to.. VI JM-ll ' ' ARTISANS' ORDER MUTUAL PROTECTION Union Meeting Tonight of Many I)cal Assemblies to Plan Pro , gressive Development Work Ono of Ihe most Important events In Iho recent history of ArtlFmnahlp In this city will take place tonlgtit In Room D, scVenth floor of tho Parkway nuildlnit, Broadband Cherry streets. By special arrangements Tnnds by Host Excellent Master iri.n Thompson, 16 of the smaller assemblies will assemble together In a Joint meeting, which promises In point of numbers and en thuslasm to surpass any gathering of Artisans of the current year. The purpose of the reunion la to mt torsthsr en a common rallrlnfc around not only for n Tnln of frs.tcrns.1 Rood-fellowship, but to swnken a deeper Interest amons the members. s well as to consider iwiw feasible? Dlsns for the betterment and strensthenlng- of the smaller assemblies, s well ei stimulate the sctlvllles of the entire brotherhood. One of the features of the evening will be the slnslnr of a uiess Club composed of th quartets of ths.sssem biles Interested. A procram of unusual merit has been arranged and will no doubt appeal to those present. The aesomblr having- the greatest pereenta.RO of members present will be awarded a Vltr? " I "," imiiunuillB bua "H and the most excellent master artisan will present each candidate Initiated with an apron. A number of prominent speakers will bo pres ent and a seneral good lime may be confidently eipected by .all Artisans who, will old tho move ment by attendlnc this meeting-. Wednesday nluht will be a blr social tilfrht In Arttsanshlp. the Artisan Dlnlna- Club will hold Its third quarterly dinner at. Moaabach'a Casino Vnd over COO will be seated about the tables. ;aPtan wcawaii. ibiiiw. u. o, t,, kiiu lion, . Raymond MaeNellle will be the speakers of EVERING- LBD3R-PHILADLtHIA", MONDAY, MAY 20, 1016. i KNIGHTS OF MALTA Grand Commandery Committees Ap pointed and Work of Year Inaugurated Grand Recorder J. H. Hoffman is visit- ng many sections of the Statft In the in-' wests of the Knights of Malta. For the bast two weeks he has been absent from the city almost the entire time. Tho order seems to be budding; forth and eeektnfe to develop now branches In many sections. These elKn of activity call for visitations from the grand ofllcers to stimulate the. work ahd guide the members aright. eo?.hift,!1Avo Jn a number of class Initiations, Ri!viui! i ncw cemmandfrles, Anniversary sriii.i,M,in...i."Tp''",m etemplfflcatlons and nJriiJM.j i" P ln r recorder of, proa- Mrff.JK!ff!,fl,,ow . o the ureatest pros. mi iT 222nc,Pl,lr "-h1 numerlral Increase, such as tne order has never ret r.nlni.,4 rnVf!?JInI!,,? 4'and commander of the fflF. Vj'JjmandiTy of Pennsylvania. KnlsMs of sVhiV...m, foflowtnt -sir knlithls t'r.S.nM.AI'11 "mmlttees for the coming; year: nnltnUiV'' .s j M. 'J'att. chairman: n. Walter ARCANUM MMBEBS DISCUSS LEGISLATION F rinher. P. rwr and Nns Arnni IT. flf-Mi stera And William A Qnf h v-a lOSf ' V1 m l . -.J......... a,. n1!!!.., Ol.ln n.AhtB m.,11 tOS ereimis. ,.,. u.,io va wji,,f nil, ulso entertain. Oak Lane Assembly, No. ,03. held Its annual Ladles' Night at Mosebach'a Casino Thursday 'renins' and had a very, successful affair, about 125 persons participating. An entertainment, deneln and refreshments wore provided The success of the occasion was duo to the untlrlnir efforts of the Entertainment Committee of this thrlvlnsr, progressive assembly. One-third of tho membership of Washington Assembly, No. Rl, turned out to sreet the Most Excellent Master Artisan and Most Excellent Recorder on Wednesday evening. A revival of interest In the assembly may safety be predicted, from the recent evidences of actulty shown and the expression of officers and members, Indi cating a determination to assume a higher place among the sister assemblies In the organization. Over 300 members of St. John's Assembly, No. 88, attended the regular meeting on Tuesday evening. The Initiatory work wan performed In exceptionally good style. An excellent entertain ment had been arranged In honor of the 82d an niversary of tho assembly, which was enjoyed by an audience In which were seen many of the veteran members of this old-time assembly. Oermantown Assembly, No. art. entertained delegations from Krankforil. rox Chase and En terprise Assemblies on Thursday evening. P M, i; M. A.. C. Walter Hlgglns. mado an Interest ing and entertaining address to thn 400 members present. Tho quartet of Vox Chase Assembly was a feature of the entertainment of tho even Int. The twelfth annual Artisan field day will be held at the Central High Bchool athletic field, 0th street above Lehigh avenue, Saturday after noon, June 10 This Is recognized nn one of the most importnnt athletic meets of the year and annually attracts a largo gathering of those Interested In sporting events of this character There will bo neven oventa confined wholly to amateur members of the Artisans order. In addition thero will bo 11 other eents open to alt registered athletes. K A Larchwood Assembly, No 07, held a fairly well-attended .cession In Its hall. SSI South 60th 'street, last week. Mnster Artisan B M Jack son was In tho chair, and announced that a spe cial Invitation had bipn received from West Philadelphia Assembly, No S, nnd that the mem bers of Larchwood Assembly were requested to attend this flourishing Artisan organization Thursday, Juno 8, in Davis Hall, 30.10 Lancas ter avenue. Larchwood Assembly Is nt present engaged in a membership contest with Ideal As sembly and, as a cash prlzo Is offered to tho winner, both assemblies aro hard at work hoping to carry off the prlzo. Chester Assembly, No 48, entertained Its membera and their ladles Tuesday evening list The speaker of the evening was Most Excellent Inspector Jacob R. Jordan An excellent nnd varied program claimed tho attention of the audience until a date hour. EAGLE KNIGHTS i Movement Started to Strengthen Weak Castles in all Sections of State The general condition of cnstlpn of thn Knights of the Golden Eagle, according to reports received at headquarters In this city, continues to Improve, very satisfactorily. While numerically the grtlns aro not as i great as at somo other periods In tho his tory of this chivalrous brotherhood, finan cially the castles go forward and aro be coming stronger nnd more stable each year. For the purpose of extending the order and making a careful study of tho general condi tions of cnstleB throughout the State and sug gesting remedial measures to counteract sus pensions of members or losa of charters the Grand CnHtle has appointed a Committee on Extension of tho Order," which has performed singularly efficient service. A comprehensive report was presented at tho recent Qrnnd Castle session, giving h careful anahsls of statistical reports for some cars and showing conclusively that tho failure of the castles and consequent surrender of charters were due almost wholly to a failure to chargo an adequate rate of weekly dues. The grand chief In his annual report, com mending the work of this Important committee, says that thero are a number of weak castles In the Jurisdiction, many of which can be saved tf tho proper means are emp:oed He also states that he has round In his offi cial experience many castles whose dues are entirely too low and the benefits too high This matter, he states, "should be taken up by the Grand Castle, and laws made regulating the amount of benefits, which should be paid for a certain amount or dues." Failure so to act must result in Injury and ultimately invite In this State hArnsnlnf HtntA lerlalatfon on thA Part of the Commonwealth. Knights of Pythias The followers of Damon and Pythias in goodly iiumucrH win enjoy an ouung naturaay next ai Woodslde Park. Many of tho local lodges will participate In the event, and the Second Regi ment of the Uniform Rank will turn out and lend dignity to tho occasion. The committee In charge la seeking to pro vide varied features of pleasure for members and their families, that the success of the af fair may be assured A baseball game in the afternoon, between nines representing two well-known lodges; various sports and games, as well as. special features lor the ladles and children, will combine to .make the day an enjoyable ono for all sir knights and their ladles who may attend. Police Court Chronicles When BUI Dradley dropped from a freight down In the Neck he thought he didn't have a friend In the world. But he had only been In town about half an hour when he had flva loyal followers. They proved to be a quintet of very quizzical pigs. Bill had never seen them before, and as he did not possess the facilities for con verting them into ham and bacon he told the porkers to beat It. But they simply glared at him and grunted. When' Bill stopped so did tho pigs. The procession followed him to Stone House lane. There BUI made ono last ap peal to hla unwelcome constituents. They waited until ha hod finished the oratory and then continued after him. Kids on the ntreet expressed their opinion of the parade, and Bradley, to say the least, felt uncom fortable, ' While Bill was wondering what to do next an excited farmer rami running UD the street and denounced Bill In language Which ia barred by the censor, In short, he Joseph A Rex Appeals, Harry I- ?;i flMltrow: A. XI. Hornbe thanlel Itoas r, CI 0. Law. Thoi zmg"' W" M"tri and Wli These Imnnrfftnt iAviitisi witi n.. ..., ?fJlI5fn?Iy !B. recently Installed, con film. i!?0 aetlre practical machinery which iSESSeiiJiE0'1." e of the fratornttr.. The iWTi',."?".?' 'a,T' "8 adjustment of inter Sr i?v ftliS1 .V" approval of suggested changes in. Hfu'l subordinate commanderles and iSf.Tri-.i0 .Sff0"" orrtlon of the order, are whnle?,J,?.the.M Important sir knight, upon flm??. i'id?In,!nt ai"l eaclly the success or depends w Ule eomln ' 'rgely THE MACCABEES Supremo OlTlcers Visit Local Hives and Witness Dcgreo Team Work Quaker City 'Itcvlew, at Its last rWulnr meeting, Park Avonuo Hall, 131 5 Columbia avenuo, had as guests of honor Past Su premo Commander Mrs. Ellrabelh E. Brown, of Bradford, Pa., and JIlss Mlnnlo U Burgln, of this city, supreme chaplain Other welcome lsltOrs wore Commander Mrs. Frances M. Helms, of tvvnnn n. view; Mrs Bertha Itltor, lleutonant com mander of Bartram Review, and Mrs. Rlt ter, of Philadelphia Review. Mrs Brown gave one of her effective and Interesting talks, a talk which went right to the heart and appealed to tho best In a woman's heart. Miss Burgln followed with a busi ness talk, and short talks were given by other visitors and members. Mrs Posen was elected lieutenant commander; Mre. Mitchell, chaplain, and Miss Gordon, senti nel. These ofllcers then had the honor of being Installed by Mrs. Brown. The next meeting will be devoted In part to the third reading of the amendments to the Review bylaws. Refreshments closed a pleasant evening. Monday evening Dartram nevlew, R2d and Haverford avenue, had the honor of a visit from tho senior pist supreme commander, Mrs h.Uzabeth E Brhwn. who was accompanied by JIlss Ilurgln Tho members were much Inter ested In Mrs Iirovvn's talk and good advice, and a number of tho members nromlsed to se cure one new member for the Reunion Clsss, to be hold on Juno 20 at Belmont In Palrmount Park. Tuesday evening Betsy Ross Review. Capron Post Hall. Kenslneton. had tha honor of a visit from Mrs. Brown, the senior PBSt supreme com mander, and all eniojed her Instructive mother ly talk Beautiful bouquets were presented to Mrs Brown and Mlaa Burgln, after which re freshments were served, Tho "Peddlers' Parade," given under the au spices of the commander nnd Record Keepers' Committee Mrs Mary Morrlssey, chairman; Mrs M Crouch captain of the uniform rank, assistant: Miss A U Ilerll, secretary, and Mrs. Annie Haney, treasurer, wan a complete suc cess, both socially and financially, the only draw back being the lack of sufficient room for the "Peddlers" and the audience. Senior Past Su premo Commander Mrs Dllzubeth E. Brown was tho guest of honor and was delighted with the function. The proceeds wll about defray the "rally" expenses Ke stone Review, Md and Haverford avenue, had as Its guest of honor PoBt Supremo Com mnnder Mrs Elizabeth E Brown last Thursday evening, and also representatives from Olrnrd. Llboity Dell and Penn .Treaty Reviews One ap plication for membership was received and three were given the beautiful lessons of tho first de gree by Commander Helms and her officers. Mrs. Brown communicated tho unwritten work. and gavo one of her ' heart-to-heart talks" to tho membership, which was much appreciated. Mrs Helmi spoke about the reunion at Belmont on June 20, of which she Is the chair man, and asked all to assist In making It the most successful reunion ever held In Philadelphia Miss Burgln, tho supreme chaplain, Bald that the reduced admission fee would bo continued' until the reunion, nnd Keystone Review will continue the work for new members. Miss Ilur gln also told of tho unselfish work being done by the Central Committee. Other speakers were Commander Kennedy, of GIrard. and Comman der Jonea, of Penn Treaty, Refreshments closed o most happy evening. . Order of Hcptnsophs xThe regular business meeting of Rock land Conclave, No. 1143, of tho Improved Order of Heptasophs, held last week at 1315 Columbia nvenue, was n notable ses sion by reason of the fact of the presenta tion of A class of 15 candidates. They were inducted Into the myBte'rles of tho order by the capable degree team of the con- A,. Jl-an,i4 tiu Pnnlnln M IV. UlnfT Thlk work' of this recently organized team Is already. Claiming marivea uucuwun uuu nypicytuuui,, stamping It as one of the best exemplars .'Of degree work in the entire order. Great attention Is paid to detail and the careful rendering of the various charges so that the lessons of the degree are Impressively pictured upon the mind of the candidate. The good results of suoh Mantinn in thn excellence of degree work Is shown by the steadily increasing number of can didates being receiveq. Supreme Officer Heidelberg was among, the visitors at tha last session and In his address spoke of the excellence of the work of the de groe team and Its far-reaching Influence for good upon the order. An efficiency degreo team contest will be held tn the hall of Raymond Conclave. 1011 Colum ila avenue. Thursday evening, which promises to attract a large attendance of members Inter ested in degree team work. Judges will be ap pointed and a prize will bo awarded by Supreme Counplla nnd Members Unite to Modify Laws tt Strengthen and Develop Organization The supreme council of Royal Arcanum, with a full attendance of representatives from all jurisdictions, has been In session In Atlantic City for the past 10 days, wrest ling .with many Important legislative prob lems of vital Importance to every council and every member of tho order. ' The "half-cash" plan In vogue since 1908, by which members have been permitted to pay one half of the assessment In cash, permitting the balance, with added interest, to bo charged against the face aluo of certificates, has been one of tho Important question"? which has come up for serious discussion, although no definite legislation upon this question has as yet been enacted. The debates thus tar In the session nnd the measures proposed seem te frislcU that dele gates have the slogan of "safety, first in mind and -absolute solvency next, so thitt when the last man dies who now has a benefit certificate In the order his family shall receive In full Its face valtre as well a the beneficiary of the man who dies tomorrow Nothing more, noth ing less than absolute solvency now and for all future time will meet the requirements ef tne nonest-thinning men who mane up tne large majority of the Royal Arcanum membership. The- Carnation Club will hold Its regular monthly meeting and dinner tonight at the Bing ham Hotel A large attendance Is anticipated, nnd to add to ttro Interest after tho business session several valuable gifts wilt be given to tho holders of several selected tickets several delegates from tho supreme council are expected to attend and tell of the doings of that important body. The usual entertaining, and social fea tures, which havo contributed to the success of this club as a factor for the, betterment of the order will enter Into tho program arranged for the meeting tonight, , integrity Council. No. B8(l, enloyabty eele ted Its sSth anniversary Saturday evening by an entertainment and banquet given, at Mose bach's Casino. Dancing followed the supper nnd to all present handsome souvenirs were dis tributed. Brothers Young, Small and Richard son were the committee In charge of the de tailed arrangements. Nearly R00 membera attended the recent an nual meeting of the Associated Councils of the Schuylkill Valley, held In Rajah, Temple, Read ing, A hugs class of 110 candidates adopted was the feature of the evening. Of this num ber, Vomllng council, of Rending, proposed J?.JiPli,.',lt' $hu' "Innln out in the brlro membership contest over Suburban Council, of zirooxijn Tho degree work was performed by a degree team of past regents of Reading. After an Interesting business meeting officers were elect ed, and the association adjourned to meet In Tamaqua in October next, v Pennsylvania Council will cerebrate its 7lh anniversary by an outing for membera and their ladles at Willow drove, Saturday, June 21, fol lowed by a banquet In the. Casino In the eve ning This will be followed by a dance in the ballroom. The committee Is planning several surprise ftatures to make, the program attractive and every effort will bo made to make thn ceiebrn tlon one In . keeping with the well established reputation ef this council for lis hospitality and the excellence of Its entertainments. Manarenn Council, of Phoentxvllle, by the number of candidates Initiated, gives abundant evidence of the teal and Interest of its mem hrs In the order, and Its doings A phase of this council's work conspicuous In Its operation and worthy of emulation Is the fraternal aide of Its activities and the special attention given to any of Its members In need or distress. The Royal Arcanum Athletic Association held Ha monthly meeting Thursday evening in thn council .chamber of Guarantee Council. 1817 North Uroad atreet, President John Culbort presided, the Committee on Laws presented a highly satisfactory report and several new rep resentatives, not previously accredited, present ed themselves and participated In tho deliberations. Spanish Prlnee Real Iftgh FHej? MADRID, Hay 19. Infante Alfonso, of Orleans, ton of infanta. Eulalla. and cousin tt the King of Spain, yesterday flew from Madrid to Cartagena, about 280 miles, breaking all Spanish aeroplane records for distance without a descent. HAnJtcd Hlrft&if to Brtffrwtt LANCASTER, Pa,t M& ti f Flneffock, 81 yeara" old, eoeti ml cld last night by hahgin MnWWT p ft low bedpost at his home. Most of h 8oiy lay on the floor, ahd ha had fttfaitftM t death, ill health prompted the act, tti widow and eeven Ohlldfen survive. IMPORTED JERSEY CATTLE The Cream of the Island of Jersey & 140 Head, Both Sexe, All Ages In trhp. Annual "Linden Grove" Decoration Day Auctkw COOPERSBURG. PA.. TUESDAY. MAV m iai 'iHon"nfo,ii?rY'rw9r,'hDift.ll,i'ra.1nt''J. Jn frtr-lvjo wars we'tiVre soM neartf ,mie 2 .V,.J ""aUS 2,4fci"r"fAff'ttit "J." never had, oco on t Inn.' aser ef Sat?' wle.,r Get catalog at the sale. Mr. L. P. HBlUtlcK, rsburg. Lehigh County, Pa h FAtlaitsIaMa nH tntAa hnn,j 11 of, Alferitoum. Alto Ytachtd 01 the Etkm anovn" door decoration Sir two lAtn lfftAt. Af flalji T. S. COOPER A- SONS. rr .. coo? reouro on f .Befntenem branch 0 the .iff ttnrlh fit PMtarfIf,hfA nA m m,ii a..l - j L'."'..".."' .,T' -i.".'::r'""':.."""." ':vi ov., ALL CAftS SrOP AT TUB "LINDEN Archer John C winning team. ToUen, of Baltimore, for the Junior Mechanics IVeat Philadelphia Council. Junior Order United American Mechanics, at lta session last week listened to an interesting address on "Na tional Preparedness" forcibly delivered by lion. J, P. Itemlngton, of the University of Pennsyl vanla. lhe resignation of Conrad Taylor as recording secretary was received and accented with expressions of regret. The special Mem bership Committee reported the names of three applicants for membership and announced that the membership prim period had been extended to September ST. A past councilor's Jewel was presented to J. Ross uurhouse by Warren Bent man In a complimentary address. Ofllcers for the coming term were placed In nomination as follows: Council. William Chad wick: vice councilor, Charles Fly; recording sec retary. William Lorlngs assistant recording sec .... WjLHarlelr Mlrnenert financial secretary.. J. llos's Burhousoi treasurer, Benjamin Warren conductor. Clarence llltner: warden. Howard Mesalck: Inside sentinel, Elmer jtyaeri ouisiae sentinel. David Montgomery: trustee, Warren ientman. and chaplain. William Murphy, " """" Knights of Columbus An enjoyable Illustrated lecture was delivered lnkt week before a crowded nousa in tna uang Building ? Tacony. by Joseph P. Oaffney, eha r Sanofeibe Finance tpmnihtee of City f-ounclls, on tha tour of the Liberty Bell to the Panama- Pacific Exposition J" rnsxamQ accused Bradley of enticing his pigs from home fhen he complained to a cop. Before Bill cpuld realize what had hap pened he found himself before Magistrate Baker. "This feller here," said the farmer, strolled across my farm and picked up a few radislfea mo that the pig coud see him. lie knew that the P'sa would follow him, Pctlng to be fed And they did Jt was lovJdown trick, but It don't work nohow , ' I did lift a couple of radishes," said Bill, "but I only put 'em In my pocket to at I wys'n' trying to kidnap the pigs an tried to chasa 'em home when I found they was follefn me," Bradley then pointed out that If he was trying to steal the pigs he wouldn't lead them up through the city The Magistrate M Inclined to believe that Bill was tell "S straight tale, and an he proved that lw4 com here it) set a job to Judge aUt4 to gh him another chanc. .yt Jjtga fotsfMl th farow basis ho tlty. the lecture was given under rondsred vocal selections, wh the auspices of 6t. Leo, Council, No . !W n bison's 1 Orchestra, of Brldesburg also, furnished beautiful selections, ice commiii in cnarso of the entertainment was John Henry. John ' ?Li . a M-a YfdS-flTAfr FIGHT FM5IES ON TIP TOE Flames In Home for Aged Women Quenched Without Usual Hubhub Firemen worked bo quietly and carefully when a fire threatened for a time to de stroy the leiamy home for Aged Women, at Rumford avenue and Boyer street, lit. Airy, shortly before 6 o'clock this mornlnr, that few of the 0 aged occupants wer uvvara that the place was on Ore. Th blaie was discovered, on the porch by an attendant, where crossed electrlo wires ore believed to have started It The at tendant, fearng the confusion a general alarm would cause, stepped inside and phoned Engine Company No. 9, at Car penter street and Oermantown aenue, ask ing the firemen to be aa "quiet as possible." The apparatus arrived without tha usual racket, and with the aid of fire extinguish era and a ladder extinguished the flames In a. few minutes. No nolsa. was, made and. no one wan disturbed only a ftw of tn women witnesshts the fire after they ha4 risen at their accustomed early hour The damage, was trifling. The lieajay Uqn la a 3-story structure. The Bogrlho Knows! "Now, who's right?" What lusty, life-loving boy or girl ever grew up who didn't say it hundreds of tftnes? And swell with pride when he or she was in the right. And what parent ever lived who didn't glory in such youngsters; when they knew they knew? What a handicap not to give every child yoffrchild acnance to Knowi In after years, what will they say to you, think of ' you, if you don't? You may not be able to send them to college; bu&you can give them the new Encyclopaedia Britannica Arthur Brisbane, the high est paid editor in the world, with a salary of $84,000 a year, says: "It is really a misfortune for n family of children to grow up without tho Brltannica. ''Thoreadingofovoryserious book should be done with tho Britannica at hand. To de velop that habit in children would be of the highest pos sible value to hem." Griffith Ogden Ellis, editor of The American Boy, writes: "The Brltannica plays a large nnd actlvo part in our edi torial reference library, for every year thousands of our boys ask us for information that tho Brltannica, if in their homes, would furnish them Immediately while their in terest is at fever heat and, of course, more fully than we can give it to them by letter." Edward Dok, the editor of The Ladies' Home Journal, the most important woman's paper published, writes concerning the "Handy Volume" Issue: "No one knows until he haa possessed a copy of this work how often one refers to it and how large a place it takes in one's reading and refer ence, and I am delighted to think that this work is now within tho reach of thousands of people to whom its pos session has up to this time been a dream.' , jght. '? m "Now' -MMPI smarty Dr. Charles "y. Eliot, prea' ident of Harvard University from 1869 to 1909, bought two sets of the new Britannica as soon as it came out. He wrote as follows; "I bought two copies for tho benefit of my two sets of grandchildren. I find tho t work altogether admirable) and my grandchildren, who are at the most inqulsltivo DRes.are of the same opinion." Dr. S. C Mitchell, president of the College of Delaware, writes: "I do not know of a single benefit to a home comparable to this great set of books a library within itself, com pact and utilizable instantly. No gift that a father can con fer upon his children can ba compared to the value of these books in tho home." Miss Ellen C Lombard, of the U. S. Bureau of Education, writes as follows: "I am referring: readers con stantly to tho Britannica In connection with the Reading; Courses recently Issued by the Bureau. For tho home study of children and for general information, it is an encyclopaedia of unquestion able merit. Every homo in the United States should ba provided wlththlacompleto guide." f 66 What Will Be'Yotsr Answer When Your Children Ask : Why Didn't We Have The Britannica? 99 You can't say you didn't know about the most famous book of reference in the world; a library that the best Informed, the most highly educated and tha most conspicuously successful people in every line of work use dally : a set of books that no library or university of any consequence would try to do without You can't plead ignorance of a book that has been famous for a century anda half, garnering authority ana prestige with each of Its eleven editions. You can't overlook a book so valuable that many people have echoed the words or iion. (joaepu isuoaie, -n i coma nave oui one imiaamcu.' ono book, it would bo tha You can't say you can't afford The Encyclopaedia "Britannica now that you can buy it for $1.00 down and $3.00 a month for a few months. Even when it cost three times as much as it does today, it was the best investment any family could make. For the Britannica Is not an expense item, but a safe and profitable investment that pays steady dividends in Increased power and opportunity. You can't imagine that your children aren't capable of enjoying the Britannica. Perhaps you think your children aro too young to enjoy the Britannica or that there is nothing in it to amuse and Instruct children. The Britannica is exactly the book to interest an active-minded child, for it contains the answers to tha innumerable questions that suggest themselves to his sham c??? lFd ,'??" The. mora questions tha chlldosks tha mora proof it gives or its Intelligence. It Is your duty to answer thesa questions or show your boywheretofindtheanswers. Wouldn'titbaarelleftoyoutobaabletonut yourhandupontheanswertoeverypuzzlingquestionyourchUdpropounaa? Wouldn't you be glad to have your children self-reliant and able to hunt up the answers to such questions as v What .makes it rain? What is tho difference between a mushroom and a iviuuiumi uuu ai mu u sukiuu tiumi irucra noes inn nnwrnmw .. j ..i.. i. At a i.i -.j' .:,,, t. ' .t. t: t:t m v lin. Was there ever such a thing as a dodo f What is thoIggdst animal that houses built ? What is the advantage ofautomatio pistols over revolvers ? .What caused the Sahara Desert? Where did fee hlUasconw from? (You will find answers to these questions in the took we send fr of charge. $tccoupoii.) V a A Wonderful Bargain Soon Closed. So long as the new Eleventh Edition of tha Encyclopaedia Britannica was to be had only in the expensive Cambridge University issue there was ample ex cuse why many homes should go without it. Now there is none. Wo offer tho new "Handy Volume" Issue now at one-third the price charged for the Cambridge University Issue and we send you the complete work, tho en tire 29 volumes, upon the receipt of a single dollar tho balance in small monthly payments. But this is not all. We knew there would be a great number of people who could not believe that wo could offer the complete new Eleventh Edition at such aprice and on such terms. There was only, one way really to convince them. That was for them to see the books. Therefore vre make this offer ; We send you the books when you have paid a single dollar and you may then keep them threo weeks, use them freely, examine them and find out their worth to you. Then if, for any reason whatsoever, you do not wish to keep themi you may send them back, and without any questions we will refund ihe dollar you have paid and shipping charges both ways as well, But you must take advantage of this offer now if you wish to obtain this new "Handy Volume " Issue on these prices and terms. .The war has brought a great scarcity into many lines of trade and forced prices to prohibitive figures. The publishers now notify us that they cannot supply us with any mora sets at these prices after those which we have contracted Tor aredelivered. There i3 just time to gend for ourandsomely illustrated books about the new Britannica and our new issue. We adyiia you to send your name without fail today. L cSend for this Handsome 72-page Book, FREE In order to give a clear idea of what thero is to interest bright boys and girls in the Encyclopaedia Britannica the publish ers have prepared a really beautiful book of 72 pages, as big as a magazine. It con tains over 100 half-tone illustrations, Itshowshowthe Britannica makesschool work easier and more profitable; how to make children use their eyes and ears and eager minds to good purpose, and how to find out for what kind of vork a child should ba trained. There is a series of stories about some real boys and girls true stories and soma of the interesting things they discover for themselves. The book might almost ba called a min iature encyclopaedia, it is so packed with information. Do not fall to send for it. Jtisa complete and unfailing test of their capac ity to enjoy the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Only a limited number printed. Mall the coupon, to-day. tsmammMim Of fey J? J& "V & sMM w Name....,,,,, . ,. , - , r"Daddy;send:for this hook for me today- I want it" Surg KoebucJc an4 Co. Chicago Picas -fiend tnm ma orDpmqrtjxQfouow- lug. t rsa of charge (checkasdaslred)! $v EncyclopaecHaBritiife. u!tsBSSJaTSm -Si.