ii ri i ..,.... ill,., , , , n - i - , ii i '" , I ' ' ' mif' iliU i " -"-' - evening Li2i)0EK Philadelphia, Monday, may 29, ioic. 15 D, Demand port 1 2 ODc. CHAIN AND FLOUR 1 wtlEAT Receipts. 48.451 bush. Tho msrkef .iVcltned le. under Wer outside ndvlccs ami ''cORN Receipts. 1072 bush Car loti for, local trade. ' OATS Recelpta. 7273 bush., The market de iinkn in. xviiii iirmnnn mnvr iiiiakii... J white, 4eaMie.iBtfinlBrd white, 47'i &,$. Jfo. ft white. n4w&l .No. 4 whlfe. 4lW ."".'Wi'jSi"'"' "" i punned oats. was -". wuoiauons: nn In ln,n(lAn vt earner yellow. 70 M Sub,: . I nu. vi nn. Tfti'. J flfllaY (f6l v"' ,07J iSW'Wfi'aK'" """" wined n.t., FLO.UR. Recelptii, 230 bbls. and 171367 lbs tn sacks) There win little trading nnd values were, largely nominal. Quotations, per 100 Ibf. .in, woods Winter, dear, U.00 65.16: d"., straight, fB.280B.ftO do., Mtent,, ih.rioiS ssi Kansas, clear, cotton snrka, J4.705 do . straight, cotton .Backa n.suoSiltdi do.; patent JoUon sacks, ,.6,,P,RB,lDiJEr,"' 1rt. cear !5S8jJ2' 3" straight, in. 4o6.on: do., patent! lo.inOOl do., favorite brand. Jn.230l'.Ho. city mills, choice, and fancy patent, I0.25W0.5O: rltv mills, regular era dos Winter, clear, Ji.nols So'So. Io.255.a0; do.', patent. RYE, FLOUR aold slowly, but ruled steady pnder light offerings. We quote at 5B.B0 per libl., as to quality. . itr PKOVISIONS The market ruled steady with a fair Jobbing demand. V nuoto ns -follows: ciiv " li. i5 rets, smoked, and nir-drted, 2fle.: Western, in "72i,iUir".:r.u"a"'',"i!, 2Rt.x beef hams, S28(&30i tinrk. U3o: nams. c- r. curey. loose, I8fi'l8! luuasi loiD'tDii ug, do?,,,mC0B"h'r', ft.,1"' CUtedJoose, 1 Inr ffSSj.ii?',6'1 Wl". In p ckle., accord- at bacon. Western, ra. tuns, n;c. : ,--t. ,.-- ,U-4 iVeatM- ..V.JJ"" .V-MM?- e7 "ira; lined. 11.?,"' ti&IV" ' 32:: "Si tttyil,r$.sndered. in tierce.. i.c:i REFINED SUGARS' tauoSimHf.,le.i WS8 "u!' "' steads'. Quo cowdKirf ?'J!.lUVr Branultiied. T.0O7.0Bc.: DAIRV PRODUrrra und!rE:SuTn.? mni'i fuH weak and view nlWi'niand and'eaaler coilnti icea, (uotntlona: rJw Tk. tmi . fancy, new. .I70IT.U .i m.'"SS??i..n'' -.....,,, iuvnac lower New Tork. full cream. o. i special nigneri no., no. lUWIUttCI no.. do., pan lHITTP.Ilti.. .,., ....... .j .t. ftifiMn,V..t, .."."" " miny nciiye mm ino DV,fi,l..."-',.Vr'P naer. moaernio onerings. QUAtftflAn. fahcy anrclaln, 32 nratj. 2jty,e3(Se.! i t'lt lancy. 34e. western "c crenmerj H;UAc. mmlFAl soltd.nncked c.t eitra. anu fic.iiM.n. i seconds, 284 20e i .nearby average extra, a.1c,r nrats. ff5o . ,uir.CDna''. !t3iie,i garlicky pr nts. 20 -c,: Jobbing sales of fancy prints, 874oe. rtnS5iS7T8uc.plIe of "na t6ck wero kert well rL..n.cd..21,P ,nt flrm ff'fes. Uuotntlona: In free Eirr.S,Bn'.o m"e: Pennsylvania current re. ,;,.' VnV!, M.r.,cn,)i u,n"' nearby current re-Ivl,.'.-'?01 "estcrn extras. 2Bc. per dox ; S2:S?.T FT"'- Southern, 10.1500.45 per case: ii y5monV"1.,-5"",l-u lroan al 28BI)c. per doz. imoked. Wea BTOc'f its to orana snu nvrane, Wiern curea IWJiV ,2"'1 no 8fl,l8'ic.i do, , .o nn.; "?. "JO., smoked, ther hams. . smoked city cure iaye.s sams, smonert. I8ic.! do.',' boyed, 'bonelei,: CI THE WEATHER & OfTicinl Forecast WASHINOTON', Mny 29. For Eastern Pennsylvania: Unpottlcit to night nnd Tuesday, with probably thunder showers; gentle to moderate, shifting winds. Showers nnd thunderstorms covered tho mlddlo nnd north Atlantic States nnd tho Ohio, upper Mississippi nnd lower Missouri Valleys durlnB tho Inst 24 hours, nnd con tinue nt n few places In those districts this rnornlns. Tho rainfall wns generally light or moderate. Pnrtly cloudy weather Is re ported from tho cotton belt nnd from tho Far "Western Stntes. Tho temperatures are generally nbove tho normal throughout tho Eastern halt of the country, while senson nbld conditions prevail In tho Knr AVcst. The excess averages nbout 10 degrees In the JHddlo Atlantic States, U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin Observations taken at 8 a. m., Eastern tlmo. Low 8 last Ilnln- Vclor- fitatton. a.m. n't. fall.Wlnd. Ity. Weather it Atlu.ta. Oa. ... 74 Atli.iilln mtv Tl Jllamarck. N. D. 4S JJoaton. Mass. ... 00 Huftulo. N. Y. . . 04 Charleston. 8, C. m Chicago. 111. .,. 00 Cincinnati, Ohio. 02 Cleveland. Ohio.. 00 Denver, Col. ... 50 getrolt. Jllch. .. 00 lalteston. Tex... 78 Ilarrlsburg., Pa.. 71) latteras, N. C. 70 lallfax. N. S... 50 ielena, Mont... 40 luron. S. D... .. CO Jndlanapolla, Ind. 01 Jacksonvllle.Fla. 70 Knoxvllle. Tenn. 72 Little Hock. Ark. 70 Los Ancelcs, Cal. 54 Louisville. Ky... 04 JIontKomery, Ala. 70 Montreal, Can. . . na Nashville, Teon.. 70 New Orleans, La, New York. Kftrfftlk. Va. Oklahoma, Okla. Omahn, Neb. eipnia os .no an .. ot .01 nV .. 42 . . N 50 .04 NW . . 50 .02 SW .. 74 . . 8 02 ..8 02 ,4 H BH .02 H 14 40 .. H 12 2 .. S 70 .. S 00 .60 NW .. 70 .. w 12 50 .01 Nn .. 88 . . SV 12 1H .. W .. 02 .30 K II) 70 ..8 10 OS .02 SW . . 70 ,. 8 10 52 ..8 02 .00 HR 14 72 . . HIV . . 58 .20 W 14 72 .. S 14 70 ..a 04 .10 N 10 00 .04 SW 10 70 .. NW .. eo .no n 70 .01 NW 10 00 ..13 02 .i 8 no .us w 40 .01 8 10 no .or w 01 .20 8 14 68 .03 8 54 . . HF! 10 72 . . SW . . 48 .. NW 12 40 . . NH .. 112 .82 SW .. 08 .12 10 04 .42 a K V I - 7Mt!if1il Phnintr. Arl. Pittsburgh, Pa.. Portland, Me. . Portland, Oro.. , Quebeo. Can. . , St. Louts, Mo. . nt. Pnul. Minn. Bait Lake. Utah 58 San Antonio. Tex. l 6an Francisco . . 48 8a. Ste. Marie , . 52 Bcranton, Pa.... OH Tampa. Fla. . . 70 Washington .... 70 LKNOTIt OP DAY. Sun rises.... 4:34 a.m. Moon rises.. 2:45 a.m. Eun sets.... 7:10 p.m. Moon souths. 10:10 a.m. DELAWARE K1VKR TIDE CHANOES. CHESTNUT STREET, Low water.. 0:44 a.m. Low water,. 0:S2 p.m. High water.. 11:51 a.m. High water tomorrow.. 12:18 a.m. TE5IPERATURE AT IiCII HOUR. rrw rieiir P.CIdy Clenr Cloudy P.CIdy l'.CIdy Cloudy (Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cleir Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clenr Clear Cloudy Clenr P.CIdy P.CIdy Cloudy Cloudy Clear P.CIdy Clear Clear Clear P.CIdy Clear P.CIdy P.CIdy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy P.CIdy Clear Cloudy eggs wero Jobbing POULTRY tnltfli'ffr,l,.m . "".". moderate and the 5irilPM.ru!'d, 8l??'lj; with a fair demand for ESmS?!' ".'S, .Quotations: FowH. lnw2nc,j roosterit. lSM4c. spring chlckcnn, pecordinit ....,.....,, ,kIHU,iiH mvij jon, apiece, .mc. RENEWED SELLING MAKES WHEAT WEAK Rains in West and Southwest and Lower Prices Abroad Hit American Market GRAIN HKI.T WEATHER FORECAST, ClIlCAflO. Mar SO.- The weather fore rajt for .38 hours follow: . . InnlnoK Unaettlert tonlshl, .probably Hiowersi Tuesday, partly cloodT nnd cooler. Mlaaourl Cnae ttleil tonlxht. probahlr ahowerai Tnesday, probnblr fair, not much ehange In temnernture. ... . l"rontn unaettled, probably Ihnmler showers Ihla afternoon, cooler east tonight: Tneylny, probably, cloudy nnd cooler. .Mlnneaoia-Pnrllr clondr .lonlchl and Tnrariay, nrobablr ahowers nnd. cooler. lown Pair lonlghlt ,. Tuesday, partly (landr, beromlng nnerttlefl, cooler. . . orlh nnd flonth Dakota Unsettled, with apowers Tnesday nnd west tonight, cooler 1IKIII. m irnaka 1 air tonight, probably .becom- wnrmer lonigni, r n ...li... ..,..rt . ilucka, as to Bite and quality, I0l0o.; pigeons, ... Muuitl, ,vciBumg IWJ units Ishorns, according 30 1? 32c. t do,, young, per pair, fl'k.nrr pair, 22S25e. DIir.SHED Tho market rutcdnrm with de mand readily absorbing the limited offerings It desirable . stock. Quotations follow: iTcsh-kllled poultry, dry-packed Fowls. 12 to box, .dry-picked, fancy selected, v33o.i weighing 4!i5 ba. apiece, aUo.1 .weighing 4 Jbs, apiece. B2V4 c.t weighing ai lbs. apiece. 21Ho.t neighing 8 lbs. apiece, 18ft2lc: fowls. In bar rels, fancy, dry-picked, northern Indiana and Illinois, weighing 4 'i 5 lbs. apiece, 22c.t do., southern Indiana and Illinois, weighing 4 lbs. apiece. 21Vic.i smalter sues, lbffl20C.i old roosters, dry-picked, lOi, . broilers, Jersey, fancy. r.Osfsr.c. i do ,. other nearby, weighing 2W3 lbs. per pair, 40jJ4.1c,i larger sixes, 3.1W 3Sc.i ducka, nearby, aprlng, 22W23c.l squabs, per dog. White, weighing 1 iff 12 lbs. per dos., 4...i5 10: white, weighing 1HP10 lbs. per doa.. I40l.il.ii white, weighing 8 lbs, per dog., 13 .1.00, do., do.j. 7 lbs, per doz.. I2.5u2.0i do., do.. fltt04 lbs. per doz.. J2W2 101 dark. 11.76 I nnd no. 2. nnc.tlll. 2.10: small FRESH FRUITS Choice slock wns.ln fair request and generalty ""-,!, UllU.'l IIMNItTllie Tiucriii Plea, per hbl.--Wlneanp, .3 gs (juotatlona: .50 04. Baldwin. Innl :iW4: Hen Davis. J2Wn: other varieties. 11.60 A J! "":. N". 2. Jl.'J.iW. npnles. Western, per box, si 2,, ffp 1.7.1: ornnRes. Florida, per crate. J3M 4.23 grapefruit. Florida, per crnte. I1.75) 3.1,0: lemons, per box, t24$.1: pineapples, per crate Porto, lllco, 11.5(14(2:50: strawberries, per nt. Eastern Mhorcvnnd Maryland, 8ST12c.j North Cnrullnn, 7piT)c,: orfolft r,7c. VEGETAULES Demand was only moderate, but values erauy were steadily Held, as follows gen- Whllo per bush, Pennavlvanln, 11.3.17r1, lo: c. ll.S(ltf01..'15: Wfttprn. ll.ndftl)! :ir. AVhite potatoes. Jerse, per Imsket No. 1 Itosej ,,.,,1, iii:. i ,tu. i uiurr vtiricwes. ,,.,,t.c , o. , notatona. New York. 11.311 1.3 73 0 11) I 111 12 1 1 r 2 1 ill 75 1 77 1 ,81 811 82 1 82 1 82 1 T No. 30W 10c. Whttn potatoes, per bbl. No. 1 Flor- uia, 90..)(nva ,.,; ro. .' J'jnriua, S4U'4.0U; No 1 Houlh Carolina. $4. 30(814 75, No 2 South Caro Una, 23.60(114. Sweet potatoes,- Jersey, per bnsket Nn. 1, 456SU0C , No. 2. 2r30c. fiweet Kotatocs. Jersey, Delaware and Maryland, per nmpor No. 1. 75o. fJlliNo 2. Bii(Hov, awect potatoes, Virginia, per bbl., 11.00 1.75. Onions, Texas, per cummer crnte No. 1. 122.11); No. 2. SI. BOW 1.1)0. Cabbage. Norfolk and Eastern Shore, per bbl. cratn, $1 752. Catibngo. Nor folk, per bbl , 11.7502. Celery, riorida. per crnte. 11.75W2.23. Watercress, per WW bunches, 1.305?2.50. Lettuce, Virginia, per basket. 11 2.60. Heans. Florida, per bnBket. 11. 75W2.no. Pens, Norfolk and Eastern Shoro. per lA -bbl. basket Largo, J2Si2.no, smnll, ?l.752 Pep pers, riorld.t. per carrier. 11. 764)12. Eggplant, Florida, per crate. tl.noiJS 50. Radishes, Nor folk, per hamper, hoc. Mil. Squash. Florida, per crnte. 11, 50101, 75. Tomatoes, Florida, per carrier Fnncj, ISWO.nO:' cholctf, 122 73 As. paragus. Jerspy, per bunch Fancy. 20(23u. J prime, 15iU20C. : culls, 10$P15c. Mushrooms, per 4-lb. basket, 00c. ell. 7000 In Big Ynle Pageant NEW HAVEN. May.29. Ono of .the big gest dramatic performances In the history of the Mnirld will marl; the pageant to bo presented On October 21 In celebration of tho bicentennial anniversary of tho coming of'Yalo College to New Kavcn. Moro than 7000 persons' will bo In tho cast. Two thou sand' Yalo atudenta and 2000 school chil dren from Now Haven will participate. .. Will&tP.robated.'by JRcslstcr Among, thi' wills probated today were those of Eleanor ICIrkbrldc. who died at Lakeworth, Ela., leaving to relatives an es tate valued lit $20,000; Gottlieb A. Bauer. 971 North, Ititndolph. street, $9000: John Fox, 1427 Frankford avenue, $4000, and Annlo Brown, 30B2 Frankford nvenuo, $2400. Tho perbonalty oftho estates of Wil liam It. Qvcrmatvand John N. Cooper have been appraised at $22,603,77 and $15,827.73 respectlvelv;,""'. . nff ,in,f(l,l Tiuul.., cumrr xnrsnny KnnansFnlr lonlghl anil probably Tues day, not much change In temperature. OHICAG-O, May 29. Weakness was dis played In tho wheat market this morning under renewed selling, because of further good rains In tho West nnd Southwest and tho lower market at Liverpool. Tho cash situation also was a bearish factor and there seemed to oc a tendency among operators not to go long for over tho holiday, owing to tho fear of further disturbance of pence rumors. May opened at $1.06, a loss of s cents, nnd then dropped to 1.08U ! July started at $1.08 W to $1.0814, a drop of 1 cent nnd then fell H cent further, whllo September, after 1nltl.it sales at $1.09U to $1.0Sai, declined U cent. Liverpool cables caused tho markets thero to bo weak on free arrivals nnd prospects of larger receipts, with Increase In stocks, Tho receipts at Minneapolis and Duluth today wero 463 cars, and at Chicago 100 cars. This day a year ago was n holi day. Tho receipts at Winnipeg amounted to 1028 cars, compared with 303 cars a year ago. , Corn was to Mc. lower at tho opening, Tho easier tendency was cnusod by tho fav orable weather for tho growing crop and tho decline In wheat, Tho receipts hero to day wero 148 c"ars. Oats started quiet and easier nnd losses of U He. wero recorded. Ilcports from tho crop country showed favorable weather. Tho receipts hero today wero 232 cars. Marriage Licenses at Elkton J ELKTON1, Md., May 29. Sixteen couples called At tho Elkton Court OfTlco today And wcra handed permits to ivmrry. The con tracting parties were Alfred J. Lynch nnd Iva O. Ucrkev. Francis J. Lawrence nnd Martha Kettel, Joseph F. Amons and Frank- ce A. Hubbs, Ilobert Andrews, Jr., nnd Alverda F. Schwoerer, all of Philadelphia) Qeorgo It Dltchflcld And Ituth A. Itolllson, Chester,' Earl Henry Ott nnd Florenco H, Schelert, Allentown ; William 1. Ward nnd Lucille B. Baldwin, Media, Pa. (John C. Palmer and Elsie Slemback, Camden, N. J, J Ralph Beshoro nnd Jessie lloffa, Reading;' Charles n. Hatfield nnd MnrgUcrlto E. Swisher, Lancaster! Earl J. Troatlo and Ellen D. Freeman, Frltatown, Pa.: Patll C. Miller, Lancaster, arid Emily Holmes, Pcnnsgrove, N. J, ( Balph V. Hftllett and Helen a, Lucas, Henry Borak and Mamie APler. Charles Dodson and Mary L. Har mon and Jerry P.. Trlblett and Marguerite Mouelcy, all of Wilmington, Del, Leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat May July tioptcmber . Corn (new May July September . Oats Mar July September . Lard May July September . nibs May , July 8eptembor . Pork May July aeptemDer High. 1.U7. Open l.Ult 1.08 l.niiu l.uii rlpllvorvi 118 'A 09' lOS'i 08H ?! Bid. 40 40', 3S& 12.00 12:07 12.42 12.42 12.55 23 00 22.25 21.80 llll'i 09 Oil 40 40'i 38W Low 1.0HJ4 1.07! 1.08'J n4 08Mi 30 3S 38U flnturdav'a Noon, close, I.110H 1.07 1.08. 1. 0I)5 l.Oll'i tl.lOV nn'i 00 II B 30H !IH 38H 08 'i 109 tfll) 40J4 t884 12.41) 12.01) 12.00 12.42 112.02 12.62 12.76 12.40 12.42 12.53 23.00 22.25 11. Ill) 12.32 12.40 J12.45 12.30 12.3.1 12.60 12.37 12.47 112.02 22.00 122.115 21.110 t21.no tAaked. INomlnal. 123.25 22.60 22,20 LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH 8TOCKS. Did.. Jim Duller 0.1 MncNnmnra 01) Midway 21 Mlzpah Extension 2ilVi Montnna 30 Northern Star 21 Tonopah Helmont 4Vi Tonopah Extension OH Tonopah Mining 0 Kescuo fcjuia : ( West End GOLDFIELD STOCKS. Atlanta Illuo Hull nootb llulldog C O'D Comb Trnc nhimnn.llleia II U Daisy 04 1.14 .11 .02 .20 .01 .03 .08 .05 1,-lnmnco ColdOeld Consolidated Qoldtleld Merger .... Jumbo Extension . . . . Kcwanas Oro HAnd Ken Sliver Pick MISCELLANEOUS. Pnlry Aztec . . . , Klmberly , Nevada Hilt . . . , Nevada Wonder Tecopa Mining ., 43 Ul .10 .III .12 .Oil .00 .10 .01 .02 .18 2.16 .15 Asked. .07 .11 .2.1 .28 .33 4f" s& .48 1.16 .12 8.1 "lit .0.1 .11 .00 .00 .41) .110 .It .113 .14 .07 .07 .12 .02 ".i 2!25 .17 TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES Harold L, Kurtz, llustleton, Pa., and Marlon , R. Allen, Uuslleton, Pa, Jozef Oobaca. lBllfl N. Cadwalader St.. nnd Mar- snret lnzer, 1500 N. Cadwalader St. Charles J, llauman, 8301 Rorer at., and Mabel C. Arnold. 8015 N. 22d at. CKR.T'.B ? I'o'lsek, 4314 Wain St.. and Lula A. Wlllard. 1010 E. Venango at. Sam Echt. 313 Carpenter St., and Ida Rlckles, 8I Cnrpenter st, Oeorgo M. McClelland. 1S3.1 Shunk St., nnd Lit , lian M. Parry. 1330 Shunk st. Aleksander Pnrzenakl. 203O Venango St., nnd Maryanna lloblenakn, 2030 Venango st. Harry Weinberger. 0820 Park ave.. and Mabel H. .Meek, 2831 N. 8tt1 at. Alexander B. Wldrnw. 023 S. 20th at., nnd llfllrt Aron. 527 Mifflin st. Cllttord M Ollpln. 202.1 W. Montgnmerv nve. and Harriet F. Moore. 13,1 W. Lliiplnritt al. Philip M. Simmons. 2040 N. Sth St.. nnd Anna Corney, 700 W. Tioga st. Henry Herold. 1323 Crenae et., 'and Laura II. Ilelz, 1710 N. 3d at. Valley Degen, llaltlmoro. Mil., nnd Mary M. Untlaa, llaltlmoro, Md. William Wolf. 240 Herman at., nnd Tearl Klein man, 020 Orlannn st. Jamea 8, Canada, 2010 N. Wnrnork at, nnd Nannie Thomas. 1018 N. Wnrnock at. Peter Teaum, 1117 Ridge ave., nnd Mnrglt Nagl, 14.14 N, Front st. Charles J. Femes, 247 W. Ontario St., nnd Uertha McCleary. 507 I.lpplncott at. Charles O. Welsh. 144.1 Mnrston St., nnd Anna Helleher, 1510 8. Ilnlley at. Sam Jneann, 727 Jlirflln St.. and Annlo Mellon. 727 .Mlftlln st Abo Goldberg, 3311 Kensington nve., nnd Rose Rahman, N. E. cor. 3d and Susquehanna ave. John J, Travl. 1007 Ingersoll st.. nnd Gabrlela A. Hermann, 1243 W. Firth st. Joseph N Dacondn. Jr.. Esslngtnn, Ta., nnd Margaret Trnvalsco, 1230 Isemlnger st. Lo.H " Totten, 1231 8. Sth st . and Lena Pnrnus, 231 Rltner st. Frank M. rinlat, Ilnltlmore, Md., nnd Anna Sll- bermnn. Ilaltlmore. Md lke.,Edelateln. 2447 8. 10th st.. and Lottie Whitman, 421 1 Durfor st. David Sleterman. 2521) s. SherJdan St.. nnd tiC.,Bf-R ,!.:,Kn,yj!- S!tu H' Mildred st. j0V.1 K4,.w'b,,,M' E Clementine st., nnd Wlnnlo M. Gibson, 031 B. Clementine st. Mi?S??c,Sr',7:l!l s- 4tn ' nntl Jennlo Slgal. 418 Cantrell at. Archibald if. Revnolds. 280.1 N. Front st.. nnd -Annlo flunn. 1014 Ilrlggs st. ana fL wT,'!','"' Slonroeyllle, N. J., nnd Marea Jonan. Wllllamsport, Pa. Ab-rnjam J Worrell, 028 W. Tusculum St., r-h.n.i.JVi.nai,Plil !'rm2n. -3721 -N- Randolph st. ...)' Mohr. 3003 Dauphin at. uniier iiuasell. 3254 Goodman at. ,, Oppermnnn, 2230 N. 2d st. Kurol Hyapul. 210 Do Lnncey st. SlHlnskl, 1.1 1 Kenllworth st. Louis Schneider. Jr., 4020 Relso st., I'rlcc. 4741 Mervino st. Elmer E. Klster. 227 S. Ithlan at Harnn,r. ntr. KTo.n -, Roberto Leone. 121U S. 8th st.. and Elsia Cet tei. 1714 8. Mole Bt. Ar.,urru"knn- ,l7P ? l8th ' nnd Doro- . thy .Mink. 11131 Federal st. Vlnccnzo Mlserendlno, mil 8, 16th Bt.. and Emma Cettel. 1714 8. ; Mole st. aiovnnnl Forglnnnl. 801 l'lcrco St., nnd Chrls . Una Zuccn. 018 Montrose St. Vlnccnzo Petrlzzl, Wenona. N. J., and Ellin Voipon. Wenona, N. J, Arthur Mali, 2103-N. Lawrence st.v nnd Louisa C, Eberle. Perkasle. Pa, John .1. Clowry, 2257 W. Firth St.. and Anna M. Lawrence, 2003 W. Huntingdon st. Theodoro Stappen, 381 1 Uroivn St., and Loulao Tanner, 871 N. 40tb st. Frnnklln Parsons Smith. 0310 Morton at., and Snra K. Illckel. 141) W. Wyoming nve. John Mlrach. 727 Mlntzer at., und Ruth Do- bish. 235 Ilrown at. Abraham Leventhnl, 427 N. Frnnklln St.. and S.idle Friedman. 710 Callbwhlll st. Frank Sokul. 1772 Alder st., nnd Amela Szaman, 2281 N. llopo at. Frank M. Chnmbers. 2000 8. 10th at., and Anna M. Doylo. 827 N. 23th st. Nathan Kasannw, 030' N. Sth St., nnd Mary Katrlnaky. 872 N. nth at. John Koch. JJrlstol. Pa., and Mary E. Simon. Bristol, Pn. Harry K. Horner. 803 N. 16th st., and May E. Rnncy, 2030 Mercy at. Ettore Prlmlncorl, 727 8 Warnock at., and Darlo Scardlno, 727 8. Warnock st. Isaac W. Jeonn-s. Aldtne Hotel, nnd Lucy P Newhnll.' N. E. Cor. 17th and Walnut sts. Saves BridoVhcn Canoe Upset ALLENTOWN, Pa., May 29. Morris Galllno last evening took his bridd on tho river In a canoe, which capsized when caught n tho Bwlft curront. After she had sunk to the bottom of tho river ho dlvod and brought her to tho surface Ho wns exhausted when help arrived but both wero revived. and Anna nnd Viola and Marian and Lydia FRANK L. IRWIN TO BE BURIED Wnr Veteran, Long in Tax Department, Appendicitis Victim , Funeral services will bo held Wednes day for Frank I.,. Irwin, for more than 30 years nn attache of tho Department of Iho .Receiver of Taxes, for the greater part of which he was a real estrfto assessor. Mr. Irwin died Saturday In tho Hahne mann Hospital following an operation for appendicitis. He had been 111 two tveeks. The Rev. Robert Hetherlngtoni pastor of Mt. Zlon Methodist Eplscopnl Church, Mannyuhk, will conduct services nt the Irwin home, 4235 Mannyunk nvenuo, Ro borough, assisted by the Rev. Dr. John" O. Wilson, district superintendent, Frank lln Lodge, No. 134. A. F. & A. M., and Camp No. 60, P. O. S. of A., wilt also participate. Mr. Irwin was born In this city, and nt the outbreak of tho Civil War' responded to Lincoln's first call for troops by enlist ing In a "threo months" regiment of Penn sylvania volunteers. He subsequently cn- terca tno united states Navy nnd wns with Admiral Farrngut nt tho battle of Mobllo Bay. Ho was a clerk In the tnx olTlce for several years, subsequently being appointed n member of the Board of Real pBtate Assessors. Ho held this latter ortlcc 1 years, or until 5 years ago. when ho became clerk In the office of the Collector of Delinquent Tnxes, City Hall. His brother, II. A. Irwin, Is a renl estate assessor, Mr. Irwin Is survived by his widow, Mrs. Atblri.-i Irwin; two daughters, Mrs. H. II. Patterson, of Hutchinson, Neb,, nnd Miss Helen Irwin; and thrco sons, A. G. Irywln, of Palo Pinto, Tex. ; Dunton Irwin, of Sun bury, Pa., and Everett Irwin, who resided with his parontB. He was n member of tho Schuylkill Hoso Company In his earlier days. MOVIES ACQUIRE NEW MUSICAL INSTRUMENT Choralcello, After Week of Trial at the Tioga, Shows Great Possibilities Funeral or L. L. Turner Funeral services for L. L. Turner, Veteran restaurant manager of this city and Cam den, were held today at his homo at West Colllngswood, N. J. Mr. Turner, who had been In tho restaurant business nil his life, died Friday after a prolonged Illness. John Henry Lnng John Henry Lang, a Boardwalk Jeweler, known to many Philadelphia ' visitor, Is dead nt his home In Atlantic City nfter an Illness of a year. Death was duo to a complication of diseases. He was a mem ber of tho City Council In Philadelphia prior to making Atlantic City his home about 20 years ago. Mr. Lang s survived by his widow, Mrs. Hcrmanla Long. High Requiem Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday morning nt tho Church of St. Ludwlg,'2Sth nnd Master streets. Mrs. "William Blacltwood Dead After a short Illness, Mrs. William Black wood, descendant of Revolutionary leaders, died yesterday morning at 8 o'clock at tho homo of her daughter, in Paoll, Mrs. Arthur O. Dickson. Sho wns tho widow of Dr. Wlll Inm Blackwood, of Lancaster," and tho laughter of Brovot Colonel 13. Klrby Smith, U. S. A., and Mary Jerome Klrby Smith. Sho wns a member of tho Daughters of tho American Revolution, Colonial Dames of America and Daughters of tho Cincinnati. Electric Light Tho basic discovery of tho possibility of electric light was mndo by Sir Humphry Davy In 1810, but for tho next BO years tho developments wero solely scientific and no practical use was mado of them. In 1862, however, nn arc light was installed In a lighthouse nt Dungcncss, and this Is gen erally believed .to bo tho first electric lamp In regular service. . EVENING LEDGER PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR EVERY MONDAY SUIUECT TO CIIANOE ALHAMBRA APOLLO -Ht.s ARCADIA BALTIMORE BELMONT BROAD ST. CASINO CEDAR EUREKA FAIRMOUNT FRANKFORD 52D ST. E6TH ST. GARDEN THEATRE GERMANT0WN GIRARD GLOBE , GREAT NORTHERN IRIS jeffers6n KEYST0N.E KNICKERBOCKER. LAFAYETTE I LEADER MONDAY House Peters, In Olrl of the Golden West Lillian Glsh. In ; Sold for Marriage It. B. Warner. In Market of Vain Deslro The Devil, tho Servant and the Man The Heart of Paula Chaplln'a Police- Virginia Pearson, In mazing Lovo Virginia Hammond, In Tho Discard Violet Mersereau, In Tho Great Troblem The Lean The Iron Claw John Darrymoro. In The Lost Bridegroom Olgn Petrova. What Will In People Say TUESDAY Harold Lockwood. In omft Rack Fnnnle Ward, In For the Defense It. 'n. Warner. In Market ot VUln Deslro Douglas. Fairbanks, In Tho Habit of .Happiness Tho Heart of Paula Chaplin's Police WEDNESDAY Wnlter Spencer. In None So Blind Pauline Frederick, In Audrey1 "Williams 8, Hrirt, In The .Aryan John llarrvmore. In The Lost Bridegroom John narrymore. In The I.ost, Bridegroom Marguerite Clsrk. In Molly Make Relievo Robert Warwick. In The Supreme Sacrifice John Barrymore. In The Red Widow Frank Keenan. In Tha Stepping Stone Dorothy Glsh, In Little Meena's Romance Tangled Fates Chaplin In Police. Francis X. Bushman, In A Million a Minute Otea Petrova. In My Madonna LIBERTY LOCUST LOGAN MARKET STREET QRPHEUM " P 0YERBRQ0K PALACE PARK PRINCESS REGENT ItlALTO RUBY SAVOY SUEttWQOP STANLEY -viffiosr" Vaudeville and Iron Claw ricturcs Julius Steger. In Blindness of Lovo Constance Collier, In The Code of Marcla Gray Molly Make Relieve Chaplin In Police Francis X. Bushman, In Pennington's Choice Marguerite Clark Molly .iiaKa In Believe The Victoria Ooss John Ra'rrymnre. In The Red Widow William Courtenay, tn Sealed Lips Hazel Dawn, In The Saleslady Olga Petrova, In Playing With Fire Madame Petrova in Playing With Fire II B. Warner. In. Market of Vain Dealre Helen Gibson, In . The Detective's Peril The Rargaln Chaplln'a Police James Morrison, in Tho Man Hunt Marie Doro. In Diplomacy Anita Stewart. In My Lady's Slipper Mabel Tnllaferrn. The Snowbirds In Hous Peters. In Tho Closed Road Tho Heart of n Painted Woman THURSDAY Valentine Grant. In The Innocent Lie Ilobert Warwick. Sudden Riches In Norma Talmadge. Going Straight in Marv Anderson. In Sln'a Penalty The Bargain Chaplln'a Police FRIDAY Margaret T.anda. nroken Fetters Olga Petrova, In Playing With Fire Lillian Glsh. In Sold for Marriage Hazel Dawn. In The Snleslady Edmund Breese In Lure of Heart's Desire William S. Hart, Hell's Hinges In Bertha ICallch. In Slander 0 acts Edmund Breese , . In The Spell of the Y'ikon Trail of Lonesome Tine Chaplin In Police Dustln Farnum, Ben Blair in Theda Bars, in The Eternal Sapha Yaudevill and Iron Claw Pictures Mutt and Jeff In the , Trenches The Secret of the uuomarine Frank Keenan. n The Stepplna Stone Anita Stewart. The Suspect tn Wallace Reld. in The Love Mask Charles Hickman, In Battle Cry ot Peace Douglas Fairbanks. In The Good P-Kl 'n William S. Hart, in Tba Aryan Gloria's riomsnoe . Chaplin's Police Pauline Frederick, in Audrey ""The Wheels of Justice Tha Floorwalker nw.Ak Pn. r. tn In the Eye of P4 Charlotte Walker, in Trail of Lonesome pins k.-Ib TVira. In The Heart of Nora Flynn I AUc.Brady, In TnK Fatea CharIe' flaapHn- in '4Pg f &vw ,.,.,7 m ,- Peny Hyland, In SlM Blnne" Vw4L Tbe PrtJ.LW 0issas. m t yus Mnljy Make nelieve Chaplin In Pqllca Alice- Brady. Tangled Fates In Anita Stewart. Tha Suspect In Wallace Jted. in The Xova Mask ' J. Walter Kerrigan. In Son of the Immortals ,i ! -,. . . . , Douglas -Fnlrbanks. In The Oood Dad Man Constance Collier. In The Code of Marcla Ciray The Secret of the) Submarine i Robert Warwick, in Sudden Rlches Valll Valll. In The Debt of Honor II B. Warner. In The Beggar of Cawnpore Harold Lockwood. In The Come Back Vaudevlll" and , Iron Claw Pictures Mary Plckford. In Poor Little Tepplna Vae Murrav. In To. Have and To llola Molly Make Relieve Chaplin In Police Wm. H. Thompson. In ' Civilization's Child Ethel Barrymore, In The Final Judgment Douglas Fairbanks, Good Bad Man Anil Caldera, In The Avenger Edmund Rreese. In The Spell of the Yukon The Primal Luro Chaplln'a Police Conatanco Collier, In The Code of Marcla Gray Norma Talmadge, In Going Straight William Farnum. In A Man of Sorrow The Race Chaplln'a Police Bryant Washhurn, in Onco a Thief Hazel Dawn, in The Saleslady SATURDAY C&fte"Wflr. i'oiicn .M ,. , George Walsh. In Blue Blood and Red Francis X Bushman. I A Million a Minute Hazel Dawn. In Tha Saleslady Olga Petrova. In ?fce Soul Market Jom Barrymore. In The Red Widow Vengeaoc. of Wild the Ethel Barrymore, In The Kiss ot Hate Pauline Frederick. Audrey In Marie Doro. in Diplomacy The Reckoning Chaplin In Police Rita Jollvet. tn Her Redemption Vaudeville and Iron Claw Pictures Dorothy Kellr, in The Supreme Sacrifice Jackie Saunders. In Twin Triangle Alice Brady. In Tangled Fates Hamilton Revelle In The Half Million Bribe Jacklo Saunders. In Twin Triangle Chaplin In Police The Crippled Hand Olorta'a Romance Chaplin' Pv"" Do Wolf Horner, Sunshine Dad In " Lou1s'' Lovely. In The Glided Spider Tyrone Power. In In the Eye of God Warren Kerrigan, la Qay Lord WaHn Blanche Sweet. Tb Clue Anita. Stewart. In t jTb8uwacl Ethel Rarrymore In The KIM of Hate Peggy Hly- In leioj Uoora, In $ bra VoUs Dorotby Glsh, In Little Meena's Romance Gloria's Rnm Chaplln'a I'o a nee 'ollca William Courtenay, In. Sealed Lips Harold Lockwood. in . Tha Come B'l.k Marguerite Clark in Notorious OalUgher Clara Kimball Young, in The Feast of Life John Barrymore, In Tee Lost Bridegroom Anita Stewart. In The. Juggernaut Dustln Farnum, Id Den Ulalr Peggy Ilyland. In Balnta and Sinatra Ethel Barryxaore. in TtMj Klf erjft .is. igiflnsi)JUinjMI'Hlii ill jm 1 1 rijiaiMjuse CLailUl la i'oiU. John Barrymore. in The Red Widow De Wolf Hopner, Sunahtne Dad In Allc Brady. In Tangled Fates Hamilton Revelle In The Half Million Bribe Marie Doro. In The Heart ot Norn Flynn Klttv Gordon. In I Her Maternal Right Hamilton Revelle In The Halt Million Bribe Douglas Fairbanks, in The Qnod Bad Man J,,"eJl'n"h. in Hoodoo Ann" r-h' "fi" nca Chapln-B p8,,, Jllarv fii. ... -jl!z2iiLiwal" 'VrWn"ot. In "alf a nn.i" vf "" W1UHJ Death Notices on Fiue 10 MUNICIPAL BAND'S 0UTD00R- CONCERTS THIS WEEK Varied Program to Be Given in Public Squares Tho Municipal Band. Eoninmln noesli. man. conductor, will play during tho current week nt the following places: . .May 20 Westmoreland Square, Sth street and Allegheny avenue. May SO 5th and Chew streets. Mav 31 riot at 11th nnd Spring Oarden streets. Juno 1 Hnrrowgato Square. Kensington ave nu and Tioga street. Juno 2 Carroll Park. 58th street and air ard aenue June 3 Wcccaccoe Playground, 4th nnd Cath arine streets Tho program each night will be as fol lows : 1. Overture. "Morning. Noon nnd Night". Suppo 2. (a) "First Heart Throbs" Ellenlierg (b) "Country Danco" Watson 3. Idyl, "Forge In tha Forest" Mlchaelea 4. Gems from "Tho Follies of 1015". . . .lllrsch 5. Tenor solo (selected). Jerry Shaw, n. Grand selection. "Bohemian Girl". . ..Bnlfo 7. Valse dl Concert, "Skaters." . . . Waldteufel 8. "Fackeltanz" Meyerbeer By the PHOTOPLAY EDITOR A new musical Instrument, Indeed a new method of evolving sound, doesn't happen every day. It has never happened to the movies before. But Just now, out at the Tioga Theatre, such nn Instrument foi such a purpose Is being successfully demon strated. If Is the choralcello. It Is also nn organ, a plnno, an orchestra, and some things yet unnamed,, nil rolled Into one. The most startling thing about tho choral cello Is not Its sound. That Is full nnd beautiful, a combination of organ tones, string, harp, reed and brass, nn ordinary piano nnd a piano Indefinitely prolonged In tone. One would ntmost say that tho same eireci couki Do achieved by a very fine organ, a large orchestra of virtuosi and a plnno, except that there are qualities In the tones nnd their lengths that couldn't be produced by that combination. These qualities aro novel nnd remnrknblc, but they are not "tho" thing. The real noVelty about the choralcello Is tho principle of sound production. It achieves Its tones, not by percussion with Its resulting qualities and limitations but by magnetic vibration. Piano wires aro vibrated by electric magnets nt any speed or violence desired. Heavy bars of iron, similarly vibrated, produce cello ef fects, while bands of steel throw out re markable organ qunlltles. Wood, alum inum, n variety of substances, thus scien tifically vibrated, produce other ranges of tonea Last evening, through the courtesy of Manager Stamper', of the Tioga, a goodly gathering wns diverted with a musical pro gram of sobs nnd duets, supported by the choralcello. nnd by music from tho choral cello alono.. Wllllnm M Senbury, who represents tho Lssanay Company In tho action brought against It by Charlie Chnplln, following tho V-L-S-E distribution of the "Burlesque on Carmen," In which he was featured, re ceived advice from tho Los Angeles office nisi ween mat tna comedian had served in that city In been a countcr-sult, In which tha EManay Cdmbsii? arts HNm damages, ,j tn the complaint the Bssanar pkW charges breach of contract, allen i Chaplain failed to appear tn nnd nfe Wltrt the production 6f four comedlM fcrtlJ fif In hi contract According to iho wording of the fewtt, Chaplin agreed n July 6f last fi&f to' U9 In tho production of 10 ttto-reet toraHMm before January 1 of this year, for' each of which he was, to receive a bonus olf49,W over and above his dalary of $1260 h wK- Theatrical Baedeker ADELPHI-j'The New York Idea." with Ch-f Oeorge. .Langdon Mitchell's,, brilliant WtW of American divorce. FORREST (Monday only) The Atl-8r FrWrt Frolic. Frank Tinneyj Andrew itacfc, Hf Ward. Nell O'Brien. James Jv Corbctt. .Nat Goodwin. Mnk Flgman, Doyl and Dfgoa, . Oeorge M. Cohan. George Primrose, Lw Dock stader. Willie Collier and others. FBAT'VItB FILMS Tuesday and Wednesday, ra," with .Peggy Kylanoi ind Saturday. ''A Gutter STANLEY Monday. "Saints and Sinners Thursday. .Frldav an jiaguaiene,y wun annlo warn. ARCADIA Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, "The Market nf Vain Desire.1' with' II. B Warner. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, "Going Straight," with Norma Talmadge, PALACE Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, "Pasquale." with George Beban. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, !iThe Feud Girl," wRn I1HKE1 1HKII. "Th Primal Lure.'l wu "Police," wun cnarn.e vtmnt , ,, t.. W. 8. Hart, and unapun. LOCUST Monday and Tuesday, "The SusVct,,i with Anita Stewart. Wednesday and Tburs aay, "Tangled Fates," with Alice iiraay, r: y and Saturday. lb Edmund Ureese, wun Alirn irni, ', The Bpell of the Yukon, wlthXharlie Police,' ,101 in 'ionore . "The Ral ,y and Saturday, Moore and , Anita Monday and Tuesday uiricn: nKLMONT All week. Chanlln. In addition; "The Heart of, Paula," with Wcdneaday and Thursday,, ' with W. 8,. Hart, and Friday "ine itace," witn victor icinr. VAUDEVILLE KEITH'S Carolina White, grand opera prima donna: Charles Evans, In "A Forgotten Com bination": Harry Fern, In "Veterans": Clauf dlus nnd Scarlet, "The Call of the Blgties"i Allen and Howard, presenting "A.Real Pat "i Herbert Cllfloni Bee Ho Gray and Ada Horn ervllle. In "Pastimes of the West": Mosconl Brothers: the Norvelles, In "An Artist's Stu dio," nnd Sellg-Trlbuna Pictorial News. GLOI1E The Phun Phlenda. featuring Jak .Hallam and Wllllnm . Cunningham: Irene Mye tie rjitt- Rrotheraj the Kitnmura Japan Jugglers; Jen kins nnd Ford, and Davis and Stlnord. CROSS KEYS First half of week: I.ewls Winch, In "In My Neighbor's Garden": Mattla Cheats, in a George Ado comedy. .''The Mayor and the Manicurist": Jim Mc Williams j llobb na and Pal: and Steda and Hoot. "The Owl." Last half of the week: Clem Hevlns nnd company. In "Daddy"; Hamilton and Regent: Baby Rose lyn; Hunter and Davenport and Hendricks and Padula. allam and Wllllnm uunningnam; Irene yers. In "Tho Hermit"! Harry. Cutler! Net- Fllmore. In "Putting on Airs1'; the Cycling cNuttsr Mildred Haywood: tho De Lasslo MARKET nh. 0TII CONTINUOUS 0 A. M. TO IMS V. M. UNTIL 0:30, 10c. EVENINGS. 10c, 804, DESSAUEK'S SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA AND WONDERFUL KIMIIAT.Ii ORGAN ENTIRE WEEK. COMMENCING TODAY Tremendous Double Bill TRIANGLE PRODUCTION ' WM. S. HART IN "THE PRIMAL LURE" AND THE 870,000 COMEDIAN CHARLIE CHAPLIN IN HIS LATEST COMEDY CLASSIC "POLICE" IT'S ONE CONTINUOUS SCREAM. RANKS WITH CHAPLIN'S UREATEST WORK Ptominent Photoplay Presentations Bnm Botdm Gmpamu mllE following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Booking L Company 'which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ml nlelures reviewed before exhibition. Ask for the theatre In your locality obtnlnlnB "I""" through tue STANLEY IIOOKINO COMPANY. 12th. Morris A; Pnssyunk Aye. Mat. Dolly at 2 ; Egs.. 7 A 0. Vaudeville & Param't Pictures. HOUSE PETERS Ti"B"T0'LEDgirvJEOsV' ALHAMBRA 4 t - A -i T A CHESTNUT ARCADIA BELOW 18TH H. B. WARNER in "THE MARKET OF VAIN DESIRE" " W,'' ,"0PPer. " ""nine t)ad Broken Fetters Chaplin in ,Polce 7fous Peters. In The OreajBlvlde rT'devlll and Iron Claw Pictures Batt Cry of Peace Molly King. In Fate's Boomerang Frsnd" X. Bushman, tn A Million a Minute Hsenld Lockwood. The Coma Back In Anita Stewart. In The Juggernaut Chanlln In Police The Iron Claw The Youth of Fortune Peg o' the Ring 11000 Hushand Chaplin's Police Wm. If. Thompson, In ClvlllzatlonU Cfalid Katharine Kaelred, In Idola' Marguerite -Clark. In Notortus Gallagher Blanche Sweet. In The Captive Marguerite Cfark. Mice and Men in Rosetta Rrlca Love'a Toll Sinut Hayakowa, In The Typhoon Fapnte Ward, in A Cutter Magdalene BJU1 Burke, to Olertaf Jtoniass u inn iiiM'UUl ', u, li ' ;i ii Tha Primal Lsre cmwta. in Veils Edmund Breese in The Soell of Iho Yukon Msrwie'He Clark. In Molly Make Believe "lAtatbt.. vw - - Norma Talmadge. n c""dren Jntb HoU'."a Sudden Rlch '" . Iron Claw pirt,,r jT "Shopping nround" it a R lla time-user. Save in energy, v III time, money, by coming j Ivj here for Structural Lumber. Y, w QUBUty r'Bhl, price right, jnl III and shipped immediately, I'D Edward F. Henson & Co. v Poplar St. llliures, I'lilla. Stl Pirtur Mae Murrav ,n 10 "ave and To Hold T" " -"-iaqy rTAnc,'f,,x- Bushm: , wiiimii an !. ttT" ' minute . rayo. in jSjW'a. Prominent Photoplay Presentations APOLLO 2D AN ?ATriNENE DAILY LILLIAN GISH ln "SOLDMA0RnR.AGE" "THE OTHER MAN" Keystone Comedy, LIBERTY DROADANo FRANK KEENAN in "THE STEPPING STONE- COLUMBIA LOGAN THEATRE i9l NyRbAO Wallace Reid & Cleo Ridgley in THE LOVE MASK" LOCUST ABOVE MARKET 1:30 6 RI30. 1UO. Eves. 0:30, 8. u:ao, 100 LENORE ULRICH in "Tha Heart of Paula. CHAS. CHAPLIN in "POLICE" BELMONT g.1 00TH AND CEDAR AVE. PARAMOUNT THEATRE 20TH AND GIRARD avk CEDAR VIRGINIA HAMMOND '"rd' ANNA NILSBON In "WHOH uuii.i z FA1RMOUNT "'i.vA38 "The Leap" "u "' w "THE IRON CLAW" FRANKFORD frankTvrednue . , r ln "THE LOST John Barrymore brideoroom" THE STRANGE CASE OF MARY PAGE" MAT1NEBJ DAILY Evgs. T to 11. 62D AND LOCUST Mats. 1:30 & 3;S0, 10a -v9-. u;u, u. UJ30, IDC. Anita Stewart in "The Suspect" Market St. Theatre ?33 " VITAGRAPII Presents CHAS. RICHnrAM ,t- THB nATTLE CRY OF PEACE" very Wednesday, See "PEG O' THE RING" 56TH ST. Theatre as -:. r'loi-lr In "MOLLY Marguerite -iarK make believe" Mats. 1-3:30 5 Evrs, 6;S0 to 11 10a WEST PHILADELPHIA Mari Rob-rt Warwick. Sudden Riches in William Collier, ln The No Good fluy Robert Leonard, tn The Crlppled'Hand tlOOO Husband Chaplln'a, Police. Blanche Sweet. The Bowers In Anita Stewart. 1n The Suspect Molly King, 'in Fate's, Boomerang Frank Keenan In The Stepping- Stone Pauline Frederick, In Tna Moment Before Franeella IJUHniton. in Naked Hearts House Vvlttt. In The Closed Rad Fannie Vard, In A Qutl.tr iU-gilene' Tll.rv IHekford in The. Etot OrtiMl- rk Frl3iasi.iirA CLiVlla la WeUs eJi.leC,Sefe' jr'iSB.Iin AWIIon JUrlgo William Collier in" The Na oSod .,'5 ft5"'g Ward. ta - -. .-.. jjcicnan 10On K.,.K.." ciuiiiftHSfflL The orjatr.yssk.fth William Cn,,',. ."- aeakdLip.,, " fa 1 1 w tciTl j.l '" Fate's Boomtraa. " "iigtf wST nels XBushmTrTta A MimonaMlnum lo Edmund nreese. iiT ThejPeUpf the Yukoa Cl t nce Collier, ta " Tbtt Code of MarJa dray Fannie Ward, In A QttttM MagdaWne Mary Jlckford. in Tfrr l5t,rat 0tla4 Ctiisila, Ja ilSj OVERBROOK 03D " ave. Hear the Wurlitzer Hope Jones Unit Orchestral Organ Double Triangle Bill WM. S. HART in "The Aryan" Also Japanese Torpedo Boat BALTIMORE Sve. KATHLYN WILLIAMS in THE DEVIL. THE SERVANT AND THE MAN." MARUARET CLAYTON In "1 Will Pay." EUREKA 4vru MARKET STS- VIOLET MERSEREAU in "THE GREAT PROBLEM" eoJ CT B21 and U,l i3 1 Sansom OLGA PETROVA in "WHAT WILL PEOPLE SAY" ORPHEUM 0En"ANTOWN AND n , r . CHELTEN AVES. Douglas Fairbanks In -the good CHAS. MURRAY in "HER MARBLEIEARr' PALACE " MARKET STREET" GEORGE BEBAN" l "PASQUALF"11"5 '' BILL1E BURKE S "StffilAk ROMANCE" CHAS. CHAPLIN in "P0L1CJ5H PARK mDaAvZ ?A"P'N BT- MAT. S:13, EVO 6:43 ta 11 PARAMOUNT Pauline Frederick in "Audrey" PRINCESS 1018 MARKET r .i s . . STREET Dorothy Kelly ln "tub wheels CHAS. CHAPUN in 'THE rt4&5$& Si GERMANTOWN BS08 $?. PARAJ1QUNT Presents JOHN BARRYMORE ' g0D 2US-T-9 rt rnV B9T" MARKET JI CiLUtSti 115.000 KIMBALL ORGAN Dorothy Gish and Owen Moore in "LITTLE MEENA'S ROMANCE" -iir Ann AVENUE TltKATKU GIRAKIJ TTH AND GIRARD AVENUE FRANK KEENAN in THE STEPP1NQ STONE" f i. M-.tUm BROAD ST ERIE .Great nortnern germantn aves. AUCE BRADY au?ATB CHAS. CHAPLIN In "POLICE" RIALTO aEIl"ANTOWN AVE. CHARLOTTE WALKER in "THE TRAIL OF THE LONESOME Wyrg. REGENT 163i J"5?5T BTm T . umax vqicb ana Ait Tyrone Power and Lois Weber fn "IN THE EYE OF QOD" RUBY SIAKET STREET MARIE DORO in "THE HEART OF NORA FLYNN" C ADriFN 63D LANSDOWNE AYE. tiAKUt-Vt MAT.. 2. EVGi. 0:30 ROBERT WARWICK in "THE SUPREME SACRIFICE" NORTH Broad Street Casino vnogr UATINEE B:S0. EVENING T:15 and S. VIRGINIA PEARSON in BLAZING LOVE" KEYSTONE MTH fSiitoS avenue VAUDEVILLE and "IRON CLAW" Picture, IRIS THEATRE 8IBNcmN FRANICS X. BUSHMAN in "A MILLION A MINUTE" JEFFERSON 2WH eetT""'' OLGA PETROVA in "MV MADONNA" KNICKERBOCKER "KSS-r JUUUS STEGER in "BUNDNESa OF LOVE" LAFAYETTE An?ulSaTON CONSTANCE COLLIER in 'THE CODE OF SIAKCIA qRAY" 1 17 AT"iT?n ixjRTY-FIRST AND LTrAUr-lV LANCASTER AVENUM Marsnifirita Clark " mlly; CflAS. CUAPLIN 1 rOUMT - SHF.Rwnnn bth and chashapunT1110 THE FLOORWALKER" SAVOY ? MARKET 8THKCT AUCE BRADY in 'TANOLED FATES," TIOGA TTU AND VE-VANQOSwi VICTOR MOORE in 'THE HAfte , ANNA NILSSON In "WHO'S atriSrr and THE CIIOKALCELQ (CUsmi MiLpl VICTORIA BASKET ST, nUMll.a l,iivu ,..rrv sJi -.,..,.. .AW ,,fil W B. HART In "THE PRIMA! LUM", CHAS. CHAJPtl.t to "POLIOS STANLEY Q"!L..,sor lfiNTULOi.ir IJf nymmm jp- iE,- iMiar, m- ta iHuMi.mm a.J.s.i.,,.Hr,l...,1g.f,,,.11T)fffi1iffily1TrM