' ..JiiMlmtr i , 1 , , ". , , T-- i . ' ' '' "' ' "' ""'. . . JL .. L ! " .". .' ' .' .'.' "J '.,' ' """ "'" ' & i Etmtiraj 4 . tuR Ai . . a8 to oggr u- THURSDAY June 1, 1916 GRAPHIC NOTES AND COMMENT ON THE VARIED NEWS OF THE DAY AS RECORDED BY THE CAMERA 1 .- t liy Evening; ldser titntf lhci.ufci'-i I I MBFwBHHHH W ll JnBSflSSSWimUF I IM4 -. Smsfl EXPERTS .MARVEL AT HER DRIVING POWER 1 1 MUBBBB JMmm i BEKh I illfJ I- L BPMfiigyWfcJ . .:QpSpgfe Copyright. International Film S.rvlc. feif -.i-JSslPI" "iSW " ' SSiSWi f 'iAf2aumm prime minister asquitii on "peace! m:&iZ&&w STT. - -llyfeMMMl ,: s Jw-BM4?KiKMIkjir'Zih TWWx A.1$m tuTtTktTr makino visit to renuvn ' I KiVIbSK! ZKXvJwHESbSlP - vine wNHI vVTsSNKIhvwhwHLw'I' Jk1 " ' " " mfranrn . ,.' : ' --) in- ..S. A liKiiili iinfrniWi'liiWfyiiiHn .11 'I i i i I jinwnnunn i mmmmmmmmimcimmmmKmmmmmMmmmmmmmmtmmammmmtlmtfmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmammmmmttmmmmmmmmtmm This picture of Miss Molla Bjurstedt, taken at Morion, illus'- trates the sweep of the Norse pirl's tennis drive easy, yet causing dazzling speed. Copyright, International Film Servlca PRIME MINISTER ASQUITII ON PEACE- MAKING VISIT TO IRELAND There is small hint of the recent trngic events in Ireland on the faces of the figures here, who are, from the left, General Maxwell, who was in charge of the troops that broke the uprising; Lady Wimborne, wife of the then Lord-Lieutenant, and Mr. Asquith. They are attending a review of loyal volunteers. Photo by Underwood & Underwood FRANCE'S MOST TALKED-OP GREYHOUNDS OF THE AIR On the right is Lieutenant Jean Navarre, known as the "Fokker killer," after bringing down JG German aeroplanes. Around his neck ho wears his gursrdon, a lady's silk stocking. Ills companion is Georges Carpen- tier, former pugilist, now an army aviator. ASRXVINC yMfi'"r " AUSTRALIAN AND NEW 2EA&AND ?KOQPS ARE BEDECKED AND GARLANDED WITH FLOWERS BY WOMEN AT MARSEILLES British nor txvueh Governments have mae any ocI announcement about the presence of f a"frrTfv"" s5 ffa ism sw wweft snow tfiem. pianUta 't jitwUliV yfa t-ir mm, M, tglttewt tf Vag.'" ',- A HTrtDV to RKWlirn txi ,nv tmc xt mr, n P,Joto Bmhrw,dt .rrtfgs of ancient' Israel in the WQrld that te nfew fa revealed In these prophetlike firea. More than s-mot 57fcL 'K 3Vafc!l!r-S0l 3- stw ,Soae othem -are tb re ftwn I misfortune ; others beStWcJnr,i T "1, the Jew I 'M -' - '" el ArIaBUtd soas aid fegkters, a"8 W wey cannot endur the n,oderHy