Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 01, 1916, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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Strange Happenings Add Tlieir Quota to the Thoughts of
All Who See Them Children Are Much in Evi
dence and Greatly Interested
fTTiinTHDn it is that thb wr in
YVEUrojio Id roally keeping people at
homo or riot, It is hard to saVi certain,
Jiowovcr, it is that the attendance at the
Devon Show lta been far greater than
usual, and the interest in all the doings
In tho grand stand around thd oval and
even in tno ring by members of tho social
world has been unprecedented.
Many etrango llttlo things happon theso
days, nnd ono wonders if tho world has
rally grown so callous that It no longer
gasps whon it sees former wives and
husbands coming faco to face, each with
onothcr helpmate so-called, by his or her
eldo. Arid tho pity of it comes strongly
lo mo when I aco tho llttlo children of
tho nrst marrlago looking so puzalod
ond sad and wishing to bo with both.
That Is always tho pity of it In many
of theso selfish divorces; It Is tho chll
dren who suffer. In theso days it Is as
easy t6 get unmarried as It Is to got
ruarrlod, and It is to be hoped that tho
lairs may bo mado moro stringent in
theso matters when peoplo knew they
had to stand each othor for better or
for worso, thoy did it, and that was tho
ond of it.
This dissertation being neither hero nor
thero, I wilf onco moro go back to tho
ehow. Mrs. Frod Schmidt was in hor
box yesterday, and with her was her
email daughter Hcnrlotta. I wondered
why llttlo Miss Henrietta was not show
ing somo ponies this year, and asked why,
and, my dears, do you remember it was
Inst year that tho llttlo girl's pony, a prlzo
winner, dropped dead at tho show, and tho
dear llttlo girl has remained truo to that
pony and has mourned him over since, re
fusing to havo another in hor pot's place.
Protty Mrs. Schmidt gavo hor whole at
tention to her llttlo daughter all day.
Tho Stanley Reeves kiddles wero
awfully cuto. Tho elder is tho Image of
his father, and tho second ono Is so
mall hla woo noso is scarcely formed
yet, and oven so ho was dressed in a
sailor suit, with long trousers, and had
a small middy's tarn on tho sldo of hla
Mr. and Mrs. "Billy" Clothier's Mttlo
daughtor is so cunning, and Is early
showing her lovo for horsos. Sho was
with her mother on Tuesday, dressed In
ii whtto muslin frock, with tiny cuffs and
iroad collar edgod with narrow bluo
7ufflcs, and tho onds of tho tiny muslin
'.ash wero also edged with ruffl03 of
One hears passing etrango tales now
and again, and tho latest is rcmarkablo,
to say tho least. "Wo aro told it is not
according to otlquetto or ethics, or any
thing for that matter, for girls to ac
cept valuable presents from men, unless
thoy intend to marry them. This codo
seoms to bo entirely disregarded by
present-day young America. I know
of a girl who told a man about seven
years her senior sho would marry him,
and procoodod to allow him to send her
presents a wrist watch, Joweled brace
let, pins and an oxqulslto comb adorned
with gold. 'Woll, sho tfeclded sho did
not lovo him after all, and so broke it
off, which was right beyond all argu
ments, as lovo must havo a largo part In
married happiness, but, my, cleans, this
girl has kept every ono of that man's
presents, and does not even suggest re
turning them. Did you ever?
Mrs. Joseph T. Jcanes, of Vlllanova, en
tertained at luncheon today. The guests,
who later occupied Mrs. "Wilbur P. Klapp's
box at tho Horse Show, were Mrs. S.
Deas Sinltler. Mrs. W. W. Hepburn, Mrs.
A. E. MoVItty, Mrs. Morris Stroud, Jr.,
and Mrs. Wilbur Paddock Klapp.
Mrs. James D. WInsor, Jr., gavo a lunch
eon yesterday at her now home, 1 Dover
avenue, Itosemont, afterward taking her
guests to tho Horse Show. Among thoso
present were Mrs. Led yard Heckscher, Mrs.
Samuel Warrlner, Mrs. Edward S. Page,
Jr., Mrs. Elwyn and Mrs. J. Rldgway Itellly.
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Chllds Dreiol
entertained at luncheon today at their
home in Bryn Mawr.
Miss Iluth Wales, whose engagement to
Mr. Henry Francis du PoSt, of Wlnterthln.
Del., has Just been announced, will have
a country wedding on June 24 at Hyde
Fark-on-the-Hudson, where her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Edward H. Wales, have their
country home. Miss Wales Is a niece of
Mrs. Elthu Root. Her fiance Is the son of
Colonel Henry A. du Pont, United States
Senator from Delaware.
Mr. and Mrs. H, Podney Sharp, of Wil
mington, will give a dance at Gibraltar to
morrow night, In honor of Miss Aline du
Pont, of Cleveland, O. An orchestra from
this city will play Hawaiian muslo for the
dancing. There will be about 75 guests
present, Including the members of the wed
ding party of Miss Lydta Chichester and
Mr. Philip D, Laird, who will be married
the following day. Miss Margaret Blaine,
of Taunton, Mass., and Miss Mildred Truitt,
of MUford, will be guests of Mr, and Mrs.
Sharp for the dance.
Mr, and Mrs, .Robert Meade Smith, Jr., of
Berkley road, Haverford, are being con
gratulated upon the birth of a daughter on
, May SO,
Mrs. William M, Stewart, Jr., wilt give a
shower today at her home in Chestnut Hill
in honor of Miss Frances Stoughton,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus D.
Stpughton, whose marriage to Mr. Frederio
Lyman Ballard will take place on June 1.
Mr, and, Mrs. A, Maxwell Bheppard and
their debutante daughters. Miss Carolyn
Sheppard and Miss Mildred Sheppard, will
shortly close their town house, 2184 Walnut
street and occupy their summer home at
Kennebunkport, Me.
Mr and Mrs, Julian Story of 332 South
Uth Btreet, will move to their country
place, ClOYerlyrlane, Rydal, today.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cochran, of The
IUttenhousu, will spend the summer season
at The Pennhuret, Atlantic City, N. J.
A man-Use of Interest to persons in this
City will take Dlaca todav In Ttlrhmnnd
when Miss Katberlne Qunn, daughter of
r, and Mrs. Edgar Granville Uunn, will
Mcome the bride of Mr. Donald Stewart
Ltas, of 400 South 4Qth street As the
family of Mr. Leas la In mourning. th
jyrtddlag will be extremely quiet.
Dr. and Mr. TTrtnrV "P1tf Hmwn .Tr h
1'JI Locust street, ar finsridlnir aaveral
GJ the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
ft Brown, of 1J West Upsa street, qer
Mr and Mrs. OharlM Edwin Shall and
iy. who mtva bwi waUnr th winter
let vunuui aav tsm ap4(tm8w at
Tho Waynewbod, Wayne, for the summer
Mason, and will mdvo out tomorrow1.
Miss Ethel Drake, who has been visiting
her grandmother, Mrs. Ferdinand L.
Fetherston, of 1924 Arch street, expects to
return to her home In Now York the end of
this Week,
A reception nnd muslcnlo will bo given
(his overling at the home of Dr. Thomas
Edwin Eldrldgo, 1811 North Logan square.
An Interesting program will bo given and
tho Reception Committee will Include the
ltev, CharlesL Scasholes, LL. D., the Rov,
Qcorgo Chalmers Richmond, the Rov. Sam
uel W. Purvis, D. D., tho Rev. Charles L.
Graham, D. D., Mr. Charles Pooloy, Mr.
Wilfred Kalghn, Mr. J. Harvey Vance,
Mrs. CharleB Pdolcy, Mrs. Lillian Clark,
Mrs. Madellno Mlddlelon, Mrs. J. C, Wilt
bank, Mrs. LaUra Wahl, Miss Hattto Deck,
Mrs. Florenca Vanco, Miss Llllle Doutel
stacker. Dr. Ell S. Bearj, Dr. Charles D.
franklin. Dr. Oeorgo H, Slmmerman, Dr.
John H. Bailey, Mrs. Wilfred Kalghn, Miss
Anna Wlndolph ond Miss Anna Wahl.
Along the Main Line
AnDMOItE Students of the Lower Mer
lon High School will give n concert, "Con
test of tho Nations," at 8 O'clock this evo
nlng In the school auditorium, All tho na
tions of tho world will bo represented In
song and dance. Tho principal parts will
be filled by MIbs Edith Black, Miss Ursulta
Seoburger and Mr. J. Harvey Jack, who will
bo assisted by Mr. A. Arthur Powoll, pian
ist. Tho high school orchestra, under tho
direction of Mr. William P. Nash, will fur
nlBh muslo for tho affair.
HAVERFORD Mr. and Mrs. James F.
Fahncstock will close their towh house, 237
South 18th streot, today ond spend tho
early summer at Haverford Court.
BRYN M AWR Mr. and Mrs Louis Rod
man Page, Jr , of 2016 Locust street, will
spend the month of Juno with Mr. Page's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rodman Pago,
at Aramlnk Farm.
Mrs. John Harvoy Gordon has closed her
home, 9 Elliott avenue, nnd will spend tho
Bummer with her father, Mr. Nicholas Thou
ron, of Merlon.
ST. DAVID'S Mr. and Mrs. Ferreo Brln
ton nnd their daughters, MIfs Cnrollno Ives
Brtnton and Miss Anna B. Brlnton, roturncd
on Monday ovenlng from a motor trip to
Buck Hill Falls.
Mr. ond Mrs. John M. Rogan, of St.
David's road, gave a houso party over Me
morial Day. Their guests were Mr. nnd
Mrs. Howard S. Rue, of Ardmoro, nnd Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Whetstono nnd tholr small
son, of Wynnewood.
"Tho Cotcrlo," the Women's Music Club,
held Us last meeting of tho season at Wal
marthon, tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Walton, of St. David's. Tho program con
sisted of piano solos by Mrs. Thomas E.
Waltonand violin solos by Mrs. William E.
Johnson, of Strafford. Mrs. Rufus Waples
and Mrs. Robert Lo Bouttlller gave a piano
duet, Mrs. A. J. D. Peterson and Mrs. S.
Victor King played a duet.
Choruses were sung by tho doublo quar
tet, whoso membors are Mrs. John M. Ro
gan.sMrs. Frederick P. Rlstlno, Mrs. Charles
G. Tatnall, Mrs. John Dunlap, Jr., Mrs.
Humbert B. Powoll, Miss McCutcheon, Mrs.
S. Victor King nnd Mrs. A. J. D. Peterson,
led by Miss Marion Mulford. There nro
about 40 other members of the Cotorle,
among whom aro Mrs. II. K. Mulford, Mrs.
Ralph Emerson. Miss Josephine Scott, Mrs.
L. J. Palmer, Mrs. Arthur Standen, Miss
Wood and Mrs. W, H. Say en.
WAYNE Mr. nnd Mrs. Ralph Deacon, of
Elizabeth, N. J., are guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Frederick P. Rlstlno, of 311 Oak lane,
Tho W. C. T. TJ. of Wayno will hold a
rummage sale today and tomorrow at tho
Wayno Coffeo House. Among the women
Interested aro Mrs. Gcorgo -W. Chapln, Mrs.
Chnrles Howson, Mrs. George M. Aman,
Mrs. C. P. Stllwell, Mrs. John M. Gallagher,
Mrs J. II. Jcfterls, Mrs. H. F. Smyth. Miss
Sara Phillips Thomas, Mrs. II. O. Hlldo
brand, Mrs. John Turner, Miss Nelllo Wal
ter and Mrs. A. J. County.
Mrs. Frederio A. do Canlzares, of Cones
toga road, has been entertaining Miss Footo,
of Sarasota, Fla.
Chester Valley
Miss Frances Avll, of Wilmington, Is
spending the week In Malvern as the guest
of Miss Fhoebe Hampton.
A banquet was given last night in the
Malvern School Auditorium in honor of the
principal, Mr. George Gordon Gaymen, by
tho classes of 1912-13-14-15 and 1910.
Mrs. Jesse W. Cox and her daughter have
gone for a fortnight's visit to Christiana,
whero they will be tho guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. J, Jackson. '
Miss Mary Gross, of Malvern, has Miss
Dorothy Shive, of Doylostown, aa her guest.
South Philadelphia
Mr. and Mrs. Mlchele Rea, of 1151 South
12th street, announce tho engagement of
their daughter, Miss Antolnetta Rea, to
Mr. Charles Inverso.
West Philadelphia
Mrs. E. K. Paden has announced the en
gagement of her daughter, Miss Agnes Gor
don Paden, to Mr, Richard Jarden, of Ger
mantown. The date for their wedding has
not yet been set, but it wiU take place In
the near future, and the young people will
live In Port Huron, Mich , where Mr. Jarden
Is engaged In business,
Mr, J. Harry Oaster, of 3811 Aspen street
Mr. Joseph F. W Davis, of 5816 Washing,
ton avenue, and Mr Walter J. Fitzgibbons,
of New York, motored from Philadelphia
to Nw York, where they wero week-end
KUests of Assistant District Attorney James
It Donahoe, of New York, at the country
home of the New York Athletic Club.
Mrs. N. Noble, of 48 North Hirst street,
announces tho engagement of her daughter,
Ml Frances Noble, to Mr. D. Hilt Rock, of
8145 Westminster avenue.
Mrs. H. 'L. Dlny, Pf 1 Vine street,
has returned froin Jennlngston, W Vs..
wbMft WM th oi relatives.
Mrs. WIHlow Fennel!, 6f S28 North Hor
ton jtrei, 1 tygr la WUdwood, N, J, aa
the gi of hr mother, Mrs, J Kershaw,
of Tayl vue.
-Tax" H IT ILiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB "'v. w
Thoto by A. Trederlck BradJey.
Tho engagement of Miss Lovy, who is tho daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs.
S. M. Levy, of 2207 Walnut street, to Mr. Donald Eastlake, of Chestnut
Hill, has just been announced. Miss Levy has spent much of her lifo
abroad with her parents.
Daughter of Rector to Be Married by Father to Widely
Known Artist Ceremony Will Take Place at Ardmore.
Doctor Schelling's Daughter Also to Become Bride
A PRETTY and Interesting wedding wljf
XJL tako place at 0 o'clock this evening In
St. Mary's Church, Ardmoro, when Miss
Anita Cotheal NlBbott, daughter of tho Rov.
James R. L. Nlsbett and Mrs. Nisbott, will
become tho bride of Mr. Oeorgo Matthews
Harding, of this city. Tho ceremony will
be performed by tho bride's father, who 1b
rector of Christ Church Chapel.
The bride, who will bo given In marriage
by her mother, will bo gowned in lustrous
whlto satin, mado with a long court train
and trimmed with silver lace. Her tulle veil
will bo held In place by a band of pearls,
and she will carry a shower bouquet of lilies
of the valley and whlto roses.
Miss Nlsbett will havo her sister, Mrs. E.
N. Mitchell, nB matron of honor. Mrs.
Mitchell will wear an attractive gown of tea
rose taffeta, veiled in tho same shade of net
and trimmed with old gold roseB, with a
fargo leXrn hat trimmed with the same
Bhado of Pink, and will carry a staff with
?ea roses She will wear gold shoes and
The bridesmaids will include Miss Joan
nette Meade Nlsbett. a sister of the bride;
mim Flizabeth Walte. of Baltlmoro; Miss
Miss Sice MurphyVof New York, and Miss
Anna Troth, o? this city. They will wear
frocks of shaded pink not, over Bllver cloth,
made with pink taffeta jackets and trimmed
with silver roses. Large pink and slUer
hats with long Pink tullo streamers, will
he worn and they will carry silver baskets
flUed with two shades of Klllarney roses.
Sliver shoes and stockings will add the
finishing touch to their costumes.
Tho two llttlo flower girls will bo the
brae's niece. Miss Phyllis Mitchell, and
Miss Charlotte Adams Brown, a niece of
?he bridegroom. They will be attired In
dainty white lingerie frocks, with pink rib
bons, and leghorn hats trimmed with the
same shade of pink ribbon. They will carry
pS baskets nlled with daisies and pale
PlMr.rHardlng will have Lieutenant Logan
Cressup. U. S. N.. ns best man, and the
ushers will be Mr. Harry Patterson Op
Sycke?Mr'winiam S. Willis. Mr. S. Walter
Taylor. Mr. Rupert Holland. Mr. Joseph
Craig Fox and Mr. Thornton Oakley.
Following tho ceremony a reception will
be held at tho home of tho bride's parents,
on Church road, Ardmore. After an ex
tended wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Harding
will make their home on Montgomery
avenue, Wynnewood
The wedding of Miss Dorothea Derby
shire Schelllng, daughter of Dr. Felix E.
Schelllng. head of tho English department
of the University of Pennsylvania, to Mr.
Joseph Seronde, an assistant professor of
romance languages at the University, took
Jilace today at noon, at the home of
the bride's parents, 4100 Pine street. The
coremony -was performed by the Rev,
Augustus F, Deard, the bridegroom's former
Miss Schelllng. who was given In mar
riage by her uncle, Dr. Ernest Schelllng,
was attended by Miss Margaret de
Schwelnlts, of thla city, and Miss Cynthia
Stevens, of Baltimore, as bridesmaids. The
bride wore an exquisite gown of Chan
tllly lace over Ivory satin, with a silver
ulrdle. and her tulle veil was caUght at
each aide of tho head with orange blos
soms. She carried a bouquet of lilies of
the valley. Miss De SchwelnlU wore a
dainty frock of white chiffon trimmed with
yellow satin, and Miss Stevens waB gowned
In white chiffon trimmed In blue. Both
bridesmaids carried yellow snapdragons
and lupins. Mr. John 1e Forest, of New
HaVen, acted as best man.
A wedding breakfast followed tha cere
mony, at which about 160 guests were
nreaent. Mr. Seronde and his bride, after a
wedding trip, will wake their homo Jn this
city. .
A quiet wedding will tako place this aft
ernoon at 5 o'clock when Miss Lucy p. New
hall will become the bride of Mr. Isaaa W
Jeahes, In Old Christ church. The Rev
Dr Louis C Washburn, rector of the
church, will officiate.
The bride, who will be given la marriage
by her brother, Mr. William Peterson New
hill, will pe unattended. She will be gowned
in a traveling suit of navy blue and gray
with a hat to match awj wilt carry orchids
and imes or ins vauey.
and upon their roturn will live at 17th
a,.a Walnut streets.
Tho marriage of Miss Lovlna Bllllngton
Wosloy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
McCallum Wesley, of 4331 Pino streot, to
Mr. Perclval Garrott Maddock. will bo sol
emnized this evening at 7 o'clock In the
West Walnut Streot Presbyterian church.
Tho Rev. Dr. John A. McCallum, pastor of
tho church, will perform tho ceromony.
Tho bride, who will be given In marriage
by hor father, will hnvo Mrs. Frederick Har
vey ob matron of honor and her brides
maids will be Miss Adelaldo Spencor, Miss
Helen Glase, Miss Helen Breltenbaugh and
Mrs. Norman W. Harker. Mr. Henry Mad
dock will act as best man and the ushers
will Include Mr. Donald Flake, Mr. William
Woodruff, Mr. Richard Naylor. Mr. William
Budd, Mr. Joseph Bond and Mr. Robert
Pierpolnt. A largo reception at the Phllo
muslan Club, 3944 Walnut street, will fol
low tho ceremony. Mr. Maddock and his
brldo after an extensive wedding trip will
live at the Pinehurst, 46th and Pine streets,
whero thoy will be at home on tho second
and third Fridays In October.
Tho wedding of Miss Anna R. Sterling,
daughter of Mrs. Susan P. Sterling, of 1820
North 17th street, and Mr. Milton Brlng
hurst Wunder will take place this evening
nt 6 o'clock at the home of the bride's
mother, The ceremony will be performed
by the Rev. Norman V. P. Levis, rector of
the Episcopal Church of the Incarnation.
Miss Sterling will wear a gown of white
satin and lace. Her tulle veil will be
caught with orange blossoms and she will
carry lilies of the valley and orchids. She
will be attended by Mrs, Robert Linton as
matron of honor, who wi)l bo gowned In
white embroidered net and will carry pink
snapdragons. The best man will be Mr. J.
Henry Erbee. A small reception will follow
tho ceremony for the immediate families
and a few Intimate frlendB. After a wee
ding Journey, Mr. and Mrs. Wunder will
be at home after September 1 at 6207
Archer street, Germantown.
Miss Olive T. Dance, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, David B. Dance, of 5038 Cedar
avenue, and Mr. Lewis A. Smith, Jr.. son
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Lewis A. Smith, of the
Parkslde Apartments, will be married this
evening at the bride's home by the Rev. Dr.
J, Beverldge Lee. The wedding will be a
quiet affair. Mr. Franklin II. Smith, a
brother of the bridegroom, will act as best
man, while the bride will be attended by
her sister, Miss Florence Dance, as maid
of honor. After a wedding trip through the
Great Lakes and southern Canada Mr. and
Mrs. Smith will make their home In West
A beautiful summer wedding took
placo this afternoon in the Church of the
Ascension, Mount Airy, when Miss Lillian
C. Jocher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
C, Jocher, of 1238 Rising Sun lane, Tlosa.
was given In marriage by her father
to Mr. Christian II. Reumann. of German
town, The ceremony was performed by
the rector, the Rev, Dr, Jacob Fry, assisted
by tho Rev, Henry Reumann, of New
Brunswick, Mass , father of the bridegTcom,
and was followed by a dinner for the
immediate families at the Rlttenhouse. A
gown of ivory satin trimmed with Chantllly
lace and orange blossoms and a veil of
tulle caught with sprays of similar bridal
blossoms were worn by the bride, who
was attended by her sister. Miss Kath
arine Jocher, aa maid of honor, and Miss
Benzeneda V. Bodenhorn and Miss Marjorie
V, Cornog as bridesmaids. The former was
attired in a frock of pale yellow mar
qulcette trimmed with net lace, and a hat
of yellow georgette crepe finished with yel
low ribbon velvet Pale green marquisette,
frocks trimmed with net lacq were worn
by thi bridesmaids, with cream colored
georgette crspe hats finished with pal
green velvet ribbon. Mr Reumann had
Mr, Ottman Kopp, of Wilmington, DL.
as best man, and Mr. Ottq Reumann,
of New York; Mr Wlillam Reumann, Mr.
Theodore Reumar.n, of New Bedford, Ma.,
brothers of the brldwroom s and Mr v John
C. DeU were the ushers. Mf Reumana
and hla bride will return from their
ding jaurney the, eu4 of the summer and
win j at home after Hepwmoer t us
Miss Dorothy Dlnsmbro, of 4t4 West
Cheltetl avenue, will entertain at dinner
tonight Her guests will Include Miss Bld
ney Lear, Miss Qeorgtanna Pltfleld, Lieu
tenant Woodruff Meeks, U, 8 N. J Mr, Mor
ris Douglas and Mr. John Rtegel.
Lieutenant A n. Cook, u. s. N., of 5218
Wlssahtckon avenue, gavo a dinner last
night nt the Germantown Cricket Club be
fore the regular weekly dance.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Cleaver, who have
been making their homo In Hooslck, N, Y.,
have returned to Germantown to live. Mrs.
Cleaver was Miss Margaret Bradbury be
foro her marriage. .
Mrs. Carl Williams will return to her
homo today from the Preparedness Camp
at Chevy Chase.
Mrs. E. Eldrldge Pennock, of 6722 Greene
street, has gone to the Poconos for a fort
night's stay.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tunnelt, of 281
West Walnut lane, entertained at dinner
last night at tho Germantown Cricket Club.
Mr. and Mrs. George H, Paine and Miss
Gladys Palno havo returned from New
York to their home, 401 West School House
Tho Rev. Dr. Henry BorkowlU nnd Mrs.
Bcrkowlts, of 427 Horttcr street, German
town, entertained the membors of the Ly
ceum Institute at their homo on Tuesday
evening. After a nliort business meeting,
tho members wero addressed by Dr. Berko
wltz. Rabbi Ell Mayer and Rabbi Isaac
Landman Thoso present wero Dr and
Mrs. Henry Borkowltz, Rabbi nnd Mrs. Ell
Mayer, Rabbi Isaac Landman, Mlsa Altco
DoFord, Mlsa Hottlo Bythlner, Miss Elodlo
Kobors, Miss Edith Goldborgor, Miss Flcur
ctto Bauer, Miss Ray Bucks, Miss Bcsslo
Rosonborg, Miss Edith Wllo, Mr. and Mrs.
Max Berkowltz, Miss Rhea Olsho, Mr.
Lewis Bucks, Mr. Leon Berkowltz, Mr. Mat
vln H, Relnhelmcr, Mr. David Nouronbcrg,
Mr. Stanley Hlrsh, Mr. Stnnley Getz. Mr.
Herbert Baum, Mr. John Sperber and Mr.
Stanley Opponholmer.
Mrs. John M. Fries nnd her daughter,
Mrs. J. llos5 Pilling, entertained at a buffet
luncheon yesterday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Warner G. Earnshaw, of
239 EaBt Johnson street, will spend July
and August In Alaska.
Along the Reading
Mrs. Clinton Mooro La Tourctte and her
daughter, Miss Mary La Tourctte, hao
closed their home, Oak lane and Lawnton
acnucs, and taken apartments at tho Rlt
tenhouse. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ellis, of Mnplo
Shade, Elktns Park, havo opened their
apartments In Atlantic City, where they will
remain for tho summer. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank
Pfclzcr aro occupying tho Ellis home.
A strawberry fjstlyal will bo held at St.
Martin's Chun.h, under tho auspices of the
Young Womon's Guild, on Friday ovenlng,
Juno 9.
Mrs. Ida C. Hnwklns, of 127 Walnut
street, Jenklntown, Is spending some time
at Buck Hill Falls.
Tho Junior class of tho Jenklntown High
School will give a farewell party to tho
seniors tomorrow evening In tho Jenkln
town Club rooms. This will bo In the
nature of a rccoption to tho members of
the high school, faculty and tho prospective
Miss Kathryn Dorothy Sutherland, of Red
Crest, Cynwyd, entertained at a dance last
night in honor of Miss Clnlro von Marees,
of Rowland Park, Baltimore, who came up
to nttend the graduation of Miss Jeanne
Hammer at tho Lower Merlon High School
tomorrow. While In Cynwyd Miss von
Marees will be the guest of Miss Hammer
nnd Miss Margaret Kershaw. Miss Suther
land's other guosts last night Included Miss
Dorothy Clear, Miss Elizabeth Slaymaker,
MIbs Jeanne Hammer, Miss Margaret Ker
shaw, Mr. Russell Hamlll, Mr. Benson Steed,
Mr. Charles Rapp, Mr. Henry Swing nnd
Mr. James Osmond.
Miss Hammer will entertain at luncheon
Saturday In honor of Miss von Marees, The
decorations and favors will be In yellow, and
those present will Include Miss Ruth Ped
rick, Miss Marlon Wilson, Miss Francis
Hadley, Miss Kathryn Dorothy Sutherland,
Miss Margaiet Kershaw, Miss Katherlne
Dutcher and Miss Hnrrlet Kuen.
North Philadelphia
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mohr, of 3003 Dau
phin street, have Issued Invitations for the
marriage of their daughter. Miss Stella
Frances Mohr, to Mr. Charles H. Mahler, 3d,
on Wednesday evening Juno 7. at 6 o'clock,
In the Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 30th
and Dlnmond streets. The bride will have
Mrs. Eugene E. Hurth as matron of honor
and tho bridegroom's sister, Miss Ida E.
Mahler, as bridesmaid. Mr. Mahler will
havo Mr. William Costello as best man and
his ushers will be Mr. Raymond Mahler
and Mr. Raymond Schultz.
Mrs. Ralph Nazel, of 2010 North Broad
street, will spend the Beason at her cottage
In Chelesa.
Mrs. George S Katz, of 1943 Germantown
avenue, has returned from a six weeks' stay
In Atlantic City.
Mrs. Newton Firth Hilt and her son, of
1633 Erie avenue, have returned from a 10
days' stay In Atlantic City.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Lewis Eckel, of 1238 West
Allegheny avenue, announce the engagement
of their daughter. Miss Esther C. Eckel, to
Mr, Ralph B. Thomas, of Germantown.
Mr Jeanes and hie brtda wiU leave 1st.
mediately after tht ceremony tn Uastia Xayrul$cka street, Gamafttown.
Delaware County
Miss Ruth Olher, of Moylan, la spending
several weekB In Atlantic; City,
Mrs. Frederick Pierce, of Ridley Park,
Is spending several weeks In Atlantic; City.
Mrs, Charles Y, Hetzel, of Ridley Park,
will give a lawn fete at her home the latter
part of June for the benefit of the poor chil
dren's outing fund.
A number of Chester people will attend
the marriage of Miss Elizabeth Chalmers,
of Baltimore, and Mr, Howard W. Marlow,
of Washington, P. C, which will take place
June 8, Mr. Marlow Is widely known In
Chester, having been graduated from the
Pennsylvania Military College in 1913. He
la now an assistant surveyor, with head
quarters in St. Petersburg, Va.
The Aldan Clvlo Association will hold
a flower show on June 10.
Northeast Philadelphia
Miss Florence Horner, of 3S01 Kensing
ton avenue, will give her annua musluate
at Students' Chapter Hall on Tuesday,
June 8.
What's Doing Tonight
Municipal Band concert Karrowgato Square.
Kenilniton avenue and Tioga atraai.
Evensellcal Home for the Ad. anniversary
aervlcea, York read and Hunting park avenue.
Philadelphia Today and Tomorrow Expoj!
tlon" Commercial Wuaeum, "
sSstmi :rwi!
Campaign to ra tie 1 100, 000 tor Northeastern
HoipUal. lfotel Adtlphla,
OradulUnr t nuriea of Medleo-Chlruriical
Hospital, mo and Cherry streets) 8 o'ctoc.
Notice for UuSMlatr tf-iwU.lJi
KpUj and printed la ih Enlag Lultu.
number . S ! , . ....Li--Editor.'
"iNnlM Xet. P CKutoat atreaj.
, . - rz:, '.. . . .fcaK'.':
Plan Large Lawn Fete ana jnower Mariteu to jub uiviiv
June 17 at Home of Mrs, Watson to Aid Setilfe- t
ment Houses and Fresh Air Work
A NUMBER of Onk Lano Tetrnco matrons
have formed n permanent relief com
mittee, tho purpose of which Is to aid tho
settlement houses In their dispensary work
and outings for tho children during tho
summer. A meeting was held at tho home
of Mrs. Clarence James Watson, when the
following officers wero elcctod! Chairman,
Mrs. William Hamponj vlco chairman, Mrs.
Hltzle; recording secretary. Mrs. Harry
Lythgoe; treasurer, Mrs. Culbcrtson, nnd
corresponding secretary, Mrs. C. J, Watson.
Members of the committee Include Mrs. Al
bert Taskcr, Mrs. John Scrlbner, Mrs. I. B.
rating, Mrs, Charles Dnhlen, Miss Ethel A.
Furnee. Miss Clara h. Wills, Miss Flo
rence Wills, Mrs J. C. Wills, Mrs. Clarcnco
Burce, Mrs. J. O. Wnld, Mrs. H. Shearer,
Mrs. J. C. Carson, Mrs William Hnmpson,
Mrs. Harry Lythgoe, Mrs. Culbortson and
Mrs. Clarence James Watson. The com
mltteo has planned a largo lawn feto and
flower market to tnke placo on Juno 17 at
tho homo of Mrs. Watson.
Tho Mutual Progress Society will hold the
formal closing of tho season In tho club,
rooms In tho Settlement Muslo School, 427
Christian street, tomorrow evening.
The program for the evening will Include
musical selections by Mr. Isadora E Corak
nnd Mr. Israel Bcckman, a recitation by Mr.
C, A. Scully, n rosumo of tho season's work
by Mr. Nathaniel Speck, an original poem
by Mr. James Brcnnan, nnd Act G from "A
Midsummer Night's Dream," with charac
ters as follows! Prologue, Mr. James Bren
nan : Pyramus, Mr. Morris Hcllvcll ; Thtsbo.
Mr. Josoph Rossman: Wall, Mr. Nathaniel
Speck: Lion, Mr. Jacob Grcenberg, nnd
Moonshine, Mr. Meyer Bcrger.
TIlE students of tho ovenlng class of tho
Psychcan School of Dramatic Art ter
minated their season by tho presentation of
a piny, "Breezy Point," followed by a danco
In tho lecturo hall of tho school, last oven
lng. Tho characters wero particularly well
chosen and Interpreted. Thoso who took
iart were Mrs. Charles Springer, MIbs Anun
bcl Turner, Miss SUBan Piatt, Mrs. Lucy
Shreve, Miss Iva Tlngey, Miss Vera Bosho
ller, Miss Dorothy Blades, Miss Hannah
Benjamin, Miss Anna Kline, Miss Lillian
Jameson, Miss Josephine Talon, Miss Llna
Tusco and Miss Deborah Alexander. ,
A recital will bo held this ovenlng at tho
Y. M C. A. Building. Broad nnd Arch
streets, when thoso taking part In the pro
gram will bo MIbs Adelaldo Till, soprano;
Mr. Horry Monasevltch, violinist, and Miss
Laretta La Zarus, plnnlBt.
Mrs. Jnmes Baxter, of 110 West Mount
Airy nvenuo, Mount Airy, was given a re.
coptlon at her homo on Monday night upon
her return from San Francisco, Cal , whero
sho had been visiting hor daughter, Mrs.
Laura Mitchell, formerly of Mount Airy.
About 40 guosts wero present. During the
evening Mrs Katherlne Lcary entertained
with several recitations and Mr. and Mrs.
C. R. Tourlson, Mr. Norman Gnsklll nnd
Miss Dolla Aboy rendered vocal selections.
Others present wero Mr. and Mrs Fred
erick Baer. Miss Flora Fanning, Mlsa Bello
Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Aboy. Miss
Florence Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. George
Eddlemnn. Mrs Elizabeth Eddlomnn, Mrs.
Joseph Hall. Mrs. Walter Smith, Mrs. Clara
Buchanan, Mr. Frank Norcross. Mr. Mahlon
McMastor, Miss Marietta McDevltt. Mr.
Charles Leary. Mrs Charles Marks, Mr. and
Mrs. John McMastor, Mr. and Mrs. William
P. Hethorlngton. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph G.
Hetherlngton, Mr nnd Mrs. Harry Gasklll
and Mr. James Baxter.'
N ENTERTAINMENT nnd bazaar was
held at tho homo of Mr. Frederick
Friedman, 1822 North Natrona street, on
Sunday under the auspices of the Iota
Kappa Beta and Acqua Club. There was
dancing, followed by a supper, at which 150
guests wero present Exhibition dancci
wero given by Mr. David Goodfrlend and
Miss Eleanor Samuels. Vocal solos were
produced by Mr. Simon Kohen, with Mr.
Paul Lasson at the piano. Thero were
many out-of-town guests. Among them
wero Miss Leila Glazier, Miss Sarah Mcrrl
man. Miss Julia Kravlts, Miss Dorothy
Blumenthal, Miss Augusta Friedman and
Miss Ida Moskovltz, of Trenton; Mr.
Abraham Grcenberg and Mr. Albert Kale,
of Wilmington. Among other guests were
Mr. and Mrs, Friedman, Miss Vivian Stark,
Miss Lillian Barnette, Miss Gertrudo Pltch
oro, Miss Ethel Frledland, Miss Eleanor
Samuels, Mlsa Mildred Stenzler. Mr.
Frederick Friedman, Mr Maurice Fried
land, Mr. Davldl Goldenberg, Mr. R. J.
Silvers, Mr. Maxwell Stenzler, Mr. Samuels
Master. Mr. Philip Mellon, Mr. Frank Press
man. Mr. Herman Shapiro, Mr Benjamin
Feldman, Mr. Harry Haberman. Mr David
Ooodfrlend, Mr. William Bokfar, Mr. Joseph
Gram, Mr Harry Kaplan, Mr. Paul Lasson,
Mr. M. Aukberg, Mr. Edward Barton, Mr.
Michael Stogo. Mr L. Stein, Mr. Edward
Verlln, Mr. Simon J. Cohen. Mr. Abraham
Cohen, Mr John Margolls, Mr. James Press
man, Mr. David F. Kramer, Mr. Joseph Plt
chero, Mr. Louis Llshansky and Mr. Louis
Tho Amicus Club held a picnic on Sunday
at Clemonton. N J. Among those present
wero Miss Martha Marvin, Miss Lillian
Cohen. Miss Jean Cohen, Miss Tlllle Jacobs,
Miss Julia Segleman, Miss Lillian Relsman,
MIsb Nettle Knts, Miss Elizabeth Click, Miss
Ida Hoffman, MIbs Elisabeth Adwokat, Miss
Rose Strauss, Mr. William Salvln, Mr.
Harry Seltzer, Mr. John Saltzman, Mr.
Weinberg, Mr. Samuel Greenberg, Mr,
George Tankel and Mr, Benjamin Moltz.
The Mlshorral Zion, the Dr. Solomon
Schechter Club and several of their friends
held their first summer outing on Memorial
Day In Falrmount Park. The clubs were
under the caro of their adviser, Mr Leon
H. Rose. Thero wero national songs, vocal
FORREST MoSiSrvTvo June 5
Twice Pally Threaftr
First Apptaranoe Her In the Film
The World's Grentest Dancer
P A V L 0 W A-
The Dumb Girl of Portici
JIot Btupendoua Production Ever Filmed lo
the History of &tqvlnr Pictures
ausSTS 25c J Evgs. 25c & 50c
All SeaU lUaerted.
KEITH'S raE bSwni0W m
Today at , 8o 4 BOc Tonlsbt at 8. I5o to 1.
Itli UAltKET
10c SM
10 A M. TO
ti ik i r
MAS UUKRAY In "Bweet kitty Bcllalr
Adi4 Attraction, CUarlle Cfcaplla lit fFoijcef
AT lOio.' MtSO, 3jJ. t, 0. TH5, St.
A -oVh'o ?aIfUT JB-W lii
xuuaM4 Wn umaage
and musical selections, plays, eketchet,
basobalt, basketball and handball games,
relays nnd Jumping, Among the visitor
wero Miss Harriet Blleder, Mr, Ell Ji Rose.
Miss Rebecca Rose, Mr. William Lupowlla,
Mr. Lazarro Perlman, Mr. EoUla Sotdlorr,
Mr. Frederick Rlesenbach and Miss Rose
The annual picnic of tho Lakotn Club
wns held Tuesday at Wynncfiold. Among
tho guests wero Miss Eleanor Hickman.
Miss Florence Shull, Miss Florence Dohmer,
Miss H. Lemhardt, Miss P. Oramer, Mlsa
C. Qramer, Miss H. Shull. Mm. LeonhardU
Mrs. IL Schrcck, Mrs. Dohmen, Mr. IL
Schrack, Sr., Mr. William Dohmen, Mr. Gra
ham Keller, Mr. carl Leonhardt. Mr. Will
lam Sunplee. Dr. A. Woods nnd fntnltr unit
Mr. William Shull and family.
A largo number of the members of the?
Lansdonno branch of the Preparedness
League will attend the tea given by Mrsw
Henry Brlnton Coxo nt her home In Pen
llyn on June 5 for tho entire membership
of tho Philadelphia Chapter, of which Mrs,
Coxo Is chairman.
Tho Union Athletto Association Is pre
paring for a celebration on July 4. Tho
president, Mr. Joseph O'Brien, has appointed
the following committee to look after the
display of fireworks: Mr. John H. Jarvlir;
Mr. James T. Stewart, Mr. Claude Sim
pler, Mr. Walter C. Powell, Mr. Frcdortck S.
Undorhlll, Mr. Thomas V. Farren find Mfv
William F. Renshaw.
A lawn party will be held tomorrow afN
ernoon nnd opening on tho grounds of th
Wlssnhlckon Presbyterian Church. Mana
yunk nnd Rtdgo avenues. Thero will be
fancy articles on sale, also groceries, tea
cream and cako. The affair Is being ar
ranged under tho auspices of tho Ladles' Aid
Committee of the phurch, which includes!
Mrs. John Toung, Mrs. Adam Fox Mrsu
George Schroeder, Mrs. John.Oberholtzer,
Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Harry D. Rarlck, Mrs,
Gcorgo Detsser, Mrs. Percy Ingram, Mrn.
Schldlestcr, Mrs. Murdoch, Mrs. L. Russell,
Mrs. A. Wllby and Mrs. J. W. Basford.
Mr. and Mrs. John Eberhart, of 7108
Palmetto street, are receiving congratula
tions on the birth of a daughter.
Miss Mary Snodgrass, of 12S East Fish
er's nvenuo, Olnoy, has left for the PoconB
Mountntns, whero Bho will remnln during
tho summer.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Webb, of 7408 Clarldgo
street, Lawndale, are receiving congratula
tions on tho birth of a son.
Final arrangements havo been mado by
tho General Committee of Cumberland
Street Methodist Episcopal Church for tha
carnlal to be held from June E to June 10,
on Cumberland street, from Emerald to
Coral street. Special music baa been ar
ranged for each ovenlng. Tho street will
bo beautifully Illuminated and decorated
for tho occasion. There will be various
stands nnd booths, whero fancy goods, toilet
articles, groceries and fruits will be on
sale. A souvenir program will be given to
each visitor during tho week, with 'full par
ticulars as to the different stands and
booths, persons In chargo of each, muslo
for each ovenlng and amusements.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Melcher and their
family, of 2174 East Cumberland street,
aro spending tho summer at Pitman, N J.
Mr. John Galbralth Is spending the month
In Atlantic City.
Tho marrlago of Miss Mildred W. Stahr,
daughter of Mrs. L. F. Stahr, of 3657 North
Broad street, to Mr. "William Corson, of,
Hazloton, Pa., will take place on Saturday,
June 17, at noon, and will be followed by
a breakfast.
Mrs. Samuel Tucker For, of 1833 West
Tioga street, entertained yesterday at tho
"tho dansant" at tho Rltz-Carlton. Her
guests Included Miss Helen Barnett. of
Germantown: Mlsa Emily Dyckman, Miss
Nathalie Mason, of New Yosk; MIbs Raa
Fox, Mr. Vernon Knox, of Washington, D.
C. : Mr, W. R. Rlchter, of Long Island ; Mr.
John Mayer. Dr. Roman RlvaB, Mr. Drexel
Steele and Mr. George Caldwell. Mr, and
Mrs. Fox and their daughter will leave the
end of tho week for Atlantic City for
fortnight's stay at the Traymore.
and Her Playbouie Company, In "1
"The New York Idea" '
A Comedy br Lanrdon Mitchell
Wl Gcorjo Will Present
Bernard Shaw's "Major Barbara'
Stats on Sals for All Performance
Auspices lnherslty of Pennsylranla
Franklin Field, Tues. Evg., June 6
Mwi JUppold, Matstnauer, Prewltt. Jill.
Zencnlert, Campanarl, ilarounes, HtHhlsr, eta.
Choms 500 Otvliestra 165
Seats :!0O. 2 SO 12 00, it 00 Ticket on
sale at aimbels, at 1108 Cbestnut St, and
liauston Hall, U, of P,
join tub cnowD and visit tub
Auditorium Building Commercial Muum
34th Street Below Sprue
OPEN 1U A. H. TO 10 P. K.
Restaurant; lecture j moving plorev
100,000 Square Feet of Exhibits
Today, Chamber ot Oommrn Day.
Gltibe Theatre "Bm
A. M. to U P U. loc, lie, 814,
0 AM. to UiT P. It
yt Matt-. Taea-. Wxt-trTtw law -tHelAwf'
Stanley tJ
I Co-stir of "Tfee ! In
eaa a?
oisvr urfYKTrn o w
UiU4iSXS!K 4. TC
JSUtrvCrH -dmata ik