,8 EVENING MlGBIt-PHIIADBLPHlA ttHU&BDAY, JtHSTE 1 1016. SlfflLtmBHH(IEHERE MYrOFOLD JEWS WHO a LIVE OLD WOULD LIFE - .j JJiwible to Fit Into Now Mold of Democrady, Thejf Aro Gardd foi In Institution SHTJN "MELTiNG POT" A photograph IllaHtatlng this article WlU bo found on theplctoriftt page. Persecuted In Ihe autocratic countries of JBurope, Asia and northern Africa, the Jew, since the time of Modes, remained orthodox, which means. In -tnts senso, alriclly rltuat- ltla nnd true to trrtdltlbns. Transplanted to America, which Is not yet tltopla but neater to It than 6ther countries, the Jew is loslntr his orthodoxy In the spirit of democracy. It was an English Jew who wrote 'The Melting Pot," and that was a tale of conflict between old-World and now world Ideas. America, democracy, was triumphant. Tho younger generation of Jews In Amer ica nre drawing apart from tho orthodoxy of tho centuries. Even those who are na tives of other lahds soon And themselves in the hieltlnfir not. Anil wnitn 4hn nA tnMe come from the lands of Indiscriminate per secutions and racial hatred only a few yearx after their children have arrived hero they find a wide gulf between them. So wide, Indeed, does this gulf become nt times that the old folk are uncomfortable in their children's houses, not because thoy nro un welcome, but because they "don't Just fit In." This Is one of tho problems which the Jewish Sheltering Home nnd Homo for tho Homeless and Aged, at 316-317 South 3d street. Is trying to solve. It was estab lished 26 years ago and has been twlco enlarged since, tho second tlmo a few months' ago. SIxty-flvo "guests" aro cared for at present. On of thoso Is an old man who camo threo years ago from Russia, Mlnsker Ou baroec. Ho had been preceded to America by his sons, who wished to cscapo military duty. When tho father nrrlved ho found that his children no longer kept a strictly "kosher" or Jewish ritualistic house, nor did they observe tho Sabbath. And so, to aa aa aircei institution no went, mere ne would bo away from all this "Irrellgton," 'lrreVerence" and "anarchy." Tho bedrooms in tho building aro large and airy. A hospital Is In charge of a trained nurse and a large sunparlor Is a source of pleasure for the guests. A synagogue on the first floor Is well equipped, and thero Is no part of tho home which appeals moro to the old folk than their place of visit, but orthodoxy or no orthodoxy they are always glad to sco tho young ones. CAfclEN TO VOTE Ofl STRIKE Mftsa-meottng Tonight Will Decide Action to Bo Taken by Aggrieved P. K T. Employes The question, of a strike of the tin Ion employes of the Philadelphia Itapld Transit Company will be decided totilgnt. A Mass-Meeting fo conMei the refusal of Jrhomas H Mlttoh, president bt the com pftny, to re6etv a cbmmlttee bearing tho union demands for higher pay and Improved working conditions, wilt bo held In Central tabor linlori Hall, tit toorln Bth street The meeting will begin ht 8! JO o'clock end IS expected to continue until 3)30 6'clock Friday mdrhlng. The call was Is sued yesterday 6ver the signature of Harry F. Flynn, president of Division No. 477, Amalgamated Association of Street Car and Elcctrld Railway Employes, and Joseph M. Ritchie 6rganlser of tho American Federa tion df Labor who has been active In this city f6r the past year. Circulars containing notice 6f the trieetlng wero distributed nt every barn in tho city yesterday. Mr. Flynn fcald hs cdUld not tell In ad vance of tho meeting what attitude tho men would take should Mr. Mitten refund to consider the demands that were ndopted several weeks ago. Ho nsserted that they woum ao one or two things namely, send tho commltteo back to Mr. Mitten again nnd Instruct tho Executive Committee to call a strlko If It Was not received or vote to strike at once. GLIAUSTRIACITONTANO SFORZI DISPERAW SUL PASUBIOEACONIZUGNA 20,000 Exhibitors for Liberty Day Fete NEW YORK, June 1. If tho weather Is pleasant next Sunday, It Is expected the largest crowd that over attended nn athletic meet In this country will see tho gnorlcan Liberty Day celobratlon at Shcepshead Bay Speedway for the benefit of the German, Austrian and Hungarian local charities and the Irish Relief Fund. Thero aro to bo 1000 musicians and 10,000 exhlbltqrs. 'BUD' SHARPE DIES ON STALLHYGS' PLANTATION West Chester ( Boy and Former Boston National Innolder Suc cumbs at Haddock, Ga. Tho career of "Dud" Sharpe la ended. Tho one-time Boston National Infleldcr and later scout for Goorgo Stnlllngs died this morning at Stnlllngs' plantation, nt Mad dock, On., after an Illness of four months. Bayard II. Slmrpo was born In West Chester, Pa,, In 1881 and during his high school days was a luminary on the baseball team. Later ho joined tho Brandywlno team and was such a sensation that tho Boston Nationals procured his services, and from 1904 until 1909 he was a member of the Boston team. Ho next saw service In the International League and two years In that circuit was onough for "Bud." Stalllngs knew Sharpo Was not tho star of a fow years ago, yet he was aware that "Bud" .was n great Judge of baseball timber and had him scouring tho minors for a fow seasons doing scout duty. Stalllngs has a big plantation nt Mad dock, Oa., and slnco his tlmo Is bo taken up with his duties ns a manager of tho bolllgeront and bellicose Braves during tho spring and summer, plnccd Sharpe In charge of the plantation. Dr. A. G. Thomson Seriously 111 Dr. Archibald G. Thomson, of 1900 South Rtttcnhouso square. Is seriously 111 In Jef ferson Hospital, where ha has been a pa tient for nenrly a week. For several days his condition has alarmed members of his family and his frlonds. Yesterday, how ever, ho was reported to have Improved. Newton "High" Alumni Elect NEWTOWN, Pa Juno 1. These officers of tho Newtown High School Alumni As sociation have been elected: Robert La Rue, president; R. Clyde Smith, vice presi dent; Miss Miriam L. Hlllborn, secretary; John S. Wright, treasurer. 'ISjS' The Logic of His Public Career THE Hon, Travis H. Whitney, of the Public Service Commission of New York, has- -written an article for Sunday's Public Ledger on the logic of Justice Hughes' public career. He contends that in these times, when We hear so much of the importance of universal training and compulsory service, men trained to the duties of a republic must bd subject to call, even to draft, if needs be I It s from this unique angle he writes in advocacy of the mail who refuses to fur ther his own nomination for President. The coming Presidential election prom ises to be the most important in the history of the United States. This article is a de tailed and authenticated analysis of the life-work of the man who may be called to the Presidency. It does what he has hither to declined to do outlines his policies jn so far as they are revealed by his .work as a great judge and a famous Governor, - SUNDAY'S PUBLIC&XEDGEB Cdiorino domicile Anhientatfc Mbntre Danno 1'Asalto alle Po sition! di Pabao di Buole. 1A.ttacco Itespinto LA ItESISTENZA ALLB'ALI ROMA, 1 dlugno. A hid delta valle del Foslna lo forio atietro-UngarlcHo Btnrino facendo sforxl dl sperntl per avvlluppare le posltlonl Itallano della tinea Arslero-Aslago, e perdtto gravis Blmo Bono state Inflltte alle torso. tcutontcha rt!ho nttneenroho In formations dl mnssa I nnnchl dollo alturo tenute dagll Itallahl. Le batterlo Itallane mascherate steserd una cortlna dl fuoco sullo forxe attacahtl cd Intere compngnle dl sotdatl austrlacl furono annientate. Dlspaccl da Udlno dtcono che. duelll dl nrtlgllerla sono In corso sulta fronte del l'Isonio, ma sembra che gll austrlacl abblano Indebollto quelle llneo percho' noh si o' avuto nlcun attacco dl fanterla. Una battnglla che comlnclo' mnrtedl' sera sulfa llnca tra I Conl Zunga ed It Monto Cenglo per II pOBsesso dello post zlonl Itallano dl Monte Fnsublo, Foml Altl o I'rlafora, e' tuttora In corso. Dlspaccl da Vlcenza dlcono che la carneflclna tra le truppo nustrlacho puo' cssere paragonata a quella che hnnno sublto I tcdeschl a Ver dun. Mlgllala di cadaverl dl soldatt aus trlacl glacclono ancora Insepoltt sullo falde do Fasublo o del Crnl o sul Fasso dl Buolo. Lo truppo Alpine si sono dlstlnto In modo slngolaro per la brlllanto dlfesa del Sogllo dl Campiglla o dl Prlnfora nonostante II terrlblle fuoco delte batterlo nustrlacho. Questc truppo ebbero l'ordlne dl rlttraral soltanto dopo cho ernno state organlzzato te llneo dl dlfesa rctrostnntl. Sul la Punta Corbln lo poslzlont Itallane furono bom- bahlate IHcessanlemenle per HI gtornt set nottl. SI dice che gll Italian! tianno evacuato la borgatn dl Aslago ma eonno fortlficntl suite altul-o nd est mentre gll austrlacl avanzano lentnmente La situations gen erate e' pero motto mlgllornta dal momento che le due nil non solo trnttengono II ncmlco. ma gll Infllggoho nerdits aesal con- sldei-evoll. Per II momento una ulterloro avAniatn del nemlco nt centra sembra Im probable, La situations e statn salvata aall'ant mlrevdle orgahlzzaslono del trasportl au tomoblll Itallanl che portarono in tenipd rlnforil tall da chtudero la breccia hpertn dagll austrlacl nolle prime llnee dl dlfesa. La perdlta plu' grave per Bit Itallanl b' stata ciuella grosel ennnont the etsl furdno obbll gatl ad abbandohare1 Bulla llhea Monto Magglo-Splts Tonezta, lerl sera II Mlnlstero delta Guerra pub- bllcava ll segUente rapbdrto del genernlo Cadornai Suite attUro a nord delta Vat dl Ledro e hella zona dl Rlva fUrond o8rVati letl freqUentl moVlmentl dl truppe nemlche ed Insotltl laVoH dl fortlflcaztone. Nella Vat Lagarlna 11 ncmlco rlnnovo' lerl vlotentlsslml nttaccht contro lo nostre poslztonl, esegultl con vnloro o precedutl da una Intensa preparnziono dl artlgllerla dt grosso callbro; ma tuttt ell attacchl furono rcsplntt o lo colonne nemlche furono nnnlentate. La battaglla o stata vlolentlsslma nella zona dl Col dl Buole, dove I vnlorosl fnntl del 62mo regglmento (Brlgata Sl cltla) e del 707mo rcgglWcnto (Urlgnta Taro) rlpetutttmento focero sortlto dallo loro trlncee Incnlzandd II nemlco cd In seguondolo con assaltl alia balonetta. Ncl oettoro del Monto Pasublo si ebbo un duello dl artlgllerle. IvI nol resplngemmo un attacco del nemlco In dtrezlone dl Foml Altl. Tra II Poslna o l'alta valle detl'Astlco si va dellneando la battaglla. II ne mlco concentra I suot sforzl partlcotar montd nella vallo dell'ABtlco. lerl mat tlna nol rcsplngommo un attacco nella zona dl Campiglla. Plu' ad est II concontrnmento del fiioco nemlco cl costrlnso ad evacuare le nostra poslztonl sul monto PrJafora, ma tin disperato contrattacco dello nostro truppe cl rldlcdo II posscsso delta montngna. Nondlmcno, sempra a causa del vlolento fubed delt'orltelleHA h mlca, le nostro truppe st ritlrarono lentHmente sulle falde merldlonall del monto. BdU'altoplnno dt Aslago nol evacu hmmd Punta Cordln, mn contlnulamo a sostenere la presslone nemlca, buI restd della fronte. Nella Carnla e sull'Isonzo l Bono n.Mll. h-lnnl IntArmlKantl dl nrtRtletta cite ono Btato plu' intense hell'alta valle del But e nella zona dl Ban Martlno. La nostra fanterla operd' Un nudrtco raid nelle trlncee hemlchej . Bl sa ora the 11 genernlo Robirto BrUnatl, comandandto In capo del Id forze Itallane operahll net Trentlno, 6' alato prlvato del comando In segulto all'offnalva austrlaca, Egll, ubbrlacatd dalla raplda nvanzata dcgll Itallanl verso Roveretd, trnScUl-o' dl far coBtruIre aollde trlncee alio buo spallo per non pcrdere tempo nelte operation! cho ctovfivano nortara nll'occunazlond dl Mo- vcreto. Cost' la truppe Itallane rlmascro csposto al fuoco dell'arttglterla austrlaca cdl risultato che II nemlco poto' resplngerle o gll Itallanl non potetterd oppdrro quella roslstcnza che si dovova nspettare. In questl clrcoll mllltart si dice che I'erroro del gonernto Brusatl obbllgo' gll Itallanl n rltlrarsl o causo' loro gravl per due. In fortuna che gll nustrlacl non scp pero approflttaro del loro succcsso Inl zlato o dopo nvere sfondato la prima llnca dl dlfesa non manlcnnero l'lstcssa vlolenza nell'urto, nltrlmentl sarebboro rluscitl nd Invadoro la planura vlccntlna o forso ad nrnutiitrn ntinhA ntlORtn cltta. Oil Itallanl npproilttnrono Invcco dellesl tazlone degll austrlacl opponendo una vlgoroslsslma rcslHtonza nlle nil, spcclal mento sul Conl Zugna o nella Val Sugana e rendendo cosl necessarlamento lonta l'avanzata del centro. Un comUnleato nustrlnco nnnuncla cho gll nustrlaot hanno occupalo Oaltlo, un vlllagglo cho o' ad appena qualche mlgllo da ABlngo, II monta Prlnfora, II monte Flara cd 11 monto Bnldo, nuest'ultlmo da non confondersl con II monte Baldo cho resta tra It Garcia o l'Adlgo o cho o'sotlda mento tcnuto dalto truppo Itallane. II monto Baldo occupato dagll austrlacl o' ad una dlcclna dl chllomotrl a nord dl Aslago. Thieves Get Silverware "Worth $100 LANCASTER, Pa., Juno 1. The residence of A. J. McConomy was robbed last night of stlvorwnro worth $100. M0LH0STAC0LI ANCORA TRAARSIEROEVICENZA I Crltici Militari Austrlacl Am moniscono 11 Pubblico a Non iarsl Trdppe Illusion! Dlspaccl da Vienna dlcono cho quel' crlllcl mltltarl rllengono che le borgato Ital lane dl Arslero o dl Aslago cadrnnno presto nolle mnnl degll austrlacl. ma nmmonlscono II pubblicd a non farsl tt-oppo rosee llluslonl circa le opernzlonl dell'escrclto nUatro-un-garlco In Italia, glacche moltl ostaeoll nat- .. t, .j .-iniAil ,fAl.KnVm nnrorn CSSOra superatl. Oil itallanl, cs3l dlcono, hanno col- locnto potontl Datierio sui pnooi una v alia planum e gll austrlacl, oltre ad essere ..nn.ii nt fiinpn dl aucsto bntterlo, deVOno ancho saltro sul flanchl dl montagne. Telfcgramml da Roma dtcono cho da tr6 glornl dura una vlolenta battaglla per II possesso del Monte Tasublo e del Paeso dl BUole, o cho Intero comimgnle nustrlacho Bono stnto nnnlentato mentro cercayano dl arramptcarsl sul nanchl del montl, dallo batterlo Itallano. Fcrdllo nltrettnnto gravl gll nustrlacl hanno sublto qunndo allacca rono lo poalzlonl delta linea Aslago-Arslero. Little Girl Hii by Trolley While playing In front of her homo yes terday afternoon, Rosa Fcllla, 2 years old, of 711 Federal Btrcet, ran In front of a trolley car. She was Btruck, thrown to tho side of tho track and escaped with a fow Blight bruises. Witnesses say tho car missed pasalng over tho little girl's head by a few Inches. Sho was taken to tho Pennsylvania Hospital, where her Injuries were treated. These Fishermen Saw Itl TANAMA. Juno 1. A hunting party of four, Including Dr. William Burdctto, of Tennessee, returned from a trip today and reported an encounter with nn unrecognized deep Bea monster, moro than 25 feet In length. According to their story, tho mon ster was a huge fish with n square head and dorsal and ventral fins WILL SUE CIW TO StOP " OBJECTIONABLE ODORS Itittenhouso Square Residents Declare Nuisance Has Not fieeri Abated Residents of the fashionable ntttenhoUte Square section have declared war upon tho persons who Aro responsible for the evil odors that have kept them behind closed doors and wlmldws for thd last month, "Suit wilt be brought at once ngalnat the Department of PUbllo Health and Charities and Its Inefficiency exposed,'1 Francis Ralston Walsh, of 1830 South nit tenhouso square, declared last night He stated that he was speaking In behalf of a number of residents of that section who did not want tholr names used at this time. "Tho odor has not been found and 'boxed,' as declared by the Department of Public Health and Charities on Tuesday," said Mr. Wnlsh. Following tho complaint of Robert Hun ter, of 22d nnd Locust streets, and the gen eral protests that followed, Director Krusen announced thnt his Inspectors had located tho causo of the evil odors at n faulty In cinerating plant at 30th and Rnca streets and Bald the odor had been "boxed," Yes torday Mr, Walsh declares thd "odors of barnyards nnd gas bombs" permeated the rooms of Rlttcnhouse squaro hbmes again. "Wo have written letters to the Depart ment of Public Health and Charities with out result and lottcrs to tho department have not even been acknowledged," sald'Mr Walsh. "Under tho Blankenburg Admlnta. tratlon wo had causo to complain of the samo nulsnncc. It was soon traced to Its origin nnd at once stopped." Among those who havo Written letters to tho department are John Jl. Norrls, pine street above 2lBt, and A. J, Henry, of Do Lancey place. George L. Harrison of 170t Locust street,. Is also among thoso wbo have complained of tho nulsanco. .. Ik LBtvHB' Why You Should Own a Maxwell Comfort First, because it is a comfortable riding car. Plenty of room for five people: deep, soft cushions; springs made of the best spring steeL scientifically heat-treated, accurately suspended and balanced You will always be comfortable in a Maxwell " Appearance Second, because the Maxwell is a trim, smart, good-looking car. Many makers of heavy, high priced cars, as you know, have copied tho general lines, the shape of the body and hood of the MaxwelL This is more or a compliment than an infringement. v Service J1 because the Maxwell, being a product of thirteen years evolution, - o .. - ujvuouuua ui uwuers. Low First" Cost Low After" Cost Maxwell cars aw mnrlo tf fla l.A.,t- . 1 it . i . I,,... j .r, j r t " , uwwruui mat money ana brains can U rt Into it re B an gCt Ut f any 0nIy what Fourth, because you get everything in a Maxwell that you can cet in any car and you get it for less money. g The answer to this is that the Maxwell is a light car and it is built in" enormous quantities. The Maxwell Co. is one of the three argesTpr ducers of high grade motor cars in the world. largesc pro-, InTcartuul yU more miles "er dollar th We say this witho hesitation or doubt It is our honest belief and we are willing to prove it by Maxwell owners, by comparison with Zv other car or by any other way you suggest or prefer. 7 The Maxwell will please you. We hnowitwill Let us arranire for a dem onstration and werll take the responsibility of satisfymfyTc Touring Car $655 Roadster $635 if. O, a DETROIT The Maxwell Motor Sales Corporation A FACTORY BRANCH - 1617 Chestnut Street Bell Phone; Spruce 31-41 1Jl9-4 Time Payments if Desired .si m wpnii ,iiOyw