.. tfa SP -rvMB FOB BENT p"? sssrARwS" jjia li!sis.va?y '! - JIOAK.U1 di JMHfr--"!- Desirable rooms,, alnsls Of SMA!irS w th Doarqi wraosi;"".'; 5TNii MrrtUHLUSK's-Tr;x ffpT" flOIKJ, tasa E- WfeireLffittOTan5 Bt6asi'sferjr?iiMd rpoms private IUiS&SiSS-ridnale or en suit:?! ."S---i oOUiril Hi vY";i nl.Ai T Ad finl MSi . .. V. SUlJS!'il IkkS-" r,tl.,i five.! larrce. airy rooms, ifcaVtraln? roW.p!te Mt it ll!ilT1iiTETnrtri. room Bna7oar 2 f ". Si ! -"7 v1? otft. , CHS. iters. ODfl 1IU. .1 tnlos. ilnl t In. nts, 117. Mr 5 ....... twnijr.v heahiiuiw,, &-rTTVnciincli" for select nuests. 5rnB'AWhrth New naven, ISjOADEBS WANTED ;JjfggjNITAIv-ITJMS lBTZi ineatloni special scientific cares i1SBT"rU.Yt.H! eviry comfort! nurses! book prrwh 'jftffl,1!. City line. Chestnut hill. lif APARTMENTS ffli i r-TM!. .1020-Desiraoie . SV1""".V,j.-'.1'. 'P.S5 .nd unfurnlsnen. i ,," v.., 4KS.rorot!ierjqui u " HSSFOTtTiiubrent, a. rooms. 3 rooms, bath.fur- J g.Vn Ledger cent. .. .ttfT.4nirr.ffff A tj yMt 111!-"" . 7 CTn-2d-noor front. 2 rooms and bath, iB0??'ifTn?rhi summer ratei. iJBsSShfeuirfTllOTH a CHESTNUT HTS. uikiuw; furnished or uniurnisneii, entrance r-VffJfSr room, bedroom and bath. J 041, i RJWenlraK , ; My, .....uMLjjii crntind noor. R rooms !5lffih-8tonVfeih Court, 40lh and V jM: Apply janitor. wmV JKKSKV HF.ASHOUK ,. . i,t, vvainui -, ftf.tt .....-.- , Z7t rtrt. N. J. Select apartments, 1410 3&Lm. Phono Woodland 8022 W. 3. - IS ."TTptWTBHED APARTMENTS ZTTrXT to refined couple, furnished i-room lR Sn.nt 440 Queen lane, dermantown.' from SSTfj to Beotsmber H reasonable. -rrtr"vrLIi RUNT one or two rooms In her 4Drtment to ,a lady of rennement. II , &. ?akr Central.. 'TmifWM 1213-18 LOCUST LlOrt IllJ-""1-' llnndsomly furn. aptsJ SPSvT?iiED AI'AHT.MnNT for summer; very -fcSrrat. Apply 1830 Klttcnhouae square. i"ffQUSEKEEFINg APAKTMENTS flHERE ARE SEVERAL I WAYS OF SECURING t; AN APARTMENT .TUn1us.trnnnfhrs1,o,fhnPc,et4lhte Emit, post attrnctho nnd best equipped In W fflaSphln, dovotcd exclusively to securing V-iJS "tat they want for particular People. J tii ui your requirements. nery desirable -TKLEt' in VhllndolDhla la listed with or fVa & rented through us. Our nutomoblles ftw wtltlnc to take you to tho list of prop- 7,.rV-u .iMUmnte. and with tho least tins- sift effort you will secure the ono apart friant la Philadelphia which most nearly up TSctas your exact Ideal. r NOBMAN S. SHERWOOD it 1411 WALNUT ST. tprale'Wl. naco 802.1. x s. a..con. 17tii and walnut sts. Mn newest and mot distinctive apartment Icvn, Desirable suites from 2 rooms nnd E lift to 7 rooms and 3 baths; 10-room suites if Till NUthtrn. eastern and western exposures. j.ilr on premises or phone Walnut 001'3. MnnTON W. OUCIM3 210 Franklin Bank Illdg. 'rntij us (Youn itEQUinnMENTS. V, Atra-axiuiiiVix Jouitiiii-u sflom walnut 092B. Franklin Bank Bid. ItMEKECPIXQ apts., all parts of city: rents .Clio iu per moniii; can. jinonn or wriie lur rjermsiion. ciamuei mern. ii unesmui. el FAinMOUNT AVE. Threo or S rooms. vmslitMorl bath, hot water: reasonable; Jan- cor wrvico. 1'none iarKuua. m MOflTSoSERT AVE. Four rooms, ia3 large porch; hot water. Janitor. . bath WEST riULAPr.I.l'IHA DIE RUTLAND APT.. 3U8T rOHPLETDD LOCUST ST.. B4TH TO D5TII BT. fresms-aiid.bath apartments, with alt tho atiit coawnlenrrs, $40 to 142. BO per month. ) BU phone. Belmont 4433. B443 Locust St. rf..- THE HKIDLYN r Hiisnamtina oain. iinir diock irom iutn - . . ,lt , nnn t. MS. N. MITCHELL. 4Uth and Market sts, i M.JMUPreston irH, 3M H. (Bratton 'TH. m B. (Klnedon ) 1&2 l) & h l W! &2rms.10&inun.Small ii;. X17 to s.;u III furn. lh. I'res.009, arge hekPR $17 to .tO JESSEX, 3tth and Chestnut; Monterey. 43d and 4'Clitr;, Belmont, 34th and Hprlne Garden. rww lanltor or Cresse. 308 Hale Bldg. ftHBSEVEnN. 3S04 Locust st. 0 and 7 largo iwuiB&aa Data cnn outside) t ran reservations. TAYLOR 4 SON. 20 3. 40th. furnished WILl SUBLET until Oct. 1. 8-room apartment ' Jul ni unfurnished for $70, handsomely .w.u.iur oui aesirunio lop. j i,j I. i,eii. (jeni. PEVNSYI.VANIA SUHURHAN l5D0Wfn. PA Lnrge Individual porch. 3 FfSnis, 2d floor apt. In 2-fam. house; open ji." -"" i.it;oTi-K usuoiiNi:jlB24Chestnut. IvXIC LAKE "I.flWnlnn". 1 vrifsinnv It rnnni.l fjF n!Jt211 "floor; porch; moil.; phone. 8th St., Cr Apartment hotels f PARKSIDE APARTMENTS if 10 CHARLES McOLADE. Manager fL, Psrkslda Avenue at 40th Street k DIRECTLY OPPOSITE f PAIRMOUNT PARK ji-III !""" u-hijoii in x'niiiiueipnidt tour wrot Unea to centre of Mtv. All niitift -ft225f:-,rurfll.h8' an unfurnished. Culalno ot f''LJ ccuencc. xaiepnone Hiring 'Jl. ff? HOTEL cauNrfiND ine best rooms and suites, f With thn hpnf fnVilo in PViilo i "ay, Week. Month. Sonsmi. Yo'nr TUB nwr.nun.MnnpiH : & AT CURT TtVVr rt amamtm v.n.n ,gfgO' MINUTErFnOM 'SBSffi rrm.y,Uv Hy JUnmsiIED .AND UN- LtoO -APAnTin?,.3 A"u "u MO APARTt-FMTHE HOUSEKEEP- W r...0T,,JI,B. COVINOTON & CIIESTNIIT AND 37TH BTS. t' Ua IV,? J .ENQLE. MANAOEIl i Csni.Fn.I',lde' lieach JJaven. N. J, IftftTr; two-room suites for rent. lyik GLADSTONR iitii andpinh ?! fc... ' -" - ' K'MIKhTS '"iiiiWIiGJS1 UNFUBNISHBD ABSOLUTELY FIHEPBOOF PE ESMOND " b. con. ""5'KjsitM 12TII A xrrt DDtttTnc - n . l.t O.-lbULU groorns and bath, furnished. J rt8ANENT ORtMrsiENT QUEST3 '-- 3IIT"r AND CHESTNUT Jl 'fa -Hj-JLgggATE FOR SALE r CITY tJ! N r.r?.PEVAl' UAROAIN lil'sreh fn2?u J"L'ot- 24. 0x78.10. I wiS.t ? ,- .tP view to Irt V.'..i J.?1"'"" htlne. 5iiONn'it 'S'.'Srt'i ftR ---. .Aiinr.... uurnvr C . i ; Ull..WjUHE, near Rlttenhousa ihttr"MtTP, ?. hardwood . noors, E.auoobl 10th at. 17th and Wallace. LilTr."Si!, lj?Xrr i-t& R- aoo ctive and modern In sery detail; ttscuucK .mien Price. Square, eieccria elan; Com- '""..i'M'a. and Qermantowr - vest l-nila. and Plr.fI-me'' ,1800 ' 000, tERrnP?J5ESnt onlJf f 100 to ilt'Vfl'l.'JNION THUS KF-Rrrri,,Ssnt on'y f io to soo llsT,?'l.yX1,0" TRUST CO, 110 TIT. Tin Pk.ain.Tt -t- pfEY. FOR MORTGAGES TitV.".Kla"' and Trust Funds, TAULANE. 000 Walnut at. Piim. J!8?9 WOUBT ST. ISir?1'-. Wodern. 4-Storv. hmwnalnn H...II. C&Sjffi"?"? fled for roNslonal ofllcea; jJ. and cosy Jerrna for quick sale. lti&nPXh ASSESSMENT Threa 3-story i4fitf SPn - Vi. e vw vaiqaj-j aT-B. IW o"j-hnoe-n0:;iiu N. ssd i,freK fif0'?' l '0n. 8 hatha, mod BSISTolf plIRRL.i'W rear tjarden pM ItkS' TATES. Harrison BulldFe-. N "OWlirVAN PELT " """' "y -Sc 17th an! Ch.stnufe KTATE.POn BALE OR "RENT . 12QI Chastnut' v ' 4 np5uft Meter Co. .V43 tlAiil l,7Mtat. W.T.U mj a -1- - i - . 5 .tuuiLv iS-J"rIj0,'k "". over- " AS3BY 4 BON. 18th and Qruu. K J4TH ANn iSTfi 'iViiinVrtmH- iLLKRa AND RENTERS. SEH " ea.. sw n, irr ax. ifcl a 1. j EVENING LBDGBl-PmUADBEPHIA', TH0ESDAY, MAY 25, 1910. 5-A.1' ESTATE FORALE CITY " (?"",'""'tt from Prccediiti, Coin ' "ditiont nnunus?ln1T- LfreT"'--i: HORnA1CR!l."UKi,Tt,,,7lln,nut,,n,CUlRr, 1Cquic!l0DuAr,N'13n,bat- ST.-WIU idlMSno rTTEllSON.jaO S. Kith St. ltjilJi1l,niiIxitsriutoryS!tes, e(e. COp?.N;lo,.U'i'irP"'ln,A.M'. MOIinis-TOVT ftldge aVlroad,"'- "ffiJfna SUlffHKS? "'?TSrnd" lrw"tTs; sites ntli.ii "iWJ ,rn"t! B.l9 OT,,r 20 rnfir. SWS isP-15-1v-ln-M, ""I Trust Bide. YMfTr?.IlrIl,M,fbl( nth nSrfi.'"inln1of80 tslligjUrely under cover. Neely. Bang tt. 22d. JLT-wrmrjAjonLtjijA, n ..Oil SOUTH 47TH ST. a-iitorV nVnn.rWP'? 5n..lll,rVtlvB if'tached mo.il C""" 'ot .8f? 0 IsrRe rooms. 2 ou p"e? op'n u'f:ase. How much will WM. It W. QliCK A Tino., INC. 8 Jouth 10th street. JJ'.m.mS.iE-. ANP MTU, BT.. Tho nice nirT''5L''uarter' houses nlth New England Snl5L'IVy,9 .sleeplnir. porches. Colonial WiUV-'t ".ni1 l'"llan Rar.lens. For sale at Wv'iM-rlstSKH" very attractUe. PEMBEn fe"1; ESTATES. N. W. cor. 68th nnd Wll- ' ..i2"T? ir.oom"' bot-water heat, irns and elec tric light, parquetry floors, shower bath, cas tJPt"r.fn3.J,,l nth,r modern nppolntments. DANIEL CRAWFOnD. JR., BUILDER - BSth nnd HadfleM sts. Srt5rrTr.Hi:J,,.nnyfES are offerlnir at 122(10. 1280(1 nnd J3100; many others at rlaht prlees; n,'."0 r?v? many new properties on our list. R. 1L.APSLEY. fith nnd 8prlnneld ave. tlAROAINS IN HOMES Several well-situated dwelllnm at nttrartlro prices; easy terms of purchase nrrafiiredi particulars by mall. MAURAN, DOLMAN W CO.. N. E, corner Lrpad and Chestnut sts. J3100 B320 KINOSESSINO AVE.. 2 story, riorch front, t rooms and bath; stenm heat; ifnutlrul location! all open In front. Jm.ESpeW15LnjJR , B434 Chester nv, SEND FOU LIST SALT! OR RENT JOS. M. BAKER B2d and Baltimore ave. POTTS ti TOWNHEND WEST PHILADELPHIA HOMES 41)03 BALTIMORE AVE. 14000 UNEQUALED HOMES, KOtli st. above Lansdowne nve. , every known , convenience, JAMES C. ENBURO. Builder. BIOS CHESTER AVE. 12-ronm porch! ajtenu Ine bargain. Marshall II, Smith, 1011 Chcst-nut. Stores nnd DwelllniES S. E. COR. CATHARINE AND ALDAN STS. Finest storo nnd dwelling, parquetry ftoorlnir throughout; porch, hot-water heat, electric light, Moon terms tr suit. KERBIIAW A CROWL. B21B Chestnut St. 41B1 LANCASTER AVE. Hne location! rtood Investment; plenty of trnfllce. Owner. 139 Hnnsherry st.. Oermantown I'h. Otn. 301 . J. nKIHIANTOlVK WALNUT LANE E.. 114 nEIlMANTOWN Modern, attrncthe 10-rnom house. Just com pleted; 1 block from Oermantown nvo. nnd new Oermantown High School; moderato price; convenient terms PhoniGtn 2J1 1 3 securi: o"ur itEvisr.n sale list OERMANTOWN AND CHESTNUT HILL I). n. LISTER, BIII2 Oermantown avi-nue. OERMANTOWN HOMES, all sections. SMULLEN & BARRY , Franklin Bank Bldg, Walnut CHOICE HOMES, Tulnehocken st. east of Oer mantown ave. J. II. CHADWICK & CO., B022 Oermnntown nve. IF YOU ARE LOOKINO TOR A HOME IN Oermnntown. Jit. Airy or Chestnut Hill, con sult me. A, R. Mcehnn. 0747 Oermantown ave. WE CAN assist you to find that house you are looklnB for. Oermnntown Trust Co., Chclten and Oermantown ayes. Mt. Airy, flermnntown NEW SALE AND RENT LIST READY. Pelham. Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill. PELHAM TRUST CO.. 0740 Oermantown ave. Tlogn. WE HAVE THE HOUSE TOU WANT IN TIOOA OR LOOAN KENNEDY & RAHBO. 3740 OERMANTOWN Oak Lnno NEW CORNER PROPERTY Every modern Im provement, hardwood floors, fireplaces, etc.! price J7B00. t , Wfll. tirtltu. on. win, wi iBiio. OAK LANE Corner residence, beautiful loca tion; lot 00x225; flne shade trees. WM. O. OLENN, 1431 Land Title Building. 1817 Co lumhla ave , Logan REAL ESTATR mort.asndgConveyancln.. 41133 N. Broad at. PENNSYLVANIA HITIIURBAN AMBLER Wo have a splendid offorlng of large and small farms of all kinds, suitable for all purposes, extensive country places, sub urban homes, building lots, etc.; advlsa us character of property you desire, how much you want to Invest, nnd let us submit you Special list. H. .1 Pager, Inc.. Ambler. Pa. COLLINODALE 2W-Btory. brick nnd shingle, new homes. Spruce at. at Clifton ave. pet off trolley from 08th st. at North st station, half Bquara distant; h. w, heat, eleai 87V4s 123; open. Hwopo iSons.Darby. ' hat.t! nAttnr The Elevated Is Coming to Darby Buy Beat Estate Now Qet List Swopo & Bona. Darby ELKINS PARK N E cor. Gerard ave. & Penn at.. 3-story, stono & stucco dwelling; porch front. Urge lawn; lot (10x130 ft.; nil modern lmurovements; S12 000, ""provNo"mr PH ILA. TRUST CO. LANBDALE Speculators' chance pf lifetime: two lOO-acre tracts, adjoining, tho borough; suit subdivision; sell at farm-land Price on lonBeasytermsr OODEN. 1220 Filbert. LLANERCH Splendid homes along the Ardmpre trolley, from 0th St. Terminal. Including Highland Park, Brookllne, south Ardmore. Oakmont and Ardmore. J350O up. Ardmore.JE L.M BR WATTa. Llanerch. SPR1NOFIELD Large lot and acreage tractB at llttl higher than farm prices. Excellent location adjolnlmr Springfield now being de eIoiicil bv A. Merrttt Taylor. YOt'lIM & POWERS CO., 2Jt SlBth St. GENTLEMAN'S "FARM. SI acres. (1 miles to l'hlla.. stone buildings, eery romenlence, 2 baths, hardwood floors, open, fireplace; great oDDortunlty. For full particulars see pport A.H1jrYSON.LanBdalo3 Pn, A" REAL ' BAROAIN Det, brick house, 7r..bath. heStr: brick garage: lot 80x120; built year ago' near trol . schools, churches; price S.T.'UO, easy terms. C. Valentine. East Lansdowne. CITY AND SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE MEARS 4 BROWN 20J S. 13TH ST. SBKSLL0 SiAVkT RCNT neMjgstJeTjniBtIJulldln CTlOlUU BUILD1NO SITES and acreage. ARTHUR P. TOWNBEND, Langhorne.. Pa. -Suburban country town Nn,l for Catalogue. BBOWN&LOJHJiJiorrl4!ojwnJPai tiousiis AND. LOTS. ?very description, RUNNINULill. WinwunuHl 'urnilTllllAN IIKAI. ESTATR Anv orlce. All locations. Sals or rent. A,"VinA'.H J. HOOD : CO.. Morris Bldg. j,,, v-ir' Properties Country seats, farms" 8ki1lh orders now, LEWIS T. .BROOkE SON 141 "Bouth Penn sl.FOU NEED IB7B. TAiTaE" LIST Of SUBURBAN HOMES. Bali H-Mit in the Main Lino or Reading R. R. WiF. ? it. WlM-4--S-XdlJiundfng. oiiTifiiillAN RESIDENCES for sale or rent: 8Ua"actlve location; prices right. .MAURICE rj?OOVER. Real Estata Trust Bldg. MAIN LINE. P. R. It. MFRION Highland ave.-, modern stone houset Saraga with sasollna tank and rooms for iervanl'a family, imprmsu biiu eju uu ...L lasira null, iiwiiiat i uuuii vtvuiiuu Hhriry and dlulnB room; 0 bedrooms. 3 baths Lnd sun parlor on, jwcond floor: extra. large owner regardless of expense: extra. Ifhs hard wood floors, cedar closets, laundry drying- room, Vtri servants' quarters, rosehouse. greenhouse and conservatory with separata heater, 1BU3 acres; Hardener now In charge of gar- 'enn-rani ritk't. Apply Mary Van Hell estate. JP .vivanla. Company, oil L.nesinuc si., or ran MrULh Jr.. hit Stephen Olrard Building-. TJAUBEBTH An oldt house with mora than an aira olla-nd! old shade and garden: on Mont, gomerr v.; NarTierthj for sala at a small gomerr prii-e. 6093 Dre: WALTER B, SMITH Drsxel road. Philadelphia. FiATUBSIWI-HraSa-noW .detached houses. S?"rVfi S. Ssir Estate opposite station. all STruT 2 good houses, ono has oak floor and FAULt J rl"whi.: ater heat: Una placs: Vi acre ""rtSJ, to. I also 8 choice building Fo?.UnwltRMm"roVme0t, Own.r. Fred Wit merLPaolli - ; 1 STTiiTtifBANlIOMBS. country places and 8 hT.nding sites to ,ult all requirements) Main f."n.HC. HUNTER. Wayne, Pa. n NEW JF.BSEY 8UBURIIAN tnurnTON N J DeilraBle property in gooq KiSSlSia-' cost $P0U, will ba sold at 1101)0, rri!iVi front: 103 ft deep; shad and. S,!?8" Addle. M" S. P.. I5. O. ISox 89. Uly- frult. jtrtonj. N J doIPTKEad this tBiNLEsVYo5Ari Willing to B Convinced Tniwi An Otttrln the Most Attractive Preposition l? a Person S?,kin fNTEiUoniv 8 Mile, item PhJIa... nd In SSf itnffi Most Hlshiy KiavaKO. qnuuro. lisVln Convenient Train ' JIKVmK- yilONP LOMBABO 3E pjm,A fa. BEAI. ESTATE BOB SALE NEW JERSEY SUBtmifAN Cenllntifii from rrtctHria Column LIPPINCOTT LOTS AND. HOMES n. j HAUDON HEinHTS, N. J WILLET LIPPINCOTT 118 LOTS: modern hbmes! 10c fatel nt tolder, .. I SNOOK. AVoodhury iri.jia.H. J. , NEW JF-RBRV BEASIIOnE. SEASIDE PARK-- . j !?T.N.1 s5' facing directly on tho BoWVltrd, B0xR.4l ft. fulfy sldcwftlked. curbed and J3lSSlv.!Jl!l ll " reneonnblo flfrurf. .. gpROEjojwsSCUPJJVjnnRT!JLJl1Ji COTTAOE at Capo May or, Ocean City, erected !0,..s"i,1,; satlsfactbm atiractU Plans, ? PA'A.J.f.tfby tho reliable builder. OTIB M. .. TOWN8END. Ocean City. N. J. rrXNSYLVAMA TARMS 800 rARMflln 4 Stales! ratnloKue. . . ... JACK'S FARM AOENCY. 215 Stephen Olrard Bldg,, 21 3. 12th st , Phlla. 230 ACRES,. U mile to .atallont two sets of Klt.l(.... . ..AAA . buildings; KOOO. J, ii. niuj OMPSON, West Chester. , Pa... HAVE. several Isrgo and small farms, I'enna. and New Jersey: "mnrksblv low prices. See ...ROOOENTINE. 6380 Oermantown ave. , NEW JERSEY TARMS ONE-ACRE FARMS, nearest to Phlla. train and trolley; wrllo for pnmphlet. . ., . iiim.mv kkj.. fliapioHnnoo. J!.. DO-ACRE fruit fsrmi largo peach orchard, cher rles and asparagus; Immediate possession; J4000: 12000 may remain. Dresser, Burlington. REAL ESTATE SAXE OR RENT crrr CENTRAL PROPERTIES PnF -fain latnl Mtlf. JAMES D, WlNCHELL. 17th and Bnnsom sts. CITY AND BUBURBAN properties Tor sale or rent. Lower Merlon Realty Company. Land . Title Building. Philadelphia. Pa, , PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN BALA-CYNWYD Large list houses, sale. or rent, nt all prices. Samuel C. Wngner, Jr., Commercial Trust Bldg , iBth nnd Market. MAIN LINE. PA.. P. R. R MAtN LINE Best line of Main Lino houses, Either for sale or rent, nt all prleen HIRST A McMULLIN. West J2nd Trust Bldg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WILL EXCHANOE welt rented Arch street property; largo lot east of 21st Bt. for other Phllndelphli renlestnte I. B08. Ledger OIL. LET MB EXCHANflE YOUR PROPERTY. ARTHUR J. LEUPOLD, ,, . 1218 Chestnut (Bnlley Uldg.) and 421 a. B2d. BALE. "RENT" OR EXCHANOE 70",000 ft. floor space on Arch st. above 12th . .... MEBSHON BROS.. 335 Land Tltlo Building. REAL ESTATE WANTED tr YOUR REAL ESTATE Is not paying, we will furnish the money to rebuild or comert It Into n building suitable for, the location and quickly put It on a paying basis. MERSIION BROTHERS Sir. Land Tltlo Building. . QUICK SALE for any real estate nt reasonable ice: rent coiipci"ii; in ARTHUR BOSWELI ntlfA. rant nllaolaif; mnrtrnprt loans. ' M'.V.l".-..-i".".-.. :'.,-".- .." . ,n.. .. M.i.t ri. AOUI nk. WANT listing of city and suburban properties. II. II. McCOLI.UM. 131 1 Walnut at. Don't Forgot thoNumbcr ' RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED. Innrt gages and fire Insurance placed quickly, aco Knnforprompt results. 282H Tnsker st. WANTED TO BUY ono or more storo or dwell ing properties: must be cheap; quick settle- monts. L 34ll Ledger Office. . OBEAT DEMAND for dwellings rentlnB from 12.1 to J.'iO Per month. J. EDWARD LU'IV,, 240 North 17th st. HOUSE WANTED Eiist Moorestovn N J. : 18000 to J12000; quick action. L 007. ledger 0fflce. . . HOUSE, 10 or 14 rooms AVot Phlla preferred: BtntelocBtlonprlcc. P 720.Ledger Ofllce. J1D" TO 20 HOUSES wanted: tennnts wnlllnu: rent list exhausted. C. P. Frederick, 18th-1urlc REAL ESTATE EOR RENT CITY IF YOU ARE LOOKING for nn attrnctlyo home be It dwelling or apartment, call, phono or write to this ortlco; cery dcslrnblo property Is listed with or may be rented through us. nnd our automobiles nre at jour servlco to help you to obtain Just what you desire with thn lenst possible trouble NORMAN S SHERWOOD, 1411 Walnut Bt. Spruce SR71. Race 3023 STORES "AND DWELLINOS In all sections of city. See our list In Mm Ledger Saturday. MAMITT'I, t rnv A CO. S. E. cor. 0th nnd Callowhlll, 227 N. 12TH ST. Four-story brick building, 18 rooms, all conveniences; rent 1(10 OUARANTEE TITLE AND TRUST CO. JJW-2CHEMTNJL!TST. COSY 2-story. 0-room corner, porch dwelling. all conveniences, jii i-aaL kiuxit. "? -- . lUllltl, one squaro east of Tront st. 120t Ch-stnut. J. J. 112.00 2322 Montrose st. : neat 0-room dwelling; contains range, bath. gas. Key 02S S. 23d st. SEND rOR OUR RENT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. Broad and Chestnut sti. ...in. upillICE STREET II .Mm, in.l " hnlh mflTTH. SAMl'ELyLEVlSItealEsttqjrrust Brtj HOPE ST- !-story, ! 5TS1. 273.1. 2730 N. vnnn.a vnnil Anl.P! IfRVH ttlMfl WM. L. CRAVEN'S SONS, IB 10 N. 7th st. 23B S. 10TH ST Suitable for Physician: 1 1 rooms and 2 bathrooms. EDOAR O. CROSS, 1411 Walnut st 125 ".M37 N. College ave.. 10 largo rooms ana bath; good order, open dallv. RENTAL LISTS Bt'II.DINO. N. AV. cor. 10th and Ingersoll, Stable. 10th and Ingersoll, 50. B S 43d J20 lli.BN. Cainao ... .Ml Indian. . . I B I 1113 I nl;erai)ll .... 040 Holly . . .' IS 1 2010 C itharlno ,S2 . 11 ALFRED 11. AVILI.lAMS.B3a Walnutsc. Business lropcrtlclidStort"i MARKET ST . 031 Entire building through to Commerce st.: suit retail or wholesale business; Immediate r0Appi yENJ.CO .JlXCheslnutst Titcit ST 707-0 Store and basement, large window: good Bpace for manufacturer's agent to mnko display. LEA ESTATES. 700 han som si SPRUCE ST.. 00(1 Largo lot, enu nouse: goon light, large rooms, etc. Particulars. Horace II. ltz.nJVnlnutHt. 2(13 S. 11TH ST Newly renovated, ery attrac- ,IVeimi;cElIjmiTZJl.VnInutBt "iOS HTlf ST First-class condition; Ieaso " 'rHOJRAC It FRITZ. 713 AVnlnut st 1 N 11T1I ST. Largo 3-story store and "dwelling. Horace .HJi'rltz, 7I3 Wajnust Stores nnd Dnelllncs STORES AND DWELLINOS 2002 Tioga 7SI, 2(11 N. Uth . 1017 Ridge ave 70 4SJ N. Kth . 1432 Ridge ave.... 40 1718 S. 7th . 11(111 Rldgo ONO ,. 2.A 028 N. 10th 1533 Ridge ove..,.20.H10 N. Uth M YBRS & HARTH. .J7.1 . 40 , 33 . 25 . 20 lldge ae. and 10th at Factories. AVrehoiieM. Mfg. Moors "bsTmARKET ST.. JD AND 4TH FLOORS lieat elevator service. Sultablu light tnfg. MODERATE RENTAL. 2bx2d FEET Est. JOHN DOBSON. 800 CUstnut St., or our own broker. Metropolitan Building .-?D WKna SQ FT., 3 story, yard renovated; will 7 alteF: terms'. , J. A. MIDDLETON 609-tt AVIdeiier BuUdlnBPhlla.t or your broker. " MERCHANTS' BUILDINO 44 North 4th street, neelrable rooms. Power and light. largo and IBth at. central wjCTO"ltYT'LOORS and wareroums, .mill centrally located. ""llAilRY T. SAUNDERS. 81 S. uTun-pARTY who will erect, building, or other location, for satisfactory tenant. iiA-iij?r VE PARTY aV other location, ror eati: frfjnSCII. 737 Walnut at. Oarages rs&nAOE for rent. 2400 sq ft.: new bldg,, on i?t floor; heat and light Included, would make flna service station for auto agency or similar !iirDoses; could accommodate 14 cars, near lYroad end Wallace! price reasonable, V 72tl, Uedier, Office. OFlK9JllU?lNK?tS JIQOMH. ETC, rmEXEL BLDO.. OFFICES. Annual Rentals. DiSftSla Booms, 1120. lt5U.2OU.I2-S.jaull.J430. Kiltes - Rm.,, 144,t50.fl7S,J-.UI.22S I.3U sS US 5 ltms ' 273:ilUO.4S0.l30O.u0(i:7.3 I'orner Suites, 3 to.a rooms. I.10O to Julio: ELL1SD.. wlLl.lrtiio. ou uresei uuildlnB WAIJUT. l'-'l.l Fins suite, of rooms. 2d floor. newly Painted and papered, suitable for offlcs lallorlnif or other .uslness; good ,11; hi: Imaia. otite possession. Apply Watson & Hucktl, on i rat ill I Mr . HEED BUILDING! 1.11-17 .iioeri ai. Centrally, located: all conveniences; rents a""ttvely 'w' servlca conveniences. MERCHANTS' BUILDINO M ,uHt . i1. Very desi.olci. leat and light. , a 11 18 S. 17TH ST. Attractlia first floor or two rooms on second ft,"-, raasonabla rent. Professional Ofllren PROFESSIONAL BUILDINO, 1831-83 Chestnut it A few sultea for pnyslcUns or deotuu, "tgN0 hutand jlth. ' vein RENT -SinaU room, law. otfW) ' street Iront: raasonabla. Room .. Arch. ' IVH-ST PHILADKLl'lIIA 1 AYE ARE OFFERING THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTION OF TllOU8ES IN AVE3T PHILADELPHIA. Wif II. AV QUICK URO.. INC. 8 jBOUTII 40TH ST HERMAN BROS. 0019 MARKET Houses, apartments, stores. Near eOTH BT. "L" STATION For rent or aalj JpSNT RIJASPNABLEtLarg;' B-story corner dwelling. J2 rooms 3 bths. suitable for apartments 31u. Mantua ave. Key- 3101.. J. J. UttNla, 4-01 Ch-Btttal, REAL ESTATE 1TOR BENT fonKauen from PreetdinB Colmii. Or.R.MANTOWN I4S 10 ROOMS. 1 bath: modernijrood toeatlen. closs to train or trolley. B. C. Tourlson. 7014 JHS? L i n antown. . tSO DWI.I,LtNOSi 11 ROOMS - .. , . Send for List. i.,k Cpntlnentftl-Eqnltabla Trust Co.. 21 B. "'" - Wnyne Junction AVAYNB .U1NCTION 28: cheapest and most deslrobto 3-story porch-front house: "II fynj venlences: 2 minutes' walk to station. 4458 N. 20th St.. above Oermantown ave. Tlogn 3-STORY, 0-ROOM dwelling; porch and slds sard. 3Hrn N. 10th. --- PENNSYLVANIA HUIU'RIIAN . ELKINS PARK Mew Col dwelling. 13 rooms, 2 baths; close to stn. MeCormtrk ft McCor- mlck. loll Chestnulst and BlklnParR, AVYNCOTE- rooms, OTE $21 to J3..S0 per month, 8 and 0 s, nil convs IMwIn Tysan, AVyncote, Pa, MAtN line, r. n. n. NARBERTH Brand-new houses! all cenvenU ences. HO upward. Harris, real estate, op. poalto station. , - VILI.ANOVA , , , Desirable 3-stnry IB-room stono dwelling. Lan; caster avo. near Spring Mill road, B minutes walk to train or trolley. Apply tho Pennsyl. vanja Company, Bl7Jnestnut. st. , AVAYNE Suburbsn furnished; IB rooms. 3 baths; largo porchesi fln shaded lawn! a acres: stable and garage! per month. 180. nih.r. n nn v....... ...v r ,- ... HLi-4 11-Jl. vaynrJij. it. r. AVYNNEAVOOD For "rent. 30 .Manor road, 14 rooms. 2 hotnsi large lot, oin snaoo: o. AALTER II. SA11TII. AVynnewood. MOUEBN HOUSES. J80,to 1 200 per month. I . -. -,..... sj. .. bm.i.I ll.l liar, r1 iKirt ft Clo shorn. 204 Bailey Bulldlngi NEW JGRfiRY HEA.HOB1. AVALON. N. J For rent, furnished cottages and bungalows: 1200 to 1800 or season. CHAS. R HALL. 1410 Real Est. Trust Bldg. STONE HAllFmil Cottages, bungalows and ap.rtments for rent, furnished, at moderate prices, situated near ocean and channel: all conveniences, Call, phono or write for llius. trated booklet. South Jersey. Realty Co., 3d nnd Walnut sts . Philadelphia. . VENTNOR, N. J Summer cottages, 2B0 to 12000. Hand, Now Haven and Atlantic, FOR JRENT FURNISHED CHESTNUT HILL for summer season. SEVERAL deslrnl.lo Prop, for .siimme MINTURN T. WRIOlIT CO. Morris iuiuiiing PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN SPECIAL OERMANTOWN, . 1 7 ROOMS .1 BATHS. LONO SEASON Stable: 12 ncres, old shade, fruit: 1 aero In Harden: eggs; milk; services of man: photo. C. P. PETERS k SON, l)8CIU:SrNlT. ATTRACTIVELY furnished houses, with all con- venlences, ISO month upwnrd. J. M. ITone- Ilcld. wal n.ej.'ii new .h:hki.y viitmij. I'ALAIYRA. N J. Until Sept. IS. small, fur. nlshed, modern cottage, nil conveniences, near station end river; S-.'. 1st innnth f;r small careful family, flrown. 407 Oarfloldavs. NEW JERSEY SEASHORE , AV1LDAVOOD, N.J. CottncesJ apts.. near beach, 11 to 7 rms. lintli. Jion, up. season (or by week), 11. A. Hartmnn, 4310 Osage. Phlla. SUMMER HOUSES IN THE PINES, near ocean, boiutlful furnished house; nvo latlronni. two linths, electric light; Improvements, llitrnnrd. Sea tllrl, rs. J. MORTGAGES TO SECURE A JIORTOAaE Bo It first or second If you deslro efficient service, quick and satisfactory results, and '"""cAi.u'inioNT: or write to us. "Your HiortgnEO will bo as Kood as,plnced." NORMAN S. giininvoon. 1411 AValnut st. WANTED To plnco I33.H00 llrst niortgago on splendid hospital property; term ?f yenra: tin duestlonnlile security. .Investigation Invited, present equity 7 acres of land, 2 handsome.sub stantlnl buildings, clear title, reason, desire to extend P 717 Ledger Offl.ce. ""FUNDS "FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND SPRINO PARPEN B0 TO 12000 ,. ., . To loan on real estnte security: immediate settlement: Pajabh) no 1- 133 S' 12TH ST. ARTHUR BOSAVELL. 233 N. 13th st., has funds for tlrst nnd building association mortgages. Prompt attention. Moderate cost. iMnriViTtn LbTNlTXNEr LOAN ASSOCIATIONS bwiTir PLENTY Or MONEY FOR MORT- nvi-pq' CIOSB 1 LOANS TO HOME BUYERS: rUMEDIATE ANSWER. AVILLIAM JAMES 14 EOOILJIIW J ':' EJB 77-jTEii CENT to loan on first nnd second and 4 P It mortg'agesln sums to suit: heirs to e.. tito money In Pennn : prompt action. II. R 1IAC1EN. nil) Tranklln Bank Bldg.. Broad and Chestnut s tinvnv Vflll MOP.TOAOI.3 LAROK AND SMALL SUMS QUICK ANSWERS AV II. HOOD. 812 W. NORRI3 BT. ..Aii-ninpg scfnmnn TlflTLDERS" ADVANCES A SPECIALTY DUBlPuMBAIKIlI PARKER, INC. l-.lt Al-'" "' "f:lS5:rXN&COaN'V..LAAsaB FUND3 mirnnssOIlTO LEAVIS II. REDNER " 727 AValnut st. jiTnroTnPTcrTNVEST In first mortgages. In SoM 4th nnd Callowhlllsts. irrilt OAI.K Several II per cent, mortgages 'hanging from 12000 to 1 1000. on Improved !.n-hn? nrooertles; principal and Interest S&r Chi0 vTrz-VDOTrT T FUNDS .FOR FIRST AND WORKkLlLl .SECOND MORTOAOES riSS N17THST MONEY' FOIl MORTOAOES lioon to noo.ooo JATOB A FRITZ 1100 Land TlteBlds UUlLDlNO "ASSOCtATION- AND PRIVATE ROBERT J. NASH 1001 CHESTNUT ST. vrTirY l?OI.-lST AND 2D MORTOAOES MQ.NL- r"v. nnDDINO (t SON 70fl AVALNUT ST B2QB SPRtfCB ST. AMOUNTS. 1ST AHU -u auniusuM UUI1 A ..,..,. . .. - ,r.uT?nl-rl A LI. A1MIRICE It AIATSINTIEB. RI. Esj TrL Bldg CrA LEWIS : CO. JjlOU 1227 A'lrardae. ETllNnsTFOfrfST AND" 21) SIORTOAOES JUNES 1U"A'NV AMOUNT -OTTS ft TIIOAISON. 2B21Frnnkford ave. TOANS"ON INTEREST IN ESTATES m N A sia7.T?."!!!iliSlgS'-T.TLC BLDO v5TTi3'.-,-r pint 1ST AND 2D MOBTOAQE3 '"'"".iiiownnns FOR SALE THFO E N'CKLEH. 2.113 Oermantown ave. -' Xfl.AVB FUNDS,.... .. 1-OR FIRST AND SECOND MORTOAOES 1 utt i ',' "o.nn sth and Oak lanw. ... I.r....- -SmTTTht "FUNDS FOR, FIRST MORTOAOB TltUSl I- l fJ,L.NnSS & STETSON ..AND TITLE BUILDINO MONEYFOR AVELL-SECUHED MOM-1 i.tlRTOAOES JAMFS FRANCIS. .703 AVALNUT ST. TrfvuriiS' 1C ur mortgage has been called, 0WN.iii inka It up. also 2d mortgage money, will iaKB.iv ;!:-,'.--.,, ii.li --..-. -.. CHESTER J..vi.,,r."V -,' ' - FrrvrFiATFUNDS for sood llrst mortgages, bring H...Sf"i.",YiiuiVN & CO 217 S Broad st. Mi'Mi'TTi.T MONEY. for. select loans Funds l-'i .r"-,,i ar milit city mortgages S. 12th, 2724 N. Sth. YllERNETllY 133 -TniiT and 2d mtgs or on note, any amount j FJS rates, immediate answer F X. Delany. in" Lincoln Uldg.. Broad and PennSquare. ikt- lnd 2d nitrs.i bldg. and private funds; 1,T a, Tiaa tlsfacto runa. m0(j charges, Sa-IEBON ".STATE,!--! lK.nslngton ave. T,w.-ljirge of small aunu on real estate, Bn"aui,,?",,w8ll.: AV.nchestsrCorn.n 1U01 Chestnut st. .....v.. inr Hrst and second mortgages, any FUNDS for nrsv CHAS. V. MIL- TO,unV.ii?-i!l Commonwealth Bldg. rrrnTTirNoTnd loau association money for 1st U and "d morts-g-s. Address Secretary, U 413. ledger Ort-.. , . vr;,,,, 7(T00 trust fund for good first morl Hc in 'amounts 12000 nnd upward, L Ui. Ei5.r Oftlt t.-.-kted-ISSOO builder's mortgage; real es. "i.ta security. A 12. wwru. READY MONEY Loaned to Housekeepers aid -. '.-- nn- . ... .1-1.1.. You can ?v .K1L1. ?.? tl'Zr i ?",rVl i..-t-w ana ,-. ivh ..v-m fis-.fi'XNDuasbii.. vou ar. CONCERN. AVa are a NEW ilcENSED AND ""-V""'..,, , , . WYour monthly payment on M(l a only I vr monthly pa-meni on 474 Is .only $ AVlth laieresv ui o r ceui. Your monthly payment on 1132 s on y 111 Y-ur Slonthly payment on 1201 Is only If jour u,uiltl'lrit.rest at 2 per cent Sea us. write us ur phone Walnut 4303. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO, "131'South Broad Street n-a-nd floor. Next to Forrest Theatre. ruSnS a- iml 0 p. m. Staurday, tt. m. r3 lfOiTcXB"Tj--tROAV- MONEY" " ON DIAMONDS. JEWELS. ETC. W23 AND UP 2 $73 " :; JH ,28 !H5fAYE AND OXFORD ST T 23D AND SOUTH TS. MONEY LOANED to rulrs at unsettlad estates, -WtaUr-u"bSht. r. P.n MARTIN." 7,4-7-3 tiueb-u Qlrard UuBdiS4, 21 3. X-Hh st. p : S , U - a j-3 SCRAPPLE txz wt' Hence the Heathen Harvard Lampoon. "Fnther la no loner nn Episcopal Ian." "Why not?" "Ha said the 7th Inning; came too often In the service." THE PADDED CELL The Worm Turns "I used to tell my eon that It he was a Rood boy I'd take him to the circus," "Is he too old for that7" "ltather. Now he Intimates that If I Bucceed In keeping: In his Rood graces ho may Ret me a ticket to see lilm play baseball," The Easier Way "Don't you ever low? for a homo of your own? I should think you'd get nwfully tired of boardlng-houao cooklnpr." "I do, but you Fee, a fellow can change his boarding' houBO without taking a trip to Heno." Located TK35.&-- ?L 'V-.-Atv MWwMI w -rtPf I Michigan Gargoyle. "Fred, dear, I feel It In my bones that you are going to take me to the theatre tonight." "Which bone, darling?" "I'm not sure, but I think It's my Avlshbono." Not at All Necessary - T-A -1' iMmm m T.9fii - i i .j ' . riw 'M Mi mW mm$ I London Opinion. Muriel The man I marry must be a hero. Dora Oh, come, dear, you're not so bad looking as all that ! & AM EAR? UL OF "50O" CHATT6.R "rrb Y USUAL. HAMD-S1K SPAOfXS - OH rjEAftl 'Dt YoU SEE MRS. JORES EW UD f 1 1 THINK HER HUSBWDS A BRUTE. Dqm'T tU? 1 " i pass - erma dear, did You bid ? " THECYVE 5ui.Trr-.lR CAR-J CANT AAK6 iTATHlAlfS!" "SIX HEARTS -THE AA0UMTAU.S.I ?0ESS." l'aioT?ump-she:s m goug-7o clean tkis spRwe-. CTorAE OW- VHAT DO YOU DO, BESS f x vVoajd&k v.hat!s inT.e',vaoovv - Oh SAYl 5He!5 FATTER, AMD "THAT 5 HO KID ! ' BEAT THC WHITES OF POOR E.G6S WD ADD SUGAR AH0 LARD SAY DID AhCTOHB. BID?" 6vb HAYWAR.! Wartime in Dugville Bug Bobby HI Bay, Mr. Firefly, you'll ave to hextlngulali your light or you'll 'ave the bloomln Zeppelins on us. She Heard Too Much Mrs. Kewedd Billy talks In his sleep. Friend Can't you do nnythlng to break him of the habit? Mrs. Nevvedd I wouldn't break him of It for tho world I THE GUILTY PERSON mSWS m--raftif SBrnWi"' ' ' !afc." j-c5( sv7 lms&2&' - 'iA. 1K$'' trWn.'P " v;. -.- ffll . fa , rt, P0C-iMf : WA lm?ilHfl - '' r tzjBF w?y yivizy , 3 -lfii.i.K. ;V - Jpfar -". -it9c 4 &2 HL ; ' j?h13 tatsBi. I Wr. "7!h Sfi i pWT -l&rtr I 5nV JMKtlv ""l rk rl vKSPBFS iflr -JSk!S0i wSmk niPBf3. v l C e-sCi. -rtZrkZr'-'W 'JClrwl jjB7i;iL I'd like to And the merchant 'oo First Stoker (weary). boilers! Second Stoker (also weary). "Boilers be Mowed ! blighter 'oo found out that coal would burn." Punch, invented I'm lookln" for the AND THE WORST IS YET TO COME r -77 ' 'Sgtr-sillgfr Wi The Church Militant Passing Show. Tommy (In hoarse stage whisper)--III, monkey brand) Itlght about turn I My pal's given you a 'art crown In mistake for a penny. Treneh-Trained 'j$wK-&V rChrlvrt Warrior In bunker (to caddie, who Is seeing If (he course is clear) Keep down, yoli fooj! Kemarkablel One-halt thji world dQn't now how the olher half Uyes, Jji aplt. ojt Ihe tact that At asl wie-hif ar women. -