1 ft. y EVENING LEDafeR-HILADELPHtA, FRIDAY, JUNE 191C FINANCIAL NEWS ACTIVE ISSUES DROP 2 TO 4 POINTS ON NEWS OF GERMAN NAVAL VICTORY Gfdatest Losses Are Sustained by the 'Specialties Many Wide Advances Scored in the Trading During the Morning Session ' New York Bond Silica AISS& mr ct Oil ft . jowl Am Ics (Is ...... 5X!F Amer Tt clt 4a . 2ffi AmorTtl cvt,4W oyuij Armour in 4H. 22iKJ Atchison Bn 4s i5?! Atchison aAttt. ... . in'Mi Atchison cv 4s iii.i.v IIOOO Atchison cv 4s IliOO, . 100(1 Atchison rv flu 11)17 . 4000 Allan Knox A cm 4s i in 4a L High Points in Todays Financial News Banks in New York gained $6,388,SU on movtmtnl of currency in week. Boston and Maine Railroad asked Public Service Commission of Massa ehutetti i for one pear additional to complete reorganization of' system. Inter national Satt declared extra dividend of 1 per cent, in addition to regular quarterly of 1-2 of 1 per cent. Price of bar silver lower in New York and London. Another advance in price of Western New York and Pennsylvania stock. Details of new fiOO.000.000 auto merger being worked out. Dank of France gained gold and lost silver in week. i. K iiiiu in.... . 'v It Ohio cv 4W1 I'flH . It Ohio n.. , . loilfk 1 In atrel.lst.Ss, ,.ll( 1 ei rrn n...iJ"nn iuu P Tr fls IUIH.Iiu lot ft w l iV.Mi.loiU lot,, loii n w i iiiai.. Iiuh toil loifi ni w l luai.iooj too, loo): :hcr lt ni.itniU unk 1112J NEV YORK, June 2. The day's trading In tho stock market was marked by unusually wide fluctua tions arid by abrupt changes In tiie market tone. The advances, which attracted nltentlon In tho early trading, Included a gain of, 19 points In Wlllys-Ovcrlnnd, which sold at 294, and upturns of 4 points In Norfolk and Western, 5 points In Marine preferred, 0 points In "Big I-'our" and from 1 to more than 2 points In many other Issues. These gains caused a good deal of bullish enthusiasm during tho forenoon, and, although there was a recession, around midday, the highest prices wero reached In tho early afternoon before tho announcement of the German naval victory was made by the German Admiralty ofllcc. This news at onco caused hurried Belling from ofllces handling extensive wire systems, local commission houses and by room traders. There were rapid declines In .many stocks, ranging from 2 to 4 points In the Usual aqtlve Issues, with greater losses In sovernl of the specialties, Including Willys-Overland. The nearby demand when the market was advancing was with drawn, leaving many stocks without support at around previously prevailing p rices. it was hardly necessary to express the opinion that tho German naval vic tory was looked on with exaggerated Importance and tho speculative element was "blind to the fact that Blmllar disasters had previously been sustained by England oh some of the seven seas. Including that off the South American coast, but which was, followed by moro nggrcsslve English action and victory. The market, however. Is sensitive to war news and It was natural that this news, coming In the nature of a surprise, should have all the more pronounced effect. An adjustment of trading to war conditions as they exist may be expected over night. S leather lt na.,tn.iU unh 1112 1 t On cons.ru., ioiift lou'i ioil'i II Copper U ..i.,12H't 128 ills S.I IM SIMM) Atlnn I'rt f.ln 5.1"" !'!' ohl 3H. ..; : "Ru R Jnio s ouuu unit isvmt lis iihii) lttn 8ipel.lat.Sa, .,, 101111 Huh titfrt rfri M...ilimd (won nrkn Hap Tr As ltilH.lni ..woo i! V r en 4a, .... . ...mi, covin. nn UOV IMtMHI r,ti rinv ISIMTU Can llov -w vnt 0000 Chll soim Chu k Unlo 4 Ha 'Ut in"" uni & rcmt III 6s ., Hit, ..soon Chl t West 4a ... ,, 71 Ji 1.1HU00 Chl IS A n Joint 4a., US flood ,lo ten 4s .,. Ii.-l, llioim do In 4a U.t'i noiiil 1I0 Iowa 4a imfs ,(IUW Chl MM A fit P gen 4a H2W 4000 do cv fla ..ION fl.Wl) do IV Hi 101 Ji loon do rfrl 4 Ma HtU IHlllO Col Mouth 4 Ma .... 81 't loon Com Product! ila 1U.H im. 1000 Cona Ona wl Da llM. iliioii Cumlierlani Tel .la. ,loii" liioi) I)l llud conv 4a... 107 .IKK) Den & Itlo Or rM 0.. l5i 210011 Dla Secur Corp Ba ... 77 U nriim Krle tonv 4a Ser A.. 71 H SHOO do 4a Ser tl 774 S700U Urla prior 4a HH Simon do tonv 4a Ser I) wl H7 BlMiii tlreat .Nor 1st IMP'i iMiitii Hud i. .Man In na... '.'UH 3000 llud .Mnn rfd tla ... 7J(4 looo Indlnim Ktfel fit .. .tn.l 20011 in central 4a inr,3... ao lllih. liow. 'MS ism 83H. ,531. on. Job t.iji josji 8 & l'M r.! tu naj4 na?4 i Cloae. 03M Kttf 0-2 101'4 GERMAN VICJTORV UPSETS THE CURB. ton 18 li'JTi ill .""If 10l 100W lot Wl General Offerings Folow at Con cessions New Top for Chevrolet Sales in Philadelphia IIIIOO 21100 .iMino nn. iikio r.ooo t! I' HI I. A .V O .-.a.llll nlrrb .Met I'ia . ... 7.1 niern 11 T rpr r.a.... y. liter Mer Mar ct IVja lo.lti menu raner it rn... 7 vo!i BO, 08 (i 113. Ilil Ji IIOJl H2H 1)2 lus J"1., B4H 1)8 1!!34 Hill, 107 IWK k 774 8.1(4 8(1 ' 1)1)11 103 HO 2000 Jnpaneae aoim do new O H 44 a, np,'r fat 414a. . 8,1 . 81' 110 . IIS 11: Details of New $200,000,000 Auto Merger Being Worked Out NEW YORK, June 2. I,. rj. Kaufman, president of tho Chatham and Phoenix National Bank, Is financing a new automobile consolidation which will take over a controlling Interest In the Wlllys-Overland Company, tho Chalmers Motor Company, the Hudson Motor Company, tho Auto Light Company and prob ably the FIsk Rubber Company. According to present plans, tho new company will also acquire a substantial Interest in tho United Motors Corporation. John N. Willys, president of tho Willys-Overland Company, will bo at the head of tho new organization. The new company will have a capitalization of moro than llrtA AAA AAA ft --ll f.,,wu, .ueiuiis oi tne matter are now being worked out announcement will bo made soon. 2IIOO K C Ft H & M la 11)00 Kitn A Mlrh L'ri 4fl limn I. nek Steel fla ttV.ll uuiii) ij,ne Hnore lnno i.h V .v v 30110 l.nne Inland rM 4a 1)01)0 .oula A Naah la... loon .Minn A St I, la .. lNiloo M K . T lit la . . looo do 2d 4a "IIOO Mn Parlflr rv rl Ra looo do col a r 1017 . .1000 ilo rona (la iiooo N Y C 1 S .Hna l.iMIIIU n v c ft H 08 11000 do IU, ... Kino N' v niv 4 in"ii ...iiia 1000 do 4l4a 11100 1024 100t4 102V4 2000 do 4&a 10(1.1 108 HIS, losil (1011)1 tin 44a IDA I 102ti 102 102t4 lo.'ooo do 4h" inns mitt lot iom looo n y Hwy ndj na ra-1 r,7H .I7i 4000 n Y Tel Ken 414 a utj. rerr HUfl. 83 con 4'ia.looU lit4 mi. 7S4 4(14. Wl flllf- B 7.l(i UlS oih H4 I'll '4 10.1 no 118 112 8.1 looU 811 1) 1 14 fit) 7.1 43j 40Vt 811 7.lU 113V 01 I (l.i 0.1 4 on'. 1)2 '4 2'4 108 101. HI i 81(4 lis liKIJi lOO'll 107. -7(1 71". 77 H 8.1 (4 8(l4 Olljl m KM 8U I'll', 8IJ4 Ilo 1)8 1)2 8.1 lOO'i Ml lUH nn, 7.1 , 81) 7.1 ni'i 10.1 NEW YORK, June 4. The trading on the Curhy market today was variable, the tenor of the market being Upset 111 the af ternoon by the German Admiralty an nouncement claiming a notnble victory over tho flrltlsh high seas tleet. , This news was .a sentimental shock and was followed by general offerings at concessions of all tho leading Issues. Ileforo that announcement was mndo there was various trading In the motor stocks, with Chevrolet advancing 10 points to 263, a new high record, and United Motors was active and strong, ranging fiom 79 li to 82 !S. Perlmart lllni, Saxon and White Motors wero all active and strong, with tho last named stock moving up to 08 ji. Outside of this group the market gener ally showed a sagging tendency In the first half of tho day, with the oil stocks yielding moderately under small sales and Flemish Lynn yielding about to 6, Cuba Cane Sugar showed a. better tone, moving up one point to 66 V4 and tho preferred rose from 04 U to OS. The trading In these stocks was Influenc ed by the current reports of nrangements for closer alllllntlons between the Cuban producers and tho Aincrncan Sugnr Helm ing Company. Mldvale Steel also showed a firm tone, making n fractional gain to B2 ,&. When the news of tho naval battle was received there was a general with drawing of bids alt through the list, and for a time the entire market was unsettled. INDUSTRIALS. High. Low. Nt Cloae, coge. lOrfAllla Cha .. ,37 4 ,27 S ,V7 J 1 Alrhleon iolH liuii 10J4 , loom-Ill, J a .... SS 8 .18,. -r'u 40 Crucible Sll B4W 84'4 Jl'i 30 unea a unio , 17 Kleo storage. loo Krla .. . ... . 807 Uen Aaphait ..31 14.1 ao prer 71. ft Ina Co N Am .. 2.14 BO Kennecott Cop. n.lS IB Key Tel nM .. s' 47(1 Lake. Sup Corn 10J Ionian Nav . . 70'4 Ionian Valley,. 81 42 Jllnehlll .... , now no a TJnr r'Mi nal aa 3.10 Norf A Weat '..HUH 131 on t'enna ...., r,i 80 Pa salt tt ..inoK to Pa ateel pr . . . I8 i. iniin co cum pr 42J 082 Phlla Elec ... 27 HI' 1 T 1ST) 2.1(11 do ir ctfa .. 10 till I'liltn T. 77 13.' IteRrtlim . ..!. 101 sr4 1 u 17 1 II Y, 10 ttn ".t h(.l 72., Tonopah Ilel . .10 Union Traction. 322 United Claa Imii oi.iir u c, Mieei. . . Nio War Ir 4 Bt 100 W Jer A Heai 1004 v Cramp 8 13,1 York pfd 17 8SH 84U .... 84H -"'v '.- eaan no 8(1 3B11 ll.l n ; R3 ni -i'i (i84 nsji IS III HI, j?: it - 11 4.1. .,.. t now H 88 ..! 1174 noil -r ; lnfli liinv . 42 42i T4 4 ,f r in H nn r i -- B 304 TTPWARD MOVE IN WESTERN NEW YOl AND PENNSYLVANIA R R, CONTIM Stnc-fc Moves Un 2 on Reports That Pennsylvania road Is After Securities in Hands of Publio-RapjJBI Transit Trust Certificates Again Strong JI K. 30U POND3, i ntODO .Nor t Went cvt 4l4.132i i1 .DUO do la 22000 Nor Pac prior 4a . 1000 Pan Coaat lat na IIOoii Paclflo Tel .la . . . 24000 Penna 4a 1048 ... anon do gen .it Jtja noiiil no en -iva IM' . H2, .. im V4 ..lot .in: H8i 132 II3V4 024 084 1U1 1)8. 132! I'3'i D2H 1184 101, 10.11.4 mono 1'ubllr serv N c ns.. 1)2" In .'0000 ncndlnc gen 2000 Hep Cuba !ia 1014 mjimi Jlep ir & M r,a nnnri nnnt. i.i..,i ... and an official New York Banks Gain $6,388,544 on Movement of flloncy NEW YORK, June 2. -Although thero has been received In gold from Canada ince last Friday $9,836,000, bringing the total to date $27,086,000. the Stlbtrcasury ehows a gain by the banks of only S-1.7S4.000 In tho week. In nddltlon. tho banks rained net from the Interior $1,634,5-14. This brings the apparent gain of the ' ??! n the tmccable movements of funds up to close of business yesterday to $6,388,544. Lnst week the known movements Indicated a gain In cash of $11,362,. 168, but the actual bank statements showed a loss In money of $10,567,000. Boston and Maine Wants More Time to Reorganize BOSTON, June 2. The Boston and Maine Ilailroad today petitioned the Public Service Commission for an extension of one year from July 1 1916 In which to complete the reorganization of the Boston nnd Maine system. The Public Service Commission will give a hearing on this matter on June 12 at 10:30 a- wi. The original bill called for the completion of the reorganization not later than July 1 this year. 11.14 . . Oil . . D8H .. 74J4 ::iS& la 73 'i .. HI . . 7(1 80!4 n!,14 101 101$ Ki.lU lo.iii II2 II2 tl.Vi ll.lU 2000(1 Itnrlc lalnml rM ! 12000 do ,1S .10)10 do ct One Stu .la wion Stl.iSF rfd ct ata 3000 do w I 1.1.100 ilo A w I .1000 do adJ w 1 BOOO San A & Aran P lat 4a (18 iliioo St I, Hwn con 4a . . . 04 loiio Seaboard A I. ndj na. (174 looo do rfd 4a ill) Iiooo South I'ac cv la 88'i 3300O do cv r,a .Kll' iiooo do rfil 4a l)(H4 27000 South nwy Ben 4a 71". 31000 South Kwy coo .la 101. looo Third Aie ref 4s 81U flnoo Third Ave ndj na 7l) .1000 Toklo 5a 77. 2.1000 U H Rubber (la 102J4 3(1000 V S Hleel S 1 .Is 10.1U 2000 U H S II it M tin Ill 1000 U S Mle ct 8.-J. 3000 Union Pac 1st Is.. .. II7S 3101)0 Union Pac cv 4a II3S 72000 Union I'nc rfd 4s 8t)T4 moon Un llwys S P 4s 3(1 2000 Va (la llrown Ilros . . . 58 looo Va Car Chem 1st 3s. . 08(4 80.100 Va Jtwy 3s 08 HlOK Wab-P T lat rt 4a 2i 1000 West N V & Pa 4s... R4 100(1 Weat Shore 4a 112 looo West Union 4V4s Ii.l o Sit IR i34 II.V. HO OH 74 38 ... 73 1.1'i (inj! 8()4 (17 (II II7V4 III! 88'4 10 if. OOH 71 'i 101 8U1 70 ; 774 102 ion',4 111 s.i;; 117 !I34 804 35b .18 rl R4I 112 03 1).1 till II84 74 S r.sj r..-,44 in 111 IHlV 80t 08 04 117 14 ll 8 10ti DOS 71H 1014 774. 10-JJ4 o,it 3j4 80S 3.1H .18 08'.4 1)7 oa Arm Ta Aetna nsplonlifs AJnx nuhwr Tlr Amcrlmn-nrllluli Mfff Atnprlcnn iMnrconl Atlnntlr Oulf & W I do nfil Cflnadlnn Cap Co , ,, (nn Cftr F1y prii rhovrolft Motors , . (ubn Cnnt 8uRflr , .'tirtlifl Aeroplane ,, I)r!(rnfl-flrAburv Ulsenlohr Tobacco do pfrl nmeraon rhonogrnph , Flom(h lynn ( Hanktll rinrkr Car . .... Heinle Mfir , Intr Mr rarlne Ho pfd , , , , Knlhodlon Ilronze pfd . . . . K TP38 St f "o Maxim Munitions , ,,, Manhattan Transfer Mt VH Otis KiVvntor Peerless Motors , Prrlmnn Him Poole 13nff , S H Kress w 1 Standard Motors Submarine , gnu Trlawrle Film ., nif nid .. r,n;4 .. 17 .. ns .. 12 . . :i' .. 4114 . . 32 . . no . . s.i . 2.w , . 3.114 :..S . . 12 , . mi , . IL'll .. n . . .14 . 2.1 . 20 . llll :?3" . 8 ps .'lRn . ns . 12 8 United U S I, do prer United Mntorn White Motors World Kllm . Prodi Sharlns ac tx. com 82'i B7 Asked 37 17. Ill IR r,:i 71 no 2(11 wtU 32 130 48 118 12i 07i .LIU 20 27 llll) 224 74 n 112 211 132 101, 12 i nU ? r.'J 82'A 37 1'4 tlOOO Hal Lor 2200 Rl A Pen 10)0 T. V pnn, 40110 Im V lat cxI 4a 01j 111)00 do U rs 4HS.IOI)''. 7000 Pa C en 4Ha..tol!4 10)10 P & M Htl (la.. 100 300(1 Phlla Blec 4s.. R34 100 do 3a toijj 23000 Head uen 4a . . 03 ' 2000 span Am I 0a..1o2 Net lllah. Low. Cloae, ehee. lat 3a 101J4 10t4 lillfi H Tr 4s 81M ROf. RJVi Ji I 4i.lll8H 102(4 102V 4 m Kill .ISS, 0.1 102 I02V 111 100'i loiti 4 10(1 ...I. 48 i I 102 . ... Local Bid and Asked Chief Interest In the trading on the Phil adelphia. Stock Exchange today was cert tred In Western New York and "" vanla stock, which continued the adiance of yesterday, going up 2H point before noon, an advance of 6V4 for two days. The upward move, which wn brought about by the changing hands of 138 snares, was accompanied by rumors that the Penn sylvania Ilailroad was trying to buy the company's stock, which Is In tho hands of tho public, so that the road can be taken over by the Pennsylvania. Iteports had It that the road would go under the Pennsylvania's control under tho same lines as the Philadelphia and Erie and the Northern Central. For the West ern New Vork and Pennsylvania Income, Bs BO was nsked ngalnat the last sale of 36 during tho week of May 6, The authorized capital stock of Western New York nnd Pennsylvania Is (20,000,000, with a par vall'e of $60 a ahare. Of this amount there Is outstanding $19,872,768, of which the Pennsylvania P.ailroad owns $1!, 439.001. BO, leaving $633,764.60 In the hands of the public. The company's funded debt; according to the latest available figures, Is $29,696,000. This Is divided Into $9,900,000 nJ gage 6 per cent, gold bohda ZIW li 1937: $10,000,000 cense "' W per cent, gold bonds, due Anrll 1 i.! $9,005,000 Income mortgai ma-i.i'jV 6 per cent, gold bonds, due Apr it fiN Most activity In the trading "n tviSI w.......nw tuu.. ila iHwll in Titl , llopld Transit trust Certificate. '"N crnlned nenrlv a half iinii t... en l'jl .The buying of this Issue seems'!!??! tne expected goou earnings for , . ' 01 amy. ii was said in the aif.iiir that the earnings will compare , t; vorably with thq same month 6 VW vlous year, and, In fact, thn ..,..i tatloiris that thero will be subsM.ii'H creases. q""uu First sales of Cramp trust ,nM were maae at SB, unchanged, atfd Vi," fractional gain wns record. J?1? Storage Battery was nlso nnet,.--.? Ing, on the other hand, moved un r ally In sympathy with the trend JJ? nlnoL. Im ft,. M V I. " . '"a Off) Vollev was a weak Ihbiia n,..,"?Wi trago Issues, losing nearly a h-ifV and preferred gained a point. Mumi?l felt 1 point. ' whllRl Haldivln 88 4 101114 ulaV nid. Aafte1. Today sTANDAnn oir. stocks. Illinois 100 Ohio 1 . 220 Pralrlo rip- u H O of California 2 IS H O of New Jersey bis S O of Mew York ;";"207 International Salt Declares Extra Dividend NEW YOHK, June 2. The International Salt Company has declared the rcg. ular quarterly dividend of of 1 per cent, and an extra of 1 per cent., both pay- able July 1. Books close June 15 and reopen July 3. NEW YORK STOCK SALES Last close. Admj Express 130 Alaska J Gold M 054 Alaska Gold Mines 2,'t AUls-Gtulmerj Mfe 27Jf AIlis-CMfz pf MH Am Ae Chemical 08!f Am Beet Sugar 7754- Am Beet Sucar pf 08M Am Can.i, 6fl!f Am Car & Fdy 51J Am Car & Fdy pf 117 Aqi Coal Products lfio Am Express 125 Am Hide & Leather HK Am Ice Securities 29 Am Linseed. ., aijf Am Locomotive 7214 115.' 22!f 20r r-2;,: 07 ayi OS 35 j j so 117, I17K 11754 162J, 1B0H lB'IH 125H 12515 125H SJJ 8JJ SJ( 2054 28 28 211i 21 21 73 71 71 U Am Locomotive pf lulK 101M lOUf 101' HUh. HO 'H 23M 27)i OS 711 08 005f Low. Close. 140 HO Mi 22U 20!i 07 77H P8 S55 59 r .1,1.1.1. 11 ,'8t clr"'- H,"h' r'ow- Cloae. Am Smelt Ref Am Smelt-Ef A Am Steel Foundries.. Am Sujar Reflaloz . , Am Sugar Ref pf.,.,. Am Tel ATel Am Tobacco Am Woolea, Am Woolen pf Am Wrltlhs p pf Am Zinc L & Sm..,, Anaconda Cop M.... AtenTop &S F AtchT&SF pf..... Bald Loco Wlu Bait & Ohio Bait & Ohio Df Bank of Commerce, Bethlehem Steel.,., Brooklyn Rap Tr.. Bfown Shoe Butte & Superior.,, Cal Petroleum Canadian Pacific ., Central Leather pf , Chandler Motor..., Ches & Ohio Chlnp Cooper Chicago Great West. Oflli 07U f6 97 05H 05M 05 05J 52 52 SO 50!f ...I11J4 llUi 111 111 ...118 117, 117H 117JS ...130 laOK 129 I'.OH ...20-IJi 205 203 20a ... "4iS 40 45 45H .... OS' 08K 08 98 ...- 2f 21 2a, 23)4 ... t3Vj S3)f 2), 82JJ ...84 84 S3 ?3J4 .. .105J( lOOJt 105W 105h' ...101 101 101 101 ... 8J BO 87J5 881f ... 02 02H DIM 9154 ... 77 77J( 77 77 ...170 169 ICO 169 ...455 445 445V 445 ... h)f 88H 8S 88 ... 58 58 68 68 .,, 88H 89 87if 811 ... 22K 21H 21H 21H ...177H 178K 170 170 ...111)4 11174 ma UH( ..-.108 111U 108M 1C9K ... 63W 65 63)4 e3Jf ... 52. 63 52!f 525f I3!f 13tf 13 13Jf Lee Rubber Tire Lone Island Loose-V Bis 1st pf . Louis & Nash M1YUAI 1n.nwm . .. ..-,.,, ..tuiui , ri Max Motors 1st pf 00 Max .Motors 2d pf 5715 May Dept Stores 6415 Mexican retroiejm . ... 11171c Mex Petroleum pf 0014 50 5fi SJJi- 301i H 85 ...12D'f 13H4' SGJi 00'i mi 34 8-1 130 8154 00 .174 ll'if 120 35r NIJ4 Loicaio ureat west Df.. 37l 371 37 37 Chl MU 4 8t Paul UOX 100)f 08Jf 08)4 Chl Mil & St Paul pf. ..129)4 129)4 129)4 129)4 CCOAStL 6W 5SJJ 50H 55 OOO&StLpf 82 84 83 83 Chl & N W pf. . imiusiic. Cluett Pea & Co pf, Col Fuel & Iron. . . Col ,4 Southern.... Col & South 2d pf.. continental Can. Coruolldated Gas 139 163 168 168 168 20)4" 21 20)f ?0)f 109)f UOH I10J4 UOJi 43)j 43)4 425 42W .-a a.'jj aOH 45 48 45 I01J4 10114 100 139 139 105 19)4 Corn Products Ref,..,., 10)4 corn Frod Ref pf 95 05 05 Crucible Steel m Siii 81 Crudbla Steel pf 116)4116 116 Deo 4 Rlq Gr if. 26H 27H 27 Detroit United Rji 114)4 116 115 DbtUl Sec Corp'n ...51 50 4851 Dome. .Mines 26) 26)4 26M Kiee Storage Bat 63)4 61 61 ..; S9)j 39)4 3851 KlfUtpf -...54 54M 6-5K Fed Mia & Sm pf. si 37 37 General Electrio. ....... .171 .171 16954 169)4 Ceaenl Motors pf. 118U Jl7)f 11514 iiri GeodrtdiBy 77 77)4 J6M 76)X .I15)t IJ6 J15J4 116 87)4 87 87 87 ... 46)4 46 45)4 45 W .J2a 122H 1214 111H S9H 39) 88 36)4 art uu aoa ha 101 100 101 UU u 31 48 100 130 lOX 95 S2H 116 27 115)i 4S5f 26H 64 38)4 3)) ai Ocodrkh B F pf . . uranor t-onsot. . GtMSfr-Caaanej. . . . Crcat Northern pf. . . . Q J eft for ore prop. CTuJfStatM Steel Calf States S lit pf 101 Sfclf SUtta S 24 pf fcO)i lW&ala Cent 1st Agricultural pf. . 7J Xsry Corp'n. ... tat Coa Cor x t c th lat Coa Corp'n pf .. let Paper. I PPHpf,. ....... iMeCraCop Iw Nkel T t cfj,... latMMeof da ltMMpfcofdo i;t!FtS4Mjf Im CMy Soauwn . 1 ? TM iTINPjIW ...1D4H 1045f 101 wi . 18 73 11 48)4 45 45K 2Ji W 71 36H 75 JW44 53 KU "H 7d 1051 49) 45)f 46 S6 m 71 MU 76 53 "52 "H 75H 10)4 49 44) 45H 24U 9-1)1 71 26)4 74M mi m 89 104 63 S2 mi 73) im 49J 44 45)4 25H Oil! 71 21H 74W S3 784 . . 22(i 67)4 -.130 .. UOU .. 28)4 10fH4 . 40)f .120 89 OSJi Minn St P i S S M Miami Copper Mo Kan & Texas Missouri Pacific Mo Pac tr cfs Montana Poer . .. Nat Biscuit Nat Cloak & Shirt,.. Nat Enam & H Co... Nat Lead Co New York Air Brake VYhll A H NY' O & West New York Central .... NY Chl 4 St L Norfolk Western .... Norfolk W pr North American Northern Pacific Ontario Silve. Mln.... Pacific Mall Tenn Railroad , Peoria i Eastern People's Gas Chl Philadelphia Co Pitts Coal Co N J uf. . PltUhurah Stee! pf,. Pitts C C 4: St L..,.. PO O A St I pf Pressed S Cor Co Pubs Corp'n SI.,.. Quicksilver pf , Uy MeelSp Co Ray Con Copper Reading.,, , Readlne 2d pf Republic Iron AS.,.. Republic I AS pf St L Southwest Df Seaboard Air Line I0tf sciiuusra A t, pi Sean Roe A Co. Shat Aril Cod . . Sloss-Shef S A I South Porto R Sug , Southern Pacific Southern Rj Southern Ry pf Studebaker Co..,..., Term Copper Texas Co Texas Paclflo Third Avenue Union Bag A Paper. . Union Bag A P pf United Cigar Stores . Pnffin Pnclfl,. U S Ind Afc-hoT.".'. '.'.'.'.'. .168)4 U h W 4 CfrJF j USQIP AF pf 60 8.i' 66 1U31 ll'U4 93 or, 121)4 120 10 355a 4tf 4)f 0)4 0)a 814 0 0)f 81 121)4 121)J 121 78 23 07 131 ft!K 2S. '8 iin)4 131 01 2S)4 10734 101 43 49)4 i: n.'04 89 89 06)4 OVi C3! 34 W 84 130 85),' 00 57)4 0514 10GH !)0 121)4 ':5)j 4)4 0 0)4 81 121 78 2'f ro)4 130 01 28!i 106 ' 42 I3'l 89 00)4 ..115)4 115)4 114'f lH)f 8f . 24 - 67- 11H .101 , 40VJ .103! . lis . 83 . 05 . 40 .130 . 3)4 . 43)4 223i: 8t 22)4 58)4 11)3 8)4 22J4 57)4 UH lODj 101 40)4 40 102)4 IWi 8i 00 46 132 4 354 3 8)4 2234 5834 11)4 101H 40 102 nsw 85 90 40 132 4 4214 22 ij 47 48)4 43 United Fruit. United Kyi Jnv Co Ua Itrs Inv Co of . U 8 Rubber 66 10: 98)4 83 00 40 132 4 42)4 2-'li 10154 10314 09)f lOUJf 47 47 47 48)4 47)4 48 IU34 11154 Ul?4 4314 42)4 42)4 10)4 161 ihw ,.lt4 183)4 JJ.3H le334 ..... 31)4 3l)f 31)4 3154 . . 54 64 54 64 .. .215 210 210 210 ... .09)4 09)4 I8)f 08)4 ... 2:1)4 2334 13)4 23)4 ..... 654 68 I.6X OBH 138)f 1,41 138 138 ... 42)f 43) i 42JX 43 .103)f 100)4 100)4 100)4 .... 12 115 11! ill.' C2)j 02)4 62)f 62U 6 5M 6)4 5)4 30) 30 30 30)f 0H4 05 03 05 .138)4 139 13754 13754 6834 ISO'i I8!4 15834 23 24) 2234 22)4 Dl CO 61 160 ItU 15914 159)4 OH 0 b)4 g 10f 19)4 10)4 1954 ftA Kflf RCf' en 8SS!?&a'.vv 88$ Tal l it a a .;; :?:i :n ' Utah Copper bWj Uuh Secarltlej 16), Va-Carq Cham 4a COTTON MARKET GETS STEADY DUE TO BUVING AND COVERING Selling Is Believed to Be About at an End Better Cables Help Prices NEW YORK. June 2. Trading:, buying nnd coveringr by Thursday's sellers cnused a steady tone on the Cotton Exchange at the opening this morning, prices being 1 to 5 points higher. Better cables than ex pected also helped to Influence sentiment early. After selling about 3 to 6 points net lower or back to practically the low point reached on the brenk yesterday afternoon. tho market steadied on covering and buying for a reaction. There was continued liqui dation, but a good many contracts ha-e been taken out of the market by the un doing of Liverpool eabjes recently, and the selling was not so general as It was yes terday afternon. Trading, in fact, tapered off considerably toward the middle of the morning, and prices showed rallies of 3 or 4 points, from tho lowest early In the second hour1. The market became steady during the middle of the day. The technical position had evidently strengthened on tho decline, and buying for a reaction was also encouraged by reports from New Orleans that spot holders had not weakened and by the cdntlnued absence of hedge selling around the local ring. The demand was by no means active, but July contracts worked back to last night's closing figures, while later mpnths sold appoint or two net higher. OTHER Harnett Oil Cnsden Oil Chalmers Oil .... Inter Petrol Houston Oil Midwest Ref Sapulpa net OIL STOCKS. 3i 2.-1H 4 in' 17 llll 11 i MINING STOCKS. Atlanta 11 Hutto Copner nnd Zlno n Rutto N V 2'5 Cerro d 1'aico 3.114 KlrHt Nntlonal 4 u aoldfleW Merger H llecla Mining 4'' Howe Sound r,4 Jim Butler 01 Jumbo Hx 87 Keneflck Zlno in McKlnley-Darragh (id Magma Copper irit? Mines Co of America 'js Niplsslnir Mines Co 714 Han Toy 1,1 Ht Joseph Lead lou Weat End Consolidated 13-10 BONDS. Cerro de Pasco fls 113 Ches & Ohio Da 03'1 ins MS 218 -.JI sou 24 8 U U 20 IIS 12U 13 II "1 3(1 '4 r, 13 r -i-f P3 SI) 14 no lit 3 ,r; -i!j 313 05?i iio nref Drill, J O Hurt A Sus t C do pref t c . , Cambria Steel . i.iei' Htornge ,. (Jen Asp do pref , . . . . Keystone Tel . . . no t r do pM Lake Hun Corp Lphlgh Nav ... Lcliluli Vnl . . , . I.thlKli Val Tr do pfd Pennsylvania. . - . I'hlla Wectrlc .. Phlla Co do r per tent. do 11 per cent. Phlla Rnp Tran t Rending Tonotmh Rel ... Tonnpnh Mln . . . Union Trnc 11 ri 1 tl H Hieel York Rwy do pfd Win Crnmp t r . 37 40 mi 82J4 33-; JIP1 II II (IS 10 J 82 2IU 43 ns 27i .. .40 pref. 3S pref. 414 c m loo, ::::: itf :::::$ 83 n'i 3(1 83 KS", 111 311 M 110 ill U ?o Testerday Hid. Ashed. 4.1t" nxvf 3! it 5JS 8!) too4 3S 40 fill 82J4 33 llll 14 14 It OS 10J1 70 i S3 , 21 43 r7' 1(?4 Soft ill! IH'J m (5 :tn 41 1 lot 4 0-1(1 n1-. 44)4 S8 S4J4 ..ir Rnu 111 40 M 00 34 111 nn 10)4 77 S3H 27,4 40 42i II) 101' -ft 4.1 ;Si 37 8.'.4 FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW yortlf, June 2. The market for foreign exchango In the early dealings ruled quiet. Sterling and French exchange showed steadiness, Scandinavian and Span ish exchange moved a shade higher, and, on the other hand, rubles were slightly easier, otherwise there was very little feat ure. Quotations! Demand, sterling, '.7674 ; cables, 4.76W : franc cables, 690i4 : checks, 6.911J: relchsmarks, 77 1-16! checks, 77 l-1677?i : cables, 6.3'aj s checks, 6.30(fJ!6.351,5 J Swiss, 5.22 SJ'S.23'4 ; Vienna, 13.2B5J13.30 J Stockholm, 30.06 and 30.16; pesetas, 20.1020.20 : .guilders, 41 7-16i41.9-16; rubles, 30.6530.60. The above quotations for pesetas nro the high est reported In several weeks. RATES FOR MONEY Call. New York lit ra.u Plladelphia ft watt lloston I .1 S H Chicago ,. . 3H 4 DIVIDENDS DECLARED Lake Torpedobont Company, of Maine, reg ular semiannual of 34 per cent, on first pre ferred stock, pnynbln June 30. Hooka close Juno 2(1 unci reopen Juno 3D. Continental Passenger Railway Company, regular semiannual J3 per Bhare, payable June 30 as registered Mnv 31 Hooks do not close. Rubber Oooda Manufacturing Company, reg ular quarterly of 1" per cent, on tho preferred Mock, payable June If, to stock of record uune iu, American Car nnd Foundry Company, reg ular quarterly of 1 per cent, on tho preferred "in, a ui 1 per cent, on me rommon siock, pay able July 1 to stock of record Juno 10. May Department Stores. Company, regular quarterly of 1"4 per cent, on lis preferred stock, payable July 1 to stock of record June IS. Canadian Steamship Lines, 1J per cent, on account of accumulated dividends on the pre ferred stock, payablo to stock of record July 1. This will reduce the accumulated dividends to lOW per cent. ,, Yukon Clold Company, regular quarterly of i4 centa n share, pajablo Juno 30 to stock of record Juno 0. Eric to Issue Equipment Trusts ALBANY, In". Y Juno 2. Permission was given by the Public Service Commis sion to tho Erie Railroad Company today to Issue $1,250,000 equipment trusts, tho proceeds to be used to finance tho purchase of 1000 60-ton self-cleaning hopper cars from tho Standard Steel Cnr Company and three locomotives from the Lima Locomo tive Corporation. Tho equipment will cost 11,632,685 and the Erie will pay $282,585 In cash on the cost. WHY United Western Oil M .?!! s date. Is contained in n. comprehensive . tide In the current Issue of our ni' srtlptlvo circular No. 10. Also rt," on other securities. Carroll Felter & Co; Securities Bervfce Speclaltii. 74 Broadway, New York ' "Principal May Be Registered" v es. rime Onen. IUsh Low. Close. March 13 II3 13.07 13.01) 12.im 13.03 Jul' 12.H0 12.02 12.113 12.30 12.HH October .... 12.71 12.72 12 74 12.112 12 70 December ... 12.84 12.8(1 12.HS 12.7H IS RS January .... 12.80 12.1)t 12.11(1 12.83 12.02 August 12.118 12.H8 12.118 12.111 12.113 Spot 12.70 .'. 12.05 Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL. June 2. Spot cotton was In moderate demand today nt a decline of 4 points on the basis of 8.43d for mid-upland. Tho sales were 8000 bales. Including 6700 bales American. The Imports were 1000 bales, none American. The market for future.s closed steady at a net decline of 3'41J points. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK. June 2. BUTTER Unsettled, general trade quiet and supplies heavy. Re celpta. 111,078 packages. Extra. 3014 c.i higher scoring. 313U4c.j Stale dairy. tnT 30c.t Imitation rreamcry, 234 020c. ' EGOS Hljch grade firmer, average quality Irregular. Receipts. 23.440 rratea. Storage packed firsts or extra firsts. 23V4 Mates regular Packed extra firsts, 23'4sie.i regular-packed firsts, 22W23c. . whites. 2II27c. 1 browns. 25t 23',4c; mixed colors, 2324Vic. BAR SILVER bar sliver was quoted at 31 York 1 In London. day. off l'4d commercial bar sller In New to- quoted at 04 a. a loss of 3Tsc. IIIIIIIllllllllllli(llliili 1 Investing With an Eye H On the melon Patch m LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS. Bid .U2 ,0S .23 .24 .25 Jim tlutler MarfCamara .... Midway ...,.,,, Miapah Extension Montana ...,,,,. nunncrn oiar .......... "o Tononah Itelmnnt ail Tonopah Extension ............ '.'.'o 8-16 Tonopah Mln ......:... . su Rescue Eula .' " " 47 wEnd ::;:::;;::;;:::i:2o OOLDFIELD STOCKS. ittue nun .,.:.,',';:.': nooth ,..,", ,1,,!.'.; Bulldog ..'.'. ',,..:''','' COD .... ..... ...1 Combination Fraction . . Dlamondtteld If B .... Daisy Klorenra ' t.it. Goldfleltl Mercer .......I! uillbo Extanslon M.inu pro oana ien , . . . Ulltcr Pick . ..,. ,.,,, ,,i.. Palry Axfec oueriy MISCELLANEOUS. LTImf. Nevada Hill Nevada Woader Tccapa. Mining . , 'oa .nt .ui ,04 .OH .05 P4 .41. ,.63 .in .87. .11 .on .113 -.10 . .01 . .Oi . ,18 .2.00 . .13 Asked .04 .10 .23 ,211 ,28 .21 4S "W ,48 ).23 o-i ,18 .02 .05 .10 ,00 .04 .48 .05 .tl ,811 .13 .07 .07 II .02 .01 2:lf Wthuh. Wabiuhpf X Wb4a pf B WeU-rip' Wwt UptoaTel West B it- Western Manbad . .. Wheef & h B Ut pf ItlyifOwUBd. . WBr U tlrf R 60 ,ffl S1K Uiti I6U i2H Hit 60ii 2Ji 51H fcOJi 16J( UH wi filH 42 UH jn Uuo(J (llvidind. ,-J27 2Sil Vi$ti 128( , U5 85 05 as ..ea mu au, am 32H 33'S 3I, 31J a HH "uy, UH Via W 27S 24 107 110 X07 109U Urerpcol Cot'pn Statistics UtVERPtjai Jtm S. Followln i w4ly suttoo ttitli n-ure n bale K'XEiaambSP&xsa ZSMfftttisrti9i xp9iinK BANK CLEARJNGS SiSHi-clSrtwi tod' compared with corresponding- day last two years: 10IA IB1R .K.. Boi,,in-,rt.u:'5!:,M g:Sig-S?? 2i5SW81 K.J"k 'S-73WW 3$rftS ST3.M8,T7 . . 73. .12.'gJ0.473" UMi pioppsAiSf OTIXQ BAILWAY COMI'ANV, TUB rONKEI i-enn.jlvaDLi uallroad Conipaor. 1.... vorK appurtenant to abolUhmtut' of grid croaaliwa ou toa cuatnyt WU Branch. "a Healed propoaala for the work uodar the fni the Chief Etnlneer, Boora"007. Broad StreVtBti tton. PbJJadilpbla, untlf Juni i7 lMlf i li o dock am T VU, Contract No, 4, for grading, masonry and appurtenant work for rhanglag & tracks fronv a. point gauth of Gravr lan to Chestnut HUl Station, and- constructing LrlJiii " .IllghUnd and 3wino- venues. ISd Of Hartwili avtnue. . ana r-iaua, apewociuMi m.na Lltuk forma fnr ouuined at (ba of So of the Room eof Ilroad aifui s,!,i..' riraaxvad Ly iha fiimuHln. Jit w Cofflpasy. PtacjJlvanU RaUroId Comjiiu?. Hfw. n lwk ar (ur au Bias. fe.fi-.. s,fih5s.xr,r vai xmxmmfi v-Mzmm Kiifhuw. m aUsnr corporation! haTe adopted e policy of quietly allowing ex tra profits to accumulate, or alio put them back Into tho builneii, to ths enhancement of Investment vaU uei. Thus a melon patch tl enltl. rated for the enjoyment, of etock. holderi. RFrom time to time the accumu. ted profits are distributed In the haps of extra e'Wldsndi, Or tho added Ttluei ire capltalUed In new tock. which Is divided imong tho ihareholdr! In proportion to their lioldliigi. fl Sight now there are teieral big corporation! which will ihortly dli tribute itock dividends of from 60c' to 100 to their itockholdtn. fT A pamphlet en tha subject of itock bonusei and lubicrlptton right! will be seat free to those requesting It, together with ctrcu. Ur nimtng the corporations tint tr" Nut To nr stock dividends. Ask fcr 17-PL, Including booklet explaiumg a WANTED PHILA. UNDERLYING PASS. RWY. STOCKS MELLOR & PETRY Members N. Y. & rhlla. Stock Exchantei 336 COMMERCIAL TUUST I1DILDINO "Tht- Twenly Payment Plan" S btKsvnttuJiajrlOcs (Esubllshed 1109) 40 Exchange Plce New Vor!c 0 is !IIIIII1III!!IIII!I!IIIH!IIIIIIIII1 TAX EXEMPT Listed Rails TO YIELD 4.6S chuaetts, Connecticut and Virraont. Details upon re?u. N.W.Hals-y&Co. Htl CUstnut 81., PIiUadelphI. Hew York Chicago San Franciaco The Twin State Gas & Electric Co. First and Refunding Mortgage 5 Bonds Tax refundable in Pcnn. These bonds are secured by a mortgage covering at a di rect lien all fixed property now owned or hereafter ac quired., Replacement cost as shown by the .report of the engineer is about one and one-half times the face value of all bonds outstanding. Earning! and volume of busi ness have iteadily increased ince the organization of the Company ten year ago. To yield about 5.50 Send for circular 395 which gives detailed Information. I William P. Bonbriglit & Co., Inc. MO It HIS WISTAK STIIOUD. Jr. 3Janacer 437 Chestnut St., Philadelphia lloeton New York Iindon iVIIllapi P Honbrlght i Co. Detroit Tarla tlonbrlghl A Co, In our monthly bond list we have instituted brief explanation of the terms used by Bankers inH describing investments. Our ; June Investment Circular f discusses the above subject in addition to presenting! 1 a numoer ot desirable bonds which embody this vf portant feature. rJ s Copies will be furnished on request. 1 Edward B.Smith & Co ESTABLISHED 1892 BANKERS Members Philadelphia and New York Stock Exchanges 1411 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia 30 Pine Street Ncw York Merchants Make Use of the Morris Plan- it permits you to make loans without tying up ready assets or straining credit. -- "" It makes repayment easy. ht,a-njl,t "lyi ,bu8,fle8 men's rates, and is supervised by the State Banking Department. Call or write for details. The Morris Plan Company of Phlla. 1507 Arch Street LOUIS J. KOhli.Prea. HOWARD H. HENRY, V. P. R. LKO HUNT. V. P. Treat. Sri-Cm. alKETINfiH, sru,? TOWN. VHIWDKU'lia Alloc AaiocUt at. and .Wl tuueu MAN1IE11X IiyiLDUMi AMI Akrim ll'fmv' ....... "- ....:.'.1 Uff UKU1V. spwUI tlnz of tn stockhoMtra of this cfattjo will b bia at tb oatJa ti VIS elation, at tha southwest cinirS ?i....5! oa approval pr dlaapprovar 1 th, pis,aid S; WIU.IAM g-i?fe. &?.""- UUiKQTqBV pff ACCOt'JSTJJI "if catma vuiiio A(0(Uataa saSsija' wtsm&mw FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY Broad Street Office r ;eor;BjoaulCliestiiutSte. i.