n MittlSnMApMriteultal V J.r VKLIOTABATTA(3I attorno ai fortt w "- ARSEROEDIASLAfiO .nil i General! Austriael Uccisi. Una Colonna Nemica Fuggo In DisOrdino Lascinrtdo Mortt c Feriti m 4r GLI ATTACCHI tfESPINTI tl Monte fc'pln. L'jittacco fu arrestato Mite extreme fAlde fettentrlonall dl quell tnomagnft, Un'altrn colonna AvahcA' Verso Sant'tlbaldo, a eudest dl Arslero, ma fu bMttila resplnla In dlsordlnn nl dl la" del Poslha. SuH'aKoplano del Setto Comlinl VI e' una forto presslone nemica contro In noslro poslzlonl dl aid hut Moijtc Cn Rio o hella plccola vallala dl Campo Mula, La sltunxloho nella Val Suganit o' lm mutato. Nell'alto Hut n e' nvtita la oolltn nttlvltn' deH'nrtlftlterln nemica. IAihgd la fronts delll'tzonzo I noslrl repartl continuant) n. fare audncl ln curslonl contro le lloeij nemlcho ed una dl esl he catturato un cannone lanc.'a bombo nemlco. Martedl' o mcrcoledl' una nostra Kqundrlglla dl aeroplanl Ca pronl upero' Ineuralonl Bulla Val d'Assn lanclando 100 bombo su accnmpairlontl e su deposit! del nemlco. con ottlnil rlsullntl. ail avlatorl rllornnrono In- columl ntla loro base. Ha prodotto buona Impressions II dccreto che stabilises che t'lstltuto Nazlonafo dello Asslcurnxlonl puo' nsslcurarc la vta del fcoldatl combattentl Itallanl pel una sommrt non superiors nlle 10.000 lire. I nrld.i(t devono fare domanda df nsslcurnzlone nej Ivn alia fronto. - ' -I'-'l.v-iiJiV-n . , i lfr-,rt,i..,.r.,t.i,.t,,.i. - - ' -I - ----. ...,-, I. I I nl'-i I " GIRL Iff YEARS'OLD ' TO WED YOUTH 23 Two Other Maids, Each 17 Years. of Age, Get Marriage Licenses LA GUERRA MMINENTE TRA BULGARIA E GRECIA Le Icclazioni tra 1 Due Paesi Cos! Tese che Si Crcde Pros- sima la Completa Rottura - . i , ROMA, t aiugnc, rvella aona dl Arslero e Jn corBo una iolentlsslma olTcnslva degll austrlacl che ' ecrennd dl clrcondaro quella borgata. for tlflcata. fr guadagnara l'accesso all strada Che porU a Schld, II Mlnlsterro delta Guerra annuncla die fell attacchl operatl Mrl daftlt austrlacl sono statl resplntl o die tra 1 hlortl aUStrlncrl nnrtn ,1ma ffnmll Won soUanto contro Arslero sr e' scllup- ?ey" TiimX. ,iS mS!!0 Zrw jmta 1-offenslva austrl ca. ma ancho contro itf?" d,LdIocl Blo'nl dop " loro nrr,v l torti dl Aitlagb. JIa ell austrlacl lianno sublto perdlte cosl' grandl cho cssl hanno uovuto domandare rnforxl. Lo perdlte Bono late spcclalmento gravl tra gll umclall. Una colonna. austrlaca che attaccava In dlrozlono dl SanfUbaldot nella lona dl Arslero, o strtta mexzo annlentata. questa colonna fu presa sotto un fuoco d'lnferno delte batterlo Italians appostato sullo alture, dovette fugclro In dlsordlno e rlattri- ' rersare it torrcnto Poslna lasclando .l campo I suol numerosl mortl o feriti. SI dice cho una grande quantlta' dl munlzlonl tedenche Bono usate datte artl rrlerlo nustrlacho, II che conferma cho e' da Berllno cho si allmenta e st dlrlgo 1'oilenslva delt'Austrla contro l'Jtalla. L Va perdlts gravtsslme sublto dngll austrlacl non Bono soltnnto causato dal fuoco Itallano, nia nacho dalla natura del terrcno cho o' tutto gole o rupt o prcclplzll, dovo o' Im- poasioue costruiro rlparl. Si TEtfDE IjA TnAPPOLA? Gil Itallanl contlnuano a reslstere strenu nmente all'avanzata dcglt austrlacl al cen tro dolla fronts dl battaglla. SI rltlcno gen cralmente cho la prosslma vlolcnta battaglla el svolgora' attorno alio concho dl Arsleroo dl Aslago, sull'altoplatio dol Sctte Comunl, dove appunto sle e' sferrato lo sforzo plu' vlgoroso delle forzo attaccantl. I clrcoll mllltarl itallanl contlnuano ad essero completamcnte nduclosl circa M'eslto dl questa lotta tltanlca. Git austrlacl avranno un complto estremamente arduo davantl a loro so vogtlono ragglungereT la planum dl Vlccnza, ed I critic! mllltarl cono d'oplnlono che lo Stato Magglore Ital lano stta prcparando al comandantl austrl acl una nuova Sedan, una plena o clamorosa ncontltta. v II Mlnlstoro delta Gucrra pubbllcava lerl acra it seguento rapporto del generalo Cadorra circa la sltuazlono alia fronto dl battaglla: Nella Val Lagarlna si sono avutl duelll dl artlgllcrla. II nemltento' ancora lerl nel pomerlgglo un attacco dl sor presa contro le nostra poslzlonl del Passo dl Buole. ma fu resplnto con contrattacchl alia balonctta. Xel Bettors del Pasublo si sono avuto azionl dl artlgllcrla. Rlpctutt , attacchl del nemlco In dlrezlone delle nostre poslzlonl dl Fornl Alt! furono resplntt brllllantemente dalle nostre 1 truppe alpine. Xella zona tra II Poslna e 1'alta vails deU'ABtto contlnuo' lerl la'vlolenta azl ons dl artlgllerla. Nsl pomerlgglo una colonna nemica, avendo atttraversato II torrcnto Postna, attacco' In dlrezlono Telegramml gluntt a noma da Atene dlcono che le rolaztonl tra In Bulgnrla o la Qrcclo sono cosl' tese che si credo Imml- nents lo scopplo delta gucrra. In segulto all'occupazlone bulgara dl trc fortl In terrl torlo grcco, prourlo nella zona che le Bui- garln desldcra, I soldatl greel fecero fuoco sulle truppe bulgare. II rapprcscntante delta Bulgaria allora presento' una protestn nl prcsldcnte del Conslgllo grcco, ma questl rlnuto' pcrslno dl prcnderla In consldcni zlone. Da clo' una sltuazlone che si crede portera' alia gucrra, In Orccla Intanto b! fa plu' Intcnsa l'ngltazlone vcnlzcll?ta in fnvoro dclla guerrn contro la Bulgaria, cd In nlcunl puntl si mlnnccla pcrslno la rlvoluzlone. Sulla fronto lallnna gll austrlacl stanno nttnecando vlolcntcmento I fortl dl Arslero, ma sono statl resplntl con perdlte cnorml, come dlcono telegramml da Iloma, Anche contro Aslago si pronuncla vlolenta 1'olTeti siva austrlaca. Gertrude Knight! 16 years old, of 6804 upland street, obtained a marriage license I --.., ,w,,i wicin f uhuduii an hiiu uiuciinu Bureail to wed Georgo Betham, 23 years old, a teamster, of 2411 South Itccso street. ivo ivycnr-oii gins also ontaincd mnr rings licenses. The first one, Sophia A Aftiher, of 6.012 Ardtctgh avenue. Chestnut Hill, will marry James F, MoKolvcy, 21 jenrs old., a brnkemnn, of 922 North 7th Btroet, Chester. I'a. AIIsm Htnher's fn(hi- la dead, nnd It was necessary for Iter mother wiiogih iu iiie mtirrjane. Tho other 17-ycar-old girl, Mary Krech Icr, Is a knitter, and resides at OBJ New Market street. She will wed George Albert ieun, s years old, a leather finisher, of 210 East Thompson street. The fathers of both of tho applicants gavo their consent to tho marriage. Other licenses Isiucd today are! William P. Miller, Jr., DojlMtnnn, Vs.. an.l' 1 Wri5..Ai-- EorP. y :i". .1 . i'.nf ve.. nm! William U, Armtronn. :Uui bnnaom ii.. nn.i iL'ni;lti. '!. "".su. Narbrrth, Pa. A,i.or,5if.' V-,1Rn.,t'.ns.,T CrltlenJen at., and Mary Ilole, aiui Amlcraon at. Kaaprrak, 4JSII llelgrailc at. K,I-ri;,l,.?i' 'r?' "nony at., nn.l Anna KucinjT. air rino t. Hih?,!"l a?i''!tr' ""Itlmore, Md , and Lillian Sohulor. IHItlmorr. Mil, "IchatTl J. u. Trim. U.'O 8. -11th at., anil (lerirude Pluell :iia Walnut at. Morris I'ettler, RJJ Itltner at., and Anna Winn. nni. '.'I'M u fin. -. Jan O. (lolumbelc IMS Blalno at and Teotla at., nnd t.lln and POLICE CAN'T FIND GIRL FOR WHOM BOY SHOT FOUR . THE WEATjHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON, June 2. For eastern Pennsylvania nnd New Jer sey Partly cloudy tonight and Saturday, with probably thunder showers ; warmer to litght; fresh to strong south winds. Fair weather has continued In the At lantic States, with slowly rjslng tempera ture at mo3t places. Tho Western disturb ance has moved northeastward from Kan sas to the Lake region, with showers and thunderstorms in its northern quadrants. It has caused a decided rise In temperature Jn the Ohlfo basin nnd the lower Lake region, from a considerable deficiency to a slight excess. A cooler area ha3 overspread the plains States at the 'ear of the storm, and light frost occurred at some places In tho Rocky Mountains and In the Plateau region. U. S. "Weather Bureau Bulletin Obaerr&tlons taken at 8 a. m.. Eastern time. . 8 UatRatn. Veloe Btatlon. a.m. n't, fall.win i,ww...u ... rt am ma ... ;,, T'Kiiirr i V-TXTX X?l"" XJ En" ,"., 1U to"" "-:" v..f .... -- i?.iumor, aia. Blinikrck. N. D. &tfiiK. tnaa. 6 tttla. N. T..j. 6 CIu;leaton, S. C, 70 IMi.lBIUJII, , Chlcaso. IlL Cincinnati, O, , Cleveland, O. . Dnver. Col. . Detroit. Mich, i nalveaton. Tax, Harrlihurr. Pa. natural. N. C. Halifax, N. S. Melenu tfint. Huron. S. 1. . Indianapalla, Ind. 70 74 OS 48 nil 78 02 7H no 4a 48 74 Jacksonville. FU. 7tt Kanaaa City. Mo.. 04 Knoxvllle. Tnn.. 72 Little nock.Ark., 72 Ijoa Annlea. Cal, B4 XdulavllU. Kr.... 70 Montgomery. Ala. 7H Montreal. Can.,. 04 Kaahvtllt. Tenn.. 70 New Orleans. La. 78 New York city,.. 08 Norfolk. Va. .... (l Oklahoma. Okla.. 70 Omaha, Neb. .,, a4 3'hlladolphla, Pa.. 04 Phoenix. Art. . ,. 00 rittiSurub. Pa... 08 Portland, Me. ... 00 Portland, Ore.,.. 40 Quebec. Can SO Bt. Louis, Mo..,, 70 Bt. Paul. Minn... SO Bait Lake, Utah. 44 f a.n Antonio. Tex. 74 Ban Franclaor .. BO Banta fe. N M.. BO Bcrunton, Va, ,,, 2 Tampa. Fla, .,,. la Waahlnston. D,C, 04 Wlnlper, Can. ... At ClI 50 BS 38 SO 00 72 en 08 02 40 58 54 60 42 40 48 71) 72 04 04 72 54 72 73 SO 74 74 58 50 68 62 58 00 01 52 it 74 54 43 74 SO 44 4t 68 50 34 :: ?v !? .. SW 12 .. NW ., . . NB . . .. 8 24 .. sn .. .10 w .. .. aw 12 .. 8 30 .66 h .. sw io .. B NB .. .02 b . ; .118 8W . . .20 NW 10 .. 8W 24 .. HB .. 14 N 14 .. HIT .. .. B 20 .. NB .. ..8 24 .. a ,. .". 8 jo B .. sw to .. flW .. N 22 .02 NW 14 .. SW 10 .. HB .. " ?. " XW :: sw :: .10 N 10 .20 SB .. .. BW 12 :: 8B :: .. b ao Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clar Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear P.cldy. P.cldy. Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear P.cldy. C oud C ear C ear Cur C oudy Cear Cear C ear Clear D'tOnm aoutha. ijJSpim: LENOTH OP DAY. Sua rU..,. 433a.m. Moon sets Sua iota.,.. 723 p.m. Moon aoutl DELAWARE BIVER TIDE CHANGES CHESTNUT 8TEET. KUh water.. MSa-m, llfh water.. 2:41 p.m Low water . 0:50 a.m. Low water!! M p!m! TEMPJElLTEaE AT EACH IIOUB TTT Continued from race One tho screams of terrified women made the affair most dramatic. According to tho police, tho row started as a fist fight, when O'Mullin, who had been beset by all four, backed against a wall and, drawing his revolver, shouted that he would shoot the first man who approached him. SHOTS SCARE peddstrians. Then started a rapid gunfire that scat tered pedestrians In all dlrccMons, crying In terror for the police. Ono by one each of the four men dashed at O'Mullin with the hope of wresting the pistol from his hand. Qno by ono they went down under his fire. Lieutenant Myers, of the 16th and Vine streets station, says O'Mullin fired flvo shots. Four of tho five took effect. With a single bullet In his pistol, O'Mul lin Jumped over tho four wounded men nnd Btarted a wild dash north on 20th street. For half a squaro he was unpur sued. Then men ran from shops and homes and started after him, full cry. Mean while Street Sergeant Gregory, of tho 15th and Vine streets station, who had heard the shots, arrived on tho run. Ho first tele phoned for three patrol wagons. Ho called for aid and was Joined by tho Lieutenant and Detective Kcoliune. O'Mul lin had disappeared, but the police had not been searching many minutes when two badly frightened women, at 211 North 20th street, Informed them that a man had rushed Into their home and was hiding un, dor a bed. With pistols drawn, the police went to the third floor. They know the fugitive had one shot left, and took no chnnces. Three pistols were poked under tho bed and Lieutenant Myers ordered his man to crawl out. He did to, a badly crumpled, dust-covered figure. But he still had the gun In his hand. O'Mullin told a rambling story while en route to tho police station. He was highly excited and Incoherent, nnd muttered asser tions that the gang had been "laying" for him because of a raw over a woman whose name the police Have been unable to learn. He declared that the fist fight and subse quent shooting were tho climax of an argument over the Irish rebellion. The wounded In the hospital could not be ques tioned, and O'Mullln'B story was discon nected.' It was commencement night at the Med-lco-Chlrurgical Hospital and visitors were being shown dver the Institution. When the three patrol wa'gonB rattled up to the hos pital door freighted with wounded men ex citement ran high. The two less seriously -wounded were quickly treated, while Casey and McOln ley were hustled Into the wards. O'Mullin was locked up on tho. formal charge Of aggravated assault and battery, with Intent to kill. The police are not certain where O'Mullin Is employed, but it was said last night he was connected with the Winchester Arms Company. WILL WIDEN CHESTER STREET Million-dollar Association Formed Improve Edgemont Avenue to CHESTER, Pa., June 2. The Edgmont Avenue Improvement Association has been formed here, with a capital of 11,000,000, to widen Edgmont avenue be tween 3d and 6th 'streets, making It one of the principal business streets, with a width of 60 feet. This will divert much business from Market street, which Is nar row and almost Impossible to widen be cause of the excessive pries of real estate, Virtually all property needed for the widening of the thoroughfare has been ac quired by the promoters, all of whom are local men. - - W I --Z VI' JVjW The House (hat Heppe Built eovNDBD nr ms adopted onb-piiwu syarBu m mi J, Heppe Si Son 1117.1UP Chestnut Street 6th and Thompson Streets $3 Weekly, for a Genuine Pianola A small down-payment -and $3 per week thereafter 3H secure a player-piano; a genuine Pianola; guaranteed to b ! equal of any qther player-piano sold elsewhere. YeuriBoney will he refunded jf you find a better value at ANY price. This instrument is made by the grea$ Aeolian Company, of New York, in tho largest factory in the world. jpptne and .see why ch & strong statement can be wad, Thk testruraeitf on salo ONLY at S HBPPE ft gojJT wxvnrmyrH WW tuga-praT st. l ,-" te i, wwnw , ' f" ns awe? mMMmK&MKi (Hi it . J'fn I in.prH pa."l 'f trehl( r320 U'akefleti AI ITIkipIi. O-.lll n.f..i . vKA. lW.r 1'V' 'umhcrliind st AlnrV V Daulnn tlll It. .11. t rSyt0JP.T"7JA,mm' "t. ' and Helena ...'J'rtnK..idT, Almond nl 1'dA,Ar1 ,J f!' "0J"""'. r'-on Hnrlem at., nnd Anna.M Finn. 3M IrUntf at . .yaapln, li!ll Krricrnl at. Airreii y Wfidcrffld, ChlcnTO. III. enw A Klllott, 338 N llllh at. Herman K Walls. 2.1.11 Taaker at. enRtnrnr nfl 1 n.. .!.... .. Jo"S''! 5v Jordan. LMI71 Ammlnim ave, Jum, JSK1!"??' 2K 1:.lln!r '' '""1 Fan'nlo Jack- CdAnril J S. JMIllama, 403 S A der Bt., nnd VHirnct 'i- hc.V:lsv.,.4il4 Kenllworth at llllnm J Smnrth, fi.114 Jamea at., and Mary . CI. Tralnnr, 41M1 Halem at. y Jamea J Dela Cour. UukWrw, Tu . f. Kolly. Clifton llelirhta I'n. Henry r Clllek. llradford. Pa.. ,iui,-ii 01 10 jnnper al o Uenly. 3ilin Knlrmount ae. v"nriJ,0X-'S;, I7 ,1 "!"" Bt- nn(l Pauline v . Mrnok, 3.p3ii N Cnrllile at I.rnest lllcwltt 1(1111 Wlnsohocklne St., nnd I.rmn. Harnea. Aahlnnd la, Jotln H. l'odmenlk. .-,1123 Carlton at . nn.l Mnrl A , .... .. ,, , .r . - ......... .. ,v.-- ., j-j. jui-k 81. I I 1 1 111 ,1 Im I k. Tag, vsr '"j kM alKlitSSlltlttftHaSa. mwimmimm DISGRUNTLED CARMEN BALfi; ON STRIKE VOTE MUch Loud Speaking rit Meeting, But P. It. T. Men Fall t lo Act, (10 A CM RICE BELIEVES IN PREPAREDNESS AND HAS HIS OARSMEN ON HUDSON EAUtf "BILLY" VAN OSTBN OLDEST HOTELKEEPER IN WORLD NEAR DEATH and I'lor nnd Julia nnd nnd Mnry nnd Ida C. "Billy" Van Oaten Keportcd Dying at His Old Fifth Street Tavern n and Ocr- K. J cter j. rrrnderitnat. ".1.1H Haln at trUdl. M f'nrMi, Tll KT ....!.... . Hdward Stnhl. 72 Diid'ley at., nnd Mnry ViJ'Viii.? UJ.lh 7'1-1 AenU8 P, and Agnea . ,i','AIltrr, H017 Ljnna ne. Adolphua It I,oette. 722 N lnth at., and nica- 1ri .. .. "1 " .'ii.iiiiuuiii. live. '"'"Tt. 1' Helms 2II1H Tlocn. at., and Criri! Jllntzer, 113rt Sediley ne. M SCHOOLHOUSE BDRNS A? VACATION BEGINS Fire Started in Cellar, Where Janitor Is Overcome While Destroying Rubbish NEWTOWN, Pa., Juno 2. Flro virtually destroyed the S1E.000 high school here this moraine, tho blaze starting In tho basement of tho building, where Georgo Bye, tho Janitor, was burning rubbish. Dye, over come with smoke nnd found unconscious on tho stairway leading to tho first floor by L. L. Kby, the principal, Is In a serious con dition. Mr. Eby. In his office, smelted smoke, and began an imestlgatlon. After carrying tho unconscious Janitor outsldo he ran to the flrehouse nearby and gavo tho alarm. When he returned tho Interior of tho build ing was enveloped In flames. Efforts by tho principal and 'his assistant were made to save some of the books and office equip ment, but only several typewriters were brought from tho structure. Tho old section of tho building was tho first to go, the flooring and stone walls tumbling In about an hour after tho flro was first discovered. Walls of tho new section, however, aro still standing. Practically tho entire vlllago turned out to help In fighting the flames. School was dismissed for tho season yesterday afternoon. "Hilly" Van Ostcn, pprhnps tlio world's oldest hotolltccpcr, Is dying In the old tav ern nt 10 North Cth street, which hns been his homo nnd his place of business for nearly 03 years He Is almost 01 years old. Ho wai stricken with pnoumonla on Sun tiny morning, and Dr. Samuel M. Wilson, of 15 IT Arch Htrcct, nnd two trained nurses nro In almost constant attendance on him. Hundreds of men, known to tho present generation of I'hlilslphlans as "old timers," but to "Judga" Vnn Ostcn as "youngsters," keep the telephone) wires hot with Inquiries ns to his condition, "nilly" Van Ostcn Is ns much a landmark of Philadelphia's early days as Is his public house. He Was born September 10, 1823, In the Oth Ward, which ho later represented continuously for 10 years In Councils: His mother, who before her marrlngo was Miss Mary Campbell, also was born In the samo ,vard In 1790. Hla maternal grandmother was uorn in the snmo district, and ond of the old mnn's trensurcs Is her marriage certifi cate, dated 1763, Mr. Van Ostcn nnd Colonel M. Rlchardi Mucklo were born on tho same day and were lifelong friends. For several years It had been tho custom of a number of their friends, of whom tho lato Georgo W, Kondrlck was tho chief, to celebrate their twin birthday anniversaries nt n Blnglo "party." Last year the "Judge" was tho sole guest of honor, as Colonel Mucklo had died. Mr. Kcndrlck died since the 1915 celebration. With 'policemen carrying riot clubs uta Honed about the building, tho trolleymcn nmilatcd wlUi Division No. 477, of the Amalgamated Association of Street Car Em ployes of inerlcn, met at 232 North Otli street, last rilg'u nnd decided to hold the matter of n strike In abeyance. There were two meetings, the first at 8120 o'clock, attended by 3S0, and tho second at lilO o'clock this morning, with n similar at tendance. After a discussion In wlt'cli two members of tho executive board nsserted that officials ofkthe comrnny had tried to bribe them to divulge secrets of tho organisation, the meeting voted to empower tho standing com mittee, headed by Harry V Flynn, the rros'denti to make another appeal for a" conference with President Mitten, of the tiatislt company. In cnio ho refused to treat with the representatives this commit tee wai given tho power to dcclaro a strlko nt nn opportune time. The meeting was Intended to bo Bacrct, but with the speakers talking nt tho top of their voices, outsiders wcro nble to learn the proceedings ni readily ns those Inside tho hall. Tho charges that officials wcro trying to tamper with tho exccutlvo commit teemen wero lodged by Ellis Morgan, of tho Willow Grove bnrn, and Samuel Ulnlte, of the 10th nnd Luzerne streets bnrn. 'Ac cording to them, emissaries, who said they represented the company, had approached them and offered them JCO n month and ex penses, outside of their regular wages, If they would Inform these envoys of tho Exccutlvo Committee's doings. Both com mlttootn,cn said they had received theso offers on their cars, at the St. James Hotel and nt a prlvnto residence, but where they refused f) divulge. These meetings wero held May 8. these men charged. Tho meetings were nddrcssed by President Flynn, P. J. Shen, of Scranton, Pa., and others. Flynn said after tho meeting If President Mitten refuses n conference ho could sec nothing but a strlko ns tho even-tunllty. WILLS PROBATED Germantown Houses Sold The twelve three-story houses 5801 to 5823 Morris street, Germantown, extending from Price to nittenhouse street, have been conveyed by John W. Do Long to J. Wayno Do Long for a consideration not disclosed. They occupy lots each 21 feet 4 Inches by 100 feet, and aro assessed at J5000 each. Maria H. Mnchado has aold to Avery D. Harrington a residence at tho northwest comer of 48th street and Beaum-mt ave nue, lot 22 by 110 feet, subject to a mort gage of (6000. $22,268 Gordon Estate to Be Divided in Private Bequests Wills probated today wero those of Robert Gordon, 2042 Federal street, which tn private bequests disposes of, an estate valued at $22,268; Mary M. Wang, 1326 North 11th street, $6760; Curwln I. Haly, 1765 North 11th street,-16500; Leo Budcnz, 2461 Myrtlewood Btreet, (6400, and Cath erine Claus, 2415 North 4th street, (2850. An Inventory of the estate of Helen M. Poth, filed by Louis F. Knecht and Elmer S. Mitchell, places Us appraisement at (141,704.17. This Includes 200 shares of the F. A. Poth nnd Sons Company, which are appraised at (38,000, and 50 shares United Gas Improvement Company, (4300. Tho personalty of the estate of Anna II. Miller has been appraised at $8722.58, and Mary Haleg, (300rJ.43. FIFTEEN PRIESTS ASSIGNED Ordained Last Week, They Are Sent to Various Parishes in tho Archdiocese Fifteen young priests, ordained last week by Archbishop Prcndergnst, wero nslgncd to various parishes throughout the arch diocese today. The Rev. James Glldea was assigned as an assistant to tho Itev. F. X. Wastl, All Saints' Chapol, Blockloy; tho Itov. Leo Fink, to St Alphonsus', 4th nnd Becd streets; the Rev. John Lorenz, to All Saints', Brldesburg, all tho others being sent to country churches, as follows: Tho Rev. Augustln Schulte, to the Church of tho Nativity of tho Blessed Vir gin Mary, Media; tho Itev. Daniel Mc Mcnamln, St. Thomas tho Apostle's, Ivy Mills; tho Rov Joseph Mnrlev. St. Fmnrls . . . . -.. ae Bales', Lonnl ; tho Rov. Cornelius Burke, St. Bernard's. Faston ; tho Rev. James Toner, St. Ambrose's, Schuylkill Haven; the Rev. John Fealey. St. Mary's, Coaldale; tho Rev. Michael Ryan, St. Vin cent do Paul's, Mlnersvlllo; tho Rov. Columbus Wenger, Church of tho Holy .Ghost, South Bethlehem; tho Rev. Ed ward Gallagher, St. Mary Magdalen's, Lost Creek; tho Rev. John Campbell, St. Kyran's, Meckschervllle ; tho Rov. Charles Gorman, Church of tho Annunciation, Shenandoah, nnd the Rev. Leo Fahey, St. Joseph's, Reading. POUOHKEEPSin, N. Y Juno i.-Although tne powers which tun the obserjft tlort' trnlh nt Highland .luring Its annual regattas lia6 forced the crey mAnaBe hients of three largo unlvorsltlcs to row their races a week or two before they wanted to, there Is ono man 1 who fers neither railroads nbr faculties. Now, James C. Rice, Columbia's rowing coach and n ennny ono nt that. haS Ideas of hla -1.-.., ..........tn. ninnir navy lines, and ono of them Is to Come early and get tho worm Thero havo been times wnen James and his crows havo gotten the hook Instead, but why refer lo them when de veloping philosophical theories r Tho fact rdmalns that In spite of an early date for tho races, the Bnme being Juno 17, James C, Rico 1ms been present since Monday with his three Columbia crews nt thilr unique and most practical quarters, ono and one-half miles up tho west Bhoro of tho historic Hudson ffom tho high brldgo which crosses at Potighkeepslo, However. Rice nnd his crows nro hero, nnd that they arc worth looking nt. thero bslng no others yet In sight, Is tho problem of moment. How Rico got It all through to the present point of development must bo my story. Fortunato is 11c, uiougn, 10 havo h'ls men on the Job, rowing twice a day from the old Btnnd nnd meantime ln dulglng In tho unplensant pastime of tak ing final examinations under the trusted eyes of Dr, J. E. Elliott, assistant director of physical education. These end tonight, but whether tho banquet tonight nnd tho ensuing bonfire nro In celebration of tho departure of Dr. Elliott and his problem or ns n final blowout In preparation of tho work to follow is nn unexnertea problem. 1 ,.." ; ;;.." ,... " .".""( F All tho Information obtainable Is that Ice I ?.''?. """"' - -i.-i"i-.-u. "". vulcanlzo tho blowout. I -."""' "" , f"'' -"uu.ZL i.m "!W fill the scat Warmed- bj Uratton mi W Leys, who came mighty nnnt. iJ. famous and hfstdrlc last June, whs nosed out Cornell for second place n iresnmnn nice. 111 mm, 1110 ngnt fur , . t ..,,... I !... a...,. m... .. 7 1 vuliu Miti.u in nun inc nna intt t-A, recntta date was sot a year no t! RItirn (tin mlddlo of Mnv Levi V.. u?J n'nl thf stroke seat in Columbia' shell. Ho has proved he has the nervf me ngni nnu 1110 buchkui una cool 'IimI MA,1Ar1 In otrrthlnB- n linnt. All t. t.J"Sfl keeping within shooting distance alFi wnjr uown . mo course 110 snoiua fci learned last year. So Rice has n tV for His boat and thrco-qUarters of hlg tn hies nro over. j Ono-clghth of the balance of hlg trduosi a Nn. 7 man. have likewise vnnli,j 7 Pqnnell, who wns No. 7, back bf Lt.? last year's freshman. Is as good an biui man -for the Job nB Rice has had sin i days of LatenBcr, In 1011. Tho remain Clgiun, six men who ym ionow and n supply tho needed hdft, remains a nuM. until tho other crew moves along the i nnu nnd clvn one an Idea of whna w,r. Now In splto of all this hum and d'tuM at Columbia over rowing the personnr,2l this varsity proves that nice has ptf nj3 ....... -w ..w.,. ...... . -..-. ... !-umQiiitii In tl,,. nnnlMMl MfllllfllhlllflHJIn , . FH ... .. '. - " 'A.-.. . ."' . '.? "" Mw nnu iin, 2, ocnKBiuuKeii nnu Aiycrs, Itray in tue i.istjpinco juniors a year ago. Ouehnl nn nnu uiiucj', nuo. .1 uuu d, respectlvtw? came from tho freshmen, but Dlccltnwlrj iq. o, was in mo viirniiy iubi year, the 1 survivor excepting captain Erattoh. i1Ul ,'ia will Rice Has Big Task History (oxerythlng along tho Hudson it historic) proves that Rice had a blow-out par excellence to repair this season. The story goes that after last year's frightful rowing calamity from tho Columbia view point a now order of things tooR over tho management bf Columbia's rowing. From being picked for first and landing much nearer to last was enough cither to kill or stir up graduato Interest Columbia chose graduate Interest and work was begun to right wrongs. Last fall It would seem from tho returns of the Columbia-Yale race, which ended In that order with tho hyphen representing n boat length or two, that tho new order provalleth and Columbia men got real chesty. Tho historic days of 1896 nnd 1914 wero recalled with somo eclnt. Then fall turned to winter nnd winter to spring and Columbia turned Its rowing oyes to Philadelphia. Tho dato was May 13, and tho scene the Schuylkill River. Tho plot tho Chllds' Cup races Principals wero Princeton, recent conqueror of Harvard In a mathematical finish of six Inches ; the Navy, winner over Pcnn ; Pennsylvania Itself, a victor over Yale and Columbia. Columbia did beat ,out Pcnn Her race cheered tho sight of her adherents until tho half-way mark. Thero was the blow-out. Leys Sent to Stroke James C. Rico Is no respecter of per sons or of things. Not to bo set back by the railroads and tho Columbia faculty tn his carly-blrd-catches-the-worm policy, ho wns not to let a mere captain prevent him from executing his plans. Bang! In no time Captain Bratton, stroke oar of tho Columbia varsity against Yalo nnd ngalrfst Pcnn, but decidedly not against Princeton and tho Navy, was picked up bodily and placed where lie belonged at No. 6, his seat of a year ago. The young man elected by tho coach to olghts, all defeated. With this material work with. Rice has not been relink L his crying need moro big men to mlt"2 uii ilia uiuwM $8,681,92 1 Balance in City TroasdrtJ Tho amount paid Into tho city Irtamii during tho week ending Wednesday llhHtf was (5,9721421.44, and payments ambunuSl to (116,207.71. With tho balance nn ,., from tho previous week, not lmlmitj .. sinking fund, thero Is it total pf (S,85l,jjR '-ffl WOMAN ADMITS POISONING Halts Tn'al to Plead Guilty Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison PROVIDENCE, R. I Juno 2. Mrs. Hattlo E. Oakley Interrupted her trial on a charge of murder for causing tho death of Almand Vadeboncoeur, who died January 26, after eating a poisoned cream puff, by pleading guilty. She wns sentenced to 20 years In State Prison. Before Mrs. OJkley made her confession experts hnd Identified as her writing tho address oh a package containing three puffs sent by special delivery mall to Henry Cassavant. Cassavant ate two of the puffs and gave one to Vadeboncoeur. TaketheOildrenlf SPECIAL ONE-DAY FARES i?l ! SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS W Philadelphia & Readhg IM& ffewe Ksm&smmmssMHa I WHILE NOT VISIBLE HER Shoes are very much in evidence at the Horse Show Continuous Daily PERFORMANCE Creates the Demand for the Cadillac "Eight" The World's Greatest Road Car A Cadillac Eight standard in every detail crossed the continent in one week, driven by onfi man, and fin ished ready to go back again. Can you conceive any more convinc ing proof of an automobile's endur ance, speed, reliability, backbone? Quplicates of this multi-record break ing car are here for IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Phone, Spruce -13 JV IK A'i5& msmtt The Smart Set discriminate in choice of footwear SOROSIS SHOE CO., 1314 Chestnut St. him &MM&8$i&$ II v.w.v.v.v.v.v,v m if :: -vac, i m Ml w "S Mary Roberts Rinehart JST week Mary Roberts Rinehart spent 'a 'day at the home 'of Theodore Roosevelt. She has written an article for Sunday's Public Ledger in which she tells vividly her impressions of "the great American," as she calls him. The same style and forcefulness which, she h.as displayed in this article-on. T. R. is characteristic of .the reports she will send from the great iNationai Conventions in Chicago and St. Louis. You should read . the article on T, R, in Sunday'sPublic Ledger; also her reports of the Convehtionst . " Ml m $? PUBLIC K LEDGER K'i'xrossiBWiKor.X"; .. 'Vr..MHK4S'.,.'ri . WSWWti