EVENING LEDGER-PmLADELPHlA, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1956. 15 Q J nmY WYNNE IS INTERESTED TN 1 1 1-1-411 1 1 .. . . .. iiAiarJii AriVAUt IN GERMANTOWN riioil Park, the Beautiful Old Wister House and Place to Be Used This Afternoon and Evening for the jaenejub 01 wormy Uharities lA. lately garden fete to bo held Ihla lrnoon on the famoUS "Ulster estate at K-mon Plc," Germantown, The thins iy it... Din an mnriv wnrtiiv FT, roil B90 """ " -i.,ttta and there ia only ono May nnd tea" . ... ., nn,i ihnrn voli Imvn efito in eacu jw. -- - w?u hv thorn la so much of thta jtt' . .. , nlr nn thin vnrv mlmiln. "f- Af tn mK RW'B "" " - ' Cinantown started things this year by CMIng the first of the out-of-doors fetes l: .... tmhorton Place on tne f!.. Today's doings aro Ltenanshlp of Miss Margaret Meller, to Is on tho governing board of the SLfclekon Boys' Club, nnd Mrs. Alexis ?" nnt Smith, who Js on tho board of Hie Morton oiruHt u.j ,...,.,,, ..u. ... ,a Vf these tyro charities tnai mo auair io 9th of undor tho 5 L, , being given. There nro to bo all . " . ii.MnH4ri TJrtm, virion nnil OL eXCIlBI"H-' ". ,um unu rides for tho kiddles and toys of Itads IS kinds of descriptions will bo sold by - Arthur Haines and a number of ablo gUtants. ftirtna of tha most notanio reaturcs will u tho tea garden, which will bo run by ! Herbert Wetherlll and Mrs. Fied Jjjj jiarlyn Dunn. In this wondrous f litis epaco tt cabaret show will bo a VpAUr of Interest during tho afternoon 4 tours from 4 until G o'clock, when thcro tlii be dancing, violin playing, singing f.ni varfous other entertainment for tho TMnard Mellor will preside over tho coun- trjr toro and Mrs. Bon Shoemaker will f law a beautiful flower booth. Another jt iDi for flowers and seeds will bo un- itt the etncioni caro ot jurs. wiuiam i yewhalll' Mrs. Hay and Mrs. Hclmar, ' uhllo still another will be run by Mrs. yrigglns and Miss Cndbury. ) ice cream cones, which aro tho latest crais for young nnd old and middle-sized, j -Hi be dispensed by Miss Dorothea Emlon J tai her charming bovy of aides, whllo visa Anna Johnson and Mrs. Harold X Evans will sell lemonade and other soft prinks. Mlss Aargaroi uainaway wm lave a booth for tho sale of calto and ( candy. r Among other persons Interested aro I J&j Shlppen Lewis, Mrs. John Copo, J; Jr., Mrs. Ellis Lea, Mrs, James M. Young, vrt,u TTrftrlnrlrri T.nwln Mrrt. T.lvlncrslnnn 5' Jones, Mrs. M. C. Kimber, Mrs. Trancls U Bacon, Mrs. Edward Walton Smith, : Mrs. Raoul E. Helmar,. Miss Margaret Cope, Mrs. Francis R. Strawbrldge, Mrs. f. diaries R. Day, Mrs. John T. Emlen, Mrs. WHIam E. Cadbury, Miss Susan Roberts, I Jflss Emma Allen, Miss Helen Snowden, t Mr. Walter T. Mooro, Mr. John T. Era BIen,Mr. Stanley R. Arnold, Mr. Robort D. Pripps and Mr. Walter Mellor. f, Well, tho cutest woo bird I over saw pbthb mlnuto sitting up flat against tho ,,'BSn or a lemon-coiorea atraw jiui uuuvu ?Ei forehead of one of tho most attractive Sjoung matrons you ever saw, and, what U more, ho Is a. parrot. Every whero Mrs. lady and Polly go every ono wnnts to know, "whero did you get that lamb of a parrot?" and then sho tolls them. "My rn'aSnfor1 '" TlLJ. " Valentine hna r&flltin..l m. W"I from a visit t R ? ?& ntn ' Clark ,mu Mr. and Mrs. F. Ambrose Clark nt their country place ftt Westbury, M-ie phol8raPh of Mrs Harry C. Thavtr on TU,.Teftred ln lh0 Evev'L LED0En Btudh T WftS ta!ten by th0 Bwhimch Along the Main Line wSvNn?7??-TMrS- Wlllla' Bym. o wherS Th0 tn.,..hr Bono.to Pittsburgh, for two weeks. h6r m,1,Cr' Mrfl- Lout' IB'b.?,th.n"r?r' ot Oermantown, Creator n? w"1 of Mlss Beatrice Kylo weekend. Wynnowo0(l "venue, over the Blnihaml?;SIr I"-1 Mrs- Frederick C. Ste111" th!Lr ,1,omo- 34 slmPson Mnv 2 "(1 ope,?. thelr cttage at Capo ot BcPtembeihay Wmal" ut.l the last mmi0tln,:o.Jpondln the spring and early Truf ,?' 'ft0 ol1 llobts Place 5 nnd M rfUo D P?Inn' -""ler of Mr ?n Tinr,CI?rSnco W Do111"' ha returned to nosomont from New York, whore sha returned from a fortnight's stay at Atlantic dear,,! went to a luncheon a few weeks ago and Mrs. G had tho cutest placo cards. On each ono wa3 fastened a wco bird, feathers and all, and I Just fell In f love with mine. So I unstuck him from the card and upstuck him on my hat, and I,, now wo go around overy whero together, ina have a wonderful time. Ho really Is f a icruraptuous birdie, so tiny and such iirllnir wee feathers, all smooth and soft ana" shiny, isn't he, and ho never pecks at UL" So if you meet tho lady and tho ,' tolly you will know him after thl3. Little Miss Polly Thayer, tho daughter tt Mrs. John B. Thayer, and who has Vneh decided musical talent, got up a 1 EMtcale at her homo out at Haverford If yesterday afternoon. Little Miss Polly tot only played herself, but asked several :tt her little friends to help her, and gave delightful party altogether. Of course, ler mother and many of her friends were Invited, and nvprv nnn lifirt n. snlendld ijtlme. NANCY WYNNE. Personals Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Davis May nn- , fotmco the engagement of Miss Margaret iAm May to Mr. Luther Rusacl Graves, 2d, it New York. ih. and Mrs. O. Tlrlnlnn T.ucafl. of Ttotfe- ptont, entertained at dinner Wednesday htjtnlng before the danco which Mr. and f. Arthur Atwater Kent gave. Their Keats were jIr. nmJ Mra Stanley M. Cox, -vf and Mrs- Alexander Henry Carver, ; HUs Natalie Lucas and Mr. Kenneth MacD. jCosklng-. ' ,lim. John Morgan Dentson gave an in Ijfmal luncheon Wednesday in honor of w mother, Mrs. Henry II. Ellison, of Jtoemont. lllfla T lltl ..lt. .9 r, -ar i. Vliln thn nmnll .l..ii.l,t..i. M irH .. lfm n ' v ".u UAUKfilCIO JL ml U11U AI44B. n brnlS Vy oulles' ot vlllanovo, have re- t? v ' aBnvuie, xenn., wnere iney 7" spenamg several weeks visiting ? EWlnST. their CTHtiHmnlhr . . .. t ioruedge, their place at Rosemont, will ? a. aance this evening, 'There will ua .?? "finers given before, one by Mr. B, .MBjuuig w, urumi', ttiBo vivo ur ir and Mm t trAaoiAV nTi,nt,Ati i irSho win entertain are Mr. and' Mrs. A00ert KClsn Pnflanl, XT.. HTn.la W Hnlaa H4 Mr, and Mrs. Charles' A, Munn, Jr. Ifp ftn.4 r a. . .. n. . favlv 2 rB' """ anarpiess atarr, oi ISrUi f are be,nB congratulated on the KihII u be remembered as Miss Marjorle Hiurdoclt, of Baltimore. l3j pnMylvanla Society of the Colonial S5i ? America will celebrate Its an- "" entertainment on Thnnul.v Tuna 1. Xt? P"f rlmaBa UP the Delaware River, swung the Castle of State in Schuylkill. jMUs Jessie Da. Costa, Miss Jane Hep. wa and Miss Lydla Clothier will give a StaTw H"lamn' on Saturday at Mr. and LZkout , Hepburn's home in Vlllanova, lottt as fuestg wlu be preaent Er. Inrt T. mm , . Maed tO ML Vernnn. hli- hnm In Mils ArArMr Ml"Itl11 Ewl"5 " mpmllni 2 FWln?' 134B rine st"et. are moving n0Thd1ays ln No,v York bcforo L 8Lt,l. ,helr country place. nd JIrs Frederick M Mitchell nro turned fVom am"' ?,Ietly DuI1!3 hav re- rewered EntHntlc Clty- Mrs Dulles s recovered from her recent Illness. Along the Reading nf; r"liMrs Fre3eri D. Owsley, for Va and 11" Ila"' AIbemarle County. Some vnnrn l"" tCCn "V'nB nbr0nd '' W.hlm S', ha' movctI t0 Barrowdalo, Wnshlnton lano, Rydnl, their new country Barr01hCh1thcy haV0 reccnt'y Purchased Barron dalo Is one of the most beautiful es tales in tho Huntingdon Valley. Cvtv,?!"!3' H,arry A' Thompson, of Cynwyd, Pa, have Just moved to their now country scat, Cleverly lane, Rydal. West Philadelphia MnMlf.A C. Robinson, of St. Louis, onn'J?. w ub?on ending a year at tho tT.rnJi HoB.Pta'. '" La Panne, Belgium, re turned on the steamer Lafayette, and is ?Pen1? Hf VX2 daya wIth Mlss Elizabeth Long at 5128 Irving street Miss Ruth Moshcr, of Now Rochello, N. Y Is the guest of Mlss Helen Dcmpsey. of 4431 Baltlmoro avenue. Miss Clements Amy, who was the week-end guest of Mlss Dempsey, has returned to her home ln Now York. Mlss Marlon Hicks, of 6255 Arch street, Is a member of tho party who are planning to motor to Richmond, Va., on Saturday, to spend Decoration Day, as tho guests of Mr. and Mrs Roy Nickerson. The other guests will bo Mlss Mabel Stanton, Mlss Carolina Arnold, Mr. Frank Bearse, Mr Emory Simmons and Mr. Robert Webster a brother of Mrs. Nickerson. Miss Mary Walsh, of 6253 Arch street, gao a donkey party in hep homo in Wednesday evening for tho benefit of the Church of St. Mary Star of the Sea, of Branchdnle. About 50 guosts were present. North Philadelphia Mrs- Frank S Henvls, 1315 Louden street. Logan, gave a luncheon on Tuesday. The guests were Mrs. D. Galley. Mrs O. Rusch man, Mrs. F. Young, Mrs. L. Letchner, Mrs T. McAnu. Mrs. T. E. Beck, Mrs. F, Simmons, Mrs Baum, Mrs. John Johnston, Mrs. John Stortz and Mrs. Raymond Myers. Mrs Charlotte Tyson, of 1742 North 22d stroot, Is visiting friends ln Boston, Mass. Mrs. Albert W. Bauer, of 2232 North Park avenue, entertained at luncheon and cards on Tuesday. Mlss Helen Knight, Mrs. R. W. Wennor, Mrs. Mertlco Shrlver, Mrs. Russell Wilson, Mrs. H. Rex Stack house, Mrs. William R. Blair and Mlss Stoop were the guesta Mr. and Mrs. I. Newton Smith, of 1917 North Broad street, left on Wednesday for Chelsea, where they will occupy their cot tage on Hillside avenue. Mrs. William H. Smith, of North Broad street, with her son-ln-Iaw and daughter, Doctor and JIrs. Comegys, will leave on June 1 to spend the summer at their Chel sea cottage on Belmont avenue. AIDES AT THE GARDEN FETE TO BE HELD AT MERION TODAY OCEAN TO BE UNLOCKED AND BATHERS SAFE xxooowe f5S, S t7. Weddings FERBER MARK. The wedding of Mlsa Ellznboth Mark, daughter of Mr nnd Mrs Samuel Mark, of 3235 A street, to Mr. William Fcrber, son of Mr, nnd Mrs. Jncob ir Ferbor, of 4202 North Reese street, took placo on Wednes day. Tho ceremony was performed by tho Rev Robort William, of the Alpha Baptist Church, Hancock nnd York streets. Mlss Florence Ferbor, a sister of tho bridegroom, was maid of honor and Mr. Samuel Kelloy, a cousin, was bCBt man A reception fol lowed nt tho home of the bride's parents. After nn extended wedding Journoy Mr. and Mrs Ferber will be at homo aftor July 1 at 4202 North Reese street Germantown Mr. and Mrs. William S. Lloyd, of 233 Harvey street, will entertain at dinner to night In honor of Commnndant Robert Lee Russoll, of tho Philadelphia Navy Yard, and Mrs. Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Max Goettncr, of B1G1 Wakefield street, nnnounco tho engagement ot their dnughter, Mlss Catherlno Qoettner, to Mr. Frank Bernard Droughmnn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Droughman, of 1420 Erie avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John Hall Rankin, of WIs sahlckon avenue and Horttor street, will give a danco this evening nt their homo ln honor of tholr small daughter, Mlss Cornelia Rankin. About 80 boys nnd girls from tho school set will bo present. The commencement exorcises of tho Wal nut Lano School will begin tonight with a dance. Tomorrow thero will be a mu slcalo by the members of tho Bchool, In cluding violin, mandolin, vocal and piano selections, also readings by members of tho elocution class Tho senior bonfire will end the festivities of the day On Monday the Alumnae Association luncheon will take place at tho school, the members nftor ward being entertnlned nt a garden tea by tho principal, Mlss S Edna Johnson. Tho senior class will at that time meet tho mem bers of the Alumnae Association. Tho same afternoon there will bo the finals In the tennis tournament Cups will bo awarded to the winners In singles and doublos ClaBS night will bo celebrated the same evening nt 8 o'clock On Tuesday the Senior play, "A Thousand Years Ago," will bo glen In tho garden, tho weathor per mitting. On Wednesday morning tho grad uating exercises will take place at 11:30 In tho Music Hall, when tho Rev. William Bcatty Jennings will be the speaker. Mrs. William Scott Hendorson, of 6320 Jefferson street, Germantown, entertained at luncheon and cards on Wednesday after noon. I lor guests were Mrs. William If. Wilson, Mrs. James Hnggcrty, Mrs. Praul, MrB. Prlchard, Mlss Molly Prlchard, Mrs. Choster Hobson, Airs. Morton Hlrsch and Mrs. Dickinson Shaw. SteS. LS 0rA7AW CHESTNUT HILL ACADEMY TO HOLD CLASS DAY EXERCISES Musical Clubs of School Gave Their Annual Commence ment Concert Last Night in the Gymnasium Tioga Dr. and Mrs. Frank O. Gross, of 1816 West Erie atomic, hae issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Mlss Evelyn Winifred Gross, to Mr. Robert James Robertson, Jr., on Tuesday, June 6, at 7 o'clock, In tho Tioga Presbyterian Church, 10th and Tioga streets. The cere mony will be followed by a reception at the Rlttenhouse. At home cards are Inclosed for Saturdays, October 14 and 28, at 1816 West Erie avenue. Mr. and Mrs. William Hugh McConnell, Jr., have returned from their wedding jour ney and will receive after June 1 at their new home, 6932 Marvlne street. The bride, who was Mlss Edith Mary Lower, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pray Lower, of 2342 West Tioga street, will give a luncheon lon Saturday, June 3. Her guests will be Mlss Florence Williams, Wiss uorotny Wardle, Mlss Llda Yerkes, Mlss Katharine Wltte, Mlss Vera Wolrell. Mies May Tay. lor, Mlss Aqhsah Yates, Mlss Vera West, coat, Mlss Marguerite Wilson and Mlss Emily Winkler, MfiTVLT' ana WU enterta n every da ln f " the Horse Show, 'tort i,Mra- "Warren Robbing, of New IfcSfZ LlM Ethel Harriman, of Wash. Iua 3r'Jy- "III be the guests of Mr, E,,JClutlM Munn, at Woodcrest, "kr. during Hbrsa Show -weak. Itorace Btoney Hare, ot Harford, i rmurnea from a wee&'e stay York. i Mrs. 0, CoJegbury j?ryes, iM Roxborough An attractive lawn feto and flower mnrt will bo held tomorrow on tho lawn of tho Roxborough Presbjtorlan Church, Ridge and Port Royal avenues. The booths will be decorated with bunting and Japanese lanterns The entertainment Is ln charge of Mrs. William F. Steele, Mlss May Patton, MIsb Sarah McAllister, JIrs. John Broker, Mrs. Benjamin Shrack, Mlss Grace Wilkin son, Mrs. John Fluck. Mrs Fannie Hamil ton. Mrs. Emma Schofleld, Mlss Emma Knaup. Mrs. Whalley Sauers, Mrs John Lex, Mrs. Howard Banman, Mrs. Harry Salmon and Mrs. John Ranford. Navy Yard Affairs Lieutenant Homor H. Norton, U. S. N.. and Mrs Norton will have as their guest for about a week Mrs. William Leo Pryor, wlfo of Lieutenant Commander Pryor, U. S. N., who is now making her home in Newport. Mrs. E. A. Fernald, of Pensacola, Fla , will como to tho city next week to be the guest of her daughter, Mrs Raymond S. Koyes, wife of Lieutenant Commander Keyes, U. S. N., of 2102 Shunk street. South Philadelphia (icTsr" Frankford Mrs. W. Winner is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John A. Clarke, of 415 Bor beck street. Fox Chase. Mrs. Brechter and her grandson, of 2146 East Cumberland street, are spending the week in New York. What's Doing Tonight Philadelphia Today and Tomorrow Exposi tion, Commercial Museum, Municipal Band concert. Vernon park, Qer mantown and Cheltea avenues. PreDaredneas rally.. 8t. Thomaa Bchool Hall, 18th and llorrla street. Temple Unlveralty dinner, Adelphia, Hotel. La Halls College entertainment, Broad Street Theatre. Graduation exercl of th National School of Oratory. New Centurr Drawing- Kooma, 8 Natural Scltnca Nlrtlol the Natural ScJer. Society oi the Central, High School, Awembly Hall ot tha achool, b o'clock. arand Lodge. Judaic Union, memorial aarv tc. Beth Iaraet Bynagogue. Graduation axerclaea Chestnut HlU Academy. I Matin for th Society page will be e I Noyeea ior ."".'IL jh- vtaUs Ledger. Eir.1i .uth'oti. Bt srtgfl'.P JIM ". pw .sh.t.g- G'Dh-0-A3 s!4a of ha pi lon to ', "$a&,B! StO? SilSl t'hiitunt itresl. ulrtatnti "? bFtwaaia, Soetoty flint '! J Victims M?& HBw? lHLiaKk CLASS DAY exercises of tho graduating boys of Chestnut Hill Academy will tnko plnco this nfternoon on tho school campus nt St Martin's. Tonight tho dol ing exercises will bo held In tho gymnasium nnd tho addresses to tho graduates will bo mado by WlUlam Lyon Phelps, Ph. D , pro fessor of English literature of Yale Uni versity. In ncordanco with tho precedent established two years ago, diplomas will not bo awnrded to members of tho graduat ing class until tho second week of June, following the final examination. I.nst night tho musical clubs gave their annual commencement concert ln the gym nasium The Gleo Club, led by Archibald Ellas, gao throe unusually good numbers and the Mandolin Club, tho leader of which is W. H. Romotsch. also rendered three se lections. Thero wero three solos, banjo, by Mr. Kenneth W. Day; mandolin, by Mr. Cheston Clark, Jr., and violin solo, by Mr. Gavin Wathon The school quartet, con sisting of Mr. J M. Gaston, Mr. E W. Tay lor, Jr., Mr. Stanley Woodward and Mr. R G. Farles, were encored several times. The concert closed with tho singing of tho school song, by both undergraduates and graduates. Mombors of tho Glee Club include Mr. Gaston, Mr. Jamison, Mr. Landenberger, Mr. RIegel and Mr. Stewart, Mr. Dent. Mr. Henderson, Mr. Ludersson, JIr. Megargeo, Mr. Oroblowskl and Mr. Wolstenholme, Mr. C. Bailey, Mr, EUas, Mr. Elliott, Mr. R. Tarles, Mr. Klngsloy, JIr. Rometsch and Mr. T. Wharton On the Jlandolln Club nro JIr. E. C. Clark, JIr. Hcbard, Mr. Kings- ley, JIr. Jlegargeo, JIr. Rometsch, mando lins; JIr. Hatfield and Mr. Pancoast, vio lins; Mr. IC. JI Day, banjo; Mr. Landen berger, drum: JIr. Cramp and Mr. D. S. Jamleson, of the faculty, wore at the piano. Nearly, five hundred young people at tended the Jlay hop given by the Young Women's Hebrew Association last night at the new Towers Hall. Broadway and Pine Btreets, Camden. Tho hall was beautifully decoratod. Tho committee Included JIlss Julia Silver, Mlss Lillian Kline, JIlss Jlay Tletlman, JIlss Elizabeth Getzov and JIlss Dora Lewis. THE Philadelphia Marching Club of Camp No. 60, Patriotic Order Sons of America is holding one of the largest and most attractive carnivals that has ever been held In the 2lBt Ward. The affair opened on Wednesday on tho athletic grounds at Rector, Mitchell and Pensdate streets, and will continue until June 3. There aro large booths, decorated with flowers and Japanese lanterns, for the sale of fancy articles, and the usual merry-go rounds and outuoor entertainments, a special pro gram has been arranged for Jleraorial Day when tho principal address will be made by JIr. C. B. Helms, candidate for State Sec retary of the association. Among- those assisting at the carnival aro Mr. H. 1 Helms, chairman of the marching club; JIr. Charles Slater, secretary; Mr, Joseph Slss ler, treasurer; Mr, and Mrs. Hiram L. Wynne, Dr. and Mrs. H. K. White, Mr. Joseph Dlrkln, Jfrs. Walter Dutton, JIrs. Clayton Struse, Mrs. C. O. Struse, Mlss Myrtle Black, Mrs. H. F, Helms, JIrs. Jo seph Sissler, Mrs. Harry Steele, Mrs. Rob ert Wilde, Mrs. Edward Rambo and JIlss Helen Jones, An unusu&l birthday celebration was held Wednesday night when Mr. F, Albert Schaefer, of 447 Dauphin street, gave a party in honor of his twin daughters, JIlss Frances May and Mlss Anna Jlay, who had just reached 14 years. During the party JIr, Schaeter announced his engagement to Mlss Emma Lusch, of 1948 North Gratz street The marriage will take place on June 1, One of the guests was JIr. Echaefer's sister, Mrs. Mary Peters, of Sacramento, Cal. The Willy Club of South Philadelphia held Its first meeting on Tuesday. The offl cers elected were JIlss Emma E. Guarlnl, president; Mlss Juliet E. Zecca, secretary, and Mlss Angelln A. Zecca, spartre. The remaining members are Mlss Erslda S. Cipollo, JIlss Carmell J. Christopher, Mlss Elvira E. Pelosi and Mlss Tereslna A. Pascuccio. bratlon of the first ofllclal birthday anni versary of tho County Sllgo branch of tho Federation of Irish County Societies of Philadelphia, tho proceedings being fittingly supplemented by tho Installation of officers for tho coming year. Tho oxocutlve board for the coming year Is composed of the following: President, JIr. Jnmes P. Hlggins; vlco president. JIr. B. Coon ; treasurer, JIr. James Nollnnoy ; financial secretary, JIr. John Sneo ; record ing secretary, JIr. John Gllmartln ; steward, JIr. JIartIn Cowley; sorgeant-at-arms, JIr. Thomas Costello; sentinel, JIr. T Cnssldy. Tho Installation was accompanied by appro priate ceremonies. The services of the re tiring president JIr. William Rafter, and his colleagues In ofllce were ouloglstlcally referred to in many happy speeches. A muslcalo given recontly at North Ponn Included songs by JIlss Jlerthn Brlnker d'Abltos, also JIlss JIarlon Posoy, JIlss Ruth L. Swnrtley, a contralto; Mr. R. O. Wlldrlck. JIr. Frederick Ellis, Jlnster Our noy JIattox and JIr. JInhlon Ynrdloy, plnnlst, contributed to a delightful pro gram. THE Girls' Guild, of Graco Church, 41st street and Leldy avonuc, gave Its last so cial, when it entortalned tho Boys' Club of the church on Tuesday evening. Mrs J. G. Hooven, tho directress of the guild, assisted by the Rev. T. Lesllo Gossllng and JIrs. Gossllng, wns successful In making the young people enjoy themselves to the fullest extent. Among those present were Kiss Lillian Senat, Mlss Sarah Walker, Miss Rena Rennle, JIlss Pearl Neely, JIlss Helen Paul, JIlss Violet G L Ordlsh, JIlss Helen Cltft, JIlss Martha Ronnie, Mlss Doro thy Cllft, JIlss JIargaret Hooven, Mlss Lily C. Ordlsh, JIlss Pauline Rennlo, Mlss Bea trice Cllft JIlss Helon Logan, Mlss Dorothy Phillips, JIlss JIargaret Karchcr, JIlss Bea trice Salvador, JIlss Anna Powell, Mr Wal ter Troxell, JIr. Thomas Church, JIr Frank Motherwell, JIr Edmund Carr, Mr. Redman Hance, JIr. Wendell Kneass, JIr, William Walker, JIr. Joseph Zang, JIr. Walter Diet rich, JIr. Crawford Gordon, Mr, Edmund Robins, JIr. Robert Dlckerson, JIr. Alexan der Ray, JIr Kenneth Hannlngton, JIr. Lloyd Senat, Mr. Francis Nell, JIr. Russell Grafllns and Mr. William Harvey. A surprise party was given by JIlss F. RublnBteln at her home, 21S8 North 27th street, Tuesday evening. In honor of her guest, JIlss Rose Krengel, of Now York. The guests present wero JIr. Jlorrls Rubln Bteln, JIr, Benjamin Rublnstoln, Mr, A. Rich man, JIr. Benjamin and Mr. Philip Cramer, JIr. Samuel Segal, Mr L. Rubinstein, Mr. JI Jllchnels, JIr. Izzldor Saldman, JIIbs Bessie Clark, Mlss Sarah Rubin, JIlss Ltlllo nnd JIlss Sophie Wolner, JIlss Rose Sladko, JIlss Fannie Rubinstein. JIlss Roso Krongcl and JIr. Maurice Rubinstein gave "an exhibition dnnce. MIbs F. Rubinstein played n harp solo, Mlss S. Rubin gave a piano solo, and JIr. Benjamin Rubinstein played tho violin. AMUSEMENTS Globe Mimical Comedy Thonrvn maiikkta JLllCauXC JUNIPER STfl VA UDBVILLE Continuous li A. M to 11 P M. 10c. 15c. 25c. Millinnnirp Son ?ndwajr Fovorltei Werner-Amoros Troupe And Other Weil-Known Vaudovilllana STANLEY MARKET Ab letb 11.18 to 11:15 Mae Murrav In First Prwentntlon of David Belaacoa "SWEET KITTY BELLAIRS" Added Attractions Charlie Chaplin In "Police. OoldberB'a Animated Cartoon, "Leap Year." Views IUttenhouae Square Flower Market TT l .?. MARKET ABOVE OTH Victoria rs "THE SPELL OF THE YUKON" Added Wm Collier In "NO-GOOD OUY" AL1, NEXT WEEK DOUDliE BILL, WM 8 HAIIT tn "THE PItlMAL, L,Unn" C1IAUL1B CHAPLIN In 'POLICE" PALACE 121a MARKET 10c 20c 10 A. M. to 11:10 P. M. Dustin Farnum ,n "David Garrick" AT 10)40, 12:00, 2:10, 4, 0, TUB and 0:30. CHESTNUT BELOW 16th Bessie Barriscalt AND WM. DESMOND In "NOT MY SISTER" Arcadia LOCUST BSD AND LOCUST STS. rRANCIB X. BUSHMAN "MILLION A MINUTE." "DIPT Trr"MT B2D ABOVE MARKET JtSJilljlVlUlN J. CHARLIE CHAPLIN In the FLOORWALKER and Gladys Haneon In "The Straight Road." First Appearance of Twenty Life Guards to Go on Duty Sunday ATLANTIC CITY, May 25.The Atlan tic Ocean will be officially unlocked on Sunday morning at 6 6'eloclc when SO life guards, the first Vanguard of the hundred men who care for the bathers each nuni mcr, will ko on duty. Summer girls are on the qui vtve to know iust what fornl of nqueous habiliments will be ln vogue this season, nnd whether or not It will be perfectly prdper to bathe without hosiery. Mrs. Albert H. Darnell entertained nt brldgo at tho Holmhurst yesterday after noon, and Mrs. E. Gray Pendleton will give a luncheon and bridge this afternoon nt the Hotel Chelsea. Mrs. Emory Marvel and Mlss Lulu Hub bard Marvel have Issued cards for a lunch eon and bridge nt the Hotel Chelsea on Thursday, June 8, Mrs. Maurice D. Youngman Is spending a week with her son-in-law nnd daughter Mr. and Mrs. James Ferguson, of Ardmore, Mrs. Ferguson gavo a large bridge party In honor of her guest yesterday atternoon Mrs. Savery Bradley and Mrs. Walt P. Conaway havo gone to Buck Hill Falls for a fortnight. Mrs. 11. E, Van Nostrum opened her Cholsea cottage on Wednesday, Mrs. John Call nnd her daughter. Mrs. Oscar Brophy, came down on Tuesday and leased a cottage on South Sovereign nve nue for the summer, They will arrive early In June. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Rogers will en tertain a houso party of Fhlladelphlans over tho woek-end at their cottage, 4703 Vcntnor avenue. Their guests will Include Mlss Lenoro ICay, Mlss Ellen Bell Smith, Mlss Elizabeth Walsh, Mr. Joseph Tlnney, Mr. Samuel Marshall and Mr. Samuol "Walsh. AMUSEMENTS JOIN THE CROWD AND VISIT THE PHILADELPHIA TODAY AND TOMORROW CIVIC EXPOSITION Auditorium Building: Commercial Muaeum 84 th tret below Spruce OPEN 10 A. M. TO 10 P. M. Reetaurnnt lturpJ moUng pictures. 100,000 SQUARE FEET OP EXHIBITS Today, Walnut Btreat Buslneai Association day and Red Cross day. ADMISSION 2B CBNT8 FORREST M0N1yE2Sning' Biggest Event of the Year! A SPRINGTIME TESTIVAL OP PUNI Friars' All-Star Frolics A Multitude of Merrymakeri In n Stupendous ProRram BETTER HUKRY FOR HEATS FRIARS' MAT. NEXT HON., 1 P. M. NEW NIXON THEATRE ATLANTIC CITT ACADEMY TONIGHT AT 8:15 "Pops" Poptr...ruBio Concerts 1SS3SSSfa Soloist: DAVID OnirFIN, Baritone. Popular Prices Ileppe'a, 1110 Chestnut St. KEITH'S THE BEST SHOW IN TOWN! GEORGE NASH & CO. "NIZAM'S COURT DANCERS" JASPER nnd OTHERS Today at 2. 25c and r.Oc. Tonight at 8. 25c to SI. NEXT WEEK CAROLINA WHITE LYRIC Last 3 TlnKB. Eves, at 8:11V. ( T.AflT mat pnMnnimw M-. A-en jvn v s rn ei n AAA fV jm a r - f ' "TOWN TOPICS" With an All-Star Cast, Including- BERT LESLIE, SOPHIE TUCKER. CROSS & JOSEPHINE. MARIE LAVARRE and 125 OTHERS. ADELPHI -Beg. Next Mon. Evg. GRACE GEORGE AND HEU N. Y. PLAYHOUSE CO IN "THE NEW YORK IDEA" SEATS ON SALE NOW FORREST Last 2 Evgs.L Best larce JC11S XSriQai iNlGmC JDolly Sisters In yara, American. with the Foremost Parle IOITL AND HIS BAND r-rr l 1 PhtladalDbls.', WOOaSiae Fre to Park Trolley Patrons U Furs Remodeled and Stored Storage Vaults on Premises BONWIT TELLER. aCO CHESTNUT AT "13 "STREET Have Arranged for Saturday Extraordinary Dress Event FOR Misses & Young Women AT. Extreme Price Reductions Dresses and Frocks of Taffeta. Serge, Georgette Crepe. Chiffon, Gros de Londres, Crepe de Chine and Many Pleasing Combinations for Afternoon, Street and Evening Wear. 15.00 19.50 25.00 M" MRS, ABRAHAM ANOPOL I Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Anopol have re turned from their wedding trip. Mrs. Ana pot was Mlss Henrietta Flnezlmer, of 322 South 2d street. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ken, 9! 1151 South 12th street, announce the encasement of their daughter, lllss Antoluetta Has., to Mr Charles InversO; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Trager. of 761 South. I 8th street, are receiving- conamtulatlons I County SIIep men assembled In treat num ca tb birth of a. daughter, bera Sunday to p&rtlclpsis. la th& cole- w BS. JAMES J, SMITH, who recently opened her summer home at Sea Isla City, entertained a house party over tho last week end, In honor of her daughter, Mlss Mae O, Smith, whose 19th birthday was celebrated on Saturday, The party motored to Chelsea, where an informal sup. per dance was given by Mr, and Mrs. Frank R. De Haven. Covers were litd for 16. Among- those present were Mlsa Mae Smith, Mlss Anna Smith, Mlss Bessie Smith, Mlss Mae N Bouton, Mlss Irene B. De Haven, Mr. Joseph J Foley, Mr, Thomas C. Dougherty, Mr. Frederick Streers, Mr. James p. McNulty, Mr Paul V. Allen and Mr Obedlah A. Fink, Mrs. Thomas C Dougherty, of Olney, accompanied the party as. cnaperon. JI About Five Hundred Misses' Tailleur and Novelty Suits FOURTH FLOOR Sues 14 to 18 and for Small Women 10.00 15.00 24.50 Formerly from 25.00 to 75M These suits have been taken from our re stock where styles have become depleted and size ranges Brokenabout 75 distinctively different styles are included in specifically designed v "Jeune Fille" types. Included are the season's smartest modes sum i li i. mei ii I " iiiiiii Hi mi ' aiiawun mi ni mi i L , wi .,. - in serge, gabardine, Poiret twill, and hlackandwhita worsted checks. '4 i?r JL