Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 30, 1916, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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    K& "' """"
for Ihe summer
dorse Show to Open Today With Large Attendance.
Many persons Will Come From Other
Cities for Annual Affair
RAIN or Bhlno every one will go onl to
Devon today for tho Horse Show,
Which will be held during four days this
week on the spacious grounds near tho
station which ard used every year for this
event. This year will be one of tho big
gest occasions, for literally every one Is
at home, either In town or tho suburbs,
nnd so the world and his wife will attend.
There will be, of courso, tho usual num
ber of box parties,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Bcale, of Deep
dale, Strafford, will entertain Mr, and
Mrs. Henry Potts, of Pottstown, and Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Morton WlUon, of Slraf
ford, In their box at the show this afternoon.
Such a time as there wus on the Board
walk at Atlantic on Sunday, my dears,
a man and woman were riding In a rolling
chair, and on tho woman's shoulder was
11 tiny monkey, which gaily knocked off
tho hat of tho pusher, though tho occu
pants of tho chair wero perfectly uncon
cerned at his behavior. Reposing In tho
front of tho chair was a traveling bag
with a vontllatlng arrangement In each
end, which was evidently Brother
Monkey's "pullman seat" when taking
To spread tho spirit of Americanism
among their beneficiaries tho women con
stituting tho committee of the Southwark
Neighborhood House have completed all
plant) for tho big Festival and Procession
which thoy are to gtvo at 2:30 o'clock
next Saturday at Loverlng place, West
School House lane, dermantown.
' Tho occasion has been widely advertised
as tho Festival of Apollo, which will con
sist of Pythian games, Tho Masque of
Persephono nnd a procession of Greek
youths and maidens. Thero will bo a
muslcalo contest, athletic contests and tho
Delphic Oraclo will prophesy tho future.
Tho Masque of Persophone will bo pre
sented by tho children of the Southwark
Neighborhood House and tho athletic cJn
tost will be under the direction of Michael
Dorlzas, tho famous all-around athleto of
the University of Pennsylvania.
The athletic contests will consist of run
' nlng races, wrestling, competition In
throwing the discus and Javelin.
Tho many activities of tho Southwark
Neighborhood House, and the vast amount
of good work that It yearly accomplishes,
aro shown In the annual report of tho or
ganization recently Issued.
Thero are 421 pupils In classes for cook
ing sowing, embroidering, carpentering,
singing, dancing, dramatics and music.
Thero aro 539 members of different clubs.
Dental clinics aro held twice a week,
where hundreds of persons aro treated.
There Is a baby clinic, a library, a sav-
lngs fund, a coal savings fund, Btory and
play-houses .for little children, moving
pictures and open house dances. Tho
Southwark Neighborhood House works
In co-operation with the Bureau of Health
and. Charities, The Child Federation, Tho
Civic. Club of Philadelphia and Droxel,
Temple and Beechwood Domestic Sclenco
Schools, which provide cooking and sew
ing teachers.
Last year's disbursements wero J3.2S1.03,
and because this budget Is too small to
carry on such Important work this Fes
tival of Apollo has been promoted to pro
cure the needed added fund, and bids fair
to bo an unqualified success.
ytor,wc.r Lucl(in Ph'"P Smlt". . Ifi't
fel's nJ T,n.d 10 Ay w,,h M- Dan
,el " brents at Huntington. W. Vo.
Indu&f. t, 6clk- T" Program will
AdolSfnv l,Tn WOr.d?. ot Baling by Dr.
"The K'.nSollier'.,0,,0Wed an address,
by Mis" CarnCMU "! ,he ,Iom! "lcn."
OardensV '4h t,11CJ' Su,Pervls"- of School
ntSUnf?-??. 9lo.ra,lon of he. Garden
"Why -h' PLtma B. Wright, and
.nr.il' . l2rBm 8 ,aar(len Should be He-
W Ma'X 0rlBi,ml DcS'Sn'" i,r8 ' J-
Along the Main Line
TidYot tiVMr- and M"- Ferdinand
week, br mSrer,nVen,Ue' vlM eaVo "'9
icek, dj motor, for Southwest Ttnrhnr
Mo., where they will regain , Utll the art5
He"?y Eof pIiTF Jtrs- W. fertile
wilhurDnVfV'nM-aJ,Ir ,nd M"- nollln H.
nr .-.J, 01l stone llousc." St. Davids
V taking a motorjirlp' through the State!
mr?Zlr"- "?.?." ?! John M.
tertalnlno- xrr. t v"m Novn- nrB "
cuse N y A-rJnniCS,"owlcU' f s'ri-i-use,
a. i for sev,.ril weeks.
A' &?!?.. Archibald J.
Wayne JhZ y's'CMay at Inver Ho.c,
Buttenr0,n?,n'0"or0 JJ!' Ust. Mr William
Mr. nmi :: "i :" vnsnington. L I,
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wilson Entertained on Saturday vt-
ning m Honor of Their Son's Twentieth Birthday.
Various Other Social Doings
Mr. and Mrs. j. u VT"1,0"' u .
rrcCCIy.WnynC' havo returned from A?lan.
on a oXd' et tt
StrnffordndJnrfl,."Cnry Dr,nker ni'o'. of
Mrnirord, will nlso spend the nnmm !
cottage at 109
Chclsoa. i,,LT,.f,u ln Bmmcr at
South Derby avenuo.
BE Ms :ms,k-
WH nm.Jan 9"l,crt nnd Miss Margaret
d nnerIOorf,0ilh1,0r,alned ln ""honor a?"
ainner of eight covers on Saturday nlirh
Chestnut Hill
Mrs. William Flndlay Brown, of 21 !.im
?'', a,venu?- " wne to Seavew for siv
cral days to play lnagolf tournament?
lll!KS'a!,,VeUr nnd h" o'ster.
miss isatallo Sauvcur. of 82k c,ii'
avenue, will onteriaTntM tZrrot.
D. Dncllsh rinllnm I- r.n ..
tenhouse street, has Miss '-Margaret Miller'
Mr. and Mrs, William Struthers Ellis will
give a dinner tomorrow night at Fox Hill
Farm, their home In Bryn Mawr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burton Roblnette,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crathorne Dale, Mr.
and Mrs. E. Florens Rlvlnus, of this city,
and Mr. and Mrs. James F. NJelds. of Wil
mington, comprise a party motoring to
Yama Farms, N. Y., to spend Memorial
Mr, and Mrs. John Worrell Pepper, of
Fair Acres, Jenklntown, have sent out cards
(for an at home on Thursday, June 8.
Mrs. Victor Cushman. who has been visit
ing her sister, Mrs. Francis King Wain
wrlght, of Bryn Mawr, has returned to her
home In Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. John It. Valentine, of High
land Farm, Bryn Mawr. will leave on Thurs
day to visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Itum
sey and attend the Piping Bock races at
Long Island.
' Mr. and Mrs. Valentine will give an Infor
mal dinner at their home this evening fol
lowing the opening of the Devon Horso
Mrs. Edwin L, Blabon. of Bryn Mawr
has returned from a two weeks' visit to
French Lick Springs,, Ind.
Mrs. Benjamin F. Clyde, of Coughacres,
Bryn Mawr, has gone to Atlantlo City and
Is staying at the Brighton.
Mrs, Edward Sydenham Page, of Devon,
f III entertain In her box at the Horse Show
tomorrow afternoon.
The Honorable Henry Fairfax, of Oak
Hill, Virginia, who will be one ot the Judges
of hackneys at the Devon Horse Show, will
spend the week with hla nephew and niece,
Mr. and Mrs. Georee Emlen Starr, of Rad
nor. They will entertain In his honor on
Thursday evening, Mrs. Starr Is also en
tertaining her mother, Mrs. Charles A.
Ayres, of New York, as her guest.
Mr, and Mrs. Henry Dlsston vlll enter
tain at dinner this evening at their home
tn Rosemont,
Mr, and Mrs. Frederick W Schmidt, of
Juniper Hall, Radnor, will entertain at
dinner this evening, fpllowlng the opening
of tho Devon Horse Show, Their guests will
be Dr. and Mrs, Cotton Deal, Mr. and Mrs.
James Balfgur, Mr. Thomas P, Hunter, Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Story, Mr. and Mrs. Ro.
land C Evans and Mr, and Mrs. Edward
Waj, On Thursday Mrs. Schmidt will give
a box party at the Horse Show, her guests
being Mrs Ernest La Place, Mrs. William
Merger, Mrs. H. Daniel von Nastlnd and
Mrs. James Kelly.
Mr. T. De Witt Cuyler, will entertain the
ofneers and dlrectorslof the Devon Horse
Show at dinner at Edgewood, Haverford,
Mr and Mrs. Oliver Cromwell are oc
cupying their villa ot Naragansett Pier.
Y Mr. q, Wllllngr Hare and hl mother, Mrs.
Horace Hare, left on Saturday for a, motor
Irlp through the poconos.
Mr. and Mrs, WIHlsim A Weber have
5on4 Trot and Captain. William Mitchell
4 atra, Mltcball, of Washington, as thi
$mAq ism tht Horn flhov.
iJ. m,63 H- Donney. of the Delmar
Morrls. will entertain at luncheon at the
Bol evue-Stratford followed by a theatre
, , ThUrsdar ' honor of Miss "ofa
,n ?V w,hs marriage to Mr. Edward Gor
don M. MacQannon will talto nlaee nn s.
win SniS? W- TJ"J BUCsts at the ncheon
wll Include Miss Helen Henderson, of Cum
berland, Md. and Miss Marlon Sturges
Scott, of Chicago, both students of Bryn
Mawr College; Miss Eleanor Edmonds and
Miss Kathryn Elliott. Mrs. Donnelly will
be matron of. honor at the wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Burton, of 3016
West Coulter street, will occupy their cot
tago at Buck Hill Falls as usual during
the summer months. They will be accom
panied by their two debutante daughters
Miss Marguerite Burton and Miss Eleanor
Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert D. Barton, of 307
Lincoln drive, will occupy a cottage ln
Ventnor the middle of July. Mrs. Barton
was Miss Eleanor Moyn before her mar
riage a year ago.
Miss Theodora Jellett, of 4602 Pulaski
avenue, will entertain at bridge tomorrow
In honor of Miss Josephine Heron, whose
marriage to Mr. Stewart A. Jellett. Jr., will
take place on Thursday, June 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Thels Weger, of Me
Callum street and Westvlew avenue, are
spending several days ln Atlantic raiv
They will motor back to town tomorrow.
Mrs. Weger was Miss Madeline Worrell
Paine befor. her marriage.
Mrs. Robert Dunning Drlpps, of B006
Wayne avenue, has Issued cards for a
bridge on Friday, June 2, In honor of her
sister, Miss Josephine Heron.
Along the Reading
The White Marsh Vnlley Country Club
will hold n dinner-dance this evening
Mr. nnd Mrs. George Hnrlan McCnll, of
66th and 11th avenues Onk Lano, have
Mrs Grant Fosnocht, of Rending. Pa., ai
their guest. Sho will remain until Thurs
day. Mr. and Mrs George Mooncy, of Red
Lion road, Torrcsdale, have Miss Bessie
Mooney, of Chicago, lll.,.ni their guest.
Miss Mooney will remain until July 1, when
she will leave for Atlantic City to spend
the remainder of the summer with her
aunt, Mrs. Thomas Mooney.
Mrs. George Campbell, of Oak Lane road,
will entertain tho following guests at lunch
eon tomorrow afternoon: Mrs. George Sld
ham. Mrs. Frank Froneflcld, Mrs. Harry
Walters, Mrs. Frederick Cummlngi, Mrs.
George Clark, Mrs. Albert Endow, Mrs.
Frances .Skelly. Mrs. Hugh Goll. Mrs. Philip
Taylor. Mrs. William Tyson and Mrs. Frank
Burke. The tables will be decorated with
sweet peas. Cards will follow the luncheon.
Mrs. Rldpnth nnd hor dnughtcr, Miss
Grace Rldpath. havo returned from Pitts
burgh, where the former spent tho winter
with her daughter, Mrs. O. F. Baer.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kerr McKoo, of
Jenklntown, have announced the engage
ment of their daughter, Miss Myrtle Flor
ence McKee, to Mr. John Orson Flndelsen,
of Frnnkford.
Preparations are being made for the
commencement season In tho Jenklntown
schools. Tho high school commencement
exercises will be held on Wednesdny eve
ning, Juno 21. Tho graduating class will
give Its clns.t day program on Tuesday
afternoon, June 20. Tho same evening tho
promotion exercises of tho grammar grades
will be held. All tho exerciser will be held
In tho Jenklntown auditorium,
The Rev. George Young, of tho local
Baptist church, will preach the baccalaur
eato sermon on Sunday evening, June 18.
Rifle Practice at the Various
Shooting Galleries Her
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Lee and their
daughters, Miss Augusta Leo and Miss
Anna Leo, of 3628 North 18th street, left
yesterday for Orvllla, Montgomery County,
where they will pass tho summer.
Mr. Heberton E. Frlcke Is camping at
Fort Meyer, Va with the 2d City Troop,
of which ho Is a member.
Mlsn Gladys Kraus, who has been spend
ing some time with her sister, Mrs. Law
rence Kaufman, of Charleston. W. Va., has
returned to hcr home, 2127 West Venango
Dr. nnd Mrs. Jacob Hoschander, of 1603
West Tioga street, are receiving congratu
lations on the birth of a Ron, Emanuel
Hoschander, on May 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chlpman, of 3513
North 23d street, will leave early ln Juno
for an automobllo trip to Poland Springs,
Mr. and Sirs. S. Herstctn. Miss Marian
Hersteln and Miss Reglna H. Hersteln, of
3248 North Broad street, left on Saturday
for their summer homo In Chelsea,
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Levy, of 3725 North
2Jst street, are spending four weeks tour
ing through tho West.
North Philadelphia
The Boardwnlk Mnld Is nothing If not
up to the minute Now that thrro Is so
much talk about prepnrcdncsi. this rather
flcklo creaturo has taken It Into her head
that she must lenm to shoot Conse
quently, the shooting galleries along tho
walk are lined with smart-looking girls In
stunning sports clothes, who vie with one
another In handling a rifle. Down Chelsea
wny target lawn parties are all tho rage. The
girls spend the early part of the afternoon
making bandages Then, after tea Is served,
thoy go out on tho lawn and practice tar
get shooting, A Berlcs of target parties
nro being hold, and. at tho conclusion, n
riuo is to be awarded as first prize
Former Secretary of War L. M. Garri
son and Mrs. Garrison, who aro frequent
visitors, camo down for today and nro mak
ing tho Marlborough-Blenhelm their sea
shore home.
Mr. and Mrs F. J. Hutchinson nnd Mrs.
D, W. Hutchinson motored down from
Montclnlr for the holiday,
Mr, Archibald C. Ellns Is visiting his
mother at the Marlborough-Blenhelm. Dr.
and Mrs. Ncff wore down over Sunday, as
were Dr. and Mrs. T. N. Pease.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Barnltz are spending
the week-end at tho Chalfonte with Mr", nnd
Mrs James P. Hooper and Mr. nnd Mrs.
W. V. Golbs. of Baltimore.
Mr. nnd Mrs W. McL. Freeman are at
tho Marlborough-Blenhelm, where thoy
havo taken apartments for tho entire sum
mer. Miss Mary A. Barr and Miss Jane Barr,
of Oak Lano, were at tho Strand for the
Mr George II. McClatchey and his family
are occupying their summor apartments.
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Kcyes and their
family will spend tho summer at 12 States
Mr. Stanley W. Landls, of Oak Lane, has
joinea nis parents at lladdon Hall. Mr.
Swope Is visiting his mother,
Swope, at the samo hotel.
Announcement Is made ot the marriage
ot Mlia Elizabeth II Sclbold niece of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Hemlng.i, of Qllakortuwn,
Pa. to Mr. Harry O Folker, of 4151 North
10th street, on Saturday, Mny 27 The
ceremony was performed at tho home of the
bride's uncle and aunt by the Ilev. Dr.
Detrlch, of Qunhcrtown, and was followed
by a reception Mr. and Mrs Folker, upon
their return from their wedding Journey,
will receive nftcr Juno 10 nt 44G4 Noith
19th street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold Wilson, of Essex
nenuc, loft Satuiday for their cottaco at
Ocean City, N. J.
Mr. nnd .Mrs Thomas Colllnan. of Stew
art avonue: Miss Marlon Peterson nnd
Mr Frank Rellly havo left for a motor
trip to Klkton, Md,
Mrs Alfred C. Batch will give a luncheon
nnd tea the latter part of June for tho
benefit of the Woman Suffrago party.
Members of the College Club are pre
paring for nn entertainment for their quar
terly meeting, which will bo hold In tho
school auditorium on Juno 3. This yenr's
graduates from the high school havo been
Invited as guests of honor.
Mrs. K.
West Philadelphia
Mrs. Harry II, Boyd who has been visit
ing In Ocean City, N. J., wll return to her
home, H27 Larchwood avenue, tomorrow.
Miss Kathryn Dowltng, of 6118 West
minster avenue, and her niece, Miss Nora
Dowllng, of 66th street and Lansdowne
avenue, spent the week-end In Bristol, Pa.,
as the guests of friends.
Mr, Michael O'Connvr, of 70th street and
Lansdowne avenue, Is staying In New York
as the guest of his brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murphy,
Mr, Thomas A. Fitzgerald, of 1621 North
Alden street. Is spending a week In Atlantlo
City as tha guest of Mr. William Yeager,
of South Michigan avenue.
Mrs. Anna Finn, of 128 North 62d street,
will give a euchre and dance this evening
In St, Donato's School Hall, 6Stb and
Callowhlll streets, In aid of the church fund.
WILMINGTON, Del.. May 30 Wllmlng
ton society was largely represented at the
garden party which Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Fprd gave at their home, Leuvenlgh, Chest
nut Hill, on Saturday night, Mrs. Charles
Copeland, of this city, received with Mrs.
Ford, and others In the line were Mrs. Ed
wards S. Dunn, Mrs. E. S. W, Farnum.
Mrs. Russell Sturgls Hubbard and Mrs.
George Willing, all of Chestnut Hill.
The Henry P. Scott'8 golf and supper
party at Lexington today will be another
Mecca to drpw tha society of Wilmington.
Golf wilt be played all the afternoon and
there will be supper and dancing for the
Tha baseball game and hop at the Naval
Academy at Annapolis attracted Miss Anne
Garrett and Miss Elinor Vandegrlft for the
week-end. They Joined friends from Phila
delphia. Mr and Mrs. Harold Perot Keen,
Mrs. Arthur B. Owens end Miss Emily
Eleanor Owens also motored to Annapolis
Saturday for th game and hop.
I HiBPuS-i ' mm
Mr. and Mrs. Norval L. Knox, of 553S
North 6th street, aro receiving congratula
tions on the birth of a son.
The Men's Bible Class of Orthodox Street
Methodist Episcopal Church will give a
strawberry festival and double Maypole
party at Orthodox Btreet and 'Torresdalo
avenue on Saturday.
Mrs. William C. Trenter, of 4840 Haw
thorne street, is spending some time nt
Enston, Collegevlllo, Pa., and Phllllpsburg,
N. J.
Miss Mary Walton, of Blake nvenua
entertained last evening nt her home.
Among the guests were Miss Irma
Mellon, Miss Alice Zlegler, Miss Martha
Hemmeter. Miss Mary Gunning. Miss
Rlnrgaret Rudolph, Mist Mary Thomas,
Miss Margaret Dutton, Miss Marlon
McMahon, Miss Florence Fisher, Miss
Caroline Johnson, Miss Pauline Flske,
Miss Thelma Worst, Miss Anna Boal, Miss
Delia Holcumb, Miss Anna Murray, Miss
Josephine Curtis. Miss Sara Curtis, Miss
Leona Manning, Miss Ethel McKlnley, Miss
Helen Sykes, Mr. Harry Fisher. Mr Harry
Bennett, Mr. Walter Dean, Mr. JoBeph
Mann, Mr, Frank Mooney, Mr. Walter
Foster. Mr. Ralph Curtis, Mr. John Walton,
Mr, William Walton, Mr. Georgo Mundy,
Mr. Charles Keller, Mr. Michael Dlttus.
Mr. Thomas McGowan, Mr, Frederick
Taley, Mr. Hugh Maxwell, Mr, John Berry,
Mr. Morton Lumley, Mr. Frank Griffiths,
Mr. Horace Curtis, Mr. George Hughes and
Mr. Joseph Hughes.
Delaware' County
The Woman Suffrage party of Delaware
County had charge of tho suffrago booth at
the Civic Exposition yesterday. Among
tho women assisting were Mrs C. E. Mar
tin, chairman of tho W. S, P. of Delaware
County; Mrs J. S. C. Harvey, Mrs. Charles
Stanley Harvey. Mrs Ferreo Brlnton. Mrs.
J. R. Covert, Mrs. Francis Gummere, Mrs.
Humrlchousc. Mrs. M. Ormo. Mrs. Carl
Altmter, Mrs. Paul Lachcnmeyer. Mrs Seth
Pnnconst Levis nnd Mrs. Osgood Hopwood.
Tho Ridley Park Presbyterian Church
will bo the Bccno of n double wedding on
June 7, when tho two daughters of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas M. Kellogg will be wedded.
Miss Eleanor May Kellogg will bo man led
to Mr. Walter Rhodos White, of Lans
downs, and Miss Margaret Harper Kellogc
will be married to Mr. Augustus Maurlco
Ife m, urn. Bon. Ww
, th (wot f Ut. mA Mm, Wilmift
Notices for USodbr m will, be u.
d lu fell, with
!tl rikiihsfi
cwtiTTnd prCSd ii tfial
but ill Mh ootlSr mt N vjit
Jflf, Sf'ttt p.r. jub.1 if gjf'ti
ll Adrtldi m arw
Miss Emma Lusch, of 1948 North Gratz
Btreet, will be married to Mr, F. Albert
Schaefer, of 447 West Dauphin street, on
Thursday evening. The ceremony will be
performed at the home of the Rev, George
von Bosse, 810 North 5th street. The couple
will be unattended.
Following the ceremony a reception will
be given at the home of the bride's parents,
Mr- and Mrs. Charles Lusch, After a
brief wedding tour to Niagara Falls they
will reside at 447 West Dauphin street.
The bridegroom Is a member of the motor
squad of the police department, and a large
number of his fellow officers will be In
The members of tha Men's Union of the
Grace Reformed. Church have organized
an athlatlo association, of which Mr. Earle
R. Cook, of SS18 North 13th Btreet, is man.
The card club of which Mrs. Wlllani
Marshall, of 1525 Diamond street, is pres
ident, closed the season's meetings with an
automobile run to WWtemarsh, followed by
luncheon at the Whltemarsh Valley Country
Mr. and Mrs. Morris A. Kaufrnan, ot 2110
Spring Garden street, have gone to their
country place In Huntingdon Valley. Pa.,
tq remain through the aumtuer.
Mte Anna JJte l M North (Mi lret,
1 jiwllwr s. few day at Vajley Forga
wHbflwr father, is
NORRISTOWN, Pa., May 30. Today the
formal summer opening at the Plymouth
Country Club will take place and society
will turn out In full force to attend There
will be golf and tennis matches for both men
and women throughout the day, A special
'dance ln the ballroom of the club has been
arranged for the evening by the Women's
Committee, of which Miss Mary Loch Is
Mr. Gilbert Rodman Fox, of 909 Da Kalb
street, has announced the engagement of his
eldest daughter, Miss Josephine Fox, to Mr,
Harold C, Warren, of Swarthmore, Pa.
Miss Florence M. Rambo, of 1445 De
Kalb Btreet, entertained at auction bridge
Thursday evening In honor of Miss Helen
Buchanan, of Texarkana, Tex., who Is the
guest of Miss Katharyn M. Tyson. The
guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D.
Rambo. Mr, and Mrs. Stanley S. Anders,
Miss Katharyn Tyson, Mies Katharine A.
Scheldt, Miss Claire McGrath, Miss Edna
Wtler, Philadelphia; Mr. Edward A. Har
ley, Mr, Joseph IC Weaver, Mr. Robert M,
Harly, Mr, Homer Y, Prenclce and Mr,
William Rambo.
Mrs. John JJrooke nas returned to Wash
ington, D. C, after spending several weeks
as the guest of Mr, and Mrs. B. Percy
Chain, of Jacoby and Arch streets.
Mrs. Joseph D. Rambo and Mrs. Stanley
S. Anders have g&ne to Washington, D, C.
to attend the annual commencement week
festivities at National Park Seminary.
Camden and Vicinity
Mr Frances "Weaver, of 534 Linden
street, will entertain the Maternity Relief
Association at her home Friday afternoon
at 3 o clock. This win be the last meeting
for the season. i
Dr. Charles Fancoast, who arrived home
last week after an 18 months' residence
abroad, la being entertained by his relatives
and f fiends.
Mr- and Mrs. E. S. Woodward and family,
after residing at 644 Stevens street, for
many years, bava moved to their new home
at Moorestown.
Mr- and Mrs. John H. Heaton and thlr
.daughter. ? 4.1 North 4th ptreet. wm
orwisu um summer in tncir cuttago at Om
City Gardssa.
Tho Thursday Nlcht Club nnA v, tti ,
Association of tho First Prosbyterlan Church
will hold their annual June lawn fete on
Thursday night, on the church grounds
which will be Illuminated with Japanese
lnntorns. Refreshments will bo served at
smnll tables decorated with red nnd white
(lowers. Mrs. George Fleming. Mrs. Frank
Eckenroth, Mrs. Robert Black, Miss Clara
McMaster. Miss Ella Mooro, Miss Mlnnlo E
Scott, Miss Margaret Hunter. Mrs. Joseph
Rlpka. Mrs. A. MacIIugh, Mre R. Rumsey,
Mrs, Ward Smith, Mrs. Thomas Stanley
Mrs. Samuel Warren, Mrs. Wilbur W HII
ton, Mrs. Frank Wager, Mrs. Megonlgnl.
Mrs. Robert Miller, Mrs. William J. Hamll'
ton, Mrs. Samuel Taylor, Mrs. Robert C
Greer, Mrs. C S. Wilson, Mrs. Mao- Gins
cow, Mrs. A. Whiteside, Mrs. Louis Meister
Mrs. J. McClennan, Mrs. John MulIIn, Miss
Margaret Brown, Mrs John Miller and
Mrs. Arthur W. Greer will bo In charge of
tho affair.
Colonel nnd Mrs. Edmund O. Rupkn.r i.ft
Saturday on their yacht Suzanne for, a
cruise down tho Chesapeake Bay, stopping
at AnnnapoHs en route. They took with
them a party of Washington friends,
Dr, Christian Frame and his daughters
of Ridge avenue, will spend the summer
ai uioir coiiage ai tvuawooa Crest.
The annual strawberry fete of tho First
Baptist Church. Green lane, Manayunk, will
be held on Friday, on tho church lawn.
Mrs. Martin Blrkmlre and Mrs. W, IC
Wyatt aro spending some time In Wyom
ing, Del.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Stephan, who have
been spending some time In Woodbury, N
J., have returned to their home on Mon
astery avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Palmer, of
Queen lane, Falls of Schuylkill, are enter
talnlng their daughter. Mrs. c. Lyman
Evans, of Washington, D. C.
A SURPRISE party was given Mr. Boy
Wilson by his partnts, Mr, nnd Mrs
Allen Wilson, bf 6211 Rldgo avenue, on his
20th birthday Saturday night.
The lawn was decorated with Japanese
lanterns, and tho houto with ferns and
tprlng flowers. The guests Included Miss
Kllzabeth Woodraf, Miss Margaret Kalo,
Miss Mary Barnes, Miss Emma McKee,
Mlns Anna Wallace, Miss Margaret White,
Miss Helen Loghn, Miss Mnrl? Williams,
Miss Dorothy Jones, Mr, Loroy Wilson,
Mr, Ivan Ottlmror. Mr. Burton Llttlewood,
Mr Joseph Colllnson, Mr. Joseph Thomas,
Mr. Dudtty Thomas. Mr. Woalev Wnllnrn.
Mr Benjamin Uoavan, Mr. Clifford Dtavan,
Mr Graham Llttlowood and Mr. Logan Day
tftii. Mr and Mrs. Wilson and Miss Maud
Wlso chaperoned the party.
The spvenlh nnnunl (lower show which
has formerly been held under the autplces
of the Natural History Club will hold an
exhibition In tho Twentieth Century Club,
LnnsiMitne on Saturday afternoon nnd
evening under the auspices of the Lans
dowiii' Klowtr Show Association which has
elected tho following as ofllcers: President,
Mr. Samuel Pennock; Mco president, Dr,
Matthew Cryerj secretary, Mr. C. Wilfred
Conrad, nnd treasurer, Mr. Wharton 11
Harris Tho committee appointed ns aides
nt the exhibition consists -of Miss Elizabeth
cryor. Miss Cora Brooks, Miss Ethel Gil
bert. Miss Florence Conway, Miss Helen
Rend, Mrs Frederick Kelly, Mrs. David
Ritchie, Mrs. A F. Shoemaker, Mr Carroll
Llpplncott, Dr, Robert HUey, Mr. Henry
Homer nnd Mr. A. Canovn Swayno.
THE annual reception nnd donation day
at the Rcbekah Home for Wives and
Widows of Odd Fellows nnd Dependent
Rebckalis of Pennsylvania will bo held on
Thursday nt tho home, 17th street and
Allegheny nvenue. There will be nn ad
dress by Mrs. Mary A. Engclman, presi
dent of the board of managers ; a bazaar
for the sale of fancy goods, held on tho
lawn, nnd nn Informal musical program.
Assisting the president In the management
of the nffalr are Mrs. Elizabeth Palmer,
vlco president; Mrs. M. L. File, secretary;
Mrs A. E. Ketley, assistant secretary ;
Mrs. II E Montgomery, treasurer; Mrs
Ellzaboth File. Mrs. L, H. Carr, Mrs. J.
Grim, Mrs. H. Bowprs, Mrs. M. J. Kensll,
Mrs. R. Cowdcn, Mrs, M Bock, Mrs. . B.
Bovans, Mrs Mary Prince, Mrs. L. F,
Howo, Mrs. H. Weaver, Miss Emma Ap
pelt, Mrs, Margaret Richardson Mrs. C.
Cowlcs, Mrs. M. Lj Looney, Mrs. A. L.
Mnrron, Mrs. S. Ba'ker, Mrs. E, Watson,
Mrs. F. Dixon. Mrs. S. Castor, Mrs. Mary
Fowdon and Mrs. A. James.
5020 Master street, gave a birthday
party on Saturday evening In honor of the
13th birthday anniversary of their daugh
ter, Miss Catharine Mars.
About 40 guests wero present, among
whom wore. Miss Mnry McKale, Miss Bea
trice Whltmore, Miss Jennie Carroll, Miss
Catharine Easter, Miss Alice Egan, Miss
Helen Mnrs. Miss Margaret Mars, Miss
Helen Carey, Miss Mary Callahan, Miss
Margaret McCarthy, Miss Margaret Foss,
Miss Margaret Callahan, Miss Marie Mars,
Miss Cecilia Ward, Miss Helen Kirk, Mr.
Edwin Kellor, Mr. John Sullivan, Mr. Rob
ert Wilson, Mr. John Loguo, Mr. William
Dougherty, Mr. John Mitchell, Mr. Joseph
Gaffney, Mr. Jnmes Qulnn, Mr. Joseph Mur
ray, Mr. John Feelcy and Mr. Joseph Hea-gcr.
AND MRS. J. R. BUDDY gavo a
dance at their home, 871 North 41st
street, last Friday evening, ln honor of the
birthday anniversary of their son, Mr.
Herman J. Buddy. Among tho guests were
Miss Florenco E. Smith. Miss Mildred J.
Smith, Miss Marlon E. Wilson, Miss Gene
vlovo J. Walton, Miss Freda M. Osterle,
Miss 'Caroline E. Pickel. Miss Margaret E.
Robertson. Miss Margaret P. T. Watson,
Miss Mnrgaret E. Tuckmantel, Miss Ida Z.
Bower, Miss Anna L. McGrane, Mr. Leon
O. Crocker. Mr. Majilon G. Enslnger, Mr.
Mr. Walter S. Curley, Jr., Mr. 3imm 1B.
Bruce, Mr. William H, Raynor, Mr. RLi.
ter Moore and Mr. Joseph B. MeGran,"
The senior Auxiliary to the Jewlah HM
terlng Home will give n, moonlight excw
jlon Sunday evening, June 25, to Wlitrifmr
ton. The following will attend; Miss Km
Alaskounz, Miss Penrl Cohen, Miss- Bessfe
Dletch, Miss Rcba SchlHIs, Miss Evelyn
Kamls, Miss Minerva Susner, Mist Id
Helfnnd. Miss Rose Lunker, Miss Ttliy
Klelnmnnn, Miss Rosalyne Frances, Mtse
Rao Coyne, Miss Elsie Susner, Miss CelW
Hwanenfeld, Mr. Jack Relsman, Mr, Samuel
Welntrout, Mr, A. Elnsohn and Dr. Herman
Coane. "
A surprise party and 600 was given t
MJ",.!,d Mra- Jami C. Drlscoll, of 6117
Christian street, last week, Among those "
Present were; Mr. arid Mrs. Clifford Nar
rlgnn, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Snyder, Mr. and
Mrs. Mark Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Beatty
Rhelnhart, Mr. and Mrs. George D. Hen
derson, Mr, nnd Mrs. Bud Morgan, Mr. and
Mrs. 8. T. Hall, Miss Hazel Skinner, Miss
Alberta DoLong. Miss Alma Fitzgerald, Mr.
Ralph A. Light, Mr. William Hpozo and
Mr. Jack Ryan.
Miss Maria McKubbln, of 860 West Du
vat street, entertained the sohool sot by
a luncheon on Saturday, followed by a Vox
party. Among those present wero Stlss
Dorothy Leonard, Miss Clara Karterei,
Miss Catharine Luchctt, Miss Jenny Daw
son, Miss Catharine McLeran, Miss Dorothy
Vntontlne. Miss Marma linger. MIsb RUth
Gentry, Miss Sarah Mortlmal, Miss Helena
Brown nnd Miss Catharine McBrldo.
A farewell party was given to Mr, and
Mrs. Henry H. Swartz at the Spokarte Club
House. 941 South 3d street, Sundny even
ing. The club was especially decorated for
tho occasion and among the guests were
Mr. Maxwell Gordon, Miss Dorothy Field,
Miss Gertrude Dollar and Miss Ethel Hoff
man. In aid of St. Bridget's Roman Catholic
Church, Falls of Schuylkill, n card party
and dance will be held on Friday evening,
In the parish hall.
What's Doing Tonight
tlo"co1Sli,ftlaT?uf.,ua,n? Tom" ".
Municipal Band concert. 8th and Chew itrcoti,
8 o clock. Free.
FORREST moW. June5
Twice Daily Thereafter
Plrat Appearance Here in the Films
WorlcTs Greatest Dancer
The Dumb Girl of Porfici
A 'Weird, Wild. Wonderful Spectacle, Blastd
at a Coat of a Quarter of a Million Dollar..
au'bSS 25c; Evgs. 25c-& 50c
All Beats Rcaervetl.
10c 20c
10 A. M to 11:15 P. M
GEORGE BEBAN in "Pasquale"
Thursday. Friday, Saturday, MAE MUHRAY
In David Belasco's "Sweet Kitty Bellalrs"
Auspices University of Pennsylvania
Franklin Field, Tues. Evg., June 6
?EN a t' t ALL-
Mni(. Rappold. Matzenauer. Prenrltt. MM.
Zenmlerr, Cnmpnnarl, Mardones, Rothter, etc.
Chdrus 500 Orchestra 165 '
Seats $3 00. I2.B0, 2 00, $1.80. Tickets on
sale at Olmbels, at 1100 Chestnut St. and
Houston Hall, U. ot P. '
Auditorium Bulldlns Commercial Mustfum
34th Street Uelow Spruce
OPEN 111 A. M. TO 10 P, M.
Restaurant; lectures; moving pictures.
100,000 Square Feet of Exhibits
AT 10:40, 12:30, 2;16, 4, 0, 7:45
A ,.J,'n CHESTNUT Below leT:
Arcadia h. b. warner
Added Bllllo Burko In "Gloria's Romance."
Thurs , Frl , Sat , "QOINO STRAIGHT"
V J. IU1 la All Week. Double Bill.
Charlie Chaplin &".? "Police"
11:10 to 11:15
Peggy Hyland
Thurs . Frl , Sat. Fannie Ward (co-star of
"The Cheat") ln "A QUTTEIl MAGDALENE."
&.urjurn.L iutSi Thure, 4 Saturiiy,
and Her Playhouse Company In
KEITH'S THE best show
ivxjj.j.j.j.0 IN TOWN!
Prices Mat. and Eve., 25c to fl.OO
Extra Charlie Chaplin In "POLICE"
Globe Theatre "3KSS& -
A. M. to 11 P. M. 10c, 15c, 25a,
WOODSIDR Philadelphia'. Foreroot Prk
VV vyJUOlUEj ynt to Partc Trolley Patrons'
Learn to Write Scenarios
XT'OU can learn to prepare screen stories, to present char
acters and to sell your photoplay scenarios, if you read and
study the lessons to be published in the Evening Ledger, com
mencing next Saturday. Watch this space tomorrow, It will
contain particulars of a scenario writing competition, which
you can enter, Meantime, make it a point to read the first
scenario writing contest lesson in