rr ABATTAGLIAINFURIA 1 DA DUE GIORNI SULLE - M0NTA6NE DI ASIAGO fjno Colonna di Alpinl Attacca di Sorprcsa gli AUstrfaci in Val Sugana o li Respinge " K m i I m VANI ATTACOIII ttEMICI ROMA. 27 MtiRRlo tfnt vlolenta furlosn hattr-glla InfurK trn Kktlano ei tiustrlacl ad cat delta Val d'Asxa j e' durata gla' duo glornl senza tin Haul tato dc!slo ma con varla forttlna. Gil Itallnnl oftrono ora una strnordlnarla reslstenza nllo fdrzo nnstrlnclie Impon-nate nella gianda offonilva. Qucste sono Mate resplnto In dlvcrsl punll delta fronte dl battagMn. e solo nclla alle dcll'Aattco Rll Itallanl han tlovuto evneunre 1 lor6 pihI !onl nv.tnzalo dopo ner resplnto un at. tacco del ncmlco, a callsa della lo!en?a estrema del fuoco dcll'nrtlgtlerla auitflaci Cjll austriacl hanno nvtlttr-ld loroscenfltta inifegloro nella 'Val Lntmrlna (Adlge) iloe tssl avevano lanelato denstaslme t numeroac colonne all'nttncco del Conl Zugnn che Bono fortemente tcnutl ttngir Italian! JIa. anclic altrove bII austriacl hanno sofforti perdltc gravlsslme nel loro attncchl senra ner potuto guadaenare tin polllee dl terrcno. Nella Val Sugana pol gll Alpinl Itallanl Jianno attaccato gll austriacl die crano rluscltl a penetrare nello trlncee Itallanc Mile alturo ad ovest del torrcnto Mnso ed hanno rlconqulstnto le trlnceo rlcicclandonc gll austriacl. Queitl neno nnche Btatl jconniu in un m.im.wi un iorp opcrato contro le postzlonl ttallane dl Monte J ,Clvarono. Ill HAfl'Util U 1J1 L.-AUOIINA Ecco II testo del rapports del gene ralo Cadornft, pulibllcato lerl sera da I Mlnlstero del- CJuerra: Nella Val Lagarlnu II ncmlco, per slstendo lerl ncl suot impotttosl at tacchl contro lo nostre llnae tra Vallarsa e valle dell'Adlge, fu nuovamento re gplnto con gravl perdltc Dopo la sollta preparazlone dl nrtlgllerla, donso masie dl fanterla ncmlca attaccaiono 1 Conl s. zugna cd 11 Pa-wo dl Biiole, a sud dl 1 Conl Zugna cd 11 Passo dl Buole. a sud dl Com, ma lurono decimate ani ruoco calmo o preclso dello nostre truppo, Tra Vallarsa d la allo del Poslna la sltuazlone e' Immutata Tra la valle del Poslna e I'Astlco, a causa dell'lntenso fuoco dcU'artlgllerla riemlca cohcentrnto suljo nostre llncc, nol. dopo acr resplnto un nttucco. dovemmo ovactiaro lo nostre poslblonl avanzato mill'ala destra dctle nostre llnee dell'Astlcd. Nel scttoro dl, Aslago lerl 11 ncmlco attneco' le noatro poslzlonl ad est della k Val d'Asso. La battaElla contlnuo' per ' tutta la glornata con varla fortuna e questa sera lnfurla ancora. Nella Vat Sugana nella sera del 21 Magglo II nemlco attacco' rlpetuta mente le nostre poslzlonl dl Jlontc Cl aronc. ma fu Bempro resplnto con gravl perdltc. Una cotonna dl nostrl nlplr.' con un brlllanto assalto dl sorpresa rlcacclo, II nemlco dalle nostre poslzlonl sulle falde delle alturo ad ocst del torrente Maso. Lungo II rento della fronte dl bat taglla rartlgltcrla ncmlca ha fatto lo I stesso grnndloso spreco dl munlzlonl del glornl scorsl. Nol abblamo re splnto plccoll attacchl nventl carattcre dl divcrsloni nell'alto Dolte, suite alturo , vdl Podgora ed a Monte San Mlchole. Una nostra squadrlglla dl aeroplant Capront ha bombardato le poslzlonl nemlche nella vallo del Torra ed In quolla dell'Asaa. Sull'altoplano del Carso un nostro aeroplano ha abbattuto un pallone frenato nemlco nelle vlclnanzo dl Castagnaveja. II pubbltco ltaltano nutre plena (IducK nel falllmcnto dell'offenslva austrlaca. n questo iper duo rnglonl. Prlrnadl tutto perclie' la natura stessa del terreno. mentru rende posslbllo la manovrn austrlaca per llnee Interne ed II consequente trasporto dl trunpe da uno all'altro fronte, rendo anche posslbllo la manovra Itallana per llnee In terne Flu" gll austriacl avanzano e plu' difficile sara' per loro rlfornlre le loro oraci boccho da fuoco sulle quail contano tanto Nel tempo- medcslmo, rltlrandosl gll Itnllani it avvlclnano nllo loro llnee dl comunlca lone, do" che faclllta 11 loro rlforrlmento dl munlzlonl e dl lverl o di truppe. Re Vlttorlo Emmanuele si e" recato alia fronte del Trentlno. Ivl 11 generate Cador na, comandanto in capo delle forze ltallane dl terra, ha preso personalmento la dire done dello operazlonl. BAItl ATTACCATA DALL'ALTO. Aeroplanl austriacl han bombardato dal l'ato la cltta' dl Bart uccldendo dlclotto persone e ferendono vent!, In masslma parte donne e ragazzl. L'attacco e' a-venuto lerl, Nessun danno e' stato fatto dagll aeroplanl nemlci agli stablllmentl milltarl e pochl dannl alio case le notlzlo che glungono dalla fronte mos trano come l'offenslva austrlaca sla fatta epeclalmente daH'artlgllerta, ma ora gll Itallanl Bono In condlzlone talo da far fronte. igll attacchl nemlci, e nulla fronte Monte Magglo-Toraro I 305 non han potuto otto sere alcun ri sultato utile. Gli austriacl seguono perfettamente la tatttca tedesca e al vlolentlsslmo bombardamento fanno segulre l'attacco dl dense masse dl fanterla che'' offrono splendid! bersagll alle mlstra gllatrlcl ed ai fuel!! itallanl ed al cannon I da, 75, col rlsultato che le perdlte uustrla che sono Inflnltamente superior! a quelle ltallane. to truppe austrlache lmpegnate In questa offenslva sono prlncipalmente boeme, tlrolesl ed ungheresl, le meglio adatte alia truerra dl montagna. II loro vantagglo e' fcnepra quello della superlorita' deH'nrtl gllorla, ma sublscono tall perdlte per opera deya. fanterla Itallana che Bono state cos tiette per questa ragione a rltardare gll Attacchl. Le comunlcazlonl austrlache con Trento eono In parte, bloccate dal trenl Jnsportantt 1 feritl. EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, lAY 27, 101G, HoRltltnl nti by Potlccmp s(rpel"( stnt Inlt each bv hearing Th tw BEAIi ESTATE TOR BENT MAINE 1'UItNISHEn TO RENT. FURNISHED, 3 COTTAGES KOIl TUB SEASON AT ORR'S ISLAND, MAINE largest, 4350, with IS rooms and modern ryt 3nienc, umaller onei 7 roonw, J17J, vamp, 4 room, 123 a month; all on the "5 anil near boardlnif liomea 'Phone C II , Mt M ""' " T ,,0U' T4iiT Byr "' ' JWVWiUVUVlVtVWtUViUUI I :The Irish Revolt! In Perspective ARNOLD BENNETT has "written an interestiw; article on the recent Irish rer volt for Sunday's Pvsui Ledger. The, story deals graphically with the causes of the rebellion, the ,nart Germany played and the probable effect the revolt Will have on the future advancement of Home Rule in Ireland. Read it in Tomorrow's BlPUBUC fc&&& LEDGEB 4WMlWIMMlMimW4 AUTOMOBILES CLAIM SEVERAL MORE VICTIMS; TWO DRIVERS IN JAIL Four Injured ih Two Crashes, One of Which Shakes Up Passengers in a trol ley Car MAN AND WOMAN KILLED nl3..,," wfr toWl' today In two w? V' c"f fcc of th-m were hurt and fcr.tl tmllev inssensera were Rhihen up When n motortruck crashed Into n westbound Yoik s'.rect trolley nt Uroad street I W than a muare from the home of Mayor HmHh, where many nutomohlle nccldents .hae occurred ' recently The other crash waif between a motortruck and a. touring car. Those Injured In the first nceldent were ?J?l'cJ B?3'(1 2r' yonrB o'dof 1943 South IGtn Mrect.-drvcr for a Hoopes & Towns end Company truck, whose right leg was fractured nnd two companloni Wallace Collin., of 203 Wndd Atrcet. nnd Cornelius Brown, of 251 1 South 10th street, Who were bruised Bov ' was tikrn to the Samaritan ' companions were arrested ''an if the 20th nnd York They -were held In $200 ahtrnte Watson for further windows of the car were shattered UKer rior. of 2121 Knst Somerset street, driving a touring car. was badly cut when he smashed Into a motor truck drh,en jiv niwood Xqlson. of 0184 Stato road, at Sllmon nnd Clearfield streets He was tiKcn to the Hn scopal Hospital XelRon wijs not arrested ) Maclstrate llobort Carson today nppca-od ngalnst a chauffeur, whom he captured after a pursuit, accusing the man of recklessly driving a motortruck nnd smnahlnK his au tomobile, The prisoner If rank Butcher. 24 years old. of 105 North 67th street, was held Under C0Q ball by Magistrate Har ris. In the 32d street and Woodland avenue station for further hearing. According to Magistrate Carson. Butcher's truck wrecks t his car, as It stpod beforo the home of Wil liam J McCaughan, 5240 Spring Garden troet last night. Coming out of the house aglstrate Cnrnon Jumped Into another nu imoblle nnd overhauled Butcher's truck at lit nnd Walnut streets Two chauffeurs, whose automobiles hilled lersons are being held without ball for the Grand Jury by Coroner Knight Tho men are Edward Hlckcy, of 775 North Qth aenue, New York, nnd Joseph Btondlo, of 711 Annin street. Hlckey'a car, which fatally Injured Dr. George S. Frank lin, 72 jears old. of 1809 Green street was racing with another machlno nt the time of the ace'dent nt Broad and Mt Vernon streets, Mny 0, It was testified at tho Inquest yesterday. Blondlo. driving n motortruck, rnn ovi'i nnd killed Mlis Bertha Prior, 13 jears old, of 259 South ltuh iitrect, nt Sth nnd Spruce streets', April 21 Another chauffeur. Calvin Kendall, a uegro,. of 5800 Magnolia avenue, was ex onerated of blame In the death of 9-ycar-old Alfred Bradley, of 132C Kldge atenue who was killed when Fendall's car backed over him Delayed s'atlstlcs rromlscd by Superin tendent of Police Hoblnson, "after the elec tion," Ind'cato that n very small percentage of automobile speeders nro actually pun ished Of tho 120 persons accused of speed ing and other violations, who had hearings May 10 and J3, only four were lined and only 1J were assessed the costs In the case. All but seven of them were accused by motor cjclo policemen of exceeding the speed limit Honolulu Volcano in Eruption HONOLULU, May 27. The volcano of Mnuna Loa Is erupting with Increased ac tivity. A new How of lan started Wednes day nnd Is moving at the rate of two miles a day. Tho lava Is passing through a heavy forest of mahogany trees, burning stumps and carrying the trunks on the. top of the molten fluid. The Kahuku water system Is believed to be In danger from the lava stream BEAf. ESTATE FOR BAtB OI.NFA, rA, REAL ESTATE FOB SAI.E Of.NEY, PA. LOOK-READ Protect Yourself Sheldon S Jl Riibicam Strccla 1 The gross expenses ' DUNCANNON AVE. 1 r TOSnST.Can frntnn T I tUH Jlaitll ! BUBICAM ST. TJ- .'1"t5u i wrrrtiuiuiim ATI Sip rinn ccimn - street Sample llour Itfnclr SI? rooms, tmth. bni-e- ihrrt. rtfrlrtc llnht. wnier J meter, combination coal CVt . Prlrr lnrhn ft t reft 1 jy i Improvements. i to Sulis Street $2650 fl rootnn, bath, mnit Iminilri. rmrrh, rrfrlTpr.Kor tin). flertrlc Ilelit, hot-wntrr meter. J L ' iinr 7a. iiiimi,Zj SHELDON -yr. HI imilMMIIIIIIIWJ'f J MwT? t r -f . i i sr. ASHDALE SK fwscone sr. 5 lliniiiiinHiU i ALBANUS ST. N. II ii i i i i i i i i u ! juus sr. I IT I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 I !) vrnter did.u isr ci uiuimi This includes reducing the 1 5 j building associa 'j'- tion mortgage 'mr fj.uu per month. Sulis and Albanus Streets Gross expenses $18.06 per month includes reducing building association mortgage $4.00 per month $5,000,000 Worth of Real Modern Homes Street nlnn kIiowk the ronenlent loratlan to Northrait Itnulrtaril mid trollejH. Ono fare to m imrt of ltj. He nln hate 11 few Inriter homes nt 33SU nnd S'JOSO, locnlril on Sth Street and Duncunnon. 1: ! Hi : J i "T i A - M Z. I 1 j i j g ifiai v P. J. & JAMES T. WHELAN, Birlders, on Prenvses. ,;ftg, tx H ttiSm&tM -a BEAIi ESTATE FOR SALE BuntmnAN BEA1 ESTATE f 0 SAt.J3 sj;iiurtrAN BcntmBAM .mtom: iinnoit. n. j. . stum; iiAuiioit, x. .i. Eighteen Fined as "Loan Sharks" CLEVELAND, O., Slay 27. eighteen Cle eland pawnbrokers, accused of chare Ins cxorbltnnt rates of Interest, pleaded BUllty before Justlcs Cahert here ' and were fined $50 and costs each Most of them possess State licenses issued under the Lloyd "loan-shark" law, which limits In terest to 3 per cent, per month. rATHT AND QABDEN GARDEN AND LAWN FURNITURE Pertrojas, Garden Seats, Arbors, Trellises, Gates Porch Furniture, Window Boxes, Ornamental Fenclngv Catalog on Request. F. R. GERRY CO. IS3S Market St., Philadelphia. BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE SACRIFICE $5000 Completely Furnished Half Can Remain on Mortgage One and a half story bungalow. Lot 70x110. In Stone Harbor's most desirable location. 92D STREET AND 3D AVENUE Vegetable garden and fine fruit trees; 7 rooms and bath, electric lights, garage privilege. All modern appointments. Property being sold at a great sacrifice on account of ill-health. Owner Will Be on Premises Sunday, May 28th and Tuesday, May 30th For Information Apply 1852 MARVINE STREET DIAMOND 1745 W. stJnunnAX SUnURHAN LATHAM PARK On Old York Rd. at Willows Ave. Above City Lino Suburban yet Urban r U A fWffll aaBSKEzMflHaSffirF Situated on historic Old Tork Road. Convenient to the city by motor, trolley or train, Latham Park, with thousands of dollars' north of highest class properties, offers many advantngeK to the suburban home-seeker. Hevera! Golf Clubs convenient to ,1'ark. Motor out today and see a different kind of a suburb. AvprT1"1 Wm.T.B. Roberts & Son. Agents for Eitate of William L. Elkins Roberts Bldg., Glonslde, Pa. SUHUUHAN - . , y jpiHlll f SELECT YOUR SUBURBAN HOME WITH CARE rmr Jkut XiA UnasntSas; Su m.li3k safe amttmmmitmmkrAmi THE LEAPIM SUBUIR1 12 Minutes, 5c Fard, from 69th Street Terminal ON THE MEDIA SHORT LINE 44 li OFFERS MORE ADVANTAGES, AT LESS COST, ' j THAN ANY OTHER SELECT AND SUBSTANTIAL SUBURB Here is a beautiful home just completed for sale, with lot 60 feet front, and most attractive' surroundings. It is offered as a leader at an exceptional price. blur's ,: T'trV '' M " - - '"'lft'MlS tuu lrrt'iii Tssfl'VMjMafi r ff " r BnrWi V ?M - j . 'X, A r JM -i iL- ... ,tttiMa"aiMsissssssMslsMssssssMasssaaaasa ""ltV:i-A.;;&tLii-i Ik'f.'HAit.nUtft t Price, $6975. Grounds Beautifully Planted f 1 HIS home contains large living room with open fireplace and dining- room, hoth With harrt-vvonrt floors, also kitrhpn nnrl rwntnr nn firtrt - H -J - .. .-www, h.wV ..&VV..VAA M. MM.J .4 ilidk A floor; three bedrooms and tile bathroom on second floor; two bed rooms and bathroom on third floor. It is built of stone to second floor, and is heated with hot water. The roof is of red tile. This is an unusual offering, designed to lead you to SPRINGFIELD, WHEREALL IMPROVEMENTS ARE MADE NOT PROMISED. If you are interested in Securing a really satisfactory suburban home, or building site for use later, Springfield will interest you. The prices are moderate, the terms are most liberal, and the splendid character of this development is expressed by the substan- ' tial and artistic improvements, and by its entire environment. THE SPRINGFIELD REAL ESTATE CO. A. MERRITT TAYLOR, President 610 Commercial Trust Building, Fifteenth and Market Streets, Philadelphia Bell Phoni: Spruce 31-83, Keystone Phone j Race 3-99 - " Illustrated booklet containing complete description and plans of suburban homes and building sites and of the interior of the Suburban Home Beautiful will be mailed on request. ?J J i i V a . i t ,. v M --1-1- - ' c"l ill Beautiful Homes at Bala-Cynwyd Built by day labor, there Is no middleman's profit In the; erection of these beautiful homes. Every house different. The plots run from'BO to 76 feet front and ISO feet or more in depth. Architecturally. Judged -either from the exterior or the Interior, these unusual homes will be found not to lack one detail that lends to beauty, . comfort or refinement From the annunciator In the dlningr room ond the main bedroom, connecting with the kitchen, to the tiled bathrooms with the pedestal wash basin of solid porcelain, and the built-in porcelain bath tubs, no detail of hieh-clasa building hits been overlooked. The houses are In a high-class, exclusive neigh borhood, at Latches Lane, Upland Terrace, Union Avenue and Edge HIU I toad In the very prettiest part of llala-cynwyd Come see them today. Take Pennsylvania Railroad to Bala or Cynwyd, or Market Street Xlevated to ?2d Streetthen Bala car to city line a Ave-cent fare. Morris Building, Phila., Pa, HiL niiESTXUT ST.. MOOUS 900-941 TtUphon. Spruce 930 lieeutlful New Booklet Snowing 411 Our House In Detail Vltli l'rlces. W?ft for It or Vhous Sprues 830 I 3bHU-" "" .T' ., .'u in hti hi uiH LjE-lmi r iIji 'in iiti '" GEORGE C. SCOTT, - mrvuniUTTIi WW ItnnUd QAA-Otl lW f ALL STONE, $6200 to $7 1 00 Including Garage 18 Minutes on Elevated to Broad Street 5 cent Fare At 69th Street Station of the Market Street Elevated, .An lonpTitlon Id House Construction all stone housewith u, iiortn on each sldi. The above photograph Illus trates a house on a lot 75 feet '"Id. Hquseg open front and both sides. Tho rear of tho bouse Is built with aa lS-incij tone party wall betneen It and a&otner hoy which (aces oa another street Uitug room, dining room, sleeping cbawb-rs all fronting the street All sunlit and !ry, every room facing spacious open plots. Work on these houses has jut been started stul matiy Itsve already been sold. Select yout home now sad bare It tin Is Led to cit yoijr lodjTidual taste and Ideas. Fos further artltular- ce JOHN H. McCLATCHY OTcSSS UndTitie Building, PWUu