Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 01, 1916, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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Bern the Art of Keeping Cool and Being Com-
f ortable Despite Fierce Summer Blazes.
Some Ways to Do It
i in r 1 1 I il Ti i 1. . .... I
omsujrspay, juke i, ioi
"TTottlt views on separate VncatI6ns for
X husbands and wives," wi-iles a corre
spondent, "are exceedingly interesting,
kpl -why hot send along a word of cheer
nd ft bit of advice to those of us who
on't even get the provorblal two weeks?"
the wording porson who doesn't get a
meagro two weeks out of tho annual 52
ought to change her Job. On the faco of
It this sounds high-handed and Imprac
tical, but it's really good advice. The
Very word "recreation" indicates what a
vacation dots to one. Those who never
take them diminish their efficiency at an
alarming rate. Indeed, it might not be
going too far to say that holding your
Job depends on the annual surcease from
labor that you take. More and more wise
peoplo aro coming to realize that it is
quite as important to know how to play
as to know how to work.
But of course taking a vacation does
hot necessarily mean leaving town and
letting one's self up in an expensive hotel.
It Is qulto possible to spend an onjoyablo
vacation at home, and now Is tho tlmo
to preparo for it.
Two essential factors In a 'successful
vacation spent at homo aro, first of all,
to keep cool in tho face of scorching heat;
and, secondly, to bo comfortablo "exter
nally and internally, bodily and mon-
tally," to quoto Dr. Woods Hutchinson, In
pita of tho season.
"Of course, as a first step toward
making yoursolf comfortable In tho sum
mer," ho writes in a current number of
Good Housekeeping, "it goes, without say
ing that you will put screens over all
tho windows and doors of your houso and
screen in at least one wldo porch. Slnco
wo discovered that malaria Is carried by
mosquitoes and by no other means, and
that flies carry typhoid, summer dysen
tery and other Infectious diseases, screens
have been lifted out of tho class of mero
comforts and luxuries and have become
necessities of life and health. Also screens
fcavo been found to bo not only life-
savers,, but good Investments In a com
mercial way, for oven cows give more
milk If they are kept in screened stables
and coot sheds 'and protected from the
maddening attacks of (lies. Indeed, when,
we come to analyse the matter It Is really
surprising how "many of our so-called
luxuries and solf-tndulgenccs and oven
extravagances are following screens Into
the samo category as health-preservers
and efilcloncy lncreasers.
"If you have not wire screens and can't
afford them, or your landlord thinks he
can't afford them, cotton mosqulto-bar
scrcons will servo admirably for ono sea
son. "If you have no handy man to make
frames for thoso Improvised screens, you
can tack tho mosquito netting right onto
the window casing outsldo. This any ono
who can balance on a step ladder and hit
a tack on the head instead of her thumb
can put up. In nny case, tho screen
or mosquito netting should cover tho
wholo window; a cotton mosquito netting
tacked over all tho window Is far better
than ono of thoso wretched littlo compro
mises with sin, a wlro screon which cov
ers only half a window or oven slips In
and out under tho sash and leaves com
fortablo littlo runways at the top, bot
tom and sides for the flies to go In and
Tho cholco of food, according to Doctor
Hutchinson, plays a big part In tho hap
piness of one's summer. It Is nn erro
noous Idea that wo do not need much food
at this season. It Is quite true that some
meats and fats can bo easily dispensed
with when tho hot weather arrives, but
this docs not mean that ono's rations can
bo cut down to a war prisoner's portion.
Thoro aro moro grouches and wet blankets
in tho world as tho result of underfeeding
than of ovorfeedlng.
"Nover forget," writes tho doctor, "that
when thero Is real work to do you must
shovo coal under your bolters to do It
with." M'liHa.
CI iwA
1 ""KWR
' t!
Large Decrease In Number of
Boys and Girls of Tender
Years Engaged in Indus
trial Pursuits
How Child Labor Law
Has Affected Philadelphia
Letters to the Editor of the Woman's Page
Addrws nil eemmonlcatlons to Sl'll.i. care of the Erenlnr Idier. Write on ono side
oi tne paper onlr.
Dear M'LIbs rieaae tell ma what a hlth-bor
it' . J'.0 S low-boy. and to what period do
they belona-T INTERESTED.
,A hleh-boy is a toll chest of drawers,
vsually double, standing on legs. A low-boy
li a smaller article of furniture. It is sel
dom taller than four feet, however. Some
times tho lower section of a high boy is
spoken of as a low-boy. They belong to tho
Colonial period.
fJ?5rv?IUJ,"TI5 rur articles on the eerv
ni problem and the defectlona of the mltre,
At?. "-PS. thV.TH did not touch upon, the one
5?n,i9.2tAnt.".SbJ.ct.,whlch- ln W opinion, haa
SSr?..'? 2 'J!'1? the discontent or aervanta than
any other. It la children who are permitted to
lve orders to domestics.
I know of nothlnar ninr, itin.ttfalnM .... M-
fS?ir'.'!HtonrT t0 J"18, unhapplness of servants
i1iia.ti?i!;iImpHdt'. ImwrUnent little children
are allowed to talk to their nurses as thouch
in.1Wve,ll0,r?; -nd come Into the kitchen with
Do this. Mary." or a "Dutton my dress.
.HOUt Willi
to soften the
never a "please'
I think that mnnt i-vnnta laawA -h..i..
?K?nm.ei?i in f.h'f account than on any other.
Mothers think It Is cute of their offspring to
assume the arroaant. haus-hty aire that tho
rrown-up uses when apeaklna- to menials, but
?.w 5?.1'11. ln "!'. fw of Plenty of work for
all will put up with It. o. C. T.
Dear M'L1 I am glad to. see you devoting
attention to the most unscrupulous blood-suckers
'that prey upon the public the alleged fortune
When I first came to thla country, one of the
things that surprised me most waa the adver
tisements of mediums, spiritualists and other
such impostors In the dally newspapers. Surely,
X thought, tha American peopie cannot be as
astute as they have been represented to me. It
they place any faith whatever In the "predlc
tlona" of such people. But I found out that a
largo percentage of peoplo who are ordinarily
regarded as intelligent have absolute faith In
them and oven act as their unpaid but ery
Industrious press agents " ry
rrlYlft". ." "iih .""" "uperstltlon cease?
J..i!!,r amn the Ignorant and thn nnturally
credulous. It may be esplalned. but when we
KS;.5J.rod.l ,n unfortunately only too many
!?', foth5r' ."J""1"- aons and daughters
m,,f. l"b,. ,nI""lc. tho slaves of sirch. wo
iihi?ma ,0 ,.no conclusion that thero Is
IVS, l..!SFiw.!?nF..ln R ;0J,nl "tem that toler-
? juch Imposition and fraud.
.JS", Sody. H ?otl. " earth can see Into the future,
and thank God that thla Is so '
sSfMr K.M.'L,"Tirour. "rgestIon "acatlon
w2. i. ?.epar'!,,.on "J"8 for married folks
liiLt '" yur nlnln. of yonng couple solng mi!
JSr hZZ-lJl jnountaln resort one week Msltlng
the boy's distant friends? Do jou think this
would be a proper vacation?
A girl should not go away with a young
man to vlalt his friends, unices the hostess
Is also a friend of hers, and Individual
Imitations have been Issued to them Of
cuume, me nostess, lr she Is not married,
should ot least be old enough to be a
chaperone. ,
rv.mi'iHlr'l"";rie?,le '?.' "".know if the Senite
A?Jn,Liie ol .ior "rondels was partisan
v-.ij'"" mo how ,he "nembera of tho committee
otea. Jf 2.
The Senate Judiciary Committee recorri
mended the confirmation of Louis D Bran
dels as Supreme Court Justice on a strict
party oto of 10 to 8, 10 Democrats voting
for him and 8'Republlcans a&alnst him.
Those for him were: Culberson, Over
man, Hoke Smith, Shield, O'Gorman, Ash
urst. Reed. Walsh, Chilton and Fletcher.
Those against him were: Clark, Borah,
Cummins, Works, Nelson, Brandegee, Dll
llngham and Sutherland.
HEItn Is a dainty and Inexpensive frock. It Is made of fine lawn with plaited hem
stitched collar and cuffs of self-material and colored borders of the same material.
French knots of tho Bame color adorn the yoke and hemstitched belt which features
the raised waist line. The skirt Is quite full and Is finished with a deep hem. In sizes
from two to four years, price only $2.
Cross-bar madras Is used for tho little hat which has a tam-o'shanter crown and
floppy brim. The band of self-material, which encircles tho crown. Is finished with two
pearl buttons outlined by a chnln-otltch of heavy silk floss, either pink or blue. Chain
stitching also trims tho upper brim. Price $1.60.
Tho namo of the shop where thoso articles may be purchased will bo supplied by
tho Cdltor of the Woman's Pago, Evenino Ledoeo, 608 Chestnut street. Tho request
must be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope, and must mention tho dato
on which tho article appeared.
Boys and girls stnjln school until
they can read and write.
Children with sore eyes get glosses
before they go to work.
No pupil under 10 years who has
not reached the sixth grade receives
working pnpers.
Less than half ns many youngsters
get labor certificates as compared
with those of provlous year.
Illiteracy Is disappearing among
younger children.
Application of tho act has caused
hnrdship in only a few cases
-A1I eammunlestjons addressed to Marlon
Hsrlund should Inclose a stamped, self
addressed envelope and a clipping of the
artlele In which yon are Interested. Persona
Wishing Jo aid in the charitable work of the
II.' II. .C. should write Marlon Ilarland. In
ears of this paper, for addresses of those
they wonld Uke to help, and, having received
them, communicate direct with those parties.
Crocheting Directions Wanted
-""piiBASB ask readers If any of them
JT could give me directions how to crochet
a round yoke pattern for a nightgown. I
can do straight lace, but don't know how
to round It. CHABLOTTB M. B "
Should any kindly reader wish to be
come your teacher, your address is at her
Wants a German Bible
"Do you know of any one having a
German Bible or New Testament In Ger
man T I should like much to obtain one.
"IDA I S."
I have often had occasion to remark
that, up to date, nobody has ever applied
ln vain to the Corner for a copy of the
Word of Life. Your appeal will not, we
are sure, ba an exception to the rule. We
register It confidently In this persuasion,
Bibles in almost every language may be
had from the Bible Society, But some
body wlirsend you one "for love's sake."
Asks for Quilt Pieces"
"Will you please glvo my name to Maria
W who wants names for quilt pieces? I
hould be glad to have some. Or will you
give me her namo and address, so that I
may write to her myself T L. A. G."'
The bountiful store of pieces doriated by
Maria W was distributed among earlier
applicants before we heard from you. I
am asking now for a fresh supply ex
pressly for yourself. You shall hear from
them as soon as we receive an offer.
Itevarnishlng Old Violins
I note your answer to a, E, in the
Corner. You will do the musical world
js. favor; liy .going much more strongly
against Tevarnlahlng violins. Fully one-,
half of the old treasures left by tha
violin makers of Cremona and Brescia
iutye been ruined by 7evarnth!ng. Every
rauato store has Its genuine Italian
violin varnished, and all are equally
ruinous. Workers ln the, musical Instru
ment trada want money aa other do,
and are tempted to please the ualnltlated
Moreover, the greatest beauty of a fine
old violin Is the wear pn Its varnish. Beg
and Implore your correspondents to leave
ftna violins as they are I A German factory
fiddle la not a musical Instrument, and as
it ia only good to look at, may be tampered
With ad libitum, but old violins, never,
Simple Ear Tube
"I will tell of a simple ear tuba, for a
deaf person, almost too simple to try, and
Witnlf the reach or any ono, Take a paper
or yastebearfl tube In welch pictures, eta,
$ set through the nu4L Cover it, neatly
w-Wti 4 piece of black silk, or caUco, sew
im ribbos en, so that It wilt always be,
eoHVHiit to, use. When one wishes tj
mmr juc fy tne ena to toa Bear ear.
w4 ltKttl.
f. H. JV'
iP9Vyv'f?8 f
'. - fr-
t0 ,.'."" .son" 'Jump int.. the wagon and
well all take a ride.' I well remember
that much of the song as sung by the clown,
Dan Costello, at the first circus In our little
town away back in 1859 or 1860. Mr. Cos
tello died In Cincinnati only a couple of
years ago. I also remember the words 'For
Uncle Sam Is rich euiugh to give us all a
farm,' but do not recollect that it was a
part of the other song The lines were
doubtless Inspired by the enactment of the
homestead law by Congress about that time
"S. A C."
The Last Passenger Pigeon
"A. Q. Is wrong In saying that the last
passenger pigeon died In Washington, D
C, about a year ago. The last of the
specie waa a female which belonged to the
Cincinnati Zoological Garden. She died
oer a year ago. Thero has been for years
a standing offer of T1000 to any one who
would produce a pair of these birds or And
a nest with eggs In it. The writer saw the
lone specimen of this beautiful bird a few
months before Bhe died. As late as the
seventies a car load of the dead bodies of
these birds was Bhipped from Petoskey,
Mich., to Eastern ciyes. where the flesh was
considered a fine delicacy. c. L. M."
Banana and Orange Desserts
"I have tried I, M.'s recipe for nlled cook
ies, and they are tine, will some kind
reader send a recipe for spice cookies? In
return I offer one for banana dessert: Slice
bananas lengthwise; sprinkle with a finely
chopped walnut sauce. Beat one egg white
stlfff sweeten with powdered sugar, with
lemon Juice to flavor. Orange dessert: Cut
In half seedless oranges; scoop out the mem
brane: cut the oranges Into cubes, and mix
with bananas and pineapple, all placed In
the half orange akin. Use the same eauce
as for banana dessert Dainty as well as
good. I hopo I have complied with the
rules. Best wishes for the Corner.
"JC Mc,"
We are fortunate lately In the receipt of
new and attractive recipes. The two con
tributed by K. Me. are not a whit behind
those which preceded them. Will she favor
us again and often T The recipe for which
she asks will be sent In by sisters in the
fine art of dainty cookery We are almost
ready to glye a personal guarantee to that
effect. You see, we know our constituency.
" winnsli iim,
I'm -lw.y3 to bvKFu) ,my
nricJKt. .skmrnrr lirirvfc
TWtKt-bwKel or shvnej
Vo I op aorvcj witk
r F!fawA, Inner 3elP,
Like Fkreua Aureliiw
2. It
nmtmmAmAmi iiiiipilimiiiMHSii.iiissAissipayssaisw
Women who wish help with fftelr
dress problems should address all com
munications to the Fashion Expert,
care of the Editor of the Woman's
Page, Evening Ledger.
It's a wise woman who knows how to
choose her summer frocks with tho wealth
of material that tho shops are putting out to
tempt her wonderfully sheer sprigged
voiles and organdies for afternoon and eve
ning wear and stripes and plaids, tho gay
est of tho gay, for street and snort occa
Though crjsp organdie Is tho material par
excellonco for smart summer wash dresses,
thero are numerous other materials which
n.ro just as charming and less expensive.
Beauty ot material and fineness of work
manship cannot redeem an 111 chosen frock,
howev er.
This season Is one of admirable simplicity,
both In coloring and In style The simpler
tho frock and the more charming tho fa
bric whether it Is lolle, crcpo, batiste or
net the better.
Dear Madam I wish you could suggest some
thing pretty for me tb wear on hot days I
want a summer frock made ot some thin ma
terial It Is not for good: It Is to be a morning
frock I have red hair and blue eyes, and am
very slender
Also, how cs- I clean the white moire collar
on a three-pl suit? The suit Is made of
dark green soil! and Is perfectly clean, but the
collar cot sllgt ly soiled at the back of the
neck I do not want to haye to take It off If I
can avald It DOHOTllV
Voile would serve you well for morning
wear There aro all sorts of fancy voiles
checked, striped, cross-barred, plnld, flow
ered and conventional designs. With your
coloring, a chartreuse or Nile green self
plaid or a Quaker gray voile would look
charming. Any of the flowered or conven
tional designs would suit you. If they have
tan, blue, lavender, green or white In them.
Avoid nil rose shades.
Clean your collar with gasoline. Of
course, the gasoline mUBt be very clean, or
It will ruin your collar. Bub It on with a
soft cloth, taking care to remain far away
from fire of any kind.
Dear Madam I am going to buy
for sports wear this summer at the
i sweater
In one of the shops I was told to get a silk one:
some one else claims that the utile ones are out
of style and that every one Is wearing Angora
wool swenters. I wish you would glvo me your
opinion on tho subject, as I do not want to buy
anything that Is not fashionable. What color
would jou choose? I am dark and stout, with
dark eyes. MATHON.
The silk sweater Is not passe. A variety
aro being shown this year. Angora wool
Is smart, too, but If you are Inclined to
stoutness I should choose tho silk, which
has a tendency to hug the form, therefore
giving a slim line. Do not, however, get
a sweater that fits too tightly, for this
will accentuato jour curves Italian silk
Is perhaps the newest material ta bo used,
and Is excellent for thoso Inclined to be
Black-and white stripe, delft blue, gold,
tan, rose, gray, navy, apple green and two-
tone-errects or nny of these would become
Dear Madam Kindly give eome gift sugges
tions for a lingerie shower. I want something
Inexpensive and something medium priced. If It
Isn't too much trouble. Is Initialed underwear
fashionable any more?
Dainty batiste combinations, drawers,
will look well. Why not get blue stockings
stockings, stockinette knickers, boudoir
caps, silk vests and nighties are ta be
had in all the shops at reasonable prices.
Or you might choose washable satin, crepe
de chine, or taffeta garments, a pretty neg
ligee, boudoir mules, fancy silk stockings
and vests, lace-trlmmcd garters, Cluny
brassieres or decollete corsets.
Initialled garments are ln the back
ground at the present time.
Dear Madam I have a georgette and taffeta
afternoon frock ot cafe au lalt georgette,
trimmed with navy "Hack shoes look very bad
with It, and I am In doubt as to which color ln
the frock to match Would you advise cham
pagne shoes and stockings, or navy ones?
The blue would be my preference. Either
will luok well. Why not get blue stockings
embroidered with champagne and blue
hand-embroidered clock, If you decide to
get blue shoes. If you decide on the tan
you can get tan hose with the clocking In
tan and blue.
When You Sew
Spring and summer bring plenty of sew
ing for the household, and Bowing, when
done with regard for getting the dresses
finished, and nothing else, gives the house
keeper many hours work of "redding up."
There are several little time and labor
Bavers about the sewlrjg room that might
help to dlmlnsh the labor.
For Instance, a small thick board, stud
ded with nails, may be used to hold all
spools. This shows all the various shades
of silk at a glance, and keeps the thread
from becoming rough and tangled with the
Every well-appointed sewing room has
several kinds of scissors, from the very
tiny stork variety to large kitchen shears.
These should alwayB be kept Bharp, for
nothing can spoil a gown so efficiently as
dull scissors.
Last of all, a sheet spread over the floor
under the cutting and fitting place will
catch most of the threads. It may be rolled
up and emptied In a minute.
The Useful Lemon
Let your willed vegetables stand In a
pan ot Ice water, to which you have added
the juice of a lemon. Lemon juice is In
valuable about the kitchen for scouring
ivory knife handles, whitening potatoes
while they are boiling, and as a substitute
for vinegar when the latter la not at hand.
Never be without a few lemons in the
To Prevent Mold
Remember this - hen canning time comes
around: If a few drops of glycerine are
put on the edges of fruit Jars before he
lid is screwed on the contents of the jars
will not have mold on top.
a a yjrjVHr
! y is
AU wedding rlrrn
rJ look alike, but all do
ww -it iu- hius, np Vu prV
to auallty
da it la lt-K and S2-K
ur rings, Lt us HI
CJL Smith & Son
Market St. atlith
For the Hair
Here's another suggestion for a dry
shampoo: Fart the hair Into separate
sjlrands, then brush In a mixture of corn
meal and orris root, equal parts. Get the
powder thoroughly rubbed Into the hair, al
lowing It to remain thero for an hour or so
It may then be brusned out with long, even
strokes, holding tha body of the brush In
the palm of the hand to give force. This
keeps the hair from becoming too oily In
hot weather, as the head Is likely to per
spire and caUBe olllness.
Use for Crackers
Don't throw stale crackers or cracker
crumbs away. There Is a use for almost
everything around the kitchen If one has
the patience to discover It,
The particular use for stale crackers Is
this: When the naiad course la .,
crackers and cheese usually -accompany It!
If nothing better Is at hand, try browning
e cracker dust in the oven -with v,u
'"w khccoo puurtu over it. This may be
rolled Into small balls with butter curlers
and served on the side of the salad plate,
A tremendous decrease In child labor has
resulted In this city from the enactment
of tho Cox child labor law, which restricts
the employment of Juveniles Tho first
deflnlto Indication of the effects of tho law
was obtained today when n report was
completed by tho Bureau of Compulsory
Education showing that since January 1,
when tho net bocamo oporatlve, only 1643
boys nnd girls have obtained certificates
entitling thorn to begin work.
In tho corresponding months of 1016
more than 6000 children rocelvcd such cer
tificates. In addition to tho 1S43 minors
who obtained working papers thero were
many hundreds who applied unsuccessfully,
tho authorities having rcfusod to grant tho
certificates because the nppllcnnts had not
reached tho sixth grade ln the elementary
Before the law went Into effect any pu
pil could obtain n certificate If he merely
proved thnt he was past tho age of 14 and
could rend and write tho English language.
Under the present provisions the applicants
must show that they havo attained a cer
tain graded standing In tho Bchools. They
must, In addition, undergo a medical exami
nation to determine whether or not they
aro physically able to enter the Industries
Only throe children were refused work
ing papers absolutely becauso of bodily de
fects, but hundreds were refused certifi
cates upon first application and obtained
them later, when their health was Im
proved. Many youngsters whoso only diffi
culty was soro eyes were obliged to obtain
eyeglasses, and when thoy met with this:
requirement were permitted to nccept em
ployment. According to James M, Wlllcox, tho clerk
at tho Bureau of Compulsory Education,
who Issues the certificates, Illiteracy Is vir
tually disappearing among children ln
Philadelphia becauso of tho requirements
of the now law,
When tho act first becamo effective largo
numbers of boys and girls who could neither
read nor write Bought working papers. Re
fusals to children who could not pass tho
literacy -test were so numerous that such
youngsters less than 16 years old soon
found It useless to ask for bucIi certificates.
"The result has simply been," said Mr.
Wlllcox, "that these children see the neces
sity of staying In school until they have
a reasonable education They know tho
law, and that no exceptions aro made In
its enforcement and that it pays ln dollars
and cents to learn."
Henry J. Gideon, chief of the Bureau of
Compulsory Education, declared today that
tho manufacturing Interests are co-operating
with tho school authorities In enforcing
the law, rather than placing handicaps in
the way.
' The child labor act has thus far proved
an undoubted success." he said. "I see how
It is benefiting thousands of children, and
In only a few peculiar and exceptional
cases have I seen It work nny hardship
It seems that prosperity Is bo general that
the average family doesn't need the two or
three dollars that the child worker can
add to tha household Income."
Saving the Fingers
The tip of a kid glovo finger may be
stretched over tho knob on the lid of pots
and pans. This to prevent burning the
fingers when thoy nre lifted from the stove.
And jou can use the same "stunt" for the
handle of the coffee or tea pot.
Sardine Sandwiches
If sardines are mashed to a paste with
their own oil and a taste of lemon Juice,
they may be made Into delicious sand
wiches. This Is much more enjoyable be.:
cause they are easier to handle than the
split fish sandwiches.
I Watches I
I Tke Pequignot -watck, I
I for over 6o ears al
I standard of perfection. I
I .in tkin 'models and!
1 wrist watches.
I Z.J. Pequignot I
1 Jewels e
I 1331 Walnut Street
Suits and Dresses
All Colored Millipery
at greatly reduced prices
A large display of new Sport Hats
BLYNN, Inc, Chestnut St.
Fur Stored, Altered nnd Repaired.
disposing oi nil Mpcciuiiiiiuni it not.
ran ha done lo make the room eaf
Answer Incident means first !.. A
tho patient Is conscientious In the dlsuoJi
realizes that Bho must nover kiss anykoSI
nor sneaie, or cough except in her h&ndM1!
chief, there Is no danger In casual eonti-ri
with her. Only by prolonged intimate com!
(nrt nrnnlfl thsrfl 1)0 a chanert tn i ";fi
Wlttlnff the disease. Assuming the HomS
was Well washed with soap and water, t
ID pUllCl!? .
nofter nra.tr will anjwer all alineA Wtara
?hf, fclnmn.:. If. not, if, "III J "X'ne'li
I, "IT"". "",il f.
eneral Interest!
hA ,i(tnmn,i
nfffi.frt. .Doetor Hradr will not P"erl M IV
mtlrMnnl eae . ir make iliiniiK na
dreM Dr. Ullllam llradr. care of tne
Kfenlns 1-edttr
A case of InsAnlty In one's family is no
more a mark of degeneracy or Inferiority,
no moro a thing to be ashamed of. than a
case of typhoid fever, tuberculous or rheu
matism. The Iniano person Is sick Just tne
same as the feverish or rheumatic or
anemic or dyspeptic Is sick. Because we
can't always assign a definite causo in tne
case of Insanity Is no reason for consider
ing mental aborratlon a thing apart from
physical vulnerability. In fact, we don t
know but that tho complacent Individual
who wilfully keeps his furnished rheuma
tism In these days of prevention and euro
by scientific means is moro to be pitied, as
a mental defective, thnn the porson who
goes Insane because "rheumatism Is a
condition which really can bo prevented In
tho Individual, whereas the preyentlon of
Insanity may be possible only by treatment
of the family tree a hundred years beforo
tho patient Is born.
It is true that the child Is blood of the
parents' blood. It Is true that a defcctlvo
Is born of diseased or defective parents At
tho same tlmo It Is a very patent fact that
tho great majority of cases of Insanity are
self-rriado lunatics. ParesK for example
(commonly known ns "softening of tho
brain"), is no fault of tho father's, but tho
patient's own nffalr, the penalty ho pays
for breaking tho laws of hcnlth. Alcohol
ism, syphilis, narcotic nna coal tar arug
habits send a great many victims to lnsnno
Tho greatest single factor of Insanity Is
wnr, becauso war removes from tho com
munity tho noblest blood nnd loaves the
weaklings, tho defectives behind to pro
create. And war returns tho nobles, too
ofton, ruined men.
Tho second great causo Is alcohol. Alco
hol is n pretty expenslvo luxury when you
figure Up nil tho cost. Yet wo are still
voting upon tho question of license, ns
though our children wcro so many littlo
animals whose lives concerned us only In
n material way.
No man Is wholly sano. Thoro Is a littlo
streak of Insanity In ovorybody. There Is
no clear-cut dividing lino between the sano
nnd tho Insane, correctly Bpoaklng. Of
course, tho law draws nn arbitrary line,
which no physician can accept, unless hired
and paid to testify as an expert.
T(io only peoplo who caBt the first stone
aro thoso who dwell In houses of glass.
They cast a stone, and presently their own
houso tumbles nbout their ears, and wo
hoar no more of them.
It Is too bad folks aro not all doctors
Tho more you know tho less you feel In
clined to gossip about your neighbor's weak
ness. Tou never can tell whether a littlo
enracho, for Instance, may not tormlnate
In a brain abscoss and land you in tho
hospital for tho Insane. That nctually hap
pened to ono of tho finest doctors wo over
Incipient Tuberculosis
Just what does "incipient" tuberculosis
mean? If no germs aro found in the spu
tum of such a patient, is sho likely to trans
mit tho disease to others who come casually
In contact with her? Can sho transmit It
under any conditions? Would It be un
wise to allow a well person to occupy a
room recently used by such a patient If
the room 1b clean, well aired and lighted,
and tho former occupant was scrupulous in
Time o' Roses
It was not In the winter
Our loving lot was cast s
It was tho time of rosea
Wo pluck'd them as we paes'd.
That churlish season never trown'd ' I
On early lovers. yets
O, no the world was newly crown'd i
Wlin nowors mini nrsi we met
Twas twilight, and I bade you go.
But still you held me fast;
It was tho tlmo of roses
Wo pluck'd them as we pass'd
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lightful (urpriiein ttore. Uie it
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