k tr ''! : STR A ?Elf Pttftf It i THURSDAY May 25, 1916 i?bmt r7oMNT OK THE VAR1ED NBWS OP THE DAV AS REC0RDED BY 73 T v, 1 SS " ?"5'" S&J ' . ; ' kSfeSHi jHammonton made special efforts this year to make its May Day a thing of beauty and amply succeeded, spectators comimr fan. VI I $ V y ' . tl Mn I AT LASr NIGHT'S BALL AT THE XSSlSll?4feSlv 1 I ' V-' ' JtcHI' 8 ' ACADEMY OP THE FINE ARTS yfiPlS'v 1 1 ' mMVJBilBi ' o Rosoannd cSetoSVuySiEi"' SfiP I I - " - - MilllP&y her Bictura t-ikn F r- , a spectacular incident in yesterday's game with the Athletics "f l &KmRtjimh-- Picture taken . -J when two were outt Bubh.a ow pltch Kot away from Moycr) f , llKflxl ' t anyhow, boots and rhoto by underwood & undernood. enabling the wily Clevelander to score. 'm Xj. Bfeffe alL r w0, FIGHTING GROWS HOTTER ON THE PLAINS SOUTH OF THE TYROL 1 f TJHil rf 6re W Se tfeBflS,tH?ien 0v.er ftl0?.?,' the inches with rifles poised for o T charge on i the Austrians , 4 I " "IPBMPWHsrrj The battles east of the Adige are becoming among the biggest of the war" Austans. jt bRBSB-bb.-IB jBumJflm Wm. !!' I f ?vWfe5SHjET f H4Kr i ..-- 'W J V Il H'BiK "V lfcjHHHHH HIBk .BhHHBB j -lsBBflBHflBffRHBKiBiHBBilH&SBlBBr' jfv PwfcwE,Be'Fw jjT H wshMbhb vflfl jE& BHHii wLJ;ib B jBjB HKiraSSfllBB BIB vB'BHEBP ts. mbu v??l2 - "" ? .rv HH WEtfS&tSfBlSmLSfi i i tHBHS '1v-flHLB B MISS LOUISE R. GIFFORD Daaeef who I? helping t6 train the children oi the Southward NMbdrboeF Jlousa bo fete la Germantown oa Juna 3, ; POME OF THE 80,000 WOMEN AT THE NEW YORK CONVENTION OF THE WOMEN'S FEdKtecLUBS These are members of the Shakespearean Committee who are preparing ft, the convention's commemoration program in honor of the tercentenary of tho Bard of Avon Pw a MIS3 HELEN CRAMP She also Is helping to train the little folks of the Southwark Neighborhood House for the pagean