EVENING LEDGlim PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1916. Gimbel Brothers M - rothers Store Opens at 8:30 I Gimbel Brothers Store Closes at 5:30 Gimbel Brothers Wednesday, May 31, iu ' ' ' ' " ! I ! I m 1 ! .I .. 1 n . -J I... ! in 1 ,.. . ....l...! . . ... . .. - .I...I... - . . . - . .. - -ii - .1 , i,'n fii mtitt-iirrnr- eii s ClothingValues Unmatchable! Four Thousand Suits $52,000 Involved Clothing of Full Gimbel Standard A Time for Summer Outfitting i l " Soc4J fes, fit. 1 I w I I JL 'Cs JL JNO mjlffpr hm CMfPB rr-nrle ofo -l-orn tirtll (nrm .1 .-.s-..,.-.. . 1 n -!.-... n !.-. ...nn. UnJn Af-. ,J stores will speculate and, delayed in marketing, have to sell much of their holdings at a loss. Stores of the Gimbel class act as the regional banks, -and unlock useless dollars for profitable use again. The Most Important Sale of the Year Values are simply die regular prices we'd have to charge (and some cases have charged) for the same suits and qualities bought on present market. Prices speak for themselves. Fortunately, we had large commitments at easier price and we combine many remaining lots of our regular stock in this sale. Men's : Young Men's $15, $18, $20 Worsted Suits at Men's and Young Men's $22.50 and $25 Suits at Bcltsac and plain models in all sizes. Worsteds Gun-Club Checks Unfinished Worsteds Tweeds Silk-Mixtures Flannels Stripes Cheviots 14 Men's and Young Men's $25, $28 and $30 Suits at Men's and Young Men's $30 and $35 Suits at . . . $17 $99 Novelty Mixtures Serges Shepherd Checks $15 for $25 "Beltsac" Suits Silk-Lined Green flannel and nearly a hundred other sorts and colorings some mohair. $1 to $8.50 for $2 to $10 Mohair Office Coats black, blue, gray, tan and striped. S3.75 for S5 and S6 Hunecrford-Svstem Trousers worst I if 1 r m 1 t-n jAr ri ptliniil-(lnMHnl $1.50 to $6.50 for $2 to $8 Auto Dusters some linen: W SI in $2.50 fnr SI.. SO in S3 SO Trniisore nf vtn't nrmv iinr nnvv twrill HmH nnrl Pnltn Tlonrli -T- w 1 -p..-,, w -, .ww ...wuww.w W. ......W M. ...J t...W, .....J ....., ......... ..... ........ w . -w . cloth. Gimbcls Second floor OYS' CLOTHING is Equally Reduced i Fs Boys' Norfolk Suits, with extra pair of Knickerbockers, $8.50 and $10 regularly $12, $13.50, $15 and $16. Boys'Blue Serge Regulation Reefers, for ages 2x2 to 7 $3.90 instead of $6.50. Chevron on sleeve; belt back. Boys' velour-check Reefers, for ages 3 to 8 $5 instead of $7.50. Velvet collar. ' Boys' Blue Serge Norfolk Suits, for ages 7 to 18 $5, $6.50, $7.50, $8.50, $10, $12 and $15. New lots just from the tailors made from, materials we owned ahead of the rise. , Boys' $8.50 Norfolk Suits at $5 With extra Knickers. For ages 6 to 17. Fancy tweeds and cassimeres gray and brown effects. Smart single-breasted model with belted back. Washable Suits for Boys of 2!2 to 10, $1.85 Values $2.50 to $3.50 "Tommy Tucker," Middy and. Junior Norfolk, white and colors. Qlmbela, Third floor. l&foS. Ji$ Summer Dresses Winning Styles : Rare Economj; Toniorrow ushers in the first month of summer and thin dresses will have the call. Gimbels wonder fully prepared for the demand and savings assured. $5.95 for embroidered, voile Dresses. $7.50 for Russian blouse Dresses of white voile. $10.95 for point d'esprit Dresses with embroidered motifs. $15 for smart Sports Dresses of Im ported Rodicr crepe. $5 for clever man-tailored linen Dresses. $6.75 for ramie-weave linen Dresses in the Huntingdon Valley Country Club style. $7.50 for Japanese spot-proof Dresses; all-white or all-black. $10.75 for pongee Sports Dresses. $12.75 for taffeta silk Dresses wanted colors. $15 for crepe de Chine Dresses some two-piece style. Olmbols. Baton, of Dre.i, Third floor. Tub Skirts, Very Great Variety at $1 to $3.95 Freshly new assortments each day sees its addition or replace ments to the diversity ol the styles shown here, from plainest all- white to conspicuous awning stripes. $1, value $1.50, for excellent washable cordeline Skirts. $1, value $1.75, for wide Awning Stripes; shown only here. $1.50, value $2, for novel "pocket style" gabardine Skirts. $2, value $3, for awning-stripe Skirts. $2.95, value $4.50,, for oyster-white pure linen Skirts. $2.50, value $3.75, for khaki tramping Skirts; best quality. $2.50. value $3.95, for bias "Awning Stripes ; the season's novelty. $3.95, value $5, for linen Skirts. $3.95, value $5, for washable corduroy Skirts; English golfines. White and colors. 10 . fit rlTiltra Qlmbeli, Salon, of Sre.a. Third floor, and .am. on ur.na aisio. r jrai noor. $3.95 Linen $2 Awning Stripe Muslin Underwear : Corsets : Shirt Waists : Infants' Clothes By Waiting Until Jane We Have Had Produced Enormous Lots ' of Dainty, Pretty Lingerie at Prices No Store Will Match A Sale of White wherein the careful shopper who loves pretty, dainty underwear and filmy, frilly blouses may pick and choose freely with not a worry over the prevailing high cost of things. . , It is an international collection French, Philippine and American. Best ,of all, the Gimbel stocks are planned, bought and sold by women they seem to i Twenty Thousand SAMPLE GARMENTS iV By waiting till June we secured all the sample, garments most carefully made- foremost concerns $1.45, $4.95, -of three $1.15, $4.45, Petticoats 65c for $1 kind; 85c, $1.85. $1.95, $2.15, $2.95, $3.55, $4.15, $6.75 values up to $10. ' Nightgowns 85c for $1.25 kind; $1.15, $1.85. $1.95, $2.95, $3.15, $3.55, 53.95.' $4.45, $1.55. $4.95, Nnloiook l'eltlcoat. II. IB I Tluo U. 5 This group com prises half of the twenty thousand sample garments. Scores of styles few of eacn. Xleih BatUt Gown, 111 Tlu (1.80. $6.75, $7.95, $8.95 values up to $13,50; the ones at $1.15 are worth $1.75. Nightgowns Envelope Chemises JJ) 1 Combinations w-i i Petticoats H.acn T3ffnf.a Rllna Crepe de Chine auus a toucn oi luxury wim '""" able economy if bought at stores that watch quality Bodices of crepe de Chine, $1, $1.50, $2 and $3 values $1.50 to $4. Envelope Chemises of crepe de Chine, 51.95 Sample Under-Garments of crepe de Chine, at $2.85 to $3.95-values $4 to $10.95. Tailored Nightgowns of crepe de Chine, at $3.65 instead of $5. Three styles, at $3.95 instead of $6. Wash Satin Bodices, at $1. $1.50 and $2-values t0 $Chlna silk Nightgowns at $2.95 instead of $4 China silk Envelope Chemises, at $2 instead of $3. China silk Gowns to match, at $3.15 instead of ?4. Silk Petticoats, $3.50 and $5 -Values to $5.75 Extrarsire garments in every line with consider able savings. Philippine Hand-Embroidered Undergarments Nightgowns, at $1.95, $2.95, $3.95. $4.95 and $5.95 values $2.95 to $7.50, and entirely beyond competi tion by any other form of daintiness Envelope Chemises, at $2.95, $4.95 and $5.95 values $4 to $7.50. Chemises, at $2.95 instead of $4. hold the rare gift of producing comfort, ease and luxurious dainjtiness without undue cost. The Gimbel Store-r-you well know leads in value-giving; because it is. ruled by the determination to win more millions of business through making it the one worth-while store wherein to spend money. Shirt Waists, Third floor, First floor and Subway Store. Muslin and Silk Underwear, Corsets and Baby Clothes Second floor and the Thoroughfare and Grand Aisle, Firs.t floor and Subway Store. Thirty Thousand SHIRT WAISTS Every New, Pretty Style Plenty of the Favored Frill Waists Three thousand Habutai Silk Waists at $1.35 worth this minute from $2.50 to $3.50. A few dozen two dollar waists included. The most charming styles flqsh, white, rose, Nile, maize and peach. A few in dainty stripes. Lingerie Waists $1 ; Value $1.50 Philadelphia's Greatest Sale of French Hand-made and Hand-Embroidered Lingerie Rare chance for Jun.e brides-to-be. Bridal Sets, $7.50 to $62.50 Just Half Regular Prices Petticoats, at 95c, from $1.50. Chemises, at $1 to $2 all reduced. Nightgowns, at $2.95 and $3.65 values to $5, Combinations, at $1.55, from $2.50, Corset Covers,.at $1.25, from $2. Combinations, at $1.35 to $2.65 values to $8. A hundred quite elaborate Petticoats, at $4.50 to $25 values to ?50 tr 0 -2-4 Ji c Expect to find all inexpensive under-garments as usual at Gimbel sates. . Savings as good, as usual. -i-Glmbl, th Thoroughfare, and Grunt AUle, First floor and Second floor. JlLUgpa Xolnaook I'rlntess Slip, SSl value (3. Nulmook I'cttlcomt, St tuIuo Si. 60, "s&JSra.sr- "'& Wl w Nakuook T-acx l'etllco!, Ml rulue, $3. White SHOES Rule White shoes at Gimbels meet requirements vith exactness. For women, $2 to $6. Styles that lead ; dependability. Thursday Special Women's White Canvas Gibson Ties, with white heels ; turned soles. All sizes. $2. 1 i -" Imbelj. Second floor GIMBEL BROTHERS MARKET : CHESTNUT : EIGHTH ; NINTH Many pleasing models to select from. Of voile. lawn and organdie, prettily garnished in laces and embroideries. Lingerie Waists $2; Values $3 and $3.50 Charming styles. Of finest fabrics. Beautifully embellished in the newest laces and embroideries. Many with frills. Habutai Silk Waists, $2 Values $3 and $3.50 Flesh and white. Developed in a novel style with large pearl buttons as an added touch. Lingerie Waists, $3; Value $3.95 Really exquisite. The finest filmy fabrics used in their making. Distinctive styles. Crepe de Chine Waists, $3; Value $3.95 Note the quality of the crepe de Chine and the unusual excellence of workmanship. Styles highest in favor. Lingerie Waists, $3.95; Value $5 The prettiest waists brought out this season to be found in this group. Every new style tendency is shown. Very effectively trimmed. Georgette Crepe Waists, $3.95; Values $5 and $5.50 Georgette crepe is a big favorite and these waists are fashioned to suit the most exacting' taste. Also crepe de Chine in pleasing styles. Gimbels, Salons of Dress, Third, floor. SS Habutai Milk JNak !(LS ZW r Jv 1 VolU 15c Xviu ll.JS MabHtai Bilk Bargains in White Subway Store Night Gowns from 38c Envelope Chemises from 50c Short Petticoats from 25c. Drawers from 25c Crepe Night Gowns at 55c Combinations from 50c Corset Cavers from 15c Extra Sue Garments also. Shirt Waists SOc for 85c Middy Blouses. 75c for $1 Sports Coatee Blouses. 75c for $1.5Q lingerie Waists. $1 for $1.$Q Waists the nW striped collar. Corsets for 50c Baby clothes. Misses' Underwear, JWdWhaJaTTTTralrtlWIlSaiBaG f i j j r 4 1