, EVENING Ll3Da,BR-PmLADELPHtA MONDAY, MAY 29, 1916. NANCY WYNNE HEARS MORE ABOUT DOINGS OF THEHEVY CHASERS Examinations .and Teas , Hold Full Svay During the Last Days of the Two Weeks of Enforced Discipline Enjoyed by Matrons and Maidens at Camp I i B I L.I Ifr If. JtfST Imagine, the Lttdy 'Rookies actual ly had a fully equipped Held kitchen on the grounds and watched the ma rita out Up tho stovo arttf knead 260 pounds of flour Into bread, which took from 7 a. m. till 3 p. in. to do. Tho greatest thing of all was the de licious buns tho marines made, and every one was running round tho place making bandages, doing lessons, taking exams and eating buns at the same time. Tea parties arc all the rage and the vari ous captains of the different companies havo been entertaining furiously every afternoon during Jlie. last week at Raucher's, tho Bweot storo of "Washington, just lmaglno thoso supposedly dainty girls Bitting there eating onion sand wiches, and raw ones at that. Sophlo - Btspham wont down to tho camp on Thursday and left on Saturday to como Jiome again. Sho visited her grand mother, Mrs.( Casey, while at tho camp. But of all tho Joys of that camp, there have beon nono so great as lying on those army cots with every possible- covering one could got) keeping on all of one's olothes and adding top coats and all other possible paraphernalia and after finally getting warm enough to doze off, hearing tho snoring of one's four com panions In various keys. Of courso they will Hvo to got over It, but tho trial has been a great one, lot mo say with perfect frankness. My dears, do you know that ono fork, ono spoon and ono knlfo Is provided for each porson and, each ono has to' reach out for ham or potatoes or 'dessert with her ono fork or epoon. It must bo choice, I'm thinking, thinking. dn Wednesday tho camp will break up and homo will como tho warriors with their nowly acquired knowledge of hello fraphlng, telegraphing, wigwagging, ban cooking nnd everything olso, oven to the dagtng, cooking and everything olso, oven to the Goose step, which they havo also learned. Paulino Dlsston and her pretty mother, Mrs. William Dlsston, will como over from New York today, and this evening ' Mr. and Jlrs. Petoy Roberts will give a dance In tho ballroom of their beauti ful new homo, "Bella Vista," In Vlllanovo, fdr Paulino, who Is their niece. Mrs. Rob erts was Mary Dlsston, a sister of Paulino's father, who died more than a year ago. Tho guests tonight will bo chiefly of last year's and this year's debutante set. Paulino camo out in this city, but owing to her" father's death many affairs which wero to havo been given for her were of courso given up. This year sho and her mother decided to live in Now York. Her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. William Dunlop Dlsston, Hvo In Chestnut Hill, so now and again sho comes on to visit, and the has many frlonds among the girls tt ho made, their debut tho samo year. Speaking of parties, my dears, such a hilarious little affair as I heard of lately. It was Just a little danco and It ended at 1 o'clock, and all tho Uttlo girls and boys Went homo savo ono little bunch of five, ono girl and four attending swains. They decided thoy wero hungry, so It would be Just as well to get somo breakfast some where. So straightway they hastened to the homo of a young matron who had wen at tho danco and had gone home, 2nd rousing her. from her slumbers thoy made her drops and let them In and pro ceeded to visit the refrigerator, and such eats! Well, thoy finally got home about 3 g. m. NANCY WYNNE. WMdrSnT St"n " lilM Anni ,j0Ulse 6128 NWh..VrT I?,,U n6ss Carver, bf m,.' "'"!? t pend several months iM'Kfc "r1" their two Uttlo' Emorv V . ,n,S Carvor ftnd Mster 5S&V0Jnctown 'or the n'o.?"11 ?,rB- Richard P- Dennis, Chew Chde.ePcICoVeaiP4" "" eo"fl " who,rhJI't,;, Snelp;,of Mneoln drive, lo her home l "' St' Cha"eS' haa retUrncit WrrhlL"18, Calvln " St"yl", of 221 and BW nefnVeni1.0' Vn enttaln boys EKhfin i tha school set at a dance to n'Kht In honor of their sons. Master Fran cis Smyth and Master Harry Smyth. i.rJrrinao,.Dh, "aJB' mo nrl avenue, en ,n d nl 'uncheon on Thursday. Tho nnrt h.JT v.rs- n- Livingston Stoddnrt !ms w""hler' Ml3 Ln" Stoddart, of 322 Winona avenue, Qcrmantown. ??, 5?r n,Unt' Mrs' William Inslnger, 83 East Duval street, Clcrmantown Mrs. A. Hoite. 1.1D West Louden street Germantown, entertained tho members of her sowing circle at her home Inst week, Among those present were Mrs. Milton Bay. los. Mrs. William Instngor, Mrs Edward Lonsdale, Mrs. Ivan Powell, Mrs. Kdward L. Stoddart and Miss A. ltorst. The Germantown nMnirrh ni,,K t,i.i it- last meeting of tho season last week at the homo of Miss Jane Anthony, 70 East Duval streot, Germantown, Mr. and Mrs. A. Theodoro Abbott are spending the week-end as tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Channlng L. WegeTarth at Ventnor. Mr. and Mrs. William Butler Duncan, of Port Washington, L. I., aro spending tho week-end with Mr. nnd Mrs. Archibald narklle, at Inver IIouso, Wayne. The Bachelor Girls, an organization of young artists, held a dance at tho Belfleld Country Club on Saturday night. Tho af fair was planned by Mls3 Lillian Jones. Miss Eva Archer, Miss Norma Jones and Miss Allco Wenderoth. Among thoso pres ent wero Miss Florence Orunwnld, Miss Mildred Mobley, of Atlantic City; Miss Margaretta Moses, of Winston-Salem. N. C. ; Mr. Maurice Llchtcn, Mr. Walter Jack son and Mr. Harry A. Blggard. Bala-Cynwyd Mr. and Mrs. William L. Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. Horace E. Dolan, of Cynwyd, havo left on a motor trip to Now York, where they will be entertained by Mr. and Mrs. G. Weston Bates in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Hunter's eighth wedding anniversary. The party will then leave for Boston, re turning somo timo in June. 11 Weddings WATSON OTT Mr. Alexander Watson, 2641 South 12th street, and Miss Mamie Ott, 1336 South Broad streett Were married by Magistrate Carl Baker at his office, 1634 SoHith 6th street, at noon, Thursday, May 26, The bridesmaid was Miss Erflo Worster rind tho best man Mr. Smith Oesterheldt. Mr". Watson Is well known In South Phila delphia. ,111s employer. Mr. John Fltzharrls, of Carlisle and Snyder avenue, gave a breakfast In honor of Mr. Watson, which Was attended by Mr. William Heckort, Mr. Georgo Youhg, Mr. Michael Bruder, Mr. William Douglass, Lieutenant John Noon, Mr. Arthur Morrow, Mr. James Phillips, Jlr. Peter Kenney, Mr. William Hcyde, Mr. John Daly, Mr. John Dugnn, Mr. Frank Shlnwood, Mr. Charles Broton nrtd Mr. Fred Boone.' After the breakfast all went to witness the cerenlonv. After a month's stnv .nt Atlantic City thoy wilt lle at 2521 uvi.bi, am,,, nicvii RHODES HOXWQnTH. The marrlngo of Miss Lillian Hoxworth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H, Hox wbrth, 6f 3.11 Kdst Marshall street, Norrls lown, td Mr. Harry Rhodes, of West Phila delphia, took place on Saturday, May 20, In tho Sayer's Memorial Methodist Episco pal Church. Tho Rev Gtorgo M. Brodhead performed tho ceremony. Mr. nnd Mrs. Rhodes will lle In West Philadelphia. TOLL StlEPPARD. Tho wedding of Mlsa Rebecca Sfieppard, daughter of Mrs. George. Sheppard, and Mr. Herman Toll, of this city, took place at their' home, 322 Roscberry street, on Sun day, May 21. The ceremony was wit nessed by friends of thq family only. Miss Both Shua Levin was maid of honor and Mr. .Samuel Sheppard, tho bride's brother, opted qs best man. TO APPEAR IN AMATEUR PLAY 1 ""'''; " h t.iM.. i . I,.,,., i , . . it l Along the Main Line l Personals The marriage of Miss Frances Wes Bally and Mr, Joseph B, Keen took place on Baturday. Mrs. Keen is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Paul Bally, of Ard more. Mr. Keen is the 'ejjii of Mr. Gregory B. Keen, of 1344 Pine street. . " Mr. and Mrs Benson Mann announce tho engagement of their daughter, Miss Mar Jorle II. Mann, to Mr. John Cooke Hirst, 2d, son of Dr, and Mrs. Barton C. Hirst, of 1821 Spruce street. Mr. Hirst has gradu ated from tho University of Pennsylvania with the degree of B. A. and Is now a stu dent of tho Medical School. f Mr. and Mrs. George Leib Harrison, ot Vtllanova, will entertain at dinner on June T. Mr. J, Bqrton Townsend, of Blancoyd, Overbrook, will give a dinner-dance this evening In honor of Miss Charlotte Eleanor Pepper, debutante daughter of Mr. and , Mrs, George Wharton Pepper. Mr, and Mrs. Edward H. Wales, of Hyde Park-on-the-Hudson, N. Y., and Washing ton, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Ruth Wales, to Mr. Henry Francis du Pont, son ot Senator Henry A. du Pont, of Delaware. Miss Wales Is a sister of Mrs. Francis B. Crownlnshteld, of Boston, and a niece of Kirs. Ellhu Root. The marriage will, take place late In Juno in Hyde Park. Mr, and Mrs, Holllnshead N, Taylor," of Chestnut Hill, spent the week-end at ,the Traymore, Atlantic City, Mrs. George H. Earle, 3d, Is spending some time at the St. Charles, Atlantic City, Invitations have been Issued by Mrs. J. Lewis Crozer, of Upland, for a tea today. MUs Frances Sheppard, of the Glad stone, motored to Galen Hall, Wernersvllle, last vSeU, where she will remain for sev eral weeks, then will go to Pocono Manor, near Pocono Summit, for the summer. Mrs. B. Y. Hill, Miss Helen Hill and Mr. John Hill, of 1014 Clinton street, ll oc cupy the new Hill cottage at Pocono Pre serve early next month. The Rev. Doctor Hilt Will go up later, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Williamson, of Media, are spending the week in Atlantic City Mrs. Abner Mershan, of the Parkslde, Is recovering from a severe Illness, Miss I Grace Detweller spent the week nd as the guest of, Mr and Mrs. Anthony Schumann at their cottage In Atlantic City, r. Anthoriy Schumann, Jr., was also a fuest of his. parents, Germantown The members of the graduating class of the Walnut Lana School will include Miss Helen, & Kear, Mlas Mary Amanda Bany. tas Edith Sarles-Boone, MUs Margaret Corotoers Clark, Miss Helen Louise Deacon, MUj Edith Eskesejt, Miss Ellen HewitJ, Ann. France M&ckey. alUw Helen wrgartt Robert Miss Elsla Sharp, Mis rt Hrtml Mow, MlM Eleanor Scattsf MM, Kb Btrlcm Hsu tlttt, Miss WB& - 7 L iiiriHf 'fe : WBK- IBM ' '- VPI' ,- ; AtrwE5? I r miss anna pure y lArge luncheon was given by missmathieu on saturday ' Mdmbers of Holman School's Gfadudting Class, Entei utiiieu at tne jnome 01 xvir. Aiirea iJUi'K, louu North Broad Street MtSS ELtZABETH B. MATIHEIT, niece of Mr. Alfred Burk, president of the Manufacturers' Club, entertnlned at lunch" on on Saturday at her uncle's home, 1600 North Broad street The guests were the members of the graduating class of the Hol man School, of which she Is a member, and Included Miss Elizabeth Braley, Miss ies sie Braley, Miss Laura Hlbbs, Miss Mabel n McGrnw, .Mlas Helen Shoemaker, Mlas Helen MacCalla, Miss Charlotte Cavanna, Miss Sarah V. Adamson, Miss Marcla Soils, Mlsa Elisabeth M, Green, Miss Eleanor Jones, Miss Louise Burk and Mrs. P. N, Mathleu. The table decorations were pink roses nnd pink sweet 'peas. Mrs. William J. Kraft entertained the members of the Thimble Club of the Epiphany Church at tea at her home, Baywaymal, West Coltlngswood, Saturday. Miss Marlon Chllds assisted In pouring tea. MR. AND MRS. JOHtf WEAVER, of Hill Crest, Overbrook, entertained tho Charity Club on Friday evening. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Koch, Mrs. Perry llltner, Mr. nnd Mrs. James inlen, Miss Mary linger, Mr. and Mrs. 'arry Ortcmann, Mr, and Mrs. Andrew IcClay, Mr. and Mrs Henry Burlew, Mr. nil Mrs. Charles McDowell, Mr. nnd Mrs. 'rederlck Gclgor, Mr. and Mrs. George 'landy, Mr. nnd Mrp. Thomas Fenster makcr, Mr, and Mrs Robert MaNcal, Mr. and Mrs. William Sautfr, Mr and Mrs. Samuel Thomson, Mr and Mrs. J, R. QoehrJng, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H, Pickett, D. wid .Mrs. j. T. schell, Mr. and Mrs. Chrfe PAlmer, Mrs. William Kennedy, Mr. OrtneiHl Itambo. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Kahood, Mr, awl Mrs. Albert ManwaHng, M. nnd Mrs, C C. Knight, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Harris, Mr. nnd Mrs. John C. Rose Mf. and MrA Milton Betclle, Mr. George Van Roden, Ml5 Van Roden. Miss Allhea Rose and Mf, J, Boy Weaver, MTSS AfcNA FUREY will play the lead-" Ing role of Mary Jenkins In the Phllo patrlftn Players' revival of "Forty-five Mln Utcs From Broadway." Miss Paulino Clavoy, another firmly established Phils patrlftn favorite, Is llkewiso cast for an Important role. Mr. pnnM A. Hognn, a brilliant Mask and Wig star of a few seasons ago, is coaching the singing and dancing chorus. The proceeds of "Forty-ftve Minutes From Broadway." which will be given at the South Broad Street Theatre during the week of June 6, will be devoted to the House of the Oood Shepherd, St. Magdalen Asylum, Germantown. The Sixteen Club held a meeting at the homo of Miss Marion Cummlngs, 618 North 61d street, on Friday night Those present at the meeting wero Miss Ruth Halght, Miss Mary Hall, Miss Constance Hubbard, Miss Margaret Thompson, Miss Allca Chllds, Miss Maybell Peterson. Miss Edith Lambert, Miss Grace Mills, Miss Florence Starr, Miss Catherine Ley and Miss Prances Steel. The club Intends to hold one more meeting before the summer vacation. Frankford MISS PAULINE CLAVEY Photo by $utekunat. DEVON HORSE SHOW OPENS TOMORROW; BIG SOCIAL EVENT List of Boxholders Includes Many Prominent Philadel- phians Many Out-of-Town Folk Expected to Attend Fine List of Entries -wi.. MISS KATHERINE McCARRON MERION Miss Katherlne McCarron was among the earnest workers at the fete champetre given on Friday and Saturday of last week for the new Mater Mlserl cordlae Hospital. BRYN MAWR Mrs. L. B. Carroll and family, of West Philadelphia, will movo out to their home on Penn street about June 1. Mme. Yvette Gullbert will sing In tho cloister garden of the library at the Bryn Mawr college on next Wednesday evening, at 7:30 o'clock. The program will Include old French songs, legends, chansons and English folk songs. ST. DAVID'S Dr. G. It. S. Jameson and family, who have been living In the Robert Barrle place, on St David's road, wilt soon move Into their new home in Cambria Court. St, David's. Dr. Alexander H, O'Nell has purchased the Barrle ,property and will occupy It after extensive Im provements have been made. WAYNE Mr. and Mrs. W. J. C. Dickin son, of Oak lane, spent the veek-end st Atlantic City, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mengert, of 326 West Duval street, Gormantown, have is- sued Invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Miss Evelyn L. Mengert, to Mr. W, Lawrence Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Allen, of Orchard Way, Wayne, Mr, and MrdT Benjamin Franklin James, 3d, are entertaining Mrs. James' aunt, .Mlas Anna Colahan, oer the week-end, Mrs, James will give a luncheon in Iier honor on Sunday, Mrs. William A. De Witt and sons, of Blossburg, are visiting Mrs. De Witt's par ents, Mr, and Mrs, Hubert F, Trent, of Aberdeen avenue, Wayne. DEVON Mrs. Frederick B. Emblck, of Waterloo avenue, has returned from a visit to Williamsport Pa. Miss Louise Twaddell, Df Waterloo ave. nue. Is spending a fortnight at Atlantic city. Mr. and Mrs. ttenry uatner warren, Mr. Henry M. Warren, Jr. and Mr. Richard F. Warren, of Fairfield, Deton. (eft this week to occupy their cottage at York Har bor, Me , for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Savage, of Phila delphia, have returned to their home (n Devon. Lansdoyne Mr and Mrs. Louis Gerstenberger will open their cottage at Ocean City op June I. Mr. and Mrs. John Philip, of East Greenwood avenue, entertained members of the Boy Scouts at dinner last evening. Mr an4 Mrs. John Laws Anderson have move ft North Lansdawns avenue to thilr country hemp on wt ,. Owyndd, p TM" BM McomfJMM by th. fjtaei Jtsvsr WHA gatl A.T Is expected to be tho greatest therlng of fashionable society over assembled In this city will nttend tho 12th annual Devon Horso Show, which opens tomorrow at Dovon. Representatives of other cities will be present at tho show in large numbers nnd a list of social leaders, Including many of the most prominent In this city, appears ns tho greater part of tho group of boxhold ers. The Earl of Limerick Is expected to bo among those In attendance on Dovon sward He will como to this city with his son-in-law, James Cox Brndy, and his daughter, Lady Victoria Brady. Mr. Brndy, who shows his liorsso under tho namo of his estate, Hamilton Farm, In Somerset County, N. J., will bo one of the largest exhibitors at the show and In addition has given two handsome cups, each valued at $260, for tno of tho eventH. That tho social side of the exhibition will not be neglected Is shown In tho list of boxholdors, among whom aro many mem bers of Philadelphia's society set. The list Includes T. Do WRt Cuyler. Ed ward F. Benle, Edward T. Stotesbury, George W. Chllds Drexel. Philander C. Knox, John T. Wlndrlm, Mrs. William T. Hunter, William du Pont, Mrs. Charles A. Munn, Jr., Alexander Van Rensselaer, James R. Tlndle, Genera Edward Morrell. Henry M. Wnrren, Mrs Charles S Walton, Charles M Lea, A. B. Coxe, William T. Wright Powell Evans, Mahlon Hutchinson, Mrs. Edward A. Schmidt. Samuel M. Vau claln, John A. Brown. Jr., Mrs. Henry S. Jeanes, Dr. Oeorge C Stout. Clarence W. Dolan. Alan D. Wilson, William Hopkins, Archibald J. narklle, Dr George Fales Baker, C. Emory McMlchael. Henry L Col lins, George D. Woodslde, Dr, Wilbur P Klapp, Mrs. John S. Gustlno, Mrs, Thomas J. Berry, Samuel D. Riddle. Mrs. William L. Austin. Mrs. J. Oardner Cassatt, A. J. Drexel Paul. Mrs. James Francis Sullivan, James Cox Brady, Lewis A. Rlloy, Freder ick W. Schmidt, Norman Cantrell and others. South Philadelphia 'k Miss Martha Rossman, of 635 Cross street, 13 visiting friends In Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lewis Meadowcroft. of 2106 South Broad street, whoso wedding took place January 5, have returned from n trip through this country, Canada, Mex ico and Honolulu. Mr and Mrs. Meadow croft entertained the members of their bridal party, together with 250 other friends, at their home on Thursday eve ning. Tho members of the bridal party were Miss Blanche Dove, Miss Irene James, Miss Clara McFarllfn, Miss Helen C. Al bertson. Miss Adelaide Blakyne, Mr. Walter Talt, Mr. Walter Solly, Mr. and Mrs. Mor gan Solly, Sir. and Mrs. Lawrence Solly, Mr. Robert McQullkln, Mr. Harper Drlpps and Mr, C. William Meadowcroft Art enjoyable concert' was given by the primary department of tho Hope Presby terian Church, 33d and Wharton streets, on Friday evening, "The Fairy's Child." a sketch, was artistically done by some of the children, and a little JO-year-olit girl played several piano selections, Mlsa Elizabeth Thornley recited several selections. Tioga Mr. and BIrs. John C, Jocher, of 1223 Rising Sun lane, havo Issued Invitations for the marriage of their -daughter, Miss Lillian ?. Jocher, to Mr, Christian If. Reu mann, of Germantown. on Thursday, at 4 o'clock, in the Church, of the Ascension, Mount Airy. The bride will be attended by her sister, Miss Katharine Jocher, as 'maid of honor, and Miss Marjorle V, Cornog and Miss Ben2eneda Bodenhorn as bridesmaids. Mrs. Joseph A. Harron, of 3930 North Broad street, has been 'entertaining Miss Emily McCutcheon, of East Orange. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Snyder, of 1615 Butler street, have announced the engagement of their daughter. Miss Hilda Snyder, to Mr. Maurice M. Fle-jnan. Navy Yard News Invitations havo been Issued by Mrs. Eugenfe D. Rynn. wife of Pay Director Ryan, U. S. N.. for n luncheon, followed by bridge, on Wednesday afternoon,. at her home in the navy yard, In honor of Mrs. Sheldon Evans, wife of Surgeon Eans, U S. N Medical Inspector of the yard Covers will be laid for 12 euesta. who wilt be Mrs William Lee Pryor, of Norfolk, who Is visiting Mrs. Norton; Mrs. A. T. Graham, Mrs. William H, Allen. Mrs. William Leo Russell, Mrs. E. Trlcou, Mrs. F. A. Traut. Mrs. Homer H. Norton, Mrs. Charles Bryant Drake and her mother, who Is visiting her at present, nnd Mrs. A. Owens. An enjoyable party from the torpedoboat destroyer Heale, who spent Sunday on an old-fashioned picnic across the .river, In cluded Lieutenant Charles T. Blackburn, U. S. N.. and Sirs. Blackburn; Lieutenant Homer H. Norton, U, S. N., and Mrs. Nor ton; Mrs. William Lee Pryor. Captain Frank Halford. U. S. M C. and Mrs. Hal- ford; Mrs. Nelson P, Vulte, Paymtster Mel. U. S. N.; Lieutenant Loder, U. S. N., and Mr. R. W. Maxwell West Philadelphia Miss Edna Williams, of 1218 South 53d street, left last week to spend tho entire twmmcr with her aunt and uncle, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles D. Baxter, at Wlldwood. Mrs. Isaac Startzmann Blandford, of 1232 -?outh 51st street, announces tho en gagement of her daughter. Miss Virginia Hayden. to the Rev. Arthur M. Lowls, rector of St. James' Protestant Episcopal Church of Oskaloosa, la. Tho wedding will take place early In September. Mr. and Mrs. Summers McBurney, -1728 Cedar avenuo, entertained at a dance Sat urday evening at tho Rlttenhouse In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Marvel McBurney. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott. G4M l.nrii- ,-ttood avenue, will open their cottage In At lantic City on June 1. Mr. and Mrs. Rich- nru o-Brlcn and Miss Dorothy O'Brien, of 5455 Walnut street, will be their guests for n fow weeks. MIS3 Emily Holsworth and Sirs. Frank Stone, of 131 South 54th street, were the week-end guests of Mrs. J. Gllmoro, of At lantic City. Mr. and Mrs B. Simon. 211 South E2d street, are recolvlng congratulations on the birth of a son. Mlss'lda Hobon and Miss Marie Hohen, 400 North 60d street, entertained Miss Eh a Luntz oer tho week-end. Mr. and Mrs Thomas O'Neill, of 2022 South G8th street, are receiving congratu lations on the birth ot a daughter, Mary O'Neill. Mrs. O'Neill will be remembered as Miss Mary McGlnty, of Soutfi Philadel phia. Miss Ella Gardner, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Gardner, ot C110 Callow hill street, has returned from Washington, whore she was the guest of1 friends. m&ZZVmrzmmE3B2 I i - fct-i s3Jijmmti Arrangements have been completed for the lavn fete to be held In Holmcsburg, July 12, 13 and 14, for the benefit of St. Domonlc's School fund. Mrs. Jamm Fearan will be In chargo of the B, V. t. Sodality booth, Mrs. Mary Gallagher will have tho cake table Ice cream will bo In the care of Mr. Thomas Dowdall nnd Mr. James Dowdall. and Mrs. Leonard Ott will have the refreshments. Miss Helen A Ward, of 7011 Tulip street, will give a dinner dance tomorrow evening at the home of her uncle, Mr, John Dunflcld, In honor of Miss Eclyn Davis, who Is Istt Ing lu Philadelphia. The guests will In clude Miss Dorothy Phillips, Minn Mar guerite Calne, Miss Helen Fleming, Miss Helen Dunfleld, Miss Gertrude Dunflcld, Miss Mario Gesrge. MIbs Alice Klrkwood, Miss Leona Cramer, Miss Marlon Maglll, Miss Ethel McKInley, Miss Ethel Dutton, Miss Flora Mansaeld, Miss Alice Mansfield, Miss Yvonne Raje, Miss Clara Beaty, Miss Martha Freas, Mlsa Winifred McMahon, Miss Harriet Ware, Mr. John Ware, Mr. John Dunfleld, Mr. George McKInley, Mr. Frank Clarke, Mr. William Blake, Mr. Albeit Endow, Mr. Henry Griffiths. Mr. Harry Mundy, Mr. William Maxwell, Mr. Frank Walters. Mr. Alfred Graham, Mr. Gardner Mann, Mr. Conly F. Wakefield, Mr. Frank Bates, Mr. Hugh Bennett, Mr. Thomas Dean, Mr. John McCormlck, Mr. LeRoy Joyce, Mr. William Murray and Mr. Albert Consart. Miss Eleanor G'allagher, of 2C06 Rhawn street, entertained Miss Gertrude lnnes and Miss Josephine lnnes, of Atlantic City, over this week-end. Mrs. W. J. Strange, of 6032 Grlscom street, nnd her two daughters. Miss Sadie Strange and Miss Jean Strange, have opened their homo at Wlldwood, where they will spend tho summer. The Bachelor Girls' Club will be enter tnlned Wednesday evening by Miss Edna Shilth at her home, Rowland avenue, Holmesburg. Among the guests will be Miss Anna March, Mrs. Elsie March, Miss Helen Creamer, Miss Flora Ebert and Miss Edith Wagner. The Men's Association, of Holmesburg, has completed the plans far the street car nival, to be held on Walker street, Juno 15, 16 and 17. Great Interest Is being shown, and the affair Is sure to be a big success. Roxborough Miss Mabel Mlltenberger, of Gerhart street will entertain on Thursday evening, June 1) at her home, Miss Marian Wright, Miss Mildred Wright Miss Helen Walter, Miss Mary Hol comb, Miss Edith Haley, Miss Evelyn Law, Miss Leah Hankel, Miss Mary Hattal, Miss Demarls Fleming. Miss Eva Ibbotson and Miss Helen Smith gave a porch' party Sat urday night at 461 Conarroe street and tha adjoining residences In aid of the work ot the Roxborough Camp Fire Girls. Flags, bunting and Japanese lanterns were used In the decorntlons. Mrs. Thomas Schofleld has gone to Cap May, where she will spend the season with her Bon, Captnln John D. Schofleld. This afternoon nnd evening the "Ladles' Aid Society of the Epiphany EngllBh Evan gelical Lutheran Church will hold an infor mal reception at the Jhome of Mrs. X R. Miller, 450 Monastery 'avenue, for the sale of home-made biead and cake. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Steele, of 8620 Ridge avenue, left today for a week's stay In Wlldwood, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Super will pass the summer nt Lake Mohonlc. The Rev. id Mrs. George N. Makely hav Judge and Mrs. Remington, of Rochester, N. Y as their guests. What's Doing Tonight Municipal Band concert. Westmoreland Squate, ot.i 8tn.il and Auegneny uvenue. Free lecture In German on "The rtustlan In vuBlon of Eit I'rula," by the Rev. p. o. Evers, Houston llnll, o'clock. Concert at Uaptlst Temple in aid otbltu palKn fund. Uaptlat Social Union dinner. Union Leag-ue. "Hospital Day", at Philadelphia Today anol Tomorrow Exposition. Commercial Museum. Keunlon and supper of classes ot 1D00 and mill and the class of 1010, Bryn Mawr. a o'clock, ' Concert nnd dance under auspices of Hrltnnnla Lodxe. Oder of Sons of St. George, The Roose velt a o clock. "Dinner to officers and delegates of the Supreme Convention of the Independent Order Sons of tjnlr Harrlck Hall. qo7 South Hth street: 4 o clock. AMUSEMENTS Northeast Philadelphia A party Including Miss Allca E. Leahy, Miss Loietto D. Kilty, Miss Agnes M. O'Connor and Miss Anna M. McVey will spend Eeeral weeks In the Alleghany Mountains and will be the guests of the Rev Michael O'Connor, of Altoona. Mr. and Mrs. G. R Schweitzer, whose wedding took placo last week, are spend ing their honeymoon nt Niagara Falls, Buffalo and Canada, and will be nt home after July 1 nt Trevose, Pa. Mrs. Schweitzer before her marriage way) Miss Alice Wat- kins, of 2225 East York street. Dr. and Mrs. F. Robert Setfort of 2202 East Cumberland street, hate returned from a week's "stay" ,ln the Pocono Mountains, The opening of the Yo Eddy Country Club took place yesterday at the club house at Clementon Ladles' Day will be observed at the L. D. Club at Parkland tomorrow. Mr. Martin McDonald, of 2803 Tulip street, and Mr. Thomas McGovern will spend the week-end In Mt. Holly. Along the Reading Mr. nnd Mrs. Philip Maas, o( Ambler, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Henrietta Florence Maas, to Mr. Wal ter Grover Hlnkle, son of Mr, and M John" If. Hlnkle. of Phlladelp! Penllyn. Miss V, Hilda Speerl, of 49S8 Marvine street, Logan, gave a muslcale on Saturday night About 50 guests attended. The South Oak Lane Improvement As sociation, w(ll hold a lawn party Saturday, June 10, at 13th and Chelten avenue, Oak Lane. Bamm Camden apd Vicinity Mr- and Mrs. M. G Casjjels, of 9th and Copper streets, have returned from Miami. Fia., and will close their town house next week -and open their summer homa, at Sea Isle. ' The Rev. J S. Owens, of 6th and Penn streets, haa been spending .the past 10 days at Saratoga, NY ,,, Mr?- Kaary Markhsun and tmf o, Mr. old home tatWrgtai to remain untU fajL &c "WWotwUjr. N,orth Philadelphia Mrs. S. R. Van Horn, Jr., 1833 Madison avenue, Baltimore, Is visiting her parents. Sir. and Mrs. James W. Pawaon, 1546 North 13th street. 'Miss ilary E. Jewell, 2019 North 16th street, entertained over the we.ek.end at ner home, at Trevose, Pa, The guests were Mss Rachel McQulllen and Mrs. A. Irfmise .Long, Miss Edna Patterson and Miss Emma Mills. Mr. and Mrs. J. OUunan and her niece, M(sa Esther SUvereteln, of 931 North 12th street are spending a few days with, Mr and Mrs. M Novlc, of aslon. Pa. Mrs. Ii, Helns and her eon, Mr. Charles 8 Helns. of Iltt North llth strwt. will move Into thfic summer bonjs at Klrkwood, MRS. EDWIN PAUL STOKES Mr. and Mrs, James F Cox, of 819 North Preston "street, announce the marriage of their daughter. Miss Mary Agnes Cox, and Mr. Edwin- Paul Stokes, of 4307 West- ister atenue. Mr, J, A. Kegal, of 29 North Robinson street has returned home from a fishing trip of several weeks. Friends of Miss Ethel Hyde. 418 North B2d street, will be glad to hear that she has recuperated from a recent Illness. i Mra. J, BlUlngs. of JJ4 Wanamaker street, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Auston. of Merchantvllle. J, Mrs. Thorn a a Wallcer. nf Dfaan it.i.,1... N. J-. Is spending a week, with Mrs. WIIU lam J". Murphy, Squth 60th street, Phila delphia. Miss O'Brien, of 327 North 81st street, will hold a prlxe drawing June 15 for tha benefit of the Church of St Mary Star of the Sea, pranchdale. Wilmington Mr. Wallace Kennard entertained at din ner of It covers lasi week at his home In honor of Miss Ethel Buckwalter and Mr, Joseph Webb, of West Chester, whose en gagement was recently announced. Miss Alice Tyson has gone to Sandy Springs, Md , where she will spend the summer. FOEREST MoSf &"&, . June 5 Twlf Dally Thereafter SEAT SALE OPENS TIIUHSDAY First Appearance Here In (he FHrra World's Greatest Dancer PAVLOWA ' TUB INCOMPARABLE Ynti'rV RUSSIAN BALLET IN The Dumb Girl of Portici SYMPHONY OnCHESTIlA SSi'SEu 25c; Evgs. 25c & 50c All Seats Reserved. AMUSEMENTS Palace 12H MAttKET 10c 20c 10 A M to It lis P. M. Trtlt'LE HILL GEORGE BEBAN in "Pasqua!e BILLIE DL'UKE In "GLORIA'S ROMANCE" CHARLIE CHAPUN in "Police" Thursday. Friday. Saturday, MAB MUWIAY In Dald Belico'a "Sweet Kitty BelUtrs" Globe Theatre SE STS" J1UUC VAVDE'tLL Continuous 11 . A M. (o It P M. 10c, 18c, 25c "THE 'PHUN PHIENDS" JRENE MYERS & QO, OTHER EQIMIXY STANDARD ACTS Victoria in otlces fr the. Society pate will be as, ceptcd, und urlu U..J la the fcTmlu Ltdier. v.u. itll (bib nstlte uiu.t be urltlrn a vn side of the wsiwr. muat l .line J Ut full. rtu tall aadieu, .sad wbcu nwilil tck-ykoa number U'U iflreu. beud.it! uih coiuuuolrutwu tit "Soc!ty KJItor." Kytillul XtAicr. 60S ttuiant .tttt. MARKET ABOVE OTII All Week. Double Il!t7 WM. S. HART THE PRIMAL LURE" and Charlie Chaplin &2S "Police AT 10:40. 12130, 2ilS, 4. 8. fAS, S:30, A J J CKKSTNUT Below jOTH Arcadia h. b.warnek In 'THE MARKET . . ..OF A,N DESIRE AdJd BUUe Burke In "GlorU'a jtomau." Thura, f"rl. Sat., "GOJNa STBAIOUT" A HOT TIME IN THE OLD TOWN TONIGHT FORREST THEATRE Friars' ikh Frolic OP COURSE YOU'LL, BE THERE 15,0 BROADWAY STARS In Biggest Program, El er Offered rarnda Moves from Broad St, Station 7 P. 1L I - I., j. Auspices University of Pennsylvania, " Franklin Field Tues. "Evg., June.6 OfEN ALL- l?.. A 1 T) A STAR OPERA -CX X U Jt CAST Mm. Rappold. Matienauer, Preultt MM. 3enolerf, Cantpaparl, Manlonca, KiXhler. etc Chorus 500 Orchestra 165 Settla 3 00. 18 50, ti 00, $1.60 Tlck.ta on ADELPHI wm anuat . For Two Week. Only. lksiuT 6IW TONIGHT QRACE GEORGE apd Jlr raynou Company In ' "THE NEW YORK IDEA"' N, $Ak$WiW&f. JOIN TUB CROWD AND VISIT THE PHILADELPHIA " TODA.Y AND TOMORROW -CIVIC EXPOSITION Audltoru?th!tjfrnrorcU,Muta OPEN 1 A. M. TO 1 ReaUurunt. lecture , moving picture. 100,000 Square Feet of Exhibit Today AdM lilt Cl. Day Hoailtal Dan ADMISSION ?5 CENTS T rvrtTTOTl D XKI LOCUST: LUOUbl ANITA ,BWAH8Wect BELMOOT MnLNoSbn2i1g? ., "HEART Of PAULA Extra, Ctatlla Cbaplla to fpoWCW" wooDsmE BJBRBWMr1 KEITH'S TiJE,NBfgT SHOW CAROLINA WHITE CHARLES E, EVANS & CO, HARRY rEHN Ctt tJTHERS. Ta4y 3. ?5c ft 60c TohUht t i, 6 to It, r 41 f-'-rt s, .1 Stanley HARKS? ABOvta T,lfJMai 1 bawth ab fgummtsrTT h m?mmMmA