"".j h cmc EXPOSITION GIVES MANY USEFUL HINTS i. BAvlng in the Family Purse nnd Satisfactory Service Offered by Bureau of Weights and Measures !S FJIEE INFORMATION TO ALL Facts, Fancies and Figures in Civic Exposition Spring fever invades exposition building, nnd everything goes along very quietly. Guards on doorways determined to enforce proper exits and cn- Burcau of Veights nnd Measures warns people not to kick or complain about the high cost of living If they make no effort to protect themselves. Seven potatoes in a measure re main intact while thousands of peo plo walk to nnd fro. Consumers lose $172,542 yearly through short weight in coal. EVENING liBDaBB-PHILABIDIPHIA SATtfBDAt, MAY 27, 1916, 10 KR.R.TIME TABLES ' 4 Thlnira are KolnB nlonc auletly very aufetly nt the Philadelphia Today and To. morrow Clvlo Exposition In the Commerclnl Museum, 34th nnd Spruco streets, particu larly In the afternoon. Today proved moro aulte than usual, as It had been assigned nn ornanlzatlon for the spread of Its particular propaganda. The nlco beautiful lawn about tho JIu ecum grounds, or moro properly those- por tions which border on the pathway, nro living ovldenco of thousands of feot tramp ing toward tho exposition building, en trance must be gained by special doors. if a man Is fortunate chough to get In un scathed and minus scars of battle, ho may ka himself after a due search before tho k exhibit of tho Bureau of Weights and Mens ?' ures. Some of tho slghtB to bo seen thero ere soven potatoes In a measure, witn thousands of peoplo passing continually to ond fro during tho last 10 days, tho soven potatoes have remained whoro they wore put. But suppose they were peaches or oven pickles? Tho exhibit of this bureau la duo to an flort to reduce the -high cost of living. It has on view this placard: "Don't kick or complain nbout tho high coat of living or business conditions If you make no effort to protect yourself and others." It summarizes short weights In coal by declaring that consumers lose $172,542 year ly through tho "negligence" of coal dealers to glvo full measure, and that beforo tho bureau -was established this loss amounted to $209,900. In three months of 1914 thero were 114 tests of wagons. Tho poicentago of overweight was oxactly tho samo as that of underweight, with tho difference that tho average underweight wagon defrauded tho consumer of 41 pounds, while tho average overweight wagon gave him only 28 pounds. Concerning tho potatoes, a placard In formed tho public that a family of four persons consumes 3 pounds a day, and If purchased with the measure displayed they k will lose $38.ou per year. : Tho bureau warns tho public against tho L , ccommdatlng and obliging butchor" who i takes tho trimmings from the beef, leg of i Iamb, etc., after tho housewife has paid for full measure. Ho sells thoso very self t1 'tame trimmings tho next morning, declares j) the bureau, -which ndvlses that "you Insist I dpon taking the trimmings homo with you." i " Following aro some of tho pointers which ! . the bureau gives to housewives: M Insist upon the butcher saying Just how j much meat weighs, not how much It Costs. $ Always watch him carefully and keep "" ' your eye on the scale., (If you don't know ,how to read a scale, call at tho bureau's office and you will get tho instruction free of charge.) Don't let tho butcher touch tho scalo. There Is no necessity for his doing so. Don's bo afraid to aBk questions. It's your meat, purchased with your money. Don't be afraid of your tradesman. If you believe ho is giving you Bhort weight, or not tho proper quality of goods, do not hesitate to Insist upon your rights. Tho competition In trade in this city today is sufficiently keen to warrant your insisting upon proper measurement. Don't leave your shopping until the last minute and then bo In a hurry. It Is fre quently when a customer is In a groat hurry thr i the dishonest merchant takes advan tft j of her. Atcther Invention of Philadelphia police men, to aid In facilitating: tho work of the bureau, was placed on view this afternoon. It Is a motorcycle emergency patrol, de signed to carry three persons besides tho driver, on hurry calls. Express Train Service to Be In creasedSeveral Additional , Suburban Locals naMrnoTJ?1 cl!ar0 '" 'he Pennsylvania Hon. ?.? 4imo. tn.bl6 wlth- Important addl- row SlE ,la Wlll.be put lntt ettecl tomor-, nr I n.uw lrnlns '"elude several ex .llBrn.i.8'.,,ho.re8torRtlon ' one expreM BUburbanUlocirs.1914 Md BeVernl Mla1 knJIf w P'VJelphla.lo.rittsburgh express, thla nit,?9, 7Fhe P'Krtuwher," "I" leave tnUhHA1 3!30 p- m" arrlvln nt Tho! 8,1.L18 mnut after midnight. lenti".1. "Da-Express," eastbound, now replaced by a faster train, leaving nt 1 P. m. dally, arriving at Philadelphia at 9:10 P m. and New York at 11:30 p. m. The wmurtrfl.,n wl" be continued from Pitts- i-i. ""rrisDurg, where It will bo over ff" ' and consolidated with the new PuauywX,prcs.3V . The dnl'y tral 'elng SLii ."V51.01 7:10 a- m- and arriving at "(l "l.B!lB P- - which was dls. continued In 1014, will be restored. Tho two new expresses to Now York will leave nt 8:30 o'clock In tho morning and L Vu ln ,th0 venlng, respectively, mak ing tho run In two hours. The new Sunday express Will leavo Philadelphia at 6 p. m nrrlvlng at Now York at 7 p. m. For the bonellt of commuters on tho Mnln Line, betwoen Broad J3troot Station nnd I noil, a special Saturday afternoon oxpresa Ecrvlco will be established, beginning June 10, nrnctlcnllv rlnnhllno- tha f..M,.r.. the outbound electric trains between 12:15 and 2:15 p. m. The Saturday specials will rcplnce, on that afternoon only, four ex presses leaving nt later hours on other weekday nftornoons. The entire schedule of the suburban electric trains will also bo revised and tho running tlmo reduced. Tho special Saturday afternoon electric express trains from Broad Street; Btatlon to Paoll will leavo at 12:40, 1 :05, 1:30 and 2:05 o'clock, respectively. Theso will replaco, on Saturday's, tho week-day expresses leaving at 4:13, 4:43, 5:10 nnd 5:40 o'clock, p. m. Tho first-mentioned speclnl will run tho year round and tho othors from Juhe 10 to Sep tember 30, Inclusive. A new Inbound night train, giving extra late service, will leave Paoll at 12:18 a. m.. arrlvlncr nt rirniwl Street Station nt 1:05 a. m., making all Btopa. In rovlslng tho schedule of the Mnln Lino electric trains, the present dopartlng time, for tho half-hourly outbound service of 15 nnd 46 minutes after tho hour, will bo re tained. Inbound, the arriving tlmo of tho half-hourly trains will bo changed to 3 nnd 33 minutes after tho hour, between 10:03 a. m. and 7:03 p. m. This will bo dono to permit greater olllclcncy In handling tho tramc, and will glvo closo conenctlons nt Wont Philadelphia with tho hourly trains to Now York. Tho now running time will bo 49 minutes westbound and 47 minutes eastbound, between Broad Street Station nnd Paoli, or soven minutes each way less than tho former steam schedules. Additional train Bervico will also bo pro vided between Wilmington and Philadel phia nnd for tho cities of Baltimore, Harrls burg and Lancaster. Between Pittsburgh and Buffalo tho running tlmo of all trains will bo reduced as tho result of placing ln service thrco new tunnels. CLASSIFIED RATES In effect April U 19l0 EVENING LEDGER AGATE LINE HATE FOR EAClt INSERTION THIS STYLE TYPE (Or Ilka this) On or. two times. ,. ,,n, ,..,.,. ...,". Hie. Three times one wetk,..,,,.i.i.,,i,,t. HMe Six times one week. ..in,. ,it, itii.tt lOo Situation Wanted three time on week, 10a Help and Situation Wanted and Lost and Found ads ore inserted in the Daily Public Ledger without addi tional charge. Want ads under all other classifications may be repeated In the Public Lnrxira at combined rate: One or two tlmea.i,,.t...tti 28o Three times one week...... .,.,,. loo Six times one week, ..,,..,.,,,,. .i... ISHe TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) '" J,"!J.ml,,.,'.d ln Ml classifications except Help and Situation Wanted, Lost and Found, Per sonals, Boarding and Rooms. When no epecl. 5.??'.Sd,(,EIi;nCENTa riSn AGATE LINE TO ANV OP TUB AHOVE RATES. There is a drug storo near your homo that will accept Ledger want ads at offlco rates. I.0ST AND FOUND For Other Lout nnd Found Ads Beg Tnw 1 CAJ Lost, n yellow coon eat. Return to Mrs. SSS'WtiP"!1 DIJon' " Mills road. Cheat! nut Hill. Reward. DIAMOND INITIAL PIN, II. C. W.." lost, iyd'n3vnl5!n. MSy ".between Kelth'a Theai tro and nita-Carltoni lib, reward.mna Walnut. D9Sr.Lo?1' n mpntha1 old German ahepherd Gog Lei ''i5', w!lt ''""' anawera to Aniec), color !K3T.!jr"VtI" 'S"1 n about 0:30 p. m. Wed. M-nSJ-JI". S4, .?" Montnomery ave., near Jlontitomery Inn. tlryn Mawri lllwral reward C. A, Munn. Itadnor, Pn.i tel. Wajme 233. iDcatij .WOMEN'S CLUBS HEED DA TIO AT lrAMFPJFO I ntro ill vnniiii!3 K, Peacocks Removed From Hall vvnere uenerai reaerauon . Is Convening NEW YORK, May ', It may have been Just pure coincidence, but anyway the Krgeous peacock feathers which adorned ach of the speakers' rostrum at tho con- ! ventlon hall where the General Federation 'of Women's Clubs Is meeting wero gone to day after some rather cutting remarks anent overdressing at yesterday's sessions. The delegates wr-e still discussing nvldly Mrs. Thomas A, Edison's pointed remarks i that the short ttlrts and baro shoulders Been in New Yot' were calculated "to drag young men down to degradation." Still everybody was looking forward to atsht to the pageant In the Astor, where 20 j living models will show the history of cos. j tume. Whether the history was to go back to the cliff dwellers' time was not stated. , Conservation was the topic discussed In I the formal business session, with lltera- jure and muslo as side discissions. The drama, civics, tha movies and town and country planning were to be debated at the . lata afternoon sessions. - vPd""C8 Btl" bu"et merrily. Mrs. Percy ' v pennybacker's opponents are charging er with an ambition to put through the ; international affiliations -with women's clubs, o that she may be made the first inter- national president of the council. ORPETJURYMAYBE COMPLETED TODAY DOETTOKR. On May 25. 1010, LOUIS, hue band of tho lata Wllhelmlna noettcer, need VI years. Relatives and friends, also mom bora of Zlon Reformed Church, are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Monday, at 2 p. m., from Ml. Zlon Reformed Church, flth and Thompeon ta. Interment private at Wea Laurel Hill Cemetery. Automobile funeral. D'.yW'-n . M- .mo- EMILY, wife of Wolfe David. Relatives and friends, also Monrs Mlcelsohn Louse, Queen Bather Lodge. Naomi Lodse are Invited to attend tho fu neral, on Sunday, at 1!:30 p. m., from her late residence; 2043 N. 31st st. Interment Mt. Stnal Cemetery. KSCII11ACII. Suddenly, on May 24. 1010. JAMES R. D8CHUAC1I. Sr.. husband of Emma Orlsnmer Eschbach, aged 40 years, ot 0521 Magnolia ave.V Oermantown. Relatives nnd friends, aleo employes Mooro Rroad Com pany, invuea to xunerai aervioes, Aionday. at 1:3U p. m.. at apartments of Kirk & Nice. 0301 Oermantown. Remains may be viewed Sunday evening. Interment at Ardaley Ceme tery. EVANS On May 25. 1010. in Philadelphia, FRANK M, EVANS. Jn his 70th year. Fu neral from the Funeral Church. 214 W. 23d at.. New York city (Campbell Ilulldlns). on Sunday, at 1 V. m. Interment at Hommcrs, N. Y. FITCH. On May 20, 1010. ANDREW, husband of Josephine Fitch (noo McFadden) and son of the late Andrew and Charlotte Fitch. Rela tles and friends, also Washington Camp, No. 100. P. O. S. of A.: Gratitude Council. No. 582. F. P. A., and Keystone Uenenclal Asso ciation, are invltod to attend the funeral serv ices on Wednesday, nt 2:30 p. m.. at his late residence. 3010 Comly st.. Wlsslnomtnc. Intorment private at East Cedar 11111 Ceme tery. Remains may be viewed Tuesday, after I p. m. OASTEL. On May 20, 1010. EMU., husband of Emma Gastel. aced 00 years. Relatives, and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Monday, at 2 p. m.. at tho Oliver II. Ilalr Building-. 1820 Chestnut at. Inter ment private. JEUVIK. On May 20. 1018. MARY J, JERVIS (neo Royd). wlfo of Alexander Jervls. late o( Uushmllls. County Antrim, Ireland. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tire funeral, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m., from her late resi dence. 8114 Oermantown ave. Interment at Ivy 1III1 Cemetery. KENNEDY. At llryn Mawr. Ta., on May 20. 101(1. HARRY COnil .KENNEDY. Funeral services private. Interment at Washington, D. C. LYONS. Suddenly on May 24, 1010, JAMES J. LYONS, formerly of Moylough. County Qalway. Ireland. Relatives and friends, also employes renna. it. It. Co.. members renna. II. It. Relief Asso. County Oalway Ueneflclal Society and National Catholic Ilenenclal So ciety aro Invited to nttend the funeral, on Monday, May 20, 1010. at 8.30 a. m.. from his late residence. 012 Shedwlck st. (34th and Wallace sis.. West I'hlla.). Solemn High Mass of Requiem In St. Agatha's Church at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. MANZ. Suddenly, on May,24. 1018, MARY Mt. widow of Charles Manz (nee Kleffcr), aged 03 loira. Relaties and friends, also members ot the Holy Family. Hacred Heart League and Altar Society are Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday at 7.30 a, m.. from her late residence, southwest corner 4th st. and Falrmount &a. Requiem Mass at St. Peter's Church at 0 a, m. Interment at St. Peter's Cemetery. MKHKIMAN. On May 20. 1010. JOHN J., hus band of the late Mary Merrlman. Relatives and friends, also Holy Name Society and League of Sacred Heart. ot Cathedral Church, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Tues. day. at H.30 a. m.. from his late residence, 2104 Summer at, Solemn Requiem Mass at tha Cathedral at 10 a. m. Interment private, at Holy Cross Cemetery, MOKKLAND. On May 25. 1016. JAMES P. MORELAND, aged til years. Relatives and friends, also Shakahappo Tribe. No. 138. Imp, O. R. M.. are invited to attend funeral serv ices, on Monday, at 2:30 p. m., at his late residence. Tabor road near Asylum pike. Cedar Orove, near Frankford. Interment at Oakland Cemetery. SAMUELS. On May 20,. 1010, DRYNE. widow of Isaao Samuels, aged 80 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday, at 2 p. m.. at the rest denes of her son-in-law. Dr. Joseph Abra hamson. 042 Pine at. Interment at Mt. Car. mel Cemetery. Please omit dowers. STEUEK1VAIJ On May 25, 1010. HERMAN C. STEUKHWALD. on of Frederlca Steuer. wald (nee Schultx) and the late Henry Steuer- .....1.4 anal fR vtari. Relatives and frlenda are invited to attend the funeral services, on Monday, at 1 P. m., . at .his mother's real. PEXISONALS ''EmE.,1"" carload freight. Th a. to rvEld$n,r,",rc,vn lh,vr? entire car. Address Cook. 221 Howard Uldg., Trovldence. R. I. vivivivivwwvvtvViviiA2 Sell Them In almost every house hold there are numerous pieces of old jewelry that have been discarded and will never be worn again. Why not assemble yours and convert thcfii into cash? The money realized in the transaction wilt assist materially in pur chasing new up - to - date jewels to replace the old ones. The best, surest and most economical way of disposing of antiques of every kind is through a Ledger Want Ad. It will attract a score of pros perous buyers, Try one today. Phone, write or call Ledger Office Walnut or Main 3000 I tutvmM i 41MtUHVmVMVVtVvVUM UNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS Bii5?TwUT BT ,VF.. Thompson. Mr. John I n'a.yi J8"" ,.',e,,olk h " Chaffe. Frank I,, nates, Somervllle Tubing Co , II, Fox. ThSheJry'in' A Yarnell, W. II. IlrnunaS mr rw W Y'VW-x?x ". Oeorpn D. S&&. .i-,,?.0,1!?' feWonjler, Mfchnel vr:.""' '" ""iit, iittiiiwin iorr w 5. K"1, W.H. Roche, Enrl Thornton nil11! I?0,'0": w " w,". W- W. Wlnd rVSi. ilm" iLliarrJ. T,, "es Evster. Miss MrU M-iStS '' r"' il,8a 1W "" "SffdS Tr.nl.AI,.CAnLE CO.. 1420 S. . .... vvmi&i ivavia uonen. HELP WANTED rEMALE U,,fti.!Tan'.'l"...n5'r!...Too Late for ...n....i.m,n .nn up rounu on l'agr x C99.?'-,Pro,"lnn,Vwhltl,i Pr'vato family: coun try place near Reading, wants a good plain conk, llox 822. Reading, Pa. COOK Neat white girl, small family, for Nor nHCWo Xfkw "f. .required. Apply between 10 nnd 12. 2202 W. Venango at. COOKINO and downstairs work: to go to coun try, small family; good wages; reference. 3122 Fowelton ave. OIRL, Uerman Protestant, wanted to do chnm lcr work and waiting In Oermantown. Ad nr(luiSSS & Kon.n at-. Oermantown. 'Phone ""' .'"," ... v-Hii or pnonei Jiionaay morning. OIRL or woman, not over 35 years of ngo. to help with housework and two children. 8 and 7 vears. Answer Hox 303. Olenslde. Pa. QinLfl wnnted, over 10. Incrensed facilities hnve mado openings ln our plant for refined. Intelli gent girls for sealing, labeling nnd pneking medical supplies: light, pleasant work: clean healthy surroundings; f!2-hour week, salnry JO to beginners, with rapid advancement to good workers; 12 minutes from Darby on trolley: 20 minutes from Rroad Street Station on train. Apply ln person or by letter to n. K. MUL FORD CO., Olenolden, Pn. HELP WANTED MALE Continued; from Preceding Column. CIJAlirFEUR wanted, experienced, white, for Packard cars: must have best Philadelphia references; shop and garage references will not be accepted. Call Saturday, 11 to S, 1024 Pine st CHAUFFEUR.OAllDENnn, young, slngle.whlte. on small suburban place, who understands re palr'g car: stato ngn,exp..refs. J PIH, Led, Cent COLLECTORS nnd solicitors, about 30 years of ago: Norristown, Conahohorken and Manayunk territories: local men preferred; salary and commission. 118 up: state age nnd last em r.loi'i28nti on'y men of Al habits and ability. P BOS. Lodger Office. DRAFTSMAN, Al, experienced on dye work for pressed steel stnmplngs: state fully qualifica tions, age. salary desired. P. O. Box 6801, Philadelphia, Pa. DRIVERS, WITH TEAMS. streets. 11th and Otrard DRUOS Young man to learn business, Scho fleld's Pharmacy, 15th and Buiqueh anna. FREIGHT HANDLERS Men wanted to truck freight at freight station: whito or colored, Apply 43 N. 17th, after 7 n. m. ORINDER8 Hands wanted on Universe! tool grinders: best wagei In the city to flrnt.ct.ini men onlv. Apply J. F. Johnson h Co., 2317 Nnrth lfllh St. GIRLS AND WOMEN wanted to work In laun dry; no experience necessary; $5 por woelt to start, with advancement; steady position. PDNNSYLVANIA LAUNDRY CO. 310 North 32d st. GIRLS on body machine to Iron white duck poats and trousers: plcco work; also girls to learn, paid while learning. PENNSYLVANIA LAUNDRY CO. 810 North 82d st. HOSIERY EXPERIENCED PAIRERB WANTED HENRY 11ROWN & SONS CO. ONTARIO AND I STS. HOUSEWORK General: neat, reliable white ftlrl. middle-aged preferred: good home, good wages: reference: only first-claBs help need ap ply. Phono Oermnntown 517 J. HOUSEWORK Girl wanted, willing to go to seashore ln June: good home. Apply 4330 ' Larchwood ave.. near Raltlmoro ave. HOUSEWORK (general) White, In family of 4 adults; country, on trolley; good cook; refer ence, II 218, Ledger Office. HOUSEWORK, general: no cooking; small fam ily: sleep out: reference required. Call 3441 Old York road. A. MENDERS, exoerlenced on -upholstery goods. Theodoro Abbott & Co., Berkley street east of Wayno ave. NURSE OR ATTENDANT, with experience In a State hospital nr sanitarium, for Institution work: salary S22 no a month. Address Box 81, Mllbrook. N. Y. NURSES WANTED, not graduates, for Phlla. Home for Insurables, Apply Chief Nurse, 48th st. and Woodland ave. OPERATORS, experienced, on fine shirts and athletio underwear; ideal working conditions, sanitary, well-lighted workrooms, Chas. E. Shedaker & Bon. 10th and Lombard. OPERATORS. bealnnorB on fine shirts and ath- ietio unuerwear; laeat working conditions; sanitary, well-lighted workrooms, Chas, K. Shedaker & Son. 10th and Lombard INSTRUMENT MAKERS, first class only; tool makers. $8.24 to $4.4R per dav of 8 hours; machinists. n on to 14.00; assistant machin ists 12.00 to 2.10: machine operators (male), 32. nn to iS.24: machine blnckamlths for me-dlum-slzn work, able to work to blue prints nnd familiar with use of steam hammer. 53.52 to $8.70. based nn experience ond capac ity; skilled laborers. $1.84, for outside nnd In side work: Cleveland, nrown & Shnrpo and Qrtdley nutomatlc turret lathe operators $3 70: turret latho hands. $2.88. nnd Potter A Johnson turrot lathe hnnds. $3,52 per day; oltlxens: higher compensation when on piece work: 15 days' leave after one year's service. 7 holidays and Saturday nftornoons during the summer months, all with full nav. Apply Frankford Arsenal, Ilrldesburg, Philadelphia, Ta. SELF JVANTED--MALE Poittaartt from Frtctiina Column. T(iVJi0 JAI? wantedris rears at "olderT with Pi?. oo training or business experience, to assist bookkeeper; must be arcurate. quick ?M "0S .Penmani good reference required; !1""7.JT ,0 " W week. Write A 14, Led. ggr Ofnce. TOUNO MAN. 10 to 20. foVofncowork. with experience If posilble; fine opportunity. In good business. See Mr. Bharfner, Ledger . t entraL ONE OF TUB LEAblNdT central offices warns a flrst-class real estate man of character and executive ability; the position will bo Pf manent and Immediately prontabla to the right man: highest references requlredi appli cations treated confidentially. J 853, Ledger t-entral, COLLEGE 'MAN wanted In advertising depart ment or widely known publication; one who has ability to writo good copy will be given Preference: moderate salary; exceptional op portunity to gain exp. it 310, Ledger office. EX'I5R'nricItD motion-picture theatre organist. Address. J 858 Ledger Central, Oeneritt BOOKKEEPERS nnd ASSISTANTS, seernl nt tractive openings, $12 up: STENOGRAPHERS, several good openings, $15 upj CLERKS, gen ?r!l.KSK2" "me. shipping, etc., $10 up; i'A?feyUyi,f""rl,,N0 DEPT.. experienced; T?tnJK,Kf.Fit.En' out of town, US! ADVBR. 7,'?Ui9,JiANA(,x: about $1800: SALES MANAOER steam specialties: CHEMISTS, out or town, nrwtii tlnn n .m,i.. ttnit-rDiicv architectural, ornamental Iron, mechanical nnd beginners! CHIEF ENGINEERS, large steel RLlSt; ESTIMATOR, young man good at fls. ??, and 5,u" Pflntai FOREMAN, MACHIN- ?TS' "Md handler of men, $1500: FORE Sv millwright ond carpenters, $1500. Other positions open for nt.o...ylo,,anAr,n MEN. nKS'.N.R?P.J'nRVIcn COMPANY, . "" "Ann i iiij HUII.IIINU 1N5.InAN0JR. AOBNTf and solicitors! better your condition: represent us In your locality) sal. or com, ror particulars address Nntlonal Fraternal League, Commerco Bldg., Erie, Pa. AT7TO 2?AINTINl FOREMAN TAINTER reeenliy opened a ahep, fully equipped. quAHtr being the primary fonslderattrtn. Increased the business until now have taken overMne entire building, and have Installed an Airtight, duatproot varnish room. With these facilities at hand, highest grade. work la guaranteed. Don't deprive yourself of the best when my price are a third less than any other shop In Phlla. Tioga 2702. GEO. W. PAP.VIS, JR. 1821 AinDRlE ST Rroad above Erie. ATJTO BEPAIBINO CYLINDERS RERORED. new pistons and rings furnished, weldings and brazing. II. n. Un- derwood ACo., 1025 Hamilton L, Phlla. SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES f Bee BILLY, at tits new location. 810 NORTH BROAD ST. AtJTO SUPPLIES PARTS TIRES P11ILA. AUTO PARTS CO. 823-825 N. 13T1I. Keystone phone, Park 1418. RnARINOS New Departure Service Sta. The Gwllllarn Co. 1811 Arch at. Ph. Walnut 3IS7. Race 3003. ATJTO TIRES iiAcmimnT Aim tools OonflattM front prctxAlna Cefwtn. DYNAMOS, fneterg and machinery, bouhf, ie and rented; armature, repaired. . Mala 9U Market BOOi, Yearn ley oT, 224 I S4k ,B.??L i0i. Bf UrtAbLEY HAMMERSf 150-lb, Benudrr hammer, power pretsea, PunchJNuttair,1748 N. Bill. L.i CONTRACTOR'8 VARIETY WOODWORKER made by Am, Saw Mill Mach, Co.j garolln rl'?5i?5dariewSeyfert;, 437 N. 8d tx I''PE Second-hand, all ,slxe,, rhlla, Second- hand Pipe Supply Co., loos N 7th . Phones, MUSICAL 1MSTHUMENT0 EDISON DIAMOND POINT PHONOGRAPH. cost $60 new. This outfit Is cc-mplete wltK tii"1"- V'.W iauinci, ana. wm .do ", payaoio vo cents weekly, can lor compie catalogues i'old' payable 78 cents weekly. Call or writ mpiets Descriptions and large niustratM HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORKS, vor. wi n -i qompson pts. . ., MAY VICTOR RECORDS NOW ON BALB ... BELLAK . 1150 CHESTNUT ST. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE Cfill3!lP$ "ecrelaryt position wnnted by cul tivated lady; llngulati musical. J 841, Led.Cen. CtJ?ISnKJiV"c,B?"..frm,,n' ,roo, rcferenco, Wages $12. H 214. ledger Ofnce. l'?..,i'. T00'1 bread baker, capabre? experienced ,.,.-i.,ip women ii Jt7, ledger Office. ... j 'VAKl-n' . colored, wishes engagements rJ2?K-i!rw??,. reference 1038 Titan St. INFANT NUH8E. "graduate, exp".". refsVTE'nTUsh I rot.; ent re care Infant; $10 J fl.io, Led.Cent. IjADY, leaving town, wlshes'to secure position in country for competent chambermaid. Thone Media 105 MOTHER'S 1 IELPKR Refined-AtnerTcSngTrl desires position: preferably at seaside nr to 'ravel; references exchanged. Address Post- .,i,.-o uox on, iTinceton. v j NURSE-NURSERY GOVERNESS, exp . German Protestant, wishes position; best references; . good sewer. A 22, ledger Office INVESTMENT MEN. with high-grade clientele, wnnted on attractive proposition: enterprise well known, sucoessful nnd extending; leads from current advertising and good fommh slons to men of ability. Add J 848. Led. Cent. LABORERS, good, wanted now at Tygert-Allen Fertilizer WorkB. South Delaware nnd Wec cacoo acs. (Oroenwlon Point): steady work tho year around for right men. See Super lntendent. nt works. LABORERS wanted, 20o. per hour. The Bar- rett Co. . 80th and Oray'a Ferry road LABORERS wanted. Apply Rldgo use. nn-1 Calumet St. LEAD BURNERS lst-class mer's only wanted: good wages; steady Job. M 321. Ledger Off. MACHINE OPERATORS. EXPERIENCED ON ORINDINQ AND MILLING MACHINES. LATHES DRILL PRESSES AND SCREW MACHINES: STEADY EMPLOYMENT AT SATISFACTORY WAGES: MODERN FAC TORY. SITUATED IN HEALTHY LOCA TION: 5c. FARE FROM C3D AND MARKET STREETS. NO WAR ORDERS APPLY AUTOCAR CO., ARDMORE, PA. TKAOHER. experienced, for July nnd August. Philadelphia suburbs or seashore, tutoring or gojernc's and prlate secretary to the mother; "alary $tn n month nnd board: references. Address Box 2Ut.J,nncaster,Pn. TUTOR Eng. woman, Cambridge, "ctf ," wishes tutoring or visiting gov'nessi hour or monthly; iTwnch ft music, credentials. J 842, Led Cent. WOMAN desires position as cook or care of lunchroom, must live at home. Miss Annie Whlttakeri3320N.B"l WOMAN," with child, wishes position houie- work Coll 2015 N. Rosehlll st WOMAN wishes bundle or hamper wash nt home, 1420S1inthst YOUNO" WOMAN, refined, "would like position as rompntiton or mother's helper; excellent rcf. li3. Ldgcr Brnnch, 1820 Columbia axe. MEET MRS MEAD Manager of tho HOUSEHOLD REGISTRY BUREAU Sho keeps a record of eAery appllcnnt for domestic work and can usually placo you In touch quickly with an experienced nurse, goxerncss. cook, chambermaid, waitress and girls and women for gen-rnl housework. This efficient tlmo and worrv Having service Is free to ledger advertisers . Cull at Washington Building, 00S Chestnut st. Tako elovators to 2d floor, nr phone .Mrs. Mead Wnlnut or Main 3000. PULLMAN TIRES Ouaranteed 3500 miles. Compare price. URIM'S, 230 N. Broad st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PATRNTS Send for our free book, irtJlllik) "Patents nnd Trnde.Marks." Our fees are reasonable and our service un- surpassed. We will help you develop your Invention. Advice free. FOSTER & WEBSTER sul Ml 10U Chestnut stx Bell phone Walnut 1884. AMUSEMENT CASINO being built on new boardwalk in n fast-growing seashore town, concession for amusements will bo rented I lxwllng alley, shooting gallery, skcelialt, danc ing pavilion, soft drinks, len cream and so forth will be popular; rentals low for first season. Apply South Jersey Realty Co., 3d jind Walnuj stjs. ., PROMOTERS WANTED who can organlxe cam paigns In Pennsjlvnnla, New Jersey and Del aware for the sate of n special preferred stock Issue, which Investigation will prove to be not only absolutely sound, but attractive to the careful Investor. Address J 040, Ledger Central. $50. noo WANTED for further development of legitimate, going business, now showing 2,", per cent on Investment! Investors with capital of from .00 to $10,000 are Invited to writo for full particulars. J 847, Ledger Cen tral, PARTY with from $500 to $5000 can Join auto mobllo manufacturers lust stnrtlng opera tions one of the best-known names In tho world; a. real opportunity, showing large re turns PTJnclpalsonly. M 058. LedgerjCent. PRINTING PLANT Old established, going, printing house; good trade: selling nt a sacrifice; reason disclosed to purchaser lnq solicited. P 8SI. Led, Off. CARED-FOR ORCHARDS pay Investors; owner ship stock In a fine planted property In well known fruit district for sale; cash or monthly pajments. L 340, Ledger Central. $3800 IR01 N. HOWARD, ror," of louden st., store. O rooms! suitable for cigars nnd sta tionery: hot-wnter heat. elec. light; large lot. J. ClIARLESYUNDT,30t rnbor road. CARPENTER WORK warned; alterations, addi tions and Jobbing, window nnd porch screens made to order. Office and shop. 1834 N. Uber st. GARAGE. I limousine, 1 truck, largo floor spneo, 25 cars on storage, income $700 month; prico $1200, rnson other business. Robert West, 1508 Lombard st. Phone DlcklnBon 1071. PICTURE THEATRE. $3300; $2500 cash: earns $100 weekly; trial; 10c. dally: strictly lst-class , proposition. J 440. Ledger Central. SITUATIONS WANTED HALE ATTORNEY, 35 yenrs of ago. 10 years nt the bar. desires active connection with reliable concern, with privilege of continuing prlvnte Eracttio: highest referenco furnished. L 850. .edger Central desires posl- D 210, Ledger Office. MACHINISTS Lathe hands wanted on small micrometer work: beat wages In the city to Prst-rlass men only. Apply J. F. Johnson & Co . 2317 N. mtn st. MAN AND WIFE, white, to llvo In furnished cottage. Vlllanova. Chauffeur, grass, general ly useful; wife, laundress; no children; must be neat. J 740. Lodger Central. MEAT CUTTER Apply, ready to go to work. Sulzberger & Sons Co.. 140 N. Delaware nve TELEPHONE OPERATORS The Bell Telephone Co. offers opportunity for young women be tween 17 and 22 yearn old to learn telephono operating; must be bright, energetlo nnd am bitious; good salary; rapid advancement; per manent position among pleasant surroundings Is assured; salary paid while learning. Apply in person between 8:80 a. m. and 5 p. m,. Bell Telephone Co.. 400 Market st. TELEPHONE SOLICITORS -Opening with Chestnut st. corporation for young lady to so licit orders over the telephone; please state fully what experience you have had at office work or telephone work: nil applications treated confidentially. M 317. Ledger Office. TELEPHONE OPERATORS Young womento learn telephone operating, also those having local and long distance exp, . Apply Keystone Telephone Co., 135 S 2d st. Room 403. TYPIST wanted for billing by typewriter; reply must state ref, and experience. Address A 23, Ledger Branch. Broad and Clearfield. TYPIST Experienced typIsC fain, with touch system, A p. Victor Talking Machine Co., ap- plication office, 35 Cooper st.. Camden, N. J. WANTEI) Woman, middle" aged preferred, for light housekeeping and caring for Invalid lady In the country. Address A. H. Van Hlse, 300 Broadway, New York. WANTED, ln Are Insurance office, young lady of experience In both fire and liability lnsur ance: must write good hand. A 27. Ledger Off. YOUNO awedlsh cook, wages $7; light laundry: family of 3. Phone Uryn Mawr 733. EXPERIENCED MOTION PICTURE THEATRE ORGANIST. Address J 040. Ledger Central. MEN wanted to handle hogs; steady work and advancement to steadv. Industrious mn. Ap. Ply In person or by letter. II K. Mulford Co , Ulenolaen. i-a. MEN wanted to deliver advertising, matter: must bo sober and Industrious Annly 7 a. in.. HOWE ADDRESSING COMPANY, 210 s. 4tn st. PAINTER YOUNO MAN TO FINISH TRADE. L, b ri, ma vi.io. - . RIGGER nnd steol worker, man whq ran take charge of steel structure work and handle large tanks Apply Hires Condensed Milk Company. 018 Arch st. BOOKKEEPER Young man. 2 lon evenings; Al ref. BUTLER or valet, Japanese, wishes position; best references. J. M., 1031 Vino Bt. CHAUFFEUR Young man. age 23. white, wishes position with prlvnte family; thorough mechanic; 4 years' experience driving and repairing ell makes of hign.erado cars, refer ence. J 047, Ledger Central. CHAUrrEURi 20; 0 j ears' experience In Scot land, 1 year In city; can repair car: shop and prlvate references. J 008, Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR, white, SS. married, n years' shop and rond experience all cars; thoroughly reliable: highest recommendations. 1325 Reed. Phone Dickinson 3003 W. CHAUFFEUR, colored, desires position: 5 years experience; city or country. Address 1731 Moravian st CHAUFFEUR, married, wishes position: 10 yrs. last employer. Apply 5714 Spruce st. CHAUFFEUP. exp . wishes position, private family; sober; reference. D 217. Ledger Off, CHAUFrEUR. colored, first-class city referenco: private family. Address Oreen, 232, Ellsworth. COACHMAN All-around man, experienced nnd willing: best reference; any part of country.' A 7, Ledger Office. COOK AND BUTLER. Jnpnnese. first class, wishes position, M 30S N. 18th. DRAUGHTSMAN, mechanical. 4 vrs.' exp.,tech. education, wishes per pos. P 723, Ledger OfT. ENGINEER, age 38. lato thief of 1000 H. P. plant, desires engagement about June 1 In stalling and operating electrical plant, etc, 4003 Westfleld ave., Camden. Philadelphia license;. . ENGINEER with broad experience In shop sales or management; well versed ln Iron nnd steel specialties, M148 Ledger Central ENGINEER, 20 years' experience with ice re frigerating and electric plants; first-class ref. erences and UconBo. Address A 20. Led Off GARDENER, married, wishes pos.: llfeexp. In growing flowers vegetables and greenhouso worn: ret, u. jieer. luun -. inn t.. i nna. BUSINESS PERSONALS EVENINO LATEST STYLES FULL-DRESS SUITS CLOTHES DI3LIV. & CALLED FOR FREE CALL OR PHONE POPLAR 233 TO OPEN EVENINGS HIRE I.EIDNER'H. 10TH & OIRARD AV.. S. W Cor. FUI.I.-DRESS SUITS Cutnwnys, Tuxedos and Sack Suits To hire nnd made to order. NEUBAUER. THE TAILOR. 1121 Walnut. Bell phone. Walnut 2018. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR'removed by electrolysis, the only permanent way. Eyebrows arched. MISS SMITH. 402 Keith Theatre Bldg. Miss Hoppo. halcdrcs'r. facial mas'ge, manl cu rhie. form. Mint A rca de. with M iss Smith Gents' Cast-off Clothing Bought! DRITTON. 125 N. tlthst? Good prices 1 DIAMONDS BOUG1IT Bank reference Appraisement. 1 per cent. HARRY W. SMITH. 717 8ANSOM ST. LARGE EDISON AMBEROLA, Dtamen Point, with cabinet and. records, finished la beautiful mahogany. Can be . paid 11.0 weekly. An excellent bargain. In .gyd con dition. Writo for complete list ot bargain and special trial offer. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES. Cor. 6th Thompson fits. (0 f!MNTfl wPBifr.r Tirtvo a virrrom.A- Cairor writo for particulars. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES, Cor, flth Thompson Bts. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD., silver, platinum. Plated ware, old style lewelry. teeth plate bought for cash, . Est.. 1870. J. L. Clsrk. refiner, 807 Bansom.. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS, preclou stone. iu. silver, pisimum. raise teem. a-hii Smelting A Ref. Co.. 128 S, lltH. PATENT ATTORNEYS , ESTABLISHED SINCE 1885 Pjlrpnt'Ci Send sketch for free opinion .. to patentability. Evenings -AND by appointment. Assist In- Trnnp-lVrnrTfjl vontors to market patents. j.iuut. Audita r, , Wa, m J. WALTER DOUGLASS Philadelphia office, North American Building. Washington office. Victor Building ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS LET US ESTIMATE to coat your roof and guaranteo It 10 years. AMERICAN ROOFING CO.. 1835 Rldge ava. STORAGE ' CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE 50TII ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT PACKING, -MOVING, SHIPPING Rugs, Carpets cleaned, scoured, stored. Bell. Locust IKOO Phones Key., Race 4180.. THERE ARE ONLY 3 fireproof warehouses In this city. We have one of them and our price! nre no higher than tho ordinary storage house. Million dollar concrete building. Clean, light, well ventilated. North Phlla. Storage Co., ShlbeJ3all Park, 2033 W. Lehigh. Tioga 7250. 8TORAOBFqn HOUSEHOLD goods in separata rooms; packing, shipping to all parts; van, wagon, nuto, for moving. RADFORD. 6310 N. Water st., Olney; never closed. Phone, Wyoming 2805 J. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811-1810 MARKET ST. PENN STORAGE AND -VAN CO. 2180 MARKET ST. ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE Storage, moving, packing, shipping, enrpet cleaning. Ph. Muring 752 for estimate. Mnrket k 37th. McCANN'S, STORAGE HOUSE. 1718 N. 11th st.: moving, packing, shipping; auto vans: both phones. Let ua estimate. , m STORAGE "Moving by auto vnns, packing, shipping. LEVIN BROS.. 2018 Rldgo av. Phone Poplar 0024. FITZGERALD'S Storage Houee. 1011-13 Poplar st Separate rms ; goods Insured: hauling. STORE AND OPPICE FIXTURES OFFICE 'PARTITIONS STORE FIXTURES THE BETTER KIND GET OUR ESTIMATE PHONE. WRITE OR CALL Weiss Manufacturing Co. 450 N. 12th st. Phone Pop. 1000: Race 1538. CARPET CLEANING CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE 20TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT. Bell Phone. Locust 1000. WEST PHILA. WEST PHILA. WEST PHILA. MONARCH, STORAOE CO. .V PER YARD. 3870-72 LANCASTER AVE. REAL CARPET BEATINO: NO TUMBLERS used. Boyer Co.. 3300 N. 12th. Ph. Tloca 6200. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY POTTER SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKINO DAILY AND EVENING SESSIONS 1435 GIRARD AVE. POPLAR 0374 COLUMBIAN DRESSMAKING SCHOOL Instructions dally, 178U Columbia ave.; special rates for gowns; ladles' tailoring. MAN. 82, can qualify for superintendent, assist ant or foreman; manufacturing operative pre. ferred; best references, sears with last em- ploaer. J o-w. i.eagervenirai. SALESMAN WANTED APPLY 1323 N. AMERICAN BUILDING. SALESMAN, BIUOHT. FOR VISIBLE CARD SYSTEM: ONT, ACOT'AINTED WITH FAC TORY METHODS PREFERRED; SALARY. Jlira I.EDOER CENTRAL. sat.fsMEN wanted to sell V. 8 tires on eal, 4 comrarrleriLlailan.S322Chest't. 80 a.m. RIIOES backers on ladles' turn teams. Laird, Kchoberjt Co., 10th and Buttonwond. SHOES Exp. stitchers on ladles' Ooodyear weua. l-iiiru. "'."' - - .-.,.;...." .. Shoes Experienced f,ouls wood heelers. Laird, Rrhober & Co.. 10th and Buttonwood, . Si, denca. 2123 a. MOW st. interment at rern wood Cemetery. Remain may be viewed xrom, o iu iu v. in. wuiuiiiuuitv Sunday funeral. SULTZIIACHn May 23. 1810. .HANNAH. Mother of Accused Youth For bidden to Kisa Son by Or der of Court -pAUKEQAN, III.. Way 37- -Tho trial of " Orpet, accused of administering the poison that caused the death of his school cnum, Marlon Irnbert, started on the last nay of Its second week today, with at rn.ey, "raining- to complete a Jury so thst lie. taking pf testimony may be begun. Four jurors are needec to complete the 18 and t was promised when court opened that they vould ba speedily obtained. tor the first time since the trial began, Mrs, Orpet, tha, boy's mother, did not kiss Je.r.fW When she came Into court today t the reauesr nt Bttnrn.vt tnr iha rjrose- cutlon, Judge Ponnelly Issued an order """""us we mother ami Bon rrom tans jfHT In the ijourtxoom. The prosecution con, tended that fttlntn sAnaa war nfl1f.ll!ateil It - w-.. .. -w.w .. ..I . . I.,. W, ruuse sympathy for the prisoner ln we i j;,", "pfinuT WUIUta ra Cemetery; ad oiane spectators nnd, Jurymen sUke. JSftaiu Uot ton. widow of Emanuel Sultzbach. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the tunerai serv ices. Sunday, at 3 p. m. precisely at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. J. W, Bell. 133 -West Glrard ave. Interment at Adatu Jesburun Cemetery. TINOLEY. At Los Angeles. Cat. on May 22, leiaT ELIZABETH SCOTT, daughter of the late John U. and Catherine Scott Tlngley. Relatives and friends ara Invited to attend funeral services, on Tuesday. 30th Inst., at 3 o'clock, at Mt, Airy 1-resbyterlan Church. Mt, Pleasant and Oermantown avti.. Mt, AfFy. interraeoi mw ... ...-.v-. General TEACHERS WANTED. High school and grade positions waiting for candidates; reg. today. D. H. COOK. MOH., ..jv . ..w.,p .v....wK. oi x-crry mag, INCREASE your husband's Income; large Arm will offer unu. op. J 147. Ledger Central, HELP WANTED MALE A YOUNG MAN wanted, IS years or older, with high school training or business experience, to assist bookkeeper; must ba accurate, quick and good penman; good, reference required: salary IT to J8 per week. Write A 14. Ledger Office. ACCOUNTANT, by mfg. house; thoro'ly caps.bio person: exp'd with modern methods; poa'slng executive and unexceptional references; state age, salary, experience. J fl50.Ledger Cent. ASSI8TANT SALESMAN Want young- man. 20-21 years of age, to assist head salesman In selling to textile trade; one with expert. enca desired. M 310. Ledger Office. AUTO REPAIRMEN AND MACHINISTS, capa. ble Of overhauling and rebuilding autotrucks P 803, Ledger Office. BOYS Good opportunity for 3 bright boys over 10 to start a career. In newspaper work splendid chance or advancement. Sea Mr Ralelgb. 4th floor. Washington Building, cog Chestnut st. ' uuo Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral on, Monaay inorauu, j :ou o-ciock. trora her late residence, 43 N. Wiota st. fnear -loth and Market). Maes at St. James' Church, at o'clock Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. Wilmington. Del. TUNIS.. On Mar 21. 118. ELLA, daughter of the lata Anthony and Mary Tunis, Jvelatlves iTd frlenda ara Invited to attend the 'funeral wrvlcia on Monday, at 3 p. m.. at her lata residence. 82a Morris t.A Interment private. Mount Morlau Cemetery. Autq service. Frlenda may call on Sunday after T n. m. WINOATK- On May 20. 1018. DR AUOUS. 'TINE, husband of. Mary I. Wlngate. Inter, ment strictly private, from his Lata residence. Kl N -h M?ay afternoon. Remains Say be viewed by relative and frlenda Sun- day eveui" . ,, -IT BOYS, OYS. Intelligent, wanted for machine shop chanca to learn trade. Call between T:30 and n a. m.. 240 W. Somerset st. u BOYS wanted as messengers. Western Union Telegraph Company, 1601 Chestnut st. ""'" BOYS WANTED, COLORED. APPLY "HAMAlT: 1TAN H6SPITAL. BROAD AND ONTAlA" STENOGRAPHER Young man with some ex pedience; rapid, accurate and neat work re quired: must have highest references. Address In own handwriting, stating aga and salary i-.qnlred.J 044. Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER and clerical assistant, not over 23, wantedl board, room and $10 per week. Address, giving references and "perl, ence. Alumni Secretary, Lawrencevllle, N. J. TOOL AND DIE maker! a flret-class position for the right mam atate full particulars In first communications! no war Job! good hours and nay. P 81. Ledger Office. TOOLMAKERS wanted: best wages In the, city to flrst rlsss men onW Apply J, F, Johnson " CoT. 2817 North lflth st. MAN wants position as collector, assistant cash ier or shipping clerk; good reference. A 28. Ledger Office 5IAN and wife, colored thoroughly exp . private family: reference 1733 Addison st SALESMAN, 15 years' experience Belling power machinery to farmers and merchants, desires change. J 1150, Ledger Central. YOUNO MAN Age 20. 0 jears' business ex- nr!tnro. iifflre manager and credit man; quick, accurate and careful bookkeeper: not afralil of work; efficient In up-to-date cost systems, handling correspondence and detail oftlce supervision, best references from em- ployer lust retiring J 041 Ledger Central YOUNO MAN, knowledge of stenography, de sires position with chance of advancement, can furnish Al reference. i J flSL Jrfd. Cent POSITION wanted by middle-aged man to attend Invalid gentleman; rots. A 23, Ledger Office. THE MCDOWELL Dressmaking School; easy, modern methods; amall payments. 307 DencklaBulldlng. 11th nnd Market Bts. LATEST styles ln summer dresses and gowns: fancy suits specialty; reas. s. Kessler, 270 s. eoth. . GOWNS REMODELED; high-grade work only. Phone Soruce 2223. WANTED ANTIQUE FURNITURE, false teeth, feather beds, broken icwelry. .gold, silver, diamonds . bought.- 73.'. Wttlout. , .Walnut 7U20.' Est. 1800. BROKEN JEWELRY false teoth. pistols coins.! Coin books.wlth prices I pay, mailed. 15c. J.n. Boss (People's Storo). 2(0 Spilth., Wnl.. 4480. CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED ' OUR SPECIAL OFFER FOR CLEAN-UP WEEK, 'MAY 22 TO 2T WE WILL PAY YOU I EXTRA IirGII CASH PRICES FOR I Men's summer or winter clothing, hats. shoes and other wearing apparel, also ladles' street dresses and evg. gowns. WE ARE THE LARGEST DEALERS Sell direct to ua and get more money. WRITE. CALL OR PHONE 11ARKET 20DO for our list of prices before you sell. We call city or suburban, day or night. SELIGSOHN. cor. 8th and Spring Garden. FOR SALE EDISON TALKING MACHINES H-PRICE. 1100 Outfits Now ISO $73 putttta Now 37 $50 Outfits Now ii May Clean-up Sale of slightly used Edison and Columbia Talking Machines, all makes at hi the regular price: can bo paid for aa low as f0 cents weekly. Call or write at once for complete lists. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES. Cor. 0th & ThompsonStS; EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MISS MARY T. MCCARTHY. 2107 Christian Loc. 13031. supplies and wants lstc!ass Prot., Cath.. male and female help, all nationalities. WANTED Cooks, chambermaids and child nurses, Rose Dougherty, 1313 W. Glrard ave. AUTOMOBILES For Sale WANTED FIRST-CLASS MAN TO DO TFNS ; SttRFACINOi MUST BE ABLE TO TvnKRYPTOKS; in' r rntr A x" PEVNSYL- vania! give Preference ANgsAL- ARY F.XPEOTFD IN FIRST LETTER. ADDRESS M 320, LEDGER OFFICE. WANTED Brass and Iron molders, brass and Iron coremakers, brass flnlsherst wood and mtal patternmarkers. foundry helpers and Riii n hours: ooen shop: no labor trou hi.; good factory condltlona and nest of wages: enlarging Plant. See our represents tlys, 28 West Sharnnack st. Hours n. 00 to 1.00 ami 4-00 to 7:0". Bell phone. Oermantown B027. WANTED MAN to learn railway work, as 23 to 8fl: slngla man preferred: roust have fair iaucatlon. with pleasing personality; work out ejuc"'l. ".' ..larv of ITS Mr month to Bdr'2 & VS. " WANTEnFRPMPTLY. an efficient operator on hydraulic elevator tor oiuco uuiiuiii iiu c njrur -,QMT MmM,nt. ahout 2S var. CHASSIS We have a few cheap cars of which tha chassis would be very suitable for truck or delivery work of any kind; don't fall to rome in ana iouh uivm u.ri . ju nam Boineining at a bargain ntfcto&nfig W' "514 Market st. Locust 4sn jyl.A. JENKS. Mgr. Exchange Car Dept ANTIQUE FURNITURE IlHIU-A-UKAt; 032 CHESTNUT ST, BILLIARD. POOL, combination, second hand. bought, sold, rented exchanged; repairing; supplies LAFE KEAIER. American manufac turer. 320 Glrard ave. Phono Kens. 2313. BILLIARD" AND POCKET TABLES Also bowling nllevs: easy payments. BRUNS-JWlCK-ia:-tOLLENDEIlCO., 100J Arch. I1ILLIARD. pool tables, new, "second-hand bowl- Ins alleys; easy payments. Rosatto-Barry. Street Co., 222 S 6th St.. phone. Wal. 2281. $20,60 VICTROLA VI and 8-10 In. D. F. Records, guaranteed to be In perfect condi tion. An excellent outfit for one who Is look ing for a gpod machine at a reasonable price. Fifty cents weekly accepted. Call or write for complete descriptions and large Illustrated catalogues. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES. Cor. 0th & Thompson Sts. CAST-OFF CLOTHING We nro in great need of cnst-off clothing and will pay extra good prices for gentlemen's! cast-off clothing, shoes, etc, We call any where promptly. Cull, write or phone. SAStUEL COOPER. 1010 pirard ave. Bell phone. Ponlar C342. CAST-OFF CLOTHING OF ANY KIND BOUGHT: HIGHEST PRICES GUARANTEED. GET OUR K8TI MATE BEFORE SELLING. WRITE, CALL OR PHONE, WALNUT 08111. ; 3CHULTZ. 2tl N. OTII. CAST-OFF CLOTHING Hlgheat prices paid for Indies' tnd mn's clothing, hots shoes, eto. PhoneJoplarJ)891. Blacker.1230Poplar; FURNITURE. pianos, carpets; antiques; entire or part houses bought for cash: no matter how large. J. Bernstein. 1354 Rldge nve. NEWSPAPERS, magazines, rags, rubbers, met als; out-of-town shipments solicited. Write for Prices, shipping directions and tags, NORTH ENN PAPER CO. 5031 Race at.. Phlla. OLD GOLD Caeh paid for old gold, sliver, an. tlque clorkar'wlll call. Bell phone, 'Locust 1210. ROPERS. 27 3 17th St. RAOS, IRON, METAL .II'NK. Out-of-town shipments solicited. PROBINSKY, 5001 Vine. ALL READY FOR CLL'AN.UP WRRIC We buy any kind of junkl auto truck will call! drop postal: Keystone phone. Industrial Metal il-4 .-1 Co 21 Wvaluelng ave. MUST HAVE furniture, all kinds; store fix tures, stocks of goods, merchandise of every descrlntlon snot cash. X'hono Walnut 3309. Spayd'a. 821 Walnut. CASH REGISTERS bought, sold, leased, ex. changed, repaired, replated. Supplies. New ana mciury ruuum. ioiv loiai auaers. aa low aa $30.,, Call and see our lulu models. Itegisters soiaanu le&seci ny us on easy pay ments -and fully guaranteed. TUB NATIONAL CASH REOISTER CO. 730 CHESTNUT STREET. ROOMS TOR RENT ARCH. 2021 (The Diamond) Nicely furn. single and double rooms, with hot and cold running water. 12.23 and f3 per week; investigate. r-ATlIATtlMK. 50.17. convenient to car lines N'lcalv ; telephone, furnished rooms; CHESTNUT. 0210 Second story front rooms private porch: also parlor; private entrance: running water: conveniences; phone. UllESTNUT, "1027 Large front room, with bath, nicely furnished: hot and cold water: also single, room, near bath. BUICK S-passenger touring, self-starter, fully equipped; demountable rim. extra tiro and rtmi One shape; bargain, Uawley Motor Car Co.Vaa3 N. Broad. j BUICK 1013 S-passenger touring car; rebuilt and repainted; excellent conditions bargain. JsJki!,'-?-c'I,JraL CADILLAC. 1014. touring car. overhauled and Sepalnted: full equlpmenti price $850. AUTO ALES CORPORATION. 142 N. Broad st. CAHTEIt CAR. 1015 Taurine 8, BOWERS Co.. "43 N. Broad st, COLE Distributors P""h-it man. competent, about 23 of andufurnlsh undoubted reference. Slv L 803 Ledger Office. r years A P- BOY. bright, in office of large, manufacturing concern: $4 to start. J 1)31. Ledger Cent Vi caBpenters wanted on con. UUUTEi luaoiiiuwiun. ivu t-xift NiaHT; JN u.nu ouin. nlv ikm lujvv.! Q.tr .. - -.,. ,, lull J STEADY WORK. .LONG JOB! UNIO! hcauu; TOOLS. TION CO, 3; NO STRIKE. APPLY WITH 1.' p. W. MARK CONSTRUc CO.. 1820 HAMILTON ST. CARPENTERS wanted tor general work; Ply in person or 1 Co.. menoiqen. ra. H. K. MuM CARPENTERS wanted Apply 1114 a v.. aa5 Calumet at. CAKI'KNTEBS wanted. Apply N. W. cor. Sta Brown. WOOD-WORKINO MACHINE HANDS DOUBLE HEAP. MOULDERS STICKER HANDS FITTIN.O-UP SAWYERS ROUGH RIP SAWYERS FACING-MACHINE OPERATORS CABVINO-MACHJNH OPERATORS 48-HOUR-FBR-WEEK SCHEDULE Physical examination necessary. APPLY VICTOR TALKING MACHINE CO. Application office. 89 Cooper at. CAMDEN. NEW JERSEY. ,5g3iOI!Fia-t HUDHONS Rebuilt and guaranteed. Phaetons.' Roadsters and Cabriolets, elec. light and jtarters. OOMERY-SCHWARTSS. 253 N.Hroad. LOCOMOBILE Landaulette, 1813. u cylinder": splendid condition; $1230. J 747, Ledger Cen' tral VELIE. Model 0. -IS H. P.. 4-cyllnder. late lOlli full electrlo lighting and starting equipment: Due-iiiii ".'"' vm.. ui, viiuivyeqi just been overhauled and painted; positively right win aemonstrate any time DESKS SAFES Typewriter, bookkeeper' desks, filing cabinets. tele, booths, files, safes, household furniture. Duling Central '."d-Hand Furniture Co , VOL OUU-JUCaJlowhllt PhoneFJJtrt 4108.J DESKS. niliiB cabinets, safes, telephone booths and offlco furniture and fixtures of every de- acrlptlon: used, but In fine condition, and very cheap; free delivery anywhere. HUGHES.. UTJI.ANP JiUSTONWSOD ISSV00 I.ROB TALKINQ MACHINES Co. lumbla) with cabinet for holding machine and 200 records. This outfit Is finished In a beautiful quartered oak, and cost new 184. Can .be paid for at the rata of 73 canta weekly. This is an excellent bargain, as It Is In first-class, condition, equal to new. Write, for, complete list .of bargain end special 30 da) a' free trial offer. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES, Cor, Stb & Thompson Sts. In verv respect: and anywhere, a bargain at $073. liroao sv. ruymr iqjtf. 803 N. FOLDING CHAIRS NEW & USED SOLD & RENTED uiiiviifc k-v-....w. ... . v. u.i, at vine, STONE. CHESTNUT. 2000 WELL - FURNISHED JtOOMSj PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. CHESTNUT, 200.1 Attractive rooms, single or en suite; pr(yatebath; running water; ref KINGSESSINO AVE.. 4320-Slttlng room, with sleeping porchjother rooms Owner, LOCUST, "inol LAltaE. AIRY ROOMS. SlfL ILE OR EN BtltTK LOCUST 1323 J. bPRUCErillS Second front, beautifully furn.t other vacancies; running water, electrlo light. SPRUCE, 1337 Suites, with bath, slng.a rooms, offlresr steam heat: elec. ; reasonable. SPRUCE. 1220 LARGE, AIRY ROOMS. BIN GLEJ3R DOUBLE; BOARD OPTTONAL. 32I ST.. N , 23202 rooms and kitchenette, run- nlng water; separate meter; near Park. BIST S.. 32 Nicely furnish rooms) all cor? venlencea; phone Belmont 377H J; 210 WEST LOOAN SQUARE Desirable vacancleai references required 042 N. 13TH 2 rms., bath, heat andl!ght J20jper month. TAULANE, 000 Walnut st COZY 2room auitet private bath: newly deco. rateq tront suite, j-none x.ocuai ii.ina. larse airy OWNER will irent barhetor ant . 2 rooms, bath: 2023 Ssruce. Locust 1603 3. BOARDINQ FOUNDATION stroeis. lltb and Oirard WARREN DETROIT f-passenger touring car'; a,1 Annltnn arrurvjl tirau Vin a-a Ins ..tiT T fitwi.rMT.V c-aT co"efiti"Wr&Ttr"- 1015 PIERCE-ARROW. tl-4S chal. inn E-M-P PARTS 8CHOBER. 3341-43-45 MARKET SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN" .v uocis t.Ans OORSON AUTO EXCHANGE. 2J8 N. BROAD. AUTO LIVERY AND OARAGES TO HUIH (open day and night), brand-new B-pasa. touring car. with robes. $1.23 hr. : also brand-new f-pass. ltmouslae. 11.80 hr.! weddings, funerals. Poplar 1817. 1713 airard. FELTON akrtknm W. 5WaNA.?P.aL"lAR!? --Ya wa"-v wimwi ua. BUY MOISTER , Portable Oaragea Steel or" i tsecty Oa dbsly B831 N. (Us. Tluca 23SL Ftrenroof: 00 slightly uuj, nil !. SAFES and makes; big bargains. 2 la f,-. till St.. rtw,cii l-s rn.nu vios. LOT PF second-hand awnings. 11U o en at- BrilcCurdy, HEATING MAKIN-KELSEY HEALTH JIEAT !' better and cheaper than steam or hot-water. Pure fresh air with normal moisture. MAKJN. KEI.BEY, B N. 18th at.. Phlla.- MACHINERY ANP TOOLS YOCOM FRICTION CLUTCH pulley has power, convenience and durability; special features make It applicable to a wide range of machine control. SHAFTING and. MACHINE WORKS. 145 North Seoond2JAMES jroCOMASONT' ' POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam .and oil is- ti it1, a CONCRETB MIXER., lbaa if a MIL WAUKEE. Ask tha man thst use one: he know? CHABLE3 BONO CQUP4NT VsM CATHARINE. 6017-10 Boarding, furnished and, unfur rooms, with board; table bdrs. desired. CHESTNUT, 314,2 Two roomi und bath, boari two. $18; two rooms, 114; klagle. $7 to $i0;0o. V.HK8TNUT ST, cor. 20th (The Margrave!- Vacancies, permanent or transient! sup, board. 8PRUCB. 1028-30 2d-floor auite . prlvata""Uatb7 choice table board Walnut 7255 W " SPRUCE. 122.4-20 Furnished rooms, prlvata baths; table board Walnut 7171 VT "'w 19TII. N.. 008 Well-"furn. front room. 2t ex. ceptlonal table board. JPoptar 2311 W. SUUUK11AN PRIVATE FAMILY offers room and board to ftrl. with home prlv. ; terms reas.; location to -ogan: ret, required P 8ul Ledger OIHc. " THE SHIPPEN Wayne and Hani berry i-ir.'t" class In appolntroenta and servlos. ' NEW JERSEY SEAStlOHB ATLANTIC CJTY California ave 27 8,, L tractive house. com rooms, llnJaMe. wJtNOR N J : Vacluclw for jUat utT Cottaga. (S North New 1 liven, COUNTRY BOARDERS WANTBU IftSSS BEAUTf FUL VlneUnd Attract, frm Ut 3s toca VWJ f Siwai use, bMUMHIl ffft If OtfcM CI Aid w XMBUrMam y