, Miss Margaret Sullivan,
Miss Lydla Clifton. Miss Claire Likens,
Miss TUUe Nowatny, Miss Bertha Nowatny,
Miss Clara Hill, Miss Jean McGrath, Miss
Sarah Hartman, Miss Rosa Reager, Miss
Harriet Youngblopd, Miss Grace Seabrease,,
Miss Helen Nusbaum, Miss Caroline Levy,
Miss Anna Abelson. Mlsa Sarah Goldman,
Miss Dorothy Sternfleld, Miss Thelma Palm
er, Mis3 Viola Thompson, Miss Caroline
Prince, Miss May Weymer, Miss Ray
Friedman and Miss Gertrude Dougherty.
Miss Ada Taylor, of 2203 Spring Garden
street, Is ppendlng a. few weeks with her
mother at Newark, N. J.
Mrs. Howard Davis, of Mlddletown, Del,
Is visiting her sUter, Mrs. James McGlynn,
of 3?66 North 6th street.
Mes Anna M. Farrell. of Wood street.
Is spending a few days with Mrs. John
Brady, of Gulph, pear Norrlstown, Pa.
Delaware County
Mr. and Mrs. William Iteddlngton. of
Clifton Heights, are receiving congratula
tions on the birth of a daughter.
The Ridley Park Mothers' Club will hold
a, meeting in the auditorium on June 9,
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sinclair, at Ridley
park, have returned from a, visit to their
son-lB-lw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L.
P BordMiave, of Pittsburgh,
Tt ni-rminMinfimtBi ttt Uh Albs cubits
tab wot tte jtjtat Jim if, ,.
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flllSS HELEN D'AURIA rhoto by ll. T. Dooner.
Miss d'Aurin, who is the charming dnuRhtor of Mr. and Mrs. Luigi
d'Aurln of St. Mark's Squnrq', was guest of honor nt a tea given Sat
urday nfternoon by Mr. John P. Holt and Miss Holt, of Cynwyd. Miss
d'Auria's engagement to Mr. William J. Holt was announced last
month and the wedding will take place in October.
Annual1 Affair to Be Given Thursday Evening on Grounds
of Hospital in Tioga Includes Many Interesting Features.
Calvin Presbyterian Church Has Similar Fete
THE annual lawn fete In aid of St. Luko's
Homeopathic Hospital, Broad and Wln
gohocklng Btroets, will be held on Thurs
day on tho hospital grounds. Thero
will be a baby parado in tho afternoon
nnd moving pictures In tho evening, In
addition to the usual outdoor amusements
and a garden bazaar for tho sale of fancy
and useful articles. Supper will be served
from 6:30 until 8 o'clock, under the man
agement of Mrs. William 11. Crans and
Mrs. Harry K. Mansfield. Among others
taking part are Mrs. C. T. Jeffries, Mrs.
Charles Bocklus. Mrs. A. W. Grlgg, Mrs.
II. K. Roesslor, Mrs. D. Roman, Mrs. J. M.
Reppller. Mrs. Robert Stevenson, Jr.. Mrs.
J. Frederick Leltonberger, Mrs. Arthur
Thacher, Mrs. Robert W. Davis, Mrs. G.
A. Kuemmerle, Mrs. A. D. Fell. Mrs. Will
iam J. Lloyd, Mrs. E. K. Morgan, Mrs. F.
E North, Mrs Samuel Evans, Mrs H. A.
Gautschl, Mrs. J. A. Harrison, Mrs. A. J.
Rudolph. Mrs. S. P. Wilcox, Mrs. J. AV.
Dorlss, Mrs. Edward J. Longstreth. Mrs.
Adam Sanderson and Mrs. C. Marshall.
The annual lawn fete of tho Calvin
Presbyterian Church. COth nnd Master
streets, was held on the church grounds on
Friday and Saturday evenings for the bene
fit of tho mortgage fund. The booths for
refreshments, toilet nrtlcles and potted
plants were artistically decorated with
American flags and electric lights. Auto
mobile rides were also given.
The muplo was furnished by part of the
Stoncmen'r Band, with Mr. Funk as the
Mr. Charles Robertson was chairman of
the committee. Among those who assisted
were Mr. T. Ralph Clark, Mr. Richard Harl
flinger, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Krewson, Mr,
J. Richard Jackson, Mr. It. H. Davidson, Mr.
E. W Smith, Mrs. George Martin. Mrs. M.
Goetzlnger and Mrs C. W. Sm.th.
The employes of the Dalslmcr stores will
give a dance tonight nt 1204 Mnrket street
In honor of tho birthday of Mr. Sylvan
Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwin F. Thurlng. Jr., of
CC24 Torresdnle avenuo, Tacony, enter
tnlned nt dinner last week. Their guests
Included Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Duey. Mr. nnd
Mrs. II. J. Hnre. Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Them, Mr. and Mrs A Motzbncher. Miss
Roso Mertzbacher, Mlsa Fannlo Wright.
Miss Clara Wright. Miss Ollvo Duey, Miss
Eulalla Grcevos, Miss Mary Bossier, Miss
Sophia Wells, Miss Helen Perklnson, Mr.
Thomas Plntt. Mr. Clifford McCooch and
Mr Charles Wright.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrry Hlrschberg received
Informnlly Inst night nt their homo, 1703
Montgomery avenue, In honor of tho en
gagement of their daughter, Miss Etta G.
Hlrschberg, to Mr, Edward J. Froellch. of
New York. Among those receiving were
Mrs. M. WIescnfold, of Baltimore; Mrs.
W. Strass, of Baltimore, and Miss Blanche
Levy, of Clnrksburg, W. Va. They gavo
n dinner of 35 covers before the reception.
Miss Cnrollno Hlgglns, of 7012 Tulip
street, entertained the following guests on
Saturday evening: Miss Sophie Jamison,
Miss Delia Wakefield, Miss Evelyn Mc
Mahon, Miss Josephine Martin, Miss Annn
Gold, Miss Martha Gardner, Miss Flora
Anderson, Miss Emily Fronefleld, Miss Har
riet Fisher, Miss Caroline Bates, Miss Mar
garet Bates, Mlsa Lennn Fields. Miss Anna
Creamer, Miss Clara Dunn, Miss Elizabeth
Mann, Mr. Joseph Murray, Mr. John Clnrk,
Mr. James Tyson, Mr. Walter Heyfleld, Mr
Horace Kelly, Mr. James McCall, Mr. Al
fred Gibson, Mr. Leonard Brady, Mr, Jo
beph Maxwell, Mr. Alfred Barnes, Mr. James
Berry. Mr. James Cohan, Mr. Walter Cohan,
Mr. Ralph James, Mr. Walter Balderston,
Mr. John Graham, Mr. Walter Grlfllths and
Mr. Robert Hall.
Philadelphia Minister Will Receive
Honorary Degree
COLLEGEVILLE, Pa., June 6. The 40th
annual commencement of Urslnus College
was ushered In yesterday with the bacca
laureate service. The college choir, under
the direction of John Myron Jolls, rendered
a beautiful program.
The sermon was preached by the Rev,
Dr. Daniel Hoffman Martin, pastor of the
Fort Washington Presbyterian Church,
New York city, Doctor Martin's theme
was "Things That Are Worth While."
On Monday the class day exercises will
be held, and In the evening there will be
two oratorical contests, one for young men.
who will compete for tho Hunslcker and
Memlnger prizes, and another for young
women, who will compete for a prize of
fered by the Women Graduates' Association,
Tuesday will be Alumni Day, with business
meetings of the various alumni organiza
tions, which will culminate In a mass-meeting
of graduates In the afternoon and the
alumni banquet. The alumni oration will
be delivered Tuesday evening by the Rev,
Albert Newton Stubbleblne, '96, pastor of
Bethany Presbyterian Church, Newark, N.
J, From 9 to 11 In the evening President
and Mrs. Omwake will hold a reception In
The commencement exercises will be held
on Wednesday morning, at which time the
speaker will be Dr, Nathan C. Schaeffer,
State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Honorary degrees will be conferred upon
the Rev. Matthew J, Hyndman, pastor of
Olivet Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia,
and Dr. Matthew Beardwood, professor of
chemistry In Urslnus College.
A class of 34 will receive baccalaureate
Chocolate Manufacturer Will Build
Line to Plant
HARRISBURO. June 6. The Increasing
price of sugar will not bother M S. Hershey,
the chocolate manufacturer of Hershey, Pa.,
for he has just made arrangements In Cuba
that will furnish a direct supply of sugar
to the Hershey Chocolate Company. He
arrived here Sunday on his, way back from
The lnestment made by Mr. Hershey
Include a sugpr mill In the province of
Matanzaa and sugar plantations of 10,000
acres. The properties are In the neighbor
hood of Panasl and are about J 5 miles east
of Havana. They are along the northern
coast, being a few miles Inland The titles
are held by the. Hershey Corporation.
It was necessary for Mr. Hr?hey to build
a. railroad connecting his sugar mill with
the coast It will be known as the Hershey
Cuban Hauway and will start at Ca
Blanoa, the eastern side ef Havana harbo;
jtBJi win rw to at Mrimr or Masimaa.
will om Uwvium ft uw country is a pr;
tfcfaily irot OJUW.
Commencement Marks Semicentennial
HIGHTRTOWN. N. J., June 6. The Rev.
Dr. William E. Chnlmers, educational sec
retary of the American Baptist Publication
Society, of Philadelphia, delivered the annl
versary sermon In connection with the com
mencement exercises of Peddle Institute
yesterday. In the evening the Rev
James Ramsay Swnln. pastor of the Wood
bind Preshyterlan Church. Philadelphia, de
llvered the sermon before the Young Men's
Christian Association of the school.
The services mark the beginning of the
celebration of the semicentennial of Peddle
and both today and Wednesday will be filled'
with elaborate exercises, most of which will
be held In the new Greek theatre Just erected
on the banks of Peddle Lake and seating
6000 persons. On Monday historical addresss
will be delivered by the Rev. O. P. Eaches
of Haddonfleld. N. J., and Prof. Enoch Per
rlne. of Bucknell University In the evening
nn historical pageant, entitled "The Snlrlt of
Manhood." and Illustrating leading events
n the history of Hlghtstown and the Insti
tute, will be presented by nearly a thousand
persons. """
On Wednesday the annual commence,
ment address will be delivered by Presu
-dent Taft. Other addresses -win be mads
by Andrew F. West, dean of pTlncetonTni!
vers ty; Rush Rhees. president of the Un l
verslty of Rochester; Otis E. Randall dean
of Brown University; Melbourne S Read
vice president of Colgate University : Alfred
E. Stearns. A. M.. prnclpat of Phillips
Andmer Academy; Simon J. McPherson
headmaster of Lawrencevllle School : Go v.
delphla? eF a"d JUd8e D,ckln5. t PhUa-
What's Doing Tonight
WUibwmlng- Improvement ' ilio,,...n
FJ?f' "". 332 Vanklrk street, a "S'JlSk:
Northwest Duelneea Men's AiiocUtlon ,
Columbia avenue. 8 o'clock. Free. ' siM
Cheeter Avenue Improvement Aeeociatlon k-m
street and Cheeter avenue, 8 oclock. Free'
Pueyunk Avenue Bunlneu Jlen'e Auocla'tlon
Fawyunk avenue and Sloora etreet. 8 o!?Io?k'
PWlaaelphla Today and Tomorrow Ero.l!
tlon. Commercial Ijuieum. .po.
Philadelphia Mueical Academy comm.no..
Went, Wltneripoon Hall. commence-
Phllopatrlan Flayera, at Broad Street Theatre
Republican ward committees organize.
Wcman' Medical College organize "srecaMr!.
' Lecture. "Acre of Dlamonde.'' by Ruuell H
Coowcll. Baptist Temple. w "
Profeaaora' banquet to graduation ciu,
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, T o'clock.
Men's Bible Clauea ot Kenelngton. Union
Tabernacle. York ami Coral streets. '
Notice for the. Society page MlU.be .
tested and printed hi Vit fc.colag Ledger.
but all euch notice mut be written an sfce
aide IT the paper, cul U liM4 tu full. WUa
full addreea, .and when Pilfcle teiepjtse
nnmtur 4uiut be siren, ...
Ta ii( M9Elfie. earned ei.
Along the Reading
Airs. George Campbell, of Oak Lane road,
entertained the members of her card club
Saturday nfternoon nt luncheon and cards.
Tho guests were Mrs. William Blake, Mrs.
George Thomas, Mrs. Horace Dunlap, Mrs.
Thomas Bennett, Mrs, Mathcw Slnnott,
Mrs. Paul Prlmm. Mrs. George Levey, Mrs.
Walter Duncan, Mrs. Frank Taylor, Mrs.
Martin Cntlctt, Mrs. James Bonham, Mrs.
David Meglll, Mrs. Philip Walklns, Mrs.
John Berry, Mrs. Harry Dutton, Mrs. Ed
ward Murray, Mrs. Harry Denn, Mrs.
Lconnrd Ott nnd Mrs. Walter Endow.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Clinton arltlUh will
occupy their new homo after July 1 nt
Bench Haven, N. J. Mrs, arlfnth will bo
remembered ns Miss Jennie Evans, of Wyn
cote. Mr. nnd Mrs, John Woodnll, on their re
turn from their wedding trip, will occupy
their new home on Washington lane,
Jonklntown. Mrs. Woodall was Miss Helen
E. Wllllnms, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis
D. Wllllnms, of Sulgrnvc. York nnd Wyn
coto ronds, before her mnrrlnge last month.
The Executive Committee of the Jenkln
town High School Alumni Association Is
planning a reception to tho senior class on
Monday evening, June 19. In the Jenkln
town Club nnd reading rooms, This occa
sion will also be the second nnuunl reunion
of the Alumni AsKoclatlon.
Mr. John T. Shields will occupy his new
homo nt 6410 North lltli atleet, Oak Lane,
after alterations nro completed.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Morris C. Swartlcy. Jr., of
6835 Rldgo avenue, gave a musicals Fri
day eenlntf nt their home
Among tho guests were Mr. nnd Mrs.
Charles Bnrtle, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bates.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris C. Swnrtlcy. Mr. and
Mrs. T. Book, Mr nnd Mrs. D. Wetherlll,
Mr, nnd Mrs. C. Strousc. Mr. and Mrs. R.
E. Honcli. M-. and Mrs, George Brown,
Mr. nnd Mrs. R liner, Mr Albert Dnnnnn,
Miss N. Wcthcrltl and Miss N. Glullck.
Miss Hernlce Cnrtlcdge, dnughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Franklin Cnrtledge, of 1G09 liar
rlson street, has returned from Washing
ton, D. C where sho has been spending the
last few weeks.
A street carnival for the benefit of the
Children's Seaside Home at Atlantic City
will he held by Mrs. H. Gibson on Fisher's
avenue, Olney, between Water nnd A Btreets,
on Friday evening. If the weather Is un
favorable lt will bo held on Saturday eve
ning. Mrs. James II. Huntington, of Hnrrlson
nnd Mulberry streets, will have her mother,
Mrs. John Hurst, ns her guest for three
weeks, prior to her departure for California,
where she will make her home with her
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Al
fred Joyce, of Los Angeles.
South Philadelphia
Mrs. Thomas Gnrrlty and Miss Mario
Garrlty, of 910 South Broad street, will
open their cottngo at Chelsea this month.
Mrs. H. Llebermnn, of Altus, Okla., has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. Klelnman, In
this city.
Photo by Marceau.
The engagement of Miss Marie Hall,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hall, of
420 South 20th Btreet, and Mr William II.
Klrkpatrlck was recently announced.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William G. Hill have taken
a cottage at Chelsea for the summer.
Invitations have been Issued by the
Country Club for Its second annual Old
Home Club Day on June 24.
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Plckard, of
Owen avenue, hnve taken a cottage at
Ocean City, N. J., for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Bradley, of E5
Drexel avenue, are receiving congratula
tions on the birth of a son.
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Way, of Drexel ave
nue, are receiving congratulations on the
birth of a daughter
Miss Christine Nichols, of West Stewart
avenue, is entertaining Miss Alice Meredith,
of Towanda, Pa., as her guest.
The graduates of St. Phllomena's School
will give a class dance In the school hall
on June 24, In this year's class are Miss
Martha Loughney, Miss Marlon Fitiger
aid. Miss Helen Furren, M)ss Anna Duckett.
Miss Florence Simpson, Miss Mario Mc
I.oon and Mr. Joseph McCullough.
Camden and Vicinity
Mrs. Llnwood A. Miller, of Toledo, O.,
Is visiting relatives at her old home In this
city. n
Mr. John S. Read, who now lives In
Summit, N. J., has been the guest of his
parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Read, Jr., of
6th and Cooper streets.
Mr. Harvey Partridge has been enter
taining his mother, Mrs. Jane Partridge,
who make her home with her sister In
Montclalr. She formerly lived at 8J7 Penn
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Muschamp, Jr.. of
North 6th street, expect to spend part of
the summer In New England.
Miss Dorothy Deyelln, of 318 Penn street,
te rnctnber of this year's graduating
er'ags at Swarthmore College.
Rubens Found In Poultry Shop
'PARIS. June J. A Rubens of the finest
epoch. "The Martydora of Saints Hadrian
and Natalie," has been found in a poultry
shop In the Saint Antolne quarter of Pur (a.
It waa deposited there as security for a
loan of l4 by an aged spinster who in
herited H tfvm he uncle, an es-ylcar of th
Ma&tieta Church. Tb Louvre curators
say ihe palnWpjf W ot the greatest value.
Brilliant Military Wedding Will Be Solemnized aV.S&
James' Church When Miss Dobson Marries Lieutenant
Kilduff Miss Almy Also Becomes Bride
THE marriage of Miss Ann Dobson.
daughter of the late Mr. nnd Mrs. William
Dobson, nnd Lieutenant William Douglas
Kltduff, U. S. N., will tako place this after
noon at 4 o'clock In St. James' Protestant
Episcopal Church, 22d nnd Walnut streets.
It will bo a military wedding.
The brldo, who will be given In marriage
by her cousin, Mr. Thomns Jackson Jeffries,
will be attended by her cousin, Mrs. Wal
ter M. Jeffords, ns matron of honor and liy
Miss Elizabeth S. Samuel nnd Mlsa Llla T.
Fisher ns bridesmaids.
Lieutenant Kilduff will hnv his brother,
Mr. Malcolm Kilduff. ns best man, and his
ushers will bo Lieutenant John Borland,
t7. S. N. J Lieutenant lllchnrd McCall L llott,
Jr., V. S. N : Lieutenant Robert Clark. U.
S. N. : Lleutennnt Ernest Gunthcr, U. S. N; ,
Lloutenant David Worth Bnglcy. U. S, N
nnd Lieutenant Paul II. Bastcdo, U. S. N.
A reception at the home of the brides
coiiBlns, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jackson
Jeffries, 1803 De Lancey place, with whom
she haB made her home, will follow the
ceremony. Mr. Kilduff and his bride will
llo In Ardmore.
A pretty wedding will tako place tonight
nt G o'clock In tho First Unitarian Church,
when Miss Helen Audrey Almy, daughter
of Mrs. William Kllcry Almy, of 3237
Chestnut street, will become tho brldo ot
Mr. David Kctchnm Recdcr.
Following tho ceremony n reception will
bo held nt the homo of the bride's mother.
Mr. Recder and his bride, after nn extensive
wedding trip, will live In Providence, R. I.,
whero they will be nt home after August 1.
Among tonight's Interesting weddings will
be that of Miss Rachel L. Nettcr. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Sellgman Nelter, of 2438
North Broad Btreet, to Mr. Alvln E. Wolf,
which will take place nt C oclocK at
Ashor's nnd will be followed by a dinner.
Tho ceremony will be performed by the
Rov. Dr. Joseph Krnuskopf. Tho bride,
who will be glxen In marrlngo by her father,
will wear a gown of white satin, draped
with tulle and n veil of tulle caught with
orange blossoms. Miss Marie Leopold,
tho tnafd of honor, will be the brides only
attendant. Her gown Is ot cloth of silver
draped with blue tulle.
Mr. Stanley Mason Hlrsh will be the
best man. Mr. Wolf nnd his bride upon
their return from nn extended Journoy win
live in Philadelphia
A very attractive June wedding will
tnlte place tonight at 0:30 o'clock at the
Adclphla, when Miss Florence Rothschild,
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Solomon Roths
child, of 3230 North Broad street, will
becomo the bride of Mr. Clayton Mandel.
The Rev. Dr. Joseph Krauskopf. of the
Keneseth Israel Temple, will officiate at
the ceremony, which will be followed by a
dinner nnd dance. Tho bride will wear a
white satin gown draped with tulle, with
the court train caught nt the shoulders
with rose point lace and edged with pearls
and lilies of the valley. Her veil of tulle
Is edged with pearls and will bo arranged
with a spray of orango blossoms. Mrs.
Howard Moyer. who will attend her sister
ns matron of honor, will bo attired In a
gray and gold taffeta gown with n gray
hat faced with gold net. and will carry
tea rosos, arranged In an old-fashioned
bouquet. Miss Julia Freeman nnd Miss
Ruth Mandell will bo tho bridesmaids. The
gown of the former is of cream net -with
a ruffled skirt and a pink orchid taffeta
bodice. This will be worn with a hat
of pink orchid net. Miss Mandel will be
slmllnrly attired, but with a blue bodice
and blue hat. Each will carry old-style
bouquets of old-fashioned flowers. Mr. Man
del will have Mr. Morton Blumenthnl ns
best man and Mr. Walter Rothschild and
Mr. Morton Baum as ushers. Mr. and Mrs.
Mandel will leave for a tour through the
West, and upon their return will live In
WILMINGTON, Del., June t. In Cen
tral Presbyterian Church on Saturday
night, at 6 o'clock, the marriage of Miss
Lillian Madeline Butz. daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. George W. But, and Mr. D. Wnl
lace Cox. of Ridley Park. Pa., took place.
The Rev. Joslah H. Crawford, minister ot
the church, performed the ceremony. The
i u ....... i..dn in mnrrlnpA hv her father
ui iuc mu r.,,v. ... ...-- - ----
and was attended by Miss Ethel Lees, of
tii.iin.i.,nhin on mniri tf hnnor. The bride's
brother, Mr. George W. Butz. Jr.. acted as
best man and the usners were r. uarn
Reed, of this city: Mr. Wallace Bromley,
of Wlssahlckon. Pa. ; Mr. Joseph Sum
merll! and Mr. Frederick Shilling, of Phlla.
delphla. Tho bride's gown was of Georgette
crepe over taffeta; her veil was of tulle
and was held In place with orange blos
soms. She carried a shower bouquet of
roses and lilies of the valley. Miss Lees'
dress was of pink embroidered taffeta
trimmed with silver lace, and she wore a
v, t ninlr hnriiehalr. Her bounuet was
composed of larkspur and snapdragons.
Following me ceremony u. reccmiuu vyo
held at tho home of the bride's parents,
2301 Boulevard. After a wedding trip Mr.
and Mrs. Cox will live In Narberth. Pa.
Among the out-of-town guests for the wed
ding were Mr, and Mrs. Charles D. Cox,
of Ridley Park, the brldegroom'J parents;
his sister. Miss Nell Cox; Mr. and Mrs.
William R. Matthews, and Mr. and Mrs. C.
C. Sklrm, of Princeton, N. J.
The marriage of Miss Marian Swope,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Casper Swope, of
98 South 6th street, Darby, to Mr, Vanroom
Tlndall Roberts, of Tioga, was solemnlied
on Saturday, at noon, at the home of the
officiating clergyman, the Rev, Dr. Morgan,
of the Croier Memorial Church, Colwyn.
Pa. Mr, Swope gave his daughter In mar
riage. She wore a traveling suit of dark
blue with a hat to match. Immediately after
the service Mr. and Mrs. Roberts left on
their wedding trip. They will be at hoflw
after June 18 nt 37SJ North IBth streets
A quiet wedding will tnke place hi 7
o clock tonight nt 1421 South 54th street,
when Miss Martha M. Frlcdrlchs become
the bride of Mr. James H. Kennedy,
Tho ceremony will be performed by Ihe
Bey. Wllllnm S. Nelll, of the Proteslaht
Eplscopnl Church of the Holy Apostles, and
will be followed by a dinner. Only the Im
mediate families will be present, Mr. Ken
nedy nnd his brldo havo taken a cottage nt
Pitman, N. J where they will spend in
A very pretty wedding will take place to
night nt the Walton, when Mies Rose I
Welntrnub, daughter of Mr, nnd Mr Abra
"J11 ,:Yelr"raub. will become the bride bf
Mr, Michael Barnett, of 2427 South 11th
street. Mr. Welntrnub will give his daugh
ter In marriage, and the ceremony will be
p m1rnlc.d by nnbbl Levlnthnl. The bride
win ho charmingly gowned In clotli of silver
draped with white net. with the bodice of
net embroidered with pearls. Her veil of
tulle will bo arranged with pearis and
ornngo blossoms. The bridal party will In
cludo Miss Ida Goldberg, maid of hondrt
Miss Snrah Gorchov. Miss Rebecca Gold
berg, Miss Rose Goldberg, Miss Mary B4r
nett nnd Miss Roso Barnett, bridesmaids!
Mr. Raymond Rosen, best mnn; Mr. Theo
dore Rosen. Mr. KmanUcl Goldberg. Mr.
Harry Sloan, Mr. William Connor nnd Mr.
Louis Buntman, ushers. The services will
be followed by n reception.
Mr. Barnett and his bride will return
from their wedding Journey the end ot the
niT. ,nnd will receive after July 1 at
18Z2 West Erie avenue.
The mnrrlngo of Miss Gertrude E. Price,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Price, to
Mr. Frank E. Cornclcy. of 3917 North Parle
avenue, was solemnized on Saturday at
noon nt tho home of the bride's uncle nnd
??' wr'.an.? Mr"' wam Wright. Of
1223 West Tioga street. The ceremony
was performed by the Rev. John McQuade,
rector of St. Stephen's Church, nnd was
followed by a breakfast. The bride wore"
a gowns of white satin, draped with tulle,
with a veil of tulle caught with orange blos
soms, and was attended by her sister, Miss
Marie Price, as maid of honor, whofee
fun" was of nlnI taffeta, draped with pink
Mr. Thomas Cornelcy was his brother's
best man. Mr. Corneley and his bride lift
for a tour through the northeast. Includ
ing Niagara Falls and Canada. They will
receive after July l at 1223 West Tioga
The marrlnge of Miss Elsie Read
Angeroth. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
2...nBerotn' r B334 Walton avenue, to Mr.
William II. MatchlnBky, of 2027 Master
street, took placo at noon on Saturday In
the new church house of the Wharioh
Street Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church,
64th and Catharine streets. West Phila
delphia. The Rev. E. Stlllman officiated,
The bride was attended by Miss Laura
B. Boyer as maid of honor. Mr. Howard
E. Orr acted as best man. The couple loft
Immediately after the ceremony for an ex
tended wedding trip through northern
Mrs. Harriet Moore, of 132 West Llppln-
cbtt street, announces the marriage of her
daughter, Miss Hattye F. Moore, to Mri
Clifford F. Gilpin, on Saturday evening, at
v wLiuun, ul urn rturns oquaro wnitea m
f.ceuj'icMaii i.iiurcri. a. reception xonowea
at the home of the bride.
fllrihiCe Iheatre jumpeh sts.
A M. to 11 1'. M, 10c. ISO, itSc.
22 PEOPl,B
In My Neighbor's Garden rJs
Forrest Tonight ,.$ a,
Flret Appearance Here In the Film
nVreat P a V 1 O W a IncoplraW.
tlats.. All Beats. Sie. Nlfht. 25c & 60c. All Ree'd
At 10:10, 12:30. ?:1S. 4. 0. 7:43. 0:S0.
Arcadia Wm. Collier. Jr.
.u 'Trie Uude Call"
Added Attraction I1ILL1E BURKE
In the 6th EpIeoJe, of Ulorla'e Romano"
Sydney Drew In "Borrowing Trouble"
10c Market aby. 8th 20o
HUB p. u.
9 A. M to
Dorothy Kelly
In Flret Prceentatlea
Tbur.. Frt. Bat. The Scarlet Woman
Tbure.. lfr-. Sat BLANCHE SWEET
Gadski, Schumann-Heink and Sembach
"Will Be Amonff Singers
NEW HAVKN', Conn.. June B. .More
than 20,000 persons have already purchased
seats for tho Immense production of Wag
ner's "Die Walkeure," which will be pro.
duced In lavish manner In the Yale BOwl
this evening.
A remarknblo feature will be a curtain
of steam, which will rise from pipes along
the footlights and hide the stage when It
Is desired. To "raise" the curtain the
steam Is simply turned oft.
The singers Include Johanna Gadskt,
Mme. Schumann-Heink, Melalne Kurt,
Johannes Sembach. Clarence Whltehlll and
Carl Brnun.
Tomorrow Night, 7:30
Franklin Field
University of Pennsylvania
1000 People 200 Musicians
BO Dancing Girls 1800 Costumes
4 Acres Scenery 20,000 Sq. Ft. Stag
5000 $1 AND' $1.50 SEATS
On Bale at Glmbele, Houeton Hall and 1108
Cheatnut Street.
Auditorium Dulldlnt Commercial Mueeum,
34th etreet below Spruce.
OPEN 1U A. 11. TO 10 P. M
Reetaursnt: lecturee: movlns picture.
Be sure end vlilt the Exposition before cloilaj
dy. next Saturday.
11 H8 P. M,
Sessue Hayakawa (BUrI??m
Added. Blllte Burke In "Gloria's Rcenane' No. 3
Thur., Frl.. 8t.. Ocraldine Ferrer
and Watlic Held la "MARIA AOSA"
A TT?T "PTTT ' Tnuredy mud
nd Iter Ffiybou Company Pnueet
KEITH'S TB sg&g0 m
Today at a. aee i?e!j"ii 'ffjfi
Hth tteewft MM" ?,
Ut VMS''k
JWfci.ii,ti Wasw
eflt aTtaiUilS. ?.
s. i,t mfe fitH, $am
fe.ti9 l5il W fc jrj