f-4 V- ' --iU EVENING- LBDGEIR HlBADELPHIA, WDMglMX BfAT 31, 191G. ARIPRESA VfOfvENTKMENTls TRA EPOSINAEL'ASTOO f f -' t- Nir da Guerra ItnliaiiH ftfjr hel Porto di Trieste o Affonda un Grande Tras ' pof to Austriaco DUELLI D'ARTIGLIERIA nostA, May i. Oil austrlacl Itanno rlnnoTnto In lore Mtenstm nella. mtia del torrents Poslnn nell'alta valle dell'Astlco, ma tl nenerale CMoriia anntmcla che gll ltnllanl man tnono Is loro poeUlont. Ecco II testa 41 rapporlo del general Cadorna pub Mlcato lerl sera dat Mlnlstero ddla Ouerrat La sltuazlone e' noneralmento lm mutata ecelt cho nella zona, del Po tilna cd In quella dcll'alta vallo del 1'Astlco, dove si e' avuta una rlpreta del rorronnlva austrlaca. Nella Vat Lngarlna e net scttore del Pasublo, dopo una Tlolenta prepara J lone dl nrtlgllerla by ono nvute In srtee aztonl ill nrtlgllerta o Brando at tlvlta' (telle truppo. II nostro fuoco ha Uturbato pareccht convoglf nemlcl. A mid dl Poslnn. II nemlco, dopo una vlblentlflslma preparailonn dl nrtl gllerla. attacco' lo nostro lines In dire lone dl SJoRlla. dl Camplglla o dl monto Prlaforn. Dopo una dlxpcrata battaglla le nostra truppo Imnno potuto man tenere la loro poslzlonl. Sull'altoplano dl Arilago a nella Val Sugana si e' avuta attlvlta' dl repartl ' In rfcognlztone. L'nrtlgllerln ncmlca ha Inlzlato II bombardamento del vlllagglo dl Ospedaletto, nella Val Sugana. Nella zona del Monte Tofana not ab blamo resplnto un piccolo attacco dl fanterla nemlca. Sulla faldo settcntrlonall del Monte San Mlchclo nol abblamo fatto csplo dere una potente mlna cho ha aperto una breccia conslderevolo nelte trlncea nemlche. la un comunlcato ufllclalc pubbllcato dal Mlnlstero delta Marina e' annunclato uttl Clatmente cho un grando trasporto mtlltare austriaco fu stlurato ed affondato nel porto dl Trieste nella notto del 28 Magglo da una nave da guerra Itallana. I TUJSSI ATTACCAKOT Tclcgrammt da Zurlgo dlcono cho a Vienna e' stato annunclato che I russl hanno tplegato conslderevolc attlvlta' dl nrtl glleria. lungo la fronte delta Bessarabia e quella delta Volinla, cho sono tenute da truppo austrlache. A Londra st crede che quosta attlvlta' sla In relazlone con la aituaxlone sulla fronto itallana, e cho I ru.tsl corchlno dl imped Iro che nuove truppe austrlacha stano tolto dalla Oallzla per cssere lnviate a rafforzare l'offenslva contro Vltalla. S do e' vcro, I russl farebbero ne' plu no' meno dl quanto fece l'ltalfa nel magglo del 1915, quando attacco' l'Austrla a la costrlnse ad abbandonare 1'ofTenstva In Russia. Telegramml da Londra dlcono cho tra I tedcschl Impegnatt a Verdun sono da 60 a 14b aeMnti tuntrkcL Qu-e-t tort eeiw BtaU InVlat a. Verdun daU'Austrla come preito degll nlutl e delta? dtrexlona pmUtl dalla Qerfminla nll'Austrln, hell'offenMva contro Vltatlru Oon quests forze II kron prlnz ,' declso it prendera Verdun a qua! alael cesto, a prezzo dl qtmlunque sacrlilclo. Un comunlcAto nfnelala austriaco an mincta che nella regions dl Punta Cordln gll nustrlacl hanno conqutstato Un'opera bllhdata Itallana che nd ovest dl ArsUro hanno occupato Is colllno sulla rlra sinistra meridionals del torrent Poilna. II comunl cato ftgglunga cho gll ttatlanl hanno at taccAtd Inutllmenta poslzlonl austrlache a! aud dl Dettalo, 1m llneo Italians tra I'Adlgs ed It Brenfa Bono stato dl nuovo rlformato. Esse ora si stendono npprosstmAtlvamento per una olriquantlna dl tnlglla dal Conl Zugna al Monte Pasublo, alia valla del Toslna, ad Arslero, alia Vat d'Assa ed alia Val Sugana. Konostante ta terrlblle preparazlone dell'artlgllerla, gll attacchl degll austrlacl sono rcsplntl o l'avanzata del nemlco Bern bra nrrestata. Ma soltanto notlzle In rl tardo glungono dalla fronte a sono cono scluts dal pubbltco, e le notlzto dl recentl avvenlmentl o circa It concentrnmento dells forze Italians a la poslztono esatta dells truppe sono per ora trattenute dalla censura. II generalo Cadorna splega In un suo rapporto specials cho lo operaztont dl guerra cho st svolgono net Trentlno sono essenzlalmente diverse da quelle che si svolgono a Verdun, le quail ultimo si basnno sulla guerra dl trlncea. lnvece sullo Alpl si svolge una regolaro battaglla con I'lmplego dt grandl masss dl truppe In terreno mon tuoso. Lo sptegazlont del generalo Cadorna sono rltenute come molto slgnlflcantl, glaccho' cgll Indtibblamento allude a prosslml avvonlmcntt, dal momento cho l'azlono Itallana non ha sempllcemento II carattero dt semptlco dlfenslva, ma comprende ooerazlonl estcnslve In cul la fanterla o' dostlnata ad avers una parte Importati tlsslma. MOVEMMP STARTED FOR PLAYGROUND AT WASHINGTON SCHOOL Eighteen Hundred Children Must Needs Play In Alley Be cause School Board Falls to Provide TEACHERS STRESS NEED UNA NAVE ITALIANAVA NEL PORTO IN TRIESTE Audace Spedizione Che Termina Con la Distruzione d'Un Trasporto Nemlco Un comunlcato del Mlnlstero della Ma rina Itallano annuncla che una nave da guerra Itallana, probabllmente una sllu rants, ha sllurato nel porto dl Trlesto un grando trasporto mllltare austriaco man dandolo a fondo. SI tratta dl una nudaco spedizione, giacche' il porto dl Trieste, so c aperto o non fortlflcato, c' d'altra parte ben dlfeso dallo mlno che sin dalla dlclil arazlono dl guerra delt'Itatla all'Austrla le autortta' mllltarl austrlache hanno scml nato davantl al Vallono dl Muggla ed a quello dl Capodlstrla o davantl al porto proprlo dl Trieste. Un comunlcato ufUclalo austriaco annun cla cho gll autrlacl hanno conqulstato le collno sulla rtva meridtonale del torrente Poslna e mlnacclano dl awlluppare I fortl che dlfendono Arslero. II generals Cadorna annunclava lnvece lerl sera che gll attacchl austrlacl contro queste colllne erano statl resplntl e che gll Italian! restavano nelle loro poslzlonl. Photographs on buck page Uloslrate this article. A movement has been started In South Philadelphia to procure a playground for the pupils of the deorge Washington fila mentary School, 6th street below Washing ton avenue, who must play In nn alloy be cause the Board of Education has provided no better recreation facilities. Eighteen hundred boys nnd girls, mem bers of all grade, are obliged to content themselves with this sort of "school yard." According to educators familiar with the school code, tho Bpace allotted to tho chil dren for play Is actually below tho require ments of law. It la only because tho Washington School was built before the net becamo effective, and because the law Is not retroactive that tho Board of Kducatlon cannot bo com pelled to proldo a playground. The alley, which scnes as a substitute, Is about 90 square feet In area. It lies between the schoolhouse and a private dwelling. two itEcnsstis nnqumED. So small Is this space that Miss Katherlno T Dever. the supervising principal, has been forced to order two recesses. Sho has found that It li Impossible to accommodate all of the pupils In the alley at ono time. This condition has been tho subject of protest for many yearn In South Phila delphia, but tho movement hns so far had no material effect When Miss Margaret T. Magulre, an ofllcer In the National Education Association nnd principal of tho General CIcorge A. McCnll School, was head of the Washington School sho Incrcnscd tho sentiment In tho neighborhood In favor o( a playground. Tho Bchool Itself Is overcrowded Twelve "part time" classes nro In session each day because the enrolment Is too great for tho size of tho building. The latter condition will be relleed, however, when tho liny School, Wharton aboe flth street, now In course of reconstruction, Is rebuilt. It was at first believed that tho Wash ington School would alsd ba reconstructed during tho vacation months this summer, but It was announced At the headquarters of the Board of Education today thai no tuch change Is contemplated. It wad also announced that there Is no Immediate pros pect of a playground for the pupils of the latter Institution, TEACHEltS CniTICAI Teachers who have Inspected schools throughout the State declare that they have never eoen any other school where the children are compelled to Use nn Alloy as a playground. They say that this deficiency Is particularly unfortunate nt the Washing ton School, because many of tho pupils are either foreigners or the children of foreign parents. Their Impression of American Institu tions, gained from such educational sur roundings, cannot make fo. better citizen ship, it Is pointed out. An effort will be mado to Interest the Clvlo Club, the Horns and School League nnd similar orgnnlza tlons In tho movement to have tho Board of Education purchase properly to bo used as a playground or solvo tho problem In some other way. Imported Tweed Special Suitings. $30 BRADBURN & NIGRO Tailors to Particular Men Cor. 13th & Sansom SnlU 125 to HO Writ or call or our tin and Interfiling Dootdft "Looking Into Your Ourn rgr " No. 103 A Series of Eye Talks Our Next Talk Wed.. Jane IS. By Joseph C. Ferguson, Jr. WAT IO WOtJT.D evur " " i HunnoHA thnt mieh ftn ailment an R cold In the head cauld causa eyo troubles? Vet It Is Just such a thing that Is often responsible. Uetween the erea and nose, the membrane lining tho four communicating cn.Yi tles at audi times often be comes Inflamed nnd Infection Is easily nnd directly trans mitted to the eyes This simply Illustrates the ndvlsablllty of consulting the Oculist- the physician who specializes In trentment of tho eyes whenever your eyes need attention. Ho hns no reason to pro scribe glasses unless they nre necessary In that ovent, have his prescription filled by nn Optician whose ability to nil It accurately Is unquestioned. I'rescrlptlon Opticians 6, 8 & 10 South 15th St. ITe DO -VOr Examine Eves "Thin 'Talk' from a copy right Bcrles. all rlzhts re-period." Unite s : m CVia'TrA3 On ef tk Fiv Experience, the Teacher of Tire Lessons The experience of your last week-end holi day trip has told you something about the tires you use That they are, or they are not, the parti cular tires suited to your particular car, Experience taught the United States Tire Company that all tires are not suited to all cars. That is why the United States Tire Company makes five different tires a tire to meet every need of price and use the only complete line offered by any tire manufacturer. One of the five is made for your car will give you the lowest cost per mile. "Cannon Ball'1 Baker's transcontinental world's record car was equipped with United States 'Balanced Tires. Baker says: "No other tires would have stood the test." Ask the nearest United States Tire Dealer for your copy of the booklet, "Judging Tires," ' which tells how to find the particular tire to suit your needs. United States Tire Company Chain' 'Nobby 'Usco' 'KoyalCord' "INDIVIDUALIZED TIRES" Plain' nrnzzsgrm Caswkii Man Bsdiy Injured In Fight John thislk, Jleihi old. of 1TT fioulh Uh street, Camden, Is In tho Codpef Hos pital, Camden, today sufferlne; from n pos sible fracture of the skull. Two of hit countrymen, Anthony fianbuskl, 35 years old, of 1830 south 4th street, Camden, nnoT Amd Slowlck, afl year old, of il tfll mora street, Camden, nro under arrest on suspicion of belnir responsible for nl In juries. Duilk was found unconscious at 4th and Viola streets by a policeman. After retaining consciousness ho said that while In n fight with soveral men ho was struck on the head with a brick. Postal Quid Cost M r 1, WASHINGTON, May i.Wac!rrfc postal guide In every comment ...If -- rTjh . I ment 6f Ue United jtate l. , , tmaster General nnruZ " .tm'df end, he has reduced the htiea' nf ?J,t H eatloh from (3 to 30 centi. 0t thfe "!.. ilshment Poai A Great June Sale of About $200,000 Worth of Men's and Young Clothing M ens Conceived in Good Faith; Based on Oak Hall's Reputation; Backed By the Merchandise! Begins Tomorrow Morning at 8 o'Clock AT Wanamaker & Bro wn's Market at Sixth Street, Philadelphia TT will constitute the biggest June clearing house sale of Meh's and Young Men's good Summer Clothing ever offered by Wanamaker & Brown which means one of the largest disposals in the history of the Philadelphia clothing trade. Between eight thousand and nine thousand picked Suits from the stocks of half a dozen manufacturers famous for their ability to make good clothing are in this history-making offer. Every single, solitary garment is guaranteed to be all wool and absolutely jfast color, regardless of all you have read of the .scarcity of good -woolens' and the scarcity of good dyes. The low prices at which these Suits will be sold will fairly electrify the clothing buyers of Philadelphia. In almost every instance the figures on the price tickets' are wholesale and in many instances less than wholesale. They follow: $12.00 $13.50 $15.00 $18.00 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 $30.00 T & $13.50 & $15.00 & $18.00 & $20,00 & $22.50 & $25.00 & $30.00 & $35.00 AU-Wool Ali-Wool AlI.Wool All-Wool Ail-Wool All-Wool All-Wool All-Wool Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Suits for Suits for Suits for Suits for Suits for Suits for Suits for Suits for $ 8.75 10.00 11.50 13.50 15.00 16.50 18.00 22.50 (& WO or three great principles dominate the policy of Wanamaker & Brown. i One is to sell only all wool clothing; another is to satisfy every customer- or hand his money back. And a third is to do business on the basis of big volume. And buying in big volume has overcome the handi caps imposed by the conditions that have ruled in the woolen and dye markets the past year and a half. ' This, coupled with Oak Hall's ability to pay spot cash for . the best offerings of many manufacturers and to clear their stockrooms (no matter how great their stock of good suits) on , a cash basis, has made this wonderful opportunity for our r customers i Our sales force is ready, the suits are t ready and no matter how great the demand ; or how big the rush that greets Oak Hall's famous June clearing house sale tomorrow, customers will receive prompt and courteous attention, , ' Wanamaker & Brown ftswf j $ 1 I v? m I A m 1 v ' m