& l-T' 5 t JLS , 35E- . BVEKIH iEiBDaER-PHIIlABEEPHIA; &ATUREAT, TOOT 3, 19m NANCY WYNNE EXPATIATES ON MUSIC CONFERENCE TO BE HELD MONDAY National Association of Music School Societies to Hold Annual Session in Auditorium of Curtis Pub lishing Company in Coming Week MOST Interesting wilt be tho fourth conference of tho National Assocla. tlon of Muslo School Societies which will bo held on Monday and Tuesday of next week in the large auditorium of tho Curtis publishing Company on Independence fiquare. Men and women will come from different cities in the Union, for the Na tlonal Association has an enrolment of 23 schools, and tho cities which will be represented are Berkeley. Cal.s Boston. Mass.: Brooklyn. N. T. Cleveland. OJ Chi cago, III.; Dobbs Ferry. N. T.S Fall River, Maps.? Minneapolis. Minn.; Now York, N, Y.; New Haven, Conn.; Philadelphia; Plttsneld. Mms.J Providence, R. I.; To ledo. O.i and West Newton, Mass. The officers of tho National Association Include Mrs. Howard Mansfield, of New York, who Is president anjl a most, ardent worker for tho causoj Mr. Johan Orolle. of this city, Is vlco president, and Mr. Ellwooc! Hondrlck, of Now York, Is secre tary and treasurer. The other officers of tho committee In cludo Mr. David Mannes and Miss Marian Claire Smith, of Now York; Mrs. Samuel S Fels, of this city; Dr. Daniel Bloomfleld and Miss Annlo Endlcott Nourse, of Bos ton, and Mrs. Anno CHlbretM Cross, of Providence. Tho object of tho Association Is to stand ardize tho musical instruction of natlvo and foreign-born chlldron of tho wage earning classos and to uso tho Influence of music for tho development of a means for sclf-oxprcsslon and good citizenship. The wholo of Monday will bo given to business meetings 'and tho reading of various papers by delegates from differ cnt cities. Tho program for tho morning will bo as follows: 10:30, Opening address by tho vlco presi dent, Mr. Johan Qrolle, "Tho National As sociation." i Papors by delegates: "Tho Valuo of Muslo as a Means of De velopment." Miss Elizabeth Palno. Muslo School Settlement, N. Y. "Tho Relation of Eurhythmies to tho Music School Settlements," Miss Emily McCalllp, Settlement Music School, Phila delphia. "Bronx Houso," Mr. Edgar Stowoll, Bronx Houso, Now York. "Singing Individually and In Classes," Mrs., Catherine Saunders, South. End Mu sic School, Boston, Mass. "The Music School in the Settlement as Neighborhood Influence," Mr. JacqueB Gottlieb, East Slde Houso Settlement, New York. Amendment to constitution. Election of National Committee. After an adjournment, during which luncheon will bo served for the delegates and invited guests, the afternoon session Will open at 2 o'clock with a business meotlng and an adclress by Mr. David Mannes, of Now York, will bo made. Tho rest of the program will be: "Tho Future of Music for the People," Mr. Arthur Farwell. director Muslo School Settlement, New York. "A Renaissance In Musical Education," Mr. James Francis Cook, president Phila delphia Music Teachers Association. "Duties of the Music School Settle ment," Mrs. A.' Lincoln Fileno, Boston Music School Settlement, Boston, Mass. "Tho Co-operation of Publlo Schools With Muslo Schools," Miss Elizabeth Fyffe, "West Newton, Mass. "Tho New Piano Teaching," Mrs. Har riet Seymour, Muslo School Settlement, New York. "Our Experiments In Ensemble," Miss Frano Delzell, Brooklyn Muslo School Set tlement, Brooklyn, N. Y. Round tablo discussion. In the evening the children of the Set tlement Music School here will show tho delegates and invited guests what the school has done for them by giving a mu slcale at tho homo of the president, Mrs. Samuel S, Fels, at the southeast corner of 39th and Walnut streets. On Tuesday morning will be held a bus tness meeting of the National Commlttoo and delegates at tho Settlement Muslo School, 427 Christian street. Luncheon Will ba served there under the charge of Mrs. Edward TV. Bok, ond then tho visi tors will Inspect the new building of the school at 416-428 Queen street. Tho convention will ond with a visit to the Clvio Exposition to which the guests will be conveyed by motors, which have been procured by some of the girls who are Interested In the Muslo School Socle ties Altogether It -will bo most enter taining. The Home for Incurables will be aided today by a lawn feto which will be given on grounds of Mrs. Theron I, Crane's country home at 64,44 Greene street, Ger mantown. ' There will ba all the usual features for these putof-door affairs, "eats" and games and rides and a tinker's wagon and gobse farm. And all the workers and their aides are so greatly interested It Is sure to be a success. A moat amusing little incident which occurred at the recent Flower Market In "the square" is realty too good to miss, even If It does give one's masculine friends a chance to reiterate, "Isn't that lust like a woman?" It seems that the youngest of several charming sisters, after extracting solemn promises of secrecy from each one, told them of her engagement to a certain good-looking young Yale graduate of this city (they had suspected t for weeks past, hut that does not pwtter), Sq off flew the big sister to purchase an engagement present, after which, Mgnt of heart and still lighter of purse, she wandered up to the Flower Market and was urgently requested, by yet another sister as I have, said, there, are several of them and her friends to buy "Just a small posey only a dpllar," "Not a chance," declared she, nonchalantly. "I'm, dead broke, not a son text, Just bought the best looklnij en gagement present for O ." A petrified stare from her sister and shrieks of laughter, accompanied by a shower of questions- -from the friends, tuouM bar back; to earth with a crash, and with tears in her eyes she implored am, not tp give tho Mcret uway, and proml, ifco, eat fa cut rf tk-4 b ew, S hrar, and tho engagement Is to bo an nounced tomorrow. NANCY WYNNE. Personals Mr. and Mrs. C. Hartman Kuhn, of Hav orford, will entertain at luncheon at the Philadelphia Country Club tomorrow In honor of Miss Mariana W. Oowen, dtbutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis I. Oowen, of Chestnut Hill. Dr. and Mrs. John D. Elliott, of 14S1 8pruco,street, will give a children's party at the Anchorage today for thslr daughter, Miss Frances Elliott. There will be about 20 guests. The night Rev. Philip Mercer Rhine lander. Bishop of Pennsylvania, will of ficiate nt tho "wedding of Mlsi Helen Mor gan Hamilton, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs, William Plerson Hamilton, to Police Com missioner Arthur Woods, which will tako place next Saturday In St Luke's Chapel, on tho Hamilton estate, Sterllngton, N. Y The bride's pnly attendant will bo hor sis ter, Miss Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, who will bo flower girl. Miss Hamilton Is a granddaughter or the late J, Plerpont Mor gan. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Paul Bally, of Lan caster road, Ardmore, have sent out an nouncements of tho marriage of their daugh ter. Miss Frances West Dally, and Mr. Jos eph B. Keen, son of Mr. Gregory B. Keen, of 1344 Pine street. Tho ceremony took place on Saturday, May 27. Mr. and Mrs. E. RlttenhouBe Miller will entertain nt dinner tonlBht at tho Phlla dclphla Cricket Club prior to tho club dance In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs, Samuel Wood ward. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Tevls Huhn, of 113 South 2lBt street, will Give a dinner tonight at tho Philadelphia Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton Little, of Glen bogle Farm, Folcroft, will give a dance to night for tho school set In honor of their daughtor, Miss Mnry S. Little, and son. Mr. James II. Little. Friends of Miss Catherine Cooper Cas sard will bo more than glad to hear that sho has returned to her homo, 336 Pelham road, from the University Hospital and Is rapidly recovering from tho distressing ac cident which took place on March 7. Mr, and Mrs. Alba B. Johnson will give a iRrgo garden party this aftomoon at their home, Castana, from 4 until 6:30 o'clock. Tho first man of the class of 1016, of tho Naval Academy, to be married was Ensign Louis n. Vail, of Germantown, whoso mar riage to Miss Emily W. FltzSlmmons, of Far Rockawaly. N. Y took place yesterday at noon In St Ann's Church, Annapolis, only two hours after ho had received his mpioma rrom the President The rector, the Bev. Joseph P. McComas, officiated. The Rev. Percy Foster Hall, rector of the Church of the Epiphany, Washington, D. C., who will deliver the commencement sermon on Sunday afternoon at the Tome School, Port Deposit, Md., will bo tho guest for the weok-end of Dr. Thomas Stockham Baker, headmaster of the Tome School, at the latter'o home on the campus. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rambo, of Coatea vllle, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Janet Xnmbo, to the Rev. John David LtndBay, of flhlppenBburg, Pa. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. Frank Miller, of Hat boro, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Ellen Julia Miller, to Mr. Herschel G, Smith, bom of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan T. Smith, of Austin, Tex. Both Miss Miller and her fiance are graduates of Swarthmoro College. Along the Main Line WYNNEWOOD Miss Margaret Eleanor Rushton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Rushton, of Lancaster avenue, who Ib entertaining- a house party over the week-end, will give a dance this evening In honor of her guests. Among those present wltl be Miss Ethel Moore and Miss Isabel 'Ketchan, of East Orange. N. J. ; Miss Janet McKeever, of New Mexico ; Miss Eleanor Ferguson, Miss Beatrice Kilo Creoger, Miss Christine Zlebarth, Miss Frances Watte. Miss Marie Louise Glle, Miss Frances Sullivan. Miss Helen Zim merman. Miss Ituth Hart, Miss Anna E. Moore, Miss Laura Helssler, Miss Frances Blalsdell, Mr. J. Wood Sullivan. Mr. Her bert Linton, Mr. James Taylor, Mr. Julian W. Barnard, Mr. E. Clark Creager, Mr. George Calderwood, Mr. Frank Plnola, Mr. Gibson, Mr. Shepley, Mr. Francis Ehle, Mr. Norman Moore. Mr. Stanley Acton, Mr. Henry Hallett, Mr. Harry Htffendeck. Mr. Charlton Sager, Mr. Aubrey Sager and Mr. Frederick Grlscom. BRYN MAWR Mr. and Mrs. William Squire Beldlng will give a small dance this evening at Bayldon, their home in Bryn Mawr. VILLANOVA Mr. and Mrs. II. Radclyffe Roberts have returned to their home, Green Bank Farm, Vlllanova, from a visit to At lantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Melville F. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Israel, Mr. and Mrs. Morris M. Lea, Mr. and Mrs. J. It Covert. Mr. and Mrs. George Seltzer and Mr. and Mrs. Frank G, Burrows comprise a party motoring to he Neverslnk Mountains, Bead. Ing, Pa., to spend the week-end. RADNOR Mrs. Frederick W, Schmidt, of Juniper Hall, Radnor, entertained Mrs. Walton Hill and her Bmall daughter, Miss Alyse Hill, of Torresdale ; Mrs. Ernest La Piscq and little Miss Henrietta Moore Schmidt In her box at the Horse Show yes terday, Mr. and Sirs. George A, Lembcke, of New York, will spend the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Schmidt, WAYNE Mrs, Joseph A. Ball and Miss Ball, of Wlndemere avenue, will leavo on Monday, to spond several weeks in Boston. Germantown The graduation exercises of the Stevens School took place yesterday morning at Manhelm at 11 o'clock. The Rev. Hugh Black was the speaker and there were part songs by members of the school. Daisies and peonies were used In profuslop on the wlndowsllls and platform. The members of the class are Miss Malde Bennett, Miss Grace Balllnger, Miss Dorothy Steffan, Miss Elizabeth Huston and Miss Dorothy McBrlde. Mrs. Robert Dunning Drlpps. of 590$ Wayne avenue, entertained at bridge yes terday In honor of her sister. Miss Josephine Heron, whose marriage to Mr. Stewart A. Jellett, Jr., will tak6 place next Thursday. The guests were Mrs. Warren Pike, of Pasa dena, Cal. j Miss Theodora Jellett, Miss Jean Beagary, Ulss Marguerite Roberta, Miss Edith Cpchran, Miss Dorothy Cochran, Miss Louise Crawford, Miss May Albright, Miss Margaret Russell, Mrs. Walter Wood, MUs Grace Ecattergood, Mrs. .Stewart A. Jellott and Mrs. John Ryan. Mrs. Drlpps has her suiter, Mrs. Pike, as her guest for several weeks, Mrs. Pike, was Miss Eugenia Heron, of Germantown, beore her mar, rlage. Noilcti for .the .BftMr pw irlll.W fl- dii ba i when lol!Io Jut all ich oftliw uul h l.l of tk MStr. PWf M ih FenlaE Ldxor. WlWJ.0" W la rail, who Mtcpoosa fUll BVSOfCBt, .. WMSM WW ;a?JsteejM tHi! rts Bfamt. rt CMiW i ! PBislSH. isa ( TIgtaia e i.j i ,Bf,': B " SBBBBBBBBBBBH iv Sk 9SH & 1lSA'& BBBBBBBBBBBBBbTbTBM jBBpP' nk IIBBBBbtJB9s9piiil9HH!laBHI lkH t X r RBSljAlBpjjEBBHB WWWWsK? X?tirifcK3 lx' ' ?' j 4gTjHBHHti4JBBBBMgytJJ BTgTgTgTgTgVSHBBBJBBBjBjBlirt iL&A' j& VHIb1 Photo by KHmcheck. MRS. G. HAMILTON COLKET Mrs. Colkct Is chairman of tho Children's Committco of tho Foto des Flours to bo given nt tho GeorRO Fnles Bakers on Juno 0 and 10. Chestnut Hill Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Allen, of 7711 St Martin's lane, nre being congratulated upon tho birth of n daughter, Iono Allen, on May 24. Mrs. Alien wa3 Miss Iono Ralll, of Now York, whoso woddlng was one of tho fnshlonablo events of last summer, Mrs. Samuel Jones, of 7737 St Martin's lane, has gone to Syracuse, N. Y., to be the guest of her daughter, Mrs. John Grant Ayllng. Mrs. Theobald Clark, of Seminole and Hartwoll avenues, entertained at bridge yesterday afternoon. Miss Dorothy Benerman, of Boyer street, has Miss Dorothy Mason, of Washington, aB her guest Miss Jean Beagary, of 7147 Boyer street, will give a luncheon on Monday In honor of Miss Josephine Heron, whoRe marrlago to Mr. Stewart Jellett, Jr., will take place on Thursday, Juno 8. Tho guests will in clude Miss Theodora Jellett, Miss Elinor Flood, Mrs. Warren Pike. Mrs. Robert, D. Drlpps, Miss Louise Crawford, Miss Eleanor Baker. Mrs. Clinton Beaga.-y, Mrs. Harry Buttcrworth. Mrs. W. Spenco Harvey, Jr., Miss. Eleanor Edmonds and Mrs. John Bromley. Tioga Miss Irene Robblns, of 3306 North 7th street, will entertain the Thirteen Club of tho Girls' High School, 1010 Chaptor, at luncheon on Tuesday. Tho club has been organized for 13 years and Is composed of 13 girls selected from the senior class each year. Miss Bobbins' guests will bo Mlsi Jean Blder, Miss Elizabeth L. Plucker. Miss Helen S. Causland, Miss Violetta Sutton, Miss Eleanor Rohnor, Miss Irene Bryer, Miss Esther Schofleld, Miss Virginia Thompson, Miss Florence Cassln, Miss Knthryn V. Smith, Miss Margaret Ambler and Miss Margaret N. Chase. The club will give Its June dance at the Bon Air Country Club, nt Llanerch, on Friday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Herman KruII, of 2112 West Erla avenue, will entertain at lunch eon and bridge on Tuesday, Her guests will Include Mrs. Martin Trenzlau, Mrs. John G. McKaraher. Mrs. Jay F. Irvln, Mrs. Clarence Weaver, Mrs. Lambert Bordo, Mrs. B. Armbruster, Mrs. Isaac Vendlg. Mrs. Earnest MacMorrls, Mrs. O. Barham Bond, Mrs. William Wharton and Mrs. Clarence Drumlllor. Mr. and Mrs. .Victor Beck, of 3258 North Broad street, will leave on June 15 to pass the season at their summer home In At lantic City. Frankford SBBBk ' "UV BBH MRS. A. ROBERT WILSON Friends of Miss Eleanor L. Fltipatrlck, 285 West Someryille avenue, Olney, and Mr, A. Robert Wilson, Wlster place, German town, were surprised to hear of their wed ding on February 7 at Mlllvllle, Instead pf June 7, as they had expected. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will spend the summer at Pit man, N- J-, and In the fall will occupy their bungalow which they are building at Mlll--yllle Manor. Mrs. Franklin, Cartledge, of 1609 Har rison street, was hostess to the members of the Union Club this week. Those present were Mrs. Edwin Montayne. Mrs. Qeorge Fotts, Mrs. Walter Araon, Mrs. Jonathan Rowland, Jr., Mrs. Joseph Conley, Mrs. Margaret Morrison, Miss Florence Weed. Mlsa Mabel McCartney, Miss Marietta Row land. Miss Nellie P- Tarvia, Mlsa Ada Tar Vis and Mlsa Margaret Swift, The Holmesburg Men's Association will hold its second annual carnival oa Walker street, between Welsh road and Rbawn street, on June 16. 1 and 17. The com mittee, viukr the leadership OJt Mr Horace Feemlr, 1 putting fortb eywy ijossiblij ef fort to k the aJr an tvfa greater SWEATER REMAINS IN FAVOR THIS YEAR Gaily Colored' Garment Worn on Every Occasion at Shore. Cottagers Arriving ATLANTIC CITY, Juno 3. Who said the sweater had had Its day? Verily, thli almost Indispensable garment hns returned to the Boardwalk moro attractlvo than over, and quite ns colorful. Yellow Is still tho favorite hue, although for that matter all the shades of the rainbow aro seen, cither singly or combined In cubist effects. Some of tho sweaters are built with hlgh-walsted bolts and most of them are several Inches longer than thoso worn so much last summer. Now that June Is hero the cottagers are arriving in largo numbors each day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welld and Mrs. Wclld's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Young, aro occupying their Ventnor cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Franz Ehrllch, Jr., have opened their cottage, 26 South Oakland avenue. Among the Phlladelphlans arriving dur ing the week to take possession of their summor homes are Mr. H. K. Benton, Mr. J. Bertram Mitchell. Mr. Howard B. Lig gett, Jr., Mr. Robin MacDonald, Mr. Robert W. Liggett ond Mr. Edgar Erdman. Mr. J. W. Donner Is visiting his family at the Chelsea. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Martin motored down to the Chelsea, accompanlod by Mr. nnd Mrs. W. P. Truxton and Mr. W. A. Day, of Washington. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Pike also motored down from town for a short stay at the Chelsea. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas It Allen are hero for their honeymoon. Miss Otga .Dorfner, the noted swimmer, Is spending a week with Mlsa Jessie Evans Schanz at her cottage, 23 Rhode Island avenue. Miss Jane Parker will entertain at bridge Monday afternoon at her summer .home, 6601 Atlantic avenue. The Chelsea Yacht Club will glye Its flrst card party of the season on Thursday afternoon. Weddings West Philadelphia Mrs. James H, Dawes, of 3300 Arch street, will entertain the Philadelphia Chap ter of the United Daughters of the Confed eracy at an informal reception this after noon from 3 until 6 o'clock to celebrate the birth of Jefferson Davis. Miss Ida Hoben, of 400 North 63d Btreet, entertained at dinner Wednesday evening, where the guests were Miss Adele Solomon, Miss Marie Hoben, Miss Margaret Lynch, Miss Anita Solomon, Miss Helen Garvey, My. Milton Holtfleld, Mr. Richard Porter, Mr, Paul Supplee, Mr, Walter Chase, Mr. Philip McCann and Dr. D. M, Robertson. Spring flowers were used for the table dec orations. Miss Frances aillln, of 6243 Haverford avenue, and Miss Mary Thllow, of River ton, N. J., were among the members of the automobile party that motored to Ocean City, N. J., yesterday, to be the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Bailey and their two young daughters, Mlsa Lucy Bailey and Miss Eleanor Bailey, formerly of 330 North Robinson street, left yesterday for Ilarrlsburg, Pa., to occupy their new home, at 1916 Roadside avenue. Miss TUlle Nowatny and Mlsa Bertha No watny, of 112 North 54th street, will spend the week-end at Pitman, N. J., as the guests pf Mrs. A. Robert Wilson. Mrs. Anna J. Howe, pf 3541 Falrmount avenue, wU entertain at luncheon on Mon day, followed by a theatre party. The guests Will be Mrs. John Qunier, Mrs. Harry Grau. Mrs. L. Feldens and Miss Emily J. Howe. North Philadelphia Mr. Albert Scheuerle, of 1534 North Will Ington street, Is entertaining a house party over the week-end at his bungalow, Aloe-Among-the-Pines, Sewell, N, J. The guests are Miss Bertha Rose. Miss Lavinla Pen rose, Miss Ethel Scott, Mr. Earl Eastburn and Mr, Charles Nowatny, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Gurk will chaperon the party, Mrs. E. Bergey, of 1115 West Dauphin street, Is the week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. Henry Frits, of Doytestown, Delaware County The marriage of Miss Lorttta Splatn, of Ashland, Pa., to Mr. James A. Mahoney, of Oak View, took place on Wednesday at 4 o'clock In St, Charles' Roman Catholic Church. After a wedding trip to Washing. ton, D, C,Mr, ana Mrs. wanonsy will lve In Oak View, Miss Eleanor Johnson, of Morton, will leave today to spend the summer in Wild wood. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Mahoney. of Gar retford, are being congratulated on the birth of (wins, a son and, a daughter. Mr- Rebecca Miller, of Clifton Heights, ieiw,ettai,nig n n.otnr, par, ona wai OJ T(QjU, UAjen, 4 DAVIS JAYNE. One of the most Important weddings of the early summer will take place this after noon at 4 o'clock, when Miss Kate Furncss Jayne, daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs, Horace Howard Furness, wilt become tho bride of Mr. Robert Hare Davis. The cere mony will be performed In the Presbyterian Church at Media. The bridesmaids will be Miss Frances Tyson, Miss Elizabeth Thomp son, Miss Anna Blnney Brlnton, Miss Mar jorlo Paul Morris nnd Miss Anne W, Mclrs. LAIRD CHICHESTER. The mArrlago of Miss Lydla Chichester, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Washington Chi chester, of Sandy Spring, Md., to Mr Philip Dandrldgc Laird, of Wilmington, will be solemnized this evening nt 6 o'clock In St John's Protestant Episcopal Church. Wil mington. Tho Rov. William N. Laird, a brother of the bridegroom, nnd tho Rov, Alban S. Rlchey, rector of St John's, will officiate. The bride, who wltl bo given In marriage by her father, will bo attended by her sis ter, Miss Sara Chichester, ns maid of honor, and by her aunt, Mrs. A. Felix duPont n matron of honor. Tho bridesmaids will bo Miss Harriet Klrkus, Miss Madeline Owens, Miss Mary Goldsborough Lnlrd, nil of Wil mington j Mlsi Doris Lea, of Sandy Spring j Miss Mary Bovorly Fox, of this cltj', nnd Miss Jessie Van It Bond, of Baltimore Lit tle Miss Lydla Chichester duPont, daughter nt Mr. and Mrs. A. Felix duPont, and Miss Mollle duPont Lnlrd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, William Winder Ln(rd, wilt bo flower girls, Mr. Laird will havo his hrothcr, Mr, Walter J. Laird, as best man. Immediately following the ceremony, a reception will be held at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs A. Felix duPont, with whom Miss Chichester has been making hor homo for soveral years. GRTJBB MacQUOID. A wedding of Interest to Philadelphia so ciety will take placo at Rosello, N. J when Miss Helen MacQuold, daughter of ex-Mayor nnd Mrs. Charles Wright MacQuold, will becomo tho brldo of Mr, Edward Burd Grubb, Jr., of Burlington, N. J., only son of tho late General Grubb, who was Minis ter to Spain during tho Harrison Adminis tration, and Mrs. Grubb, who was, before her marriage, Miss Violot Sopwlth, of Eng land. Tho ceremony will bo Eolemnlzcd at 6 o'clock this ovcnlng In St Luko's Church, Rosello, N, J with tho Rev. Charlos S. Wood and the Rev. John Fearnly officiating. Miss Gertrude Mott of Burlington, will act ns maid of honor, and the bridesmaids will Includo Miss Beatrlco M. Hollaway, of Beverly, N. J.: Miss Dorothy Van Gordcr, of Pittsburgh: Miss Frances Bain, of New burg, N. Y, ; Mlsq Edith Bordon, of Bosellc, nnd Mlsi Adolo Blrdsall, Miss Violent D. Grubb, sister of tho brldogroom, and Miss Helen Mooro will bo flower girls. Mr. William Cortwrlght, of Beverly, N. J., will bo host man, and tho ushers will In' elude Mr. William T. Kirk, Mr. Thomas Hollowny. Mr. Allen Kite, of Beverly, N. J. ; Mr. Richard F. Mott, of Burlington, N. J. -, Mr. Frederick Wheeler, of Philadelphia; Mr. Joseph Jones, Mr. Sidney F. Trewln and Mr. Zachurlnh Bclche.-, Jr., of Rosello, N. J. HUNNEMAN MATTHEWS. Tho marrlago of Miss Alyse Matthews, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Mat thews, will take placo this evening at 6 o'clock at tho home of the bride, Claralys, in Langhorne. Mrs. John Wallace Hallowell, Jr., of Merlon, will act as matron of honor, and tho bridesmaids will Includp Mlsi Eliza beth Stetson Cummlngs, of this city; Miss Alberta Merrill, of Hamilton, Mass., nnd Miss Eleanor Wild, or Brooklyn, N. Y. The flower girls will be Miss Catherine Allison. Miss Lillian Allison and Miss Florenco Henderson Bell. Mr. Hunno man's brother, Mr. Dexter R. Hunneman, of Brookllne, Mass., will act as best man and tho ushers will Include Mr. Benjamin Hunneman nnd Mr. Roger D. Hunneman. of BrookUne," also brothers of tho bride groom, and Mr. Stanley Ileald, of South Weymouth, Mass. BALDWIN POTTER. Tho wedding of Miss Mary Evelyn Pot ter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pot ter, of 1016 South 49th street, to Mr. Rob ert Taylor Baldwin will take placo quietly this ovenlng at 7 o'clock at the Aldlnc, with only the Immediate families and a few In timate friends present. Thd bride's only attendants will be her cousin. Miss Flor onco Frlshmuth, who will act ns maid of honor, and little Miss Elinor Lord, of New York, who will be flower girl . Mr. F. Taylor Gauze, of Wilmington and New York, will act ns best man and there will be no ushers. The ceremony will be performed by tho Rev. J, A. MacCallum, pastor of tho West Walnut Street Presby terian Church. A reception from 8 until 10 o'clock will follow the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin after a wedding Journey will make their home at 1400 RIvervlew avenue, Wilmington, where they will be at home after September 1. LEWIS DETWILER. The marrlage.of Miss Mario E. Detwiler. of 2337 Thompson street, nnd Mr, Edwin Arthur Lewis, of West Philadelphia, took place this afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at tho North United Presbyterian Church, 15th and Master streets. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis left Immediately for Baltimore, where they will make their home. HARVEY TERRILL. The marriage of Mlsa Helen G. Terrlll. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Ter rlll, of 3630 North 16th street, to Mr. David Harvey, of 3344 North 15th street, was solemnized on Thursday evening In the Tioga Presbyterian Church, 16th and Tioga streets. The ceremony was per formed by the pastor, the Rev. Robert Llt tell, and waB followed by a reception at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. Ter rlll gave his daughter In marriage. Attend ing the bride were Miss Natalie Wallace, maid of honor; Miss Margretta Harvey, Bis ter of the bridegroom; Miss Ruth Watson, Miss Mabel Foley and Miss Florence Nlck ols. of Pottstown, bridesmaids. Mr. Harvey had his brother, Mr, Robert Harvey, for best man, and for ushers Mr. Joseph Terrlll. cousin of the bride; Mr. Joseph Harvey. Mr. Burnett Harvey nnd Mr. James McCutcheon. Mlsa Violet Ter rlll the bride's cousin, accompanied tho organist, Miss Evelyn Esslck, of Potts town, with the harp. Mr. Harvey and hla bride left on an extended journey and will be at home after September 1 at 4614 North 12th street. DECKER DARBY. Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Marian F. Darby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry F Darby, of 2119 West Venango street, to Mr, John C. Decker, of 2816 West Glrard avenue, on Thursday, at noon. In the Church of St. John the Bap, tlst, Germantown. The ceremony, which was performed by the rector, the Bev. Dr. George W. Lincoln, was a very quiet one, and Immediately after Mr. Docker and his bride left for the White Mountains. They will return the end of September and will live in Tioga. ' Bala-Cynwyd Mr. John P. Holt and MUs Holt, of 9 Colwyn road, Cynwyd, will give a delfcht ful reception this afternoon, from 1 until 1 o'clock, to meet Miss Helen d'Aurla, daugh ter of Mr, and Mrs. Lulgl d'Aurla and granddaughter of Brigadier General Rob erts, whose engagement to Mr. William J. Unit was announced last month. Miss Holt will be assisted In receiving by Mrs., nichard Zeckwer and Mrs. Richard T. Doone.r. Mrs. D'Aurla and Mrs. John P. Holt, Jr.. will preside at the tea table, which wll be decorated with early sum mer flowers. The guests will number about 2Q0. Dr- and Mrs. Howard A. Kelly and lIJss Letltla Kelly, of Baltimore, who came up to attend the graduation of Miss Esther W Kelly at Bryn Mawr College, stopped over in Bala to visit Mr. and Mrs, Henry Kuhl Kelly, Jr., before returning home. Mrs- Edward Legge, of Boston, who has been the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson, will return feame tod3y accompanied P? her Mother, Master J, Saaw 6tf$fcaspn Jrt COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES . ARE THE ORDER OF THE1 DAY Gordon School Held Interesting Affair Last NJghtA Recital Will Be Given in Estey Hall on Monday Night THE commencement exercises of the Gor don School were held last night In the Woodland Presbyterian Church, 42d and Pino strcots, In nn attractlvo setting of talms, ferns and flowers. There xvere school songs by the pupils nhd a recitation, The Rev. JnmcR Ratnsay Swain, pastor of the church, delivered the address. Tho grad llatca wero Miss Marjorlc BaRsett, MIsj Isabel Montgomery, Miss Constance Tofel ml Miss Virginia Barclay. Medals were awarded by the faculty nnd pupils of the school to Miss HelPn Brndley, Miss Isabel Jamison nnd Miss Florenco Gilpin for ex cellence In work and conduct during the year. With Miss Lamberton, the principal, til the platform wng Miss Roney, who will head tho Bchool next season. A recital will bo given on Monday ovc nlng nt Estey Hall, 17th nnd Walnut streets, by tho four Hubbard children, ranging In ago from 10 to 16 yenn Master Stanley E. Hubbard, organist; Miss Blancho V. Hubbard, lmrplst; Miss Blue Irene Hubbard, cellist, and Master Charles S. Hubbard, violinist An Interesting program will be given, with the assistance of Mr. John Thompson nt tho piano, Miss Elma Carey Johnson, Roprnnoi Mr. Henri Morrlkcn, tenor, nnd Miss Elizabeth Wetzel, reader. MIhs Rose Reznek and Miss Ray Rcz nek, of 1718 North Wilton street, enter tained a few friends last Sunday. Among tho guests were Miss Ida Levant, Miss Lillian Schermor, Miss Kathcrlno Frankol, tho Misses Dorothy and Mary Vogelson, MIri Pearl Rlttenborg, MIbs Jcanotte Moses, Mr. Leon Velll, Mr. Susan, Mr. William Lovnnt, Doctor Moses, Dr. Jack Bramnlck. Mr. Lastroff nnd Mr. Bnlrd. A dancing contest, In which nil participated, was won by Mr. Velll and Miss Frnnkel. Mr. J. Bramnlck and Miss Lillian Sehcrmer. Miss Mary Vogelson and Mr. William Levant. IN CELEBRATION of Its 76th anni versary. Roxborough Lodge, No. 66, In dependent Order of Odd Fellows, will give a banquet this evening nt Woodvalo. Wlssa hlckon, tho clubhouse of the American Bridge Company. Mr. William F. Dixon, roprcsontatlvo to the Grand Lodge, will pre side, nnd nddrcssea will bo made by Mr. Richard Cope and tho Rev. James Alcock. The guests will Includo Mr. and Mrs. George H. Anders, Mr. and Mrs. William C. Ames, Mr. and Mrs. John Edward Aram, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Gordon Beaver, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Georgo Bolfiser, Mr. and Mrs, Charles E Bartle. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin E. Bea van. Mr. and MrB. Charles W. Cantrell, Mr. nnd Mrs. Richard Cope, Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Cope, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Calverley, Jr., Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph C. Davenport, Mr. nnd Sirs. Thomas J. Dixon, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. F. Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Eckersley. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles C. Eddleman, Mr. and Mrs. William Eddie man, Mr. and Mrs. William Eddleman. Jr., Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert Frank. Mr., and Mrs. ,,,... n T.-,,lr TTv nnH Mm. Walter F. Fancourt. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Greavc, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grossmlllcr, Mr. and Mrs. James Hlndle, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo A. Hardman. Mr. and Mrs. N, Walter Hagon bucker. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Klppax, Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Keely. Mr. nnd Mrs. William V. Klster. Mr. nnd Mrs. William C. Levering, Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. F. Laza lero, Mr. nnd Mrs. William A. Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Markley. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mlsslmer, Mr. nnd Mrs. Horace V. MncFadyen. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse G. Pny. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Rlghter, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Rltter, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Rlghter, Dr. nnd Mrs. James D. Schofleld, Mr, an4 Mrs. CV Morris Swattley, Mr. and Mra. T, Wllford Schoneld, Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur P. Schofleld, Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Blsler, Mf. and Mrs. Edgar Stafford, Mr. and Mrs. Henry V, Tnrbuck, Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Thorpe, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wolfenden, Mr. nnd Mrs. Oscar Wilde and Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Whltcman, The present officers are: Noblo grand, Mr. J. Gordon Beaver! vice grand, Mr. Jesse D. Phy; sec retnry, Mr. Benjamin E. Beaven; treas urer, Mr. Richard Cope, and degree master', Mr. Wilbur P. Schofleld. Tho clubhouse will be decorated with cut flowers and plants, and'the banquet will be pieceded by n reception. The members of the K. K. Klub wero en tertained last evening at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Lnwrence Gettlngs, 3046 Whar ton street There wero several vocal solos by both Mr. George Moore and Mr, Law rence Gettlngs. There were piano solos by Mr. Gettlngs, ns welt ns, Mr. Frederick Schauffelo. Those present were Mrs. George D. Craig, Mrs. L. Gettlngs, Miss Nntallo Craig, Miss Marie Warren, Miss Jane Wardell, Mr, Lawrence Gettlngs, 8r., Mr. Lawrence Gettlngs, Jr., Mr. George Mooro. Mr. Calvin Craig, Mr. Frederick Schauffele, Mr. George D. Craig artd Mr. Emit Poterson. Mlsi Edith Skublnsky and Miss Rose Skublnsky, of 707 South Btreet will give a, luncheon tomorrow afternoon In honor of Miss Eva Trager and Miss Edith Marko witch. Among thoso receiving will ba Miss Bella Lnvinsky, Mlsa Rebecca Lavlnsky, MIrs Frances Amon, Miss Elizabeth Amon, Miss Ethel Harris. Miss Anna Turctz. Mr. H. Fink. Mr. P. Ellwood, Mr. Mitchell La vltsky, Mr. Morris Amon. Mr. I. Turetz, Mr. George Lansberg. Mr. William SkU blnsUy nnd ilr. F. Williams. THE next meeting of the Dux Club, for merly tho Sylvia Club, will tnke place tomorrow evening at the home of Mr. Al bert Rlchmanr, 843 South 2d street, lit. Langhorne and Mr. Bennett, of Portland, Mo., will speak and a supper will follow. Mr. G. Y. Clement, 226 Columbia avenue, gave a dinner last night ut the Casino, Wil low Grovo. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Rawllson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Clement, Mr. nnd Mrs. Garrotson, of Trevose; Mr. and Mrs. Doty, Mr. and Mm Huntsman, Mr. and Mrs. Norton, Mr. and MrB. Maclntlre, Miss Butterworth nnd Miss Van Name, Mr. Run yon, Mr. TonCate, Mr. and Mrs. Buckhelm and Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox. The L. G. Club Is giving an outing at Alcyon park today. The members aro Miss Anita Solomon, Miss Margaret Lynch, Miss Isabella Heavy, Miss Sadlo Han ntgan. Miss Rose McGuckln, Miss Anna Logue, Miss Frances Williams, Miss Mary Purcoll, Miss Eleanor ICane, Mr. Sldrioy Rico, Mr. Theodoro Hess, Mr, Herbert Do Henzell, Mr. Edward Kurtz, Mr. Charles Albrecht, Mr. William Whitman, Mr. Percy Ennls, Mr. Charles Eant, Mr. Albert Par sons nnd Mr. Harry Laburan. Miss Mabel Wallace entertained nt a linen shower on Monday ovenlng. In honor of Mrs. William Charleton, who will be re membered as Miss Carolina Kohen. The guests Included Miss Anna Kohen. Mls's Florence McKena, Miss Gertrude McKena,' Miss Lillian Muench, Miss Belle Kenny, Miss Anna GUI, Miss Helen Bates, Miss Lillian Bates, Mrs. Earl Thompson and Mrs. John Pcttit. Lansdowne The Lansdowne Flower Association will hold Its annual flower show In the Twen tieth Century Club this afternoon and eye ing, Every ono has been Invited to ex hibit plants and flowers, and It is expected to bo one of the loveliest shows -that tho association hns given. Mr. Samuel S. Pen nock Is president. Dr. Matthew H. Cryer. vlco president, Mr. C. Wilfred Conard, secre tary and Mr. Wharton E. Harris, treasurer, and the Executive Committee includes Mrs. Morgan Bunting, Mr. C. Wilfred Conard. Dr. Matthew H. Cryer, Mr. George W. Goucher, Mr. Georgo L. Pennock. Mr. Sam uel S Pennock, MIbs Ethel A. Shrigley. Mr. Arthur Shrigley nnd Mr. Wharton E. Harris. Tho patronesses will be Mrs, William Con way. Mr3. Matthew H. Cryer, Miss Helen J. Wright, Mrs. Abram L. Pennock, Mrs, Arthur Shrigley. Mrs, Alfred C. Balch. Mrs. Isaac T Jones, Mrs. Frederick J. Petry, Mrs. Edgar Scott, Mrs. Samuel S. Pennock, Mrs. John M Shrigley. Mrs, C. Carroll Llp plncott, Mrs. C. Wilfred Conard. Mrs. Charles J. Pilling. Mrs. Edward C. Kirk, Mrs. Mary Garretson Cook, Mrs. Thomas G. Cooper, Mrs. Matthias Homer a-d Mrs. Rob ert F. Irwin. The Flower Show Committee Is Mlsn Cora Brooks, Mls3 Elizabeth Cryer, Mlsa Ethel Gilbert, Mr. Henry Homer, Dr. Robert Huey, Mr. A. Canova Swayne, Miss Florenco Conway, Mrs. Frederick W, Kelly, Mlsa Helen A. Read. Mr. David R. Richie, Mrs. A. F. Shoemaker and Mr. C Carroll Llpplncott chairman, The Judges will be Mr. Caspar Pennock, Mls3 Elizabeth R. Allen, Mr. William McCrea Thompson, Mr. Robert L. Pyle and Mr. William II. Brown. Roxborough m3S2g8SU3S$asm ltfM$j$l p MISS MARIE DE VAUX The June meeting of the Woman Suf frage party of tho 2lBt Ward will bo held on Monday at the home of Miss May Bramble, the registrar, on Monastery ave nue. Tho recently elected officers ore: Mrs. Peter Hummel, leader; Mrs. Albert C. Rom mel, assistant; Miss Frances Snyder, treas urer, and Miss Anna Bramble, secretary. Mrs. Charles P. Martyn la chairman of the Publicity Committee. The immediate work of tho party will be to secure a worker for each precinct and hold the reg ular meetings In as many different neigh borhoods as possible. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Richardson have re turned from their wedding Journey and nro receiving1 at their home, 302 Rochrlla avenue. Wlssahlckon. The bride vdll ba remembered as Miss Ella E. Gruver, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Gruver, of 561 East Leverlngton avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Russell II. Tlppett are re ceiving at their new home, 4307 Mitchell street, having returned from an extended e wedding Journey. Mrs. Tlppett was Miss Geneva Kelly, daughter of Mrs, Charles C. Bleacher, of 4364 Manayunk avenue. Kensington River Crest, the preventorium of Ken sington Dispensary for the Treatment of Tuberculosis, in jPhoenixvllle, Pa., Is hold ing donation day today. All sorts of fancy articles are on sale. The River Crest Com mittee consists of Mrs. Adolph Woll, Mlssf Laura Swope and Mrs. A. M. Sower, MrsJ Augusta Ischler Is superintendent and Mrs. Francis Bailey Brown is financial secretary. St. Anne's Literary- Institute held Its 10th annual dance In St. Anne's T. j. B. Hall, East Lehigh avenue and Miller street, last evening. Miss Mary Krouse, of 2146 East Cumber land street, has returned from a trip to Reading, Pa. The annual outing of the Holy Name'ciub, will be held at Neshamlny Falls tomorrow Mr, and Mrs. David McKlbbon, of 290O Mr. and Mrs. David Mulrlbbon, of 2909 Frankford avenue, are at WJldwood, N. J, Miss Marls da Vaux, of Windermere ave nue, will be given a birthday party this evening by her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. de Vaux. Among the guests will be Mtss Mary Worthlngton. Mlsa Nora Shea, Mrs. Johanna Sweeney, Miss Marlon Haley. Miss Ellle McCully, Miss Bessie McCully, Mlsa Anna Sullivan, MUs Kathertne. 8uUh van. Miss Marlon Ocsterile, Miss, Marguerite Kalsha,w, Mlsa Marlon Kalshaw and JUaa Dorothy Powers, Mtss Ruth jyegler win entertain; a num bej; of friend at ioe homo t Bat Gfta vGd. B,ve;m on Junti IS, Wilmington WILMINGTON, Del., June 3. Miss Claire Ellegood, who will be one of tha bridesmaids for tha wedding of Miss Greta du Pont Barksdale and Mr. F Don aldson Brown, which will take place on June 20, will entertain Mlsa Barksdale's maid of honor and bridesmaids at a rose breakfast on Monday, June 19, In the tardea of her home At the wedding of Miss Bessie Mary Dun ham and Lieutenant Robert Douglas Moore, United States Navy, In Westminster Presbyr terlan Church on Saturday, June 17, at 4t o'clock In the evening, the attendants will be Mrs. Clement W. Miller, matron of honor, and Miss Marlon Dunham and Mlsa Frances Dunham. Bisters of the bride; Miss Con stance Moore, the bridegroom's sister; Miss Eleanor Pyle, Miss Margaret Whlttaktr, Mlsa Eleanor Bush and Mlsa Eleanor Bourne, of Cleveland, as bridesmaids. Mr. W. Maxwell Moore, a brother of tha bridegroom, will be h'a best m$n, and the ushers will be Mr. Henry T Bush, Mr- eiem ent W, Miller, Mr. Donald Satterthwatts. Mr. Paul J. Nowland. Mr Harry Z. Max well, of Germantown i Lieutenant Henry W Kleffer, United States Navy, and Lieutenant A. Beckwlth Sanborn, United. States. Navy. There will be a reception at the horns of th j bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. It Dun ham, 1101 Broome street. Immediately fet lowing the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Charles Prevost Sa Arthur, pf Butfalo, N- Y- hv anooajw the engagement of tblr aushter, Iflm Mary N. MacArthur to Mr- Eww lWl BartUtt, aleo of BulfaK. UU HaArt U a granddaughter of tha U Dr. Immtt Bush nd l o Mr, CtohtosHrC Ward, of this city. - . . What Boing Ton 1 BaM WW . jTfiafly & 333&spreif Ml SgRWfcOfr v FT'rT T JMM& Bust--.,-!,